e e e e in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meeting Act of 1975 the aabon Board of Education transmitted notice of this meeting scheduled at 6:30 p.m. in the audabon Junior Senior High School library media center to the retrospect newspaper and the burough Clerk and by postings on the audabon public school district website and at the main and the Pine Street entrance of the Junior Senior High School roll call please Mrs Ron case James Clin here Alison cops here Andrea Robinson here Amy Davis here Steven Wilson here Ty vria absent Allison lipsky here Mark Gaddy here Bill Wilson here John the thank you whereas while the senator Byron and be open public meetings act requires all meetings of the udon Board of Education to be held in public njsa 10 4-12 B sets forth nine types of matters that may lawfully be discussed in executive session I.E without the public being permitted to attend and whereas the udon board of education has deemed it necessary to go into Clos session to discuss certain matters which are Exempted from the public and as are indicated on the agenda May have a motion to go into executive session motion second all in favor I any opposed all right we will be approximately 30 minutes we're going across e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Bo of Ed meeting motion second okay I'm going to call the meeting to order again and ask everyone to stand for the flag salute please pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands nais andice for all okay um I'd like to ask our student representative Miss pone if she has anything to report this evening just make sure that it's on I actually have two things to talk about um so one of them is the fire and lock down DRS within school um they're really good they always go really well everybody knows what they're doing with them but I just feel that they're very um similar each time we don't do them during different periods they're always during seventh or eighth period and they never happen during passing periods or during lunch so nobody knows what to do if it were to happen during that time um and then my other thing I had to talk about was oh gosh it's slipping my mind um oh yeah the ceilings in the auditorium which I know is on the referendum um I just wanted to bring to light how serious it actually is because as you guys know the play was uh either last week or the week before and during the third night it was raining and the ceiling was leaking backstage and it got all over the costumes and on the baby Grim piano and um it just soaked a lot of costumes and caused a lot of issues for the people who were in the play um and I know that it is on the referendum and it will be happening soon I just wanted to talk about it because I had a lot of people come to me about it within school all right um before we move on to the student Spotlight uh recognition I did want to announce while we while we have people here that um Miss berria is actually going to be resigned Sig in from the Board of Education affected May 1st so I wanted to the board's going to discuss the timeline for that and how interviews will proceed but I wanted to make that announcement again while we had some people here in attendance so that um if you yourself are interested in um possibly joining the board or you have friends or neighbors who have spoken of it in the past now um now would be the opportunity the procedure is that the board interviews candidates um and then chooses a candidate from those that come forward so um again if you yourself might be interested or know of any friends and neighbors that live in oton that might be interested look for um information on our website about that process yes Miss lipsky's been through it Mr gadd's been through it were you through it a while back okay all right this is has been through it um Jane's been through it not publicly but Jane's been through it yes uh and Monica has gone through it as well so um we hope that we'll have lots of interest to fill that seat okay now we can move on with one of the best parts of our meeting which is the student recognition Dr Davis so if you haven't been here before we'll be recogniz our students from prek all the way to grade 12 going move the podium a little bit so some good shots um what's going to happen is board member will come up we'll call you up be do them in order prek all the way to 12 little ones and big ones there's a couple good spots if you stand here you're on camera stand here Mom and Dad whomever's here with you can take your picture anybody's here to take pictures we do have their pictures on the back so you can get a shot up here if you like if you want to get up here so you're closer that's good I'll end up taking a group shot at the end so with no further Ado we'll start okay our first student of the month for prek is Ben [Applause] Ryder congratulations this is uh Ben Ben Ryder was is nominated as the preschool student of the month Ben demonstrates all the characteristics of swarm Ben demonstrates safety by following instructions in the classroom hallway and bathroom Ben works together with his peers to keep the classroom organized and neat he's always looking for ways to help Ben demonstrates a strong commitment to learning which helps him achieve his goals his curiosity and eagerness to learn is truly inspiring Ben is a wonderful role model for for his peers he consistently exhibits kindness empathy and respect towards others and his positive attit attitude brightens our classroom every day lastly Ben demonstrates mindfulness with his remarkable ability to recognize and regulate his emotions in various situations whether faced with excitement frustration or Joy he approaches each emotion with a sense of calm and understanding B is an asset to have in our classroom I'm confident that Ben will continue to inspire others with his presence and genuine compassion great job [Applause] Ben now in kindergarten we have Noah [Applause] Tyler go Noah Tyler Noah Tyler is nominated as the kindergarten student of the month his teacher says Noah is a friendly havin Hornet who displays safe respectful and responsible behavior each and every day towards his classmates as well as his teachers Noah is always caught doing the right thing no matter where he is or what he's doing Noah will go above and beyond to help anyone if they are in need he was new to our school this year and did a great job adjusting his hard work and determination to do his best work are going to take him far Noah is an excellent student and a pleasure to have in class his teachers are excited to name him the February student of the month keep up the great work Noah [Applause] Alexander Jenaro is nominated as the first grade student of [Applause] theing now perfect his teacher his teacher says outs upholds Haven's Three core values of being respectful responsible and safe he is a role model for other students and how to treat classmates with kindness and caring he is always quick with words of encouragement and praise to fellow students and he is kind and respectful to teachers students and other staff members these are wonderful attributes but what I'm most proud of Alex for is the growth and progress he has shown over the last couple months Alex lets out a big groan when writer's Workshop is done because he wants to keep writing he asks for extra math work to do during math centers and he just loves to read the confidence and excitement that Alex has for school and learning is the best gift Any teacher can be given by their student keep up the great job Alex we're proud of you kayy Schmidt is nominated as the second grade student of the [Applause] month her teacher says as our classroom continues to learn grow and develop skills and strategies to become independently hardworking caring students we are repeatedly practicing being safe respectful and responsible as well encouraging this sense of value in our students goes hand inand with the instructional methods we prepare for every day this month our classroom would like to celebrate a student that demonstrates these morals daily and has done so since entering the second grade she's not only all of these but she is kind caring supportive to her peers and a hardworking Hornet congratulations to Haley Schmidt you're such a great role model and should be proud of yourself for giving so much to those around [Applause] you good evening everyone Brody Preston is nominated as the third grade student of the month his teacher says I am proud to recognize Brody as the student of the mom Brody consistently exemplifies what it means to Roar he is respectful to his teachers and peers Brody always tries to include everyone he listens to others with enthusiasm and is always willing to participate and share Ro takes ownership of his work by consistently completing it on time he enjoys researching topics he enjoys to create slideshows Brody is a friendly student who comes to school every day with a positive attitude he is a wonderful leader and role model in our school Community congratulations Brody Michaela Tracy is nominated as the fourth grade student of the month she do she's here she oh okay back around oh okay all good so we'll read it in her honor Michaela has shown Roar expectations all year she has shined in all aspects of school she has not only shown responsibility for completing her own work but has also shown responsibility in being on task she demonstrates ownership by problem solving using resources and ask asking for help when she needs it Michaela's achievement is something that she's always working towards completing with 100% effort even when something is hard Michaela shows perseverance that helps her to overcome obstacles that are in her way Michaela shows respect for everyone around her she gets along with everyone and is ready with a smile towards all her teachers we are so proud of Michaela her efforts and excitement towards learning way to Roar congratulations [Applause] Lena Sin is nominated at theth grade of Lena sin's teacher says I am proud the nominate Lena she has consistently exhibited the RO expectations with Elena is always respectful to her classmates and teachers she shows respect each and every day when she walks through the door never forgetting to say thank you Lena respects both her teachers and her classmates she even asked for help in the classroom she even asked to help in the classroom which is always appreciated Lena takes ownership by sharing her thoughtful answers with the class and by being a wonderful world model for her peers her achievement can be seen in her consistent effort in all that she does does she always tries her best and wants to succeed she produces high quality work that is thoughtful and thorough Lena shows responsibility through her completion of classroom classwork and homework she always checks in with her teachers for any missw work due to band or absences Lena will seek out her teachers when she is unsure of something which really shows her dedication to learning I am so proud of all that Lena has accomplished in fifth grade and can't wait to see what the future holds she has clearly earned the title of student of the month congratulations Lena maias Gleason is nominated as the sixth grade student of the month matias's teacher says respect ownership achievement and responsibility War are qualities that help to build character within our students at Mansion AB School we are fortunate to have model students like Mias who emulate these traits Maas is a talented student whose success is directly affected by his efforts and determination to succeed in addition to the exceptional work ethic he demonstrates in his academics Maas is also an accomplished pianist participates in the school choirs helping Paul's club and newspaper Club at Mansion AD school Maas works hard and challenges himself to do his very best in every scenario as a fantastic role model and a conscientious student his positive attitude allows him to connect with his peers easily Maas is always polite and his demonstration of War expectations is woven into the fabric that makes him unique for all these reasons and more and more Mias has earned our designation as sixth grade student of the month congratulations Mias we are are profoundly proud of you and are excited for you to continue to shine in Middle [Applause] School the seventh grade student of the month is Christian OK Conor we are delighted for Christian and his outstanding performance and seamless transition to the AHS from Haden Heights his positive demeanor coupled with his great sense of humor has made a lasting impression on both students and staff despite facing the challenges of adjusting to a new school environment he has displayed remarkable diligence in completing assignments even when absent showcasing his commitment to academic Excellence Christian's proactive approach to his education is commendable not only does he advocate for himself by seeking extra help and clarification when needed but he also actively engages in class discussions demonstrating demonstrating his attentiveness to instruction Beyond academics Christian has effortlessly integrated into the AHS student body forming meaningful connections with his peers his passion for Animals is evident through his beautiful fish and turtle tank as well as being a dog owner and his family's commitment to fostering a dog soon we eagerly anticipate witnessing the continued success and achievements that lie ahead for Christian at AHS congratulations Christian [Applause] William Flanigan cook is nominated as the eighth grade student of the [Applause] month aabon proudly recognizes William for his outstanding achievements this year affectionately known as Willie he has become a cherished staple within our school Community he is an exemplary student who consistently embodies the spirit of dedication and generosity at our Junior High always ready to lend a hand Willie's willingness to take on any task presented to him is truly commendable his selfless attitude extends beyond the classroom as he frequently volunteers for activ activities that go above and beyond the expectations placed on any student Wily's commitment to Excellence is not limited to academics he has been channeling his determination and work ethic into rigorous preparations in both the classroom and the wait room demonstrating an admirable dedication to his passion for football in addition to his outstanding academic achievements Wily's contributions to the school Community are immeasurable his positive add ude and eagerness to support his peers make him a natural leader and his actions set a shining example for others to follow William Flanigan cook has developed into a well-rounded and exceptional individual who truly deserves the recognition as the student of the month [Applause] congratul Katherine mcer is nominated as the ninth grade student of the month Katherine is truly deserving of the student of the month recognition for her outstanding commitment to academic excellence and her exemplary dedication to school activities as a student Katherine consistently prepares for classroom activities with enthusiasm and a genuine thirst for knowledge her exceptional work ethic and diligence set her apart allowing her to maintain an impressive class ranking Katherine's passion for learning is not compl confed to the classroom she goes above and beyond her role as a student by actively participating in various extracurricular activities Beyond academics Katherine is deeply involved in the school Community through her participation in clubs such as interact and Civics her commitment to making a positive impact extends beyond the school walls showcasing her dedication to community service and Civic engagement additionally Katherine is a well-rounded individual and is set to run track highlighting her versatility and determination her allaround Excellence both in and out of the classroom makes Katherine mcer an amazing young lady and a role model for her peers [Applause] congratulations good evening everyone Gabriel andar is nominated as the 10th grade student of the month Gabriel's remarkable hard work and determination is evident in his attendance completion of assignments and ability to advocate for himself in the classroom his positive attitude is elevated learning environment showcasing a commendable work ethic that extends Beyond individual success Gabriel's positive mindset towards school has significantly contributed to his academic achievements in the second marking period earning him honor Ro status not only has he set ambitious goals for himself but his proactive approach to personal and academic growth serves as an inspiration to his peers we are extremely proud of his overall growth we look forward to witnessing Gabriel's continued success and the positive impact he will undoubtedly make on the entire School Community congratulations Gabe on this well-deserved recognition and Trent fantle is nominated as the 11th grade student of the month congratulations there we go I like when they have me doing the little kids because I'm taller um he's not towering over me and so Trent is a shining example of a student whose character and positive influence resonates throughout our school Community making him the well-deserved student of the month Trent's kindness and outgoing nature create an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere for everyone he encounters his genuine empathy and compassion are not just words but actions as he goes out of his way to make others feel valued and included in a fun and engaging manner as a leader and role model Trent consistently demonstrates his commitment to hard work and helping others whether it's excelling in his academics with an impressive GPA showcasing his athletic prowess as a multisport athlete or actively participating in interacting student council Trent embodies the spirit of dedication and enthusiasm his school spirit is contagious evident not only in his day-to-day interactions but also in his vibrant Presence at various school events Trent bantel is a true asset to our school exemplifying the qualities of a well-round Ed and admirable student or admirable student we won't have a 12th grade student of the month because if you didn't know many of our students are in Disney World or at Disney World so I'll have all the other students come on over [Music] anybody else anybody I smell them [Music] first [Music] so you dream e e e e e e e e e e y we're going to hold off any District reports I just have a couple comments in regards the superintendent report um I'm going to speak to some of the agenda items now um so like operations number 12 I'd just like to thank Bob Garrison of Garrison Architects and his whole team for their tenacity and also their perseverance they secured us and were able to secure us a small business grant for $2.5 million which is definitely going to help us with some of those increased costs in the referendum and get those projects done so it's excellent and a nice surprise still working on a couple more but Kudos uh number 13 I'd like to thank Miss Ron kage she's going to make some comments in regards to the the overall budget but I really want to thank the budget managers and all their work going through to make sure we're putting forth the balance budget for the 2425 school year it takes a lot there's a lot to consider and um I appreciate your time and efforts number 14 this one this shout out goes to Mrs leard Mr Burke miss bissinger and miss rones and all their work with the preschool budget submission you we continue to go through and refine how we're budgeting and supporting of course there's a big push um for us to get additional classrooms we haven't uh reached our the total population uh we I think car ly we probably have at least 50 to 60 maybe even 70 uh little ones that are on the waiting list so in my absence when the new superintendent comes on board I think that's something that the team really needs to think about and work and potentially work with you know Autobon par and see what we can do in regards to securing some more rooms in that building but kudos for that work really the initial work uh to get us the paa grant at all but then also the growth over the last last couple years so I appreciate their time and effort uh Human Resources we've all seen uh in regards to some of the staff uh unfortunately that have been out for different leaves uh whether it be at the high school or uh the any of the other three buildings this is really a shout out to all the faculty and staff that have helped in some way that provided support for those classrooms whether they assisted with writing lesson plans going in the classrooms and delivering those lessons working with students and also following up with parents it's really a team in the community and although you might not necessarily see it specifically in that HR agenda there's been a lot of clealy and Congeniality to really support our students our staff and the buildings as a whole so that's really a shout out that I want to make to the faculty and staff uh we'll get to HR when we get to number 14 uh I want to be the first one to thank for happen for her 23 plus years of service in aabon um she's worked in other districts too so she will be missed tonight really appreciate you know our time with her um referendum General updates hav and hvac's are done there's some cinch up work that we have to do meaning pile work and some things around where the hvac's are um we're closing up the the low voltage whether it be the camera systems the Pas and the mic so that works almost complete but there's some still some fine tuning and we're really looking forward to the controls being set up and working in all locations then Mansions hvac's you know they're all in and they're they're ension up to here at the Junior Senior High we're working in bwing right now and then as we move forward for spring recess we'll be working at the top of sea and then after spring recess the bottom of sea and the last 17 hvac's should be done I would say sometime in April uh as Miss poni said you know we are looking forward to getting the last of our roofs and that part cinched up for us too havins done Mansions done most of the Junior Senior High done is done the only thing that is missing is the top of a over the auditorium and then the entrance way and we might start some of that work there's some conversation about doing that work over spring recess for the front we can't do the auditorium but the auditorium will be done and we'll definitely be ready for you know for next school year with no leaks on on any of our artists and performers last but not least a little shout out uh M Dan Hoy who is our assistant principal for School counseling uh wanted to make sure everybody was aware of the progress for scheduling in the Junior Senior High for next year uh looks like everybody's going through and that also includes our Mount Ephraim students U they've had over 6,000 logins in the counseling office over the course of the school year up to date meaning every time a student goes in to see a counselor um not every time sometimes they sneak in you know without signing in but that's shout out to them for their work looking at the schedules for next year but then also providing supports for our students over the course of the Year for all sorts of different reasons so to him and our gu you the guidance counselors school counselors thank you thank you thank you that's it for me thank you very much Dr G all right uh moving on May I have a motion to approve the minutes for February 21st 2024 public and executive session motion second roll call please blumenstein yes Alison CS yes Mark Gaddy yes Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson yes Steven Wilson yes Amy Davis yes motion passed thank you all right moving on to to our first um public participation for agenda items only the Board of Education recognizes the value of public comment on educational issues and the importance of allowing members of the public to express themselves on school matters of community interest in order to permit the fair and orderly expression of such comment the board has set aside two portions of this board meeting for public comment on any school or School District issue that a member of the public FS may be of interest to the residents of the school district for the first portion public comments are invited on matters pertaining only to the agenda for tonight's meeting and for the second portion public comments are invited on all matters pertaining to the school district participants should announce their name address and any group they may represent if applicable the board reserves the right to limit public discussion public discussion of a topic will be limited to 15 minutes and individual speakers will be limited to 3 minutes no participant may speak more than once on the same topic until all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard please reference bylaw number 0167 of the udon Public Schools Board of Education manual the board uses the public comment period as an opportunity to listen to Citizens not all issues brought to a board meeting will be resolved at that particular meeting complaints stated or actions requested by the public may be taken under the advisement of the board for investigation discussion action or disposition at a later date or time the public comment sessions are an opportunity for citizens to share their opinions and remarks with the board it is not a question and answer session the board may or may not respond to public comments at the time they are made and is under no obligation to do so the board does not endorse public comments nor will the board be held liable for comments made by members of the public any individuals who may be the subject of public comments including District employees shall retain All rights against defamation and slander according to the laws of New Jersey having said that is there anyone here that wishes to make a comment on agenda items only at this time all right seeings none we will close the first public participation session um before I move on to governance and recognize Miss lipsky I did want to Circle back a little bit to um Tara's resignation and the filling of the board vacancy position so um our next board meeting is April 17th I would assume we would conduct interviews at that board meeting rather than scheduling something special in between time is everybody in agreement with that unless you're dying to schedule a special meeting somewhere else we have plenty of we have had plenty of okay so um this is Ron case um will you be able to post on the website the um the vacancy and interviewing on April 1th on April 17th yeah sort of this unfortunately we're a little familiar with this process now um what date do we want to have the resumés or the letters of Interest really not resumes letters of Interest submitted by April 10th that gives us a good week to review sounds good to me we can advertise on the website it won't get into the newspaper until March 29th all right well that still gives people two weeks we miss the deadline for this time this Friday okay on social terrific you like April 10th yes and then any that you get you can forward to the board members for our review and board members will need to take a look at the questions for the interviewing process I still have the ones that we've used in the past I will get those out to you and see if there's anything that we want to tweak or adjust for the next time AER in the Google Drive so that as the applicants can put them in there too questions the question all right that's good and then um can we also put in the posting and on social that they can anybody who's interested can reference the website there's a lot of information there on becoming a board member some of it speaks to if you're going to actually be running for an election in November but the rest of the information pertains to maybe they don't have to but for this this position is going to be appointed but only the balance of this year correct yeah yeah oh sorry so that's a question we normally ask would you run would you be willing to run yes yes yes yes no I just didn't want somebody to think that there was a special election going to happen in April yeah okay um so there there's lots of valuable information on becoming a board member on our website okay everyone okay with that yes all right terrific hopefully we'll have several people that are interested in coming out and we'll have a plethora of candidates to choose from all right um moving on then to governance Miss lipsky yes thank you sorry sorry S note Wednesday Wednesday okay if it's not let me but what we have are something that we had already talked about last month which we had so this is the second I went into detail on them there was really things are very much like religion in schools it's literally constitutionally required that you have the ability to have different and have the opportun to want to or not just the same as you don't have um and then the right to privacy that was really dealing with you have to have permission to take pictures of Staff just as you do for children obviously if it's an event that you're already and it's there public but this is something that you just can't go and say I'm going to take a picture from you just kind of makes sense the education of homeless children and youth that was something that policy is C and AD like regulation okay uh any questions comments discussion on any non-agenda items for governance okay can I get a motion for item number one then motion second any questions comments or discussion on item number one I roll call please Alon Fox yes Mark Gaddy yes Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson yes Steven Wilson yes Jim blumenstein yes Amy Davis yes motion passed thank you all right moving on to operations I like to recognize Mrs Cox thank you Mrs Davis uh we have had two meetings since our last uh board meeting obviously it's a budget budget time it was March 6th and March 12th um I was absent for the first meeting and I was only in half of the meeting on the 12th so I will I will acquas to Dr to listen I already made some comments in regards to uh some of the items some of the traditional items are here in regards to the secretary's reports and the safety drills and things that happen uh you know the big piece is really number 12 with the $2.5 million uh small business uh Grant or get to Grant so that's significant uh we'll come back to 13 preschool expansions on there and 13 I'm going to pass the mic on down Mrs Ron case to say a little bit in regards to an overview for the budget that we're putting forth to the county office remember the formal presentation will happen in May first okay so tonight we present um to you a tenative budget to submit to the county office um as stated in the release of state aid on February 29th Aon School District district received a decrease in state aid of 15, 371 in addition to this loss the 2324 budget included a withdrawal from emergency reserve and capital reserve that total 900 ,000 which is not available in the 2425 budget So currently as listed here and also the operations committee discussed um the tenative budget proposes a tax levy of 3.7% increase by using health care cost adjustment of 144,00 and Bank cap of $94,700 just for the board's edification the operation committee was in favor of of putting forth this preliminary budget so I just want to make sure um that the full board was aware of that um I did want to thank um Dr Davis and Mrs ronas for meeting with um some of our state legislators as well as other um superintendents from the district regarding um the funding or lack thereof the funding formula um so I thank both of you for participating in that and for for trying to um do whatever we can to to maybe um change that outcome you Haven stop yet no it's just fantastic um we just so that um the governance committee is aware too we uh talked about the supply lists for havin and mansion and they're linked to the agenda so you can see that it's pretty much um um the school district cover what they covered last year and um the um good news is that there is going to be a supply list forthcoming for the junior senior high school so that um parents and families can start to shop for those needed supplies and won't have to wait till the first couple of days in school so having been in that position I know that'll that'll be really appreciated um and Dr Davis is going to um make sure that a presentation is scheduled with Parker M andno regarding special education at the education committee doing [Music] yeah um let me just see if there's and the the only reason I'm reporting on this is uh I was just kind of pitch hitting for Mrs in Mrs cs's absence that was it okay um any questions comments or discussion on non-agenda items for operation all right can I get a motion then on items one through second okay any questions on items 1 through 14 all right roll call please Mark G yes Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson yes Steven Wilson yes Jim bloomenstein yes Allison Cox yes and Amy Davis yes motion's passed I also want to Echo Dr Davis's sentiments and thanking everyone Mrs Ron and all of um the other administrators and staff that were involved in putting forth the budget it's been something that is worked on for months and months and months um a lot of a lot of time and a lot of difficult decisions go into it so thank you both and thank you to everyone else that was involved um for Education I'd like to recognize M Robinson um thank you uh the education committee met on March 6 and we discussed the summer um Su Work summer assignments that um students might have to prevent the summer slump um we discussed teacher overages um and looked at that it was brought to our attention that there are 100 new books in the library representing Equity um and the classro libraries at the elementary schools have also been refurbished with about equity and then we talked about the raing um policy 5430 and just taking another look at that um policy and we are also looking forward to hearing more about the success of the win intervention period in the seventh grade um and how that will be used in eth grade and then on the agenda there is the hi report which is item number one student statistics there are a lot of field trips related to students moving from one school to the next so it's exciting to see that the junior class trip is going to the YMCA of the Pines seems like a nice activity for them facilities requests then there's conferences a lot of New Jersey tiered system of supports for early reading homebound instruction out of District placements and then the calendar for the 2024 2025 school year is the last item on the agenda for education yeah I would say just so just so everybody's aware on page 11 the empowering women educational leaders uh virtual uh it's the third one up from the bottom the love thiser it's actually occurring on 4:30 and not 420 it's just a date change then as far as other comments in regards to what's on here if anybody was participating virtually or year or less uh would be there's you know a good conversation in regards to the calendar um purposely wanted to make sure the board members had an opportunity to provide some input uh by working with the aea and and talking to the faculty and staff we were able to the proposed calendar that's here for you now uh has a starting before September 1st which gives us the opportunity to recognize many of the members in in our our population for different uh different days off be you know whether it be Martin Luther Kings or uh President's Day or yam Kor those things were able to be considered and looking at the population so and also by doing that doesn't extend the school year you know into July so I appreciate one the board's input to the administrators having some conversation about that calendar but then also the work with the a for them to reach out to their members in the tripa to talk about starting the school year for any service before so really good team effort there as well all right can I give a motion then on item number one under education motion second questions or comments roll call please for item number one under education Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson yes Steven Wilson yes Jim bloomenstein yes Allison Cox yes Mark Gaddy yes Amy Davis yes motion pass thank you can I get a motion on items 2 through eight motion second any questions comments or discussion on items two through eight all right roll call please Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson yes Steven Wilson yes Jim bloomenstein yes Alison Cox yes Mark Gaddy yes Alison lipsky yes Amy Davis yes motion's passed thank you okay and moving on to Human Resources we met uh last evening we reviewed any open positions in the district as well as items on this evening's agenda um just wanted to let everybody know that staff directories and rosters for each one of the buildings are still linked to the um HR agenda from last month for February and the high school the Junior Senior High we're going to be adding uh grade level Andor content area to those teachers as well um we had a discussion of you know some of the decisions that were that went into bringing forth a balanced budget so that we um had an idea of some of the um implications of that we also spoke uh extensively about the sickly policy and I know that's something that's going to be coming to governance um as well for them to take a look at um Dr Davis has some followup questions for Miss Garen um from the human resources committee and our next negotiations meeting is um Monday March 25th we are making good progress and um have a greed on some items which is always good to hear and oh also I I wasn't sure if we had talked about this before but I just I I brought it back to the Forefront to have our student reps um read students of the month okay I I'm not sure I know we have talked about a couple of different things when it came to the student Representatives I felt like that was like in the back my brain somewhere um but maybe it just kind of got lost in the shuffle so um starting in April we'll make sure that um Jan and Monica are given an opportunity their Fe so we thought we that was something that we discussed but we didn't know sometimes the littles are kind of apprehensive to come up too so I didn't I didn't know so Dr Davis was actually going to ask them what preference was I I had your thought too about you know is it uncomfortable to be presenting with a peer but we figured we'd let them call it yeah we're also thinking seventh and eth then the seventh and eth graders that are in the junior H could aspire to be school [Music] leaders okay um any questions or comments on non-agenda items for HR we did we did a review not a it's already in it's it's on the queue for governance it's been in the queue so it's not Rewritten yet there's there's some updates in there and then there's some questions that we have to clarify that I hope to have for us Wednesday works they're already in so they they have their eyes on they have their yeah we looked at it last night so any questions anything that came yeah came forward to us we gave to Dr Davis and he's either going to look into it or we'll have an opportunity yeah well we can yeah we'll take a look at it'll be whatever you guys work on at your meeting we can link into the agenda and see what progress or discussion was when I when I when I finally sunk my teeth into it I was a little cautious because of all the the Ines and what the the new law did when you take a look at it the languag is in the impact of the language isn't as significant as I as I thought it would be but there are questions that HR had and there may be questions that governance has so I'm hopeful that we'll be able to get it Bo for a first read in April but there's other questions too because we all know that the new sickle log goes against the C the the good Fai collective bargaining that everyone did that has individual contracts because the language Ed of itself changes so so there's a little bit of that that goes on there why HR and governance really has to Vol with both especially since we're in negotiations anything else okay then can I have a motion for items 1 to 18 under I just want to say there's a fix on number five oh you didn't know okay number five sorry it's just the location uh the evening custodian Gary Bradley use on for the motion five is actually at mansion and not at notg business office likes to make sure it's correct so they they build it correctly all right uh motion then for items 1 to 18 second questions or comments or discussion on 1 through 18 I also want to congratulate um Mrs taen on her time with us as she will be retiring and leaving the district um and then we also have uh Mr Riley who's one of our bus drivers who's going to be um resigning as well so thank you to those folks okay one more chance anything else under human resources okay roll call please Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson yes Stephen Wilson yes Jim Jim sorry going with the Wilsons there Tim bloomenstein yes Alison Cox yes Mark Gaddy yes Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Amy Davis yes motions passed thank you all right um for reports you can see the HIV discharge report as listed page 15 and then for our special program Representatives Mr Steven Wilson anything for ed services nothing to report okay uh Mr Maxon anything for school boards no nothing to report next meeting is going to be May 9th at 6 p.m excellent um just Mr Gaddy and I were able to attend the eighth grade dialogue which actually uh was Jan's sister who represented us Clara did a great job um they they all did a wonderful job answering the question of all of the the kiddos on the stage Mr gadd and I were saying we don't think we were that poed when we were when we were that age but it was a very nice event um and the kids had really interesting things to say one of um one of the the pieces of of input that I thought was great concering mental health several of them um talked about being outside maybe um having some classes outside I know we did that during Co because we needed to to get some distancing but the students were referencing that and saying how much they really enjoyed that and even um being outside for lunch um even in the in the Upper Elementary uh or high school years um I just thought that was kind of a Common Thread with some of the kids to to to be outside more than they than they had the opportunity to in this building anything else mrny they intend to the world it was a nice evening it really was um okay uh Mr bloomenstein for um Ed Foundation yeah I attended their most recent meeting talk about differents about ways in which to raise awareness among teachers regarding can I just add something to that because yeah the business office just sent out because I believe um Mrs slack is meeting with each like faculty um going around to their meetings and uh we just recently sent out the membership because there was questions on well can how can we donate can we donate more so the business office did just send that out to all the faculty um to S to sign up if they wanted to start donating or to increase their membership okay um community outreach Miss Robinson um I know that people here have been attending events in uh March does anybody talk about an event that they went to there was the visiting author and the um sure I'll talk about the visiting author um Chris Gravenstein who wrote Mr lanell's library in series uh came and visited the kids in mansion they spent a whole whole day with them doing all different sorts of activities um they had lunch with them I joined with the student council and the newspaper Club who asked some questions and he was really engaged and complimented the staff at the school and how nice the school seemed U but special shout out to miss mcil for putting that together Miss Selzer for empowering her staff to do such a great job at um organizing something like that uh Miss deito Miss Wesson from the PTA were like fully engaged U so all in all just a really good team effort and the kids loved it and my daughter came home like super stoked about it her new book that she got and he was signning autographs and signed bookmarks and it was just a really nice nice nice event a nice day so good job everybody yeah you you triggered my memory I just want to make sure that I get it right um March 7th was the Spectrum sports event at Mansion so I had a chance to um go over to that um it was nice they they um it wasn't as well attended I think as they were hoping that it it would be but there were um several students there and the staff from Spectrum Sports engaged them for an hour and lots of fun activities um so it was it was a good event and I know that it was something that happened last year um so I know something Miss vinger is is hoping to continue um tomorrow night there is a meet your community meet your neighbors event at um red white and Bre and uh some of the organizations Aon the library the rec center the fathers Association oton are going to be there would short notice but that is something that we could jump on if anybody is [Music] interested maybe we can just it looks like it's from 6:30 to 8:30 interest we start does anybody want to go and represent prob be easier if maybe two people went I I could go at 7:30 I'll with you I'd be able to go perhaps later committee meeting okay um and then our other big thing that I don't know that we had um a definitive answer on is Aon day is on April 27th name under it um do you are you able to go do you want to go should we commit I have not committed to it yet you guys did it last year I wasn't but on andever hopefully w ail 2 what [Music] time I can do the again I'll be we have to figure right okay so that's that's it for April um and then we don't there's not actually there were a couple things that up in the air like the Mansion color April 21st is the inclusive law for acceptance here at the high school that's a Sunday April at 11 I know I'll do that maybe we can send out like a for April well there really isn't yeah un people know more things well I heard that they're happening um I don't know exist but um the man who owns the new restaurant yes yeah he is very interested in that's it that's all I got excellent that's a lot that's great Mr Gaddy haven't touch yet so we have been a little busy um and Miss lipsky Board member orientation so I would like to apologize I me to get with M orientation in the last but un this last month been a bit tramatic for my family there was some and also justes I will and make always but uh any other board member comments okay all right I'm going to open up public participation again uh this is an open discussion so it does not have to uh be limited to agenda items so uh everything that I said in the beginning uh still stands anybody from the public that wishes to make a a comment I just wanted to say that I've heard some community members reach out about the lottery for the preschool and how upset and disappointed they are and that you know that there's such a limited number and the expansion and there were some other people that suggested that there should be a cooperation between the Aon district and the mount epim District to utilize the the school that's sitting there on the intersection of Kings Highway and the pike I believe it's St Rose or something close to that and uh that was it that was my public comment to put that in your list thank you thank you Mr anybody else okay um I'm going to close the second public participation and um I need a motion to go into a second executive session motion second um all in favor any opposed okay um no action will be taken we may be about an hour maybe less um the next meeting is April 17th here in the Aon junior senior Media Center April 17th Wednesday April 17th all right thank you very much for