heavy over there all right good evening I would like to call the meeting to order in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey open public meeting Act of 19 75 the aabon Board of Education transmitted notice of this meeting scheduled at 6:30 p.m. in the otton junior senior high school media center to the retrospect newspaper and the burrow Clerk and by postings on the ottobon public school district website and at the main and the Pine Street entrance of the Junior Senior High School roll call please Mrs Ron case James blumenstein absent Alison Cox here Andrea Robinson here Amy Davis here Steven Wilson here Sarah kulin Alison lipsky absent Mark Gaddy here Bill Wilson Jonathan Maxon here I our students reps will be coming later okay thank you whereas while the senator Byron and Bear open public meetings act requires all meetings of the ottobon Board of Education to be held in public njsa 10 col4 -2b sets forth nine types of matters that may lawfully be discussed in executive session I.E without the public being permitted to attend and whereas the aabon board of education has deemed it necessary to go into closed session to discuss certain matters which are Exempted from the public and as are indicated in the agenda this evening may I have a motion to go into executive session motion second all in favor any opposed okay we'll be approximately 30 minutes and we will be going across the hall e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e to reconvene the meeting all in favor all right I'm going to call the meeting to order again and ask that we stand for the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right before I forget I was asked to make note that we are using a new broadcasting system this evening so if you are watching us from home please be patient there may be some glitches I'm told that it ran very smoothly today but fingers crossed that will continue so uh any members of the public are watching us remotely um and you have any issues please make sure that you email the school let us know what they were so that they can be um they can be addressed so very sadly you can see on our agenda that we are going to be observing a moment of silence we tragically lost um an amazing teacher and a member of the aabon school district a few weeks ago I want to extend heartfelt sympathies and thoughts to the colazo family you could H by the words that were spoken at the candlelight vigil gave a mere glimpse into the impact that Mr colazo had on our community here in aabon the words and memories that were shared by our students faculty past and present and even Mrs colazo herself really gave us an insight into um the depth of his connection with all of us here in oton and the loss will have a lasting impact on on all of us uh for many years to come so at this time I would like us to observe a moment of silence in memory of L colazo thank you again our thoughts go out to the colazo family and I want them to know that they have um the board's full support through this difficult time I would also like to thank Mr Leb and his entire team for the Outreach that they provided the wonderful Candlelight vigil that was um was put together I I personally am very grateful that it was live streamed I know this time of year many of us are away so I was most grateful to be able to to to view that um from from a distance um I thank everyone who spoke that evening I thank the choir for coming and performing uh it was just it was a beautiful tribute so um much appreciation to anyone who was involved in in that evening all right uh changing gears a little bit I want to um recognize that we have our new superintendent with us this evening on a very happy note um we're very pleased to welome welcome Miss Allan glad to have her by my side T tonight um it was a lengthy interviewing process that we went through and I'm very proud of the work that the board did during that process Miss Allen was um quite obviously the best fit for our district she has an extensive background in administration and teaching roles across a variety of districts and grade levels we were all impressed with her enthusiasm and her vision and her innovative ideas to move the district forward um and we really believe that she has the skill set to inspire our teachers and staff and create the best possible learning environment for all of our Learners um she has our full and enthusiastic support and confidence and we're very excited as we move forward with the future of our district so thank you very much thank [Applause] you I feel like I'm going to want to make that presentation again when we have more people in attendance so I think I will you know revamp that again in September so um and then I also would like to welcome Helena cmeek I said it right good very good all right Helena is going to be our uh Apprentice student representative to the board of education and she was elected by the student body to fill that role she will be a junior next year and Jane is our senior uh representative so the two of them will be working very closely um to bring us the concerns and issues and questions that the student body may have all right and at this point we are going to swear in Helena so you want to stand on up do we want to have you go in front or can we be seen from everywhere now would you like up front up front okay there's three there's one behind you it is a little big testing turn turn it on oh it's working all righty okay so Helena I'm going to ask you to read the raise your right hand and read the oath of office I Helena cmeek a candidate for membership as The Apprentice of the student representative of the oton board of education do hereby certify that I am a student in the aabon public school district that I consent to stand as a candidate for election and if elected agree to accept and qualify into that office duties that I will perform include but are not limited to serve as The Apprentice to the student representative of the board my junior year serve as a student representative of the board my senior year attend all board meetings excluding any discussions of the board involving subjects which are confidential represent all Junior Senior High School students with the district representing student proposals and concerns to the board for its consideration and keep Junior Senior High School students informed of the business of the board by providing a monthly student report to the student council concerning activities of the board I further solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear faith and allegiance to the same and to the government established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people congratulations thank you all right now I will ask uh Jane and Helena if they have anything they would like to report to the board I have two things to talk about at this meeting one is that um summer captains practices for multiple of the varsity Level Sports have started um they're going well amidst this heat wave which some practices have been cancelled some have not but everyone's practicing and getting out their playing field hockey football tennis soccer everybody um the other thing I wanted to bring up was some confusion with students about how summer work is working and what is mandatory and what is not because people know that the AP is mandatory but people are confused whether their class is mandatory or not based on the teacher right thank you very much I think that's an excellent question I know that that question has come up amongst board members as parents as well and I uh did you want to say anything okay um I we have brought that to miss Allen's attention so um I know that that is being looked into for greater clarification and okay all right we do not um have any students to recognize this evening any June students of the month will be recognized at our September board meeting that's why why there is no one here this evening um anything for superintendent or district report okay all right then we're going to move on with the approval of the board minutes may I have a motion to approve the minutes from June 5th 2024 public and executive session motion second roll call please really here Robinson yes Bill Wilson Steven Wilson yes Alison Fox Mark Gaddy Sarah Ken Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Amy Davis yes motions passed thank you all right we'll move forward with public participation at this time on agenda items only I'm not going to read through the multiple paragraphs there um is there anyone who would like to make a comment on agenda items only all right seeing that we have none we will move on um I'd like to recognize Miss lipsky for uh our governance committee thank you so we have we really have not met since the last board meeting um I I was a little I was a little confused and concerned to see that there were two matters that were on here because at the last governance meeting we had all agreed to table these and that was with the administration because they felt that they couldn't make progress and move forward in the concerns that we had without having Miss Allen our new superintendent so at this time in regards to the student discipline code of conduct I'm moving to table this then does anyone second that motion and I can give you more reason as to why okay uh and the reason for the tabling is because when we were talking about the code of conduct we did bring up concerns about um a lack of equity a lack of um restorative practices there is a brief mention in the code of conduct that there are restorative practices so that if you do are found to be in violation of the code of conduct and given a penalty it says you you can have there are restorative practices so that you can earn back privileges sooner see the student handbook but I read the entire student handbook and then at the meeting actually brought up the one little blurb that just said yes there's restorative practices you can see an administrator and it didn't say what administrator what those practices were how you would go about getting engaging in those practices and really there just are no restorative practices and I know that that was a concern that many on the board had and when we brought this for at the governance meeting and we're asking about it there was no answer and it was essentially well we're not really sure what we should do until we have guidance from our new superintendent and that's why it was tabled so um and I do not feel comfortable doing a first reading and putting this to vote when I know I myself would be voting against it and and I would anticipate many other members of the governance meeting a governance committee doing that because we haven't had any answers or movement forward as to our concerns and and fix them uh in regards to the grading system 2624 um for the purposes we did all agree in the governance meeting that um we agreed that the minuses should be removed since we are already a much more um rigorous School District in the fact that we do not have a 10-point grade scale and many other districts do so already for us a 90 91 and 92 are not an a those are considered a B+ so to then say that a 93 is an A minus just didn't seem to match what it actually is everywhere else which is a straight A um so we had all agreed I believe unanimously to get get rid of the minus administrators were in support of that too uh we still did not have any real clarification on why we should not move to a 10-point grading scale what are you know what would be the hindrance why couldn't that and there was just more of Cherry Hill did it and there's 10 valedictorians and without any further Clarity or things of that nature um and so at this point I'm fine moving forward with the grading system and removing the minuses as a first reading and we clearly thought that that was something as to the administrators that should be done but I do plan on asking Miss Allen to have the grading system put back in at in governance meetings with full transparency so that we can just have an actual discourse with research and and um facts rather than a bit of Hysteria and you know rumors of what they've heard type of thing in making a decision of whether or not this is something we should move to a 10-point grading scale so that's that is what has happened um no we can move forward with this and we if we all agree and it's voted on it will remove the minuses but then they'll there will be further conversation moving forward but the minuses will be gone if we all vote that there are no more minuses just to be sure um I know when we had our Retreat on Monday we talked about um each committee meeting certain weeks I'm I've started to work on the notes at home but I I don't want to we want to make sure does the governance committee have a meeting before the next board member board what week what Tuesday first week was Ops was second week second week was governance was governance okay you should have them you you will have them so that's good I just want to make sure we get code of conduct before school starts understood so get on good yep right okay okay um any questions comments or discussion on non-agenda items for governance I do have um we did talk at the retreat and I might have already been mildly torturing our student representative uh but one of the things that we did talk about and I'm very excited and I wanted them to know uh was that we would be addressing the student representative policy because we wanted to make this as fulfilling as possible for the two of you and we just have felt that in the past it it didn't have a lot of to meet and we want this to be something that you truly learn how governing a any type of government including a school government works you know we were voted into office things of that nature and there and we are run by policies and things of that nature so um we are talking and if it does pass uh there's going to be an exception for Jane if it passes just because she didn't have the opportunity as the appren representative but if it passes we would be changing the policy that the junior representative will be on governance and the senior representative will be in education committees because we do want your input we want you to learn how this is done and then how you before how change is made okay if you want change or how we keep the status quo if the status quo is just amazing so but for Jane because she's just that lucky a duck she would have an exception where she would be an educated and governance if she feels that she could handle that with her school schedule that's if the change happens but then it would probably you know September October would when we kick probably October because first second reading and stuff kick the ball off but I just wanted to let them know and yay it's G to be so much fun you guys are G to love governance um so no we did we had a very we had a lengthy discussion the board members and we want to make sure that you both are are mentored and supported um to to really understand you know the role that you play on the board and as representatives to the rest of the student body so um I know governance is going to be taking up that mantel to make sure that um you have all the guidance and support that you um that you deserve um and just to that point we had a a great Retreat on Monday night thank you to everybody for their participation I'm about halfway done getting the notes pulled together so you have that um probably by the end of this week and we are looking uh to approve the Board of Ed goals and the superintendent goals at um our August meeting so that should be under governance then all right uh any other issues non agenda things for governance all right um then may I have a motion to approve the first reading of policy or excuse me of Regulation 2624 for the grading system any questions or comments on regulation 2624 okay roll call please Bill Wilson yes Steven Wilson yes Alison Cox yes Mark Gaddy yes Sarah kulin yes Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson Amy Davis yes motion passed I honestly don't know I uh moving on I like to recognize Mrs Cox for operations thank you Mrs Davis uh we have not had a meeting between our meetings but our next scheduled meeting is August 6th so we will uh hit the ground with boot hit hit the ground with boots running um uh and I just want to let all the Committees know again at every board meeting um let's be mindful of the budget it's tight okay the the chairs bring things to us concerns from the Committees so that we can if it's something that not budgeted we can mindfully walk through this school year and leave us in a better position hopefully for the next budget um on tonight's agenda you'll see um April and May's board secretary reports the cash reconciliations and the transfer reports the uh various safety drills that were conducted through the month of June I I'm not I don't think we'll have have any without the children in in the school um we also have uh an agreement with cers engineering um that is the the site work that's being done at mansion havlin mansion and the high school we need somebody to oversee that so that's what that is it's a the last hopefully the last scope of well that's actually the grant work but it's um it's quite initiative if you look at it um and I encourage everybody to go around the schools because it's we can truly see where our money's at work it's very V Visual and that's the sexy part of things to actually see it um we also have uh an agreement um with kamgno on there for our special um services and um the all the grants and and where they should go for the esa the title 3 um we're entering into a well we'd like to ask for approving uh Hillman's bus services and the depford school district to use to transport the children if we need their services um with Mr uh Riley retiring and um the unfortunate passing of Mr colazo our busing has been constrained so just in the off chance that we would need to have bus will be using those facilities uh hopefully a savings not more expense that's why the change um and then uh cafeteria prices are rising 25 cents in some categories for the new school year so that's it for the agenda and anybody have any questions I just wanted to add because uh some board members had questions about the cost of Hillman's and uh Deford um so I was able to get from our um transportation coordinator um and this is only on an as needed uh if we need it so uh Hillman's it's an approximate cost um it's between 300 and 350 per round trip um hul just in comparison in hul's 500 to 550 that's why we reached out um to another bus company and Deford would be about 150 to 200 um per round trip so I just um if you would you like the motion to put the amounts in there there's not not a contract per se but it it's an approximate cost I don't think it's I don't think it's necessary okay thank you thanks Mrs ronas all right any questions comments or discussion on non-agenda items under [Music] operations all right may I have a motion then for items 1 through 17 under operations any questions comments or disc discussion on items 1 through 17 under operations all right seeing none may we have roll call please Alon Cox yes Mark Gaddy Sarah kulen Alon lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson Steven Wilson yes Amy Davis yes motion's passed thank you moving on I'd like to recognize Miss Robinson for education committee thank you on the agenda tonight is the Hib report from [Music] June conferences that people are going to go to out of District placements Professional Services some practicums for college students and that's that's it right any questions comments or discussion on non-agenda items for Education see this is what happens when we get all our talking out on Monday night right there's nothing to say when is your next meeting um our next meeting is August yes you four Tuesday a August 27th to be determined okay um then may I have a motion on item number one under education motion second roll call please on item number one Mark Gaddy yes Sarah Ken Allison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson Stephen Wilson yes Allison Cox yes Amy Davis yes motion pass next may I have a motion on items 2 through 15 under education on on number on item number one oh okay hang on one second uh a motion for items two through 15 all right any questions or comments on items 2 through 15 it's the restraint training my understanding is the Handle With Care training is the restraint training that all the special ed um teachers and and um I don't know if it's Paris in this District or and CST and thing needs to have and that's that's why you need 20 participants to be trained and they need to be trained every year in order to have the insurance licensing the whatever to be protected they need to have yearly training um my understanding it is it is something that you've used in the past I don't believe it's a new training I think it's the same thing and what were your other questions I came the there are several different companies that do this same thing um there's different names different um certain names for it different companies for it I don't know if this cost compares to others I can't give you that information uh but I do know of this one and and this you know what it's giving but I had I had something similar at another District in my opinion it was the same they're all basically the same just different label and who's administering yeah any other questions on 2 through 15 all right roll call please Sarah kin Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson yes Stephen Wilson yes Alison Cox yes Mark Gaddy yes Amy Davis yes motion pass thank you all right moving on to Human Resources I want to make sure that before I say anything else we take a look at numbers 6 through n under education starting it starts on page 12 so these I had a question about this when it came uh when the agenda came out to us and I said didn't we already approve this I wasn't quite sure what was going on the reason these are on the agenda again for uh to revise the reappointment of these positions is um the date of tenure am I correct in in that correct okay so um there were there were some tweaks and changes that needed to be made in the dates of tenure so that's why it's back on the agenda however um in the cutting and pasting process um you'll notice that it says for the 2024 2025 school year at the same salary as the pending negotiations well um we have settled the negotiations thankfully so it should say um it just say uh salary as the 2024 2027 a collective bargaining agreement so that language should be changed for six seven 8 and nine under Human Resources Okay so we've got that um Human Resources committee met met last evening um we reviewed the open positions that we have in the district and we also had a discussion about the bus rental um the costs the why on the as needed basis so we had a discussion about that um we reviewed items on this evening's agenda um a particular note of conversation was uh number 18 with regards to the Blue Ribbon Schools initiative um let me start by saying we are and forever will be in support of efforts to improve um our our programs and our education delivery here um throughout the district and we certainly in this particular instance continue to commend Mrs Smeltzer and and her team for their efforts however as Mrs Cox noted in the current budget situation the board really has to close watch every single penny uh from now until the next time that we're faced with with developing our budget um so I wanted the board to be aware that the the Blue Ribbon committee came in that money was found in last year's budget they came in they um did observations and reviews of the educ ational process at the Mansion Avenue School and developed a report uh on their findings and the work under number 18 is the committee that is going to take that report and take the findings and develop programs and professional development and strategies to uh improve the educational delivery at Mansion when we asked Miss Allen about this um she uh very diligently went and and questioned it and came back immediately with the answers for us so we have been told that no additional money will be spent Beyond this the stiens for this summer work um but if the summer work is not approved in essence what the human resources committee came to realize last night is that we will have paid for the $6,500 report and nothing will be done with the information it'll just be in essence a report that's sitting on a shelf somewhere so um and the and the monies for the summer work again Miss Allen reported back to us are already in Mr Burke's budget so that's not an additional outlay of any money so going forward um the human resources is recommending we we were not not happy about the fact that this was not on the board agenda for the the Blue Ribbon program was not on the board agenda for approval um however we're we're we're going to be moving the human resources recommendation is to go ahead and approve number 18 with some caveats in place um the summer committee that is working on this Blue Ribbon report is going to make a presentation to the education committee at their meeting in August to learn what uh their plans are for the for the coming school year um the Blue Ribbon report will be shared with the Board of Education whether that's just a PDF or um some kind of document like that um we'll be will be fine for now and then in the future a date will be set for a presentation to the full Board of Ed so that we can so and the community can hear Too the findings of the Blue Ribbon report as well as the plans for the the the the committee designed over the summer um so I'm I'm I I saw the question can we can we hang on to the question for a sec okay um I just want to look through my notes and make sure that I clearly explain that okay um also in the meeting um I updated everybody on the status of the oton administrators Association contract it's really tricky in the summer with vacation schedules um that they've got members on their team that are away we've got members on our team that are away it's really tricky to try to um to come to an agreement of a of a meeting date so it we're a little delayed in that but um everybody is understanding of everyone's situation so we're hoping possibly for a meeting in August for both teams to actually sit down and and begin the negotiations in Earnest and then we did um review the proposed organizational chart uh which will most likely be approved in August um you can see on under the agenda uh we have the motion to approve the revised compensation guides for the substitutes uh we already talked about items uh 6 through n there's a motion to approve some a curriculum revision and writing approve a student technology worker a motion to approve academic coaches a motion to approve extracurricular contracts at mansion and the high school a motion to approve seal Hib interventionists the Mansion school safety team club advisors evening activity chaperon full coaching positions skip committee and the Blue Ribbon school committee we have a motion to approve some resignations and a motion to approve a resignation with intent to retire and we um we do thank Mrs spigo for her time and dedication to the school district and we wish her well in her retirement all right having said all of that um are there any questions comments or discussion on non-agenda items let's stick to the format I know that we're chomping at the bit for the agenda okay can I get a motion then for items one through I want to make sure I've got all the numbers one through 33 please second okay uh any questions comments on agenda items 1 through 33 Miss Robinson so like the the full report that came from the commission like the initial report as it was given to us like before we worked on it yeah with within a couple second sure you have that I just I need to meet with Miss milter away I need to meet with her and U Mr Burke and then I'll get it get and then would that report explain theity number ofs they two um I asked about that myself and that is two people that are um spearheading doing a little bit War other so there's there's people that are coming in a few hours to do whatever but they're doing a lot more behind the scenes and whatever that's why those two have yes okay is that are they all from the teaching sta just uh Mrs noic is a um is the guidance uh counselor okay and on um 21 um the second page of that the running club substitute there is no budget for that it's just a okay it's it's zero assume so what it the in the contract the running club only only has a price a cost for two people in the running club so if that if that is a substitute he would that individual would take the money from the other um individuals okay any other agenda questions Miss co question on number 23 um which is about the umal and Hib interventionists um a notice that for this particular item it says that the um negotiated instructional rate of $40 per hour is paid for meetings inside Andor outside the school day and I have not seen that on other items so I was just curious if I'm understanding correctly that if they have these meetings within the school day they're getting paid their normal salary for being at work and the additional $4 um at the non-instructional rate for that same block of time um I that's a that's an excellent question I do know that uh in the I'm presume get compated the extra job responsibility that that or also they could be loss of Prep Prep time their lunchtime uh if that is the case um you know we would compensate but I I don't know I don't know know that without asking that supervisor um can we hold off on voting on that until we have the information we can because it looks like it's for the school year not a summer it's nothing for the summer absolutely hang on one second about that one okay all right so um let's take uh Miss Robinson's question and then we'll need a motion if we're going to table that um so I noticed that there are four schools but only has this interventionist and what is that what is this interventionist why is it only another good question I'm just assume the others were coming I don't I don't have a good answer okay can we can it's Ted anyway so more information so that's another good question to ask up for number 23 okay Miss Allen said that it's possible that the other schools have not submitted those individuals yet for the agenda but she'll find out is this something we've done in the um well Hib interventionist are at all the schools I don't believe it's a paid uh position but uh this might be above and beyond the HIV what they do in with investigations of an HIV so this I'm not quite I mean this concept we con uh we approved it last year this committee existed last year and got paid and got paid correct so it's not new um I don't I don't know that off the top of my head right now I know that I can look into that history of a when it comes to hi interventionist I can be mistaken to that um some of the bigger schools in the that they'll conduct investigations and Report their findings to the hi specialist of the district I don't know if that's the same thing that's what my gut is telling me this is but we'll see when we get answers any other questions I have oh sorry okay back to 18 sorry um since we'll be getting the report that was from the given from the Blue Ribbon Comm Blue Ribbon Association peoples right okay and we'll get that in the next week or two um my understanding is that they have the recommendations this extra $3,000 from now were out about 10 grand for this that they are this money is to go to them because they're working on how they're going to implement the suggestions correct coming up with plan implementation plans yes okay okay and they're planning to implement start at the beginning of the school year correct so since the presentation to the entire board will probably come sometime in the you know in the fall probably later fall is my guess just because there's so much going on in September and stuff like that can I put the suggestion that we get some type of quantifiable data of how it's working because in the fall that may be a little too early or just to see how you know have there been wrinkles Kinks this doesn't seem to be coming off well if you're willing to put it I mean I think we were trying for September October but if you're talking more like November December then yes but by October you're not really going to have data yet you're just still getting the kids in and into the routines I don't know how the rest of the board feels I don't mind pushing it to November December if it means that we're actually going to get data instead of full report you're getting a full report with an update on how it's going yes I think it's fair to get the PDF right oh yeah no I want the PDF immediately and we see what we done about it whatever because I just because I I do have I I do do have concerns I I want to make sure that this isn't we just pay $10,000 for fluff sure you I would like to have a committee report from what what was accomplished in the summer what you know what the plan that's for Ed committee yeah we're going to do that education happen in August that will happen in August a full board presentation maybe later saying with what we did in the Ed committee Ed committee can share out with the board as to what you know what happened with the the presentation and then we can have we can have the actual Mansion presentation with Bonnie with Miss meltz or whoever wants to present later on with how it's going what we're seeing already as the progress based on all of this kind of a thing okay like a progress report that something that I'm writing it down I think that's okay okay yeah we just tweaked the caveat yeah we just yeah the caveat just changed a little bit yeah absolutely any other questions on agenda items this is wrong case not a question just the clarification I think another board member might have asked I don't know if you got your answer regarding um the independent study oh yes a question question it's um item number 30 there was a question on why what constitutes a 0.5 um how do you get 5.5 students uh so it's O that one um class is only offered uh half a year so there were actually three students that were a half a year so it was 1.5 um that's how you got get get the0 five okay you're welcome okay any other questions under HR did anybody not yet okay um I need somebody to take action on number 23 second okay then can I that's the one that's there's only one that's the one no no we're good with 18 all right then um can I have roll call please on items number 1 through 22 and 24 through 33 no roll call please Alison lipsky yes Jonathan Maxon yes Andrea Robinson yes Bill Wilson uh Steven Wilson yes Allison Cox uh yes abstain yes to everything except 28 and 29 abstain um Mark Gaddy yes Sarah Cen Amy Davis yes motions passed thank you all right um moving on in the agenda you can see the Hib District reports for the month of July um and now special program Representatives uh Mr Wilson anything for Mr Steven Wilson anything for ed services uh yes just a brief review of the minutes from the meeting uh in May um nothing too exciting they're uh working on superintendent evaluations uh Financial reports and contracts were approved um no of offices or correspondents or public comments um PD and some Personnel matters were addressed including unpaid leaves and employment contracts uh and the meeting included SE approval several calendars for the year so nothing terribly exciting but um businesses as usual okay you great thank you uh Mr Maxon anything for school boards no we have our next meeting um in person October 1 uh so that offl the school year so I'm excited about that I also want to know person welcome Miss Allen come check to the uh to our board excited having here great thank you uh Mr bloomenstein is not here this evening anyone have any information on Ed Foundation anyone else ending the meetings maybe on the periphery no okay we'll check in on that then uh Miss Robinson exciting news for the community outreach where is it well where's our there it is everybody turn there we go everybody [Music] [Applause] par a lot really good day this Friday is our third Friday on merch everyone mark your calendars it is National Night Out at the we have Friday a done four bra already because all that um any board member comments remind the public that uh the election is in the fall and you have about week and a half two weeks to get your nominating petitions in if anyone is interested in running um the board is made up of volunteers and members of the community as we all are here and um if you're interested check out the cam County Board of Elections website and I believe we also have information on our website under the Board of Ed as to how to become a a candidate as well so lots of um places to look for that information remember sure you're volunteer and it's a lot of work but you too can be a part of an awardwinning Board of Education we award winning now a a of Education I I would like to say um thank you to everybody for Monday night it was really at our board retreat for those who in the public sorry and ladies um it it's just always nice to be able to bounce ideas off of each other and then come to a consensus or just move the district forward you know and thank you for all your hard work Mrs Davis for compiling it and getting it together it's um we do it twice a year and each one is different and um we look forward to moving forward in the new school year with the new goals that have been developed Miss Allen so thank you okay all right um don't forget about the New Jersey school boards Conference in October I think we're all register registered uh you should have let Miss Ron case know if you're able to stay overnight or not so if you haven't informed her about that please let her know of your plans um that was all I had anybody anything else okay all right I'm going to open up to the second public participation this is an open discussion on all matters uh so it doesn't have to be um restricted to agenda items only is there anybody in the public that would like to make a comment all right seeing seeings none um we do not have a need to go into a second executive session the next meeting of the board of education is scheduled for Wednesday August 21st uh at 6:30 here in the high school media center may I have a motion to adjourn motion second all in favor any opposed all right thank you very much enjoy the rest of the summer and we'll see you in August for