f you should what is US Marine El it there play TR than [Music] wanted to say get okay s St like right what so I have like 15 bottles which it's yeah don't have to figure out you e minute warning be thanks ni still it everybody every good evening let's call the local planning agency meeting to order I'll ask for a roll call mayor Weinberg here vice mayor Cruz here commissioner Bloom here commissioner friedin here commissioner Joel here commissioner Dr Marks here commissioner stern here Mr wson here and Mr Myers here you have a quorum okay those that can please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance thank you item three approving the minutes I need a motion to approve please commissioner freelance seconded by vice mayor Cruz roll call vote please commissioner Blom yes commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yes commissioner Dr marks yes commissioner Stern yes vice mayor Cruz yes and mayor weberg yes motion passes okay item four a quas Judicial procedure so um I will ask the City attorney to provide us with the procedures I know this is your favorite part of the meeting when I read this uh please be advised that the following item on the LPA agenda is a zoning hearing and his quaide judicial nature is such the quaide judicial procedures of the city shall be in vote this item if you wish to object or comment upon the item please inform the mayor when public comments are requested an opportunity for persons to speak on the item will be made available after the applicant staff have made their presentations on the item all testimony including public testimony and evidence will be made under oath or affirmation the quasa judicial item additionally each person who gives testimony be subject to cross-examination if you refuse either be cross-examined or to be sworn your testimony will be given its due weight the general public will not be permitted to cross examing Witnesses but the public May request the commission to ask questions of staff and Witnesses on their behalf persons representing organizations must present evidence of their authority to speak for the organization further details of the qua of ership procedures may be obtained from the clerk those are the procedures I'm sorry I got distracted can you just do that again um Madam clerk can you swearing anyone offering testimony yes if anybody will be speaking on this item item four on the LPA agenda I need you to stand up raise your right hand and be sworn in at this time if you'll be providing comments on this item I need you to be sworn in at this time do you somly swear or affirm the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you God thank you please please read the resolution madam a resolution of the city Commission of the city of aventur Florida granting conditional use approval to allow the sale and service of alcoholic beverages at a cocktail lounge area within Gabby by Ki Gabby restaurant located at 19565 bisc Boulevard Unit 938 and the aventur mall providing for implementation and providing for an effective date thank you can I have a motion to approve commissioner freedland in a second Commission balloon uh community development director you want to review this for us please thank you Mr Mayor good evening mayor commission very briefly this is a conditional use request for a new restaurant in aventor Mall uh called uh Gabby by call me gabby the reason this is before you is because the previous operator while they did have alcoholic beverage approval they did not have a bar lounge area and this operator does want to have that so it requires an additional conditional use approval conditional use approval requires a recommendation from the local planning agency uh which we will then have a city commission hearing on this later this evening um staff has reviewed this item has no concerns with it meets the criteria and we recommend favorably the uh owner of call me gabby is here and represented by uh their Council if you'd like to hear from them this is a picture of their current operation in Miami Beach very uh successful there we're looking forward to their operation here and we do have a a site plan available if there are any questions uh you can kind of see the curval linear uh bar area right inside the doors uh which is the reason for this request um available for any questions or if you'd like the applicant to introduce themselves thank you I'll open for public comment Mr Mayor can I just interject something but before you go to public comment uh just wanted to mention to the commission if anyone had any exp party communication with the party or anyone else with respect to this matter now is the time to disclose it on the record any yes commissioner Freeland yes I um do want to just say that I am familiar with the applicants and his family and their original restaurant which is excellent it's an incredible restaurant and when they were hesitant and worrying about the time frame to get their liquor license they did reach out to me and I did speak to them and put them in touch with the city manager so I don't want disclose it on the record but I'd also like to say their operations in Miami Beach are excellent and it will be a wonderful new restaurant that I'm looking forward to in the city thank you any other disclosures seeing none I will open it for public comment anyone from the public Pro or con okay I'll close it I will say I'm surprised all these college age kids and no one has a problem with a bar and avator all what is this world coming to any uh I'll let you speak if you want to or need to but um you might not need to any commission comment having yes uh uh yes mayor ju just a quick uh question what kind of restaurant and how many seats it's um a restaurant it's an Italian kind of restaurant pastas Pizza there would be Meats as well and I think we have a total of 82 seats 42 seats I'm sorry 42 seats indoors so uh it's right across from the pon uh which is a similar uh restaurant with alcoholic beverage service again but commissioner Freeland took the words out of my mouth it's a very successful operation uh on South Beach and the food is very good as well so I think you'll be very pleased it'll be a very nice addition to your beautiful Mall thank you and best of luck if no other Comm no other Comm com I'm Ben Fernandez 200 South bisc Boulevard La offic of bro Howell Fernandez Lin and tapinis thank you for identifying yourself if there's no other commission comment um I'm just going to ask for roll call vote commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yes commissioner Dr marks yes commissioner Stern yes commissioner Bloom yes vice mayor Cruz yes and mayor Weber yes motion passes congratulations much I need a motion to adjourn commissioner Bloom seconded by vice mayor Cruz all those in favor say I I any opposed we're adjourned let's call the regular commission meeting to order I'll ask for a roll call Mayor Weinberg here vice mayor Cruz here commissioner Bloom here commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel here commissioner Dr Marks here commissioner stern here Mr wson here and Mr Myers here you have a quum okay um Mr manager any additions or deletions to the agenda no mayor not at this time okay so um we go to proclamations and there's no special recognitions no service awards no Charter School updates so proclamations um it is um one second please is a Doug bonds here not here okay we have a uh Proclamation for uh multiple sclerosis um awareness week and um I won't read it we'll present it to the proper parties at the proper time so we'll move on to um the next special presentation which is something that um is dear to many of us and I will read it whereas colar rectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States among men men and women combined and whereas screening colar rectal cancer can lead to earlier detection and save lives by allowing for the prevention and treatment of this disease and whereas although colar rectal cancer is one of the few cancers that can be prevented by timely screening it is estimated that only one in three people who are eligible for screening are doing so and whereas there are patients and survivors within the City of Aventura including our beloved commissioner Michael Stern who are personally impacted by colar rectal cancer and have joined together to spread the word about the importance of raising awareness about screening and whereas the city of aventur would like to recognize aventur commissioner Michael Stern as an advocate of fighting coloror cancer and combined efforts to increase awareness and offer education on the importance of early detection and screening colar cancer now therefore be it resolved that I Howard Weinberg as mayor and on behalf of the city Commission of the city of aventur do hereby Proclaim March 2024 as colar rectal cancer awareness month couldn't be more proud of what commissioner Stern has been doing to raise awareness it's he's actually been on a national campaign I believe you're leaving on Saturday am I correct for Washington DC he is saving lives by the thousands with the work that he does last year's video actually won an award um I don't know how you're going to top it this year but it's incredible anyone that wants to speak I welcome and then we're going to take a nice picture with this with this seal as we give you uh the proclamation any Commissioners want to be recognized yes commissioner Stern I just want to say we know that you're in the middle of this battle you are so strong and such a wonderful advocate for all of those who are dealing with this and we want to thank you for your strength and for your love for others and we know that you're going to be okay in the end yeah I also want to uh Echo uh commissioner Dr Marx's statements and say that commissioner Stern you are a hero and an inspiration to all of us here in the city on this commission and the whole city the whole community and it's one thing to be a dealing with this terrible uh sickness as you have so gallantly it's in addition to that to go above and beyond on a national tour and and doing all the incredible advocacy work that you're doing is really a shining example of who you are individually but a reflection also of our city of aventur and our community and what we're all about so I commend you and I wish you continued success good health and we should be able to you should be able to do this for many many years to come commissioner Bloom so commissioner Stern you and I go way back and we shared so much of our lives together getting married around the same time having kids at the same time service to the city you've always been a positive Shining Light in every room you walk into and you took something that is really crappy excuse my language and turned it into something very heroic and I couldn't be more proud to call you my friend commissioner jel Michael I don't know if you remember years ago when I first met you I think it was we were both Commissioners at that time and I came over to your office and we had quite a chat I've never met anybody like Michael he takes everything in his stride nothing bothers him and the man is amazing and I know you're going to come through this thing I just anything I can do please call me but you're an amazing guy and it's been an honor to know you all these years Michael it is an honor to serve with you but it's also been an honor to be friends since our kids were babies together you served this community in the beginning you serve this community now and you serve our entire nation when you go out and speak nationally you thank me because I was there when I introduced you to fredero Wilson and we started your journey of national speaking but that was just a great coincidence that we were there it's what you do for our entire country speaking I know as a mom at almost 50 of four kids I need to get a colonoscopy because you told me I can't leave my kids I need to go out and do it and you are the one who put that in my ear and said you have to do it so I know you reached me and you reaching our country and you certainly deserve this Proclamation and a lot more thank you before I turn it over to commissioner Stern I just want to say that a few weeks ago we returned from our annual guys ski trip there 22 guys in Canada and um Michael's really the heart and soul he really puts the trip together and he's been doing it for that was about the 14th one that was the seventh one that I had the the privilege to be part of and um as I told Michael when we got back this early detection of colar rectal cancer that's all well and good but the way he flies down the mountain the early detection of trees would be very helpful also I think so um but you know really you're you've you've become a great friend we we campaigned together we got sworn in together and um we're going to keep doing this stuff together so um I called you the bravest person I know um last week and uh it's a perfect moniker I think and it's true I'm not going anywhere it feels like I'm I'm leaving like you're all saying goodbye um you know your words are very emotional to me thank you the support over the years have been incredible um you this didn't have to happen um colonoscopy is easy I was scared if I wasn't scared and I got it when I was supposed to I probably wouldn't be giving a proclamation probably wouldn't going around telling people because I just didn't know any better but knowing now that colon cancer is preventable and treatable with a colonoscopy knowing how easy it is I I feel it's my duty to let people know because you don't have to die from colon cancer so I do this because I know it definitely makes a difference and I'm going to continue doing that for as long as I live letting people know that schedule your colonoscopy they lower the age from 50 to 45 for a reason the reason is is that in the next 6 years by 2030 colon cancer will take the most lives of people under 50 than any other cancer so it's getting younger and they're going to lower it to 40 no doubt about it so if you hadn't scheduled your colonoscopy definitely do so and how am I going to top last year's video thanks to my great friend Rachel by meeting freder R Wilson will be doing a PSA in Washington DC in her office and a thanks to Evan for that and the last thing I want to say is that about a month and a half ago I made a commitment to get a proclamation from every single municipality in Dade County that's 34 of them and we already got committed from 33 we're missing one we also got Miami day County so the entire county of Miami D the entire county has issue a proclamation meeting that everybody if they follow their City are going to be aware of this and I cannot have done this without the incredible help of my city clerk thank you so much Alyssa and thank you very much everybody for listening to me I appreciate St just like that one all right two just like that more Two Perfect okay okay one more Proclamation today um recently at the Ellie's Army dirty socks event I proclaimed Eli Silverman day and invited everyone here for the actual presentation of the Proclamation and um I don't think it would be right for me to read the proclamation although I guess technically I need to read the last paragraph where I Proclaim it to be Eli Silverman day but um what really should happen is um the friends should come up here I think that Cindy and Scott and naen and Michael should come up um there's Carson Ethan AI Max all participate in the reading but all the friends should come and stand here also um while the proclamation is read so don't be shy come on up to um this Podium right here you can hold that hold that microphone whereas the city of eventura lost a valued member and leader on August 11th 2023 with the passing of Eli Silverman also known as eeman Who lit up a room with his big smile and kind heart whereas Eli Suman was known for his unwavering dedication to his family and friends the gator nation and the T fraternity Brothers as well as his ability to ensure that those who knew him for either a lifetime or just a moment felt equally important whereas Eli Silverman's tireless efforts in fostering collaboration Innovation and passion for entrepreneurship Sports and zest for life have left an incredible mark on the fabric of our community inspiring others to follow in his footsteps whereas February 25th 2024 marks a significant place in the hearts of all who knew Eli Silverman and is a day deserving of recognition and celebration for the outstanding individual that Eli was by honoring his achievements and contributions and now therefore be it resolve that I Howard Weinberg as mayor and on behalf of the city Commission of the city of aventor Florida do hereby Proclaim February 25 2024 as Eli Silverman day parents and family and friends if we're going to take a giant picture we're going to come down there with you so if you can just line up here and we'll let the photographers figure out how they're going to do that but let's get a nice picture with the proclamation move down this way a little bit if you can so we don't get at least it's not blocking anywh all right look right over me everyone one two three perfect thank you thank you okay item five consent agenda anything to add or remove no ma'am I need a motion to approve commissioner Stern second of by commissioner fredland can I have a roll call vote please commissioner Joel yes commissioner Dr marks yes commissioner Stern yes commissioner Bloom yes commissioner fredin yes vice mayor Cruz yes and mayor Weinberg yes motion passes okay item six quasi judicial the City attorney I think you need to repeat it correct yeah I do unfortunately um go ahead please be advised of the following item on the commission agenda is a zoning hearing and his quasi judicial nature as such the Quasi judicial procedures of the city shall be invoked for this item if you wish to object or comment upon the item please inform the mayor when public comments are requested an opportunity for persons to speak on the item will be made available after the applicant staff have made their presentations on the item all testimony including public testimony and evidence will be made under oath or affirmation for the quasa judicial item additionally each person who gives testimony may be subject to cross-examination if you refuse either to be cross-examined or be sworn your testimony will be given its due way the general public will not be permitted to cross-examine Witnesses but the public May request the commission ask questions of Staff or Witnesses on their behalf persons requesting uh persons represent presenting organizations must present evidence of their authority to speak for the organization further details of the qual addition procedures may be obtained from the clerk and just one other thing um I guess we'll incorporate the exart communication disclosure from commissioner Freeland at the LPA into this meeting if any if any other commissioner you know has has you know had any exp party communication you can you can make that disclosure now I think between the LPA and now no one's had any me meting with them but just in case somebody thought of one they might have had if you remembered suddenly disclose it now okay um I don't think Kevin we need to go through it again unless there's any specific questions um I'll open for open to the public I don't see anyone that wants to speak step forward now okay I'll close it to the public are there any commission comments mayor believe I need to read the resolution onto the record that would be nice thank you so much resolution of the city Commission of the City of Aventura Florida granting conditional use approval to allow the sale and service of alcoholic beverages at a cocktail lounge area within Gabby by Calli Gabby restaurant located at 19565 biscan Boulevard Unit 938 in the aventur mall providing reptation and providing for an effective date has a motion been made not yet okay I need a motion commissioner Freeland in a second this is a motion to approve uh commissioner Bloom okay if there's no comment I will ask for a roll call vote no questions or comment let's do it commissioner Dr marks yes commissioner Stern yes commissioner Bloom yes commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yes vice mayor Cruz yes mayor Weinberg yes motion passes okay we're up to item seven this is ordinances first reading If You Could Read uh it the ordinance for item seven Madam clerk an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of aventur Florida amending ordinance number 2023-24 2024 fiscal year by revising the 2023 2024 fiscal year operating capital budget as outlined in exhibit a attached here to authorizing the city manager to do all things necessary to carry out the aims of this ordinance and providing for an effective date thank you can I have a motion to approve commissioner Bloom seconded by vice mayor Cru Mr manager thank you mayor twice a year we do our budget amendment just to update uh where we are this year uh this midyear budget amendment is in the amount of $364,950 15,000 it is 140,000 the um that was straightened out today uh we ordered the ambulance but it is a uh a Miku so it is a uh an advanced life safety thing so that'll be that'll be straightened out we had appropriated 150,000 for the ambulance so it it would be reflected in our budget we uh purchased this Chevy Tahoe for uh Public Works director Camila house we we set it side $23,000 to sponsor two beds uh for homeless people that we you know will help to uh get off the street and I know by speaking with uh the chief it's been extremely helpful and that they're a lot more accommodating to aventur when we do come down with somebody to bring them in and they're it's it's almost worth thinking about a third a third sponsorship because it is really gone a lot better for us when we when we when we do go down there um police department has some uh additional equipment uh we are we're outfitting our eight new police cars and the some of the expense for the equipment that goes into them was a little more than expected uh so that that was reflected in here and also we repurposed a couple of PSA Police Service Aid vehicles and purchased new new ones for the PSA so uh all that's wrapped up in here that actually is being covered by the sale of the former SWAT vehicle the bearcat so we we made we we bought one but we sold one and we we kind of covered the expenses with that so none none of the none nothing is coming out of reserves to to make these adjustments fantastic thank you any commission questions or comment seeing none on open to public any public comment on this item seeing none I'll close it and let's vote commissioner star yes commissioner Bloom yes commissioner fredin yes commissioner Joel yesion commissioner Dr marks yes vice mayor Cruz yes and mayor Weinberg yes the motion passes okay that puts us up to um item 10 reports I have um first uh an announcement to make um and I will read it the public is invited for the first meeting of the planning effort known as Aventura 2050 the meeting will be conducted as an Interactive this Thursday March 7th at 6: p.m. in the mezzanine which is right across the hall from here the commission Chambers it's second floor of government center this is the Public's opportunity to discuss one-on-one with our planners what makes a great community and to help plan for future development come help prepare the city for smart growth and ensure a future that maintains Aventura as the city of Excellence if you cannot make this one there will be another one Tuesday March 26th this one will be during the day it will be at 2m there will be a third meeting we will um determine the date later um as the planners take the public comments into account in developing planning policy proposals you can call with any questions the city's planning division the phone number is 305 46689 40 so this is the Public's opportunity to speak to ask to learn and to provide input as to our future thank you also I want to mention um yesterday we had a very nice charity bowling event you know we've been a city for 29 years we have a k through 12 now we have nice restaurants now um we have beautiful Parks but finally after 29 years uh we've arrived we have a bowling alley um actually that's not true though as the manager knows Point East back in the day had beautiful bowling alleys and you got I think you got a tour of them recently it's still there not operational I don't think at the moment but um anyway the nice part of it is that we raised I think close to $5,000 for both the aventor police foundation and both of our charter schools so that was a really nice event um three of us uh myself commissioner Freeland commissioner Bloom were in Tallahassee last week for the first ever Israel days in our state's capital the flag of the state of Israel flew above the state house uh the uh legislature passed the IRA definition of anti-semitism something that was done by this Commission a year ago long before October 7th which we're very proud of uh it was a wonderful moment I was privileged to have an opportunity to speak to the attendees and um if either commissioner wants to speak further on it um please do I just want to say one final thing that while we were there there was an event here in Aventura that um and if commissioner vice mayor Cruz wants to speak on that by all means but that was um uh I say it wrong every time Magan Madam the folks who if I say it fast you won't notice I said it wrong uh the folks that um we are doning an ambulance to that's going to be shipped to Israel and during that event I have learned that commissioner Billy Joel and his wife Sandra committed to also donating an ambulance just like the city donated were tremendous tremendously generous tremendous generous um at that event and I just wanted to say wow and uh on behalf of all of us we we thank you any uh would you like any followup on commissioner Bloom just a quick note I know you you touched on it when we were in Tallahassee it was for the first annual uh Israel days at the capital which in and of itself was a momentous occasion but um you know the being there at the same time as passing the IRA definition of anti-semitism into the Florida legislature was a really big deal um and for me personally I think for those of us who were there for commissioner Freeland and for mayor Weinberg witnessing the Israeli flag for the first time ever in history being being flown over the Florida state capital was just so emotional and and really really historic and we were very privileged to be there thank you yes uh commissioner Freeland then vice mayor I just want to add I agree everything with what commissioner Bloom said and mayor Weinberg and also very significant was to see that the State of Florida increased its investment in Israel bonds which our city also did so I just want our residents to know that we are on track with the state of Florida in finding um Financial markers that we think are successful and for good purpose thank you voice mayor thank you um by the way those Israel bonds are a great investment uh so it's not that it's not a donation it's something that we're investing in and it's a beautiful part of our portfolio a very well Diversified portfolio I want to say further that um I commend you uh mayor and Commissioners for going toh Tallahassee uh for those of us who who didn't make it we were as as you said very proudly representing the city at the at PTO Vita where they had their annual Menda do event it was a very uh special and meaningful event um and we were so proud as I said and as we sat there I um um commissioner commissioner Joel kept saying you know this is so wonderful and he was so emotional uh seeing part of it because you got to understand in Israel as as we all know this is is like I always like to say this is not we are a people in a city that's not morally confused we understand the difference between good and bad uh evil and and and righteousness and light and darkness which is why we were so proud to to uh be one of the first cities to donate a m ambulance and as we're seeing this presentation Billy asked me to go ahead and make the announcement that he and his lovely wife Sandra and their family were donating another one it must be understood that since the war started there's been uh a couple of dozen there's already been 24 ambulances in Israel that were that were uh eliminated that were that were destroyed by Hamas and so every time that we give an ambulance we are saving lives and by the way lives it could be it doesn't matter if they're Jewish or Muslim or Christian or Drews they make no difference they have 33,000 volunteers that will stop whatever they're doing they're all professionals but they stop whatever they're doing to save human lives and I was privileged to go up and speak to the audience as we commended uh commissioner Joel and say that I am so proud of our my my good friend commissioner Joel I was so proud of mayor Weinberg and uh commissioner Bloom and commissioner fredland who went to Tallahassee to represent us and that really speaks highly as to who we are as a city and as a community that truly cares and is righteous and is doing the right thing so uh my congratulations to you commissioner Joel and and to all the commission for standing strong and proud and always doing the right thing thank you at this time we have public comment where you can speak on any issue for three minutes I'm going to have the um yeah go ahead go ahead commissioner I just want to sorry this is a final report I want to announce that tomorrow night um Wednesday will be our first in the city ever special evening recognizing International women's day at the Esplanade and this special event is being put on by esplanad and aventor cars which I'm happy to say I co-founded um it is a pink for peace evening a salute to the iron women and all of they do all they do there will be meditation and prayers for their prayers for the return of our hostages and we welcome everyone to join us at 6:30 p.m. for candle lighting just distribution a ceremony and a meditation afterwards and this is a beautiful free Event open to everyone thank you thank you Mr City attorney can you explain the purpose of public comment and so each speaker has three minutes to uh present on a matter not covered already on the agenda uh it's not a dialogue with the commission it's just three minutes to speak about issues within the jurisdiction of the City of Aventura thank you public comment please come up I I see one young lady come up state your name and address please my name is mar rosenblad I live at 1 19333 West Country Club Drive aventur Florida I just wanted to add my congratulations to Michael for being the person that you always have been and always will continue to be it is a pleasure pleas to know you and to share part of the aventur marketing Council responsibilities with you I also wanted to recognize Kimberly Kimberly put she has to be the number one event planner in Aventura he makes everything looks so easy but honestly I don't know how she sleeps if she sleeps when she sleeps but the concert that was a couple of weeks ago when there were other things that were going on was attended very very well the band was great the music was wonderful we had a canopy so that those of us who are sun sensitive didn't have to be out there and it was just a wonderful way to get residents of aventur together we're lucky to have you we're lucky to have Kimberly and we're lucky to be in this city thank you very much anyone else yep come on up name and address please good evening honorable commission members can I please can I please ask for one minute extension on my time I don't know just keep talking and then we'll see what happens okay my name is julana Ven and I'm a wife of Andrew venic and mother ofen address please um my address is exempt from public record disclosure and can be provided off record Okay I hold a doctorate degree in business and currently serving as a professor of business management and sports administration at St Thomas University and I'm adviser at an aun Professor within the business school at Midland University Nebraska I have dedicated my career to fostering exellence in education and nurturing the minds of our youth throughout my career I have witnessed firsthand the importance of compassion in the admissions process I come before you today with a heavy heart addressing a troubling decision of the ases enrollment Department to not grant our family a military preference in the enrollment process it deeply saddens me to say that the following decision contradicts with the interstate compact and educational opportunity for military children and Military Family Choice program our daughter does qualify under the interest State compact as a dependent of a severely injured Von and both the interstate compact and Military Family Choice outline that a military child can enroll in the school other than he or she is assigned due to residency important to note that the following decision also goes against the policies stated on multiple pages on the ases website that do not list residency as a requirement for military dependence this decision contradicts the values of the wonderful City of Aventura and its supportive Community Aventura residents strongly advocate for our troops recognizing and honor is the sacrifices made by military families to bring peace during times of global suffering today's military Children and Families experience unique hardships aside to adjusting to new living environments they also have to cope with physical aspects of being in a military my husband served eight years in Marine Corp protected our country was honor and bravery enduring multiple deployments and sacrificing his heart for the greater good every other day my husband needs to receive treatment at the VA Hospital God bless the wonderful doctors at the VA for their care yet despite his sacrifices our daughter Daniela faces unique challenges that few children her age can comprehend Daniela just four years old already understands the meaning of sacrifice and patriotism witnessing her father's struggles firstand she knows that her father is a severely injured veteran she knows that her father cannot do 99% of the things that the fathers of her peers can do she knows there are certain ways she can hug her dad otherwise he will be in pain I firmly believe that danela will bring significant value to the exceptional Asus community on their recent whpk testing our four-year-old daughter received an equivalent score that would be obtained by a student in the second month of second grade she has a large social media community community due to her achievements in sports including tennis and martial arts I stand before you today not only as a mother advocating for her daughter but also as a voice for all military children who navigate unique challenges with courage and Grace by facilitating Danielle's enrollment at Aces you will not only be honoring our military service but also investing in the future of our community please ensure that Daniela and children like her can pursue their dreams without unnecessary barriers together pleas upholds the values of fairness compassion and inclusivity that Define our community I kindly ask you to vote to enroll her considering that military dependence are exempt from residency requirements and kept on student participation in the program thank you for your time and consideration thank you very much mayor I I would ask that they see me afterwards uh the proper procedure is to see the city manager if you have a dispute with enrollment and um I'll I'll speak to you about it afterwards meet with Ron Watson please he has an open door and he's very accessible upstairs in this building so you can set up appointment thank you thank you any other speakers seeing none I'll close it for public comment any other business Commissioners if not very quickly if I may I just want to thank you for your service okay I'm going to make a motion to adjourn can I have a motion to adjourn vice mayor Cruz and a second commissioner bloom all those in favor say I any opposed we are adjourned