Monday May 13th meeting of the Air Board of Health I am calling to order it is 5:30 p.m. and we're going to open the meeting just to enter directly into executive session and then we're going to come out of that into the public regular standard meeting would someone like to read notices this one the top yeah we have to read well since Kylie's here I'm going to take advantage of that it we read the top one first right the hybrid meeting yeah notice okay all right this meeting hearing of the Board of Health will be held in person at the location provided on this notice members of the public are welcome to attend this in-person meeting please note that while an option for remote attendance Andor participation via Zoom is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by per person versus virtual attendance accordingly this meeting will be live on Zoom the public May access the proceedings by joining Zoom meeting ID number 880 9915 1478 or by calling through 301 715 8592 for additional information about remote participation please contact Samantha Benoit administrative coordinator at SBO at a.m. us or 978-772-4864 we are called to order now we have to read the executive session thing does anyone have that no the wording Kylie do you have the wording for the executive um I know it by heart I can help you out if you if you'd like absolutely can you prompt me all right perfect someone's going to want to make a motion to enter into executive session pursuant to Massachusetts General Law chapter 30A section 21A and it's exemption three I believe on the agenda yep uh for litigation strategy regarding two two um cases one is 17 Taff Street in uh update the other one is uh Mimi's Place uh legislative up or a legal update okay and that the conclusion of the executive session you'll enter back in Open Session okay either you get that sufficiently need to make a motion they so moved we so moved so moved so moved yes oh actually can I move or does you can I can all right so moved somebody second second second I all right all in favor do I have to do a let's do a roll call supposed to do yeah okay Mr slaski I miss Peters I all right Miss papino says I we are in executive session okay public input I see we have no public we have no input unless there's anyone lurking out there on Zoom I don't hear it okay then old business time reduction van update what's going on Trish so it's tomorrow we're having the um the meeting okay um on zoom and I'm assuming uh the same it's like the chief yeah it's the same group same group yeah and the discussion um was where um we all had to come to an agreement where it was going to be parked what would the hours you know come to a conclusion well maybe not that Carly that certain I don't know if we'll come to a conclusion tomorrow but it'll be discussed again with okay the location especially so we don't have a specific location yet it's that's still what happened to the library yeah the library that I don't know it just didn't Carly do you want to speak to that yeah um so there was some concern uh brought forward from the police department the chief specifically on the location um of the library so he found an alternate location which is the town parking lot um behind the fire station in between the fire station and Dunkin Donuts um it has never been filled because it was built right when Co started so it's not it's empty basically most days there's a couple cars just a few yeah yeah and the van um could fit right in along the guard rails on the side the chief feels more comfortable with that location um so we're going to be meeting on it tomorrow additionally uh in the meantime we've gotten anou we've drafted so the town will have anou with um help me with their name uh the company that's going to be running it um um oh I can't remember their name either um I don't have any of those I know exactly who you mean um yeah who's providing the service yeah there was discussion also about privacy like I thought that was part of the reason for the library well yeah but when there was there was discussion also that even if you parked it closer to this end of the library parking lot that just I don't know it just didn't seem like a good fit there were some people that felt it wasn't a good fit so the discussion was this parking lot and the only other um obstacle that we talked about was really the Privacy part of it we could just or they're going to measure M put it closer to if you know you know what parking lot that so if you're down it's a lot if you're at the beginning if you're at the beginning of it MH and you park it that way with the door opening away from everybody that was part of the discussion um but then uh Cindy Lavin had said that probably is not going to be an issue you know and and parking was not going to be an issue because a lot of the clients really it's mobile it's a mobile and it's close to town it would be foot traffic so yeah so there's a lot more and are you going to be on that one tomorrow Steve no no okay so that's um that's B and we're going to finalize theou between the town and the provider um great yep there's uh we used a sample out of I think it was East Long Meadow but they have the same exact program running awesome is it still looking like was it end of July was uh they're shooting for July 1st I believe July okay end of June July 1 okay um well actually the East long metal one they're paying for it with their opioid funding obviously this is already being paid for by the state so we don't fund any portion of it but okay right so the discussion is going to be about the where it's going to be parked how it's going to be parked the funding the as far as insurance that's that's what you were talking about with how the town um yeah so go ahead in within theou you know we're basically indemnified um and you know they're offering the service it's under their insurance okay yeah okay we're simply offering a parking spot okay good and then just more discussion on the hours what did probably you know the day I I think Mondays midday on Mondays good is the last we heard but we'll firm everything up tomorrow good yeah this is great so there there's a lot of input from different people Cindy Lain had you know she has a great Insight um yes because of what she does and um I don't know was Tim uh was the chief y both Chiefs both Chiefs Cindy and then with the first one there was the um not D representation but to hear when when everybody has you know stuff to say dph was I found really interesting she had a comment I would have never thought of the lady who is the like recovery coach kind of person at the one meeting that I went to brought up for the library location she said well would people use before court and I said they what would they use before courtt and I said damn I would have never thought about that but I guess there was like an idea of that being that close to court I don't know if it's the stress of being in court but you know like would you use before would you use right after maybe that was something that the chief was talking about too as far as having um yeah like I don't know if there was some thought that it would be a trigger or I I'm not I wasn't sure exactly what the tieing was but I I thought W I think that was one of the points that Chief Gil brought up about you know proximity to and certain parties yeah but um we'll see okay well good I'm glad that we're still on track with it one thing that you know I I was disappointed too about the library but I have to hand it to Chief Gil that it's really easy to just say no he at least came up with an alternative he actually came up with it yeah the the alternative site which I thought once they said no to the library we would hit a wall right I do too yeah I got to give them the administration for sure is supportive of the program I think there was some confusion at first we've clarified obviously it's not a safe injection site right that was at first how it was kind of presented I think and it's a shame because it's not that at all so um no I think we're you know we're happy to host it and uh I Chief Gil you know um we met with him and all parties met and I think we're happy with this location good and we'll hear more tomorrow I'm just glad that we're doing it it's good okay kind of related opioid funds oh yeah um that I think there isn't really anything new right there's just kind of a task force that's been established and again Trisha is representing Board of Health on that so is there a like next step meeting for that or anything or for the funding yeah I think we're um we're due to meet okay it was right we met once but then it was right before town meeting and then yes that's right we had another um what is it June yeah courth was a tentative date for second meeting right yeah second um but select board we were going to try and include and and talk to them about it right oh on the van on the van on the van not the money I forgot y um yeah I know on the money it's kind of we we're looking for some Community input too yes so we're meeting just as departments um now uh you know the social worker police fire um with and now the funds don't all come in at once they trickle in depending on where they're from um so there was a town uh meeting article we had yeah put everything into free cash basically and now it's into the special Revenue fund so everything's going in there now and that's going to happen automatically now that we did that right right yep so what we're doing is uh meeting to a look at okay what here is what we can use the funds on what do we want to use the funds on B what's the public process look like for the funds is there you know some cities and towns are doing a regional approach some um pulling money together some are going through like a Bard like a nooba Associated um because they already have programs established so basically why reinvent the wheel if there's funding you know we have funding that could augment what they're already doing so there's like a short list of what it can and can't be used for yeah just so yeah we can I can get you that list no problem yeah it has to fit into certain categories and what's the time the the time frame I mean the time line from the the time they distribute it it goes how long before I think I want to say 14 years yeah it's long yeah so with that amount you get only so much each year right yeah so it's hard to you can't do a big thing CU you don't have all the funding it's but like you said can you can contribute to something else that might already be established as yeah exactly keep something going yeah that's a good point yeah so okay all right awesome well thank you thank you for coming thanks for having you're welcome to join us anytime I love um review of regulations did anybody have any regulations they were dying to jump on an update um I thought we that just did this I we which the we um when we did the hotel motel that was yeah yeah yeah but I mean like just kind of looking at our overall thing what I was going to do was I was going to volunteer to get with Bridget on the tattoo one because she had mentioned that tattoo stuff we don't have any tattoo establishments in town right now I don't believe um but I think she said that it's it's another one of those it's like our rig is pretty much exactly from the state and um she was going to check and I was going to just check to see if were there any recent updates she wasn't really aware of any so we might be able to just reaffirm that one so I'm going to do tattoo with Bridget didn't we have we had a place here a couple of years ago we did we had two um that I was on the Main Street right yeah was there one on pack Street too not that I know I do remember that yeah and one on Main Street yep yeah but um but doesn't matter that we don't have any now we could have some at any moment so I'm going to look at tattoo and if you have either one of you any um burning urge to just take a look at a regulation and either but they're not all expired they're no none of them really expire none of them expire some of them are just old and then I know you guys have reviewed and like updated them but the records of when and where and who got really funky yeah so I really part of it is I just want to clean them all up of we said yes they're all great this year yeah get some I came up with that and nothing is nothing looks outdated I mean as far as the really the biggest one is the aquafer Protection District which we may just be able to push to the planning board I think that's almost all of it's their responsibility anyway yeah I think that with that new zoning from a couple of years ago I I really think that we have to do that cuz it says we are no longer we're not the special permit granting Authority so so that might be one um yeah and then I would not right now because we're smack dab in the middle of it um the actually our animal and fowl one which you guys updated in 2019 but as I'm getting in the applications and trying to talk people through it there's actually some weird contradictions oh okay it's it's I mean it's nothing crazy and obviously all these people have been having you know had chickens for yeah many years but it's definitely a so one of the things if you're new you have to get an A Butters list yep but nothing States what to do with the butters list so I have it but is it are we having a hearing do I send out notices are you supposed to notify your nothing clarifies so they spend the $25 to get the list and then I have it and if you guys want to host a hearing say 5 years down the line well that list is actually now out of date yeah so clarify that and also um I think we should look into um there's um you know if you're the enforcement if you don't have the permit you get um a $25 $50 etc etc there is nothing of if you're late ah okay I don't necessarily know if we should have a late fee it's a $30 permit but at the same time I was looking at the dates that I got permits last year of some from some people and it was five six months after theyed it was quite a while and I told Julie I don't I never got noticed one way or the other from one thing but we had something of that's good thought too yeah um because what happens is I send out the notices I get a huge rush and then like the last 13 people just never yeah yeah I did a lot of work on that one the last time I don't mind looking at that one again and I mean I wouldn't I would wait until after yeah permit season obviously exactly um but as I was trying to that's good feedback though I did make note of those there was just a couple of PE you know I was trying to explain to a couple of people and like why do I need it oh that's a good question why do you need that let's yeah it should be a little clearer than that yeah so just things like that and then the aquafer one yeah if we don't if it's taken care of Elsewhere yep I'm pretty sure that that one is one that we're just we did body art so and I know Bridget was looking out Wells yes she's doing Wells on her own so well good that that's like four of them anyway we've got if we can kill those off over the summer mhm into early fall then so and you were talking the tattoo one isn't it the body art yeah it's actually body art we we just did that one did we just do that one yeah we did that one in January okay probably had because there really wasn't a lot to it yeah because we just going to adop the state okay okay okay so good January that one was done so that one we did all right there we did that one in the wood burning boilers that no longer exist y um yeah they don't exist we added motels yep so motels and new yeah okay I know you and Bridget were talking about floor drains and Wells yeah floor drains I thought was maybe it was floor drains I was thinking of instead of T but that's the Bridget list and then of the other ones we have kicking around are solid waist haulers tobacco animals and aquafer yeah tobacco I'm feeling like maybe we don't need to do this yet cuz we did some stuff with that feels like fairly recently tobacco was last done [Music] in it looks like 19 we have two actually tobacco yeah actually no so in 19 this was the prohibiting smoking in public property right so there's that one and then there's the sale of tobacco and the sale of tobacco that was that's the one was sooner I mean yeah that one I feel like we updated 18 oh really 18 no kidding time flies and you're having fun PM I think that one's probably still all right um the only thing we probably want to think of is for the trash haulers and the tobacco and actually it's written the same in the animal one is every year you're supposed to decide the fee amount we've just been sort of going with what we've always done so okay require a hearing to do that though doesn't it no because the bylaws State yearly the Board of Health will determine the fees really yeah awesome so you don't have to hold a here you just have to say this year we're going to charge you this much okay but smoking in public places or that one was that one was 19 that one's probably that was 2018 2018 when you did the sales this is like a 100 years ago but it seems like we just did it yesterday and all right and then this one doesn't there's some weird old ones in here that I shove in the back and like there's one when you guys govern the transfer station oh yeah yeah no we don't do that no okay so many files on the station I know I know all right um so I think that's good we kind of have something do with rigs um what about I'll talk to Danny about the aquafer one yeah planning that would be cool what about um so the smoking I know that one's a little old I'm sorry I'm on to to call log already cuz did Bridget leave anything did she leave us package okay I didn't think so um for call log we had the one that complained smoking at Apple Valley does that kind of gone away or is that still I shipped it over to Tobacco Control and she said she'd take care of it that's right that went to Joan oh yeah and it wasn't I thought it was a complaint about employees outside it's not is it is it inside no well I guess they've been smoking right outside the back door I was unclear he wasn't clear if they were employees or res but it was we were smoking out the back door and yeah I will say this gentleman is a frequent caller of many many complaints okay and he um calls many offices interesting who is Heald he lives at Apple Valley I know he's called the clerks he's called Carly he's called me he called Barbara Liv I think he lives there oh okay all about the smoking well no not just the smoking different different different things things about water things about unfortunately because of the type of facility most of it's run by the state yeah right he's he's very pleasant on the phone I'll give him that he's very pleasant he's polite he understands that we can only do so much but yeah yeah yeah like he's lonely his hobby lonely um I guess he talked to Joan okay good so they're amazing that Jones lovely so yeah that they actually do stuff like that I think that's incredible so I think that's taken care of you know he'll probably call me in two weeks and I'll go from there okay and I think um so the air quality we talked about and then the mosquitoes um yeah yeah that was a fellow that was living over here at the motel and I heard that he actually has relocated right did I hear that from you or from brid I think I heard he went yeah his um I think son got there's some standing water out in in back of there and I think his son or one of the children there got bitten by a mosquito and he was very concerned about um malaria yes and depending on where he's from probably makes a tremendous amount of sense okay so um I had suggested I just sent an email to Bridget when um I saw the email come through about that that could like maybe Tamara talk to him cuz being a nurse she could kind of tell him that malaria is not really an issue around here but then the next time I spoke to Bridget it must have been Bridget was either you or Bridget so if it wasn't you then yeah Bridget told me that located I'm glad he was very very freaked out I did what I could to keep him calm yeah um you know I was like you know that's not I understand it's the thing um I did try and tell him malaria is not really a thing around here he's like but my baby's been sick I was like okay I understand like y finally got him I was like I'm going to yeah I'll at you someone who will tell you probably okay yeah so I think he I think that kind of resolved itself too though I never even thought of that but it makes a lot of sense and then of course I got like 15 other phone calls looking for their septic stuff for things that aren't you right okay seriously if you Google nishoba it's our phone number that comes up that's why yeah yeah yeah that must account for half of your well probably more than half of your Board of Health calls yeah I went on vacation for that week I had nine phone calls for the Board of Health only one of them was actually one of them was you yeah so it is more than half all right um minutes does anyone like or not like minutes I wasn't here for that meeting so I looked at them I think they're pretty accurate I would make a motion to accept the minutes from April 8th okay I will second that all in favor I I not voting is abstained AB abstained since he wasn't here okay here you go excellent is the signed one and do we have any animal or fowl permits we have nine wow w nine and a half I'm going say n one one we can't do tonight we'll just take the nine for now then she very good she miss she just that happens all right so I have animal and fowl permits for uh Adam kuang 8 13 mury Circle he has eight chickens I have Morin and bwe bakara they live at 80 Central LA they have 26 chickens these are all renewals right all renewals no one is new6 so if these are renewal SC do we have to make a motion to I think you can probably make a motion to accept them all at thank you let's see we have Rachel kazera she's 30 gron Harvard she's nine jamee Stevie 32 Calvin he's 25 chickens wow Lorraine buka 15 James Brook w nine chickens Brook W James Brook W almost in gr James Brook is the brook that goes to Gren up so when you go down the end of the hill past the hospital the at the B believe that's James Brook right there oh okay I got you Julie burquest for more Drive she's three yes three just three she mentioned that they're they're getting very elderly Brent ruer uh at 186 Littleton Road has two goats goats really we have other goats y wow Janna and Michael Murphy 11 with kamav have nine chickens oh I hear them they're up by the show oh yes that's right that's right and Jose malano at Z2 Washington has 25 wow that seems like a lot it do if they do they all lay an egg every day not every day not every day but eggs yeah my daughter lost three she she had a lynx it was a lynx CU she took a picture of it cuz she thought it was a bobcat it wasn't it had the the tips wow big and it was laying by her stone wall watching her Coupe she said she put the girls to bed and she was like oh oh wow dinner said he's going to come back Chelsea you know that that's a b yeah well how should we do this motion do you want to you can make a motion you can uh all the permits vote to accept all the permits as presented correct oh yeah yeah second okay you made it you seconded it all in favor I I all right so all right got any bills I have no bills but I have two pieces of mail how's that for you I received this this is a notification to the Board of Health uh from the it looks like the d uh letting us know that prism response will be performing in the asbest abatement at the post office who will be doing what oh there will be an asbest abatement done at the post office wow is there asbestos in there what year was that what's that what year was that kind of remember 60 60s right the post office that was older than that 40s yeah 40s really really yeah the addition they put on was 60 okay yeah the same thing used to be just the straight building yes the US military helped to pay for the construction of the post office did they really really they did because they wanted better M for death [Music] for interesting they they threw a huge party and opened it on Fourth of July weekend really there was pictures it's the only reason I know there's pictures there's pictures inside the post office too up on the ceiling but the um oh really the Li's got quite a few um lots of locals took pictures of the parade and all the stuff in the grand opening I I vaguely remember the addition being put on yeah yeah I don't so cuz they expanded the parking lot in the back of the building that a triple in size there be two houses back there my mom said lagus had a house lag had a house back there right and they moved one of the houses and they tore the other one down where the parking lot was in the back I think I was too little to remember one of the houses was beautiful it was big porch around it I really there's pictures of that too yeah um so anyway they are getting some sort of asbest removal done uh and then we did receive this um it was a thirdparty operation and maintenance inspection report for FBS tire recycling oh yeah we get those we haven't gotten one in quite a while yeah so if anyone's interested this is the report of is it an environmental report is that it looks like it's this is also from com from D it's been up there for a while now yeah and I don't know how often they do is it an inspection report or like a an accounting report Willow Road yeah up in the back of where new car was there for a long time we had two fires up there yeah yeah uh yeah a site inspection was performed those reports before and we keep it in the property yeah I have a file yeah very large file one of the fires hands come since crash really W oh so we didn't have the stuff for the amount of phone h fire so anyway and was tires too don't those don't those like isn't it black billowing yeah it's like nasty SM cuz Chuck said when he was a little kid that the the junkyard used to burn tires and he said on a Sunday it was black black smoke up wow yeah that sounds like some pretty nasty tires have got pretty nasty smoke okay we're all right so I think we are done um items for upcoming meetings as we'll do a just keep updated on uh High reduction hopefully um I'll be able to get one of those regulations maybe ready to go at least with Bridget and then we'll tackle whatever else comes up between now and then and talk with Danny about the aquafer one cuz if that's just yeah they contradict themselves there's no point in having it yeah and we I guess the history of the whole thing is we did one before there was one as the zoning laws but then once zoning took it over and they did those Consolidated zoning laws then it kind of took away the need for ours I think so all right um does anyone feel like making a motion so move I would make a motion to adjourn the meeting second all in favor I I we are adjourned