so 7 p.m. calling the uh Monday August 22nd 2024 meeting of the Air Board of Health to order this is a hybrid meeting and does somebody want to read the I know it by heart now I this meeting or hearing of the Board of Health will be held in person at the location provided on this notice members of the public are welcome to attend this inperson meeting please note that while an option for remote attendance Andor part participation via Zoom is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting or hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt their virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in a specific item on this agenda should make plans for in-person versus virtual attendance this meeting will be live on Zoom the public May access the proceeding by joining Zoom Zoom meeting ID 888991592 715 8592 for additional information about remote participation please contact Samantha Benoy or Pam papino administrative coordinator uh at Espino at a.m. us or 978-772-4864 prior to the meeting thank you very much I add bit a little bit but oh that's you didn't go too far off SC general public input anything other than 17 ta Street I don't see much of a public okay I'm going to take that as a no Bridget's not going to be here or she is um Bridget is calling in is she um she's not on yet we know if she's okay I have her I have the email with her um inspection results if she doesn't join us um but we can get started I think um if would you like to come up Miss jackon or attorney Berke um so just to kind of catch everyone up to speed on what happened um from the last meeting we talked about the list of violations that were in um Bridget's order of July 11th and talked about the fact that there were just a couple of things there that really were um critical to being able to go back and reside in the property and that was the issue with the um door knob or lock on the front door or securing the front door and the stove so the reinspection on that was done today and I think Bridget's now on can speak for herself but um the stove and the front door lock have been corrected Bridget is that that is correct correct yes are you muted mut yeah she might be muted Bridget n she still connecting okay she might still be connecting yeah I have an uh I have her okay now you're muted Bridget Bridget unmute I got oh there you are hello Bridget all right um so I was just giving the quick intro that um went back today the two issues that were um I guess non- wable whatever um from the health code were the front door being secure and the stove and that you did that reinspection today and those two issues were corrected right correct okay so um where we are what is someone's shaving their cat or something what the might be that person that said something to me the other day oh the oh yeah it's like a hair clippers or something it sounds like okay um whatever so what we have left from the so the so Bridget's um order of July 11th contained how many 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 items two of which we cleared um today and the remainder are actually not of a nature that would prevent you from going back and residing in the residential portion of the house not in the basement um and thank you very much for the the updated molder that's exactly what I was looking for thank you references great perfect so that's going to go in the file um so I think from the sanitary code standpoint as far as occupancy is concerned that's something that we could entertain um if you wanted to make that request that you'd be allowed to go back and live in the property while you continue to work on these outstanding items we would like to do that excuse okay mam chairperson I have a question for Our Town Council Janelle if she would be so kind good evening yes of course thank you through the chair um Janelle if a motion is made with the motion be to allow to reoccupy is that how the motion would read but not lifting the condemnation order is that correct so in my opinion the board would need to make a determination tonight based on the current condition of the property following Bridget's reinspection whether or not the condation order would be lifted so it lifts the entire order no yes however you know in doing so in my opinion the board does have the flexibility to clarify although the property essentially could be or is deemed human habitation of the board is so inclined that the property owner is still uh required to correct the remaining sanitary code violations that exist as a result of the reinspection um and allow the board to have continued oversight over those remaining matters thank you you didn't see the email yeah that was your email um from this morning Janelle contained some I think language that we're just trying to get the language of this right cuz I am so data is one thing I am not an attorney so this is way outside of of my you turned your microphone off turned it off yeah did I thank you super conversations I can certainly to walk the board through it if that's helpful through the chair I am sort of conscious of not waving privilege with respect to the email that was provided yeah exactly but essentially um it would be my opinion that the board could lift the condemnation of the property under the provisions of the sanitary code um which states essentially that um the property has previously been condemned um and so to do so at tonight's meeting um you would discuss a EV the property's progress through compliance and determine whether or not the property is fit for human habitation um but may want to still clarify the remaining issues that um exist in the property I would note that um attorney Burke did provide a further update about other items that were being reviewed in good faith um so the board could certain certainly inquire directly as to those issues and a timeline for completion of same okay all right got you um before we get into that is there do either of you is there any discussion on like just what um we saw this morning and the you know status of the having sort of what I would call critical findings versus I feel comfortable that if you saw fit that they had met the requirements um that were non wable then I would be comfortable moving forward this evening as Town Council has suggested okay and is that that's not an issue correct that you acknowledge I'm sure that the the issues from that uh July 11th letter are still they're ongoing and those need to be resolved there are other ongoing things yeah actually the uh you know the the covers to the sockets have all been done as well and you know just the some of the simple things like that so yeah there were a couple of things in here that um what I would suggest is that you you'll have a looks like a date you can you'll be able to fill in a date for the plumber so just submit this as your plan for um for going forward with Gates yeah I did U submit like a an a a draft agreement that I guess uh didn't quite make it through um but we uh we will be addressing it what I can do is I can continue to keep attorney Austin updated like I have been doing all along essentially telling her what's going on and what's been done and things like that so we will continue to do that but can I I just probably through the cheer to ask attorney Austin is if you allow her back in then the condemnation order is lifted and this just what's remains is the outstanding other issues that have not elevated to that of requiring a condemnation order is that correct I just want to get some clarity on that cuz it's like I'm I'm not clear on it cuz it sounds like the condemnation orders it would be lifted if you allow her to move in and yet I'm hearing like a sort of democles hanging over the head and I want to make sure that you know condemnation isn't the you know the remedy that you look for if it takes some time to get the other things done and I now I admit there there're simple they're they're smaller items compared to what we've addressed over the last five 5 and A2 months uh and which was Monumental um and and required you know six figures of of of of money from a woman that's you know limited fixed income if you will right so uh uh we're we're we are still working towards everything else and we will continue to make a very good faith effort to do so uh and so uh we we're hoping I you know that we can get some of the big item with the the basement on sooner than later uh but CL you know but we are working on it and like I said before we don't want to buy the Rolls-Royce if we can get the Volkswagon well that's what I'm say I would encourage you to turn that um proposal in I guess the format was wasn't correct being in agreement but it's good in terms of a proposed plan this is what's going to happen this is going to happen on a certain date and then if things change if dates change to keep that updated so that we're on the same page with what's being done and then eventually those issues as they come into a compliance are cleared and then right that order to correct is goes away because everything's been corrected good so that's where we want to get to fair enough Point through through the chair if I if I may just to respond briefly Madam chair yes um so in my opinion you know if the board is still inclined to lift the order essentially it's it's it's making a determination that at this time the property is is fit for human habitation given the remediation work that was conducted but in my opinion the property owner is still required to correct the remaining violations that exist um and I do recommend that you know in any vote that is taken tonight the board formally incorporate a list of the outstanding violations and I know some have been done and attorney work has kept um the town updated with respect to those violations um in a in a timeline for completion of St because that has been provided um to the property owner so I just want to be clear about that that particular Point um in light of what attorney B had mentioned yeah that's a good point so this is this is dated July 11th and I believe it's um it's 30 days from when you receive it to have fixed everything that's in here so if everything is done within those 30 days then you can submit the plan that it is done if you know it's going to take longer you can submit the plan with other dates um in it but that allows us to kind of monitor this to completion what was the date on Thursday last Thursday yeah 17th 1 Believe wasn't it yeah no the reason why I say cuz we had the meeting and that's when I got the I got the written formal report yeah the 18th this went certified um Bridget or Sam you know when the um do you know when you picked it up I haven't yet certified you haven't picked it up okay yeah so I guess then it would be last Thursday the 18th and just take it from there it's seven days but was that actually Thursday God it seems like so long ago now yeah okay I M I'm not hung up by a week and not splitting no that's agre to let's just move forward and stop with the nonsense um if an order is a motion is appropriate Madam chair I believe a motion is appropriate I would move that we lift the condemnation order based on the fact that the property has been deemed fit for human habitation um and then I guess we would allow and to allow reoccupancy and I'd like to have a discussion if that motion's seconded I second is that appropriate um through the chair to Town Council that that's appropriate motion opinion correct with respect to the condemnation okay so Madame chair if I may um I would like a letter submitted that has dates for completion within the requirements of August 11th 17th or 20th whatever the day is it doesn't make any difference um and that be submitted to council back to the town yeah I think that's exactly what we would do here is that you would get a written notification that would list these remaining items I'm fine with going with last Thursday's state is the the date that you received it and then we're on that it's a 30-day order to correct those things so submit the plan get it to us you know in advance of the 30th day so that we can at least take a look at it we'll do our best we were only given 14 days on the condemnation order so yeah that was a long time ago so fair enough okay was that I made a motion that was thetion on the table discussion and we discussed and I think the the other point I don't know if I need to amend that or not is that we um say that that subjected continuing to correct the issues from in the outstanding order think he needs to be amended I have no problem with that um okay whatever yeah then I I would uh amend your motion so you're making a motion to amend a motion we have to vote on that on the amendment okay before you can vote on the main motion thank you so much Steve I cannot keep this straight so I would move to amend my motion to include the language that the chair just inserted oh I second that all right all in favor I I of the amendment of the amendment okay and then the motion as amended is to allow reoccupancy yeah reoccupancy subject to correcting the issues okay perfect okay motion I made the Motions I the vote second second where where we did all this yeah we did this we did this one so you just need to vote that's okay all right I let's do a Voice vote just he i i j says I okay that's it you're all set we will get you something in writing is all right if she starts moving in tomorrow tonight got your sleeping bag I planned on it good all right thank you very much you're welcome thank you done a lot of work all right thank you all have a good evening thank you jelle okay um we don't have a whole lot of those stuff on the agenda uh I just put Sandy Pond Beach on because um of the closing for the eal so I just wanted Bridget to give a really quick explanation there for the Public's benefit and you know of what what is the program and how often do we test and what are the criteria so take it away Bridget so um I did we got the test results back and they came back at 13 which is well below the limit um at this outflow so it it's really there's no issue in in that area Okay so back up just a just a little bit the um the closing of the beach happened because that's routine testing that we do on behalf of the state right and that's like once a week or correct we test every Monday um okay obviously unless pouring rain um if the results come back high then um we go back and we retest and then what happens is if if you have consistent high amounts that can affect the geom mean closing the beach until you get that back down and so that's where we were at last week yeah and or the week before and what can happen is it can be um yeast which were definitely present at the beach it could be from b or overload things stirring up the Pond heavy rains things like that um so it really depends on what's going on but the results um went back down Beach was reopened yeah and we did um at the request of Steve test the water at the spillway and that's the one you're referring there yes that came back at 13 indicating there's nothing yeah so Madam chair if I might suggest if there there get a positive hit at the beach that would close the beach that the outflow be tested as well at that time and that closing the beach thing Bridget that's not a it's not a onest thing right you're saying it's actually the I think it's the mean of the the average of like the last five readings or um I can check so I in full disclosure I don't do the beach samples I just watch the results come in so sure how many it takes but if you know again if they come back and they're really high um it can affect the gine and then we keep retesting every day um until it goes back down yeah I guess that's so that's my only concern with it is what um like conclusions people can draw from that information I totally get that but I think not having that people assume that the pond is contaminated and that's not the case either we don't know that that we don't that's right um but it's not even thought that that's happening it's thought that what's happening is the geese are contaminating the beach and that's why we have high eoli yeah um if proper test those water samples are taken right out the beach right but if if Property Owners want to test the beach in front of their house they can certainly do that as well but I just think it's a small price to pay and the outflow is where all the water from the pond eventually go go yeah it gives you an idea what yeah the overall load is yeah so and at $50 we don't know if we'll even do it or not I think it's a small price to pay understanding what I'm trying to figure out is so if we do that if we say every time there's a high number do we mean every time the beach gets closed yeah okay that's all yeah that probably would not be a burdensome thing I mean it does not happen all that often and if a property owner want I mean if you really really want to be sure and you have you know property down there it I think anybody can go there right Bridget to that lab yes anybody can take a sample and bring it to the lab okay so you can H have if you want to have the water tested right there at your own you know Beach or dock or whatever you can um but yeah I think that's not a bad idea okay okay I have had people asking me about that and it's like you know there I think there's confusion yeah I would just you know make sure that people understand that there there's a ton of and that's the only reason I even found this thing about the the mean of the five samples there is a ton of information on um the website so if you just look at Water qu you know bathing beaches water quality it's not under Department of Public Health it was under some other um group but you know it gives what the limits are and what organisms they look at so yeah okay cool all righty Sandy Pond Beach um call log call log what's going on um go look things things have been going on um rats rats okay um yeah than that's an interesting question pantry moths yeah I I I don't yep I have no idea okay so that went to nooba yeah that went to nooba okay um the pace update this is an update on um the the outcome of their study yes so uh Lori wanted to give an update on the outcome of the study also uh Lori nering will be retiring from Pace yeah I know so she sort of is going to all boards and sort of giving her final but that's the end of an era please someone take up she yeah um she said she'd be interested in September she is uh will not be around for August so okay all right so I what's the complaint of pantry moths what's that all about yeah that's what I was just saying I don't know who would be you know what those are right they're um they sometimes get in your flower like they can be they like little wavely kind of things and this business or it was an partment which is why I sent it over to nooba but it was definitely a it sounded like I think my landlord should take care of it my landlord thinks I should take care of it cuz it's my food and it sort of a yeah so it was some kind of a rental and I wasn't situation yeah prend to sha yeah okay um there also was another complaint it didn't come in for the call log um she came into my office uh about bird mites bird what bird mites mites which never heard of it before um and she did say that they're all over her yard and she feels this is a bord of health problem though she called an exterminator I don't like okay I'll I'll let them know and that's what I got I have heard of bird M bird mites too they don't bite humans can you see them bird mites I don't know so any either way she wanted people to be aware I was okay we will take care of that is actually uh sounds like an interesting thing to look at I don't know why I've heard of them I couldn't tell you what they are I don't know okay so I think we're all set with that cuz Bridget knows um and she knows all her stuff yeah so there you go anything else on no no and the majority of the as usual the majority of calls I get are F corish Al well that's a good problem to have or Littleton I get a lot of phone calls for Littleton oh yeah huh um there has been just sort of as a general Trend uh the majority of calls I have been getting for nooba are about medication and sharp disposal oh interesting that is interesting huh um but somebody does seem to I don't know who's giving out the info where um there has been a lot of increase of I was told your town hall takes it I was told your town hall takes it so I do spend a lot of time going we we do not do that oh interesting um huh I've been trying to track down where the info is coming from I don't know if it's someone at the hospital or somewhere else but does the police department take I don't think they do now but the chief said he would be open to of you know like participating in some places too I mean but just as a general trend of phone calls that I've been getting from the but mostly for Sharp disposal and yeah what is it 10 what do they charge $10 at the one in central lab they I was going to ask about that is it cuz you get a bucket right and you fill it up and then it's like $10 bring it to them and then they okay they they did I okay but there's so I usually send them over to n show but I do think they still take it but there's just been a marked increase of that question and some where the information is that town hall takes it out from I don't know where it came from but it's out there okay that's interesting all right administrative stuff animals and fowls do we have more to have a straggler one straggler she is at 14 Pleasant Street with 12 chickens okay she's a renewal uh she did pay on time she just didn't fall at the form in time okay do you want to um I make a motion that we Grant a permit for 12 chickens at 114 Pleasant Street second all in favor hi do you have a normal color pen I can sign this couple of freebies stupid purple pen here what's today it's the 22nd oh my God I know can't keep this straight and anything else going on of Interest anything of interest um I have I know we have to vote on I signed the bill for no for nooba um I have to submit it this week now so it's no big deal but if you want to vote on the nooba bill I would move to ratify the signature of the chair o like that second second all in favor I I it's so word and then I I need this moo I need I guess I need Steve's signature on this um I already signed it oh you did for the B okay perfect I was like I I don't know who's doing what anymore so that was for his town cell phone and then the only mail I got it's of Interest I get a lot of mail um I get a lot of mail um the Board of Health gets a lot of junk mail oh yeah I know is uh the Central Mass mosquito control product we be in community town clerk's office also gets copies of these so that's how it ends up on the website yeah yeah I know it does it does okay great um date for oh yeah our next meeting um we had talked about maybe just doing the one in August but then we were looking at what day you guys have any I um I can make any day work if I know far enough keep it flexible if there's really nothing of yeah absolutely yeah cuz some it's down to like once a month unless there's a reason to yeah exactly exactly again gone from the fifth to so we would normally be what the the 12th and the 26th oh yeah and then we talked about the 19th but Sam you're not here on the 19th I'm here on the 19th okay it's the 12th I'm not here oh I'm not here either on the 12 okay so 12th is out so that leaves us then we could either do the 19th or we could shoot to the 26 like 26th okay 26 me too it's okay with me all right perfect I will be able to meeting August 26th perfect right and then we'll look at the yes and we will have to look at the fall because the way the fall I think we go like 9 weeks without a meeting or something little get preempted a lot this is true okay I think that's it anybody got anything else bridet no you guys nothing I don't think she's she's there anymore no she is she just want I'm good there you are yeah okay all right you're going to um take care of putting something in writing right for um attorney Burke so it's already in writing I just okay that that order was issued so she just has to correct the remaining ones on the list okay okay yeah I gotta yeah I can list them out for Janelle tomorrow yeah okay I guess just as long as Janelle gets the yeah the upshot of of what happened here tonight okay perfect thank you thank you very much thanks Bridget thank you ladies and gentlemen thanks Sam for Jour absolutely I second all in favor I I we are JK