##VIDEO ID:wf49jUHZwiY## 5:36 p.m. I'm calling the September 9th meeting of the Air Board of Health to order we have nothing to read this has been amazing a change yeah cuz as I mentioned beforehand we're doing in person because um Sam is not here and I don't really know how to run the zoom call in thing so um is that the new park yeah same color that's the one I pross from um Sandy pond that's wow that's the plan for the the packing lot okay so public input I see we have um no public um old business first thing on our I gave you guys your agendas and stuff right okay so old business keeping of animal and fowl on three Union streets so we did get the application good uh from the vassels uh reunion Street and looks like we've got a pretty detailed application that describes everything what I'm not sure of is whether Julie has been out there or not do you know Bridget I haven't I don't I can call her tomorrow okay um what I'll do then CU she usually goes first right she looks at things first I'm not sure if Sam was able to get a hold of her or not so I'm just going to hang on to this and I'll check with Julie I'll give her a call um Bridget and just ask her if she is all set with it so if she is then um maybe what we could do is if you want to review the whole packet um we could maybe move that if Julie is okay then so how about we make a motion that the chair sign it if all parties have agreed have reviewed it yeah I think that yeah i' second that yeah I didn't know I made a motion but I heard you say that I was asking if I could I was asking was a little tentative do you want to do it again no so are those all in favor let's at least vote all in favor are those all new or those just no it's just the one that one yeah so it's three Union Street and it was the one that we signed the letter for um last week because we had not gotten an application from so is that the Van Tassel that's always been up there I don't know Union Street was there was a Roger van tassle that worked at the diner do you remember Roger you do remember Roger it's here's the diagram of where it is if that helps you so there's let's see West 98 there's West M his Union so they're the very first house on the Corner House yeah when you turn Auntie Union it looks like on the right hand side I'm assuming that's heading west the Lambert's house was next Steve Lambert was after that do you remember her and then my uncle and a were the last house yes I did remember you that oh so you were father up yeah the corner of Shirley and Union okay I'll check with Julie and if she is okay with it and everything looks fine then I will um sign it and I'll drop it off for Sam and if she has any issues then I'll just find out what they are and okay take care of that okay would anyone like to review any of this here's the whole application package if anyone would like to take a look look I'm good no okay that's okay okay yeah it looks like everything's there there's a Butters list and a nice diagram and nice explanation very thorough and handwritten yeah yeah yeah she's got bait traps she's um got food stations that AR accessible she's taking care of the manure so sounds good eight chickens okay um so that's old business so that one we're going to take care of and uh cha Valley I just put those two on for discussion cuz I thought for the next couple of meetings let's do them as a plold placeholder I didn't have anything specific um and I have not actually spoken to uh I was talk to Jim about do you know if there's anything new Bridget from Jenna or Tamara I didn't speak with either one of them today and I meant to anything yeah the day just kind of got away from me um you made some calls though the not this past Friday but the Friday before to our illustrious representative and I got a senator email back from anything to report no not really um did you get a live from um Senator Warren's office I she called the lady called me back she was a representative for the area she was aware of it yeah um they had the support for going to the bankruptcy court but she said unless the governor does it it's probably not going to happen yeah and exactly nothing happened from the governor's office that I'm aware of at all absolutely nothing I haven't seen anything and it is making um headlines across the country Warren was on Meet the Press talking about it and it's been on on the news on the national news I saw it so oh it was the front page of the globe and the inside was good article incredible it's the spotlight team yeah and it's not it's not just us that hospital in Louisiana sounds like it was in really bad so there was a um on that save nooba page they were talking about there were cars up there today and Personnel were up there today and if I don't know I shouldn't bring it up if I'm not 100% sure but they said that people were in there going over the equipment would starting to think taking equipment out and either selling it or whatever but when I heard that it made me feel like wait a minute well I would imagine a lot of the stuff was never paid for yeah if you read that article it goes back to 2019 this so people knew about this this is this didn't happen overnight in a month you know and there was a lot of broken equipment from what the nurses were saying the beds mainten hadn't been done and yeah yeah I think it's a combination probably of stuff that's leased that they may still have outstanding payments on people probably want their stuff back you know yeah um I did get a an email from TR TR Lori Tran's office yeah she's been pretty it was it was just a thank you blah blah blah I got that back that was it yeah there's one last um date that I'm aware of and I think it's the 12th that's what I heard yeah is the Senate um where they're trying to compel him to he's already refused to go yeah he has he's already refused to testify so they're talking about contempt of congress now which absolutely they they should do so but that's the only but that would take that of that right it would cuz they're going to have to Congress is going to have to vote to do it to hold him in contempt which is probably ify given the m current makeup and if they do then yeah it's got to he's going to fight it and it's got to play its way out in court so but people have gone to prison for contemp Congress absolutely yeah absolutely and as I don't recall if it was the glob or the Wall Street Journal but one of the articles I read in the past week made a really good point point that you can compel him perhaps to show up but you can't compel him to talk so even if he shows up he can just do the dick Fifth and if he's over in Malta or someplace else then on on his yach yeah but I think if they decide to hold him in contempt I think that they don't take the excuse of I was out of town that day so it's either can they see his property or doesn't I sure as he'll H hope so I sure as hell hope so but Lizzie Warren has been very active in that and he's got Bernie Sanders now breathing down his neck too which Y is uh he's like a dog with a bone so yeah and Mary and Tran and Warren were all in a press conference I was watching the other day so there I mean is it going to do anything for us at this point it'll take forever to play out I'm thinking if they start dismantling it it would take someone new going in there some time to get established if that was even the case exactly to switch and have it go back to what it was yep yeah that's very true okay well I am going to talk to Jenna and Tamara just because I've got to follow up on um what's going on there do we have anything new are you guys aware have you heard any new questions concerns things that people are having trouble getting information or that I've read that medic records medical records yeah we anticipate problem there's still people showing up at the emergency room because they don't know the place is closed yeah did they take the sign down off of um I know they did in air but they were like on Route 2 and 495 they that I'd heard they were taking down the hospital signs but I I haven't looked but the signs are all down up there yeah I mean I think within town we can do that I don't know how you get the yeah because there's a big one on 495 yep yeah take this exit there's a hospital here I don't know I think the the records I saw a couple of people that were so angry they s to Mor here pay for my getting my medical records there's a fee I didn't know there was a fee when did and some people said they got them without a fee well apparently there's a portal and if you can get into the portal you can get your records yeah might also matter um whether you need like discs or you know cut like CDs of your Imaging studies or if you need actual films I imagine that would affected cost but I don't know but then there's always your PCP that you can always get those records too from your primary if you have a primary all right I'll check in with jenet and tamaron and I'll see if um there's anything new on that front for the next meeting um so anything else on anything else on your showa no other than just that we're disgusted yeah okay all right um the other thing that we have in here is the call log and looks like I'm going to pass this one around cuz I don't have a whole bunch of copies but um they're in here yeah they're oh they are you got them in the in your packet okay there you go so the latest is a w complaint right yeah yeah Washington um and Cambridge but I think the all of these get referred to uh to bridge it I went by again today I always take that shortcut that dumpster we were talking about in Cambridge that was finally empty yesterday okay good it's almost full again yeah I think people were they must have been keeping it inside or whatever I'm like you got to be kidding me they just emptied it I think people drive by and throw trash in it to I think that's possible too so I I went by today and saw that so I'm going to try to I've talked to them in the past try to get the address and yeah I was just going to ask you what the what the address is is it is the address Cambridge or is it's 10 10 Cambridge but then I don't think it's not un occupi I have to get oh okay okay is that one of those um does the landlord provide the the dumpster are there enough units yeah I just people drive by and I think you're right cuz it just filled up from yesterday Y and I couldn't see the name um but I I talked to Sam and I said is there any way we could get the name from the list of the vendors the you know yeah and she said she could look at at it but there's certain ones that are worse venders than others so I don't know the name I think there's three units in there it looks like yeah two in the bottom and maybe one there's no reason that dumpster should fill up in a day in a day right what should we do with that one is I think Sam is back it's only a couple of day I don't even think it's this whole week I think it's only maybe through Tuesday or Wednesday I'll send a letter to the owner okay you know who the owner is I look it up on the yeah all right fantastic so the possible lead at 18 fburg Road would that be referred back to the state because that's their problem right the state is renting the entire unit where's 18 air motor in oh yep oh remember I asked for that yeah yep so do we refer that back to the state yep okay good okay it's getting pretty busy and full over there so apparently they reup for another year oh yeah it's supposed to be done July 1 and yeah I know from a certain bus driver that his bus is full yep so I thought they said they weren't but out of our uh jurisdiction now with the state okay um she told him to call the governor yeah yeah exactly the governor get in line and there um rat complaint near the post office oh that's unusual yeah that's a different location do you know where it it's just it's yeah they're just around and I'm telling people like the um we we posted today on social media about you know rats um and taking down bird feetus I just I can't stress it enough that y um yeah it's the the bird feeders are probably the one of the biggest issues yeah um the chickens as well yeah but again I um emptying trash making sure the barrels are covered but it's just an ongoing issue I think um is it a seasonal thing like I know the mice get into inside my house this is the time of year yeah I'm finding them in certain places do rats have kind of a seasonal thing like that too so they'll tend to I think Meander away from houses in the summer and as the winter comes they'll go back closer to the houses so you'll see them more they're looking more for shelter correct yeah so um but it's just a matter of again I can't stress it enough um the bird feeders are probably the number one issue right now yeah bird feed isn't trash I'm get it okay well this yeah I did see the the stuff was posted um it was still up on the town website but um it's now on social media if that's good okay so there's our call log um for other things for nooba update I notice that you're not on here for you know like any other do you have any other things that should go under the Thea update so I ordered some covid tests and I have them I'll bring them over next week for Sam okay um and we do have some at the office okay so I'll bring some here I don't want to bring too many um yeah but um and the new vaccine I saw the updated vaccine right was approved like just a week or so ago I think yeah the the fall my mom to her doctor appointment the other day and she said it was new it wasn't available she said when it is available she wanted her to get okay so it got approved but it's probably not in anybody's hands yeah yeah and she told her to wait for flu because it wasn't quite flu season yet so I saw that email from Jenna about the clinic yeah I've been reading about the flu too how you've kind of got a time it so you have carryover yeah through the through the spring okay so you have some tests and you'll bring some over here for yeah for Sam okay that sounds good anything else with really I did a preop inspection of apoke which is opening where Union coffee oh it what's it called apoke apoke apoke aoke like rice bowls yeah oh okay they're not quite ready to open yet but they're starting that okay and bar 25 is going to be new too right yes and then the Junction yeah the r RFD Junction it were sold that was yeah someone's taken that over um the bar25 has not come for any permits or done anything on that end you're doing demo though right I don't know I didn't look like it today there was really nothing going on but they haven't applied for anything did the junction kick off a new inspection when it changes hands do you okay so that's done that's all I did that that one's all set okay two weeks ago I think okay all right I was bring all those inspection reports but I just figured I wait for Sam for the next me yeah yeah that's that's fine yeah fine anything else on the inspection front that's Troublesome or I don't think so we've been we really have had some major issues with temporary food events yeah and mobile food and um you know we're trying to reach out to different departments that have temporary one day events town events yeah um because we're getting some push back from vendors and you know the problem is I tell people we ask questions their basic questions how are you deliv how when are you get buying your food where are you getting your food how are you hot holding how are you cold holding how are you transporting um these are all things that they're basic things that and you can't use your house as a kitchen you can't be cooking and so when we ask these questions um we get get a lot of push back and from the truck the people operating yes and then you know it's like I tell people we um there's three of us at the office that do food inspections we're trying to get out and do more inspections we log them in in the database and we're trying to track different violations um but it's just for us it's it's this year was a very bad year um and just it it has literally been so time consuming because you know they the venders the event organizers um you know they want certain foods people don't apply for the permits then when they finally do it's too late and like today I think I went through 10 and I have five more and it's just and every almost every one of them we didn't issue we had questions going back um just basic questions some of them we found are operating out of their house I was going to say those trucks aren't equipped with big enough ovens or to cook things they must be bringing it in and keeping it yes and one of the things that we that so just as a side note um yeah so one of the biggest issues is what's your menu how are you storing the food on the truck properly but then the next one is how you know you need to have enough water on the truck and some of them are only having five gallons of water yeah and um you know we can't when they're permitted some of these vendors they're going from I had one a few weeks ago that was from 8:00 in the morning to like 8 at night yeah is 12 hours on a truck on 5 gallons of water they had more thank God and they were they had a restaurant that they were associated with but we have had you know when we issue permits that's one of the questions we ask now because we've actually had people take sinks out because they don't have room for their other equipment and it's like if you don't have room you shouldn't be taking a sink out you have to be able to wash your hands and you have to have enough water to do that so we're um we are meeting with other inspectors um we're trying to yeah come up with a plan so that we're all on the same page they apply for a permit isn't there like a just a you know here read this every every vendor is a little different so you might have someone doing sushi out of a food truck and then you might have someone who's literally just doing like lemonade but I explain and then you have everything in between but it's like I tell people even if you're just doing lemonade where's your water coming from yeah it has to be from a portable Source it's it's something that is people are like well why and it's like well because you could get sick really sick thank you and it's we can't you know so anyway that was did nishoba adopt the know that the last quarterly meeting and so there's another quarterly meeting coming up right this this month I think it's later this month um so that meeting were we going to go back I'm trying to recall now from June it seems like so long ago it seems like the summer was so quick and yet like it was just the other day the next quarterly yeah the next show quarterly because this issue of the food trucks sort of came up and are we doing like a one um one permit for all the nooba town I think we're doing I think that we're still going to do that okay good good but we're going to take it I think Case by case too um so we just have to yeah okay I know yeah I mean I that's something that I just feel really strongly about if if you're putting up your sign and you're selling food oh God it's got to be sanitary got this is what I said like we you know we're trying to again provide as much information that we can to people but when a food truck comes in and they're not associated in our town we don't have access to them yeah right you know what I'm saying it's not like if and if we don't have access to them if something happens and it's major like that B's head recall we have some food trucks that they go to the supermarket they buy the meat we don't know what they're buying there's a pewy call on eggs I don't think it has anything to do with us yet but you will find different food products that people are buying and and it's like you know we trying to stress to people if they're buying them there we don't have a like do they know that there's a recall right they're not thinking right that far in advance so we're having a lot of trouble trying to get them back in and understand that there's some serious risks and implications um for what they're doing and like I said we've caught people working out of their house we've caught people I had just had someone say that they were using one of our kitchens as the base of operation and I'm like no you're not one of your kitchens no oh but we I mean all the things that we look for are everything from Refrigeration to where are you getting your food what are you making how you know some of them have fraters on them some have full Vulcan St there so many variables like you said it could be lemonade right so some we're really looking for some real intense information other ones it might not be as crazy yeah depends on the pro right like I mean we're looking at everything from like we don't want you to dump your gray water on the side of the road we want you to use a food grade hose to connect to your truck to have that Safe Water connection you need to have enough water you can't take sinks out and replace them with you know anyway so it's been and it's still happening lot of push back well I can imagine it's just and everybody wants to have food and it's like wait a minute you know can we rethink what we're doing and you know again have some level of there has to be some level of of safety but we also need time to review right right planning is an important thing I mean and and I know that event organizers get disappointed and angry when they're favorite food truck can't come in but it's like that to me is such an incredible public trust it's like a pharmacist here take this pill I'm handing it to you put this in your body take it that's an incredible public trust and it's it's the same thing with food here eat this it could kill you you know is a perfect example well with allg Bo that exactly I'm not as sensitive to being as kind as you guys are I would just say do you do or do you don't yeah I mean this this it's not negotiations if you need to have 10 gallons of water and you have five either get five more or don't do it no but me the reason that I'm I'm less likely to want to bend to regulation just so that you can have your favorite food truck food is not the place to do that I wouldn't B yeah at all in I tell people like you do it do you don't exactly and you're absolutely right because there's there are some people that um you know they're trusting and they go out and they have food allergies and they think they're eating something this just happened where a woman died yep um it wasn't around here but you know again it it it's you know if if we're not taking it seriously then we have a problem and I always tell people basic questions we're asking because if something happens I have to be able to say listen I went through and asked all these questions these are the answers they gave and they didn't but then the event organizers as well like plan early I'm not sympathetic it's either black or yeah I'm really not either when it comes to to food so you know event organizers yeah get your applications in early food trucks get your applications in early it's things don't turn on a dime so when I got up to talk to Sarah just and she was here because I saw her mom Friday and I said you know it' be good at someone from the park ah okay okay and got I said you don't need to worry hang around we're not going to be talking on issues they moved it yeah but I think they are going to do something she said they're the soccer coaches are aware of Triple E and I said you know it might be a nice idea if you had that flashing billboard at the entrance to the park yeah and in fact the Triple E stuff is another thing that I thought since we don't really have another place to put it and some of this kind of just came about today I would put that under the nooba um so we have from Jim gy and this went to Robert to be posted I do with my stuff is the map shows us to be in the High the whole package of stuff that goes ah here we go so there were a whole bunch of attachments they're going to do another um spray Jim's trying to get another spray l in for Wednesday night even though they usually stop after um Labor Day so when I spoke to him this morning I said yes definitely go ahead and try to make the arrangements and we would talk about it tonight if there's any objection which I don't expect there would be um he said it's another spraying of the same kind of spraying that they do regularly it's just that it's after the date when they normally do it mosquito control people put out a letter saying that they do not come out after a labor day but they would come out in high risk areas so and I think this is a highrisk area we're included now yes so there is there's a notification that has gone to the school um about the pesticide there's um information about the pesticide harmful pesticides act in children that was sent out by Jim that went to the the um schools there's the labeling for the stuff and it is is a pyrine so tomorrow um I just got this stuff this afternoon I think that this all went along with it looks like this all went to the schools so this stuff is for the schools but I can ask Robert if um this same information if we can post this on um unless it's already on the show site but I I can check into that okay tomorrow okay um with py synthetic pyro isn't it something from chrysanthemums or something comes from a plant Source pythons are a nerve agent oh ah jeez I remember we used to chase the truck I know Mr J should be sprayed with you it's a common pesticide yeah if you look up from the development of it interesting is it cuz a lot of this stuff came from Germany before World War II oh yeah a lot of the nerve agents did that's right that's right that's a frightening thought yeah I just thought it was um interesting I mean the development of stuff yeah but it was developed for the farmers for help tting oh M okay gotcha yeah I think it comes doesn't say anything in here but I think it's the stuff that actually it's a it's something that is naturally in crysanthemum or something is there is there a route is there a when they say they're going to do the high-risk towns is I remember back in the day they would let you know what the route was or whatever they used to send military planes up and down West Main Street the B remember that no God really it's probably stuff you don't want to oh yeah yeah I bet I bet um I'm just wondering if they were if they had they were going to do like down the Grove Pond and then turn around you know like all those areas they're Mary and not sure it sounded like it was going to be the like another round almost of what yeah of what we normally do all of those places but he did say that they're um doing it after d to try to minimize the effect on the bees and you know Al to get as many mosquitoes as they can oh yeah too because it will affect bees if they're out and flying around so past their season anyhow so they should all be home after do anyway those bees they have other things what you're thinking from chrysanthemums I believe is more of a repellent okay okay where this is more of a killing agent yeah yeah yeah you know well the whole chemotherapy thing is fascinating because a lot of that came out of the nerve agents the it's yeah it's funny stuff it can kill you or it can help you I know cranum are in a too oh I wonder one of my dermatologists said this is too strong for you because it's a steroid and you keep using it it's not good it'll thin your skin out in between that and he said look online try to get some had I can't remember the name of it but it was chrysanthemum really in a huh and it would it kind of like soothes it yeah like a anti-irritant irritant thing yeah more of that stuff you hear that is interesting um we do have so this is the notice or the information that um Jim sent out sent this to Robert this was kind of later this afternoon so um I didn't have a chance to call Robert he he did ask the question if you want a shorter like reverse 911 notification I think that's on the other I'm sorry yeah it is if we no this came from Jim graphy and it went to Robert so I thought if we wanted to weigh in on um whether or not we advise that they do the reverse I think it's a good idea I think the yeah can we do the um um the police where the uh the sign let me check on yeah what sign are you talking about Steve for to Sarah for the for the you said a sign down the park the flashing sign board yeah but that's the one at the police station no there's a portable one that one we had at the pond when the alga was there Year yes yes okay oh good idea yeah so I think you know a lot of people may not know what Triple E is but maybe it'll make them learn but s said the coaches are aware of it and the coaches are talking to the parents so the information also went to uh Recreation with Council on Aging I sent it to I think I copied you guys on I sent it to uh police chief fire chief just but I think a reverse 911 is a good idea yeah I think it is too all right I will call Robert tomorrow then and yeah if you look in raid or any of those things they're all pyrans yeah I know it's really common I know it's fairly common and it's like supposedly one of the I don't know if it's due to the concentration or what but it's like relatively safe yeah unless unless she decid you want to drink it right yeah yeah yeah you pace yourself with it but okay you good with that if we do a yeah anything that gets the word out who controls those message boards is that police that was DPW DPW okay cuz there's the one that's near the police and then the movable one is that the one that was on um it was on East Main for a while Hospital would save the hospital is that the one there's only one I I I don't know I know that we got the one for s Pond I thought that came from the DPW okay so they're in charge of that and just to update you to it we did have someone that thought that there was green algae in Sandy Pond again oh really oh yeah but there's not it's not it looks okay to so I the day it happened I called Bridget I went down to the lady and I said I don't think so okay um cuz the water was crystal clear okay and then she called me back and she said no there's nothing the water is clear okay yeah I was kind of hoping we could make it till it gets cool but it's going to be like 90° on Friday so yeah Wednesday to Friday is going to be back in summer yeah we're in for more summer weather that's good I like the warmth I'm I like the summer all right so I think that's all we got then with mosquitoes uh minutes there are minutes attached here they didn't get emailed out so if you take a moment the only typo I see is Mrs Sullivan's name okay it is not Mas it's not sh it's CIA okay change that I move she said I move we accept the meds as corrected okay got I check it all right all in favor I I I all right I am going to sign this and I'll just put it with that one correction then all right let's see what else we got bills and mail I think there is a bill and it's for the printing yep so printing for it's only one right yeah printing for the notices of the hospital closing I just made an executive decision and said do it let's just do it and about it we all agreed and I went to pick up a prescription and it was in my bag it was in your thing okay so if anyone would like to anyone feeling like a motion make a motion that we accept we accept the invoice and pay the bill for $400 for um to do for the the copies for the um yeah Hospital closure R&J or Jr or J JNS JNS that's yeah I second the motion hey all in favor I hi I and I thought that Jenna did a nice job on that and I think they did the same notice in yeah good good good good good is there anything else we should be thinking about for no notifications or any I think it's no not right now if anything comes to you send me send me an email because I am definitely still in touch with Jenna so all right and I think we just have it's a little out of date but the mail is the central mask mosquito control that says that the standard spraying program ends after Labor Day but they will have staff ready to so this is what Jim is I read that I saw that well so it's the same as what they usually do just another treatment at a time when they don't normally do it okay just make sure there's nothing else hiding in here for bills or think so that's minute stuff that's yep that letter that's ooh the same build oh no no no no this is a is this US self- ining stamp medium imprint Board of Board of Health air Town hell apparently we also bought a self- ining Board of Health stamp for $43 feeling like a motion I Mo we approve the invoice for $43 to JNS for a town seal self-inking stamp I second it all in favor hi hi makes it easier boom I guess this is it right here all right so there were two bills hiding in there so that's all set then and this stuff is mine I think that is it um items for upcoming meeting we have another meeting in 2 weeks that I'm thinking we should leave on the agenda I don't know what um new information might come up we can assess as we get closer to the meeting whether or not um yeah just leave it on there to do it or not uh and part of it will be if there's anything new um with nooba of course yeah or mosquitoes or whatever the next plague of locusts or oh go whatever it is that's going to hit us mhm uh I think that's it think that is it does it feel to you guys like I'm missing anything no I hate it when Santa's really depend on her it's my stuff about you ready for emotion d y and we adjourn all right I second that all right all in favor I it is 69 we are jour