good evening everyone this is the air Conservation Commission meeting this is Thursday June 13th 2024 13th already it's another week is like the solstice right M Summer's over M fall down here fall downhill from there start losing minutes baby yep we have uh in attendance this evening Heather hamson as our conservation agent Jeremiah as m member who's filling in as scribe Tonight George bacon member Mark Phillips Vice chair myself John schonberger as chair confirmation of agenda uh have no changes no changes motion to approve the agenda as written so move second all in favor say I I oppose nay passes unanimously uh the approval of meeting minutes for May 23rd 20 24 anyone everyone had an opportunity to look over the minutes any corrections no NOP all good it was a brief meeting M brief meeting yeah motion to approve the meeting minutes for May 23rd 2024 as written really George The Who so moved oh second all in favor say I I oppose nay who is going to sign the minutes for Jess or do we want to wait till she gets back to sign them we can wait okay public input this is the time of our meeting is there anyone in the audience who is not on the agenda like to ask a question make a comment now's time okay seeing none then we will move on first item this evening is a request for certificate of compliance D file number 100-3 0971 Sandy Pond Road is this for a notice of intent that was written a long time ago and was never done and never done um so you going to join us sir yeah Robert's here but I I can explain so so it was for a um I researched the I guess they did the the deed search for the project this this popped up cuz it was recorded yeah he did its job um was issued in 2017 for a construction of a shed um I verified with the building department there was no building permit ever pulled for it um I went back and tried looking at Old satellite images for it there was nothing ever on the property for that shed so it was never constructed so we're here now to issue a Sate of compliance with work never being done okay Mr pan Mr chairman members of the commission always a pleasure Miss hampson as always has framed the exact issue that's what we're uh before you this evening on behalf of the town the town is scheduled to officially close on the property on June 20th so closing out this matter will be um helpful okay we should probably do it any discussion is there a motion to issue a certificate of compliance D file number 100- 0309 Sandy 71 Sandy Pond Road so second all in favor say I I oppose n passes unanimously right Mr chair thank you commission thank you Heather thank you I'm just get a copy of that from you tomorrow okay yeah okay thank you thank you very much going to come back oh you coming back I can come back yes oh right oh just come back sometime to talk about issues oh absolutely yes at a future date y let's I know you have a bunch of folks waiting tonight but um Heather and I are going to meet and then uh we will um I'll get back on your agenda and we'll talk about all things conservation good it' be good sound good all right thank you thank you very much good evening next is that Baba O'Reilly yeah yeah it's a good song thank you all right next item this evening is a request for certificate of compliance D file number 100- 0436 0454 0456 no no it's 54 and 56 Littleton Road right 0 0436 04 just the one yes hi hello could you state your name for the records please certainly Lio I'm a project engineer at GPR Gman PR ring wall could you spell it please for for J oh certainly uh lim Hood first name is l i m h t last name is Tiff TI IV great thank you thank you so I'm here tonight as a representative for Deca Corp who is trying to close out the uh the outstanding order for the uh subdivision on curly uh curly Circle um admittedly the the order condition has been expired um you know even with the co extension I think that brought us to um I want to say late last year or early this year um as the expiration date but um I believe that was you know mainly due to the fact that there were some conversation between uh DPW and some drainage issue that had to be addressed with the uh the current owner uh at believe at this point that has been addressed M therefore they're they're ready to move forward to close out the outstanding order um the order of conditions that was issued for the subdivision is let me see if I can get to the uh site plan there so the the work that were that was proposed and done and built was um really limited to the um the on-site stormm water management system the the big Basin as well as the drainage Swale at the end of curly Circle uh curly Circle has been constructed and you know gone through the process of review by the town and accepted by uh the town as um Town Road therefore the onsite storm water management system has effectively uh transferred continuous um Main and ownership to the town um as far as the the properties and you know any work on site everything has been completed stabilized um I'd understand that there were some bounds that were requested at the time of the following to be installed at the back corners of I believe lot 9 10 11 and I want to say 12 as well but they're all completed as well um so if there's any outstanding questions from the board I'm more than happy to answer those were all the those photographs that were uh I saw online yeah questions no you said what had been installed I didn't quite catch at the I think there were there were bounds so I was out on I went actually out to the site today just to verify that this is that everything's been grown in everything and ited everything is stable everything's done so the bounds were for the conservation restriction actually um and they're actually perfect they're just couple they like a foot or two tall little round circle say conservation restriction um you can see them if you go in between the the two parcels and there's there was a row of them so okay and actually it's yeah that's kind of exactly what I was um was going to ask about if in our order of conditions we had the we had our signs it's not our exact signs because it is for the conservation restriction it looks very similar to ours the color scheme's different and instead of saying um air Conservation Commission that's written around the Border in it just conservation restriction on it okay and looking from back and forth between from where I was standing overlooking the large Basin um between two of the Lots there was nothing going into it either so which we still have to do that Baseline so okay okay all right yeah cuz that's that was the thing I remember that we had something to do with signs be it ours or the conservation contr so thank you when you said B like what what exactly is that yeah the signs thank you great okay that's all I had I'm sorry George any questions no Jen Nope Heather you been out there to the site I I did I I went out this afternoon um to to look at the site to verify that everything had been done and um it has everything exactly as the photo show things growing and vegetated I did ask the DPW cuz sometimes I know when the roic goes through sometimes there's a failure to to move the storm water system over or there's an issue with outstanding reports or maintenance being done so I verified that with the DPW that when this road was accepted at whatever I think it this past Spring Town Meeting that um that was that was part of it and the storm water system did go over to the town and they did do their whole inspection prior to the town taking it as well to verify everything was constructed properly so so you have any issues or no no I have no issues okay is the CR all taken care of the CR is the CR the actual language for the CR has been recorded that was done prior to me taking this position the only item on that that has not been completed which one of the items I got to work with Robert on is the Baseline had never been done and that's what I got to work with Robert on trying to figure out how we're going to get that completed because at this point now it's going to fall on our hands which we have money in our budget for so there's no issue with that right now okay okay um like I said I I did notice that the the bounds were on site and there was there was didn't seem to be any encroachment from where I was in that area and this one's weird cuz it's that Pepsi property and everything there so okay any other discussion so the the Baseline will not hold up the order or the no it won't because that was all part of the conserv the uh planning board's approval not ours okay all right yep that's already been done so it's one of those things and then I think you did indicate that it was expired if it is expired do we need to extend before we can accept no no okay I mean you just did this one the last one was already expired as well it's just one of those things okay I'm good is there a motion to issue a certificate of compliance D file number 100-0 43 six so moov second all in favor say I I I oppose nay passes unanimously thank you very much thank you thanks for coming by good night is this yours Heather mhm I'll give that to you thank you it was with right mhm I had them come in case you guys had any questions yeah it's fine thank [Music] you thank you next item this evening is a public hearing notice of intent D file number to be determined we will open this public hearing under the Wetland protection act and also under the air Wetlands bylaw spectacle Pond treatment Littleton clean Lakes committee we have Representatives here good evening gentlemen hi you can grab another chair and join us please Perfect give the old guy the comt take take the comfy chair so if you could just give us a little over overview of what you're planning to do sure your name yes my my name is Leon Weaver I'm a vice chair of the Littleton clean legs committee and uh working manager for the spectac pond Association it's actually the Littleton and air spectacle Pond Association and basically this is a an noi for treatment on spectal Pond we have a uh a bunch of invasives with three major invasiv curly Leaf mil foil and fan wart and uh this is the worst I've seen in probably 33 years uh we were the last couple of years we have been doing Echo harvesting right they thought already familiar with that technology we've actually been watching your what you've been doing there with interest yeah it's good and this is our third year of an experiment other ponds in the town are also uh experimenting with Eco harvesting uh we've had a a couple of years where uh it looked promising initially uh there was uh as you probably remember the last two years previous to this year there had been unusual warm period lots of rain and uh turns out that the pond level was fairly High uh which you want for the harder is lower Pond level so that they can get at the weeds and gain purchase on those weeds with their Bor uh so we had mixed results long story short with Echo harvesting but we're fully prepared to go ahead with uh Echo harvesting again this year and do an evaluation next year as to uh the way forward and the way forward may be herbicide treatment or perhaps a combination of herbicide and some sort of mechan mechanical harvesting there's also some uh basically you could have divers come in and suck up the weeds from the bottom MH so we may be experimenting with that this year I think that that's mentioned in the no it is it is yeah so and your name sir Yeah Tim Pearson I'm the uh assistant conservation agent over in Littleton I work one day a week over at the water department uh for them and the clean Lakes committee um so we've previously uh had an order with you guys um and by the time we uh came to our attention we need to extend it had been expired for 10 days so that previous order only included um herbicide treatment this would be for to include herbicide treatment as well as mechanical uh treatments as well okay um how how much of of the pond is in air it's like a sliver approximately 5 Acres yeah it's it's I believe there's a map in here yeah it's just slivers it's it's not a lot and are the treatments for the whole Pond or are they just selective areas so this year we're having a pre-treatment survey done in July um based on that treatment I think we are going to be limited to 99 cubic yards of material because we're we don't have a mass DP wat we dredge permit um based on the survey we're going to be um prioritizing certain areas um so I can't say right now where those areas are it's going to depend on a it's it's going to be a year-to-year uh you know evaluation of where we're going to be doing the work so you could treat chemically quite a bit but the Eco harvesting will just be limited cors okay in the past have you treated or harvested in the 5 Acres of our stuff I har had hit those areas yeah okay there's quite an infestation there actually because uh Bennett Brook is the primary feed into there and uh there's a lot of sedimentation there and some really rich soil for the invasives to grow and they love it yeah yeah it's a good Turtle area too but yeah yeah we have hit those areas fairly hard as well okay yeah I think where we started off was uh in 2019 we uh we had previously had uh vendors that were only doing herbicidal treatments and it was fairly successful we were able to beat back the these three main invasives over time and gain some level of control uh but in 2019 we uh we went with another vendor that was not successful uh we even repeated it in 2020 and they were once again not successful so we've kind of written them off the list the same vendor vendors so so what happened as the invasives uh uh just blossomed we really weren't beating them back year over year so we over a 15-year period starting in 2005 we really had everything beat back fairly well and then we completely lost it in 2019 and 20 and even when we invited an old uh vendor back in that did a very good job with herbal treatment it was so bad they weren't able to to beat the invasives back and then we had this opportunity of for Echo harvesting we said well this is kind of goodness because it's going to take a lot of materials out of the pond yep uh obviously if you kill off the these invasive is with herbicide treatments the the plants die in the pond and unfortunately they consume oxygen and most ponds have a dissolved oxygen problem and we really would want to uh make a dent in that not going to entirely cure the problem but make a dent in it so that's why we launched into the echo harvesting because it should be better for the pond if it was efficacious so there's a there's an if statement in there we're hoping to pull that off this year again we were as mentioned we're limited to uh 99 cubic yard is it yes without a a special permit uh but then we can augment that with herbicide treatments mhm so we're we're very keen to see what this uh uh pre harvesting and herbicide treatment survey is going to do so that we can strategize about where we hit various areas along the pond yeah I don't know the outflow of spectacle Pond is that damned yes there's a uh there's a outlet base structure we can control the level of the pond somewhat with stop logs and it's right across from uh the boat launch and this uh Outlet structure is right across from the uh the old Agway on 119 yeah oh okay just right across the road for there Y and taking out the boards or logs doesn't lower it enough for it sometimes for it to we don't have a lot of leeway there and we actually have uh potentially conflicting goals one goal is that we want to provide uh sufficient Downstream water for the biologics that are Downstream so we very regularly are adjusting the flow M with not only the stop logs but a knife gate valve to ensure that we have uh 3.5 cubic feet of water going out uh always especially during the summer you can imagine this summer can be challenging to try to do that especially in August mhm we've fortunately on on that side of the equation we fortunately had wet Summers so we were able to uh to meet those goals fairly well uh but there's also a problem with uh the the stop logs only give us maybe 18 in worth of leeway tops yeah so for instance if we have a high Pond level today and we go out to do harvesting we would like the pond level to be a little lower well there's another dynamic in play and that is the Littleton water department they like high Pond level for the harvesting we would like a little lower Pond level but it can't be so low that we don't fulfill our Mass D obligation of putting a certain amount of water Downstream so we got some comp complications going on that that yeah mhm but with the the help of the uh Conservation Commission and the and the water department we're able to uh optimize whatever work is that we need to do yep so did you say your your invasives are they back to the pre9 level would you say I'd say 33 years this is the worst we've ever seen it uh turns out that uh a number of people have moved out and passed on so I guess I'm the senior guy now you know yeah 33 years so but anecdotally we have heard that uh the pond hadn't been in more pristine shape B before the 80s when uh these infestations really started coming in gang busters yeah I guess I'm saying from from when you started treatment in 2005 2005 was when we started yes so is are we back to that state would you say we were uh or or Worse even even worse than 2005 that's stiny yeah we rolled back like I said 2019 and 20 we really rolled back uh our work unfortunately that was a couple years of misstep U and in and in hindsight we just won't do that again but you very often have to go to the lowest bidder and that's what we did and we PID the price for going with the lowest bidder for those two years now we've tightened up our requests for proposals so that uh it's not only the low bit it's some other metrics that I can discuss if you yeah yeah okay got any questions George no Jen no he no I have questions but I'll just email them in regards to those um we did um submit to natural heritage they haven't responded with uh um with approval or anything yet so yeah and we still wait for D and we don't have a file number either correct okay so we can't really go forward no but you say that you're going to do a pre- treatment inspection in July yep not in July seems late doesn't it um we tried to so we tried to time it so we can get the pre-treatment survey as close to the the actual treatment itself so that it's it best represents the current state of the of the pond by the time that they go out for treatment right right okay so just going to continue this until our next meeting okay is there a motion to continue the public hearing notice of intent D file number to be determined spectacle Pond treatment until our next meeting which is June 27th second all in favor say I I oppose nay passes unanimously 27th yes that's what it's got written down here 27th I just is that wrong no it's correct I just know if I heard correctly I'm sorry no I had to look it up to make sure I was right no I'm right it's always my biggest fear I figured it was me right than thanks thank you very [Music] much next that's interesting about the Eco harvesting huh yeah be kind of discouraging We'll be asking questions yeah that would be awesome yeah also helps when you have a water department that's in charge of all your leges that basically has an endless supply of money Ione what end supplies of money think I used to work a little to I know all righty our next item this evening is a request for determination of applicability upgrades to National Grid substation number four Bishop Road good evening sir hello my name is uh Paul Martin I'm with BSC group here representing New England power company good evening and I assume everyone's kind of had a chance to run through the RDA and seeing that um the work is only proposed in the buffer zone and there's actually one element that's outside of your jurisdiction Al together in terms of the line trap um but kind of right on the edge I know guys want to take a look at that but can you can you explain what what that means lion trap for people that sure I actually printed that out if want to take a quick it's a a device that Shields the telecommunication system and it's mounted on the pole and it prevents the the microwaves from dispersing out and be potentially being captured by other equipment so that's what the the triple structure thing is it's actually outside of your jurisdiction mhm and then the other two things um sorry the line trap is inside your jurisdiction it's the um the uh what are those those are some changes to some structures there and then this one over here are is some hand holes which are basically like little mini vaults you've probably seen some version of them when people have like a irrigation system and they have a little green plastic thing that's set in the ground they also install those if there's a splice in an electric cable or fiber optic cable um and it allows for maintenance access down into that so there'll be a little bit of excavation for those hand holes then they'll the chambers will be installed and then it'll be back filled and covered over with or surrounded with stone in the Disturbed area and you said the line traps we're in our area yeah they they are I'm trying to remember what this okay thank you yeah line trap and the Hand holes are inside the the buffer is that just a riser structure there Paul this one yeah is that with it just the Riser structure coming up the yeah I think I'm not positive I'm just yeah I don't remember see if engineering drwing what it is looks like it's going to be couple of small pole structures see how if you look at the drawing there's three individual yeah so those would probably just be um like the hardware that they use for direct embedding um distribute wooden distribution poles along the street futur you said these would require some excavation yeah would the excavation just be for the pole that that's going in is talking about um here's Bishop Road here there is no excavation associated with those it's just going on and existing those are on structures okay existing structur yes existing structure thank you you said any any soils that are piled on site to be to be used Back Field right there'll be but the handholes obviously will displace a certain volum that can't be reused or whatever right their typical process is to um either remove it from the site or or if they're somewhere on their right away in Upland area they might spread it out and create a little thin layer of it and Seed it yep but it would not be placed inside the substation obviously that's a completely stoned surface they don't want soil inside the substation and there's the in the application there's their bmps as far as you know how they do their soil handling and uh if the soil if there's any little stockpile if it's actively being worked or reused or moved or whatever um you know they don't cover it but if it's going to be um left in place for a long time uh they typically cover it and have a waddle around the perimet of it yep [Music] questions John no so on the application the applicant is Kevin O'Brien he yeah he's a represent of New England power okay they it's New England power property yes it's their their substation okay now isn't there a open order on that property now there could be there's been a fair amount of there's been a lot of activities it's hard to remember because they were doing these they went through the one and did Westford Road um Westford Road was I think just finished up a year or so ago and then they did the whole transmission line all going through air um chirley air and I think West brought going going that way and they they did that one a year or so ago there's another one that they're going through I think the process now of Permitting to do another set of transmission line maintenance work so it's hard to keep track of all them because there's so many but I I I didn't verify there was another open one of the uh for this for this one I mean it's a it's a if it is anything it's an RD I cuz I did go out and meet with somebody for this but it was we me at the substation but it was for the transmission line work it wasn't for anything the substation um what's her name Allison millerman yes yes um and then I do know say last March not this past March March 2023 we had a in that was when blackout happened because somebody in Westford hit something they weren't supposed to um right um we we went out we had a land use meeting to discuss an extension of this but because the I think because we're seeing this work here now my thought is because of the restraints because of the the Wetland in the front really restraints how much they can expand on that property because they can't fill into that Wetland without replicating it and you can't replicate on that site it's not large enough so I think that's where we're seeing this I don't know if there's anything I don't remember anything being since I've came downstairs for this one whether you did this might still be open here have there this might still be open one cuz they just put these in only about a year ago these structures okay I this might still be open I think that might be and if it is open if it's if unless it was an noi then it would be an RDA there's no actual closing of an RDA so I'll just verify that these would have been in conjunction with the line yeah they could have been yeah but I know there was something for the station yeah we went out there we walked all around it right okay I'll have to I'll I'll double check the files for that then and and and clarify with someone if if that work has been completed so we can close it out if it was an noi on that cuz I have seen some activity down there yeah we did so when this came before us and I know I I just saw that new structures so I know sometimes it will trigger site plan that was the whole thing too when we we discussed the expansion of it so I brought it up to the to char zoning enforcement officer who verifies if it has to go to site plan or not looking at this plan he says it it did not I don't think what they're doing as far as the work as you see the the equipment that's out there I don't think it's adding any equipment I think it's just replacing so it's not triggering anything for a site plan for the planning for this time that's what the Building Commissioner told me but I did double check with that to make sure we weren't going to it wasn't going to be larger than it needed to and go another step so I did verify that too in this one you're not you're not confusing this with the open one over on um westbr Road right right yeah okay yeah cuz we did kind of down and we walked up the power line right right okay y there's a lot yeah we are busy anything else any other questions comments discussion was there a motion to issue a negative determination on the RDA upgrades to National Grid substation for Bishop Road so moved second okay uh all favor say I I what n you're up yes just so you know those are just examples those aren't that's fine I'm I'm just going to keep them in here in case any wants to ever look at I have no idea which manufacturer or anything that there anybody want this oh I I'll take the L I think I want to rock it back with you sure so always easier to read never know I never know what I'm going to get for questions so I always take things when people offer them sure I just me to get recycled and all right looks like you guys are done for the night almost almost almost thank you all right thank you thank you very much for coming good have a good night things yeah if you two can look through my notes on that just to make sure I didn't miss anything a lot of detail on well I heard you say is they open water and I'm like okay open water thank you observation office and member updates okay I'm sorry can I see that yeah since I abstained am I signing that yeah it doesn't that doesn't it's just doesn't matter all right just want make sure yeah you can sign it um it's the vote that counts that's illegal um so updates let's see um on Monday I met with Ann gagman and a representative of W uh Mass wildlife and we walked up at the Straton Hill property to go through some of the open space up there um that was before the planning board at their last not this meeting this past Tuesday their last Mee at the end of May um for the for the definitive subdivision um there's a total of can't remember how many 130 140 plus acres that'll be left to open space gifted to various entities whether it's the town or or fishing game is Mass wildlife um so we went up there to walk that to to get an idea of what it looks like what existing Trails it might be out there what the existing conditions are what our idea of what we might like to see for restoration or if anything or invasives were out there and what the St what the what the property looked like so we did that on Monday M day was that primarily north of the power lines yes we focused on um the actual um it's not part it's it's owned by the same uh group but it's in a different title the the parcel of land there's two Parcels that go around um Long Pond mhm um just outside the power lines it's not if you look at the T the um accessors map they're not under Fox metal realy they're under something else Alice and Trust I think and those are two Parcels that will be GI to the to the town and looking at we're just trying to figure out whether it' be beneficial for the town to take it if fishing game's going to take everything north of the power lines because then that becomes landlocked um there is an existing Trail already out on site for that whole par that whole parcel that basically almost goes around the whole thing it it starts to it just a definitive Trail and then as you the further you get out into it it starts to slow you can see where people still might walk it or animals do but it's not as as clear as as some of the other ones yeah so we walked that and then we went over and looked at the um the the mound oft dirt that was up there that Turtles are using for nesting and the thought is to get um natural heritage out there to verify if that will be acceptable to keep for their turttle nesting area instead of having to construct a new one since we already have an area that's being used and if that one would be viable to keep and satisfy that part of their Misa permit so did that on Monday that was a lot of fun it was nice to be outside it was a gorgeous day um I did you see a lot of sign of turtles there was some there was some eggs out there that had hatched whether they were a year old or if they were from this year I don't know yeah cuz I know i' seen it there before hatched or eaten they would have yeah they would have eaten they wouldn't have been hatched they would have been dug out but there was there was at least three holes dug into that pile mhm okay so um and then um I've been continuing to do my little Um passion project of pulling the knotweed at Peroni Park than which that the geese make it a little more difficult cuz I can't walk back and forth I to like walk really far around so I don't like anger the geese with their little baby ducklings um geels yeah they they get cuz you I mean literally you have to get them good five feet without them like squawking at you and they still place like half hiss at you I'm like I'm giving you so much room but um it's it it's if you look at it cuz I've going out a very very week week and a half for a couple hours to pull I think it's making a difference cuz you're not getting the big growth it's just like literally just tiny and when every time I go at least yeah every time I go I'm getting in a couple sections a good foot or so of root out in certain sections and I'm like hang yanking that out so I'm hoping it makes a difference that's just my little passion project of my own that I'm seeing if I can do something with cuz it is only a two like only a 200t section or so of not weed so I'm hoping we can rify it if it works this year of me just trying it then maybe we can get some volunteers next year to go out and and and work on on that um some I did witness one or two of the plantings that we had done that had not survived already but the majority of them are still growing and thriving so far so that's so far gr Pond yeah on gr pond so that was that was good um what else oh um excuse me met yesterday with so we we did get the final draft for from the state and comments for the CR for Shaker mil Pond still waiting on the Baseline for that before it comes to you guys to review I will email you all the the draft so you can see it um I did email it to Danny and the town planner to review as well we did have they did put the signs out on um out there yesterday um they are were not well received from the neighbors um so we are looking at changing them the when I met with the developer and place's associates they asked if I wanted what where you want to put the signs I said I think just consider you typically for CRS you do a couple like two or three per lot so people understand like where the line is I didn't want to do that I was like well let's just do one I mean want to True these people's backyards I'm just do one in the middle that's fine and I said a standard CR sign which is what we have on curly Circle it's like a foot to twoot wooden post with a little round circle on it that says conservation restriction they put out a street sign a 5ot like no parking looking like sign so those were not well received um so we're working they didn't use a little round thing so I'm actually going to know now that I saw these ones yeah now that I saw these we reception we got over on Long Pond on sure right yeah exactly so now that I saw what we have at curly Circle I'm going to actually going to mention it to to the town planner tomorrow to have him go look at I didn't have my phone on me when I like take a picture of it so he can either point the developer to to see like this is what we want this cuz those are perfect and then they're going to find a different location for them and try to make everybody happy so we're we're slowly getting our way through that project so just and I did email um attorney Allen shocket in regards to the CR saying that you guys will review it but we obviously can't sign on anything till I have that final Baseline with all the pictures and GIS markings and stuff cuz that's part of the CR so we're still working way through that and once we have all that and everyone agrees to that then we can bring it before you guys to everyone for you to sign for them to sign the select Bo to sign and we get all that finally done working our way through it nice else yeah it's been a busy I was bit this week's been busy other than that it's been fairly slow um next meeting we will have um Panther place is coming for extensions on there um uh orders so okay 12 of them so there's I mean that should be fairly quick but I don't know how we're going votes might take longer than the request we can power through those yeah oh and one other quick thing the I did get an email in regards to a property uh owner up there at 136 Washington Street um one of the first two houses that they did the anr Lots um cutting beyond the uh Boulders when we when I went out and verified that site before we did the see the um the certificate the boulder line was there I verified the order of conditions I didn't see anything that said we needed to have those signs unfortunately it was actually on the plans but was never actually in the special conditions so I didn't see it so the person at 136 was cutting I sent them a letter um I went out and looked at it yesterday too I've been so busy yesterday um they didn't know that that's what those Boulders were for so they said oh okay go can I ask why they go oh she live they live with their parents um there were snakes they didn't like them so they they just cut the brush back there's still trees in there um they cut maybe 10 ft in I'm like well don't do that anymore I'm like we'll let it grow back it should be fine yeah so um and I and while I was onite I peaked down at the the neighboring house their line makes it a little bit more of an S so I know they did some clearing a little while ago but it wasn't in that area because cuz it it makes that as it's hard to tell from the road so when I was on the property I like peaked over and it was fine so going forward when we start doing the ones going down into the new subdivision on gasan Lane I think is is the there the Main Street I think then break so I think gasin Lane's the First Street out there I'll make sure cuz I don't think it's in the orders either but I know it's going to be on that in on the plant I'll make sure those signs go up so we don't have this issue going forward in there and that owner on there now does know so resolved that was good it was just one of those things they just didn't know so sure which is what I expected so that was good we're going to put a sign up though um I'm going to let it go and see what happens if it's something that it keeps Happ because now that the property is sold I I'm not sure how it much of enforcement I have on it I may ask when we put the Sign Co yet yeah it does the 136 does those because when we went forward I went and looked at it those Boulders were there I reviewed the order of conditions I didn't and it wasn't in there to have those signs it was only on the as shown on the plans and I didn't verify the plans I just reviewed the order of conditions I have them when I do them I write it into the order of conditions and it's on the plans so it's it's both and youan didn't it's just fine that was that was on me so when I do the gasket Lan that first one on the corner I might ask the developer if he can just sneak one or two over on that side and and see if if he's aimable to that or not just to because this obious this knower now knows but going forward I don't know if that's that's more my concern that's more my concern to this is going to be a constant thing so but since you've had communication with the owner already yeah it might maybe send them a letter and just say while they're completing the other Lots they were supposed to have put this in would you mind if they go in and you know yeah I might do that I have an email and do that or say if I have the signs if they don't mind putting a post out and putting one and just giving them one the developer they were supposed to do it yeah I know I'm going I'm going to ask the developer if he can do that for me um when he when he finishes out that first lot there yeah and if you get the response back then you can send that on to them and saying I've already spoken with them they're comfortable in you doing it yeah just it's just for them whenever a new owner comes in I think it would be helpful to have that and even if it even if I could just get him to be like you have have to be right back here if you just put like one close to the property line between the two then it'll kind of be like oh that's what this thing is there for it might help on for both Lots going forward instead of having multiple on each lot just to have maybe one or two along the property lines so we we we'll try we'll see what we can find but that's that's it it was a busy week the last week before that was not last two weeks this this week was been a busy one is that it mhm we'll keep itef you have any no but I have put in our notes that August 22nd is officially volam chirt night excellent thank you George no well actually did you end up going out with the alen on the eighth he actually canceled it oh okay um because of the quote unquote rain we were supposed to have earlier in the week and then they changed it he did change it to the 29th um of this month that is a date that I cannot go so if anybody wants to go in my place um I believe I was supposed to be in the canoe with Barry you can go with Barry but yeah it's my niece's birthday so I can't go that day or party so which is kind of buming but um yeah these change it to the 29th but he said there will be multiple ones so I'm hoping if another one occurs I can go on that one um but I do I mean I've walked mcferson Road and and peed over the peered over to the river quite a bit so I know what's out there for the most part of how it looks it's beautiful section yeah put a canoe in there it's like taking your life in your hands getting a canoe in the river there oh off off a walker yeah yeah that's what that's what Alan was saying it's a horrible spot well it's not ours surely is it steep or the water flowing real like what's oh unloading your car on a narrow or your boat on a narrow road and and getting it down there and then getting your car out of the way and be nice to have a launch there or something yeah that there a you know I know that's having a launch in town um is a difficult one I think going forward with a lot of it it's a matter having one in Dev in that area would be fantastic um obviously it's not our land we can't put one in same thing with the the launch on walk around that's surely that's that's not ours and I think that even might be state that has that launch there and I know speaking with them they're not Mar ones to do a lot of maintenance on things they're just like well here's what you have if you use it great if not okay okay which I'm like that doesn't seem right to me but okay okay so but um I know launch launch in town would be would be great on the river and it's just a matter of access that we just don't really have yeah we only have the one that's the the Buddhist temple and it's very steep on that section did you see the emails from Lori nearing about the water chestnut pools on did on Grove Pond and how it's been so successful ful that she's canceling some of the pools wow it's like it's to the maintenance stage almost W already after two years two years that first year there was that one spot towards the public gardens it was like trying to canoe on wet grass it was so thick you couldn't get through it and now it's pretty much open that's a pretty good success that a very that's a great success mhm yeah so good for her I mean she I'm hoping my not weed becomes the same way what that said I hope my not weed comes the same way it will we put her in charge of all the other invasives on the pals who's in charge Lori I mean if she did such a good job oh just get her yeah get her got the water chestnuts done now the moving on onto the curly MILF or whatever yeah mil um I have a question too about um North County Land Trust what's going on with them uh we'll discuss that when I finally get to meet with Robert uh-huh okay I have my list of of items and that's one of the main ones on that one is figing out what we're doing with our CRS going forward um yeah if you get a time with Robert a meeting if I'm around I'd love to sit in on that if I could sure thank you mhm maybe we can have him come to Hawaiian shirt night and we'll see what he looks like outside of suit I want to see that oh I think every I think people would I think we'd have a full meeting to see that that's awesome anything else motion to adjourn so move second all in favor say I I oppose nay pass is unanimously