good evening everyone this is the air Conservation Commission meeting it is Thursday April 25th 2024 uh we have Heather hamson as our conservation agent here this evening we have Jen Amaya as member George bacon as member Jess goino as member clerk Mark Phillips Vice chair myself John schmalenberger is chair welcome to all of you confirmation of a agenda no changes motion to approve the agenda as written so move second all in favor say I I oppose nay passes unanimously all right um approval of the meeting minutes for April 11th 2024 I heard it was a nicely run meeting I left out the the weird stuff he did yeah any changes to the to the minutes no that's good uh motion to approve the meeting minutes for April 11th 2024 as written so move second all in favor say I I oppose nay say unanimously this is the time in our meeting for public input for anyone in the audience Who as a question or a comment now is the time if you're not on the agenda hearing none we will move forward first item this evening is a request for determination of applicability at 150 Hemlock Drive Juliana Boer did I say that close we're close yeah we're close could you please join us this is a request to extend an existing rear deck within the 100 foot one chair so someone mhm cool yeah cool cool Co how do you pronounce it if we were absolutely it's b b okay Bobby Bu from the water Bo all right that would have been my third guest probably but welcome this evening could you tell us a little bit about your proposed project sure so um our our house currently has like a little 10x10 deck that the bu ERS that put on so we just we'd like to have a a larger deck to enjoy the backyard keep it it's um our basement is walk up so it's an elevated deck it's just on a couple columns mhm um and so we're just proposing to extend it it's not extending into the Zone but it's in the buffer zone in the buffer zone and did I see using Diamond Piers yes if you got M please no please mark Monahan yeah he's the Builder Builder yeah yeah hi good evening uh so minimal disturbance exactly um and have you gone out to take a I haven't gone out and take a look at it no um I didn't know if you guys wanted to go out and look at it the the only reason why it's come before the board for the uh RDA is because not because of the the actual pillars itself because there's minimal disturbance there but because we're actually adding impervious area where there's impious area right now so that just changes that so went through the full um RDA filing on that instead of administrative approval just for that issue adding impervious cuz of the deck extens the decking itself that counts even if the ground underneath stays perious yeah cuz it Doesn't all hit that right it will slide off of it okay yeah what's the decking material I'm sorry what what will the decking material It's a combination of acq pressure treated and the PBC and it'll have gaps I'm assuming there's gaps between so the majority of the water is going to fall through through U most of the decking is is fastened with a blind Fastener that allows for about 3/16 to 1/4 of an inch between each spe of deck yeah I know what you mean by that yeah and you're extending essentially along the side of the house yeah towards the corner of the house cuz we have um that there's like a retaining wall the whole house is like kind of on a bit of a hill so there's a retaining wall with like a pit and our basement has sliding doors and then actually like a double window so we prefer to keep the D double window undisturbed because we really use the basement ability Space by extending the deck in the direction that they are becoming less detrimental to the Wetland than if they were to go the other way yes so they're not they're not getting in any closer right I think it was existing is 10 x 12 you're going 16x 20 that's right that's right so 20 lengthwise along the house 16 is an additional six or additional 4T headed towards the buffer uh I would say closer to the six okay is there a patio underneath it now or what is Crush Stone okay and you're just going to keep Crush Stone under yeah there's like a retaining wall and then Crush Stone and it's just Crush Stone underneath the existing deck and then there's grass you be putting it over the grass will you taking you have a copy of the U PL plan there or not I I tried for very I saw it's just really tiny so you take a look there's a little bit of a perimeter around the back door and that's where the crust stone is everything else is natural the crush stone is within that little retaining wall they have oh okay yeah was hard to tell if it colored in that's there yeah yeah it's small the pencil was fat oh yeah the current staircase extends over grass that of the deck just to so cuz it lands on the grass not in the the lower pit got returning the super close to the ground yeah that's how it was when we moved into maybe May questions there no no setback issues or anything we've already gone to the building inspector we can do pretty much we want as far as setback okay so the only thing is the fact that we've got that wet land behind us MH okay and the Wetland is well demarcated with Boulders and we wouldn't be opposed to putting a sock there also just to make sure that nothing really happened yeah that is one thing I did pick up on the drawing is with the boulder placement right so the boulder plac put there to make sure that no we we love the woods like we that's one of the things we love about the property we just love a little more ability to sit out there and enjoy it I feel you it's a little W than I've got the same thing might have limitations yeah I don't think anything ever dried out from last summer no no it did not definitely fluctuates and whatever did the beavers have taken care of that yeah have any questions Jen no Jess no anyone have a burning desire to go out and take a peek like Heather to take a look though I can do you going to go out and look you don't want no I can go out and look at notify me I'll go with you okay do you mind what going no John I have to go outside I know you hate that in this in the spring in the spring I know do you want to go I can go I'm just I mean do you feel you need to go or no what no it looks pretty minimal to me disturbance so and we'll be careful we be very careful we understand what's going on there yeah Heather will make sure yeah no my relationship with Heather is good I I've worked with Heather several times in the past mostly when she was into building it's helpful but I used to work in the same building department have any conditions you want to put on this um I I don't think we need to I mean I I want to go out and look just to make sure how that retaining wall looks is compared to when we build stuff because I if that retaining wall is there around the whole existing deck I don't even see a need to put any sort of erosion controls up but um are you going to I'm sorry so on that point the retaining wall going to stay where it is or are you going to extend that not touching any of yeah so I just want to verify that and if that looks fine is it because if we're just doing the diamond pce they shouldn't do too much and the only condition will probably be just figuring out where we're going to store the materials as you're building yeah so unfortunately we're carrying everything in yeah I yeah I understand that but so the only condition might be if you know cuz I know sometimes you get m materials they end up staying like overnight if we make sure we keep those if we can on the paved driveway or something yeah um that would be my only thought okay you're going to remove all the existing decking and basically start from the joist that's correct yeah and have that dumpster you know same thing on the pave driveway so it's not in that back area that'd be the only thing I could think of and the challeng is on that mod is the fact that everything has to be carried in carried out so um there's no storage back there yeah but we'll make sure of that M okay any other discussion motion to issue a negative determination uh at 150 Hemlock Drive on the RDA Su of second all in favor say I information okay so goes out and takes a look and we'll it'll take 10 minutes we'll proceed um probably them the next Thursday if you want to do it 12 I'm sorry she can probably hand them their copy deler it J yeah perf all right sounds good I'll do that you should just hand them this when yeah I'll do that once this is sent off uh this 10day waiting period okay you before the application of permit or just before before you can start work yeah it's going to take us 4 weeks week to get a permit okay absolutely great you get a lot of mosquitoes back there yeah some they like him more than me fortunately so everybody does unless you're standing next to me that's true I'm I'm the one in my neighborhood that people like to be near cuz they go to me and leave them alone it's wild it's really like it's so true it's not fair no they like M cuz they're so sweet that's what my grandma would say yeah thank you for coming in good evening I don't forget next item this evening is a public hearing that we will open under the Wetland protection act and also under the air Wetlands bylaw a notice of int de no D file number file number yet West Main Street at nous Brook this is something that we discussed six years ago 2018 18 yes 2018 please join us yes absolutely and you state your name for the a record please on chair Christopher tyan bonds how do you k r i s t o p h e r last name is seret s u r e t t e and you are Valerie locker with tyan Bond as well okay and your last name is l o c k e r okay just like it sounds yes un like don't you guys know you know how to spell my name too right who are you I don't know and just so you guys know too we have one a butter in the audience to one butter good evening um tell us about your project sure so I'll uh I'll start off is it or do you want to yeah go ahead all right so uh as you know we were in front of the Conservation Commission 2018 uh we received our order of conditions in 2018 the project was bid in 2020 uh between the time it was the order of conditions were issued in the bidding we did come back and it was a sort of an amended we submitted an amendment to the original order of conditions for a design change and that was for additional scour protection uh so that did take place uh the project was bid in 2020 uh based on the bids that came in uh there wasn't the funding available exceeded uh the bid price exceeded the funding available uh and we we sheld the project uh at that time until addition addal funding could be secured uh the project primarily was funded through massot small bridge program a grant through the state um for a bridge such as uh that fit the criteria of West Main Street smaller span 7 to 10 ft uh that was a perfect candidate for that type of Grant application unfortunately because of the way construction materials and labor have increased in costs over the years that 500,000 doesn't go as far as it used to uh so you know working with Dan and in the town to secure additional fundings uh we let's say uh August of 2023 we've kind of revamped or restarted this project uh with the idea of securing additional funding through the state through the federal government through massot uh and because of the time differentiation between the original order in 2018 to where we are today in 2023 or 2024 uh we're back in front of the conservation for sort of a a a new order of conditions or a new permit application uh for that Bridge Project a few things to note that changed since our original application I already mentioned the scour protection change uh based on mot's chapter 85 review right we had to install permanent sheet piling at the foundations to sort of another countermeasure towards scouring right that's above and beyond M uh but to get through mot's chapter 85 process we did need to include that additional scour protection uh from that point to today I would say the design has mostly St stayed the same uh the one big change or not big change but the one change has been a result of our ongoing utility coordination uh West Main Street is a significant utility cor Corridor for you name it utility right you have overhead power you have fiber optics water sewer electric gas transmission and distribution um some communic some unknowns that we're working to find out what they are uh so if you look underneath the bridge and overhead it's just littered with utilities that's the biggest challenge I think with this whole project that cuz that's going to you know you have to address all those utilities and the sequence of work especially with the high transmission gas me that's correct so the one I would say the big change that really impacted the footprint of our Bridge was how we deal with the gas Mains in the final build condition right there's two gas means that cross the bridge one's a transmission line and one's a distribution line uh we need to be able to get those those pipes uh in a position where we can work them with Stage construction right the bridge is going to be broken up into multiple stages of construction South Side first then the north side um so we need to get it we needed to get that out of the way right and the only way to do that was to put the gas Mains through one of the through the wing walls on the South Side so we actually extended the wing walls about 4 ft to the south on the South Side that's because of the sensitivity of those gas Ms and the available space that we needed uh to do that because the gas company was concerned that if we leave those exposed that's a high pressure transmission line there's safety concerns with that like that's a very dangerous thing to leave exposed to a vehicle strike so we actually are burying them putting them through the wing walls and uh Wing walls yes the wing walls correct through the wing walls and then out the other side so it's um it's out of the way and it works our s Construction cuz our Our concern or our issue with Stage construction is all of those utilities we need we need to be able to effectively move from one side of the road to the other to complete the stages of the bridge structure and we need to have enough clearance for both underground work and overhead work uh with the structure and the construction equipment to to do that so it's a it's a significant Challenge and I mean Dan through through DPW has been like the spearheading the utility coordination with all the utility companies because every time we think we have a solution with one we run into an issue with the other right so we're really working two tracks to kind of restart this project one environmentally two utility right those are the two big paths to get this project back out to bid for for construction um so some of the sort of design features or or or some of the the design parameters that were pretty consistent with last time would be that it's a 20 28t span 3sided open bottom structure pre-cast structure uh the cross-section across the bridge is two 11t TR travel Lanes 5-ft bicycle lanes and 6ft sidewalks so that that cross-section really promotes sort of like a complete street that would look to continue the East Main Street project and then our future work in downtown the downtown Corridor to bring I don't know I mention but we're looking we're planning hopefully this year to pave West Main Street from Union to the fire station in that section and also do some changes to the cross-section with bike lanes and but we're looking at that now it's from Union to about the fire station about where the the Main Street tip project that's undergoing design is where the sink Co was or whatever what's that about to where the sink Cole was was there a s probably yeah that was a sewer uh sewer issue yeah okay which I has been repaired and lined now thankfully so so we see we can sleep at night again are there going to be bike Lanes on both sides that's correct so 5 foot on each side that's correct you have 5ot and six foot sidewalks on each side mhm and then um sidewalks as well yes okay on both sides correct okay yeah so that that really will provide your the ability to carry that cross-section from basically East Main Street through downtown out to the bridge and West Main Street and Beyond cuz that is a critical Corridor for vehicles especially going to Devin in the regional area so I think most of the other project information stays the same um but as far as those are kind of the key Design Elements I wanted to bring to you your attention that have changed and also the ongoing utility coordination that's still not completely vetted out but that's on a separate track outside of conservation so the bridge is going to be more or less 44 ft wide uh yeah so the our our open our new span is 28 ft right so the span is going to be so we're trying to meet the stream Crossing standards to the to the extent practical right because it is right now it's a 7 to 10 foot opening uh and because of the the bank fill width and the the stream Crossing standards I believe we ended up at a 28t span so you're talking the other direction yeah now this correct oh you're talking okay the width oh um the wi the wi 11 22 Yeah so you're 22 32 yeah 44 plus some guard rail how how wide is it now actually fairly wide go I don't know the measurement on it but it is actually fairly wide that Road's pretty wide it's a wide it's a wide Lane right it yeah so yeah the difference is now is this there's a very wide Lane and limited shoulders so like we're just kind of reallocating the space as yeah this is a very wide Lane it's like a 15t travel Lane yeah it is it is I when you say the opening underneath is 7 to 10 ft is that going to stay the same no that's going up to 28 2 oh that goes up that's correct okay h H so it's a complicated how old is this bridge oh I unknown age but you know sometimes late 1800s is the estimate yeah it's you know got railroad ties for decking it's getting older by the day getting older by the minute they did a good job though it's you look underneath and you see the railroad ties it's just railroad ties basically right next to each other and they pour the concrete over it you're like but do does a was it a anual they do yeah every 6 months now they're out there inspecting it just because of the current condition which could um you know if if they get out there and something is drastic they could either put a weight limit or shut it down it's kind of at that point so we you know that's why you you we went to town meeting and got money too from the town we've been lucky to as Chris mentioned we have two mot grants now the total a million we got money from Lor Tran's office 700,000 so we got 1.7 million in outside funds now helping to try to reduce the local impact as well from the financial end of things but yep so on the diagram here is this so this is the existing with is between these that's correct yes okay and we're going on to that that's correct yep mhm and that's stream that's you to the extent practical we're trying to trying to adhere to the stream Crossing standards yeah that was my question cuz I'm like I thought for stream Crossing standard you're supposed to go like a so many feet out outside the edge of bank and I'm like we're not doing that no it's say the extemp if we were to do that that's the structure know it'd be it'd be way out so I just that was I was just I'm learning these things and I'm like wait a minute that project doesn't do that but obviously because of the roadway that's why we can't for a bridge replacement project it's the standards are more to the extent practical instead of for any questions Jen more water through Jess no George uh what's the status of the uh permit it's expired it does need to get a certificate of compliance just to get it off the books but um other than that it's it's expired yeah but we don't have a d file number for this one no the new one we do not okay they're run they're running about four weeks to get those mhm they're running a little behind in the state okay so for the old one we can we can close it basically we can issue a certificate of compliance old one and what you do is you just call it um there's a box one of the boxes on there his project was never complet never started okay all right so that one's done and we we can't do much we can't yeah something we can do in this one the only I do have one question though on regards cuz I I wasn't here for the first battle around on this the um the um was it almost like a the W mitigation area yes do we have is uh timeline for I know just is is that what says within when a timeline of when that's going to be done yeah so we committed to doing it as close to after the fill was completed in the well in the per in the area of wetland that's going to have permanent fill on that north side of the bridge y as soon as they finish that grading they're going to go and then do the excavation for the Wetland mitigation area and the um stabilization and seating okay and all that the items listed here that's what's the seed are going to go in there or just something of that matter it's going to go in there mhm okay you were on that site visit yeah and Jess you were yes I remember Bill saying he was not going to drive over that bridge ever again wow that was 2018 that's great um you all want to go out and take a peek that wasn't very enthusiastic that I'd like to see it yeah okay uh if it's going to be this coming Saturday it's going to have to be early for me oh I can't do this I apologize you can't do it well we have the the first anniversary of the pocket Forest on Saturday at at 11: so I'm just trying to limit my times and trips to and from Air on Saturday if I can it's your weekend You' got PL free time what time's the it's at 11: it's 11: and the have my cleanups at that same time too U before that so I don't know how much you want to do a site visit with people going to be walking up and down the street doing cleanup yeah following weekend just a question just is a we won't push them in or anything I'm just saying just as as a question well they do need Phil uh it doesn't have to be this coming Saturday but it um we're not really holding you guys up no I I think we don't have aties to wrap up and then we're ready for bid yeah so we want to just hold off for a while until or so that so we don't have a d number yet we should in my guess would have one by the next meeting given how the last um filing we had so the next meeting would be on the 9th so if we would do a site visit on a Saturday it would either be this coming Saturday or on the 4th sounds like the fourth May the fourth be with you may the fourth is going to beat me to it I'm sorry she beat me to it may the fourth be with you wow I have Pine Meadow day yeah we were going to do something of Pine Meadow we can do that after though okay yeah we can just have this and then go straight to P yeah cuz Pine meow I think that's going to be like 9:00 I just have it on the calendar make sure Pine Meadows at 9: I still haven't gotten the signs yet either so do yeah okay so we'll figure we'll discuss that later okay all right one thing at a time what time would we be look to do this on the floor 8:30 yeah the earlier the [Music] better well for some of us um you said you said there's another event on the fourth right yeah we're we're we're trying to but it's that's that we can start that any time quarter after 8 give us it'll give us some time 8:15 on on the fourth as long as they're not interfering with your no no it's fine I85 doesn't bother me I think last time where did we park usually we park on Union Street walk up I don't know if she has any questions Sarah sign we can don't we have a sign on that bridge we do there is yeah mhm it's going to be replaced right yeah we can take care of that not replace just just remount it remount we can put that in the yes for sure um the uh just going back to the gas main um can so are can you just kind of sure show me what that would be here it's this right here it's this diagonal this 45° Bend oops on each side so okay and so this is the what do you call it side okay so this is the wing wall the yes okay so it is going to be is it going to be suspended from the bridge or is it SP so if you go it's probably in here as well if you go to the next sheet let's see I think this is show glitchy plan okay be easy here that's the profile right in case somebody watches our meetings you think people watch our meetings do remember the woman who came up to me at the transfer station about so they'd be suspended off the side of this this detail is yet to be finalized uh National Grid gas is working with their design Engineers to finalize the connections to the structure y uh I think it's utel is who they're working is it utel yeah they're working with an engineering company to design the support system for those pipes because there's a significant that's a they're big gas pipes yeah so there's significant stress on the structure and the support structure for those pipes but it will be off the side of the bridge and you know the reason why they're lower is again the vehicle strikes we want them lower than the the guardrail system in case there is a vehicle strike they want that their infrastructure protected which is understandable mhm okay yeah yeah thank you as as the butter would do you have some some comments or questions I'm just listening just listening you're okay okay I just want to make sure you're good to know what's going on I agree yeah um in that area you know that other bridge that got washed out on the street yeah is that ever going to get I asked that question too I mean I I know my I know that I know the answer Dan answer it well so the decision right now is it's on hold and the critical most important thing is to get Main West Main Street replaced and then revisit that and we'll probably put together you know some kind of a group of people to to bring it to some public input and and find out what to do with it but there's you know been some options tossed around in the past and we did look at it initially for Alternatives analysis hey could we replace that this was way back when we started the West M bridge and then use it you know for traffic and replace the West M instead of doing we looked at all this but it it really wasn't uh you know the proper thing to do especially with those being local roads you wouldn't be able to divert truck traffic and anything too either so so it ended up being that West Main Street was redesigned and Stage construction yeah staged so phased yep so this um traffic will be rerouted through devons or so so this will um have an alternate right now for the West Main bridge will be an alternating light so it'll be there'll be one lane open at all times and they'll be working on on the opposite side of the bridge okay cuz we go through we looked at the detour but it's a six mile detour because the mcferson road has the low bridge the railroad bridge so you can't use that um and it would be a six mile detour through de Barum Road mhm a long detour yes that was one of the critical sort of alter when we did our Alternatives analysis that was like one of our critical elements it's like a six milei detour it's not an easy detour the and you talked to Public Safety a huge huge issue cuz I believe that's an ambulance route too yeah yeah we have ALS you know a as that supplies over there oh yeah oh surely would not be happy if you that yeah and bus routs too so it's just it's a domino effect of everything yeah how long's the construction anticipated uh so we anticipate it's a multi-year project um we're actually engaging in a construction schedule and now to sort of refine that schedule just because of all of the moving pieces right there's so many sequencing we were talking about the you know we go we do the bridge then gas is going to have to come in and they there a certain time of year they can shut down the high pressure transmission M only a few times a year they can do it yeah yeah so it's yeah it's quite a um coordination and sequencing nightmare yeah that's why we're going to have a special so a l of logistics on that one yeah exactly that's the word to use there's a photo that we have that said Underside photo of the bridge and it shows all of the utilities underneath the bridge and you're like this is a coordination this is what an example photo of coordination looks like and it's just literally a spaghetti of utilities running the bridge for such a small span of smoke that's a a lot of work just start cutting you see what goes up that's what we're afraid of well that's what those unknowns we get what these in the we found a series of unknown communication conduit we like we didn't know these were here would have been I don't know so what was Devin used for that's exactly that's that's literally that's exactly exactly what we're where theat went in and out maybe it goes to the nuclear silos it's coming it's got to be somewhere from De yeah okay anything else do we need to continue this we didn't yes yeah you have to continue it okay is there uh any any more discussion before we motion then a motion to continue the public hearing just is there anything that we want staked out on site before we go staked out yeah marked State marked yeah just just as a question you want anything um marked out before we for before the site visit on the 4th sure everything I don't know I just didn't know if you wanted some of the the mitigation area marked out um I think that would the flag still there flag the replication area yeah yeah okay just I hadn't seen the site before I know the two of you had I didn't know if or three of you I don't know if anybody need to see anything yeah yeah so it would be steak Stakes us steak flag whatever easiest um I we say state but I mean you could if it's a roadway you just spray paint it so yeah it doesn't have to be physical Stakes but what just a way to mark it just so we can see where it is and maybe the um if you can the um temporary impact areas somehow Mark that if you can anything else that's it sorry is there a motion to continue the public hearing notice of intent D file number to be determined West Main Street at nonous Brook until uh the 9th May 9th 2024 so second all in favor say I oppos nay passes unanimously all right thank you thank you too did say it's a little overgrown so oh yeah no I'm boots and yeah no shorts yeah I get prepared for a little bit of bushwacking okay you seen my YouTube video before I'm not one of the ones that actually have seen it I've heard great I've heard many good things about I've not watched it I should watch it before we go out famous I have three followers now thank you for your thank you very much for coming I appreciate it take it be like probably two two construction season you said three conservation office updates um so last Saturday which forgive me I can't remember dates anymore cuz they all mesh together now cu the 22nd are there like the neighborhood 20th 20th so on the 20th I met with the group that did the Native species um invasive species removal in the planting day at prony Park wat Association that was Saturday yeah yeah um it was myself um the gentleman Ryan that was here mhm I don't know how much people can hear me talk in the background um and handful of vol maybe two other volunteers from Nash Road and one one town resident so there was five of us the weather probably because of the rain it was kind of drizzly in the morning but it made it really easy to do cuz it wasn't hot yeah um ground was soft ground was soft we didn't I stayed till about 11:30 they were going to stay till 1 uh we we did a huge chunk of not weed removal in one of the areas that had the heaviest part to I we were digging out like clumps of roots and stuff so that was I was very happy about that and we did plant a ton of trees and shrubs um we made sure we didn't plant any trees in front of the benches um did kind of stages it was red Maples silky dogwoods the only two that I can remember but there was five different plants that we did um and went all the way from the first park bench all the way to the uh flag pole in the ball field down the other end so quite a distance um I had gone out again on Monday and pulled some more uh bag full which I still have it sitting in my car I haven't thrown it out yet bag full of knotweed um cuz it had not a lot of it hadn't come up too big yet it still was to too small to pull so I'm going to go out again um every couple every week or so and just pull a bag full at a time and hopefully we can remediate it some as we go there is some multifloral rows out there we I don't think they got to trim any of that um but we can always I can always do that on my own or like Ryan from natur water said if we if I find if I can pick a day to come out he can try to schedule something through them as a volunteer day to just to do some of that work so we're looking at that so that was that was good it was it it was for turnout which I I think the weather really really people I I woke up kept checking my phone like maybe it's not going to happen so I think that was the issue with that one so that was it was fine we got quite a bit we have this Saturday the 27th is the first anniversary of the pocket Forest yep at 11: from 11:00 to 2: I will be there I will probably see if I can Wrangle up some more volunteers or just people who walk the the perimeter Peroni Park if they I mean not weed's pretty recognizable if while they're out have a bag with them they can pull some and stick in the bag and and maybe that we can get some of it remediated that way so we're going to try that um while we're there on Saturday along with our um storm water utility um Outreach on that for that event as well um Monday we had the Earth Day event on mcferson road um I think town meeting kept some people away on that one I only stayed until about 4:30 because of town meeting um but there was a couple people just they just come out cuz they get to walk the mcferson road which I walked all the way out to the bridge cuz I wanted I was really interested to see how bad the flooding was oh yeah and you could see at the scouring and you could smell that Mucky soil stuff which I like that smell that's um but look like do work so it makes sense um so that was neat to see was it well attended the I there was a few people that I've seen from previous years it wasn't um I I left at 4:30 and I think that's right when people would probably have shown up so I didn't see too many people yeah um there was a car coming in though when I was leaving so I think maybe 10 15 groups of people which isn't a lot but yep it's understandable for the the time of time of day um what else oh Tuesday they started planting the pocket Forest at the air Shirley middle school that is where the second one is going they started I was out there for 4 hours on Tuesday Morning helping with the middle school kids that are that did the planting they did it yesterday as well Tuesday and oh today they were doing the plantings there so I helped for four hours with that and it was a lot of fun to help the middle school was Sixth and eighth graders uh Tuesday planting them because every single one of them as soon as they planted one tree was like can I plant another one this just wanted to like and then we had shag bark hickories that had to be dug in like good 3 fet you know like do you want a big a realle I want to big a big hole so they they really were getting into it so that was a lot of fun and that um that Park will look nice it's actually from an aerial view it actually looks like a paw print for the Panther so that's really neat cool so that was fun so we did that on Tuesday so I've been out doing a lot of stuff this last few days suffering in the outdoors suffering in the beautiful outside I got a little bit of a sun hand on my face um we are the thanks to Jess for attending the planning board meeting on Tuesday in regards to 91 gron har um gron Harvard Road that was very helpful um I think we have a lot on that I'm sure you'll report on that as well but um me and the Matt the town uh Town engineer and Danny the town planner meant to discuss some of the items as well figuring we may have a subsequential meeting with the engineers to discuss what their plans are going to be before they come back to the planning board at the on the 28th of May um is there anything else oh town meeting we got our our budget approved for the um water treatment and responding thank you and the town did approve the purchase of 71 Sandy Pawn road so now that real fun begins on figuring that whole and planning that whole thing out luckily I've already done the research when I had a question on someone who wanted to do a personal watercraft on Sandy pond so I already have all the state's reg uh rules for great ponds on what's allowed on there and what we need to do um if we want to restrict that even further so like a jet ski is that what you mean by person yeah it's it it actually goes by horsepower and this it's a whole section of the state chapter 9 one Whatever LW so I I have it all printed out in a file in case I ever got the question again because I had that question and then I know when we were looking at the Flanigan Pond feasibility access the same question came about it's like well how do we do that so I I have have the answer for how we can limit what goes out on pawns and and how we do that so when it gets further in the process of that we have it I have we have we have we'll have an understanding of how we can do that whether it's do we have the power to rest so the way that works is the state so it's Sandy Pond and Long Pond are great ponds so the state has its own set of regulations everything else basically doesn't the way those typically work is there's usually a ponds commission that will have rules and Rags for the ponds we don't have that so it could go to DPW that would do it it could go to conservation that could do it it's a matter what commission what board will be the designity to with oversee the ponds and then you would go through I think I to the proed at town meeting I guess this these are just some things I have to verify which we have time until approval to create that Conservation Commission to to be to be the design and then Goa vote to allow them to create the rules and Rags for the pond okay type of thing so then then we would go through and and write rules and rs and that's when you can do restrictions as far as um what's allowed on the ponds yeah I'd say no jet skis oh great ponds are not allowed anyway yeah um let's just say that somebody puts one on on the pond who do we call uh environmental police environmental police they've been called in the past yeah they've been called in the past the gentleman that called me said he was called in the past it's not really that's what it is and I'm like I'm reading the logo as I read it you are so unless you want someone else to interpret it for you I that's how I read it okay so I wouldn't do that we have a group called the environmental police yeah state has environmental police yeah okay I didn't know that you didn't know that yeah I thought it was like you said the I guess I just what thought fish and like fish and wildlife has their own yeah the fish and wildlife kind of people I thought environmental police oh they okay it's one and the same yeah oh that's what I meant like I knew we had that I thought we had a separate one called environmental police no they're those are environmental police um so they oversee that so we have we have an I have a slight understanding how we would do that so when that comes about we you know going forward you hopefully we can meet Robert soon we can figure that all out same with the chapter 91 stuff so we can get all that figured out did when this starts going through that process we we can people can ask the questions say oh no no we already know what we need to do and we're working on that so did the contract come back from um water and wetlands oh yeah on the P yeah the water and wetlands is all set um and they usually do what their first work um middle of May right yeah yeah so I'll let you all know when that comes through okay that's it that's it for you that's it for me got anything J oh I do have a question um cuz weren't the planning board they were also doing the three properties on Third Street the three properties on Third Street the lap three the lap three Y what did they say about oh yeah cuz I was I did the site visit with that so when we went out and did the site visit for that on the 18th because Danny was out so I attended that for him with the planning board the planning board's main concern on those three lots was the road that's going to be put in right now the road is actually the rideway that's the the road the road that's out there now is actually too much on the lot property across from these ones and it's actually when they redo the road and and pave it it's going to be closer to the new houses that they're building so if you go out there now now you should probably still see it the trees that are going to have to come down to put that RightWay in and the sidewalk are all marked um looking at them there is one large tree that was actually healthy the rest were either what's considered saplings or trees that were damaged um is on the road that's on the along the roadway in the wooded area that are going to have to come down to put that roadway in so it's not I mean it is sad to see them being taken down in reality all but one would would have come down on its own anyway at some point so so that was that that was their main concern that in the storm water coming off of the newly paved Road being able to be handled by the exist the new bio retention area that's been put in and it does um other than that the planning board had no other um major concerns or issues and their decision and their storm waterer permit and site plan review permit will be issued at their next meeting on the 28th did they have any comments on the need to do the flood plane mitigation the flood plane mitigation is required by state law okay cuz I asked this to Danny just to verify it because I'm like is that he's like no that's it's required and when if you do anything in any work in the flood plane you have to do that mitigation area it's just unfortunate that that's where it has to go especially in light of the fact that there's that many more trees that are already going to not have to come out um the only the only benefit on that is I mean they are what's being cleared is what's being cleared the some of the res that came to the first meeting for Third Street asked for for tree plantings and the the planning board is going to put that in there as a request to uh the developer Dan AO to actually replace some Street trees along the the road once it gets put in along the property to help mediate some of the trees that were taken down mhm so there hopefully hopefully we'll get that on there along with whatever Landscaping people do as well did we even do any at the that bio retention area hm did do we have them do any tree planting that around the only thing we asked him to do the the the DPW had done the only thing we had on that was your concern on the tree limbs that were hanging over yeah to have those removed those still hadn't been done but they aren't 100% finished over there so I did mention that to Matt when we were outside to have that done because they still need to go through and do the the final planting and the vir retention area hadn't been done yet okay so those hopefully those tree lims will come down okay on bu an arborus and not on their own on somebody okay but they have finished the the the PVE the um the new walkway they put new railings up um and that bio retention are just needs its final plantings and as of that day I was out on the 18th they haven't been done yet I don't know if it's been done at this point but it looks nice and when they're going to have so then now Third Street will be paved all the way to that point so that'll be good instead of this Rocky whatever nonsense that we have going on now yeah and it'll actually the road will actually be in the proper right away right now it's not is it was it Marshall coming down is Marshall paved I don't remember now Marshall's not paved and they're not going to pave Marshall they're just they're just Paving all the way down to the um that right right to the end of the these three lots so basically almost to that bio retention area okay cuz there's like a new house across the street there right two across the street yeah that's they're not Paving Marshall Street um the developers only responsible for Paving in front of theirs and the town will pay to have the last you know 50 to 100 ft um paved and that's it and the whole that whole Road's actually getting paved Third Street is getting paved uh this construction season too so Third Street will be nice and new do some roller blading yeah that downhe yeah have any updates Jen NOP yes just also went to the planning board meeting on the crane property y 91 gr Harvard Room yeah and uh Jonathan cray was also really strong on you know the checking the stability of that slope they were saying the concrete company people were saying they thought maybe the breake hadn't been set on the crane they said the slope had not changed but no but it's still been set it's still not a should be great place to park heavy if you ask like about BMS and everything like what what we did the the uh GPR the engineer is supposed to come back to us with a solution the planning board doesn't want to see a fence because they're afraid that Wildlife can't get under it my suggestion is I don't want Wildlife getting on that property but again I think I might lose that argument but I made it is it the planning board I mean I made the argument who said they didn't want the fence the planning board the planning board they want some sort of barrier okay they do want a barrier my comment is I want a I I think it should be off fence just I don't want Critters going onto the property at all just because depending like you know I mean you're going to be nothing will stop them like what kind of crits they just going to climb over the fence well you're talking because there's there's core habitat along that property so I mean not that I think Turtles and salamanders are climbing up that big burn but who's to say who the heck knows you see them in weird places Turtle would have a tough time I agree a a raccoon would have a tough time a fox would have a tough time these people when when you say people driving around they're not driving jump they do but I'm saying if if they get onto that property yeah this what I'm saying I want a tall fence if they get on that property what the equipment they're driving in you're driving in a a giant crane then put you're not gonna see something 12 feet down 20 feet you know what I mean that's how I read it especially a brown creature on a brown ground sitting you're not going to see that's my argument but um again it's up to the engine to to bring something back to the planning board and for them to decide whe they whether they want or not there was the issue if um fish and wildlife had said there was a no issue with the with the core habitat um Danny the town and town planner was requiring to have that whether email or letter from them stating that they have no issue there's a little uh debate between the applicant the GPR and um and uh the planning board as to whether that was Redevelopment or oh for the storm water yeah yeah um for the grading work that they're proposing and I per you passed on the what about if you're grading that North North part that part of the lot that slopes down to our land couldn't that while you're grading it couldn't you pitch it yeah so the water drains towards that um their infiltration system yeah that's and that's that's that's that's what we're looking at so we had a lot of discussion um after the fact um in regards to um the storm water on that site so there's they have a lot of work to do still before they come back to the planning board um and to to answer all of our questions cuz my main concern is doing any sort of work parking any sort of equipment near the core habitat area and or any sheep flowing any storm water towards that area so yeah yeah cuz they were putting in a drain outfall oh had that one top of the slope with some rip wrap and um somebody said yeah and was it Jonathan or somebody I can't remember who was saying what about pulling that back back and directing it that was Ken Ken okay for so it's not just on to mhm yeah and that's the and that's the outflow that's the Overflow there's I mean there's a lot of storm water questions for that whole project that need to get hammered out it's not anywhere close to done and the planet board still needs to go out on sight and seas so it's still going to be another two meetings I think on their end also we went to airort too Wednesday we went to aover 2 yesterday um for our site walk on that for the planning board sign off there's um some outstanding issues on the planning board side as regards to overall coverage on the solar array for planting and storm water concerns um and then I still have mine on the stream Crossing um which will be raised but it won't more likely or not won't hold up the planning department side but um Jonathan from the planning board was there um Matt the town engineer Danny the town planner myself and two Engineers from um GPR so all the concerns that I've had throughout this whole time had been raised oh and Dan um was there as well um there's quite a few things that need to be done at this point it's it's it's going to be as fixed as best as they can because it's it's too too late now for some of the storm water stuff but MH at least other people see it and recognize that there was issues and I guess it's rest I can get but as far as the site this s's more or less onchange from the last time we were out so and the CR is at CR is just at the state yeah so nothing they can do about nothing they can do about that anything else Jess George nope Mark I got nothing nope since heart's been busy anything else not say it's been busy but I think that's it's been a busy two weeks oh yeah do invite Robert to one of our upcoming meetings I think we have a few things Flanigan Pond access the Beavers The Sheds uh The Sheds um the CRS the Baseline stuff yes um he ran he ran into me in the hallway on Tuesday and said that he would get together so I want to try to flag him in the morning um and make him make an appointment with me to schedule well and he should come talk to us too yeah yeah yeah cuz we're so pleasant you kidding we're Pleasant most of us most of us well again thank you all and uh motion to adjourn so moved second all in favor say i i n pass is unanimously