good evening this is the um July 25th Conservation Commission meeting excuse me um in attendance uh we have Jenaya member George bacon member um Heather hamson our conservation agent and myself uh Mark Phillips serving as uh the chair for today though I am the vice chair do we have approval of the meeting minutes for June 27th 2024 any comments any questions a motion to approve the meum minutes for June 27th 2024 so second all in favor say I I I oppos nay approved unanimously um I did forget to ask if we had any changes to agenda and we do have we have changes to we do have changes to the agenda the request for certificate of compliance for Shaker Pond subdivision has been removed from the agenda it's not necessary that lot's not within the buffer zone all righty so with that even though we've already attacked one of the agenda items can I get a motion to approve the agenda uh for tonight as amended sove second all in favor say I I I oppos nay has been approved as amended all right and with that now is the uh time of our meeting that we usually look for any public input um is anybody in the audience like to provide any public input on anything besides what's already on the agenda all right hearing none excuse me we move move on um first item of of business is the public hearing notice of intent uh D file number 100-48 X and the X will require us to continue this to our next meeting yes still don't have a number yet from DP so we have to continue that to the next meeting all right thank you um can I get a motion to move the or I'm sorry continue the public hearing uh for spectacle pound water treatment to the August 8th thank you August 8th meeting our next meeting August 8th 20124 so moved second all in favor say I I oppos nay all right approved unanimously all right and with that it brings us down to our discussion with Lori nering on the water chestnut pull and pce update okay very quick to you I thought I would have a few minutes thank you go for it are you Julie is here with me too so um thanks for cing some time in get one of the comfy seats come on up D there's plenty of comfy seats plenty of chairs today missing our Crow yeah um so so I I think you're all more or less aware of a lot of the work that pace has been doing over the years and I know many of you have also been working for many years for the town um Julie and I are making some official announcements at this point that we are both retiring at the end of this year all right um in early December so um we are actively looking for ways of getting people to carry on to carry Pace forward and um wanted to update you because I think on number of our projects um involve Conservation Commission sorts of issues and if nobody picks up the the ball um some things may fall on your lap or you should at least be aware of certain things that we have been following and trying to share with your board um and other boards as as well sorry to inter Julie I didn't catch your last name Caren s c o r Sor n z w i t c o r e n n zwi fabulous thank you sorry about that okay yeah Julie and I have been involved since really the beginning of pace we formed it um in 1997 when things were happening at devans and um I had young children I was very concerned about the water drinking water issues and um I'm now going through files and cleaning things out and realizing we've done a lot of stuff over the years um and you know Guilford was one of the big things that the the Conservation Commission was involved in way back the auto and loading facility so um um we are we have a plan to actively try to recruit new people we're envisioning we've had meeting a meeting on this with our board and we we're envisioning that pace may change substantially hopefully people will step in um we're envisioning that um whoever takes over may have different Focus points they may have different interests um they may continue some of the same things all the same things we don't know right now um and we are actively recruiting and trying to reach out to to new people so we ask for your support and guidance and encouraging people that might be interested to contact us to come to a meeting to just email us however we can reach out um I think sometimes these things take a direct invitation um and the generic sort of please get involved doesn't seem to work as well as somebody just you know having a a conversation sometimes they're just casual conversations but we would appreciate your support and and getting people to step in um so we're envisioning possibly new directions and and some of the um important points and things that people may want to get involved with which can also definitely involve the Conservation Commission um I want to mention that we do have $62,000 in a settlement fund that was um we were contacted by the um attorney general the no someone in her office not her directly um it was a a fine that was um Lev level that you were probably involved with um by a company that's adjacent to the Tire auto and load I mean the tire recycling facility um anyhow they were fined and we received the benefit of the fine and we can use the money um in any number of ways but it has to benefit a local surface water issues and the focus is not supposed to be education and Outreach but there's a whole r of things it's I'm sorry you said it's not supposed to be education and Outreach it it's not supposed to be focused mainly on education and Outreach but it could be for example a rain Garden that um shows people how to build rain Gardens or native plant gardening that protects surface water um and there are some there's been a whole range of things we've talked about um we've had this money for about a year now and I purposely did not take any action on it we have lots of ideas on how to take action we were planning to talk to you and to nrwa and to DPW and you know do lots of Outreach but I wanted that to be somebody's new project cuz I was trying to bring in new people so I purposely set it aside as a an enticement that's nice um and we do have a couple people that are like I I don't want to lead it but I'll support it you know so I'm trying to look for somebody who will lead it okay step into it so anyhow um we would be looking for your guidance on that I'm guessing you have any number of projects you can think of that could use this and we would love to see it matched with other money that would be our ideal goal um and I think there are a number of grants that are around that that could do just that yeah um we have as you know been working a lot on Grove pond with a Water Tent pole and so I'll come back to that in just a moment but um people are also talking about other sort of um invasive plant removals um cver work cleaning out calverts um just studies of what needs to be done hiring in our wa to help guide this work um signage you know like the the spray spray painting of of um signage at each of the storm water sewers in the street so people aren't dumping and people you know know that they're not supposed to dump junk down there right right um a whole range of of things like that could be brochure well that's more education anyhow um the point is um we would be looking for your your support your guidance on that and also looking for a lead person person for that particular project um want to mention also um we're we continue we've been working with the uh remediation of the devans projects all this time that's going on and um I'm going to need to find a home for a lot of the reports that that I have accumulated over the years and we're talking about a lot of uh linear footage of shell space um and interested in to see if you might be interested or if there's some place in the town hall where they could be used um so these Dev reports have to do uh the remaining issues that affect groundwater that's of your concern um the shes Hill landfill continues to be a problem and that was the original problem that we were um addressing it has um arsenic contamination is quite High uh they have tried to address it a number of ways but it's a really complicated problem um the treatment system that they're using is kind of seem like a Band-Aid that it's it's helping but it's not by any means eliminating the problem so just brief summary of that is um the arsenic in the groundwater is traveling into underneath West Main Street in air um so it's west of where more the more lumber yard is um in in that area and the drinking water limit for um arenic and drinking water is now 10 M uh parts per million used to be 50 but it's been lowered in the years we've been working on this and the levels that they're finding after it passes beyond the treatment system is in the range of 2,300 parts per million so we're not talking about a little bit over not quite meeting not quite not quite but but again because in air um 95 97% of people are on public water they Envision that it's not contaminating anybody's drinking water directly but certainly that water is going somewhere um their assumption has always been that it's precipitating out after it um leaves um the landfill area and comes toward open Brooks and things once it has oxygenated water they believe it's precipitate precipitating out but that's something that I have yet to see hardcore data that's that's showing that um and just over time that's just not acceptable um and we've been been um on that for a long time so they have some other plans to try to enhance the treatment system and that's kind of where we are right now um when you say they who specifically are they Army I'm I'm sorry when you say they have other plans to the Army works with Consultants the Army okay yeah yeah so it's the Army Consultants we like the current Consultants that they have um it's arcadis uh we haven't always like them over the years they change every 3 or four years but we like these consultants and we think they want to do the right thing but money politics all that stuff has to come together and it is a hard problem to solve um the other major problem of course is the posos issue and um posos continues to be in the groundwater um they're doing a lot of research to try to figure out where it's going and how to remediate it um at more Army Airfield they have um a site that is extremely highly contaminated um it's where they used to practice putting out this carcass an airplane and sort of a pit that was there and the levels that are there are um 35,000 parts per trillion and the limit is 20 yeah so again it's huge it's very close to the NASA river nrwa is also following this pretty closely um they are trying to figure out how to address that but we've been pushing them too yeah um and you know that's a huge concern to the region and lower amounts of arsic I mean of of posos are all over the place right um just today I was on a phone call to try to get a p regulation changed at the state level so we're hoping this will pass by the 31st next was that Thursday it's the end of the legislation session and um it's hard to know if it's going to go through but we've been pushing for 2 years to get this passed yeah um and it's it's take peepos out of the out of the products it's in we're we're probably all wearing it right now um is you may know when we did the health study 100% of the people who participated in air and in hyenas have PE in their bodies so yeah and this is true of the world actually right now it's not just here in United States but it's it's really and this is 3M in Dupont they knew it was toxic when they made it um so that's a whole another thing um so um I wanted to specifically look at the water chestnut pole because this is most directly um impacts what what you all do um we have good news that um last year when we did the water chestnut pull um I brought a couple of photos just gra over here pass this around this top picture is what it looked like at the beginning of last year I remember that um it was a really big job and here's I don't know if you know Pat yep um I've seen all these that's Pat in one of the middle of our poll she was our poster person this this year so um the problem we started with was like overwhelming but we did manage to remove everything last year except for a patch that's maybe twice the size of this room we couldn't get there before the end of the season when um got to be the end of the year year when we picked up the plants they got to be like as big as my hands around as soon as we picked them up the nuts fall fell off so we had to leave that for this year and I got my grant again this year and um we um with with your support and we anticipated the same level of effort with having like 30 some 32 plls I think is what I wrote in the grant yeah and we did our polls through early June and we were pretty much done fantastic there are few plants out we're going to go out three more times before the end of the season but um they did not come back the way we anticipated so that's really amazing news it is um we did I think it was 12 different polls and about 40 people all together and I have the numbers just to give you a comparison I have the numbers through um June 9th and after that I I don't have the numbers yet but last year by the end of the year the number of baskets so I counted the number of baskets that we filled we had 1,697 so 1,700 baskets we filled last year by the end of the year okay this year as of June 9th which was almost when we stopped 40 baskets 40 40 yeah 40 um that's a dramatic decrease yeah it's it's like it's crazy you're expecting 12 polls total this year I'm sorry you're expecting 12 polls total this year or three no we're expecting to do 32 but you've done 12 and you're going to 12 and we're pretty much done okay three we estimated the number of plants so I I counted some of the I counted some of the baskets the total number of plants and just did the math so last year we pulled just under 240,000 plants this year we have just under 6,000 plants that we pulled so far I mean that's still a lot so if we didn't do the work it would have come right back um cuz each each plant can generate about 20 nuts so 20 new plants because it has branches on it and each branch has has the the rosettes so we calculated based on assuming that each plant can uh produce about 20 new plants last year it was 2,640 th000 new plants would have grown if we hadn't done the work last year this year it would have been 40,800 plants so anyhow it's a whole it's incredible the difference yeah um hopefully that will continue uh I did go out this week and I um I saw some plants on both sides so that's why we have to go out again but we'll be able to do that in a couple of days um I went out by myself and did like if you're familiar with where the walking bridge is I did um toward the inlet so toward Barham Road um and I was able to pull one basket by myself in about 4 hours and that's all I and I went up the river as far as I could I went under the bridge the Barnum Road Bridge bridge to see if I could get some more plants and there was nothing nothing there we did find some earlier in the year my husband went there and play but anyhow I filled one basket and that's that's all we had um on the other side we're probably going to fill I'm I'm guessing 20 or so baskets again so I have a crew that's coming um one more time and then I have a crew at the end of the summer so I'm not complaining but yeah so you did one basket in the in the 4 hours and that was because you were searching for the plants like you couldn't find I saw some I saw some from the bridge but yeah that I was looking for them there were more like the the the um um water lies are really coming up now so you had to kind of push the water lies aside there was some hiding under there um some were Big Lot were small um so that's a sign that the small ones are the second generation and and so um somebody who's been guiding my work who lives in naille New Hampshire and has done a lot of water testment pulling um told me that because last year we got to the second generation cuz we were out like all summer long um we got both Generations out and we probably removed all of that but I was surprised because we did as I said we did leave an area that was pretty large and I thought that area was going to get really hit it didn't that's really interesting and and good news I think um so what do do you anticipate pulling again next year then since it seems that you've gotten most of them out this year I have hearing oh I'm sorry I mumbled too do you anticipate polling again next year um if I'm still living here so I'm retiring and we're going to downsize our house and we may or may not stay around here the cost of housing is so high it's just hard to figure out what we're going to do but be it yourself or someone else the expectation would be that somebody will continue somebody should continue yeah and and again it sounds like you've gotten it to a much much more manageable state that it probably won't take half the effort that you've even put in in the past so that's great and the trick was I was able to buy boats with the grant we got banged up used boats for very little money I own a pace owns Five canoes and one kayak somebody gave us a Kay yet um and we've been storing them down at prony Park um in the winter time I got permission I I'll have to get permission again they've been very supportive of our work um after the plants come in we've been locking them as maybe you've seen down by um behind the Community Gardens along the trees we they're very neat um they're locked to a couple trees oh the and they're stacked along the you were locked in the water chest oh no no no um but we've we've had really no and we we built a very secure um set of stairs so it's safe to go in and out um I got some people to help me get that in so that it's nice and secure this year um so so um Pace will either continue as it is with new people or we'll be looking for um a combination of towns people to take over the operation um one of the tricky things was we had to get liability insurance this year the grant paid for it okay um so I figured out how to do it but I found a better way to do it for other people to continue I found a um an easier way to to do it it's it was it was manageable um it it actually cost um in the grant if if we had gone all time all the whole time it would have cost like $2,800 for the liability insurance but I think there's a more direct way we can do it in the future any it was it's 2,000 for the water chestnut pole 2,800 for the water chestnut pole the liability insurance it's not like a a pace liability insurance for the whole year is it correct it was U it's through the American canoe Association and um I have certification through them because of the other stuff that I do sure um and they have an event um insurance program and we were able to define the event as being a multi-day event instead of a one day event so you pay per event okay and per person and it was reasonable it's just a bit of paperwork and filing and stuff that I had to do nice once I figured out how to do it it's like okay I I can was kind of a pain in the neck um but in the process of doing that I found out who they're getting their insurance through and I kind contacted that company directly and we can go directly to the company not have to go through the ACA instead that's how it'll be easier okay good um so nice so I wondered if you have any ideas on how we can see Pace continue and well I guess the big thing I would say is advertising in in our newsletter um is that the town newsletter yeah we can I mean that next one will be in the fall okay I don't know how long you do you have a a cycle for the for the board members and and things like that like is there a certain time when the when your duty expires I guess um well we're going to retire on uh the date we set was December 7th okay um we have annual meetings and because nobody tends to step forward Julie and I just keep staying where we've been um and you have you have a board so there's more than just a two of you yeah it's a small board I think we're we have four people on the board right now we've had five or six in the past okay so four in addition to you yes no two in addition to us well you said more right no no I said four oh four no four total four total yeah you two plus two others yes gotcha okay and something I'd like to add is that um as far as any um any contracts that pace has or money that pace has bank accounts grants whatever um they're all associated with pace which is um a 501c3 it's a massachus it's public charity okay we have to we have to continue to have officers and board members and and so forth it want to continue to be paids and a lot of that what those resources belong to Pace as an organization so besides looking for people who want to take on fun projects we need to find people who want to take on the the administrative overhead of of of being president Treasurer and Clerk and doing all annual filings and so forth that involves and you indicated that the other two folks that you have are interested in supporting but not interested in taking that extra step up huh yeah and now you you have indicated that in the past you've had five or six so there's at least one or two other people that have been involved somewhat and yes are they expressing any interest to even if you two were to leave that at least to get the board back to I'm assuming it needs a minimum number correct um it's up to us to set it really to theoretically legally speaking we we have to have a presedent Treasurer and clerk who don't all have to be three different people necessarily but it's better if it is yeah but at a minimum you need basically those three positions must be covered yeah okay so one one of the persons has been very involved is Beth sidm and I'm guessing you all know Beth she's extremely busy um wonderful support person but just too stretched and the other the rest of us are retired so they're just doing what they can um but want to point out what Julie had kind of emphasized Julie has been the behind the scenes person all these years she's been doing most of the filing um we've had a treasure in the past the treasure step down um in this last year also and um the the filings the the federal and state filings have to be done and we don't want to have Pace lose its 501c3 status it's really important and it costs us money to get that as well as we're Incorporated same thing we have attorney support when we got those things um in previous years and it's been really helpful to have that in terms of getting support um getting credibility getting grants and all all that stuff so we really want and H other people will step in yeah yeah the um Works continues and so the the same thing with that does that annual filing just like taxes like every year has to be done by a certain time frame or I'm not familiar at all so I have no idea yeah there well there're one of the annual filings is really ridiculously simple and is it's due November 1st and it's just telling the um the Secretary of State who the who the officers currently are in the date of the last annual meeting the other stuff two things are uh an a form 990 we do a form 90 EZ which is lot easier than a full fledged 4990 MH uh for the IRS um who don't actually for an organization or size they don't actually require it but the state requires a copy of our 990 easy and their threshold limit for giving them the copy is higher than the irs's threshold limit for actually doing it so in effect we have to do it anyway okay uh we just send it to the state not to the IRS and then there's a form PC public charity form that we have to file with the Attorney General's office okay and that's that's kind of complicated you have to you have to make the numbers work between the two of those uh you have to make the numbers work it has to be accurate it's complicated you have to figure out how to answer questions um the you know they they have the state form has questions a page of questions all of which are designed to say if the answer to any of these questions is yes then that's suspicious and you might be self-dealing or something so we have to either say yes to each one of those or append an explanation of why it's not self-dealing you know so it's it's a lot of you know if if you if you don't know how to do it it's a lot to learn yeah yeah okay um I don't George any comments no no Jim no what are your thoughts about the documents is there somebody in the town that would be able and willing to hold you probably unfortunately the town as a whole as most towns are on a crunch for space just because of the F the files we have to legally keep in every Department to that we're all fighting for space so to take on file drawers of more makes it difficult because we're already is a whole um a crunch for space as it is until the state maybe allows us to all not have to keep paper files but that's not the case yeah I wonder if uh whatever documentation you have well obviously if Pace continues you're still going to want those who probably the new people don't need the old stuff that's so I we we could just discard them um we do have CDs of a lot of the older reports but um Julina we're just talking about this um so these are spiral bound big thick reports of all this work that devans has been doing and I have a lot of them yeah I could give shelves shelves themselves I have lots of them too yeah you probably need too oh so do you get the same reports I do this um the Board of Health might I know they did when I was working upstairs I remember seeing a bunch of them and having CDs and stuff up all these things from shley Hill so I don't know what now same upstairs what she has or even um NOA Board of Health what they might have in their archives um so you might want to contact them they already have them yeah exactly yeah I guess what I was wondering is is I always prefer the hard copy when I'm reviewing big thick reports because I like to take notes and I like to highlight and I like to pull the map out and read about the site at the same time you can't do that with a CD cost a fortune to produce they they they in the hard copy they do these nice big maps that are easy to be you get the PDFs you can be kind of going and then you know if you're searching for something obviously the PDF is better but um I I always prefer the hard copies um but also I organize them so that anything that's related to that report gets put in the pockets in the front so I have comment letters and other emails and things that came and so my my stuff is unique and yeah I'd hate to see it get thrown out well recycled yeah I mean the only other other place I can you know would be like you know does the school library or the town library yeah have a an archive for something like that that you know again it's like you said it's important to the town and and what's progressed over the years but you know that's I guess it's something you'd have to check with them on I don't know I am going to talk to the I think they used to have it all and they threw it out yeah I'm sorry at one time they used to have it all they were they they used they used to be a repository they're supposed to be a repository okay um but the previous librarian decided nobody was using them and without talking to anybody she threw them all in the trash I think it might have been new l are in But whichever we can put them down in the old schoolhouse I actually didn't think of that I don't think there's a basement there but yeah yeah um well I'll you know all very interesting info and I'm I'm Amazed by the the uh the water chestnuts actually that's that's great to hear and appreciated and thank you for the for all the hard work for that um yeah I you know again just like trying to find addition people for our Conservation Commission it's like pulling teeth it's not easy yeah it's really tough um you I just I neglected to mention something about Grove Pond that I had uh omitted which is when I was out there this last weekend the weekend before and the weekend before that um I'm concerned about siment that seems to be the the murkiness I noted that and I meant to reach out to the agent Harvard because it appears to be coming from Upstream under Barnum Road cuz I did know it cuz I was out of the community garden and I'm like oh that's what she's talking about oh that is not good I was out that was last week this week I looked it wasn't nearly as bad it's still there I don't know if that's just residual or not I don't know if something washed out and I meant to reach out to the the agent in Harvard and by the time I got back to the office the next day I I forgot all about it but I did notice it and it seemed something to be coming from further Upstream whether it was behind the come all the way from behind the um Cemetery or if it was actually in from Harvard because it it was under yeah it it was coming from Upstream yeah yeah I noticed that too yeah it was oh that yeah that is that's that's not that's not normal the water's really murky it was it was it was this definite like something would washed out and I know we had heavy rain so I don't know if it was a it was weeks after the Heavy Rain yeah I know but by the time everything filters down stream sometimes it takes a while while so I didn't mention I I'll I'll still I'll reach out to to Liz over in Harvard and see if she knows of any if she can let me know of any um there there's also construction along the area in the main part of Grove Pond itself there was like an oily surface that I couldn't tell if it was like plants naturally biodegrading they I know that there is some naturally occurs cuz we do get it from ground water when it hits the so cuz we had certain sites that do construction and we know it from that so I don't know where unless things came from the railroad line cuz I mean I every time I'm out there pulling not weed I'm like I was amazed how many trains I hear trains all day that I'm there for 2 hours and all I hear after okay so I don't know if it was from that but I would assume what you should live close to it it's awesome if you live close to I used I mean I used to yeah you get used to it right I work next I've only twice in my entire life I've not worked next to this railroad line so um wouldn't be any sediment coming from the the stuff on what Third Street or whatever it's not those new no no no this is um if it's if but I noticed that it's coming from either behind the Woodland Woodland yeah Woodland Cemetery um the the honey Hut that it's it's that that cuz that that's a whole huge Wetland up there okay and I when I went over the bridge I made sure I looked going back and I saw it on that side but I'm looking I don't see anything so I don't know if there was something going on in Harvard cuz the line is so close or or what that way have caused it okay when I was kayaking back in there it was coming from Beyond the bridge M it's from Beyond the bridge I don't know of any construction in in our town from there so I it had to be something coming from another town you give a call tomorrow maybe yeah I'm going to I'm going to email this tomorrow and and find out I know Harvard's on the verge of is everybody talk of removing the Dam um for Grove Pond and making it into a stream privately owned dam is not what you can do about that okay we've been hearing it a little bit at the Devens the rav meetings that there there's been some talk of K removing the Kelvin Moore Dam there was talk about at one point and now I think everything as far as that aspect as far as his estate is on hold at the moment but it is one of those things that yeah we're what's going to happen I don't know it's a very weed pond so makes me wonder so I guess the last question I'd have is so the two of you retire move on and what happens if no one takes your place does the 503 basically dissolve um not not by itself it's actually a lot of work to dissolve we will need to do a lot of legal things to close Pace down and whatever money is left we'll um probably be talking to nrwa or some other like organization find a group that wants the canoes um we've been looking in what it what it takes and and you can't the basically you can't do it without a lawyer and and I'm not shy about trying to figure out how to do something if it's possible to do it myself so I mean it would be unfortunate but yeah at the end of the day sometimes things just pet her out right we're hoping we won't have to yeah no I would hope that you don't have to either so yeah okay otherwise it's been a good run we've been with us for 27 years yeah well longer than I've been around here so yeah yeah congratulations you've been involved for what 37 years or something not quite so well thank you for the update much appreciated yeah thank you for all the things you all do too I know it's a lot of work and we'll uh like I said we we can get it posted in the the newsletter at a minimum that be at least a good start Facebook page just feel I've seen your you know seen the various ads in the was Action News or whatever right about the polls and everything so yeah we keep trying yeah yeah use some of the use some of the cash to full page ad we need we need somebody in charge of this thing we hope so yeah all right well feel free to shoot um an email to either of us and if you come up with ideas or suggestions on somebody I can contact I'm not shy about calling somebody cold and saying hey yeah no that'd be good okay thank you so much nice seeing you you too have a great night thanks all right um so what that then we'll move on to the last item on our our agenda must be this gentle here proposed change to existing order of conditions D file number 100- 0465 and 100- 0467 lots three and five within the panther Place subdivision on off Washington Street hi um how are you good how are you do you mind stating your name for record Kyle Cormier with Oxo Associates um so just to give a brief reviews so I actually came in what was it on the was two I think it was two meetings ago on the 21st um just to extend all the orders um remember that and the lots that um like the commission to take a look at um is lot 7 6 5 4 3 and two is the area in question that you know we we want to do some work on potenti potentially um so lot two is currently under construction and lots uh 6 5 4 and three are cleared um as well as lot 7 are cleared um there's an existing retention Basin on lot six um and after discovery that groundwater was a little higher than expected um and daylight requirements for drainage um the basement drains just weren't going to work for that retention Basin on lot six um so after some re-engineering and going through the town engineer and town planner and getting their approval um we've come up with this uh new drainage plan that will now go to Lots 8 and N which are outside of buffer zone um and that retention Basin is going to be slight expanded um to account for the the extra storm water um or uh basement drainage sorry um but to account for this uh the the new basement drains and the slope requirements for those uh pipes um we need to get a little closer to uh the resource area and within the buffer zone um so lots four and two uh already completely cleared and we're not expanding all liit of work um Lots 6 5 and three and seven we have to expand the limit of work um into the buffer zone to place those drainage uh uh drains between the 50 mhm essentially okay um all work is outside the 50 um anywhere where work comes up to the 50 we're proposing Boulders so there's no encroachment from future owners MH um and then just uh so lots six and 7even don't have any orders on them currently correct um Lots 4 and two uh like I said the foot print Remains the Same and they have existing orders um the only change is the the drainage that's going in um Lots 5 and three will expand the clearing footprint um and those also have an existing uh order on them um sorry I don't want to miss anything um so we're asking for administrative approval um but we understand you know if the commission feels more comfortable with uh permitting for uh any of the Lots um but you know we believe that this is a minor change um the Wetland line is already established we know where it is um there's work open orders already on some of the Lots it's already under watchful eye from the commission especially when we come back to do um the uh certificate of compliance and as built so um you know believe in admin approval may be appropriate but um you know take recommendations from the commission okay can I just repeat back and make sure I caught it off that there's a lot so we're looking at um six Lots total Lots six and seven will need additional expansion for the drains but have no current orders Lots 4 and two the footprints will remain the same have existing orders and lots 5 and 3 you want to expand the clearing footprint and those also have existing orders did I get everything okay yeah cool sorry go ahead totally fine any questions on any of that from your point of view not to it I I have not so when this request came in um obviously the way this works so um it's a it's a modification to the approved plans for Lots um three and five so um to EP file number 1004 65 and 100 467 um that's what's on the agenda that is for the commission to vote to decide whether they will accept it as a um a slight a plan change without having to amended orders or if they need to go to amended orders just to have that clearing it is with outside of our no disturb Zone but it is an increase in clearing I mean I don't have a scale on me to figure out how many feet that is you have a rough idea how like how far in you're going into the um between the 50 and 100 it's about like it's just starts within the 100 and then goes up to the 5050 and some some sections it's close to an extra 50 ft across the whole lot um with the other two lots lot seven and six um those will need orders because all these other lots lots like two is it lot two no um so lot three four and five the only work that those have orders on were essentially just the clearing and the foundation drain which is now what we're going to be doing so it's in my opinion that those will need full orders cuz that's what you did for the other ones right so um essentially all you're looking at this evening is the lot three and five to whether you're going to do require a amended order for those or if you just allow as a plan change any questions or what do you thinking see extending the foundation drains now the where did they daylight before um so they there was an existing retention Basin right behind the house on lot six they were all daylighting into there but the groundwater was too high and with the slopes it just they weren't daylighting so um that needs to be changed and then uh drained to the other retention base in lot eight and N so instead of going like this they all going like that yeah and then uh they're as close as they are to the Wetland because of the the existing slopes and uh the engineering behind I'm not an engineer but um that was as far away as they could possibly get from the resource area and make the slope work for those drains to reach um the uh expanded detention Basin lot and N um and sorry I did miss one thing so there's also going to be some slight grading behind lot six and seven for a Swale um you can see the the um grade change um 310 and 304 at the rear the creation that of that soil though is not going to get into the 50t though correct correct okay and essentially this Basin that's I believe if I oriented myself that's the North End essentially of the property so that Basin is going to be extended a little bit further to the South to make up the capacity Heather I think that's is that what you were alluding to space in here East is to the top again so I when I when we first went through this and discussed it with the with um the developer Joe LaVine um myself um Matt who was on a zoom call CU he was sick um and Danny the town planner um I don't think there was actually a direction on where this it was just that it was enlarging and they assumed that the calculations would match so I don't know how the the Basin at the end of the C theack enlarging in which direction that I don't know cuz that was not that information wasn't given okay cuz it's it's outside the buffer engineer was happy that's all as long as the calcul theye as long as the calculations matched sure that's all that matters as long as the storm the the Basin can handle the additional storm water and the calculations work okay so may not necessarily be like recontouring that at all then basically well is to get larger um but to which direction I think it it depends on whatever I don't know if that those plans have been 100% developed yet I know the Math's been done on it but as you said it's outside the it's outside the box regardless of how it's expanded okay this plan is depicting the expanded proposed yeah but it doesn't show the the approv so we don't know what the difference is have to read my notes very closely here I will read your notes you it's it's it's a little complicated just too many Lots what other questions I think on the existing permanent LS we could probably do an administrative approval that's kind of where I was going yeah yeah that makes sense so that'll be for Lots 5 and three correct and but six and seven going to request orders right the ones that are in the agenda as Heather said right so lots three and five mhm will'll accept as a is it termed administrative yeah it's it's seen as a as a PL as a um as a as a um like a PL um oh goodness now I've lost the word Amendment it's it's not an amend you're not requiring amended orders it's seen as a project change okay um due to construction a field change thank you field change that's the word that's the word field change it's a field change okay all right so when we get the as built as far as the the COC it will show that change on there as well okay you good with that John Yeahs good with that yeah we vote on that yes please do we have the vote on it yeah doesn't hurt all right so do we have a order excuse me uh can we make a motion to uh approve as a field change uh the edits to D file number 100- 0465 and 100- 0467 um for additional clearing Bas trains I'm sorry it's additional um land clearing for additional land clearing so moved second all in favor say I I all right oppose nay all right got your field change um so for the other Lots um what process would you like to see on those so we want to do the it just is the practice because of how the other Lots were set up I mean if you look at the the plan that was provided it's essentially the same everything's outside of the buffer it was more or less just that grading work and and they all have so just to keep in the same with the rest of them that would be my assumption is that you'd want to see um full notice of intent for those other two locks just as the other ones have them would it be possible for an RDA on those just to simplify it the same scope of work that we've done orders look because when you look at the approved so we have orders on lots for all these these other ones and it's the same it's the same thing so we should be consistent I'm just saying for consistency reasons that that's the only reason why I'm saying that yeah no I think that makes sense cuz the only law I think on this on this was it gasan Road um is the first one is the 50 is right at the edge of the deck um the rest of them it's you know that the house and footprint everything is outside but they all have orders I don't think we should have a mix in the yeah consist yeah exactly um so yeah I think the RDA is going to be a noo okay um I was just thinking you know lot 7 is very far away from the um buffer zone that might be one that yeah could be an IDE I I'd have to see the plane in color and a more detailed looking at this one it makes it really hard to tell okay it's not a very detailed planet to make that assumption on that one and what was previous what what's new what's changed what the grade is it's not clear on that okay so notice of in 10 unlock two just to confirm two 4 well you already have one for Lot 2 3 4 5 I don't have one for six and seven and you said lot six and seven are already been clear though correct yes to the previous but they're doing additional line not to the new line right correct okay yeah um the new lines what brings you inside the the the 100 yeah so yeah no RDA okay and since Lot 2 and four the um limit of work is already there there's no need for notice or as was explained to me lots two was it was outside the 100 ft lot four there was no there was no change there was no change on those two mhm it was just the limit of clearing was being expanded on Lots three and five and then there was dis still the the grading in The Limited clearing on Lots by six and seven which I don't have orders on Y which is what we need to get those for okay just making sure yep thank you makes sense y okay all right cool great thanks for coming in Kyle thank you have a great night too with that then when we move on to the conservation office updates um so as you can tell the agendas have been very light there's not much going on and unfortunately um except for this week the last two weeks prior of that was very hot and humid for a week two and a half week so outside work was not on my agenda um but I did go out on Monday to pull knotweed again and happy to say that it hasn't been that bad although plants tend to be pretty small so I keep I just keep pulling them just keep pulling it it does look you tell that it's it is the Button Bush is really grown up quite a bit tells the chokes up some of it so I think to get you know pull it early has really helped let the other plants grow up in there so we'll see if we can combat some knotweed out there and not upset the geese anymore cuz those guys are annoying there they might have they moved on yet their their kids must be pretty big by now oh they are but there's one that still likes to hiss at me oh okay there's one that always hisses um the the playground out there too will be opening in the next I think it's the first week of August yeah week from this Saturday yeah week from the Saturday so the third yeah so that's and that that area looks nice there has been um I do have to contact the the new parks director in regards to some cutting that has taken place out on the shoreline that need to make sure it doesn't happen again um it's been a while since I've been out there did those trees end up being saved did they they make it oh there yeah they they they have leaves on them this year so so far so good that's good yeah no they I was surprised it looks good in the in the um very pessimistic that that was going to happen what I was very pessimistic that they were going to oh yeah no I think when they doing the construction they really did their best to avoid those too so I think I'm sure that helped quite a bit so yeah no and the the playground has uh like a towards towards the the Pond Side a little nature like type section which is really cute so that's nice um like I think they saved some of the the logs and the trees that they did cut to rebuild and make like a natural like playground so that's kind of cool down there is all the equipment plastic basically and yeah it is which is better I mean if you got on a metal slide it's it's hot painful the plas not the plastic ones are much better they still get hot and it makes you staticky but will it be midp fast probably everything apparently so yeah if with to Lor's point on that the um nashille river water set Association I think and the state has has a notice on all um for all the fishing points on London Nash river that states that you shouldn't eat the fish because of the past levels in The Nasher River I saw that notice Upstream what so get everything Upstream right so so get into long P it was yeah yeah yeah go to Long Pond I say do that um Sandy Pond I mean as far as anyone goes if you pay to the news everyone's got past and microplastics in them every living creature so yeah the talents that don't have it are the ones that haven't tested for it correct um but that's that's a whole another that's a whole another issue um and then now with the cooler weather too I'll get back out to to Pine Meadow and and start getting those Trails um where we need to get those Trails marked on that one as well um the hot weather kind of stuck me indoors for a while which was really hard and I didn't like it that you could sit here for a while cuz it's pretty freaky cold oh that air yeah the air conditioning in this room is cold usually it's good you can go outside for a good 15 20 minutes before you start sweating again yeah but by the time I get in my car and drive somewhere I thought you were just walking over oh gosh no no no not when I go to prony park cuz I get to I pull the knotweed and I put it in my car and throw out in the dumpster put it in a bag how much were you pulling I I pull a lot like bushels when I first started I was filling my back of my car up oh goodness oh yeah know you'd be you'd be surprised now I'm down to I bring paper bags with me and I filled one paper bag on Monday one sand P sand pale full and then I think I had a small pile so it's not and it's not just and I I mean it was getting too hot I tried to go for like two and I could I don't have two hours at a time and then I always run into a resident um that's walking the path and they like to they like to talk which is fine sure everyone thanks me for the work that I'm doing what are you doing oh pulling out we oh good for you someone's good I don't I don't mind it I think it's a fun little you know project to see if we can get it to to take we'll see cuz it's not it's only a couple maybe 100 maybe 200 ft it's not a lot yeah yeah and it's it's a narrow section of the of the shoreline so it's it's really not that bad and I did I think before the weather got hot I pulled a root out like this long so like yeah that would have been satisfying I was so excited I mean it was mostly dead but you could see where it was starting to shoot out so yeah I was super happy and then in the spring we're going to try Al to go out and because it's not we right it has a big knots we pulled out some we did the the planting and those plantings I take a look a couple of them have died but they are still out there the stuff that we planted with natur red still out there growing so that's good what you so yeah when you pull out the stump or knot the knot yeah what you do with that like burn it chop it up well I said I just throw the dumpster so it's going on landfill we've buried 800 ft deep so that's okay I think it would still come out I mean not we go through pool liners like oh yeah I feel like if you buried it it would still come and like I think someone said that you could even burn it like if you burn it you're supposed to bury it between two certain things because even then it could like I don't I just throw it in the dumpster I don't trust it to anything your perfect plant all right what else you got um El we got the Stratton Hill is still moving forward with the planning board we had a meeting today to discuss open space out there um just in John were not available to make that meeting so we are also meeting with Robert next week and we'll fill and he'll fill them in on that during that meeting you discuss some other items for that um the National Grid um substation on Bishop Road has actually filed a site plan with the planning board um and they are going to have to be doing a replication area CU they're going to be doing some filling in the wetlands on that one so I anticipate that coming back to us obviously so there's a lot to work out with that because it's weird that they came for the RDA on one thing and now they're doing more work they would have just done it all at the same time uh no what was the r the RDA was they would did they just did some equipment Replacements that was was that was for within the buffer and Disturbed area this is now they're expanding the substation yeah so I M done at the same but whatever so that'll be coming at some point were they replicating um which I don't think it I I want to say this Wildland there um the corner of Park Street and Bishop Road they're going to do that corner there but there's a drainage ditch there and I'm surprised that didn't have the soils for wetland um I tried looking out I drove by there last night but it's too vegetated to see anything so um and there is a flood plane in that area as well so I to go to the zoning officer to verify if that roadway can even go in they replicated on the RightWay the right away remember when we looked at the where they're doing all the pole Replacements up in the right away yeah no that whole is we walk through like a whole bunch of water I thought like it was but like you know what I mean could they well cuz the whole front is is wetland already so I think they're just going to replicate and kind of extended but where they're showing it is where a ditch a drainage ditch is already and I'm like okay but that'll that'll all come to us in more detail cuz it's not it's not a it's it's a site plan so that detail all of the detail is not on their plans so that's going to have to come we do a land use meeting on that in Straten Hill next week and all those comments we'll go to the planning board on that and I'm assuming that'll come to us in a couple weeks um next meeting we will have um the engineer from places Associates to discuss the Baseline um report and the conservation restriction for Shaker Mill Pond I sent that over to everybody to review I don't think I sent the CR cuz I don't think I have the almost updated version of it so I want to make sure we have that I email this today yes the Baseline today um I emailed the attorney shock it this afternoon just to verify that there isn't a more updated plan uh CR so we could just do a discussion all at once we wouldn't I would wouldn't say we're going to vote and and sign off on it that meeting because it still has to go to I think us I'm not sure if planning board has sign off on it obviously the select board has to sign it's a whole bunch of people that have to verify the site the um the conservation restriction we have to coordinate all that so it'll more or less be to review it and ask all the questions that you may have on that at that meeting okay okay all you got that's all I got it's been very quiet I think everyone took summer off been updates Jen George there I haven't got nothing I actually only have a question does any is is poke weed is that like poison like poison ivy poison poisonous no idea no no it's mainly the berries that purple thing yeah yeah it's it's not so I can rip it out yeah okay you want me to put that in the medium minutes didn't Google poke weed so we have to help him out all right so do we have a uh motion to adjourn move second all in favor say i i i n no we are adjourned thank Barry