good evening everyone this is the AA Conservation Commission meeting it is Thursday June 27th 2024 uh in attendance this evening we have Heather hamson as our conservation agent we have George bacon as member Jess Cino member clerk Mark Phillips Vice chair uh we are missing Jenna Donnie Jess Jenna Donnie I'm sorry I used to work with Jenna Donnie Jena yeah Jenna Maya Jenna Donnie fan yeah and Jan Maya and myself John schellenberger has chair good evening everyone do we have confirmation of agenda yeah there's no changes okay oh actually I'm sorry we do we do have one item that we need to add which we need to have the appointment um of a member to the CPC where do you want to put that wherever you would like we can put at the end let's do it at the end they've started making us do these little dot our eyes and cross our teas yes well George wants to do it [Music] now um okay is there a motion to to approve the agenda as amended second all in favor say I I oppose nay passes unanimously approval of meeting minutes for June 13th 2024 everyone had had an opportunity to read the minutes any changes motion to accept the minutes meeting minutes for June 13th 2024 as submitted so move second all in favor say I I opposed say Nay can't pass unanimously yeah this is the time of our meeting for public input if there's anyone out out there not on the agenda who would like to ask a question offer a comment now is the time no okay and seeing none we shall move on first item this evening is the public hearing notice of intent D file number to be determined we will open this under the Wetland protection act and also under the air Wetland by law so are we just opening to to continue yeah we haven't gotten anything yet for from uh D there's no number yet I don't know if you had any other but yeah there's there's no and I just checked before I came in here to just to see it came in after for okay um we is most likely due the fact there is no circuit Rider at the at the at this point for central region so it just taking a little bit longer yes yes our um circuit Rider Maya has left to take a position at D in Boston and they haven't posted the position yet okay okay motion to continue the public hearing notice of intent uh spectacle pond water treatment until our next meeting which is July 11th 2024 so second all in favor say I I oppose nay pass unanimously it's going to be a late meeting tonight yeah my goodness so our next item is request for extensions order of conditions we can't do these as a blanket correct nope nope okay um are there any issues um I I don't believe so there is the gentleman from Oxo here if you guys have any questions on them do you does anyone have any questions on on the progress the uh progress of the development or anything just one question is how long an extension years we're requesting a threee extension 3 year three year okay is for Panther Place Panther Place yeah um I believe the majority of the ones we have orders on are all down on gasan Lane um that's that's the main street going down um the first two I went out they I think those building permits were pulled last year this spring um and then the rest of them are slowly going down the line from there so they they tend to do he tends to do three to four at a time okay okay so no issues I don't I don't have any at this moment no motion to issue an extension on the order of conditions D file number 100- 0463 3 years for three years thank you yes so second all in favor say I want me to hold I'll hold up and have you sign a all oppos n passes unanimously motion to issue an extension on the order of conditions D file number 100- 0464 for 3 years so move second all in favor say I I those n passes unanimously is there a motion to issue an extension on the order of conditions D file number 100- 0465 for 3 years so moved second all in favor say I I I oppose n passes unanimously there a motion to issue an extension on the order of conditions D file number 100- 0466 for three years second all in favor say I I I oppos nay passes unanimously is there a motion to issue an extension on the order of conditions d file number 100- 0467 for 3 years so move second all in favor say I I oppose nay passes unanimously is there a motion to issue an extension on the order of conditions D file number 100- 0468 for 3 years so second all in favor say I hi hi post name we're getting the hang of this aren't we my hand ready for is there a motion to issue an extension on the order of conditions D file number 100- 0469 for 3 years second all in favor say I I oppose nay pass this unanimously is there a motion to issue an extension on the order of conditions D file number 100- 0470 for 3 years home move second all in favor say I I oppos nay passes unanimously is there a motion to issue an extension on the order of conditions D file number 100- 0471 for 3 years so Mo second all in favor say I I I oppose nay passes unanimously is there a motion to issue an extension on the order of conditions D file number 100- 0472 for 3 years move second all in favor say I I post n passes unanimously is there a motion to issue an extension on the order of conditions D file number 100- 0473 for 3 years second all in favor say I I VES nay passes unanimously is there a motion to issue an extension on the order of conditions D file number 100- 0474 for 3 years so move second all in favor say hi hi v n passes unanimously there a motion to issue an extension on the order of conditions D file number 100- 0475 for 3 years so second all in favor say I I I oppose nay passes unanimously so what's the deal with your subdivision Lots those are those are the lot numbers that coincide with all of them oh so we don't have to do that I just had them listed there in case anybody wanted to know yeah thank goodness awesome that's great okay um what's the status in the CR for paner place I don't know um we just got the one back for Shaker pond so I'm sure we're still waiting on those yeah and with when with it the the house is still being built they couldn't do the um Baseline anyway yeah and I'll double check with it as we were going through this I guess I do have a question so yeah three your extension is it's slowing down or people just not kind of buying is that kind of the issue straty just depend on Market availability um this started towards telling the co so supplies were in short demand and really expensive so things were just too late on that aspect yeah that's that's the M there are two houses that are almost done but he doesn't want to have to come back in a year and potentially come back another year needed so threeyear blanket for all of them make the best s and they're all on the same schedule exactly yeah cool and what's your name just now that you've spoken I have to put you in the minutes it's uh Kyle Cormier with Oxo Associates okay how do you spell your last name c r okay I okay got it so we got to sign stuff yeah I didn't know if you wanted to wait till the end CU it's a big pile if you want to just go around and do it now you can wait till the end I guess right um okay and what was that last thing we want so um so apparently Jess serves as the commission's um representative for CPC um apparently she needed to be reappointed last year and it kind of like oops we forgot so we need to firmly vote to do that appointment unless somebody else would like to do it and it'll be for 2 years cuz it's supposed to be then last year so you are a representative of the CPC is that what you're saying yeah yeah although you know if anybody else really wants to take it out feel free like to make a motion to reappoint Jus gin to V our CPC representative second all in favor say I hi oh n May congratulations Jess I saw what you guys did there it's usually how that goes you know nice job keep it up well I have to serve on it with that Barry schwarzel and that's always a pain I only say that because Barry's doing the taping of the recording he's a great guy I'm just being funny for anybody listening conservation office updates um it's been fairly slow the last two weeks um Allan did send an email out to everybody in regards to the Newton Street Festival even though it's not until October but that'll be Saturday October 5th so if you guys want start thinking of ideas of what we like to do I know you mentioned last about handing out seeds so I have a few different companies that I have a list of that I can reach out to do and hand out seeds for that but if you guys want to start thinking about if there's anything else you might want to have our little booth do um just be thinking of that so we can get that started and get that going probably start thinking of that and get it moving in [Music] August um do you think we'll be re blazed by then yes okay maybe handing out new not really a new map per se cuz you're just re re blazing what we already have we already have correct yeah yeah there's some things with that map that need to get redone I got to figure out how to use all Trails um app cuz you can actually use it to like Mark a trail on it I just got to figure out how that that whole system works so we can get some of those on there but yeah you talk to our missing member I believe her husband probably does knows how to do all that stuff like help develop it is what I understood or something that or like it's yeah a member of it like David David is yeah and I was I was thinking of reaching out to the um the uh conservation agent group and seeing if we can get a training on that too relatively soon cuz I'm sure there's more agents besides myself that would probably find that helpful who are you reaching out to the um the Massachusetts Society of conservation professionals smaller than that I miss I missed I miss Municipal yeah it's too long heard we've already had that conversation that it's too long it's too late now it's been long a long time reaching up for them but yeah I'll I'll ask her to and figure out how to do that but yeah the trails will be replaced by then some of them had already been repainted without even needing the the markers that we had so I did put some of them out on like further up the blue ones further up on the you go by the the Beaver Pond upper upper upper Flanigan whatever you want call Pond meal Pond and up there um where you go up the hill yeah there is up there the main trail had been repainted but up that way it was kind of it was kind of sketchy so I was just doing it up there for the most part to try to stay a little consistent it's the best place up there I like I love oh I like it up there yeah I went up one was it last year there was a big woodpecker and I was so afraid it was going to dive bom me cuz he was not happy that I was walking by its tree you been watching the birds I hch actually that's why my sister doesn't like birds my mom had us watch that movie when we were kids yeah so just afraid of birds there's a former air resident who lives now in western Mass and he and his wife have been clearing some of their backyard and he's bald and he can just see the uh um my I guess it was a hawk or something that it got his head yeah why so it must have a nest nearby oh he him or claw him claw really yeah um so I try to start doing one of that um I think the white Trail is going to get painted but we'll have markers um for who's doing the painting do you I can't remember something yeah um that's what he prefer to do again to me someone wants to do it I'm not going to argue with them I mean the blazes weren't overly expensive so I doesn't hurt to hold on to for another trail that will come about at some point so that's I don't see any any reason to to if someone prefers to paint it so that's fine um so we end with I'm sorry will we end up with a trail at Panther place as part of the CR dude there is there is going to be a trail Panther place that was supposed to connect to um it can't because of the swamp oh there's no dve ground I don't think so but we might have to we might be able to look at it and see if it might be if we way we can do a boardwalk about solar to solar to I think yeah yeah so we can look at that but yeah there is they did cut they were supposedly cut the path whether that's still cleared or not I don't know we'll have to look at that I'll I'll email joean in regards to the stats of the CR too um but we we'll have a trail there we have um it Shaker Shaker Mill maybe yeah maybe maybe not you don't need to mark that next time we have a sidewalk mhm if I wouldn't mind uh taking a look at what the Shaker Shaker mil pond paast looks like okay if anybody is interested otherwise I'll just go myself yeah but um the beat you at the erratic m we'll meet you at the erratic yeah they the the CR Signs that were put out there are being replaced with newer nicer signs um curly Circle has signs out um and they are 2T tall wooden post that's almost similar to what our do not disturb signs look like only they different colors they say conservation restriction but they have the crane and everything on them so that's what they'll end up putting over at Shaker Pond as well some some look nice yeah and they supposed to put a trail head sign where the big boulder is that goes out to the the trail that's there so just so I wanted it marked so people that lived in those houses wouldn't be like why are people walking through here like it's a trail you really can't tell it's a trail there cuz it got cleared you know a year and a half ago but you really can't get lost out there either right right pretty lucky that as far as that goes um anything else um cleared some I went out I just keep doing my every week and a half week week and a half clearing of not weight at Pony Park um which again because I do it so often it's not grown you can tell where I haven't done it cuz it's it's tall and where I've been doing it consistently I I usually get L this little bits but every time I go out I'm getting more you know honks of old either old root or a longer route so we'll see if it makes a difference no it'll make a difference for sure um and then after a year or two of that we can tackle one of the other invasives out there I think I didn't have my phone on and I think it was Button Bush but I think it's Button Bush coming up from the water side just like so I think if I can get the knotweed out that button Bush will take over and that'll be nice cuz it is they're kind of like the Button Bush is almost beating out the the knotweed at this point so I can if I can keep pulling it it should it should win on that on that ECT I'm hoping yeah good anything else not too much poison ivy either which is nice um Button Bush Victory to come what Button Bush Victory I'm hoping and I pretty sure that's what it is I'm looking at it like the little brown yeah like I that's but I'm starting to learn my plants so that's nice um I don't think there's much else it's been fa quiet anything on um we had the storm water meeting which that was good you guys were at um so that went fairly well um I'm sure they will post the presentation on everything on that to the website if any guys anybody has other questions in regards to that anyone watches our meetings but if they do and they didn't hear about that that that occurred and that went fairly well was pretty well attended I guess it was 25 or so people on zoom and about 25 people in attendance so good 50 people so that's that's good seemed pretty well received so that was nice that was Monday um yeah I mean I didn't think was that bad but no you know well I don't think we were anticipating all the questions that come up like we were like oh we got to make sure we got to make this fee as low as possible no one wants to pay more and this and that and then they get the questions of it's like well if we get more I might as well just pay more it just makes more sense I think we I none of us were expecting that cuz we were trying really hard to get it under that $100 a year yeah I mean that was definitely evident that you know you're trying to shoot you know the buildup to like hey we started at $200 something doll we got it down the 95 when we did this and this and this and it's like yeah that was received was like well but why I rather pay more if it means we get it's like oh I don't think any of us anticipated that to be the answer I the questions I think it was more people were going to be like I don't want to pay this why do I have to do that and it it was only a few of that so the questions that came out of it I don't think any any of us were anticipating I mean I have pulled research from the um climate resiliency plan from the state from 20 from 22 in regards to like Central regions say with the impacts of climate change would be to infrastructure and it was all like impact of rain and rushing out roads and stuff so I'm like okay I'm going to make sure I pull all this data and I have it not a SLE question yeah I was driving case I was driving through gron the other day and it's like one section brand new pavement and then another part of a different Road brand new pavement it's like I don't remember the roads being in bad shape before that but it's like this is what you get when you have you know you can main you can keep ahead of your yeah and and I know I I drive through ground and they've replaced my route to here all the time and I looked at it today cuz I keep looking at it they've raised that road quite a bit did they they did and I'm and I'm like I don't think that's right but again that's gr I'm sure it is but uh and there's no drainage on that road it's all country drainage was like going to two random basins but the rest of it yeah is is country drainage on that aspect of it um what's happening on like a work crew for Pine Meadow not much cuz we just had the the the blazes and I said I have that one person doing that one um I started doing the blue one I'll reach out again and see because it's such a matter of like it's just small parts of the trails that need to be done so I need to just assess it and I I went out and started doing that and then I can't remember what I think got hot that's what I'm like it got really hot I didn't want to go out yeah last week was too hot so I need to go out again and try to reassess and see what what trails really do need to be marked and then see if I can get someone to go out and do that cuz I think just to call them be like hey go out and do it the question I'm getting is well where so I need to figure out where exactly I need to send them to did you ever hear back from Beth sud about I did um it's might be possible to use the funds for signage and then I I thought about it and it's I think we're just going to send give the money back at this point because I there's other grant opportunities for us to go to for signage that it's just not worth trying to amend the existing one we have when I can just give the money back at this point because SU trellis mentioned to me that the C cultural Cil I we can get money through them through a grant for signage for Pine Meadow and I think that might be the best yeah way to go on that one and then just do some smaller signage through our our Ral budget okay and then ask for a grant for them for something like planting over a pine metal on the shoreline instead got anything George I don't think so yes sir uh have an invite uh for the members to uh attend ponum boat right on spectacle Pond when will that be to observe uh it's it's actually up to you I'm open now for the next several weeks and if you're going to be in our minutes I need your name so we can oh my name is Leon Weaver okay I'm with the spect F Association yeah little Mak and I'll send Heather an invite with all PR details thank you is that for when they do the treatment on there we would like to get it in before the treatment yeah and then uh after the treatment let's say in September okay so you can you can look at the before and after yeah that'd be great that's a nice invite thank you yeah yeah we're all curious about M about your pond yeah so we'll set up a date uh your availability is was going to guide that I can do multiple boat rides if we can't get together with because I guess we can't go out the cor no we official meeting we can as long as we don't deliberate any official business which we wouldn't that was straight from Town Council recently it's a nice tour we can take five people yeah my wife is first mate the captain I am the captain she's so you can take five in addition to that yes yeah the boat takes seven got five yeah it's nice pleasant to ride out if weather cooperating probably no more than an hour okay depends on how many questions you have then if do multiple circuits and you'll send that send that to Heather and then you'll send it on to us yeah do that that'd be great thank you Refreshments provided we started yeah we have a a killer chocolate cake but you can only have a sliver about that big because it may cause heart R me super chocolate Super Rich that good H all right and coffee of course Tequila shots but thank you Leon thank you thank you um I guess I need to make an apology since I know she's watching to Jenaya for calling her Jess adani just where' that come from I have no idea but anyway sorry I know you're watching um we didn't we can sign those things after we adjourn oh oh yeah yeah you can sign after youour you already voted on them so but yeah anything else I almost forgot about those but yeah it's going to take Mo to adjourn move second all in favor say I I poos name passes unanimously