everybody this is the air Conservation Commission meeting uh for Thursday May 23rd 2024 um in attendance we have Jena member George bacon member jessino member clerk Heather hamson conservation agent and myself Mark Phillips uh Vice chair an acting chair tonight an acting chair thank you um all right can we get approval of the agenda first there's no changes no changes no okay um motion to approve the agenda as written some of second all in favor say I I oppos nay passes unanimously got it uh next item on the agenda approval of the meeting minutes uh for April 25th 2024 it's been such a long time yes we skipped our last meeting we did um any edits adjustments no no yeah I got just a couple you do yeah I do oh okay uh second page yeah second Mage bullet second sub bullet under that right here oh okay so two change transmission two high transmission changes the pressure high pressure you correct Dan two high pressure gas Mains underneath one being a transmission and one being a distribution correct under the bridge set I don't think they're both High I think one's high pressure one's low pressure right okay low pressure being a distribution then okay y all right so two gas Mains one transmission one distribution I guess that suffices unless you want to put pressure on the transmission one then high pressure on the transmission you want me to you could if you want okay so then you can take out the ey there I suppose so Heather I'll send it to you adjusted tonight okay and uh actually I think I was still in that same one let me see I'm sorry I forgot this second I thought there was another one no I guess yeah that's fine just that one yeah that's good okay so Heather today's uh today's 23rd 25th 23 20 3rd yeah 23rd sorry um so when I go home I will um just correct that page correct that page okay and so you can print it out on on the good paper good paper okay thank you um so can we get approval of the meeting minutes from April 25th 2024 as edited so our motion for it thank you second all in paper say I hi I oppose nay I didn't say I I approved unanimously okay you all right that was the SE section of our agenda uh where we look for any public input anybody from the public out there like to provide input to us questions comments observations take that as a no the moment we take that off our agenda we'll be swamped yeah exactly somebody will ask us how come you never asked for okay um okay moving on to the first item uh it's a continuation of the public hearing for the notice of intent at D file number 100- 0488 yes that came in agenda was uh West Main Street uh at nonous Brook a DPW uh would you folks like to come on up oh sorry all right so we did a site visit when was that was like was like May 2nd yeah early May weeks ago right yeah um asked some questions saw some things looked at some things any new information we'd like to discuss the only items I know that they need to discuss is the the comments from D that came in in regards to which they they sent a new notice of intent which I have copies if anyone wants to see it that just spell out the replication in and uh areas and stuff a little more detail and um disturbance areas whatever and I think I I gave you my copies I can't what I'll say the comments were yeah yeah if you want it I read through you can have it okay I have it in the five yeah so the the first question the EP had was what will compens compensatory flood storage be provided for every elevation increment where flood storage will be lost and I think you folks are indicating we're actually you're actually increasing the flood storage right yeah overall the flood storage will be increased because the span is increasing M um but it's not necessarily by the Contour for every single contour interval okay so that was that was just the trade-off there it's more at the lower Contours where there's uh gain okay all right so at a lower level where you're taking out 10 ft you're bringing in you're making it 20 so you're gaining 10 so when you net It All We Got A a gain of what 16.7 cubic yards mhm okay all right um and then the one that I thought was sort of odd too that will a larger span result in a larger in larger Peak flows Downstream during storm events and could any increase in Peak flows adversely impact Downstream structures or infrastructure yeah that was evaluated by hoil and Tanner who did the hydraulic analysis and their analysis indicated that the river is actually controlled a little bit by receiving um backwash from the nashar river and so I'm not I'm not a storm water engineer but um their analysis determined that the increase of the span wouldn't have a negative effect Downstream yeah I guess as I thought about it when I read that question it's really if we have such a narrow path right underneath the bridge as it is right so it's already holding water back we open it up it's going to increase it down so then the backwash though I guess that's what I was thinking then too when I just read this about the backwash thinking well if NASA is kind of holding it from getting into the river right would have potentially create some flooding in that area but I say as the nashar picks up it kind of fills in and comes towards non equations so fills in the flood plane backs up toward the so creates a back flow like in a 100-year event for example right so that's how that's how it's controlled is through that that's the the controlling factor is the Nash River okay so essentially nonous is not flooding as quickly as the river natural River itself is then basically right and there's a dam right there's a privately own Dam Cloud shop Dam Upstream right okay or yeah all right so by the time the this extra flow could possibly do anything they no Noosa or the nashwa is already correct holding it back anyways right okay um I like that what was the name of the company that did the analysis oil Tanner h o y l e Tanner t a n n e r i have a copy of the analysis of their analysis with me if you'd like for your records too yeah that would probably be good to in case anybody ever asks yeah course we'll probably just Dan anyways but somebody better keep a copy somewhere in his town gave this to you last time oh yeah thank you w is not going anywhere and then what's number three the proposed replacement quantities in SE B of the noi should be updated to include the area of any resource area that will be restored following temporary alteration the no form has been okay and they added the the the 16.7 cubic yards into that section b as well so all that's been updated and the I updated the order conditions too for that okay when we were there we did look at the replication area and where it was potentially impacted by that billboard column like I did you look at that at all is that going to be a challenge or what yeah Chris and I took a closer look at it and it is actually on the design plans and it's outside of the replication area a bit at the edge it looks like there's still enough space um to work around the footer for that sign and have that be outside of the replication area but if it becomes an issue during construction then we can you modify at that time okay okay all right I think that's all the questions I had George anything no Jen no J nope the the only com we had to was the um invasives on the within the Y River bed to make sure that the stream bed that make sure those try to get removed during construction yeah I think outside of that we're good right okay so what are we looking for approval of the noi mhm okay any special conditions if there are any outside of the invasive removal and the template of our normal ones yeah I think that would be addition ones any other conditions anybody's looking for okay okay all right um so I get a motion to approve the noi for D file number 100- 0488 for West Main Street at nonous Brook uh for DPW um as written with the so technically approve the issuance of the order of conditions okay thank you for the wording approve the issuance of the order of conditions correct all in favor say I hi pose nay all right approved unanimously right here mhm and now that the first one said you're usually not the first one I know well I'm going to do the second line so I'm yeah it doesn't matter and now with that we want to close this correct yes yes all right um can I get get a motion to close the public hearing for the notice of intent DB file number 100- 0488 so moved second all in favor say I I I oppos nay unanimously thank you all thank you thank you hopefully you can get it going soon yeah it's a good step no more than 2 years a good St good stuff I had somebody ask already I'm like uh I'm like it's going to be next construction season by T goes to the bid like everyone who does constructions already got their projects lined up utility comp ility ISS oh yeah the utility companies are driving us yeah that too so I can tell you how long the Littleton waited for for Ryon to come in to move so they could expand that over over route over over over yeah not to mention any names but it's coincidental yeah I think it was Verizon hel them up on anyways yeah but hey have a good night everyone careks catch up yeah have a good you have a good weekend all right next item on the agenda request for an extension for the order of conditions for D file number 100- 0455 29 Jonathan Drive by the air DPW yeah so yeah thank you Mr chair um as you can see the number 0455 it's been a little while and we're excited to finally get this project going so um I don't know if you some of you recall the project it's basically a connection a water M expansion uh from the end of Pleasant Street Extension to Jonathan drive so we're going to create a big loop in the Northwest portion of town right now it's basically a long de end from from Park Street at times all over that whole Northwest portion of town um so uh the order conditions expires June 1st 2020 or excuse me it was issued June 1st 2021 so it would expire June 1st 2024 so um we're looking to extend that and we're requesting 2 years but we're actually preparing to bid the project we're getting that all ramped up now and basically what has slowed us down is is the project if you recall requires three easements um one from a a a residential lot which was a pretty easy one to obtain National Grid high tension power lines which actually wasn't too bad to obtain but the hardest one was um DCR National River Rail Trail we have to go under there with the directional drill and so the process has basically taken us a year and a half to two years to get to get that easement you know we probably spent almost a year just waiting DCR has major issues over there with uh with personnel and staff just waiting to to deal with them and get responses on on the easement um so finally we're at the point where um where basically we'll be signing the the E we the select board has signed the easement document and DCR will be signing it within probably the next week and so then we're we're good with all our easements and ready to start constructing so um looking back at permitting there was the the order conditions we have which we're requesting to extend also um Mesa and dangered Species Act we had a a um no take determination for that which is good for 5 years so that's still very valid and also uh meepa um we did have an enf uh for this project and that was in February of 2021 but we reached out to them to make sure that's still valid and and yes it is it's if you're kind of dormant for more than 5 years and dormy um you know as long as you are still actively pursuing easements and doing that type of work you're not dormant anyway so so that permit everything is still valid so um that's kind of in a nutshell as to why we 0455 has been uh has been on the back burn and we've been waiting for this day so I wonder about this one yeah when I read it was like oh they're finally done like oh no it's an extension probably won't take long to construct but yeah it's just the hurdle and you know if you go to the state legislature for article 97 you get a special Act describes exactly what you have to do with working with DCM and DCR and appraisals and Etc so it takes a while article 97 it is yeah article 97 disposition and this was I guess there's some new regulations related to article 97 disposition which have occurred after we went through this process which I don't know much about it but it's supposedly more stringent where there's more environmental justice analysis involved Etc so who goes to the state legislature who who yeah so um our State Rep so it goes through Jamie Eldridge he actually sponsors the bill yeah so so it went through him okay a while ago 2022 I want to say that went through but then it took us you know a year and a half to two years with dcam DCR dcam is pretty good DCR was very slow so you said you're going off the bid now yeah we're we're we got the bid pretty much ready to head out so how long you expect to constructed like how long will take start proba take say a month maybe less you know the directional drill should be quick and then on each end they have to open excavate and tie it in and they obviously got to set up erosion control and get that checked and everything so you know I'd say two or three weeks maybe okay give them a little longer in case there's some some issues but and and and remind me again so they'll set up in Jonathan drive for the first s side and then to the bike bik path and set up there so there's an entry and exit pit yeah the the entry pit so where the drill is going to go in is on Jonathan drive and then the exit pit will be actually it's over in in an easement in a a landscape area in between two houses in the new Pleasant Street Extension oh it'll be that far okay that's what I was wondering all the way under it the power lines and everything okay so there's nothing that basically you really need to yeah so you open up in the road and Jonathan drive reate or anything so yeah I mean we'll L and Seed where we open up in that easement yeah over on Pleasant Street extension but yeah cool so exciting yeah it's very similar to the right Road Project we did to Loop right road several years ago Sandy Pond Road yeah okay we good questions should we do a sidewalk wild it is a nice wild yeah speaking of the rail trail did they ever fix that sinkhole in the rail trail I think so yeah I haven't been on said DCR yeah they did work they did a lot of work on it last year did they yeah all right um okay so um can I get a motion to um extend the order of the conditions D file 100- 0455 for 29 Jonathan drive for the DPW for two years for two years June 1st 2026 second all in favor say I I I oppose n all right pass unanimously I'll PR your names I didn't realize I didn't have it I don't use that private property that's what you just Lo over whatever you do okay I'm planting trees next to our ement but I won't plant them in the ement oh right yeah so and you can't plant in yeah don't plant it on these you can't do it in we have the right to go in there and do our maintenance whatever but we'll restore it to the surrounding area well we'll work well with the neighbors you could just say like no sorry put Stone okay cool um are you're here yeah if the um board's been put back in on on yeah I they go they go in and the out in November in whatever whatever they yeah yeah we did we did it yeah cuz we we mentioned it about we had a meeting I'm like oh yeah we got to do that and I went through the emails I'm like okay there it is yeah yeah just checking good to go the the boards in um bdam Spillway oh SP East Main Street Spillway okay they go out and then they go in and then they go out they go back in and then they go they go out with the tide over oh thank you we should put boards on on on East West Main Street good boards boards in there control let flow thank you yeah thanks everybody all right have a good have a great weekend me too see you tomorrow yeah yes I'll bring these for you tomorrow too since I'm going to see you yeah great that'll work all right with that move on to the next part of the agenda conservation office up updates so I said earlier so we got our we finally got our Trailblazers in so if you want to see them um I got to get nails for them um I don't know I emailed the group to see what everyone's um availability is to to go out and install them I figured if we could have a larger group of people it' be easier cuz everyone could take a trail break up like two groups of two or four or whatever and people that and everyone take a trail and we could just get it done faster I have only 25 of the white cuz the white Trail just is the what goes off of Oak I don't even think we're going to need 25 five but I fig it's easier to have EXT and then 50 of the blue for the blue and yellow for the other the loop trail and the habitat Trail so those will obviously take more if we need to get more then we can always do more so I haven't heard anything yet on that so we'll schedule that um hopefully in the next week or so hopefully it's not too buggy we're going to nail them in yeah we're going to nail them I got to get nail okay with that what we okay with nailing yeah okay what kind of nails you need uh I was going to go to mors and see what they had like unless you have nails likees somebody have nails they want to I have a lot of nails but that's I'm just kind of wondering can you you can't probably or probably shouldn't be using galvanized nails I suppose right I have no idea I don't know I'm like do you want to take one of these so you actually have the right size probably do sure cuz I was going to take one down so I can buy Nails um so we can get those and then wouldn't R stainless steel yeah I tried figuring out what CH be stainless I assum stainless yeah what stainless I don't know when aluminum May addad too does it say Jen like just says stainless steel is a rust proof material that would be much better for your tree in the long run okay to reduce the risk of rust and corrosion that can harm your tree roof and nail might be a little thicker than that yeah be close but I don't think I'd have enough 2in roofing nails yeah cuz obviously we're going to want to put them kind of loose out so the tree could you get a big finger nails they're they usually they're cheap yeah yeah says aluminum this one not if it's Ste stainless steel well I get aluminum yeah aluminum if you get aluminum then yeah you'd be okay any other rust proof nail or screw would aluminum aluminum hold up oh you know what I can I think I have a whole bunch of Cedar Shake ones that I have vinyl siding that I don't need Cedar Shake but I have them I think they're like inch and a half or 2 in long all right well you look and see what you have let me take a look and see what I got tonight I'll I'll yeah and cuz I can go to mors next cuz I'm just going to go to mors I can do that anytime how many signs you got in total uh 125 and there's two holes in each one but I don't think we need to do both I think just one is going to be surfice okay so at least 125 but 250 I have roofy nails yeah just think you try to nail aluminum into an oak tree that's going to give yeah yeah that's the thing well yeah you'll quickly find out yeah well you can go and do do some testing yeah that's what I was thinking too go and do some testing and does work I I took them outside too to see like how they looked into the sun does say that Alum aluminum nails can become difficult to remove after a few years so we're concerned about that the maybe stainless steel go do we want to remove them I think we should do it right the first time well volunteers you never know no just probably not but yeah what if we you know I don't know deci to change we wouldn't change the colors of the trails we wouldn't reroute Trails or anything no I mean if we were created new ones we would just recolor coordinate them different covers okay so preferably stain inless steel but like I said that can be a little CH yeah we'll see how especially when you need 250 yeah it's worth a walk over the mors at least to find out how much they might be yeah and and it and yeah and like in worst case too I can always go over there OB we don't have you could probably shop mores right now for us 250 2 in I don't know what kind of online presents that 2 in nails six Penny yeah I would say 2 in cuz you want want to stick out some oh yeah so the tree can grow and it needs to have a head like oh yeah you want you want a head not a finishing nail yeah 2 in yeah I think you'd want cuz you got to get through the bark at least that's probably at least half you're want you're going to want something that sticks out you you don't want to put it too close to the tree so the tree can grow so you're nailing it you're nailing the the the blaze into the tree yeah you don't want to do it flush with the tree cuz you want the tree to be able to grow and not grow around it and not grow around it oh well then you're can eat probably I would say 3 inch then um Morris does not have a great online presence for nail selection so you'll I think so I know they do for their their R um obon which is a little more locally owned than Home Depot there you go well yeah Oban um but so and then the I went out on last Friday to take a look at the native plantings we had done over at Peroni Park to see how they were they were taking and they are there's little green leaves and stuff sprouting up on them okay and I spent about an hour a little over an hour pulling um knotweed cuz it had just overtaken again and I'll be going out again tomorrow for another hour or two and pull more not weed cuz it's my little experiment to see if I can ratify it just by or not I'm not going to ratify it in one year but if I can make a difference um visible to one year to the next year by just hand pulling we're going to see nobody thinks so I've never heard anything saying that that you can but we're going to try what um what are you doing when you're pulling it um putting it in the back of my car and throwing it in the dumpster at my apartment okay cuz then I know it's not going to end up in somebody's yard yeah yeah in a mulch pile cool and I you know I vacu my car out on sat that Saturday so it's fine I don't care Heather Heather the not weed killer Yes I can't use weed killer there so we're working on that so that's a fun little project um Tuesday um the planning board will be finally hearing the um Stratton Hill subdivision project next Tuesday yep Tuesday the 28th so um I submitted comments to the planning board and um attorney Collins in regards to that project have you seen plans I have seen plans and I do have the plans are available online through the on the planning board's website if you want to guys want to take a look at them all the development is south of the power lines I can't remember how many Lots um two storm water basins um the existing one and then a new one on the Long Pond Side um the only only work inside the buffer is the work for those two storm water basins everything else is outside what about the slope down to Long Pond do you have the storm water basin and then there are putting on in yeah so the comments that I submitted to them um more more or less in regards to our peer review that we had done for the for the original conservation analysis one I asked I mean I did in no particular order but one of the comments was I feel and because it is an osrd and part of the osrd requirements is a conservation analysis should be done so I feel a new conservation analysis should be done with the new design plan because it's completely different and it's putting more impact sou of the power lines um it's more dense so that's one comment I did mention it to the town planner he more or less agrees but whether but the planning board decides to do that's that's them but that comment was made and then everything else in regards to what was in our our conservation recommendation and in the peer review um got put in there in regards to the impact to Long Pond um alternatives for storm water um as far as rain Gardens on properties um they are requesting waivers for the street lights and I think sidewalk which was in our recommendation as well to only have sidewalk on one side and not to have street lights so they are requesting waivers for those so they did listen to those recommendations for the most part so so it's we'll just see how it goes but that's starting Tuesday and that's going to be a very long meeting um the Jess was nice enough to go to the last planning board meeting in regards to 91 gron Harvard Road which is where the crane had um fallen off into and that will be continued on Tuesday as well and they will be scheduling a site visit for that at that day cuz they have not scheduled a site visit yet going back to Stratton Hill yes sir what did we say on what did we say on curbs or what was our recommendation on curbs uh uh Cape Cod curbs okay so Turtles can get up and over if you need to all I was messing with one the other day that was having a challenge on a paranet so yeah no they had Cape cob firms on those um and then I didn't look at the plans I did double check those you said you wanted to or did request the idea of doing another conservation analysis yes however didn't we state in the recommendation that we provided that our recommendation was if you were to keep itself south of the power lines that we were in a really good space so I guess I would just check that language to make sure we're not contradicting our it did state that but the the recommendation also say that the conservation analysis submitted was not proper because it used old data true I do remember that so the con it wasn't a point to make them redo that data because so I it it's just it's a it's a lot of development in a smaller section now um I don't think it needs to be the full scale analysis but I think something should be done on it I don't I don't know what um we'll see what the planning board does with that information um just because you are now taking the same amount of lots for the most part and moving it all south of the power lines I don't know what that impact would be on that property and what it could do to um Long Pond though I think we toyed around know if one of our site visits or one of the times they were before us asking them about monitoring wells in the area for Long Pond and I think attorney Collins said something about he might they might be able if it was a condition they would entertain that so I don't know if we could do something like that to ensure that the Long Pond doesn't have any issues going forward with the development okay how much of the impact on that slope down to Long Pond will the second Basin have I don't know I I because there's still we we There's issues with that First Basin in with the storm water report because they didn't do any analys there said this is going to be it and but that thing's not functioning now so there's just a lot of questions in the storm water as it is now what do you mean by what what sort of impact I do remember we walked down into the woods when we went on that s sidewalk and it has a really steep drop off depending where it is and then so you'd have storm water basin way down there and clearing yeah which when they they'd have to do another s sidewalk for that with everything marked out yeah so when they when they do schedule that which I don't anticipate being anytime soon but if they do um I'll make sure and see if they would allow um obviously myself or any commission members if they wanted to go on that as well yeah cuz there was there wasn't any house Lots up the east side right no yeah which was part Bas at the bottom that's there mm then up the hill and then another B mhm kind of on that side that was really about all that was right okay okay they're duplexes they're all duplexes okay see I'm not opposed to duplexes in a new neighborhood yeah so that's so and then one of the other comments was in regards to we obviously need to know what's going to happen with the land north of the power lines and if there's going to be any sort of restoration plan for that because obviously it was previously Disturbed um and what we going to do with that um I talked the town plan on that and we were twing around with ideas and he said oh they taking the gravel road out I said no if we could keep that road in maybe make it smaller then I would have an ADA almost compliant Trail which then open us up depending on who takes the property for more grants as far as Trail grants for any sort of projects out there y so I want to keep that in as a as an accessible almost Trail up there and actually that's it would just make it narrower yeah it isn't that wide as it is and that is going to grow over but all they would need to do I mean did you see what they did at the Sandy Pond school the schoolhouse there no the for the handicap it was it wasn't much it wasn't PE gravel but basically it was you know that kind of Crusher run like really fine kind of stuff such that a wheelchair can get right up in there you know so that was nice I think the um restoration plan's great and also though when you go up to the power lines and then you go off towards Long Pond people have been dumping a lot of crap that yeah so that's that's something that's going to need to be discussed going through the project is because they're going to say well it's already grown up but like that's fine it's from what you cut that's grown we need to make sure and obviously and I just learned this from going in a the where we had our meeting for the municipal conservation professionals uh CLE last week yeah because they have a big project in Stow we're not going to be able to do invasives up there cuz it's it's yeah but you can't rify it you can try to maintain it but what is is they cleared it all and I say restoration plan the restoration plan is more or less like okay we you have trees growing in let's get some shrubs in let's get some natives in there let's do like a planting plan as far as a restoration because you did clear it now it has rewi some but it's still not what you did and to do some more native planting in there will help but we do want them to pull like the tires and oh yeah the junk that's up there junk that's what and yeah and and it was in our in our recommendation and in the peer review the um the Dirt Pile that's out there is being used for turtle nesting so obviously we can't pull that out but the other issue with all that is too is part of their me Misa perment me parment whatever is they're supposed to do turtle nesting area yeah in I think they're still supposed to put one in air but I don't know with the not doing work so there's all these little questions that been Fallen if they still need to do these things would seem to be if there's already an area being used by the tur yes that's one of those there's just these questions that still need to get answer because everything's based on the old plan as far as permits go and now that's not so what do we still need to get done that need to get worked out so all those questions have been asked definitely don't be asked during the meetings definitely don't want to disturb a hill no no that Hill would have to stay but it's just a matter of yeah I would like to see some sort of restation plan too for up up there yeah but again we don't know who's taking it so that's the other question on that yeah but nothing's been nothing's been told yeah well this has been waiting for we've been waiting for a long time on this so yeah it's uh it's finally happening on Tuesday um it's the last item on the agenda so if anyone's interested in going probably won't be till closer to 8:00 um so I I also learned something uh the CBA which has been misbehaving lately had a remedial refresher course on the on everything with Town Council Amy qule at our last meeting and um we don't have to post um anything that if more than if three or more of us want to go to a planning board meeting as long as we're not sitting together and potentially deliberating we don't have to do any posting yeah I never I said I never yeah so as many of us can go without worrying about it we just have to be unfriendly to each other it's fine two of you could be friendly two of us could be friendly but but yeah so that there's quite a bit on that agenda Tuesday so it is last so I would say if you if you didn't want to get there right at 6:15 you didn't get there till 7:30 8:00 I don't think you're going to miss anything it's going be here right it's going to be here yeah I believe they are both um it's one other item I haven't been told this I've heard through the rumor mail that the request is going to be that all town meeting all Town commission uh boards and committee whatever go to um hybrid meetings um so by to more availability for people to join in I guess I haven't been formally asked we still have to be here but it has to be zoomed or something no you don't well we we we don't you can still do if you want to come you can still be on Zoom like or I could stay at home but then we would be deprived of your pres you wouldn't be able to sign it's oh that's true yeah you can't sign so my stamp though it's what so we'd be in person um but like obviously circumstances happen and it's more or less for the public to have them Zoom um I look at and go that' be great for the summer because I don't always have someone to watch my kids Thursdays but um that I I haven't I haven't um formally been given that request but I wanted to let you all know that may be coming that we might we might have more public input yeah we might actually get public input for once if we had them via Zoom so' be cool have hybrid meetings going forward so but that would think be for starting in July um and just so you know the next oh Tuesday um water and wetlands will be out doing their surveying of the three ponds in treating of Flanigan Pond the sonar on Flanigan Pond cuz they're not doing the other ones that is Tuesday that was for fan War right yeah yeah oh um I any would checked your emails but Allan sent a invite to everybody for a canoeing Adventure on the nashille river through the through the Devin portion um on Saturday June 8 yep yes yeah so yeah I think he said and if anybody had any yeah two canoes four spots basically right yeah if anybody had their own they could always bring it to that and add to it that's for looking for a boat launch no it's not it's for his um Devin's Rec whatever committee the committee looking at taking the land possibly if we get the land back oh to show what that section looks like okay because you can't tell all right so you you drive by devons and you see the river the down there but you don't you miss majority of it so this is to get you an idea of what it looks like and then you can really see the Oxo property from the river more less than you came from walking the road so that's for that yeah I think he said it to put in on the Shirley side if I'm it's the only place you can put in we don't have a launch you oh down river misre it then so I misread it was it was it was I I misread it as looking for a place to create a launching but no okay yeah unfortunately this what happens when you skim yeah cuz I mean I know Joanne did all that work looking for a launch before and they're just the only plausible place to put one in and air is over on Fitchburg roadside and it's too steep from there and it's so close of the one in surely off a two-way anyway at that point it's not worth doing all the work when you already have one like why would you just go across the riv they say you had one in here right there and then everything else happens to be in Deon so then there's that we can do a put in at nonous and go right down to the river through the wetlands no it put in at the at the river where at the nor cous Brook sorry yeah but Ian but doesn't that didn't they say that that then flows to Wetlands and then flows into the nashille right in the wetlands there are giant all I know is that the nooba is pushing it back holding it back yeah it's yeah it's a g Wetland mixer too yeah it's unfortunate we have we're in the Nash Water watered but I have no place to to put it in then I live in Pepper and I was like 17 and I don't have a canoe so but it's fine speaking of Nashville River Watershed associ did you get mine I did and I responded to Beth and I reent her the email that I sent her back in February asking her if it was appropriate to use the funds for signage for Pine Meadow and if not to let me know and then because I don't know what else we would do with it kiosks s of yeah but I mean if I can't use it for anything Pine metal then it's no right I don't I don't have any other project that I can think of that I could use it for at this point right at this moment so better to give it to somebody who has a project they need to so you sent that in February I sent it in February and I S it to her again today okay good to know yeah I did and I copied you on that email too in February so ni I copied you on this one today too so um yeah I think that's it oh actually we did have the um minicipal conservation professionals um are meeting last week and stow and I got to do Vernal pool training again which was always fun and um invasive species um removal slash trining cuz they and Stow have bought a golf course the town has purchased one of the golf courses is in town so they're trying to do a whole restoration plan for it um and Recreation plan for that project they spent $20,000 in CPA funds on an invasive species plan um that plan does not include any removal it was just a plan on what to do with them which is more or less just keep them where they are and don't let them spread because you can't manage them so um but we get to had to do that which was nice that was it's a nice section in town it's always nice to meet meet with the other um agents as well so so what are they going to do so it's going to be a 10year overall 10year project every three so they bought so it's two golf courses a North Course and a South course course the South course is staying um under private ownership the town has purchased the North Course um there's going to be a residential subdivision in one portion there's going to be a wetland restoration area in another portion um which is an old driving range that they're going to restore the wetlands back and do a whole restoration plan and the rest of it going to go into walking trails um and um like park or the soccer fields or tennis courts or whatever so it's a mix of open space and recreational space I'm sorry I should have been more clear oh sorry what I was wonder what are they going to do with the the invasives so did they say are they do they have a plan are they hand pull or they going to they are they so I found out so certain ones you have to hand pull so cutting Bitter Sweet actually makes it grow more M okay I have a sore shoulder cuz I was pulling some out by the roots yeah those things don't like to let go no they don't you have to get them when they're really small you shouldn't be pulling them once they have berries um cuz they'll start the berries will fall off um and the berries and seeds off of fitter suweet and I can't the other one Bay Berry honey ccle I don't know I can't remember which one it was actually can stay in the ground for 7 years so even if you've taken it and hand pulling it all off like four years will go by and new ones will Sprout and I'm like oh that's promising so you can hand pull but it has to be when it's when the when the vines are small other than that you're just and if you cut you have to be careful cuz when you cut it does actually it's like you know those evil dragons you cut one head off to scow on its place it's that it you break it and it will Sprout so it's a never ending is Apprentice yeah yeah yeah but they a lot of honeysuckle there you know they're sweet and I think it's bayry the green is very sweet looking but their presence is sort of bitter yeah and honey sule bad too right yeah what honey suckle bad too honey suckle yeah this is the the non-native Honeys suckle oh then in um multifloral Rose was the other one yeah multifloral rose rose yeah a PR little white flower yeah what the um the Bittersweet like if if you're able to get like a halfway decent size they like a/ qu inch or so and like I'll usually take it and like wrap it around my arm and pull it all that way to get the orange out yeah you can't do it just by your hand you got there's a there's a device they said it's called a a po polar bear polar pole something like that that you can buy that will actually you can pull bigger hunks out I don't I don't I don't know what it looks like I should probably Google it and see if I can find one and how much it costs and see if Polar Polar pool pool this a polar bear like a but something like oh I heard polar bear but something like that and so does your library have it maybe you can rent it get the library to have it and rent it out um you can use that and that'll pull it out po bear po bear p l l e r there you go po bear oh that you can get those so if I can find something like that and it's there's small ones for invasives tree and invasive tree pullar mhm $29.99 your localig store well yeah this one seems more tree like but um cuz it can get more of the roots it's easier to pull them out they said when it gets bigger it's not see I heard polar bear yeah there we go yeah this might be a bit overkilled but anym yeah so but you know pull bear did its function because it clicked polar bear in your head and you remembered I remembered it yeah that's is what this is how this is how my brain works so yeah there's devices you can get to try to pull them and if it's something like that that maybe I can convince the library to be like hey you know those libraries that rent out tools rent some of that like that out yeah borrow that out people can get rid of p in their yards yeah but then what they do we'd have to give good guidance on with to do with the yeah they think the transfer station it becomes the town's mulch that they I do need to I have a meeting with Dan tomorrow in regards to the storm Water Utility Fund about our public Outreach we're going to have a meeting I think sometime next month public inform for public forum on that I can't what it is and then a video that we need to do um so I'm meeting with him on that so I I'm going to ask him about you know if we can have a designated pile people would have put invasives in that there just going get burned or thrown in a dumpster somewhere so we're not getting put in the mulch piles Y and then we have a meeting next week with um a zoom call with Beaver Solutions in regards to some of the Beaver um issues in town so we can start getting a game plan on that um and I going to see if I don't know if they do it or not or if they know someone that does it may be beneficial sometime in the next few months to do a um a similar like public forum like Outreach on beavers um for people in town I don't know if that would be beneficial for people and what they can do protect their own property what they do if they see one what's illegal and what's not I don't know if that'd be beneficial or not but you know what would be cool if we did that is to get Jane new house from new house wildlife rehab oh yes in chur they have a they have a beaver they have a b Beaver that they that came in when it was just a week or so is that the one that was stealing on road treats out of the barrel video yeah nibby but they're they've now got I think a petition him with Mass wildlife to um because they don't think she's releasable now yeah I mean if we if not be their public education Beaver she come in and bring bring the beaver with her yeah yeah so yeah we can either try do something like that or I might I could always mention something like that to Luke over at the library to have some sort of but that could get more people interested too yeah so we try to do something like that see I I don't know cuz I know Sunflower Court was having an issue with damning one of the flooding one of the trails there and someone asked and what can we do so I don't know if be beneficial if we had something like that the public could come to and ask questions on what they can do if they have beers on their property or not yeah just protect things but I hate to like have them come and I have nobody show up so I don't I don't know what the if if people would find that beneficial or not there are a lot of Facebook page I if you have a pet beaver I will come I've never seen a beaver up close so that'd be cool she's very sweet they're very social yeah so they need to be in their family you know for socialization because she came in as a Little Orphan that must be a little stir crazy they couldn't keep her isolated from people but they did try to bring in another orphan Beaver that turned out to also be female that they got from Rhode Island shelter to see if the two would Bond and then they could be more Beaver yeah and uh they hated each other and then the other one from Rhode Island escaped oh no she hated nibby so much F of the beers what is the name of the wild the new house new house NE wh u e they also have uh Stanley their uh groundhog educational groundhog yeah that came in with a seizure disorder so he can't be released into the wild so he's now been neutered and living the life yeah their Facebook page is fun yeah baby beaver I think that was nibby when she was a ob Beaver yeah she took her she took her off the other day to swim in a pond somewhere in conservation land and somebody people were like Bo how do you get her out of the pond and she just goes following them yeah the the videos they post like she takes sticks whatever cloth them and Dan like the hallway yeah because that's what beavers want to do this Dan stuff so yeah so I'll I'll ask um Beaver Solutions and see if it's something that they do if and if it is maybe we can kind of pair it off with see if they can do something like that together they've worked together before yeah and see if we can get something like that together and maybe more people would come if they knew a real life Beaver would be there they could you know yeah see yeah might be a fun summer activity yeah and maybe we could also then pair it with like how to be a responsible Pond of butter yeah well we're working on that I it was going to so I was working on what we to do for the new um Facebook post for the for the commission and I was going to do one on um mulling of Lawns and keeping a you know hedge row by the pond to be responsible a pond owner I was going to working on doing something I was going to work on do something like that because we are in lawnmowing season now right so people yes even though it's still May you're not supposed to mow you on in May no May although ours is a jungle yeah there's quite a few that are I did see something the other day that said that noo May works really it started in England yeah and it works really great over there but it's not as effective over on this side of the Atlantic makes sense yeah it makes sense but um and then look for do something like that and then um oh and then it's part of the is the last one part of the summer newsletter from the town clerk's office um I'm going to be writing something for that in regards do they want or asking for information on um importance of native species so I think I'll do something like that and then I'll in that I'll put something in there for the Conservation Commission along with the Facebook post had to be responsible Pond um property owners and Lawn owners and the for that in regards it's going to have I'm sure I don't think the town's done it yet I don't think Dan's post or has maybe has never gone away the um water restrictions mhm so yeah we're going to have them again it's it's those are never going to go away because of the treatment it's not because of treatment every town has water restrictions it's just we have water now do me we're going to have water 20 years from now restrict it now yeah they've been here since I moved here yeah most towns just have them it it's doesn't matter if there's a drought if it's a drought it's more restrictive but they just do water restrictions as a whole as a standard I think it's it's if you look under the states under D I think they just they make that as a as a basically as a recommendation that every town should have water restrictions and not and even it' be great if people followed them it'd be great if people followed them or the people did what I do and just keep water pictures outside for when it rains so I can plants or take my water from my dehumidifier in the basement and one of my plants with that I have done that that's a good one yeah but ours is hosed out or automatically you know what to do is what I did so I took that hose that or that pipe that comes out I put a hose tap on it and I run that and I water my pie in the front of the house I have a hose like a 100 foot hose it runs out and just Waters the pie all the time there's ways there's little ways you you know do it try to conserve water it's not overly hard so when we had that huge drought a few years ago two years ago yeah I uh got into the habit I had a big pot in my sink so except for soapy water everything else I took and watered my viburnum yep but did you have a bucket in your shower cuz that's true commitment but that's soapy water not necessarily like when you first turn the water on especially to heat it up and everything yeah waiting for it to heat up grew up in California during drought years so that's what we had to tell oh yeah showered with buckets it does make sense though so when but when you got when it got soapy you didn't yeah yeah okay or you just use it to flush the toilet or whatever so it doesn't matter the best is when me and my sister went to Mammoth Caves in Kentucky they had a little um sand glass timer in the showers because they wanted you to limit your showers to 3 minutes yes which me and my sister just like there's no way we can do that but we want to try and we really wanted them to sell those and like to just have in your bathroom to try to limit your shower to 3 minutes good I when that bag drought it was like go in and um get all wet and then turn the water off and then soap everything up and then turn it on I just yal with the kids saying if my shower takes 5 minutes yours shouldn't take more yeah anyway we're getting a little that's that's all I have so self conservation related though that's true Jess updates um the only other thing I learned from our Our Town Council session was that we can when we vote to um well I guess it wouldn't make sense for us but when we vote to issue an order of conditions we can technically close the public hearing right then the same in the same motion yeah and then um and then what you then you sign at your next meeting but that's just understood as just for administrative purposes so we can state that in the motion if we ever get to that again yeah so so would we'd have a motion to approve and close or just you're just saying yeah it would work it I mean that makes sense for something some other boards but I'm not sure about us because if we wanted to amend special conditions or something like that then that would be deliberating so we would have closed CL the hearing so we couldn't if we wanted to at the next meeting or something so we just keep on business as usual all right Jen no Rich no I got nothing all right I guess I could motion to adjourn so moved second all in favor say I I oppos nay H Sharp