call to order the um air Conservation Commission meeting for Thursday April 11th 2024 this meeting is open under the wetlands protection act and under the airs the airs the air Wetlands bylaw uh first uh any change in the agenda no all good all good all right we we should be out by 11:00 p.m. tonight can we get uh approval the agenda as written so moved second all in favor say I I I sorry I forgot to oppose nay passes unanimously as John would say yes he was that yes he would yes he would all right um we now come to the next section uh public input if there's anybody I'm sorry minutes oh I went right I went to the agenda and I forgot the minutes okay let's do the minutes uh any changes to the minutes from March 28th 2024 our last meeting nope all right uh can I get a motion to approve the meeting minutes from March 28th 20124 so move second all in favor say I I oppos nay also passes unanimously I can't I can't talk in at the same time anymore What's the 411 you dat exactly all right now we'll move to the second bullet which is the public input section of our meeting um Heather do you have a extra I do the agenda's right here it went on there you go thank you um is there anybody in the audience that would like to provide some public input Here Comes Barry your microphone is off who oh yeah yours you you don't have red I didn't do it thanks that's why I get paid the big bocks thank you got the magic touch I have been saying I uh is there any public input from the crowd all right with that then we'll move on to the next uh item on the agenda uh we have a discussion of the conservation restriction monitoring report from Autumn Rich good evening good evening hello would you mind stating your name again for the record please for the public I'm Steve Smith um the the approved monitor the appointed monitor for the automerge conservation restriction Lely to have you with us here to make my annual report um I like these exhibits uh are going to be used on our trail head uh kiosk but they're nice exhibits so I'll share them with you for the meeting thank you thank you very nice also want the I like that little cool I also have um I think copies of the [Music] report for that Direction Four for that direction thank you are you going to save stuff for John I can I mean I don't know if you car you have an extra I take it back I've rarely seen those pictures so um I want to um draw your attention I have we have Chuck Francis here from autumnridge he's a resident and uh he's the uh sort of the chief of the outdoors at aotd he watches the outdoors want to sit up with us Jeff F you sure okay it's a more comfortable chair it is he he helps me organize the residence for trails and monitoring and he takes these pictures so these pictures I hope you were able to look at them on your computer but they're they're pretty pretty neat pictures like that Turtle crossing that's a real turtle Crossing by the side I checked that I was like check out the snapping y that was perfect yeah nice of him to follow blir and like the head on Tom Turkey I'm from the head yeah isn't that something I GL that the turtle knows where to cross Turtle madees looked at the sign yeah uh and Chuck caught the turkey and Bloom and and uh red fox and a scruffy looking porcupine I guess they're always scruffy looking um the baby ones are cute they're all cute yeah I just uh inside the report there's a whole list of new sightings of Wildlife and birds and I just want want to emphasize that this is a extraordinary habitat uh all the way from Pine Meadow up through the lore Pond and rock Meadow Pond up the hillsides um it's really an extraordinary habitat I never appreciated it when I was young and I lived there as a Boy Scout and a teenager and chasing the Sheep around getting them in the fence and I never appreciated how much of a need habit that it was and it's improved because of the uh the Beavers creating the big the big ponds um I uh cool it's always a pleasure to uh go there in my early years and be be part of it and have your blessing to monitor it keep close watch super blessing mhm and appreciation yes um so I'll start at the top of the report um I am the volunteer Steward um we started we did the Baseline on this CR in 2010 5 years after it was established um but ever since 2010 in 15 and 20 now again in 25 next year do an update of the photos I don't know Heather if you've seen those photos I've seen them in the book y but they're updated every 5 years so those are updated from certain key photo points so they compare every year yeah exact points with compass PS and the idea is they shouldn't look different M except that mother nature might make a change but nobody else is supposed to make a change um so this year we did a I I did a few walks they're on the last page on the map I did one with my sister Beverly and I did a Al I don't one the alone and this long one down beside Rock meow Pond um was with the big group from Autumn Ridge how many do we have 11 yes 11 11 people came from Autumn Ridge to help and they were they were uh energetic too climbing all over the hillsides looking for geocaches cool um observing boundary markers um so my first um oh I've updated the um the Board of Trustees too there are new members on the Board of Trustees every year I update that so you have the up to up toate contact information and who's who's governing the the village and there's also a change in the uh management comp company contact uh lyanna Anderson is new uh as of my writing of this report um now number one um I want to spend a little time here in 2023 uh was a year of above average rain and water level and rock metap Pond was high this was exacerbated by the failure of the Beaver deceiver um I don't know if you know where it is but um this Dam has a beaver deceiver and also this Dam the road which one failed so this Dam has a beaver deceiver right and this rock yeah uh is held back by that Beaver Dam and this Dam has a beaver deceiver and this is a small pond was backed up by that Dam okay which was the deceiver that failed um this one this one this one okay and um I noticed that when did I write to you a September yeah about September we noticed that the water levels were higher in rock B Pond that Beaver deceiver was put in there not by my request but by your decision to govern that water level after the big breach you remember that yep you two were here at the time of the big breach uh sorry that that Dam let go and the whole of rock Meadow Pond which is about 10 acres that rock meow Pond is about 10 acres let go and it went downstream and wiped out this D this Dam totally and then went into Pine Meadow Pond and then Pine Meadow Pond over flow it's you know the cement at the end of pine metal Pond right next to oakd drive it overflowed that washed out a oakd drive big ditch it's as big as this table and as deep as the table on end in the cover and so Town had to close the road and it was closed I don't know 2 or 3 months till they I'm not sure if it was that long it seemed pretty fast they got it open again really well that's good yeah but the the wash into Flanigan Pond is so much it back flowed also into Sandy Pond and raised the water level there about a foot yeah amazing yeah catastrophic event yeah um I think surpris the Dickens out of all of us uh but subsequent to that you were you were entering a program of beaver deceivers and I'm not aware of all of them but I think Long Pond has one and both these dams at U Autumn Rich have a beaver deceiver and um on in our collaboration I recommended that we drop the level of rock meow Pond by a foot with the establishment of that Beaver deceiver um thinking that that would reduce the volume of water by a lot 10 acre feet mhm that's a lot of water 10 acre feet you know and I'm guessing at the acreage I think it might be more yeah um so but it would preserve the habitat it would have be a healthy Wetland preserve the habitat and by god it worked beautiful everything was in Balance the Beavers were deceived they put rocks and sticks on the damn but it didn't do any good see and the water flowed out Downstream and uh and we we we go along the edge of the pond every year when our monitoring and we know how high it's supposed to be yeah and last September I was walking down the U the rock metal trail alongside the pond I say whoa that thing is much much bigger you know it's it's spread you know it's higher right and uh there was no other explanation but the uh eever deceiver wasn't working right now I don't know if it's not working at all weren't they going to fix it or did they fix it they fixed the one over at Snake Hill over by the the um there was a failure one on Snake Hill for the um uh Gun Club that one they fixed we we we we authorized that um I contacted um Beaver solutions for this one and I I believe they went out and checked on it I I need to verify with the again tomorrow I'm meeting with Dan to go over all the the beaver issues in town and I'm hoping to get like a list and see what we can mail out this year and and put on tap for next year cuz we have we have money for for looking at addressing some of those but we'll we'll we'll we'll have them double check that one as well cuz I did go out after you call me and I looked too cuz I'm like lot of raining a lot let's go see cuz I have no idea where any of these deceivers are I don't know so I should go look and yeah walking along the trail it got it got close the water was water was close you had to get you had to kind of go up a little bited last week the trail was flooded yeah it's been as it's been so wet so that could be just spring water but yeah I think that's just the rain water we had now where where's the one on Snake Hill then cuz I thought when we were talking about that was the the the gun club has one but I thought that they have a separate one okay yeah I I got a list from from um my C about all is my oh yeah about all the ones we have cuz I'm like I don't even remember and I'm trying to and I got to gather it all together and see if I can get um confusing cuz when you showed us the thing from Mike Callahan yeah that would the authorization that we did on that was for I think the one at habitat observation point was it yeah don't you remember George do you remember George I think so yeah yeah and um when was that it was like 200 11 12 somewhere oh that oh that was the last yeah I I when it was put in when it was put in because um but I don't remember the gun club having one they yeah they have one there's one that that they had a failure on that one it was flooding out the power lines okay cuz that's when we we did that over the but we never put that one in in the first place maybe they did they show no they did cuz they showed I asked for the they showed me the bills and that was from 2017 yeah cuz I verified it cuz you had those questions when it came in and I verified it with them okay I did do that cuz you had the question yeah we did but then I thought okay when we looked at it I thought oh yeah that in my mind it was like oh yeah that was this one yeah no I think yeah it CU it is oddly enough because it runs the power lines and you just you get you get disoriented in town sometimes when you're looking through the woods I I will be walking through a trail and we'll go and go hey that's that how am I already over there I don't know so that could be part of it but we will I will have them triple check this one as well I believe that lower Dam yeah is okay okay that water level in that lower Pond yeah it's the up the uh yeah is not changed that I can observe yeah uh and that would be logical it's uh less stressed there that's a much smaller Pond um but I just wanted to have this discussion with you yeah so to gauge whether or not you're going to do something oh yes uh because there's no danger to this conservation restriction from that failure there's virtually no danger uh the higher level in the pond uh my bug toding and uh and uh the Wars a little bit cuz it backs up towards a road and whatever but it's not a it's not a something that floods people's houses or even comes close doesn't come close to automerge houses the water level um the most we get maybe is a little Trail flooding yeah so it's really not a danger to the but because of that danger to the public infrastructure o Road yeah um I assume that that's the reason you did it in the beginning wasn't it yeah yeah yeah anyway okay that's enough enough said um I would like to be informed yes if as soon as I find out what happens with that I'll make sure I let you know and if if you know the date it's going to be worked on I'd love to see that work going on yeah I I can do that yeah wouldn't you like to see the work going on yeah well the beaver dam the one at the end of rock metal Pond now the old Dam there's not much showing right showing they they did the mud in the sticks and they yeah they built another Lodge across the pond because the lodge that they had was filled up a lot sure yeah but the new Lodge is extremely high so their living room got a little we wet I guess they're they're loving all this rain we're having yeah but they built a new Lodge so they have a nice living room inside this one should be on it's covered under our maintenance thing yeah no I and I believe I mentioned they went and checked it but I'll I'll just make sure that what did you say it's covered under our maintenance contract with Beaver Solutions too check the other one at the other Dam yeah there's they go they go and check them every year okay oh good I didn't know that yeah they do they they check them every year to make sure that they're working so I I think there wasn't so but I'll just verify with them that they did check that one there was no issues so you're not sure if they've checked this one since it's I reported I'm not I I to go through and and verify that with them just so you know we had we have a beaver deceiver at the Long Pond Dam right that the Beavers lost their deception on they they outwitted it okay yeah yeah with junk there's a couple of them that they they have and I last fall this past fall was the year of of all the Beavers of flooding Trails throughout the town and and it's we had such a wet summer and then I think when it started to dry out they were just like but wait we had all this rain so they started damning things to get where they were again so if we have a dry drier summer it's it's just going to be the same again cuz they're just loving all this water they want to keep it the ospray up back now oh good but the island that they were on is all flooded but there're still up they fixed the old mest that they had this is I've been there 8 years and they I think it's the same offs spre have come back the8 years yeah well they've been there longer than that we still 2010 at least they were there so yeah they're they're a pleasure to see make an awful Screech though it's not a very not a very nice speech I saw one I think it was last summer it looked like it was it was in Sandy Pond it was struggling to get out of the water oh and I was thinking uhoh so I got my binoculars out I was thinking am I going to have to take a kayak out and help it and it finally got out it had a big fish that fish having trouble getting get that thing yeah not going to let go that thing but that's where they go to fish Sandy Pond yeah they don't fish in rock metal Pond that never saw did you ever see an osprey dive never not have one no it's probably CU they know better shell well there's a lot of stumps all Woods that those cut most of those stumps are covered the turtles are having problem finding places to land on now well I bet if the state stocked it the Osprey would fish there cuz they do Stock Sandy Pond oh yeah yeah yeah um moving on number three at Smith Pond which is the which is the one Smith Pond is this one yeah this one the beavers have stayed away for several years we like them to stay away from that pond as it raises cane when they elevate it um and but we've lost the OTS too the um a haven't come back and it's um growing some yucky vegetation pabe doesn't like the vegetation Peg is the cheer of the Border trust sees she lives Chuck and she live within sight of Smith Pond and she doesn't like the ugly vegetation it's Mother Nature um anyway all the uh list of animals and birds the 23 sightings are noted by a 23 and um we got a coyote uh that's um been noticed for four years now and uh you've got a black bear I'm not sure the black bear the black bear that frequented auto Bridge doesn't seem to be around but my sister Beverly saw one on Snake Hill Road so I included it um I've never seen the otter but if you go there early enough in the morning you can see the Otters playing in the water sliding down I don't know if I sent to you I had a a hiker um saw a hiker at uh or bird watcher at observation point and he had just taken a video of otter swimming in Pine Meadow Pond and they were doing this and that and everything I think I said it here but it was 3 or 4 years ago H it's fun to watch they're lovely um the wildlife is in this um the people in aut merge help a lot Chuck especially but um the people that contributed to this list besides Chuck John Marian John cigan Marian stard Beverly Smith Diane stemman Deb daily and Richard Smith Arians used to be out there with a friend they picked up some interesting water things and like the bullfrog and the green frog and the Sunfish and this and that but my friend left and she hasn't hasn't done it so much anymore um no 100 hun interactions were reported the signs are up check out I put him there in 2018 we have a no hunting Zone around the village and then the public access Zone which is demarcated by this line so this is all public access from the pimo area um this is follows the same hunting rules as PTO which are posted at the trail headed by now but the no heading is this area next of the village Chuck and I put signs up uh here and here and here and they've been UND Disturbed and no observation of hunters right right right um the power company wasn't active this year they did a heck of a job the last couple of years cutting trees building roads they cut very very large pine trees down near the wires mhm what bothered me is they just left they didn't put them in piles they just left all the pine there in the middle of the summer yeah anybody yeah fire could have stop it are they still there oh yeah yeah they're still there they're they're rotting away yeah that's this power line here yeah that Chuck is talking about we had to even cut the trees they blocked our Trail for a while we had to cut the trees out of there um on the field work trip um this year we had as I said 11 people Chuck John Marian Beth cubic Deb dily Diane Stedman Berto Lind Karen Roy Jean de mert Pat Mahan and Beverly Smith we're getting a lot of female people helping us now the newer people men uninterested in coming there only a few of us old people men left that are work on the trails or anything women but the younger woman some of them are like Mountain boats yeah they're great I just hope they stay with it but the men are dropping off they seem to have a really good time so uh the trail work was done last April or last May and we had our whole crew working and and I have decided May 18th is the triail work day this year we haven't announced it yet gather people but we're going to starting this weekend uh no encroachments by campers fire Builders motorcycles motorbikes hunters or boers we've had all of them in the past but none observed this year we observe three geocaching sites this year the one near the Lower Beaver Dam down here on this Hillside that one seems to be gone um it was just right in there um but the other [Music] ones um there are two at the observation Point within 20 ft of each other which is strange maybe there's two different clubs or something I don't but um and there's one up here all they're all on publicly accessible land and we don't think there's any reason to discourage it mm it's a sport you know and it's publicly accessible I bet you there are some on the pine metal land too um never have come across them but if you get on the website and join the club I guess you yeah get the GPS points and you can go um there's also I didn't I don't think I noted it here but there are also boulderers people that climb Boulders that come here to you know this's Rocky side there on yeah porcupine Hill and uh they bring they come in with backpacks with mattresses on there huge backpacks with mattresses so they lie them out and then they clim these Boulders and they're upside down so if they fall they fall on the mattress funny I came across one one day and he was upside down on the in side of the boulder his mattresses out but there again I think I think the big boulder on Pine Meadow Land is also a destination they have a club they have GPS points they go but they're all on publicly accessible land um the haying and the mowing of the fields the zones of the CR allow farming in the fields and um David eles the neighbor Haze where he can get his big equipment in and my brother takes a rotary Mower on the back of a Caboda onto the the fields where it's narrow and uh together they keep the fields in good shape there's no financial transaction between David Ides and the BM Bridge because he does the work for the benefit of the hay he's a hay farmer and hay seller so uh there's no it's just call it even quck pro quck pro and my brother and does his Mowing and I do some mowing on the trails crossing the power lines I do that in Westford too but I come to air with my w tractor and do it we've signed liability waivers in favor of Auto brid so the you know our equipment or whatever if we get in trouble it's us it's on us not not them all right that's the report I'd be happy to answer any questions or um take any action items you might add [Music] um thank you great um welcome you see our on our agenda the next discussion item is trying to get a group going for Pine Meadow yeah they I I got responses from quite a few people just saying let me know what did so I saw this on the website yep and Steve I know you said you'd be interested sometime maybe in in joining in we don't have correct email for you I do you do I've been emailing them maybe I just didn't put on the the the other one oh okay okay cuz I remember last year got Emil I've have your correct email yeah yeah oh okay never mind sorry Steve just a quick question for you on the folks that are going out and helping you on all this are they all people who live in that neighborhood or is it just from all over town no it's all people are from autom Bri okay yeah that's cool it's a little bit of magic that we have going there sounds like a good Community yeah because theoretically my role as monitor is a adversary role but I've learned doing this on the appalation trail that the more you make friends the more everything goes better MH and so right from the beginning we made friends and uh I think the the residents of aut Rich are more um dedicated to the maintenance of this conservation restriction than we are I mean they they really take it serious and they love this Wildlife they're it's an agian Community though the original residents are either dying off or going into nursing homes that's why the younger people coming in don't have as much interest as the older people did at the time very pessimistic about that every time we have an event it seems like the people come out um so uh yeah we can advertise this yeah I I'll will send you when we have working D cuz hearing you say you're going to have yours on May 18th we need to do some might be nice to maybe coordinate so we could do two sides at the same time um maybe to do meet in the middle for yeah when we did have the good exchange of ideas too so they could see what they' done are doing because I know they've asked us like what exactly do you want us to do y so like I'm work the a that maybe we could do you know have our group meet that I mean it's getting kind of late in the year maybe try try to aim for two one the first Saturday of May and then aim for the second one that time right and do those two and see what we can get going I'm glad you came in and mentioned that so I can write that down and say we should do ours that day yeah on Ridge can kind of maybe like Mentor those folks just give them an you know this is what the Yeah cuz I mean the trails meet up right so like I've come in from Autumn Ridge side and I was like oh I like coming in this side it's just as nice as coming in the other way yeah I haven't come in the oak Ridgeway yet I haven't done that one yet I got to do that one Steep Hill at the beginning yeah get over it h get over it I know what you mean um my old dog used to pull me up oh was that right that was helpful huh got a boost the one I have right now Benji he's like oh I shouldn't pull on a leash and it's like no here you should but so um my my thought would be and when we had the air Greenway committee going in full swing uh we'd have work days inv fite everybody mhm then we we'd assign individuals to pieces of the tripil yeah that's that's the whole that's the plan to hopefully get to that point and that um and we also had some of the roten bridge residents come to the to the Pine me Pond work days um I guess Keith is the only one I remember that's still in out ofer Keith Keith Frederick who used to come to those but anyway I don't think you ever did did you ever come to well I didn't think so you have too young that was a while ago yeah okay done yeah excellent thank you so much um appreciate the report nice and thorough as always and um and you're going to post these right oh yeah these are going to go on Chuck got a project going of upgrading the trail head kiosk new pictures new maps and Heather's going to be eventually taking over doing our yeah that's Baseline monitoring so yes I am I am going to be doing basine monitoring at some point yeah so there's the pro I know I noticed in the website North Country Land Trust does some work for you they did they've gotten busy yeah it's been a bit of a challenge for them to to keep up with the uh their workload and such stuff they're they're a pretty good group though yeah I guess they've had a lot of potential they've had a lot of projects this past year and they've lost some people so they've been I guess overwhelmed oh but so we're trying to get our process of working on a new plan on those yeah and then once we get it all everything in Ship Shape Heather's taking over our Baseline I can try to do the Baseline monitoring yeah I can't I mean well the the yearly monitoring I can't do the Baseline you know but you know what for the year for the monitoring maybe next year you should join Steve on one of the work trips cuz he's doing the the yeah that that next year and then as he gets going we can find some intern from the school that's going in for conservation yeah what are you do on May 18th you want to come what this this May 18th we're going to try to do one for Pine meow and meet up with you guys I'll I'll email you and let you know about that but when you do your monitoring you take the pictures I would like to do that next year okay that may be my last 5ye picture taken I'm going to be 82 when I do that so so next year yeah next yeah you know it's fine by me if there is one okay then you want me to continue I guess at least one more thank you Steve appreciate it thanks Chuck meet you nice seeing you great pictures yeah keep sending them do you use a special camera or do you use a cell phone camera I'm not a photographer but I got a big lens and I just point and shoot that works let the camera do the do the stuff right job Co okay bye byebye folks I'm Ru myself all right next item on the agenda discussion around the friends of Pine Meadow Land stewards which we sort kind already yeah we already kind of did yeah so I emailed the whole group yeah I emailed the whole group um I received two or three responses to people just basically saying well let us know what day and we'll go I don't think anyone has any interest in coming to a nightly meeting they rather just be outside so um and hearing that um Pine Meadow is going to I mean at Autumn Ridge is going to be doing their workday on the 18th probably be a good idea to do one ours on that Saturday right yeah it's a Saturday um doing ours the same time I don't know if we want to try to schedule one earlier than that on um May 4th you do a May the 4th be with you event yeah I think that would be and then that way we could have we could have two dates set for people and go from there I think waiting all the way to the 18th to do our first one is going to be I I'm just afraid if we get another either wet or mosquito eat summer it's going to be hard to get out so I'd rather see do a couple and see what we can get for people out there when's Town clean up that so so the town cleanup so we have a lot in my update I'll have a lot of these yeah the town the town one clean up is going to be the 27th April 27th the same day as the pocket Forest one year anniversary okay so so 27th is Town cleanup fourth would be yeah we'll do one Pine Meadow yeah and then we'll do another one on the 18th and and see what we get for people on that one um and and go from there and make our list from there cuz even if we just get kids welcome yes um yes obviously oh do that best I can to figure out you know that whole aspect of it but yeah kids can always come because it's outside everyone all kids should go outside um it might be neat though like I said to maybe if there's a way that we could purposely make sure that the groups do literally meet that's what so I'm thinking so I'm hoping I haven't gotten the trail blazes in yet I'm hoping if they come in in time we can do some of the trailblazing on the 4th and then on the 18th kind of just tag along with the the uh Autumn Ridge folks to see how it is what they're doing and and get some into almost a question and answer and like how to type of visit with them on that day that's my hope but they haven't come in but we still have the whole month of April so that's the Hope on that end of things so when you're letting the email group know about this I think put the emphasis then on the fourth mhm like that would be the primary day and then make it maybe a little bit more vague that we'll try and do something on the 18 but so that people aren't like oh well I'll do it then that then yeah yeah we'll do that and and then make a list from there it's just one of these things it's like trying to figure out everything out it's a it's a new adventure on my end so did Steve say that he has like like a couple people assigned to each different Trail yeah so that's so when we did this this the land Steward program was already established when I was in Littleton and what it was was cuz they had multiple conservation lands so it would be there'd be a land steart there'd be like four land stewards for this property for for this one for and they would take turns right so like once uh every so once a month one would go and then the next month they one go and they would rotate and they'd pick whatever weekends and that's what they would do and they would and they would monitor it that way and that's ideally The Hope on this aspect I think like Jonathan I think his main focus Hest he wants to you know see work done but I think he he'd be a good person to do guided Trails um guides and stuff through them to the mushroom hunting and stuff I think he's already he contacted the library about doing another one through that and I think it was another gentleman that was on that was bird watcher to find individual tasks for each one of these people as we get going but I mean right now we all want to see obviously we you get the the the trail re blazed and then get the kiosks um fixed up and some of the signs done and then from there we can figure out what it is everybody wants to do while they're there is someone want to your main focus want to do the guide tra walks is your main focus want to just sit and walk you walk it every day if there's maintenance that needs to be done like what it is that you want to I think that's cuz I don't want to delegate to people what they want to do this is they're volunteering to do this I want to see what you want to do more or less than anything else yeah I think like you said it would be but we got to get it be need if like each person's whatever their kind of specialty or interest m is something that they could do so let's say you know like you said so the bird watcher goes out right so person that's very you know an avid bird watcher they they go they they inspect the trails you know they walk the trails but then at the same time maybe they identify this is a good spot to see this this and this you know similar to what Steve kind of had on his map MH and then you know kind of pass that along and then it can get added be it to the board or something you know hey if you're interested in you know such and such has been spotted at this location you know that kind of thing mhm o so if we if we could if we could set up like like uh something on our website too they have like updated reports of like somebody was out here and yeah I saw this here you know and just keep a keep people would contribute and then I don't know I just garble that but that's you got what I mean yeah I what you mean yeah and I think you can I remember correctly I think you can set up a group like an in naturalist and so maybe we could set up like an an air y you know Pine Meadow Trail or something you know maybe something like that I think that's that's the whole point I think but right now we we there's just certain upkeep maintenance things that need to get done first and then can bring it to that at this point but that's the whole Hope on this is to get that aspect of it cuz I mean as it is now as an active she just work you know the first few months working in the office here with people calling and saying oh was that Pine the tree was down yeah can you get someone out there and instead of being like going out and go how long's this tree been sit because it's so such an active community that uses it already that those reports are already coming in and and some people like oh I just moved it out of the way I cleaned it up myself it's like oh okay that that stuff already happens which is actually is fantastic right it's just the the the the the signage at this point that need that's been neglected that needs to get done and then we can move on yeah and I think that's the whole point of it is to get that maybe like you said right so get the signage done because you don't want to be kind of advertising all these great things and then have people get lost out there yes exactly you get the the quick negatives it's like yeah we went out to see all this great stuff and oh we went out to go look at it and why is the signs falling down or so faded you know you don't want I don't want to advertise and be see how great this land people go it's not like it it's it's a nice piece of property it's not well maintained as far as like the signage goes yeah stress on the May the two May dates especially the first one we're getting out early this year before the heat before the Heat and the bugs yeah and then we can think about and hopes before the Heat and the bugs yeah yeah bite people out when the bugs are up yeah and then yeah so this that's the hope for that and I said I order to the sun just waiting for them to come and I'm assuming they'd be in sooner than later cuz it's been what two weeks they should be in soon so we can have those to do that for the fourth and then we can look at what other signage we need to do and where I can get those and what the cost on those will be and other funding sources for those as well that's good and when you do a uh setting the dates I can also if you send me a blur I can post it on the air Community Facebook page too very good yeah or Jen could as well she's on there there which I finally got accepted to I think my daughter had to do something special I don't know maybe I answered a question wrong that try block him didn't we they got my work George if you ever want to get on it I'm on it the Community page yeah oh okay I didn't know you were on Facebook he's on the dark web version now going to get inundated with friend requests I won't bother you I promise I will right anything else on the land stewards for no that's that's it for now John sure so we're going to solidify them yeah we're going to we're going to tell them we're do the four speciic time any wants to do on the 4th or is there time that doesn't work for I how many of you going to go start at like 9 or nine okay that's what I figured keep it in mind I won't commit yet but I'll okay I just want to give it there's a time that if anybody I I think Nine's good was that like week from from this Saturday what was it 3 weeks from this Saturday basically I have so many things coming up in I have a calendar right here I can look it up got it's three weeks I have so much stuff coming up yeah it is it's three weeks yes okay okay cool next item conservation updates okay prepare to be inated with dates um the uh April 22nd is the Earth Day event um through devans and the mcferson road from 2: to 6:00 p.m. unfortunately due to the fact that town meeting is that evening at 7 makes it difficult for me to be able to have a table at that event because I would so be at town all day why is it on a Monday I don't know they changed it that's April 22nd which is Earth Day it's actual Earth Day yeah they changed it to have it from the the Friday of school vacation week to actual Earth Day um it's yeah with town meeting that night it's it's too it's too much for me to try to attend both and I have to go to town meeting so um we will not have a table this year for that um the DPW won't either for the same reason because it is town meeting night um we all have other things to go but just want everybody to know that they will be closing mcferson Road and having the bikes people bring bikes and scooters and stuff on that and Pace will be there and um the garden the Garden Club and stuff so if anybody does want to attend that's that date what time is town meeting 7:00 um on the TW on April 20th excuse me there is 20th the planting day for the Peroni Park through the Nash Water set Association is on that date um at from 9: to 1: you can register through the ntional river water set Association just so they can have an idea of number of people that are going to be there for that I have signed up to to go um to help them plant and and control invasive species for that day for I don't know how long I don't think I say the whole day but I'll go for a couple hours on that Saturday if anybody else wants to attend that um and then on the 27th is um the oneyear anniversary for the pocket Forest over on East Main Street um from 11: to 2 and I will be there for that event as well leading one we'll be doing mini tours of both um sections of that um pocket Forest so we will be there for that as well has there been any sort of like assessment how did things Faire for this that is the that is how I'm going to address my group when I do mine as more or less of how everyone's feelings are about it what their concerns are how can we address them how I can help answer them um I might bring a couple of my tree of identification books if people seem to get bored with that and they want to try to identify something that's that's more like how did the like has the vegetation I haven't been out bias oh is it gr oh it's all grown everything seems good okay um there was I guess a lot of the I guess what did Allan say some of the trees the bunnies did a number on some of the stuff out there but there is stuff that's that has taken and and grown I think the amount of lost was higher than expected okay but the there is vegetation growing in there beyond the weeds that you see good cuz I going up there a couple times last summer and weeding through and there there was quite a bit that had taken you just it's hard to tell it was hard to tell with the weeds that were in there but they were there they would they would they'll they'll grow up and do what they need to do so SS good yeah so that's and I would always pick not weed too when I was there pretty much remediated it for the most part it it'll come back but it doesn't take long to do that but that's it for dates um what do we got now the park 42 Park Street they've started that project inspected the silt fence and erosion controls they were installed and and fixed what needed to be and so we'll be going back and doing a weekly inspection or so on that site as they're continuing to do the foundation work and site work over there um 333r Street was before the planning board on Tuesday before you leave Park Street though what yeah I said before you leave Park Street didn't they say that they were going to take the roof off and do the roof and then work down floor by floor and like G what happened the whole building yeah the whole building's gone oh what happened was when when they went to open it up to after took the roof off to go in and start doing the demo um down to the studs they realized it was worse than they expected they had Charlie come out on the Building Commissioner to review it and he said it was not salable okay so kind of figured as M but it just like so it was it was inspected and it was it was it was determined that it wasn't it wasn't salable so they they took the whole building down I was actually there as they were taking it down it was kind of neat um planning board met for 333 street they're doing a site visit next Thursday 18th yeah next Thursday um the town planner out um next week so I'll be going with the planning board for that to help them answer any questions in regards to that there is a lot of questions and and need to be answer for as far as the the road work and and storm water going to the buo retention area so I will be there for that to help them answer any questions if I need to report anything back to you on you guys on that I will um air Solar 2 was looking for their final sign off um the planning I believe some members of the planning board myself DPW Town planner will be going out on the 24th at 9: to do that final um to do a S sidewalk of that property to dpwu town planner and I believe um some members of the planning board I'm not 100% sure yet I'll know tomorrow along with um GPR I don't know if heat will be here or not and then after that they'll after that it'll be an assessment of if they are allowed to have their sign off or not or if there's outstanding items that need to be addressed if they're signed off then they can turn it on right is it on now as far as we know it's not on because they can't until it's signed up Charlie needs to do his final inspection before they get their occupancy so there's still still a couple steps on there ours is still of the um we're still waiting for the conservation restriction from RIT he said he's still waiting to hear back from the state on that and then we still have one more growing season to get through on the replication areas do we got trees in the tree boxes yet there is Button Bush in the tree boxes which that's a whole issue but they they've taken so that's fine button bushes yes um and have anything else so after this summer fall then can they apply for a COC this fall mhm okay yep yeah they extended it so yeah it's more or less to be this fall um 91 Gren Harvard Road is before the planning board on their next meeting on the 23rd for their site plan review which one is this that is the old uh berky trucking company right um that piece of property the only AB Butters to that happen to be town properties we are happen to be one of them I don't the one where the the crane came from right okay um I don't know if it would be beneficial to the planning board at all or to the town I I thought of this because it's it's we're the only of BS is if and we don't I don't want a whole quum of the the Conservation Commission to go but it may be beneficial to express some of our concern concerns as far as having a trucking company storm water whatever that close to a conservation land to have a member or two of the plan of the Conservation Commission attend that meeting I mean I'll be there obviously but and it's in my comments to them in regards to some of the storm water flow in the core habitat area that's in the on that property what's the date again the 23r what do they intend to do there they are putting up a building um some redoing some of the parking grading and um some storm water management on site there's just some questions on store trucks there basically or yeah equipment y okay so our basic concern would be moving the parking further from that slope yeah and in in the storm water as well yeah so I just is just is it because we're really the only abutters besides the uh DPW if anybody wanted to go to that and just hear what the what the planning board had to say and express any concerns that we might have as a Butters yeah um that's that's all I have I think just some good guard rails might be sufficient yeah that is in our that is in my comments that it's in the town planner's comments and I believe it's in the dpw's comments as well um because of the incidents that would that did occur and I am including pictures in on that report the other issue is and it's hard to tell the property L it's not staked out but um when you walk on the trail you can see when you brush away some of the the leaves cuz that's a 25t burm according to their plants that that slope it's starting to you can find some gravel on the whether it's still on their property or if it's coming into ours it's hard to tell so I did put a request in there that that slope should probably be more stabilized than it currently is but again I don't know you think the gravel has migrated yeah oh yeah yeah it's just when I was because it's from where the the crane had gone over in according to the plans their prop it's hard to tell where the property line is and I don't think they've really staked that part out when they did the plans because they're not really doing any work there so there's no like definitive markers I don't think out on site cuz like oh we're not going over there it's fine but I'm like gravel did the planning board require that what definitive mark with the property they they can they they they haven't opened their hearing yet and they when you look at the the site plan it kind of just ends and you can see that there's still propy lines that yeah they didn't finish so it's it's hard to tell from that if that if that gravel that I found on site is indeed their property or if it is ours but it's one of those things where like if I'm already seeing it maybe 5 to 10 ft away like what are the odds that it's not going to keep moving yeah so maybe like they could ask for for some bounds or yeah I I I may ask for that when we when they open the hearing um and so we can verify what's going on with that either way it's it's it's in a vegetated forest area so when you um when you were up at the top mhm after the crane fell hey what was the what was the slope of the the pavement SLG gravel that's up there does it slope it slopes towards and and that's how some of the grading proposed is now um they have uh on the plans they do show some grading that is having everything go think from elevation 3113 to 308 towards that slope and then it goes from 308 or 305 down to 285 at the bottom that's I can tell it's a it's a 25t hill but they're going to do some storm water management on they are doing some storm water management on site could they possibly grade the storm water so it sort of flows into the parking that's that's that's my suggestion is to not pinch it towards the BM and that's my comment that's the town planners and I believe the dpw's comments as well yeah it would be nice to see you know just like the the black top asphalt kind of burm around the whole perimeter of the place to keep any oil whatever from whatever they're going to be storing there cuz cranes leak like a Civ yeah and that's that's the comment that I had that we already had an in and thankfully nothing had spilled on it but yeah you know when you go on the trail there and going around that slope towards the Boy Scout Bridge there's that little teeny wooden bridge and that streamlet there I remember some years it used to be this really metallic glow-in-the-dark green yeah I had to go out cuz one woman was saying that it was orange I had to call it was orange and I went out it was it was an iron deposit that got daylighted okay and that's what caused it cuz I could smell I go smell that before and I asked he goes no I went he looked his iron I go that's what I thought I know I smell it before as a kid and yeah okay cuz I touched the leaves I'm like I'm orange I think that's just natural but yeah that was an iron deposit that just daylighted and got oined so but I mean yeah it's we have the dump there and you have that site it's it's a tricky that's why there is a monitoring well um over by the pond so but I just I wanted to throw it out there and see if any of the commission members could attend make sure we don't have an a corn but to have one or two of you guys just show up would be nice you said the 23rd the 23rd I don't think I can at 6:15 I'll try and go okay 6:15 at night mhm okay 23 Tu it's Tuesday yep okay okay that's all I have that's it mhm okay oh yes yeah oh it's the I have told you that the warn article for the pond treatment is on the uh on for town meeting which is 25 you said left yeah it's 25 which is the 22nd so I will be at tell meeting if anybody has any questions in regards to that that's quite a week so 22nd town meeting 23rd planning board 244th is us no 2th 25th 25th is US yeah yeah it's yeah it's going to be I always have just all meetings in a week um oh and and if anyone's interested the uh storm Water Utility Fund uh working group meets tomorrow hybrid meeting if they want to watch what we what we do with that no prepare yourself for fall time meeting and just learn all about it all righty that's it that's it that's it Jen anything the air Library is having an intro to birds and bird watching on May 1st if anyone is interested in getting into that Li kind bird like birding intro to birding yeah I'm pulling it up so I can give you the where' It Go May 1 May 1st from 6:30 to 7:30 Wednesday it's with the mass Autobon and there are currently 20 spaces of 30 available intro to birds and bird watching with mass Autobon there not be a lot of people that need an intro they're already Avid birders I mean I I never I think that Refreshers are always helpful there's a lot can always be yeah there's always room to learn exactly find out what makes Birds unique with the animal within the animal kingdom where and how to locate birds in different settings and basic bird biology and behavior oh could be cool dinosaurs Among Us that's it all right yes nothing nothing nothing George no okay Mr chair I got nothing all right uh motion to adjourn second all in favor say I Hi O 806 we are adjourned well done