I will call the B ofir executive by board to order for Thursday March 14 2024 in accordance with the provision of chapter 2 of the acts of 2023 suspending certain Provisions the open meeting Law Public bodies otherwise governed by the open meeting law are temporary relieved from the requirement that meetings are held in public places open and physically accessible to the public so long as measures are taken to ensure the public access to the body's deliberations through adequate alternative means this meeting it will be on Zoom the public May participate remotely by joining meeting sorry Zoom meeting ID 85400 324 335 or by calling 92925 6099 for additional information about Remar participation please contact Carly antonellis assistant Town manager at ATM air period ma period us or 978 77282 extension prior to the meeting all right thank you everyone um all right uh so first item on the agenda is for our call to orders review and approval of the previous meeting minutes uh from February 15th uh Robert distributed those this morning I didn't have any changes to them no me either I make a motion to approve the minutes I second that all right roll call the vote Miss antonellis hi Mr fris Kowski hi hi Miss Tierney hi Miss Cooper hi Mr pmand hi and the chair says I the minutes are approved thank you uh moving on to the fiscal year 2025 budget update uh so Mr chair just real quick for everybody just a quick uh everything uh remains on schedule on track um a busy time of the year on the budget just a couple of um upcoming highlights on Tuesday uh at the select board meeting will also be the water and sewer uh rate uh public hearing that's on uh the 19th at 6 uh the second public budget form is going to be on March 27th so we will be sending to the fincom and to the select board and it'll be in this uh publicly posted draft three of the budget on March 22nd which we'll be using for the that um presentation and then April 2nd uh which is the select board meeting will be a joint meeting uh to review and approve the warrant and I hope to get a draft of the warrant um to everyone in advance on that and that remains under development so um unless I miss something I don't barara or Carrie have anything or Carly on the on the budget update but we're we're rapidly approaching the finish line excellent um no wonderful great new great work everyone do appreciate it I know uh January through April is always incredibly hectic so um very appreciative all right uh moving on to an update on the cleargov budget platform yeah I can give that update oh perfect thank you sure carry and I um are everything is uh loaded in except a couple um you unque uh slides that we do for the budget book so uh Barbara Robert and I and Carrie discussed what slides we just need to update I can give you um let me I'm just going to pull up the screen I have it all loaded up um give you you don't need an abatement but here we go so can you see this or are we on my email no you can see it okay y so this is the um get rid of that this is the version of the budget book um this is what the web preview looks like you're also able um to print it and when you do print you can um I'll just show you you can print what you want to see um so you know the free cash allocation stabilization that's all still last year's number where we'll have that all updated by the 27th um so if you um I'll just show like in departments you can click in general government um you can see what our previous budgets were um the the actual budgets and then um this will have you know we've loaded already the 25 budget as it stands right now obviously it could change and then we we'll make the proper adjustments um and then you can go let's just go into public safety air Police Department so each um Department of the town has its own page photo of the department head a mission statement function services and then you can go through and see um like I said the historical spending um and then it breaks it down you can really like curtail it to whatever you're looking for for information um so we'll be able to launch this um on March 27th at the budget form um if larger departments they have their um their organizational charts in there and then um I'll just go to like this free cash allocation obviously this is last year's number um but as that's still pending right now um as soon as that's updated we'll switch out these slides um but it's been um you know we have the history we can curtail it basically to however we want there's the org chart so it's a digital version version of what we were doing but you can certainly um get far more information um out of this version uh than than the previous so that's good and you can again tailor it to what you're looking for so terrie and I and Barbara Robert will continue to work on it and it'll be ready in two weeks it looks pretty slick I have to say K thank you I yeah I second to Scott's uh assessment and uh cud for all that's a lot of work I'm sure behind the scenes um just real quick can you actually see the numbers behind the graphs yes you can andry um I I figured I you pull it back up again yeah so if you go back into one just go into the police department yeah you see it if you scroll all the way down yeah is it's oh you want you cck it says spreadsheet breakdown if you click on that it will up actuals y yeah boy my the account part of me is just going wow and then if you wanna you know where CT's gonna spend all of his time yeah exactly and so you can make the charts however you prefer to to see them so and this is going to be open to the public yes yep yep because they can't change any numbers oh yeah yeah yeah yeah wow talk about transparency it's all gonna be there excellent thank you y thanks everyone um we've been going down this road for what three four years now y try started right before the pandemic then we get delayed um so I Mr chair just through you want to thank Carrie and Carly and Barbara as well as everybody's patience on the 27th we're gonna roll it out um we're going to use it as for part of the The Forum presentation then I Envision we'll be coming to the fincom uh Kurt would be happy to come to the fincom and do a a more in-depth we'll call it a training a orientation do a similar thing for the select board and it's the nice thing is we can continue to tailor it and evolve it as we move forward so and all of you Scott Kurt that love this kind of stuff we're open to you know suggestions as to what works what doesn't there's also one last thing I'll add there a component um Carly was telling me about for Capital that would be able to do the capital forms and the capital process um somewhat electronic as well so it definitely does take though we have been very transparent it does take it to the next um level of that so good job everyone yeah and I think if I could uh Mr chair just add when we um go live with the capital piece of that you know department heads can come on that website submit their projects upload one document they don't have to make 90 copies for for everyone it's going to be much more streamlined and efficient for everyone so we're looking forward to Rolling that out for sure yeah they can use it right on the Mondo pad the meetings can use it too so that's good no that's great thank thanks everyone yep uh anything else for Clear G before we move on all right uh next item is discussion on proposed recommended uses for free cash so Mr chair um so so number five on the agenda for free cash and number six of proposal on Opera funds sort of go together so I have two brief um presentations they will be posted to the budget page literally just finished them about 10 minutes ago otherwise they would been up in advance so let's just start with the free cash and and and I have a slide here so on the second slide so this is for so we have um just over 1.6 million in available certified free cash and like I did as last year so that you see that on the top and then we listed um some of the main items the first one the opioid funds the 7,924 so these are the funds we've received so far um from the class action lawsuits when we received them last year because we hadn't set up and many hadn't a special Revenue fund they fell to free cash so at the town meeting there's an article to create a special Revenue fund for the opioid fund and to transfer the 7924 into that um fund so that's sort of the just a small amount the second item as everyone knows for the policy the OPB we is a total of 300,000 uh barara has calculated we'd need 135,000 from free cash and the other the balance of 165,000 will be coming from the meals tax the next one that's highlighted and it's highlighted for a reason because we're going to talk about it on the other presentation there's always a surprise in every budget process proc and we this is the minute man nooba Health Group final FY 24 bill um we'll get into this in a minute they have dis they're in the process of dissolving and this is the portion um and it took we literally just got this um the portion that we um owe uh for the for the dissolving of the minute mova Health Group um so that's 310 $512 I'll come back to that in a minute but I just put that under here under the free cache but we have choices and options and then this again for Capital stabilization would be 750,000 and then 474 th000 uh to stabilization now you may want to give you two numbers um through from carry stabilization as of today is just over 3.5 million ion is the balance and capital stabilization as of today is just over 5.2 million so as we move through this be thinking stabilization 3.5 capitals 5.2 as we've been doing historically we've been putting more into Capital uh given the size of the projects and so forth as I note on the bottom obviously the distribution amounts between capital and stabilization can be adjusted more or less in one fund versus the other we just put this to start the discussion the other two things I want to point out is the compensated balance account you'll recall that's the one where the fund from town meeting for um separation of service and so forth that we can fund those for the do Benchmark recommends that the balance be about 65,000 um we checked the balance is 72,000 so so we don't need we're not recommending an article to put any additional funding in the compensated balance account the only other thing that's missing of note and we we can discuss further here is historically we've been forward funding the town's pension to the tune of $300,000 each year and then every two years we realize um you know the savings um with this minute man nooba Health Group bill um if if we were to pay that from free cash and we're going to get into a minute there's some options if we were to pay that from free cash we would obviously probably not be able to do the forward funding of the pension assessment unless we you know reduce some from capital or from stabilization um but this is just the first snapshot then I I have a couple other slides to just walk us walk us through are there any initial questions before we gears right Robert yeah so would um I'm just doing would these total dispersements I'm calling them reduce the 1.6 77 million yeah it would what you see on the screen would use all of it oh oh oh boy y gotcha okay okay so so that's that's that totals up oh yeah okay never mind fair question and um as barara advised this morning just so everyone knows because there is good news too we obviously do not need any um free cash um to balance the budget and we'll be getting everybody the updated um budget um tie-in sheet so now I'm going to go to my other presentation which ties into this with arpa um so we'll pull that one up okay so as of right now um per carry this morning our current Opa fund balance is $423,900 and as we been saying all along Opera funds they're under the purview of the select board they must be committed and contracted by December 31st of 2024 so we're coming up we get about eight months um recent developments on the federal level as well as advice that Barbara has received from the town Auditors is that the remaining oper funds should be spent sooner than later and Karly and I were on a call um earlier in the week uh with the Congress woman's office as we get the money for the bridge um this issue came up that as my next two bullets um there's increased risk again of federal clawbacks of the funds there's all this talk starting up again so the sooner we can contract it the better of risking to lose it and Opera funds cannot be incumbered or carried over after December 31st so um just some more volatility on that landscape so the next next slide so and this is just for discussion so there are two things um on the horizon is the purchase of 71 Sandy Pond Road and and there's this minute man nooba Health Group uh bill that we just got I'll start with Sandy Pond uh road so if everybody recalls this is still subject to town meeting approval but there is an opportunity for the town to purchase it for $700,000 as you see here the CPA the CPC has voted to send to town meeting um an article that would authorize 350,000 from CPA funds towards the acquisition so then that leaves 350 from town funds and the two sources we're thinking on Town funds um are the udag which is under the select board and there's 3.1 million in there and that and that is subject to replenishment by town meeting and then there's these ARA funds so this scenario proposal one if we used arpa um for the um the balance for the 350,000 that would leave 73,9 left in arpa so this think of scenario one is we would pay the town's uh portion from arpa and that would leave a a small balance over the next eight months I'll go to proposal two again total purchase price 700 the CPA funds brings 350 this proposal would use a 100,000 from arpa which would leave a balance of 323,000 in arpa and then would take 250,000 from udag subject to Future replenishment by town meeting so in proposal two using a little less of arpa um and using some um from you dag and that would be replenished future to then so um proposal um three uh would use no ARA funds and um just uses udag funds so it would be 350 from CPA 350 from udag and as I said there a balance of 3.1 million and then we could replenish um that um moving forward so just we're almost done and we'll Circle back because I know there's a lot of options and questions so that we have to come up with as a town um soon is the funding plan for the town's the town side if you will of 71 Sandy Pond um we're not recommending we use any um free cash um in this scenario but I will throw out there as you know um that is an option but would reduce the amounts um to stabilization so let's just take a look at this minute man nooba Health situation so just to give some quick background um in August of 2023 the town's Insurance advisory committee began looking at potentially leaving minute man to showa health grow because of increased costs increased assessments multiple towns several towns had left over for the last several years there were several towns contemplating leaving um last summer so we started our process um proactively in October of 2023 on recommendation of the insurance advisory committee the select board voted to authorize the town to leave Minute Men to showa health group and shortly after um we issued that intent several other towns began to follow such as peil and so so forth to the point that on in December the minute Mana Health Group took a vote to completely dissolve uh by June 30th of 2024 so there's a whole this this part we didn't it fully expect that it would completely dissolve so there is a dissolution committee and in dissolving in the agreement each town has a portion as responsible for so as of June 30th 2024 there's still going to be what they call runout claims um over a period of time that per the agreement each Town um is responsible for a portion of those runout claims in A's case it's $310,500 which they finally they just determined and unfortunately um issued it as an FY 24 um bill um barbar's found out that a couple of our fellow towns that have early Town meetings have had to either reopen their warrants or um are looking to have to do something at town meeting to address this but this bill has to be paid by June 30th of 2024 so next slide so options so proposal one and Carrie verified this um this morning with the Department of Revenue one would be to pay the bill out of the town's free cash that would require a simple majority vote and an article at this town meeting which is called the supplemental appropriation so the do said um because we haven't had our town meeting yet but our free cash is certified and it's an FY 24 bill um town meeting could authorize to pay it out of um free cash um simple majority um perhaps the cleanest way and the most transparent way the downside to consider of course is it will that would the 31052 as I had on the earlier side would reduce our free cash um on that front second proposal please the second proposal would be um and car um excuse me barara has verified this with our oper consultant proposal two would be to pay the bill out of the Opera funds um which it is eligible for um pay the total amount if we did that that would leave a remaining balance of 113,877 third scenario is there's the 310 512 that we pay a portion from ARA so not the whole bill but say 210 512 that would leave 213 388 remaining and then um through work that Barbara and Amanda have done we believe that we could absorb a 100,000 in the current FY 24 health Insurance um budget and if there was the only risk and I want to use the term risk is if there was any balance we would have to go for a reserve uh fund transfer which this would meet that criteria because it was unforeseen and it's extraordinary in the sense that you don't generally have a group health purchase group dissolve like this so um we looked at the reserve fund people have ADD is 175,000 in the reserve fund right now but we don't we don't have a clear enough picture yet um for the balance of the fiscal year and it wouldn't cover all of it so just couple more slides and then I will stop so couple things back um oh what did I do here I'm sorry gang um this should be Carli can you go up one slide no I'm to 11 okay um let's go back up I'm sorry so this is the minute man to showa health sorry proposal um the recommended proposal potentially the the easiest way would be to use the the the free cash however I think either using free cash subject to town meeting or a combination of um uh free cash uh and in arpa funds um would be in order and I and then the second one below that the 71 Sandy Pond I think again if we use 200,000 from arpa and 150,000 um from udag um that would minimize the impact to both of those funds um use some of the Opera use some of the udag to move forward and I think that last slide Carly is a duplicate yeah we can go back up so that's sort of where we're at I think that we need to figure out um the the funding piece for 71 Sandy Pond and the funding piece for this um unforeseen bill so with that Mr chair and we can pull up any slides again um I turn it back to you for discussion or questions all right so the overall just to reiterate the overall recommendation that's being put forth is we pay the medical portion out of the free cash and then for the building or for 71 Sandy Pond we split it between arpa and udag so I agree with that approach uh just more kind of looking at it from an aspect of I think the medical being paid from free cash definitely makes sense because that's town meeting approval in regards to seven month Sandy Pond town meeting has skinn in the game because of the CPC funding Etc there's the other article that allows the the select board to take possession um and then I think the remaining 350 from that um I know the select board will be officially voting on that in the next few weeks um I I yeah I mean I think any split between arpa and udag at that point will be fine on the on the arpa front is there anything else that we could potentially spend the money money on outside of 71 Sandy Pond I know we've allocated some off to DPW over the last year or so but I know also know DPW has a lot of projects that are currently going um so we did check with all um departments in in DPW um doesn't have anything and let me I'll add the caveat that Dan always has stuff but all of all of the major um things the board has um done with our which is greatly appreciated he's in good shape the bridge is in good shape so um yeah we sort of have this 42 something thousand with eight months um remaining I mean um one of the options too um that we were looking at is you could also you could pay all of the health insurance um piece from arpa and take a 100,000 still from the arp towards the land and that would clear up the arpa and um you wouldn't have to uh touch the free cash I mean you we could put the free cash to other purposes uh if we wanted to forward fund the pension or if we wanted to further bolster um the stabilization okay can I just chime in real quick yes please I just wanted to um talk about the spending of the aror brief briefly because our I I've received multiple advisements from Auditors and financial advisers that um with the federal clawback um they really are emphasizing to spend this you know as you sooner than later and if not spent to make sure there is a contract that is definitely going to spend the money by in writing by December 31st and the last thing they recommended strongly was that whatever we spend it on we have to have proper backup documents to prove it because they're going to probably start asking for that so something like the invoice for the insurance or a land purchase are both good ones because you'll have you know something that it went to whether you're partially paying it with arpa or fully paying it you just have to have just allocating to it to something is is not going to be good enough to prevent a claw back I just wanted to make you aware that um there's a lot of talk and discussion about it going on right now all right thank you um so I guess my other question then is in regard in terms of the board funding of the pension that is usually 300,000 yes what we've been doing yeah okay I would um Mr chair I'll just add you know and I know there's a lot of options in moving pieces um I think another scenario would be the so there's $423,900 remaining in arpa if we paid this um the health insurance bill at 310,000 we wouldn't have to use the free cash and we could we could forward fund the pension and still have a $10,000 left to put in stabilization or if we don't want to forward fund the pension it's not required you'd have 3 10,000 for stabilization that would leave a balance then of 112,000 from arpa towards the land so that'll leave a 13,000 remaining in the ARA account and then do 250,000 say from the udag um subject to Future replenishment um and we've had much larger udag projects that have been replenished by town meeting this would this 250,000 um could be replenished of all things being equal within you know within one one or maybe two yeah yeah yeah um quick observations um as you went through that Robert the one thing that was striking me since arpa is uh arose from covid American Rescue plan act it almost seems that this this uh health insurance one time uh hit would be a natural funding for that being you know being funded from that I think it would just flow and and I really hear what Barbara is saying is that um knowing how the FED can work with other things if we've got you know if we should spend it let's spend it and and um the um again the he the health insurance would be a perfect item you've got the bill for it and then the again the invoice for the uh for the town all for the property also so it's well documented and uh it's following the intent or not I don't know intent but Spirit of the bill yeah both are good options and and I do like the forward again having been in the business I can't say enough about forward funding pensions it's a it's a great thing thank you Kurt uh yeah I think my thought is so the forward funding is savings to the town on the future state so by understand correctly our stabilization situation is actually very strong so even though we would be reducing what's going into stabilization for this year if we can still forward fund the pension it's saving us more money down the line which I think it's an investment in the future um so my perspective kind of along with Kurt I guess is yeah I think using the arpa funds to pay for the medical bill so that we can forward fund the pension and then from the select board um side of things for 71 Sandy Pond it comes down to how we want how it wants to be split between udag and and arpa funds yeah I I think that is a is a prudent approach and I'm glad that we're all talking talking it through and looking at the options I think we use the Opera to pay this medical piece um it'll allow us to forward fund the pension and then on the land piece the 350,000 um the board has a a couple of options it could be all udag it could be udag in in a portion of the of the remaining arpa which will still leave us I think a small balance which is which is okay at this point and I just want to chime into to if you do want to go use the AR towards the medical bill and um I'm very confident we could absorb 100,000 of that in this year's um health insurance line so just keep that in mind of the 3000 I guess thinking about impacts on the tax rate you know like if we have the money that does that we can spend that doesn't necessarily impact the tax rate I would almost lean towards doing that you know I mean we're in a strong financial position with stabilization and with overall budget so you know to try I mean I feel like we're trying to scr away $100,000 when the impact to the taxpayer is going to be much more beneficial if we just don't have to spend that and we can absorb that with anara but ultimately for arpa and udak for 71 Sandy Pond it comes down to the decision of the select board but I you know I can speak to them around that so in in terms of next steps what what we're planning to do is um Barbera and I plan on on Tuesday um to the select board to give a version of this um abbreviated version of this um presentation to bring them up to speed on the situation because we just got this this bill on the medical side um and then uh we'd be looking towards I mean obviously with the approval of the um warrant coming up on April 2nd quickly um we would want to um by then at the latest um have this resolved but it correct it sounds like I'm hearing um using all things being equal using arpa for the medical commitment to forward funding the pension and then on the land side it's the purview of the select board they can either use udag and arpa or yeah either all udag or udag arpa combo yep it's good summary yeah and I agree with you Scott I think that minimize it minimizes the impact okay and then the last piece that bobber just on the health insurance that bobber had advised me on so this is the portion and it's different for each town that for the agreement they're going to use the equivalent of this from each of the remaining towns for the runoff claims and then if there are additional costs they're going to go to their trust fund they have this trust fund that was built up over the years and assuming it'll probably be 30 months from now we're hearing right Barbara like yeah up to 30 months from Jun June 30th so after 30 months if there's a balance remaining in their fund balance it reverts back to the towns um we can we they still work what that amount would be so there is a potential and I don't we don't believe it's going to be some Lion Share of funds but there is a potential when this is 30 months from June 30th there could be a a modest amount coming back to the town which would just obviously hit hit free cash yeah just be miscellaneous one time income right excellent thank you um quick question and I don't want to get too far off topic here if just so just stop me short Robert or Barbara um on this m&g I'm just thinking ahead to folks asking questions either at meetings or town meeting um we do have a new insurance carrier yes it'll be Maya as of July 1 okay so that's goodna okay so we do have that okay that's because I'm just thinking that uh again just anticipating um and then the other thing that I'm hearing is Barbara you're mentioning that we could technically fund some of this bill from our present Health budget which which I would understand to mean that we are again on a we're in the midst of it we're we're under budget and the health budget um so it was um Robert's slide number nine where we mentioned he mentioned paying the 210,000 512 of the bill from arpa and at this point in the game with the invoices and our analysis that Amanda and I just did I'm confident that we could absorb a 100,000 health insurance is a it's a tricky budget line it's not one of those lines that turns back money every year they they did um have a 13.75% increase in for fiscal 24 I it m&g was behind in some Audits and they weren't confident in their fund balances so they had a larger increase than I think we ended up really needing so think we do have a potential small potential for using having some leftover yeah so yeah here I I hear all the in addition to the 100,00 important caveats but again I'm just thinking ahead and these are things that to have in your back pocket for town meeting or or of course other meetings is that one we do have a new insurance carrier and oh we have to spend this money for m&g and well yeah it's it is what it is and by the way we are doing very well in our overall health insurance budget anyway we're not over budget you know so again we're not over yeah nothing to you know come come out and lead with but it just it's good to know to have those facts in the like I say in your back pocket yeah this was you know it was not something we knew about a year ago if it was just in December that they decided to dissolve the minute man Health Group in the um this was new for everybody on the board in the Searing committee at mnhd they've been around for a long time so it took them you know a couple months to get everything in in order and they did just come out with that invoice in February the end of February yeah no one likes a $300,000 surprise in some towns like Groton and others it's even higher and as I mentioned earlier some people have had to reopen the warrants or are looking to do a a special meeting to address this because a frustrating point I think I don't want to speak for you Barbara but a frustrating point at least for me is that they Unleashed this bill in FY 24 if there was a way it could have been done for fy2 we could have you know um budgeted and prepared accordingly yeah yeah because we're you know effectively the group's dissolving as of June 30th 2024 yeah um they this bill will be a June 2024 F MH so I agree yeah this is truly something we just couldn't have anticipated okay thank you all right um okay so um I think that's all of our discussion on cash and arpa funds so let's move on to uh content for the second public budget Forum yes and just before that I just want to thank everybody for talking this through in your time and I'll just convey it seems like we sort of have what I'll call it all things being equal sort of a consensus approach and and we'll present this to the select board and Kurt we'd be happy to come to fincom as well um just quickly and I know we're coming up on the time so the second public budget form is on uh August of August March 27th I'm thinking summer March 27th at 6 and the plan is to sort of to to change it up a little bit and to cut to the chase because we want it's really for the the public um is we you'll all have we'll use what is draft three in advance and draft three as you all know is pretty much we're at the final um Point there's not a lot of variables we will highlight on draft three what's changed color highlight it from draft two so it'll be easy to see okay what changed from um draft two in the presentation I think and I'm open to suggesting we'll cut right to the Chase and talk about draft three what changed from two to three quick you know overview there um we are going to would like to use the clear glove platform as discussed and we're working on that use that for a little you know piece of it and announce that and show a few of those features using fy2 five um numbers um other things that um folks think we should touch upon or not touch upon um that that's sort of why we put this on the agenda I is just to get any input from from you all I'm always a big fan of keeping it simple at this point yeah just you know what the what's changed since the last time um the cler go definitely is a great vehicle to kind of walk people through um what the the future will look like I guess so yeah and I just wanted this feedback too and I appreciate this historically on the second form we did a couple slides and spent a tiny just a quick time on both of the schools however it's been confirmed and I'll say this Tuesday night again at town meeting both superintendents through the moderator are going to do a brief presentation on their fy2 budgets so um I mean I can have a slide to show the assessments but I think um they've come to the select board and fincom they came to the fincom in addition the fincom had noova I I don't think we need to spend much on the schools but I just wanted to see what folks thought hi agree if they're going to both be there for present for brief presentation at town meeting that's yeah I agree I like your take Scott keep it simple the questions if there's going to be questions they will come okay and last question this is just helpful for me on the capital front um I mean in the past we've always just had a slide you know just showing the capital I'm assuming the same thing because at town meeting all departments that have capital A are prepared to speak to them and we know in the dpw's case he always does a brief presentation I think that should be sufficient yeah yeah okay all right okay um lastly um just related maybe sort of to this um we're going to be putting together um a separate web page P um off of the budget page for the 71 Sandy Pond um acquisition that'll have all of the documents um in order um for the public um and we'll double check I think we've got everything on Capital um on the capital website for the budget so if you get a chance just check out the budget page um and if there's something we're missing or what have you let us know thank you thank you Robert all right uh we got about 10 minutes left excuse me in the meeting uh so next item is scheduling our next meeting so if we stick on the same Cadence second Thursday of the month it would be April 11th okay see um I'm fine with that uh it does work for me block my calendar I think what we can do yeah if it were April 11th Mr chair works I think the items up for bid we should talk about briefly the budget budget book um and the presentation for town meeting two of the it be good timing perfect right um all right uh that's kind of the end of the agenda open up to any questions or comments everyone before we adjourn no okay um then I'll take a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion to adjourn at 250 I'll second that all right roll call the vote Miss antonellis hi Miss Tierney hi Miss Cooper hi Mr poman hi Mr fris Kowski I and the chair says I wor Jaren thanks everyone for your time this afternoon than