hello and welcome to the Tuesday March 12th 2024 meeting of the air planning board and there is a paragraph I need to read to begin this meeting hearing of the air planning board will be held in person at the location provided on this notice members of the public are welcome to attend this imperson meeting please note that while an option for remote attendance and our participation via Zoom is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless other wise required by law members of the public with particular interest in a specific item on this agenda should make plans for inperson versus virtual attendance accordingly this meeting will be live on Zoom the public May access the proceedings by joining Zoom meeting ID number 833 6548 0732 or by calling 92925 6099 for additional information about remote participation please contact Danny Ruiz Town Town planner at D Ruiz a. ma. us or 978-772-4864 M um uh hearing no discussion Ken how do you vote hi Julie yes Nathan I Jeff I chair votes I it's unanimous um we have a public hearing open it does is that the official statement to open it yes thank you Jeff if you would be so kind you can just read it right off there I'll just read the public notice I the whole thing y unfortunately I was told to go slow this time public hearing notice for the proposed zoning by law amendments pursuant to mass mgl mass General Law chapter 40a Section 5 the air planning board will hold a public hearing at 6:15 p.m. on Tuesday March 12th 2024 at the Town Hall 1 Main Street a or mass for the planning board to vote on recommending the following zoning bylaw amendments to the April 22nd 2024 annual town meeting first bullet to see if the town will vote to approve the revised town of air zoning map showing the rezoning of 27 and 29 Harvard Road from General residence to General business or take any take any other action relative th too second bullet to see if the town will vote to approve the amendment to subsection 32032 a establishment there is hereby established a board of appeals membership appointments and terms of regular associate members shall be made in accordance with chapter 4A of the Massachusetts general laws the board of appeals consisting of five members and two alternate members who shall be residents of the town of air shall be appointed is provided by mgl chapter 40a subsection 12 or take any other action relative there to next bullet to see if the town will vote to approve the addition of the following to subsection 320-1030 one the planning board shall have the authority to allow new construction of multif family housing under Section 10.3 of the airiz zoning bylaws to allow for the construction of new units to meet the target unit sizes referenced in section 4B design guidelines for units units layouts and interior Dimensions or take any other action relative there to final bullet to see if the town will vote to approve the amendments to subsection 5.2 table of use regulations or any other action relative there to the full text of the proposed article can be found on the town of a website at https www. a.m. us planning dboard Pages proposals anual dtown me-2 024 and paper copies can be obtained at the town clerk's office or at the air planning department in air Town Hall during normal business hours thank you Jeff that's all Danny do you want to outline what what's going to happen next a procedural order for us please yes uh so just so that everyone knows at the March 6th uh select board meeting the uh I gave a presentation on the four Amendment uh zoning amendments that we have uh put forth and the select board voted unanimously to move it forward to the planning board and so today we're having the uh opening the public hearing on the zoning amendments and the process here is uh depending on how the board either votes either today or at the next meeting on this um the board is going to go through each of these for recommendations for the zoning amendments we'll discuss them and the substance of within each of those amendments uh there will be uh so I'll go through the same presentation I did for the select board and then I'll have a presentation from Charlie uh the Building Commissioner uh Alicia from AF the affordable housing and Allan from the Community Development economic Community Development and um and then after that I think we will open it up to the board for questions and then at that point after we've had any questions answered through the board we'll open it up to the public for additional questions is are there any findings or decisions that we are that we are to make today or is it mostly listening and learning so deliberate uh there are no findings that are necessary what the way uh depending on how the board feels you know there may be some changes if the board feels they may want to make some changes to these um zoning amendments um but the way it would go is after the presentation after everyone's got their answers done if the board feels they want to vote to recommend these to uh town meeting they can do that that's it the vote to recommend for warrant in town meeting and would we do them individually each one yes good because each of them is its own separate warrant perfect EXC excellent so so let's leap in with the simplest one the the the the map and I will is this right here sh all right off this side oh yeah you okay all right so the proposed zoning amendments for April 22nd 2024 town meeting uh I won't go through these four cuz actually Jeff just read them off so there's no need to kind of go through this one uh so this is the first uh Slide the the proposed zoning map and the change here um I'll go to the next slide so you can actually see is in the red up here this is the two Parcels of 29 27 and 29 Harvard Road um what happened on these is on the in the October 20 25th 2021 town meeting there was a Citizens petition to uh rezone this parcel from General uh business to or from General residence to General business uh 27 Harvard Road was rezoned in the spring the following year at the April 25th 2022 town meeting um the same was uh reson from General residence to General business as Citizens petition the the one issue with the rezoning was the zoning map and I know the the planning board did sign as an updated zoning map but the updated zoning map was never brought to town meeting and adopted which is the proper um uh steps for it once it's adopted at town meeting then the planning board signs it and that gets put up on the website you know and so what we need to do here is with the updated zoning map it needs to be adopted by town meeting to uh legally uh uh put those into the from General residence to General business so as I understand it we really doing is resolving a technicality correct from issues that have really already been resolved that is correct thank finishing the job finishing the job excuse me exactly exactly any other questions we just move it now and get it done yeah can we can we do that do the presentations from the our guests have anything to weigh on this or should no they don't but I would um I would not do that until cuz we we still have to open it up to discussion from uh the public as well uh the next one is the proposed amendment to the zba um establishment uh so under Section 320 3.2a establishment of the zba it states this there is hereby established a board of appeals membership appointments in terms of regular and Associate members shall be made in accordance with chapter 48 of Mass general laws so that's what it Sayes currently uh Town Council app that we should specifically uh call out what the board is made up of in our town because under uh chapter 48 um it only specifically says uh three or five members so it can be either and so our board is uh made up of five members with two alternate uh members and so what we added for um to the uh that section is the underlined section I'll just read that which is the board of appeals consisting of five members and two alternate members shall be residents of the town of air uh shall be appointed as provided by mgl chapter 4A section 12 and this is just kind of a cleanup just to make sure we have it properly stated in the bylaw do they have do they have two alternate members right now or they have one right now have one in a vacancy in a vacancy yes so basically this is a mirror of what already exists we're not changing what it is correct we're just formalizing it making it legal yes uh the next one so uh the propos uh zoning Amendment to the inclusionary housing uh so on this section [Music] um the current bylaw oh sorry on the wrong section all right so uh for this we've already kind of discussed what the amendment was uh Jeff read it off um but I'll read it again just so that everyone knows uh so under Section 320 10.3 the basic requirements under the inclusionary housing bylaw um we would be adding it letter A I'm sorry it's 3 three 10.3.3 we'll get to that uh 10.3 is I it's a second bullet point on the handout it's just formatted differently it's actually three dot three basic requirements there another three oh okay so that may be an amendment that we may need to just uh yeah we're going to have to fix that I uh yeah I'll look at the actual wording that we have in the um in the actual warrant article and I'll I'll um get that amended uh so all right so uh a for design guidelines of preferred affordable multif Family new construction refer to the Massachusetts multif Family new construction design requirements and guidelines developed by bhdc DND Mass Housing and MHP um and just to touch on this quickly it does not reference you know eohc because it was prior to them changing their name so that's there's a reason that's why they're not on there um under that there'll be a subsection on number one that says planning board shall have the authority to allow new construction of multif family housing under Section 10.3 of the air zoning bylaws to allow for the construction of new units to meet the target unit sizes referenced in section 4 B design guidel lines of units layouts and interior Dimensions so under this section uh so on the left hand side that's the cover of the actual um design guidelines which can actually be uh reached on the planning board website it's on the left-and side and you'll find it uh it's called Massachusetts multif Family new construction um so if you ever want to read and look at what it is that is being proposed it's on there um so under section three uh SE section 6.3 H1 we currently have a uh minimum requirement of 750 square ft it it says minimum flare floor area dwelling units all dwelling units except for single family houses shall provide a minimum habitable floor area as follows one for a dwelling unit on one floor 750 ft so this this is an issue when it comes to uh projects that are uh triggering their inclusionary housing because if based on how the Massachusetts uh you know the design guidelines that we're referring to they have unit sizes in there of Studios being around 500 square ft one bedrooms being 600 square ft and both of those fall under the 700 50t minimum and Denny could you remind everyone what triggers the inclusionary yes so to trigger the inclusionary housing it's uh the a development of five multi it's five units or more of a multif family um so when you trigger that ER this this is where the guidelines would be assisting the planning board um because it would allow for the planning board to give the authority to to the the applicant to be able to build under that 750 so that they can meet the affordable um sizes that are put forth in this guideline it um makes the units more affordable via the rent it's not as big and that's really what the state is looking for they're trying to make it so that rent isn't so crazy right now um and so typically 7 50 um when you look at Studios and one bedrooms that's kind of uh it's it's it's a little bit too much for too big for the unit size for that it's not uh it doesn't help uh in the affordable housing uh inclusionary bylaw and so what we want to do is just add that section in to allow the board to uh avoid that or to allow applicants to be able to build under that because we've run into this issue before on a previous project um and we I so with this designed guidelines there's also other sections within the guidelines which uh kind of give the applicant the information that they would want to build for a full project of affordable housing for inclusionary um it kind of gives everyone set guidelines as to what to the board would be expecting um that way it's when the applicant comes in there's not really any guessing it's it's you already know what the board is going to expect um so a big thing to make sure to note on this is this is only for if the inclusionary housing bylaw is triggered the 750 would still remain in section 6.3 H1 for any project that's under that does not trigger the inclusionary housing so if you're building three units two units you you have to meet the 750 and I think the it's worth noting too that if the State updates the design requirements and guidelines we automatically be in compliance because we're we're mapping our regulations to their design guidelines yeah and and the way we have it is they're not uh they are going to be guidelines for us they're not required to do it it's preferred is what the the wording that we put forth so that you know there are going to be some deviations that people are going to want to do differently than the guidelines and that that kind of opens it up for the board to be able have ability to go have some back and forth on those um and the biggest portion on this one is the reason is trying to create more affordable units um we've H we've had some trouble actually having developers or applicants uh build in the inclusionary housing bylaw we've had it quite for I think about 8 years maybe more no since 18 oh since 18 and uh we haven't had any projects actually build on it so we're trying to incentivize some people to actually build in the inclusionary housing the next one is the table of use regulations so as you see up here um the sections in red are the proposed amendments that we have uh the two family dwellings would go from in the A1 and A2 would go from special permit to permitted by right the townhouse or multif family dwellings would go from uh from not permitted to from a no to in the A1 and A2 to a special permit by the planning board and then from a no under the uh General business spz oh s spz on the General on the currently spz okay sbz on the general business to uh special permit by the planning board um the next change was on 1.6 we changed it from Apartments to dwelling units because we don't have an actual definition for apartments uh we have dwelling units within our bylaw uh for definitions uh the next one was on 1.7 we added s's to the dwelling units to make it plural and then on the we struck the ground floor of the building and changed it to the elevation of the building at street level just to be more clear as to what exactly we're talking about out and then just a clean up on this one on the downtown air um Park Street so this under the West air it was permitted and for some reason this was a no no spb are you let me just look at that a really old version um you're right it is an SPV yep uh so from special permit um from the planning board to permitted by right and that's kind of just a cleanup because the West Air has it as allow by right we wanted to have the downtown air also by right and they're both the same kind of form based code right all right and so the reasons we're looking at these changes from the working group was to encourage more affordable housing in the um in the town of air uh we wanted to increase how much uh diverse housing stock we had within the town of air not only in the housing stock types of like single family duplex multif family but as well as um the pricing and this adding allowing the two families and the multifamilies would just increase the ability to have more inventory within the town of air and also will help uh try to combat the the pricing as for two families it would help bring that down a little bit so that uh a two family house is typically not sold as much as doesn't go for as much as a single family does thank you if you don't mind just want to be clear this would be housing that is at a lower price and more affordable housing correct not affordable housing as in you have to make the state guidelines for affordability correct that needs to be really clear we we talk about we talk about affordable small and big a those we talk about a lot we also talk about housing diversity right so what we're actually talking about is the economic cost of the house more diverse things that are lower cost than a single family home on a one acre lot mhm just want to be clear on that yep cuz that those words scare people these days and for we're locked into that lexicon correct correct thank you I appreciate that Mr chair great Point um and so for the two family dwellings uh as of right now um they're currently Allowed by right within the general residence the downtown um downtown and West Air uh form based code the mix use transitional and the general business um you know allowing it by right in the A1 and A2 Zone which are residential zones only makes sense and and it it's just going to push us that much closer to having more inventory within the town and you know combat these these prices um the townhouse and uh multif family dwellings allowing that within the A1 A2 and the uh General business zones by special permit uh it's going to make some of these uh bigger Parcels a little bit more viable uh so that it's not only subdivisions that we're getting in single family lots it's going to increase the ability to have developers come in and be able to trigger the inclusionary housing bylaw and have a little bit more diverse types of developments um there with they you know they could be single single duplex uh Triplex just a mix of different types of units within this development and it would still trigger the inclusionary housing so there would be an affordable component to it um the propos uh and then the last two are just the changes on the dwelling units and 1.7 okay I think yeah wonderful questions yes um going back to the the third item you talked about it briefly but the keyword preferred can you say a bit more about what what that is doing is it a special designation is it a like so preferred the reason we used the the word preferred was so that it wasn't a requirement it it's more of this is kind of what this guideline is what the planning board is going to ex going to expect and because it kind of sets forth what the planning board would like for new uh new construction for multif family it's preferred it doesn't necessar necessarily mean it's required so it gives the planning board and the applicant some leeway to go back back and forth on certain aspects of the project as well that fall within this so it's not to lock them specifically into this because you know some developers are going to want to do some certain things differently mhm that makes sense um and then the other thing for the inclusionary housing I thought you said five is the but then your slide has four is there what is the number uh it's so it's five or more I think my slide just said four or less it does not trigger more than four yeah more than four would trigger so four triggers or five triggers than four so it's five or more five enough and we don't allow partials anymore only do I'm sorry um and last question just to be clear for in terms of the multif family construction that also doesn't have to be net new multif family construction that could be taking an existing single family home and choosing to make it a multif family providing constru it's still cons so that's where um it would still be considered new construction cuz you're it's I understand what you're kind of asking like if you're redeveloping an existing building into it but it still would be considered new construction because they would still have to meet all of today's regulations perfectly yes within the clear y got it great good um through the chair uh Danny on this section we going to stay on this section I guess we'll jump around we'll start here in the middle um the intent is the intent um that if you have a unit and we'll use the example of five unit uh development um five dwelling units uh that will trigger the inclusionary housing the developer um is just for Clear is required to go to seven uh what is required to go to seven units no that's a bonus if he wants that's a bonus bonus okay developer chooses to go to seven to get the the um the extra units and the inclusionary housing um two will be inclusionary five will remain uh to the SE section 6.3 I think one's one is I get wait 6.3 um what uh they'll all they'll all come into inclusionary the yeah the whole development yeah yes the whole thing all seven could be under 750 ft if single if single bedroom units all seven would fall into this requirement that's that's the whole point of the thing that's the whole point of this because the entire development becomes inclusionary yeah correct even though yes five are market rate correct exactly and I mean that's how could be six that's tionary housing bylaw works today right okay so then when the in 103 it might be just it might be fortuitous that you have just 103 and not 1033 called out because in 1032 which is in um at the end of our edit the red line edit yeah the last sentence in 1032 C which is the paragraph above uh is the famous one that says plan board have authority to modify dimensional inity requirements that apply to I'm going the development right in order to accommodate the additional units so now just to be clear the development means the entirety of the development right that's that's the intent that's the understanding yes that's that's why we had added that subsection of uh it within that uh let me just get to it that's why we added this subsection so that we wouldn't run into the same issue of that we did on a previous project trying to find a way to allow it as a waiver in a in a in in essence but and if had we waved it and allowed it we would have been setting a precedent in a in a way that would be almost basically rewriting the bylaw which is why we want to add this within the bylaw now in a proper way to do it so that we don't have to go through that process okay so if the developer the applicant chooses not to do the uh get the inclusionary bonus now they're back under they wave all the 10 10.3 um sections right so if they're so if they don't trigger the inclusionary housing they trigger but they they elect not to take the bonuses so they're going to have five n so they're going to have five units one affordable the fifth one will be affordable yeah okay but it's a it's going to be but it'll still go under the new requirement that you can make them smaller than 750 interesting if if I that's the point okay so if I may and maybe this will be helpful I'm not sure they don't have to smaller than 750 correct you could build five units that are 2,000 ft a unit because that's what he thinks the market that's what the proponent will think the market will Bear right they get another unit and so these all we're doing is dropping kind of the denominator on square footage if you will yes and that makes sense if you take a look at our at the land that's available now but yeah yeah and what's currently in the market who knows what's going to happen in this Marketplace in 10 or 15 this is kind of this is kind of like I'm sorry it's kind of towards projects that have more more than just like five six unit this is kind of targeted towards bigger developments but there may be the occasion where you're going to have you know 10 units you know if it does come down to that where where there are like five or six seven units the the applicant is totally if they want to do it bigger than that they can they don't have to that's why and that's why we said preferred if if uh what I'd like to do at this point is certainly not to silence you not at all but I felt it was important to address the questions that specific to his presentation to get clarity but for the Deep weeds if Nathan if it's acceptable to you what I'd like to do is put a pause because there are three presentations that might actually answer your questions in advance so let's what I would advise them is that let's have the presentations um we're going to have a large discussion after all three but after each one if there's specific questions you want for clarification from the speaker yeah certainly ask but I'm going to ask let's postpone the large questions till we got all the information in front of us yes fair enough okay Charlie do you have an electronic thingy that you need for up here any presentation first uh if you want to put up the plan that's fine now and I'll take it in order when I get to it if you don't mind I just want to interject one thing that up not to just to clarify that most of these changes have been driven by a working group correct and I'm not sure that everyone understood that sequence or not but the working group is basically bringing this through it Danny who cooperated with the working group to the board good so and different members of the board are different levels of communication with the working group right so anyway okay so Mr J I was actually invited on the working group in for affordable housing you all know that so um I'm going to speak I agree with all the changes that the working group wants to make and bring through the town meeting but I want to speak specifically more towards uh section 5.2 number 1.2 for the A2 and it also relates to the A1 which I'll get to at the end but um so basically why should we update 5.2 uh first a two family in A2 would have the have minimal if any impact on the six factors that the zba considers during the process of an approval for a two family in A2 I took them one by one it's going to take a little bit so social and e e economic there's absolutely no impact um compared to an A1 family community needs it's a positive impact for the master plan they want more units correct um traffic flow and safety there's no impact compared to one family and I'll tell you the reason why when I finish Do It um adequacy of utilities and public service there's no impact compared to a one family a neighborhood character there is no impact again as you can just take the interior foyer of a house and change it to two doors and a firewall and you can't tell if it's a one family or a two family um impact on the natural environment uh no more it's no more than a one family is both half to as we talked about meet the same zoning criteria in 6.2 or three U for setbacks and lot coverage and so forth um and then uh physical impact there's no more than a one family and this is because as you can see in the this diagram here which I also have under number three in a two family you need to have at least two kitchens two bathrooms and two stairwells so that eats up I took an average size house it eats up about 238 Square ft sure and by the building code and sanitary code one for a bedroom you have to be 7x10 for one occupant and another 50 square ft per occupant per bedro so you could have not saying you would but you can have four more occupants in a one family compared to a two family so for that's why I went through 1 through six is social it has no negative impact on anything but it does have a positive impact that we have more affordable not affordable affordable but affordable housing case lower case lower case so and that's what I'm going to deal with lower case in in my presentation um so two uh I said earlier you can design any single family into a two family home without changing the exterior appearance of the house change the inside foyer you put the two egress doors on the back you can't tell if it's a one or two family um again occupant load I just explained you can have more in a single family that not that you would or may not but you can uh and of course the two family is more affordable option than a single family cuz it's roughly and this comes from building permits and being upstairs it's the cost is roughly about 250 a square foot for two family compared to 350 for a single family so you're talking roughly 500k compared to 750k now we're actually up to about 800,000 yeah so you know this could help families with parents that are getting older and the kids buying a duplex and being able to take care of their parents or have the parents you know babysit for the kids because both parents usually work now so I believe it's a a huge favorable impact to have these two families because the prices are astronomical now um so then five A2 the um A2 families already as Danny pointed out allowed in gr downtown form base code West Village form base code the mud Zone in the general business and if you take the general business it's permitted by right in a business Zone and not in a residential Zone which makes no sense um and I've asked around why it needs a special permit and no one really knows the answer and after doing all this research um I can find no reason why unless there was too many years ago when the Army was here and I'm just speculating and the town's people said well we have enough two families let's make it special permit but it is permitted by right um with a special permit but it's still permitted and then uh the two family still needs to meet all the other zoning criteria in our bylaw so very important none of that changes and then if you take the general residence Zone and you go by the dimensional use requirement it's 10,000 plus 3,000 for another unit so you're talking about only you would only need a 13,000 Square ft lot to build a two family by right in general residence whereas in A2 you have to have 24,000 100t Frontage um to build it with a special permit which doesn't make any sense and then um and I'll touch on A1 they're 40,000 square ft so as we talk talked about in the in the group it's like why not add if people want to add there they already have more land than it's required by any other part of our zoning bylaw so you know if they want to help the kids kids want to help the parents same thing there um so let me just one more that that's about it that's the reason um I'm totally for just making it pered by right because it just with all the facts that I pulled up it doesn't make any sense to have it done with a special permit not only that um if a developer wants to put in a special permit or two family has to go for a special permit and he's denied and I'm not sticking up for developers but if he has a house sold or under agreement with a family and he's denied there goes that opportunity for someone to stay in air that maybe can't afford $800,000 so that's where you know it gets back into the affordable part absolutely and it's an asset for the town to keep these younger people in town that work in the area and the kids to keep the town growing so I am in favor of changing that to permitted by right in A1 na A2 Charlie thank you so much uh do any of our board members have any questions to Charlie for clarifications on what he just said Charlie do you want to comment on the next line down or would uh special prier townhouse and multif family we can do it later I mean yeah that's more of a planning board so I didn't want to overstep my bounds and you were on the committee also so I thought you might handle it thank you but that's okay boss it was okay till he said before he said down anyone in the anyone sitting out there have any questions for Charlie any clarification just I just want check no okay you're good thank you thank you that was great thank you Alicia Alicia here we go I think you guys have all seen this before we're going to do it again let's do it and I'm just bringing up the demographics again and what's happening in our town and oh my goodness I might have to stand up to read this cuz I didn't bring a copy with me hold I'll I'll make it big for you oh thank you so this is um I the our office has done a deep dive on what's happening in our town through the 2020 census and we're seeing a lot of growth if you see compared to the towns around us we're at 14.6% growth in the last 10 years and that um some people find that's a problem but what I think we're doing right here is talking about planning board directing that growth and um getting what we want out of it instead of having it be driven by just the market okay so next slide um here I'm just showing you what qualifies as low income and these are just general numbers to get you to understand how we come up with all these different numbers the federal poverty rate is at 14,580 but Massachusetts extremely low income rate which is our poverty rate is at 26,400 because it's so expensive to live here extremely low income rate for our area because we're part of the Cambridge Quincy demographic is $ 31,50 and this is for an individual low income rate is $51,900 and moderate income is 82,9 and this is for a single F person okay so it gives you a sense that when we start talking about low and moderate income it really is a lot of people hear a lot of people that we know it's you know everything so let's go to the next slide and that's I'd like to talk about low income because people look and say oh my God I'm there you know and so here we've got the air household income and this is the what showed up in the 2020 um census and what I broke it down on is one big one is 13.6% of air seniors are in the federal poverty income okay so if you look at the first category first grouping we've got it breaks down to 38.8% of our households are actually in the below the moderate income you add in 75 to 99 and that is if you're a single at 82 you're in moderate income but if you're a family of two or more you're in you're moderate to low income like four if you were a family of four you would be low income okay so if you add the 10 to the 38 that puts you at about 49.3% um so almost 50% of our community is in low to moderate income and um there's one more thing I want to talk about is we talk about low and moderate income but there's one more category to think about and that is called Workforce housing and or Workforce population and that is at 110% of the area median income so if you go to the next slide I'll show you how that works so here we've got household size low income moderate income now um in the Quincy Cambridge District a single person um area median income is 112,000 in change I don't know it exactly on my top of my head so if you're talking low income it's 51,9 if you're talking moderate it's 82950 but if you were talking Workforce housing it can be up to 110% of the median income okay so and the reason that's important is because this is this is middle class America M for Massachusetts me moderate um Workforce all that is really so we're not talking about that we're building tenaments we're talking about just having a diverse community that can house all different types of people okay any so far anybody got any questions on this stuff okay so next slide and we talked about this in a couple in a housing um future of Housing and air and here I want to talk about the different types of hous housing units and boy I can't see this okay deted the detached is the orangey color um attached attached which would be your two families and apartments apartments and yes and then more but if you notice air is a very diverse Community compared to its neighbors that's the really key one and that is why we do have a really diverse population and if we lose that housing we lose the diversity because we don't have any place for them to live for us to live I should say for us to live because it it we're okay next slide and Alicia yes is one attached a condo um yeso is consider considered a one attached well it could be considered a multif family too okay okay now no wait a minute multifamilies is three more yes and condos can be three or more but he was talking about one attach the the can you go back with one slide that that light yellow okay I get closer the one attached that includes condos I think that's two families it could be condo excuse me a two un two on ownership yeah condo is is we tend we tend to Interchange the word condo with uh condominium just mean it's a type of ownership uh it's what what I think you're asking is more is it a like townhouse or is it one attached is a two family okay okay okay then two family which can be either condo or or okay you know y yeah yep and man that's so when we use the word apartment that is a rental property that is unowned property that's a rental unit okay the dwelling unit in our in our burning but it's rental not owned by the occupants so I want you to split this cuz this is 20 years of building in air so if you go down to 2010 yeah right there thank you Danny so if you look from 2000 to 2010 we were building a lot more diverse housing and then and if you look here we've we only only in 2019 did we really get and can anybody read the units thank you and those were two two or three different projects that happened right there um Bute what we're trying to do what what the working group and what has been recommended here is to create more housing types and and from Apartments to multifamilies and I would like to speak to the concept of when you talk multif family that can be also um tow houses that are condos and we talk about two families being a place for um people to be more affordable for people but many firsttime buyers start out in a condo and um I don't know I mean I I bet you if we ra I started out in a condo Ione you know that's where a lot of people start out is in a condo yes and so we should encourage the ability to build multifam tow houses they can be for for ownership but it's that place where this with the young person and the young family can start out so next slide I don't think I have any this is just um housing units by type and how we compare to the state and in some places we're below but in many places we're above the state um in five to to 9 units is that what it says okay thank you and um 3 to four units were a little bit low on yep but we have two families we're right just a little bit above single family homes one thing I haven't put in this presentation is as you look at the numbers and you look at the sales that have happened in the next in in the last 10 years ised the sales really show that we have lots we've had mostly single family homes built and in the more recent future they're selling for a lot of money and that means we're getting gentrification and as we turn over our small a housing yeah it's going to turn over to more to more more expensive and more gentrified and I think one of the great things about air and it's what we've heard when we've done pre um presentations but also public input sessions is people don't want air to change they want they want to have the community that they have which is a diverse community and having a diverse Community you really need diverse housing MH so thank you any questions give me one second Charlie I'll get to you in a second so first I want to ask my board colleagues if they have any specific clarifying questions and then I'll get to Charlie and everyone else so uh I don't know who had I'm going to go with Nathan I'm not sure if who had their hand for Nathan then Jeff Alicia uh you mentioned air is grow more than the neighboring towns do you know why or you indic you have major areas of why growth is is well I think Alan and I have talked about it a lot and I think that what's happening in devons is not only bringing in jobs but it's bringing in high-end jobs so a is going to really feel that gentrification because those high-end jobs it's wonderful when you have a 5minute commute and um but there's also a lot of young people going into Devin too and so being able to bring them into our community would be wonderful and um and they'll they'll disperse around the whole area but but I think that when you see those single family homes going for Wild prices compared to what they were 5 years ago that is probably the pressure of Deans and I'm going to just if I can throw on that we moved here because it's on the commuter rail yes and it's on the Comm it has Transportation can I ask you to go back a couple slides yes at least you may not be that one you may not be able to answer this question right now mhm but the bottom line is a the dark left hand side if that's the deach single family homes how many of those are occupied by people in this town that are lower moderate income over 50% almost 50% so half that line is occupied by people who would not be able to afford them in today's market if you remember I showed that 49% 49.3 yep so I was just trying to translate that to this picture so right there a quarter of our housing stock people I hate to use the Expression are house four they've been in for a long time it's an asset to them but if they want it to come to town uh-uh and this is why what the working group was really kind of working towards is we want to have affordable literally affordable housing and diverse housing stock so that people you know the the elderly that are want to sell their house and downsize have that ability to stay within the town as well as new people who want to buy and join the community have that ability and this doesn't even include the generations of the people who live here who might want to come back correct so okay thanks I just wanted to I just wanted to take those two charts and lay them over each other cuz I'm more graphically I'm more graphic minded thank you thank you Charlie and I just like to re reiterate the fact that it's important to understand this is not going to happen overnight we have form based code in now for four or five years we haven't had one project we've had the in-law apartments in now for four or 5 years we haven't had one come through that that's made it to the zba yet and so we put that in-law apartment in in order for the people the parents to help the kids with the kids to help the parents but how it could pass it's too restricted with the 25% so the duplexes or two families condos whatever you want to call them is also going to help help that too but it is not going to happen overnight it's going to be years in the make thank you could you bring up the zoom screen just in case to see if we have any participants who want to speak no we don't okay good we don't okay great any further questions for Alicia thank you Alicia much appreciated Alan don't you I thought you had a presentation this even I'm sorry I'm confused Mr chair I just want to say I've greatly benefited from just listening to the dialogue Andross it's really my first opportunity to hear the whole thing um so uh you know I just request you I I would like to submit my comments in a written form so I can really process everything I've heard and sort of weave it into the uh the big picture so uh acceptable to all I'd like to us submit the written comments to you which I will submit to Danny and and have those two uh I I would say that sounds acceptable but I just want to caution that I think we're going to come to a a we're going to move to toward a vote to whether to present this at Town warrant or not so if you're if you have comments that would potentially influence that outcome you may want say it would not okay great that's fine thank you Mr chair uh yes Kathleen can I ask see a procedural question so when this goes to town meeting um like the table of uses is that going to show up in town meeting as a single vote where the every single pieace mail change gets voted at once or does everybody vote on I want to flip spz and A1 to P A2 one by one you know so we been talking about that yeah we've been talking about that uh the way it's proposed on the warrant article is it's one big item the whole table of uses the whole table of uses but I know there's been discussions from with the moderator on on how each of the votes were going to be taken and no I got no early okay I got no I got no early horse in the race right now um we'll take a look at the warrant when the Articles come together and decide whether we'll be doing things by consent or not a consent is bundling things that are like together in order to handle them quickly and we'll see what happens as the warrant goes forward okay great there's no great push either way right now to be honest with you okay can I say a quick thing of course you can I just want to thank both of you for those presentations I as the sarcastic one that usually sits here and rolls my eyes I often by the time we get to a public hearing I've heard some presentations many times um both of those were incredibly informative interesting as a resident of town and as the planning board member so thank you for those pieces of information seconded I'm stopping no more presentation I C you I C you you finally nailed one come on you might be back by popular demand and then you can so I'd like to you know so what I'd like to do now is that we've heard the presentations and um is to open up for any further discussion on on the four items and of course Janet you're welcome too to to chime in as well um and I was going to when whenever was the opportunity well and I'm going to give you the opportunity right now why don't you come on up don't forget the usual name address thing name address Janet provus one ber court and air welcome Janet thank you and thank you very much for asking me um I wanted to go ahead and commend everybody because again um being part of the affordable housing committee um being the the the chairman of there um I wanted to go ahead and make sure that all individuals had a chance to look at ways to get more affordability within the town and that's why we created the working group and the members of the working group you guys have done an awesome job um of putting all this together to go ahead and try to find ways that um we can make it happen and again it's the little A's because that's what's made difference I I always kept pointing out to Alicia's uh chart that showed on how diverse we were and how we're not moving you know moving away from being that diverse of of housing um or dwelling units if you want to call it that way where we need to go and get back to some of these small A's that are in our neighborhoods that you you don't really realize that they're there because of the way that the housing is is built the way that you know people just come and go um but it's where you know you get those little kids that are running in the neighborhood or you get the parents that can go ahead and U watch over the little kids um it's it's great and as you get into the single family where all of a sudden now you have your own little section air is known for its communities I mean that's one good thing about you know no matter where you live everybody's got their own little you know um sections and this is what the working group is looking at I so with that I I really applaud the plan Board of taking this on and trying to push it because as Charlie says it's not going to happen overnight but we need to go ahead and make some changes so that inclusionary housing can move forward and again we heard it through the working group we've had it out there for years and it really hasn't been bit you know no one's taking you know rain of it and this gives us a chance so um you've got my vote and and I'll be there at town meeting and I won't do one of these things but that's all right um so thank you okay and I it was a it was a great group and we're going to be continuing we got the okay from the select board so I just thought I'd warn all you all okay so we'll be busy all right so again thank you thank you so I I believe we can move into the deliberation towards getting to and I think we're looking at four votes right for the there are four items I believe yes okay so um yeah I guess Let's uh the zoning map procedurally do we want to have the board comment on this stuff I that's it we're going to do it let's do them one go each let's do each in turn and so the and I think the first two seem a little bit simpler than the remainder so I think we can we may be able to go through those rather quickly so the first item the table is do we have deliberation about the uh just getting the zoning map approved the correct zoning map approved at town meeting any questions or do we motion second and then discuss let's do that yes go for it Jeff move to approve move to take the zoning map to the town meeting for final approval relating to uh theing to yeah as described by Danny Ru thank seconded further [Applause] discussion I think this seems pretty straightforward it sounds like we can move to vote Ken yes Julie yes Nathan hi Jeff hi chair votes yes it's a uh we will move that to town meeting the second issue is establishment of the zoning board of appeals the zoning board of appeals just formalizing the five members and two alternates move to approve the establishment of the zoning board of appeals to include the underline language presented this evening that the board of appeals consists of five members and two alternate members who shall be residents of the town of air shall be appointed as provideed by mgl chapter 4A subsection 12 seconded further discussion I have one tiny question does there any so this is being prompted by Town Council asking the planning board to make this change it doesn't come through the zoning board of appeals at all so uh because we are in control of the changes of the zoning oh the bylaw yes and since this is within the zoning bylaw okay you the planning board is the one who is in control of that so this has come up because of the Town council's review of the Z the zba section they were also CU they were also looking at the zoning uh zba's um rules and regulations which also references this section so that's kind of how it came up all right so there's no question I mean we invited the zoning board of appeals if they had a comment and yeah don't see them present so I've been checking the board um I think this is quite honest ly a I see it as a housekeeping measure yes because our chapter 40 chapter 48 section 12 has been Rewritten recently because everybody was doing their own gig across the conal of Massachusetts okay and uh you they're using words like you if it's a noxious use you can't you can disapprove it yeah so it this just codifies what's going on with Mass General law great hi Julie yes hey I Jeff I chair votes I it's unanimous the third is move that we approve to take to the plan to the town meeting the vote to approve the addition of the following to sub subsection 320 d10.3 basic requirements and I'm just going to ask quickly is that 10.3 so you want to propose an amendment of 10.3.3 thank you so let's move to 10.3.3 to include the language a for design guidelines of preferred affordable affordable multif Family new construction referred to the Massachusetts multif Family new construction design requirements and guidelines developed by bhtc DND Mass Housing and MHP one the planning board shall have the authority to allow new construction of multif family housing under sub section 10.3 of the air zoning bws to allow for the construction of new units to meet the target unit sizes referenced in section 4B design guidelines for unit units layouts and interior Dimensions or take any other action relative there too sorry guys my second the editor in me wanted to fix that yes discussion I have some okay so the advertisement said a but it's one which was in the motion just the way it was A1 I'm sorry okay the advertisement yeah this I had an a there oh in the on the agenda the agenda yeah that just I actually read the ad agenda had a but it's one one is good um computers yeah so I want to make a um suggested Amendment if is true please go um I just believe it's important that we have the correct date to reference this um by this the multi family design standards and whatnot Construction and design requirements simply because of the fact that actually the the agency changed their name in 2023 communities so we are referring to a document of April 2022 and I believe we should have that in there so that we know we have the right document and in the event that something happens in the future if we have to go to town meeting to update the date then we'll just do it I I would ask as conversationally um document of the date and succeeding documents yes I like that I I'm not sure what the Town Council will say for the language I just don't know the answer I I think you have to have the specific date I don't think it can refer to some I'm not argue against date I'm just yeah I don't think we can say succeeding documents because the world may change yeah I I I would I would advise against not doing that I about against doing that yeah about adding the and succeeding and succeeding no my only concern is if we tie it to a specific date if they update that do we have to go through this all all over again yes we might is that desirable I mean to change the date I don't think it it's a I mean all that we require be changing the date we don't have to go through the formal deliberation we would still it would be still a proposed amendment but we've already basically done the leg works now so it's kind of just oh we're amending that it's a future board problem it's kind of just more of looking forward as as as looking just to change the DAT and it's not as big of a process because I thought one of the virtues of this was that by referencing the Massachusetts state guidelines that we'd always be consistent with them even if they updated or changed that that we'd still be there but if we date it then do we lose that virtue that quality no we don't and the other thing that can happen is it can easily change the title yeah that's true so the title is Massachusetts multif Family new construction design requirements and guidelines and quotes um enough it's very possible they could change it to something because they changed it from the certain Mass housing to something else they could have so we may have to change it just because they make a number of different changes descriptive changes so uh we have on the table a suggested amendment to include the date is that acceptable to did you make that as a motion I'll move that uh the planning board amend the previous motion regarding the approval of the design guidelin for the mass multifilm new construction design requirements and guidelines by adding the date April 2022 seconded any further discussion just one thing so the way it would read now as as proposed it would be um so uh 10.3.3 basic requirements a for design guidelines of preferred affordable multif Family new construction referred to the Massachusetts multif family new construction design requirements and guidelines developed by bhdc DND Mass Housing and MHP dated April 20 uh 2022 do you accept as of April 2022 no it's just the date it's it doesn't have to be as of it's just it's dated okay trying to further discussion did we second yes was that seconded I believe it was Yeah question sir um just to be clear we are proposing to insert something into the bylaw this is not removing anything in 10 three correct yes nothing is being only an addition what would happen is it's being inserted as as um a and all the other other ones just changed to BC yeah y just going to be clear that nothing's being removed correct nothing is being removed um if we don't get let's say we let's say the table of use is not approved we're not there yet we're not there yet I know but it says the plane board shall have the authority to allow new construction of multif family housing that would still we Cur do okay multifamilies would still be a special permit to the plan or not a special per but an application to the planning board yeah we currently still have it okay so this would stand mhm mhm if the table of you stays the way it is correct okay we would still have it just for clarification and I thought you had a good question this becomes the new a in that section yes the previous ABC moved down one point correct so what was a before becomes B and this gets inserted as a new a under the okay so good hearing no further discussion Ken I Julie yes Nathan yes Jeff I chair votes I it's unanimous move to see if the town will vote to approve the Amendments subsection 5.2 table of use regulations or take any other action relative there to seconded uh question just do we need to outline all the different changes there is it good enough to say changes as discussed uh at the public hearing or um how that I think what we can do is as proposed on the um on the table of use is presented at at the planning board hearing I think we can state it that way okay so that we don't have to go through each you don't want me to read the whole thing is that understood do I have to make an amendment or to it or is it we're good no I think we're good because that's what was presented beautiful and we have uh um do I have a second you did I did have a second yes discussion now let's down let's get into it I'll go last you're going to go last M anchor well you may be first and last I was going to say I'm happy with the changes as discussed and I'll take my earlier out of order comments is sufficient for what my questions were Jeff I think we've discussed this plenty yeah and that's and that's why I have no comments is that I feel like this has been discussed that we've presented the fruits of it and it's been further discussed so I'm good too Kath oh I'm sorry it's okay Kathleen no I I think it's great thank you Dar Mr dis wait we hustled as fast as we could there Mr dis Mr Mr dis Mr disin Ken boss yeah all right um okay so the first thing that I see is in the um the language for the amendment itself yes all the other amendments we referred to Section 320 first before the subsection 5.2 this one does not mention 320 at all yes and that's because um so under and those are referenced because of the ecode 320 um if we want to amend it that way you can but it's because it's just its own section under 320 it doesn't have like a dash 10.3 or doesn't fall within like one of the bylaw sections it's its own attachment it's like a separate attachment under 320 I don't know for clarification I I think it is part of 320 so it is it's but it's it's it's a separate attachment a table exactly so TP the way it's referenced in our ecode the way you would do it the reason these all have 320 before them is because that's how it's referenced on our ecode this is just it's its own separate attachment and it's referenced as 5.2 please see table 5.2 or c table 5.2 of what I'm not arguing with you I'm just understandable it says to see if the town will vote to approve the amendment to 5.2 table of use so take any action section 5.2 table it's part of the zoning bylaw 5 it's this actual document zoning bylaw would be appr the actual document and it's because it's referenced at the top of it that's the that is the title of the document yeah that's the title of the document table of use regulations section 5.2 table2 table table of use of what of table of use regulations zoning by law regul Town zoning bylaw the town zoning byw to say Town zoning bylaw I think in the in I'm just telling you what our what the actual document is labeled as and that's how it that's how I wrote it so if we want to add to it we can I think you should add the the language that is table 5.2 of the air zoning bylaws so that we know it's a bylaw Amendment not just a table Amendment okay so section 5.2 table of use regulations I think the way it should read is to see if the see if the town will vote to approve the following changes in the air zoning bylaw table such and such okay 5.2 table use regulations so know specifically it's referring to the only bylaw change an acceptable Amendment okay so so to the motion so to see if the town will vote to approve the amendments to air Zing bylaw mhm table Five Point well you want to section 5.2 table of use regulations okay um okay that was the first thing thank you so that's that's an amendment that needs to be you know we have to vote motioned and seconded I consider that friendly but I'll move I'll accept that and move to accept the friendly change seconded okay okay oh we voting that that there might be other amendments so um that was the first one I guess so I appreciate the fact that t Charlie came up to the table and others came up to the table and I think it's important for everyone to remember what was said about this being a slow process so this is just my own comment and following up on the fact that other changes that we've made have taken time one of the things that came up that was a little confusing is I believe as a board we're really going to have to emphasize the dimensional requirements that stay in place um an interesting question came up at uh another meeting regarding how many Lots in town does this affect and the answer is that it really doesn't affect any Lots in town except those lots that comply with the correct dimensional requirements correct so it's not like we're asking people in A1 or A2 or telling them right away that they can just drop this on the lot it's very critical that people understand that there's other dimensional requirements and other building code requirements and whatever might apply to that a lot so I just want people to understand that I think that's going to be a question cuz I think the apprehension is that people going to think automatically they can put it in A2 if they live in A2 but it's not it's much more complicated dimensionally than that so I'm not sure we you know gut there you know I just wanted to say that for emphasis no I agree with you and And to clarify yes you would definitely as part of uh Charlie's review they would need to show that they meet all of the dimensional requirements and all anything else that he you know deems that is necessary as he would for single family home right uh and I had a similar concern to um what Kathleen mentioned and I I just thought that we would have to attach the table or make a reference to the table as part of town meeing so in other words we would show the the the we're going show the new table yep the table is part of the warrant okay yeah that was included do we need to show both tables the existing and the new so there's no confusion about where we came from from and we going to I can do that as part of my presentation that makes sense to people that that wouldn't we wouldn't do that as part of the article I would do that as part of my presentation to and put it side as long as people understand that we're going to show on the table and whatnot and yeah and this is exactly the question you asked yeah go ahead Julie sorry Danny can I just suggest that you do it like you struck apartments and wrote dwelling units like how you left the edit on here don't do side by side yeah you're right inrease the box size something so you can put both just strike what it was just keep it as like a tracking changes yeah yep I'll do that okay that was good um got the date so the only the final comment I have on this I guess is well I'll stick with the table in general I think we need to get an answer from Town Council whether we can amend one piece of this table or we lose the whole table on a vote so if there's a potential problem with somebody on one line of this table or one change um are we allowed to accept is Town meaning allowed to make an amendment to that piece yes and keep the rest the same yes and the reason so that's why when I write these um our our proposals on the zoning amendments it says or take any action relative there too okay it allows it gives some leeway to do what we just did on like amendments on how we're wording it it allows for amendments within the document to be made if it's NE like uh if you if there's a motion on the floor that says no put those back to what they were before special ter permit by the zba that can be done and then the rest of the document can still stay as what it is proposed okay I just yeah and that so there's that's the that's the main reason when we write zoning Amendment articles like this you add that that language yeah okay because I just want to be careful that's all if you don't add that you are stuck with what's being proposed it's either that or or none right so I'm trying to get away from the all take any action relative there to correct that's what those mean yeah that's why I add that but and we can talk offline about how that can go I don't have to talk offline you can only revert you can't you could you could add something new no more restrictive or less you can exactly yep can you if it comes down to it can you only change the cells that we are highlighting yes okay so can't come in and say oh actually no no only doing this I also want to do this here it's only the sections that are currently being changed right so there's like so either it's either going to be permitted or it's going to revert back to the zba got it or permitted to the zba or permitted to know like he can't come in and say actually we want to change this one over here yeah no got it I don't think in the reason behind that is there has to be the hearings and appropriate corre yes things that happened before town meeting that is correct can't just pull it off yeah at the town meeting so that's not part of the relative okay yeah the rest of the that's why so we did not discuss any of the other topics there was no public hearing on those those were not advertised so those cannot be Chang changed but we did advertise striking apartments and putting in dwelling units yes so that is open anything that's red is open for discussion at town meeting correct yeah but we didn't know we did not we didn't put we the language of the advertisement did not include these red pieces it included a heading of the table only and this is the reference that it is no trouble that at all the warrant the warrant used to be goat skin and they didn't write things on it yeah the warrant article references this references that and and so when I fill these out there's a warrant submission form that I have to fill out and these are everything that I propose goes along with it there's an exhibit that goes in with it each of the warrant forms right so a citizen could walk in and see that in black and white right now correct yes yep thank you so we are at the sub motion on the change of the language that's the thing do we need two votes one for the sub motion of change of language or just one vote overall it's one vote overall I mean because you already seconded and and I got one more thing you got one more thing and I also want to see if any if there's any further comment before we vote go ahead okay so I wanted to know verify the fact that you know most of these changes we've heard it a bunch of times came from the working group but I do have to um clarify the fact that it might not be unanimous and that I had to still do have a concern with the two family in the A1 and A2 and the concern it's only revolving around the fact that somewhere along the line I believe we need to put in the language of it having a single family appearance we still don't have that language anywhere and can we is it possible for us to regulate that without having the language someplace I guess is my concern um and maybe that's not a concern to the rest of the group so if it isn't then it is I not a concern for me I have no issue with that if you can amend the mo I'm good with that because that is the goal to make them look like one family from our working group yeah so I'm going to if I may Mr chair yeah please um I'm going back to the way I see planning as lines on paper not yes not I don't know how to put it we we aren't the Arbiters of style I agree yeah I agree strongly with what Charlie's saying but I would actually ask for another town that has taken that up and been successful with it I can H right now I was going to say through through Town Council because I I came from a town where they fought about this yes for decades yes okay so in my experience there are you're right there are a lot of other towns that have that um there's there in my experience the way a two family looks versus a single family not that much difference as just two doors or one door really that's that's really what we're talking about here and in my perspective I don't see how that's any how there's no an adverse impact either way um and I think that's how we need to look at it because when you look at the special permit criteria as to how that falls under it what is the adverse impact of having a two family that looks like a single family or a duplex there really isn't any adverse impact to the neighborhood to there's no socioeconomic impacts util like there really isn't an impact on that so I don't feel it's something that's necessary it may be something that down the road the board may want to work on some design guidelines for you know Architectural Review if the board may want to do that cuz there are times sounds like Welsley has a Architectural Review Board that if you're submitting for a single family or a duplex you have to go through it and they tell you whether or not they like it or not okay you know what I mean like I don't want to get I I feel like if we go down that road it it you get very restrictive and that's where the uh gentrification really starts coming into it right I I would prefer not to do that because I think it's contrary to the very first principles we started the meeting was the whole point is to get a greater diversity and variety of housing to get the lower a affordability so with that in mind I would like to make it less I'd prefer to leave it less complicated yes Jee make one more comment and um I've experienced this because I've actually um put multis in a byright area that didn't look anything different than the houses next to it in certain section in certain neighborhoods of Cambridge and how I was successful at that is I went to the city of Cambridge and I spoke to the building department the Community Development and I said it's a two now we want to do a two again with a different look and they said perfect but you're going to get through easier if you let them know it's going to be a single entrance too or a entrance on the side to depending how you do it the two of them in the uh magazine Beach area of Cambridge and I would expect anybody coming into this town who would do that would probably ask the question mhm MH okay so back to you Mr chair this this is why I had to brought up the question locks Us in trying to get the feel for the board if they're on board with this and it looks like they are so that's good so we'll move on so that was the reason I brought it up so thank I'm not pushing it so I'm just saying I appreciate I know I appreciate it too we think we got to think about it so I got one lastly um to help endorse the the and I'll be quite Frank the most important line to me is 1 three not not one two yeah um coming from the affordable housing angle this is the one that potentially has the best connection to the inclusionary housing which we just talked about and um the language for that because these are the areas that we typically are going to look at getting more multif family and it also includes by changing the inclusionary um making it easier I don't think we talked about it then but it encourages now development I'll go back to the inclusionary just for a second it encourages development in the downtown air form based code and the West Air Village form based code by us making those inclusionary changes there's been you know some push back in those areas because of the 750 so I'm just going back to that for a second but the other important factor of of the one three for the the U special permit planning board rather than an n in the A1 and A2 has to do with language that we already have in our osr development this is a clarification that in the osid we the language allows all three housing types single two and multi but we have to refer to the table as the ruling you know requirement the ruling document so this clarifies the fact that under the osid which falls mostly in A1 and A2 we stayed in one place in the zoning that we allow all housing tights with a special permit and now we put that special permit where it belongs under A1 and A2 so we've achieved we would achieve consistency we've got consistency there and not only that in the past I don't know 20 some years ago before we made these upgrades in the zoning this was the way it was correct it was ruled by the the language of the they call the cluster development at the time um so we're clarifying the fact that we allow we say all housing types are allowed and we're putting it in the table um to overcome that discrepancy it's the way I feel about it anyway and I think in the long run it'll give us more opportunities to uh control you know the multif family construction and get more options and I do believe the same thing that Chie said that it's not going to happen overnight number one and there isn't enough land you know it's there nobody there's nobody that should be afraid this just going to take over the town because it's not the lots of already set in place mostly there aren't that many Open Spaces that are going to be taken over by this so I'm very encouraged by the changes that are have to do with the uh townhouse and multif family dwelling so thank you thank you Kev and just to touch on that you know I agree with what Ken's saying is you know in the west air and the downtown um Park Street area uh the form base code you're going to see more uh large building like uh apartment dwelling style uh multif family whereas in allowing this in the A1 and the A2 Zone you're going to get a different type of development you're going to get more uh developments that are um kind of like the OS s Rd but you're allowed to do single duplexes triplexes quads so more of a sprawling development with more multifam um with where you can create kind of a community Vibe um so it it it it allows for different type of multif family as opposed to what's down in downtown the form based code which is going to be more apartment style okay great thank you and uh before we move vote Yes I was just going that's just what I was going to do I was going to open up to further public discussion go ahead Charlie so I agree with Ken that but on 1.3 but I believe 1.2 is just as important because the one point 1.3 is more for development the 1.2 to me to have that permitted by right is more for um families we need um to make it affordable for the town so I just hope that both of them pass yes yes good mhm MH uh I want in the room any further questions back in the room and I want to check Zoom any questions Sarah no take that as a no I take that as a no sorry you're muted okay all right I I I believe that we are ready to and if I I hear no further discussion we're ready to move to vote uh this would include the sub right to to okay good correct Mr disin oh it's been moved we've got everything we got the move so the and I'll read it for everybody so to see if the town will vote to approve the amendments to the air zoning bylaw section 5.2 table of use regulations or take any other action relative there to good I yes Nathan I Jeff I chair votes I wow I to vote to close the hearing oh uh I need a motion to close the hearing move to close the public hearing okay seconded any any further discussion Ken I Julie yes Nathan I Jeff yes I chair votes I I just want to make this observation I just thank I want to thank uh a couple observations first I want to thank the working group on this because I realize this wow this was not easy it is not easy good AR this is a lot of work and I just want to point out that in January of 2023 when we started that year I said what do we want to work on and we had a number of things we had the master plan we had some trail ideas and the other big one was the review of the zoning so this is the fruition of a a long you know over a year of work and I just want and I want to thank the working group uh really for all that they've done to get us this far so we want to thank Janet for getting yes there's still more to come thank you yeah I think don't get tired of patting yourself on the back we got stuff we got stuff to do we got the tell but but we Mr chair that that is important what's that that this is the first effort and it was good to hear that Janet has approval to continue the working group because there is more to come yes or needed yes right thank you project set us updates yes uh so the first one I just want to touch on is so in devans the uh uh Samora hey Has Lifted the two uh the 20 million foot limitation in Devin so well she she has proposed changes legis okay so proposal not committee yet that's right the proposal for it um which is you're right here so this is going to make a big this going to be big for devans it's also going to have a big effect on us yeah it's it's this is really going to this is where I think the MBTA communities uh is going to take into effect this is West you know West Main Street with the farm based code this is where I think we're really going to start seeing a lot of that development really Target uh rental inclusion area to really house these people who are going to be moving into devans to be working um the next project status is so 333d Street will be before the planning board on March 26th oh good okay for uh site plan review and a storm water management permit M um they uh um let me see if there's anything else uh nope that's all I had for right now I'm Sorry's two questions there unrelated to each other but what first is in the zoning board of appeals decision on denying third Street the two multi-unit the two mhm D how long was that decision good for two or 3 years did they so so the the decision I didn't want to get there yet so I I I don't know I don't know if this is the place for me to be talking about that just because I don't write the decisions I haven't reviewed the decisions so I don't okay but typically the way a a special permit denial is is a 2year wait no just because I was was refreshing my memory and reading chapter 40 subsection section 12 4812 about um zoning boards of appeals and how they be and it just it's in general it says local bylaws allow them to do two or three and I was just curious if they decided to do two or three years I I actually don't know okay it's okay if we don't know I I asked that question our bylaws call it for 2 years we have it in there for 2 years in our special permit in our bylaw so 2 years in a okay thank you I didn't I didn't mean to step any and then then the other question I'm going to I'm going to be on this like a dog on the bone I'm glad oh Janet is still here this is not for your committee okay um MBTA zoning inclusion area not townwide or mhm area yeah just want to keep that in the Forefront because we're going to get through town meeting in April and then we got a lot to get done in order to be MTA compliant Y and I I told Danny I was going to keep so okay good and I'll work on it as hard as you want so great so any further updates uh no okay thank you oh actually we're going to be um getting a uh there's two other site plan reviews that we'll be expecting for 91 Gren Harvard Road I know I told the board about this one last time but just as a reminder and as well as um the uh there's another project on zero Scully Road it's uh it's a a lot that's uh main there's a lot of wetlands on it but they're proposing a uh a building with some garage uh for storage and and so that's in the pipeline coming towards us um didn't we do a landscape Rell a while a while ago they never came back I wonder if that's it okay all right a building over there that was supposed to come for site plan got turned down from the zba and they were supposed to submit a site plan and they never did right don't know if that's the same one it's not the same one okay it's a different one and then um I'm trying to see if there was anything else that I want to touch on think that was it okay great uh just a reminder that cptc is next Saturday Saturday um just I know I'm registered can did you are you I am away on Saturday I have conflict I will be there you will be there Nathan um I have to look at my schedule I have a I cannot go I haven't looked into this I know today is the last day but I to register yeah oh today was the last day today is the last day I mean she still has time so does you can always yeah you can register do you have do you have the email for the registration you have the link I believe um I Sam sent it okay and and you will be reimbursed yeah okay good I just wanted to remind excellent and um okay good and Ken and I will be a bit they'll make room for one more tomorrow I have a feeling too okay um do I have a motion to approve the meeting minuts for February 27 so moved seconded any discussion hearing none Ken how do you vote yes Julie yes Nathan I Jeff I chair votes I it's unanimous motion to adjourn so move good night everyone