6m town of a zoning board of appeals Wednesday July 17 2024 hybrid meeting agenda this meeting SL hearing of the zoning board of appeals will be held in person the location provided on this notice members of the public are welcome to attend this in-person meeting please note that while an option for remote attendance and our participation via Zoom is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting SL hearing will not be suspended our terminated if techn technological problems interrupt a virtual broadcast unless required by law members of the public with particular interest in a specific item on this agenda should make plans for in-person versus virtual attendance accordingly meeting will be live on Zoom public May access the proceedings by joining Zoom meeting ID 857 9728 7177 or by calling through 312 626 6799 for additional information about remote participation please contact Samantha Beno administrative coordinator at zba a.m. us or call 97877 28220 extension 114 prior to the meeting first item on the agenda is the approval of the agenda make a motion to approve the agenda of Wednesday July 17th 2024 second all in favor say I I I motion carries next item on the agenda continued public hearing application for variance plat builders on down sir thank you you have spoken with um M do uh yes um the MBTA so I had a uh opportunity to talk to three of their representatives that couldn't have been nicer to explain their position um about it which I understand um and I explained um to them from from my perspective um I guess what I learned in the conversation is uh they have some challenging areas in Massachusetts that they have to work through where they don't have um as much room between the raar tracks and property lines as they do here uh at least along this section of Central Avenue um and so it's important to them that the setbacks get held whenever possible um I I did measure the distance from our property line roughly uh you know using 100t tape it's 94 and2 ft from our property line to the edge of the active railroad tracks and then there's a section of debunked raar tracks that trees are growing up through and then there's an access road the center line of the access road to our property line is about 44 ft um and and then our property uh line is and um they they continue to have the position that they disagree with any um reduction of property line setbacks so you're saying there's 130 ft from one side to the other no no uh about 95 ft from the edge of the re active raar tracks to our property line and what's the deal way other side did you measure going the other side uh so the other side is Wetlands it's a pond oh okay okay but but as they described as they go closer to the city there's areas where they have this swap that I don't know it's 20 ft wide and then they have properties on either side and um fences and that kind of stuff um that they have to deal with so it is very tight uh and I could imagine if they're trying to do construction along there then they have those challenges of um so I I also continue to explain to them that um we're currently using the property to its fullest and if um if the town the part of the reason why we decided to go this route and to build a pole barn here is um we feel like our property starts to um butt up against Residential Properties and the alternative is to put um shipping containers on the property here to store our stuff and keep it dry and um as far as I know there's no zoning laws against parking a truck or a shipping container there in the same location to store things it's still on our property um and so I I guess either way we're going to occupy the space with our stuff we're currently occupying the space it's just whether or not it's a storage container or a something more um arm like a a pole barn um within your property line or or no it's all within our property line it's just if I am going to build a structure like a pole barn it needs to fit uh on the property outside of the setback requirements if I put a shipping container there it does not have to it can be within the setback work around right so I can do that and I I just thought it would be nicer knowing that I've got resal houses around us I sure I know if it's like a like a if you have a trailer for a tractor that's different that's different but I'm sure a shipping container well I'm not sure it might be allowed but the biggest so I took a ride through there today okay um went around back yeah I saw the structure that exists you know my contention was at the last meeting I don't really have an issue with this I think this could be the perfect opportunity to put a time limit on a variance if granted right you tell it was a temporary because it was a storage issue right with the storage containers ultimately we'd love to get all of our equipment inside the building when we have the room for it once our temporary rental um storage customers have moved out so that being said I am in favor of it my only concern because you're a town company here yeah if we were to Grant it obviously they have the right to appeal it they're the state they have time attorneys to do that yeah the other big thing that you know I'm just looking at this map when I drove through there today there's you and I'm assuming it's your stuff you've got stuff that's definitely on their side of the line I don't care yeah no not the state yeah we don't want you to have issues with them yeah as a result of it we also noticed that the um AB buding property to the left their stockade fence goes far onto their property a lot of that that strip of commercial on Central at least one more of them is as close as you're proposing to be if not maybe a little less but I'm not opposed to it I think if we were to Grant it we have topography on our side because the the the shape of this lot it cuts up really right up to the building they were they were talking about when we were on the phone with them last time they were talking about they needed 60 ft you remember that conversation I do but and he's telling me that there's 94 and Sam the road so you know that access road at by the gym there yep it does cut along the back side of this but like I said they've gone above and beyond their property line with storage they still have full access to that road that the mvta does so you know I don't I didn't have an issue with it last time I don't and and you know when we looked at the comments the fire department wasn't overly concerned and I know a lot of people were concerned about the fire department they liked the idea of consolidating yeah um let's see kcom it's outside of the buffer zones um I mean I'm in favor of it but I'd be willing to hear did you the opposition did you read the letter from just now did you read it y okay yes sir uh so as a town planner uh when I reviewed this uh the application um sorry um the first requirement obviously uh so Mike U I think you believe that it does meet the requirement but based on my review of Central LA the properties all along Central LA have the same burden as he does so it does not make it a unique burden okay which is also something that the MBTA did raise within their letter um it does set a precedent now for future properties along that path that have the same shop uh shape Factor as they do to try to request the same thing but it doesn't set a precedent though right because technically our Tech you're right technically it doesn't but in the sense of outside eyes they'll feel they want to also apply for the same thing because their lots are also shaped as his is so this is the problem where it's not an actually unique shaped lot so the only thing and when I say unique shape all I'm talking about is bring it over here I do you want me to pull it up on great yeah and and I realize you know in the light of we're trying as we make our our decisions now I want to try to stick to shape topography and so this one I'm going with shape and I'll show you why can you put on thepp thing I don't remember if it was here it's in there no no it's not worth the sh um that's what I thought oh it's right there you can have bot this is oh there we go much easier I was going to it's 271 it without that if you want yeah uh you can just do you can do all of central lab actually why is this thing that Center one yeah right there and then close it out and they since it's already on all right so see that little cut up yeah this one here that's what I'm talking about with shape right so and again you can you could convince me it's a stretch but these commercial properties up to you know the Groton Harvard Road are flat flush flush flush and then we have that cut up and it comes back down yeah I don't know why it was shaped that way and I'm sure it's been that way for 100 years yeah so but I'd say it's Unique to at least that three partial stretch and I if we go down Central a little further we don't have another cut up like that until we get to the residential so there is like this one does kind of have it this one kind of goes up again into here um that's the MTA um so it does kind of have that same shape it goes this straight here and then kind of shape goes up towards the property towards the building and then comes back straight again so yeah it may not have that exact same shape but it does have that in portion that goes straight along the building y I mean in my sorry sorry uh in my review I mean just based on what I see it's not unique okay but you know it's up to interpretation really got it aw measure your 94 ft so I went to the uh property line where the pole barn is proposed um the surveyors had put a right there uh correct y so from that red line to to the edge of the purple oh okay okay cuz that's a Spur that yellow line a that's the access rope Oh I thought that was a Spur that's the access road I think the spur is the thing that has the trees grow yeah yeah there there's a section of two there's two sections of looks like uh debunked tracks that are grown in all right thank you all right um oh was here from the MBTA yes sir no the vir with the MBTA yes sir uh no no just we just for the record we we met with the with the applicant uh yesterday afternoon uh to just review and discuss obt's position on the matter uh we are still uh like to be recorded uh in support of the existing rear yard setback requirements of team um obviously we defer to the board whether you uh on on whether you deter it's appropriate or have the appropriate or not but uh we did did I did last week I last month uh had a good conversation uh our position hasn't changed we appreciate the board's consideration on our position thank you that being said um how opposed are you to a temporary structure versus long term or is it does it it doesn't change your opinion um any type of fixed structure that's puttings foundations not foundation in this case but anything that's a fixed structure uh we be that would uh that's permanent we oppos so I guess in theory if it's a temporary structure with the um you may be okay with that um we're not with the the use of storage contain that's fine it those removable we proposes any type of fixed permanent structure what can be always permanent or be there for the re in the future um that's been the that's our position okay thank you John what do you think well the first I just want to ask the question you talked about um storage containers yeah so if you have a temporary right to put these structures up when they come down there'll be no requirement for containers right that's the idea that's the intent that uh I can't tell you exactly what the future brings but uh like we talked about um uh it was always our intent it's always been our intent to get our belongings indoors they're more secure they're better protected from the weather there's bonuses to that but today our equipment is um is uh like our uh scaffolding we have these nets that are required by OSHA to keep people from falling off scaffolding and they just don't do well in the Sun and in the in the weather they just don't last as long and snow fence the the these are special uh safety fences uh for people up high in case they fall you know restraints it's stuff like that it's the hardware on the uh scaffolding that rusts and falls apart it just doesn't last as long and so um as we watch the stuff sit outside cuz we don't have a place for it indoors that was the motivation to do this and um knowing today that this structure um requires a permit requires zoning Board of approval we are certainly um trying to find some temporary way to solve our problem and also not be a burden to the town with a a structure that shouldn't is an ideal so when you bought the property the business use did not include storage that was not the intent yeah correct but it but it's not part of the plan and right and you you really no that's not that's not correct like I said last month it was part of moving in storage so it did include storage but didn't include the storage that he wants to use no I mean they they're not they didn't buy this building with the intent of having a storage business there correct that is correct yeah yeah it was a uh a necessary to buy the building was to um so whatever business licenses you require uh storage isn't one of them yeah okay so how long do you think you really need in order what do you think is a reasonable notice to tell these people that their contracts up and they're going to have to find alternative storage yeah and so we've been um solving that by um uh talking to people increasing rents we've gotten rid of you know about a 100 contracts uh so far uh without how many oh probably out of 140 so we're down to like 40 container of these I don't if you've ever been in there these these giant crates uh with people's belongings um and so we now have an area of our 26 tall foot building uh it's probably 40x 60 that is being occupied by these crates um and um yes uh ultimately we could um call everyone up tomorrow and say sorry we're closing you have to come pick your stuff um that that is an option we've um uh with the buying of a building um moving into it the rental income has helped to offset some of the company costs and so there's been some uh benefit to having that kind of wind down slow I understand but that's that's really not part of the business plan so again what how reason what is your reasonable so originally I said seven years um that got talked down last month from five years and I think I even heard three years um I I would I would take I would take what I could get I think um as a temporary solution so you've gotten rid of 2/3 of them already correct so how how I I don't know why more than a couple of years is really necessary for the instruction I if I I propose at least three you know they've got 40 of these things left let them wind it down but I'll be honest I'm not inclined to Grant beyond that right sure my intent here is that you're coming to town bringing jobs improving that building that's great but like John said you're plat Builders isn't plat Builders and storage it's you guys are Builders um I think the safety concern is you know top of the list for me with the scaffolding and everything else but it would be a temporary fix with the intent that you get those folks out Y is the uh conx a viable option in L of a pole bar I'm not sure I'm familiar with that what's a conx uh seaan containers the shipping containers oh yeah yeah those are those are called those are conx so yeah so um we would go that route uh like I said at the beginning I just think that is a less attractive solution occupying the exact same space and so I I don't um understand the mbta's concern of having a structure in their way of them operating their business if I have shipping containers there instead of a pole barn and I I would think that my neighbors would uh rather see a pole barn uh than shipping containers my residential neighbors what residential neighbors do you have so all the way across the street and continuing down the other side is all they're not visible from the street though yeah that's your pole barn or the or the will they oh certainly yeah I didn't think so yeah you drive down Central Avenue away from center of town and look back but you're past the uh you can see right through the stock the fence right I mean I'll be honest when I pulled back there today I couldn't see what I saw until I pulled back okay but you know again I'm you're P you're past the fenced area what's that past the fen area yeah um so it's behind the building yeah on the corner of the building yeah so there's a stockade fence right beyond our property or oh it's beyond yours well it's next to our property it's not part of our property it's the buts okay so yeah so it is a it is an option did you want to add something Ron well this had come to the previously as it should have I doubt we would have been a strong possibility would wouldn't have allowed this especially being such a great um I mean right up at the on the property line usually we don't uh give U Mercy for stuff that's right on top of the property line um if it's uh actually we have we have a shame on us oh we have it's not a good idea to use up all your your uh the uh your clearance and allow clearance just so in a pole barn is is you know structures I can understand the nb's position you know once you make a structure there's a structure and uh I guess I would you know there's no hardship here because it was created by the applicant anything would' be very short uh um period of time for them to you know a temporary um stay or whatever what do you what do you think a temporary limit would be 2 years is plenty just um so when I came in tonight I was thinking the temporary solution 2 or 3 years Max for me would have been the way to go but hearing that there are there is an alternative with the storage containers the storage containers would fit all the equipment you want okay hearing hearing that um there always is a disincentive to take down structures even if they're intended to be temporary so I've sort of reversed my position and uh would be more in favor for me I don't think something that the issue of attractiveness for this side of the Central LA is is a compelling issue okay so I kind of agree with that I think I think your your Contex is a viable option and it makes everything else a mute point what does Marilyn think even though she can't vote Marilyn would you like to chime in yes I would please do um you you bought this property probably because I'm guessing the storage was attractive you need a big space with your business yeah not storage necessarily but uh we do man we do manufacturing yeah um you're planning to use the conx as part of your addition anyway you're doing the pole barn and then you're putting a roof over two conic structures also is that correct that that so you're already using those right now I know you have at least one back there correct yeah um I'm not seeing the PB I have a couple problems with it for one thing it's like 2 in from the property line it also you have no 360 access around the building if that pole Barn's there either so I you could it you could you could make it around that p% yeah if if you go on the the railroad property well it's only to yeah because what what happens is like right along the pole barn is that access road and yeah you you could you could if you had to a fire truck no chance but what if the railroad puts a wired fence there all of a sudden you know could have a problem and that's a problem um if it was you know you had mentioned you wanted to make it a temporary structure but I think um unless a very strict condition is written and if the variance was it would be no real motivation for you to give up those 7year leases um because it's good income for you and I can understand that too um I'm just thinking that if you want to do temporary Contex for your storage which seems that it would work um as opposed to putting a semi-permanent pole structure there that would have to come down in 2 years um I I don't see the hardship that requires the PO one I think that's I think that's a pretty fair assessment yeah I mean I I don't if we didn't have a if we had no other option there was no viable option I say yeah probably 2 years or 3 years or something like that would would work but the fact of the matter is we have a viable option that negates the problem yeah I mean I I one way or the other it's fine by me truthfully I think I a 2 or threee temporary structure and again the shirt says plat Builders if anybody can take down a structure as quick as they can put it up I assume it's these folks but I totally understand the way the board feels about it but that being said somebody needs to make a motion it sounds like to deny that ain't going to be me even if you deny you do still need to go through the three yes things and I forgot to print them cuz I forgot to print them I have them oh thank you I Perfect all right whoever wants to make it we have any public comment I see I didn't see anybody raise their hand um let me just ask you one time do you want to withdraw your application so we don't have to vote on it and you can proceed with your conx boxes or do you want to to vote on your pole bar well he can still do the conx boxes can he yeah but if we vote on it then he can't come up with a different plan before us for a few years right yeah I mean if he changes it by 1 inch I think he could I but I don't know you have a point M yes that's your call um sure I think think I understand what you're saying um and so yeah so I think I'm happy to withdraw that's a good idea I make a motion we accept the withdrawal of 109 Central Avenue yes sir can I just make a note um that it's a withdrawal without prejudice oh AB I hav't finished my I didn't get the chance to let me finish first just wanted to make sure that just wanted to make sure he had that all right um where did I lose it oh that's my where the hell I my coverage sheet right there yes yes yes I make a motion to accept the withdrawal of of plat Builder application for variance for 109 Central Avenue air mass second without prejudice without prejudice I'm did it anyway all those in favor signify by saying I I by it's unanimous it's carried thank you sir all right thank you thank you send you a summary letter great thank you all right all [Music] right we got minutes I to lose oh there it is Okie do next item on the agenda oh I make motion to close a public hearing yes on Plat Builders second all in favor say I I motion passed next item on the agenda is the approval of the minut minutes from 26 June I did not read them John well I got a couple okay that's just the where I am fix the date on the copies you guys have yes I was just going to say that that my only C you got it we're right ahead you probably got the same one so I just have one oh you have one yeah okay which one um page two um about seven lines from the bottom or eight lines C Brown noted that there are a number of buildings in the area that are closed to the rail line I think he meant closer y That's one I had John don't leave her hanging you get high pie I have two now yeah you have the date is May 15th that should say June 26 fixed that one already okay and on the last page uh board discussion M GI asked when make a decision I think that should be making a decision and we're done here all right all those in favor of accepting the minutes of the meeting as amended signify by saying I I we get a second I'll second it thank you got now we can say I hi motion passed he I all right next item on the agenda board officer reorganization state of law says we select a chairman every year chair and a vice chair and a cler no the by law says chair and vice chair the state law say chair fair enough yes I read it um distension no no okay so I can stay or we can change what would you like to do obviously you're willing to stay huh obviously you're willing to stay I'll do it for another year are you do we want to change let's go back all right let's TR a square one do we want to change the organization y or nay I think if we do it it'll have to be something that we change every year right so some of like in conquer we have a board of I work for the town of conquer and I work with the board of assessors so they have a revolving chairmanship every year so it goes by seniority so if we were to start over today right say your chair today Ron swi chair just on seniority I way the planning the board of Select correct correct and it's common with a lot of boards but if we do that you know we should I don't know how well that would work though you know we have we have an excellent board the way we have I agree and in the future if we have new board members that are not as strong as we are it could be a a a pitfall that would be my only concern case in point is the pl the board of Selectmen you you vote for your board of Selectmen you have different Selectmen with different strengths sure so you really have to be careful about what you're doing they get a sign well they don't get assigned yeah amongst themselves that say okay we're going to rotate around and round and around and in some instances I feel it's better than others I mean if we were to do it here the challenge would be if you know one member so say I step down now granted we're lucky we have an alternate but if we didn't we have a new member come on you know it can Shuffle up that cycle of you're next you're next you're next you know that Carousel because you can't have somebody who just came on become Vice chair in their second or maybe you can I you know I don't know board does IT guy gets elected boom you know and and as long as they're not chairing that first year they do they'll be okay but and you'll have people who don't want to chair either right it's it's a lot of work you have to do a lot of a lot of prep there's a lot of push back from residents and applicants so stuff you're suggesting we change our methodology no no I'm saying if we were to that's the only other way I can think I would be I would be opposed to that I really would only because why said it's I mean we have a good board yeah um and if I'm gone or if I drop out or John or Ron or anything happens to any of us and they take and we get a new member the new member might not have the same strength characteristics that the rest of us do yeah I mean that's my only that's just an opinion I I I don't disagree with you Ronald remember 20 was it 2013 when we had the big shakeup I I went to my first meeting Sam by the second meeting Ron and I were the only two left it was the it was chotic you know everybody quit it was it was something else and and you're right it did the next the next few meetings it took a while for this board to get back on track and we did and I think we've run and it's been pretty well since so do we want to change how we do this that's the first question I don't think I don't think so either Jess I'm I'm I don't want to be chair joh I'm I'm good R good here but I'd like to hear from Maryland always want to hear fresh yes I'm not saying you're weak no you can't see but I can still here a little um my husband is on the Conservation Commission and after his first meeting or very shortly after there he ended up being the chair and it was a struggle I mean he had no experience and it was a it was a steep learning curve and everybody in the board really helped him but it did take him a couple of years to be comfortable with it and I think I'd like the idea of the rotating it because um everybody would get that experience with learning how to do running a meeting which takes real skill um but a lot of people don't want to do it yeah but that's the other part of it it's like it's like Mike says you know some people's skills are better at some things than others true um so if if it's kind of working maybe don't fix what isn't broken maybe so that being said do we want to change you does somebody want to take chair does somebody want should we can leave it alone I mean I'm fine with it I'm fine with it I I'll give it another year I that's and we'll talk about it again next year dude does anybody else want a vice chair really well no no in all seriousness I'm not opposed to it and and and the other you know you've done Vice Jared a few times I've done it I've been on fora you're going to do it September too are you willing to I'm I'm absolutely willing to you know I am like I mentioned at the last meeting I my son is coming in October so I won't be here for the October meeting that much I know I plan to be back for November I not um but just in case you know everything looks great kids healthy unun we're all doing great but should take time with the kid you know I definitely won't be here in October so if we have you know if somebody feels that missing a meeting or two is reason not to be Vice chair you won't hurt my feelings no so just because you miss a meeting well you know I am I'm committed miss a meeting cannot not yes the prizes up though the clerk do we uh I know a guy you're the clerk oh R all you Samantha takes care everything all you do has have to sign but I'll tell you I don't I think it's a good thing I mean I'm I'm no anybody else want to be the clerk they get this yes someone should make a motion for you or whoever to be chair and then a second and then I make a motion we retain the organization that we have I I think we have to make them individually so let me make the first one okay I make a motion to appoint Sam Goodwin as chair of the zoning board of appeals for air second all in favor say I I I make a motion we have Mike Gibbons Vice chair Arizona Board of Appeals second all in favor say I I I I make a motion we keep Ron the flipo as clerk for air zoning board of appeals oh somebody all in favor say I I I thanks you got it Ron you won again buddy all right enough of that we close that discussion for another year um next item on the agenda is a board discussion overview of sample decisions yes you did this what these are thank you yes yes uh so KB sent those and then the last two are the last two decisions we did as well one's for a special permit one's for so you can see the difference I like the ones that you sent in November much better than these okay thank you these I found were way too indepth for the purpose all the first ones well a couple of them they they they they listed all the details of the meeting all the evidence you know everything and I don't really think that's necessary in the decision because if the decision is appealed then you have the video to review you have the minutes to review um it's it's like you're rehearing the thing just reading I kind of I kind of like that huh I kind of like that to be honest with you you think that all that verbiage is necessary in the decision only because like 20 years from now if somebody goes back and reads this thing they're going to know I mean they'll almost know what time it end be playing golf in Florida who cares God willing but no florid will be underwater Point true I will say the more information included is more helpful because I have had people come back looking for decisions from the '90s going what happened and sometimes depending on who wrote what and what happened sure I don't know sometimes they get the info they want um but it is also helpful for the applicant and it's helpful for you guys to remember or the board who comes after you you're not going to be here forever point I like the detail I do too yeah and I I did like the Noya decision yes that was very well done very well done I like it a lot yeah that's what I thought I thought I was I thought the air room was better than any of them I did it's great and I have one of the things that has sort of changed in hours um that I did take from wasn't any of these I think it was peils um they gave all their applications case numbers and I have referenced those in the decisions so then you can come do we have case numbers we do now love it so who's recording them you I they're all in the files they're go in the official file um I include it when I give a copy to the clerk so you should be able to find it later that's awesome in theory organization is it um is it tie into the building no this it's it's strictly for the zoning board well and then copies if it you know results in a building permit a copy will go in with the building perm if if it's a predecessor to a building permit it would go to the Building Commissioner right yes once this is all approved I give an approved copy to Charlie and we put it with the building permit and the way it goes but we maintain the original yes sir uh the planning board also so has implemented it with us on the planning board so now when you have a variance we can reference that number within my decision so that it's it's been very helpful actually Sam done that vice versa too if we need to excellent that's awesome yeah um and and I've actually been working on the building department files and I've listed all the zba decisions on the front so if you pull out your address you'll know that you had five CVA decisions at some point oh really that's great are you doing are you making these retroactive or no um I will I've only gone back the last two years so still a lot yeah that's great shoot it's pretty impressive nice work very nice thank you those are included in the decisions now so that you know what documentation it exists all right excellent great great so the only other thing I would say m um in terms of board discussion are we meeting next month sorry uh at this point in time no the filing deadline for the August meeting is the 30th so we do have a little more than just about two weeks okay um anything in the pipeline there was one person who might need one and she was a little iffy on whether or not she was going to apply and there was some sort of cost things with that so she was iffy um if she does it might not be August it might be September so okay all right well speaking of August and September I'll be here in August but I'm pretty sure I'll be out of the country in September I'll be here for both um but the only other thing is tonight's discussion with our new rules and rs went exactly how I want it to go I maybe didn't agree with where we ended up on it but that was perfect we talked about the shape one of us had an opinion everybody else had these that document we put together is a huge help hi huge help yeah absolutely that was perfect that's how it should go yep that's it me anything else our board discussion yes John I want to talk a little bit about this Mullen rule oh ah the Mullen room the one where someone's absent yeah and they sign a document they can if they miss a meeting sure oh yeah all right what about it okay so it says you have to sign this document MH and I just thought that we should have a document that we just add to our um our rules of regulations just so that if you show up in a at a meeting and you had missed one and we have a prepared document for you to sign so I found this one from it's from Douglas Mass um and it's very simple uh matter of fact that I made copies for everybody if you want to read it but it it just it just States that you know in accordance with the law that you have you have reviewed the materials and and Sam it looks like you're about to pass out the same thing I I use the yeah this is the form that uh I put together for the M Ro uh for the planning board and then I adopted it for you I so you already have one y we do if you guys want to look I I know that's all right yeah we actually had to just use it for the first time with Ken on two projects so I I prepared it for it do we have to adopt that or anything just you don't have to um it's already within the our cuz when we adopted the state bylaw the form doesn't have to be as part of it but I already have it as as part of yeah I just wanted to make sure that we had one available to us if we come to the table uh the other thing that that the the law says is you have to sign that you have um watched the video MH the unassigned me such evidence included the audio video recording it's it's on that form so it's right here okay the issue I have with that is it's very hard to get to those videos cuz they're not posted yeah they're not uploaded you know from one meeting to the next yeah so and so I I went to APAC and I asked them and I says how can I find these meetings said you go to YouTube which you can I did find the June 26 meeting but there is no Rhyme or Reason to this thing you have to search through and and I searched for azba meeting and it brought up everything the side of Boston yeah and and they're not in any date order or anything else so you have to scroll through you'll be looking at 2017 if I mean yeah it is it can be a little tricky um sometimes how it's set up um if you want I can always send a direct link to it um did that for me once she sent me a video or the link to the video yes so as for the town's website they know the video doesn't get posted until the minutes are approved on the website okay as long as it's available to the person who missed the meeting as meeting y you know when you send out the meeting notice or something you could just include it because somebody needs it or whatever absolutely okay good I just want to make sure we had a plan yes we have a plan just haven't needed it yet and if there is ever an occasion where the video is not available reviewing the meeting minutes is enough too it says in the law that's not acceptable it it um it in it says meeting Minutes video and or and then and then in the last line says the minutes are not acceptable the law said that the statute 20 3 um D from Massachusetts General State law I think I think I remember that too we must have gone to the same training class yeah we'll double check that yeah I'll double check on like a transcript maybe but the minutes we don't have a transcript that's right we don't have transcrip have minut it's audio and those are not acceptable the meeting word for word because it's not the exact verbage so uh okay I think he actually might be can I'll look at that do we have the ability to pull a transcript from the end of a zoom meeting I bet you do it's one of those weird hidden features yeah I'm probably sure have to I can help you with it if you if yeah I've done it I know there's like it records as you're speaking and it keeps T like like kind of we can see if we had to the video check one okay well the only point is I just wanted to make sure that there was a process or somebody was going to come to the meeting that had missed one that they would be able to have the evidence they need in order to sign the document y have we done that no yet I don't think we had part of it is you have an alternate so it right so we wouldn't somebody wouldn't have to do that I don't think we've ever we've never done that yeah you typically see it on a planning board because we meet twice in a month and the cases usually stay open for a longer period of time than typically for the zba zba typically has it one meeting at most two meetings unless it's like a 40b which is a totally different oh yeah we we've done them yeah but so that's kind of why you don't typically see it with the zba good you're looking it up John yes 23d video audio I oh yeah audio audio recording or transcript and to the extent that minutes are not a transcript that's true it would not count yeah that makes sense the the okay a sanitized version of our conversation for is there anything the board would like to discuss at an upcoming meeting whether we have one August September to my knowledge no you guys ever come up with just send me a message and I'll I'll it and likewise Danny if you ever come up with something you know that you think oh maybe we could have a quick chat about it please give it to her she'll put on the agenda and I'll look at it all right okay anything else guys nope you say we uh make a motion to adjourn second all in favor say I I I meeting over