like to call this barnegate Board of Education meeting to order please I the notice of this meeting has been forwarded to the Asbury Park Press the beacon tap into barnegate and placed in the fo of each barnegate Township School in the barnegate Township Municipal Building and has been filed with the barngate Town Township municipal clerk in conjunction with the open public meetings act njsa 10-10 roll call please miss churny here miss konanza here Mr fedori here miss Genie here Mr ianti is not miss Levy miss tarnowski miss wasburn here and Mr Sno here we have a quorum thank you please join me in the flag suit to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you all right item number five on our agenda is approval of the agenda I don't believe there's any addition so can I get a motion to approve the agenda as it is so moved second R Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Miss Ley yes Miss turnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you item number six is approval of minutes I don't believe there's any additions so I get a motion to approve one and two please moved second roll call Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes and Mr sorno yes motion carried thank you item seven on our agenda is our studed uh representative uh Miss Jane havland hi um for those of you who don't know me my name is Jane havland and I'm the senior executive president of the barnegate high school student government and during May there was lots of exciting things happening at BHS including both proms the Junior and senior proms were very fun and great memories for the juniors and seniors and also the AP and State Testing happened um they went really smoothly and well for most of the upper classmen and during May and June we're mostly gearing up for graduation and end of the year activities so scholarship night is this Thursday May 30th um where seniors who are invited will be presented with scholarships they applied for or are awarded and most come from the district and from the local community organization so on behalf of all awarded seniors we thank the community in the district for supporting our future education and our careers um NHS will be attending lots of field days coming up this week and next week um as a part of their volunteering initiative so a lot of the younger kids might be seeing the high schoolers around um and so many of the end of the Year festivities such as like senior breakfast senior award ceremony graduation and Project Graduation are fast approaching for seniors all happening in June but to celebrate the last full week of school which is June 10th through the 14th the class of 2024 officers join the executive officers including myself on creating a Spirit Week designed specifically for seniors and we just wanted kind of a new thing um to implement and to celebrate the last full week of senior activities thank you thank you Mrs Happ one um next on our agenda is our barate Education Association liazon Mrs morganoff hi the barnegate Education Association would like to thank the Board of Education our wonderful admin our Stellar local businesses and our amazing ptas for a fantastic Teacher Appreciation Week staff and all six six schools felt the love and appreciation and we were very touched by everything thank you thank you okay item nine on our agenda is our committee discussions each chairperson of the committee we'll kind of give a brief uh description of what's happened this month in our committee meetings so first up is our uh short-term committee RFP committee uh request for professor Services um I am the chair of that committee and this month we met and you could see on the agenda the committee went through uh several I believe four of our uh Professional Services that we use um and had discussion on each of those that had uh uh put in a a uh why am I lost for they put in a um proposal sorry uh proposal uh for services um so the committee went through each one for our district architect our district engineer our district board attorney and our district conflict attorney and had recommendations for each um next committee is finance um yep Mr s can I ask a few questions comments um I understand that the RFP committee was looking at all of the rfps and they reviewed them but I also was not made aware until the agenda came out I believe I'm not the only one that we were looking into four um services that um might be changed the four services are the Board of Education attorney the um uh conflict attorney the um architectural firm and the um engineer engineering firm I was uh concerned because the first we heard of it was in the agenda we weren't given any information about the changes or any reasons for the changes or any idea that those changes U might be because of the performance of these committees this year so I was wondering if the committee yourself uh or someone could give us reasons why we looked into these committees to change them were we dissatisfied with their work for us um I also vaguely remember last year here uh the leadership of the Board of Education was bothered uh by many of the board members for not being open and transparent and giving us all the information about the beastro I thought that it was quite unfortunate that we didn't learned from our mistake to make sure we informed all board members of what happened so I appreciate if you could answer I do have abolutely few questions first one would be um your reason for um the Comm committee for um recommending the change from the Dy M mcin however you say his name MC McNichols Connor Anthony and Buckley firm to the dasty and stagger form and are we dissatisfied with our current form firm The Firm that's worked for uh 10 years for us and Mr Buckley for I believe not 2016 are we dissatisfied with their performance um is there a reason we're moving away from them that my first question I can yep I can well I can answer the first question first um so the first question is you say that the board was not notified that we were looking into the rpce if you look at uh board the uh board policies the board policy states that annually the board will review all rfps I didn't say that sir I said I understand that we were looking at all rfps right policy what I didn't realize was that we were dissatisfied and considering wa wait you you asked again you asked why the board was not informed to you said you were not informed until you seen the agenda that you did not know we were considering all of the RPS changing the four you named all four that we're considering I didn't know I didn't know that we were dissatisfied enough to change it okay but so the committee so again as far as the the policy goes the policy states that annually the board will evaluate each RFP in the district I am again is what we did the I sent down an email to every board member saying that again anyone interested in being part of the RFP committee I foring an RFP committee um to evaluate and look through each RFP that the board deals with if you are interested send me an email got it those that sent me a letter of interest are the ones I picked so again following policy we reviewed each um uh RFP that we received that we' put out again we put out all the rfps except for a couple that speaking with uh our uh superintendent and our business administrator they had asked if we can push them off until the fall for certain reasons um because they're in the middle of some things that they're dealing with and they thought it would break the continuity um with those RPS so we agreed the others we decided to look into and again there's many factors you make you take into consideration when you look at your Professional Services um I was here when the previous firm was brought in I voted for the previous firm um I believe it was when you were president were president yes I was when the previous firm came in um and as far as myself and the few months that I've been back in the presidency can I say that I've been unhappy with the previous firm yes um and my dealings with them yes um if you want specifics I can give you spe specifics um in private I'm not going to trash them in public that would be fine um you could have asked me like Mr Armanti contacted me I told him yes and he he shared your answer with me that the answer was not the answer I answered what he it was it was not um explicit enough in my opinion okay well okay he was okay we can we can talk it talk about it privately would you like to table this no we will not table we will not table the you could you can bring a motion to table it but I'm not going to bring a motion to table it well that's what I'm saying BR cannot discuss this here then I will bring up a motion to table the voting you certainly have the right to bring up a motion at this point should I do that sir you can do it I I have some follow on questions if it'll help sure quick uh so you looked at four rfps and like you said yes we look at them annually we've done this well they have been for the last three years um no I don't that I'm not going to I'm not going to agree with that but I haven't been here for the full three years to be able to tell you guys uh so you're looking at the architect the engineer the attorney uh both the board and the conflict attorney can you what are the roles of each of them um and really what I'm what I'm questioning here is who recommended that this is the direction that we're going to go that the school's going to go what do you mean who recommended who made the recommendation that you know for the district Architect no there's no recommendation superintendent doesn't make a recommendation on rfps like he does on most other things I'm aware goes out for bid okay but I so I don't know what you're asking who made the recommendation so who made the decision how did we make committee made a decision and what what is the maybe it's something we need to speak to an executive well like I said you can make a motion to table it if you'd like we will you you have more than the I certainly will because I want to know if there's any conflicts here as well okay you can you can obviously do that also and we're also concerned about the other the other three firms also I I would like to jump in specifically on the board um I'll be putting a motion into table for the RFP for board attorney until more research can be done on the ethical voting of members Dorian constanza due to the monetary donations she received for the campaign ticket to elect her and her running mates and since it's not far off to assume since they all ran together and therefore posted Flyers together um and signs that the entire ticket benefited off the amount of money that was claimed by Dy and their firm the one that is on the agenda um so it put into questions member Lauren wasburn and Sandra turny as well like I said you can bring a motion to the table anyone can bring a motion I would like to bring the motion to table vote well we could do it prior to prior to the to the uh do it prior to the we can't do it here yeah you can't do it yet you have to wait until we get into you can wait until prior to that motion ask for right now yeah no no you do it prior to the to the actual motion okay all right any other questions uh that was only the question on the board I had questions on the other three firms also and they were basically uh we had various rfps I was just wondering how we settled on the ones that the committee chose if excuse me I'll finish and then you can answer uh for the RFP for the first attorney um we had um six rfps inclusively for the RFP for the uh conflict attorney we had one RFP for the um uh uh architect attorney we had four rfps and for the um engineer attorney uh engineer firm we had five rfps the the the amount of money on that uh the information we got the amount they charg per hour could not be the answer because they weren't or all chosen on the lowest amount of money that they were asking as a matter of fact the dusty firm that we have chosen um has um an equal amount per hour in the first year in the second year they have asked for an increase and in the third year another increase whereas the the other Dusty firm has only asked for an increase in um the third year so it couldn't be a money situation and that just what I want to well again each RFP is Year bye it's annual so you can ask whatever you want in the second and third second third really doesn't matter because it's only I was just stating that I didn't think it was a money a money situation only right okay so Mr s you didn't you didn't answer my question you don't have to do it here um but I wanted to know what the role of each of these Professional Services are and how they interact with the board or the administration um the board attorney is obviously for for here to make sure we're not going out of M so I understand that piece pretty good conflict resolution conflict attorney is basically only if there's some some instance where the board attorney themselves have a conflict of interest on a matter so say if we are being sued the district by somebody and our regular attorney has either worked for them or represented them in some way in the past obviously they cannot then do both sides so they would then the conflict attorney would only step in at that point if there's a conflict so I appreciate that which I thought that's what it was but I just want to make sure it wasn't Union related I know the union has only get used if there is a conflict with your current your reg attorney um engineer I think you would kind of understand that if anything is being done in this in the school as far as a project building um major construction anything like that you would have an engineer firm that you use um they only get paid for you know whatever you use them for so if you don't use them they don't get built um and the same thing with your architect something's being designed changed um within the district same thing again it the end of the day their day to their day-to-day roles and responsibilities is what with the administration well with the administration and the board again obviously just soing the beast in the back um so the board has to approve certain things whether be or the spending a project um so again the board would interact with them on things like when we built the uh the turf field was done again they brought Renditions to us an executive session we questions and so again we all have the main interaction would be your business administrator and your super day to day right I have a question about the um engineer and the architect am I correct that we utilized the same firm for both of those uh fir areas last year I believe so yes beel was um repres both I thought so thank you I apologize to the public that is here but these are important questions I would suggest you pay attention any other questions that is all Thank You From perspective no problem at all um next committee is our finance committee that would be M tarnowski hi everyone uh Finance met on May 22nd with all members and attendance uh there are many things to go over on the agenda as you could see the finance section is quite lengthy um but a brief overview is that uh we started with the Food Services R RFP wrapup neutr serve who won the bid last month will begin operations on July 1st and the district will be hosting a walkthrough of our facilities to get neutr serve up to speed we are very grateful for our donation from barnegate rec center for our Asus program thank you so very much we discussed the raising of meal prices by 5 cents for next school year our extraordinary aid application is prepared and ready for submitt submitt whatever we have the list of uh work-based learning Partners on the agenda for approval and we thank each and every one of them for their continued partnership with our students that's the very shorten verion thank you Mr tarnowski um next up is Athletics and Mr fedorek is a chairperson of Athletics yes good evening everybody uh the Athletics committee met at May May 15 uh 2024 9:00 a.m. uh myself as the chair committee was there as well as uh Mr Sarno uh Mr Drano and Jessica Frasier as the secretary uh there was a lot to go over as we finalized uh a lot of schedules a lot of locations um you know pretty significant I'm going to kind of give you the cliff notes because we'll be sitting here all night um we discussed the uh barnegate basketball fourth fourth annual boys youth summer camp from Monday June 26 to Wednesday June 28th um that is a program that is offered to our recre uh Recreation Sports uh we discuss the barnica boys basketball high school team Camp which is going to occur from July 22nd to July 25th um and again that's internal to us us that is our high school boys uh we spoke about the girls high school basketball summer league uh from July 1 through the 29th on Mondays uh the barer girls Elementary uh summer summer league and it's a public camp uh it's a great event if you've never been out there fortunately my daughter was able to participate a few years ago uh girls lacrosse uh we were talking about bringing the All-Star Game the barnegate high school in June 2025 uh that's not finalized but in the event that it is offered uh we want to put our name in the Hat for that uh we discuss the high school football junior Bengal Camp uh those dates and times are still to be determined the Middle School football camp will be at the end of June uh you're going to see a resolution tonight for off-site locations for both bowling Cross Country Golf and swimming um the athletic director to attend executive uh meetings uh up at uh Ruckers for the athletic director's conference uh we talked about the boys JV hosting a JV Christmas tournament sports physical dates uh if you're listening write it down June 25th July 16th August 5th those should have already been sent out but that's your opportunity to get a free physical here in the school uh we talked about barn High School cheer leaders their camps uh I believe the dance team as well uh just trying to go through boys basketball varsity basketball be hosting a showcase here at the high school gym um it'll be the shore conference versus Cape Atlantic so if you got some time and once that schedule's published come on out uh we approve the barut girls lacrosse summer skills and drills Clinic uh that'll be uh dates throughout June and July uh as well as uh We've Mr germano presented uh the the rough schedule for the dates for All Sports as far as their events as well as the coaches which I think will show up in Personnel um other than that I just have one comment for the good of the order that's outside of Athletics if I could take the time real quick uh Mr sha um for those that don't know I am a military veteran both uh Iraq and Afghanistan um I had an awesome opportunity last week to attend uh an event over at the um Horbelt School um by Mrs gero um I know that this event is near and dear to you uh you know and your support um but I attended it there as a member of American Legion 232 and I just want to say thank you job well done um for something that we're kind of lacking in the classroom we're kind of sort of getting away from it just because as as we move on there's more history to talk about so to have those types of events and those uh special se you know assemblies are you know you did you did great so I was glad to be a part of it thank you for that Mr and I'm done thank you again Mr dorsy um next up is buildings and grounds transportation and chairperson is Mrs wasburn thank you um so we had a busy month in both facilities and transportation first and foremost I want to say a big thank you to buildings and grounds and transportation for getting us back on the right track after the small fire um the district didn't miss beat and that can definitely be attributed to th those two departments so um they work through the weekend Transportation got right to rerouting the kids where they needed to go so they all did a fantastic job um in facilities we are fully staffed in terms of custodians which is very good our uh substitute pool is also um robust still with quite a few um substitutes and candidates the staff is very busy with May and June events um the prom and eighth grade dance were very successful um in terms of Transportation a new 29 passenger bus was just delivered um for everyone that this will affect we are going to have an Aces Bell Change uh to the time of 7:30 so that's something to be aware of we're still actively recruiting for new drivers um and um in Old business we had an overview of the be was handed out to board members by the business administrator to give us an overview of what's happening with the beastro currently and and where we're at today that's about it thank you all right thank you Miss wasburn next up is education and Mrs churny is chairperson of Education thank you Mr President good evening everyone the education committee met on May 21st on tonight's agenda you'll see the board is considering several motions including the approval of the Handle With Care Behavioral Management System as the official District program for deescalation and physical intervention at an initial an initial training cost of 10,500 the director of student services discussed the potential replacement of CPI training with the Handle With Care highlighting its cost Effectiveness and the comprehensive staff training benefits Additionally the board will vote on updating communitybased instruction and work-based learning locations various college and university placements continuing education requests field trips and out of District Workshops the director of curriculum addressed summer curriculum work focusing on handwriting and keyboard skills for grades K through three and discuss the exciting summer reading program at the barnegate library this program runs from June 1st and will end August 23rd the meeting also included good news and congratulations to students and teachers for achievement such as the Applebee's above and beyond teacher essay contest and the Congressional Art Contest one barnegate art and music festival will be held on June 5th and the superintendent inspires award will be held on June 6th our next meeting will be held on June 4th thank you Mr erney um next committee is governance and chairperson on that is Miss conent thank you um the governance committee met on May 22nd as you see on tonight's agenda there is approval for a motion one to approve the first reading to abolish policies 2260 and 5756 um these policies were poorly written from the state and we are not at Liberty to make changes to the verbiage of the policy to fit our school district's needs the only option we have is to abolish the policies the barnegate school district will still be following all state laws um motion two is I have a question about that can I finish first let question about that one okay ask okay motion two is to approve the first reading to revise policy 2200 and policy 7510 also a motion to approve and abolish regulation 2260 excuse me um we also discussed the AI policy and governance we are still awaiting Strauss esme's policy the superintendent will be attending the annual Strauss Esme School law seminar and will bring bring back material to share with the governance committee and Miss turn turnowski will also be attending a New Jersey state seminar on a policy and will also share the information with the committee our next governance meeting will be held June 5th do I have a question um if I'm not mistaken in the April governance meeting minutes we were going to take these policy um information sessions up and V vote and bring them up in the June board meeting has that been changed for any reason may um I the only reason that we changed it is because the first reading is for May and the second reading will be for June okay I understand that but then the first first meeting would reading would have been in June and what was the problem of having the second reading in July well we just figured that we've been discussing these for so long that we would just do the first reading now and then the second reading in July and it also will give us a chance for discussion it also coordinates with the school year which ends in and it still would because we're July and we're not going to school in the summer time uh the other uh part of this was uh we are choosing to abolish two policies that um there's a question as to whether the state mandated or didn't did not mandate them there's also uh four school districts that are currently being sued by the state of New Jersey for abandoning or abolishing these policies you say we're going to be following School law well then if we're going to be following School law and that is the policy I'm not quite understanding how we can follow school if we're going to follow School law what is the reason we are abolishing these policies that are at this time not ruled on by the courts and no decision has been made as to what will happen to the districts that chose to abolish it okay so the four districts um and Sandra you can help me with this because you you know more about it than I do you attended a lot more um the four districts I think that are being sued is because they changed they modified it and modified the policy they didn't abolish so that's why um abolishing would would allow us to follow the mandates or the the laws that the state puts forward correct and then what is what is the problem if we're going to follow those policies anyway because they go ahead sure because this sends a message with all the other districts that abolish this policy that it was poorly written and a lot of districts um most parents want to know everything that's going on with your children this policy that we're speaking of that we're abolishing or at least starting the process has um confidentiality plans um in place if your children decide to change their gender or pronoun um this is something that's a controversial subject it's something that um it's a poorly written policy and um this sends the message to Trenton that if we don't like this policy that other along with other districts we can um make the state change the policy by just allowing the policy to stay in place that just means we all acques to it no no no no no no no no we can wait until the rulings are are given by the courts of New Jersey as to what happens with the policy now that four School boards have been sued and we will find out after what has happened to those School boards and whether barnegate as a Township is willing to take on that we feel it's important enough to take on a possible lawsuit against us which get a lawsuit either way excuse me get a lawsuit either way me I'll let you finish okay um it it will will we will find out whether we feel as a board of education if it is worth it to take on a possible lawsuit against barnegate and also possibly losing State funding or some other sort of we had a legal can I can I just jump in here please did again can I jump in please thank you Miss Levy um as we just stated you're saying that we're risking the potential of a possible lawsuit we are just abolishing it we could abolish any policy we want we don't have to have policies as a board so as long as you're following law those other four districts that are currently being sued they modifi the policy basically they said we're changing state law the state law says x y and z those four boards said no we don't agree we are changing the verbage AR is not changing the verbage no but my question is if we are following the policy so that we follow the state law then what is the purpose what is Sandra has mentioned that it's poorly written what portions are poorly written and are they state law want me to read so the par can hear let's can I read the portion that's poorly written why wouldn't you want the parents to hear it if you'd like to read it she can read it so I have the policy here you can yes you may read it Miss Journey okay nothing nothing in here is nothing is for children nothing I will keep that totally in mind I see them all here um this policy 5756 is um says here it's mandated but we're finding out its guidance what don't know for sure that it's guidance staff members may not disclose information that may reveal a student's transgender status except as Allowed by law the principal or designate is advised to work with the student to create an appropriate confidentiality plan regarding the students's transgender or transitioning status okay um I don't know about you parents in the room but confidentiality plans where where the staff doesn't tell you what's going on with your children that might be poorly written for you now parents need to pay attention to that the school district shall keep confidential a current new and prospective child students transgender status schools should address the student using a chosen name and the student's birth name should be kept confidential by school and School staff members okay so this isn't my opinion this is a lot of school districts in this state that don't like confidentiality plans for parents understand so if we as a board agree with parents that don't like this this gets sent to the state and the state will say wow there's a lot of boards that don't like this which means we're board members we are elected by you so if you don't like that and you put me here then we say to the state we just don't like it now as far as you saying that we'll get sued we'll get sued either way okay no no no no no no no no let me we're not we're not going to go back and forth on this I had to State what I said I said we could be we could say we we could be sued for anything so we're not going to sit here and debate this on and on and on all night keeps a confidentiality plan on my child I will suit School District jorney okay we answered the question let's leave it there thank you um so governance so you finished with your yeah Mr Sonic I just here one comment absolutely when it comes to the vote in whatever it is an hour from now all right you need to vote as a board member not with your personal opinion that's what we're up here for here we go that's all I'm gonna say because I know what it is we all have a personal opinion we have a personal correct but you need to be able to separate your personal opinion from the job that you have up here as a Boardman my job okay I ran on this I know you did please okay well I'm doing my job do your job All Hiding Journey thank you all thank you Mr vori we'll leave it there everyone can vote however you want to vote yeah without being pressured by anybody um from anywhere so anyway we will move on to health safety technology I know Mr alanti is not here I don't know if he left uh an update with anybody no okay uh so nothing on health safety technology last uh committee is personnel which is me as a chairperson um again you'll see on the agenda a lot of stuff on here for hiring for I guess summer stuff for there was a few retirements I think that we're addressing either next month some of the retirements that are in here that will be addressed next month um the one yeah one will be obviously uh recognized tonight and see if there was any other couple of preschool staff members par professionals and oh our new ba we will be voting out a contract uh new contract for her um who's doing an outstanding job if I may say um and that's uh about it under Personnel all right so thank you again for being patient with us sorry for for the the long committee reports but sometimes it's necessary all right so I will turn the floor over to Dr lwis all right awesome before we jump into the upstanders uh Mr J you said Esports can we do orts just really quick and then we'll Circle back because I think some of these guys have a commitment um right after this the yeah John we do your sports and then we'll come back to upst standards we'll do up thank you very much some of the student athletes here tonight they have their Banquets tonight and uh so they were like looking at the clock so first off congratulations to you um I just want to say uh thank you very much for having us here tonight again it's my honor my humble honor to be before you I want to thank you for all the support you continuously give these student athletes and uh I think you should just get used to seeing this team around here I don't think they've ever lost right they're undefeated so I'd like to bring up our coach coach sers to talk about our Esports program real quick thank you thank you so much for uh recognizing these players they're truly amazing um so 2023 2024 has been nothing short of amazing for barngate Esports bringing home four state championships in just a single year um in order to be successful in Esports it takes dedication time teamwork and communication and our teams demonstrate that on a regular basis our OverWatch team the uh seven players that you see in front of you uh achieved state championships in Winter uh playing at Brookdale Community College uh in person for finals uh they finished regular season um as Conference champions going into uh postseason as the number one seed they continue through postseason undefeated not dropping a single map um and I want to highlight their finals performance against Ocean Township where not only did the did not drop a single map they didn't give them a single percentage the entire game uh truly phenomenal 5 years ago when we began our Esports program uh OverWatch was my my goal my dream of of achieving state championships and um even though we didn't even have OverWatch that first year but that second year for now four years we've been building this team hoping to achieve uh this this final goal and um to my players I want to say thank you so much for helping me achieve this dream that I have uh wanted for the past uh 5 years I thank you guys so much for your hard work uh you guys deserve this so much from for everything that you put into this team um and let this not just be our single win but the beginning of the barngate Esports Scholastic Dynasty okay and uh just mooving it along so I can keep everybody going at this time can I please have our girls lacrosse members here real quick now I got a little little proud thing to say real quick about the girls lacrosse program they for three years freshman sophomore and junior year they uh they went undefeated in be South never lost a match you guys can go up there so of course when they become seniors they decide to have a vote at the shore conference level and they're likew we can't keep doing this we have to have strength by competitiveness so they moved our girls all the way up to the newly formed Colonial uh conference okay and uh they went undefeated there so they are the four time Champions and uh they just wanted to thank you guys we just wanted to give a quick shout out to our coaches teammates administrators and fans for their constant support this season and really getting us to where we are today and we're not done yet we have a state quarter final game tomorrow on Mana Squan so wish us luck and thank you thank you very much I did get one thank you so much did at this time can I have the volleyball Squad up and this is something I'm I'm very proud of our boys volleyball team okay is very very proud today because this group won their first ever B sou championship in school history and not only did they win their first school championship ever they are currently ranked in the top 15 in the entire state of New Jersey that's all groups group one two three and four four of their five losses are to teams that are ranked in the top 20 in the state they won a division on the very last day of the season and they're still alive in the state tournament you're going to go up and take care of Jackson Liberty tomorrow right guys right thank you Mr Jano and congratulations to all the other sports teams here I'm going keep this quick I know your time is valuable um these guys have worked really hard we went from being N9 and 15 last year and on the verge to 19 and five this year and teams in the state are scared of us so we're going to continue this tradition we're going to keep winning we're going to beat Liberty tomorrow Pine lands on Thursday make it to the finals for next week so thank you guys congratulations great job and now we're arguably our most successful Athletic program let's have our girls bowling team up here now our girls bowling team if anybody's been around they need no explanation coach Gordon with your leadership and dedication to these girls these girls have won three straight state championships three and not only did they win the third state championship this year okay they also went on to win the overall group two state championship for the first time ever so that was awesome Gordon I am the voice of the bangal so this looks good all right first um ladies congratulations one more time we also like to thank the board thank you for your support um of all the sports programs here in barnegate um I also want to thank Mr gero who always has our back okay um throughout our season and I've been remissed to say um I want to say congratulations for those you haven't heard that Mr Jano was voted the athletic director of the year if you did not hear that that's unbelievable okay um it's it's a great honor um and having an athletic director I mean that supports us and support all sports so thank you very much John we really really uh support you um and everything else ladies uh three straight sectional titles one State title when you come back okay in your God willing your 30s and 40s and you look up in the gym and you see you know what I was part of that team it's an honor you are the first state championships in Barnet High School history it is an absolute honor to coach you guys congratulations all right girls bowling and then before I turn the mic back over to the business of it Ty could you come over here for a moment please so I don't know if anybody knows Tara okay but she is the most decorated athlete that we've ever had here she is a a member of how many six how many six six state championship teams she's been on from Bowling to volleyball so if you want to learn how to win hang out with her good job kid thank you thank you Dr lawish thank you everybody all Mr Gunderson for the uh this month's upstander recipients now it's on all right there we go good evening so I want to keep it going with with recognition for the students um great job to all the athletes we're going to talk a little bit about some of our students and a program we have to recognize just excellent individuals in our district so the upstander program is a wonderful opportunity to recognize and celebrate students districtwide who demonstrate specific bangal pride traits these traits continue to enhance the positive climate in our schools as well in as in your homes and in our community our Partnerships with our Community Partners has been a very successful one and we're very happy to have those Partners in the community so this month the Bengal Pride trait is going to be Integrity the letter i in bangle Pride we are excited to present the students with a gift card from Naples pizzeria our community partner of the month so when you hear your name called come on up to the front and join board president Mr Sarno and Dr Brian lwood superintendent to receive your plaque and your gift certificate without any further ado Alison Larsson Allison is a steady example of work ethic trustworthiness and character she's an excellent student and a talented artist who helped design and create the puppets used in air production of little Shahar recently Ali demonstrated an extraordinary level of maturity and responsibility during a difficult situation and she Rose to the moment in a way that impresses all of us but certainly did not surprise any of us alie's instinct to do what was right and her compassion for others is to be commended Ally you have made your mark at BHS and we wish you all the best in your next chapter congratulations melenia Warner Mia is such an honest person and shows a lot of Integrity she's very involved in our school she has participated in every drama fundraiser and exceeded the fundraising goals sometimes by double she is such a hardw worker excellent student and a great friend she's an excellent example of integrity and is very deserving of this award congratulations Amaya going to Amaya is hardworking conscientious and dependable she always puts in her best effort to positively contribute it to our school Community you can consistently rely on her to follow the rules and Lead others by example she excels academically and is truly a natural leader we're so proud to nominate Amaya for the upstander award for integrity congratulations Amaya Samantha gabino Samantha is very deserving of this award she's always working hard and doing her best she's honest kind and trustworthy we can count on her to be on task and make good choices even when no one is watching she is a great role model and always wants to help by volunteering if her teacher needs Assistance or a classmate is in need Sam's teachers know they can count on her and she makes positive decisions every day congratulations Sam Eber Amador Escobar what you oh man Eber does not give up when an ass worth much effort and gives 100% in my lunx stays focused on his work he certainly sets an example for his peers he strives to work hard and isn't afraid of to challenge himself hebers worth EIC is commendable combined with his amazing persever perseverance and resilience it is an honor to nominate Heber for this well-deserved award congratulations Maverick Jacob Maverick is an honest and trustworthy friend you can count on him to follow rules be a helping hand and be an awesome peer model for his classmates Maverick is kind thoughtful and always tries his very best Maverick shows integrity every day by making good choices no matter what congratulations Maverick Tyler arbolino okay well we'll read the recognition for Tyler anyway Tyler demonstrates exemplary integrity and all his actions at school setting a positive example for his peers he is a constant rule follower which creates a positive environment for everyone in the classroom congratulations Tyler big thank you to all the students and especially your families we thank you for everything you do to have your students ready to come to school and do the great job very proud of them thank you all right jumping uh to the next section uh if we can invite up uh Chief Germain former Chief Germain so for those of you that don't know uh Keith uh recently retired from the police force uh as chief of police and uh you've been such an amazing partner to the district uh since the first day that I jump into this I think you were just shortly before me uh one of the first things that I had was a congratulations letter that uh Keith gave to me and uh your advice from that day all the way up to uh still calling you out for advice and whatnot has been spoton uh it was funny we recently had the uh pleasure of uh co-presenting the mo MOA to all the Ocean County police departments and uh school officials and one of the themes that just kept coming up was the importance of communication and partnership and everything that we presented that day everything that we talked about really stemmed from the relationship that uh you forged with the district uh when you stepped into that role uh I remember anything that that came up how many false alarms how many different things like that uh reaching out to Keith Keith said you know call always call always you know uh reach out to you guys you guys will always be there and we would rather have 99 false alarms then have us not call on that one was uh that was uh legitimate and uh to your credit you guys always were there when we uh we called from anything that was a reactive situation that happened here that we needed your support to proactive things like putting in the shield program or uh really uh uh having a truly a model SRO program everything since day one you got you've been an amazing partner to the district and we can't uh thank you enough for all of that so to so our appreciation we got you this nice barnegate uh Columbia fleece that's embroidered with your name on it it also comes with h free football game admittance uh for through the rest of your life so so thanks again we really appreciate every I just one thing again on behalf of your board of education I wanted to um thank you again you your department um all your uh officers um like Dr LS had said uh been involved on this board for 20 years and I could say from day one the communication with you and your department has been I mean uh unbelievable and I'm sure it's going to continue under cheap car car no different Jay's a great great guy um again anytime that anything has been needed within the district um on the board end on Administration end we could text Keith call Keith um the department would respond whether it's you know you got the graduation you got um football games you got anything and everything that has happened in this District they've been there for but the more important thing is that on a day-to-day basis um the most one of the most important things I would say important thing is the safety of our students our staff um the people that work in our schools on a day-to-day basis no no student no staff member or no parent should have to worry about their child coming into school and feeling unsafe and every single day no matter what that was the um the the the mindset of his uh his officers anything that happened in his school and any of these schools they were and a heartbeat um we always had full confidence in uh we've had several times where the school has been locked down you guys were on point with everything always have been um and again it's refreshing as a parent as a board member as a resident of barn get to know that at the end of the day we have the best police force in Ocean County in the state of New Jersey that is always here for our students our staff and all of our residents so again it's a it's it's a tribute to you thank you again Keith all right we have one more retirement to uh take a look at and then we will shift it over to the Donna Hugh school so without further Ado Lisa come on up good evening thank you Dr lwis um it's always difficult to see people leave and I can only imagine how much harder it is for the person who's leaving tonight we're here to recognize Patricia Russo for her dedication and commitment to the barnegate Township School District its students and the transportation department Pat for 38 years your hard work and unwavering dedication have left an indelible Mark in our community you have not only ensured that our students traveled safely but also contributed significantly to their overall well-being for our district your efforts have been invaluable and your absence will surely be felt by us all especially our special needs children thank you for your years of service your commitment and your tireless work ethic you have set a high stand standard for those who will follow in your footsteps we wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope that you carry with you the knowledge that you have made a lasting difference here at barnegate Township Schools and you don't have to get up at 4:00 am anymore thank you Pat come on up e so now normally we honor retirees at the superintendent inspires award however I don't know if you guys heard 38 years I don't think many of us would survive 38 minutes uh driving back and forth in the bus uh what you did was uh remarkable the impact you had on our uh our students and families over that period of time is uh you know can't be articulated in words so congratulations on your retirement we'll see you at the superintendent inspires Awards we'll we'll do this again uh but we wanted to bring bring you out tonight obviously because that was really uh very special and we wanted to honor you so thank you all right Miss Mayo Miss Burke come on up you guys have been patiently waiting we appreciate it hello and thank you for designating some time to highlight Donahue um although I've only been with Donahue since January I have to say it did not take me long to realize like how truly special this school is and we have some nice treats for you tonight when we were trying to sit down to decide what we were going to highlight tonight we really had a hard time narrowing it down but again we have a nice treat for you tonight and thank you for sticking it out to enjoy you we're gonna kick it off with chorus um chorus is run by our wonderful Mrs Casey coun who's behind me yes and she's going to take you through um a little overview of our program and a little video of our students in action so the Donahue School chorus is made up of third and fourth grade students who are at the Donahue school our C uh chorus currently has about 220 members which is actually over 40% of all of the students in our school for students meet once a week to develop their singing skills working on things like warming up voices becoming confident singers and working on songs for our performances throughout the year the students perform at a Winter concert as Spring Concert as well as other school and District events such as Caroline before the holidays um the Donahue Arbor Day presentation and we will be ending the year out with the one barnegate Music and Arts Festival due to the fact that we do have over 200 students in the chorus we could not bring them all here for you don't know if we would fit in the room but we put together a compilation of songs from our spring concert and our Arbor Day celebration for you to enjoy for s [Music] ho [Music] are [Music] thank you Mrs CS next we're gonna pivot over to our band and joining us right now we have Mr Wes Brown and he's going to speak about two special musicians we have in a little performance they're going to put on for you hi my name is uh Mr Brown I'm the instrumental music teacher at donu the Donahue band is made up of fourth grade students which are all beginners um about 47% of the fourth grade participates in band um they have been playing their instruments for seven months seven months um but this is only the start of their musical journey in barnegate as they move through all of the schools tonight we have two students representing um our donu band we have Emma Dyer and Haley Ballinger and they're going to play a duet called lightly row which you will be able to hear from the full combined band at one barnegate on June 5th yeah e thank you Mr Brown that was wonderful and I'm so proud of you both Emma and Haley because I remember Mr Brown kind of finding us in the hallway Miss Ana and I and would pull us aside and say stop can these two play for you right now and you know they were always so nervous but this was big for them and they did a great job so one more round of applause for them please a last thing we have for you I'm GNA turn over to Mrs Mayo so she'll introduce our last little part again we have so much to brag about so hang in there with us thank you Mrs Burke first I'd like to thank the Board of Ed and Dr lwis for your continued support for our hour gifted and talented program i' next would like to recognize all the students for patiently waiting thank you so much you did a great job tonight you will have the opportunity to witness the amazing work of our students Guided by Mrs buella our dedicated gifted and talented teacher she continually inspires her students to enhance their learning through project-based assignments that encourage independent research and self-directed learning going to hand it over to Mrs Bueller so she can explain thank you I think she did a great job and uh summarizing what the gifted and talented program is um very quickly we do use Project based learning it's authentic tasks um an inquiry driven question where the students then they decide they have their a a voice and a choice on how they want to demonstrate their knowledge a lot of 21st century skill that are going on um so this year in third grade I do have some of the students that are here that wanted to share their projects with you um so I have the third graders they're waving to you um some of them have their uh one of the projects that we do is a game unit we learn about the history of board games um that's where we start off and then the students decide um well what did I like about some of these games that I've played we have a rubric where we assess them and then they start to design their own games they package it they Market it they everything that you'll see they've done on the computer they've come to me with um not a lot of uh technology skills as far as what I use with them so they've learned how to use hanva um they've done an amazing job with their boards they created infomercials to to sell their games and then we have a game day for the third graders which is an amazing day for them they also did an endangered species project where again their um their driven their driven question was how can we as third graders inform the community about endangered species in our area so once again they use research skills and they developed an infographic these beautiful posters that some of the students went to the county parks they are displayed in the county park s for everyone that comes to visit to see I can't tell you how many people have taken pictures because they'll see you know Mrs buella um third grade and they'll send me pictures I was in you know Wells Mills or ctis island or Jake's branch and I saw these posters and they look like they were professionally done and they did them they did an amazing job um and then my fourth graders they um some of them are sharing their inventions that they do that they've done we had an Invention Convention which was amazing um and they also created a newsletter which they did an outstanding job with again that was all digital they decided they wanted to um not make it on paper so they were environmentally environmentally sustainable that um newsletter that they did we have a mini news Workshop where I have some community members some uh news reporters that will come in and we have like a little workshop that they do the high school students come in so they get to work with the high school students and their culminating project was that they created a school newsletter for our entire Community which is amazing again you'll see just a little bit of it I I put together just a very short um video for you to see some of their projects but the one thing I want to tell you is that they're amazing and I just want to thank all of you for really being so supportive um I always have such a such an amazing turnout no matter what what event we have whether it's Board of Education that comes Dr lawis that comes the administration that comes the parents come to everything and I cannot thank you enough for everything that you do for the program because because these kids run to my room and when they don't see me where if I'm not there they want to know where were you so I'm not allowed to not be there and I just really appreciate their their energy and their enthusiasm and thank you so much do you wanna you want to take 10 minutes to have people look at the projects or do the video first this is only it's very quick this was one that was one of their assembly programs where we had um people coming in the high school students that came and also some of the reporters that was just a little snidbit of the newsletter that they did there's our game day convention convention the last thing that the fourth graders are doing right now is they are actually building a website so that's one of the last projects that they're doing and um we for the third and fourth grade the last thing is um I wrote a grant and we have a very special assembly for them coming up soon as like a special event at the end of the year that they're going to love so if you can come it's June 5th at the Donahue school it's going to be great thank you um so yes it would be great if you guys could just kind of go there here because they want you to see their project so if you want to go and just kind of walk around and they wanted to present them to you all right so we'll take like 10 minutes we'll sure yeah thank you back at I can invite the board of bed back up to the Das comments or anything yeah I just GNA run through this I like your shovel yeah so I could use that this weekend Brady Shaw's invention all right I'm just going to cover a couple more highlights while we're waiting to get back into session so uh first and foremost uh you heard it before but we wanted to reiterate congratulations to John germano and winning the short conference ad of the year we're going to do a little something special at the June meeting so we'll be inviting you and your family out uh I'd like to also touch upon uh prek I just finished their fourstar quality uh or I'm sorry can we go back for a second prek just went through the New Jersey grow kids uh um even on a weekend Brady this uh this helmet doesn't help you think any better I'm just Brady your helmet you shouldn't do something helps like you know clear the mind a little bit like um through the uh process of accreditation uh so that it did work thank you um and they came out with a fourstar quality rating so this is now another three-year term of being a four-star quality rated prek program which is very very impressive so congratulations to duny and their staff and to Jen Frolic and the rest of the uh Team uh as I mentioned before thank you to the Ocean County prosecutor's office for giving us the opportunity to co-present uh the mo MOA training to the law enforcement and school officials [Music] um hon SEO and Tom durac from BHS were selected to be presenters at the facing the future Conference in October uh they do the uh 18 to 21 year-old program here uh at BHS uh that continues to get recognition continues to provide opportunities for our students and continues to place our students in jobs so amazing that their hard work is now going to be featured at another conference so congratulations to them uh the fuse will be hosting their next event on Thursday May 30th at VHS Media Center Ceramics competed at clay in mind over the weekend uh four pieces out of 20 were selected to go on to be uh to be uh uh displayed at the noise Art Garage in AC I apologize if I mispronounced that but uh the noise Art Garage in AC they picked 20 pieces to move on to be displayed there and four of those pieces came from our very own students here so congratulations to them um congratulations to uh micaa zala who placed third in the 2024 Congressional Art competition so her piece piece now will be uh hung and displayed in Jeff Andrew's office for the next year so congratulations there um congratulations to Julia Brown and Carson Oliver recipients of the Ocean County Superintendent student recognition award and to kathern Ryan for the recipient of the Arthur P scholarship award and to Alison zojak as the recipient at Ocean County's mayor's Association normally at those events we get one table District districts get one table we were actually afforded two tables for the amount of our uh recipients this year so again BHS students continue to uh impress um congratulations to Jameson Hogan for breaking the school record for most most career strikeouts in softball and then last I look forward to uh this Thursday night for scholarship award night we have 110 different scholarships again all funded by our local community that to totaled over $153,000 and to date since the scholarship night was a thing we've uh totaled over $1.8 million in scholarships that is all locally funded so big shout out to our community for continuing to support our future Bengals and with that I'm wearing Brady 's invention at The Invention Convention so I'd like to invite you up here real quick you could take this back uh he'll be selling these after the board meeting out in the hallway and uh we'll be putting it on the website for anybody out there in the audience that would like to purchase very nice job my friend thank you for letting me borrow that there it is there it is there's an entrepreneur for you look forward to seeing uh hearing you report out next board meeting on sale so our version of shark tank so congratulations yeah the price definitely just went up a little bit thank you very much for Lending that to me for the update that being said I'll turn it back over to you thank you Dr L um on the president's remarks again not much really to say uh I was going to say congratulations Mr jamano but everyone already beat me to it um we have the best uh best um see you you've made it contagious think my name athletic director and I told John this personally when i' seen the uh seen it online that uh when he was you know given the recognition much you know well deserved from again to me the greatest uh ad that you could ever ask for in a district anything you ever need parents you know board any questions concerns um John gets right back to you in a heartbeat always there with anything and everything we need so again welld deserved John uh you know you should have had it earlier if if it was you know but uh again much deserved Mr germano um thank you to miss Mayo Miss Burke I if you're still here for the presentation tonight with your great students that was awesome to see that the imaginary um you know view that they have with those games some were very complicated even for you know us Elders um but really awesome so thank you for that and I think we have a quick turnar around to our next board meeting meeting so you know because obviously we head into the end of the year with graduation with um um okay yep absolutely um so again a lot of things happening in June so we have a quick short meet uh turnaround to the next board meeting um and you know with graduations promotions um scholarship night kind of everything that's been happening or be happening over the next few weeks so it's it's very jam-packed month um Dr L just reminded me uh M coin's retirement that we will be acknowledging it and uh next month in June and thanking her for the years of great great service she's given this District um again and again we we'll talk about that next month but someone that is going to be dearly missed um throughout our bnate community so um just wanted to again acknowledge that for next month and that is it on my end m s I got one quick question if I may sure you brought up a bunch of the events that are coming up scholarship night graduation whatnot y uh I know I have and I'm sure the other board members have started receiving invites um is there anything out there that says we can't be more than four EV we're good to go for the yeah you can have all nine of us there not a problem I just I just want to clarify I thought that was good make sure yeah good question no we absolutely at a public function like that where it is a ceremony we are not in an actual meeting we can be there to um you know acknowledge and pay respect to our students so thank you all right good all right so with that we will move next into public session Bara Township Bara Township Board of Education appreciates and welcomes public comment advice and suggestions especially when is intended to assist the Board of Education please feel free to speak to the board during the public session comments and discussion will be limited to one 5 minute period per individual unless requested by the chairperson to continue on a point of clarification public comment at special meetings of the board shall be related to the call of the meeting in accordance with the Board of Education policy each participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface their comments by the announcement of their name address and group affiliation if appropriate your anticipated courtesy to the members of the public and the board is appreciated thank you can I get a motion to open public session please so moved second R Miss Journey yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes and Mr sorno yes motion carried thank you with that is there anybody in the public that would like to speak anybody okay see one here two thank you for your patience and waiting for us to speak at the end I'm from hearts of Mercy you could just state your name and address please deor Sabia uh route nine manah hawen New Jersey and I'm a a volunteer with hearts of Mercy I tutor their students and I'm also their Outreach Community coordinator um it takes a village to have a child understand and learn and be successful in life and that's what we're all about we have 100% volunteers and it's 100% nonprofit meaning it goes all the money goes directly to the students none of us are paid we have one-on-one tutoring mentoring art and summer cam a sports program a music program and in the future we'll have a sewing prr program and it's all one on-one we sponsor youth in extracurricular activities we pay their registration fees their gear and transportation to practice we two attend games know the coaches of each child we are not a religious organization as some people think impacts are seen by each volunteer tutor it's all one on-one we've had retired we have retired teachers High School seniors and Middle School honor students we've seen improvements in grades we have one student who received honor rooll recognition this year and we have testimonials from all of our parents about how great the program is we have referrals and strong relationships with dius Yap St Francis Department of Social Services and others and we have a strong relationship with families throughout the years we have a learning educational specialist to assist in any and all students that are having trouble learning she has a Masters in Education with over 30 years of experience I personally have over 40 years of business experience but again most of our tutors are teachers any questions I have some brochures here that further explain the programs I'll leave them at the desk over here and we left a brochure on our at each of your [Music] tables no I want again just question oh please go ahead can I take the mic off oh yeah yeah again just state your name and uh your address BR Kellogg and address 5 townhouse Lane little EG Harbor New Jersey thank you and with hearts of mercy so just a little bit about me you know when I was a kid I had a hard time growing up my friends you know the neighborhood was kind of you know got into trouble and stuff like that um my parents were lucky enough to be able to put me into martial arts something positive little structure positive role model and you know I went on to doing sports in high school got a master's degree in accounting I went from failing classes to you know going on to working in a big for accounting firm starting my own Fitness business um you know and none of that would really be possible without the martial arts that's where I found structure and positive role modelship to help turn myself around so when I found hearts of Mercy we working with these kids um to help provide that same type of structure and positive role modelship for them because not every parent can afford to put their student in something positive like martial arts dance or some other structure where there's uh opportunity to find positive role modelship so um myself and a couple of other coaches were committing this summer to run a free sports program in barnegate go out there um run some drills for them not only to increase their physical Sports skills but also to share with them you know how to take on things like purpose and discipline you know children there's no children here now but I was just going to mention children uh there's hardship to being a child which we all forget they don't have to pay bills but there's other things that they go through and I think that every single day as many days as possible that they should have a positive outlet for those hardships and we're here to provide that um because quite frankly uh it's easy for young young folks to be pulled into toxic uh situations out there right which I had gone through myself and turn around so my ask to you is this following uh we would invite you to collaborate with us please come out and say hello this summer in July there's three dates they're in the brochure see what we're doing refer to us the students who are in underserved communities who need this the most who need the structure and the positive role modelship that we're there to provide refer to us the families who most need to have themselves turned in no better Direction because together we can reach more people thank you thank you excuse me what are the dates do you know like right off I don't want to guess I will let the paperwork do the information Wednesdays in July are they right pass this to them thank you ex thank you thank you again thank you for the uh the brochures and information um I guess as she passes along we'll take a look and uh again any uh volunteer work that helps our students our residents is a great thing and uh again thank you for coming here and presenting to us and giving us of the information right anybody else in public see anybody else online is there anybody online that would like to speak now or forever hold your piece seeing none and I get a motion to close public session please so moved roll call Miss jurny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedorak yes Miss jeie yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski Miss wasburn yes and Mr s yes motion carried thank you all right item number 13 on our agenda is RFP committee motions um the time where I would call if you if you're requesting a motion to table the motion on RFP number one I believe that's it right is there a second second okay so we have a motion on the floor to table RFP committee Motion One um for further discussion yes do a roll call Miss jurny no Miss konanza no Mr fedori yes Miss jeie no Miss Levy yes Miss turnowski yes Miss wasburn no and Mr Sno no with five NOS the motion did not pass okay thank you so with that the motion is on the floor RF RFP committee motion number one can I get a motion to approve um the there's a motion on the floor there I'm sorry there is a motion on the floor you haven't finished the okay you're asking for a motion all right the motion just didn't pass okay so what about the ethical voting according that's something we can again after the motion motion hasn't passed yet so you can discuss that I guess in executive session after the motion is passed because until the motion's passed like you said the motion hasn't happened I'm not sure what that meant well what I'm not sure what she means discussion because there there's well we we we were anticip we had a motion on the floor to discuss this further the motion did not pass so the only other motion that's on the floor right now is could I have a motion to approve item number one I had a yes A first and a second so that's the only thing that's going to be discussed right now I understand and I just asked for roll call legally so there so legally so there is no other ding con there is no other again you're out of order Miss tarnowski there's a motion on the floor can I get a roll call on that motion please miss ch Miss konanza yes Mr fedorek I'm going to explain my answer for the record because it's going to be a no um in our policy for for our ethics policy all right um it states in there and I'm going to paraphrase just for the the ease of this is that no board member for school board can also function in the down board or Township committee you cannot hold a position in two places wait where does it say that it's in our policy what policy is that uh policy 0142 014 that no that no board you can't you can't hold two positions no no a board member cannot be a Township Committee Member cannot correct and vice versa I believe the township committees cannot be point you cannot hold not be appointed in two elected offices same town uh with that you know concept of for lack of better words separating church and state you know the township and uh the school board um knowing that the firm also represents the township committee is why I'm a no okay inevitably there's going inevitably um and I will challenge the ethics issues with this uh no doubt soon as we're done with this all right that's fine Mr that's where we're at I'm a hard no not just a no a hard no no no um but to answer your question your concern on the um of of the firm any firm being both the township and the board attorney when Mr Jerry dy's firm was hired back in 2016 I believe um Mr dass's firm was it's possible I wasn't here for I would I would have been a know then too not not possible he absolutely was Township attorney when he became the board attorney and also right now you have the member of his firm is the U prosecutor in the township which again is another conflict and interest um in the sense could be but by law there's nothing to conclude I'm not saying that okay so just just giving a reason is the why I'm voting now thank you Miss jeie yes Miss Levy I'm voting no and I I have a reason another reason is that I have never gotten the answers to my in inquiries that we talked about and um so I couldn't possibly vote Yes even if I wanted to but it probably would be no anyway Miss turnowski solid no Miss wasburn yes and Mr Sno yes there's five yeses the motion is carried thank you I got I got one other point point of order if you want to call out whatever it is I put a question regarding this it says here it commences the date of the board approval which I guess would be today today congratulations thank you um secondly what is the contract for the current board attorney it's June 30th June when does it end it is June 30th the current board attorney yes well I June 30th can I can I hear yeah I'm just I think I don't I'm asking Mr ask you if you're gonna keep being out of order okay is there a threat at the end of that there's no threat again as the board presiding officer yes presiding officer run he does have the right if you cannot if you can not control yourself you'll be asked to leave the meeting St nowski okay thank you yes um and I apologize for asking now I didn't have you're perfectly fineing of it earlier you're perfect fine that that's a legitimate valid question I have no problem with that Mr dors I know I spoke to miss vassel today about the previous board attorney the the there was uncertainty about the contract um at that time again I haven't touch base with her on that um as of now because the contract I guess was never initially signed there was no contract it was never a contract with the previous board attorney so for the past two years three years there's been no contract with that board attorney it was never signed by our previous business administrator and that Bo that attorney so we've never had a contract with them so if I'm correct in that was I correct so the point of clarification is that you can make the resolution but the resolution needs to follow with a contract and the contract would stipulate the terms of the agree and what the terms would be if you did not want to continue those services for the year um but uh Mr dosi never forwarded a fully executed contract to this board so there's another reason why Mr D's firm was never I'm I'm not ask I'm saying to Mrs Mrs Le again I did not want to trash them in public I didn't okay I didn't want to trash them in public I totally understood that I didn't I didn't oose what you said I thought we would have a board that would be welcome tbling it to discuss our concerns in private exective that excuse me can I just finish I thought we all would want to know the actual reasons I thought that it would be beneficial for our board to understand why people decided that we should be changing these particular service organiz service uh companies and not have even G been given an idea that this was going to happen and so if we we already hased that this well I just need to repeat it okay let's all right uh let's move on to item 14 on the agenda now please are you are you not going to let me I I you're rehashing the same I am not I am I am stating another fact okay that if I had known that it was going to be more than the food service that we were concerned about uming I didn't speak this before excuse me I may have at that point asked to be or giv you the idea that I would want to be on the RFP committee it probably wouldn't have made a difference because at this point you don't want to answer me anyway it didn't make a difference okay we're again we're moving on item number 14 on the agenda is finance committee motions so move can second Mr asy thank you item 14 we have um number 1 through 16 on finance committee motions can I get a motion to approve those 16 please move second where we 16 16 roll call Miss jurny 16 Miss konanza yes Mr fedori stand by one second because I lost my uh we are at uh Finance Finance yes sorry take your time yes me too hold on a second I just want to make sure this is a long agenda so when you're scrolling through on the computer you can get lost quick nope no problem you waiting on me yeah oh I'm sorry I thought I said yes sorry it's okay Miss jeie yes Miss Levy yes Miss taraski yes Miss wasburn yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you all right item 15 on our agenda is Athletics committee motion we have a uh one through 26 on that uh motion so can I get a motion to pass those 26 please so move second who was the first I'm sorry could have Regina or may one all right thank you Lo Miss Journey yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes yes Miss jeie yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnaski yes Miss wasburn and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you item 16 on our agenda is education committee motions we have motions one through six a motion to approve those six please so moved second Ral Miss churny yes Miss Miss konanza yes Mr fedorek yes Miss jeie yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried you item 17 on our agenda is education committee information so it's information for the public to just uh view no votes are necessary item 18 on our agenda is governance committee motions uh we have motions one and two please get a motion to approve those two so moved second roal Miss jurny yes Miss konanza yes Mr pedik I am going to abstain and just for the record explain my reasoning I'm gain abstain from one uh motion number one there uh I do believe 5756 needs to be discussed but I think we're making the wrong move by abolishing it all together um whether I agree with the policy or not personally as irrelevant to this we have an obligation as a board to ensure that the school is following um you know the state mandates I know there's some discussion whether this is a mandate or not but from my background on what I do to become accredited I don't have a choice a mandate is no different than a law and I don't I don't find that to be any different here um I want all of our students to feel comfortable um to know that they have a place here at barnegate um but I'm not going to recklessly say no to this knowing that there's a potential Financial impact and I'm not getting into the lawsuits we just lost two million in state aid and a lot of these policies are tied into state aid whether we have them or not I just think it's a reckless uh decision at this point to go with that uh with that being said um for motion number two uh because 2260 is tied to number one if is there a way I can split this I would yeah you can I would say yes 22 22751 I would agree with and say Yes 2260 I'm going to abstain that's fine thank you Miss jeie yes Miss Levy no to number one and no to number two Miss tarnowski no to number one uh yes to 20 27510 and no to 226 Miss wasburn yes and Mr Sno yes to both with five yeses the motion carries thank you item 19 on our agenda is Personnel committee motions we have motions 1 through 36 get a motion to approve those 36 please so moved Miss jurny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori it's yes to all and I honestly just for the record and I'm I know I'm being long-winded tonight uh I would love to say no to number three for Mrs cochinada oh yeah but she deserves this retirement more than anything she's been such an asset uh this is a huge loss and understandably so it's time for Miss cinat to take care of Miss cochinada she's she spent her career uh she was here when I was in school so she's spent a lot of time taking care of her kids so congratulations so yes it's yes to all you must only be like 18 George was that I didn't I didn't want to call out the school bus driver because I was a walking District at that time because we didn't have this setup have to deal with the bus drivers Miss jeie yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss I'm sorry I love M Miss wasburn yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you item 20 on our agenda is Personnel committee information again information for the public The View nothing for us as a board to vote on 21 Executive session I get a motion to go into executive session to discuss Personnel matters him and to do the CSA evaluation discussion so moved second Miss churny Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Miss Levy yes Miss snowski yes Miss wasburn yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you and we probably will be a little while in exactly yeah meeting back to order please roll call this journey here miss konanza here Mr fedorak here miss jeie here miss Levy here miss tarnaski miss wasburn here and Mr Sno here okay um do you have the Motions new business motions so the motion one is to approve the hi all right um motion to us to reinstate their retro all right we'll go we'll go through one a time all right can I get a motion to approve uh motion number one the hi report as present in executive session by Dr Lis second roll call I'm sorry who was number one all right Miss jurny yes Mr con Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss wasborn yes and Mr Sno yes okay motion carried thank you um motion number two on a new business is reinstate the Retro increment for Mr pandina Right P panda panda get a motion to approve that please second roll call Miss churny yes Miss contanza yes Mr Fedor yes Miss jeie yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss washbourne yes and Mr Sara yes motion carried motion number three please is to accept the resignation of employee number 7432 004 and accept the separation agreement of employees 74032 0004 the resignation is as of September 30th can I get a motion to approve those please second no I went Miss jurny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Miss Levy no oh sorry yes Miss taski yes Miss wasborn yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried is that the last yes it is okay can I get a motion to adjourn please so moved second Miss jurny yes Miss konanza yes Mr pedor yes Miss jeie yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss wasborn yes and Mr Sno yes okay thank you meeting jour