oh Miss Sandra okay I didn't even real R out so all right hold on for a minute yeah but Sor right like to call as barate Board of Education meeting order please the notice of this meeting has been forwarded to the Asbury Park Press begin tap into barnegate and place each barnegate Township School in the bar Township Municipal Building and has filed with the barate Township municipal clerk and function with the open public meeting acts njsa 10-10 roll call please Miss Journey here miss con Taza here Mr boric here hereon here Mr T tarnaski is not present and Mr Sno here thank you all right can we do the flag slute please than you can I get approval of the agenda don't nothing on the agenda but so there's really nothing to approve call Miss jurny yes Miss paza yes H Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Miss Mr ianti yes Miss yes and Mr s yes motion C we want to do the public remark comment you have a listed after executive yes um before comment I'll just do my present remark real quick um if anyone's online or whatever nobody here um but just for the record the the board meeting was posted for the required amount of time the um board will meet going to Executive discuss the obviously the the budget um and it's again preliminary talk we still have the um April meeting that we're required to do for the presentation of the budget for the public comment for the public um presentation of the actual budget itself um so again we're all in line with that but we have to present the ejected budget to the county for review prior to the board taking any action on it um down the line which would be in April so I just wanted if anyone in the community is listening or they'll see this afterwards um that's the purpose of tonight's meeting just for the board itself to discuss um some things on the budget before we uh do vote on it whether it's tonight or tomorrow I think the deadline to get to the county is Wednesday so we have tonight and tomorrow to of zero in on a number and then get it to the county for um approval right so that is that on President remark we will now open to uh public session and I normally read the and then we'll V on public public s I'll read the public comment yeah Bara Township Board of Education appreciates and welcomes public comment advice and suggestions especially when it's intended to assist the Board of Education please feel free to speak to the board during the public sessions comments and discussion will be limited to one five minute period per individual unless requested by the chairperson to continue on a point of clarification public comment at special meetings of the board shall be related to the call of the meeting in accordance with the board of education policy each participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface their comments by an announcement of their name address and group affiliation if appropriate your anticipated courtesy to the members of the public and the board is appreciated thank you can I get a motion to open public session please second roll call please miss Journey yes Miss constantza yes Mr Fedor yes Miss jeie yes Miss Mr Imon yes Miss Levy yes and Mr Sho yes all right motion carried you so we're public session obviously nobody here I I mean anyone here can speak if they'd like anybody online that we see BR all right can I get a motion to close public session so mov second roll call Miss chy yes Miss Constanta yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes and Mr sorno oh yes motion carried thank you uh can I get a motion to enter to Executive session to discuss uh confidential budget matters please second Miss churny yes Miss Conant tanaza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr ianti yes Miss Levy yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried all right thank you all right well we will be out eventually I guess [Music] Dorian I sent you a go uh Google uh invite okay thanks call this meeting back to order um I get a motion to am I lost um we have the two motions uh can I get a motion to move back into Open Session please then we do roll call please miss Journey here miss con nanza here Mr fedori here yes yes roll call right right it's a roll call here Sor but we were he said going back you're fine back into session yes y Mr Mr IM Monti here miss Le here and Mr s here thank you all right so we have two motions I guess on the oh miss I apologize yes and you got ding too right all right so we're all here um we have two motions on the floor um I will let our ba read motion number one so the motion is for the 2425 uh school budget is recommended that the Board of Education approve by resolution to submit the school budget to the county office and so be resolved that the tentative budget be approved uh to the secretary so authorizing me the secretary of the Board of Education to submit the tentative budget to the Ocean County Office of Education for approval as follows the general fund budget of 67 m718 25 which includes a tax levy of $7,695 and 420 $425 special Revenue fund of that of 7,161 550 Debt Service fund of 2,674 789 and a tax levy Debt Service of $2,327 533 bringing your total budget to 77,500 367 $7 be it further resolved that the 2425 final budget includes the use of the following reserves Capital maintenance reserve of 1.468 597 and maintenance reserve of 1496 297 be it resolved to acknowledge that the 2425 school budget as described results in a general fund tax levy of 37 m692 365 a Debt Service tax levy of 2,327 533 dollars for a total tax levy of $40 million1 19,8 898 be it further resolve that the barate Board of Education will utilize an alternative special education Medicaid initiative referred to as semi Revenue projection of $1,325 52,900 Board of Education School business administrator board secretary is authorized to advertise the said tentative budget in the South Jersey actually that's wrong I'm sorry the what your your Atlantic City what is your this was the typo sorry as directed by the Department of Education in accordance with the form required by the State Department of Education according to the law and be resolved in accordance with the New Jersey AC 6A 23 b1.2 the maximum expenditure for travel uh for the 25 school year for all staff and board members is 25,000 and B further resolve that the public hearing will be held in the barut Township High School on April 30th to 2024 at 6m for a public hearing on the budget for the 2425 school year now therefore be it resolved by the barut Township Board of Education to approve the 2425 School District budget for submission and approval by the New Jersey Department of Education along with supporting documents ments of certain itemized expenditures required under the administrative regulations and I have a motion to pass that resolution please move second roll call Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss Genie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes and Mr s yes thank you and our second motion on the agenda is I guess for the meeting for tomorrow night that was scheduled I get a motion to formally cancel tomorrow night's um advertised meeting special meeting that was advertised local Miss Journey yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes M Mr IM Monti yes Miss Ley yes and Mr s yes thank you all right can I get a motion to adjourn so move M JY yes Miss Kanda yes dors yes yes Mr I yes Miss Ley yes and Mr yes thank you meeting ad jour good