e right along whatever specifically on the weekend whether Saturday Su like to call this Barnet Board of Education meeting order please the notice of this meeting has been forwarded to the asbery park press the beacon tap into Barnette and place in the foyer of each barnegate Township School in the barnegate Township Municipal Building and has been filed with the barnegate Township municipal clerk in conun in conjunction with the open public meetings Act njsa 10 4-10 thank you roll call please miss churny here miss konanza here Mr fedori is not present miss jeie here Mr ianti here miss Levy here miss tonosi here Mr Sno here and Mrs wasburn here we have a quorum here join me the flag you the United States of America the republ for which it stands one nation indivisible withy and Justice of all you I get a motion to approve the agenda with the additions I guess as noted by Dr LS uh sure so I uh handed out a um document to all the board members uh this is already reflected on the agenda that was handed out tonight so um you guys have all the updated agendas um but is there any questions on any of the additions uh that were emailed out and then in this packet any questions not additions and well changes because there's some additions there's revisions just a change all right see none can I get a motion to approve the agenda so moved second roll call Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Miss jeie yes Mr ranti yes Miss Levy yes M tonosi yes M Mr Sno yes and Mrs wasburn yes motion carried you uh next item item six approval of the minutes and auditions we have motions one through four can I get a motion to approve those four please so moved second roll call Miss jurny yes Miss konanza yes Miss jeie yes Mr IM Monti yes Miss Levy yes Miss taraski yes Mr Sno yes and Mrs wasburn yes motion Carrie thank you um item seven on our agenda is our student representative Miss Jane havlin I will turn the floor over to you thank you um hi I'm Jee havland I'm the senior executive president of the barnegate high school student government and um just to recap some March events Mr bangle was extremely successful and on behalf of the class of 2024 um we thank all who came out to see the great show that the boys put on um congrats to Mr bengle Julian Cruz it was very well deserved um next was the Vietnam Vietnam Veterans Memorial event that was also very successful um the entire Community but also a lot of of BHS organizations like the band rppa and RC did a great job and it was a great tradition that we plan on continuing here at BHS next coming up for um April and May it's definitely busy but exciting events happening um the BHS upper classmen are gearing up for AP testing and State Testing following the senior trip in Disney which was a few weeks ago um I heard it was very fun and a great mem for all the seniors um coming up is Junior Prom that's on May 4th here at BHS and senior prom is May 16th at the renal Winery venue and scholarship night is going to be May 30th at BHS so the next few months are filled with a lot of grueling academics with testing um but we'll all be rewarded with fun events like the prompts coming up thank you thank you Miss avalant I appreciate um next up we have our barning Education Association liaison Mrs uh Morgan FL over to you the baa would like to thank all of our amazing secretaries for all they do especially in late of last week's Administration profession Administrative Professionals say we know they really they're the ones that really keep everything running we would also like to wish the best of luck to all of our retirements and resignations and welcome all of our new hires lastly we're looking forward to to an amazing week next week with teacher appreciation week and all of the fun things may has to offer thank you okay thank you very much um next on our agenda is our committee reports item number nine uh we'll start off with our finance chair Mrs turnowski thank you uh Finance met April 24th um we discussed multiple things our RFP was moved to the RFP committee and evaluations is on the agenda uh we got a beastro update as in you can see behind you in the corner um it's moving along uh we discussed the outstanding lunch balances and what we can do to try to help families stay in the know about balances and collecting on the balances um thank you to all the incredible donations that are listed on our agenda and to the PTA for the donation of another book vending machine and the all kids bike curriculum uh we will be doing our budget today and uh we discussed our lease purchase agreement that we used for the district that's pretty much a an oversimplified version of everything that we discussed yes all right thank you Mr tki appreciate it um next up is the RFP uh committee that we have put together um myself I chair it um the only thing that came across us at this point was the Food Services uh RFP which again the board heard the uh presentation from those RPS that were presented um we rank them on a scale that the state provides us with to um on several different factors and weight weights of uh presentation and what they were offering and cost and everything else that goes with it and at the end um when the tally was done neutr serve Management Incorporated was the Food Service uh organization company that we uh are going with moving forward so you'll see that on item 15 on our agenda and that was it next up is our buildings and grounds um transportation which Mrs wasburn is the chairperson I'll turn it over to her the buildings and grounds and transportation committee met on Monday April 22nd the recent Cam Newton presents s on seven football event received positive feedback from all an interest was expressed in hosting again if the opportunity arose in the facilities update all buildings pass fire inspections and the custodial department is getting ready for end ofe festivities spring sports are in full force for the grounds Department tonight on the agenda is a motion for proposed switch from brightly to master library for work order systems for cost savings and enhanced features other updates included adjustments to custodial fees and upcoming facility walks tonight on the agenda there's also motion for the auction of obsolete items including a dump truck pickup truck risers and food service equipment Transportation updates uh new vehicle deliveries Bell time changes and recruitment efforts lastly an additional motion was forwarded to governance for further consideration good thank you thank you Mrs wasman next up is our education committee and that is chaired by Mrs churny thank you Mr President good evening everyone the education committee met on April 23rd you'll see on tonight's agenda there is for approval motions 1- 12 several motions were presented and discussed at the board meeting these include approving Dr Brian lwis for the aasa national superintendent certification program adopting various textbooks and diagnostic tools for different courses at barut high school we also have for approval our updated list of work-based learning locations college and university placements continuing educ requests field trips and outof District workshops additionally discussions were held regarding pending is pending issues such as student services updates and summer enrichment programs will be passed on to the right at school right at school will be more of a summer camp program but will have weekly themes such as stem the weather animals Etc good news was shared about Central regional's upcoming visit to the recording Arts Studio at barnegate high school and barnegate high school art students were selected as award recipients for the Scholastic Art Award competition also barnegate students were selected for distinction at the Ocean County teen Arts Festival and are now continuing in the competition at the state teen Arts level our next meeting will be held on May 21 thank you Mr JY um next up we have our governance Comm and that is chaired by Mrs Kenza uh thank you Mr Sno um the governance committee met on April 24th on tonight's agenda there is approval for motions 1 two and four there uh to approve the second reading or the adoption of a list of policies that are listed on tonight's agenda motions three and five are to approve a second reading or an adoption of the list of regulations motion number six is to approve the revised 2023 24 school calendar they remove the early dismissal day of June 12th 2024 since it is not a testing day for seniors it will now be a full day of school motion seven is to approve the following job descriptions uh student Information Systems coordinator this has been renamed from technology trainer teacher um director of curriculum instruction in Human Resources human resource specialist and human resource assistants all those job descriptions have wording changes um they'll be collaborating with the business administrator instead of the director of personnel and operations um you can see there's motion8 on tonight's agenda it's a motion to abolish the job description for the director of personnel and operations um we also discussed an AI policy in governance we're a waai Strauss esme's policy in the meantime we do have strategies in place regarding cheating we also have policy in place a code of conduct code of conduct specific to using people's photographs without their permission our next governance meeting will be held May 22nd thank you very much um next committee is health safety technology that is chaired by Mr ayante thank you Mr President our the health safety and Technology committee held its monthly meeting on April 25th at 9:45 a.m. at the meeting the following topics under the health the nursing coordinator gave us an update on the CDC covid quarantine regulation uh all nurse position are staffed fully staffed and fully certified uh the district has now Institute a cardiac response team in each of the schools in the district um the this puts us in compliance with the state with Janet's state law which requires that in public public and non-public schools it requires that we have a cardiac response team of at least five people uh all the members are certified in CPR for adult child and infant and also they were given a uh procedure uh what to do and instructions on what to do in a sudden Cardiac Arrest emergency all right on the safety the district has instituted a safety award incentive program in an effort to reduce workers compensation claims the recipient of this award will receive gift card Supply by TC iron Insurance Agency uh the first recipient was given to Melissa Hayes the second was given to Samantha Rosa chosen uh the security windows in Collins and Horbelt schools are fully functional uh the security window in Collins now has the three film coding on it um as I mentioned earlier uh the three film coding basically it's designed to prevent the windows from shattering and it it slows down somebody's entrance into that area excuse me uh the security coordinator and Dr lwtz uh advised the committee that we are transitioning to cetol Delaware Valley for our building access and cameras needs uh the district coordinator advised the this committee that we will be moving forward with the Raptor visitor management system this system works with our present system and will provide instant screening of visitors against sex offenders um those with custody orders or ban visitors status uh the system will alert the principal or school resource officer and other staff members via text or emails so that can quickly rece respond to the situation it would also provide visitor badges that will have a photo of the visitor the name destination date and time uh also the township will provide 17 no no trespassing signs for all buildings uh to prohibit visitors from using the playground and other areas during school hours technology the installation of additional wires as I mentioned at the last meeting uh that the IT department dep was putting in new wires throughout the district for additional cameras that has been completed uh some old cameras have been replaced with new ones uh also camera adjustments have been made to cover any blind spot areas that we would have in the buildings um the um in in brachman middle school and dumy school again for better coverage uh any questions from anyone thank you Mr imonte um last on our committee reports is Personnel I am the chair of personnel again we reviewed all Personnel matters you see on the agenda from hires retirements um Etc a few that I wanted to point out um we have a retirement again we're going to acknowledge Him May or June May okay may but uh on here you'll see Mrs Russo Transportation 8 has been in a district for 34 30 38 years 38 Years thank you appreciate it 38 years so again that is a dedicated employee part of our bnate bangal family and obviously we will um have further in May when we actually Sloter begin I just wanted to mention that to me that is phenomenal um also what else did I highlight we have some uh Power professionals custodians armed security guard we're hiring um sub Utes and our summer school coordinators on the agenda for summer school um several volunteers Mr Mr Matthew Cranwell for boys lacrosse and Mark wiy Wily um for boy lacrosse coach also again appreciate those volunteering in the district um full-time uh music teacher between the high school and the Don school for next year and that is about it still checking yes um so again you know again the usual business of uh Personnel um and that is it for our committee discussion next up I will turn the floor over to Dr lwis for the superintendent's District highlights information and comments all right first uh can we invite Carolyn Johnson up to the mic so we could recognize our upstanders the upstander program is a wonderful opportunity to recognize and celebrate students districtwide who demonstrate a specific Bengal Pride trait these traits continue to enhance the positive climate in our school as well as the home school and Community Partnership that plays an essential role in our Student Success this month our students exemplified respect for the r in bangal Pride we are very excited to present students with a gift card from one of our local restaurants Vinnie's Pizza when you hear your name please come forward and join board president Mr Sarno and superintendent Dr lwis to receive your plaque and your gift certificate first up we have Michael Spano Michael embodies respect in all aspects of his life as president of R Kappa Honor Society member of the National Honor Society volunteer at lacrosse youth youth camps and a dedicated varsity football and Lacrosse athlete he consistently demonstrates Integrity teamwork and kindness toward all of his peers and communities his actions Inspire others to follow in his footsteps fostering a culture of respect and admiration throughout the school congratulations Michael Ryan daro Ryan exemplifies respect as he is always prepared ready to learn and participates in class he is a role model to those around him he's the president of the International Junior thespian society and part of the drama club he's very kind and encouraging to other cast members especially who those those who need extra encouragement when Ryan speaks he speaks from the heart and is so deserving of this award congratulations Ryan picture next we have Venus Lofland vus Venus is incredibly kind and respectful she always has a smile on her face and is willing to help out staff and students she exemplifies the quality of an upstander by not being afraid to stand up for what it is right even amongst her peers congratulations Venus Oceana Patito Oceana is a wonderful student who always strives to do her best she is respectful kind helpful and will look out for others if they are having a hard time with something in class oceanana is attentive listens and particip she works diligently during lessons and aims for constant Improvement it's a pleasure having her in class and she's a great role model congratulations Avery sanse Avery is very respectful as she always uses her manners raises her hand listens attentively and follows classroom rules she does all of this with a smile on her face she's always the first one to help a classmate when needed whether it be to cheer them up provide encouragement or help them with something everyone knows that they can always count on Avery congratulations Avery Ryan Von Ste Ryan is so deserving of this respect nomination he consistently uses polite language listens attentively to others and treats everyone with kindness and consideration his respectful Behavior sets a wonderful example for his classmates and contributes positively to the classroom environment congratulations Ryan Lillian kazor rowski Lillian deserves to receive the upstander award because she is kind and respectful to everyone in her classroom she helps her friends when asks works well with others and is very polite whenever she speaks with others Lillian is a great student to have in class and we are so proud of her congratulations Lillian upstanders we're going to ask you to come up and get in a picture together let's give one last round of applause for everybody thank you Mr MC we'll switch to you good evening forgive me uh when I first met this student um I didn't need bifocals or size 16 font um but it's been a pleasure we are thrilled to share some exciting news tonight Sydney Collins If you please join us up here one of our outstanding Junior students has been chosen as a delegate from barnegate high school for the girls Career Institute at Douglas College on Ruckers University campus the girls Career Institute is a f fantastic opportunity for students to experience a Min college and career exploration Sydney will get to live in dorms D in the cafeterias and attend lectures and workshops providing her with a taste of what college life is like and insights into various career paths we want to express our gratitude to Miss Shirley Holly who could not be here tonight of course she works at our brakman school but she's also the local New Jersey Federation Women's Club president she sponsors s for this par for her participation in this it's support from individuals like Shirley that allows our students to engage in very transformative experiences and let all congratulate Sydney on this well-deserved honor we're confid she will make the most of this opportunity learning growing and forming lasting connections with peers from all over New Jersey congratulations good evening everybody so we're here this evening to recognize uh one of our programs our Aces program uh we have some folks here that are um out tonight I think to support us uh Mrs sakado Miss azano I saw Miss Brennan some of our teachers I see a bunch of our Paras out here tonight how you doing back there thank you guys this is this is what makes our programs amazing are the people who work in our programs with our children day in and day out um a couple of our supervisors miss jacko's here miss sh she's going to join me right now come on up Miss sh sh oversees the aces program did we lose our presentation all right all right well thank you for com just kid you got to start telling dad jokes Dan that's what Jim Barbary would do in this moment all right so we have some pictures we also have some video uh a little bit from the program so a little bit about our program uh predominantly serves our students that have language um disabilities including autism a lot of different things that our students do uh include things like you'll see up here where they're learning about how to do some certain job type skills make sure you jump in with me real quick here you go um yeah go okay so our autism program is really based on those applied um Behavior Analysis goals and our teachers are absolutely phenomenal um working one-on-one with these students as well as our power professionals and we're really trying to bridge those skills um for their language for their learning and bringing them into the community um we're so lucky having the aces Wing over in brakman because we're able to bridge so many gaps that in other times we weren't able to do we're able to bring such sensory driven activities to our students we have um adapted PE lessons we have a sensory room where the students are able to use we have a kitchen where they're learning all of those home life skills um you can see in the pictures that they're working on their cooking skills they following recipes Miss Sadat's class is following along with morning meeting messages um we are so lucky that we're able to incorporate so many community- based instructions now thanks to the board thanks to all of our amazing teachers and staff our students are going out into the community more than they ever have before we're starting at such a young age we were able to go to Susie's Hair Salon for some of our students first haircuts um last month we're going to McDonald's we're learning how to order things um being at brakman we were able to get a whole bunch of adaptive PE equipment so it's really geared towards our students we're able to incorporate um thanks to our PTA so many events we had Santa Claus come Mrs Claus come we have so many events that we're able to do to help support our students and our staff and then here is just a little video um that showcases there is a we had a spring play this year Miss seall Corb put it on so this is some clips from that as well [Music] star heart youry your SK in SK SK [Music] your SK [Music] your she get [Music] I'm to Heart the SK SK [Music] [Music] star e yes I just want to say thank you thank you to all the elementary schools that always include us and all of their activities thank you to the board for honoring us for all of our requests and all of the help that you've given us for all of our trips and all of our activities so thank everyone our teachers our prior professionals thank you uh so just jumping in before we get into the highlights I just again wanted to give a shout out to all the teachers and staff in the Asus program um you guys really are uh uh miracle workers and and truly do some a special uh job here each and every day and it's uh it's it's really uh a need experience to walk down that Hall and and see all the different things that you guys do with the kids every day so thank you guys for all the work that you guys do uh jumping in really quick to some of the district highlights uh just naming a few of the things so one uh this past uh Sunday uh we had our annual Color Run that the PTA does so a few things just to touch upon there um first and foremost uh for those of you that are not aware the PTA uh actually just got recognized as the PTA of the year um a state recognition for all the hard work that they do so a big shout out to them um the members of that of the PTA you guys I'm sure frequently see them on school grounds they are constantly doing different things to uh raise money and to provide um support and various experiences for our students and staff so a big shout out to them uh for the amount of time and energy that they put into this it's uh truly an amazing thing and an honor that's well deserved um with that being said uh I had the privilege of dunking Dr Saxton I don't know if he's still here I saw him before um but a few of the members I heard uh Miss green and Miss santoo were also partaking in the dunk tank and I my understanding is they did not get dunked so I do I just want to say I feel like there should be some form of directions that if uh somebody does not is not successful in dunking you the traditional route uh somebody should walk up and push the button I feel like that is normal so uh for next year I hope that uh we can kind of correct that uh one fuxa from this past weekend um few other things a big shout out uh for our Arbor Day ceremony um thank you to the shade tree commission uh for each and every year allowing us to to host that uh here and to providing uh the trees and whatnot for us to uh to plant so big shout out to them thank you uh the barate adopt the street program hosted our their Town white clean uh townwide cleanup um is going to be coming up on May 11th uh so please uh be on the lookout for that and if you would like to volunteer please uh reach out uh for that uh the K9 unit from the ocean county sheriff department uh visited the rbms dart Club so big shout out and thank you to them they're a wonderful partner of the district they come every year and uh provide that opportunity uh the lit from rbms and R Horbelt along with the environmental club uh joined forces for a campus cleanup event and celebration of Earth Day so thank you to those guys uh BHS Juniors had the opportunity to experience the importance of safe driving with a Riv a live simulation so again thank you for the partnership there for providing that opportunity congratulations to Amaya Affleck for breaking the school record on the 400 hurdles congratulations to the cast and crew of the bangal theater company for their outstanding performance of Little Shop pars I hope you guys had the opportunity to check that out for the fifth consecutive year uh barnegate Township School District has received the national recognition from the NM foundation for best communities in music education so big shout out to them for five consecutive years winning that award um and recognition for all that they do there uh I would encourage you to come out speaking of that uh come out and join the BHS music department as they host the first annual Java and Jazz night on May 10th at 6 o'clock uh girls golf competition the o County tournament we finished second so big shout out to that team and uh this just in uh but the girls lacrosse finished an undefeated season and won Division Championship uh as of I believe about an hour ago so a big shout out to them um with that being said that is the highlights thank you thank you and thank you Dr LS um I'm GNA have to look up uh Mr Yasmin Mohamad to help me with my golf game maybe fin second in the county that's a incredible I need a lot more than um okay so we'll get into uh item 11 on the agenda president marks have a few things just want to touch upon um first is tonight obviously the presentation of the budget um I again want to thank Dr lwis uh our administrators miss van Hassel our ba who just came in and and jumped right in the uh pond with us and um taking this on Full Steam so again appreciate all the effort time energy that went into the budget um I know or through throughout our administrative staff um you know if you look at our surrounding towns a lot of our surrounding towns are making Cuts or or you're paying to play in sports and uh programs after school we kept everything I wouldn't even say status quo we've we've added stuff we've uh moved forward with things we had on on plan um you'll see really no Cuts you'll see no huge tax increases you'll see no um what you're seeing around us in many of the uh towns and districts in Ocean County so again that is that goes to our Administration staff um our ba um and you know principles on down the line from our our staff our teachers all the way down the line because everybody puts in and again it'll go to my next Point everyone puts in in this community this family of barnegate school district um to keep us where we're at and keep us moving forward um so again every every effort is it really uh appreciated um by us the members of the board and the members of the town obviously for everything you do for us again just wanted to thank all of you um next I wanted to I know Dr lats had brought up about the PTA I was there Sunday um that slime see the video the video I've seen it um uh I had the privilege of the two or three top uh uh students their children that uh raised the most money they got the poor slime on me at the end of the ceremony um it was a little more than I expected and they told me I was a little too overdressed for the occasion but um no it was fun it was a great time and they told me they I think they had over 700 T-shirts they were all gone um there was hundreds and hundreds of kids there games tool you know things for them to do um 2 yeah I remember when she said they think that she was over 22 when I was talking to her um so again they they do again that whole executive board from Kim you know mcal um Colleen Angus down they do a great job um in helping us helping the district helping our staff our students um with things that again that you know are just incredible to they do for us so again we can't thank them enough and uh you know I I appreciate uh having a little fun and and the kids enjoying it so that was it was a nice time um next up I have oh just going to introduce our new board member down the end Miss wasburn who was sworn in this past month um we had been operating as a board of eight for the last four months and this month we swore in Miss wasburn as our ninth board member so again congratulations and welcome back aboard and lastly I have again I just wanted to thank Mr Gunderson I believe he's probably still here somewhere Dan and all our Paris sitting there again thank you for everything that you do for our district and our students but again thank you for the presentation um presentations like that again even us on the board sitting here you know we hear the different programs we have in the district but to be actually to see and hear specifics of what happens in those programs and how they impact our children um again that that makes a huge impact on us specifically and people in the public so thank you for your presentation and highlighting exactly what you do in that program again thank you and that is it on my end I will now I guess turn the floor over for our budget hearing and I guess we will have a motion to okay motion to open our budget hearing to the public second roll call this churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss teros Miss tanosy Mr Sno yes Mr Miss bur yes okay thank you all right so uh we are going to jump into the uh presentation portion of the uh budget uh for this evening um so before we jump into this I just want to piggyback on uh president sno's comments I want to give a big shout out to the administration I want to give a big shout out to the Board of Education uh for really uh working together to make sure that we were able to put forth a budget that was uh obviously fiscally responsible provided opportunities for our students and our staff um in in light of the uh massive state aid reduction that we had which was uh just shy of $2 million um I really feel like everybody came together um to be able to navigate that without without with having minimal impact I should say to the district um and I would like to give a special shout out to Kate uh who came on board right in the middle of where we were uh uh really locking in on the numbers and hit the ground running it would be an understatement uh Kate came in and immediately tried to identify areas of efficiency immediately tried to identify um areas where we could generate some Revenue um and and really was intrical in the uh putting this together so um You probably came in in one of the most difficult times of year to transition into the position and you did it um unbelievably well so thank you for that um so with that being said uh just to kick it off uh we always like to lead off with the idea that um although we're presenting the budget tonight um for next uh school year uh this is really a 365 day process so uh I don't think a lot of people realize that are not involved in this obviously speaking to the administration Board of Ed you guys are well aware um but this process really um and as soon as we have this voke going tonight and we put this into place we're already going to be looking at next year's budget and starting to put pieces in place to navigate that um everything in Education Works a year ahead of uh a year ahead so uh you know we'll reach out to Administration in fall and already start to look at what plans and ideas and things like that they have for the upcoming for the following school year so this really is a 365 day process and although we have uh a dollar figure and we have everything um planned out obviously uh we have to account for things that change throughout the year um unexpected expenses things of that nature so with that being said I will turn this over to Kate who will walk you through what the numbers look like for this year so uh in preparing this presentation this actually is usually a very good slide for barnegate which we we like to highlight um and then when I started to prepare it um the number 54% came came up and I said okay well let's figure this out because I don't want to be in 54 out of 94 and how do I say that to the board so we started to dive into the numbers and what you can see is um I'm actually just going to go up because I'm blind without my glasses um this is a result of S2 funding so while this is the first year barnegate is kind of recipient of the Carnage of S2 um what you can see is our peers the other 94 districts have been seeing it year overy year so the most important number to highlight is in 2022 when we were when we were indicator 19 we were the 17th most efficient District compared to our peers faculty to admin we went from 16.2 to 15.8 which means we probably lost one teacher we went from 17 most efficient to 54 the reason being is that all of the peers in the 94 districts laid off a ton of Staff as a result of cuts so when you start looking at these S2 indicators that's what happen so all of a sudden we went from being this incredibly efficient District to being number 54 yet we were running our program very efficient so when you go back up to the top number New Jersey is the average per pup cost is 16,667 we're running at 15120 that's $1,547 below so here we are running an extremely efficient program and we're still showing at 54 because our peers the 94 districts have been peled six years in a row with the S2 funding and that's where when you have to start looking at these numbers and understanding when the state puts out these numbers what they re really translate to so I just kind of wanted to highlight when we start seeing these numbers over the next year kind of how they you have to look into understanding what they really mean District enrollment so while you see the full-time enrollment kind of stays pretty consistent um where we see the issues that we need to address from a budgeting perspective are the special ed so you can see in 2022 we had 607 in 2024 we had 743 those are encompassing of all of your speech only your PT andot the number you really need to drive down though is the number where you look Below in 2024 we had 255 students um compared to 2023 of 225 students that we're needing significant services and that's where you have to be able to plan for these students for budgeting purposes we're seeing a increase of students that need Aids on buses uh Power professionals and it also affects the capacity so as we're a growing district and you're seeing our enrollment go up Year over-ear we're losing space and when you see that number of special ed students in that one section and you have to have reduced class sizes so then you actually have to take into account your capacity the issue so that's where you focus on that number for leing purposes uh so there's a few things to look at going forward so uh the reason uh I should say without getting too too in detail the reason why we lost state aid this year was uh the what they consider to be the local fair share at the state level so because our property values went up in barnegate because the median salary went up in barnegate the state in their eyes and you know I'll pause so that you guys can enter and laughing and whatnot uh they feel that everybody should be chipping in more and that's why they took away money from us right um which we obviously know that the tax burden in our town is is high right people pay high taxes so the idea that people should continue to kick in more money um is is somewhat laughable when you think about that um there is some uh interesting things that are coming down currently right now there's a bill passing through the legislation um that would potentially allow us to recoup 2third of our lost state aid so somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.2 million the major caveat to doing that means that we have to go to that full 2% and we have to exhaust anything of banked cap so when you look at that two cents impact that we're going to talk about um that is us going to that 2% um uh cap that we have uh locally and if if we do that um we are eligible then to apply to potentially recruit that 1.2 million um so keep your fingers and your toes crossed uh obviously over the next uh few weeks we should hopefully hear a little bit more about this legislation and how that potentially could impact us the thing that we are keeping a very close eye on right now is um that S2 uh funding formula that was in effect so obviously this year that worked very much against us um but that sunsets that of June 30th so the legislation currently right now is working on a new funding formula and they're going to roll that out next year so the new funding formula could either be very beneficial to us uh which historically uh that has been uh this S2 formula has been beneficial to us because we have seen enrollment increases um but they're currently working on that new funding formula so obviously you know we have hopes that they take into account some of the things that we've been talking about for the last few years as far as some of the struggles and and things that we've been facing but but uh there is that legislation that's going through and you know obviously that would be a huge benefit to us if we're able to recoup some of the money uh which then would offset some of the Reliance that we've been uh we built this Budget on with our Reserve account so the sincere hope is this this goes through and we can you know hold that money to keep us in a position of a little bit of a more of a safety net than we have currently uh so we had some challenges going into the budget um first was because we had the notion that the previous six years we had received additional state aid we had originally put the Bal budget together with the anticipation we would be getting state aid so we were um running that and then we got the state aid loss so the 1.9 million loss was really probably closer to almost $3 million that we had to find and cut and as Brian indicated um in the beginning um it was pretty impressive to watch every administrator jump in um immediately when we got the state aid notice and say um where could we become efficient where could we do better um versus what could we cut because that was really um every administrator's first response was where could we find efficiencies how can we run programs better what can we do um versus the alternative that we're seeing a lot of our neighboring communities do which is bring me the staff sheet and what are we cutting um and that is definitely a testament um it was super impressive as my to myself as I was coming in to see that that was the response to this community um however uh based off of those 1.9 there still is Big challenges so we've put together a solid budget but you know we do have these enrollment increases special ed continues to increase disproportionately over General Ed education that we have to deal with um it impacts a lot of areas of the Budget Transportation um it impacts capacity it impacts Staffing so um you know those are definitely challenges that we're trying to address uh some of that is bringing some of the transportation back in housee some of it is Shifting schedules um and some of it is looking at sharing services with neighboring districts for some child study team are getting creative so um we're definitely still working through that process on how we can do those Services more efficient um you're going to hear that word a lot this year and um some of the things we're seeing are the specialized Transportation um again wheelchairs so we're seeing more students need wheelchairs so we're having to purchase more uh uh Transportation vehicles that can accommodate that um as Lisa tells me we also have to have one that's on spare um so uh there'll be more purchasing of those types of vehicles in the district um again you bring all those things back you have to balance out the budget we're having rise fuel costs um easy pass those things are adding up because we're running more vehicles on the road uh increased labor increased parts and so again we're seeing all these things as we get more vehicles on the road however um the cost of running them through these co-ops is is pretty frightening to the budget so you're going to hear consistently through this next year is how to we bring back control and efficiency um because as we keep getting more special ed students and more homeless students and we have to go and become relyant on these co-ops um we become susceptible to whatever the rate that the bids out so the more we can bring in house the more we can drive the numbers ourselves the more we can control the budget and do other things for the district all right so again I think you guys a lot of you have been here previously you'll hear the biggest drivers of the budget are staff salaries and Healthcare so they are usually 80% of your budget they're growing at 8% um you know so again you have this $1.9 million cut you have your budget growing at 8% what do you do um how do you find Revenue where do you find deficiencies right again here's that word again that we keep going back to um we're looking at workers comp so again as we bring more special ed students in our workers comp rates are raising so how do we go ahead and address that so we're meeting and and looking at how do we get more trading for our staff what can we do to support that to reduce those rates um because those are now becoming an issue as you bring in more special ed okay assessing Trends unpaid fines um so this has definitely been something that we've been identifying over the last couple weeks um lunch accounts and Tech fines um we definitely need to get a handle on these they're they're certainly something that is something that is a little bit well it's a problem so um all hands on deck all the administrators have been fantastic we've kind of piloted a new program the last two weeks all the administrators have jumped in and actually we've collected like 250 accounts onlyin two weeks so um thank you to all the administrators um so we are actually working on automating a system so hopefully another two weeks they won't have to do it anymore um but we are having to get more serious about collecting these fines the state kind of handicaps us on what we can do um we certainly want to do it with a sensitivity and with a thoughtfulness and not with a collection agency mentality however we can't continue to write off all this debt and maintain these programs some of these some like really for Food Services everybody was very flush in those accounts because you had covid money but you're going to start to hear that all these school districts felt artificially Rich for the last three years there was a lot of felt like you had a lot of money to spend because all this covid money came into the districts but it's gone as of September and so now the districts are left with kind of either half Thun programs or kind of where the where you really are financially and there's no more money coming in so um you now have to figure out what to do with the pot you have with no new money coming in all right so what have we done okay here it is focus on efficiency and control um we can't control what the state does we can't control how the state rates us we can't control that the state um changed the game in year seven um but we can control um providing the same standard of quality education but we can try to figure out a way to do it more efficient and we can figure out how to bring control back in as the state is taking it away from us so again bringing in transportation reviewing vendors making sure that we're doing things in either rfps or bids and making sure that we're maximizing all of savings that we can um some of the ways that we're doing that is reviewing schedules um we're consolidating some of our vacancies um rather than taking opportunities to reduce staff we're just consolidating um visa and transportation um super gold star because she has really risen to the occasion uh we're going to be bringing in some of our homeless routes and we are going to be bringing in some of our special education routes so uh the district's going to be saving several hundred, just by being able to do that ourselves and also too um when we reduce that Reliance on the co-op you know you're saving on the contracted routes but you're also saving on Administration fees and all of that stuff so um that is one way that we can go ahead and we're actually trying to reach out to other districts and because we have such a competent transportation department we should be running it for other districts and being able to earn some revenue for ourselves facilities this is the big one so so I think over the last several years you guys have a lot of new buildings and required a lot of Maintenance that it shouldn't have needed and when you go back I think the easiest thing to do when you see Rising student population Rising special ed costs is to forget that you should just be preventive in your maintenance so um it's really expensive to buy filters it's really expensive to do some of these things to run these buildings and so sometimes you kick it down the curb and it becomes a bigger problem and I I think there needs to be a new focus on making sure that we're preventing some of these things so you don't have the HVAC problems and some of those things don't trickle down to bigger problems so I think that you have a great maintenance staff and I think there just needs to be a focus on making sure that we spend the money appropriately on preventing it and therefore not causing these bigger issues on the buildings that was kind of going on definitely prior to Brian um shared services with other school districts um so we don't currently do too many of them but it's a great opportunity for us once again bringing in control hiring staff giving them to other districts doing part-time but that people get full-time hours and benefits again maintaining control because we're the ones hiring them writing evaluations um but getting the benefit of only paying half of their pension salary and benefits and Grant utilization so um you'll see on tonight's board meeting uh we reached out to the county um well the town so to do a shared service agreement uh if we're successful in the grant they they get a truck we get a generator hopefully it works out um we're writing another Grant now for a bunch of cameras and um some other opportunities really to beef up the security of the district and we'll continue to look for opportunities to kind of find some free money for the district to supplement some of these programs that we had to take out of the budget so that's kind of where we're at for that all that translates into the tax levy of 2% so that's just kind of the equation last year you were at four this year you're at two um as Brian indicated obviously to put us us in a position to apply for the grant um if the Senate does vote on it um we needed to utilize the bank cap that the district did have available um and the translation to the local taxpayers um is your your house if your assess value so if you're at 260,000 um that two 2 cents equates to $467 more in your tax bill a month um for a total of $56 a year what you'll hear us talk about a lot this next year as Brian kind of indicated is the new state aid formula um we have not gotten any indication of kind of how they're building it yet S2 is done as of June 30th what you do hear a lot now is this Geographic indicator barnat has risen um and so we don't know how that's going to play into how they build a new formula um what they are saying no is districts that do show an increase in taxpayer wealth they're expecting that fair share of formula to be kind of part of the equation and that Geographic indicator to be part of the equation as well um out of District placements so again being more strategic on out of District placements as we start to bring routes in house using that as a indicator of maybe where we place students because we'll be being able to drive them and so therefore we can reduce and control costs that way and again um managing the end of the SR funding um this District uh pretty much has spent theirs um so we kind of managed this budget without the anticipation of using the less of the ARP but um you know I think that's going to be a transition for a lot of districts when the last three years there was a lot of free flowing money to do a lot of projects that the schools couldn't normally afford um and now we kind of have to transition back um to not having those funds so that's kind of where we're at but I think there will be kind of continuous discussions with the board this year as we hear more and more about what the new funding formula looks like and how these Geographic factors play into how the state's going to start building these budgets I think that's it question questions the board current fing formula seven years is that usual or long I don't think there's any outline any other questions from G can't I can't hear you George sorry now fine I'm not yelling at you yelling so everybody can hear me um what what kind of fines are we talking were we talking like overdue library book fines like you know we've ignored that at this point as you can see the library turn anymore so we stopped uh turning uh there's two major driving forces uh one is the scent lunch balances so uh We've acred over the last few years I believe the the last before we started to get some of that um uh back was in the neighborhood of $880,000 um um collectively as a district and when you look at Tech finds that is obviously we moveed to that onetoone initiative where a lot of students have those uh those uh the Chromebooks um so broken screens broken keyboards things of that nature has resulted again uh a significant amount Tech fund so uh you know a couple of the things that we're looking at doing that is case been great about working with the services Administration as far as uh trying to then flip and not Ries so much on just mailing letters but trying to make more contact with families to alert them to the fact of find to try to improve some of that um and if families are qualified for green reduc lunch we've been encouraging them to fill out the application as that would then clear the balance but then also make them applicable for green which helps us from the fun and then the tech finds uh cleaning up the process as far as uh um uh alerting parents to the Reliance like if you can if the child you know purposely breaks their computer that there has to be that in terms of can you hear me now there we go in terms of uh the lunch findes so would I be correct in assuming that we're not going to deny a child the lunch so then in effect we're still charging them and it's like it's a negative balance at that point is that what we're referring to that's definitely one of the aspects of it that's ma by law you're you know we don't give out the peanut butter jelly sandwich anymore you have to give them the whatever they consider the main um so yes those those Contin to increase um some of those accounts so um when you started to break some of these things down there were definitely accounts that were um driving up because of parents not not being able to afford that lunch um and that's where we've been trying to transition getting them re redu lunch applications um and then there's some families that have just started to in the balances that don't for whatever reason either maybe aware or not you uh the second thing and it just we we don't think of it in just day-to-day operations but one of the things that stood out to me in this is easy pass and tolls do we have a number of what that costs because I'm just sitting here thinking if if it's if it is a huge amount and I imagine it probably is is there an opportunity here to maybe get together with legislation have potentially somebody jump on board and have an exemption for school Vehicles driving up and down Parkway yeah I mean that's a great idea I don't it's just a thought yes we will definitely look into it we like beone uh just a question and this um I feel like I have a pretty good handle on it but I'm asking for other parents in the district um up here I think you guys have done great work on the budget um you know from what we see um I think you've done a great job what cuts will parents and children in the district see um I remember from last year you know kind of the presentation of kind of what cuts at what scent level that kind of thing what cuts if any will kids in the district see as a result of what's happened this year so I don't think and this again de this Administration um I don't believe that the are going to feel the reduction any reduction so uh we uh really prioritize not reducing any stat purely just because of budgetary reasons um you know that's a real morale killer uh when people do a great job and then lose their job for no other reason can afford to keep them um one of the things that we had originally looked at was were we going to be able to run clubs next year uh K's been fantastic in being able to navigate getting the funds so that we didn't see a reduction in the clubs uh which is something that you know you to look at our class sizes uh are not going to rise to where you see a lot ofing districts are forced into over 30 kids in a class some are actually forced 40 class our class averages are still in that mid 20s there are some outliers that are higher 20s but we have not crossed over that 30 uh Mark uh anywhere um so to answer your question I don't believe that you're going to see Major Impact V uh Jim will tell you that we've had to punt some of our curricular uh materials that's not the case this year we still anticipate being able to bring in some of the textbooks that are outdated bring materials things like that so um you know like I said when uh when we were faced with this there was that initial shock in that gasp of oh my God what did they do um but once we rolled up our sleeves and and a real a testament to the team uh the administration and again a huge Testament to Cate because she certainly walked into Whirlwind here um you were able to to Really find ways to uh generate re need to offset some of the loss and creatively find ways to budget certain things that met criteria in other accounts uh that historically maybe we wouldn't have done um so you know I can't say if we go into next year and the funding formula is crafted in such a way that hurts us more if we're going to be able to continue to see those those types of uh you know things that we've been able to maintain or enhance um you know again I I can't you know under um score how amazing some of these things are even with these we've been able to navigate additional security enhancements and maintaining our C materials and maintaining things like that are you know luxury items like element clubs and things like that um you know but uh to the parent uh this year we were able to really navigate those cuts with with the I don't think that the student would if we didn't give this presentation right there right now going into next year I don't think would be aware that had a production in state funding because of some answer your question no I don't think actually notice I think you both needed to be able to take credit for that so thank you are the parents aware that there will be a change at hor school grade six uh so I know right now uh through the process uh administration's been working with the staff as far as those changes for sixth grade um I believe the next step will be uh talking to the parents and and alerting that to the the change grade schedule for next year um but just kind of going back uh this the adjustment for the sixth grade schedule started prior to us having these budget CS or budget uh getting this uh this cut or reduction of state aid um this was something that we were looking at uh uh well before we started to face this it just actually worked out in our favor some of the things that we thought we were going to Staffing wise be able to enhance and do more with um that unfortunately wasn't the case we weren't able to um add as much staff to some of the secondary levels and things get hope um but the uh the adjustment to that sixth grade schedule going semi departmentalized match with fifth grade um that was something that was in the works prior to so um I believe at this point staff has been made aware um staff has been brought into part of the process as far as what that will look like um staff uh for the most part has been very on board with the change um so to answer your question I don't believe that doctor AC scheduled any kind of aent information night but I would will happen anyone else in all right um I guess we will open it up to public questions and comments and only on budget yeah and this will be strictly only on the budget on what was presented tonight um any questions again on anything that was presented budgetarily you can a motion to open it up comment we made a motion for the to start the hearing but we need a motion to open it up to public as well all right um can I get a motion to open up to public comment please second roll call Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Mr Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes Mr Sno yes and Miss Mrs wasburn yes motion carried thank you all right with that is there anybody that would like to comment specifically on the budget seeing anybody in the audience here anybody online no there's nobody uh nobody you would like to be recognized online please raise your hand and uh we [Music] will allow allow you to speak see I can see you seeing nobody all right make sure everyone has the opportunity okay with that can I get a motion to close public session on the budget please come second roll call we did first I'm sorry uh I think it was reg and Carol hi thank you Miss Journey yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss taski yes Mr Sno yes and Miss wasburn yes motion carry thank you very much and I guess now I also need a motion to close the public hearing um at this time second who was the first I sorry I'm not hearing you very low no it was Carol roll call please yep Miss Journey yes Mr Miss contanza yes Mr fedorak yes Miss jeie yes Mr ranti yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarasi yes Mr sorno yes and Miss wasburn yes right motion carry okay can I get a motion from item number two motion to approve the budget as proposed tonight so moved second R Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedorak yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy no and the reason is for the hor belt change Mrs harosi yes Mr Sno yes Mrs wasburn yes motion carried thank you very much again thank you Dr lwis and and all our administrators and staff everything that you put into this budget again think it speaks for itself um on what you see comparable districts around us um I think they did a incredible job uh coming together when we found out we lost 1.9 million um in state funding and I think like Dr L was had said that the impact that our students staff and parents will see next year um they probably won't even notice and majority of our um residents on the tax burden itself again we know times are tough right now um for everybody throughout the country especially here in New Jersey and bnate um we kept that in mind and again tried to make the most minimal impact we could on our residents uh moving forward so again thank you all right next on our agenda is item 13 the regular public session for any other items that public wants to question on look I get a motion to well motion to open public session second roll call mney yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedorek yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss leevy yes Miss tanasi yes Mr Sno yes Mr Mrs wurn yes motion Carri read y the barn Township Board of Education appreciates and welcomes public comment advice and suggestions especially when it is intended to assist the Board of Education please feel free to speak to the board during the public session comments and discussion will be limited to one five minute period during individual per individual unless requested by the chairperson to continue on a point of clarification public comment at a special meetings of the board shall be related to call of the meeting in accordance with the Board of Education policy each participant must be recognized by the Pres residing officer and must preface their comments by an announcement of their name address and group affiliation if appropriate your anticipated courtesy to the members of the public and the board is appreciated great thank you with that is there anybody in the public see you back here you step up to the podium please I just state your name and address okay C KAC 28 carriageway and barnegate yep good okay uh the topic I have tonight is uh something I I have in mind to protect the children in the schools uh from electromagnetic fields it's it's an area where just like in the days of the cigarettes where the industry knew there were problems and was kept under the table it's very similar with cell phones and and other electronic devices uh the way they test them is inadequate and and really underestimates some of the dangers with electromagnetic fields um they've been finding that people are developing cancers in areas where they hold the the phones close to their bodies like for instance like this with a phone I after I read this book I started holding my cell phone like this and put on speaker mode to keep it further away and my uh the landlines in the home I moved the little bases further away from where we slept you know because distance is the distance is a big factor and what I wanted to get to there's two simple things the school could do um to help the children have less exposure without without a big cost and one is distance um if for the mathematically inclined it's it's an inverse Square relation so for example if you go four times further the field uh decreases by to 116 so distance has a big uh help um so the more you could keep electronic things away from you the better and the other one is airplane mode for the phones because it's not putting out a signal in airplane mode when it's like in a regular mode so um in the classrooms when you have 30 laptops going at one time you have the Wi-Fi you have the smart there's a lot of fields in a room so if the teachers don't need that at the time it would be smart for them to tell the kids to shut the computers down or whatever devices they're using um and in actually in Europe they're kind of they're going back to wired classrooms in some instances uh you very few so far have done it United States and it's it is costly but it's something to keep in mind if a new building goes up you might want to go to wired configuration instead of wir L um so that's basically it it's two simple things distance and airplane mode will cut back on a lot of the signals in the room for the kids so that's it well thank you for your comment I if you want to um yeah no uh I I know you've reached out about a couple things in the historically I feel like uh and and you know there always been taken very seriously and helpful um you know when this was brought forward uh we do have uh uh uh our internal tech department we also have a company that works with us and partners with the district so we did uh ask them to look into a little bit of what you were referencing some of the things that we got back um you know obviously was a lot more information and probably uh I I needed to know or I had to know or knew at the time but you know we got a whole uh you know um we we uh got a whole uh presentation on uh non nonionizing versus ionizing right um and that non-ionizing obviously speaks to the microwaves computers Wi-Fi Bluetooth devices cell phones things of that nature ionizing obviously being more like x-rays sunlight gamma rays things like that nonionizing uh based on I guess the research that was available um you know spoke to the fact that it does not have the potential for alter altering cellular DNA um so there's research to the I I so they determined that to be not as uh dangerous there's obviously a lot of research done in the 90s about power lines things like that impact and uh you know there was some re I guess coration between childhood leukemia and um the development of that based on that but they said it was a very weak uh correlation and you know so far they've again continued to deem it to be uh not harmful you know cell phones obviously they continue to get more powerful so like your 2G your 3G your 4G um I believe had a 7 to a 2.7 gahz uh gigahertz rating whereas 5G now jumps up to 80 gigahertz but again uh they continue to to uh reaffirm that that's nonionizing and not going to have that that level impact um but completely agreeing you know with you in a sense that you know historically we have seen certain things come out where everybody says they're a okay and that they're not going to be a problem and then we found out years later that they turn out to be a problem um so internally um you know the suggestions that you had mentioned uh specifically about the airplane mode things like that I do know that the teachers do try to encourage that with the students with their cellular devices um you know obviously we do have a onetoone initiative where comp uh computers are accessible um in your K to six band and then up to that the students do have a laptop that they are able to take home and bring back and forth and things like that um so you know balancing that from from our perspective you know obviously technology has uh you know is infused in everything we do nowadays so you know as a school district we're always kind of balancing uh you know what you're referencing as far as trying to limit that um for many reasons uh not only the emfs but also uh that uh the impact that screen time has on on individuals so that's obviously another major concern with constantly being glued to that you know I know for you know being a dad I'm constantly trying to get my 12y olds to do something other than look at an iPad you know um which is often a losing battle but you know uh it's a battle nonetheless uh each and every day um but obviously trying to prepare our students for you know life After High School and being able to navigate the various Technologies but also then do it responsibly so you know uh I know that you had reached out a few months ago and I think we talked about this through governance and some of the other committees and things like that um but I just wanted to let you know that because I didn't want you to feel feel like uh you know your concerns were falling on deaf ears this is something that obviously we are you know we continue to Monitor and look at and and try to find ways to to balance that yeah and it there uh I just noticed in the library a new book came out on this topic and it's the first time I've seen I I reserved that there were 39 people ahead of me I never seen that many so there is interest in this now know people are be parents are becoming aware and you alluded to the the psychological which is a whole another topic yeah you know uh so okay again thank you thank you for the information and keeping us informed and updated and uh I learned more tonight than I did probably in my last science class um so but again thank you for your information greatly appreciate um anybody else in the room anybody online here uh nothing seeing none can I get a motion to close public pleas moved second R Miss Journey yes Miss contanza yes Mr Fedor yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss tonosi yes Mr s yes M wasburn yes motion Carri thank you very much all right item 14 on our agenda is finance committee we have motions 1 through 15 can I get a motion to approve those 15 please someone second roll call Miss Journey yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedorak yes Miss jeie yes Mr ianti yes Miss Levy yes Miss taski yes Mr Sno yes Miss wasburn yes motion carried thank you item 15 on our agenda is our RFP committee motions we have one motion can I get a motion to approve that please so move second roll call Miss jurny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr D Monti yes Miss Levy yes M taski yes Mr Sno yes Mrs wasburn yes motion Carri thank you um item 16 on our agenda buildings and grounds Transportation motions we have three motions there and I get a motion to approve those three please I'll move second or local Miss Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr ianti yes Miss Levy yes Miss taraski yes Mr Sno yes Miss wasburn yes right motion carried you item 17 on the agenda is education committee motions we have motions 1 through 12 I get a motion to approve those 12 pleas so moved second Miss jurny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes M tanasi yes Mr Sno yes Miss wasburn yes motion carried thank you item 18 on your agenda is education committee information just information on District workshops at District workshops sorry um that the board does not vote on item 19 on the agenda is governance committee motions we have motions one through eight a motion to approve those eight please so moved or roll call M JY yes Miss contanza yes Mr fedorak yes Miss Genie yes Miss Genie yes Mr yes M Levy yes M tarnaski yes Mr Sno yes and Mrs was yes motion carried you and item 20 on the agenda is Personnel committee motions we have motions 1320 I get a motion to approve those 20 please so moved second roll call please miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr Fedor yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss taski yes Mr Sno yes Miss wasburn yes motion carried you item 21 on the agenda is Personnel committee information that is just information for the public review no voting necessary um lastly item 22 is executive session I get a motion to move into executive session to discuss Personnel matters and hi reports and evalu moved second Ral Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnaski yes Mr Sno yes and Miss washford yes motion Carri thank you we shouldn't be long but me to but we may ladies it up all right follow Board of Education meeting back to order please can I get a roll call all right miss churny here mcin Anza here miss vorik miss jeie here Mr ranti here miss Levy here miss tarnaski miss wasburn here and Mr saon here all right hey under new business I believe we have three motions um motion number one is to approve the Hib report as presented in executive session by the superintendent to approve that please second Ral Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedorek yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss taski Mr sna yes and Miss waser yes motion carried thank you um motion number two motion to accept resignation letter of Diane isach so moved second R call Miss churny yes M konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Mr taraski yes okay Miss wasburn yes and Mr s yes motion Carri and item motion number three is to accept the separation agreement of employee number 6944 second roll call Miss churny yes Miss compan yes Mr fedorak yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss T I miss wasburn yes and Mr s thank you yes motion carried thank you and that is it a motion to adjourn please so moved you okay down there miss churny yes Panza yes Mr foric yes Miss Genie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes M taski yes Miss wasburn yes Mr s yes thank you meeting good