I was like babe please bring me myself charer like to call this meeting to order the of the whole portion for the November 28th barnegate Board of Education meeting Miss Angus R Miss Cherney here miss jeie here Mr Imon here miss Levy here Mr Sno here miss tarnowski here miss wasburn Mr O'Brien here okay we have a quorum that's it um like to invite um M Johnson up for upstanders please yeah thank you so much good evening everybody I'm here to talk about the upstanders and recognize our students tonight the upstander program is a wonderful opportunity to recognize students districtwide who demonstrate specific Bengal Pride traits these traits continue to enhance the positive climate in our schools as well as the home school and Community Partnership this plays an essential rule in our students ongoing success this month our students exemplified nurturing behavior for the n and bangal pride we are very excited to present students with a gift card for one of our local restaurants Vinnie's Pizzeria when you hear your name please come on up and join board president Mr O'Brien and superintendent Dr lwis to receive your plaque and gift certific ifate our first student is mered brain come on up meray is being nominated for the upstander award as a result of taking the initiative in volunteering at the extended school year program this past summer she provided support and encouragement to all students as she helped them transition to the schedule and classroom activities meray is very deserving of this award congratulations our next award for the night is Cyra Holmes come on out Cyra is always so friendly and kind to everyone around her students and staff alike she takes the time to ask people about their day and always has a smile on her face it is a pleasure for all to know her and to see her in class each day and is very deserving of this award congratulations next up we have Riley Riley Castle Riley is always helping her teachers and her peers she exhibits wonderful character traits that we would like all of our students to possess Riley does many kind and caring actions when no one is looking and does not feel the need for recognition for doing them congratulations Riley next we have Cara MC Williams Cara goes above and beyond to help those around her without looking for accolades watching Cara with her classmates it is evident that she is caring and compassionate she knows when others can use assistance and jumps right in to help she's an excellent role model for all those around her congratulations Cara Valerie Vega Valerie is every part of the word nurturing she always is incredibly helpful and always takes her time to help the non-english-speaking students feel very welcome just by observing Valerie's interactions with her peers you can tell how much that she cares for all those around her congratulations Valerie Salvatore Roma come on up S good job bud good [Music] job St always goes out of his way to help his friends whether it's unpacking cleaning up or getting ready for dismissal s's friends know that they can ask him for help he shows kindness by including all of his peers in fun Choice time activities or playing outside during gross motor his posit positivity radiates to everyone that he meets congratulations s and upstairs we're going to do group picture so come on in that is not non hide my [Music] all right congratulations up there's one more round of applause and we have two additional students that I do want to announce tonight um these two students we want to recognize that they're dedication and commitment for furthering our District's mission of bowling response and prevention a special thank thank you goes out to our very own Association of barnegate administration who are sponsoring gift cards for these students could I have Katie Bitz and Brianna Brown come on up Katie's and Brianna's compassionate nature shine through when they witnessed a challenging situation involving aent without hesitation Katie and Brianna intervened showcasing their genuine concern for their peers well-being their immediate response to foster a safe and supportive environment reflects their commitment to nurturing positive relationships thank you Katie and Brianna for fostering this culture of kindness within barnegate high school thank you so much one more round of applause for everybody thank you double check this I walk all the way back there thanks all right because we're doing the middle school and then okay cool all right so next one up is uh Mr tius what is that call they look like picture the bottom of that messed up yeah because you're not want just going to give it one minute yeah used [Music] to um the me you oh gosh I know where it is yeah we're all set all right good evening everyone uh Bard ofed and uh Dr lwis thank you for having us tonight and uh having the opportunity to present uh we're going to go over just a few things the brachman Bangals what we uh been up to this year and just highlight a few of our programs that we offer to our students um one of our main goals this year was that we were off just to a great start one of our biggest uh goals this summer Mr pantino and myself was to transition to a one barnegate um and go from being the brakman Bulldogs to the one Barn get brachman Bangals and one cohesiveness throughout the district so uh we we spent a lot of time this summer and I would literally said Mr tantino and I uh just our own Blood Sweat and Tears we're in there painting things going through the building and basically unfortunately to say you know transitioning from the Bulldogs to the Bengals and we successfully made that transition this year um to where we are that one Barn against Spirit we're orange and black we are now the Bangals we wanted to have some consistency with the kids there was a lot of uh questions of what we were were we Bangals were we Bulldogs our uniforms all said brachman and Bangals and orange and black but we had shears that were saying go Bulldogs and kids really didn't know what was going on and we wanted to move forward and uh you know start that new chapter in barnegate of being the brachman Bengals and we started doing that this year and one of the things we did we just wanted to not necessarily change the culture there but just um you know create our new identity and one of those things been creating that was uh uh the bracelets you see where uh we highlighted just some of our our mancha our three PS which stand for Pride passion and perseverance and we wanted to instill in our kids just those those um you know traits of being prideful in what we have what you do um having a passion for everything you involve yourselves in whether it's your academics your extracurricular Sports whatever may be and then persevere um you know we want our kids to learn how to overcome difficult situations difficult times challenges as opposed to just giving up and doing something that's not necessarily easy so that's something we we give to the kids for good behaviors positive things they're doing we throw bracelets out to the kids and they love them we wear them every day and support that so we have them on the kids seem to love them and it's just one of the things that we're doing to just like I said uh you know create that new identity and a new culture within the building um and with that I'd have to thank our supervisors our teachers our staff our instructional AIDS even our students for the buyin um everyone you know some little more hesitant than others but accepted that transition and you know for our our senior teachers who have been there for years and once a bulldog always a bulldog we totally understand that we didn't ask them to give that up but to accept this new moving forward culture and do it for the kids and for everyone and uh you know we couldn't have done it with everyone's help so you know thank you to our supervisors all the way down to our custodians to our staff to just everyone and the kids really bought into it and it's something that um you know we're excited about um and with that being said um the teacher Buy in get this to work um one of the things we did this year to buy in was uh we created an eye of the tiger award and the I which is again one barnegate one of Dr l initiatives which was the IE and Inspire and came up with the ey of the tiger award and that's for inspiring commitment it's something we gave out to a staff member monthly at our staff meetings and we recognize a staff member for going above and beyond to inspire our students um and uh our first two winners there up on the board were Miss Martin and Mr Smith and our latest and sorry for not being up there but he's here tonight Mr brenus just received our last one um and this is voted on and he will be up here speaking about one of our opportunities in a minute um so congratulations to them but that was again something just taking on the eye and Inspire and finding ways to give back to our kids motivate them get them to be excited about coming to school and uh that is something we did this year and it's just to recognize our staff for really going above and beyond and uh doing what they need to to give our students the best experience um and now with that being said we are off to an amazing start our attendance is good our first three months we've had uh basically hovering over a 94% attendance rate uh for September we're at just under 95% October 94% and November hovering right at that 93 Mark at 93.8 and then what the not tardy means those are the percentage of kids who are making it to school on time so we were at 97% of our kids 96.5 and 96 as of today uh with kids getting to school on time and in the classroom so our attendance has been fantastic and our discipline is down kids are coming to school they're well behaved our discipline you can see there our infractions are down 34% from last year which equated to about 105 less referrals from September to November so the kids are coming to school they're better behaved um and we attribute that to just you know the the message we've been trying to spread the Buy in from the teachers our new just branded building and I think the kids are excited to be there they're coming to school our teachers are excited we were off to a great start and that's a reflection of just everything that's happening there so they're happy to come to school we've gotten a lot of positive feedback teachers remailing me literally over uh while we were in our parent teacher conferences and just sending like man had a lot of parents coming in tonight saying how happy their kids are just coming to the middle school they're happy to be here and they're having a great time so that was some just immediate positive feedback which we really uh just felt good about and wanted to share that and now some of the programs we have um just to go over a few is that we uh you know we have completed several of our our fall Sports uh successfully getting through there and now we're are moving forward with our sports teams with the winter which is boys and girls basketball and also wrestling and we've started our after school our After School academic assistance has been ongoing since the beginning of school year and we just started our ARP which is academic recovery program and that is where we identify students after our first marking period who have been struggling or potentially failing some classes and we offer opportunities for those students to come back in we select those kids we give them the opportunity to come in and they meet with teachers to try to pull those grad up to give them a better opportunity for successfully completing the school year so that that has just recently kicked off and now we have a few of uh our advisers here this evening which I will call up now to come and just share a few brief synopsis of a couple of the things we'd like to highlight our drama program cyber Patriot our Bandon chus and our National Junior Honor Society I will just say uh Mr gagnet and Mr Wald Mr Wald did have to leave but as you were entering tonight we had members of our chorus here singing chrristmas Carol so we thank you and appreciate them coming tonight um and just some pictures and we had an amazing we already had our National Junior Honor Society induction ceremony for this year and I'm going to call them up right now to talk about that so if I could please have Mrs Bop who is representing our drama good evening um for those of you that do not know me uh my name is Kim Bop I've been a member of the barnegate family since 2004 which makes this my 20th year in District I'm a middle school teacher uh and I teach Spanish but I'm here tonight to talk about this awesome drama program that we have at brakman Megan Vander pile and I are now doing our fourth show together and our relationship began way back with um her directing all three of my children in the Donahue programs and then we were lucky to come together a couple years years ago at brachman and decided to do um the shows together the brachman school started their drama program over 20 years ago this is the seventh year that there is a junior version of a Broadway show performed on the brachman stage we have 54 students in grades six seven and eight participating in our show this year Mrs vanderpal and I run the program and Alex dubinsky a barnegate high school graduate comes back to help with our vocals we also have several high school students that were in our shows over the previous years who uh come back very enthusiastically and help us at rehearsals and during our performances which we love we love to have our brakman drama family back together our show this year is susal the Musical Jr it's based on Dr Sue stories it's a really fun show we hope you all can come out and see it the kids work very very hard we uh we like to call ourselves like a two or three season almost like sport uh we work pretty much from October this year our show is at the end of February um till about February uh during our rehearsals we will run uh choreography uh Mrs Vander pile does that um our vocals we teach the kids stage blocking and theater etiquette and we also work with our crew who works on lights and our costuming and the stage moving pieces around on the stage um as well as the you know um acts of handing out the programs and things like that currently we rehearse three days a week for about two hours and as our show nears we will rehearse about four to five days a week for about three hours our performances this year are Thursday February 29th at 7 Friday March March 1st at 7:00 and we have a Saturday mattina on March 2nd at 12 thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to share with you our passion project and we look forward to seeing you at the show tickets are sold at the door and we would love to give our kids the audiences they deserve so please come out and support them they work very very hard and they really are putting together an amazing show this year thank you very much all right thank you Mrs Bop and next we have Mr brenus who is our most recent IE of the tiger Award winner and here to talk about cyber Patriot good evening everybody uh my name is Rob brenus I teach seventh grade social studies at bman and I am the coach of the Cyber Patriot team so for those of you that don't know much about cyber Patriot let me give give you a little background cyber Patriots the National Youth cyber education program it's actually created and sponsored by the US Air Force uh and its real goal is to inspire K through2 students towards careers in cyber security uh science technology engineerings mathematics and other critical disciplines that are going to affect our nation's future currently in the Middle School Division there's roughly about 535 schools Nationwide that are participating in the program so Barn's really on the Forefront in terms of its Middle School participation uh and in my three years as the Cyber Patriot coach we've managed to achieve some significant growth and success the past two years our team has consistently secured third place in the state of New Jersey which is an amazing feat and it I owe it all to the kids they really put in the work and they do a fantastic job when I took over the program it was relatively small we had about four students that were engaged and regularly attending but they found a home in that program these were kids that were passionate about technology they were passionate about cyber security they wanted to know more they were eager to learn and they invested themselves and those four kids really took us from an obscure status and kind of off to the side to that third place victory in our second year we expanded to six members and these six members once again stepped up to the plate they grew the program even more we got additional training in and secured another third place Victory this year the program has grown again we now have 10 students involved in the program and have officially segmented into two separate teams this means that we can now compete with double the efforts and increase our training eight of these members are newcomers they are completely new to the program and they simply join via Word of Mouth from those that came before in order to enhance skill development and address some of the gaps that we noticed especially when I took over the program we started a joint training camp between the high school and the middle school so last year was our first attempt and we're going to be continuing that this year where we have our students together uh training and developing new skills as well as fostering collaboration between the age groups the big news is that our program received a major boost this year with the acquisition of six new laptops with updated specs thanks to a generous donation from one of our parent Partners uh these laptops have not only improved our competitiveness but they've also provided our students with better access to training materials additionally the Cyber Patriot team this year is transforming the old computer lab at brakman into a media center to not only house the Cyber Patriot program but to help our other clubs as well such as The Gamers Club and any future technology oriented clubs that we want to bring to our Middle School taking initiative beyond that space students in the Cyber Patriot program have also been uh revitalizing the library there is space in the library that has not really been fully utilized for our technology and we're trying to Branch out we are going to be reinstalling some new computers back into the libr Library creating more space for study and collaborative efforts and this proactive approach is reflecting that this community and cyber Patriot realm does not want to just be known as the kids that hide in the computer room that aren't a part of the greater School Community our goal is to take those skills that we've learned those Technology based skills and translate them into helping the Skool community and growing our overall uh middle school program so thank you guys for your continued support and I look forward to reporting to you guys with uh our next win all right thank you Mr brenis and last but not least we have Mr grao and miss paus here to discuss our National Junior arm Society hi everyone uh my name is Mrs Gro and I'm Mrs Paul heus and we are your brackman seventh grade science team as well as the njhs advisors um so right now what we've just done last month we were very graciously inducted 18 new members to our group which we're super excited about um njhs is a nationally recognized program so there's a lot of standards that these students need to meet in order to even be invited to apply so it's a very competitive Event club at brakman we really look forward to seeing what the kids do and how well they work together um this group of 18 that was inducted actually had a 90 or higher average in every single class um they're asked to do volunteer work show good character within the building just show that they're overall well-rounded people and we look for them to continue to do that throughout the school year and work with them and with that being said we do have an upcoming event so hopefully we get a good turnout um it's called Deck the Halls it's something that we've done I think this is the third or fourth year that njhs has held it it's at the Russell breast Middle School library it'll be Tuesday evening December 12th from 5:30 to 7 because last year the parents asked for the little kids it a little earlier it was bedtime when we were ending it um but it's a really great event uh we have Santa Mrs Claus come we're GNA have a hot cocoa bar the kids get a little craft bag they get to hang out with Santa and you know give them the list um and all of the proceeds from our event gets donated to our in need fund which last year we were very lovingly able to donate about $700 so the goal this year is to even go past that you did a great job all right I did it um so with that we hope everyone can get a good turnout and hopefully we can get that fer emailed out to the elementary school soon so thank you so much for your time okay thank you ladies that concludes uh just our presentation on what's going on at the brakman school so once again uh just thank Dr lwis and the board for your constant consistent support we uh couldn't accomplish anything without your guys help and uh if I forget everyone I apologize but from our directors for our supervisors our teacher staff power professionals everyone in the building and I would be remiss if I didn't say to Mr fantino too is uh basically my right-hand man in the building and anything I want to do he is right there by my side helping me so I couldn't accomplish anything without him and just basically everyone in the room who was there we couldn't do it the old saying Teamwork Makes the Dream work and it's a you know it's a collaborative effort all the way so I thank everybody and if anyone I forgot I apologize but also last but not least to our PTA uh they've done an amazing job this year too of bringing things into the building giving back to our kids doing sponsored events raising money doing that too so they're making it fun and exciting again bringing things back that the kids have missed over the last several years so it's uh exciting times things are going well and we look forward to just carrying this momentum on through the rest of the year so thank you for your time and thank you for letting us present amazing job thank you very much Mr Todds and uh and company that was a a really awesome presentation to see all the exciting things going on there and it transitions really really well into uh the last piece of the uh barnegate brag um few years ago we started doing these data Harvest Cycles we talked about having uh wanting to have trans parency with the Board of Education and the community um as a whole regarding uh each of our buildings and and looking at all the data from academic to social emotional data um discipline hibs things of that nature attendance um so we are continuing that Trend now this is I believe our fourth year doing this um so we have three data harvests this year tonight's data Harvest uh goes over the starting point for each of the buildings so you'll get an idea of where the kids are coming into uh the grade uh with their proficiency levels and things like that you'll get an idea of some of the actionable steps each of the buildings are implementing to address some of the challenges that we're facing um but also uh a chance to highlight a lot of the successes that are going on and to um you know take a moment to recognize you know really how far we've come over the last few years and and where our kids are right now so uh Middle School would be a prime example I said that was a great transition obviously last year with the uh testing data it was exciting to see the middle school where a couple years ago they were in the 10% in the state and now they're in the 50th percentile of the state so that's a a really impressive uh jump especially for that building uh to be able to leap frog that many schools um and and rankings in the state so there's a lot of really exciting things going on back there I think we're going to take what 20 minutes I guess 15 20 minutes uh we'll take the next 15 20 minutes I would encourage anybody here to go back there and to grab any member of the leadership teams at the respective schools and ask any questions you have and get an idea of you know what's going well and where the challenges are thank you thank you everyone for your time tonight that was a great presentation and thank you for thank you for all your hard work here um i' like to move into the commit discussions screen uh we can start with Miss tarnowski and finance and B&G items hi Finance building and grounds met November 22nd and we received many uh various updates about District uh we had a construction update the Edwards project is complete um and sorry our facilities update included an update on the events uh manager and it has a lot of positive feedback all sports have concluded and all the fields have been treated winter sports are AO and snow equipment and salt have been delivered with the hopes that we don't have to use it our transportation department is still hiring uh congratulations to the transportation team and their spooky shuttle for placing third in the River Halloween parade uh calendar was attached to our finance building ground agenda for the budget we as a board have to decide if we want to finance if we want Finance building and grounds uh to hold the budget during our committee meetings or to make a budget committee um as the committee chairperson for finance um my recommendation would be to have a budget committee made but that is up for discussion through the entire board that's it that's all thank you any questions or comments Finance I have a question uh on tonight's agenda we have on number nine for furniture and casework 110,000 um what's the case workk Cas works like the Cabinetry um counters and stuff like that furniture is more of like your chairs your stools things like that nature okay so last month it was around 77,000 now it's 110 so I got the figure about 187,000 on this project right y but I'm what I'm curious about is um back in March we were given a presentation and is this project going to look exactly like that presentation like the architectural drawings because last month you kind of said we're just we are not building something we're not actually cutting the room in half we're only taking a section over there and putting some furnishings and merchandisers and cabinets over there it sounded like real simple kind of when you said it but then like when I see the amount of money like in one aspect you kind of say it's not a broadscale constru construction project but now I'm wondering like what's a broadscale construction project because 187 sounds like a broad s sounds big so my main question is is it exactly what we saw at the presentation is it going to look that beautiful beastro is it going to look like that or has it changed in any way that's our intention so the the conceptual drawing that you saw right pictures were based on um files and uh can images so I don't want to Pigeon my whole self into saying it's going to be exactly it's going to be modeled after so some of the furniture might be slightly different but the overall substantial setup of what you saw is gonna go over there yeah so I would yes suban like the architectural drawings that that we were given it didn't change in any way nope but I mean like I said some of the fixtures might be a little bit different I know they had lighting and things in there so as we get into it that might change as it does in every project but that is what we're modeling at after that furniture that we consider like a broadscale project like construction project because we are like building it right it's not going to be Just Cabinets in the back and well what it's kind of a subjective term the what I was defining was a capital project pursuant to doe regulations so a capital project would be a um as I as I compared last time would be building the concession stand out by the football field right um so if we were building something or putting a wall up or just basically sectioning this whole thing off I would say yeah that's more of a construction project what we're doing is we're purchasing furniture and installing it in an existing area so construction is materially altering I think that was the term used materially altering the or the value of the property I don't believe we're materially altering the value of the high school we're just utilizing space that isn't fully utilized and by doing that yes furniture and equipment is expensive um and so we're at 18 B we're remodel would you call remodeling your kitchen a construction project or remodeling your kitchen whereas it but if you built an addition for your kitchen I would say that's more of a construction project but when I look at the architectural drawings it does look like something's being built like it's going to look like a Starbucks right that's that's the intention y so it would be something that we're building it's not just cabinets in the back because look at how expensive it already is it's 187,000 and we didn't even build it yet again I it's if you want to say build in in your Vine because that that yeah I'm going by the pictures that we saw back in March what I'm saying is we're not bu building a structure we're not constructing a structure we're installing Furnishings that cabinets use yeah it's it's to use the space so we're not if you want to call it building that's fine I just don't think it fits the term of building an actual structure is the is the concern more about like that it's going to look like cheap or if we're doing it ourselves it's not going to look as professional is that more the concern kind of like we approved a beautiful looking beastro um back in March and I noticed the price ju you know just keeps dropping yeah so and that's great you know but I can fiscally spons I love that yeah but the thing is um that what's the name of that state form 416 this is where it might be a little bit of a gray area this is the part I'm a little nervous about because we're um putting in exist ing building or equipment which may increase the value and it says here on that form we're not allowed to do that yeah so I think that well what you're saying I speaks to Mr Brandon's presentation last month um where he clearly articulated and broke down what that code Means versus yeah what we're actually doing said it was a gray area well I think like when he's talking about the the value of the building if the building is worth tens of millions of dollars adding some cabinets and putting in something like that's not going to change the value of the building to $200 million like it's it's not going to be a substantial change when I heard that it's just going to be cabinets in the back I'm like wow that's that's not what I thought we we approved I saw something beautiful on those textuur drawings I want it to look like that and I think that it's 100% that is the goal I the the major difference between the cost if you were going to compare this to something in your house would be the difference of if you were going to remodel your kitchen and get new cabinets and get all this stuff the cabinets are going to be the same cost whether you get them or somebody else buys them like contractor but paying a contractor to install the cabinets versus having like you and your husband and your your you know your family do it yourselves you would save a substantial amount of money I think that's where you're seeing the difference in the prices that we're not Outsourcing it where you're looking at paying prevailing wage for an outside contractor to come in and get hundreds of dollars an hour to install those cabinets you know we're we're taking on a lot of doing it ourselves that's where you'll see the difference but the expectation is that this Media Center is absolutely beautiful um it's been you know over the last couple years the renovations here the new floor the the paint like everything about it is is fantastic the new furniture you know the last thing that we want to do is take something like that that is a source of Pride for you know our our students and our and our staff and cheap out in the back so I I think the intention is to make it look exactly like what you saw the cons the the concept of it is same um you have back there in those when we did the presentations we're looking to have that that cabin tree we're looking to have the the furniture around the outside we're looking to make that have that feeling like add a like a you know a coffee that whole design yes we're trying to model that as much as we possibly can yeah and and the intention is to make it look quality and and make it look something that we'd be proud of it would be a shame if we have this beautiful space and then we put something back there that's like an isore so that's certainly not the motivation I think the the only construction was adding like a door right the door to the kitchen was really the only you're looking on the other side of that concrete wall back there is where they have the like internal concession and that's where they have some of the some of that stuff already there the the point is to get access to that so when Steve was trying to you know kind of put it more in layman's terms what the project is and say we're just adding some cabinets and putting in a door like yeah that's not essentially when you think about it we're we're putting in an access point to the other side of that wall and we are putting some cabin Tre and things like that that you saw in that con conceptual drawing well we need to do like plumbing and things like that I think they have to and Mr Brandon can speak to this better than I can they're running in sink right but I believe there's an existing on the other side so it's really just tapping into that okay yeah do we have a full idea of what the total cost of it will be and what we're at right now I'm just curious right I mean that's the significant amount of the cost the equipment is going to be the significant amount of cost I'm sure there'll be some extra supplies and things like that but I I think we'll be coming in under what the estimations were on the um Architects estimates when we did the permits because that was we're doing inside because we're not paying the prevailing wage that was the whole um discussion we had we we look at our capacity and our ability inhouse before we expand and do the bids to have a company come in and do it so with doing that with our facility director on board he felt we had the capacity and the ability to do it at that level so how do the people in house get paid we can't use this this These funds to pay our got people in the back in house the people that we using internally are salaried employees so that just just be part of their responsibilities yeah they don't get overtime I I would assume if they if we called for it we can do overtime but I don't believe that was built into the the nature of what we were trying to do so a few years ago um probably I would say maybe Mr Brennan right in that first year we started to transition position those departments and try to bring in more skilled laborers so we like hired an electrician we hired people Lea plumber things like that so that we didn't always have to Outsource those things so we have an internal electrician we have an internal um I don't think we have a plumber but I know we have electrician hbac things like that but the nature is to do as much of that stuff as we possibly can internally with experts that we have already that we're paying so it's just becoming part so it's part of their daily jobs it's this isn't a stien thing that we're gonna have to pay no this is part of their this money can't be used for that to pay them to no we're yeah no okay and they're already like I said they're already salaried employees so they this is part of their responsibilities okay being here thank you any other questions for finance we we still need to make a decision that's ask oh budget committee go ahead um just a question before we discuss it I didn't know what Miss turnowski had said um that I guess she decided to have the budget committee is that I maybe I misheard what you said she's proposing to the board proposing that in my recommendation it would be to have a budget committee um after our meeting you know board members who aren't interested in the budgetary process had made their points clear that you know they would rather remove themselves and allowed another board member who would possibly be more interested in a budget process um I know that last year we did a 15minute um like rundown um after every committee meeting but it wasn't I feel transparent enough for all of us to be able to communicate about it um and then keeping in mind that whoever would be in charge of that committee would then have to relay to the entire board be available multiple times in March for meetings um and then you know present to the board as a as a chair so I'm proposing you know well I guess Mr sno's point is that that would be ultimately be the decision of the board president presid yes which my suggestion would be to have a budget committee okay that that's all I was asking if he's again I know obviously it's his responsibility to pick what committees are formed or not formed and who sits on what committees but he obviously can defer it to the board to make that decision this is right so can I ask we're forming this committee now instead of in January January that was the other question that's because you have new people coming on to the board I I just a recommendation got the budgetary calendar so I figured we' just start the discussion now okay create the committee this moment like in the minutes just find out in the finance b& minutes there is a calendar that we would be following for the budget this this year so that budget calendar talks about um budget meeting with board committees in March April time frame um I would suggest that we probably want to start talking about it sooner I think if we form committees in January as part of the normal reorg process we can be on track to have what we need in that in that case only four people could be on that right yes yes so if everybody agrees with that do we need to have a intermediary committee for the next two months I don't know that we're gonna have much information to share over the next two months um so in January with the reor we board president will put together committees uh based on that timing we're going to do this in January okay any other questions for [Music] finance okay uh next up is Miss Ley with education committee oh yeah thank you the Ed committee met on Tuesday November 21st at 2:15 p.m. as usual we discussed and we be voting on The Following monthly motions College University placements continuing education requests field trips and out of District workshops we will be voting to approve the name changes of two student clubs at Horbelt School from its up to us to the drama club and from cyber Patrol to the Green Team for the purpose of increasing student interest there's no cost involved because the money that would have been for the other clubs is now um just transferred to the new clubs we will be voting to approve the delivery of workshops for barnegate families to be presented by oceans har house the workshops will be Min administered at no cost to the district for the purpose of providing informational tools to be utilized to navigate difficult situations that face our families we also will be voting on um the uh the approval of language line solutions to provide translation services for barnegate as needed when in-house translators are not employed there are many many students coming to the district that have um not so um often been represented in but in their language here so we don't have the staff to uh translate for them there is an ad hoc cost to the district for this service we also will be voting to approve the district's preschool expansion Aid operational plan for the school year 2425 we'll be voting to approve robotics to as a new elective to be offered to at barnegate high school throughout the 2425 school year showing the interest um by student um having the interest by students in robotics one there's a a good interest in having robotics too in the next school year TD Bank has offered to present barnat students with financial literacy lessons barnegate continues to utilize the compass program app voted on and approved at our October board meeting as a reminder this is a free service provided at no cost to us through a grant from Ocean County division of uh Children and Families councilors provide this instruction for students identified as in need of emotional and so social support barnegate 9th graders continue to use the alcohol education module which provides information regarding the misuse of alcohol and drugs our Ed committee participated in a Roundtable discussion with our k to2 um principles regarding each school's action plan to improve student attendance student attendance is a is a um a a big issue and all throughout the United States and so we have um our schools who are working on plans and policies um each individual school's plans and policies have been developed and are regularly updated and adjusted as needed the plans are appropriately matched to student age student interest student behavior and challenges as well as parental opinion and input Mr barbier a discussion with us regarding the njsla and Link Benchmark reports and the correlation to New Jersey education standards we will continue this discussion in future committee meetings for your information barnegate has been offered a to Pilot grade six and seven science form C benchmarks with linkoln uh during the Spring 20124 uh school year uh this is a new program or excuse me a new program offered by linol and it will will help and give us the opportunity um with for valuable informational data to our staff students and families we're pleased to participate in that particular um initiative um tonight we will be voting on an updated motion originally approved at the October Board of Education meeting the updated motion is UN approval for a field trip for a group of specialed students from barnegate High School to see a performance of The nutc Nutcracker at Stockton University the cost to the district is $420 so this is in replacement of the motion we voted on last October the last last month rather and it it was slightly changed because the cost was not um available at that time so we're re rev voting on it tonight and that's it any questions for Education all right uh next up up Miss tarnaski with governance governance committee spoke via email to forego our committee meeting in person as only second reads were on the agenda and one job title description change for behaviorist no one had any questions on the info so we are here any questions on governance thank you Mr Monte can you please provide an update on hs2 thank you Mr O'Brien the health SA and Technology committee held its meeting on November 24th at 10: a.m. at the board office at that meeting the following areas were discussed on the technology the installation of the switches throughout the district has been completed this is going to give the district a more efficient way of managing equipment the server replacement is still in progress and will be completed by the end of the school year uh however during the process there will be no disruption in service uh also the h H St committee was given a short demonstration on how the inventory tracking software works and the system uh will store and provide all the information needed uh for quickly uh resolution to any issues that may arise with regarding equipment such as for example loss of a Chromebook you can find out easily find out who who has that Chromebook and and so on I as far as security cameras the technology consultant will be contacting several other schools uh in different districts that have the same system uh that we have and compare the configuration setting once that's done then they will meet with sonitrol and uh we'll be setting up a meeting with them and discuss the concerns that we have and develop a plan to rectify those uh problems right and the also the security coordinator attended the first County school um security committee meeting uh and the purpose of this meeting is that so that the schools throughout the county right throughout Ocean County can share uh information regarding Securities right uh also dates were released by the state for the behavioral threat assessment and management team uh which is a required training our team here our team members here are working to schedule the assession in the coming year excuse me all right also Dr lwis explained to the committee that the district is considering implementing a new communication software that will increase the ability to communicate with the parents and Community uh and more information will follow on this um the health portion of it uh all nurse position in the district are fully staffed however uh finding substitutes uh is becoming more of a issue any questions yes sure um there's a resident uh that reached out and has asked me to um find out that he compiled uh information about electromagnetic fields and he forwarded to Mr Barbieri and was asking um if they had any chance to review that in your committee and if there's any action planned um for the dangers of electronic electromagnetic fields yes I did read the email that was sent also to me uh I've been doing research on it and everything that I've read so far there is no proof that nobody's coming out they did a lot of research and there's a lot of pros and cons for it I so uh the last thing that I read about it said that right now there's no evidence that points that electromagnetic field has an impact on the health of a person right but did you go over the information that this particular resident compiled no I did my own research so that information that was uh was provided then to pitpull Technologies and uh Mr canazaro um was the one that researched that information um and then researched beyond that uh similar to um what Bruno was just talking about and there's a there's a distinct difference between the types of I guess radiation that comes off of a laptop versus what comes out of like an x-ray machine and um I believe correct me if I'm wrong but I believe in the minutes it was reflected um uh that at this point you know what there could be conversations if students feel more comfortable they could shut up their devices um or put them in airplane mode in between and things like that um but that wasn't something as a whole that we would be doing as a district um like shutting down routers and access points and things like that okay it's just from a resident that yeah problem all uh want to make sure wants to know all the electronic um they have to meet a certain federal standard of how much uh radiation they can release so all of the ones that we have right now are within below the limits that the the federal government is requiring according to everything that I read okay great we actually have a link in our October uh committee meeting Runo where we discuss this from the National Institute of environmental health science that has a lot of the explanations of what you said so if you're looking for some hard data that just you go back to the October minutes of the health safety technology and October minutes I I should refer him to yep well that's there was something for you there there is a link in the minutes that you'd be able to share with them that that of the health safety technology committee not of the board meeting the health safety technology um Sandra if it helps you could always re forward that email to me and I could share back with him the uh information that was uh that was presented that might be more help yeah I would suggest we do yeah so that's fine so if you want would have been here tonight um but we're in the holiday so it's either he comes yeah it's not a problem at all i' familiar with that individual we've had good conversations in the past and stuff like that so if you want to just send me the thing tomorrow just to remind me I'll I have a problem taking lead on that thank you yes there a lot of theories on that everything I read is they think that this could happen it could happen but no no one has actually come out and said definitely this is how it's going to work okay this what will happen okay okay any other questions for PHS okay um next up is Personnel committee we met on the 22nd at 10:30 a.m uh we discuss the several resignations and the corresponding new hires and transfers um tonight you'll see on the agenda motion to transfer Miss sh to supervisor of special ed and then promote Miss Burke to assistant principal of Don Hugh school so I'd like to congratulate them um the uh we discussed several other transfers transfers and lateral moves approvals for extra hours and event coverage and we talked about the motion to increase uh long-term subp pay uh which is to keep up with minimum wage as we're we're below minimum wage so uh those are the Personnel committee items any questions comments okay okay like can I please have a motion to adjourn the committee of the whole portion to convene it to the regular Board of Ed meeting second okay Miss Angus Miss churny yes Miss jeie yes Mr Imon yes Miss Levy yes Mr Sno yes M tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes yes Mr O'Brien yes all right we're Jour committee the whole at 7:29 like to call to order the regular meeting for the school district for November excuse me okay notice of this meeting has been forwarded to the Asbury Park Press the beacon tap into barnegate in place in the foyer of each barnegate Township School in the barnegate Township Municipal Building and has been filed with the barn Township municipal clerk in conjunction with the open public meetings act roll call Miss Angus miss churny here miss jeie here Mr imonte here miss Levy here Mr Sno here miss tarnowski here miss wasburn here Mr O'Brien here all right please rise for a flag salute leg Allegiance are there any agenda additions or changes us all right so can I please have a motion to approve the agenda so moved back okay Miss Angus yes Miss churny yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonte yes Miss leevy yes Mr Sno yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Mr O'Brien yes motion carries can I please have an approval a motion to approve the minutes from the regular session of October 17th and the executive session of October 17th so moved second um okay Miss Angus yes Miss jurny yes Miss jeie yes Mr Imon yes Miss Levy yes Mr Sno yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Mr O'Brien yes motions carry okay uh next up we'd like to hear from student representative Miss Jane hland hello my name is Shane havland um I'm a senior and I'm the executive president of the student government and homecoming was really successful and October went well for BHS and the turn of the marking period into the new marking period has been going well so far for most students from what I've heard and um in November the only event really going on is on Thursday the 30th this week is cookies with Santa for BHS staff it's ran by student government representatives and it's always a great event and it's specifically for BHS staff which makes it really special and you know it's a short month um so there's been little going on but we're getting excited for December and all the events that are to come with that and I also want to highlight the toy drive that started recently here at the high school um and it impacts not only our community but also the surrounded communities um there's always a box for collection in every classroom and in other various parts of the building um and as a way to contribute to the drive this year student govern is introducing a Giving Tree and although the drive is always extremely successful every year um there's often less given for young adults and high school students so we decided that we're going to make a Giving Tree that's specific to high school students so the tree includes 100 items to choose from to P purchase towards the drive that are generated to high school students and it'll be up in the lobby here at BHS starting next Monday and we just want to thank everyone who has given to the toy drive in the past or who will contribute to the toy drive this season and that's all thank [Music] you uh next up we'd like to hear from Bea liaison Miss Lissa banov thank you the Bea would like to again thank everyone who helped with Trunk or Treat it was a great Community event and very successful we're very happy to be part of it we'd also like to thank all the parents who came out for parent teacher conferences last week we also look forward to um the opportunity to partner for the success of our students we also want to thank the many teachers and staff that were afforded the opportunity to attend the njaa convention during the November break they were able to walk away with valuable resources to support our students thank you thank you I'd like to turn to Dr lwis for his highlights thank you very much so a few things wanted to take a a moment to recognize so big thank you to the Bea BHS clubs and sponsors for coming together to make the trun or treat a huge success for our community uh thank you to the friendly uh sons of shalele and the Patriot Financial Group for their generous donations to our transportation department which enabled us to deliver full Thanksgiving meals and goodies to seven families in our district including breakfast lunches and then food to cover them throughout the holiday weekend um congratulations to uh don Hughes uh very own Anthony Mastro Piero for winning first place in the Ocean County Halloween coloring contest sponsored by the Ocean County Board of Commissioners thank you to the leaders in training who gathered many boxes of goods to share with the food pantry and a special kudos to Mrs Harris for organizing the project at brakman uh the sheriff's department brought their mounted horse unit to the school for our Aces students to see which is a very cool event and a really uh cool experience for those students at the high school uh Athletics specifically uh we are and we'll be honoring them at a future board meeting uh but congratulations to the BHS girls volleyball uh for become uh being group two Champions and congratulations to the Garden State's Esports fall state champions um we entered uh two different teams into two different events and both teams came out in first place uh both of those uh groups will be honored at a future board meeting we are also um working with the township to have them honored at the December Township meeting so that'll be very exciting uh so stay tuned for more information for that um I wanted to give a big thank you to uh all the uh individuals that were involved in the data Harvest um like I said year after year we put this together um to try to showcase the things that are going well in the buildings but also be transparent about the things that uh the challenges that we're facing and that we're trying to work on it takes a tremendous amount of time and energy and effort to put this stuff together um obviously takes a lot more time for the work that gets put in to show these results um so just a big thank you to everybody again for coming out and volunteering your time uh tonight to put this together and to showcase the different things that are going on in your different buildings there's a lot to be proud of um which I'm sure you guys had an opportunity to see for yourselves um so great job um by everybody uh for putting that together um uh Christmas uh is Christmas and camouflage I believe is the initiative I wasn't sure if uh Daniel Hoffman would be out tonight but I do know that they're going to be spearheading that again and I do believe that this year there was a slight change in which uh we may be responsible for some of the shipping costs uh for sending that out there so we are going to be working on some fundraisers going forward but if anybody um knows any organizations or groups that would like to donate to that cause I think that would be uh very worthwhile obviously every year that's a big success um uh that we're always very proud of um and then lastly this was mentioned um for personnel I just wanted to take a moment uh to recognize a couple individuals that are are leaving us um and and wish them the best of luck so we have uh Megan D arienzo um who's sitting right there um Megan uh was uh and is an exceptional teacher um her class was always something that was uh special to go in and to see the amazing things that you do uh with those students um I actually in my office to still have hanging uh proudly uh works of art that those students did in her classroom uh through the Buddy program and uh there really was never a day that went by that there wasn't something really amazing going on in your classroom and that on obviously led to your Ascension into your position as supervisor special ed um and in the short time that you've been doing there you've had a remarkable impact on our district um our staff and our students so we wish you nothing but the very best uh in your next Endeavors uh we are very sad to see you you go and we uh sincerely hope that our paths cross again um the other individual that's uh leaving us was a late addition to our board agenda but it's uh Mr Brandon uh is leaving us um and and again you know similar to Megan you're talking about another very uh unique special individual um that um has done incredible amazing things in our district uh I have said this time and time again over the last five years I would absolutely put the accomplishments in and successes that we've had in this District up against anybody I think we've accomplished more in the last five years than most people accomplish in a career and that was uh very much um you know due to Steve Brennan's uh participation on part of the leadership team that that made a lot of those things happened you know uh there wasn't a single initiative that went on that Steve didn't have some you know hand in um and didn't have some involvement in and uh you know it'll be another um really tough loss for our leadership team and uh we wish you nothing but the best Steve votek is very lucky to uh to be getting you and uh we're very sad to see you go but again sincerely hope that our path cross again um but thank you for all that you've done here and uh ending uh my part on a more positive uplifting note um I just want to congratulate Britney sh uh Britney um was a special education teacher here as well came into the administration as a as an assistant principal and uh with the position becoming available uh Berney was very excited about the opportunity to re-engage into that department um and I think they're very lucky to uh be getting her so uh congratulations Britney on the transfer and uh our newest addition to the team uh assistant principal uh Samantha Burke again over the last few years you've really uh developed into quite uh the leader in the district you've had a tremendous impact whether it be through the mentoring program or as an instructional coach or any of the other uh really impressive things uh that you have on your resume so we're very excited about uh you coming aboard um and and taking this position and I can tell you having gone through the process I think the future is really bright uh we have a really a lot of internal really strong people that I think are um just eager for their opportunity and it'll be exciting when they have that chance um but obviously for Britney and Samantha you know welcome aboard or welcoming your new position and congratulations we're very excited to have you and that's it thank you thank you uh I hope that everyone had a great November break and enjoyed their time time with friends and loved ones this Thanksgiving the barnegate community always comes together when it matters and members of our community need help schools and departments across the district will be doing fundraisers and food and gift drives before Thanksgiving as mentioned the transportation department raised full meals for seven families these small acts of kindness directly impact our community and can make your neighbor neighb feel like they have their own special holiday thank you to our transportation department and everyone who contributes what they can you are all making a difference if you want to help please don't hesitate to contact your school's guidance counselor or the board office uh there are plenty of people in our community that could use help so every little bit that you can do uh please please jump in uh for the third month in a row I wanted to highlight the efforts the BHS and the entire district is making on improving attendance in October BHS had a 94 attendance while this is not the only measure of success we will only have our success if our students are in the door year-over-year improvements mean nearly 40 students per day or in class who are not last year our fall fall Harvest data fall data Harvest presentation tonight demonstrates improvements in several key areas including declines in disciplinary referrals and suspensions when students are in class they are better prepared for each successive year the gaps get closed when they are smaller which leads to long-term success so thank you everyone for the efforts you guys are making to to get our students in the door uh and and be ready to learn and then I'd like to Echo what Dr lwis has said uh we we we are losing you know several good people um I I would like to comment the bad news uh for losing uh Steve Brennan who we've worked with as board members as as a board president for several years now um he's resigning his position and Steve has helped our district accomplish huge projects he's worked to get our facilities and longrange plans in order in his 5 years at our district we have fixed and upgraded H HVAC equipment in every building brought on our Key prek Program installed solar at every facility at no cost to taxpayers tore down the Edwards school after many years of simply ignoring it he brought Innovative cash flow and management to our district to make the budgeting more efficient and transparent and he has always been honest supportive and excited to improve our schools his experience Vision respect from his peers and integrity will be missed I'm sure most of the the board is sad to see him go but we ass you the best of luck in all your future endeavors so thank you thanks Sean that was all I have for comments tonight so thank you um thank you again to everybody for the day of harvest tonight that was great uh and can I please have a motion to enter public session so moved okay um Miss Angus yes Miss Journey yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonte yes Miss Levy yes Mr Sno yes yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Mr O'Brien yes okay the Bara Township Board of Education appreciates and welcomes public comment advice and suggestions especially when it is intended to assist the Board of Education please feel free to speak to the board during the public session comments and discussions will be limited to one five minute period per individual unless requested by the chairperson to continue up on a point of clarification public comment at special meetings of the board shall be related to the call of the meeting in accordance with board policy each participant must preface must be recognized by the presiding officer or must preface their comments by an announcement of their name addressing group affiliation if appropriate your anticipated courtesy to the members of the public and board is appreciated that the floor is open okay anybody that is on the zoom please use the hand raise feature and we will uh call you is there anybody in the room that would like to speak oops okay please hi Kim Maniscalco 10 David Drive and Summers bagnolo 133rd Street barnegate uh we are here to represent the barnegate Elementary PTA and would just like to let Jane know that the PTA would like to buy 10 items off of your uh Giving Tree so um we will reach out to Mr McGee to get the list and um we'll get Ted items purchased for you so we just wanted to let you know thank you anybody else in the room okay anybody online if you don't have a hand rais feature just put in the note in the chat going once going twice can I please have a motion to adjourn public session second okay Miss Angus yes Miss churny yes Miss jeie yes Mr Amante yes Miss leevy yes Mr Sno yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Mr O'Brien yes all right FL is closed okay first it is section 12 can I please have a a motion for finance and B&G committee items one through 12 so moved second okay any discussion on those items uh it's one through 13 so move motions on the floor uh any discussion second okay Miss Angus yes Miss churny yes everyone but nine nine no yes everything El yes Miss jeie uh yes one through eight nine no and 10 through 13 yes okay so just not to number nine okay Mr Imon yes Miss Levy yes Mr Sno uh yes 1 to8 No 9 yes 10 to 13 okay that was just no to number nine correct okay M turnowski yes to all Miss wasburn I'm gonna say one through eight yes nine I'm gonna abstain and then everything else is a yes okay before we close that out and I know we just voted uh can I ask one question about number nine again uh after the vote was there motions on the floor okay no problem if I can Mr O'Brien uh yes to all okay motions carry if you have a question now okay uh going forward when we have anything with the beastro is there any way that we could get an itemized list like that would be reviewed in the committee meeting you're part of the committee do I have to mention it there or not mention I know 110,000 I just thought it would be I probably should have said that before I voted but it would have been nice to have an itemized list of exactly what that is that's all no big I'll mention it in finance okay uh next up is items 13 education committee can I please have a motion for items one through 10 so move beging okay any discussion there miss Angus yes Miss churny yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonte yes Miss Levy yes Mr Sno yes Miss turnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Mr O'Brien yes um section 14 items one and two is for information purposes only uh section 15 can I please have a motion for governance items one through three so move second okay any discussion there all right Miss Angus yes Miss churny yes Miss Genie yes Mr ion yes Miss leevy yes Mr serno yes Miss turnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Mr O'Brien yes all right motions carry okay and can I please have a a motion to enter executive session no section 16 sorry can I please have a motion for personnel committee items one through 28 second SP moved second any further discussion on Personnel Miss Angus yes Miss churny yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonte yes Miss Levy yes Mr Sno yes Miss turnowski yes Miss Washburn yes Mr O'Brien yes all right motion's carry now can I have a motion to enter executive session so mov okay all right Miss Angus no Miss churny yes Miss jeie yes Mr ronte yes Miss Levy yes Mr Sno yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss bur yes Mr O'Brien yes all right we are in executive at 750 ready to go Mr Brennan ready to go have any motion to adjourn executive session so move second Miss Angus oh sorry Miss churny yes Miss jeie yes Mr ion yes Miss Levy yes Mr sorno yes turnowski yes Washburn yes Mr O'Brien yes R of executive at 8:15 okay um can I please have a motion to approve the Hib report for the month no moved second okay uh Miss churny yes Miss jeie yes Mr ramante yes Miss leevy yes Mr Sno yes tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Mr O'Brien yes all right motion carries I got okay can I please have a motion to adjourn so move second all right Miss churny yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonte yes Miss leevy yes Mr Sno yes taraski yes Miss wasburn yes Mr O'Brien yes all right we're adjourned at 816