[Music] [Music] I would like to advise all those present that notice of this regular meeting of December 13 20123 has been provided to the public in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings Act of the the state of New Jersey notice of time and place of this meeting has been included in the annual notice of meetings which was posted and filed with the city clerk and with the Jersey journal and the Star Ledger an additional notice of time and place was posted and filed with the city clerk and was forwarded to the Jersey journal and Star Ledger on December 8th 2023 the regular meeting of the municipal Council of the city of Bayon is now in session miss Medina please call the role Mr Booker here Mr Carol here Mr Perez here miss weer here Mr laaloa here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all 01 is an ordinance of the city of Bon amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bon chapter 37 historic preservation which was introduced and pass the first reading at the meeting held November 8th 2023 was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the Bulet and borders required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of December 13th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution given the ordinance second reading is moved by the council president Mr Perez will you second second and on the second reading resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi second reading is by title an ordinance of the city of Bon amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bon chapter 37 historic preservation the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may have a motion to close don't move second and on the motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I and resolution ordering final passage move second and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I can I take a one point of of sure just for our young listeners in the audience I don't know if you're going to be here all night but our first item right out the gate was declaring something a historical landmark and I I'm sorry for being a nerd but I'm a history teacher so this was one of the cranes that was associated with building the PT boats that President Kennedy drove in the South Pacific and he was actually that his boat was blown up and he had to swim with the survivors to a local Island he was rescued seven days later but this is one of the cranes because those boats were built at one time in Bon so very happy to pass this and what this ordinance does is it this was placed down in the park um I I believe around 90 uh excuse me 2006 or so 2007 and the city is taking ownership so if it needs to be uh later on down the road if there's a question about maintenance or mostly maintenance the city has ownership of that and we would maintain that because it's right now sitting in the city park called rowski Park and I vote I okay and O2 is an ordinance of the city of Bon County of Hudson state of New Jersey approving a financial agreement buying between the city of Bon and 63 new Hook Road urban renewal LLC for the property located at 63-67 new Hook Road which is identified as block 416 lot 3 as shown on the official tax map of the city which was introduced and past the first reading at a meeting held November 8th 2023 was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin board as required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of December 13th and is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution given the ordinance second reading is moved by council member Perez Miss weer will you second second and on the resolution Miss Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi second reading is by title an ordinance of the city of Bayon County of Hudson state of New Jersey approving a financial agreement buying between the city of Bayon and 63 new Hook Road urban renewal LLC for the property located at 63-67 new Hook Road which is identified as block 416 lot 3 as shown on the official tax map of the city the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may have a motion to close second and on the motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa I and a resolution ordering final passage move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi M Beamer hi Mr laaloa I 03 is an ordinance of the city of B County of Hudson state of New Jersey approving an amendment to the financial agreement buying between the city of Bayon and 746 Avenue Wei urban renewal LLC to extend certain timelines for the property located at 746 Avenue way which is identified as block 393 lo 3.01 as shown on the official tax map of the city of Bon this ordinance was also introduced at the meeting held November 8th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bolon board is required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of December 13th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution given the ordinance second reading is moved by the council president Mr Perez will your second second on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weamer I m laaloa i second reading is by title an ordinance of the city of Bayon approving an amendment to the financial agreement buying between the city of Bayon and 746 Avenue we urban renewal LLC to extend certain timelines for the property located at 746 Avenue 8 the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to close second and on the motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I and a resolution ordering final passage Mo second and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laalo hi 04 is an ordinance of the city of Bayon amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of bay chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations which was introduced and past the first reading at the meeting held November 8th 2023 was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin board as required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of December 13th as now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and it's resolution given the ordinance second reading is moved by the council president Mr Perez will you second second on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weamer I Mr laaloa I second reading is by title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of bay chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations the council is now ready to to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize any who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance ORS passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to close some move and on the motion to close Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa hi and a resolution ordering final passage move second and on that resolution Mr Booker m Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa hi all five is an ordinance of the city of Bayon approving an encroachment agreement buying between the city of Bayon and 746 Avenue E urban renewal LLC for the property located at 746 Avenue E which is identified as block 393 lot 3.01 as shown on the official tax mat up the city which was introduced and pass the first reading at a meeting held November 8th was published in New Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered f for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of December 13th is now before the council for's consideration and a public hearing and the resolution is moved by Miss council member Perez given the ordinance second reading Mr Booker will you second I onor resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I second reading is by title an ordinance of the city of Bon approving an encroachment agreement buying between the city of Bayon and 746 Avenue E urban renewal LLC for the property located at 746 Avenue way and the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections two or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with may may I have a motion to close move it Che and on the motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa I and resolution ordering final passage and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I 06 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of bound chapter 7 traffic which was introduced and passed the first reading at the meeting held November 8th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of December 13th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by council member Perez given the ordinate second reading M Miss weer will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I second reading is by title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 7 traffic the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance and opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or passage has been filed with me you have a motion to close move and on the motion to close Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I and a resolution ordering final passage move and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I 07 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 7 traffic which was introduced in past first reading at the meeting held November 8th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of December 13th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution given the ordinance second reading is moved by the council president Mr Booker will your second and on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I second reading is by title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of bay chapter 7 traffic the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance and opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to close move and on the motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa I and resolution ordering final passage second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi M weer hi Mr laaloa hi now we come to our public speakers first speaker is Mr salari good evening Council good evening um I have a couple of issues here um in November 9th um does the meter the park and aari give out tickets to just certain people or to everybody because again any offender okay well I was parked in front of City Hall and the sweeper comes and she passes up three cars a van and two trucks in front of uh City Hall go all right I I was on the corner and I got a sweeping ticket all right I'm going to tell you right now I watched to give it to me okay because I've been watching this for the longest time okay and I went four blocks down and I waited for her to come and I said how come those three cars didn't get the sweeping ticket oh there wasn't nobody there don't tell me because you just gave me the ticket I watched you her face dropped what they do is the fireman park there and we all know it's the firemen because it's the two trucks and their own private Vehicles not the city Vehicles private vehicles and they got the van the van is Parks illegally over there don't get no tickets they don't get no meter tickets and they don't get an illegal ticket the van is a private vehicle also yes it's a van it has his own his own business on there it's a business van and it's there all day all day so I this is where I'm going to ask you again does the parking authority pick and choose who they want to give tickets to because that that is a problem in Bon because they'll give business people tickets they'll give C Ops that'll park there with their own private cars tickets but firemen do not get tickets you know so maybe you could look into that and then you could get back to me Mr laaloa all right uh I'd like to thank public works for over the summer um they did a great job up at City Line there cutting the grass um I never had to go up there to ask them to do it um they were there and you know it looks looks fantastic up there but the only problem still is when are we going to pave that area that is like like Beirut you you got to go through every hole I mean it doesn't pay for Public Works to go there and keep filling holes when you're talking about Route 440 specifically going to 440 right from the McDonald's all the way on down okay you know um Mr laaloa I know you do work for the county I've been calling the roads up there there's a big pothole I mean near the gas station of the boulevard of the BP BP 53rd Street 63rd Street oh 63 Street up a City Line there it's there okay you're talking to the right people I'll get I well I I I didn't want it to bother you this afternoon because you know lunch hours go fast yeah so you so that was it but I just wanted to let you know that that's been there it's marked out in a circle with a with a white line so nobody you know and on 54th Street uh there they only filled one side but they didn't do the other side right next to the right next to it right next to it they only paided one but is more potholes or yeah it's another one there you know and that's on what road 54th in the boulevard 54th in the boulevard you know but um I'll have somebody inspect that tomorrow but I I i' like to you to get back to me on the parking authority why aren't they issuing tickets to them out there they stay there all day they're not supposed to be feeding the meter the only reason why I'm really here is because the poor guy had a park a block away and he was walking with a walker a walker okay and those firemen don't feel ashamed you know I mean come I I can't really it's not it's not I can see if they were here on an emergency there was a big fire somewhere they had to just park anywhere absolutely then ly do you want to add something uh yes real quick um Mr salaria good evening I I we know each other for quite a few years my question is here how do you know it's firemen and my point being is what proof do you have it's firemen I mean if there's offenders out there granted they should be addressed but you can't just say they're firemen because you don't know for sure firemen plates firan plates and and right before you even speak Mr Booker I got there at 6 o'clock in the morning and there they are going into work okay so that's the proof I have okay all right plat um I could go out there right now and get the plates Mr Sal another question yeah did you complain to the parking authority did you say anything I didn't this is the thing now I'm going to go since you want to go into a little deeper now I didn't I'm will to give you a little more time no problem I didn't go I didn't go personally in there I sent somebody in there okay that's not the same thing all right okay I was there I was there I was right there you know but there yes and she said she said they'll look into it they'll look into it but you never got a call back never got a call back okay and and please understand excuse me Mr President the fact of the matter I'm not looking to debate with you I just don't I don't I don't I don't see it as if someone is being falsely accused of it's firemen then a situation will be addressed but to just blatantly say for sure unless you have their plates I'm just I'm I'm kind of questioning that I don't want to see anybody falsely accused we talk you know I'll do you know what I'll do Mr Booker I'll be here for next month's meeting with all the plates WR written down and then you could take it from there and you tell me then what it is then I'm going to tell you right now if you go right there right now I there fireman Dave yes what I'm going to do is I'm going to address this to the parking authority that nobody should be you know there should be if you're are an offender regardless of where you work or what you do you should be treated the same way as any other citizen that's all that's all we so we're not going to go and point fingers that it was firemen or anybody else and especially since it was November 9th and we can't you know we I can't prove what you're saying but you you understand where I'm coming I absolutely so we'll we'll adust so I'll just leave is there anything else I'll leave you on that note but before I leave I just want to wish the the council a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year to the families and everything and everybody be safe thank you thank you you as well you as well okay Miss Goodman good evening Council um my name is Haley Goodman I'm here representing demension renewable energy um I am here following up on Dimensions request for municipal support for some solar projects that we are developing in um Bon or proposing in Bon um and councilman Booker hi hi nice to see you yeah has been gracious enough to speak with me about this so really appreciate your time there I wanted to come in person um to present a bit about our projects the community solar program in New Jersey um and then I'll leave the last two minutes for any questions that the council might have um so as I mentioned Dimension renewable energy is the company I'm here representing we are a community solar developer based in New Jersey um and Community solar is a relatively new program in New Jersey it is a state program commissioned through the um clean energy Act of 2018 and the goal of the program was um for the state to uh increase access of renewable energy and the savings offered by solar energy to folks who usually can't access it so that includes folks who don't own their homes who might live in apartments or don't have the capital to put resid residential solar on their roofs through the community solar program the state's program um folks in New Jersey can subscribe remotely to a project and receive a discount on their utility bill um so through this program they keep their same utility um psng for example um but through subscribing to a community solar project they receive a 10 to 20% discount that is ongoing for 20 years which is a lifetime of the project um and there are no fees associated with it so Dimension is um currently has eight projects in New Jersey serving 2,300 households um with with guaranteed savings every month and we are proposing two projects um they are on Warehouse rooftops at 99 Hook Road and 99 Avenue a um these are not built yet we um we are submitting or hope to submit these projects to the community solar program a key part of our applications will be um Municipal support if um if the city council or mayor Davis um decides to provide it um that would look like a resolution of support or a letter of support saying that um the city wants the benefits in um to come to Bon those benefits include um so our projects would serve uh around 1100 local households the annual estimated savings for Bayon residents would be $37,000 each year and that would amount to 7.9 million over the lifetime of the projects um and these would be built on Warehouse rooftops that Dimension would build own and operate for their lifetime um additionally we are really invested in community engagement um in the places where we develop our projects so we have a partnership with Hudson County Community College and should the projects be approved in the program um we would run a Workforce Development training there to train Folks up to work on community solar projects solar installation um throughout the state and those are high-paying jobs they pay prevailing wage um so that's also another exciting benefit that these projects would bring um so I'll pause there I know I have about two minutes left um and if the council has any questions I would love to answer them so I would like to know uh is there another source of energy or is it all solar so it is all solar um the program is specific to solar and in New Jersey it's stipulated that it cannot be on any ground Green Fields so all Community solar projects in New Jersey will either be on Warehouse rooftops or on Brown Fields so old land Fields things like that okay and you mentioned the building of warehouses uh I might have misspoken we're not building warehouses we're building them on warehouses um and so we do have signed leases with the building owners that are contingent on us being awarded space in the community solar program and so 99 hook and 99 Avenue way you've already spoken to and have signed leases to do this with correct that are um contingent on on Project Awards well welcome uh we we've talked we spoken a little while ago I don't know how long you're going to be here this evening but again we'll continue our conversation please just call the office and we'll uh we'll keep moving forward okay thanks sounds good thanks thank you we appreciate it okay thanks very much Mr Grimes good evening Council my name is Edward Lefty Grimes I'm with sativa cross.org we're a 501c3 here in uh Bayon advocating for disability access and cannabis patients I want to touch on the other gentleman here uh the area from McDonald's to 440 was actually being painted today I don't know if you know that I was like surprised to see I actually laughed when I saw it because I was like wow that's like the last thing it need well maybe it needed but it's kind of like you're painting over like these mounds of I don't know I I laughed it needs work you're absolutely right um this year has been very interesting as far as my activism on uh Broadway in 49th fighting for a traffic light for a blind person uh we really need that light the uh highlights of the year were the um U the one guy spit on me um the sidewalk psych exam was great uh also um when I'm out there uh when people are um not uh paying attention to me in the crosswalk I will actually put my phone out and aggressive way to get their license plate number and a lot of people don't like that they'll actually beep at me or stop and a couple people have turned around and asked me what I'm doing and actually explain it to them and some people are like oh yeah we do need a light for a blind person so I'm doing that one day and uh I'm I'm seeing a car come towards me and I'm getting the plate and it's like c h a m p I'm like oh it's Chuck webner so today so I have to join I joined the elite group of people almost taken out by Chuck webner and that includes Muhammad Ali so I'm happy about that maybe Chuck can give me a call and help me create awareness for this issue um for stopping for pedestrians because people are not stopping for pedestrians on uh Broadway and and on uh 49th you may have gotten an email from one of um one of uh my friends who used to live on that corner she sent you an email maybe you can read it today uh she talked about how dangerous that corner is and how we need a traffic light for blind people um the since I'm a taxpayer here I don't want to pay for a light a traffic light costs like $350,000 to like $800,000 it's a lot of money um so if we're fighting for a traffic light for blind people that's within our scope as a nonprofit it's in our mission statement so if you know a way we can get some grant money to supplement this and to get this traffic light for a blind person that would be awesome cuz can you know get the grant money and put it right towards that it's in our mission statement as long as it's for a blind person it's it has to be a talking light that talks wait wait wait I was ignorant to that I didn't know that was that was for blind people I was made aware of that this year so that's what we're fighting for and hopefully we'll get that soon hopefully if you can reach out to me we can get the grant money soon uh I have my information here I have a pamphlet here uh for our information we've actually won awards from the federal government from the state government for our work for the disabled people so we are very serious about our help for um disabled vets and this town used to be uh made for vets it was uh there was a military ocean terminal here so we need to take care of our Disabled Vets there's a lot of people that are thanking me in addition to people yelling at me I've had a lot of people thanking me and uh if you go to Angelo's hot dog place they'll tell you they'll tell there's a petition there I'm going to bring it to you guys and I'll tell you how many people have come up to them and told you about the the accidents that two weeks ago someone got hit by the way two weeks ago a person got hit on that corner I don't know the specifics of it I'm going to look into it and there's been at least four car accidents this year on that corner and a light would solve that problem because a lot of people are parking in the in the yellow areas which makes it a blind spot for people for pedestrians and for the cars uh especially people that are going down 49th Street sometimes they blow that light they don't they blow the uh stop sign and that's what caused the accident on 49th so um I appreciate you looking into this and have a merry Christmas everybody appreciate it you too Mr Grimes the um the light on having you seen 49 Street took a very long time you know that yeah four years pushed for that yeah well we pushed for that I'm very proud of that light by yes thank you and um it's saf one on Broadway most of the parking is for Angela's hot dogs because I also go there as well I know those two nice ladies very very well I saw the petition taped to the wall the uh the old printer paper was really funny to see you guys signing that but uh with the holes you know yeah exactly I would say this let's let the traffic department do a study to see you can't take people's word for it that there were four accidents I'm going to have them do a little research let's see how many turns and how many people are going down there and if the traffic light is warranted so they're the experts we're going to deal with them first and if the lights warranted we'll push for it great thanks have a good holiday okay moving on 08 is an ordinance proposed for introduction it is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of bay chapter 16 rent control and a resolution fixing Wednesday should be January 17th not January 10th as at 6 p.m. in the Dorothy E Harington council chambers is time and place for public hearing and final passage it's moved by the council president miss weer will you second second and on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I vote I but I just want to bring up something I mentioned at the caucus which is potentially looking at Future amendments to this resolution that might provide a sense of a peace of mind to our residents and I have some ideas that would provide latitude to the landlords and peace of mind and security to the residents as well I I don't think anyone up here needs to be visited by three ghosts I know all our hearts and minds are in the right place there were two ideas brought up by my colleagues at the caucus which I think are excellent there's a lot of tools at our disposal to help the residents with rent stabilization I just think going forward we ought to look into it especially because we do uh approve this unanimously every year so I do so because I believe in the tenants of the resolution and I hope that going forward maybe we can all individually come together with some ideas that are mutually acceptable for this in the future um I'd also like to make a statement that later on in this meeting there'll be a resolution that we have to vote on urging the Bayon Housing Authority this coming year in 2024 to look into providing new housing and using the money that the city would allocate to them to use which is $8 million in the affordable TR trust I spoke to John Mayhan who's the director of the housing and uh he seemed pretty enthusiastic about doing that so this will start the ball rolling and uh all of us had great ideas Jackie had some good ideas too last week uh and so I think that's the first step so you'll see that towards the end of the meeting anybody else want to add to that no I agree okay I think there's absolutely a way to make it work um I'm FL for for all parties absolutely okay the resolution Mr Perez I miss weamer I Mr laaloa I 09 is an ordinance of the city of Bayon approving a 5-year tax agreement with the building on B LLC for the property located at 140 Avenue B which is located which is identified as block 84 lot 6.01 as shown on the official tax map of the city of Bayon and a resolution moved by the council president fixing Wednesday January 17th at 6 p.m. and the door the Harrington council chambers as a time in place for a public hearing and final Passage would like to second second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 010 is an ordinance approving a financial agreement buying between the city of Bayon and Bay View LLC for the property located at 175 Avenue a which is identified as block 3.01 lot 1 and 2 and three blocks 31.03 blocks 2 and three as shown on the official tax map of the city of Bayon and a resolution fixing Wednesday January 17th at 6 p.m. in the darthy Harrington council chambers as a time and place for a public hearing and final passage you'd like to move it move it second and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi all 11 is is ordinance approving the financial agreement buying between the city of Bayon and Bayon luxury walkway or water walk urban renewal LLC for the property located at 2 211-219 West fth Street which is identified as block 30.01 Lots 1 and six as shown on the official tax map of the city of Bayon and a resolution fixing Wednesday January 17th and the dth E Harrington council chambers as a time and place for public hearing and final passage would' like to move it so move second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol uh director Skiller would you come up for a moment so these two properties are essentially located next door to one another and there's a lot of moving Parts I wonder if you'd speak for a moment on the infrastructure issue so on the infrastructure issue here um for both uh agreements um in the rdas that were already been approved there are certain um Financial considerations of public improvements that both developers on the uh project that you just approved or introduced uh and then this one uh where there have to be um you know walkway water walk uh uh walkway contributions uh traffic light contributions uh and then also um in dealing with the uh site plans uh they have to um manage uh you know the storm water and sewer uh capacities part of also this too this would then you know the approvals of these projects would also help allow financing uh some of the other bigger improvements um that the city will help um with um to help some of the flooding in Cottage Street so there's a proposed Interceptor that's uh being looked at and designed um by our in uh internal engineers at this uh with a cost of roughly estimated at $10 million and that will help um add capacity and direct uh divert uh you know some of the uh flows right now say million with an M or a billion with a B million with M you know look it's it's a uh Pump Station upgrades uh but again part of um for both of the the projects that are you know being proposed right now um as you know part of their site plan they have to show storm water management uh again something that the planning board and our Professional Engineers have already heard this helps the financing aspects of these does the function of one necessitate the construction of the other uh can you please explain does the building of any buildings on these sites require the construction of that Interceptor before after during or within a certain amount of time yes and again part of it is there are C certain external governmental approvals such as the P Valley uh sewer uh Authority um that you know we have to apply for uh tww uh applica uh permit um part of that is just make sure that there's capacity within our system um this again will help help add to the capacity that the city has uh for it so there there's other approvals that the developer has to go and this these are conditions of the site plans uh for resolution compliance and we also help out the long-term control plan yes this will uh whatever money this provides I've been told numbers of6 half million dollars in different improvements and things U well if for the long-term control plan uh I mean I wish it was 16 million no I meant that's the improve Improvement that this developer is making so that will at least lessen what we have to spend on the long-term control that on on this one just for sake of clarity this is the nasara site uh the last one was bayew on that project that one roughly is about $16 million to 20 million of public improvements over the life but everything is upfront on this one specifically it's um you know the storm water contributions that they have to put to there the um the traffic lights and then part of the the walkway okay right but director sker as I understand it the the projects that are going on in in that area right now those developers are paying a PR share of those of some of those improvements theying yes okay so I think what councilman Carol asked is is the completion of those projects is they're moving forward contingent upon those infrastructure upgrades being completed and approved because as I also understand it the bayew project already has their permit so we' we have we have stated that right now our infrastructure has capacity to handle that project yes on for specifically to Bay that specific to Bay right for Bay they have we've already certified that they do have their TWA that they do have sufficient capacity okay now that as other projects come online such as nasara uh and again this this proposed Interceptor um that you know in discussions with councilman Carol uh and myself have had uh is roughly about a mile along from one side of town to the other along North Street um you know that's also going to again have you know our sewer lines tie into um other proposed sites such as 26 North Street some you know proposed development sites on along Broadway uh you know in right now it is in the initial stage of design we have a prary design on it uh with rough cost of $10 million um so to say that they're contingent um as a definitive answer um the answer is yes on it be but um it also allows again helping some other areas of town because this will divert you know the sto storm water um and Sewer from Cottage Street to a different part of town that will have the capacity in it that our Engineers looked at right and and what part of town is that being routed to well this would be again routed along um on the south side of Avenue a uh into uh the um improvements that uh and the line that's being built at 90 Avenue a so on that part of the developer is you know get you know upgrading the line on there to and you can see the the casings uh that the new pipe will have so that it's being directed there um and for a preliminary data that has shown that you know there is capacity in that direction and do we know if any of these developers if they're so to one project right now has their permit they can move forward yes okay the other several projects in that area that are also contributing they Prat a share well on that because each project is done on a case-by Case basis for the analysis that you know our Engineers have to do as a condition I of site plan approval I you know I don't want to speak on an Engineers behalf without looking at the specific data on that but that's our and I understand that do we do we know what that overall project is going so we have we have people applying for permits that are contingent upon a contribution of a pro a share of a project do they know yet what that estimated cost is going to be Again part of this you know for with the the Interceptor cost of it it has been shared to the development community for there that's as part of the financial terms for this on it but there's also different ways to as grant money comes available um again defay those costs the defay those costs uh also again with um you know different utilities you know uh the Utility Authority too coming the these are different you know funding mechanisms but again these are all tied into to help address you know the long-term control plan yeah no I'm I'm not opposed at all in fact I'm quite happy to see them making a contribution to the infrastructure um my my question is are we going to get to a point where we're saying it is um the long-term control plan is a multi hundred million do if not a billion dollar Prospect but are we going to get to a point where one of these developers are saying well gee I don't have the financing to make my pra contribution so now I have three other development projects that are being halted because their progression is is contingent upon that portion of the project being completed so part of this again as they're they're tying in each of the developers especially going forward you know um because these are being proposed developments they have to you know in order for you know negotiating with the city and you know the community you know impact you know so in some instances we've approved RDA that have you know contributed money um you know this is you know another way of looking at of you know a funding source of all right this is a project that the city has and you know we've had you know we've done this in several other projects you know for Park improvements uh you know again contributing you know in that because these projects you know are you know potential and haven't made in front of the board at this point uh or the sorry the council uh you know for redevelopment or at least haven't had their Redevelopment agreements approved um you know the amount of what they're contributing again on the red share is going to be based on you know future discussions maybe another way to get at the point of this is do we have any idea as to when construction will begin or end on this new Improvement this infrastructure Improvement we've heard now the proposed total number of years that this other construction may take and and there's a few other ones here in that general area do we know when and how and have have you begun the process of looking at when that's going going to take place so again while while while we're in again on an overall City design project for this just to I know the conversation's you know gearing away from the the topic that's you know being proposed for introduction so with this Interceptor the Interceptor is in its preliminary design stages right now you know it has been looked at by our Engineers it still has to be vetted you know on you know the cost you know as other improvements are being done you know this is a project that is you know important you know to you know the city uh Administration on this again to help solve but there's also other you know projects um you know in the works of you know that you're aware of you know such as you know C Street some of the pump stations you know these are just lists of projects to help with you know the Improvement of our aging infrastructure so Council mcow to give you an exact timing on it uh I think it's you know still premature on on it um because there's still a lot more of the phases that have to be done to you know make this project a reality but you know preliminary designs you know it's a $10 million cost estimate project of upgrading a pump station putting new Force Mains in there and then again diverting um you know some sewer lines for it and then Road improvements uh Pavements so the estimated you know time that we're looking for this with is again in the next you know two to three years on this but there's you know I'm I'm putting a caveat on that that we're still in the preliminary design phases of it you know all right so when the doors open where does the water go so but again if this if this isn't built but each of the projects and again we're we're talking about on the financial agreements for these that is a condition of resolution compliance with the the planning board and then the building department as they have to make sure that a they have a tww permit you know for the sufficient capacity to what our current system has and that is a question that our Engineers you know work with paic Valley on to to make sure that they have the sufficient capacity to handle our sanitary and then because these sites are on the water you know separating the storm water um out of our system by virtue of being here on this agenda they have that they they have for Bay View they do for nasar Rema they're applying for it right now but this is a financial agreement that's being propose in front of the for introduction you know and uh the lawyer for the project is here to speak upon it on the specific questions of you know where they are for the tww permit good evening everyone Matthew P SS com and gross I represent the applicant Bay own luxury water Walker renewal LLC uh so I believe the question is right now where we are right now depending tww permit it has been submitted we're waiting to hear back that's where we are right now I certainly understand the concerns about storm water management I can say as part of our contributions to assist with the CSO system we are going to develop an on-site holding tank so in the event of those major storms we can actually hold the water on site this is the same Theory and the same approach that was applied for the 1888 Studios which I was the attorney for that project as well we took the same approach and we're doing it here on nasara so Matt your project moving forward with your project is not contingent upon those up upgrades being completed no not necessarily right so you're and that onsite holding facility then over should should we reach a point on any given day where those Waters can't be released into the current infrastructure you'll obviously hold them or lease them at a slower Pace or obviously when when you know the infrastructure would allow yes absolutely that's exactly the design of it thank you Matt yep thank you sir that tank is there no matter what I just wanted to clarify what an on-site holding tank right how are how large are the tanks I'm a lawyer not an engineer so I couldn't tell you but what I do know is that it's going to be required to be reviewed by the city's engineer and the city's Consulting engineer Andy reel and provided that they're okay with it then we can move forward but absent their approval we wouldn't be able to be issued building permits okay thank you thank you so on the resolution for introduction Mr Carol I Mr pz hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi all 12 is an ordinance of the city of Bon approving the amended Financial agreement buying between the city of Bon and tfg1 15-17 West 2 Street urban renewal LLC for the property located at 115-117 west2 which is identified as block 365 L9 as shown on the official tax map of the city of Bay on subject to the determination of how the units will will be valued and owned by the virtue of an amended Master deed and a resolution fixed in Wednesday January 17th at 6: p.m. in Ador the E Harrington council chambers as a time and place for public hearing and final passage you'd like to move it move it a second and on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I'm happy to vote a this was a 15-year pilot that now with the extension only takes it to 18 so you know we we took kind of a hard line when this was coming out and credit to the council president as well who under a previous iteration of this Council put forward a a bill for 15-year Pilots which we again talked about at the caucus and so you know this I I still believe this is a step in the right direction even though they're asking for a small extension Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I I too am happy about giving them the extension and uh I like the way this is worded with the units because there were some issues isues back and forth between rentals and condos so this kind of settles that and gives them an extra three years and I'll vote I okay 013 is an ordinance amending supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bayon chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations and resolution fixing Wednesday January 17th at 6 p.m in adart the in Harrington council chambers as a time in place for a public hearing and final passage you'd like to move it I'll move it and on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laalo I 04 and 05 I did not receive an ordinance on so my my understanding is that we were provided by um outside Council a 05 was provided the removing the iho District when I'm GNA look at my email right now 37 minutes ago what's up 37 minutes ago that yeah but I'm out here that's not receiving it before the meeting starts I would like to move to wait on this because the I want to make sure that something's in there we talked at the caucus that certain areas of town were removed I'd like to see that in the documentation before we move forward on this all right so there's no move no move or second on that then move it to January we just put it on for January 05 is the same thing 06 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 7 traffic and resolution fixing Wednesday January 7 January 17th at 6 p.m. in the door e Harrington council chambers there's a time in place and a public hearing a public hearing and final passage who' like to move it second and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi consent res resolutions for communications is a resolution moved by the council as a whole ordering the following Communications to be received and filed it covers C1 through C6 any questions on the communications Communications Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi officer report is a resolution moved by the council as a whole and it is a resolution ordering the following officers reports to be received and filed and a resolution Incorporated within them to be adopted it covers o1 through o4 any questions on the officers reports and on the officers report rep Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa hi consent resolutions is a resolution moved by the council as a whole ordering the following resolutions to be adopted it covers cr1 through cr39 any questions on the consent resolutions no questions and on the consent resolutions Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa i r one is a resolution authorizing the mayor and city clerk to enter into an agreement with Hudson County Improvement Authority for Sol for solid waste disposable services for the calendar year 2024 for estimated amount not to exceed $ 4,300,000 for solid waste disposal and and tipping fees would' like to move it move it second on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi all two authorizes an amendment to the water Sewer Commission agreement con before concession agreement uhuh before we vote on that can I have Mr Nichols come up and explain this in the condensed version Mr well really it's it's to allow public financing it's it's a lot it's to let us use public financing for all these big uh water sore projects that we have coming online as as the council's well aware we have a long-term agreement yes with the concessionaire to they they have to do roughly $3 million uh adjusted for inflation of Capital Improvements every year that will easily be exceed seeded one example is the lead service line project which is will be a minimum of $20 million uh Dennis and right's here if you want to hear how much you know allowing this would save us we can we can fund that through uh State infrastructure loans some of which uh is subject to loan forgiveness if the if the concessionaire finances it it's not only at a higher interest rate none of it is subject to loan forgiveness so the rate payer would have to pay everything so what this allows us is both for the the lead service line program the long-term control uh program and and other infrastructure needs that allows us to utilize lowcost public financing this would be this would then be a sech charge on the water rate rather than an interest increase on the work and it saves us it could be in the millions depending on the interest rate so right okay thank you thank you so on R to it's moved by Mr uh council member Perez Miss weer will you second second and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carroll hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa i r three is approving the Redevelopment agreement between the city of B Bon and mahalakshmi urban renewal LLC for the property known as block 751 L 1.01 1.11 and 1.15 move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carrol I Mr Perez I miss weer and I apologize what properties are there R3 oh yeah no I know where we are what property are we speaking of where is that property located base one flag FL ship Street this is a single project uh at the at the base that is being bifurcated into two due to a corporate I would say almost a corporate dissolution or a organizational dissolution um to allow for to to developers who were together on the project to pursue two separate development opportunities okay and so this amendment is um in effect a name change only are there substantial no no no no it's the same conditions different Proprietors different Pro I understand okay thank you mine I'm sorry same individuals just two differently named entities let's put that no problem that's great thank you and your vote I Mr lapalosa I our four is amending the Redevelopment agreement between the city of Bon and Street Lock stre very in urban renewal LLC for the property known as five block 751 Lots 1.01 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.010 and 1.12 and this is actually for 54 Flagship Street who'd like to move is this the other half of this is 54 Flagship yes the other half yes this is the other half of R3 give me one minute yep would like to move it move and on R4 Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa i r five authorizes the mayor City Clerk and or other appropriate City officials to take any and all actions and execute any and all documents necessary to enable the city to exe exercise the first one-year option to renew agreement number Cy 21071 with ANL disposal LLC as amended for the collection of solid waste materials for a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed 1,831 445 would like to move it some move I and a second second so I I just want to speak on this and this has something to do with r six as well I spoke to the owner because I'm I'm still getting a lot of calls and complaints as am I yeah I think Citywide we're all getting complaint and I want him to do more action to resolve these things so I've been promised that they're going to supervise the workers better and if this doesn't work I've had a discussion with the mayor that we will have to put our own person on if we have to supervise their supervisor and then listen listen what happens is if I have to withhold the payment I will make that suggestion to the mayor if we're not getting the right service here because I'm getting complaints about I'm sure everybody's got the same complaints about uh spiteful things the the barrels upside down the garbage all over the street we had problems with the two companies before we took the chance with this company which was brand new and we saved some money but we don't want to go back and have the same service or worse so we I've put the owner on notice that this is a one-year extension and I will be revisiting this and I will make the recommendation to not extend it again because he has other options if this does not change and I would think that my colleagues are in agreement with that thank you mam and on that resolution Mr Booker I would just like to speak up real quick in terms of uh what the president of the council said I agree we've getting many complaints uh myself included we were promised that it would be addressed and that's why I'm going to vote I Mr Carol yeah absolutely especially given those conditions that the council president worked out um and it in the event we have to put a body forward I would certainly hope we'd subtract those costs but I vote I for this one-year extension Mr Perez I totally agree with my colleagues I will I miss weer I and Mr laaloa I and our six is the execution of a one-year extension to agreement number Cy 21- 70 withl disposal LLC for the collection of the recyclable materials for the calendar year 2024 for an amount not to exceed 1,274 384 who's like to move it move it second and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi R seven is awarding the contract to personal J Dano Construction LLC for the renovations to the G Thomas D Dominico municipal pool building for the bid price of $698,500 mingled which includes glass metal cans and plastics for a period of one year commencing January 1st pursuing to the non-fair and open process move second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi r nine is a resolution amending resolution 23-01 18061 that authorized in agreement with CL K and hints for professional planning Services as a town planning consultant for a period of one year commencing January 1st 2023 for an amount not to exceed $700,000 payable from various developers and redevelopers escor accounts for a town planning consulting services in connection with developers and redevelopments and also to include professional planning Services as town planning Consulting on behalf of the city for an additional amount not to exceed $45,000 we like to move move it and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr lapalosa hi R 10 authorizes a site access agreement to allow the repair and replacement of the sewer outfall located at one Ingram Avenue and nil vanco and authorizing the mayor lawyer city clerk City director of Municipal Services business administrator and utility engineer and outside Council representing the city are each authorized to take and authorize such further actions as may be necessary to effectuate this resolution and resulting access agreement to move it move it second and on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa i r 11 is an agreement with Donna Hugh ger Doria and Tomkins LLC for professional accounting services to act as the municipal Auditors for the city for a period of one year commencing January 1st 2024 for an amount not to exceed $17,500 second and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa i r 12 is a contract with Triad advisory Associates for Consulting Services related to planning and implementation of the City's community community development block grant program for a period of one year commencing January 1 2024 Point Mount not to exceed $4,650 move it second and on resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi M weer hi Mr laaloa hi R 13 is an agreement as are required and found to be acceptable by the L director with Kai strategic Insurance Partners for professional risk management and insurance broker services for a period commencing January 1 through December 31st at a risk management flat fee of $60,000 paid directly to by the New Jersey uh GIF Insurance Fund who' Like to Move It come move on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez i m weer i Mr laaloa hi 14 is an agreement with CET and CET PC for professional legal services for federal and state grants and funding for a period of one year commencing January 1st 2024 for an amount not to exceed $120,000 move it second on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 15 is an agreement with John T duuc MD for professional medical services for the city uniformed employees for a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount of $52,000 move second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi M weer hi Mr laaloa hi 16 is an agreement with Clark Kon hints for professional planning services to act as a town planner consultant on behalf of the city for a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed $40,000 move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi our 17 is also in agreement with Clark CIT and hence for plan professional planning services to act as a town planner consultant in connection with the Developers for a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed $550,000 I move second second and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I our 18 is also in agreement with Clark kton hints for professional planning Services as town planning consultant in connection with redevelopers for a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed 150,000 and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi R9 is an agreement with Alpha Dog solutions for website design management and maintenance for a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount of $54,000 move it second and on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laalo hi our 20 is an agreement with engino Webster which is scalla and Taylor for professional legal services at Redevelopment land use attorney on behalf of developers and redevelopers for a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed $150,000 payable by the developers and redevelopers so move second on R 20 Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi R 21 is an agreement with Consulting and Municipal Engineers LLC which is also known as a CME Associates for professional Engineering Services as in-house engineer on behalf of the city for a period commencing January 1 through December 31st for an amount not to to exceed $1,200,000 would like to move it move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer mine forgive me are we on r21 yes yeah I I have to recuse myself I I have um in my professional life I do trust in Estate Planning and have a professional relationship with dor so I'm actually going this is r no R22 I jumped ahead I think we skipped R we skipped 21 so R22 and we'll go back to 21 okay so that's what CME Associates is fine I I vot I okay and Mr laaloa I okay do two pages back to r21 is an agreement with dillworth Paxton LLP for professional legal services as Bond Council for a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed $100,000 would like to move it move it second and on r21 Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I'll excuse myself okay and Mr laaloa I R23 is an agreement with Consulting and Municipal Engineers LLC which is also CM Associates for professional Engineering Services as in-house engineer in connection with Developers R Developers for a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed $500,000 Mo it second and on R 23 Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi four is in agreement with Richard and campus Sano Esquire for professional legal services to act as a planning board attorney in connection with develop for a period of one year payable at a rate of $185 per hour for a total amount not to exceed $50,000 and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Mr weer I Mr laaloa I 25 is in agreement with Chason lamparello Malone and capuzzo for professional legal services to act as a municipal tax attorney for a period of one year ring January 1st for an amount not to exceed $150,000 move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi six is another agreement with Clark Kon and hint for professional planning Services as the Council on affordable housing for a period of one year commencing January 1st fora Mount kn receed $36,000 Mo it second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi r 27 is a contract with the Bayon Economic Opportunity Foundation for administration of the city's Community Development block grant program for a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed 222 ,000 some move second a resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr lapalosa i r 28 is an agreement with civil solutions for professional Engineering Services in connection with the maintenance of the City Maintenance of the city of Bon's digital tax map for a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed 24,500 move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi R 29 is in agreement with n NW Financial Group for financial advisory services on behalf of the city as for the for the period commen in January 1st for an amount not to exceed $125,000 move it second on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa hi 30 is an agreement with NW Financial Group for Prof Financial advisory services in connection with redevelopers for a period commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed $75,000 second on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weamer I Mr laaloa I 31 is an agreement with mccab Environmental Services LLC for Professional Services as a certified lead base paint inspector for a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed 177,000 and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi part 32 is an agreement with Richard n campusano Esquire for professional legal services to act as a Zone zoning board attorney on behalf of the city for the period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed $188,000 and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 33 is also in agreement with Richard and campusano to act as the planning board attorney on behalf of the city for an amount total amount not to exceed $39,000 I'm move and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa I four is is in agreement with in Lino Webster Wier scalar and Taylor LLC for professional legal services as Redevelopment land use attorney on behalf of the city for a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed $100,000 move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 35 is an agreement with reliable paper recycling for the receipt of the city's recycling comingled mixed paper only for a period of one year commencing Janu January 1st with a 2-year possible one-year option renewal at the discretion of the city moving second and on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I 36 is an agreement with rman and Ro LLC for professional legal services to act as labor Council in connection with arbitration hearings litigations before the court negotiation and per hearings invol involving various unions and the City of Bon some move second on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa hi 37 is with agreement with Arthur T thebolt Jr Esquire to act as special labor labor attorney for professional legal services in connection with arbitration hearing litigation before the courts negotiation and perk hearings involving various unions and the City of Bon move second on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa I our 38 is an agreement with Timothy Mariotti for professional legal services as Chief Municipal Court prosecutor Steven R hmel and Landry bellazar as for professional legal services as alternate Municipal Court prosecutors for a total amount contract not to exceed $145,600 some move second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa I I'm down to the add-ons first one is authorizing the mayor Andor his design to enter into a tax appeal settlement agreement with 12- nor 16- North realy care of Walgreens 42-16 North Street as identified as block 297 Lot 4 01 and authorizing the mayor Andor his design need to take any actions necessary to effectuate this resolution and resulting judge move it second one and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I that two has been withdrawn at three is authorizing the mayor and city clerk to enter an agreement with with Eileen Kane Esquire and Stephen skank thank you Esquire for professional legal services as Municipal Port court public defenders for a period of one year commencing January 1st for a total contract amount not to exceed $88,200 some move second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi M sweer hi mrpo so all right m is the uh the next one directing the Housing Authority okay this a resolution of Municipal Council of the city of Bon directing Bon housing authority to seek new affordable housing opportunities using funds available in the affordable housing trust fund whereas the city of B and the county of Hudson New Jersey uh the city has a long and stored history of providing quality affordable public housing to its residents whereas consistent with njsa 55 col 14 a-4 the housing authority of the city of B was created in charged with the duty of identifying creating safe and sanitary residential dwelling accommodations for persons of low income and whereas this Municipal council is of the belief that there is now a need for the creation of new safe sanitary and affordable residential dwelling units for persons of low income and whereas this Municipal Council considers it to be in the best interest of the city to have the housing authority of the city of Bon immediately begin identifying properties within the city's borders that could be utilized to build safe sanitary and affordable residential dwelling accommodations for persons of low income and whereas the city of Bon has funds available for the purchase of land and construction of such housing in its affordable housing trust fund now therefore be it resolved by the municipal Council of the city of Bon County of Hudson New Jersey as follows section one the housing of authority of the city of Bon is hereby directed to conduct a preliminary investigation which shall be completed in calendar year 2024 to determine whether or not property or properties are available to purchase using funds from the city's affordable housing trust fund for the purpose of constructing new safe sanitary and affordable residential dwelling units for persons of low income section two this resolution shall take effect immediately and if we could uh move that as a whole for the whole Council and this is what we spoke about before trying to um direct the housing authority to use the money the city could allocate to them the $8 million that's in that public housing trust fund and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I I have okay two add two more resolutions this is regarding uh condemnation properties potential condemnation it's a resolution of the municipal Council of the city of Bon County of Hudson New Jersey authorizing and directing the director of planning zoning and development of the city of Bon to notify the property owners of certain property located at 13 East 33rd Street 734 756 Broadway and designated as blocks uh 140 Lots 2 56 57 58 5901 60 61 and 62 on the official tax maps of the city of Bon that the municipal Council May authorize the city of Bon's planning board to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether these properties constitute a condemnation or non-c condemnation area in need of Redevelopment pursuant to the local Redevelopment Housing law go ah what's your question does the owner of the property know are they aware yet they're being made aware by this no no they they they do know and I'm I I'm going to speak to this um and then and then Mike I'll ask you to explain anything further but the our our city uh director Skiller as well as the um as well as the attorney Mr melli here has exhausted all efforts to um communicate and to work with the current property owner um of which we have documentation to that uh I think we asked director skinder as well as attorney Meli and his client to work with us um I I think we halted this project six months ago or four months ago um at at my my personal request I think with my colleagues perhaps as well but um so as not to to surprise although as I understand it there has been long long Communications here over several years but the property owners are fully aware they um have been given multiple offers that are over and above the assessed value even even the market value I might say because I've seen them myself um I did ask attorney Meli as well as director Skiller to provide me with some documentation to provide us with documentation that we have exhausted our efforts we've communicated with the families and we would now um move forward with consideration with having the planning Board review this so I just wanted to point that out to the community because I did ask you um to do that and I very much appre appreciate that we gave this family every opportunity to work with us um in getting this settled so it is not a surprise to anyone involved and I think that the community at large should know that so just just so that I'm clear as to what we're directing we're we're actually going the resolution should actually read that we are directing the planning board to conduct that study correct okay so then it it would read instead of a resolution uh authorizing and directing the direct dor of planning it it's going to be authorizing the planning board uh to uh conduct a preliminary investigation determine if the property constitutes a condemnation or non-c condemnation area need to Redevelopment pursuant to the criteria in njsa 40a col 12-5 12 A-5 corre so this is the second step or actually probably the third step in a many step process uh but this was this is the actual referral to the municipal C to the plan board by the municipal Council uh directing them to conduct an area in need study correct yes thank you and that that that's right we have been uh in constant communication especially which property this is this the 33r street property we're doing now or is this this is this is yeah this is 13 East 33rd yeah so this one we have been giving offers since 20 a hard offer since 2021 been talking about it since 2020 uh and and you're right you see the the letter from the city we basically hit a part where're we need something to get this uh negotiation moving um and I'm I'm hopeful that we'll be able to acquire it without the emminent domain but uh the imminent domain will certainly be a help and I think it would be behoove the owners to do an agreement with us we're giving them a better offer than what the appraised property value is right of course um good use of the word behoove yes exactly I got that from you if only Dave salari were here um and I think uh councilwoman weamer said it uh best that what we want to do is exhaust every possibility before this actually happens so yes I appreciate that thank you that's what sending this for a study to the planning board will do yes thank you who like to move it it's got to be moved in yes got yep who' like to move it you want to move it as a whole okay as a whole you want to do it as a whole okay no okay no I'm I'm actually curious is the area in any particular disarray is it Roundfield s lot it's it is unimproved property for which is no benefit to the city whatsoever it it is um overgrown it is half Fallen it it is not it's not serving pieces of the building in it it is not serving this city well in any way shape or form more than one more than one line linqu any tax payments to the city so their local taxes I believe they're current it's federal taxes they're behind and there's a whole storyline with this don't there are fines and fees owed to the city we don't want to make this a huge storyline but that's pretty much where it's at and and again part part of this what's being done of for the planning board to conduct the study to see if they meet all those criterias whether or not it you know would be an area needed Redevelopment and how many Lots is just the empty lot alone it's several Lots there's several Lots here for and again what's being proposed you know put up in front of you is to allow the planning board the authority to conduct their study to again report back to you it's in the middle of the block between 33rd and 32nd stre okay I all right not as a whole it's an add-on I I understand we looked at this six months ago there were questions I would have liked to asked had I known about it that it was going to be on tonight so I can't uh I can't go with it as a whole okay then who would like to second I'll second it okay on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol no Mr Perez I would pleasure that is an eyesore that's been there so ugly hold that's disgusting that should have been taken care of long time ago Miss weer um again I want to thank all parties for working with me for having delayed this for a good four to six months in giving um the current landowner every opportunity to succeed and to work out an amicable um agreement so I vote I and Mr laaloa this is in uh the middle of the Block it's a large large property the middle of the Third Ward The Ward that I am the councilman in and it is an isore it's overgrown there's pieces of the building that are discolored and all kinds of different things going on there um I would like to see it developed I want some action taken this hopefully will uh cause some action to be taken somebody will buy the property sell it we need something done there I do not want to see an empty lot there and I vote I okay and in keeping with the we want action uh we have a resolution of the municipal Council of the city of Bon County of Hudson New Jersey authorizing directing the planning board of the city of city of Bon to conduct a preliminary investigation determine whether certain property located at 11-13 West 47 Street 973 -975 Broadway 979 Broadway 983-9868 Street and designated as block 70 Lots 1920 21 .01 23 and 24 on the official tax maps of the city of Bon um constitute a non- condemnation or cond non- condemnation area in need of Redevelopment pursuant to the local Redevelopment and Housing law njsa 4A colon 12a -1 at sequential and authorizing the prevention uh I'm sorry and authorizing the uh preparation of Redevelopment plan for the property like so those are mirror right as I understand it this is the a similar situation and we have taken the same actions yes right so again we have um and I and forgive me because I I don't necessarily mean we but I do mean that the attorney for the client as well as director Skiller have um exhausted discussions um at nauseum to try to come up with an amicable agreement that as I understand it those discussions have halted uh due to no fault of our own um and so we are in the same situation now and and we are allowing for property to go unkempt and unmaintained um unimproved for for quite some time um being in isore so it's my piece it I'm okay we can add something to it Jay I'm not adding anything to that no uh was this are both resolution I'm just curious because it was read quickly non- condemnation and condemnation as opposed to our usual non condemnation well historically this Municipal Council has taken a stance that they will not do condemnation past um Council no I'm just trying it's not Administration past councils have been adamant about doing only non-c condemnation areas so this sends it over there's a potential for condemnation but there you know if something gets worked out it could also it could also be non- condemnation we would rather not have to go that route correct but this is an option and and again part of it too is also it's directing the planning board to study both of it if they come back in their wisdom and say non- condemnation that is their finding that will be presented to you if they find that it's also condemnation you know again that's in their discretion you're all what is being asked upon you tonight is that that you authorize the study of both of these you know for condemnation or non-c condemnation I know this property intimately I live down the block my whole life now I live two blocks away from this uh the building has had a lot of uh disrepair to it it's changed all kinds of things when I was a kid it was a ceramic shop and then it's been a doctor's office it's been a talent uh place it's been a lot of different things um again I just want to see some action done so we could do something different it's definitely an eyesore not as bad as the empty lot but still it's right across from the park um we'd like to see some action done in that location and also in still in the middle of the block there is an empty lot there to where the old Devon restaurant used to be so this is a part of that area too yeah the developer has that property right so and again well everything will be studied for that yeah okay and who would like to move in I'll move it and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I understand the concerns of my colleagues and I mean no disrespect I wouldn't want to see a blighted area either but the condemnation aspect I'm I'm unsettled with and only hearing about it moment a moment ago I would have liked as with the other add-on to have had more time to digest it I have to vote this is not to condemn anything this is to get a study done I understood but just adding that as a possibility is okay Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I anything else M the last one I have is a resolution of the municipal Council of the city of B County of Hudson New Jersey authorizing directing the planning board of the city of bound to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether certain property located at 19-45 West 55th Street and designated as block 28 Lots 2 and three within the city constitutes a non- condemnation area in need of Redevelopment pursuant to the local Redevelopment of housing law and JSA 4A 12 A-1 at sequential and authorizing the preparation of a Redevelopment plan for the property move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol in keeping with the theme of I would have liked to known about it I'm going to vote no okay Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I is that it no more to be added on just to warn uh the first word that there is no garbage pickup on Christmas day so on behalf of the city council I'd like to wish everybody Happy Hanukkah merry Christmas happy K Quanza whatever you celebrate be thankful for everything that we have uh in this country we are very blessed remember that you are very blessed as well I want to wish everybody a happy healthy and prosperous new year as well see you next year and with that I'll take and with that I'll take a motion to adjourn and second and on the motion to adjourn Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi good night