I would like to advise all those present that notice of this regular meeting of February 14 2024 has been provided to the public in accordance with the provisions of the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey notice of time and place of this meeting has been included in the annual notice of meetings which was posted and filed with the city clerk and with the Jersey journal and the Star Ledger an additional notice of time and place was posted and fil with the city clerk and was forwarded to the Jersey journal in Star Ledger on February 9th 2024 the regular meeting of the municipal Council of the city of Bayon is now in session miss Medina please call the role Mr Booker here Mr Carol here Mr Perez here miss weer here Mr Lala here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance IED aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay our first item is an ordinance of the city of Bayon County of Hudson New Jersey adopting a Redevelopment plan titled 435 Broadway Redevelopment plan prepared by the city of Bon division of Planning and Zoning for the property located at 431-437 Broadway 11-13 West 19th Street and 10-12 West 20th Street which is identified as block 220 Lots 18 23 24 25 and 26 as shown on the official tax map of the city pursuing to the local Redevelopment and Housing law which was introduced and pass the first reading at a meeting held January 17th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bullettin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of February 14th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution given the ordinance second reading is removed by the council president Mr Perez will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa I second reading is by title in ordinance of the city of Bayon county of Hudson New Jersey adopting the Redevelopment plan title 435 Broadway Redevelopment plan prepared by the city of Bon division of Planning and Zoning for the property located at 431-437 Broadway 11-13 West 19th 10-12 West 20th when is identified as block 220 Lots 18 23 24 25 and 26 as shown on the official tax map of the city pursuing to the local Redevelopment and Housing law the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance and opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may have a motion to close moot second on a motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laalo hi I and a resolution ordering final passage second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol just miss weer this meets with your approval I haven't had a chance to talk to you yet I know you were concerned about setbacks parking Etc we were um and I see that the attorney for the project is here in the audience and um I must commend him for having put up with me quite a bit um but the the project I'm very happy with the project to move it forward as it is now um it does incorporate some wonderful amenities um not only for the residents of that building but for the community such as um rooftop um area and um restaurant if I recall uh the at least that's the intended use for that purpose I think it brings an awful lot to the community and um I I think it's a great project so thank you I I appreciate the difference but I'm I would vote I Mr Carol i v i Mr Perez I miss weer I laaloa I 02 is an ordinance of the city of Bayon County of Hudson state of New Jersey approving a 5-year tax Financial agreement buying between the city of Bayon and 673-6735 Avenue a which property is identified as block 94 lot 18 as shown on the official tax M which was introduced and passed the first reading of at the meeting held January 17th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of February 14th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution given the ordinance ordinance second reading is moved by Council me member Perez Mr La laaloa will you second second and on that one Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss I Mr laaloa I second reading is by title an ordinance of the city of Bon County of Hudson approving a 5-year tax Financial agreement buying between the city of Bayon and 673-6735 Avenue 8 the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may have a motion to close move second on a motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I and resolution ordering final passage second on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weamer i m Mr laaloa I three is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations and chapter 35 zoning regulations which was introduced and pass the first reading at the meeting held January 17th was published in New Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of February 14th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by the council president given the ordinance second reading Mr Carol will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laalo I second reading is by title an ordinance amending supplementing the revised General ordinances chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations and chapter 35 zoning regulations the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance and opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to close motion to close Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I and resolution ordering final passage that resolution Mr hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi four is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of bay chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations which was introduced and pass at our reading first reading at the meeting held January 17th was P published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin board required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting meeting of February 14th is now before the council fors consideration and a public hearing and a resolution given the ordance second reading is moved by the council president Mr Booker will you second second on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer hi mapalo hi second reading is by title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations the council is now ready to give all persons interest in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to close second on the motion to close Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I and resolution ordering final passage move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa Hi Five is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of bay chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations which was introduced and pass a first passed a first reading at the meeting held January 17th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin board as required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of February 14th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by the council president given the ordinance second reading Miss weer will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak how you doing hi state your name and address please uh Omar gari I live on 24 West 40th Street okay so um uh when we saw the article it was just kind of um little bit of a surprise cuz we didn't really see that happening in Bon we feel like Bon is a little bit different from Jersey City and these other cities um we do it as like a side you know but you know a side income but we've kind of invested a bit into you know our airb be um and we feel like it helps Bon we feel like it helps the restaurants we feel like it exposes a lot of people to the city uh we feel like people come you know through the Airbnb and they get to see the city they get to to see all these different you know uh parks and areas and they you know use the restaurants and you know they order out and uh you know we we employ some people through the business you know contractors you know and uh cleaners um so we feel like the regulations were a little bit more you know too strict uh we feel like it limits uh what we could do uh with the Airbnb we feel like it doesn't I honestly I don't feel like it affects the economy that much um and um really that that's pretty much it for me yeah but thank you guys thank you anybody else on this issue hi uh my name is Keith Hazel uh 84 West thir Street um I have similar feelings I feel like um shortterm rental um it has definitely introduced me to um you know B uh and um I actually I love uh you know the city in terms of a lot of the things that you're able to do um and I know that firsthand um about 70% of the guests that we have uh that come to um you know our Bayon uh units they a lot of them don't really know uh they weren't aware B before uh but because of the you know the way that we have marketed our units they uh you know they like them and that's what kind of brings them to the area and we get a lot of feedback of the the great restaurants and different places that we recommend to the guests in the area as well and so I feel like it really does help um there's a lot of restaurants like we you know we're very I've been doing this for about 3 years years now um and we're very careful with who we allow to um you know to rent with us uh I think that our um my main priority is to make sure that our nextd door neighbors and everyone that actually lives on the Block uh they feel you know safe in their neighborhood they feel um respected they don't feel like we're just allowing anyone to come in uh and so I do you live in the same location do I live in the location yes correct do do you live in the same location that you're renting for Airbnb um I have I have multiple Lo locations in uh B okay yes um and so I soorry I lost my training thought um we we also help a lot of uh we have cleaners that work for us that live in Bon we have handymen uh that live in Bon I I check the the cameras just to make sure that the properties are are you know um are fine right uh the guests are fine ensuring the safety and when I look at the cameras and I'm looking at the different uh delivery people who are stopping by right even down to the the door Dasher they're you know they get they get a tip from from making a delivery and the restaurant itself there's so many restaurants so many pizza boxes there's a lot of uh Revenue made for these these businesses uh loc all the local businesses and beond just from uh short-term rentals and I think that what Bon could really use is maybe a a win-win situation because the refence what I can see from for the regulations it is going to practically ban short-term rentals for the majority of the whole folks who are already here um and it will be very difficult for them to afford to keep their properties um but I think that Bon could be a city where there can be a win-win situation created where uh you know you can communicate with the host and we could see what type of hosts actually are suited um you know for Bon because we really need host that actually care about the guest Journey right um their their experience but also the the neighborhood and upholding that right and making sure that we are just you know having pride in the experience for everyone because everyone I believe can benefit from this uh you know so that's my take on it thank you hi hello hi um my name is the dat I live in U Bayon for almost four years I moved here because uh Jersey City they restrict mbnb your address oh address 130 North Street um I'm sorry what was that 130 North Street 13 North yeah yeah so um it's I have I have two lo location two properties you know and I um rent out um my one of the unit that I live in to am on ambb website and then also I uh have another location that I don't live there but also um host um on the website and um I have um guest that's uh like book on off like until the end of the year and if I don't know if this going to hurt me really um a lot by like canceling a lot of them if there is a lot of restriction or there's a grace period that extend like like six month or eight month so I can stop them you know I know that if I live here that I can do it I live in the unit and also um one of the um like not one like couple of um uh guests that book ask about like Airbnb that um they can stay for like a couple weeks and then they plan to uh live here long term so because they have a job here so it's like bringing more people into beond and get to know beon a lot more you know and um I just want to express my feeling about uh just um just just want to know uh what's the next step you know so I can um follow the law that you guys going to be U pushing well then we will be voting tonight after everybody speaks yes and I'm sure the council will have some comments as I do as well okay great thank you very much that's the next step okay thank you anybody else want to speak on this um good evening everyone my name is Caitlyn Martinez I'm a homeowner on 27 West 54th Street um I moved to B own because I was raised in Jersey City and I wanted to come back home because it's the neighboring city um to invest in a community that I'm familiar with um and I found the best way for me to do that is by short-term rtils it's been lucrative as you can see that all of us are here defending what we have built for ourselves um but that's not the only reason um I believe that we're all standing here today I believe that I know that the argument is that we are taking away from housing but I would say that we are hitting a different Market um I've housed traveling nurses time and time again I've housed people who are renovating in in Bon and need a place to stay temporarily I've housed people who are here on a project um working for the city itself um paid by whoever they're working for um I believe one of those tenants that I had was working on a two- week project uh with either electric or I think I'm pretty sure it was electric something to do with uh I didn't get too nosy but they were working in the city um also I've housed people who um were affected by the flood that we had about a year and a half two years back um and that's just to say that not only yes are we introducing people to Bon because I also love Bon after visiting my friends here I I learned to love it and that's why I decided to move here over Jersey City um but besides contributing to the city's success because we are inviting people in to spend more money I also think we're just H hitting a different Market that we're not capable of hitting if we're if we ban short-term rentals um I think that there is a dire need for housing for um traveling nurses um and if we ban short-term rentals then we ban nurses from our local communities from staying here um and that's something that I think is a very hot topic besides that my laundry mat across the street that just opened makes a lot of money for me um and I'm sure they make a lot of money from anyone else who has a unit or any one who stays at my unit uses the laundry mat across the street if they stay there temporarily because I don't have a laundry in my unit um I pay internet cable uh we order food from all the local restaurants um and I think we're just contributing to the city more so than hurting the city um I would hope that you guys listen out for that and understand that there is a market that maybe they haven't touched upon and they didn't even realize they were hting and that's all I have to say ma' do you mind if I ask you um are you when you put your residence or or that location on Airbnb are you renting a room or do you have a dedicated apartment specific to an airb the whole unit for the most part and I I don't really do per room but if the traveling nurses do need per room we'll do per room so you don't live in the same location that you as of shortterm rental as of now I do my intentions were to purchase another property in Bon um most of the properties in Bon need her re Rehabilitation or needs a lot of cosmetic work um a way for me to purchase another home being a single just woman um at my age I would say short-term rental would allow me the income to buy a home and give it the remodel that it deserves and that is also so another thing you know I don't have investors um thank you but it'll be that's something that can continue to build and contribute to the city thank you hello Ali Hassan 35 West 50th Street thank you guys for having me I uh some of you may know me I love Bon I've grown up in Bon my whole life invested a lot of money in Bayon and continue to invest in Bayon had opportunities to move and I continue to want to invest in Bon I own multiple properties in Bon and only two of them I do Airbnb app one on 50th Street which is the one that I live in it's a two family home and one on 51st Street which is not even around the block so both within you know a couple feet of each other um I've been doing it for two years and I've had over 300 guests come to B a lot of people ask me why are people coming to Bon I've never heard of Bon before people from all over the world not just the country all over the world and they're coming to be Hest because they want to visit New York City and they might not be able to afford New York City as a family a family of four five six eight can't afford two or three hotel rooms in New York City at $300 a night $400 a night in New York City but they might be able to afford uh an apartment in Bayon for $150 a night that's what we do we house mostly families in my uh in my homes obviously I live in one of my my homes so very careful of who I'm bringing around my family and the other one is less than a block away so I see and get to know almost every single person we I like to think that we're bringing a lot we're doing a lot of good for Bon I love Bon and I don't want to hurt Bon so if there's something that we're doing that it's hurting it I don't want that we're getting people that are investing a lot of money in the restaurants the number of people that eat at fontania I mean I see because I see the pizza boxes because I recommend them because they're a block away from the house and you the number of the amount of business he gets is insane and they eat at the restaurants I recommend they eat at the Chinese restaurant I recommend they eat at the fried chicken spot I recommend they eat at the pizzeria I recommend they eat at um uh Cafe Bellow because it's on the Block they use the the laundromat so these people are not just migratory people who are not servicing the businesses they're investing a lot of money in Bon because they're here they're not just going they go to New York City during the day and they come back at night and they need a place to eat they uh they need a place to shop they need a place to go to the grocery store that key Supermarket the the bodegas so I just want to point out that I believe that these people are bringing in Revenue to the city and shutting it out completely um is in no one's best interest now I do believe that some regulation is necessary I think it's the wild west I was looking online there's over 300 listings in Bon today when I first started there were I think less than 50 so there there's probably some Bad actors out there there's probably some people taking advantage there's probably people coming in from out of town who see the gold mine the opport opportunity that we're seeing why do people come to B specifically if you go to Airbnb today and you look up New York City New York City doesn't have airbnbs in Jersey City doesn't have airbnbs but the little radius the five mile radius that the Airbnb map paints for you has Bon listed and you see the properties with the best reviews come up first so we're that's why people are attracted and opening up more airbnbs in Bayon because Airbnb is pushing Bon because we're the closest to downtown Manhattan we're the closest to New York City it's super easy to get there uh I think it's in our best interest to lean into that to take advantage of it I'm not saying we shouldn't have regulation now that we know what an opportunity this is for everyone it should be regulated and the city should understand what's happening and there should be some permitting and there should be some cost sharing and some Revenue shared with the city I I'm I'm Pro that what I'm not necessarily Pro is the outright shutting down of uh everyone if they're not owner occupied it's impossible for me to live in multiple properties right I mean you can live in a multif family home Airbnb one unit and live in one that caps you out at one it doesn't allow you to invest in further opportunities I think there should be some potential grandfathering in to some good members uh maybe some Grace periods the permitting process should look at the history of the person who's doing it it shouldn't just be let's look at the property and figure out if we can Zone them for this or not and if it were up to me and I was helping shape the uh the regulation I would say let's look at the people have been saying how long has this person been on Airbnb what are their guests saying 200 reviews 400 reviews 350 reviews positive negative what are the neighbors saying I understand that this is a concern that is is driving a lot of this neighbors having issues that's always going to be a problem for sure it's it's it's impossible to um shut that down anyone who comes up here and says we're not going to have a problem it's impossible I I know my neighbors have some issues because people coming from all over the world don't understand the rules they don't understand that they can't block someone's driveway no matter how many times we tell them they don't understand that um you can't um uh uh you can't honk at night to to get someone's attention right I get that but I do believe that there with the Positive regulation the proper infrastructure in place we might be able to both benefit those who have invested a lot of money into this because it's not just buying the home right one thing that we should all pay some heat to not only do we buy the home we buy all the furniture in the home we buy all the Linens the towels the Cosmetics the The Cutlery you you are furnishing an entire house and if we were to shut that down immediately we would end up losing a lot of money not just the income Associated that's keeping these properties afloat and helping feed my family just the actual investment it feels like it got sprung on a little bit too quickly I'd love to be part of helping make the regulation whatever it is that you guys are trying to accomplish I'm sure we can accomplish it um we're just asking for a seat at the table and an opportunity to to show you that we can we can be good partners in this and everyone could potentially win thank you for listening to me sir I'm sorry go ahead goad all right Mr President um quick question uh maybe a little naive um what is the average stay for a person that comes to you because I noticed you said uh you had over 300 yeah more than so what what is the average stay three to four days is is pretty consistent yeah they usually come in on a Friday and uh they'll say Friday Saturday Sunday Monday that's the most common some people stay longer the minimum will ever allow is two but on average four is is a pretty good number okay uh and I I I understand you hit a lot of positive points in terms of Regulation and stuff now you say you have a pulse on the community are you getting any feedback from The Neighbors in your area that uh you have this B&B feedback when it's negative right so I know when one neighbor is having an issue because they're letting me know and it's almost always the parking that's that's the most consistent issue it's the parking I I I provide parking for and I give them a parking pass and I tell them where they're supposed to park no matter how often you communicate someone is traveling they've come from halfway across the world late at night 3:00 a.m. they don't really understand some of them don't even speak English right we're using translators the most common issue we get is parking and neighbors get very upset when you block their cars when you park over the driveway line and I get that and you know we try as hard as we can to educate uh and uh I would be lying to you if I said we couldn't be doing it better and we're we're trying to figure it out that's that's the most common issue that I've gotten well that's the point here we we're trying to figure this out is a it's a growing process and regulations as you said is not something uh is uh that needs to be addressed um we for for what it's worth we don't get any issues at least in my properties on noise complaints or anything like that we have devices in our properties that both detect occupancy so we can see how many Bluetooth devices are connected so I can know if there's more people people than there should be ever inside the unit and we can immediately shut it down and get them kicked out like Airbnb will allow us if if you are not listed as one of the seven members that's supposed to be there we can get you out of there so no noise complaints that it actually detects a decibel level and we can adjust it based on the time we have quiet hours and it sends me an alert it sends them an automated message hey we've you're being too loud please lower it one two three and the third time we'll visit them I've had no issues with no complaints in any of my listings because of these smoke detectors of course so there is a technology in place to do it the right way and I know that because we've been doing it we have good reviews what I don't have a great solution for yet is the parking trying to figure I know this is an issue for everyone in Bon parking is just it's it's a problem for everyone and especially a problem for people that have never had to deal with parking before coming from Texas or California or wherever they are so um those are some of the negatives thank you thank you let's oh I I you want to speak to him directly I was just I was going to say if we have General comments let's let everybody speak first and then do the check my my only comment is I I just wanted to um one um to thank you for your own contributions to this community certainly nobody could ever question um your dedication and your care and concern for the community so I appreciate that I I do and and certainly what what the council president said we could certainly let everybody um offer their comments I guess that is the one fine line and just as you said um it is it is the neighbors surrounding these properties um where our concerns lie where at least mine lie and I I can't Overlook that um for someone quite honestly running a business out of their home so I and I did want you to know the reasoning behind at least my thoughts so certainly Gary I defer um to you and we can allow for everybody else to offer their opinion so but thank you thank you thank you thank you does anybody else in the audience want to come up and make a comment about this ordinance good evening Tom Larry 8 West Grant Street Bayon I understand all these are airbnbs or businesses the question is are they following the fire regulation codes do they have the proper insurance because there shortterm long term it's a hotel that they don't have they don't have the proper insurance they can't have it last time I talked to Jay cofy he told me airbnbs are illegal question is if they're illegal why we have them they have they have to have the proper Insurance get the fire department go into these airbnbs make sure they're properly have all the fire regulations that need if they don't have it shut them down till they get it and not that I want to interrupt you but coming up on one of our introduction ordinances 0 is definitions of what is an unlawful residential occupancy so if you when we get to that I'll point that out to you some of these things that you're mentioning are because I sat down with Jay not too long ago about this and he told me you know we have there's so many of them in the state of New Jersey rid it's insightful that you said that it's very good so I mean I hate to say this in front of them but better in front of them instead of behind it back we just had a major fire in Bayon I have to applaud the uh bon fire department Jersey City C caucus uh I think uh nor North Hudson everybody was here we had more fire dep P then we need it but what happens if it's an Airbnb that was just a regular home Airbnb now you got to worry about the homeowner that doesn't live there and their tenants that probably caused the fire and if it's electrical fire I mean then it goes back on them but thing is they got to make sure they have the proper insurance they have to have the hotel insurance or whatever they have to have because this is getting out of hand there's too many of them B and I feel sorry for the police department and the uh what do you call the fire dep P they have to deal with these all right thank you thank you is there anybody else that would like to make a comment the reason this came to be is because as councilwoman weer said we're getting a lot of complaints from the neighbors now there's a couple different things that are going on here you're treating this somewhat like a short-term rental Hotel kind of in a residential area it's not a commercial area those people who live in residential areas that don't do Airbnb that own multi mul family homes are renting out on a monthly basis so there are allowances here and we had the option of actually doing away with Airbnb completely which is not what we're doing here at all so I think you should understand that we're keeping it we're limiting it and I would bring the director of uh Planning and Zoning up to explain a little bit about the characteristics of this ordinance and then if it's okay with my colleagues we will make some comments and then vote thank you director thank you council president so couple points um you know kind of hearing the uh comments tonight uh the or the proposed ordinance uh really addresses you know everyone's concerns um from uh you know having uh you know airbnbs that are pre-existing there are clauses in there uh that uh again you'd have to prove to the city on um that it's an operating um you know short-term rental um it also you know this ordinance does uh address the insurance Provisions uh you know um we will have to again uh ask for uh you know proof of insurance uh part of it is right now if you asked me today you know who's in the short-term rentals or how many short-term rentals are operating in Bon the city could not give you an answer okay part of this is it allows us to you know monitor the situation here um allows for um you know the tracking of uh again what you know short-term rentals are being used in you know Bayon allows us to create a list it also allows us to you know inspect the again the buildings you know for fire safety you know for building code safety uh because again this this ordinances are is never geared towards you know people that are good you know neighbors that are good property owners that are upkeep you know ordinances like this sometimes you know affect the people that aren't doing you know what's ex what you and I would you know think is you know required of a having a good successful business so when we look at it again we're trying to balance you know multiple issues here with this so yes it is a permitting process you know there is a grandfathered period for us to give us some time to start rolling out the application we're looking at July 1st uh for R you know the start of this ordinance to go into effect uh again gives everyone you know some time to you know get out the Kinks in the process of this understand you know what it is tell us identify you know the pre-existing businesses um but also at the same point too allow us you know from the municipality standpoint to start doing the inspections you know for our building uh Department to go out for our fire department for our zoning um to make sure that everything is you know in compliance with it um and again there will be airbnbs that are you know grandfathered in you know because you know the law you know changed um that um you know nothing um at this point that you know we can do about that but it's can can I ask you to talk about that point specifically so by July 1 and that was one of the issues brought up and it was a question I was going to ask of you uh this gives a grace period to get all of this information essentially collated and brought into the City and the permitting process when you mentioned a moment ago grandfather well go ahead so so Grant so specifically if you look at um section two or or proposed 33-20 point2 um sections h i and J they are the ones that talk about um you know the ordinances um that are being adopted at the time of this ordinance passes and again of the the mechanism on again having the property owner show us that they are you you know operating this business at the time of this ordinance if they don't show that they are operating with they will have to comply with you know the rules of this that they would again owner occupied to you know those you know permissions that it's that point that's the question I think so given that we have let's say 10 let's just for the sake of round numbers there's 10 units currently operating now and eight of those units are not owner occupied they're owned by one of the other two individuals do they are they permitted to continue operation after July 1st they are they still have to apply to per be permitted um part of the requirements are relaxed because again the the requirements to make them have this obligation changed um part of the one of the concerns on this just from a legal perspective not giving legal advice or opinions on this but one of the the dra drafting things that went into the review of this ordinance is you know postao laws you know can't change you know the situation after the fact and then go after them for doing you know something that we may not like um I don't want to make I want to make sure that this ordinance isn't challengeable um we do that potentially opens up for some issues there so it's again finding that balance to address it now what I will say if the existing business isn't up to code or you know other parts of it that uh you know are health and you know public safety issues then you know we won't be able to issue the permit um and they'd have to get that up into code and you know frankly it would be we consider it a different business at that point so it's Case by casee basis but the property owners or uh the short-term rental um agents or you know bunch of definitions that we put in there they have an affirmative obligation to let the city know what these what units are being rented for short-term rental purposes okay let's let's parse that sure so who is the responsible party on the city's behalf I I've run up against this I've got ideas about rent in town and one of the issues is who's monitoring so now who becomes because you've mentioned inspections you've mentioned fire codes regulations insurance and this is going to come through the planning and zoning department yes it will and so that department is equipped to create devise a system for monitoring from today forward or from July 1st forward yes currently right now we are working with one of our uh computer vendors uh sdl on uh creating a online application going through all the checklist requirements that the ordinance uh you know proposes um and the application um if it's not the information not filled out you won't be able to uh continue forward with it so part of the grace period too is for us to also test and work out those Kinks um you know we don't want to you know implement the system you know right now without having the application um the application is per person or per unit it is per owner so if and again I make that distinction because the permit runs with the person not with the unit uh and that's reflected in this ordinance so someone I don't directors I apologize toting but is that accurate because one would think that every location needs its own permit every location has to adhere to the building code to the standards set forth by the health department but not not by the owner let let me just clarify that then so when I say you know it is with the the permit is with the the person uh I don't want to say it's with the solely with the property it it's really a combination of both in the event if the property owner sells the property the permit is not transferable the new owner would have to apply for it so that that that's why I just I want to make that distinction there um for Mr Hassan if you don't mind me using you um who owns several locations each location is going to have to apply for an individual permit will have to be up to the city standards and will have to adhere to the rules and regulations surrounding airbnbs at each location yes and then in the event he sells that property the permit is not transferable in the new new the new person would have to come and app so it's per unit then not exact or per property I should say it it's per property right in in that regard so but again it's the short-term rental owner or their agent has to make that affirmative you know oblig that makes that affirmative statement to the City by applying for the the permit okay some of the other um facts about this ordinance that it needs to be owner occupied yes so there if we just want to take you have you know pre you know you know prior to this ordinance going into effect and then post so once when the if you know the ordinance is adopted um that it will be owner occupied or the or tenant occupied meaning that someone has a legal vested interest in that property for a long-term basis they have to then apply to the city for that they will have 60 days um you know to use as as they see fit through or calendar year um to rent out the you know the unit or their house so it's a 60-day Max for the entire year yes and that could be done through several stays or one 60 days stay yes so again back to um you know if you're looking for the um the citations for that so that's where 33-20 to talk about those different things so gives the um the blanket statement that it's unlawful to operate a property um contrary to um the procedur and regulations established in um you know this section so does a blanket prohibition but then it walks it back saying here's are the you know the situations where you know we will allow for Airbnb so talks about you know short-term rental shall be per permitted uh to be conducted in the follow uh follow following classifications of the property within the city and again it goes you know list six items there um again dwelling units located in condominium uh Homeowner Association or Cooperative Association where association bylaws Master Deeds or other relevant government documents permit short-term rental and where the owner of the unit legally identifies as addressed with the association of his or her principal residents then from there number two individually or collectively owner occupied single family residence number three two dwelling units within two family residential units where one unit is owner occupied as the term is defined in the section um number four two dwelling unit and multiple dwelling unit provided that a the multiple uh dwelling unit is located in the condominium uh Association B the multiple dwelling unit contains three or four three or fewer separate dwelling units and then you know another dwelling unit in the multiple dwelling unit is or occupied um so uh again going through through these not to you know just kind of read them out loud there are you know that is our you know going forward part we do have to address the other parts as I mentioned of you know prior you know we're not looking to shut down airbnbs within Bon this is in aband so it this I mean it seems fairly complicated it's been Illustrated nicely here um this seems more difficult for example than just looking at rent as a whole or apartments as a whole because now you have to go into specific places where someone might have three units in a building and so they can rent out those units up to I think it was Illustrated three units here or a two family home or units that are not part of a Condominium Association but are part of something else and again the system that we're hoping to put together over the course of the next several months can hand handle all those different changes on mass yes with one final element so what is the mechanism for a landlord changing back so like if you were to take an apartment and de Airbnb it decontrol it as it were who monitors that well there's a a yearly permit and you have to renew you have to come every year so you would per and that's on the landlord's is on the the property owner or you know the the monitoring Authority would look and say oh uh Bob so and so did not come in on the 1 of January 2025 we should go look for Bob yes Bob do you know didn't you know file for his renewal is he you know looking to continue with it if he doesn't he doesn't have the permit to it that's a violation of it and then you know there's a penalty that um you know can be uh a violation that can be issued against that right but right now um I think it was Mr husan Hassan that um informed us that right now there are 300 available Airbnb rentals is that fair to say oh okay so 300 rentals it is likely that that's going to D decrease it's I doubt it's going to increase so that means the responsible party would be responsible for monitoring only 300 at best um or at its highest amount likely um and that I mean is that one might say that that's also 300 more inspections that the fire department's going to go on um because these buildings and for mixed use buildings where we have both the owner occupied unit and then a unit where we are going to Airbnb it is it safe to assume that the entire building needs to be up to code um not not just the unit that is listed on the Airbnb because one must be in conjunction or in alignment with the other we can't have one one unit is the whole is subject to law exactly the whole you know the the location as a whole would be subject to the rules and regulations one would think the so again for the inspection process on that you know I could if you want to look at the alternative right now the alternative is we don't know we don't know where the airbnbs are we don't know if they are up the code if they are a fire and quite frankly that's a problem I mean not you know that we're always going to have different standards you know different Property Owners some will care more some will care less some will maintain their buildings better some will not and that's you know at out of 300 available airbnbs and the handful of of owners that have clearly invested in the city invested in in what's going on and and want to maintain their properties out of 300 you're an army of a few and so one might think that the people that are here today are those that perhaps are likely already in alignment with those rules and regulations you are the few unfortunately not the many um and so and you're right it is an area that we do not have a good handle on at the moment and and are not as familiar we don't know the locations we don't know the homeowners and we don't know the conditions of of of these buildings um and where they are and that um as another Resident said that puts a strain on every available resource in this city um and we are we are not not hoteling our properties we are we are a community that wants residents that care that you know and we and we don't want to take away any anybody's ability to earn an income that's absolutely not what we're looking to do but we do have to have rules and regulations that surround these and we have to have standards that our fire department our health department who's sanitizing those locations after a family leaves who's attesting to that um are you and not that I'm I'm Lord knows I'm certain don't work for the IRS but is all of that being accounted for properly are we getting the proper permits and do we have the proper Insurance standards and limits in place so that if God forbid something does happen or someone does fall on the sidewalk in the middle of your property because if they do they're suing you and the city and for not maintaining that property and not having the a proper oversight so these are things that have all been a part of our thought process and that are going into where we we are today and as director Skiller said um the alternative was to do away with the ability to Airbnb in its entirety and and that's not what we wanted to do we at least wanted to give the the homeowners um an opportunity to to maintain their ability to to earn their income and we do want Bon to to be a a place on the map if you will and for for people to come to this destination we just want it done in the right manner I I believe you you certainly have the ability to to get up and speak Mr Hassan if you'd like to I I don't want this to come back and forth so if you want to come up one more time I'll allow it but I'm not going to allow everybody to come up multiple times thank you Jackie I actually think we're aligned on everything the the panel is saying um it seems that that this is these are folks here who are probably maintaining their properties and their buildings in the right way and are most willing to apply for the permits and allow the inspections the one part where it is impossible is the owner occupancy I cannot owner occupy more than one I cannot have more than one residence and it was really nice to hear that there would be the ability to grandfather um some of these existing ones as long as you're maintaining the property and doing everything and getting those permits that's that's exciting us for us to hear one point that is still not clear either to myself or to that maybe you guys can help elaborate on is the the number of days rule um I don't fully understand that that 6 day rule if I if I live it's a two family home I live in one and I have another unit how can I only be able to rent it for 60 days what am I supposed to do with the other remaining 300 days you cannot both long-term I can't find someone to rent my home for 300 days and then Airbnb for 60 days so I I don't maybe I'm not understanding that part correctly or maybe like if you are owner occupied that doesn't apply and this is where when we explained to you that you're living in a residential area the people who live there bought it for for their residents not for commercial proper you know even though they can rent to somebody long term it's you maybe you're doing the right thing but there's other people not doing the right thing and that's what we're trying to do a happy medium which is impossible to do a happy medium for everybody but I've had just as many people Lobby me against it saying do away with the Airbnb don't allow it at all and I I got a email of somebody who told me a Horror Story about their stay at Airbnb um I'm just giving you the other side of this this didn't just come because we didn't you know out of our heads you know on our own people were lobbying me I had people who told me that um it was not owner occupied they rented out the whole summer they couldn't use their yard people were looking at them in the pool and throwing stuff over the fence and they just didn't care because it wasn't their property there was a I know there was a couple calls to the police on several occasions about Airbnb I don't know if they were owner occupied or not but I know there were some incidences there this is what was driving this uh the one thing I could tell you about the 60 days is and I've discussed this with a number of my colleagues that this is something we could look into and if we feel that this is working then it's possible that this council could extend that but we want to see what this is going to look like first and we need to take a step so I think that's where we got the 60 days from as a viable First Step yeah and and part of it too just on for the clarity sake for you know people following along um in the ordinance it's uh the 60-day rule comes up in 33-20 point2 uh e so I think it's very pointed to also just reflect that um there is a carve out for Section H for again the pre-existing you know use of this um but again a you know after that I think it's you know taking the time to really look through the ordinance again of what you're going to be applied you know for so again H talks about again if you're owning you know operating more than two properties that would for short-term rental purposes you know it talks about you know back to e that you know except that's provided in subsection H or the section rentals of any dwelling units where owner operators of the short-term rental property is not present sh be uh conducted no more than 608 uh total nights per calendar year each night in excess of this limit shall be considered a separate violation so you know I think part of again with this ordinance in front of the council at this point like there's a lot of thought and a lot of considerations that went into this you know of we have to take you know your uh rights as a property owner and a business owner within the town we also have to take you know again the rights of the neighbors you know here for this uh you know the city too just you know trying to monitoring this and then even on the cost of it for our inspections you know uh it you know we have multiple people going out so there's a cost that the the city incurs that's you know why we you looked at the permitting fees you know you know for what they are just to kind of Again cover fire building you know zoning you know even just the upkeep and maintenance now of a new operating system for on this list it's um you know this is a big massive undertaking in a lot of parts so I think the thought you know went into this it's just this is new for Bon this is new for a lot of people and you know outside of a you know reading this is a new AR like we said and then we can look at this and expand we could we could do a number of different things moving forward but I think we should give this a year to try for what it's worth I think we can really help too so I think that the city might benefit from some of the expertise you might I didn't realize you guys didn't know that there were 300 listings we can show you some really Co places where you can see the data and you can see the occupancy and you can see how much money people are making and like that we we we use these tools to analyze our competitors and figure out how to how to do things so if if it's at all helpful we would of course love to isolate the Bad actors and make sure that we're targeting them and making room for the good guys thank uh Mr President uh council president uh just one one one quick note uh you can sit if you choose to uh I don't want to belabor this conversation but uh what we're trying to get to here is regulation is definitely needed okay and what I'm what I'm trying to listen to here is the fact that we don't know where all these airbnbs are and however what you stated before is that you can go on Airbnb and there's a f Mile 10 m radius and Bon pops up so the bottom line and I just want to go on a record the fact that we as a city we need also that list because people who can go on air and b andb and come into Bayon we don't know where they are so that's my bigest so regulation is definitely needed and this is a this is a growing process we're not shutting it down I I agree you make some very valid points UH 60 days okay workable after a year uh 300 days what are you going to do with your property I understand that all right but you got to understand that us as a council and I I'm going to speak for me and I'm sure my colleagues could agree that you know we're not shutting us down we're not saying no but you have to be willing to accept and a work in progress like anything else and then it could be a very positive thing but I'm struggling with the fact that if you know you can come to bom but we don't know where you are that's a problem for me right and and again some of those complaints I have a complaint from a guy who's watching what's going on across the street and I applaud him for that you should know what's going on in your block and he just sees a long long list of people coming in and out I'm not I don't even know if it's A or B and B but I would think us as City officials would want to know when that's going on and follow up on those complaints so anyway having said that I think we're ready if you want to make a comment and then you're we'll start are you no I'm done I said what I had to say I'm good all right Jackie did you want to make a no I I I have nothing more I'm I'm um I will take into consideration I think that if you have reached your 60-day maximum and somewhere down the line after we've had an opportunity to live through this so to speak if there is an ability to obtain or for the homeowner to have to evidence their rating with Airbnb and what their customers are saying perhaps on again on a case-by casee basis we might revisit extending um your ability again on a on a case-by casee basis but I think that's something that we would perhaps look at and consider down the line but I I appreciate your input thank you Mr Carol I I agree I agree with everything except the the notion that these will uh shrink that these will go down I think putting these rules and regulations in place and I'm a big fan of regulations of a certain point that that protect the citizens in the city but I think after we do this you'll see an increase you'll see that people will see that there's a market for it obviously they they saw it before there was a market for it and I think more people will catch on also you know I think they'll see that the value in having a 60-day rental of somebody's is getting thrown out of their apartment or needs a place to jump into quickly before they find the next thing this I think this is going to catch on so we need to do this I think this has a lot of compromises I think this serves both the landlords and the city but I'm curious uh this is going to take a lot of administrative effort as opposed to if you for example made a sweeping change to units in the city this is going to require a lot of distinct and specific leg work so I I believe your office can handle it I'll be curious to to see its efficiency up to July 31 or July 1 excuse me so that's my opinion on it at the moment till we vote Mr Perez uh like uh pres president city council Gary laaloa said I'm exactly same thing I heard is people were complaining it was a quality of life issue uh we had many times I received receive emails and complaints and phone call in fact people were saying please whatever you do eliminate it but we have an open mind and we're looking at it with an open mind uh we don't want to eliminate totally but there has to be regulations uh to control the situation that's been happening a police officers going there when they can be calling to a an emergency situation they have to go there and and see if it's a noise complaint or whatever it is uh one one individual says that we're looking looking at his daughter uh the uh the ABNB people who were auping it they said they were walking at his daughter young daughter she was young and they were being disrespectful to her and this is one of many complaints that I received and this is why we have to take action and we got to move on it and we want to work with you but you can see that we need to have regulations thank you and then lastly um most of you heard my comments already about Neighbors and issues of that parking Mr Hassan if you're G to if you're going to be responsible for your tenants you're the one who's going to have to go out and tell them to move the car if they're blocking somebody's driveway or whatever so um and it's very very difficult to know who's going to be a good landlord and who's not who's going to be a good host for the Airbnb and who's not um the one last thing Mr Skiller before we vote sure how does this compare to some of the neighboring towns because we had talked about that but you had not talked about this in public so again the ordinance is based off of um two two municipalities uh that we looked at that implemented this process and then um as a recall a couple years ago um both Newark and Jersey City uh more specifically Jersey City had on their um ballot of referendum about this question whether or not to allow airbnbs in the municipality um and it was a long thought process you know you know even on the New York Market you would see the the um advertisements the commercials um from that um referendum um came you know you know this ordinance that ours was modeled off of um there were some core challenges off of that that's why again kind of looked at the middle ground here for it um so uh you know both New York and Jersey City implemented uh the proc this permitting process uh and again I think we kind of looked at you know what worked best you know in both those towns from an administrative standpoint and again kind of balancing you know the community needs uh with the needs of the the property owners on it this is this is a tough judgment quot you know but um there's like I said you know three options here we do nothing and let you know status quo you know be the wild west where we don't know you know potential uh you know public safety issues could come up you know so that's one extreme you go to The Other Extreme just outright ban it you know so and Mr Carol yeah there usually a few people on every block watching the neighbors and you'll find out if somebody's not following the rules yeah they'll be calling the city up they'll be calling the council up the the you know emergency officials and we'll we will know yeah so so but again for this one this is the middle ground where it's establishing regulations a permitting process um and again can could we tweak it down the future and find out if things aren't working absolutely I am not open I am open to um you know if it doesn't work I'm going come back to you to fix and this council is willing to look at this maybe a year from now and see if we can tweak it if we're willing to I'm not going to take any more questions I think we need to get to the vote um mine with that I'll take a motion to close the hearing so move a motion to close Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr lapalosa I and a resolution ordering final pass move I that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I 06 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of B chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations which was introduced and pass the first reading at a meeting held January 17th was published in a jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of February 14th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resol resolution moved by council member Perez given the ordinance second reading Mr Booker will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol m Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa I second reading is by title title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of ban chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to close Mo motion to close Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa hi and a resolution ordering final passage so move and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi s is an ordinance amending and supplementing the advised General ordinances of the city of bound chapter 3 33 Planning and Development regulations which was introduced and passed a first reading at the meeting held January 17 was posted in the posted in the Jersey journal and post published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of February 14th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by council member Perez given the ordinance second reading Miss we Mar Will second second and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi second reading is by title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard speak concerning it the council will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against OB CS two or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to close on a motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I and a resolution ordering final passage second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr car hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr la L hi 08 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 7 traffic which was introduced and past the first reading at the meeting held January 17th was published in New Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of February 14th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by the council president given the ordinance second reading Mr Booker will you second second and on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol Mr perz I miss weer I Mr laaloa I second reading is by title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bon chapter 7 traffic and the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may have a motion to close second on the motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi and resolution ordering final passage move it second and on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 9 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of B chapter 7 traffic which was introduced and past the first reading at a meeting held January 17th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin board as required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of February 14th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moov by council member Perez given the ordinance second reading Mr Carol will you second second on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi M weer hi Mr laaloa hi second reading is by title in ordinance amending and supplementing the provided General ordinances of the city of Deon chapter 7 traffic the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance and opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with may have a motion to close I move motion to close Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa I and resolution ordering final passage move and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa I Mr Grimes good evening Council um Edward Grimes I'm with sativa cross.org we're a 501c3 here in Bon fighting for um wheelchair accessibility and for cannabis patients rights I have been uh to literally hundreds of Council meetings all over the state hundreds over the past few years fighting for uh disability rights and cannabis patients rights and uh very rarely do I get the opportunity to to thank a council for uh for doing something and uh I came out here in the cold to to thank Bon Council and um I'm thanking you for something that probably happened last year at some point that I didn't catch up until recently but you put a um wheelchair ramp in Bon High School in front there I don't know when you guys put that in but I just found out about it uh recently and um so I want to thank each and every council member here for your involvement whatever your involvement was in in getting that ramp because it's a very important thing um you know someday we may be you all be using that ramp who knows knows I mean so the truth of the matter is you coming to the meetings they probably watch some of the meetings but the Board of Ed should be thanked Board of Ed it really wasn't us so just I'll thank them too I mean you know it was a great thing to see that I was surprised and uh you know that's all I can say and um maybe I'll have to talk to them about this but I actually have a a 25 foot ramp similar to that ramp um that's just sitting in my garage that I'm looking to donate it might fit woodro Wilson school it might fit at another school the 20 it's just like that ramp there it's 25-footer it's worth over 10 grand I'm sure uh my friend demolishes houses and she saw that ramp she knows I I do the ramp thing she's like I'm not going to destroy this ramp she gave it to me it's sitting in my in my garage so if you guys want a 25 foot ramp yours I don't think wooder Wilson needs it but there might be somebody else that may hear this and get in touch with us okay well thanks again appreciate it thank you Mr salary good evening again uh we have a enough a lot of issues we have to try and figure out who has jurisdiction on 440 from Jersey City to the Bay Bridge it's like a Raceway I was there the other night sitting at the traffic light to go on fish Street I did about 7580 no exaggeration pass me my car shuck Goldberg Drive is a mad house last year I must have counted four accidents there was one just not too long ago a couple weeks ago you got Costco coming out you got Lidle coming out you got Starbucks you got chosen Fu you got you got UPS coming up all their employees coming out you got tenants down there coming out I feel sorry for the fire department because when they I watched them one day getting dispatched out that way it took them almost three four minutes to get around all the cars because nobody was move nobody has courtesy for our emergency vehicles cops farming EMS they stay there they think they have to right away but if it was their house they'd be moaning and groaning that they didn't get there in time we have to try and do something get some kind of get the state to come in to analyze what's going on down there and it's five o'clock in the morning you got you got the Speeders you got track to trailers doing 6070 miles an hour going down 440 because they got to get to the turnpike right away there's nobody at the turnpike it's 5 six o'clock in the morning uh the other issue I I have I have to congratulate Mr CER he had his guys go and pick up after the garbage company that we have the pest Administration use wif the Galaxy Sanitation for being a slob you went against roselli for being a slob dropping garbage all over the place but we have ANL who is a well-known person in this town does whatever he wants trucks are dropping garbage all over the place they don't pick up recyclables because his secretary tell them how many times I call and tell them they didn't pick up my recyclables and I tell and I tell the secretary well if they don't pick it up I'm going to put it out in the middle of the street so they have to come and get it but no Tommy has to send his guys out to pick up after another garbage company this is the third garbage company that we're dealing with I know he's a friend people in this town I don't care he's a vendor like everybody else he's not a friend he's got got to get after him we don't treat him like a friend I had personal meetings with him because we were discussing his contract extension and I told him if this doesn't change we're not going to I went to him personally I seen Joe I went to him I said you you got you got to have your guys follow get followed at night time we had guys doing a mess during the daylight these guys are making a mess during night time or is he too busy running around playing Joe cop Joe SM cop with his red white and blue lights on his truck okay but stick to the No No that's what I'm saying he's too busy doing everything else but his his Garbage Company because when I call his office oh we'll get there when we get there oh you're going to get there cuz I'm going to put it out the middle of the street you have no choice to come and get it okay so so thank you thank you and um it's our Bon police will take care of 440 in Bayon if I'm not mistaken it's still the city so our police have the jurisdiction even on 44 I know Court Authority was down there but they sit they sit right across street from Goldberg Drive they watch guys making three lanes making left turns and they don't do nothing but B police do come oh no I seen them done on 440 he yeah if there's any changes it would have to be done by the state right as far as the state road but you asked me who has jurisdiction to police it B on police all right thank you okay moving on as an ordinance for introduction an ordinance amending ordinance number 0 24-02 approving a financial agreement with Bon JV LLC The Entity for the property located at 175 Avenue way which is identified as block 300.1 Lots 1 two and 3 and block 31.03 Lots one and two to correct the scrivener's error and reflect the entity's name to Bon Bay View JV LLC and a resolution fix in March 13th as a time in place for a public hearing and final passage it's moved by the council president Mr pz will you second second Mr Meli did you want to make a comment about this so just the blur there says that we're changing the name to bayw JV LLC if you look at the ordinance in front of you it should be changing it to five urban renewal entities Bay View Bay View one urban renewal entity two three four and five uh you have to Grant a pilot two an urban renewal entity so I just I know the the blurb doesn't rule but I want to make sure that for the record those are the five entities that are getting the pilot approved and that uh that the the ordinance reflect that and that the minutes reflect that and you does reflect that it's crossed out yeah right it it corrects Bay View and in one other place it corrects Bon but it is Bay View one urban renewal LLC and the two urban renewal LLC three urban renewal one through five so that we can uh have each building so each building that's being done down there there are four new ones and then we're rehabbing the Planet Fitness building so one one entity for each one of those things okay and on that introduction Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr Lolo hi 01 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances for the city of Bon chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations and it should also read chapter 35 zoning regulations and a resolution fixing Wednesday March 13th and Ador the E Harrington council chambers is a time in place for a public hearing and final passage just moved by council member Perez Miss weer will second second and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 02 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 17 Property Maintenance and a resolution moved by council member Perez fixing Wednesday March 13th and Ador theery council chambers as a time and place for public hearing and final passage Miss we will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez I'd like to say something about this uh one quity of Life issue and and we have to take care these abente land are not taking care removing that garbage and just dumping out the street our inspectors who come in Su they refuse to come to court and have to a great I miss weer I I agree with um I agree with councilman Perez um this is probably the one of the single most frequent calls um that we get here at the council and and again many of us are are uh homeowners and and have investment property here in Bayon but um it is the few that really do take care of their properties and care for our city and it is unfair to our DPW department and to our quality of life to the people that or the person that seized to these quality of life issues um it is a thankless difficult job and and it should be passed along to the homeowners so uh with that I vote I as well Mr laaloa and again it's it's wasted resources if the city has to follow up on that and I think it's a good ordinance and I vote I vote 13 is an ordinance amending a supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of B chapter 25 streets and sidewalks and a resolution moved by the council president fixing Wednesday March 13 and Ador the E hington council chambers as a time and place for a public hearing and final passage Mr Perez will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa and and just as a clarification to everybody this also if they don't take care of the issues the trash the weeds or whatever then if the city has to go out this goes on as a lean on their property to cover the cost so 03 and 02 are a little bit in conjunction with each other and that's also a great ordinance to have and I vote I thank you 04 has been withdrawn 05 is an Orin in amening supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bayon chapter 7 traffic and a resolution moved by council member Perez fixing Wednesday March 16th and theor the Harington council chambers as a time place for public hearing and final passage Mr Carol will you second second and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laalo hi 16 is a bond ordinance providing for various improvements acquisitions and installations to the 11 I think this should be the Russell Golding Park and appropriating $5 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of $5 million bonds or notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof authorized in and by the city of B in the county of Hudson new and state of New Jersey and mine I'm gonna have um our uh city planner come up and talk about this and 07 as well uh yeah you could no stay where you are stay where you are sir that's good okay so what's the next one council president 06 and then 07 also with it's 11 Street oval oh okay fil dream I'm sorry Dre I'm sorry you know um Dr Ryan told me to take one I thought the people should take it and then there weren't people who took it thank you I just want to thank uh Donna Mau our CFO for um coordinating this uh as you probably have heard uh we did get HUD approval for the $5 million no in no late November and we also have um approval pending um our environmental assessment which is apparently we're going to have done we think next week uh approval on it and we'll be able to move forward on both of them the HUD Grant for Russell Golding is the largest Eda HUD Grant in the really in the area and um it covers a great deal of good things that will happen in that property uh which we're very excited about and um we are all also excited about the Field of Dreams 11 Street oval which we are hoping to have out to bid and um have in place for the 10th anniversary of our buddy baseball program which will be uh April well may of 2025 but as these things go and director Kata can tell you it takes a long time to go from approval and then um to go to bid get the get the design engineering the environmental assessment it seems to be the most important thing to HUD uh that that is in place and uh we've been working with both our Engineers both a matrix and CME different parts of it and um they're just great projects and uh just a compliment to everybody on the council for supporting them from beginning to end and uh hope you'll be there for the uh groundbreaking but I also just want to say um your faith in the fact that the federal government government will come through CU I know a lot of people think that these grants are not worth going after they are very intense but I believe that to take that money off good things that we want to have happen for the residents of Bon without going on the tax base or the bond even though we're bonding for them we have a source of funding to repay them I think that's very important because we have a number of projects uh that we're doing but we have to bond for them because you have to pay for them up front but uh through Sean Kemp and the accounting department we've been very successful in getting our money back uh very quickly so I thank everybody thank you very much that was great just coming from the FDA conference where I had to do the ferry so and you know this is GNA be a lot of smiles on a lot of people's faces absolutely I'm move it and on the resolution of Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa hi o0 17 is a bond ordinance providing for various improvements Acquisitions and installations to the 11 Street oval and appropriating $2.5 million there for and authorizing the issuance of 2.3 million bonds or notes to finance the portion of the cost thereof and authorizing authorized in and by the city of Bon in the county of Hudson State new jersey and a resolution fixed on Wednesday March 13th as a time in place for public hearing and final Passage would like to move it move it second and on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa I Communications is a resolution moved by the council as a whole it's ordering the following Communications to be received and filed it covers C1 through C4 any questions on on the communications and on the communications Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa hi and officers reports is a resolution moved by the council as a whole ordering the following officers reports to be received and file and a resolution any resolutions Incorporated within to be adopted it covers or 1 through o R4 any questions on the officer reports and on the officer reports Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi consent resolution is moved by the council as a whole it's a resolution ordering the following resolutions to be adopted cover cr1 through cr18 any questions on the consent resolutions and on those resolutions Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa i r one is approving the emergency temporary budget number one for calendar 2024 Municipal budget would like to move it and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi r two is consenting a agreement to change the ownership structure of 197 Avenue we urban renewal LLC second on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carrol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa hi R three is designating the property located in 19-45 West 55th Street and designate and designated as block 28 Lots 2 and three as a non-c condemnation area pursuant to the local Redevelopment and Housing law and authorizing and directing the planning board to of the city of ban to prepare a Redevelopment plan move it second on have resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi our four is authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of not to exceed $1,285 th000 Bond anticipated notes of the city of bound in the county of Hudson to the Hudson County Improvement Authority and determine various matters in connection there with move it second on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi our five is authorizing amendment to agreement number Cy 21071 with ANL disposal for the collection of solid waste increasing the same in the total amount of 16,000 $400 to cover the cost of 20 dumpsters to the Bayon Housing Authority for the calendar year 2024 and additional pickups at the grman high school for from 4 thou $43,000 per year to $50,000 per year for a total additional amount of $1 16,44 for calendar year 2024 thereby making the total collection of solid waste calendar 20 24 1,8 $7,881 for a total contract amount of 6,158 n67501 one-year option and the additional charges will be reversible by the Bayon housing authority and Board of Education and it also amends resolution 23-12-1 13072 authorizing the first one-year extension to correct the script error and reflect said agreement number to be 21071 who like to move it move it second and on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I'm curious about this uh is this essentially refundable to us is the board picking up the tab for those I that was my exact I was just wondering why is it that we're covering the cost of so this comes out to a net zero for us in the end yes we have a shared service agreement with the board of Ved and the Housing Authority the Housing Authority yep and finance bills them and it's even listed separately in the budget you'll see the revenue that comes in and then we offset the cost by the okay thank you there was some increases to the contract price and so everybody involved gets an increase as well which is why we're doing this yep okay that's great thank you yep I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr lapalosa I our six is authorizing the first one-year extension it's amending resolution 23-12-1 13073 authorizing the first one-year extension to agreement number calendar year 21071 tol disposal LLC for the recycling collection services for a period of one year commencing January 1st through December 31st 2024 for an additional amount of 1,274 348 to correct the scrivener's error and reflect set agreement number to be calendar year 21071 move it second and on the resolution s six Mr Booker Mr Carol I Miss Perez Mr Perez Miss weer I misso I our seven is directing the director of planning zoning and Redevelopment to investigate the property and impact of establishing certain setbacks in connection with new multi multiple St story buildings move it on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi r eight is approving the budget budgetary appropri Appropriations Reserve transfer number one in the calendar year 2023 and second second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi r nine is awarding the contract to All American Ford for the purchase of two 2024 Ford EXP X xlts or equivalent for the bid price of $12,995 resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi our 10 is awarding the contract to All American Ford for the purchase of 4 2024 Ford police intercepted utility ities Su SUVs or equivalent for a bid price of 18 88260 move it second on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi our 11 is authorizing the mayor and city clerk to exe authorizing and directing to execute an agreement amendment to agreement Cy 22051 with jobs for blue for police extra Duty Administration services for a period commencing March 1st 2024 through March 31st 2025 under the same terms and conditions and on that one Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi and I have several add-ons the first one is amending resolution 23-12-1 13099 Which authorized an agreement with with Richard and campus ano for professional legal services to represent the zoning board at any and all meetings and to defend any and all actions or and other matters impacting the zoning board to correct the amount from the zoning board litigations to not to exceed $10,000 move on a resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr pz miss weer Mr laalo hi a two is from the honorable James M Davis appointing and reappointing the following individuals to the planning board come move on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi and three is appointing reappointing the following members to the Zoning Board of adjustments and on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi at four is amend in resolution 23-12-1 3-36 authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute an agreement with Jersey elevator for elevator maintenance and repair services for various municipal buildings for a period of one year commencing January 1st through December 31st of 2024 for a total contract amount not to exceed $30,000 to Amed the same to remove all references to the Bay Public Library the amount payable by the B public library and the account chargeable for the same also to increase the total contract amount to not to exceed $40,000 move it second on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I five is authorizing the extension of procurement period for the procurement of HVAC services from inline air conditioning through the co-op pricing agreement number 65 Ms MC ccps with the Educational Services Commission of the New Jersey for a period of one year commencing January 1st through March 17th should be January 1st through March 17 2024 for an additional amount not to exceed $30,000 move it and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I at six is authorizing the mayor city clerk to enter into an agreement with the Bayon Economic Opportunity Foundation to provide nutritional feeding program for the senior citizens for a period of one year commencing January 1st through December 31st 2024 for the amount of $480,000 from the county of futon Department of Health and Human Services Area Agency on a move it second six and on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi three more at seven is correcting a gor's error in resolution 23-12 there 13110 adopted on December 13 2023 authorizing and directing the planning board of the city of Bayon to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether the certain property located at 11-13 West 47 97397 Broadway 97 979 Broadway 983-9868 Street which is designated block 70 Lots 19 20 21.0 1 23 and 24 as a condemnation or non condemnation or non- condemnation area of Redevelopment move second on resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol no I won't support the condemnation element I do we know anything about do we have a little more information on those I that didn't sound familiar to me at all I'm sorry director again uh this ordinance uh or sorry this resolution uh these are the two um for uh old holiday tree and trimite and uh uh the old Avante uh site up on uh Broadway in 47 Street uh when we were looking at the um actual ordinance uh and the minutes uh adopted um there was a uh a scribers ER in this regard that uh the resolution got copied and paste you know it was the same for it um this is again reflecting um the intent for those conversations that night that these are for again the holiday tree and trim site for one and then um The Avenue uh on Broadway the old uh I know it at the Avante restaurant um used to be the Ceramic Place ago go yes but these are for these are to correct lock right because the ordinance says condemnation or non- condemnation doesn't it doesn't specify one or the other no and and again it the the initial intent from those resolutions um on that were directing the planning board to study either option okay so it's still given the planning board the discretion on you know what they see fit for it uh so if it they find that condemnation they will make that recommendation you know back to uh the city council um and vice versa if it's non- condemnation they will have to make that recommendation but you're giving them the option to investigate it okay and the scribers era is Bas block yes okay and I I think we're waiting on some additional information on those aren't we the two holiday train trim documentation we were we did provide that in December and the council voted in favor of these these are just to correct mistakes the the yeah the letters were sent out yes if you want you did vote Yes on these no no I know well because we went through a very rigorous process there that that there was yeah several months but um did that did did that notice go out we gave you copies of that in December uh right before the meeting that that everyone reviewed and um I believe everyone I think it was a four to one vote um but yeah though we definitely did all the notices everything that you requested of us this is just a correct it was really just a copy in I I remember speaking on it in favor of not that I'm in favor of it but I I remember commenting but I know we did go through that rigorous process um I was my my curiosity and I thought we had spoken about um how how that was received uh by by the property owner yeah um I think the property owner uh basically told us she'll she's got a time frame that she's got in her head and nothing's going to make her move a little faster um that she's got to work it out and she'll get to it when she I mean I'm paraphrasing here but she she'll get to it when it's good for her and um it's it's sort of it was very discouraging after we told her that she asked how could that be I want to do this you know the way I want to do it and uh so her reaction wasn't what we were hoping but it's what we expected okay thank you you Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi that seven also is correcting a scrivener's error and it was from December 13 2023 meeting it's authorizing and directing the planning board of the city of bay to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether certain properties located at 13 East 33rd 734 d756 Broadway designated as block 140 Lots 2 56 57 58 59.0 60 61 and 62 constitutes a condemnation or non-c condemnation area of need of Redevelopment would like to move it move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol no Mr Perez I miss weer and and again this is correcting a scrier error right I and Mr laaloa hi and my last one is authorizing the director of planning zoning and development to Pro form an analysis of the city's master plan zoning planning noise and other ordinances to ass certain if there are changes that can be made to improve the quality of life issues attended to Residents homes that are in close proximity to Commercial and IND industrial properties who like to move it I'll move it I just want to clarify that's not the next in line right there's another number three or what are we six S three it looks like the same as number two the same addresses so this is this is about having director of Planning and Zoning look into making those changes and the master plan Etc I just want to make sure I'm voting on the correct thing yes that's what it is I'll move that I think I think this is a positive thing it'll help in future to keep a closer eye on uh some issues that have occurred like we had downtown with the um scrap dump get a chance to take a look at that instead of just a blanket approval who like the second move and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer I Mr laaloa I I have nothing else with that I'll take a motion to adjourn yeah and on the motion second sure for yeah so there was a there was a resolution being sent to the director of Planning and Zoning yes and it was to discuss some issues with rent control and changes I didn't get that one I'm sorry you want to send that to the the director of Planning and Zoning to study that I would make a motion to do that this last to the last one or potential no I would I would certainly I wait and do it through the proper channels next month okay let's wait till next month then so I I would hope and I had a discussion about this this is a little change about I didn't think it was tonight I thought it was next all right let's do it properly next month okay so on the motion to adjourn Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I want to wish everybody Happy Valentine's Day happy President's Day and to all a good evening thank you and I vote on okay