[Music] [Music] [Applause] I would like to advise all those present that notice of this regular meeting of June 12th 2024 has been provided to the public in accordance with the provisions of the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey notice of time and place of this meeting has been included in the annual notice of meetings which was posted and filed with the city clerk and with the Jersey journal and the Star Ledger an additional notice of time and place was posted and filed with the city clerk and was forwarded to the Jersey journal and Star Ledger on June 10th 2024 the regular meeting of the municipal Council of the city of Bon is now in session miss Medina please call the role Mr Booker here Mr Carol here Mr Perez here M weer here Mr laaloa here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay our first item is the hearing on the calendar year 2024 budget and which was approved at the meeting held May 15th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin board by summary as required by law with notice that it would be further considered for following a public hearing at this meeting of June 12th is now before the council fors consideration and a public hearing and a resolution given the budget a second reading who'd like to move it move it second reading is by title the cendy year 2024 local Municipal budget and the council is ready for all persons interested to speak on the budget Mr gas uh Jason gas 73 East 25th Street uh I saw an article I think is nj.com where um the mayor is allocating $99.75 million of Surplus Monies to offset some of the tax burden for the budget but he's still left with 15 million in Surplus after that I'm just curious how much is the Surplus that we have right now and can the Surplus actually cover the entire tax levy from the municipal budget and the school board and possibly even the county because the County taxes are going up too I'll let miss Ma or CFO answer that but the Surplus I I don't believe is going to be able to cover or else there wouldn't be an increase but so the S the total Surplus right now was 15 million that's available we're actually doing an amendment tonight and we're you we're using five more million of it so there'll be $10 million left in our Surplus and no that will not cover the levy is the municipal Lev is 99 million correct I saw that it was lowering it to 2.6 amount so I did some calculations it's about 1 million for each percent is that accurate the budget itself when they say that we're going to be anticipating to get a 2.66% tax increase it's about a 2% increase from last year correct now what percentage of the municipal Bud budget is the 2.6 is it 1 million is it 2 million is it 3 million we have a deficit we have to make up a deficit I think it was about 3 million or 4 million from last year it went up from last year no no yes no no not the deficit maybe you're saying wrong the budget no we we have a tax role that we need to the budget increase from 97 million to 99 million so 2 million increas million okay we have how much left over in Surplus 10 million yes can we just pay it with the Surplus no why not well then we would use everything we have and then next year you'd have a 10% increase yeah but two from 10 leaves eight right from what two from 10 equals eight correct $2 million so if I use $2 million in the budget it would probably change it maybe by 10 cents the tax rate the wait a minute the total tax ratable for Bayon is what 99 million the the tax the tax the amount of taxes in the levy that they just the municipal that they own is responsible for is 99 million okay the the entire Levy including county is over 200 million got it okay so you so we have $99 million in taxes that the city has to raise and the mayor decided to give almost 10 of surplus money to offset some of the burden to homeowners correct all right how much so so we gave almost we're actually increasing it to 15 but you still have how much left over 10 $10 million and that's held next year or next fiscal cycle for right it stays in and not what they we call a fund balance and then we could use it NE in next year's budget so if I use all that Surplus in this year's budget we're going to start off in a $15 million hole next year and not have anything to put in and it will have to be raised in tax taxes it's like your your savings account it's money that's left there so for next year's increases I can use that to cover I guess q1 of 2025 you mean no to the entire budget that that money can only be used it has to be put through the budget okay so the 10 million will sit it'll sit there and an in next in reserves for contingencies things like that no no for in next year's budget if we need we will use that money or some of that money to help with the but why can't we use it now for this year's budget because then it will use everything up well I'm fine with that you'll still have an increase and then next year I'm fine with that raise my taxes next year if you have to but don't raise them now next year you'll have nothing I don't care I don't want the taxes raised now well I can't I mean there's everything has is there something we can vote on maybe to say we could use the money we have now to offset taxes and then next year we could raise you have to be fiscally responsible for not just this year but going forward as well that amount of money will not affect it will be such a minimal effect I can run the numbers for you quick it will be such a minimal effect you're talking about a hundred million yeah but another wait another five million represents 50% of what in the budget if you look at the budget you can go line by line in the budget and look at last year for this year mostly everything stayed the same the contractual obligations what's gone up is Insurance health insurance pension costs and any con utilities gasoline things that we need to run the city there's really you can look at the budget look I mean I have it here line by line I I sat with her for an hour and a half did not there's not it really did not go up that much I went through all the different departments I want to look in case I could cut some fat off of the the there is no there was none no I get it the police I'm all for police they need their they need the money the fireman I saw went down that was good right and you're getting sued a lot I saw that 40% of your budget is going towards uh comps and lawsuits no that was publicized in nj.com as well I think they referenced you in the article as the one saying it you're the financial yes director right no what I said the increase in the budget was caused by Insurance health insurance and pension they actually mentioned like workman comp and liability right we have which falls under insurance right for the regular common folk when they hear insurance they think all right it's just health insurance went up it's no all Insurance went up yeah it's all encompassing meaning to be financially fiscal responsible you should also be ethically responsible as well you shouldn't be putting the city in a position to go up 40% for liability and comp yeah I don't know where you're getting the 40% from said it was I could send you the article if you want to see it but but the article's not right then because if I can those expenses are third party they're they're either pushed down from the state we're in the state health benefits program or or they're me required to have certain insurance and insurance costs have gone up exponentially over the past couple years and I think it was 22% last year so when you have that type of increase in one year it's it's difficult at a municipal level because you have caps that you have to worry about and it's mandated that you have to have this it's not even no I correct I guess my point being is is there any way shape or form where some of these Insurance costs were avoidable whether it be by poor management or there's nothing like there's nothing it was beyond your control to to well we we we did explore we're in the in fact we're always in the process of trying to find if there's a cheaper alternative but when when you've got the state health benefits I can give you an example in real life 1994 or 98 we decide we're going to get out of the state health benefits program and explore a private um insurance we did and we saved a boatload of money we found out a year later we saving the money because they weren't making the payments that they needed to make to to pay our our providers and we end up going back into the state health benefits um program this is bet this is been between 98 and 2002 I would think you can't have a lack of a lack of coverage like that you you in the union contracts you've got the police fire and um and the municipal workers and they say if you're going to switch Insurance during the term of the um um contract it's got to be similar it has to be the same essentially same type of coverage limit things like that and this went out to RFP RF that was all done back in yeah yeah so we went in state health benefits program for at least the last 15 years maybe more than that um and and that Rose precipitously in the past two years because they were artificially they you know you have politicians down in Trenton uh elect officials down there they're they were keeping the the uh premiums artificially low and then when they couldn't do it anymore you get hit instead of increasing things 2% a year which is what we would do in our homes CH I mean to interrupt I'm sorry please but I just want to read something the increase in the municipal budget comes from mainly from general liability and workman's compensation Insurance Group Health insurance and pension morer said of the whopping 42% increased in these costs from1 18 million to 25.5 million she's not wrong about that but it says here I know what I right it says workman comp general liability and workman's compensation Insurance comma group health insurance and pension so workman's comp like I stated before is part of the reason why the increase is there is that a fair statement that is a fair statement okay so how do we avoid all the workman comp claims or people getting hurt on the job a lot like where do the workman comp claim come from you're coming out of several years postco number one number two people people are filing more claims I mean 25 years ago if if you banged your knee you probably went back to work the next day and just sucked it up and that's not the way it works anymore people are putting in more claims and that's true municipally and in in and in private practice no there's nothing you can stop somebody from putting a claim and I get it put a CLA rul you're trying you're try and live by the rules you try and provide people with safety um precautions and educate them but people get hurt you know and and it's it's the way of the world at this point said a whopping 42% increase from last year in the cost that's that's a very big number Gary 42% very big and you have how much in Surplus right now 24 million or 15 million no no before this 9.7 was allocated how much was in the Surplus does anybody know all right so you originally had 25 million in Surplus the mayor decided to give about 10 you left 15 for the next year now you decide to change it now you're doing another five and you're leaving 10 for next year can you do another five and leave five for next year why not 10 is the minimum to leave J wait J Jason I think it's it's it's philosophical more than anything you're concerned about this year correct you you'd love to just pay this well I I used to work in government contracts where was a use it or lose it when you had the money you had to use it for the fiscal year or you lost it for the next year this is not analogous to that this is we know that costs are going up next year and the year after that and the year after that we're trying to plan over we have a an inability to tax and and allocate money on the same basis as what our costs are going up by way of example if if we uh if in your house or in your business costs go up 20% you've got to figure out ways to to either pay a mortgage I get it you pay the mortgage company extra money in case taxes go up and sometimes when you overpay you get a refund at the end of the year anybody who owns a home knows this what I'm saying is how many projects do you have slated for q1 Q2 of 2025 for development projects Revenue expected to come in how many do you have a something I could look at so we could see hey guess what if we use the 10 now we're going to make it up in the first six months I can tell you point blank you're you can't plan like that because you don't know in government accounting you can't you can't guarantee that that's going to happen come up and you have to have that money there for that emergency we we went through this when we had the L the bail and local re Redevelopment Authority and we started counting on the money from down there Jason every year oh we'll get 10 million next year we'll get 12 million we end up being $36 million in the hole operating deficit knowing we're walking in January 1st of every year that we are $36 million in the hole that we can't make up and when I was asked I think it was in 2004 what happens if we take this Armageddon yeah what happens if we take this money to make up the budget I said Armageddon What happens if we don't take it armag either way once you start and and government accounting forbids you from anticipating that type of thing like a a sale of a piece of property we were we were playing with fire back then with respect to saying oh we're going to get $20 million in a March 1 and it doesn't close till August 1st that was a problem back then and you don't want revisit those days I understand that you you're concerned about this year's budget this year's budget but we can't count on what's going to close next year or the year after understandable I get it but I guess what I'm really getting at is the development deals that were structured are not performing well enough to stabilize taxes for the regular homeowner can I can I jump in on that that's not true at all listen and you've paid attention I've been maybe considered as of late an opponent to construction I've said yes in some areas I've said no in other areas but there is no doubt that over the period of the last 10 years without it your tax bill today would be five or 10 times higher than it is there was nothing going on well hold on if there were tax the regular rable if let's just say Jay tomorrow there's no more abatements and somebody wants to build a luxury building you're going to go in and assess and you're going to say what their taxes are now going to determine whether their internal rate of return justifies them to buy the property and build it and make money here's another question all these approved development plans that you guys vote on are you seeing the internal rate of returns for these projects they if they apply for a pilot yes so what is the average percentage of the internal rate of return I can't give you an average because there's they're totally different we've had people come in here looking for with an internal rate of return which which I thought was ridiculous and I believe the council thought was at like a 1.2% but they're in for the Long Haul for 30 40 years and they're saying we think over time the the market will recapture that me and you looking at like why would I want to be in that investment but that's their call and a bunch of those ended up not taking there what you don't know are the ones that don't go forward or the ones that get miniaturized we had some that were supposed to be 18 20 stories now they're going to 14 and six so the market changed prec you you know this it's much more difficult to put a deal together now because of of how the market changed so what there was a question back in in the day when in 2015 how many of these projects are are are necessary and people say you know there's 40 Projects in the hopper you know that's too many what's the right number well right number is about 20 now they have no experience in in why 20 is the right number but they said 20 is a number and in the real world my my lifetime the market would have changed already and we wouldn't have gone 40 for 40 the incredible thing is over the past 10 years 40 Projects were proposed and I'm just making up numbers about 40 of them got built which isn't which isn't how what happened throughout Bon's history went from 2000 to 2014 with one thing being built one the alexin that's it so you don't you I understand you got to get the ball rolling I get it but the balls are already rolling why do you still got to give them the same deals are the deals being restructured are we getting more Revenue Now deals there's more more things coming to the city now than there ever on a 20e term instead of a 30 correct absolutely is it are percentages how about this if they Jay how about this if they sell within the first five years right is there some Clause to say hey we just don't want you to turn and burn and get the approvals build it sell it to somebody else make a profit can you put some kind of contract law in there that states if they sell within the first 5 years the city captures 50% of profit it's to make sure that they're vested to stick with this deal and they're not churning and burning and fleecing the city with these tax abatements to sell it to somebody else I'm going to defer to jod skner on that one all right Mr Gast so because of these urban renewal entities these are limited dividend entities and by operation of law they are cap at the amount of what they can actually earn by State Statute I believe it's about 12% on that so even on the windfall further of if there is a sale or there are other Provisions by operational law on the state statute there's a cap and a limit on that so if they happen to make a 50% return they would give up 38% back to the city back to the municipality yes that's all I needed to know fair enough there caps thanks okay all right I'm hoping you can give another five but if saying you can't Gary I'll take the extra five thank you for doing the extra five even if it helps us 10 cents which I doubt it will I think it's going to help us more than 10 cents a home but we'll see continue thanks anyone else that I'll take a motion to close the hearing I'll move well as I said anyone else if you want to speak you come to the mic can then just state your name and address please not the address oh say your hom could you move the mic down we can't hear you Moren ha doesn't have an address because she's homeless okay and the reason why she's homeless because there's no nothing right now in Bon to help her she's been living on the streets for four months and she's disabled and every time she goes to look for help no one helps her no one no there's no uh nothing for the women in b there's nothing for her to go but you have the YMCA for men what do you have for the women you did but then all of a sudden now I think it's for seniors you fixed it up and you got so where do she go they say go to Jersey City why should she go to Jersey City this is a budget hearing not you can speak on our the regular comments but this is about the budget now okay a budget how come you don't build anything for the homeless how come you don't build anything you're building all these things that's not about the budget now we're trying will you tell me where is she going to go where is she going to go we we have a public speaking portion if you'd like to come up at that time I will call you up where she G to go tonight where is she GNA go so you all you men and all you women are just going to say the H them right now so when I call up the eyewitness news I wish that you can tell them where is she going to go to live tonight where is she going to take a shower if this was your daughter or any or your aunt you going to where's she going to go the the city has many programs that help people they she went to every one of them and they said nothing no they have nothing here for Office on Aging the beo I can go on and on about PR there to Anna Gonzalez she went to the mayor office everywhere and choice nothing nothing for four months four months so you tell me where is she going to go give me a name and she'll go tomorrow give me a place where she can go I don't have an answer other than those departments I don't have another answer you don't have it and I think all of you should be ashamed yourself well again all of you should be ma'am you you never contacted the city council the mayor never mentioned anything about you either but I don't know who you contacted if you would have contacted us I would have personally made it a Viewpoint to go out of my way I see you about a quick check all the time never knew that you were homeless though never knew I know you probably don't recognize you but I see you on 38th Street all the time yeah so I would have went out of my way to help you as a citizen but let alone as the councilman I would have gladly helped you out now that I know I'm gonna have a way to to excuse me ma'am you have to let me respond go ahead go ahead I will go out of my way to try and help you I'm going to take down some information and a way to get in touch with you and I will make it a point that you'll get some help okay thank you so much but nobody ever contacted the city council or I don't know if my colleagues were ever count uh contacted but you didn't contact me personally I will make it a point okay Gary laloa said he's gonna make it a point I know I saw your truck pass the other day and took down the number we okay we'll all make a concerted effort to work this on can you get it by today by tonight have you contacted the County Social Services Program M yes welfare two you have and it was no help they put me in a me you know the county byen they did place you somewhere Liv in that hotel down there was all drug addicts down there they were trying to come into her door she had to leave okay she had to spend $60 but she didn't have to take a U-Haul to come I mean Uber come all way back if you could give me some way of contacting you and leave it with the I can give you my cell phone number well could you write it down I want you to say it in public because this is going out on TV okay and I do have an application down at 537 Avenue a okay over a year already okay okay thank you if you could write your information down you could give it to the clerk and I'll make sure that I contact you tomorrow I'll be working on this tomorrow no address so I'll just give you my phone number 51 you very welcome okay no problem absolutely and I can give you my business card as well Jason you just real quick I forgot to mention something in these deals that you're doing with the developers are there any special assessment Clauses with them perhaps meaning that if taxes do go up above and beyond will they kick in extra monies pay the the deals across the board have a provision in it that it's the higher of x amount percentage of the rent or whatever or the the Ador taxes that would be uh associated with so it's a higher of the two and the the the percentage basis is listed in if you go to on all these deals I know you put in some Oprah requests so if you look at it's it's usually four I think it's 4.1 uh has the as where the percentages are and you'll see that there's a provision in there that we get the higher of the two um but we can't build in for real estate tax um increases because it's based upon their their their income uh on the uh property I get it's like a deal like a profit sharing almost kind of deal and the other thing you said before can we can we get in like 50% we can't be partners on these deals we don't have a financial interest in these deals other than to to get revenue from based on no I get it you're making a deal with them for a tax abatement and the deal is we're giving you the tax abatement you give us X we give you X you give us y so there's no issues to put in contract that this is another stipulation of a tax abatement if we're giving you a tax abatement then you agree to do this upon sale whatever the state 12% Max that they're doing that they're allowed I get it you can't go against state law we can't we allow for transfers of of the corporate entities or or the you know as as long as we're receiving our um Revenue then you know whether you own it or mateline owns it doesn't make a difference to us no different than any other house in in in your property I I want to try and give other people a chance to all right last Point all the projects are current with their revenue payments Donna but at this point yeah we we we have audits on on the properties done on annual basis and I don't think anybody's behind on there um because if they're behind then they lose their pilot okay thanks anybody else like to speak on the budget meline continue y there's a motion on the table to close the hearing it's moved by council member Perez who'd like the second second and on the motion to close Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I now the introduction of the budget amendments move and it has to be read in full and I apologize whereas the county year 2024 Municipal budget for the city of B was introduced and approved on June actually May 15 2024 and whereas it is desired to Amed said Budget prior to adoption now therefore be it resolved by the municip municipal Council of the city of Bon that the following amendments to the approved calendar year 2024 Municipal budget be made is from General Revenue Surplus anticipated from $9,750 th000 to 14,750 subtotal of General revenues $5 55,985 6769 to 6,915 6769 total General revenues 15 55,974 3229 to 160 m975 3229 General General Appropriations Municipal debt service excluded from caps escrow service agreement from Zer to5 million total Municipal debt service excluded from C caps from1 13,123 32128 to 8,123 23 $21.28 then total General Appropriations for municipal purposes excluded from caps from 20, 25273 46 to 2,252 7346 total General Appropriations excluded from T caps from 2,584 2377 to 3,584 $23.77 subtotal General Appropriations from 1454 m3204 34 to $159 m3204 32,43 and4 total General Appropriations from 155 m975 3229 to 16,9 $ 7,532 129 Municipal debt service from 13,123 32128 to18 m1233 2128 total General Appropriations 155 m975 3229 to 16,9 7,532 29 and be a further resolve that this amendment will be published in New Jersey journal on June 20 20th 2024 and a public hearing will be held at on the afores said Amendment on the afores said Amendment on July 10th 2024 it's moved by council member Perez who would like to Second it and on the introduction of the budget amendments Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr lapal all right that's it for the budget before we go to 01 i' just like to make a couple comments on the budget I think a lot of people came here maybe they didn't want to speak but I'm curious about something if you'd all indulge me just with a show of hands has anybody in the last three months been to a school board meeting has anybody in the last six months been to a County Commissioners meeting okay we're the first and last line of defense everybody knows who we are and where we are and when we meet so our budget we do the best we can to make sure it's lean to make sure that it doesn't unduly burden the taxpayers and I'm not thrilled with it and there are things that I've been fighting for for a year that I had hoped would be done prior to this but we represent one of four cities that saw the highest increase in County taxes our school board and I admit to the public I'm a school teacher in this District raised 2% but someone young lady shouted out did we take a raise this year I don't know who it was the answer is no and over the period of the last six or seven years I don't think we have in that time maybe ask those questions at some of these other locations where your taxes are getting hit we're doing everything we can and as the responsible parties who have to face you here and on the street and in shopright and everywhere else no we didn't take AR raise no we don't do things that are unnecessary or lead to an undue burden on the taxpayer there hasn't been a raise in the mayor or Council pay since 1994 it's the only Department that has not been raised in that long in the whole city and there's there are some Kudos that need to be shouted out and addressed you know Mr G came up here and I understand your points but it's the I hate to please don't be offended by this analogy but it's the squirrel and the rabbit the rabbit eats all the acorns throws a party invites everybody in the neighborhood and he's a big hit and everybody loves him dead by winter the squirrel stored them all away okay this budget these people up here they all represent trying to make sure the whole city doesn't sink again we crawled our way back from a deficit we're no longer having to turn the key at City Hall January 1st and be in the hole the debt of the city is being actively serviced the debt is going down I I think we're probably one of the most fiscally sound cities out there and in the future hopefully the near future we got surpluses more than we need and this not only will taxes be stabilized but possibly a redu excuse me a reduction but there are external forces Weighing on us you know and and the the the two women that came up here and spoke it was a homelessness issue but it is a budget issue because you know in the budget we do have monies for rent control which over eight months ago I tried to bring back uh we it would be of no cost to the city to Institute Workforce housing for the new developments that are coming in as a part of their program as a part of their them coming and this would stabilize rents this would keep people here spending and working and stimulating the economy in the city do making it even more possible for us to keep a budget that is reasonable and beneficial for all so I I just you know that I think that needed to be said before we moved on to the rest of this budget I you know I'm going to continue to introduce these things and I hope in the near future we get them done because it all leads to fiscal soundness I that's all I wanted to add so I I want to add something to that um there are many questions about the workforce housing the rent control I can't say I'm forward or against it because I'm still waiting for a couple reports to come in that we were promised what when I get that then I will be able to make a decision but as far as the budget in the past and I've been here longer than anybody as far as a council person the Council budget was based on in Revenue that will get later on so they kick the can down the road and they borrowed $25 million every year they did a shell game between the L in the city and all that Jay I think that's what you were referring to Jay and I obviously have been here longer than anybody else on the St but they anticipated that all this building is going to go on down the the military ocean terminal and it never happened so now we were stuck with this huge deficit this Administration this Council the council before it took the bull by the horns and chipped away at that so now you don't have that huge deficit that you had and when we talk about fiscal responsibility I know you you threw it back at me as if it was a bad term it's not it's something that we have to look you had your say you have to sit down and let me do my talking now I should be able to respond no I don't think so I think you have your turn and I'm going to say what I have to say the fiscal responsibility of keeping that money in that Surplus because you don't know what's coming up next year I have no idea some emergency something else could come up so I have to keep that money there things went up everywhere they went up total think about your public service Bill think about your food bill think about but this is accessible once a month we have this meeting you could come up here and voice your opinion and we welcome it I love hearing from the public the more the better you told me before when I said hello to you I said you said I'm not going to like what you have to say you could come up here any time even if I don't like what you say I want you to be able to have your say having said that it's unfortunate because most of us here own homes and when the taxes go up our taxes go up too we don't like raising taxes but this is life and this is what happens I can't go to public service and complain to them I can't go to the supermarket because I don't think anybody's really going to want to hear me at the supermarket complain about the food prices going up but you could go to your council meeting and tell to your council person I don't like my taxes going up and I'll listen to you and sympathize with you but this is real life I can't go to the fireman and go I want to cut 10% of you or I want to cut 10% of the police you know why because I want that security out there I want those firemen working for me and those policemen working for me the city budget if I was to cut 25 people their salaries wouldn't even make 1% of the budget maybe a half a percent I don't even know what the percentage is but it's less than 1% there's nothing else for me to cut I went through this I met with the CFO twice all the council people are concerned and met with her as well this is the reality of what we have okay iide my piece if you would like to speak on a budget you're welcome to come up I would just like to I really don't understand please come up to the microphone state your name and address uh lesie Cohen 91 West 46 Street I just don't understand what the apartment buildings contribute between the time they're built for the next 20 years to the city they use our water they use our sores what do they give us well there's a different deal for each building so you can't it's not one blanket formula but they give us money in a pilot I'm I don't know what that means I'm gonna have Mr Skiller explain to you how that works what's your name hi my name is Joe Skiller how are you Skiller yes okay so uh with the with the apartment buildings of the new apartment buildings being built uh pursuant to the long-term uh tax exemption law on that uh not even just the tax exemption just what do they give us what do they contribute do they build Parks do they help with the infrastructure do they take care of their they have a hundred people inside do they fix the seore system for us so that we can handle the water yes they overlow so part of it and especially with all the the newer development going on within the Redevelopment agreements we are asking for money to be allocated towards public improvements as Parks infrastructure uh improvements also as any new development that occurs there's a water connection fee a sewer connection fee so the best way to describe those fees to our water and sewer systems or like a country club a membership to a country club so where you're you have to pay into the general membership of it and that's their fee so these fees that these new buildings you know are in the tunes of a couple hundred thousands of dollars for you know each of the buildings uh being built uh when it comes to the tax abatements on that part of the financial agreement that's done with the city is that it's a revenue sharing with the municipality they're still paying the land tax but the Improvement on the or the building itself the city get a portion right off the top of tell me what what do they give back to us I mean I I don't know what the numbers mean what do we see as we drive by and we see these which I mean it's nice to see the development but when they first came the city was suffering it's not suffering anymore it's a sought-after city so depending so you don't need to be doing what you did 10 years ago and I just don't understand because I live in a house that never flooded and it's starting to seep water and I'm wondering gee are all these new buildings the building at the corner on 46 and Broadway is somehow is everything the new the new three family that supposedly was bringing in his family that wound up renting it out um all these new developments what how are they helping us I'm not talking about in 20 years I'm talking talking about now are they putting a little park for the for the locals or that are they contributing I don't see it and if they are then I think you should do a better job of explaining to all of us so that we just don't feel like we're we're you know the beasts of Burden carrying the load for them for the next 20 years so so we are doing that so you know specifically and again while this is more Project Specific on it you know we've been uh for instance with uh the old Villanova site in that Redevelopment agreement we were able to help fund uh the park improvements uh to 11 Street for Buddy baseball so they're contributing uh half a million dollars to a park seems like a decent number so it is a extreme number given the fact we also you know to our planner suac and her efforts on getting federal grants in that where we are going to have a you know a state-of-the-art beautiful baseball uh field for Buddy baseball uh but again some of the uh you know funding you know for the entirety of the project uh you know couldn't be done by grant money so we had contributions made by uh you know developers in the Redevelopment agreement so that's just one instance uh with uh you know 26 North and that's coming up tonight in that Redevelopment agreement there were several concessions uh that uh were made in that so specifically the uh 12th Street uh and Avenue Kennedy Boulevard uh sorry is it Kennedy or Avenue SE Park uh by the 7-Eleven um but but that park there were uh you know they they had uh contributions Financial contributions to help uh the Clark Park yes that one what did the buildings that went up Beyond Costco contribute that went out to I mean honestly the the the boring and I I'm I'm confused now in what in my wording because I'm you know I'm feeling uncomfortable being up here speaking like this but what did they contribute all of those buildings that are building out to the sidewalk that don't even leave Earth in front of them what did they contribute what did each one of those F six or seven or as you go down to mppy what did they give back to the city so again the ones on mop you know that was a property that was paying zero taxes for the most part it was owned by the Port Authority or even by the city of bay own of again non- taxing entities so but are they paying taxes they are paying property taxes or uh pilot agreements right now yes what I I I think when we say pilot yeah which we throw around so cavalierly it means payment in L of taxes so what what the general public sometimes hears is they're not paying anything that's what I'm thinking it's absolutely positively not that what what the statute allows for is as an incentive to get people to come to municipalities like ours that maybe had a a troubled period is to to offer a developer a chance to get five six seven years of um solid development ability so where they're not getting hit with taxes right away and and they Jersey City went through it you downtown Jersey City when I was going to St Peter's par in the 80s was a war zone and you go down there now it looks like San Francisco when San Francisco was San Francisco and they did that by incentivizing entities to go down there and and take over the old Colgate place and an exchange place and and they they they incentivized them to go there and they got 20 30 20 25 30-year Pilots there and it's payment in Li of taxes so it's not real estate taxes like we pay on our on on our home it's a payment plan over 30 years that assures them this is what you're going to pay over the next 30 years they can then go to a lender and say listen we've got a fixed um obligation here we can we can accurately predict what it's going to cost us to to develop this place and this is going to be the rate of return and the revenue we're going to realize over time and it gives Banks and and lenders and investors a a feeling of certainty that otherwise what did we get between the time they were built and the next six or seven what does well I I can I can tell you that um we had a 36 million as I said before a $36 million operating deficit and now we don't because of something because of all this all the development that came in and the payment in Le of taxes that were the money generated by this development that we used to have a tax assessor named Joe Nichols and he would say you know how many things got built when we didn't have Pilots this many nobody came here because they could go to other towns Jersey City Harrison wherever and and build there and get these Pilots so we were we were operating with their hands tied behind our back when it came to attracting investors and look Bon had a nice run for a hundred years you didn't have to live leave here you could work here get get a good education here there were jobs it was wonderful but it was based on dirty industry filthy dirty industry uh and Industry picked up and left and like on a Tuesday in 1994 ba we grow up in died and you're saying though that I can tell my friends and other people on you know if I choose to say it that that the apartments that have been built have even have somehow manag to lower our deficit even though they're not physically giving US money somehow no no they no wait wait they are giving us money it's called a payment in Li of just because it it says payment in Le of taxes it's it's the same thing they're making a payment much like we do on on our homes under it's called adval taxation we pay our taxes and our taxes go to three things basically the county the school and the city a pilot takes out everything but 5% to to the to the county and then technically you'd say nothing goes to the school but the municipality takes in a whole load more money than they would under regular taxation now as you as a taxpayer when you're going to take pay your tax bill you don't go into three different parts of your wallet and say this is for the school this is for the county this is for the city of Bon you pay one tax bill how it gets whacked up with with the city uh the county and the the the school people really don't care all they know is they can come here and complain about the fact that their taxes are too high but you're saying that they are paying hund millions and millions and millions of dollar 20 years you're saying that they're giving back somehow in a way I don't understand they're paying to a different calculation a boatload of money and we've generated enough annual revenue that we no longer have this unbelievable operating deficit that we had 15 years or 20 years ago but if you say that they paid back 30 6 million if I I'm re understanding then if if we have that 10 million deficit shouldn't that be pretty simple to get more I mean to as more as more and more as more and more entities came here and invested and and put their money into Bon our fiscal situation improved and we're right now in the black well honestly I I I mean I learned something I never knew I thought these places just were going to keep on tell everyone from us tell everyone you know when you leave here tonight you go on the internet tell them what you heard you know it's really hard except you know just say coffee said that they're paying no it's just a different it's way to incentivize investors to come here and the incentive has changed it used to be we had to beg people to come here's a 30-year at 10% I know I I've been here for over 30 years to know how desperate we were and you know the town was really desperate I remember that dor was here but and I and I'll shut up now but I just have one more thing the Texico site there was talk that the studio backed out is that true AB absolutely positively not in fact in one bit of good news we have from the governor's office today that the the film studio togus was approved by the state of New Jersey uh for $400 Million worth of tax credits that place is not going anywhere we're going we're going to have a movie studio it doesn't take any money out of our pocket here in Bon it's going to put a boatload of jobs into Bon uh it's going to help that there are Community benefits associated with this Aspire program that they will we visited upon the the children and and the adults in the city of Bon they're committed to comeing here they're going to be our biggest taxpayer at some point and it's going to be the well that's great to know and that you should be proud of I mean and that I don't know why some one of you doesn't like take the position on Bon talks that's the only place I know of and and and be positive back and tell these things well the problem is the next person on Facebook who has their opinion changed will be the first person on Facebook to have their opinion changed it's tough you you can spit you I can go on Facebook and spout fact after fact I write numeric paragraphs but where else is there there's no there's no more newspapers there's no place to go the city website but where does the city put where's the city GNA where am I going to read that news that that where am I where am I going to read that news if I go to this city is there a p place that says current news just the things on social media are they're jaded a little bit they're not always correct right so give us some place to trust unless you want us to bumo you know trust us we we have we have follow social media we have a monthly meeting each of us individually though so that's why I feel like if there was some but there's so much information we have a monthly meeting you're welcome to you could even watch it at home it's teved well I guess you know um it's it's a little bit easier for me now to possibly make a once a month meeting then but the meetings but the other thing is is there's no parking you want a lot of people to come how many people are going to run around each Street looking for a parking space or pay an Uber I mean I that's what I was down to today was debating okay am I going to pay $10 each way to go to a meeting but but the fact of the matter is is you can watch it on your computer you can watch it on on TV I'm not able to speak to understood but the information is there and and you can go and look at it anytime you want the the the meeting from last month and the months before are are online you can go watch them uh for the central repository for information you're right we don't have newspapers anymore and that's a tragedy it is for for people but the fact of the matter is we're of a certain age where we still would like to thumb to a newspaper people that little kid over there with the beard he doesn't read the newspaper I'll watch it on the internet just give me a bon speaks coming from the council and the mayor I I think a lot of us would be happy to know what's fact and what's what's not fact well may maybe we need to find an advocate within the community who could who could convey this at a at a um on a social media platform I mean maybe I don't know if you were here earlier but I I am on a site for Naples Florida and the mayor encourages that site that is their site that's how people get their information why would you want us to all you want to add something yeah hi I'm sorry just to clarify when we have press releases announcing things they're posted on the city website we also send them to the mayor's Facebook and we do send them out to local Electronic media and I'd like to point out that Al Sullivan who uh is a reporter for tap into Bayon covers all these meetings and he writes news stories about Bon on Tapp to Bon we yeah we send the the press releases to the Jersey Journal which actually still is in business and from time to time they actually print some of my press releases to time I do pick up the journal and who are you Joe Ryan we've we've dealt with each other before this is the man I told you about earlier that fixed this the glitch with the police station not putting in the information that need all right let's let's wrap this up because we have all the business we have to get to maybe why couldn't you if you have 60,000 people or 40,000 people why can't you just shoot an email out last like like any other big Corporation does we don't want to raise the budget and hire more people to do that so well listen a lot of people don't do don't do 40 hours a week that work here that's you know I don't want to get into that but there's people here that work very hard I'm just I know some do and some don't but maybe you could give somebody who takes lot of cigarette breaks something else to do okay on that note um where are we we're moving on to 01 okay which is postponing an ordinance of the municipal Council of the city of B County of Hudson state of New Jersey to amend the financial agreement ment for the long-term tax exemption by the entitled Bayon redevelopers residential urban renewal block 780 LLC with respect to block 722 Lot 1 and block 790 lot 1.01 to the meeting of July 17 2024 at 7 6 PM move it and on that postponement Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi O2 is an ordinance to exceed the municipal appro budget Appropriations limits and to establish a cap bank which was introduced and pass the first reading at the meeting held of May 15th was published in a jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boarders required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of June 12th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by the council president giving the ordinance second reading Mr Perez second second and on second reading Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa hi second reading is by title an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget Appropriations limit and to establish a cap Bank the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak I'm opening the public hearing on O2 no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may I have a motion move on a second second and on the motion to close Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez Miss weer I Mr laloa I and resolution ordering final passage second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer I Mr laaloa I 03 I will take a motion to postpone motion move it second and on a motion to postpone Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez miss weer Mr did you want to say I would like to say say something yes we are carrying this tonight um I heard that the gentle lady discuss the benefits of development I want you to the council to be aware of two things as we go back for a month and think about this site the person who's been involved in this didn't just bring this this year he brought it three years ago he's been patient so let's give this the time and attention that it deserves and let's do a better job communicating about this project with each other so that not only does a developer not suffer that's my job but so that the community doesn't suffer she asked what benefits well I got one for you a community facility that we haven't had we've been talking about one since 2014 but we have we don't have one we got one on the table here and this is being delayed failure to communicate and I'm just asking you in the next month let's do a better job so that we can get this project approved and get some of the benefits that we've been talking about because there are a lot of benefits not just Financial there are unseen things all of my clients give back to this community like I do and delaying it any further I understand we need to talk a little bit more but please understand we don't that's this isn't the message we want to send to people who are trying to invest to make this a better place and to pull us back from where we were in 2014 to now and then to keep pulling us forward so that we don't ever get there again and that's all I have to say thank you very much thank you and on the resolution to postpone Miss weer I Mr lapalosa I 04 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised ordinances of the city of bound chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations and chapter 35 zoning regulations which was introduced and passed the first reading at the meeting held May 15th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of June 12th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution removed by the council president given the ordinance second reading Mr Perez will you second second on the resolution of Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi second reading is by title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bayon chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations and chapter 35 zoning regulations the council is now ready to ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to close move on a motion to close Mr Booker I Mr Carrol I Mr Perez Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi and resolution ordering final pass second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 05 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of bay chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations which was introduced and past the first reading at the meeting held May 15th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of June 12th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and resolution moved by council member Perez given the ordinance second reading Mr Carol will your second second and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi second reading is by title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of B chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity her to be heard heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak yes sir how are you um Omar algari 24 West 40th Street um so I was here at the first meeting about the short-term rentals I just didn't know about the May 15th meeting there was a May 15th about short-term rentals correct or that was just introduction this the public hearing okay very good so what's the adjustment that you guys are doing cuz I'm a little bit unaware um we were here for the other meeting director plan will explain that to you Hi how are you so the the changes really here are more um very minor in that on uh kind of clarifying uh uh the different types of uh days there it's not really changing the format of it so as we were going through just so you could understand where this amendment came from in trying to create the application online uh certain technical programs um you know that we had to address um you know came about uh forther so like some of the changes and I could walk you know through them with you on you know clarifying uh the differences between calendar days and business days uh again it just said days I I think for the sake of the benefit of the public at that point you know they should uh you know really know and this ordinance should be very crystal clear as to what that is uh you know they were also again just some minor little grammatical errors too that were being updated in that regard but for the you know there was no sub substantial changes to the ordinance this is just clarifying you know really you know some of the the days uh on that so I had a few good questions so um the grandfather in situation that's still um in the ordinance right that nothing was taken or added into this ordinance on that so the grandfathering Clause of you know that is uh still there so if you own one and you're occupying it you could do another one if it was in service before before the adoption of the ordinance yes which is July 1st or well the effective uh the effectiveness of it I'm trying to find where it is but uh yeah it would be July 1st 2024 July 1st 2024 so you could still do that situation okay and uh so no major changes it's all the same situation as the one meeting we had a while back yes it is like I said it's just you know clarifying it um you know of calendar days business days you know and also so uh again any where if there was a inconsistency for that uh you know it was corrected but again those were dealing with the uh the days and the application will be online it won't be here in City Hall you don't have to come physically or you will be able to go into the city's website we're trying to do this as a jot form and make this as user friendly uh and accessible to the public as possible so you just provide like your ID that you live in this location and then you get the permit for the property like the whole property again there'd be you know we're still um are you still working we're still finishing up the final touches on do doing the full roll out on that but uh again uh for the the J form uh you know application ownership affidavit uh you know proof of residence uh proof of insurance uh you know again those type of documents that are already listed in here are going to be uh asked for okay all right all right thank you so much appreciate it thank you guys anyone else on 05 I forgot ask I just want to know so 03 was tabled until next month are they renovating or tearing down it's for a new building a new development I'm a member there so we G be able to go there I don't when they finally if they finally close no but there's still open right now so when you go there ask them that question they I'll have them answer that yeah okay mine no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may have a motion second and on the motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol hi Mr Perez Miss weer I Mr laaloa I and a resolution ordering final passes move it and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 06 is an ordinance of the city of bound amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of B chapter 17 Property Maintenance which was introduced and pass the first reading at the meeting held May 15th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of June 12th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by council member Perez give the ordinance second reading Mr Booker will you second which one are we on 06 06 I have a question hold on hold on let me get through the process oh okay and on the ordinance for second reading Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi sec reading is by title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of B chapter 17 Property Maintenance the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak okay so um is there a chance that we can take one of these properties and turn it into a shelter for the animals and before you they're privately owned you'd have to contact a private owner to ask well maybe if you could give us a list some of the realtors in town could go after some of these people and try to make some kind of a a deal with that would have to be done on so how how how would we know which properties could you give us that that list and the other thing is just as regarding I know that you you say there's no money for a shelter but I have an idea that if we have there was money put aside one of the Developers ments on nth Street gave us $750,000 towards an animal shelter in Bon the the property has not been determined and probably more money has to be raised but there was a start for it and it came from new development but where you say there was a start but where's the continuation and why is that being not public knowledge so that we all have some it was public knowledge it was done right here in a public meeting okay so I have an idea that if we were to put a shelter and we were to get a private that's a conversation you and I could have after the meeting but it's very hard to reach you but it's not hard to reach me you could walk across the street I know I don't want to take your private time yeah I mean you have my telephone number I would always call you back if I didn't get you okay but why wouldn't that even after this meeting we can speak if you'd like but for now I have to keep to the agenda okay I don't mind that as long as you can give me a half an hour of your time I'll make an appointment with I'll give you time I don't know if it'll be a half an hour but I give you what I I'll take 20 minutes if that's okay I'll give you what I can I said okay so um I just wanted to be known I believe that there are solutions to to put that but Leslie I have to stick to the agenda thank you yes Jason um MN mentioned that I guess this was posted in the Jersey journal or outside I guess for the public to read what the ordinance is MH is there a way we could now post these ordinances online they are okay where would we they're on the website on the Bayon website yes yes that's all I want to know thanks they're also M do you put them on the bulletin board they're on the bulletin board they're available in my office so at any time somebody can go on the city of bay own's website and they can read the ordinances and be ready for the meeting when it comes out great thank anyone else no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to close second and on the motion to close Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr Lolo move it yes I and on resolution for final passage move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez I Miss weer I Mr laaloa I 07 is an ordinance of the city of Bon County of Hudson state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations which was introduced and passed a first reading at the meeting held May 15th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of June 12th is now before the council forth consideration and a public hearing and resolution resolution moved by the council president given the ordinance second reading Mr Perez will your second second and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez i m weer i Mr laaloa I second reading is by title an ordinance of the city of Bay County of Hudson state of New Jersey amending amending and supplementing chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations the C council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak any questions on 07 no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may have a motion to close some move on a motion to close Mr Booker Mr Carrol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laalo hi and resolution ordering final passage move it and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer hi Miss laaloa hi 08 is an ordinance of the city of Bayon County of Hudson state of New Jersey amending and supplementing the chapter 7 traffic which was introduced and passed the first reading at the meeting held May 15th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of June 12th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by council member Perez given the ordinance second reading Miss weer will you second second and on second reading Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr Lelo I second reading is by title in ordinance of the city of Bon County of Hudson state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 7 traffic the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may have a motion to close so move on a motion to close Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I and resol resolution ordering final passage I'm move on resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa hi our first speaker is Miss rcard good evening Council first I want to say something about this movie studio that where it's coming from is Michael Boswick that's number one number two he's the main defel ER in Bon okay somebody's giv this man the authority and Gary don't shut me down the authority to do whatever he wants I want to know who gave this man The Authority who gave the Authority for this coronium hexavalent to be put around the town along with this falah hiide I'm tired of people saying I'm crazy cuz if I was I wouldn't be standing here and I wouldn't have put this whole story together there are times that I am about to fall on the ground and stop breathing and that Aaron's gold is part of it for his nephew to say to me I can't wait to see you your family and you die from F Malahide is sick and where would he get that from and you're talking about a 2-year-old baby my daughter my family and myself it's insane and it's sick where is it coming from that everybody is running doctors lawyers and the city when they see me and being humiliated and laughed at by some not all of the Bon police and the people in town harassing me every day thank God I'm the person I am because I'd rip your hair out of your head where the audacity toes the your town this town let this happen I want to know who gave the authority and more that's why the houses are burning down if you if people when they walk Broadway when they walk around town they don't look up they look straight ahead I went to the library and I studied this and more wires are going up and up and up with this coronium metal all through the town it's in metal it's in Weeds the weeds are over our heads that 26 Street bank property what's going on with that it's almost the lake right now and I don't mean to yell and raise my voice but you know what I'm getting sicker and sicker and sicker and I don't deserve it because this man is jealous it's all coming to an end who in the world gave this guy the right to do what he's doing and make a movie about me that's millions and millions and millions of dollars going in the state pocket whose pocket because I don't think if they don't turn to the lord they're going to turn to hell and that goes for everyone I don't deserve this I feel like a fool and I'm not far far from it and some of you people know me a very long time my friends and family were taken away from me they're giving this guy the authority to do whatever he wants in the town because he's building and putting a studio into the this town and I would love to run across him again Joe Scutter Michael quintella is 90% of the part of this because I wouldn't let him decontrol my apartment and told me he was going to make me miserable for the rest of my life is this what happens CU you have a little bit of money he should go back to Spain cuz if I see him in the street I'm going to let him know no just about two two two seconds from going to his house but I don't want to get arrested it's not what I'm about but I know some of them were arrested over and over and over again and I'm sorry to be loud I didn't mean to be loud but Donna I think you have something to do with chemicals right I'm just an environmental lawyer okay do you know anything what you go on 24th Street 2:00 in the morning and you could hear that meter running running running running and you could see Cheryl just about breathing running to the ER can't even go in my own apartment can't even go in my live in my apartment right Cheryl no there is no AR right there is no AR right had five minutes I have to ask you to sit down he was here for longer than 5 minutes it was he was here I didn't get an answer who gave Boswick The Authority question and answer period you know this you've been here almost every month I don't care I and I'll be here and I'll keep coming here have to have you escorted back to your seat if you want to do that Gary do it where's the answer that asking you question I'm asking you nicely to go down as a matter of fact all the questions you just asked not about those individuals but about the chromium and all that no I'm asking you who gave the authority I actually researched everything for you gave phone numbers to there is no research who gave the author I want one answer we're not having this back and forth again it's not back and forth who gave the Authority for these chemicals to be put around town nobody gave authority Cheryl we've gone over this time time and time again you're saying there is there there are chemicals in there we don't acced to that you do yes you don't lie don't lie no I don't and you know what at this roll over the telephone pole you have you you these questions have been asked and answered several times in public and hundreds of times in private Cheryl I'm sorry the council president is correct you asked the questions you've asked the questions you've gotten answers you don't like I can't help the fact that I don't like the gas and electric meter on the telephone pole on 24th Street on the side of it tells you about the chemicals I just happen to notice it and I read wait wait wait and we have no Authority ask an answered answer ask an answer don't look at the ceiling look at me somebody show me you right now and tell you you're you're not you don't like the answer no one from the city of Bon gave any authority to do that I told you that time and time again who gave the authority don't know several times we don't know on the gas and electric meter the bill from PSC and G says unknown cherl you need to go I'll go there tomorrow says unknown tell me where it is and I will go tomorrow it's all out every telephone poll in Bon but the specific one that I seen that runs all night is right outside of Aaron Gold right next to it and why would his nephew say to me Cheryl I can't wait to see you and your family thank you very much we're going to investigate it tomorrow with Donna I I will thank you your you didn't like my answers Mr gas like M I guess it's it's s when I speak okay um quick question about the just say your name and address again yeah all right Jason gas 73 East 25th Street uh just a question about the state law that I saw come up about the lead Bas paint inspections um July 22nd of this year is the deadline to have a LED safe certificate or lad free certificate on file um has the city done anything with promoting I guess this news to Residents I see Jay you did respond to the Oprah I see who was selected it was an independent inspector and the city's paying 177,000 up until the end of this year is that to offset cost to a homeowner when they schedule or is that is the inspection free if we call the city for them to come in I'm not sure how the particulars of the program work you have to give me a call tomorrow I'll get you all the answers on that all right because I did see in the Oprah request that it goes based off the RFP schedule that was submitted right but that's a that's a certified lead free paint inspector right I I don't know how the program actually works o Jason I just know we had to retain one because the city didn't offer them one themselves again I don't know the particulars of the program but I know we had to retain one and guess my question is is if there's a home that doesn't have a lead safe or lead free certificate on file on July 23rd and I was reading the state law that the city can I guess send the violation out and allow 30 days for the homeowner to cure and if the homeowner doesn't take interim or abatement measures within 30 days the city can now find the homeowner up to $11,000 per week now if the state gets a complaint that the city isn't following up with homeowners who need to have these lead safe or lead free certificates the state can then invoke $1,000 fine to the city of Bome every week for not complying with state law does anybody know any details on this [Music] stol [Music] anybody I I'm speaking with a couple Consultants about how to devise the city's program we have some grant money available but the grant money is very specific as to how the city can use it it's to staff staff um staff people to make sure that the Le inspection on forward to respond to complaints yeah so yeah from what I did some research myself that Bon is a visual inspection only it's not a dust sampling like other cities so theoretically an independent lead inspector can be hired by a homeowner to come in and do a visual inspection with pictures and if he notices no peeling or cracked paint there's a potential you can get a lead safe certificate ific that would be then submitted to the city with a $20 Ser charge that goes into a lead pain fund for abatement purposes I'm just curious because I was reading the state law for it to be amended and not have that hard date of July 22nd of 20124 would that be something the governor has to do yeah it's it's to amend the law it's the the DCA regulatory agency that's dealing with that yes okay so are we just going to hope for the best or are we going to be proactive well we the the city the city doesn't conduct the inspections the property owners conduct the inspection correct so what I'm hearing is the city's not going to have a hard stance in violating people that don't have lead safe or lead free certificates on file by July I don't think she said those exact words I think what she's saying is the DCA is even cognizant of the fact that the July 22nd uh 202 for deadline might not be a realistic one got it all right cuz this law I believe was introduced 3 years ago but actually became live two years ago in 2022 been been about other than the long-term control plan uh um statute and mandates uh is about the the most um liquid or fluid of of of the environmental things I've ever seen because they're they're they're trying to nail down something uh you know it's a state push down the state decides they're going to do that and then we're left with the Practical aspects of it initial enforcement falls on the municipality but the state then has ultimate authority to come in and say hey you didn't do it you're supposed to we're going to we're going to find you and guess what if we're finding you you're going to now find the homeowner and and the DCA has has an issue because they're un underfunded and understaffed also so so it's do you expect it perh to be revised so we we should not worry or should we move forward with independent inp the law is the law the law is the law we should move forward and get inspections correct yes all right so can you please find out for me how much the cost is you you gave the guy $177,000 for the contract how much would it cost a homeowner to call the guy you hired for lead P inspections I don't know that that let's I've got to look at it Jason give me call tomorrow I'll look at the contract tomorrow uh the particulars of the program I I don't I couldn't sit here and pontificate abouts but tomorrow give me a buzz and and I I'll read up on all right cuz I was able to broker a deal for everybody I called a bunch of them and the guy does it for 250 he doesn't charge per bedroom like Glouchester does they start at 250 to go to 275 for two bedroom they go to 300 for a Max of a three-bedroom or more my guy started at 250 regardless how many bedrooms you have but I broke it a deal cuz I'm a realtor and he knocked it down to $225 he took $25 off the price so I'm assuming hopefully hopefully that the deal you made with the guy is cheaper than 225 we we don't make a deal we we put it out for an RFP RFQ and they submit proposals and you paid 177,000 for the calendar year I believe that's the number yeah has any money been spent at all yet I have no clue Jason don't know no we have not spent that money yet okay that is a lot of car vs you know it's not every property arm there's a whole list of car vs for instance if you're in a multif family property three families and above and you had a green card in the last 10 years correct and the Green Card inspection did not reveal any violations in your exempt all you have to do is you fill out certification and you upload it right on dca's correct so this mainly and I'll close with this this this mainly just impacts one family homeowners that are renting out their one Families Two family homeowners that are renting or three fames not registered the state with a DCA technically you're supposed to have DCA certificate for three family above but some people don't register three families with the state just I've been in real estate I know how it is it's just the way it is so I guess my gripe is that and I'm a little discouraged that we didn't take a proactive approach knowing that this was a year from a law from two years ago to alert the public like hey this is going to happen this is a state law make sure you guys take care of this you said the 177,000 that was allocated in the beginning of the year had not $1 has been spent towards the program yet but that but the 17,500 is not not to pay for inspectors to go out and inspect it's if there's a violation if if there's if a if there's a violation or if a homeowner or a tenant finds that there's alligator uh paint or chipping paint they would call the city the city would send out an inspector and then we would pay the inspector we had to hire um but I don't to be honest with you I don't I don't think we're talking about the same thing let let Jay get back tomorrow and then I think that'll probably tighten up some of your questions all right appreciate it thanks mat is there another speaker no that's it okay 09 is an ordinance for introduction it is a bond ordinance providing for the improvements two various roads appropriating $2,700 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 2,700,000 bonds or notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof authorized in and by the city of Bayon in the county of Hudson New Jersey and a resolution fixing Wednesday July 17th at 6m in the darthy E Harrington council chambers as a time and place for a public hearing and final passage it's moved by the council president miss we will you second second on resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 010 is an ordinance of the city of bound County of Hudson New Jersey approving an amendment to the 8 Street Rehabilitation plan for the 26 North Street and resolution moved by council member Perez fixing Wednesday July 17th at 6 P p.m. and Ador the Harrington council chambers as a time in place for a public hearing and final passage Mr Booker will you second second on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer Mr laaloa hi 11 has been withdrawn 02 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 7 traffic and a resolution fixing Wednesday July 17th at 6 p.m. in the Darth e Harrington council chambers as a time and place for public hearing and final passage resolution was moved by council member per uh C Mr perz will you second second and this will be adding six restrictive parking zones and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 13 is going to be table table Yeah and on that I'm G to give you um what I propose is going to be the ordinance that would be introduced next month but I've got to sit with the directors each of the directors for each department um to go over what our responsibilities are we we have never had a can I have that back just for a second that's yours right there uh a public assembly's uh ordinance that deals with block parties farmers markets festivals parades um essentially public assemblies and um it's 2024 and this happens more often than not now that we're provided something at the last minute this uh by entities that want to have um public assemblies so this gives it um some semblance of um order and lays out to to an entity that wants to have one of these things what has to be provided to the city of Bon so we can ensure that garbage bathrooms police coverage all that kind of roads is is covered we've done it by the seat of our pants for the past 70 years and and we can't keep doing it that way anymore so um this is but I have to go over this with each of the directors because each director is going to be involved in in if there's food the Health Department's involved if there's vendors the clerk's office it it's a pretty complicated process so I'm I'm giving you the draft of it I'm going to sit with the directors over the next month to talk about what the responsibilities are and then hopefully he gets intr uced in July okay moving forward the communications is a resolution move by the council as a whole it orders the following Communications to be received and filed it covers C1 through C9 any questions on the communications no questions Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi officers report is a resolution moved by the council as a whole ordering the following officers reports to be received and filed and any resolutions Incorporated within to be adopted it covers o1 through O3 any questions on the officers reports on the officers reports Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr P hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi resolutions consent resolutions is moved by the council as a whole it orders the resolutions to be adopted it cover cr1 Through cr1 17 any questions on the consent resolutions which one cr1 CR2 cr3 let me vote on the come to the podium and give us your name and address and Ma you want to come to this other Gary let me take a vote on the other consent okay so on the remaining consent resolutions Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa all right cr1 is the authorizing the submittal of an application to the Hudson County open space trust fund for portion of the B BH walkway at mbay for $500,000 on $1. million of improvements I just uh good evening Mike how are you good good what's so you want me to tell you what the project is or yeah what the pro where it is and everything like that all the walkways are 100% with them and is terrific just thought the information great two things um as you know uh we the county of Hudson we pay it we pay a u half penny tax uh to Hudson County open space trust then the money is returned to us uh every year it was suspended during Co for a couple years and then last year we started to get it back uh this year we were eligible for $750,000 uh which was allowed allowed for two projects to be submitted uh which were developed by Rob Russo uh and Tom CER and Andy Reichel uh who did who does the walkway stuff so um this morning uh we had the Hudson County open space presentation um and in fact to I can send you the Powerpoints from them because those will probably answer all of your questions Darren miselle from CME did uh did the Veterans Park one and Andy did the uh Waterfront walkway on the waterfront walkway one um it is a continuation of the walkway that is out at mby if if you and I were walking it or driving it you know when you um before you get to the area where the walkway is and then after you get there down to the Port Authority space which is where the ferry terminal is going to be this doesn't go onto the ferry terminal site it puts that in it's the area now that is kind of just dirt and grass um you're coming down driving East and then you have the nice walkway and then it stops this walkway which would be 1.2 million will continue it right up to where the ferry terminal will be which is on the where that old dirt Mound used to be and everything like that that's not flat okay now um so um Andy developed an estimate for 1.2 he was hoping to get 750 He was unaware that under the grant regulations you can't get more than 500,000 so that came out he also said this morning that um he will have the bid ready for the council uh at the September meeting and then it would not be awarded hopefully they would be awarded in November uh because the way the Hudson County open space trust works we get the money um the the freeholders vote on it there'll be several public hearings on the recommendations and they always award at the September uh Freeholder meeting so you can't you can't get it you you can't do you can't award until you get the actual contract but we already have letters from the county uh it's a process we go through every year and it's the same thing on the Veterans Park project um and so I can get you the power points I think that would answer your questions it's got the budget in it okay um but I also want to tell you while I'm up here I'm also putting in I don't need a resolution on it but I'm putting in uh a walkway for the ferry terminal and putting that in on um this Friday um to the FDA Federal Transit Administration now that we have an operator and the ferry the ferry project is you know coming coming to fruition we can reapply for that so I'm putting in an application for $6.8 million don't know if we'll get it but certainly the walkway portion is um the walkway portion is a little smaller I think it's a 1.8 so we're trying to move ahead to get that walk okay and on the walkway where you know you have the walkway now right by by uh the little Litt and then it stops at the LA Fitness because that new construction they're doing and that building's almost done now the developer there putting that walkway through yes and and Andy has it and and director was at the meeting this morning Andy Andy has it like mapped out in colors you know what's going to be planned to get us to uh to get us right down to the ferry where the fer would be but he he had a schedule that said that if he awarded it in November would be actually done um by the spring so um I think I think it was received very well um because everybody wants to be able to go out and walk oh yeah it's terrific it's terrific okay and on the walkway with I guess then the other one is at veteran Stadium that's for the walkway or is it for the stadium itself director Carter it's his project it was actually for the multi-purpose park there that's for the park that's down there we're going to uh do an upgrade to the park that's down uh a little playground there and then exercise equipment that area right there that's what it's going to be done oh okay but I have the we have the applications that we submitted to the county they have some little maps in them and but drawings and stuff like that I can get you all that oh that's great and the Newark Bay the nor Bay um is another thing that um we've been working with d very successfully you know Alan Miller and crew that comes into from them uh this is actually for the uh norc bay that was already built uh it's actually it's about 5 years old actually the application and um we've built it um and we were able we've we've done a complete inventory of all our grants for D to try to straighten them all out and get the most we can and Don Donna just walked out but um we spent 1.8 million you know with grants and things various things but we actually can collect 900,000 um 93,000 if we get the paperwork in by June July 6 so uh that's a chunk of change uh to get back for the city because all these grants are um you have to put just like Miss uh Mar was tonight bonding for roads you when you get these grants Mo majority not all of them sometimes you get a little you get some money up front but most of the time you have to bond and then you get the money back and you pay off those bonds so uh this was good news but you haven't seen it yet um the the council but the letter came in today from d same area that we got 2.4 2 one 1.45 and 750 whatever that comes to for continuation of this walkway on nor Bay so that was a project that uh Mr K had requested and we don't know where that is that location New Bay yet until it continues it continues I I did the public hearing with you all in February I was here you were here and we we were able to receive received two grants from D just got the letter of approval uh in today so that'll be sent over to everybody but I guess what I'm trying to tell you is there is a lot of walkway work being done on both sides um director Carter's uh really been the priority prioritize the norc bay uh walkway you know from rowy oh yeah I know it's terrific done remarkable work but um and um yeah Joe Skiller and out for people have been prioritizing the Mappy stuff so so good news okie dokie thank you okay any other questions no on any of them because these were mine great thanks any other questions on that so on cr1 Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa hi on cr12 Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Pere hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi and on cr13 Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr lapalosa hi R1 is a resolution moved by council member Perez authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute an agreement with McManaman Scotland and Balman LLC for professional legal services as special Redevelopment land use Council on behalf of the city for a period commencing January 1 2024 through December 31st 2024 for for a total contract amount of $50,000 Mr lapi will you second second one and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa hi r two is moved by council member Perez authorizing the mayor and city clerk to enter into a RightWay agreement with inarah supermarkets Inc doing business at shopright for the purpose of installing and maintaining a shopping cart containment system in the city's right away RightWay between block 182 lot 11 and block 188 Lot 24 along Avenue SE and into the RightWay located along West 25th Street and extending across the street to its parking lot for an annual fee of $500 yes Mike I'm just uh Curious what is all this going to entail I know with the shopping cart problem at shop FR it's it's pretty heavy duty and a and the carts and I know when I go down where the Public Works have a a whole dumpster full of Cs essentially an electronic gate it's it's it's a locking system so that the the carts can't be moved from the premises and that'll be on the other side also now it's going to be under the the the materials will be laid under the The Madam under under the street and it'll it'll prevent the um cards from being that there's a mechanism on that'll prevent the car from being taken off site I and before they used to have it the guy would unlock it and let him go right now that's that's going to be done with right okay thank you yeah Mike the um they us unlock them to let them go to the parking lot because they never had agreement to extend that magnetic strip to the parking lot now that strip is going to go out to the parking lot and then go up 26th Street so that they're going to be boxed in they won't have to unlock them they'll be able to go across to the lot once they get to the lot they will then lock they won't be able to then escape the lot so hopefully this is going to solve the problem and we won't have to impound their courts any longer they won't be all over the street we won't have to pick them up and Shop right's been working with us to try to do it we've been finding them over the last year and a half and you know they really want to solve the problem so hopefully this plan they have now will secure all the CTS and we won't be seeing the Cs all over our city streets any longer yeah I know cuz you guys done a wonderful job and I when I go down to Municipal garage I couldn't believe how many carts were there and they just leave them there it's really strange but no this would be great then thank you and on R2 Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi part three is authorizing the mayor city clerk to enter into a rightaway agreement with rout kads I don't know how to say his last name and I apologize for the purpose of installing and maintaining a new a street parking space into the city's right away located at 18 West 40th Street and for an annual fee of $500 payable to the city move it second and on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa hi part four is authorizing mayor and city clerk to enter into a RightWay access agreement with Public Service Electric and Gas to allow psng to close the sidewalks of Evergreen orent and linage Street surrounding the Bergen Point substation located at Evergreen and Orient Street for the purpose of staging equipment for the Demolition and rebuild of said substation disconnecting all sewer water pipes in the S sidewalk and restoration of the sidewalks in accordance with the planning board approval number p23 021 and the site plan attached here to and made part hereof the sidewalk closures shall be for a period of three years commencing July 8th meline yes we have a couple representatives from public service did you want to speak or just give us a little overview of what good evening members of the uh City Council of Bon um the project that we currently are uh embarked upon at uh um at our current substation is the uh complete rebuil of that site uh We've also have purchased properties uh 219 221 and 223 and Encompass that into the the actual footprint of the new site the new site would um increase the reliability in the area increase the load capacity for the area so a lot of the conversations tonight have been about improving infrastructure building uh that particular site will allow for that increasing that capacity possibly fivefold depending upon how many clients and Commercial entities uh are going to be installing uh equipment in the area and uh building in the area so um this is an upgrade that we're doing at um many other the locations currently I'm doing one in hackensac for the city of hackensac and our hackensac substation and uh this is the next project on Q for our our project team uh nen is uh our permitting manager what I should have said in the beginning is my name is Gene Hernandez and I am the senior project manager in charge of that project noren is our permitting manager and if you have any questions regarding the permitting process that we uh went through and presented in front of the board before uh she is here to be able to answer any of those questions the the addresses that you gave are located on Orient Street yes okay yeah it was an old service station and and a dwelling that uh we took over 219 221 and 223 is it right okay the plan is to demolish those and then to begin uh our portion of the construction the way most our project start is that we have to build a station around station so we have to build a contingency station which has the same capacity and reliability as the existing station so then we have the freedom to build the new station so we're startings service exactly exactly so it's basically a station around a station temporarily until we build a new one but with the same level of reliability um and then once we build a new one we transfer our load from the station around station to the new newly built station at the you don't foresee any laps at all in no usually this is very seamless um the new station and and norin can go over this also is uh above the flood plan and um it will not only reinforce the area from the standpoint of infrastructure Improvement but it'll also Safeguard any flooding concerns in the future and for many years to come all right quick question um I'm sorry I startled you councilman Booker uh I noticed here I just a little clarification on the uh the sidewalk closures it says three years now what what impact is that going to have on the the neighborhood and people moving around in that area because three years is you know for for for the public to understand what's going on yeah sure my name is noren Mariner and I had filed the applications to the planning board for this the properties were buying along orent our idea is that we would close the sidewalks now we believe that the foot traffic will not be adversely impacted because there's no longer going to be a house and the auto body shop on the corners of Orient and linen we believe the foot traffic can probably go to the other side of the street we will still allow parking along Evergreen linit and Orient what we'll do is we'll put orange and white water-filled barriers that's because when people open their car doors none of us want to be slamming into a jersey barrier or even a wire fence we thought the plastic would be safest for everyone what we'll do is we'll have chain link fence on top of those barriers also we'll put screening around it that way people will not be looking directly into the substation we thought they probably don't want to see all the innards of construction and what amounts to sausage making so we'll have the screen around it so we don't think it'll be any serious impact now we do acknowledge there'll be sometimes during the three years when we have to get equipment into the site and what we're thinking is that's going to be the Transformers so we'll have to close down part of the street at that point but we anticipate that we'd have plenty of notice so we can notify all the owners either letters or door hangers and also possibly maybe we even want some sort of electronic type of equipment that would say road to be closed on such and such date in case people don't yeah a message board or something we're thinking of Message Board absolutely also we could put a notice on the city's website so people are aware and certainly when we're moving Transformers I fear that most of the city will know that we're doing this because it'll be a big operation for us but we need to do this because this station is almost hundred years old it's time and past to upgrade it the station as many of you know doesn't look all that great right now we're fixing that it will have decorative brick facade it will also have ornamental decorative fence around it landscaping and probably best of all it is elevated 5 F feet above regulatory flood level this is because when we started designing it njd was considering regulations that would require this we said we'll just do it because sooner or later the regulations will pass and maybe this year the regulations will pass but we'll have already built above flood elevation so we've also handled storm water management because we're all aware of what happened during during various storms and in fact the substation basement had flooded during Hurricane Ida almost three years ago but we will be there for three years because this is a important project we have to take the required time to do it correctly and make sure there's no interruption in service at all yeah we we welcome this project we know the building and how it's needed and um there's flooding in that are area so it's good that you put it up even if you're exceeding their limits now you know at some point they'll probably come up to your where you're at do you pay taxes of course I wish we did not but we do the flooding that you're protecting your property by going up higher is that going to affect the flooding for the surrounding Street and make that worse Leslie can you come up to the microphone please you heard me yeah but the public has to hear you as well the council and the public has to hear you I um okay so I just do we pay taxes and we make worse yes and will you help to improve that entire area is flooding problems yes we will the way we're doing it is we have to comply with current storm water management rules that were adopted by njd P last summer in July so we actually have to reduce some of our impervious coverage to make sure we are not increasing flooding during the 110 and 100 year flood storm so therefore we do believe we're doing something better than what is currently there only exactly where your property is you're not improving the condition of the remainder of the for the what in the case of flooding no but what we will be doing is restoring all of the sidewalks around Orient lenet and linit where our substation is and we expect we're going to repave repave those roads as well EXC you're go through that effort couldn't you at the same time improve whatever and work with the city to improve whatever is underneath that structure that's old at the same time before you put a new sidewalk on Old sewer pipes like Leslie they're doing a whole new building they're they're like completely renovating everything for their section but what about for the rest of the street that's on well they're talking about repaving let me they're going to repave address the ashphalt and the sidewalk the repaving of the sidewalk that gets dealt with in the repaving when they tear it up they find out what underneath what I'd like to say is I'm the councilman of that Ward youve put me at ease cuz I was very nervous about this you've answered almost every question uh in fact I'm going to be in that neighborhood in the upcoming days so I think the neighbors will actually be happy to hear this information you provide us do you two have cards on you that you could that we could stay in touch throughout this process we welcome that we'd also like to mention we know that the area is very congested so we have really tried to figure out what we're going to do about traffic control during that time we have an old manufactured gas plant site that has been remediated that's on Oak Court it's maybe a quarter of a mile away less than that sorry a so what we will do is right now it is vacant it has grass on top of it what we will do is put Filter Fabric on top of the grass and then Crush Stone and we will have our crews parked there and walk over because what we did not want them doing was parking on the city streets that's the fenc area right the fenc area yeah the fence the area is fence what we will do is we'll even put up a screen around the area again so people don't have to look into the facility to see what we're doing what we will do at that parking lot is our crews will park there also we will store equipment that later gets moved to the station but our whole aim is to try to keep the streets free of Public Service vehicles thank you we appreciate that okay I just want to jump in real quick to I just uh just for the Public's knowledge uh I think it's a fantastic project I am a representative of the council for the planning board so I've seen you two before and uh I appreciate the information that you're putting out and uh far as the three years in the street I just want to make sure that you know the adverse effect it would have on the community the project that you're putting up together is absolutely 100 years old it's outlived its due and it's a fantastic project and the water flood and everything that you're referring to uh was presented to the planning board and it's it's a very very good project so thank you thank you thank you very much we appreciate any other questions I think we're all set thank you again we're looking G I just like to add that oh um there's also a representative from PS Mr McQueen he's been in touch with public works on a regular basis he's our representative here in Bon and he's been talking to us about this project and he's assured us that he's going to work with us on this and we don't foresee any problems right now with PSA right would say actually this morning I believe he had a conversation with Jackie from public works and so they've been you know very good about how they're going to go about it and how they're not going to impact the neighborhood and their goal is to make it better and try to do minimal impact on the neighborhood so I think it's going to be a good project all in all okay thank you very much we appreciate your presentation and who'd like to move it move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi r five is authorizing the preparation of a Redevelopment plan for the property located at 50 Agnes Street which is identified as block 232 l 10 as shown on the official tax map of the city of Bon pursued to the local Redevelopment and Housing law move it second second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi M weer hi Mr laaloa hi can you say will be yeah you have to if you have a question on you have to come up to the microphone you cannot yell from your seat can you say what that property is going to become Lesley Coen 91 West 46 street can you tell us if it's a Redevelopment plan what is it going to what is it now and what will it become Joe can you answer that sure so um for the request for the that was made by this property owner uh he's using the re uh rehab designation under the local Redevelopment law on that so he's at the start of uh this process on that uh so we uh have a bare minimum concept on it but it's going to be a very small um maybe two three uh multif family uh very small two or three yeah multi family uh unit what is it now right now it's a garage uh right now so the parking space that it takes up now is for maybe one car and it's going to have a three family uh again the one when for this resolution here this is uh again authorizing the planning board to conduct the study to look at the I don't live on that street but I'm sure that you know it will have the proper appropriate uh parking reg regulations within their uh for the offside parking on there so thank you R six is authorizing the planning board to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether the property is located at 1191 d195 1197 and 1199 JFK Kennedy Boulevard which is identified as block 32 Lot 10 11 and 12 as shown on official tax map of the city of Bon constitutes a non-c condemnation area in need of Redevelopment move it does that mean I'm sorry but you know if I'm going to be here I'd like to understand things sure so this is up by Kennedy house right uh yes it's a little bit before I believe it's two doors in front of it second 51st Street yeah there I forget the exact uh so what does that mean the non- cond what does that mean so under the local uh Housing and Redevelopment law uh there's a designation um that would have to conduct the study to see see if it fits the criterias to qualify as an area needed Redevelopment so what this resolution here is doing is asking the planning board to start that process and conduct the study that the planning board uh presents here's testimony on whether or not it meets the uh certain criterias uh for redevelopment that like as in an apartment building well no no whether or not the current property of it um you know is abandoned vacant not utilized to the best of its ability uh in the uee zone there's numerated uh list criteria corner of that property is a it's um vacant land that's for sale and then there's those two I love those buildings those old buildings that nobody's in right now but so are you considering are you is the owner of those buildings asking you to consider Redevelopment or are you going in there to condemn those buildings we're not condemning any of these buildings the request for this came from the owners themselves and again so you're going to decide what it can become Again part of the the start of the local you know for the area need study the planning board looks at whether or not it meets the criteria on that and then it makes a recommendation to the uh City Council on uh whether or not it it does or does not meet meet the criteria but the vacant land next to it is that part of this those two it's this a vacant land that I think uh you know property um north of uh that uh you know again the block and lots are listed here uh with that uh those are the ones that are being you know sought for now oh okay and on R six Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer hi Mr laloa I r789 will be tabled yes we move on to r10 it's authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute an agreement with John T D's MD for professional medical services for non-uniform employees for a period of one year well for a period commencing June 13 2024 through December 20 31st 2024 for an amount not to exceed $115,000 some move second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi I have two add-ons do you want to take those before we go into close session yes okay so add one which is not on your agendas is authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute an agreement with USA Architects planning and interior design LTD for professional architectural services as the city's architect in connection with Municipal work for period commencing June 12 2024 through December 31st 2024 for a total contract amount not to receed $225,000 move it and on add one Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi and two is also for architect services and this is um with USA Architects planning and interior designers LTD and this is for in connection with the developers and redevelopers for a period of commencing June 12th through December 31st 2024 for contract amount not to exceed $100,000 would like to move it second on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr perezz hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa hi okay R1 is authorizing a closed session to discuss matters involving a settlement litigation pursuant to njsa 10 4-12 would like to move it and are we preparing to come back out we will be coming back out okay and there will be there probably will be action okay so on the resolution for Clos session Mr Booker you want to call me Leslie Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi so second and on the motion to reconvene Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr Lalo hi okay we we went to close session in order to discuss the potential settlement of several lawsuits that were filed in connection with um uh zoning um regulation that we passed I guess back in 22 regarding the Cannabis ordinance uh and this the resolution would be after discussing the terms of the settlement uh would be to authorize the law director to enter into a settlement agreement um with the plaintiffs uh the some and substance of which is that they will um dismiss the lawsuit without prejudice they will the lawsuit will will cease to exist um and the the most sing points are number one that the um property owner will be allowed to um utilize the property to Park vehicles and the definition of vehicles limited to uh essentially cars Sprinter vans and cabs of trucks not trailers and I see Mr basad is in the room we talked about maybe adding a gross weight limitation to it just in just to be real specific um when we get down to Brass tax uh that that might be a thing that prevents any deviation from the norm um and it would allow that the property owner to utilize the property to to park those Vehicles there would also allow us to utilize our property the city of Bon's property that abuts it uh for use as a pound for our our vehicles that we that we um impound um and that would be for a two-year period and there would be a potential for a third period a third one-year period that would be added on to that so long as the um plaintiff and the the property owner is active pursuing uh uh planning and and Zoning applications if necessary uh for specific purposes mostly which is based in recreational use down there um it's all fully set forth in the settlement agreement that will be end up being a um public document and so the resolution would be to authorize the law director to sign the settlement agreement um as provided we moved it as a whole as a so on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I have a good evening everybody no you need a motion to turn motion second and on the motion to return Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi M weer hi Mr laaloa I and uh I want to wish everybody a happy 4th of July we'll see you after the fourth happy Father's Day this Sunday as well thank you mine