[Music] [Music] I would like to advise all those present that notice of this regular meeting of May 15 2024 has been provided to the public in accordance with the provisions of the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey notice of time and place of this meeting has been included in the annual notice of meetings which was posted and filed with the city clerk and with the Jersey journal and the Star Ledger an additional notice of time and place was posted and filed with the city clerk and was forwarded to the Jersey journal and Star Ledger on May 13th 2024 the regular meeting of the municipal Council of the city of Bayon is now in session miss Bina please call the rooll Mr Booker here Mr Carol here Mr Perez here miss weer here Mr laloo here please rise for the pledge of allegiance iedge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all before we get started I'd like to welcome our boy scout from Troop 27 Cosmo St James and Cosmo he's going to be sitting in at the desk and uh taking a lot of this in for one of his badges so let's welcome [Applause] Cosmo uh I'd like to read a statement concerning tonight's resolution that was uh for the Oprah changes and we'll move that up to the front of the meeting mad on okay the biggest change in the resolution was restricting commercial entities from monetizing Oprah requesting information from the municipality and using the information to make money under the previous law if the city uploaded all their information to our website Oprah requesters could demand hard copies or whatever format they wanted and it had to be provided to them under the new law the information could be scanned onto the website and we could provide the link for the requestor to view the information anywhere even privately in their own space in fact no request would be needed making it easier the change is increase access to public records now and again let us know which section of the changes you would find objectionable let us know what would inhibit your ability to get the information because we don't see any inhibition of information so if anybody would like to speak on that we'd recognize they're speaking on it now yes good evening everyone Sharon adosi 126 Avenue um I was kind of appalled actually when I read your support of this um transparency I think everyone sitting up there including myself when I ran ran on a ticket that promis transparency open honest government this resolution or this bill doesn't support open honest transparent government um you can spin the one the one caveat of the bill um if you like to say you're protecting people from Big B bad business but there's a lot of other things in there and I believe your quote in the newspaper was to not waste City resources on Oprah requests about dog licenses I think that was your quote Gary wasn't my quote so um with that being said um I didn't give a quote I also think that um you want one thing you no longer even holding yourself accountable you know when you deny people their op requests or don't get it in a timely fash currently people have to sue you which happens very frequently in Bon Bon has paid a number a number of fines for that the law this new bill if Governor Murphy caves and signs it would not allow that anymore doesn't hold the municipality if I want to sue because you didn't provide the information that I'm required to by law I have to hire a lawyer myself and now how it stands if I am Vindicated I am right and the municipality is found in the wrong I get to get back my fees and the municipality is responsible for my legal fees that is taken out so that discourages people who are illegally being denied the right to public information from violent suit because it's a it's a it's a financial burden that maybe they can't afford or aren't willing to undertake yeah there's a clause in there well if the municipality feels they should pay it they can come on I mean that's that's disgraceful you're just making it more difficult democracy is founded on transparency and Trust And if you have nothing to hide then why not provide the information I I I honestly don't understand why you first of all it was just the support of I'm not even sure our elected um officials who actually canot on this two of them didn't I know you know assembly woman Stato changed her vote cuz I I have a screenshot of her original vote which was she didn't vote I guess after she realized the hoopla she changed her vote to a no vote so you know I at least applaud you for at least involving yourself because those who actually should involve themsel didn't two of them didn't out of the three didn't even provide a vote at first so what I implore you this should not be a resolution in support you guys should be passing a resol ution to Governor Murphy asking him to veto it because that would be the correct thing to do if and allow people their rights to know um that's the basic of government is the residents have a right to know and I'm not really sure why you as the government body would want to restrict our rights to know thank you what what restriction because we don't see the Restriction people are still allowed sorry Mr laaloa but it's your policy that we don't do questions and answers so you're certainly not going to question me okay as a statement the change would be that a judge has discretion over whether legal fees would be awarded anybody else on this or cr14 good afternoon city council good afternoon people thank you guys for being engaged in your Civic form of government in this Republic can you state your name and address for the record my name is Frank Richard of the Kushner family uh my mailing location is co non-domestic 570 Broadway box 3661 Bon City New Jersey state the Union States of America without the District of Columbia I'm here today exhausted mentally physically spiritually but way closer to God than I was 70 weeks ago when trespassed by officers of the city of Bon and that's different than Bon's City the city of Bayon is a corporation excuse me who trespass this is about the Oprah request correct like oh okay if you want to speak in general we have a public speaking portion you can do that then if you'd like thank you Mr laaloa okay this is specific okay all right and the trespass that happen to me personally to my Equitable estate to my private Offspring and to my foreign granor Equitable trust which is private I haven't been able to get the records and I've been requesting them for now 68 weeks from Bon and I have a quite intimate relationship with meline C Medina I wouldn't say it's positive but it is quite intimate she's told me as the city clerk she's got Free Will and can make policies as she chooses she once asked me don't don't you have free will and those are on Oprah requestable documents as well and I haven't gotten those either part of that is because as it stands Bon or the city of Bon the corporate entity of the government along with Bon city has not fulfilled Oprah requests repeated L and further to speak specifically on the resolution I personally along with many others here just witnessed all of you Pledge Your Allegiance to the Republic my understanding is you have all taken Oaths to the New Jersey state constitution and the constitution for the United States of America which does guarantee us a republic form of government so thank you for taking that pledge thank you for taking those Oaths my intention of being here is to hold you to that s 2930 and a445 they Grant Public agencies inalienable rights that only belong to natural people living Flesh and Blood people people of God the Creator in order for something like that to pass the public would need to be involved or a constitutional amendment but at very minimum a vote by the people and 81% of the people of this state according to a fairly Dickinson poll in April of 2024 an Odom 81% of people in this state do not support this bill that amends the process for requesting Oprah and actually there's only minor process changes and I remember when this was first brought to the floor uh I saw Senator sarlo presenting this bill for the first time uh and I got to aen on it there as well and he said it was because there was too many commercial requesters that was the reason that was the big problem I don't agree with that is the big problem while I do support modernization I do not support 2930 or 4045 in any form I do support modernization but that modernization needs to come in the form of technology technology that makes things easier for mine C Medina as the clerk of the city of Bon and Vanessa as well because I was trying to get information on this meeting today day and I had a call in multiple times there's there's no minutes on on the website uh for the city of Bon that's supposed to be handled by m c Medina and and they need some technological resources maybe those are the solutions we need because I wasn't able to get this meeting's agenda today and according to the open public meetings Act 10 colon 46 I'm saying this off the top of my head 10 colum 46 it defines adequate notice as 48 hours notice we need 48 hours notice of what's going to be said if we're going to have an the ability to intelligently think about it agreed right isn't that we need to be able to have an understanding and and I do understand that maybe municipalities are lacking resources to fill Oprah requests but I do know that it is integral it is foundational in our Republic to have access and transparency and any legislator who took an oath to the Constitution as there as is required in the New Jersey state constitution of 1947 of which this is a certified copy of from the archives in Trenton it's required it is required and any action you take that does not defend and protect this constitution is your your personal action outside of your office because it is ultra veras to the oath you took that is a personal action and then any presumed or assumed immunity you guys have as elected officials is waved because you are not acting in the official capacity of your office because you are not upholding your oath and I am putting that on the notice today regarding s 2930 and a445 I have also served all 80 assembly people and all 8 uh 40 senators in Trenton on Monday our voices are being silenced literally and metaphys or literally and figuratively excuse me metaphysically there's a lot more going on here um but yes we cannot I I I urge you to not support this and in fact I think you guys probably got yourselves involved in something you didn't need to last week um because the course of of of Politics as Usual has seemed to taken its place but it did one thing I think it awakened a lot of the voices that people have and I understand that time is a limited resource for us all here today so I would just like to let you know please do not support this bill in any format because I personally have not even been able to get records from the city of Bon for trespass that is innumerable but as is already costing the city of Bon 45 million plus silver dollar coins that if enumerated in Federal Reserve notes at the rate that is in my fee schedule for these trespasses that has been filed with the attorney general and the Secretary of State and the New Jersey Superior Court Clerk could you start wrapping up your com please thank you I'm letting you know it's going to cost a lot more to not have [Music] transparency than the few savings you may have and it's sort of like having a library like all the open public records are like books in a library and it would be Preposterous to say that I can't look at one of those books for a little while or I can't take a look at one of those books or even further what this bill says is if I ask to look for that book it could be said that I'm harassing the public agency that's paid to maintain those records and they cons sue me it's ridiculous thank you please do not support and thank you for your service in your offices because that's needed for civic discourse thank you is there anybody else who would like to speak Kathleen Henderson 88 West 6 Street I filed an Oprah last Tuesday I have not heard anything yet I know it takes seven days um is that seven days to just be told okay we got it or is it seven days to get what I've asked for the municipality has an obligation to respond to that within seven business days and how long before I get what I've asked for depends on the nature of what you're asking for if it's something simple you get it right away if it's more difficult and and documents have to be compiled or taken out of storage it'll take a little longer and do you decide what I can have and I can't have if it if it's a public document there's no discretion it's what's contained in that public document that might might there might be some discretion on the part of the clerk or the attorneys because they have an obligation to redact certain information from these things okay so how long can I expect to get my answer I this is in regard I'm going to say it right now it's in regards to the missing cats and I've asked for information from many people in the city and I want to know how long it's going to take or is it going to be swept under the rug and stall me like this gentleman it will not be swept under a rug Miss Anderson uh I I don't recall seeing your I mean it wouldn't normally come past my desk but it would go to the clerk's office and then if need be it would come to the law department for redactions um I don't know how specific your request was I'm actually looking on my email now to see if I have anything on it okay we'll see are there any other comments on the Oprah okay Miss Medina let's move on so are you taking action on it or would you like to withdraw Mr laosa uh I'm sorry mine I did not hear what you said are you taking action or going withdrawn as the state did some action the legis legislature passed it already this resolution asked the legislature to pass it it was already been passed it's a moot point moving on 01 is a resolution postponing the ordinance entitled in ordinance of the municipal Council of the city of B County of Hudson state of New Jersey to amend the financial agreement for the long-term tax exemption by the entitled Bayon redevelopers residential urban renewal block 780 LLC with respect to block 722 Lot 1 and block 790 L 1.01 to the meeting of June 12th 2024 it's moved by council member Perez Mr Booker will you second second and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laalo I two is an ordinance of the city of B County of Hudson state of New Jersey approving a financial agreement buying between the city of Bon and Avenue we lofs urban renewal LLC for the property located at 196-200 Avenue a which is identified as block 4588 lot 78 and 9 as shown on the official tax map of the city which was introduced and passed the first reading at the meeting held April 17 was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin board as required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of May 15th is now before for the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by the council president giving the ordinance second reading Mr Perez will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carrol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laalo I second reading is by title an ordinance of the city of Bon County of Hutson state of New Jersey approving a financial agreement buying between the city of Bayon and Avenue we lost urban renewal LLC for the property located 196-200 Avenue a which is identified as block 458 Lots 78 and 9 as shown on the official tax map of the city of Bon the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak got here so I'm G to talk a lot Sharon nski 126 avue do we have a copy of this of um available for public okay the papy of the ordinance available for public to see at this meeting yeah it's it's been available this is scheduled for hearing it's been on the website for over a month here though I think I thought they were supposed to be on the bulletin board or here they're on the bulletin board oh it is okay I go out there so um Mr laaloa how many uh years is this you want to do question answer you could do with the director Planning and Zoning Mr it's a financial agreement you're voting on it you don't no so you didn't want to do question and ansers so I'll do it with somebody else for the financial agreement it's a 20-year uh tax pavement and what is the schedule the the schedule is uh sliding scale from uh 10% uh for the first 15 years and then uh uh year 16 uh 17 18 19 20 uh at 11% and then the tax phas in of 20 40 60 80 so the it's off tax it's off pilot so it's 10 years it's the first 10 years are a 10% first 15 years 15 years wow that's a lot longer than normal okay so we're giving out shorter ones but better numbers so in the end it's basically the same for this project uh again the developer uh along with the next one because their similar projects are also dealing with some storm water management solution ions of uh holding tanks of storm water and sanitary on site to help with the flood mitigations in the areas uh along with a uh was agreed with upon in the Redevelopment agreement uh past last month uh that they'll also be contributing $1,000 $50,000 for each to a park uh for you know Park improvements um we I I understand that the give backs but I think there's a lawsuit right now about one of those give Backs from some developers that you guys are involved in for the pedestrian crosswalk so um I hope we're going to be diligent about making sure these um give backs are actually given back thank you anyone else you want to just stay close no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may have a motion to close some move on the motion to close Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez I miss memer I Mr laaloa I and a resolution ordering final passage second on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I3 is an ordinance at the city of B County of Hudson state of New Jersey approving a financial agreement buying between the city of Bayon and 127-11 JFK Boulevard urban renewal LLC put a property located at 127-11 JF Kennedy Boulevard which is identified as block 24 Lots 2 and three as shown on the official tax map of the city of Bon which was introduced and passed the first reading at a meeting held April 17th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of May 15th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and res resolution moved by the council president giving the ordinance second reading Mr Perez will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laalo I second reading is by title in ordinance of the city of Bayon County of Hudson state of New Jersey approving a financial agreement buying between the city of Bayon and 127-11 JFK Boulevard urban renewal LLC put a property located at 127-11 JF Kennedy Boulevard which is identified as block 24 loots 2 and three as shown on the official tax map of the city the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak Sharon nski 126 Avenue act I'm going to ask the same questions Joe um so how many years is this one 20 years and are we given the same extra favorable terms what is the percentage scale again the percentage scale is 10% uh for the first 15 years 16 17 18 uh 1920 at 11% with the sliding scales of the taxes otherwise do at 20% so it's basically a 30-year condensed in this dollar amount if you did the percentages based on the 30-year percentage ones I mean um I don't understand that question because normally it doesn't the 10% doesn't stay for 15 years so a 30 year you would increase it soon sooner so the savings over time you know yeah but again you get the flexibility for the statute for it but even on the tax abatements for that remember the municipality gets 95% of the uh the pilot payment so we're getting more than we would have under conventional taxes and you have but for test that the taxes you know have to be increased than more what's currently there so speaking so the but four test that you just mentioned so this in the opinion of those that offered it but for or not this pilot this would not have been built yes okay and also with that um I I thought with the um study that was done that all the buildings in Bon that once they're built they're um we have 100% um fill read on them according to the study that was done back in 2022 um so but for um I don't quite understand that if stuff is that are people are going to build without a pilot if they know they're going to be ramped up and full within the first six months I think that's what the study that Bon published was said so upon the study the occupancy rate of the apartments were a little under 95% you speak to the mic sorry can you hear me now sorry so for the the study again you know the study found that there was 95% a little under 95% occupancy on that but again for the buildings given the environment of interest rates and construction costs going up again different time you know you know we're looking at what the current economic situation so we're supplementing the bit the inflation no we're we're looking at the environment of how what it cost to construct you know for a building dealing with the interest rates and you know from the banks and along with the you know construction c i I understand that um and also I understand that we get to keep more of that but that only means that the um part that doesn't go to the school system is going to come back on the School portion of the tax and back to the taxpayers of B own but with the financial agreements there's a mandatory policy from the council that 10% of the pilot pay so then you're not getting 95% of it you mean for the statute the municipality yes gets that and then at their council's discretion within the financial agreements they give 10% of that to the m so the school board is it at their discretion or is it Bound by in the thing it's in the financial agreement it's in the financial agreement so n the city's not getting 95% they're going to pass it through to the board of ed they will get 85% to the municipality 10% to the board of Ved and then 5% County yes okay so it's not so it is 10% to the schools but it's still more than you would have had under conventional tax yeah you're cutting out the library that's that is still the responsibility of the M of the city of Bon understood but I'm just saying out of the pilot that doesn't get calculated in there again the city just as long as the board of education has a fin obl yeah but you can't have it both ways you're saying that we're getting all this extra but they're not missing out because we're going to give it to them anyway so they're getting it we're getting more under taxes than we would have otherwise so it's just coming to us and then we're passing the same amount you just said we're passing the same amount to the library and to the school that would they would normally have gotten the taxes that would have been collected for the properties had it not been developed there still more than under no I understand that that wasn't the question it was the percentage so but again the percentages on that yes yes so basically we're getting it and passing it through to these entities so the school's going to be fully getting what they would have got they would have gotten 10% yes under so yeah so we're not the city's technically not keeping it they're getting it but they're giving it right back to the school so the school is made whole is that what I'm hearing I mean like I said per the agreement so what's written in there 10% you know from the direction of the city council goes of the pilot payments to this uh but you're saying at the direction so is it optional it's in the written in the financial so it's guaranteed right now cuz the fincial agreement is going to be adopted tonight the financial agreement says 10% to the school so the school's going to get what they would have got it's just going to pass through the city like it does anyway and then get moved over to the school because no one pays taxes directly to the school system correct okay thank you anyone else no protest against on one more speak one more sorry didn't see them just real quick Jason G 73 East 25th Street can I don't know if this is like now I make this or during like the general but can we come to like some kind of agreement where instead of doing like the 9010 because I'm going to get a tax increase from the school board so you keep doing these pilot programs which is taking money from the school systems and like Sharon just said they're passing it on on to me as a homeowner to pay the increase so can you guys come up with some kind of plan which limits perhaps where maybe you could take 75% and then give the the schools 20 or instead maybe go back to the regular way it was where it was almost like 5050 like the school board would get 50 and then the city would get 50 and then the county would get five because as a real estate broker in town with a 95% vacancy rate you'd have people beating down your door to build these projects with numbers like that and especially at these numbers that they're getting for the rent I understand like you know it's 10% a profit 12% of profit but theoretically if there were no pilot programs and they wanted to build these buildings the value of the building would be appraised and assessed and you would tax normally like you do anybody else who's a homeowner in bom so for the past years and years and years I get it we got the ball rolling we wanted them to come in they weren't going to do it they were going to go do it in Newark they were going to do it somewhere else where the city was more like you know hey come here we'll give you more benefits but the ball is already rolling I see it now where like the lowest one-bedroom rental in Bon today I just checked is $1,500 and it doesn't include heat or hot water and it's about about 400 square ft I work with TR I work with Section 8 they adjust for Cola every year they seem to be raising the amounts that the government provides assistance for people who need it a two-bedroom from TR is at $2,099 Max without heat and hot water included it goes up to 22.99 with heat hot water included my fear is this all of the developers are getting in and if they can't get the rents or people take leases and move out they will just defer to public assistance in Section 8 to fill up these rentals and get their money because they are not allowed to discriminate in the state of New Jersey for income status can you guys please get together and recalculate these percentages that you're throwing out to these developers and also I keep seeing Urban renewal LLC I understand it's a different LLC it's a different entity but all these companies do they have the same principles that that that title where it says urban renewal LC is required by the statute they have to set up an entity that that has that so they're all different llc's and it's not just like one or two or three guys Mak different LLC and we have an incredibly hard time following as these things go through the project and they finally get their their financing and they have to set up the urban renewal LLC we're trying to track all this stuff from from you it's difficult but it's required by law it's a push down from the state of New Jersey so I get it so if one guy wants to buy up all the property and they own you can't stop them it's not like he can have a monopoly over property in Bayon is there an ordinance here that limits the amount of property LLC that I think would be unconstitutional but the the ma the fact the matter is all of these things that end in urban renewal LLC are required by Statute to have that okay so all right so back to the thing can we maybe put it on the table to have you guys perhaps discuss with everything that's happening now with the real estate market things are boom in yes interest rates are very high I totally agree with you I have buyers now that cannot buy homes because of interest rates and the developers may use that as a tactic or leverage to get you guys to say yes to the abatement I think perhaps you might need a stronger broker in the room to do these deals with these people that's just my honest opinion and if you want my advice I'll give a free of charge I will sit with you and I will give you some ideas and perhaps we get a yes at a better term to help the rest of the taxpayers you don't have to pay me for that just call me and let me know Gary I'm I'm with you man I'm a I'm a taxpayer too you know I hate seeing increases from the city from the school and I'm looking up the block and I'm looking at the building on 25th in Prospect I can't find parking when I come home with my daughter at 9:00 from Karate I'm driving around for 25 30 minutes I got a letter in the house by herself so she can go shower I'm going around she's in a house showering in a house 11 years old that's not right has any public parking been built with all the development that has happened have you set aside some land to put up public parking for the people here no who is doing the thinking around here can we stick to the all right Carrie I've had enough thanks so let me speak you got it thanks anyone else no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may have a motion to close move a motion to close Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I and a resolution ordering final passage move it and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 04 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 7 traffic which was introduced and pass the first reading at a meeting held April 17th was published in New Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of May 15th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by council member Perez given the ordinance second reading Mr Booker will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi second reading is by title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bayon chapter 7 traffic it is adding eight restrictive parking zones and deleting three the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance and opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may have a motion to close you on a motion to close Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi and resolution ordering final passage and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss beer hi Mr laaloa hi our first speaker is Miss Cheryl rcart stop the mimicking good morning good good evening Council and staff uh sh RIS card 399 AV you see Bon we're back to the chemicals that are uh through their own coronium ex hex surveillance and the falde and somewhat others that's going on it's continuing it's getting worse and I'm getting sick I can't prove it yet hopefully one day I will be able to but I don't understand why the city and the mayor who told me uh last week when I asked him why can't you talk to me mayor you're not answering my letters and he said you're crazy I think that is the most ignorant unprofessional lowlife statement you could say to to a resident if I was crazy I wouldn't be here I think I'm pretty smart to come to the end of what is going on with these chemicals that nobody ever thought anybody was going to come through with why are they here I know it's not you I know it's not you Chief but you need to go to the Head chief of why they're letting this person Michael control the city and he is the one that's buying everything and this is my old boyfriend's friend and I could go on on about him but I chose not to but I do know that Cheryl is getting very sick and I'm being abused in the street and now it's starting with the children thank God I got the Lord I'm telling I'm asking you Chief to do something about this cuz one more one more kid says something to me sexually there's going to be a problem I was never in jail and I don't want to see it but I am I'm not going to put up with abuse from kids on the street it's not going to happen never mind you grown-ups doing the mimicking that this person is telling you to do I got this whole story from top to bottom also there was a movie about coronium hex veillance that killed people and does kill people and is that what he's doing making a movie and he's going to wind up making M billions of dollars when when sh risot is dead I don't think so I don't think so and I'm sorry for my loud tone of voice um in the ER every half hour every half hour every couple of hours it's totally totally out of order and then getting thrown out of everywhere everything that he buys he's doing something he thinks I'm going to move out of town not happening this is my town this was a beautiful Town everybody's letting it run to the ground for this person because he's making tons of money who is he supporting and that coronium hexavalent that 5G tener is on the building of 880 Kennedy Boulevard where I lived for 30 something years Michael quintella bought the building in 2000 2004 when he put that antenna on the building myself and another tenant got cancer she died I survived you need to do something about this fight for it don't be afraid Lord will take care of you I promise can't be afraid of the above he's going to do this to me I don't want this I called the doctor in New York he said don't come to me with that can't be afraid I'm I'm about to take that red thing and shut it down if my arm was tall enough to to reach it I would and then get arrested my life my granddaughter 2y old and my daughter and her husband is more important to me than letting a chemical ride around and kill me my life is important to me I love myself I had Aaron go old son tell me the other day shery everybody hate you in Bon oh they do well I love myself and then his his cousin says Cheryl I can't wait till the faly kills you and your family who are you talking about a 2-year-old baby and a 42y old young lady Over My Dead Body let me tell you he's lucky I didn't take my hand and smack him smack right across the face and Aaron's gold is running is helping that situation with those chemicals he's in in that store all hours of the night cuz I'm there and that chemical is running all day and all night you could hear it near McDonald's it's so sick and so scared and letting this guy do whatever he wants to do because he's making millions or billions of dollars he's getting involved in everything and if it wasn't for Joseph Scutter Michael quintella Ben [Music] for facetti that tormented me at 880 Boulevard and Sh risot his movies would have never went through the theater and he wouldn't have this money this is coming to an end and it feels like my life is too I'm sick I never looked like this and everybody should be ashamed of themselves everybody in beo knows me except for the people I look outside I don't see anybody that I know anymore Cher please wrap up your comments Gary can't this this the city should know what's going on just like this gentleman said but there's one thing I want to say you need the Lord you need to find the Lord and keep them and you need to go to the governor or whoever cuz I saw the gas and electric bill for that for that meter and you know what it said unknown I know you don't want to hear it my life is in stake I listen to every word you said but we have other people that want to speak as well right well other people spoke longer than what I'm saying and this is serious this is the most serious thing that there is and making a wait Gary and making a movie about me and the police put lights on me I'm sick of it wrap up your comments that's all I'm asking you to do chief you need to talk to your officers you need to talk to the officers cherl you have to wrap it up finish wrap it up go to the state and stop the stop get the chemicals back down do whatever you got to do with the wires let other people speak there probably isn't anybody else that want maybe a couple people all I know is my life is at State and so is a two-year old with you I would like you to go back to your seat finish I'm going to give you a 10 seconds finish your comment and go back to your seat please go to the state and tell them well go go against it do not allow it okay Cheryl you have to go back to your seat thank you Gary thank you Mr Kushner Mr Kushner did you want to address the council you signed up to speak Frank Richard would I just want to remind everybody it's a five minute statement period [Music] my name is Frank Richard free man man of God occupant of the office of man I'll speak quickly if the time is limited I couldn't really uh speak on any of the ordinances that were up for vote today because I didn't have the agenda um I called in today and it took a while to even get it provided um as well as there's no minutes to all your meetings for the last I think like eight weeks or so if you check online so I wasn't able to make an informed decision on any of that um but I did come here uh under Force coercion and duress because when I spoke to Vanessa in the clerk's office of meline C Medina the clerk of the city of Bon she told me that uh she didn't have to give me a reason as to why I couldn't get the agenda with adequate notice which is a violation of the opma and why I couldn't get the minutes with adequate notice which is a violation of the opma as well and the Very Spirit of the law she said if you want if you want to know why come here today so can you guys tell me why I even explained to her uh cuz she personally received uh my fee schedule I explained to her the fees that were involved with me having to come here under coercion and rest I wasn't planning on coming here today uh I do uh thank you guys for being here regularly um and having chosen um the field of representing the people and like I mentioned ear earlier I would just want to hold you guys to the Oaths that you've taken to those constitutions because those very foundational documents are what has led our country from going too far astray in any way uh the separation of the executive judicial and legislative branches are very beneficial because that there are checks and balances but I've seen that degrade over the time very recently including recently with New Jersey legislation trying to uh pass a law that they can appoint appellant judges which how can the legislature appoint J the Judiciary um but like I said I'm here today because of what's going on in the clerk's office with the open public records that are unavailable further I under the common law I have records that I have not been able to uh receive I also have made requests under the Freedom of Information Act which I haven't received and you guys all take separate Oaths to two constitutions the New Jersey state constitution and the constitution for the United States of America I accept your Oaths I bind you to them it's been 70 weeks that this state the city of Bon as a state correct the city of Bon has trespassed directly against me and this state of New Jersey directly against me my Equitable estate my private offsprings and my private foreign grantour trust I am here just fulfilling the prophecy to end the transgression in 70 weeks under God thank you and thank everyone for being here civil discourse is very important Miss Garcia excuse me I have one thing to add uh I just like to correct uh my mailing location from earlier it's uh 570 Broadway box 3166 3166 3166 thank you Miss Garcia evening my name is Da Garcia I own property at 251 Prospect Avenue I'm here to discuss animal welfare and animal uh and a TNR program in Bon um first I'd like to say that I'm part of the Bon feral cat Foundation along with Kathy Henderson um they've been doing this work way longer than I have um we rescue cats we trap and and and do the TNR program which is the Trap neuter and release program if anyone is not familiar um I wanted to bring up a situation that's really important to us because there's a lot of volunteers either here or online who are very concerned about a situation that we had on April 16th um there was a cat colony at the Port near the teardrop Memorial um we found out later on after frantic calls talking to the police department port uity and countless people that the cats that we had been taken care of in shelters that were outside the property of Bon Dry Dock and that's and that's a point I want to make um disappeared when we found out uh through other people that some Phantom black truck was trapping them and picked them up it was not Jeff Santini who by the bay own ordinance if we look if we if you read the bay own ordinance on the TNR program there are certain protocols that have to be followed now backtrack back when I sent the email to everyone here including Sue Kavanaugh she mentioned that the cat colony was not registered with the city of Bon and I'm going to disagree with that because she she kind of was disrespectful and accused myself of lying of of of putting forth untruths and we're just volunteers I don't work for the city neither do any of us we spent countless hours and money personal money to to help actually the animals in Bon so let me just read something that she wrote the the administration mayor Davis council members and the Bay Police Department are very concerned about the welfare of any and all animals in the city well I beg to differ and this is why because she she then says that the colony was not registered I have an email here dated February 16 2023 over a year ago from Michelle O'Reilly she's no longer working at the health department and I totally understand I'm a business person I'm professional I understand there might not be any records of my email maybe it was a mishap but I have an email that says da was the first person in the city of Bon to register so she is all set to go the title of the email is trapping at the Port of Bon I was one of the first people not doing this but at last year's meeting a year and a half when the TNR program was set forth with the $25,000 to trap and release cats um so I was registered fast forward a year and a half we've been Tak taking care of the cats not me a bunch of people Port Authority police knew us they were friendly now Bon Dry Dock takes it upon themselves to go outside their property which is outside their property outside the fence and mysteriously make this uh old cats disappear now there is a mysterious com company called East Coast trapping East trapping cats East Coast we we it's it's under investigation um under under several people and we hope to have some information because we have gotten no help from the city of Bon um from what we understand this city this this company does not exist it is not lawful to just go ahead and trap cats and make them go away you have to follow certain protocols take them to shelters there a 7-Day hold um we are not a group of of crazy cat people we love animals and Bon is full of animal lovers if you go online where I've been posting and I've been accused of talking badly about the city I'm not I just want answers and I want some type of um decency right with concern over over a situation that we were highly concerned and looked at as if as if we're being unreasonable get some help to find out what this company did and what it looks like and what it's Point pointed what is what is pointing to they did something criminal they did something unlawful they probably had these cats euthanized taken to somewhere so some location where they got euthanized and uh let me add that about $1,500 of of money that I collected personally with of Bon feral cat Foundation was used to trap and fix these cats so some of these cats were already fixed they were being taken care of and now they're no longer we probably we we for sure know that they did something very bad because none of the information we've gotten has told us otherwise so I'm just here to hopefully get some more answers maybe the the police department the animal control uh the police department that has the person in charge that can find out who this Phantom company is and they're saying that they have an adoption they took these feral cats that can't be adopted they're now all of a sudden adoptable okay so just give us the information cuz there's plenty of people in beon that love animals and um you know we're there's it's not uncommon for a city to have animal services the city of Morristown has a program called adopt a stray get a free spay the city of Edison has a big program Jersey City my hometown has a great program parpan has an animal shelter and it has a Van Bon the city of Bon has to really think about these services and if it's not important to city council but it's important to your constituents and we should really address it thank you yes sir actually did you signed up to speak no I I'm asking yeah no I didn't I didn't know you had to yeah but if you want to speak just I'll let you come up state your name and address please retired army Sergeant Anthony Pagano 51 TR G new bound I don't know if the city can get or has the right to get access to Port Authority police records but I will tell you in reference to what Donnie is speaking to Sunday I was told that an individual that works with us with these animals down at uh the dry dock saw in writing a police report from the Port Authority police that these 23 cats or so were taken and brought to three different shelters to be adopted and neutered tennard I don't know if the city has the right or can get this copy of this police report but if you can get this copy of this police report because this young lady who saw it saw it in writing she said it was from the police officer at the Port Authority who was in charge of this investigation down there I don't know again if you can get a copy of this record of where these cats were sent because as far as we know to excuse the language Gary Neil whatever this is baloney I'll use the word baloney these cats were taken and thrown in the goddamn River and we know it we can we prove it no but if when if and when we can prove it the city the PA and especially the the the criminals that dry dock should be held accountable but again all I'm saying is that if can get it if you have the right to it I don't know I don't know about these things I'm not sure either but but if you can get it there is a report in writing where these animals were taken three different shelters from the PA thanks guys I'm sorry thank you no problem did you sign up as well I all right just make your comments quick and please state your name and address my name is Tama Balden I live at 483 Avenue E uh I just want to put on the record for uh each and every one of you uh I've passed some emails with you Gary I know I've passed some emails with you Mr Booker in regards to the road conditions here in the city of Bon which I'm sure all of you pass on every day I particularly passed on Avenue E every day and I pass over the bridge that apparently is with the city uh the state of New Jersey that needs to be addressed but that's not the only area in which needs to be addressed as well I mean there's several potholes and and conditions poor conditions on the Broadway that we drive up and down every day two weeks ago we had uh a fe a festival that was on Avenue E uh or what have you and just trying to drive down that street is just terrible so I would like to know or at least have in the notes what are the plans for us to repair these areas because I have been told that Avenue E is going to be repaved but I don't have any timing as to when that's going to happen and the more and more that those streets become you know undrivable it's just wear and tear on our cars and that's stuff that we have to pay for which as we all know is living as consumers inflation is high and everything that you're paying for is at least 30 or 20% higher so this is this is a statement period if you want to wait till the end we can speak to public works and see if there is some sort of plan okay okay thank you thank you m Bal anybody else Madam is at the end of the list okay moving forward it's an ordinance for introduction an ordinance of the city of B County of Hudson state of New Jersey approving the Redevelopment plan for the property located at 21-29 35 and 37 West 25th Street which is identif ifed as block 183 Lots 56 and 8.01 as shown on the official tax map of the city of Bon and a resolution fixing Wednesday June 12th at 6 p.m in the Dr E Harrington council chambers as a time and place for public hearing and final passage the resolution is moved by council member Perez Mr Booker will you second second on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I am going to I'm going to vote I on this introduction however at the Caucus meeting I stated that this is exactly the type of thing that I would want to see Workforce housing included on which is something that can be done to help stabilize rents which was talked about earlier by someone who got up and spoke help to keep those people that are hardworking in town especially when it is something of this size uh going forward I would also hope that we would look into the potential for a resolution or ordinance governing this holistically as a whole going forward that that this should be included in C projects of a certain height or a certain size or a certain unit requirement but it's very very important and several people who were here tonight spoke about the affordability issue so between now and next month I I hope there's some discussion going on with the parties who I don't know if they're in that room or not they might have stepped out I hope some conversation happens before next month Mr Perez hi Miss weer Mr yeah I agree with my colleague we asked a number of questions last Wednesday a little vague we're waiting for the uh RDA to come out with exact numbers so if this does not have the exact numbers by next month obviously we will not be voting on this but Mr melli if you want to explain a little bit sure thank you Mike melli I am the redevelopers attorney the property owners attorney actually um so with this project the Redevelopment plan that is being introduced tonight has unlike many other Redevelopment plans has options from from five stories all the way up to 10 um and as you go through those stories there are things that the developer has to give back to the community and one of those big ticket items there are a bunch of smaller things but one of the big ticket items is a community facility something that Bon's been looking for for years and uh and that was the uh negoti ation back and forth with the the city professionals um and so we we came to 10,000 square ft uh for the highest order one there's a step down as you go down to a smaller space because you can't fit as much um but there will be 10,000 if we go to the max there will be a 10,000 foot Community facility here how that's programmed will be up to the city um there will be a Redevelopment agreement that will give you guys final say over what actually happens in that space um that might not be next month but you will see something that we show you as I always do I'll meet with you to show you what the project is going to look like give you some ideas of what we think should be in there um but really tell us you know what does the community want or need that can go in that building in within let's assume the largest footprint within 10,000 square feet what would be a good give back I think Brian slow said something about exercise facility for for kids it doesn't have to be that I'm just throwing that out there he said that at the planning board meeting last night whatever it is that the city needs uh and wants there you know we'll we'll entertain it it really is uh it's not our we don't consider it it's part of our building but we don't consider it something that we're going to be dictating who's going to be in there and what it's going to be clearly what is your time frame do you think I mean I know you can't give me an exact yeah I so you're saying possibly not by next month well I think we'll we'll have ideas about what can go in there by by in a couple of weeks for you but if you have ideas certainly throw them out there and if you can talk uh and exchange ideas amongst yourself with the yourselves with the your professionals so they can pass those messages along perhaps there's a consensus that you can reach as to what you want in there uh all I know is the Redevelopment plan will say it has to be community space and like I said what that means is entirely up to you and and if so if you have ideas tell Mr Skiller he'll tell me tell me when we meet face to face uh we we're we're agnos on it I we Pete has some ideas you know as a fitness guy I think that's probably where his mind is that he would like to see some sort of fitness facility or something that uh that he can sort of leave us his legacy in the building but we're not wedded to that um if there's I don't know I don't know is there something you that that you have on your mind now that you want to throw out there or if if you've already told Mr Skiller we are we are open I mean it's something we'll have a discussion obviously with our Recreation director um I could think of a couple things but I don't know if they're the same what he's thinking right that's yeah and listen so you know we all could probably think of a number of different things here yeah but it's a matter of what are you proposing yeah and that's you understand in other words we also know that the recreational space will change with the uh amount of floors on the building and the space that's created for building yes as the smaller the building gets if we if we opt for the smaller uh uh alternatives the the square footage goes down I think even on the five story I don't think there is any requirement um but again those are smaller buildings hard to program that kind of uh that kind of facility uh with with community space dedicated to it but it was something that we wanted that that the city asked for and we said okay you know it makes sense it's on a good Block it's the center you know it's someone once called it the corner of Maine and Maine we're close to that um and it's been a place where the community's gathered for years to to excise and and uh to meet neighbors and to talk and to watch things on TV and uh it would continue to be that and that and that's a nice thought I just you know and if it if there isn't a consensus if you want to put options and and then as we get towards construction we can finalize it by some sort of vote you guys will have control over that not us and we know that excuse me if I can sure forgive my voice I my my allergies are kind of getting the best of me right now but I just want to jump in seriously I I was just thinking about what you're saying as dual relation um um member I'm sorry thank you my voice is getting the best of me the fact of the matter is that being on the planning board and I actually last night we went over this project and being that it is in close proximity to the school there were concerns and uh what I want to Echo with my colleague is the fact that I it is discussions in ter of Workforce housing all those those things and there were a lot of options with this project and and hyp being one of them and being dropped into the middle of that neighborhood hood and we went over and we had the schematics and everything else I think it's a good project all right and the city is open uh to all the things with the developers so I wanted to Echo with my colleague that it is in discussions I did and one of the things sitting up here is I have the ability to sit on the planning board so a lot of these ideas and things that come to the council I sit here quietly but I already know what's going on that's why I make my vote so I think it's a good project and it is open for discussions I echo my uh colleague in terms of work for US housing and all those things they're all on a table and uh I think it's a good project thank you okay and listen in terms of timing council president we we can we can certainly work with Mr Skiller and I said as I said please communicate to him you can communicate directly with me you you all know where to find me um but communicate to him I'm just looking for you know rather than five answers one or two and and that's really going to be the hard part because if you ask us we'll give you one answer yeah um I'd like to say something u i I have these discussions with the mayor I mean for the last several years where we're looking at trying to build a youth center here in bam for our youth uh to keep them busy and not to get in trouble and I think uh we should look at that very carefully that's and that's perfectly yeah that that's a a perfect example of a suggestion that we we we need to hear I if that's what you want if your conversations with the mayor have been about that then tell us tell us we're at your mercy and um and we we we really are excited about that space it would it creates energy in a neighborhood that that needs a little bit more of that uh you know you have more people visiting and more people uh traveling up and down the block and young people and uh mixing with each other if it's a youth facility or members of the community mixing with each other which you don't really get an opportunity to do much of anymore you know that's part of my concern so while I think it's exceedingly vague I know it's surrounded with good intentions but 25th Street has current concerns that McDonald's the flow of traffic the children that congregate there at the close of school now with the potential to put in public space that might be used for great purpose you're also now faced with traffic safety changes that I think you'd have to make to put a building there given that corner as well as the parking which going through the McDonald's parking lot there is a public parking lot on the other side of it but 10,000 square feet potentially on top of the whatever the units would be I I would imagine a huge portion of public allocated parking would be a part of the plan it it as far as I know we have excuse me uh 1.25 or there or thereabouts for the parking ratio for the parking ratio yes and there and so just so everyone's aware and I did speak to at least one council person about this um the gym currently takes in the lot that you're talking about takes up 30 I think 30s something parking spaces leases those spaces from the city at a cost per month um between certain hours during the week and between certain hours on the weekend um those will no longer be used by US exclusively during those time periods we're giving those up so we're returning public parking fully back to the city uh I think we're going to terminate that lease so there will be more public parking than normally available during those after school hours because that's when I think ours is 3:30 or 3 o'clock to 7 every day uh so we're giving that we're get we're getting rid of that so that could help alleviate those concerns um but but we do have more than one to one parking in this building it is more than one to one and will any of that be dedicated to open parking for non-residents um in other words people who want to use the recreation space I don't think so I well I mean we could talk about that for sure well currently what I do want to just chime in briefly kind of with this Redevelopment plan this Redevelopment plan is kind of broad so that it it can be you know as they get towards you know a final concept plan that they would submit for site plan to the board of planning board uh you know gives us then the ability in the Redevelopment agreement to then you know put in these terms on you know Workforce housing uh to the use of the public space uh you know for and then also you know even on you know potentially some dedication of uh you know the parking uh you know to that for the municipality you know right now again this is just looking at it very broad has a couple Concepts out there I know it's broad but it's true what my colleague said about some of the concerns I know we've addressed some of them to parking 36 is a start but if if that is 10,000 square feed I can only imagine how many people are going to come to use I hope as many people can come as possible and I I hope we have 25th Street is very busy already I hope we have positive traffic in that neighborhood and and the concerns that have been raised as far as I know about the McDonald's don't occur on the 25th Street side they occur on the Broadway side um and we are going to design this so that that the the traffic does not interfere right now you have a gym so you probably have more ins and outs at that gym uh than you will during uh even the peak hours with uh I'll have to look at it but jym is pretty sizable gym um you have ins and outs there uh it's a commercial facility so so council president just want to chime in you know on that you know when it comes up for the site plan review for the traffic engineering report we can ask that the um you know developer provide that uh comparison uh too on um you know what's currently there uh you know again what would be then proposed so for the traffic study that they'd have to submit for the cite plan that would be a good ask yeah and this is a good project and that's that's what I think we need to keep in our heads as we move forward with this that's my opinion anyway that nothing's perfect nothing no building we've built no plan we have no plan we will ever make will be perfect but I'd rather do something and learn from whatever mistakes we make prevent the ones we can but try to do something try to do something because if you're waiting for a community facility that's going to have exactly the number of parking spaces that we're going to need to service the facility we're never going to get one ever I mean we have parking with that but 36 depending on your square footage yeah may not be enough no and and listen there's parking that's not utilized in Bon in behind Barnabas right nobody parks in that that's what I'm saying if we keep waiting for uh for everything to be the conditions to be perfect we may never find a spot another developer another place where we can do what we're doing here and and I would hate to leave that on the table I really would because I don't think you're going to have another facility this is a big enough lot that we could do that and we could we did pull it the setbacks away from the rear yard we are we we condense the building we brought everything down as tight as we can but we can still do this and I don't want to leave that on the table when when it's just an opportunity and I don't want it to be an opportunity lost just because we couldn't get everything just perfect uh so trying to keep an open mind which is what you're asking yeah will be a little better if I have a concrete absolutely and and right and understanding the hours of those things and and the capacity for those things so so yes you know it's there are there are things that still have to be finalized on this that the plan creates sort of a an outline for what we're going to be doing that needs the the picture needs to be filled in now now we have to do the the color inside the lines we have to do that in order to give you and that's what really the site plan would probably do the traffic engineering report the traffic report will do that um and and so I would I like I said I would just urge you that even if we get to a point where we know what the program is going to be but if we don't have everything perfectly exact you know I want 50 spaces I want 32 I want 19 you know I want 150 that we just doubt a little bit of our own infallibility and and our own attempt at Perfection which I'm guilty of to and and do something here uh it's it's an opportunity and let's not let it be an opportunity lost thank you thank you thank you Mr lapalu your vote uh listen I like the idea of the recreational space couple of questions that need to be more concrete for um our next vote whenever that will be um but I'm going to vote I okay 06 has been withdrawn 07 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised Jal ordinances of the city of Bon chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations and chapter 35 zoning regulations and a resolution fixing Wednesday June 12th at 6m in the dth E Hamington council chambers as a time in place for a public hearing and final passage it's moved by Mr Perez Miss weer will you second Miss weer Mo your second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez I miss weer I miss Lalo I 08 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of ban chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations and a resolution fixing Wednesday June 12th at 6 p.m in the Darth the E Harington council chambers as a time and place for public hearing and final passage amending the shortterm rentals who'd like to move it move it second on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi m weer i Mr laaloa I 09 is amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 17 Property Maintenance and a resolution mve by the council president fixing Wednesday June 12th at 6 p.m. in the Darth the E Harrington council chambers as a time and place for public hearing and final passage Mr perz will you second second on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi o 10 is amending and supplementing chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations and a resolution moved by council member Perez fixing Wednesday June 12th and 6m and AD the Harrington council chambers as a time and place for a public hearing and final passage Miss weer will you second on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 11 is an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget Appropriations limits and to establish a cap bank and a resolution fixed on Wednesday June 12th at 6 p.m in the door the E Harrington council chambers as a time in place for a public hearing and final passage like to move it some move and on the res tion Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi I miss weer hi Mr laaloa Hi O 12 is amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances chapter 7 traffic and this actually has been withdrawn forgot about that one o 13 is uh add five so that it's not an ordinance that's been removed 04 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 7 traffic and a resolution fixing Wednesday June 12th at 6 p.m in the door the eh Harington council chambers as a time and place for public hearing and final passage this is for restricted parking zones it's adding six and deleting two move it and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi consent resolutions is a resolution moved by the council as a whole ordering the following Communications to be received and filed it covers C1 through C20 any questions on the communications oops and on the communications Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi M weer hi Mr la I officer's report is a resolution moved by the council as a whole it is a resolution ordering the following officers reports to be received and filed and any resolutions Incorporated within to be adopted it covers o R1 through O2 any questions on the officer reports on the officers reports Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez I miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi we all sound about the same today consent resolutions as uh resolution move again moved by the council as a whole ordering the resolutions be ordering the following resolutions to be adopted it cover C r 1 through cr18 any questions on the consent resolutions and on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi this laaloa hi it's a point of order there mine cr14 was taken out that was the one we move to the front Okay thank you R1 is the introdu ction of the 2024 local Municipal budget and fixing Wednesday June 12th at 6 p.m. in the dth the E Harrington council chambers Municipal Building as a time and place for public hearing and final passage Mo and R R1 Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer Mr laaloa hi part two is authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute an agreement with visual Computer Solutions doing business as as jobs for BL blue for police extra Duty Administration services for a period commencing March 1st through December 31st with a one one-year option to renew at the city so discretion for a fee of 8% payable from the proceeds paid to the city by the city's vendors pursuant to the fair and open process move second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi our three is designating John and MaryAnn LLC as the be developer of the property located at 451-461 Avenue C which is identified as Block 19 lot 2. 24.01 and authorizing the preparation of a Redevelopment agreement mov it second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi four is designating 361-373 Kennedy Boulevard which is identified as block 262 lot 78 and 9 as shown on your official tax map of the city as a non-c condemnation area of need of Redevelopment and authorizing the planning were to prepare a Redevelopment plan move and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laalo Hi Five is designating 33-37 East 18 Street which is identified as block 226 Lots 1213 and 14 as shown on the official tax map of the city as a non-c condemnation area of need of Redevelopment and authorizing the planning board to prepare Redevelopment plan and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Pere hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa hi our six is designating 102 12-16 Avenue we which is a dentified as block 467 Lots 10 11 12 13 and 14 as shown on the official tax of the city as a non-c condemnation area in need of Redevelopment and authorizing the planning board to prepare a Redevelopment plan move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi our seven is a resolution authorized in the second revised and restated note with CJ barbero LLC in connection with the loan given to CJ barbero LLC by the Bayon Economic Opportunity Foundation evidence by a note dated August 31st 2012 which was Sub sub wow that's not coming out qu thank you it what didn't want to come out um subsequently revised and restated pursuant to the revised and restated note between the city of B Department Depart of Community Development dated February 20th 2023 for the purpose of revising and restating the terms therein Mo and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez Miss weer mine I just want to clarify you read February 20th 2023 and February 20 no it's 2013 and Mr laaloa I R8 authorizes the tax collector to prepare and male estimated third quarter taxes and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi r nine is awarding a contract to Raymond James and Associates Inc to serve as investment advisers to the city of Bon for a period of one year commencing March 16 2024 through May 15 2025 for an amount not exceed $75,000 with a one-year possible option to renew at the sole discretion of the city move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I have one question the renewal is the same amount of money this is on R9 R9 yeah an option for a oneyear renewal is that the same amount I don't have option for onee Renewal it would it would be in the same amount though it would we talking R9 right yes oh R9 R9 yeah awarding contract yeah that's what we're on yeah yeah it would be under the same terms and conditions okay all right and I'll vote i r 10 is a resolution of the governing body certification of the compliance with the United States equal employment opportunity commission's enforcement guidance of the consideration of arrest and conviction records in employment decision decisions under title seven of the Civil Rights AC Act of 1964 this one I will actually need signatures on it has a hole okay all last but not least and move it as a whole so R 10 is moved by the council as a whole and on r10 Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi R 11 authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of not to exceed $6,279 th000 in Bond anticipation notes of the city of Bon in the county of Hudson New Jersey to the Hudson County Improvement Authority and determining various matters in connection therewith moving second on that one Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa i r 12 is awarding of contract for the 2024 summer camp program bus services to Beloved Community Charter School for the bid price of $2,720 some move on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi or 13 is designating Bayon Energy Center urban renewal 3 LLC as the redeveloper for the portion of the property identified as block 419 lot one as shown on the official tax map of the city and authorizing the preparation and execution of a Redevelopment agreement buying between the city of Bayon and Bayon Energy Center urban renewal 3 LLC I move second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi the space holder on your agenda has been removed and we have a couple add-ons first one is authorizing the mayor Endor his design and other appropriate City officials to take any and all actions and execute any and all documents necessary to effectuate the procurement of stage one cultural resource survey in connection with the Cottage Street Park flood m ation project from Richard grub and Associates in an amount of $2,715 including expenses pursuing to its proposal dated January 29 2024 move it second on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I two is authorizing an agreement with Waterman LLC for professional Engineering Services as Redevelopment and environmental program manager on on behalf of the city for a period commencing May 16 2024 through May 15 2025 for an amount not to exceed $150,000 moving second on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi R three is also authorized an agreement with Waterman LLC for redevelopment and environmental program manager in connection with developers and redevelopers of the city for a period commencing May 16 2024 through May 15 2025 for an amount not to exceed $150,000 move it second on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi and four is authorizing the purchasing agent to purchase and the installation of emergency lights sirens and computer equipment and four 2024 Ford police interceptors by Elite vehicle Solutions under New Jersey state contract 17 Fleet 0749 for an total amount of $1 15,928 28 Cent so move and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez I miss weamer hi Mr laaloa hi okay the remaining add-ons are not on your agenda add five is authorizing the execution of a second amendment to agreement number Cy 23085 with the Bayon family community center increasing the same in the amount of $31,000 pursuing to the addendum number three of the contractor's proposal making the total contract amount $86,000 on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi at six authorizes the May and city clerk to enter into a license agreement with from Educators to innovators llc at no course to the city or from from Educators to innovators LLC to allow for the replacement of little free public libraries on City on the city of Bayon property second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa hi at seven is authorizing the city of Bayon to process an accidental involuntary dis disability retirement application some that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr lapalosa I 08 is the replacement for 013 and it authorizes the removal of a parking meter located on the Southeast corner of 40 46 Street in Broadway and is established a safety zone and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi I have nothing further Mr Coffee nothing else I will take a motion to adjourn second and on the motion to adjourn Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr lapalosa uh before we adjourn I just want to thank Cosmo for sitting in with us I hope it was you know pretty informative for you and uh yeah so you want to make a comment no okay you'll be back next month y every meeting okay um and I want to wish our um our veterans and all the people who gave the ultimate sacrifice uh I want to say thank you to all those people and have a happy Memorial Day everybody okay and I vote I that's it