[Music] [Music] I would like to advise all those present that notice of this regular meeting of the municipal Council of the city of Bayon for March 13 2024 as been provided to the public in accordance with the provisions of the open public meetings Act of the state of New Jersey notice of time and place of the meeting has been included in the annual notice of meetings which was posted and filed with the city clerk and with the Jersey journal and the Star Ledger an additional notice of time and place was posted and filed with the city clerk and was forwarded to the Jersey journal and the Star Ledger by fax and regular mail on March 8th 2024 the regular meeting of the municipal council is now in session Mr Bina please call the role Mr Booker here Mr Carol here Mr Perez here miss weer here Mr laaloa here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pled algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all like that ready our first item is a bond ordinance providing for various improvements Acquisitions and installations to the Russell Golden Park appropriating five $5 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of $5 million Bond or notes to finance a portion of the cost there of authorized in and by the city of Bon in the county of Hudson New Jersey and res uh which was introduced and passed the first reading at the meeting held February 14th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of March 13th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by the council president given the ordinance second reading Miss weer will you second second and on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi second reading is by title Bond ordinance providing for the various improvements Acquisitions and installations to Russell Golding Park appropriating $5 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of $5 million Bond or notes to finance a portion of the course thereof authorized in and by the city of Bon in the county of Hudson state of New Jersey the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance and opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to close second and on the motion to close Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laalo hi and a resolution ordering final passes mve it second and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I Mr swier hi Mr laaloa this is an extraordinary project this is $5 million for this park is an extreme amount of grant money that we're getting for this um the amount of improvements to our Gateway because this park is right by the turnpike Uptown is amazing and I can't wait for this to be done I've been uh going over the with the engineer what's going to happen here and it's going to be each Park that we do is unique this one's going to be very very unique so and with that I vote I O2 is Bond ordinance providing for the various improvements Acquisitions and installation to the 11 Street oval Park appropriating $2.5 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of $2.5 million bonds or notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof authorized in and by the city of Bon in the county of Hudson state of New Jersey which was introduced and passed the first reading at a meeting held February 14th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin board as required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of March 13th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by council member Carol giv the ordinance second reading Mr Perez will you second second and on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laalo I second reading is by title a bond ordinance providing for various improvements Acquisitions and installations to the 11 Street oval Park appropriating $2.5 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of $2.5 million bonds or notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof authorized in and by the city of Bon in the county of Hudson state of New Jersey the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor this ordinance or passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to close move second and on the motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez Miss weer I Mr laaloa I and a resolution ordering final pass move and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I 03 is an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the municipal Council city of Bayon County of Hudson state of New Jersey amending ordinance number 0 24-02 entitled ordinance of the municipal Council of the city of B County of Hudson state of New Jersey approving the financial agreement buying between the city of Bayon and Bayon JV LLC for a property located at 175 Avenue way which property is identified as block 3 101 Lots 1 2 and 3 and block 31.03 Lots 3 and 2 and three as shown on the official tax map of the city of Bayon to correct an error regarding the name of the entities and it's to read as follow it's approving the financial agreement buying between the city of Bon Bay View 1 urban renewal LLC Bay View 2 urban renewal LLC bayew three urban renewal LLC bayew four urban renewal LLC C and Bay 5 urban renewal LLC for the property located at 175 Avenue a which is identified as block 3.01 Lots 1 two and 3 and block 30103 Lots 2 and 3 as shown in an official tax map of the city of Bayon which was introduced and passed the first reading at the meeting held Fe February 14th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of mar March 13th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by the council president giving the ordinance second reading Mr Perez will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa I second reading is by title amending ordinance number 0- 24-02 to correct an error to read as follows an ordinance of the city of B County of Hudson state of New Jersey approving the financial agreement buying between the city of Bayon and Bay View one urban renewal LLC Bay View 2 urban renewal LLC Bay View three urban renewal LLC Bay View four urban renewal LLC and Bay View five urban renewal LLC for the property located at 175 Avenue a the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to close move second on a motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi and a resolution ordering final passage and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr car hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 04 as I've been instructed as being postponed to April 17th May I have a motion to postpone motion and on that motion to postpone Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa i o five is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 17 Property Maintenance which was introduced and pass the first reading at the meeting held February 14th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of March 13th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by council member Perez given the ordinance second reading Miss weer will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi second reading is by title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 17 Property Maintenance the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no Pro protest against objections to or statements in favor this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to close and on the motion to close Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa I and resolution ordering final passage and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I 06 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 25 streets and sidewalks which was introduced and passed the first reading at a meeting held February 14th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of March 6 March 13th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution given any ordinance SEC uh second reading is moved by council member Perez Mr Booker will you second second and on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laalo I second reading is by title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of B chapter 25 streets and sidewalks the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance and opportunity be heard to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance Bo passage has been filed with me may have a motion to close and on a motion to close Mr Booker I Mr Carol Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I and resolution ordering final Passage and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa uh just to explain this a little bit to the public um copy of notices go to the owner if they have issued uh summonses with trash and weeds if they don't pay them a lean is put on their property and for that I vote I oh 7 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of bound chapter 7 traffic which was introduced and passed the first reading at a meeting held February 14th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of March 13th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by council member the council president Mr Carol will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Mr weer I Mr laaloa I second reading is by title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bon chapter 7 traffic the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may have a motion to close second on the motion to close Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I and a resolution ordering final passing there second and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi cherl risort good evening Council um question again why is there coronium hexavalent running through this town toxic chemical that gets people sick or kills people why is it going through this town I was on 24th Street in Broadway last night the the electrical box was running and the box that goes into Bernie Aaron's gold was running also why I want an answer why why are there bricks all over the street why is there metal under the tree trunks All Over Broadway why why cuz I'm getting very sick and I want to know why Cher I've been I want to know why Gary there is no Cheryl and there's not going to be Cheryl soon to say Cheryl I want to know why the city doesn't know about this the taxpayers doesn't know about this and everybody's saying I'm nuts so let's get it out in the open why Geral I've discussed this at I don't care what you discussed Gary why is it there this is why is it all over town no why is it all over town I'm being made a fool out of in this town my town by the Builder by who Michael Boswick Quint Ben facetti was involved with this because he couldn't get me to move to raise his rent to get his decontrol that's part that's part of how it started and I'm being abused with Amendment 8 I'm sure you know what that is I want to know why this chemical is running through the town everywhere I go I'm in the ER three four times to speak it's a statement period not question answer and all these questions you've asked me I've already answered you no yeah I didn't get an answer why is it in town you have five minutes to give your statement why is it in town nobody could answer that or is there somebody out there that has a right to do anything he wants because he's building up the town which I think I'm correct and his name is Michael do whatever you want Michael as long as we get what we want my old boyfriend's new friend I'm not ashamed to say anything I'm not guilty of anything I shouldn't be living and being disgraced out in this town period took my life took my family and my friends what else do you want my blood I don't think so no answer skin coming off my body hair all came out of my body off my body and I'm losing all my teeth why why no answer so there's guilt somewhere here ham Hamilton how you doing everybody um my name is Hamilton Perera I am the President of Franklin Condo Association on 48th Street and and I just have two quick questions because we're having some issues with the synagogue that supposedly is uh up for uh Redevelopment this is this is a statement period I wouldn't answer our questions because if you want to stay afterwards I can answer any questions you want you could email us you could call I have emailed and I have sent photos um and I haven't gotten a reply so that's why but the only people I got from was a different I was a different woman it was Elane Rog correct R yeah you called her back and and then several times back yes that was only once but I'll I'll wait till uh after that okay thank you 08 is an ordinance of the city of B County of Hudson New Jersey adopting a Redevelopment plan entitled 455-461 AVC Redevelopment plan put the property located 455-461 Avenue C which is identified as block 219 lot 24.01 as shown on the official tax map of the city pursuing to the local Redevelopment and Housing law and resolution fixing Wednesday April 17th at 6 PM in the D E Harrington Council chamers there's a time and place for a public hearing and final passage it's moved by the council president Mr Booker will you second second and on that res resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer please forgive me I'm sorry where exactly is this property and we are approving the Redevelopment plan this property uh is on the corner of 20th Street and Avenue SE um it's the old laundry mat that uh burnt down um several years ago for uh so the uh this was introduced uh sorry the planning board uh voted upon this plan uh uh earlier this week and it's um up for uh introduction uh in front of you right now do we know what the Redevelopment plan is or do we have idea on what that's going to be uh there should have been a memo from um Alicia uh from the planning board on that um but it um uh the proposed plan for here is going to be a uh multi- uh uh unit uh residential uh building uh with um right now five stories or more we just cidate before the meeting yeah again I apologize for that but again the planning board uh met last night and you know to get the proper uh documentations over to you in that regard so and it's just for introduction so it's just for introduction yes okay I Mr laaloa all 09 is amending ordinance number 0 23-53 enti 52 entitled an ordinance of the municipal Council Council of the city of Bayon County of Hudson approving an amended and restated Financial agreement buying between the city of Bayon and 197 Avenue E urban renewal LLC for the property located at 197 Avenue E which is identified as block 221 lot was 12.02 as shown on the official tax map to correct an error regarding the lot to read as follow an ordinance of the municipal Council of the city of B County of Hudson state of New Jersey approving the amended and restated Financial agreement buying between the city of Bon and 197 Avenue E urban renewal LLC for the property located 197 Avenue E which is identified as block 221 lot 12.01 as shown on the official tax map of the city and resolution fixed in Wednesday April 17th at 6m and Ador the E Harington council chambers as a time and place for public hearing and final passage Mr perz mve it move the resolution Mr Booker we a second second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez i m weer i Mr laaloa I 010 is also amending a resolution but it's amending resolution 0- 2359 to correct an error in the execu for the execution of a encroachment agreement with 197 Avenue we urban renewal LLC and this again was correcting the lot number and it's identified as block 221 lot 12.01 and resolution fixing Wednesday April 17th and Ador the Harrington council chambers as a time in place for a public hearing who would like to move it move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laosa all right 01 is an ordinance amending a implementing the revised General ordinances of the city of bound chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations and a resolution moved by the council president fixing Wednesday April 17th at 6 PM in Ador the E Harrington council chambers as a time and place for a public hearing and final passage Mr Perez will you second second and on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I missos I 02 and 03 are combined and get the right wordage it is for up production and it is an ordinance of the municipal Council city of Bon County of Hudson state of New Jersey to amend and restate the financial agreement for a long-term tax exemption by entitled by the entitled Bayon Redevelopment residential block 780 urban renewal LLC with respect to block 72 block 72 2 Lot 1 and block 790 lot 1.01 and a resolution fixing Wednesday April 17 at 6 P PM in the dth the E Harrington council chambers there's a time and place for a public hearing the resolution is moved by the council president Mr Booker will a second on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laloa I 14 is an ordinance amending and supplementing ordinance amending no ordinance number 02355 entitled an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 7 traffic to correct an error regarding the section amended to read section 7.27 point- 27.1 chapter 7 traffic and a resolution fixing Wednesday April 17th at 6 p.m. in the dth E Harrington council chambers there's a time in place for a public hearing and final passage resolution is moved by Mr Carol Mr Perez will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa I 15 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bon chapter 7 traffic and a resolution moved by the council president fixing Wednesday April 17th at 6 PM in the D the E Harrington council chambers as a time and place for public hearing and final passage move it and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 16 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of bay chapter 19 fire prevention and protection and resolution fixing Wednesday April 7 18 at 6: p.m. in the door the E Harrington council chambers as a time in place for public hearing and final passage we like to move move it and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi Communications is a resolution ordered ordering the following Communications to be received and filed is moov by the council as a whole it covers C through 1 through C13 any questions on the communications and on the communications Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I officer report is a resolution moved by the council as a whole ordering the following officers reports to be received and filed and any resolutions Incorporated within to be adopted it covers o R1 2 O R3 any questions on the officers reports and on the officer reports Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I consent resolutions is moved by the council as a whole it's a resolution ordering the following Comm resolutions to be adopted it covers cr1 to cr20 28 27 sorry any questions on the resolutions consent resolutions and on the resolutions Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa uh I have one question on cr25 so I'll vote I on all of them except for that one just as a quick question Tommy we just is this going to Sims or you like how do you scrap that the cr25 that's for the container I'm just curious how that it is okay all right okay it just rusted out really bad and everything all right okay um do we need to vote on that one or yes you have to vote separate since you took it out so on cr25 Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi r one is approving an adjustment to the utility rate stabilization threshold in order to pay for the fin Financial capacity capability analysis with respect to the mandated long-term combined sewer overflow control plan as well as a rate and connection fee study it's moved by council member Perez Mr laaloa will you second second question and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi r two is authorizing the planning board to reopen the 8 Street Rehabilitation plan to prepare an amended Redevelopment plan for the 20 26 North Street which is identified as block 297 lot 3 it's mooved by the council president Mr Perez Willam second second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol this reflects the the shrunken project size and so I'll vote I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I allk three is authorizing the plan and board to reopen the Redevelopment plan for the penal at Bayon Harbor Harbor Station South and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi our four is authorizing the planning board to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether the property located at 657-663 Broadway which is identified as block 150 locks 22 23 and 24 as shown on the official tax map constitutes a non-c condemnation area in need of Redevelopment pursuant to the Lo Redevelopment and Housing law resolutions moved by council member Perez Mr laal will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I've had issues with things like this in the past I I'm curious does the the council at large or the Council of that Ward have any particular opinion one way the other I mean it looks doesn't look run down on the way in sker so I too have mixed emotions um do is it is it the current owner that is making this request yes the current owner through their council is making the request and again the request currently in front of us is just to to study whether or not it meets the criteria this is the first step in the process to see if it meets you know as an area what is the criteria So based upon the state statute uh for for there there's uh several enumerated items uh that talk about um the conditions of you know blight uh whether not it's underutilized uh vacant abandoned um also within the uh Urban Enterprise Zone uh those are all the criteria that would be for um needed for Nar need study with the rehabilitation plan so when you when you look at this particular location it is a fully functioning fully operational business that is well-maintained doesn't look as if it's um out of sorts at all to me but I'm I don't I haven't you know I don't know much about it but what I'm saying is to the general public it would look as if it's an absolute you know it's in a prime location um and right now it's 100% commercial so is is there an allowance there is that currently Zone zoned for um a mixed use for residential as well as um commercial based on the underlying zoning it uh would be as long as they had uh retail on the uh the first floor or commercial St as long as they had that's right so currently right now you have uh because it's multi-tier building um of all just commercial above it I see but but again like I said the the current resolution in front is you know directing the not it ofer they also aing that it does but I would also say that one of the criteria being in um The uee Zone I mean most of the Broadway is in that zone anyway so it would qualify anyway for and and councila we don't have to agree with their study no I I understand that and I'm and I guess again I I I'm truly being honest when I say I have mixed emotions I this is a obviously it's the land owner the current owner of that property that is asking for this and I don't feel as if that person should be um you know hindered in any way on an investment they've made that's been long term for as long as I know they've they've been here for quite some time and and I'm you know I hate to see such a property go if that's what the end result is but nevertheless I would I would want it to be fully utilized so in any case councilman Carol I um intend to vote I all right thank you director before you go I just want to clarify again so the current underlying underlying zoning allows for residential above with first floor being commercial or currently it just has to be commercial through and through it it can be uh both um yes okay and are there limits currently on size width weight and everything else yes for the bulk standards uh for that zone yes there are not off the top of my head right now but but like I said the part part of again for this resolution is directing whether or not it meets the state statute enumerated criterias for um um an area need stud understood um but also having said that one of them being within a uee Zone and and is that within the Tod as well Joe because it's 31 no that that that's outside the T it's the central um business District central business district real quick uh Council book I just want to chime in I understand you're saying that the current owner is requesting this yes the current own now the the reason why I voted I is because again it does I agree with the president we don't have to agree with it but it also uh goes over to the planning board yes and they get the study and also my concern is it's been there for a while and we know what the that property was used for so my concern is e even the radiation and so forth the the land itself uh would fall under guidelines of uh being studied so that's why I defend my vote I I too will vote I on that motion didn't vote yet you have a question in the back sure good evening council members my name is Michael Morris I live at 55 West 1 Street I'd like to make a comment regarding this uh from what was said here seems like the property does meet the criteria with commercial on the bottom and residential on the top because when that property was originally built I was probably about 10 years old and the gentleman who built it his name was chenzi castaldo he was an attorney here in Bon so it my take on this whole thing is that it does meet the criteria it just seems like they want to level the building and put another apartment building up uh with that being said I would think that if they were to use the existing lot they would probably have to build or make either one or two entrances for the parking going in and out over there which you would lose parking space on Broadway for sure uh being that the minimum width of a driveway I believe is 10 ft across used to be eight but it was changed over the years so with that being said but again we we get a chance here to vote on that and if it doesn't have the required parking that we want not what's in the Redevelopment plan we have the capability of saying no and I I don't want to speak for the rest of my colleagues but looking at past history we have not approved something that did not give the right parking for the union so correct I understand that I'm also going on the specs for the residential parking I don't know what the exact specs are for commercial commercial uh entrance entrance and exits are uh but so with that being said uh I can also tell you that I believe the building is between uh 33rd and 34th Street in Broadway it's a brand new building has no parking underneath so that needs to be taken into consideration too I mean everybody that owns property has the right to do with it as they please but not at partly at the taxpayers expense either because you would be losing Pro uh parking along Broadway so that's all I have to say thank you thank you back to the vote Mr Booker you voted I Mr Carol uh I'm going to vote I I was concerned because it's not a terribly large property Mr moris brought up several good points but in the interest of as the councilwoman said um her concerns as well that I was glad the director could elaborate on I I vote on Mr PR it's just a study so I'm voting I miss memer hi Mr laaloa again a study and it'll come back to us and if we don't like the findings we can actually absolutely say no to it we could agree with it or we could vote it down so I vote I our five is authorizing the planning board to conduct the preliminary investigation to determine whether the property located at 74574 Broadway which is identified as block 139 Lots 18 and 19 as shown on the official tax map of the city constitutes a non-c condemnation area of need of Redevelopment pursue to the local Redevelopment Housing law would like to move it all right some move second second and on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol director I can streamline my questions uh so councilman this is the vacant lot next to uh uh Cal so given first the current owner of it is asking for it yes the current owner is asking for this and second given that it's a flat lot already what is it what does it qualify as so in this previous resolution so similar to the previous re resolution is the same same thing um while I have up so the what you're authorizing to study whether or not it meets one or more of the following criteria so a the general uh the generality of the buildings are substandard unsafe unsanitary dilapidated or obsolete or uh possesses any of such characteristics or so lacking in light air or space as to be uh conductive to UNH wholesome living or work conditions um B the discontinuance of the use of buildings previously used for commercial manufacturing or industrial purposes the abandonment of such buildings or the same being allowed to fall into such a state of disrepair to be untenable see land that is owned by the municipality County a local Housing Authority Redevelopment agency or Redevelopment entity or unimproved vacant land that has remain so for a period of 10 years prior to the adoption of the resolution and that by reason of it location remoteness lack of means of access to develop uh develop sections or portions of the municipality or topographical or nature of the soil is not likely to be developed through the instrumentality of private capital D areas with uh buildings or improvements which by reason or dilapidation obsolete overcrowding uh faulty arrangements or design lack of ventilation light sanitary facilities excess land coverage uh delirious land use or obsolete layout or a combination of these or other factors uh that are detrimental to the safety Health morals or welfare of the community e a growth uh a growing lack or total lack of property utilization of areas caused by the conditions of uh title diverse ownership of real property there within or other conditions resulting in a stagnant or not fully productive conditional land potentially useful and valuable for contributing to the service uh to ins serving the public health safety and Welfare uh I mean it keep going on but for essentially the vacant land is where this falls under that and um again it's also in the ueg um the next one G and it would I would imagine it currently falls under the same underlying zoning that the other one did a block uh in the CBD I believe that that is correct the central business district personally I find it interesting given that it's a vacant lot but as it's a study I'll I'll put it Forward especially since it's north of the first board I'm willing to take a look I might I might have had something different councilman in that area is okay with it councilman in that area is okay with a study it's only a study it's a study yeah since you usually defer to the council I might as well just volunteer that so your vote Mr Carol I Mr Perez it's just a study I vote I miss weer I Mr laaloa I our six is amending resolution 2309-20 d63 adopted September 20th 2023 to correct the scrier error in the consent of the transfer of ownership in accordance with the terms of the financial agreement with 197 Avenue E Urban LLC and the City of Bayon to correct the block and lot from four block 458 Lots 78 and 9 to block 221 lot 12.01 it's moved by council member Perez Mr Booker will you second and on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez Miss weer I Mr laaloa I this resolution is also to crect create uh correct the block and lot in resolution number 23- 09-20 64 which is adopted SE September 20th 2023 Mr Perez you moved it Mr Booker will you second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez Miss weer okay um she's asking a question regarding the blurbs for one for R6 and R7 where it says in the res in the blurb that we had the to correct the block from block 458 and lot 789 to block 221 lot 12.01 I think the blurs might be wrong on a copy and paste the it we're correcting from block 221 no I have the developers attorney coming up shaking his head saying I'm wrong do we need to correct the scrier error need do we correct the scrier scriveners no no we're not making another scriveners error that resolution did reference block 458 lot 789 I think it was a copy and paste from that one that designation was on for a consideration that night September 20th and a different entity was designated so in that one it wasn't lot 12.02 that was the the mistake it was 458 I'm going to 78 I'm going to right now correct the res resolution R6 that's on here in the third in the third whereas it says whereas resolution number 2309-20 063 contained a scriveners eror where the subject property is incorrectly identified as block 221 lot 12.02 and the correct block is block 221 lot 12.01 you're saying that's not correct this is on the RDA or this is on the financial agreement this is fourth paragraph of the the transfer and ownership I can't remember off the top of my head uh transfer and ownership that might have been incorrect that might have been 12.01 12.02 the one that had four block 458 lot 789 was the the RDA designation yeah which should have been a different one that should that should be on here too yeah see that okay so this sort of combined the two of them um yeah this combined the two of them so there should have been the the the the resolution is correct the blur had a cut and paste that that said 458 789 were on there so okay as long as the res resolutions are correct right and there should be a separate resolution for the Rd there's a separate resolution number seven says 458 789 it should have been that one is yeah 221 lot 12.01 instead of 458 789 correct yeah that's right resolutions are correct we're not coming back and doing another another scriveners ever think you swear on what yes okay so we we have the correct blocks and lots it will always be block 221 lot 12.01 so whatever we need to do to correct it to that thanks so we're back to R seven Miss weer that's right Mr laaloa hi our eight is left blank it was reserve space but it is awarded to for professional Engineering Services to act as special project engineer in connection with the developers and redevelopers for a period one year commencing January 1st through December 31st 2024 for a contract amount to be approximately $400,000 and it's awarded to Matrix New World engineering Matrix for 400,000 that's the same entity that had the the contract last year at what was the price last year I believe the same I vote on well you have to move it move it and second it I make a motion sorry if I'm making the motion and on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr lapalosa hi I don't have information on R9 so it's being removed R 10 is direct when you say you didn't have information you didn't get a resolution or it was I didn't get a resolution or any to fill in for r10 I mean R9 that would be for the um health insurance broker I didn't see anything either M okay I'll be right back on that they'll revisit that one yeah R 10 is directing the director of planning and zing in conjunction with the rent control board to conduct a study on the matter of rent control it's moved by council member Carol who would like to second I'll second it a question yes hi there um well uh the matter of rent control there any information that's what we're looking for in the study okay and is the public going to be involved in the meetings at all or I mean this is the planning board and the zoning board going over rent control so and I know you just went over the changing of some of the language of rank control so it's not the planning and zoning boards it's the director who's with the oh okay yeah you yes so uh again uh the the resolution right now is just directing me to uh uh do the study uh in conjunction uh with the rent control board on that uh and there's uh a couple months um that I have to again prepare the report and work with them um but obviously I would welcome uh The public's opinion on this this is in in regards to the rent control board laws and or the uh this is actually it it's not just on rent control it's a little bit more broader in that regard um you know basing it off what the with the resolution that it's more talking about the the housing study in regards to the affordability to uh current and future uh residents in that regard so the purpose of the study so it's not just specifically limited to rent control or the ordinance um about rent control it's about more of the the market study on uh our housing stock but if any ordinances that would change will get before the public absolutely there would never be again it would have to come back us okay thank you sure and on that one Mr Booker okay um I have some uh reservations in terms of this topic I've been gathering information I've spoken to several of my colleagues uh I am going to vote I simply because I want to uh get get more information in terms of rent control and as the Director just said there is a difference between rent control and affordable housing and that's going to be the topic that I uh looking into right now so with that reservation I will vote I Mr Carol I vote uh overwhelmingly I I think this is an important study my my colleague uh councilman ju Perez said it excellently tonight it's just a study and I think it's an important look into potentially stabilizing rents going forward I think it gets uh the issue of rent control gets a bad wrap the what what essentially happens is increases are always allowed it is up to the owner to provide those increases or Institute them but this is something that would potentially if the study comes back with more information that we could vote on or that we could look at rather uh this is something that could create a provide the working man or woman in town a little dignity in knowing what they need to come up with before the end of the year before their leases up it prevents them from falling into for lack of a better phrase the safety net uh there you know a lot of working men and women out there are trying to reach the next level and this would help keep them in their Apartments this would help give them that Dignity of knowing what they need to do what Their increase is going to be I I don't like calling it control I like calling it stabilization because I think that's what it is but it's an important important study and I I hope we we all unanimously look at it because it's an important issue and various other towns as well uh I've looked at certain articles throughout the county have also begun looking at it or begun dealing with their own rent control laws uh within their own community so we're certainly not Reinventing the wheel I vote I Mr Perez I also have reservations like uh councilman Booker but it's a study like Neil Cav just said and I say so I vote on Miss weer so as I've said several times this evening um I have mixed motions on this on this proposal however I am I am not opposed to the study director Skiller I would hope that that study would Encompass such things as um what would better serve our community such as um perhaps more affordable housing uh for purchase for our um our younger class of Americans just sort of coming out um into this world trying to make their way I would I would hope that that would be something that would be taken into consideration I'd love to see some consideration given um towards um uh again Workforce housing for our public servants our teachers let's give them um the ability to live within the city that they serve because I think oftentimes they are perhaps um they don't have that ability or they choose to go somewhere else because the opportunity is not there for for them so I i' I'd like for this study to Encompass all things of that nature um as well as you know the feasibility of rent control so with that if you can assure me that the study will take all of those things into consideration as well then I am not opposed to it yes and even currently in its current form of the the wording of this resolution it is talking about our current um housing stock in the plans on that so it would in incorporate all those you know um you know potential recommendations uh on again the affordability Workforce housing um and then also uh different you know plans and policies for you to get again use as you see fit um as the policy makers u in the Council of the city to again propose you know ordinances um you know to effectuate the uh the recommendations of the policy I appreciate that thank you mine I vote I and Mr laaloa uh I'm always willing to see a study because maybe we could learn something new that we didn't know before maybe it looks at it from a different angle um I I think all of us have spoken at length with councilman Carol who is pretty much driving this and uh he's looking to make some changes which I also have reservations on some of the changes I've had questions and we've discussed this but um I promised you that I would second this to do a study because I'm hoping to find some more information out from Mr skeler who's going to dig deep on some of the numbers and um we've all expressed the interest in having more affordable housing we have an affordable trust fund that has several millions of dollars in it that we are able to actually provide some of that uh funding to the housing to create more housing it's just a matter of where to put it and where it fit best uh in the budget and everything else that uh housing may have for that so with that I'm going to agree again I seconded this already for the study but um I like my other colleagues have some reservations about this as well so I'll vote I I thank you all tremendously I I agree with every one of your reservations I want to see those that information answered as well but this is important and it does show that there is an intention to at least find answers for those working people and I appreciated the comments from uh the second world councilwoman because often times when this issue comes up the people affected get mislabeled uh derogatorily if I can mislabeled wrongly the people affected by something like this would be the teachers would be again middle class working people and it's important that we really know who we're talking about when it comes to something like this that we not misappropriate or falsely label the issue we're discussing so I I I thank you all so much okay now coming back to r n is is authorizing the mayor and city clerk to enter into an agreement with uh Brown and Brown Metro LLC for insurance broker services for the employee health benefits for the employees of the city B during calendar year 2024 for a period commencing April 1 through December 31st 2024 with a renewable option possible renewable option of one year there's no fee to the city yeah there's I don't see an amount here as well it's just a request for a proposal no no it is where what is the amount there is no amount there's no fee to this our R9 went back to R9 they get paid through um uh in fact written in the body of the resolution uh compensation for health prescription and dental coverage will be derived directly from the carriers and paid directly by the health prescription and dental coverage carriers so it's at no cost to uh I can't say that it's at no cost to the city because we pay the premiums to the um to the carriers so allocated per individual yes okay and this is the way it was before it's what we have with I think Fairview is is one of the types of Consultants that gets paid that way um it's an industry standard and there is no you technically it's built in I would think the following years premiums would build in into that uh much like the JF any other insurance program who would like to move it I'll move it second and on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laalo I I have several add-ons add one is authorizing the purchase of 16 sets of structural firefighter turnout protective gear 16 pairs of structural fire fighter boots and firefighter gloves from Skyline Area Fire Equipment and Training LLC for the amount of 67,341 understate contracts 18 Fleet 0086 17 Fleet 0089 and 17 Fleet 00810 who' like to move move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi M weer hi Mr laaloa I add two is authorizing the mayor and city clerk to enter into a third amendment to agreement number c231 with rman and Roth LLC for professional legal services in connection with labor related matters for a period of one year commencing January 1st 2023 I think that is wrong yeah 2023 and ending December 31st 2023 increasing the same in the amount of not to exceed $5,000 thereby making the total contract amount not to exceed 194,000 mov second on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carrol I Mr Perez i m weer i Mr laaloa I a three is authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute a second amendment to agreement number Cy 23-33 with Steven R hmel Esquire for professional legal services as a min Court prosecutor for a period of one year commencing January 1st through December 31st 2023 increasing the same in the amount of $6,600 thereby making the total amount not to exceed $41,250 four is authorizing the purchasing agent to execute any and all documents and take any and all actions necessary to effectuate the purchase of parts and supplies for use in various City vehicles for calendar year 2024 from Stevens Jersey City Ford at a total cost not to exceed $40,000 on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi at five is authorizing the city to continue membership with the regional health Commission of Hudson County for the county year 2024 for a total amount assessment of $2,944 and authorizing the municipal treasur to issue warrants quarterly in the amount of $646 payable to the Hudson Regional Health commission move it second on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez Miss weer I maposa I at six is an ordinance for introduction it is an ordinance of the city of B Bon vacating the lands and premises known as a portion of Memorial Drive North Veterans Memorial Highway and Harbor Place more particularly described as exhibit a attached here to presuming to and in accordance with njsa 40 colon 67-1 it's an ordinance it's up for it's only up for introduction not for public speaking I know but there's nothing on exhibit a either it's like a blank page that exhibit a it's very faint oh you want me to pass this around yeah I'll get you copies okay where am I looking oh I don't that's all I have like the small not very clear the these are paper roads uh on Military ocean terminal um that um you know upon the recommendation of our uh special uh projects engineer uh asked to uh vacate okay and what will do is although you have the actual description we'll provide a we'll try and get a larger tap tax map version uh to provide you hard copy of it in the interim um this is just an introduction anyway corre part of this is for from the an engineering standpoint um that uh this is uh necessary in order to effectuate the building of um the uh sound walls um okay please in the future get us the map before comes to vote right but let let me ask ail question and I I apologize what what exactly does vacating that land mean are we displacing no somebody else we if there's empty land out on there right now on paper this is a paper Street there there is we don't own streets yes we we have essentially a right of way right streets are are this City's control over that is through a RightWay and sometimes like Avenue see or Broadway could be and most side streets could be expanded another 10 ft or so there's a right of way that the city has in order to provide uh street street ways um in this case we have a bunch of paper streets um I'm sorry it's a it's a street that shows up on your tax map but doesn't exist and I'll give you okay an example would be usually at the Eastern side or western side of the city you'll see on the tax map that there's a a street that goes let's say all the way to Avenue to to the the bay Second Street okay yeah uh no houses there's no houses on there there's nothing there uh so you'll you'll have a paper street that that is historically there on paper because every other Street goes all the way to the end of the West Side um that street doesn't but it's still there on paper so if we know nothing's ever going to get built there we know there's no development possibilities we know that uh we're never going to do anything with it uh it's in utile to us you vacate the street and when you vacate the street 50% of the land goes to the it goes to the adjoining property owners it just it just devolves to them because we we don't own it we have a right over it an inco interest an inactive interest if if there's if it's just a paper street so by vacating these streets that we're never going to use and never going to um have any control over and haven't done anything with it we put them in um a position to be developed and we can then get tax revenue from it and it facilitates development I don't that at 62 years old I can't read that but it it it is it is the tax map for that area we'll have to get the the blown up one that's going to be difficult for the clerk to put as a part of an attachment but that's exactly what this is it's it's a benign uh type of action on the part of your municipality okay and we have someone raising her hand she has to go to the bathroom or has something to add I just wanted to in in this one specific mby issue which you know I kind of talk about a little bit in this instance um Michelle Hennessy had requested that Andy Reichel our special projects engineer prepare this document uh and one of the issues and Mr Skiller director Skiller went through them but one of the issues is is that we received a $3.7 million Grant to build a street on the other side of Memorial Boulevard which is the maritime District we're putting up a sound wall so you know not to contradict uh director coffee we're not going to be getting um revenues from the north side but in order to effectuate putting up the Improvement um we need to we need to just codify it I think that's what I'm saying the Southside you will in this specific instance for the most part when you vacate a street it then becomes part of the property of the joining property owners and it goes on the tax R and you get taxes I'm always happy about that but in this instance um it m I don't know how to say this but Michelle Hennessy requested that we uh we codify what is out there right now was very confusing very confusing for her I I appreciate itk thank you all very much would never jump up if it wasn't about moing I'll take it to all the time and on that ordinance it's a resolution fixing Wednesday April 17th at 6 p.m in the Dorothy Harrington council chambers is a time in place for public hearing and final passage who' like to move it move second and on that ordinance and resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi M weer hi Mr laaloa hi at 7 is also an ordinance up for introduction and it is vacating those lands and premises known as Road b and a portion of Memorial Drive North more particularly described in exhibit a attached here to to the local Redevelopment no pursu to njsa 40 colon 67 that should say- one and a resolution fixing Wednesday April 17th at 6 p.m in the dth the E Harington council chambers as a time and place for a public hearing final Passage would like to move it on that one Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laalo I at 8 is the blurb on the agenda is different it is appointing um Municipal prosecutors Tim morotti as the stepen hmel and Landy Bel beler as Municipal prosecutors for the municipal court and also appointing Cara Garcia and assistant City attorney Jessica Connor as alternate Municipal prosecutors for a period of one year commencing January 1st through December 31st 2024 and the reason for this we we ordered the contract to Tim Mor Ari Steve hmel and and land beler to a request for Professional Services back in January uh that was December 13th number resolution number 105 but the county requires us to provide notice to them by way of resolution as to who our prosecutors are so this does that and as we've learned in the past when there's um sickness or conflicts or whatever it's a good idea to keep uh our assistant City attorneys available to serve upstairs uh in the event that there's no prosecutor available uh so Carla and Jessica are also being listed for the purpose of notifying the uh County that we have five prosecutors available should we should we need them and you're included as well this no I I am not included in that BL yeah I said the blur is different I I am not the the blur the blur is fine but I am not one of the individuals that is listed as alternate prosecutor the blurb that have do have my name correct however the resolution what you're voting on tonight is to name Timothy Mor Ari as CH as Chief municipal prosecutor Steven R hmel and Landry beler uh Carla Garcia and Jessica H Connors as alternate prosecutors okay and not not John cof uh John F Coffey II is not listed as I'm trying to make clear I got you I got you and who'd like to move it move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa hi nine is from the honorable James M Davis appointing Jessica Connors as tax assessor of the city of Bon effective July 1 2024 and a resolution confirming her appointment can we do these as a whole please sure can and on that resol that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi M weamer hi Mr laaloa hi our current tax assessor Michelle Hennessy is going to be retiring our assistant City attorney Jessica Connors uh took all the courses has been um accompanying uh she's she's handled a lot of the tax appeal work uh and the assessments leading up to the tax appeal work uh for the city of Bon over the past six months as she's earned her CTA I couldn't be more proud of her she's a wonderful young woman who's brought a lot of knowledge and uh calmness to the the um law department since um she's been here I can't say enough good things about her and I'm really happy and excited that uh she's number one was able to get her CTA and number two is going to be a tax assessor in the town that she loves and grew up in and uh I think will be here for a long long time next would be Air 10 is from the honorable James M Davis appointing the following individuals to the library board he's appointing Donna Russo her term to expire December 31st 2027 and Anthony kfka his term to expire March 31st 2029 want to move this as a whole also yes please on that appointment Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi at 11 is authorizing the amendment to agreement cy2 1-62 with New Jersey Humane Society Corp for animal control services extending the same for a period commencing July January 1 through April 30th 2024 for an additional amount of $27,600 thereby making the total contract amount not to exceed $268,500 payable to trap neuter and release services and ratifying and affirming the the continued receipt of subed animal services and Sheltering services including the TNR services from New Jersey Humane Society for a period commencing January 1 through December 13 March 2024 and authorizing payment of the invoices for January and February in the amount of $3,539 and what before you go any further essentially what happened here is we put out a um RFP for these services and we didn't get any responses so we need to carry um the current contractor over pay his bills and uh reissue the um RFP RFQ and hopefully we get responses this time like to move move it second on that one Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laalo I two more at 12 is authorizing the mayor and city clerk to execute an agreement to agreement number Cy 23047 with Matrix New World engineering for environmental consulting services for a period of one year commencing January 1st 2023 through December 31st 2023 extending the same to through April 30th 2024 for an additional amount not to exceed $15,000 making the total contract amount not to exceed $32,500 and in this case uh we had to re advertise for bids we just haven't had the time to review and evaluate them um after their submission would like to move it I'll move it that one Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi last one I have is authorizing and directing the execution of an agreement with Matrix New World engineering for professional Engineering Services to act as the special project and engineer on behalf of the city for the period of one year commencing January 1st through December 31st 2024 for an amount not to exceed $400,000 I think we did that one earlier no that was for the developers this is for the city okay okay sorry it's always split in two all right who like to move it and on that one Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi I have nothing else before me Mr Cori I I have one uh from the um cdbg administrator uh the Bayon family community center is in need of a boiler replacement and cdb fund cdbg funds are available to fund the replacement of the boiler and the CB cdbg administrators advised that upon completion of the boiler replacement design plans which is something I think you voted on earlier it will be necessary for the city of Bayon to uh solicit bids or proposals for the boiler replacement and resolve that you're authorizing the purchasing agent engineer law director Endor the clerk are all authorized to advertise for Andor solicit bids or proposals for the replacement of the Bon family community Center boiler at the Bal family community center is the old YMCA would like to move it so moved and on that one Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I does anybody else have a I Believe Miss Mack has something to bring to the council ask first so um I just want to bring this to uh attention and I know uh director Carter and um of the ba is here um the city of Bon is applying for Hudson County open space trust funds um with the application they how they do it is you you um submit a letter of intent on what projects you would like to see funded and then they actually then um come out do an inspection and they send you a letter saying your application you should file a full application which is due in June um I thought that under this process they came and met with us in in in January I thought under this process that once we were told what application was acceptable that we would have to do a resolution uh of submitt I was told this morning by uh Darren Melle from CME that he his interpretation was that we needed uh a resolution just to send the letter of intent I didn't see anything back over the course of the day so I'm assuming that we may need a resolution to just submit to the county of Hudson that application is due uh March 29th and there would not be another council meeting again Tommy did you see anything else today coming back and forth no I didn't see anything else back that I don't think we normally get a resolution I have never int I have never seen it before but baren Melle from CME said uh that we needed it for the letter of intent I don't know but I would I would hate news to me I I would hate to uh lose an opportunity to apply and as you know sometimes I come in late with you this is new to me in terms of I never saw it before and Mr cof is not here but I was hoping that perhaps you could pass a um letter something just saying that it was acceptable to apply for the funds as you know the last two years we've been using makeup funds because of covid but what are the what is the amount of the funds $750,000 we met with Francesca GI anano uh director carer myself and met and she told us we could submit two applications and uh we spoke to the mayor and to director Carter and we were going to do one city project one city park project and one walkway project so again I've never done it before it's always been later but I would hate to find out that I was wrong and we need to do it today because well that's why I'm saying May 20 but again uh council president I've never done it for a letter for the letter of intent but he did send me back he sent me back the blurb from the county of Hudson and it said it said for the application to me the application is the next one but I I I would not want to at least not make you aware of it right I mean we could take a little recess for a couple minutes and write that up well again I I I was looking but I would need like I said usually you have to give me the information and you have something in writing you can give it we can do something the next call yeah I I think we cced people today I it was news to me today but I would just like you to know about it yeah absolutely yeah yeah I don't I mean did you see anything else today on it and it's all favorable like it's money coming into so I can't see any of us being against it we have to send direct I'll try to make it short for director quy we have to send a letter of intent to the county to apply for Hudson County open space trust funds by March 29th the normal process that I've gone through for years is that we send in the letter of intent it's an application it's like four pages and then they do an inspection they come out and they do send us a letter telling us okay you're eligible to apply full appli by June we get the money after the count after the freeholders do what they do um we always get it September 30th after a public hearing petero and I been very successful on this this morning I got an email from um Darren Melle from CME saying that that we needed a resolution for the letter of intent uh I wrote back and said I wasn't aware of that but I would not want us to miss an opportunity okay let me I'm going to do this right here with that I'm going to write it out and then I will provide Hudson County open space trust okay whereas there is a need for City Bay to apply for a letter of intent with hson County open space trust fund on March 29th 2024 honor before y 329 March 29th 2024 um the city of B authorizes submitt of the letter of intent for two B projects well I can simplify this so so whereas there is a need for the city of bound to apply for a letter of intent with the Hudson County open space trust fund honor before March 29th 2024 now therefore be it resolved that and who's making this who's filing the application um the city of Bayon that the mayor and clerk yes Andor any other City required City official are authorized to submit a letter of intent to the Hudson County open space trust fund honor before May 20 March 29 2024 yeah thank you as I said we haven't done it in the past but um we were we were advised by our engineer that it may be required and I don't see another meeting coming up if if one of us is right I hope I hope he's right I don't know it's okay even if we don't need it it's okay to say we're well I normally come to you in June so it's just you know it's just my I normally come to you once we get the letter saying that we have been told to apply for the full application but so in total it's whereas there is a need for the city of B to apply for a letter of intent uh with the Hudson County open paace trust fund honor before March 2019 2004 now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and clerk Andor any other required City official is are authorized to submit a letter of intent to the Hudson County open space trust fund honor before March 29 2024 Tommy sounds good you move that as a whole 750,000 do you want to move that as a whole you you we should put the amount in Sue right 750 you're you're you're good people um we were advised by the department director of planning that um we would be eligible for at least 750,000 the amount that you get is dependent on the other applications uh so so don't limit us then yeah I I got the hint we would probably get 750 each but you know depending on how the projects are bottom line is if we put a limit here and it's higher than that we'd have to come back again so therefore we director SK director skander authorized the uh project on M for walkway and I know uh uh director carer had a project the mo the motion would be for exactly what I wrote so can we do that as a whole yes you can and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer Mr laalo I and I want to wish everybody Happy St Patrick's Day we hope to see you at the parade on Sunday and happy Easter as well everybody and with that I'll take a motion to adjourn second and on the motion to adjourn Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa hi good night everybody for