for aliance to to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty Justice For the record this is a public meeting of the Bome Board of Education it is 7:07 p.m. 21st day of November we're convening in the Alexander Okana Auditorium the presiding officers jod C I president of the Bome Board of Education those in attendance include Mr John J nce our superintendent of schools Mr Kenneth kopaz our assistant superintendent for personnel M Jennifer velli our assistant superintendent for special services Dr Gary ma the board secretary Mr Daniel castles our school business administrator Mr Thomas figu Jr our assistant school business administrator Dr Dennis degnan our assistant superintendent for curriculum Dr wiir Raglin Brown our chief academic officer uh and Miss Nita paval who's with us tonight as our board counsel the meeting is open to the public I will take a roll call trusty bashet is absent trusty Burke trusty Desman here trusty gesi Rodriguez here trusty magio here trusty Muno is absent trusty scane vice president Gonzalez and president casad notice was prominently posted in City Hall at 630 Avenue C on bu board resered such announcement of the Board of Education board secretary sent such notice to the Jersey notice was filed with the municipal clerk Education website before I start our meeting uh we would like to take a moment of silence one of our longterm school secretaries who was in the count uh school counselor student counselor's office uh Monica marowski passed away suddenly so just a moment of silence please thank you uh I'd like to introduce who's with us today is Mr Nate Weber and he is from for Ford Motor Company and it's our new partnership with Ford Motor Company and the bay Board of Education uh we' like to welcome you here thank you so much yes maybe want to come up and uh say a word or two maybe I should have a check we'll always take a check thank you so EX here and even more excited to have a partnership with the local Bishops and just show um what a great job and career thank you thank you so our first business is our approval of minutes and acceptance of communications do I have a motion I'll move motion by trustee gesy Rodriguez and a second from trusty magio on that motion and second trusty bashet is absent trusty Burke trusty Desmond yes trusty gesi Rodriguez yes trusty magio yes trusty Munos is absent trusty scae yes vice president Gonzalez and president casayas next up is curriculum and instructions A1 up until including A6 do I have a motion and a second second so we have a motion from truste magio with a second by truste Desmond uh truste B is absent trusty Burke yes trusty Desmond yes trusty gesi Rodriguez yes trusty magio yes trusty Munoz is absent trusty scan yes vice president Gonzalez and president gai yes next up is our finance building and grounds resolutions B1 up and including B17 I have a motion by trust uh by President Casias and second second by truste Desmond so motion by President Casas second by truste Desmond truste bashet is absent trusty Burke yes trusty Desmond yes trusty gesy Rodriguez yes trusty magio yes trusty Munoz is absent trusty vice president Gonzalez and president M and finally our Personnel resolution C1 up into including C2 S I have a motion by President Casias and a second by trusty gesy Rodriguez so trusty bashet is absent trusty Burke yes trusty Desmond yes trusty gesy Rodriguez yes trusty magia yes trusty Munoz is absent trusty scan vice president Gonzalez and president Casas Madam president that's all I have but we do have one card uh Miss pra arwal who is our Board of Ed representative from Bayon high schools here with us tonight she's gonna have a few words for us thank you good evening board members I'm prea AAL the board of edre and it's nice to see you all again the student government has been busy as usual planning events and helping around the school on Friday October 27th BHS held our first haunted hallways where we decorated our BHS basement and held a Halloween dance it looked incredibly real and many students were really scared there was running and screaming and everyone had a really good time this event's profets went to the sophomore and the junior classes as a way to help them fundraise recently we have been working on an anti-bullying campaign we participated in an event held in the ice ring where the peer leaders accompanied us and we made posters that relay the anti-bullying message we included slogans captions and pictures to make them colorful they're now hanging around VHS with the hope of catching students attention and relaying the message to them we have also used our Instagram page to post pictures of these posters in hopes of reaching a greater audience continuing the anti-bullying message stuga also participated in a Q&A session with the organization that did the anti-bullying demonstration for the students earlier in that week they brought a guest speaker who spoke about his experiences with bullying and how to prevent it he asked us questions gave insightful advice asked for our bullying stories and we all learned a very lot from that event we even had a nice photo session with him afterward stuga also worked to organize an operation shoe box to collect shoe boxes full of items to donate to Children of different ages during the holiday season this event was a success and we got a lot of boxes and a lot of gifts to donate and we are finally looking forward to the holiday season as we begin to plan our Winter Fest we're planning ice skating movie shorts and of course hot chocolate we will also be including a vendor fair just like last year and hope that the students of BHS will participate and promote their clubs and businesses thank you [Applause] that's all I have just like to take a moment to say on beh of the ofes motion to president this past weekend the uh VHS drama Society had a really program as usual but it was not well attended and I would like to see us do something to help them get the word out we have a lot of talent in this school district but it was very enjoyable and I commend Lor Alexander R and Whalers the students and Tim cig it was very good thank you I have one other comment Alex want you to stay up there our BPA president Alex sub ladies and gentlemen esteemed board members of the Bon Board of Education good evening I stand before you today as the president of the Bon power professional association to address two important matters that have been brought to my attention and unfortunately have yet to be adequately responded to via email first it has to come it has come to my attention that some members have not been deducted the correct amount for their dues each pay period dues are an essential part of our association as they enable us to provide valuable support resources and opportunities for all members it is our duty to ensure that our members contributions are accurately deducted and allocated towards the betterment of our association when concerns are raised by our members we must be attentive and responsive this lack of response can result in frustration and a lack of trust within our organization let us remember that communication is vital for a thriving Association and it is essential that we promptly address and re Rectify such concerns it is dis hardening to hear that we have fallen short in this aspect and I urge each and every one of you to respond promptly to these emails ensuring that this issue is resolved swiftly our remember members depend on us to handle their financial matters accurately and it is our responsibility to ensure their trust in our organization remains intact second there has been a lack of response to an email regarding a member and their longevity within our association the contributions and dedication of our members form the backbone of the BPA recognizing and acknowledging their commitment is crucial to fostering a strong sense of belonging and encouraging the continued involvement of all our members therefore I therefore I regarding members and their services history each member's longevity deserves recognition and it is through our acknowledgement and appreciation that we better nurture and supportive and inclusive professional Community as president of the BPA it is my duty to ensure that smooth the smooth functioning of this Association which includes prompt responses to such important matters communication is key to maintaining a strong relationship with our members and it is through open transparent and efficient correspondence that we are effectively address and resolve any issues that may arise by addressing these concerns and prior prior prioritizing communication we can create an environment of trust respect and collaboration collaboration we need to reaffirm our commitment to our esteemed members and work towards an improved communication system that upholds the principles our association was founded upon in closing I would like to take a moment and wish each and every one of you a joyous and restful Thanksgiving it is in times like these that we are reminded of the importance of gratitude unity and appreciation thank you all for your attention and may you have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with joy and appreciation I have a question be able to tell me who you emailed un server my Unis server my Unis server emailed I have to just check the emails to see who he specifically emailed but I don't have that on me right now you're welcome yes officially Clos for