start the workshop it's 536 I'll take a roll call trusty bashet is absent trusty Burke is absent trusty Desmond here trusty deski Rodriguez here trusty NAIA here trusty s here trusty scae here vice president Gonzalez is absent president gas we have a quarum um just some housekeeping uh on your agendas Kendra Griffith you could cross that out that's uh that's a typo that's that we had received uh once before um trustees the only new resolutions I'll ask you to look at uh B8 it's our subgrant carryover for 2324 since I sent you the uh draft copy is an amendment to shared services agreement with the city which is B9 is an agreement with bright and beautiful for therapy dog and we are accepting donations which is B1 um I'm going to hand out a copy of a revised A7 there's an additional field trip and on c19 uh appointment of teachers uh we were turned down so there's a name that's being removed so I'll hand those out the reason I gave you a revised calendar is [Music] hopefully we won't get another snow day oh yeah but the June meeting which was scheduled for June 20th well June 20th is now becoming graduation so we will go back and hold the meeting on the Tuesday June 18th so you'll notice now most of our meetings are falling into the third Tuesday of the month so we're going to hold off on this resolution till the March meeting I don't want to jinx us with snow uh but just so you could adjust your calendars there's a good chance the board meeting will be June 18th the Tuesday graduation you'll see there is a resolution in our package graduation is being moved to June 20th barring another snow day um and that is all I have for this evening superintendent I don't know if you have anything president Casias anything no okay so we're going to adjourn the open Workshop uh before trustees leave I'll hand out those revised to resolutions so it is 5:40 we'll adjourn and we will reconvene at uh in the auditorium for the public meeting