all right NY you want to pull your microphone that's time yeah yeah all right today is um the 13th of November it is now o' and I'm calling the meeting to order the flag salute will be led by councilwoman Bal Mo to the flag the United States of America to The Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible Liberty Justice right first so into the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burrow website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press in the Press of Atlantic City Mr Batista here Mrs B Miller here miss Lambert here miss Snider here mayor Davis here um before I get into the bureau manager's report I would just like to read a press release that was um put out today by the long Chen Health Department um on November 2nd 2023 our department tragically lost our dear friend colleague and fellow civil servant Mr Eugene Mulgrew he was a dedicated and devoted family man love for his wife and children was always a parent his tenure in the public health field goes back 46 years starting in 1976 with the Ringwood Health Department he then moved South in 1978 began employment with the Atlantic City Health Department Rising through the ranks to Atlantic City to Chief environmental health inspector Mr muru has been with our health department since 1982 when it just included Long Beach Township later in 1986 The Long Beach Island Health Department formed and he served in the capacity of senior environmental health specialist upon retiring from his full-time position in 2004 he then later supported us as a seasonal part-time health inspector for Long Beach Island just completing his 18th summer having a highly qualified and experienced individual is essential to deliver the Health Department's Mission and responsibilities in the High season of The Summer he's always here to lend a hand even offseason post Hurricane Sandy he donated his time just one of many instances he went above and beyond first and foremost Gino as many affection Ely referred to him as was a people person he was so Adept so quick to learn your name remember it and make you feel comfortable in his presence he made it seem effortless to get to know anyone almost regardless of circumstances and often made a connection to the countless members of our community he served as a public health regulatory officer he was a consumate professional not only seeking remedy but in a matter that was consistent with both the respect of the law and individuals subject to any action it was that unwavering resolve that enabled him to be one of the most proficient public health professionals in our field Mr Mulgrew trained and mentored many public health professionals in the field today including two currently serving in the department to say you were mentored by Mr muru was to know that you were trained from the best and were provided with both the knowledge and perspective to be successful his personality and people skills were also displayed when he interacted with local County and state officials to seek not only Department matter inquiries but community members concerns as well his ability to get the answers interpretations and facts of the matter correct or his unwavering commitment he was highly respected by his peers and close colleagues there will likely be many reading this following this that devastating news that we quick to recall him and that is the reflection of him he cared about you the department will forever remember his warm generous Spirit we offer our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones as we ask the public to respect the privacy of any family friends and co-workers of the deceased I know myself and Mary CLA worked closely with Jean and we enjoyed every moment of it our condolence is also our a deep and sincere heartfelt condolences to Sher bowler and her brother Scott for the loss of their father Bob wayer on Friday November 10th 2023 he was 87 and a resident of Staten Island and our hot thought Hearts and Thoughts go out to you thank you mayor can we offer just one moment of silence for Eugene and his wife please thank you thank you all right cash receipts in the current fund account for the period of October 1st through October 31st were 3,370 40 cash dispersements in the current fund account for the month of October 2023 totaled 3 million $48,600 cash receipts in the water utility account for the period of October 1st to October 31st were $1 15,27 2.76 Cash dispersements In The Water Utility account for the month of October totaled $ 31,48 34 cash receipts in the sewer utility account for this period were 42,3 $928 and cash dis dispersements from the sewer utility account for this month October 2023 totaled 21,25 725 submitted by our Treasurer Sherie bowler thank you I have minutes for approval the October 10th 2023 regular meeting minutes without formal reading uh would somebody like to approve the minutes motion to approve second all in favor hi I I wasn't here I thank you all right ordinance 2023 28 an ordinance of the Burrow Beach Haven adopting the amended Redevelopment plan for Block 16602 lot 3 and block 170 lot two within the burough Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to amend a Redevelopment plan for the former and Foster sites final reading uh this is final reason so it will be open to public comment but I'd like Emily to just come forward and just explain a few things to make sure that everybody knows uh exactly what's happening here okay um if you may recall there was a Redevelopment plan adopted uh previously for these sites that was a combined plan meaning that the projects had to move forward simultaneously as one project that was also going to be provided affordable housing um once that plan was adopted um the parties the burrow and the developer were not able to come to terms on a Redevelopment agreement which was a critical piece of moving forward with those projects without a Redevelopment agreement the redeveloper couldn't go to the Landes board um for any approvals under that zoning that was established through the original Redevelopment plan um and therefore there were negotiations back and forth um in an attempt really to lessen the intensity of the project um and also to retain the commercial nature of the Foster site and keep something like Fosters in place in Beach Haven uh and to ensure that the business district um remained a strong and vibrant business district with commercial um on that corner and also at the Brennan site in some fashion uh so this plan was developed with that in mind now the Foster side of the street the block 166 um .03 I me sorry .02 lot 3 um the zoning under this Redevelopment plan will be called superseding zoning meaning it replaces the underlying zoning and um the owner of the property who would like to continue the use in the same fashion that Fosters utilized the property um with a delicatessen kind of um use Cafe something along those same lines um we'll be permitted to do so without having to go to the land use board with an app I'm sorry we'll be able to go to the land use board without having to get a Redevelopment agreement with this Council um and that's because it's superseding zoning it is removing the ability of anybody to develop that site as strictly residential and I think that we want to make that very clear that everybody understands that yes that if if then if the people that are planning on buying it now decide to sell it whoever buys it from them cannot put a single family house there correct it has to be either retail or mixed use correct and and even in the event that it changes from what it initially is proposed under this plan this zoning they will have to come to council and present their their change to council uh before they can move forward at the land use board um so that's that's block 16602 lot 3 and they're keeping the original building they must keep the original building in order to be able to have two units upstairs um at the moment I haven't seen that that plan um but in the intention is to expand a seating area um I believe remove one part of the um the interior area to make an open patio area uh there will be parking on site not on the street um according to the concept plan that's part of the Redevelopment plan so any plan that gets presented has to be substantially consistent with that um and get presented to the land use board for any approvals that they might need uh they don't circumvent land use board through adoption of this Redevelopment plan uh the only thing that they will not be required to do is enter into a Redevelopment agreement with burrow Council but there are a lot of restrictions on their use of the property through adoption of this Redevelopment plan um most importantly being that residential is no longer an option uh under the plan with regard to um the Brennan site um block 170 lot two that is called an overlay zoning which means that the proposed zoning in this plan cannot be be implemented by the redeveloper unless and until a Redevelopment agreement is authorized by mayor and counsel and so we're in the process of negotiating that agreement with them um and as I said at the beginning the reason why we're here again for an amendment to this plan um is because we couldn't come to terms with the redeveloper uh for the prior plan there was too big a gap between what burrow Council uh needed and what the redeveloper needed so um we re reworked and um if we come to terms and enter into a Redevelopment agreement then the redeveloper will then have to submit a site plan applic to the land use board and will'll have to comply with their requirements of not only the Redevelopment plan the bulk standards and design standards but also will'll have to comply with any requirements that are set forth in the contract in the Redevelopment agreement that they enter into with mayor and councel okay now that being said um uh I'm opening the floor to public comment and you can also if any of you have a question uh you can address to um since she's here yes come forward what you really need to come up to the microphone because it this should be recorded state your name and address for the record yeah hi I'm I'm yeah good I'm Chris Kristen Brown um my husband Sean mayatt we um it's really loud we um had been trying to save Fosters if you will for the past I would say two years from Michael pagata who it was intention was to knock down both and make more right condos um we I'm the longtime LBI we currently have a restaurant in Long Beach Township um so we're the people that Emily speaking of she's been so helpful because I I'm very first with longreach Township but I really we' have no idea about Beach Haven rules and regulations and um last time I guess there there was a meeting Michael had come here unbeknownst to us kind of I don't want to say behind our back but we didn't know that that was happening Michael um and we didn't know that was happening so we would have certainly been here if we knew that he was going to kind of slide that in without us knowing about it and we had a lot of questions um So within our contract and if I'm correct Sean within our contract um with him uh which is yet yet to be signed there's a couple things that he's supposed to be doing in light of us purchasing it um we are looking to save the building we're looking to make it a restaurant we're looking to make it um a market um and just kind of blend in with the fabric of Beach Haven which is what we did in Haven Beach um we've been there for 16 years it's a great Neighborhood Restaurant um that's that's what our goal is um I don't know you know our seating I think was supposed to be in this this adoption of it but it was left out because was well the um I spoke with Frank little with regard to the seating um and there's a there's fire codes and then there if you can um adequately accommodate the seats and Ingress egress on your site which I explained to Sean um then you can have that seating but if you um are squeezing tables in and it's not safe then you'll be denied agre so that's the only caveat so it doesn't need to be addressed in the Redevelopment plan because it's not something that um you aren't already permitted to have and so all anything that's not addressed is pursuant to burrow code okay um that already exists and and so that's so that should just be an easy kind of we're going the number of seats if you can fit the number of seats you're looking for um through an architectural plan when you're at the Joint land use board then you'll get approval for that if you can't um like I said you have to have safe operation iny yeah no we totally understand that that's that's and if it just it's going to fit into that into the code that's just normal and that's what get procedure yeah okay great great so that's that's us that's me this is Sean and well I I would like to say we're very excited uh and hope this happens uh you run a wonderful restaurant uh I think most of us have eaten there and enjoyed it oh fantastic uh I think it'd be a great addition to the I do too we're I mean we want to we we love old I love old Long Beach Island I mean that's where I grew up and and I've been here for so long and there's so much change that we're really trying to keep specific buildings that are I think iconic and that's one of the ones that you know I always rode my bike P that on the way to Bay Village so you know what I mean it's just been here forever so we're not changing the outside we're not changing any of the exterior um maybe uh you know maybe the color make it a little lighter um but aesthetically it's going to be the same the side patio is going to be the same uh the indoor we're going to make uh a Market on one side and have you know Fresh Foods and pies and fruits and vegetables and the other side we're going to have indoor and outdoor seating so that's what we're looking to do I think it would be a nice compliment to be chaven yes I do too I agree so thank you thank you very much so much good luck yeah thank you would anybody else like to uh is anybody on Zoom want to speak is there anybody on Zoom John we don't see any hands up right now anyone on Zoom that wishes to be heard for any of the public hearings to see ra an electr hand thank you John Hal BR 319 Fairview Avenue Beach Haven um I was I was preparing for some remarks not knowing that the owner was going to be here so she s she sort of uh took away some of my thunder but I think this is a win-win for Beach Haven I I support this 100% uh it's we talked about trying to keep commercial commercial we're keeping it commercial we talked about maintaining Fosters as is in that footprint uh we talked about uh with the with Fred's Diner leaving that we needed a a cafe presence uh or a restaurant presence in Beach Haven because we lost we lost some seating that that's being dressed um and and even even at the L use board we talked about consistency with the master plan and and actually the master plan does even address uh variances from from the zoning ordinance if it's financially viable for the developer so I I just can't see anything wrong with this project I think I support it 100% thank you would anybody else like to come forward speak in the audience and Sherry have checked there's nobody on Zoom uh nobody wants to come forward if Council has any questions at this point I just wanted to say uh it's very nice to meet because you I kept hearing that about this you know potential deal and everything like that but it was like where is it you know so it's nice to finally put a name and a phase together um and as I had discussed with Emily ahead of time I was a little concerned about moving forward with anything because one was kind of contingent upon the other and um but we're still not exactly approving the buildings itself we're approving the overlay in the site correct yes thank you uh anybody else okay Mike what I'd like to just say is the controversy Jamie as you know is the over development on the Foster on the Brennan side and as Council knows and and maybe some of the residents know that uh we were approached since I've been on council with another developer trying to develop a site uh with density and everything that most people have expressed they don't want in Beach Haven so my suggestion as Council moves forward is to turn down a project immediately instead of leading the developer into the position that we did with this developer now because it becomes difficult after after that and so I think council did the right move with the last uh inquiry that came through I think all of us said we don't want this and and I haven't seen that developer come back so as we move forward if that's what the plan is to to stop this dense development along Bay Avenue and other places in town then put a put a hammer to it early on in the stage right I think what we've done here is the best for everybody under the circumstances thank you anybody the last call for public comments so I'll close the floor and um it's now time to vote do we have a motion to approve ordinance uh 28 I'll make a motion is there a second second thank you Mr Batista yes Mrs Paul Miller like I said at uh previous meetings I really don't understand why Mr pagata wouldn't just sell to the potential buyers anyway I don't really think that giving away um extreme density so a developer sells his property a certain way it just you know it doesn't sit right with me and uh the density on Brennan's you have four residential units at 1,800 square feet a piece with the height and the density and the parking and the buffers and the loading zones loading zones I think it's taking a step backwards so I'm voting no Miss Lambert Jamie's not wrong um I'm gonna vote Yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2023 30C an ordinance amend ending chapter 141 peace and good order of the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to regulate the use of advertising flags within the burough Beach Haven And to clarify the application of one chapter 137 to the use of tables and chairs for outdoor dining this ordinance also amends the zoning code pertaining to Flags final reading uh this is final reading so we're opening it to the public uh would anybody like to speak to this ordinance I have a question based on the survey we got from Beach Haven Chamber of Commerce uh unless I misread that the merchants have an issue with this correct I think there were 30 businesses that um 30 businesses that thought we should leave it yeah I think it was like three to one that wanted to keep the flag something like that and I think one of the other results was that there were 15 businesses that used them right just 15 MH think there are 50 respondents 50 50 uh anybody in the public would like to speak to this ordinance anybody on Zoom no I don't see any hands up no so I close the uh floor to public comments so do I have a motion to approve ordinance 30C I move we I move we approve 30C thank you s a second I'll second it okay thank you Mr Batista yes Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2023 31 is the 2023 salary ordinance which establishes the salary ranges for Municipal Employees final reading again uh we can open this to the public right now if anybody like to speak to the this particular salary ordinance uh please come forward anybody anybody on Zoom no all right uh do I have a motion to approve 2023 31 so moved thank you so second second thank you Mr Batista yes Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2023 32 Bond ordinance authorizing various Capital Improvements and Acquisitions in and for the burough Beach Haven in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating 1,770 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 1, 286,000 bonds or notes to finance part of the cost thereof final reading we talked about this for a long time uh is there anybody in the audience that would like to come forward and speak to this is there anybody on Zoom all right do I have a motion to approve 2023 32 so second thank you Mr Batista uh one comment on on this as everybody knows I am not in favor of at this time of the rollof truck and would have preferred that money to be U allocated to the parks uh what we're doing here tonight is is approving the uh funding I would ask that Council take a very close look at the um the cost savings that was suggested we're going to see as a result of this um I did not want to burden our finance department over the last 30 days they've been working hard to get the sewer bills out merging the database with the water but it's an easy exercise to to see there are a lot of issues with trucks of this size the maintenance the actual depreciation costs and things of that nature and so I have not been convinced since the beginning that this is going to be a cost-saving issue and I am still not convinced at this time but I'm not going to hold this ordinance up I would just ask counsel As you move forward for someone to take a a closer look at get this uh rollof truck my vote is yes thank you Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2023 33 Bond ordinance authorizing various sewer system improvements by the sewer utility in and for the burough Beach Haven in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating 1 million 89,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 1, 89,000 bonds notes to finance part of the cost thereof final reading um do we have a uh motion oh oh final reading sorry this is open to the public if anybody like to uh come forth and talk anybody anybody on Zoom no so do I have a motion to approve 2023 20 33 motion to approve second Mr Batista so I have a couple of comments on both 30 33 and 34 obviously the um the approval of the uh the money being spent we really need to pursue our attempts to get grant money from the uh deficit reduction act from 2022 the money is out there it's being controlled by the NJ DPI Bank there is a finite amount of money but there is a lot of money there the that ask for the money have a chance of getting real money um not only that U half of it would be a grant um certainly a million dollars is is easily a Target um half of the other half would be a forgiven interest and then the quarter would be at a ferally uh supported low interest rate so Council should absolutely be pursuing this as you move into 2024 and those my comments on these two ordinances I agree with you and I think will make sure to do that so I need a an A or an a for you Mike yes yes thank you Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2023 34 Bond ordinance authorizing various Water Systems improvements by the Water Utility in and for the Burrow Beach Haven in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating 484000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 484000 bonds or notes to finance part of the cost thereof final reading and if council could make their comments prior to putting a motion on the table that'd be great thank you I I'll make one comment I I think um I I think it's important for people to realize that um all the there's so much that needs to be done in our infrastructure and we tend to forget about those sorts of things because we don't see them and as long as we turn the tap in and water comes out and it's clean we're happy our toilet's flush we're happy but there's a lot that needs to be done to make sure that this keeps happening and um and when I first uh got on Council which was in 2010 um we we had a lot of problems with the infrastructure nobody had done much uh about it and we've been cracking away at it working on it trying to replace different laterals throughout Town assessing which needed to be done and and we're now doing that with the seore authority as we just passed out last bill we need to do that with the Water Authority as well so we don't see this sort of thing but it really needs to be done and um uh I think it's very important uh anybody else in Council have any comments before uh so does anybody in the public I'm opening the floor the public have a comment on this soon no okay do I have a motion to approve mayor mayor if I can just I'll make a comment on this the the issue here that we're dealing with um our Reservoir our Tower and our water mains the $484,000 is a drop of water in the bucket of what it's going to cost for these projects we really need to get a long-term understanding and and really not that longterm 5 years of what the true cost is going to be to refurb our Reservoir our Tower and our water mains I know that Frank has suggested a maintenance program with a company that will take over control of all of this this all needs to be studied very carefully and again the total amount of money and how we're going to allocate it over the next 5 to 10 years this is not the way to do it by just taking $485,000 and say okay let's start the project so I'm I'm going to agree to this because I want to see all this move forward but Council really has to spend some time to understand what the true cost of bringing this system up to current standards thank you I agree with you thank you any other comments by Council before we have a motion no okay is there a motion to approve 34 I'll make a motion second Mr Batista yes Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditure supported by a certification of avail ility of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes resolution 202 authorizing a refund of special events overpayment 203 returning dumpster bonds 208 returning piling bonds 210 is supporting the Ocean County Meals on Wheels program 211 consenting to the issuance of the 2024 for amusement license for Mr te's 212 requesting that the state department of banking and insurance reject All Automotive rate hike requests and freeze rates for the next 18 months 213 is the certification of our annual audit 214's authorizing application for a grant from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for the fiscal year 2024 American Rescue plan firefighters Grant 215 is creating a firefighter certification program within the Beach Haven Volunteer Fire Company number one 216 authorizing a shared service agreement between the burough of Beach Haven and the township of Long Beach for a phase two of Legal Services 218 is the salary resolution for 2023 and we added a budget transfer resolution at the cfo's request resolution 219 uh would anybody like to remove any of these for further discussion question can we just have some qualification on 218 I don't know what that is every year every municipality is required to adopt a salary ordinance that establishes the ranges low and high for every position in the burrow we have just completed that the next step every municipality must adopt a resolution stating the exact salaries of every position in the burrow for 2023 so we do the ordinance first and it's followed by the resolution okay thank you thank you any other questions okay um do I have a motion to approve uh the uh consent agenda motion to approve thank you sir second second Mr Batista yes Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes I have a bill list this evening in the amount of 1,1 190,280 76 any any comments on the bills a lot it's always a lot is there a motion to approve the bills so mooved thank you so our second second you Mr Batista yes Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Miss Snider yes mayor dve yes one item under General discussion tonight we'll ask Sherie buler to come forward and give a pref synopsis of this year's best practices inventory discussion one part of the best practices inventory questionnaire is that we hold this meeting and have this discussion about it okay make um thank you very much by the way for your words I I did not expect that um that meant a lot and my dad's one of favorite places to be was LBI and Beach Haven and he was very proud of my work here and after they s my parents sold their house you know he was very happy because he still had a home here in Beach Haven to come to so thank you very much appreciate that yes of course um every year the DCA requires us to complete this questionnaire best practices they we have all of our statutes that we have have to follow and then they put out the secondary list of things that are not necessarily required but they are considered to be best practice they a lot of the questions are repeat every year but every year they also add um new questions every year things that you know we need to stay on top of the inventory basically assesses the municipalities compliance with various laws and evaluates our implementation of fiscal and operational best practices it also provides taxpayers with an additional means of evaluating our performance including how our tax dollars are utilized the inventory can identify areas where municipalities may require further technical assistance um the state is also every year they keep growing their list they have a list of unscored questions that they're just trying to gather data from every municipality and see what our practices are this year there were 67 questions amongst three categories um the categories are core com competencies um which basically address our statutory and regulator Regulatory Compliance and other areas critical to sound Municipal finance and operations there were 36 questions here each were one point um examples are person now laws uh budget statuto deadlines Financial Administration capital projects transparency procurement uh the next category was best practice there were 12 questions they're each valued at half a point um this involves fiscal and operational practices that are a benefit to many municipalities but may not apply to everyone um in examples are you know do we have a a trust for accumulated absence and emergency um social media policies procurement on health insurance Personnel environment you know electrical vehicle charging stations was a new topic recently and then they have an unscored survey um 18 questions just really meant to gather information required to complete it but it doesn't count towards our scoring um questions relating to shared Service uh environmental issues um grace period for tax collection uh lead remediation was a big one this year um so the total questionnaire was a total of 48 questions a total of 42 points the the the reason they do this is because you need a certain number of points to qualify for the state aid that we receive every year we receive about 225,000 in state aid you need to score a minimum of 29 Points in other to not have any of that a jeopardize we scored 37 points so there's really no issue um if you would like a copy or to read through the list of questions you are more than welcome I will provide a copy thank you in the past I think we all got copies ahead of time and had to go through it all and blah blah blah You' saved us a lot of time you're welcome it is ly thank you Sher we always passed thank you all right so now we're we're uh down to um public comments so I'm opening the floor uh for public comments in which you can speak about anything you want so does anybody want to get up and speak uh we'll look at Zoom as well does anybody in the in the audience here want to get up and speak no no anybody on Zoom no my goodness wow I'm closing the floor to public comments so we're whipping right through this agenda so uh we have final remarks uh by Council I'll start with Kitty Snider uh thank you all for coming tonight um just wanted to say a few things I'm sorry that I wasn't able to attend the ceremony in Veterans Park on Saturday honoring our veterans thank you to Colleen for speaking on our behalf um to all of our veterans just want to say thank you thank you for your service my father served as a Marine in World War II he was in the Battle of pelo in the South Pacific and he always said that other than his children he was most proud of being a marine and he really and truly was um I'm also so very sorry about the loss of the tragic tragic loss of Eugene and his wife um I'm my condolences go out to their family of course but also to all of our business owners who I know loved him very much uh and I I'm I'm sorry for all of you it's a tremendous loss on another note um I want to congratulate Mike mcaffrey uh and welcome him to council sure he'll do a great job and I personally have really high hopes for you and I look forward to working with you also want to congratulate Paul shy I see tonight for taking another year as a school board uh member representative for Beach Haven we are well represented by you I'm sure I know also to Jeb Harkness and Jee Fraser for winning their elections um I want to take this time to thank Michael atista for stepping in um these last months I I should say jumping in for these last uh 10 and a half months Michael jumped in with both feet worked very hard to get a lot of things done I mean a lot of things I think he inspired all of us I mean I'm new but I think he inspired all of us to to work a little bit hard to get things taken care of um he has a level of expertise uh that this town will miss whether you realize it or not um and I'd like to say thank you thank you very much Michael very very nice of you we'll miss you that it um thank you I'm gonna kind of have to Echo a lot of what kitty said but um do want to offer our condolences to the bowler family and to the mulg grus I didn't know uh Jee mulg but I heard very very nice things um sounded like quite a gentleman so his wife sounded like a very uh nice person as well which is very sad uh I do want to congratulate M Mike mcaffrey on being elected and uh looking forward to working with you Mike Paul congratulations since you're here as well you represented us so far and we know you'll continue to do a good job um I also want to congratulate Julia corano who who was named uh Miss New Jersey Teen USA uh she did our community proud and they had a little reception for her the other day which was very nice and other than that I just want to say Happy Thanksgiving to everybody and enjoy the season thank you um I just have uh one announcement to make about the business district guidelines they've been a long time coming we worked with Jeff Skov with is an architect and a planning consultant and we've been working through these guidelines over a year with uh the goal was to develop and enhance the character of the downtown provide greater architectural continuity and cohesiveness encourage a commercially vibrant core in the district maintaining human scale density massing existing height limits who continue to help develop an attractive highquality Coastal residential Resort Community that's just a couple of excerpts from the goals on these guidelines they're available on the Beach Haven website so I hope that everyone takes the time to look through them they are very cohesive um if you have any comments uh or anything you would like to tell me about my email is right underneath them I'm always open to suggestions this is this is the fifth draft this is actually like the the draft that I'm presenting to the public we've worked tius Le on on these guidelines so this is the fifth draft it is a working draft so please send me your comments and again the purpose of these guidelines was really for the architectural advisory advisor committee to use them as a guide so we have you know a group of professionals but they really needed a guide book to use so this that was the whole reason behind the guidelin so they could use them for any pot potential developers or anyone just looking to you know upgrade their their business and keeping our our commercial District that unique character and charm that it has and we would love for it to continue have in the future so please send me your comments on that and I will get that together and then hopefully present the final draft not a draft the final copy and then we can use that forever you know in the future thank you thank you Jamie a couple of things the uh pumps um the the electric and the pumps are on they're not running right now the Pearl Street pump has a uh a controller that's bad electronic controller and the two other pumps are missing floats so they don't want to run them they've started them all uh but they're not all up online and Public Works is doing a great job Chris is doing a wonderful job he's got enough to do just managing what's going on when these new systems come online uh it's really up to council to find a way to push these things along or or just wait for them to happen but um I'm going to stay on top of this here for the next uh period of time here and hopefully we can get those those issues resolved it's kind of silly that the contractor doesn't want to come down to install the floats because he doesn't have the uh the control for the Pearl Street uh pump but we'll push this along and see if we can get that on um I I want to say also on on the um you know when I first got on Council here the the issue of the holiday snack bar was a huge Hot Topic here in town and um I I listened to the owners of the holiday snack bar particularly how much they were reaching out to council to please help them and and and to get this thing resolved and stop the bickering and this that and the other thing and um as Council know I asked them if if I could step into this and see if we could work out some kind of a settlement here uh we've worked tirelessly on on on trying to resolve this with the holiday snack bar let's let's not forget a couple things this is a non-conforming lot the property is non uh the the building is non-conforming on the lot and the use is not permitted in the zone so there are a lot of things going on here we have uh presented a very fair and reasonable settlement to the owners of the holiday snack bar and we've and we've given them an open road uh to get more down down the line as as they need to add to or or modify their business so um for anybody that's listening here um discount anything that might be you you might be hearing on social media it's just not true okay this Council has done a tremendous amount to try to resolve this matter and as we move forward uh everybody has to be accountable for following the rules and regulations and and so the owners of the holiday snack bar are going to have to be responsible for that and in the end it probably will go to the decision of the land use board on how they want to handle it but as it stands for now uh we're waiting for a response from the holiday snack bar and at the same time we're pursuing the enforcement that we have our authority to do um the sore laterals uh as we move forward with u trying to find the best solution for the new SE utility I do believe and I hope Council follows through with the fact that the burough should take over these seore laterals as soon as possible and relieve the the uh the residents of Beach Haven from having to deal with digging up the street and and the a huge expense um in an emergency situation when when we have the staff and the equipment here in town right now to do the jobs um and and that's it congratulations Mike that was a great win for you and um I look forward to helping out the town wherever I can whenever I can thank you all so much thank you um my my comments will be very short I I would like to just um uh say ditto to everything everybody said I um don't want to reiterate it but Mike um welcome to the board very soon and we all look forward to working with you and Mike Batista thank you for all your guidance and Leadership and getting a lot done uh in this short period of time you were on the board uh I think we've made some great progress and I hope I can call you and ask for advice every once in a while uh we uh your comments tonight regarding uh some of these uh resolutions and ordinances were helpful and and I I think we will definitely look carefully at how we spend our money uh when it comes to the bond ordinances so thank you very much and everybody have a great Thanksgiving it's come up awful fast uh so on that uh do I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn thank you Colleen meeting adjourned thank you thank you