I'm G to start all right go ahead yes so I'm calling the Beach Haven council meeting to order today December 11th at 6 o'clock and I will be starting flag I pledge the flag United States America the rep it stands one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all first to the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burrow website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press and the Press of Atlantic City Mrs Bal Miller here miss Lambert here Mr mcaffrey here miss Snider here mayor Davis here cash receipts in the current fund account for the period of November 1st through November 30th 2023 were 3,846 4856 cash dispersements in the current fund account for the month of November totaled 1,797 32 20 cash receipts in the water utility account for the period of November 1st through November 30th 2023 worth $386,500 in the sewer utility account for the month of November total $243,900 19 cents submitted by our Treasurer Sherie bowler i' just take like to take a moment uh to make an announcement and congratulate the 2023 recipient of the Beach Haven Police Department Officer of the Year award was patrolman Michael mcaffrey hey patrolman mcaffrey was selected because of his dedic ation to the burrow as well as his consistent consistently positive attitude with not only the public but his co-workers as well I consistently receive calls um by the public who that say that he goes out of his way they tell him how how pleasant patrolman mcaffrey is um how he went above and beyond um to help them in the same way which is a very welcome change from the usual calls and comments uh that I reive this is is written by Chief marosi this summer patrolman mcaffrey responded to a burglary in progress when he arrived the suspect was still in the building patrolman mcaffrey gave Chase while in pursuit of the suspect patrolman mcaffrey slipped on some broken glass and had to use his hands to brace his fall despite the fall patrolman mcaffrey continued his Pursuit eventually catching the suspect and placing him under arrest when the pursuit ended patrolman McCaffrey realized he had lacerations on both of his hands from when he had fallen patrolman mcaffrey received several stitches in both hands he was unfortunately out of work due to his injuries for a couple of weeks while the cuts healed some people uh would love the idea of having a couple of weeks off from this job in the summer but patrolman mcaffrey genuinely felt bad about not coming to work and being there for a shift thank you patrolman McCaffrey for your perseverance dedication and commitment to the burough Beach Haven and to the members of the police department myself the mayor and councel and all the public as well congratulations y thank [Applause] you I have two meetings uh of minutes for approval without formal reading I'm going to do them separately I have the October 26 2023 agenda meeting um you're doing these separately I'm going to do them separately okay is there a motion to approve the um agenda meeting of the 26 I'll make a motion thank you second all in favor I I any opposed thank you um and then I'll the October 26 executive session please is there a motion to approve the executive session on the 26th of October motion to approve thank you second thank you and then we have a exstension i yeah I abstain thank you all in favor besides um Mr mcaffrey I any opposed thank you all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditure supported by a certification of availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes resolution 2117 returning piling bonds 228 returning remaining police detail escrow 229 refunding performance bond inspection fee 230 returning dumpster Bond 232 supporting the creation of a free dangerous cable and utility poll hotline 233 consenting to the issuance of amusement license es for Wayne wri amusements LLC doing business as Fantasy Island amusement park for their 2024 Amusement Gams 234 returning Street opening bonds 236 authorizing an executive session to discuss employee contracts and ongoing litigation Beach Haven auto versus Burrow Beach Haven 237 accepting employee resignation 238 cancelling sewer charges and 239 budget transfers and I just wanted to point out 238 cancelling sewer charges since taking over The Authority um Sherie bowler and her team have been working so hard spending so much time Sherie herself working at home working on the weekends to um go through the billing with a fine tooth comb and they're finding quite a bit and uh so these secondary meters that are used to calculate the outdoor water use that gets credited to their sewer bill um had not been properly calculated and applied to the billing for almost a year so Sharie has been going back and doing calculations and um analyzing each account there's over 90 accounts with the secondary meter that haven't been properly built or credited saw the stack of paperwork that she brought to my office today was about three inches high um this resolution cancels um some of the charges that were missed the credits that were missed for half of those accounts um and it totaled about $114,000 so Kudos the Sherry for all that work wow I there wasn't I did not see a exhibit a That was supposed to be attached yes I she was putting the final touches on it it is about 45 accounts showing the credits for four quarters and the total is $1,418 so can we look at that after the Mee I I I mean I'm one of those people so I I'm I'm just I don't know if I'm when you say there were that many accounts was that just a percentage of all the accounts or was all the accounts not adjusted properly no I think every secondary meter that was issued every secondary meter that was issued wasn't hadn't been okay calculated and properly credited to their bill and so these will be credited to these accounts this is the first half that she's been able to finish all right um she wanted to do them all at once but she didn't want to wait she's getting a lot of calls people asking about their credits so this is the the first half of the credits yeah I see me on there okay and then she provided the budget transfers we're transferring about 7,500 from elections o and hepatitis B to Emergency Management Beach badge mayor and councel and municipal clerk o and to cover the cost of the mailer that's going to go out in January and I think there's been quite a bit of discussion about um maybe forgoing a paper mailer going forward the cost is becoming prohibitive um so we're going to think about ways that we can get the information out electronically great that's great that saves some money too great all right so um we're finished with the list uh is would anybody like to remove any of the resolutions from the consent agenda for further discussion I just have a question was a 239 again I'm sorry 239 budget transfers oh budget transf thank you yeah so we're transferring 7500 okay thank you no nobody wants remove any okay uh so do I have a motion to approve the cons consent agenda motion to approve second is there a second second thank you Mrs Biller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes I have a bill list this evening in the amount of 1, 34,43 all right is there a motion to approve the bills make a motion to approve the bills thank you I'll second it m PA Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes and there was one item for General discussion we wanted to go over the 2024 meeting dates and times it did send out the proposed dates for next year with the times was attached to the agenda if you're up if you're in it now okay as I asked about this before I'll ask again the one thing I keep hearing is that people cannot all get to see the meetings if they're working or whatever they would like to see and I agree uh I think for transparency it's a very good thing that everybody's included and able to attend our meetings who wants to and I would like to see all the starting times at 6 pm. um unfortunately that's a really hard time for me now that um I've moved on to a different chapter in my daughter's life who seems to run my life um mine my second day really starts at 7 on Tuesdays and Thursdays so four o'clock meeting for me so it's it's more kind of personal and I can see by the attendance here tonight that there is no one here tonight at the the six o'clock meeting so I don't really necessarily think it's the time of the meeting it's usually what's on the agenda of the meeting that all that makes people want to come and which I was actually doing a little bit of research we're there's not a a lot of meetings that also provide the zoom option and we do so the zoom option I feel is more than necessary for the people that cannot attend the meeting so if there's you know no one else on cancel that you know wants to change it I would rather stay with the four o'clock agenda meeting I tend to agree with Jamie I I think if we try to um make sure that our when we're voting on major issues that they occur at the regular meetings the 6:00 meetings um uh I I think that's helpful um and I do agree that the zoom makes a huge difference that um most people can zoom in uh to those meetings when I first started on Council the meetings the uh agenda meetings were at 1 right 1 in the afternoon or two and uh the the regular meetings were at 7 um we moved them down to six because often they lasted so long some times we were here till 10: or 10:30 at night and that's why we moved them to 6 um so I I I I kind of feel like they're working pretty well the way they are U but that's my personal feeling I just assume keep it the way it is I also agree though that I think that you know the agenda meeting should be for more agenda discussion and not you know precisely and that's what we've gotten away from and I pointed this out several times I mean like just look at that emergency meeting we had last month and still can't figure out exactly what the emergency was and people were upset and it's like a four o'clock meeting a week after another one two days before vacation we have another one and yet we had to have that and everybody's like what's going on what's going on if we could because I remember that when it was specified the agenda meetings were for basically paying the bills and very very routine matters and they've gotten away from that and I think it's very important because there are some important issues people want to hear and they're like oh male I don't get home from work till 5 you know yeah um just for one example the uh ordinances that we introduced at the last meeting there was four or five of them um because of the holidays our publication schedule was not what we anticipated by two days and which made it what made it un we're unable to then have the final adoption public hearing tonight that was the plan to have it tonight but I don't have any other choice then but to to then put all those ordinances for public hearing and final adoption on the 28th which is the next meeting so it's not anything that I'm doing on purpose legally I can't put them if the publication doesn't hit the paper I have to push it to the next meeting so unfortunately that's what's going to happen with this next one and in addition we used to have two agenda meetings every month and the regular meeting um anybody else yeah I did get some feedback U about the meetings people not being able to make them and stuff um it was something it wasn't an overwhelming amount but there were there were some concerns about that that people could make them I I agree with Jamie certainly if you know one of our council members uh at this time in her life is is more convenient for her or impossible for her to be here at a later time I think that that's a strong um argument for keeping it at you said we again I remember the one o00 meetings that was crazy and we changed it to four because literally you could not have a job you had be retired to be able to make those nobody could run for councel yeah in the in those days that had a job exactly exactly but and I I don't think I I think that Jamie's right the agenda drives the crowd but I also think if we do take it back to I hear what you're saying about the agenda being strictly agenda items then potentially our council meeting or six o'clock meetings could be quite lengthy and can't torous I don't know I just I don't know I think I'm I'm fine with it the way it is I I I think it's important to remind the um voters and our residents that and to assure them reassure them that it is not due to the fact that we're trying to slide something you know under the door in the back door and hopefully um those few people that object will eventually come to understand so I say keep it at four okay any other discussion on that no okay that's all I have for General discussion I mean everything else is pretty much the same on that list yes yeah I mean there's not so uh it seems that the majority of people want to just keep it the way it is so I guess we'll just keep it the way it is I would like to just make a comment that um councilman mcaffrey and I met with um Chuck Cook Mary Pence Mary Lee Pence and their other the mark their additional partner we had a really good meeting oh hello Mary Le um we will you know kind of fill you in close session and I think it was I hopefully Mary Lee will concur that it was um you know I think we heard each other and I think it went well and um looking forward to just more amenably getting through this n did you want to open it for public comment oh yeah okay so uh at this point we'll open it to public comment uh is there anybody in the room here that wants to make a public comment is there anybody on Zoom yes Mary Lee Pence okay good evening everybody Mary Lee Pence 314 Bradley Avenue Rockville Maryland uh just wanted to come on for just a minute to to say publicly thank you to both Kitty and Mike for meeting with us last Thursday agree with what kitty said you know it was very professional meeting and I just commend both of you for doing what I think is the harder thing and that's sitting at a table across from people you know talking about a difficult topic so thank you both for the time um thank you both for your professionalism and we're looking forward to continuing to communicate and like you said I hoping to uh to be able to reach um you know some kind of agreement here and work through any outstanding questions you guys have so thank you thank you thank you is there anybody else on Zoom that would like to speak I don't have any other hands raised now all right so I'll close the floor public comment and um did you want to take final remarks now before executive session okay okay so uh we'll have uh last remarks by final remarks by Council um Jamie do you want to go first um yeah really nothing much to say wish everyone a Merry Christmas and happy holidays and enjoy time with your family and friends also was exactly what I was going to say merry Christmas happy Hanukkah happy whatever you're celebrating and enjoy the season again with your family and friends thank you Kitty uh exactly Merry Christmas to everyone happy Hanukah happy holidays um enjoy your families and have a wonderful healthy happy 2024 hard to believe right we still have one more meeting yeah I just want to say happy holidays to everybody and um everybody be safe out there forgot we have one more meeting sorry oh moving on is that it that's it and I I I just want to say uh happy holidays as well but I want to thank everybody in the burough that's worked so hard to make our town look beautiful um the um the lights in the park and along the streets are lovely uh it it it's a pleasure to come into town it's exciting uh we I want to thank the Community Arts uh group for uh the Christmas tree lighting and and the wonderful event which happened a couple Saturdays ago um I I would like to thank all our employees for being so positive and helpful to everybody uh we we certainly have a wonderful town that we live and we can be very thankful to be here and have the kind of community spirit that we have uh it's been exciting to see the number of people coming on the weekends and visiting our stores and enjoying the the weather even though it was terrible yesterday it wasn't so bad Saturday but enjoying our town and and um and the festivities that we have that's all I have to say is thank you is there a motion sure yeah we oh we have to go into um yeah we're going to go into Clos session I anticipate being in the Clos session for approximately one hour no formal action will be taken during or after the closed session thank you all right we are reconvening the public session it's 7:24 p.m. do I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn thank you very much meeting adjourned than need one okay thank you guys