I can't you ready yep uh well leap day um council meeting as it today's Thursday February 29th at 4 o'clock please stand for the flag salute led by Miss B Miller I pledge allegiance to of the United States America and to person to the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burrow website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press in the Press of Atlantic City Mrs B Miller here miss Lambert here Mr mcaffrey here miss Snider here mayor Davis here I have uh the December 28th 2023 agenda meeting minutes and the January 2nd 2024 reorganization meeting minutes for your approval without formal reading motion to approve second all in favor I thank you all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditure supported by a certification of availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes resolution 48 approving the certified list of eligibles for the Beach Haven first aid Squad low that I'm sorry oh this is fire okay fire company 73 is consenting to the issuance of amusement licenses for Wayne Wright amusements for 2024 74 is establishing the architectural advisory committee for this year no um membership has changed That Remains the Same 77 is authorizing to advertise for bids for ice cream vendors 78 is authorizing ing an application to the Department of Community Affairs for the 2024 Recreation Improvement this is uh for Veterans Park we're going to request 100,000 for landscaping irrigation and shade 79 executing an agreement with Jetty Rock foundation for the use of Veterans Park for hop sauce Festival there for a couple years we got away from a negotiated contracts we were uh since Co allowing them to use the fees that were part of of the special event application U we're getting back to what we were doing prior Mary Clair negotiated with them and uh solidified the contract that that you reviewed prior to today resolution 80 is acknowledging the hiring of a finance clerk Colleen MCN I'm so happy to say she's back on staff with us awesome um uh to help out the girls in the finance office our employee that we had has moved on to to um other careers so we're happy to have her back back and 81 is awarding a contract to AJR masonry LLC for the Delaware Avenue curb and sidewalk installation project does anyone on Council have anything they'd like to remove for further discussion yes I would like to remove uh 78- 2024 or 79- 2024 thank you any others do we have a motion to approve approve the ENT agenda with the exception of number 79 I'll make a motion I'll second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snyder yes mayor Davis yes and now we'll do number uh 79 executing an agreement with Jetty Rock foundation for the use of Veterans Park for the Hop sauce Festival do we have a motion to approve motion to approve do I have a second second Mrs ball Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey I have to abstain Miss Snyder yes mayor Davis yes I have a bill list this evening in the amount of $189,450 72 yall had a chance to review the bills motion to approve the bills thank you I'll second thank you Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snyder yes mayor Davis yes under General discussion there's two um proposed ordinances the first is uh changing the fees for tennis and pickleball as recommended by the U Parks and Recreation committee Council had the chance to review that draft ordinance and do you have any questions no I was part of it I know Kitty was um I even spoke to some of the tennis players and I believe the pickle ball players and everybody thought it was fair especially that we're going to be charging more for people who are Out of Towners to come and use our facilities I think it's fine for them to use them but I think it's fair that if you're a resident home owner or visitor in Beach Haven you get a little break I agree did the um did the numbers ever come in for the resident non-resident I know that you didn't start collecting until I one non-resident pass after it was in effect okay so this is potentially losing Revenue a little bit not really um we we didn't know because now the people who bought a season pass for $85 it wasn't 85 last year um now it's going to be 120 so you're going to catch all that it says resident went down from 90 went down $10 to $80 and non-res went up $10 MH I think I was going up high I'm not looking at it um yeah I just think it's you know it's fair like I said I talked to a lot of the tennis players and even what some that didn't live in town and they thought it was fair yeah I don't know it was just um are you okay with a March 11th introduction and an April 2th effective date yes yes as long as long as we don't start selling until after the effective date yes okay um the other ordinance is an ordinance um prohibiting parking on the west side of Delaware Avenue um Mike I know you came in and and made some changes that we're we're specifically talking about the parallel parking um we are creating a small area of 12 angled spots I am waiting to hear back from Bruce about how we should actually word it but what we're actually doing is prohibiting parallel parking along West Avenue we're going to allow that angled parking where it's going to be designated have any questions about that wait I'm a little confused are you you're still having parallel parking on the east side correct okay so it's it's the parallel parking on the east side and diagonal parking in that reconfigured area in front of the condo on the west side correct correct and how many parking spots are we gaining uh well the angled spots is 12 right how many are we losing as it was right what okay um if we originally looked at how many if we prohibited parking parallel parking on both sides we were going to lose one but we're not we're only prohibiting the parallel on the on the west side so we're going to be gaining okay that's fine I I know it was a safety issue which I'm fine with that just curious yeah because it gets very congested down there and like I said when I was on patrol it was very hard to get through that area when an emergency came down because it just blocks off and there's no room to get around anybody this way it'll it'll free up almost the whole Lane of traffic by removing that and we won't lose much parking if any correct I know that Mike that you've been um very helpful in the design of the layout of the parking and and like you had uh great input on that and so I think that it's a much you know much better plan than originally so I think thank you for that is there any way we could put a bike lane on West Avenue uh that I know there's a lot of lot of bikes on West Avenue is that a Poss I guess if we didn't have parking on the east side I don't know I don't know how you how could we do that right I mean you were a police officer you could speak to that better than well we can look it's gonna have to be an awful thin bike lane yeah but it it at least it opens it up somewhat so you could actually get some bikes down there the way it is right now you can't even get bikes down there when you have two cars there yeah I agree I mean I've ridden my bike down there and it is kind of and there's a lot of kids riding and often it's hard for the cars to get by as well so I was just uh and I know it's as dangerous I think I say is maybe maybe we could wait and see how much room there actually is whether there's room plane great put sidewalks in too right so yes there's a lot going on down there I don't know that okay so this um introduction won't be until March 11th and the effective date will be April 28th that's all I have kitty okay um at this time we will open um open up the floor to public comment um if you're in the room state your name come up to the microphone state your name and address and if you're on Zoom raise an electronic hand Suey 10 North Delaware Avenue am I allowed to ask a question on the Delaware Avenue thing okay can you define that is that Pearl Street all the way to it's tayor to fth thank you herbs and sidewalks thank you anyone on Zoom no okay John I was thinking maybe you weren't G to get up I don't know John hbr 319 Fairview Avenue Beach Haven I um I made the comment at the former meeting the prior meeting when the Park and Recreation committee made their recommendations about the uh about the tickle bow and Tennis fees um we passed it ordinance 202 318c which had some increases uh and I don't even know whether or not we know the impact that would have before passing another ordinance that would adjust those increases the the presentation uh if I recall estimated the impact to be 9 to 122,000 we don't know if the prior ordinance excuse me would achieve that 9 $112,000 that we're seeking so I think maybe we should take a step back measure that impact and if a second increase or an adjustment is warranted to achieve the goal of $9 to 122,000 then we then we come back with it with with another ordinance to adjust those fees uh that's my first comment my second comment is based on what I saw with the Park and Recreation uh recommendations in terms of the finances um maybe what we need to do also is consult with our CFO and come up with a budget and the and the tennis and pickleball phase will be part of that overall budget to see whether or not based on other areas or variables in that budget whether or not we even need a a a secondary increase uh some of those items that I saw in the presentation were operational and some more Capital if they're Capital it may require floating a bond or have some sort of ammonization of those Capital funds so I think we in sum I think we need to step back and maybe uh review this as a as a bigger picture Park a recreational budget summary that would include a the tennis and pickle ball fees before asking for a secondary increase as I said before thank you John just not but it's also you know we we focused on the season passes but it's also the daily pass um just went up $3 per person and the non-resident went from uh I think they were all 90 to 120 so you're seeing a much bigger increase there too and I understand what you're saying John I think part of it is the fact that we want improvements down there I know pickle ball wants dividers we want a Hydration Station you know immediate things that hopefully we can uh pick up through that I understand what you're saying but I I don't find this too onerous truthfully thank you anyone else okay then at this time I will um ask final remarks by Council start with you Jamie um I have nothing to say this is the shortest meeting in I know it's like a world record breaker um thank you all for coming Mike I would just like to H uh say happy birthday to all the people that were born on U February 29 only get one birthday every four years y yeah happy birthday to Barry and speedy recovery um okay um really nothing to say daylight savings time's coming up real soon so next time we'll actually be seeing you a little earlier I guess I'm not however that works so thank you all for coming um I just like to say welcome back to Colleen MCN really happy she's back in the building um and also John brought this to my attention but um like to shout out to The Gables because they were named um I forgot Nancy again um in the top 100 most romantic restaurants in America for 2024 and they're right here in Beach Haven so that's a great um Accolade top five top five thank you uh top five in the top 100 so uh congratulations to them and sorry Nance I forgot you every time all right I really don't have anything much to say uh but um you know happy uh Le leap year I mean it is kind of exciting isn't it it's Leep here uh anyway it's uh nice and sunny out here in California H but I miss be chaven and I'll be back soon so uh everybody enjoy the weekend say hi to Arie I see you're at the at his Institute I'm in I'm actually in Conor's office at USC there's a big life-size statue of Arne in here but sure is heading tomorrow to Ohio for arie's weightlifting uh deal so anyway yeah okay well thank you all right thank you all right well then do we have a motion to adjourn I make the motion second Mike all right meeting adjourn thank you thank you finance