[Music] all right it's four o'clock like to call the uh Thursday June 27th council meeting to order would' like to lead the flag salute um Miss Snider would you like to lead the flag salute sure if we can hear you do your all right perfect to the flag of the United States America stands na indivisible andice thank you persu to the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burrow website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press and the Press of Atlantic City Mrs ball Miller here miss Lambert here here Mr mcaffrey here miss Snider here mayor Davis ordinance 202 422 Bond ordinance authorizing various water system improvements by the Water Utility in and for the Burrow Beach Haven in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating 2, 450,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 2,450 ,000 bonds or notes to finance part of the cost thereof the purpose of this ordinance is to fund the renovations of the water reservoir and elevated red tank of the Burrow Beach Haven water utility first reading you guys have any questions about this now I did have somebody um ask me how much would it cost and here's a left field question how much would it cost to replace the whole Tower that's what I said I said I'm sure it's beyond prohibitive but yeah um that's okay I don't even think our engineer would consider it no well that's why I said I think it's the basic structure it's the work that has to be done around it so yes even though this is a lot it's still probably a bargain we talked quite a bit and we did hold the public hearing on the long-term Asset Management um so in order for us to award that to make application to the local Finance board and award the contract we need to have the capital portion of the agreement in place we did have some of the funds already allocated originally the reservoir work we were going to be doing in house so we do have some of the funds set aside so you can see the amount is a little bit less than we originally anticipated okay thank you and I was just curious I had no answer for them so any other questions do I have a motion to approve ordinance 2024 22 I'll make the motion second Mrs ball Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes thank you all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditure supported by a certification of availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes resolution 148 approval to submit a Grant application and execute a grant contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the state fiscal year 2025 Road reconstruction project Amber street from Bay Avenue to the ocean front in the amount of 527,000 and resolution 150 authorizing an executive session to discuss ongoing litigation um the Batista at all case and we will be um go entering into the executive session after public business at the at the before we go into final remarks by Council so you will have a chance to speak before we go into closed session any Council wish to request any of these items for discussion do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda s a second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes thank you okay we're moving on to the 2024 2025 ABC liquor license renewals resolution number 148 approval to submit I'm sorry uh granting a liquor license to seashell Club Inc trading as seashell Resort and beach club with special conditions we have met quite a bit we've discussed it at this point the teen night language I think has been removed and special condition number 16 is being proposed all live outdoor entertainment will end at 11 p.m. 7 days per week period any discussion from Council yeah um uh basically um I'm sorry just that's okay I mean did you want to start down that end because there was some we do need to discuss it because we don't either you do the special condition or you don't I I know some council members were not in favor of adding it and just seeing how it goes so let's discuss so we're talking about the show yes okay I I would I you know I right now I I know the owner of the shell doesn't really want a special condition on his liquor license um I I listen to the music so I'm very familiar with it I I think we should before we put the special condition on I I think we should go through this summer and see if he can turn I mean so far he's been turning the music off at 11 o'clock um I hear the music and I hear it go off at 11 o' um and it it's Pleasant because I I can I don't usually go to bed till after uh and and I you know I I I trust him to to do this I I think we have a better chance of enforcing this because I think we will have a lawsuit uh if if we do put the special conditions on let's see if he can does continue turning the music off at 11 and um and if he doesn't uh let's make sure if there's a legitimate complaint that we write summons we we you know we give them a ticket or whatever it is uh if the if the complaint is legitimate and uh if if we have garnered uh five or six actual uh complaints that uh by the end of the year uh then I think next year we should put the special condition on his lior license but I think at this point in the time I think it's probably better to um trust him to turn that music off at 11:00 at night and if he doesn't and if he gets a lot of summons relating to this I think we have a very good case uh before the ABC Board to um make sure that this stops uh but but I do believe in second chances and I do believe that I really don't want to incur a lot of expense and legal fees and I think we can do this amiably and that's my feeling I i' I'd rather I'd rather give him the liquor license with the con with the condition between us not written into nothing on special conditions on his license he will turn that music off at 11 o'clock okay and that's all music that's not it's it's all music correct live live music if I if I start hearing a lot of uh music coming in my bedroom for real loud I haven't yeah I mean and it's been really windy I mean I've heard a lot of I mean it's you know I hear a lot before because it's been so windy uh but um you know I think you're trying jie I agree with with Nancy um I think that the Hughes family took a really proactive approach coming to council and ever since the last meeting there I haven't I was at the neighborhood watch meeting me myself and I and no one was there uh complaining about noise I was speaking with the officers that were ready to go on duty at 6 and they were you know very I don't want to say enthused but they were they didn't say anything about any problems with music or any complaints so so thank you for that so I don't see any reason why to put something in a liquor license when you're making strides to to improve and this is the first time that I've been on Council where we've ever had to acknow acknowledge something from from the shelf so I don't see any problems with what you were saying I I agree with you Jamie I agree with you nany um Colleen and I met with the hes can you hear me go ahead now oh sorry um I agree with Jamie I agree with uh Nancy I uh we met Colleen and I met with Tom and his two his two daughters and I you know I've known Tom and the and the Hughes family for a long time and I I trust that they are of you know their word and I think that he has as Jamie noted they have really um they're they just are they are responding to the concerns and the complaints and the needs and of the town and for a bar to agree to stop live music after 11 o' I think it's very generous I know that you know some of you who might go to bed before 11: may not be happy with that but um you know I think it's very reasonable and I um he they assured us that the music that they would possibly have on after 11 would just be background music and nothing more than the conversational level so I I believe that we should give them this Summer to see how it goes and um I know not everyone will be happy with this without a special condition but I think it's the right thing to do and I agree I don't really want to uh incur any more legal fees at this moment thank you okay um as you just heard I was at the meeting we had a special meeting with the Hughes family um Kitty uh the chief Sher and I and I was appreciative of the fact that there was as Jamie called the proactive approach because obviously this was a contentious matter that people were not sleeping and I get that that's that's tough and the Hues I think being the good neighbors that they want to be reached out and they went to both condos associations and their leadership agreed also and I think that they have a chance to say you know to show us and I I believe they will so I am in favor of not putting any conditions on okay this one's a tough one for me um I've known the uses for a long time uh I respect them and I respect their word uh as far shutting down the music I know he said he will do it and I'm sure he will do it I just have a problem where being fair with everybody in in the um liquor business that there are restrictions on certain places and they are in writing and as far as I'm concerned it should probably be in everybody's liquor license so we don't run into these problems again um I don't know I like I said I do have a problem I I think it should be in all record licenses I agree with you on that I think if we if we're going to have you know restricting the music at 11 for one bar I think it should be for all ours myself but uh that's something we can talk about in the future I think uh because there haven't been a lot of I've had some complaints about other ours but there haven't been a lot this has and this this did all start before I came in here so it was something that was in the works after I uh before I even got elected so um I guess we could give them a try we can look we can look in the future at making this a condition for it should be for everybody it should if it's for one it should be for all right another question I have um you know the noise ordinance is 10:00 on night besides um Friday and Saturday and and I know you're saying 11 that doesn't bother me it might bother some people maybe I know you have a big event on Thursday nights in Saturday nights but maybe you can try to keep the noise down a little bit right now we're actually all to stop outside at 9 okay all right good thank you okay so uh we'll strike number 16 do I have I'm sorry that we did hold the public hearing on this liquor license at the previous meeting so we we won't be opening the floor for public comment on this license correct correct okay so um resolution 142 granting a liquor license to the seashell Club Inc with special conditions do I have a motion motion second thank you Mrs ball Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey no Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes Sher could I just could I just um also since we didn't bring this up and um I don't know which of the girls just mentioned it but it is worth noting to the public that on teen I mean on not teen night on um Thunder Thursday on Thursdays all live music will stop at 9ine and be inside so that that is also a big I think a big concession for us yes that should be noted thank you that's what they they agreed yeah can you come up to the microphone and just state that fact for the record so we have it out there about 9:00 yeah so just out of curiosity though I mean if we were to move that musician back to it would be alloud say that again I'm sorry okay so as of right now on Thursdays we have music from 3: to 6 6 to 9 on and then a DJ was supposed to take over from 9 until 1 we canceled that DJ the DJ Now is only inside but what we're saying is if every other night of the week we are going to move forward with this ending live music at 11 then if on Thursdays we did switch that till 11: we probably won't but because once people come in for the nightclub they don't want to hear an acoustic act anymore I'm saying that we so basically what you're saying is any music after 11 on Thursday night goes inside right now any music after 900 p.m on Thursday and it goes inside however what I was saying is that if we did switch that to push that musician to a little bit later say 10 o'clock or so it would never be 11 o'clock on a Thursday because we're so kneep in Thunder Thursday that they're they're looking for a different style music at that there's no specific Prohibition in the license no to answer your question yes okay perfect that all I think that we would prefer it ending at nine however yes I would Okay resolution 143 granting a liquor license to Tuckers restaurant ink with special conditions they have uh recently being given approval by the land use board to install outdoor seating on the east side of the building that land use board approval um required some items from them that we felt be important be included in the resolution so I'm proposing to ad number 16 which says food consumption and service of alcohol on the east side outdoor patio shall close at 10 pm every day but Friday and Saturday when the hour hours shall be expanded to 11: p.m. was transposed from the land board resolution right into this and then live music on the east side outdoor patio shall be dictated by the land use board approval n uh 20229 and include any subsequent changes made by the land use board some of us had spoken about the outdoor music being addressed in the land use board resolution was up for interpretation and it might be reconsidered by the board and possibly change so we thought this was the best way to do it so that if it is uh tightened or relaxed by the land use board whatever is in effect that's what will be in effect here well you and I spoke about it and I said I felt that was the fairest way to go I mean it's unfortunate there was the ambiguity in the first place but we look at it cleared up and then this was their resolution which a lot of these are land use board and then you know so I think that's the way to go I agree I mean again we're an autonomous group they are an autonomous group and I think um that it just this just makes sense thank you you guys think I have nothing yeah that's fine okay all right do we have a motion on 143 then Tucker's motion to approve I'll second okay thank you Mrs biller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr M ay yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes I have a bill list this evening in the amount of 1, 47,2 5862 uh approve the bills so moved second Mrs ball Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes we have three items under General discussion today the first one is a continued discussion about U zoning in the business district and possibly some prohibited uses we did meet today myself and Jamie and and Bruce to discuss it did you want to talk about our idea we want to some Garner some support from Council before we proceed right so this again is just a preliminary discussion with new council members previously we were proposing an ordinance for some restrictions at the current business district because currently in the business district every use is is is allowed single family homes duplexes multifam hotels and Moto everything is allowed in the business district and so with the increase in development the and property values increasing the fear is to ultimately that the business district would become fragmented enough where it would be not as is now wouldn't be not a walkable District any longer the way that it is and so originally that was kind of a little bit too much I feel like for a lot of the the business district to agree with and even members on Council so Nancy and I we are looking through the different zones and kind of cleaning up a lot of the different definitions and again we started discussing about the business district and what we came up with is a possible overlay Zone where this overlay Zone would be from 12th Street until the north side of Amber street so it wouldn't include rals and South because a lot of single family homes really start after Amber Street and there's also larger lots and you know things that could be more likely single family home development but really this kind of downtown overlay zone is really what we would want to to protect still allow all of the current uses except single family homes duplexes multif family without a commercial component and hotels and motels so if we were to move forward with something like this it would be a lot of man work it would be we would have you know notifications and meetings and different that so we're not going to move forward with that unless we have the support of council not just you know myself moving forward with this I personally think that this is is the best way to go it will protect a viable business district and and a smaller area again from from 12th Street to Amber Street and just those uh properties those lots that are abing the boulevard so it wouldn't include um businesses that are currently in the business district they'll still be in the business district still everything goes but this overlay Zone direct businesses on Bay Avenue from 12th Street to the north side of Amber Street would be prohibited single families duplexes multif family without a commercial unit hotels Mot um does that make sense yeah does did I explain that yeah yeah good I think and I think I think we have to be I mean already I'm hearing people telling me Oh I hear that you're talking about I don't know not well letting people in the business district sell their houses as single family homes and I thought I was safe from that but now it's coming back to haunt me so I and I think what's triggered this is uh the fact that um Schooners worth for sale and that's a large piece of property and we don't want to lose the the at least a part along B Avenue that has a business component um we we really the thing that makes be Haven different than every other municipality in the island is we have a business district and people like to come here because of that um and it it it's nice to be able to walk to places and I think we need to work with people uh to to make them understand PE business owners we we need to get the support of the business sorry anyway so um basically um uh you know I think we have to work very carefully with business owners and I know Sher mentioned today that the idea of getting a consultant in to to look at to look at this and see how other towns have done it plan yeah we don't want people lose the value of their property and that that's a huge issue for a lot of people um but you know basically if you kept the component along Bay Avenue and let them develop the uh sections that go either to the east or the West uh they they ought to be able to do pretty well as the Silver sun is doing now and the nice thing is they are putting five single family houses um so they will make money on that and they'll make money on their mixed use Pro uh uh situation as well but we still have the business district and I mean a lot of people say to me well gee you know why do we need to do that Beach Haven there are a lot of nice new businesses now in be and there are but you know it's hard work I mean we work really really hard um to get that Jersey Girl foster situation solved I mean this didn't just happen because somebody wanted to do it it happened because people on Council really worked hard to talk to people and try to try to make this happen and um and so I I think that's what we have to do we really we really need some outside help and guidance and we have to work with the business people that are concerned about losing the value of their property uh to to have them buy into it and I I would like to see it happen I I've lived here all my life and it one of the things that's been kind of interesting in the last few days I I've been getting a lot of um old pictures of um kasus um and I I remember kasus as a little girl when they had gas pumps right it wasn't a real gas station I have a picture of it back must be before the second world war where the co where that you know it says C brothers and then there's um a couple gas tanks there right on the Boulevard and then you know it evolved over time but it it's it's um we we really have a rich history here of having a business district and uh and I'd like to make sure that that remain and uh so hopefully you know it's hard work but I think we can make it okay I'll jump in um Jamie and I were in the middle of this few years ago kind of had our heads handed to us because we U wanted to do something proactively to save the business district and you know the business owner said you can't tell us what to do that's strong and I I do see their point of view um when you watch some other towns in the island that are completely giving up their their stores it's kind of scary but again it comes down to will they be able to run viable businesses I think right now we are in a pretty good place but when you look around especially on the mainland you see all those empty stores coming in that's scary too especially with a seasonal business uh I don't mind exploring this farther and seeing you know get maybe getting the planner in and uh I I do think we really need to reach out carefully the business Community it was one of their biggest complaints last time is that they were in the dark and we sprung it on them and then Jamie and I met with them how many times privately we had a special meeting we had regular meetings I mean it it took up a good deal of the winter at the end of the day it kind of didn't go anywhere so I'm willing to explore this again I think you know as you say the property is super valuable we all know that and see what they want to do with it yeah I um I'll respond I I think it's definitely important to look into this to speak to the right people about it to make sure if in fact it does move forward that it it we get it right most importantly um and I spoke to Sher about this a little earlier and she said to me that we are the the most importantly we will make sure that it is not a quick you know move move it through quickly kind of a thing this has to be spoken to spoken about with the business owners um a lot you know and and hearing them and getting their input and just making sure that that it's for the right reason and we get it right I think it is a good idea to a degree because I think it would protect you know every town I think it's very important to protect your business district when you have short season as we do I also worry that if we force our businesses you know what is our mostly our current business district to remain commercial that it may not be sustainable down the road but I you know I know that if if an owner wanted to go to the luse boort and ask for a variance you know there is it's not like the be all end all dead end for owners there are ways to get um permission to special permission you know things like that these are the types of things we need to discuss that I need to have a clear head about to learn about and um to get the a vision of the whole picture so I definitely would like to look into it to protect our town I think a lot of LBI is becoming it's sad it's just another reason they're all coming to Beach Haven because there's nothing to do in their town but um I just think it's important for Beach Haven and for the rest of the island and I'd like to protect um what we have in be that's yeah I definitely think we should look into it um basically the business district does make up a good part of Beach Haven and that's again that's why a lot of people come here if we didn't have the business district I mean you would look at rents going down and you know we wouldn't have the people that we have so I definitely think we should look into it and see what we could do about it keeping it as business I mean maybe during open discussion in that a Nancy could you speak into the microphone oh um I can't hear anybody so I I maybe during the Open Session if people in the audience or on Zoom what as to get their ideas as well would be helpful move on to okay all right the next item under General discussion I just wanted to give you a heads up that we will be renewing looking at renewing the lease with the fire company for the EOC property um executing the lease will require an ordinance um so I just wanted to give you a heads up for that um we're looking at a two-year lease not if I'm correct yes Adam has reviewed the the proposed lease a two-year lease and then hopefully when the renovations are complete I think we should come to the table again and renegotiate the lease hopefully with more amenities and more requirements and maybe um some supervision and we don't know what's all going to be required once the facility is renovated and open again so we'd like to do two years and then come to the table again any concerns with that I just let the off chance that it's ready before two years um two years go by well we were hoping to be ready by next year now we sounds doubtful so that wouldn't be a problem no um I think the most recent timeline I saw for completion was 12 of 25 so that's possible so we'll see 12 of 25 yeah okay um and then the next item under General discussion I just wanted to mention that in January when the sewer ordinance that we wrote took effect um for billing purposes it essentially adopted the same rate schedule as water literally if you go to the Sewer chapter it will refer you back to chapter 212 which is water um unfortunately the uh rent collector thought you know understood that the word same meant that it would stay the same as Sewer Authority was charging so since January now the bills have been uh with the lower quarterly minimum than was dictated in the ordinance I was written into the ordinance that it was supposed to be 125 base minimum per quarter per quarter the Sewer Authority is charging slightly less I think it's what 121 something like that right you guys pay your sewer yeah yeah s about right so we wanted to discuss it because we're going to have to change the ordinance either either the the sewer collector will have to notify residence that you know there was a mistake that the ordinance actually says that the rates are supposed to be identical or we go back and change it back to what the authority had Shar bowler felt that a rate increase was not the best way to go that she would have some upset folks but we all understood that that additional $4 or so per quarter that we were collecting was going to build a bank that we were going to utilize to update and maintain the laterals remember we talked about how bringing that up was going to generate a little pot for us that we could use to to update the laterals however we haven't seen a huge need for lateral Replacements I think it's it's been almost a year that we've had the utility and we've only done a handful of lad in housee where we do see an uptick in lateral Replacements is when we do a capital project we make sure that we add laterals into the capital project so Sherie wanted you to be aware and I wanted you to be aware that this is up an issue um but she was requesting that we go through the next billing it'll be coming out shortly that will end the the uh year for sewer and do an analysis and take a look at where we are with revenue and expens and come back to you with a proposal and we might be looking at rolling back the rates for sewer that makes sense I mean because we can't really make a decision without having data we need data okay all right that's it I'm now opening the floor to public comment um and the zoom uh so if you want to make a public comment come forward and state your name and address and you may speak to anything hi I'm Kathy King 326 Third Street Beach Haven and I was listening to your your debate about the business district and I thought back to when the master plan was drawn up and at that time there was a consultant who gave advice and uh and uh what they thought plus and minus about how to use the uh business plan area and it had to do with whether it could be turned over to residential use or not and so you might want to look back and see what that person said and what I remember of it was a quote that he said if you uh give up if you allow your business district to revert to residential you will become a bedroom community and that is something to think about and so I don't see why um stopping this overlay at Amber Street makes any sense when the business district on that side of Bay Avenue definitely goes all the way down to Pearl Street and across the street there are businesses and and so it's it it also gives an advantage to people who can turn their property over to the more lucrative residential use so you really have to think about a lot of factors before you decide that but I don't see where stopping it in Amber Street makes any sense I think she was uh referring to Jim Aly yeah yeah oh yeah I mean just to to clarify Kathy we previously when we introduced this a few years ago we I went through the whole entire master plan and verbatim I mean I you know went through every time that the master plan mentions a well planned and thriving Town Center preserving the Integrity of the existing residential districts balancing business and residential development comprehensive recognizable tourist destination and promoting mixed use developments I mean I went through the entire master plan and it does multiple times talk about a well planned and thriving Town Center so we did consult the master plan previously and the whole reason for creating more of an overlay Zone to Amber street is that's really where you start to have multiple single family homes on the west side down until Pearl Street so that's why creating more of an overlay where there is actual walkable business district would help gain support of the entire business district so trying to really come up with a plan that was different than before so again we will take all that in consider consideration with with the business district but it's it's it's always uh it's always tough one with them anybody else in the public want to speak anybody on Zoom want to speak Mary Lee Gaffney hi uh this is Mary Lee Gaffney I'm at 162nd Street um I um uh just first want to say how disappointed I am that you know it's clear that the uh the town doesn't really listen to um people who were paying taxes and except if you're a business and the business wins no matter what um um and that was very very disappointing to me um but I am also wanting to know what is the update on uh ordinance 2024-25 where does that stand or is that just going to go through without you know behind the scenes with other people as well what ordinance is 20c it is amending chapter 111 hotel and motel bed and breakfast room occupancy tax um that is up it is available for public review right now and it will not be presented for a public hearing or final vote until our next meeting in July so you can get copies of it right now for review and then you can speak at the public hearing at the next meeting yeah okay why which probably won't make a difference but anyway let me ask a question um the clar a clarifying question about the ordinance because I have read it and I just want to make sure that this is the same as the state law so that if you rent uh your unit through vrlbi which is a direct person-to-person rental versus Airbnb or verbo um it will not apply to people who rent directly is that accurate that is not how I understood it I understood that if it was rented through an online Marketplace it would apply so vrlbi is considered an online Marketplace even though it's owner to rent or direct direct it's not Airbnb um we're we're also going to continue to do our research I may have to get back to you on that but that is how I understood the def of it um if you'd like to contact me in my office um this is Sher Mason you can give me a call and we'll look into it further that would be great I I did check it with Dwayne wat linger and he said that it would have to follow the state law and so it they should not be included but um but yeah okay I um I I'll give you a buzz directly if that on that thank you Mary Le thank you Amanda B hi it's Amanda Burton 218 Amber Street um I just wanted to um say a couple things I think the I totally agree with a business district and I understand we have to be sensitive um and support them in some way it's very hard to run a business but it's so important uh for what Beach Haven is and the amazing field of Beach Haven the walkability of it the family friendliness of it um and I am I am not sure how to get Deed on this but I would be willing to bet that property values in Beach Haven are higher than in areas on LBI where they do not have a business district and uh rents are higher and uh rent activity is more robust because of this business district so um I I don't know what could be done I understand property tax de stat may not be allowed but if something could be done to make um to you know to help the businesses that they can only have these three months of a season that would it would be amazing to keep this business district I think that is one of the huge threats to be chaven um the second threat and I think we should probably save our money for it is this wind uh industrialization of the ocean that's planned and I suspect that's going to be a very expensive fight um and it is I am just curious about how it is that uh the town and maybe there's not enough time to explain this now but how it is that the town decides when to go with pursuing a lawsuit and when not to it felt to me and I know I don't know all the issues but it felt to me that there was really this what was the question money legally for that and I don't know that was the best use of our funds when this amand are you talking about the uh turbine litigation yeah the turbine litigation I think that's gonna okay so the lead Agency for that legal matter is Long Beach Township and they approached the other Island municipalities and a couple of M Island municipalities off of Long Beach Island and their shared agreement to enter into that lawsuit was presented to the full Council for a vote and we had a consensus vote that is how I I fully agree with with supporting Long Beach Township to to and I think that's what I'm saying is we should save our money to fight that fight because that will change Beach Haven in ways that I don't think we can even imagine um and I think well we we are participating but right I guess I'm just curious about the holiday snack bar and I really appreciate that you guys voted to avoid a lawsuit with the shell um you know these are just I mean it I would just save our money for this this windmill fight as opposed to spending it on these other lawsuits that that's all I'm saying is I guess I was asking how it is that how it is those decisions get made of this is important enough we're willing to risk a lawsuit um and I kind of agree that team KN is probably important enough to risk a lawsuit um because I I hear that but I but I'm not sure if the holiday snack bar thing and I really appreciate your decision about this shell and I'm sorry for the people who've had to deal with the noise and I hope that it is getting better as was promis but I I definitely appreciate you saving the money to fight this windmill fight because that is that is going to be really something so that's all thank you so much thank you sorry I can hear the gentlemen [Music] how about now thank you yeah great you're welcome good go ahead uh I just wanted to talk about the discussion for the uh EOC um Monday we did put in our grant for the port security for a 28 foot fireboat again this year hopefully we get awarded that it' be fantastic to help with fire expression here in Beach Haven all Bayfront homes but also the surrounding communities there's none uh protecting LBI period but it would also be for the Bayfront and I know the state's trying to put together a task force for fireboat so uh it' be nice that we'd be able to keep the fireboat at the um bulkhead there at the EOC um I'm also hoping that this thing the building goes through uh quickly because it's hard to turn away people every time I have young people that ask if we have a livein program because they're willing to volunteer and we have no way to establish that but uh we're just waiting time so I thank you guys for all the hard work I know that you guys difficult decisions you guys are talking about the business district and everything and obviously the town's always changing um I remember when I was a kid we had the pool hall we had uh the movie theater we had all kinds of stuff and the town's just always changing um so I know you guys have some tough decisions and everything but you guys are doing a great job uh the one other thing I did want to bring up real quick though is that um summertime is here we have a lot of people around uh I need people that are driving on the roads to be careful there's a lot of pedestrians out there I also need pedestrians to watch for cars and stuff not walk against traffic lights and everything I know that there's um there's been a few pedestrians shuck along the island and everything um I need people that are going out to beaches to be mindful of the rip currents they're very strong right now there's been not even with title Waters but there's been drownings uh within the state within the county so everybody that's going into the waterways be mindful of the lifeguards that are on duty make sure that you're you know staying within the boundaries and you're you're being safe just please be safe out there that's all I'm asking but thank you guys looking forward to the summer thank you Chief thanks CH that's it okay anybody I'm closing thank you so at this time we're going to go into the executive session so we're going to leave the room go into the side room um no formal decisions or um actions will be taken during the Clos session or after when we come back in we will just if you have anything pertinent to say absolutely anybody um no just please be careful it's getting a little crazy out there already and um Miss Burton mentioned about the turbines very quick quickly July 1st from 6:00 to 8 at bayw Park uh Congressman van Drew will be up there with several other uh dignitaries from sa LBI and please understand save LBI is different from what the municipalities are doing municipalities are fighting on a state level save LBI is fighting on a federal level hopefully between the two of us we'll get something done thank you just again be careful I know just around the corner for me a pedestrian was well a bicyclist was hit um and it was very nice to see the community come together to help uh the young man um who was hit and the people that were there it's nice to see the community come together even when there is wasn't a big tragedy but it was it was you know something there so you have to be careful the bicycle ISS you you know what they're like they're riding all over the place pedestrians just think that they have the right away so just be careful um Jamie good kitty do you want to say anything um well I sort of want to sh par what you the theme of what you're all talking about because I just you know this last week and we're not even in the season yet we are now but we weren't last week and the number of sirens and the number of calls um just again just so grateful for our Volunteers in this town and for our police force um just please be careful please be safe I know um there sadly a gentleman was um was hit or fell off his bike and an older gentleman and I know that um his daughter-in-law told me that if it hadn't been the first aid Squad and for the how quickly they um took care of him that he had a very minor brain bleed and it was as a result of the um the care from our first aid Squad so I thank you to all of our squads and all of our organizations thank you I also want to say a thank you to Tom and rgie Stewart um they have been longtime owners of Uncle Will's pancake house and have sold it and um we have new owners who are actually the old owners of the chicken or the egg so I welcome them and I wish Tom and Margie Stewart the best in their retirement they've helped many people through the years and been been a wonderful um addition to our business district in Beach Haven that's it thank you all for coming the only thing I I want to say is um if we can make it through the 4th of July the rest of the summer I not look forward to the 4th of July we'll make it uh but um we know what's going to happen and um uh basically um uh so it'll be noisy and crazy and and my my idea is just to stay on my porch yeah I think if if Adam or Jim if you wanted to take a second to do a PSA about the fireworks or anything that you want the public to know about July 4th Now's the Time are you gonna do a duet yeah all right you want me to start all right uh be careful with fireworks don't burn your fingers off please be safe and don't burn anything um no fires don't shoot them at people I could talk about this all day cuz 4th of July we have a lot of fires and stuff if you're lighting them off at the beach please be careful because we have a lot of trash can fires people throw them out in the trash cans and stuff so let's be safe everyone thank you that's why I let him go first he said almost everything we're definitely going to get calls for fireworks on the beach and uh it always happens that it's up near the dunes stay away from the dunes and uh if you do don't throw them in the trash cans afterwards because they always light on fire we will charge people if we catch them and um as far as Taylor Avenue area that gets shut down and the procedure is pedestrians exit first same cars stay put till everything's cleared out same as last 40 years um around 7 o'clock we shut down the parking lot no cars come in we'll uh it's then safer for the pedestrians pedestrians will be the first ones to exit no cars will move once the pedestrians are clear uh we'll let start getting cars out once enough of the cars have gone we will let them take over themselves very good traffic gym Atlantic Avenue 4th of July it'll be the unbelievable it'll be the same as it always is we'll be sending cars up to Atlantic and Beach Avenue sending them uh North on both of those streets um until you get out of town and uh on the boulevard so it just try to pay attention if you are parked in a parking lot Chief could I ask you a question sure are you um I know last year you had um an offer from other municipalities if we needed assistance with crowding and this and that is do we have that um option again this coming weekend we do we have we have officers coming from other places they've offered obviously that is unless they're busy in their towns right of course um you know a lot of the towns have offered the sheriff's department has offered again they're going to have uh people come down and they're bringing a light Tower down again great thank you very much and and a and a camera trailer great a video trailer so we're all set awesome good luck thank you this time we're gonna go into our executive session we're gonna go session right okay we are reconvening the public session at 5:38 p.m. did you want to make a motion to adjourn make a motion to I'll second all in favor hi thank you meeting adjourned all righty good bye bye guys thank