today is the 13th of uh May and I am starting the meeting at 616 uh so we will have America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God jce for all person wi to the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burrow website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press and the Press of Atlantic City Mrs B Miller here miss Lambert here Mr McCaffrey here miss Snider here mayor Davis here all right at this time I would like to welcome Michael kler he's a lieutenant for the Beach Haven Beach Patrol he's going to be talking with us today about a Surfline surf camera you're on okay am I coming through okay that's it's gonna get okay all right I just want to thank everyone for uh giving me a little bit of time to talk about this deal that the Beach Haven beach controll has going on with surf line so uh first quick shout out to Sher Mason thank you for setting this time up uh so I'll jump right into it I know we're a little bit pressed for time is it okay if I share my screen is that possible right now no okay no problem hang on just a second okay sure no problem what did you say I mean this one's here all right Micha Are you a able to um share screen now um I had the ability I don't think I have it anymore oh here we go share screen let's do desktop okay can everyone see that I don't know trying to figure it out let me know if you can see that on my screen yeah I can see that on your screen surf line in the burrow of beachen yes perfect okay so if we're ready I'll get started I'll keep this as brief as possible since we're starting a little bit later okay so I we okay to go not yet okay just let me know when you good no I don't know you the computer all the way up thanks right now all right uh if you can hear and see what's going on then I'm ready to go go ahead Mike okay here we go all right so I am fortunate enough to live out on the West Coast I I live in Santa Cruz and I was looking to do a little surf check one day and I Ed an application that is called Surfline so Surfline is an application on a phone or website and essentially what you can do with this is live stream videos typically of uh popular surf spots so I live in Santa Cruz I wanted to go check out steamer Lane so I was looking at the surf report uh looking at all the information like wind speed swell Direction uh the wave size and when I was looking at the live feed the camera feed there was a banner at the bottom of the screen a hyperlink that read out um applications for the California state lifeguard tryouts so I clicked on that Banner it brought me directly to the state of California website where there was all the information that new lifeguard recruits can can utilize to try out for for becoming a lifeguard in the state of California that was my light bulb idea I figured if the state of California can pair up with Surfline why can't Beach Haven so when I contacted Surfline uh they were nice enough to host a meeting with uh Megan Maro the beach Patrol Chief myself and a few other people the head repres representative that does government deals Kurt Herman informed me that this is a pretty standard thing for a lot of uh government municipalities state government and Etc so what Kurt was able to offer the burrow of Beach Haven is a mutually beneficial deal where the the burough of Beach Haven is providing public structures in our case the two Pavilion on Fifth Street and on Pearl Street as well as headquarters the beach Patrol headquarters on Center Street we provide those three locations surf line sets up three separate cameras that would have a view of those three locations exclusive to those Beaches they these cameras can pan back and forth zoom in zoom out so we'll get a a greater view of those three areas so the benefit to Surfline is that they get to provide three new locations three of those being obviously in Beach Haven and we are hosting those locations so in addition to to that mutually benefic beneficial deal the functionality that the beach Patrol would receive from having those cameras is full access to those three locations and any other locations that we choose up to nine camera views at a time so practically speaking what does this mean for the beach Patrol If we have somebody working up in headquarters on Center Street in our headquarters we can have a screen that can have the views of Fifth Street Center Street uh Pearl Street and on Holio Avenue all at once and we have a view of what's happening in the water around on the beaches and that is able to provide us with better situational awareness better safety especially on the shoulder Seasons early in the season late season when we're down on staff so this makes us more effective in checking the beaches monitoring the water um in addition to having that functionality in headquarters we would have a hyperlink just like the one found when I was checking the surf every single one of the cameras that we have in town will have a hyperlink to the Burrow's website specifically to the beach patrols website that can direct people for any kind of information that we have whether it's early season we're looking for new recruits for our beach Patrol we can post any kind of weather events that are coming up so say during Hurricane Season when we have very high surf we can post an alert that can direct people to our website informing them with greater accuracy any of information they may need whether it's a higher risk of rip currents uh whether it's ey wave action strong winds whatever that might be happening in addition to that on our town website we can live stream video of anyone that may not be aware of Surfline but does happen to go onto our website average beachgoers can go onto our website and see what the beach is like is it sunny out is it windy what kind of equipment do they need to bring umbrella clothes Etc uh lastly one of the the benefits for the Beach Haven Beach Patrol and a few other members in town would be a free membership for Surfline and this direct benefit for our lifeguards is to um give them greater Awareness on what the ocean is like that day so again what should our lifeguards bring to the beach do they need heavier equipment like a rain jacket or a sweatshirt um the best part about this entire deal is that the installation and the service is completely free this is a uh ready too deal mutually beneficial both for Surfline and uh the burrow of Beach Haven specifically the Beach Haven Beach Patrol and it's at no cost to us initially um I say initially because if down the line if this proves to be a beneficial service to us there is greater functionality that would be a paid for service again this is not uh mandatory it's totally optional if we feel that we want to go down this route where we could use enhanced cameras that use algorithms AI to record data such as how many beachgoers are on the beach again all in line with data protection uh regulations for the state of New Jersey um it would just give us greater um data collection as far as how many beach goers there are how many people are at the beach at any given time and it just could grow that relationship more with Surfline and the Beach Haven Beach Patrol so we are very optimistic about how we'll be able to utilize this how we'll make our beaches safer and um what kind of opportunities this will bring in the future thank you Michael thank you okay at this time we're going to call up U Michael deletto from Park Mobile we do a presentation for the council you can adjust that [Music] not tonight so I with mobile we are a mobile parking provider uh we have the largest provider in New Jersey U the largest on the shore uh we do this because we want to offer solutions to municipalities that have a parking need or a parking solution um last time I was in we talked about a specific 98 day period that really would be the the focus on the lot uh 261 spaces that we want to utilize it makes Revenue what we do we commit and we provide entire program to municipality at no cost we're paid by the end user the end user pay are Serv that allows you to not spend money on anything like that you a mobile app you can pay on the app you can pay by phone by web by text um we provide you the entire marketing plan we provide you the sign the detal the roll out that's going to look like we be very invol with your enforcement your Police Department you provide them with the tool enforc department what we're proposing that we do that 61 space we do it at a 40 and user fee so if your parking rate is $2 an hour right if you park for 1 hour you pay $240 for 4 hours pay $8.40 there are credit cards that are involv we also put that on the end user as well so that roughly turns out between 60 and 65 cents for the total cost will be 65 some basic math on this if you get a $2 an hour ratein 98 days a average Park con session three hours you're looking at about $60,000 a year in additional Revenue to be that's clean any Fe I me that's that's pretty good work right um the way the Contracting Works real quick by it for us we get paid on that and you I discuss the contract value to us is about 4,100 Okay so we paid for signs we paid for everything you walk away with what could be $60,000 if you have a straight 98 day car with no you know shut off dep you have again I us have a presentation that go Page by Page there um on our app couple different options have find my car so if some's lost think it back bring step by step back you can extend your time if you guys allow that polic allow find at the beach at a friend house I realize L track of time I can add an extra hour to my to my session without having to go back to my vehicle I can store up to five cars five different payment methods payment methods we Google pay Apple pay or credit cards there's a wallet feature folks can store money in their wallet if they don't want to transact on their credit card every time them down so my child is probably for $50 they just use that my credit my credit so you know it's it's it's definitely a a it's an easy solution because there's no out there's no check to be ready there's no there's no Capital expense in thisp so I know of old place I don't have mystation but I'm open for questions have a question um you broke it you know I I've thought about this and you know it seems like a good idea and I know if you had a two hour bring in more bu into the town during that period of time uh which really would help with keeping us from having passes um but what about people that I mean stay down have a bakery have a people want run in and buy some Bak Goods they're all going to be here for five or 10 minutes how do you deal with that mean you have to pay you know you know for a $2 hourly you know hourly rate when you're just running that seems like it might be a detriment to the aan so you can you can actually label space as take off spaces and not include them as part of the part of program 60 spaces KN down 250 and pi and um the argum that do come in we talked about it was the businesses hard businesses the commun we look at it from the other way it's going to create turn so instead of coming in that bu sh I'm going to park in front of I'm spend six hours at the beach right now I I know in two hours it's going to cost me another few Moncks so maybe I should go move my car instead of leaving in front of store right so it's going create turnover more people par in front of the business they another um I I we looked into this a number of years ago and we met with the different company obviously but um they they had a deal where they they said well if you're a if you're a taxpayer down here and you could register your cars and you wouldn't get you wouldn't get you wouldn't have to pay so a resident I mean most residents down going to go spend hours till avue working um so I mean there's any um possibility of that sort of thing there is we'll get into the weeds a little bit if we start down there is a possibility to do something like that we call the virtual access goes in other we would have to get like license plates from the community and put that in system so they come in they had an access they could put in that sure a pair res problem with that is you get some get some playing around with so so if I have friends I live in Bach I have friends coming in from town they stay in my place out here I'm giving it to them they're not res they're using you know my res access so again without get things we can do we have to play around make sure it works I've been told many times people inste driv so that's where look at that very specific 98 100 car really put this in and [Music] really one you're work here two you just shut there's no Financial off follow years ago we put some paid parking in on Center Street uh near um near Bay Avenue and nobody parking the want now that was probably 15 or 20 years ago so I think there's more people today but you know have you had situations like that in other towns not really I mean it's so when we're coming in because we have this lot I question how many residents well those without without TS how many residents that live here year maybe about we have 1500 registered bavan citizens on our so that could be multi the house it could be you know mother husband son daughter um they about 8,000 transactions from those on our platform so it's already been used now use it yeah I mean I very use a microphone I'm familiar with Park Mobile in Stone Harbor my parents live uh down south it's very convenient there's no there's no striping it's just the sign correct I saw the sign and I downloaded the app and P from my wallet one of yeah I must be one of the people that tracking Mike when we ran the numbers with the 261 spaces at $2 an hour and we were looking at a 16-hour day um for a 100 day season at a 40% utilization was a 334 334,000 in revenue and at a 75% utilization at 626,000 in Revenue so I just did I just did an average three section I I didn't go crazy but yeah so the money there be made and obviously I know you don't want to do that to your citiz but it's during that 100 period when the are coming in and you can make that Revenue like you said that not ra taxes right no yeah um thank you a lot of met and I are aware of this discussion um I think it's very important that they hear it because I do think and you know where I come from I talk about I do think that is it is a tax different and you I'm just concerned for our business because we have many employees where all the EMP we have little waitress waiters and waitresses where kids that are working in the shop with s and ice cream are now paying for parking so that's that's concerns me um I I also think that even if it's designated in one area down the road down straight down the Boulevard and I think most people be like it's fine because it's down there it's not my place when I'm at M you know and the line is long I'm going get a ticket you know kind so that's that's that's what concerns me I think um it is um I think the vast majority will I understand that the revenue and I I I I like that aspect of it um I do question so how many hours did you say that with that that astim was for Sher 16-hour day at 40% utilization un no if you if you opened it yeah yeah morning these are hypothetical we're not not setting anything in stone I someone that number can keep the gav closer to you don't it so whatever folks come up with for how this is going to look that's how we'll build so there's no it has to be 8 a day it has to be this rate no the only thing that we say has with that and that's really kind of 40 cents the minimum charge that's our that's our New Jersey everybody in New Jersey starts 40 cents and up and down from there but 40 cents and then the credit card process inre no reason for beach hav to pay so many from Philadelphia process want to enjoy your Beach for the day so that's on we did where we discuss this earlier uh the meeting he said that it has something in the app that'll tell you when 15 minutes before it expires will let you know 15 and get again minutes I'm completely new to this so please bear with me so we have this huge parking area and some people come in and they register up their license plate or you know okay how heard you doin it so somebody just comes in and Parks how I mean is to our Police Department or how how does it work how do they know that somebody hasn't paid y so so we have a called enforcement pool that they will have access to so they're going to control the lot they'll see all the pay transactions that are currently active at that so they pull through and play ABC3 is not showing the paid transaction they either either expired or neglect P together so they're violation at that point they whatever they do at that point they one that be next really incb on the police department to go down the line and okay thank you so um we're just the the payment processing we take all the information and we relay all the information what happens from there the F on on the other enforcement and you know appreciate here tonight your you know presentation I'm sorry that our working and I have other things to present your your question up to you we're not it's up to you I mean I think if anybody in the audience has a short question might as well ask it now address you Council on the subject I if you do you come to the microphone and state your name and address this isn't a given and take we're just really just nothing but information uh SC County and six Street um this happened 20 years ago Andy Anderson presented was the mayor was commissioner um I came in with every signature from every business restaurant bar in town hotel we present they presented this we shot this town I'm a business owner you guys business owners there um this is not good for our community or our small it's 8 10 weeks to make a living and now we want to take the people that want to come here it's bad enough I mean it's crazy if we have a problem with this and it will spread through town this isn't going to be this Taylor ad this going to be L down the boulevard it will affect all of our businesses I hate buing place you go lbert bill you got a okay know the part you don't want this in our community this is not good for us I mean um I understand the situation we need handy but this is not go through business and it will it will the only people on the island that are charging people go sh thank youe no applause Avenue let me start with 100 days there is 100 days it's not 75 days 16 hours I don't know where that number comes from at 8 in the morning until midnight that's that's that's a crazy they don't work I live there I know it happens there I'm there every day what you're going to cause is the residents are going to have this problem now you're moving this problem now to the residents because now people that are not going to because you spot spotted the meter meter parking spots people are not going to park there they're going to move to where they've been for for free where the rents live that's what you're going to Happ you're just going to move everybody to the or outward resence so that's okay with everybody and next why spot why to do it everywhere just a spot 300 apartment spots it it just seems crazy now I'm Team Beach shaven and I have been for the last 40 years 100% on the beach shaven team we want people to come to beach we don't want them to be ship Ser City we want them to come here so now what we're going to do is we're going to chase them away because of metor parking not just the Met Park $8 which could have been spent at a business which is what he said $880 you're going to take that $880 and take it out of some business pocket and now put it in his pocket or your pocket it doesn't belong there it belongs with with the guests that come here then you're really going to punish them if they made a mistake and didn't pay the meter so now you're going to find them a a parking ticket and really sour their taste to come to Beach Haven it's easier to shop in St City and and ship on them where there is no leaders so we're going to now chase away the people that come all the way down it's a height down from that end of the island down here so now we're going to punish him for doing I I I I I mean everything about it is crazy to me you want to raise revenue raise revenue there's other ways to raising it you're talking about maybe a couple hundred thousand how much is it the beach how many people go to the beach you want to charge something more charge something that's inoculate that's already a fee there's a fee for the beach I'm a I'm a business owner charge me more for my merant license if you need money but not nickel Andy guests who come to Beach Haven to spend their money little business then you're going to have it and all the employees that work for us now they're going to get a ticket or they're going to have to pay for party they work an8 hour Shi now I got to put $16 in in a parking meter I mean what about it I come from Seaside Heights I'm not proud of that but there was I'm not but there's meters all over town it's the worst thing in the world for business trust me ask anybody that has a business in Seaside parking it's it goes from just a few meters and there's going to be a lot of meters then you're going to have parking blocks go to family parking lots there are there are no more businesses parking lots if is that the direction we're going to go parking lots meters we are it's a June what we have here it's very very special I don't think there's one Beach Community in New Jersey with fre parking so we want ruin that I I really it's a terrible idea find the money somewhere but not there we're list we we're listening this is nobody's made any decision information truly I appreciate that and and just for the record for all here this is a discussion this is what we wanted we wanted to hear from you all the business owners because it's you matter to us it's most none of us got together and said oh that's a good idea this is just you came to us we're showing you a presentation and then a decision will be made years of business I've been in this 48 summer I know a little bit about this because I I businesses in Wild in Seaside Ocean City Stone harbard you name I have businesses this is really bad idea thank you thank very much yeah and and I I I'm not I'm not saying we disagree with you okay I mean I know I notor of it but you I don't how every else feel but was important for us to hear these to think about it you know so we have a long meeting tonight if anybody else wants to speak to this issue very briefly okay so I'll close the discussion and we'll we'll move on thank you cash receipts in the current fund account for the period of April 1st through April 30th 2024 were 2 million1 7,139 40 cash dispersements in the current fund account for the month of April total 1,653 6928 cash receipts in the water utility account for the period of April 1st to April 30th were $ 36,24120 cash receipts in the sewer utility account for the period of April 1st to April 30th were $ 26,29 6 and cash dis urements in the sewer utility account total $263,900 14 submitted by your Treasurer Sherie bowler thank you ordinance 20248 C an ordinance supplementing chapter 45 alcoholic beverages section one number of licenses permitted in the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean to allow for One plenary retail consumption theater exception license final reading final reading so uh I the FL to the public or any wants to speak any anybody on Zoom that want okay so I'm closing the floor uh is there a motion to approve ordinance um 8C Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 20241 calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget Appropriations limit and to establish a cap Bank pursuant to njsa 4A col 4- 4514 final reading again this is the final reading if anybody would like to speak to this please come forward anybody on Zoom no all right close the floor is there motion to approve motion to approve 2023 also Mrs Bal Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 11c an ordinance creating chapter 190 tree removal and replacement in the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to establish requirements for tree removal and replacement in the burough Beach Haven to reduce soil erosion and pollutant run off promote infiltration of rainwater into the soil and to Pro protect the environment public health safety and Welfare first reading uh this is first reading so it's not open to the public do any Council have anything want to say no so therefore is there motion to approve 11 C who moves Mrs biller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 20242 C an ordinance amending chapter 177 stormwater management and the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to reflect amendments to the storm waterer management rules and also to prevent salt stored salt and other solid deicing materials from being exposed to storm water first reading who was my first thank you Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes 2024 13c an ordinance amending the code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey uh does not look like the correct title on that one see that sorry an ordinance amending the code of the burough Beach Haven to amend chapter 45 alcoholic beverages codifying the regulations and restrictions related to the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages a purposes to amend chapter 45 Article 2 purchases by miners to codify regulations meant to combat underage drinking and otherwise prohibit teen Knights as to further defined herein first reading this is the [Music] first we have talked about this a lot of emails about this people about it all know what this is about and um I have a problem with the ordinance tonight Haven what the owner of the the owners of the are willing to compromise and to do to mitigate the concerns so I I um I don't even know why we're moving on this tonight before we have had to just found out yat or today about um the agreements that the own or attorney are willing to to do to mitigate these concerns which would be to higher security not commit Behavior we start to process online ticketing which is what you asked of them um you know I I I understand the concerns that that many of us have I've never been a p for 30 years um but I do think that it's only fair to the business to instead of just shutting down giving them a chance to fix the situation it's not doesn't seem fair to me that we're picking a business to um not get a chance to to to meet us halfway or do us all the way and if they don't then that's it this is it one year one is done even Midsummer like out of control that it would not it would not go on I know I think I'm in a minority on this but I really don't think it's fair to bring an ordinance tonight when you hav't even talk none of us have talked to each other at all privately very that we haven't had time to think about the um concussions um that the that is Will to do and CJ M will to do to uh fix this um this wouldn't go in effect for 30 days anyway so you're still G have t night on you [Music] know help for that I'm not saying it's line line that's why certainly help that but I just think that you know and there I have nothing against the seashell we I very F of the owners and know well and I just but I'm saying we had had chance and the concerns that we have this summer to see how it works I don't think it's give someone a chance and not another person a chance and that's how I I'm not saying I'm in favor of it I'm not saying not concerned about teenagers I'm just saying that I think it's only fair in this Society to give one business a chance anybody else yes I would speak on this um as far as I'm concerned this has been going on for yes 30 years and we've had problems with this for 30 years he's had 30 years to straighten this stuff out and every year this seem to be getting worse and worse and worse so my personal opinion is I think we should shut it down we should go by the chief's uh recommendation he's put up somewhere around 20 points why I should get rid of it so I would say go with the chief well I I know I I I must for the chief and I don't disagree with the chief but everything asked about and they're going to they they say you're going to try and make it better now I'm not sure how that will work I can't vouch for it but I I don't see why you give one chance had a problem and we gave them a chance decided you know because they had so many rules now the kids don't comeone not doing it anymore and that's what happened here too but we gave the chance and that's you well right Char what with we suggestion that was we try to meet with them every year to address problems that the police department runs into has been going on years never [Music] again you know I don't think it's only okay um my feeling on this is that we have hired Chief marosi I afraid he respect for him he stood here as mind said and gave us a lot of reasons why he felt it should no longer be on truthfully when I first got into office several years ago I was in favor then because I heard so many complaints and the chief at the time placed a part and said well it's giv the kids a place to go let's see you know he has since told us that it is now beyond their control and I do appreciate the fact that we got a a letter from Mr P's attorney and he mentioned hired a security we need to keep in mind that security is only good on the premises it does not address the kids who are going up the boulevard down the streets and it certainly doesn't address what happens when teite lets out and these kids are now going all over town um another problem which I want to before to do the registration is the fact that you've got 800 kids lined up 600 kids get in well what are the other 200 doing they're upset they came down here and we have to keep in mind that even though te night has been in existence for a very long time social media has blown this thing up and since B has one as far as I can tell two uh coastal towns still offering team night they're coming here in droves we are now a magnet and it was interesting when I was doing a little research on this um this was uh February 14th 2024 says teen night a nogo in shipon and Joe pops had to retract an announcement that they made for teen kns and here's what they said which I thought was pretty interesting the ordinance was enacted in 2022 for the safety of the teens tourists and local businesses and residents based on what happens in other towns on LBI during and after a teen night so we're like the poster child it's like l Beach Haven do you want that in your town and they shut it down real fast um you know as I said I think if i' heard correctly we're already like 14 below where we should be for our seasonal and the chief stood here last time and said how many uh resources and like people can't get a night off sometimes we have to pay overtime to accommodate team night and I don't really see the benefits of the Town um I I know they said one of the big concerns was what was going on in teen night and they said that you know they were going to do a better job you know keeping an eye on you know social behavior I'm concerned that it was allowed to get to that point already I I just don't feel like I can trust whoever is in there because when I asked about it like nobody knew who was in charge that night who was supervising who was allowing you know the kind of activities to go on um we do have to be aware of the fact that h is a popular place the kids want to come here we get that I grew up here there are plenty of things for kids to do besides going to a bar and as much as they like to be together and I get it we have to direct them otherwise and I know it's not easy but I think there are things they can do at this point in town excuse me at this point in time and and I know that the point was made last time about businesses and how it's going to help the businesses I've talked to several business owners who have reached out and said they now close early because of the team problem we're not bringing people in for the businesses we're bringing them in specifically for team and as I mentioned before I think at this point in time the cons outweigh the pros and if our Police Department who formerly backed this is saying we've had enough we can't control the situation we've had members in the first aid Squad come in here with pictures of drunken teenagers saying we can't address heart attacks and serious issues because we're tied up taking drum kids over to the hospital I just think we have been good sports long enough I don't really see you know giving it another year and I don't really think comparing what's going on with seashell night is it's an accurate or Fair representation either my personal TR I think they apples and oranges but at the end of the day I'm going to go with the chief and I I honestly believe teen Knight and not mention the fact that we spoke with people from Point Beach and from seide Heights who recently got ready last 70 years they said it was the best thing they ever did as one gentleman wrote To Me wrote to all of us said how come everybody's done away with except be and are they smarter than us good question so I'm I I FL and the concerns we had I mean I'm just saying I'm not just ignoring what the chief but the concerns that he had and what we discuss they are the letter from the attorney they're going to try and so that's all I do think that the chief's point though that I don't think the chief said shut him down no matter what I don't think the chief said that I didn't hear him say that heing don't want people to think that that's what I'm saying that's not but this problem isn't limited just the property that's the situation and once it moves off the property now it becomes back I know I hear you but I mean okay I I I don't I also I'm a little concerned about sort of the tone just that we you know I I'm G to get this we have a curfew and not the te night is any place to be but it's something for the kids to do a year ago not a bad IDE because gave them a place to go I'm not saying whether it's not my to judge team right necessarily I'm just saying I don't you know the kids are a problem and they come into town and it's like we're trying to not have you say that it's easy to find for them to find something else to do I I like that to happen but I don't know I don't this isn't necessarily getting rid of just is necessar every single they cause problems every single at 7 and everywhere so it's not you can't just blame one that's kind of what I'm hearing it's not just this situation we have we have that issue that's why yes we buses from this is a this is really a difficult topic for me because I very friendly with some of the business owners this is a difficult topic because I am friendly with the business owners however every year that I've been on Council it's the same conversation at this time of year there's a new problem with teen night then we have some type of solution and then we have some type of compromise and then the next next year there's another problem with Team night and then we come together we have another solution and compromise so for me for this year I think that this ordinance needs to go through for the first reading because I need to hear the public comment if you're going to support a business and a lot of the businesses you all support each other we we just we just heard then we need to hear that I personally don't condone teen night I would not send my daughter to teen night um and what has done that for me was the video really just kind of pushed me over the edge in that video those teenagers their behavior was acceptable they weren't sneaking this Behavior it was they were there to do that behavior and that is not okay um and adults and the teenagers that we have to really take care of as second parents we need to do a better job and unfortunately where we are right now it's not in a bar and it's just not something that I myself can make a decision solely on that's why I am for this ordinance for the first reading so I can listen to public comment from every single one of you so I can make the appropriate decision from second meeting Jamie one of the problems with that is if this ordinance is not approved there will be no stean reading so you won't hear any public comments um what do you mean if if this is voted down it it's not going to come up for a second readon well I'm I'm saying that I'm voting for it because the public the public comment on this needs we need we need the public now we've gone through this year after year after year it's time for you guys it's time for the public to come in and you you lead us how you this is your community you lead us that's how you want this to get that's how I feel I can't make this that clarifies it um and I'll make a couple comments um I I feel I'm on P's uh in her corner I I have mixed emotions about this I'm not a big teamate fan and and I'd like to see a lot of these um uh you know these kids that are disrupted in town go away um but I do think it'ses me things to do and I think if something's run properly uh it's good I mean I want to kids to have fun I grew up here too and when I was a young kid uh I had I was M of the yach club so I stuck there but they had a place called the garage and the garage had great bands even spring steeve used to come to the garage and it was it was a great kids need to be with other kids I mean I didn't just when I was 15 I was done with the Y Club I wanted I wanted to meet other kids from all over the place and I wanted to go other places and that's we all had jobs and we to get together at people's houses it was a lot of fun and kids need this now kids have changed the world is a different place today than it was what I mean I was a much more innocent teenager than the people today but I I do think kids need something to do um I do think that um the owner of the Marlin has come up with a lot of concessions such as um uh registering for a ticket beforehand so that we don't have the wrong lines uh I he offered to get police um off duty police and hire them I am told though that that's almost impossible uh because even that we can't seem to hire off duty police but maybe we can try to be more Innovative and he would put the bill for that um he's agreed to let parents uh come in there during team night and see what's going on that might uh decrease some of the uh Behavior I I mean he he's made a lot of concessions I do not I mean obviously this brings money in from him and I know people I've seen the articles that he's money grubbing and all that well anybody with a business wants to make the most of their business and I don't want to hurt the business owners in town we heard about parking and how that might hurt businesses I I think we can be too restrictive and my my feeling is um I I definitely am voting against this um I mean I don't want this ordinance to decre to um stop team to pass um I guess I'm voting for it this is very confusing because Jamie says I'm voting against it but as she said you you want to um uh if you want to hear the people at the third reading there has to be three people that that vot for this the ordinance would be to prohibit teen night so a yes vote would be to prohibit teen night um so anyway basically um I that we i' personally like to take it off the agenda and have more disc Spectrum we did uh we had conversation between our lawyer and Mr Batista's lawyer uh with a lot of um U Promises of things to do and and I know you said well he hasn't promised it in the past he's never been pressured so the promise prise so that's my personal feeling I I have no bad feelings anybody I know how I know both sides of the issue and I know how people feel and I'm hopeful that uh we can get rid of some of the teenagers that come into town but I do think we we want for teenagers to have fun they're they're growing up they they need things to do they need places to meet friends and yes a skateboard park which I i' got I've got a lot of emails would have been another opportunity for kids to interact but there were so many issues that made that difficult we still haven't given up on that but I mean there are fun things for kids to do in this town There's no question but dancing and that sort of thing 90 something kids really that's my personal so uh I guess nobody you're asking to reread the title one more okay ordinance 20241 13c an ordinance you can you read it since you were an ordinance amending the code of the burough of Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 45 alcoholic beverages section 10 prohibiting teen nights within the break so I have um Mr mcaffrey as my motion Miss Lambert as my second Mrs bom Miller I just um wanted to make one change as I talked to ear I don't know about having an exception for different parties that would not call that would not have like a cover charge is like a birthday event that's a private event okay that's private yes they can have private party okay let's go through the roll call all right Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snyder no mayor Davis no do you have a question Kitty no ordinance 20244 C in ordinance amending chapter 199 vehicles and traffic in the bur code of burough Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to establish a four-way stop at the corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and angleside Avenue first reading this is we have three in the affirmative and two opposed motion approved okay no please you don't want any applauding or doing so ordinance 20 ordinance 2024 13c prohibiting teen night has been introduced successfully by the council just now okay so we're on to ordance 14 C yes and and you just read the ordinance yes so is there any comments among the council this is the first I was here tonight lady came and asked she went right to it done immediately and and here we are tonight so I'm really happy thank you very much important safy and have a motion to approve is there a second M PA Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 15c in ordinance amending chapter 139 parking lots Municipal in the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean to amend and clearly Define the boundaries of Taylor Avenue parking lot first reading anybody else I think everybody I mean we understand I if you want to just generally tell the public yeah caylor Avenue parking lot used to not include the street end of Taylor Avenue so there were some uh Vehicles there that seem to be exempt from the no overnight parking rule so we're just reestablishing the boundaries of Taylor Avenue parking lot to include you know curb to curb to curb so that the existing regulations on the books for no overnight parking are included all as a whole thank you is there motion to approve motion to approve [Music] 20245 Mrs B Miller yes Lambert Mr mcaffrey Miss Snider mayor Davis yes ordinance 20246 C an ordinance amending chapter 173 Solid Waste in the burough code of the burough of Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to provide trash pickup for businesses operating year round in some instances first reading motion to approve okay Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider mayor Davis yes and then ordinance 20248 C is another ordinance amending chapter 45 for alcoholic beverages again this is to establish the theater license um Mr Padula's firm recommended that we adopt another ordinance here to more completely describe the rules and regulations established by ABC in awarding a license such as this so it's I know we just adopted AC but they are recommending that we come back and give a little more detail Inc first reading anybody why it's twice yeah there a motion to approve second Mrs biller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditure are supported by a certification of availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes resolution 107 returning Street opening bonds 113 returning piling bonds 115 executing an agreement with the community arts program for use of veterans part 116 is approving a sponsorship for the Beach Haven fireworks 4th of July 117 is approving membership to the beach Haven Volunteer Fire Company 118 is calling for the modernization of the open public records Act and the Swift passage of s 2930 a445 119 is approving change order one dated May 6 2024 for the 2024 Delaware Avenue curb and sidewalk project this Street to Taylor Avenue 121 is authorizing the execution of a no cost agreement with Surfline to host surf camera at Center Street beach 122 is authorizing the execution of a limited and temporary right access agreement between the burough Beach Haven shelter Harbor Marina Association and Shel shelter Harbor Condominium associ Association this was an agreement to allow the public works department to go onto their property and install a tide valve in an outfall pipe that's on their property to stop the inundation into our newly installed pump stations uh would anybody like to remove any of these specific resolutions for further discussion um 121 2024 okay all right uh anybody else so is there a motion to approve the resolutions with the exception of1 motion approve Mrs B Miller so this resolution so hold on Roll calling for the roll calling for the consent thank you m Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes okay so 121 authorizing the execution of a no cost agreement with Surfline to host a surf camera at Center Street beach so I was a little confused on the presentation I mean I didn't really to hear it I'd like to kind of take a little a little bit look at this because I wasn't he said four he said hoolio Center Taylor and fifth but this is only for Center and I'm not exactly sure you know well Center Street's the only area where we have internet and the capability to host equipment like that so it's not the other it's just Center Street so what exactly are I really didn't understand what is it a constant camera is it going to be recorded is it a you know live feed everywhere in New Jersey everywhere in the country I'm not familiar with this because when you check the wave just walk up and check it yes yes to all those things it is a live feed it is available constantly it is recorded and maintained by Surfline I don't know yes it's not comfortable with on camera I guess I as that question you know [Music] yes that's just one one not the other three yeah I don't have any problem pulling it aside to look at it a little closer Bruce and I have been like when something's free they can sell ad space on the feed and I didn't I wasn't sure about that that the other Fe [Music] it's not anything anyway it's [Music] something I really understand we should sounds good I like it for I have a you suggested that we hold off on approving is that what your yes let's just fine tune and make sure we're all on the same page with what we're agreeing to okay and then since we didn't get the Drone I mean I think this is kind of a decent thing but I understand not fully comprehending because I heard same thing you did yeah I think great idea bring next and we've been um going back and forth with their legal team so we can get further clarification and we'll bring it back at the next meeting I don't take comments from the audience come out not yet so I have a bill list in the amount of 3,737 82787 or I'm sorry 82 cents second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snyder yes mayor Davis yes okay and then we're going to have a discussion about the moing permit process at West Avenue in Pearl Street uh well this this discussion uh stems from the fact that I I I guess I voted against the um uh the ordinance the last time and and uh other uh Council people have thought about it and and thought that perhaps that ordinance was um too restrictive um I I personally uh think that one of the things we want to do was promote bmen um give them the ability to to um make money on their shellfish beds and their Five Guys and and and I'm told that you know I haven't done enough research and I I don't know but according to everybody I've talked to there are five people that actually lease sh fish beds from the state of New Jersey and the shellfish beds are easily accessible from Pearl Street and for a hundred years basically people have been taking their boats from Pearl Street and making a living now it's much harder to make a living doing this to used to uh but there still are a according to my statistics five people that are that do lease these shelfish bits and um I really would like and and and basically only one of them actually lives and resides in Baden and I would like to be able to see these people continue to work um I know that they they they carry a heavy Insurance uh on these beds um they lease the beds they it's a lot of work in maintain the beds they can don't do it properly the gr are oysters will die um and so in in that in that respect the fact that it's very expensive to live in be and now so a lot of the people that have worked these debts can't afford to live here but they they can't afford to take their goats from say Mana Hawkins to their oyster beds or or planting beds so I I really would like to see them maintain this activity so I am uh I am asking that we um that we reig or we withdraw ordinance number five uh that we approved at the last time and we have seen another ordinance which is ordinance 17 I uh which is um which would allow these people to uh still um uh keep their boats there uh and uh be able to plan and attend their oyster beds and I'm I'm moving that that we uh repel or number five and substitute ordinance number 17 in its place so you're making a motion are you motioning to introduce ordinance 17c which would repeal ordinance 5C and amend and supplement code chapter 141 peace in good order and I I'll just read how it reads for the public um that the this area shall be reserved as an area for ban with an active and recreational shellfish license and limited to the size and type of boats typically used for shellfish in barnegate shellfishing in barnegate Bay such as a Garvey or sneak box is there a second to that motion so I have a motion in a second on the table can we talk before I take a roll can we talk before I take a roll call before we roll call is there any did you want to talk about it I would like to just briefly say I mean it wasn't a matter of me changing my mind I honestly never really like that but we had this supposed compromise in place and I felt it was too restrictive but I thought you know I wanted to see them high up the bulk yet and so they gave up a few other things but anyhow at the end of the day I always felt was too restricted so um and it's also been brought to my attention which I kind of knew that some of the people as mayor Davis said who no longer can afford liiv they are actively planning those beds literally right off our shore and they're selling to our local restaurants and supplying them so I mean for us to do something too harsh we could be hurting our businesses right then and there U this has been going on for decades and I've said this from day one this has been going on for a very very long time time all of a sudden about two years ago everything kind of blew up and I think they kind of regulate themselves down there and I think if we get overly involved it's not the best interest [Music] anybody the main OB was to protect local guys but then didn't I didn't know about I mean I just think I'm not comforable with what would I apologize to the public for that I think that um this is a much better option everyone be happy with it but I hope so just to clarify there is no permit process there is no registration this is an open area that is meant to be used for this Purpose with this type of vessel and that's what's in the code period so with that do I have a motion I have a motion I have a second we'll take a roll call Mrs Bal Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes that's all I have the tonight's agenda okay I'm now opening the floor to public comment and anybody can come up and speak uh on any limit your promises to three minutes state your name and address hello my name is Steve Steiner uh my address is 521 B Amber Street in Beach Haven here and I just wanted to thank uh M Mason and the council uh for moving so quickly in helping to rectify which has been kind of a gross iniquity in a very unfair situ situation by approving the license that you proved the public may not realize that up until last year I think uh you had to have a thousand seips to be able to have a liquor license uh and uh the intention is not to open a bar at our F here please understand that uh it's to play on a Level Playing Field with the marter and the paper mill and uh the the count Facey and the Strand Theater a few others uh that make their place more attractive to certain people that want to be able to have a cocktail at intermission or maybe before the show uh and so this is uh the law was passed where uh they didn't have to have that thousand seat uh threshold uh last year I believe and so you acting on this quickly for us we really appreciate it I think it's going to be uh a decent ad Revenue I think it's going to also be a nice thing for some people that want to have a cocktail in intermission or maybe we put a show and so I just wanted to say thank you to all of you uh now my understanding is is that the actual liquor license uh becomes available uh on the 2nd of June and the clarification is uh as of uh June June 30th uh so my question for you and you don't have to answer it now but my question is I can answer go ahead yeah so when that first one takes effect June 2nd we have to advertise for applications you will see that ad advertisement and you can apply we're going to begin the process June 2nd got yeah that's what I thought but I just wanted to make sure that that this one didn't back it up for no thank you all very much that's thank everything you do have one on Zoom okay yeah uh however you'd like to do go ahead and then we'll get the zoom next okay I'm Diane un 16 Rance condominium one Center Street my husband and I have owned our condo uh for over 28 years last year was the first time we complained about the sh M uh before Co there were times even during the day uh many times actually when the music was way way too loud we were tooll uh because until Co we knew we would finally have peace with the music and the people were moved inside uh it's difficult to express the frustration when at 1 p.m. we do outside door would continue for as many as one to four more hours uh in addition there were times the patron singing added to the noise level I understand that the owners finally after years and years are working to lessen the impact but how are they going to control when uh change in Direction can make the noise simply unbearable we complained at neighborhood uh watch meetings we met with the police uh had them in the condo in the middle of the night to hear what we were dealing with in the bedroom with the windows closed uh thank you for allowing me to speak we need your help to avoid the fr FR rtion we had last season when nothing we did would help this situation and I certainly hope that when you make your decision you consider what if what they are promising they're going to do and everything what if it doesn't wor we lost the summer last year was terrible and thank you thank you okay Zoom Jim Lambert good evening everybody Jim Lambert 516 North Atlantic Beach Haven let me turn you Jim hang on a second go ahead try it now can you hear me hello that's the best I can do okay uh 516 North Atlantic Beach Haven um i' just like to say that at the last council meeting Chief marosi gave numerous reasons why teen kns are not good for Beach Haven I think the residents of Beach Haven should support the chief and his staff and make his job just a little bit more manageable in keeping our streets safe for everybody thank you careful that one because it's going to be blasting now go ahead go ahead Renaissance as well I just want to something tangential to about the noise Els the people with drinking another hour or two or three or four um sometimes they open they have po Sometimes They Come and they sing as we heard outside our Windows they also urinate along the fence on um seven Street we live on the Second Street side of the Renaissance and we he like like living so I just want to make sure you understand it's not just a noise it's a behavior that continues with ext that's itk Nancy I've got Jim anybody else on Jim Jim shoe marker yes good evening um I got two things to talk about one are you aware there's already a surf camera in Beach Haven on Surfers I believe it's south of Marine Street possibly on Norwood just so you know there's already an existing one the second topic is the teen night and Beach Haven has supported many businesses over the years and worked with them over various issues which I commend you guys on on working with the businesses that need to make their money in the summer months so that they can be open longer throughout the year um and that support gives them gives them and the people that come down here in the winter an opportunity to go to those businesses so I think you have to look at the economics also um you've given businesses a chance to correct the issues residents tonight you just had residents voice concerns about other establishments um and I believe it was Miss schn Snider that brought up about the fairness um you have worked with other businesses to correct some issues that they've had so I think the council has a a certain amount of responsibility not to introduce an ordinance the month before not even a few weeks before um the summer season season on a business whether it's the Marlin or any other business so I think you have a little bit of uh you can't you can't be uh I don't know if it's vindictive is the right word or not but I think you have to work with the business to offer them a solution that is gonna severely impact their e uh economics and the employees in those businesses too um so I think that if you give the Marlin or any other business an opportunity to correct these issues for the year and if they don't then it's on them but um I also think that you know we we talk about uh you know you're a second parent um I'm a firm believer that I'm responsible for any of my Offspring much that there should grin sometimes but um I I think that the township should also be going to the state which has enacted or rolled back laws affecting the youths that have given them the ability to do what they do so in closing I just think that the you have to be fair you have to be aware of the economic impact that the it has on any business for the year and um I just hope that you think about that before you take a final vote on ending T night thank you very much name and address oh Mary git 26 there were two points I just wanted back we talk about tonight and how disruptive it is to the community the show is as disruptive it's just one walk off to closer to the beach um and we have an ordinance of quiet at 10 or 11:00 at night I don't understand why the show is allowed to work through that ordinance uh we understand that there have been 40 although I noticed on the numbers it doesn't show it but people are calling the police and nothing being done in fact no citations are being given I know some of our venters even have called the police and said hey guys this is just my children are trying to sleep and they can't sleep and we're on Second Street um so I don't understand why the is getting special consideration over Marlin number one um and so I just want to raise that as well one other qu just quick question that somebody might be able to answer um Can somebody address what's happening with the beach itself and the erosion on the beach and what's happening in terms of creating enough room for people to be able to put out umbrellas and stuff this well there're supposed to be Beach replacement coming up this summer uh the bids have been delayed they were supposed come out the first of May or the 5th of May and then they were postponed now and they not after the 20 something uh so basically whoever gets the bid uh decides if he's going to start at the North End or the South End we're hoping he starts at the the North End so we're not disrupted in the middle of this season but it's certainly not going to get done until either the very end of the summer and or the fall but we should have replenishment done uh for next summer um our Public Works people are doing everything in their power to make even get access on the beach it's very costly and [Music] difficult yes johnan 324 6 Street um uh different topic a little bit uh just uh so I'm on the corner of six in Delaware so um there been a whole project there that's there's been a lot of uh construction on Delaware and six the whole that Area Sewer work and everything and um then recently all of a sudden uh there's a lot of curving and sidewalks that all put on on Delaware and uh from Fifth Street all the way up towards uh PS there and everything um I guess I was just wondering like what the consideration was I directly across from the March land right there on six and during this time of year up until summer we get a lot of turtles and things like that that come out of that and now uh a lot of times we have curbs on our side and turtles are being you know cars are stopping and everything well now there's curbs on the other side and I'm was just wondering yeah looked through some of the other uh Council meetings to see if there's any discussion about that and all I heard was the police uh wanted to have you know a widen Street there for uh you crowds and I just talked to our manager about this issue today and I would like us to do something to make it easy for those Turtles to get up those curves um I need a little research I I I need um I I I'm going to resort to some of my colleagues at Stockton that are in the uh Environmental Studies area uh and to try to get some help uh but I I I've heard this and I know this this is a huge issue for me because I I want these Turtles to make it and I don't think people realize the struggle these turtles have to get from the beach over to the marshlands to lay their AIDS um and I think we need to do whatever we can to help I'm going to talk with public works as well but I'm glad you brought this up the meeting because I think everybody else saw it as nuts but um uh basically um I think it's a really important they thought actually when we bought our house about six or seven years ago they had an article from 1993 talking about the the value of the Marshland and you know particularly the turtles and things like that and it's the only Marshland we really have left it's the only Mar left and love a coffee we thank you very okay uh Deb withcraft give me just a second dab to turn up the volume okay okay de craft 528 doc Road Beach Haven the ordinance with respect to what is called Pearl Harbor this specifically protects the Bayman who are engaged in either uh the shellfish industry with regard to clams or oysters and only those vessels which are actively engaged in that shellfish industry that is my understanding of the new ordinance am I correct in that yes perfect my second issue is I would ask you in all due respect to please modify that ordinance the the clan beds out here are not in Barnet Bay this is not Barnet Bay this is Little Egg Harbor Bay I don't know why you're referring to it as barnica Bay and I I think it's just an oversight but um this is Little Lake Harbor Bay north of the bridge is Barnet Bay under the bridge is mahawan Bay and south of that is Little Egg Harbor Bay so if you could kindly uh amend the ordinance to reflect that the the vessels uh mored at Pearl you know Pearl Street are in fact engaged in shellfish in little EG Harbor Bay I would appreciate it we can I think the shell fishermen would appreciate it too they know the name of the bay thank you thank youen I just want to make sure I understand no you've had a slip there for years right and you will continue I have one more and ask oh one more on Zoom okay Don morisy oh hi uh good evening my name is Don morisy um one Center Street Beach Haven uh last month I spoke at uh the April 8th meeting along with several of the other neighbors of the seashell uh concerning the topic that we've heard about a number of times tonight the noise levels there and I'll be brief um you know noise ordinances are in place um uh to govern noise levels and I request that they they be adhere to um it's my understanding that uh the liquor license renewal process will be coming up in June and um I certainly hope that uh the sea Shell's adherence um with the noise ordinance be considered as part of that process again I think this is an issue that is pervasive and it has um been detrimental to the quality of life of that entire neighborhood goes several several blocks in several directions uh so again again would like to um voice U voice our views on that thank you thank you thank you I 401 holiday and thank you for all the and everything I don't think kids have changed I think the world has changed and so you know I'm trying to advocate for those young kids that are down here kind of the tweens where there isn't a lot to do I am glad that youve decided to take the time and really work with business owner to help them provide a space for the hundreds of kids where we know where they are during those hours and and I think it's it's going to be a work in progress to me every year we might all discuss it but to think that we've become the town that doesn't want the kids or doesn't want to work with the business owners to make it work would be more disappointing it would just be easier to say no but I believe we're up for the challenge as long as when we say that we're going to listen to the public com that we really listen and it's not your flip service and we do what we think we need to do anyway and and the key again to support the businesses and that goes hand in hand with the Ping because I agree with mrco and a lot of the other sits both for we're going to start there but then we're going to expand it and and I agree I think with a fair amount of what people will have to do is move to the individual streets and then there'll be parking in front of houses and then it'll be the decision of does everywhere on the streets in beachen I have to piay so if we're looking for ways to generate Revenue the town does a team night one night and does it outdoors and generates some Revenue that way so just thank you uh anybody 101 West Avenue um interesting ordinance number 20241 c we all voted on we're establishing requirements to protect the environment public health safety and Welfare with our soil and rain but nowhere does it say on this ordinance 1 Night Safety Public Welfare what did I just say it should be on there it should include to protect the environment public health safety I'm just going to read something I wrote um it is not our job to provide something to do for couple extra hundred kids that show up in our town um the Marlin catch has held te night for 30 years 30 years to get it right we have given him chance after chance I in meetings long enough to hear you guys say well he does this he does that and it hasn't happened so teite spells trouble many parents homeowners and taxpayers have no idea that teite has been a chronic problem for years Property Owners rely on our burough counsil to make sound cost effective Forward Thinking and safe decisions for taken allowing te night to continue is not a Sound Decision it is not cost effective it is not Forward Thinking nor is it a safe decision it is not appropriate to continue T night events in this Council knows full well what goes on behind the scenes you know the kinds of thoughts our Police Department gets and the kinds of calls the first a squad receives and they have to respond to them when te night is Hell often times it's not a pretty sight all this is never mentioned in our local newspaper they may not be your kids on those nights running loose but they are someone's kids who need our help and guidance parents need to set limits and know where their kids are and what they are doing so if we don't have a couple of extra hundred kids or any kids at te night they'll find something to do doesn't mean trouble but guess what we'll figure it out and pass to figure it out we don't need this on our shoulders the beachen council needs to shut down teite there's a huge liability when someone is killed is that possible when a young girl disappears never to be found again how will you sleep at night when you knew te I've been thanks for submitting a letter to the Sandpaper last week it takes courage someone told me and my response was it just needes thank you anybody on Zoom want to speak um I have a Deb for the second time so you can keep going Hi H Gail Anderson Steiner 521 Amber stre um I'm not sure next meeting so I want to go and record that I'm 100% against teite um I've had problems with it in my personal home because I live near the catch and B um my business I have more problems with my personal business or like theater with drunk teenagers young teenagers create teams it's awful then I do and I'm not speaking that noise uh with the adult coming out of the show um we have people children passed out on our property it's horrible I employ a lot of pre- te well know teams uh older teams and my own company and they tell me what goes on and I'm appall and I'm going to theater I see everything and they come and tell me show me pictures show me Snapchat show me whatever they show me it's awful I agree I think with Mr Sher who said that we should speak to the governor we have a terrible problem on the the beach of all the beach communities and I think it is a a state problem but for right now our issue is to protect our count um it's unfortunate because I think there are a lot of teams who are taking it away for those who innocently want to play together hang out together do things together but it is an issue and I think it's something that we need to really sit down take care of for this season and it can be really looked at you know maybe a town thing would be fun if the town could do one and that' be a next idea you might still run into the same problems but you know it's something to think about thank you very thank you anybody else Brian Boker 544 South Long Beach wer uh the first I was most of my life I'm talk about 26 years old and I do respect your decision to allow guys keep their boats down there but this is not hypothetical I was just recently Mak the leasing lot in the bank pay $2,000 per slip I sold those CLS and made that money back just to pay for the slip and I think it's great that we're doing it I it's do that like Mr H but I think you might want to look in that clause and say nothing last forever and there's no regulations down there if I got my le to the B and I get down there I live down there throw my Frost put it in one of those spots I met all the regulation I Mr here life so I think those spots we should identify those people and those people until maybe they're no longer with us should have thoughts to prevent confusion of how it reads now that I have a leas in the bay I'm not going to $2,000 for spot that we should do something with that and then considering that if I do get a reason today maybe in the future things were fading I might have an opportunity have a Bo right there does that make sense it does make sense just to clear it up people are ruthless all I got have to Gar me and planing permit and I can take Mr fine we should fix that yes you and the only other thing I would like to consider like you to consider is really really take a look at public opinion it seems like it's and it's all done we had situation with 42 neighbors H attorneys to go against something which legitimately doesn't make sense and we already knew what was going on anyway and we just so to regard public opinion a little more our decisions I think it would be awesome the noise thing whether it's 2:30 in the morning or 11:00 team out 11:00 some in the morning I speak from firsthand experience I ra my kids on do Road between the mar and c I had woke up for 10 years people sleeping on my downstairs 30 seconds I mean it happened I bought I bought that place down because I wanted to be in it I had the best time of my life there yo dude I don't know who you are you got to go home like this big crazy everything crazy I we were all once kid sure we woke up somewhere we didn't know where we were and I'm glad people gave us we let's not become their people let's not become their people thank you thank you hi Kim from 428 Third Street so this is difficult for me too because I am a frequenter of the Marlin as well um so my kids are grown as loone so I'm not so much concerned with with what goes on in the club itself because I'm sure CJ and his crew will do whatever they have to do make sure it runs properly however I live up a street from the catch and burn betties and what teen night looks like once they leave The Establishment there's no rules for it they are parked all along the streets pregaming with their white claws P airplane bottles of shots those are parking on the streets so that the cops don't see them leaving the club and getting into a car um urinating in public because you're drinking in the car for an hour so you know I have to go to the bathroom when the club lets out it's the same thing urinating in public when I wake up in the morning the street is littered with all of their throwaways because they certainly can't throw it out in the club because then the club would know that they're adding liquor to the soda the 7 up whatever they're getting they're bringing it in so it's all over the street the next day and then something else that people probably don't realize is most of the time the parents drop the pits off and then they get to take an Uber back all of those uers are circling and idling in front of all of our houses so I don't doubt that they'll take care of what they need to take care of inside the club my kids have only gone to teen night once and said they would never ever go back um my concern is what it does once they that club gets a mess and just like Gale said they're cast out on her on her rocks so we see the same thing to one block over from so and that taxes our Police Department I feel they can't maintain I have a Theodore on Zoom okay Theodora Lambert yeah Theodora parus Lambert 516 North Atlantic um I'm speaking up tonight because the council said they want to hear people's opinions and that's a great thing because we are a representative government and they are representing the people in the community so I am going to speak up as a resident of Beach Haven I've been to many many neighborhood watch meetings that the chief holds during the summer and very often the topic of conversation is teen Knight so much so and the problems with teen Knight teen Knight and so much so in fact that the owners of Burt and Betty's are at many of those meetings with me and they've stopped having their teen nights they said it wasn't worth the problem that it was causing for the neighborhood and the community because business owners should be good neighbors to their Community as far as the video goes I spoke about that video last fall at a uh meet the candidate night so that video's been out there for months and months and everybody knows about it and if you people in the audience have hav't seen it yet you would be absolutely appalled at what was going on at teen night as um I won't even repeat what the mayor called it at the last meeting um I sit through all this the budget meetings when we work so hard to give the chief of police the new vehicles he needs and anything he asks for and I would just like to see that same support for the chief right now the chief of police police has asked you to stop teen night that his force can no longer regulate it that it's causing too much problems in the town and as representatives of this community you should be supporting your Chief and the people in the community on a more positive note uh many ideas have come forward for the um to entertain teenagers in town like Surf movies in Veterans Park at one time I had talked about why don't we turn the old police station into a recck Center for Children bars is not the most wholesome environment for teens I'm sure we could find other things for our teens to do and the funny thing is the L use board always talks about we don't want to be Seaside we don't want to be Seaside well right now we're worse than Seaside because Seaside has cleaned up their act and now they're all coming to Beach Haven thank you very much thank you issues one is I'm toally against team myid being [Music] there I try to [Music] get [Music] that's yeah uh the um uh the the bur will hiop uh dumpsters that are 40 ft four four cubic yards yards yards uh they'll pick those up uh for businesses during the off seon during the off yeah during the off SE I seem to remember back [Music] in Long stud done for about a year and a half years [Music] $500,000 by not [Music] pickup and get got [Music] into this would only apply this would only apply to businesses that are operating year round and can fit in that four cubic yard dumpster area some businesses problem back because [Music] didn't and was overwhel going into truck [Music] extra now you're going back to [Music] two two or [Music] three not IDE they not making you know [Music] well three businesses we did check with public works it wouldn't wouldn't cost us anything extra to do that okay thank you thank you very much clarify [Music] Sher what are the we do Jam's looking October October 15 through May 15 today no but I'm open till October 15 so after it's after that you I'm sorry I didn't catch the last name what was the address you have to State your address I didn't hear thank [Music] you the kids are coming from all over the state and very cra [Music] [Music] anybody else in the audience we've got de on hold too got to say um in listening to our talks about tonight mention was made up what can we do for Mr Batista you know if he does this and you know what about him but what about the other businesses that are now early where's the fairness there close early they don't want kids stealing from them or they don't want to feel threatened by them so that's also you consider that um although we might do away a te night you want to be Pro business right so you have to think about them too I think something else I [Music] forgot theorden de W de yeah do I have to give my address again yes please all right 528 doc Road Beach Haven I just wanted to correct I'm sorry I I had to come back a second time but I want to correct an inaccurate statement made by Nancy to uh someone who inquired about whether or not they would uh be able to continue to more their vessel um freely at Pearl Street when that vessel is in fact not engaged in any um shell fishing and uh Nancy and Council does not have the authority to grandfather anybody in just because their vessel had free dockage for any number of years when I bought Tyrone Von gorsky's dock in 1984 it was found well I knew when I bought the place and had it surveyed my dock was three feet outside of its riparian grant for 287 feet even though that dock had been there almost a hundred years nobody had the authority to say it's okay it can stay there so when somebody made an issue of that dock I had to pay Mr Butterick to build me a whole new dock within the riparian grant so I just want to remind Nancy and members of council that they can't grandfather anybody in to operate a vessel at Pearl Street or to Mo a vessel at Pearl Street that is not actively engaged in the shellfish industry no matter how many years they may have obtained free dockage at that place the burrow of Beach Haven is not in the marina business anybody who has a vessel that is not engaged in Shell fishing in little L Harbor Bay should simply rent dockage at one of the many fine marinas that are located on Long Beach Island so I would just like to clarify the record so that anyone not engaged in the shellfish industry has no right to free dockage at Pearl Street thank you thank all right any other any other comments yes 319 all right this want to back what de just said it's U my understanding that 2024 city is going to be getal re47 uh regarding those five business entities that have least space in the bay uh but I also heard that these five anti even though we don't know what the people to bring uh they pay a lot of insurance for reasing EVS that's the case I would I hav't obviously no one seen I Council to put some sort of Lage in again that require any business any business energy that's coming up the public property to maintain adequate insurance so the p is protected from any risk or exposion thank you thank you anybody else like to speak before yes ready yeah uh just want to thank you guys tonight it's been a little rough with the technical difficulties and everything um you guys are doing a great job I want you to know that I know you guys are facing a lot of decisions right now appreciate all the hard work that you guys are doing truly um just want to remind everyone that the speed limits going down but please drive slower take your time going through downs and everything like that there are people crossing all crosswalks lights haven't G on yet light will be on next week so take your time be safe summer's coming up we have what heritage this weekend so we have a lot of things going on summer coming on quick we had a lot re today so great J everyone thank you thanks for that's a good anybody else in the audience anybody else I'm closing comments uh so we're back to final comments by Council you want to start Jamie no no um thank you everybody for coming and uh giving us a lot of insight a lot of comments which we will truly take into um consideration especially I mean tonight with the noise and teen night and te night and the protecting our Diamond Back terapin which I've already been looking in we to kind of keep them in the marsh and M on the street so other than that with what Adam Chief Adam said yeah the speed limits are down the lights are coming on season is at our doorstep so we can all be a little bit more patient with each other and have a successful season that's it thank you um and thank you very much Ro to digest we appreciate your input you can email us as well U so thank you all for that um The Heritage day is May 18th from 11: to 4: you check in at the LBI Museum and there will be five houses and then four other historic attractions around town it's going to be a great day all proceeds go to the parks and rec committee so we can beauy our parks and do other good things and then on Thursday May 23rd the Garden Club is doing a flower at the Beach Haven Library so there's a lot going on be safe try to support the town to get out these pents thank you much again everybody just be careful I like all the input that we got tonight it's a all different subject I like to he what people really have to say have a couple yeah thanks everyone for coming um it's good to see a lot of faces faces we like to hear what you have to say and I with Brian and I public opinion um and it is hard as Lor said to get out there and speak up um speak your mind and um even if you're going against the tide and um it's not e to have a different people remember that respect each other regardless um I would like thank you for mentioning har involved in that that I do have flers in the back if anyone is interested in purchasing a ticket the information's on there um it's going to be really nice I hope the weather's nice we hoping to have a birthday celebration for the two old tones in be Haven they're turning 150 this year so we're going to have three ice Ben ously donating ice cream at 3:00 in the park along with birday so rain it will be in the evening so Kitty for those on Zoom can you tell them how they can buy a ticket oh yeah so sorry I believe that the museum museum website will give you a link for that um but there are Flyers um in the bar if you want to come in here and right inside of the in the back table there tonight and um actually can I leave is there a QR code or something there's a QR code okay yeah you can purchase tickets they at the Museum um there'll just be a different line for you but you certainly can them this Saturday it starts at 11:00 and feel free to come out and join we love to see six houses um it's going to be fun I also want to mention that one of our dear residents Hank ban passed away today I'm very sad about that and I'm sure everyone else is um go out to his family and he will be Sly Miss certainly by his family and for sure sure every day all right well um since uh to be laugh because I don't have to talk much but um basically I I want to say when Kitty mentioned Hano and another long time residen passed away a week or so ago Steve glowski who Liv onir Avenue and his son was very active member of the fire company and he U he was an engineer he worked as a handyman for years I think he was about 88 and um guy and so I I just think like know know this and remember uh I also just want to say thank you for coming we all listen uh and hear what you have to say these decisions are not easy there's more often more complicated and appear to me it's easy to have an opinion but it's not always easy to know exactly what the right thing to do is but I I think um we have a very um a council that gets along and we do listen to each other and and we do we all of us I know our main care is for this town we love this town and we want to do what's right so uh thank you very much for coming today so with that drive a motion toour [Music] thank you thank you thank you