welcome everyone I'd like to welcome you to um phone for a minute couldn't remember the date um meeting regular meeting um on Thursday dece January 25th at 4M we're going to I have the flag salute tonight please rise pledge allegiance States thank you pursuant to the New Jersey open public meetings at adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burrow website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times Asbury Park Press and the Press of Atlant City Mrs Bal Miller here Mrs Lambert here Mr mcaffrey here miss Snider here and mayor Davis um everyone had time to look at the minutes read all the minutes from November 30th December 11th and December 11th executive session so call for a motion motion to approve minutes second Mrs Bal Miller yes Mrs Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes and we have an ordinance up for second reading tonight ordinance amending chapter 24 construction codes uniform in the burrow code of the burrow of Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey the purpose is to update fees for lead-based paint inspections in certain residential rental dwellings to conform with state law PL 2021 chapter 182 and to update subcode fees this is ordinance number [Music] and nobody's hands are up anyone in the audience no um anybody on councel no no okay then um I'll actually make a motion to approve ordinance 2024 d1c do I have a second second Mrs bound Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr McCaffrey yes Miss Snyder yes all right we have some resolutions within a cons consent agenda tonight all matters listed under consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditures are supported by a certification of AA availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes resolution number 27- 2024 authorizing the execution of a shared service agreement with Ocean County for Schedule C resolution 39-22 approving change order 1 final dated December 7th 2023 for the 2023 water main replacement project with Pennsylvania Avenue Delaware Avenue and 10th Street we have resolution 40 2024 authorizing the execution of a shared service agreement for participation in the Ocean County Prosecutors program F which stands for fatal accident support team resolution 41-22 authorizing the execution of a shared service agreement with Long Beach Township for dispatching Services resolution 42- 2024 approving and authorizing the execution of a settlement and release with mih Coastal Holdings and execu um and a resolution that was just added this afternoon 44224 authorizing contract with Lester Glenn for the purchase of a pickup for the sewer utility department does anyone on Council want to remove any of these resolutions for further consideration no no and do I have a motion to approve I'll make the motion second Mrs Bal Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes and Miss Snider yes okay on to the bills um sure everyone had a chance to look at the bills does anyone have anything they'd like to mark on that was a long list this time around but a lot of things happened to fall in January but there was nothing that was questionable in my mind I have a motion to approve paying the bills I'll make the motion to approve I'll second it Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes and Miss Snider yes right General discussion tonight on General discussion we have two items one um the recreation grants what the basket the recreation grants that were awarded and and I'm sure Jamie could speak to this more that the 63,000 was awarded for basketball specifically in uh well basketball and 7 7,000 for the skate park and and to the best of my knowledge the reason that this is on the agenda is because if we don't use the full amount including the 70,000 for the skate park by December 31st it was extended I believe we will lose it and I um it would have to be if the skate park came up again have to be approved built and finished by December 31st that's do you understand it to be that way as well no I don't think it has it doesn't have to be finished when a grant Sher told me when a grant is given it's usually paid for and then reimbursed so it would be paid for in advance and then be would be reimbursed but she hasn't mentioned anything as far as um dat yet she might have did she to you she did tell me that it had to be complete by then at least so she's not here tonight so I can't ask her about that she told me the same thing she said this grant money needs to be um bit out contract signed the and the whole thing completed by 20 uh by the end of 2024 yeah that's what she told me today construction or construction and everything the whole thing completed that's what she told me exactly that also I think we were concerned that you know we weren't sure because when we first applied you applied and it was Park specific for for example the basketball but when when Sher spoke to them um they said you can just spend it we want you to spend it on Recreation and you can spend all of it if you know better to spend it then to lose it so [Music] um I hate to lose it so I I'd like to I you know and you have if you do bring the skate perk up again you do have money appropriated I don't know how you feel about this but I I I would like to see this us agree that we're not voting on it it's just up for discussion but I'd like to see it um be utilized towards Recreation to the parks in some way recreation in general and and specifically right now the basketball is you know it's so hard got anything prices for everything it's just amazing how hard it is to get prices on things and to get it all but Frank is working on it our our engineer and um this money could go in the capital you uh we allocated 150,000 for basketball so that should be that should be fine I know but we could use it for something else and then use this for that I mean it's just a shame to lose it so I I would not I don't want to lose $70,000 well my position hasn't changed on the skate par I still want that money allocated towards the skate park and I I don't think it can be unless it's approved and works that's you know I'm the only one that was Mike wasn't here but I was the only one in favor of moving forward with that skate park so unless that has changed unless you have changed your mind then I don't know what what is there to I don't have a different location no one has recommended to me a different location so I'm still would like to see the location to stay at tayor Park I haven't changed my mind that's I haven't changed my mind in terms of hearing what the people wanted and that's what because like I said last year it was like 5050 and then it went way up there like 50 against only 30% sent for that's that's my concern I'm not slamming the door on it I just I just think that right now when the majority don't want that's my concern what majority are you talking about when with the survey when [Music] they so the survey that's what your bank that's what you're banking your decision on that survey that that's a large part of it truthfully but also on what people the concerns they've made and we've gone over this a thousand times and I'm not saying that they were necessarily right with their fears and their concerns but they're voicing them and um I guess I have very mixed feelings but right now it seems like it's going the other way then I I have a hard time backing it at this point but I'm not slamming the door is what I'm saying I'm not against the skate park but if we're going to lose $70,000 I would sit there I would you know maybe we can make it up someplace else but as far losing the $70,000 I I can't go with that you know could we put it towards one thing and then I don't think I I was under the impression that when the grant was written that it had to be specific like said not anymore yeah and my understanding was the same thing that if we didn't use it and it wasn't completed by the end of the year yeah I didn't talked to sh I talked to Frank and Allison they both a grant so that's this was recent I think she called see about because with the basketball it was part specific to Walsh but it was a full court and now it's a half court and to see if we can split it with Nelson I think that's how this went and you'll have to speak to her yourself because I Nelson because that little for we wanted to do surface that to see if we could use some of the money for that and she said again I'm I didn't speak to her directly that we could and fact that they want us to use the money so is the bottom line is you want to take the skate park money that I got for the skate park and put it towards something something else that's the bottom line based on a survey that was in my opinion if this ,000 that was awarded to you know anything I would be in favor of not losing it and using it for the good of the town it's not against the skate park it's that the skate park doesn't seem to have a chance of getting coming to fruition by the deadline to lose this money and that is something to me that would not would be unconscionable for the town I don't think that would be the right DEC decision and I don't want to lose it I don't want to lose it and if if the skate pars resurrected and you get an approval you've got an appropriation and $70,000 is a nice chunk but it's it's the tip of the iceberg it's going to cost you know so I you know it's not it's not personal it's just that it's money that we I don't want to lose I don't care if it goes to basketball I don't want to lose it but we have to use it towards a project that's happening if it's $70,000 for the skate park and we're not going to be able to use it for the skate park shouldn't we use it for something else instead of losing it that's my big question I don't have any projects that were presented to me so what are you what what projects would you be interested in using for I know there's some coming in with the playgrounds Jake's yeah playground and things like that we're gonna I'd like to see the Bachi Court move to Veterans Park you know there are things we can use it for and they just Bachi Court I mean that's just suggest it's we're going to present anything for like any projects for any kids that actually live here on the island and you don't think basketball you don't think our kids play basketball yeah they do at the basketball's in the works so there you go that's not what they asked for but I'm not getting into this so I don't I would not I would not support anything for that money unless it was going for the skate park which was it was originally written for but the kids of this town asked for okay well we're not voting on it it's just up for General discussion so all right um the next uh General discussion point is the request to display cat banners and Mary CLA has more inform Rob Meer so ask you talk about that sure yeah Rob reached out to see if they could put up a couple banners on the concession stand at Veterans Park one on the side that's smaller one what were the sizes for that um on either side of the concession stand he didn't give me the exact sizes for that that would list the season long sponsors and then one that would go in the front by the doors that's 2 feet wide by four feet high and that would only go up from Monday to Wednesday every week it would be changed out and they're going to be put on the weekly sponsors and he just wanted to get permission from you guys and I spoke with Chris Chris is fine with it um he and Rob if you guys say okay we'll talk and work out like the best way to hang it and the most responsible way to do it how big are the ones on the two sides well there's only going to be one on one of those side walls and that he's not going to make it that big as they have to pay for it but it'll just have the season long sponsor and then the one in the front by like where you sell the stuff just a shorter one I think it's good idea no problem with it at all me neither I mean it's a nonprofit they do so much for this town and I don't think that's a big ask Mike I don't have a problem with it yay okay I'll let him know tomorrow um at this time we're going to open up the meeting to public comment does anyone in in the audience have anything they'd like to say please come when you come up please state your name and address Kathy K 3263 Street um I wonder about I must have missed it but it seems to me there's a fence all the way around the ball field now and I swear that wasn't there I don't know how it magically appeared at and uh and I know a lot of people play soccer there in the back quite a bit is there anything we can do to make that better for them thank you um does anyone I know that they redid the fence there yeah they just replace the fence that was already there [Music] I it's just across bab right yeah it's but it's still open is that the way that's the way it was I think they just replaced what was there took it down and replaced it it's new shiny okay that part Kathy would you mind coming up to the microphone so that I can have it on the recording thank you so I see a I see a fair amount of activity with the socer but it kind of it just seems like they just take care of themselves and all and is there anything we can do to uh support that anyway that's just my thought well I like what you're saying and um don't usually it's not a back and forth but since we're quiet tonight I don't mind speaking to it I I I would love to see more soccer going on in Lacrosse and all kinds of of activities in that Park especially and um and all our parks and I think I mean we do have soccer nets and and if sometimes we find out their holes and then Chris fixes them and so we have some camps I think we have a soccer camp yeah so you know I agree the more the better and and I think with the parks's um presentation at the next meeting you you'll see a lot of suggestions for more um activities sports activities Recreation for kids and hopefully we still have the Nets down in Nelson we used to have Nets in both locations so I mean they do encourage it I mean you know when the Nets get ripped or broken I know Public Works tries to stay on top of it but really there's surprising number of camps lacrosse and soccer that go on in the summer down there um you the problem with Walsh is um the surface itself isn't world class but doesn't seem to hold back the soccer and the cross camps and older kids uh men there too in the evening sometimes anyone on Zoom yes we have Sher Mason sure hi guys can you hear me yeah yes okay I just wanted to make one note while I'm um um on with you guys the the basketball project we tried to um you know kind of piece it out a little bit so we could do it within the Grant budget um but because of the local P local public contracts law we have to bid these basketball projects as one project and the cost is going to be upwards of 150,000 for the whole thing so we really I would like to see the two grants be combined into one to be able to get this basketball project complete see seems like a lot of money for two half courts I know well we've looked at this up and down how we could do it and when you have to bid it and you have prevailing wage and everything that goes with it asphalt and the seal coat and the backboards and everything else if that is what we're looking at I believe you it just seems crazy are you so are you looking two full basketball courts or two half courts it's one half court and one that's 30 by 30 which is not a half court like one half court and then one so they're not even so you have one half court and then one kind of just like shooting area almost yes it's the same size that it already is at Nelson preexisting so you're not even get basketball court for 150,000 is that what you're saying that's correct so we're not we're not wondering which project that we'd like to allocate it to we'd like to allocate it to this project this one to get the basketball project done that's all thank you thank you anyone else Jen Jen thinon 306 sou BF be Haven um that's what I was wondering with the 150,000 allocated in the capital budget was it like can that you know if you took the 63,000 could that go back into the budget instead of like does it have to go to an additional can't that then come off of that 150 um to go back into the budget like it's it's a lot of additional money that you know all of these things I'm just want it's making me wonder because like our lacrosse Nets like they were great last year they were set up but now that it's and I don't know if there's not room for storage but they've been blown across the park one's up against the tennis Nets one's up by the new like you know they're out in the like the Nets they're out in the snow upside down blown all over so I don't know if we can take care of what we have you know like before like spending a lot more money but then if we don't have the resources to take care of what we currently have thank you Jen that's a very valid point and I just know from prior experience with different things when you take stuff down then everybody comes in and says but we wanted to play you know and and we're like oh well they're in storage now tough you can't play until we bring them out in April or whatever it it's tough to figure out what stays up what stays down we used to take all down but three tennis Nets and then people like oh I came it was a nice day and I couldn't get you know I mean I I don't know I don't know what the exact answer is well we could certainly ask Chris to keep an eye on it and make sure that things are not a skew if possible you know I'm sure there's a place with a new garage that we can take them inore them but yeah yeah anyone else on Zoom no one on Zoom anyone else in the audience John I was thinking maybe you weren't gonna come up tonight John Hil 319 Fairview Avenue Beach Haven I just have one one question and it just occurred to me I believe Kitty mentioned that the Park and Recreation committee is going to make a presentation at the next meeting maybe the whole discussion of the basketball and the grants could be part of that presentation to see what they're recommending to council that's all thank you all in there thank you anyone else okay um then at this time I will open this up to final remarks by councel go first Jam um short meeting thanks everybody all four of you for coming tonight um this school has their play tomorrow they're showing Aladdin tomorrow night at 6 pm and Saturday at 1 pm. it is free admission but donations are of course accepted so come please support your local school and also today's the 25th tomorrow January 26th starts restaurant week and it runs in um Long Beach Island from January 26 to February 4th and that's where a couple I've saw a couple of restaurants already uh have released different special menus and Deals I saw one in specifically in Beach Haven I saw one from Tuckers buckaloos the Marlin um the black whale so please come and support our local restaurants even if they don't have a special menu there are a few that are still open and could and have excellent dinners and meals and so just come out and support them ask a question just to the chief is the Arlington open did they have a lot of fire damage yeah they weren't open yesterday that's too bad colen okay um great go out to support the kids and with their program and of course restaurant week but I also would like to mention that it's been a very difficult month for our burrow family on January 4th we lost longtime burrow employee Karen Chambers and on January 13th we lost a member of our public works department and fire department Tim nandy so our hearts and sympathy go out to the chambers and the nandy family and I also want to thank the Beach Haven fire department for the wonderful tribute and celebration of life that you conducted for Tim it really was a a very nice occasion sad but uh you really did a wonderful job thank you I'd like to thank the fire department too it was a very good uh what do you want to call it um a tribute to Tim nandy and uh I would like to thank John halin for his article in the in the paper that's it thank you um I also want to thank the fire company as always and um you know and Colleen I concur with what you said and thank you for your sentiments to the families U it has also come to my attention um that Holy Innocence Episcopal Church is in need of help um Holy Innocence for years has been a beachaven Community Church they provide a playground for the entire town for young children um a community garden that brings neighbors together in the summer um and additionally and to me the most important most importantly Holy Innocence provides the beautiful Memorial Garden where my husband is buried and I will be buried one day um and so many of our Beach Haven neighbors so the playground needs to be replaced it's closed right now and it's expensive as we know and um they're having a fundraiser you can read about it in the Sandpaper but if anyone can you know is situation where they can dig into their pockets and donate to Holy Innocence I think uh I know that they would really appreciate it um as you know as a community we help each other and I hope that um that we can all come together and provide some assistance for this really well utilized playground it's great for little kids and um It's a Wonderful community and sister mother Caroline will um she's there in the office and if you need to ask her any questions or you want any inform she would be happy to to help you with that and that's it so um just everyone a good good night and hopefully we'll see some sunshine sometime soon and motion to adjourn yeah second all in favor I I I