yeah we're ready go ahead April 25th and it's 4 o' and I'm calling the burrow meeting to order and I will start by leing the flag Su I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all person to the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burrow website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press and the Press of Atlantic City Mrs B Miller here miss Lambert here Mr mcaffrey here Miss Snider she just said I saw her mouth go said I can't hear you she mut M thank you unmuted sound must not be working can you hear me now yes okay thank you mayor Davis here uh we have three uh meeting minutes for approval without formal reading the March 11th regular meeting meeting the March 28th agenda meeting and the April 8th regular meeting uh is there approval of the minutes motion to approve second thank you all in favor I thank you ordinance 20245 C an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 141 peace and good order in the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to amend and clarify sections of the burrow code related to vessels within the Burrow's riparian Grant it is also to recognize and preserve shellfish history protect our current resources and most importantly educate and promote our local Heritage for future Generations final reading okay this is the final reading uh so we can open this uh to the public uh to discuss and at the end of that we can uh comment ourselves so um opening the floor the public comment um anybody on Zoom or in the public that would like to come forward and speak uh please come up state your name and address I open the floor is there anybody in the room that would like to speak to this ordinance Debbie yeah it's down short for short people de Woodcraft 528 doc Road Beach Haven um after reading this ordinance my only suggestion is number one there's no requirement I hey I didn't touch it there's no requirement for insurance and when I used to rent a boat slip at Doc Road I thought we had to show proof of insurance liability insurance on our vessel I would think this is an important thing that should be added to this ordinance especially since they're going to be tied up to the municipal bulkhead that was number one um on the ordinance that has to do with the doc Road Municipal dock it says perm issued by the burrow for the use of boat slips cannot be assigned or transferred to another individual under any circumstances that should also apply to Pearl Street I think that's important because if somebody takes out a permit they should not be able to assign it or transfer it to someone else but that's not contained in this ordinance um there's going to be a maximum of 10 it would be good if there was a limit to how many permits could be provided to one family so as an example the ball Miller family if they have two or three permits I don't think that's fair to other people who may want to have a a free Municipal boat slip at Pearl Street so I think there should be a limit per family of one boat slip so that everybody has an equal opportunity of securing those uh boat slips um the registration of the vessel I know that this ordinance is supposed to it's supposedly drafted to preserve you know Maritime shellfish history and all that but yet it allows for recreational people with recreational licenses not just commercial licenses I was hoping that it would be just for commercial licenses but you've included both of them but the registration of the vessel should match the name of the person who is applying for the permit who can prove that they are a Bonafide Beach Haven resident so the names should be the same on all of those the The Residency the shellfish permit as well as the application through the burrow and I've spoken to Sher and Sher has assured me that the applicants for these licenses will be properly vetted and and I believe her but I would ask that you give consideration to limiting it to one per family and be sure that these registrations do in fact go to Bonafide Beach Haven residents thank you thank you anybody uh anybody on Zoom like to speak that would be our next uh nobody on Zoom anybody else in the audience like to speak no okay yeah yes um yeah okay go ahead uh John hail Bren 319 Fairview Avenue Beach Haven um first of all I want to thank the council for trying to come with some sort of compromise on this difficult issue uh as I have stated in many many many prior meetings uh this issue came before The taxpayers Association back in 2022 uh we were concerned at that time about insurance and I am still concerned at at this time about insurance uh as I have stated in Prior meetings uh the taxpayers of Beach Haven should not be having to be exposed themselves to unnecessary risk if someone gets hurt uh uh if uh a commercial or residential Boer is tied to a public bulkhead so I guess for the record I'm going to make this following recommendation to council the burrow as part of the Ocean County Joint Insurance Fund as you know is protected with proper insurance and defense and identification agreements if held by a business entity but according to this ordinance any voer whether registered as a business or not can access the bulkheads in the burrow creating liability and public safety issues the bulk cud belongs to the taxpayers of Beach Haven via the repairing Grant the taxpayers uh should not assume any risk uh that because of liability or exposure issues as I stated in the in the past the taxpayers are assuming the risk if these businesses do not have insurance and the burrow gets sued it is unacceptable in my view for taxpayers to assume any risk for businesses uh using public space therefore I recommend that the barel requires that all private entities conducting business on public property maintain adequate liability insurance in addition to further protect the the taxpayers the barrel should be listed as an additional insurer thank you very much for the opportunity to comment thank you thank you there somebody else y Carol Weisman 310 Southwest Avenue um I just want to also uh reiterate what Deb uh said um about making certain that the um people who have who apply for the license indeed are the same people that will have the boat registrated registrated registered I'm sorry to them and that also that they should not be able to transfer the usage of that slip to anyone else um and a question which I uh has the process for how the permits will be um given uh been decided yet what if we could share what that would be in terms of notification and giving others in the community an opportunity to apply should they want to say that one more time um and uh what the process will be to apply for a permit and when it will be and we've only got 10 slips available so this ordinance becomes effective May 15 okay so upon effective date of the ordinance someone could come on the 15th and then ask for a permit there's an application process yes okay and the application process is online no the forms are in my office okay so someone could just walk in you know pretty much the procedure is in the ordinance be required but the paperwork is in our office so but someone could apply on the 15th bring in fill out the paperwork and come in and ask for a permit on the 15th yes okay thank you very much anybody else like to speak yes please yes uh I have a question uh and I apologize I I got into the meeting late so I probably missed a fair amount of the conversation address okay Tom Cox I live at 409a Pearl Street as well as 329 holy o in Beach Haven both addresses in Beach Haven um I have I I missed part of the beginning of the meeting I apologize for that because I had trouble getting in but um I have a question as to how the decision was made on the size of the boat and the type of of the boat and would like to understand you know really who made that decision uh I you know that's hard to say um uh I I think the majority of the boats were I I know your boats 24 feet I know I think the majority of the boats were less than that um the water's fairly shallow at the East end of that area and um I don't think there was any uh really scientific or a whole lot of discussion or thought put in to the size of the boats that could be there Tom I'm sorry to say I don't know if anybody else add to that well it was um it's going to be like a Bam's type of um area and mostly bayan's Boats were garvey's or duck boats those are the only ones that I really know about that are bayan's boats okay but again you know somebody made a decision on the size of the boat I'm just trying to understand how that was made I don't think there was a lot of discussion about it to be perfectly truthful I I just the ordinance the draft of the ordinance has been reviewed by Council for a while and it hasn't been brought up to be changed so everyone must be in favor of the way that it's written um I think that was part of the ongoing compromise yeah I just feel I just feel like there's targeted intent here on because my boat is is bigger um and and feel like it's you know coming from a specific area and I just you know uh would I'm having trouble understanding why you know we're not grandfathering the people that are [Music] there can I say something J uh Sher I meane can you hear me I just I wanted to um uh to sort of reiterate what we've read before and sort of our think our mission statement for this which was uh about the Bayman the Bayman who work the bay We Salute their independence hardworking attitude and being respectful family men this was written by our local historian Bayman were proud and knowledgeable who knew every inch of our Bay most said that the bay talked to them they were known for making de with what they had their boat was a Garvey flat bottomed and easy to maneuver in hunting season they used the sneak box in the 1880s both Boats were conceived designed and built in West Creek in barnegate in warmer weather they made their living off the Bounty of the bay including fish crabs clams oysters scallops in Colder Weather they shot Ducks geese Etc I I won't read the whole thing but um the last sentence two sentences in short the Bayman had an important part in developing this town um they loved be Haven and so we take a moment to salute them they definitely earned our respect and based upon that I mean this has been going on for years before I became before I became a council member um it's we've talked about it more than I think we've talked about anything at least during my tenure and I think think that at this point you know we have to do something because we've had so much back and forth with the public the Tom I'm sorry that you do have you know have a bigger boat um but if opening this up the way we are now instead of just leaving it the way it's always been um I'm picturing if we don't limit it many boats of your size and I don't know I mean you've been there for 23 years and haven't had to pay for a boat slip I'm sorry about that and I I I I I feel I don't know I'm I'm torn about it just for that reason but I do think that in my mind the purpose of this is to protect our local fishermen clammers oystermen and give them a spot that they've had for so long and it's not to um discriminate or to Target anyone else um it's just that the are small you know I don't I don't speak boats but they're very small boats that just to me will not bother the neighborhood not that you bother the neighborhood it's just it's just the way it is and it's something that I'm going to support tonight and but I am really sorry that you have to move your boat anybody El on Council like to say anything we have another one on Zoom another person on Zoom okay hello Jason Murray here at 408 Coral Street Beach Haven um I am also a resident of the immediate neighborhood there my family has had a home at 409 Pearl Street um since 1990 just above Tom Cox who just spoke um I would also question the intent of this ordinance it feels like there's a very small vocal minority who is pushing for it we have been in that neighborhood for close to 34 years um we've had a boat there during much of that time um we've never had any issues with any of the bmen any of the clammers any of the other boat owners that live and work in that nearby neighborhood and have the boats there um and so it this this ordinance does feel like it's it's unnecessary um I'm not sure of the problem that it's solving um or addressing because there hasn't been any problems as far as the neighborhood and the residents are concerned who who live there um that it I think we lost him not sure where I where I cut off but um sorry c um yeah I just I'm just saying I'm opposed to the ordinance and I think the rest of our neighborhood is is as well thank you thank you anybody else on Zoom all right is there anybody on the council that wants to speak to this so do we have a motion to approve with ordinance I'll make a motion for a second I'll second Mrs PA Miller Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis I'm gonna have to vote no I know I voted yes the last time but after thinking this over I I just don't I'm not comfortable with it um I I do feel that we were making it extremely restrictive and personally I'd just rather go back to uh letting people park there and not tie up to the bulkhead so I'm voting no thank you ordinance 20249 Capital ordinance of the Burrow Beach Haven in the county of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing sewer M and lateral Replacements Stratford Avenue Bay to Oceanfront and the main relining of Dock Road from Delaware to Pennsylvania by and for the burrow and appropriating therefore the sum of 375,000 from the sewer fund balance of the burrow final reading uh this is final reading so we can open it to um public discussion uh again if you would like to discuss this come forward say your name and address and of course it's open to zoom as well is there anybody that would like to speak to this orance that's in the room is there anybody on Zoom uh anybody in Council want to say anything before the vote okay do I have a motion to approve this is there second second Mrs biller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed items requiring expenditure are supported by a certification of availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes 104 opposing the ongoing increases in the gas tax and other fees imposed by the state of New Jersey negatively affecting Ocean County residents resolution 105 allowing the budget to be read by title only 106 authorizing reimbursement for sewer repair costs 108 awarding a contract to 84 Lumber and approving an expenditure not to exceed 57,000 for the purchase of handrail parts for Beach entrances 109 approving an application for fireworks display for August 31st 20124 110 adopting the Beach Haven Police manual and rules and regulations 111 approving participation in the 2024 cops and shops initiative and accepting a grant in the amount of $1,440 resolution 112 authorizing to advertise for bids for the 2024 sewer replace project Stratford Avenue just read that one and finally resolution 114 we're adding authorizing the circulation of a preliminary official statement and final official statement 2024 Bond anticipation notes that is uh an authorization to go ahead and roll over our notes would anybody like to remove any of these uh resolutions for further discussion no no so uh bearing that in mind do I have a motion to approve the resolutions within the consent agenda motion to approve thank you I'll second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes I have a bill list this evening in the amount of 15223 a61 is there a motion to approve the bills thank you okay second second okay Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes General discussion the first item is just a quick review of the curfew ordinance that we implemented last season near the end of the season we had a plan to just re visit it right so how do youall feel about it well let's talk to Chief we instated the 10 pm curfew approximately after July 4th correct I believe it became effective in AUST August yeah right so tell us a little bit of if it was effective it was effective um we were able to get the kids in some of the parks to clear out a lot easier easier because it was something we were actually able to issue um I would only ask that you guys give it a little bit more time let us start out the Summer with the curfew set the tone for the summer let them know what we expect and uh go from there if after that you decide you want to go back to midnight and what time are we closing the parks 900 p.m. okay that's the parks and the beaches are closed at 900 P p.m. so have a 900m we have 900 p.m. park closure how are you going to how was it getting them out of there at 9 when the curfew is at 10: it it's been it's been fine we haven't had any issues um you know we just tell the parks are closed they start walking around they start finding their way home and as they're walking around um officers come up to them identify them tell them you know you have to be out of here by 10 o'clock 10 o'clock rolls around they get another warning and then they get a ticket if they're not if they don't leave okay it's my understanding that if a a young person is um walking on the streets after 10 and they're like purchasing an ice cream or they're doing their shopping or they're riding home from work they will not be uh fined or we we didn't have any complaints from any of the business owners last year um you know any any ice cream places stuff like that that was open past 10 p.m. uh we didn't bother him unless we we did run to a few times where out in front of Ben and Jerry's there would be a fight with a bunch of kids we would come up and we just move everybody along and be like 10 p.m. curfew leave um they would all leave the few families and kids would come back to get their ice cream and as long as they weren't causing a problem we didn't bother them okay any other no I found that most of the retail stores are closing before 10 anyway they're not staying open when I was walking around and asking them about the teens and the problems they were having they were having specific issues with groups of teens coming in and with their backpacks and they weren't allowing that and so they were like faas they were just closing their doors at at 900m yeah we mainly having problems with um you know Pizza like a Bay Village Pizza 7-Eleven 15 te nights other than that um really no problems at the ice cream places or anything like that people when we had problems there we moved them along and it was it was handled easily how does anyone feel about revisiting this in July like you know mid July to see we see how it's working instead of just um I would say I would say the end of July I think that's a good idea I I mean it the worst problems are usually the beginning of July because it's crazy then certainly yeah I would say the end of July just because we know July is a very busy month we had the big problem it was in the middle of July a couple years ago and last year we had that blackout week or whatever they called it where all these kids came down right before they went back to school and did a lot of damage around town they we had a lot of issues so I would like to see it at least through July and then take a good look at it um you know kind of what Jamie was saying my experience was I talked some of the businesses and uh I know one said they'd been gang rushed a couple times so they were now closing their doors early um another one said they just closed down because they can't stand the kids coming by and either throwing stuff in or or whatever and that that is kind of very upsetting to me because beachaven has a family resort reputation and people say I'm afraid to go out at night with my family because all the kids in the street this is not a look anybody wants for a resort town to have a curfew is not great but when you ask around you find out the a lot of our neighbors have had to go with this at a necessity and we can review it and certainly you know the chief would be a very integral part of that but um yeah I think we need to keep it and I think we need to keep it at least through July which we know is our busiest month well I I hear what you're saying and I I do agree that we should keep it at least to through the third week in July I'd like to revisit it then and I mean and I do know that we've had some incidents and that's no one's arguing that and I I believe it to be true it is true but I do think that Beach Haven is you know 99% this probably the safest town anyone that visits you know you you know it's a very safe place to be and want to remind everyone of that we've had a few incidents but um it's it's not you know gang you know I justt a little concerned with the word gang and and and and just I know the mob mentality is one thing but I just want to remind everyone that we actually do have a very safe Town thanks to um the chief of police and his wonderful staff and I just I mean I don't think it's you I'm not saying that we wouldn't reinforce it but I just think that it's something that we shouldn't just blanketly approve and not think that we maybe maybe it'll work maybe this nine o'clock closing the the park and knowing that there is a curfew it'll it'll really help um the situation and maybe we won't need the curfew after that but I think revisiting it uh after the third week in July is is a good idea I think we should keep it where it's at right now I don't know about the middle of July it's usually into August when you really start getting the crowds down here um like I said we could revisit it again yeah just revisit I'm sure that the chief has done a good job with his men um using discretion with a lot of it and that's what that's a good point that he has there so um I would say yes definitely Revisited but I wouldn't get get rid of it at uh completely yet no I'm not saying I'm not suggesting that we're not saying get rid of we're saying just Rel look at it and see if it's working so what can we uh you know just let's continue on with this and um you know in sometime around the third week or so of July the last week of July we can talk about it and see have the chief come and give us a report on uh and we'll we'll know if there's some major problems I mean we'll hear about so we can read address it then is that good sound okay the next item is a slew of proposed ordinances the first one is a proposed ordinance um for teen KN um myself and Colleen Lambert Mike mcaffrey we did meet with um Mr Batista to discuss some issues with teen Knight would you guys want to discuss your concerns okay um as I mentioned at the meeting I've never been a big fan of teen Knight I just didn't feel as appropriate um but the police department for a few years has found that it was a good place to keep the kids kind of centered they knew where they were they knew where they had to address their staff and that kind of thing and then after last summer most recently we kind of discussed I believe it was in March when we sent out the invitation he said well teen nights and the chief said you know what he said and he can certainly come up and speak for himself when he wouldn't uh he just said you know what there's just been too many problems and he spoke about the number of calls they've had the number of officers that are getting tied up um whether it's before during or after I know in the previous years the first aid squad has talked about the year all the times they've had to answer calls and get tied up and when a legitimate call for something else comes in they're you know dealing with a drunk teen um So based on what the chief was saying I had to agree and I kind of did a little research and it was interesting because I think Beach Haven and Belmore now I I called and I wrote to the ABC and they will not give you the statistics they said town by town so you got to find out for yourself so I did the best I could and as far as I can tell along the Jersey coast Beach Haven and belmare are the towns that are still having teen nights and it was interesting because this phrase comes up over and over in other towns uh ordinances the purpose of this article to protect the welfare of the teenage population by prohibiting their congregation upon premises licensed by the burrow pursuant to the state law to dispense alcoholic beverages it is found and determined that the atmosphere of a bar even though not selling alcohol at the time of certain events is not in the best interest of teenagers the bur is therefore invoking this power under title 33 of the New Jersey statute to protect against set activities so Beach Haven has had this for a very long time and for a long time it worked but I don't think it's working for our town anymore um the police are having a hard time the Juvenile Justice Reform Act has come in and has greatly limited their ability to respond and how to handle uh teens who are having difficulties or giving them problems uh we've had complaints by some of the neighbors for littering trespassing trying to use bathrooms that you know don't belong to them they're supposed to be for their business um I believe from what the chief has said and what we're saying is that at this point in time the cons outweigh the pros so that's why I am in favor of doing away with teen Knights okay um my problem is with the attorney general he came down and issued all these um laws what police officers can do and pretty much give the juveniles Court blanch on what they can do they sit there they curse out the police officers they you know do everything that they want and the police officers have their hands tied that they can't really do much to them other than with the curfew I mean even if they're out there drinking they can't even stop them for that they might be able to pour it out but they could also find themselves in a lot of trouble if they do so their hands are all tied up we have teen night and people are coming in from all over the place I mean we're not just talking locals they're coming in at buses they're coming in they're on the U internet they're going to meet up down here and they're going to have a fight or whatever whatever they're doing and it's just it's too much there's way too many kids in this town and it's not locals they're coming from all over the place when I ran I ran on a the premise to try and keep this town a family town I'm sorry te night does not make it a family town it's it's out of control and until the Attorney General changes his mind with a lot of um uh laws and stuff that he put into effect I say I want I would like to get rid of Team Knight and until they do something about it as far as attorney general goes I said then we'll look at it again I I'd like I um I don't disagree you know with most of what you both said and I know that you know teen night I've never been a big fan of teen night myself but one thing I think that would be fair would be to hear from um Mr Batista and and CJ Ma and and hear what they ha if they have any um way to be able to mitigate the issues that had been brought up to them and the concerns I mean they' we've had teen Nate for I think over 30 years and I look my kids never went to teen Nate nobody liked it but there are a lot of local kids that do go to it I know so many kids my friends my you know my grandkids friends are I mean they're not just out of town there are people from in Manahawkin which is they are still local kids they work on our you know I'm just saying it's not just people from Staten Island it's I think that's a minority there are a lot of local kids can it be a problem yeah I agree it can be and we is there some we need to do something about it I do think that it's fair to give them one year I'd like to hear what they have to say I don't know if they're in the room right now but I personally would like to know what um give them an opportunity to Def to be to defend themselves and to give us an idea of what they were willing to do this year if we allow them to have a one-year sort of trial to see how it goes but that's that's how I feel I just think it's you know we we've give the we gave the seashell a year we we to mitigate we had many many many many many many many complaints about the noise and and we gave Tommy a CH a chance to get it right and they they made some chances changes they came in they met with Sher and they they made some changes that hopefully will work this summer um before we shut down outdoor music after 10 pm you know we we we let him give him a chance to make it right and I think it's only fair to give um to give them a chance to make it right for one year that's just how I feel thank you Jamie do you want um yeah this is has always been a topic of discussion every year every year there's issues that come to council and then we the businesses meet they make concessions and we compromise the biggest problem for me this year is that I've actually seen pictures and video footage of a couple of really disturbing things that I cannot unsee now and for me I've sat in the line with Chief and the SOS the kids are very disrespectful overall there's a lack of respect for authority unfortunately the teenagers that's not the minority of them now the majority of them that is how how it is it's unfortunate but that's that is what's happening so we have problems with the line um there's a lot of kids coming in waiting in line going into other businesses using the bathrooms and then leaving all at one time as well puts a strain on our police force however I don't want to limit business Innovation I don't want to limit how a business is trying to succeed in such a short season however I think it is responsible for the Marlin to take responsibility of the videos that are out because if and when they ever reach the public domain I want them to take accountability for what was occurring explain if that was a one-time occurrence or that's because the video is kind of looked like the teens were not hiding what they were doing they were not hiding what they were doing they were acknowledging that they were being videoed and it was really disturbing to me as a parent if I send my daughter to a place I want to be assured that the adults there are responsible that they're being supervised and they're teenagers they are habitual Lin steppers it's up to us to re them in and to really supervise them and make sure that the environment that they're in is safe and for me right now the environment is not safe so although I am I don't want to limit business Innovation my first priority is the safety of the people in this town and the community Integrity so I would like to hear if there is type of concessions from the business owners and manager but that's where I am right now uh very well said I I agree with you um I I I don't like to disrupt can you screwed up to the mic a little bit oh I'm sorry thanks I I I like Jamie don't like to disrupt business in Innovation um back when I was a teenager down here growing up uh they had a place called the garage and um we called it the garage of go go and actually Bruce Springstein actually played there and there that was a place for kids to go and dance and meet kids and we need that I mean we're closing the parks down early so kids can't hang out there the beaches are closed and I know there's too many kids and I know it's a different world out there we have social media that you know encourages them to all meet together uh but kids need they need a place to go and they need a place to meet other kids their age not everybody has the yach club to hang out and I I so I I I I feel like kitty and Jamie uh if a business can come up with a a plan uh that can mitigate some of these problems that that I'm concerned about um I I think we should at least give them the opportunity to try and if we still see really behavior that we we think is bad for the town and uh then we can crack down but I we did this a few years ago with um uh with bird and betties we gave them an opportunity to uh clean up some of the problems they were having and they did um and they continue to have tea night and they're not having it this year but that would was their decision to make so I I do think um before we just say we're getting rid of teen night I think we should give a business any business that wants to do it and there are places that aren't that don't have liquor license in other towns that do have teen night Gatherings uh they're not bars but they do have them so it isn't that there's no place in other places except for Belmar and Beach Haven for kids to get together and dance and do that sort of thing so I I just like to see us be a little open-minded I'd love to I wish you know unfortunately this isn't the right time of year but it'd be nice to hear from some of the teenagers themselves there most of these kids are nice kids there most kids are pretty decent kids and it is true there is a lack of respect um but you know I think if kids start to realize that if it's their behavior that's going to determine whether these activities exist or not and if they can clean up their behavior and the establishment that wants to do this can mitigate these problems I think we should allow it to try to to to be able to run a successful te night uh that being said I guess uh uh do we want to open this to the public now or do we want to wait till all the disc least let's see that from the chief yeah okay yeah and also is is Michael there or CJ yes okay I'd like to hear from them too yeah but yeah all right um You guys touched on almost all of my points um there's a few things I'll just start from the top is obviously Juvenile Justice Reform Act definitely tied our hands there's a lot of things we can't do with the kids now um it's not only about a lack of respect for authority they have a lack of respect for anybody else's property and that's kind of our big problem is we have lines of kids who start at Center and Bay comes all the way down here to angleside and all the way down to the front of the first aid Squad there's 500 to 700 kids in line and between one and two hours they're in line waiting uh we've tried to address that issue with suggesting online ticketing so maybe they would they would know they were going to be able to get in U that was one of the problems with bur and Betty bur and Betty would have you know 500 kids lined up they'd let 250 in and say that's it and you'd have 250 Angry Kids he lets them all in but they're waiting for an hour and a half plus to uh to get in to make sure they get their spot um online ticketing would definitely help with that um the fights in line have increased in the past few years we've had kids come down teen night from Lavalette vandalized businesses they smashed the windows in the businesses I've had officers that were injured from that incident end up going to the hospital and was out on uh medical for the rest of the summer uh we've had buses come down from I believe it was Long Island kids were in the bus drinking the whole way down came in when in teen night got in fights got kicked out then they were our problems on their way out they stole bags uh the kids backpacks because the kids just leave their backpacks places and uh you know we caught them with the backpacks only to not be able to charge anybody because of the Juvenile Justice Reform Act but call their parents and have their parents come down from New York and pick them up which then in that case we were tied up for hours with that group of kids um for one for one juvenile we have to have two officers with them it's not like an adult we can't just arrest an adult take them in the station and it's one adult and one officer it's you we have to double up on them um while they're waiting in line they're drinking alcohol smoking marijuana all of which New Jersey doesn't have a problem with we can give them warnings for that nothing ever more than a warning but during that time they're there's no bathrooms available to them they're waiting in line they don't want to leave because they don't want to lose their spot they end up urinating on people's property uh in the Alleyways back here they go around the back of the condos they go into Murphy's steel bottles of alcohol we've arrested number of kids shoplifting from Murphy's Barry's uh do me flavor they've complained they have to have an employee on teen nights they have to have an employee as a bathroom monitor so rather than that employee taking care of their customers the employee has to stand there and only let one kid in and out of their single B bathroom all night long because the kids need to find a place to go to the bathroom the proposal for this summer has been 27 teen nights in 10 in a 10-week period that's a lot of teen nights we asked during our meeting if he would consider doing one a week and he said no I asked if you know we could consider doing online ticketing no um the the Marin is the only nightclub Style Bar in town that doesn't have Professional Security they hire for teen nights they have we've been told they have bus boys waiters they've hired uh firefighters to come over and help with the lines all of which these people are not um they're they don't they don't know what they're doing trying to deal with groups of people uh so the responsibility for dealing with the line that wraps around the block and down the street falls on the police department so the taxpayers are paying police to babysit kids in line all night long until they get into the bar and then once they get out of the bar it's even worse because they're in there they're all amped up they come out fights come out we're dealing with that then the crowds come out they're the uh the kids that come down here on the shuttle they come down from other places on the island on the shuttle they come from the mainland like I said they come from we've had uh kids from Burlington City come down to fight kids from one of the Toms River schools and when we asked them why they said it was because that's the only team night they could find so the problems we're having is when they leave they leave in a huge group of kids they walk up the streets they they don't have any way to get home because the shuttles are done at 10: so they have no way to get back to where they came from on the island some of them are waiting for parents to come pick them up um they generally go towards 7-Eleven 7-Eleven is parking lot if you've seen it anytime around midnight you don't want to pull in there you're you know people have said they're afraid to go in there they're you know when you have 100 Kids overtaking a parking lot it's intimidating I don't care who you are it's intimidating to try to go into that store 7-Eleven deals with the kids walking in clearing off shelves and running and try to describe one of those kids out of you know the hund and some kids that are standing outside it's next to Impossible um the neighbors around 7-Eleven said specifically on teen nights they see an increase the amount of kids that go behind 7-Eleven and urinate the uh they go around their uh their dumpster area they said when the kids are done and they leave it looks like there was an outdoor f there's trash all over the ground uh on teen nights those are the nights that I can't let any of our summer guys have a night off now if we're doing 27 times that's three nights a week there's three nights a week I can't give people off last year I was even letting people come in for overtime to help cover some of the shifts so I did some research and I know you did some research too Mrs Bal Miller um I couldn't find any bars that had teen Knights I know you had mentioned Seaside Heights you thought was the last one I called and talked to Chief Boyd today and uh he said he doesn't know exact year it was but it was five to seven years ago that they got rid of their teen Knights because they were having all the same problems we're having um he said it was the best thing thing I won't say the exact words he said but he said it was the best thing they ever did for their town is to get rid of Teen kns the kids don't come to those areas and flock to those areas for that there's it's just not there for them um talked about the shuttles uh the last thing I'm going to say is T generally means under 21 they do not check IDs when you're going in so that means that you have people under 21 and teens are generally around 12 or 13 years old like said they're not checking IDs so you could have a 10-year-old in there with a 20-year-old and if they're not checking IDs you could have a you know 24y old if he looks young enough but you could have a kid in seventh grade in there with a kid that's in college and the things that are going on in there are they're pornographic in nature and they're happening in the open and they're happening people are watching it it's something that is not a good look for our town the things that I've seen happening in there it would never be tolerated in a in a bar in any of the bars in this town or any town around us nobody would ever allow two adults to go and do some of the things that I've seen in there they would be immediately kicked out but in this in Te nights they're allowed so that's all I have is that out in the open it is out in the open there is they are sitting on chairs they're lined up against the walls and nobody interrupts them it didn't appear to me that anybody was interrupting anything not to mention like I said the line I know I talked about the lines outside they last for one or two hours there's no way a person can push a stroller down that sidewalk when those kids are lined up the line used to go down Center Street but that was that's an even smaller sidewalk and it went in front of all those houses now the way it comes here you know a family on vacation who's out you know walking home from someplace does not want to walk by that group of teens it's you know not that they are necessarily trying to fight anybody but it's intimidating to walk through all those kids so any questions thank you thank you Chief thank you right um yeah okay I I'm gonna let Mike come up and talk Michael Batista 1014 West Avenue Beach Haven um teen night's been around for a long time 30 some IDE years it uh is meant to provide supervise a little more into theone it's meant to provide a supervised safe environment for teenagers which don't have a lot to do here visiting in Beach Haven they come with their families any of them come with their friends it is a good event a couple of weeks ago I was asked to come in to listen to some of the problems that we were having with teen KN we take them very seriously and we want to work with Council with the chief to solve many of the problems uh the first one and probably the one that's out there that seems to be most disturbing is the inappropriate behavior inside the restaurant that we can stop immediately I have not seen these images that uh you're all talking about I don't know where they came from but I could tell you that it's not our intent to allow anything like that to happen and we will stop it immediately and we'll put somebody on alert to make sure that that doesn't happen that's the first thing as far as the line is concerned I think we can do several things to improve the line uh passage by pedestrians on the sidewalk is important we keep certainly can keep that open so that pedestrians can walk down the sidewalk without being obstructed as far as shortening the line I think we can do some things to speed the line up and short it we certainly can put more people out on the sidewalk if the chief wants us to hire a professional firm to be out on the sidewalk to walk with work with his staff we can do that as well uh the issue of the backpacks can be resolved in in a large part by having a backpack check and we we will put somebody on checking backpacks and issuing tags to people who have to come in with a backpack and they would have to have that tag with them to retrieve the backpack when they leave the other issue that wasn't mentioned by the chief that seems to be out there is uh we don't allow uh adults uh into a teen KN for a lot of reasons and there's been a lot of uh concern about parents parents being able to come in and get their children if they want to so we will uh certainly accommodate that and have somebody uh available at all times that we have a teen night to escort a parent through the restaurant to find their teen if in fact they want to retrieve their Teen um what about the number of teen nights can you lower that we we we we started doing three nights a week um and it was successful and if uh it's necessary to reduce that will go down to two nights a week any questions I just have a question because we discussed this the day that we met privately and I know Mr Mack you were there too um the video the famous video everybody keeps referring to I know you said you haven't seen it and I know Mr Mack you said you weren't familiar with it either okay what I saw and you know I know if this is a time or place to show it but um it was it was like a huge part of the room so when you're telling me that you never saw it and you had no knowledge of it that makes me question like what kind of supervision do you have going on in there that something that was pretty all-inclusive as far as the space in your bar went went unnoticed and it just kind of makes me feel very very leery about going forward you say you know you'll make an effort to step it up but how did you miss that where where is where did this video come from Colleen well um I haven't heard of where it came from and I haven't seen it okay well I do know that the chief does have a copy of it but where did it come from I don't know um it's pretty obvious that it is the Marlin and that's my concern that something like this could go on I know there was a still video that you saw and you said that could be photoshopped the actual or still photo could be but the video itself would be very difficult to photoshop so I I me I'm just concerned like you know it's like I appreciate the fact that you are saying you can work with us and all that but there's just like this huge lack of supervision that I'm concerned about because it it happened well I can assure you that either I will be there every night or CJ will be there and it won't happen are you there at Team nights sometimes I am sometimes I am not who's doing a supervision there when who's the supervisor that's watching over these kids when I not there we have a floor manager on who's supervising the event what's his name several different people last year who we had as supervisors I go back and look at the employee list and tell you who they are well if this is CJ is there a lot I'm there a lot but we're not there all the time but I can represent that I'm certainly going to be there all the time now that we're on I'm really I'm really really having a hard time with this because what was I finally saw the the movie or the film do we know where it came from Mike I have an idea where it's came from what's your idea where it came from well I'm not going to tell you that because I might be wrong but I have a pretty good idea on where it did come from what goes what was going on in there was just absolutely absurd that juveniles are doing this I there's adults that went to strip clubs that don't do this you know I think I'm not you'll see the video I don't know where this video is I don't know where it came from all I can tell you is that we'll be in there supervising and make sure that that never happens whatever's on cameras in the place yes are they on yes and you never saw any of this I have not seen the video that you all referring to do you record what goes on in your in your bar on teen night yeah the video cameras are on do you and you have recordings of this do you review the recordings only if necessary you don't want to know what's going nobody has said anything to you about what was going on in your place during this no I just heard it from you guys when when I saw you two weeks ago big to differ with you on that one okay because you were confronted with this last year I was not okay I was not I the chief could tell us where I got the video it was submitted through an anonymous par and I I have it like to see make with me any time okay fact of the matter is there will be no inappropriate behavior and I will be there to ensure that or CJ and we won't rely on management to do it m what two nights a week are you proposing two nights a week we did it last week last year we did Tuesday Thursday and Sunday so we would probably I'd have to talk to CJ about how he wants to handle it but maybe Tuesday and Sunday this is just a discussion yes at this point we haven't made any disc decisions um and I think um uh you know the the discussion has to go on and obviously we need to uh make a decision fairly soon um so you can go ahead and plan um I I yes sorry I just I'm sorry finish Nancy I thought you were finished pardon me no that I that's about all I have to say I I do think it's important that you see these this video um I it might be I mean I can understand why you just wouldn't look at your your videos going on I mean nobody does there's videos in 71s and Wawas and nobody looks at those unless there's a problem but you might want to just spot check um some of your videos just to see if there's any of this Behavior I I've seen um videos uh that that were produced by artificial intelligence that are so real that I I can't you know I just can't believe it but um and that that could be I we do not know so I mean I'm I I I think everybody's uh innocent uh so proven guilty I I basically um don't I I think we need to you know know more and um and this Behavior has to stop and if you can run a in my opinion if you can run a a teen Knight that is um fun for kids and isn't um uh isn't giving Beach shaven a reputation of being the sex city um that perhaps um you know we can continue with this that's my feeling Kitty you want to say something I just I'm disappointed that you haven't made the time to see the video and I think you should see it CJ should see it Cara should see it you should see it and that's something that that you will have to um work on um I did hear you say I think just want to clarify that you will hire professional security if the chief feels that that'll help we certainly will and you're going to have a backpack check I think the majority of the complaints or the for for the chief were the backpacks being stolen you know they're all in a big pile and I yeah I can understand the problem with the backpacks was that we don't allow backpacks in the be in the building for obvious reasons and a lot of kids show up with their backpacks and when we don't let them in they'll take their backpack and they hide it behind a tree or something and people are watching them do that and there are people out there that uh aren't nice some of them aren't nice a lot of them are very nice and they're they're pilfering the backpacks then when we decided to um allow them to put their backpack in the uh lobby of the restaurant um when they were exiting a black backpack was a black backpack and somebody just grabbed the black backpack and ran out with it and it wasn't theirs and then that became a problem so we still don't want to allow backpacks in the building but uh in an instance where someone comes with a backpack to try to mitigate this issue with pilfering and people stealing the backpacks we'll have a check a bag check and they'd have to retrieve their backpack with a with the other side of that ticket okay um you're going to go down to two nights um see one night but two nights um and I don't know what you'll do about the line do you have any suggestions for that just sort of making sure they're not taking up the whole sidewalk I mean I think if you did online ticketing you would still get kids there early to line up I don't know I could be wrong about that but I don't know I think that's something you need to work on how many kids can you let in there at a time at full capacity yeah 600 or so I'd have to look at the occupancy on the door and how many are I mean just a ballpark figure but how many are out there waiting to get in I've never counted them I don't know the answer to that question you answer one question for me you didn't answer my question when I asked you when we had our meeting if you had a 13-year-old daughter would you let her in that place yes that was not your answer the other day what was my answer well I would really have to think about it okay well what was it that's what you said yes well that's crazy Mike there are a lot of teenagers that go there and enjoy the hell out of it and have a great time they do that's a sarcastic response Mike it is okay I I'm not gonna address it then well there is one other concern too that we've talked about even you know with all these measures to try to mitigate is what happens as the chief was explaining after these kids leave because the town is still experiencing issues that's not your problem per se but the fact that these kids are now loose in the town we've got a curfew but they're going out you got five six hundred kids in there they're going out in all different directions it becomes the town's problem and I know the chief mentioned about Seaside um an official from Point Pleasant Beach excuse me said the same thing it's like yeah we got rid of it a few years ago he goes it's been so much better since I mean I know the kids want a place to go but Beach Haven is now the place to go for everybody you know between here and timbuk to Art our T kns aren't any busier than they were 20 years ago Colleen so you still have like five to six hundred but because I mean we're hearing about um they mentioned like you know catching the bus from manah Haw and like kitty was saying local kids but can't manah Hawkin provides you know what I mean like Beach Haven is now responsible for making sure the kids for you know a 100 mile radius have a place to go and you know and Nancy to your point you said a lot of places do and they do other they have these clubs but it's pursuant to the liquor license that's what the teen Knight is specifically devoted to like I said I you know I'm just trying to figure out pros and cons and I can't see where the pros outweigh the cons for the town I mean I know it's your business and I don't want to take away anything from your business business but I've heard very good things about your restaurant i' been in there once or twice and I would hope that that business would be enough to carry you because the teen KN I feel is really putting a strain on this town what you're not hearing about uh at teen night are all the families that for instance um they come they sit at barries outside barries waiting for their kids they're down on vacation with their teenagers and they want something for their teenagers to do they come in a Triton the women and the the husbands the friends sit out front waiting for their kids to come out at te night they come in before have something to eat the kids go wait in line they wait for them out in front of the the restaurant and then they take them home there are a lot of cars lined up there ready to take their kids home uh it's important that you know the other thing that you you said you would hope that the restaurant could make it as a restaurant um the teite revenue is important and we've been trying to stay open now uh through the winter we're not making any money through the winter uh I think it's a benefit to the town uh CJ wants to do it and and I'm I'm sticking with it uh this December we we we raised and donated $10,000 to the Southern Regional High School as a consequence of of that whole Christmas uh raffle and so forth so it's all helping I mean look at beastro 14 it's hard let me tell you something the cost of food's up the cost of Labor's up it's very difficult to make a real profit that makes it all worth wild air conditioners that cost $45,000 when I first was in business we have three on the top of the roof we have to replace two of them at $125,000 a piece so the revenue is important how do we balance that uh with the other aggravated issues in front of 7-Eleven and so forth that's a complicated question how do we control what's going on inside our place that we can deal with immediately I agree with everything you said about the restaurants I know it's tough and I know you have a limited season we have a lot of other restaurants that are making it I do feel badly about beastro 14 but I mean I I still have an awful lot of concerns I appreciate your concerns and we're here to work with the council to make this work and if you give us a year I'm sure you're going to see a huge difference if you at the end of the season can appreciate that it's working then we can move on if you don't then we're in trouble discuss I understand that it's it's hard to have the business but I mean at what price do we are we going to have to pay for this I don't think you're gonna pay Mike I think you we're hearing what you're saying and we're going to fix the problems okay can you fix the problems of buses coming in from out of town I'm far away some of those kids coming in from out of town go home and tell their parents Beach Haven a really cool place Mom and Dad let's go and vacation there next week Mike your parents were born and raised in this town you were born and raised in this town it doesn't exist anymore right we need young families to come into this town we need to have the exposure we're not we're a resort town and that's the way it is and so we have to Champion Resort type of entertainment we need that kind of exposure I think so I think we need as many people in this town enjoying having a great time that we can we don't need the rowdies in town no Mike I listen I I stand out there many many many nights and deal with punks right oh I know I and you know what the the interesting thing about it is that we'll flag somebody for coming in because whatever reason okay um a million stupid reasons but we tell them you can't come in and they're embarrassed because they're there with their friends and now they're not allowed to come in they have nowhere to go and so they sit out front on the on the Park Bench there waiting for teen night to get over all right I distinctly remember a young kid coming back the next week and say I I just wanted to come and apologize for my bad behavior so it is a learning experience for these kids too right and we're trying to teach them respect and in some respects we are getting results out of it in other respects we're not I mean we get kids in there that go in there and kick the doors open on the uh in the bathrooms uh we have a bathroom attendant now because of that so there are going to be bad kids I'm not going to say there aren't you know but there are a lot more good kids than there are bad kids and and I don't see that we should shut the thing down down because of the bad aspects of it without trying to fix the real issues that we're dealing with here today and I think we can fix them and I agree with you there are a lot more good kids out there than there are bad but it's still the same thing we're getting these people from everywhere they're not locals we've always had that Mike I mean I remember you and I back when we started to catch in from because we're the only place that is having this well it's let's keep it keep it close I think teite is good for our town I will disagree with you I well obviously all right let's take some time um the next the next meeting will bring the draft ordinance for consideration by Council and we'll let it come to a vote I have one more quick question once you're in Te night are you allowed to you're not allow are you allowed to go in and out no okay once you go out you're out once you go out you're you can't come back no okay we're very strict on obviously alcohol and kids are drinking 17 year olds are drinking there are no 20 21 and 22 year old kids in there the average age is about 16 and 15 15 and 16 is about the average age there's no one under the age of 13 in there and very rarely do you see very young kids in there that are 13 thank you m okay thank you thank you um I think at this point we should go down this list and then open the floor to the public okay I'll go as quickly as possible um there's three proposed ordinances listed here the tree removal replacement ordinance a privately owned salt storage ordinance and the municipal storm water Control Ordinance um because we have a tier a ms4 um storm water permit we are required to adopt these ordinances um as part of that permit so it's a condition of the permit so we are required to do that um the tree removal replacement um has some exemptions in it that I think would really kind of exempt the the town it says that residents who remove less than four trees per acre um within a 5year rolling period would be exempt so I mean it's a mandate from the State um the rest of the changes in general um the the state is recommending how Engineers are required to calculate storm water runoff as a result drainage basins and other storm water management components will need to be a little larger to account for future predicted 24-hour rainfall runoff quantity uh the state will now require a multiplication factor to be used when determining current and future runoff calculations to the two 10 and one 100e storm run uh runoffs right these are for these are for major developments which would be over an which would cover over an acre so but this again these are coming down from the state that we have to adopt yeah so those three ordinance really are um boiler plate mandates any questions no you had a fun time that I mean I personally would like to see how we could uh come up with an ordinance something like this that could uh pertain to us you know possibly changing The Language by saying you know leaving out per acre um I mean it kills me when you see a lot being cleared and nobody takes into consideration digging up some trees or replanting the trees it's you know we look around everybody says Beach shaving is not the way it used to be I mean if we started by making people plant trees or donate to a fund for us to plant the trees where we so chose I don't know why we wouldn't do that and I don't know why we haven't done that for years that's that's my opinion thank you okay okay the next one is a solid waste ordinance uh a few months ago we adopted a resolution as a temporary measure to allow some businesses that operate year round to be able to get uh some garbage collection during the off season from our public works department um we did say in the language to that resolution that an ordinance would be required so we're just memorializing that initiative to provide garbage service for businesses that operate year round and that and that can utilize this type of dumpster um in an ordinance okay that's good yeah um we have an ordinance for vehicles and traffic there was uh a resident that requested a four-way stop at angleside in Pennsylvania you know Council briefly discussed it and the recommended it so that is the draft of this one for vehicles and traffic and then the last one is for municipal parking lots we are looking to Red delineate what Taylor Avenue parking lot is uh in the past the actual Street end of Taylor Avenue was exempt and therefore uh the the um requirement that Vehicles be out of there between one and four didn't apply so um we're requesting that it be Rewritten that the entire area west of and including Delaware Avenue between and including Taylor Avenue and Ninth Street and block 202 lot 11 all be considered Taylor Avenue and um be permitted under this requirement to not have vehicles from one to four right 1 1:00 a.m. to 4: a.m. yes right I don't see any problems with that so we're getting rid of that exemptions all right so that's it right so now I I'm going to open the floor to public budget oh we have the budget I'm sorry did you want to take comment now I think yeah I think it would be a good idea to take comment now so uh that means anybody in the audience can get up and express uh their point of view about anything and state your name and address and anybody on Zoom as well okay we got started right away [Laughter] Lori Anderson 1001 West Avenue um it's about te night I'm not a fan I've been coming to town meetings long enough to know that te night is a problem I applaud bird and Betty's for not having it this year I think it's great I applaud the council members and the chief of police coming up to State the facts certain towns don't have it because it's not working for them I don't understand why Beach Haven would even consider it um it's been going on for too long year year after year we're talking teen night and are my tax dollars paying for these extra police to babysit these out of town kids I would imagine my tax dollars artwor I know a lot of people in Beach Haven who feel the same way as me they're not a fan of te night um so I hope you'll have the backbone to do the right thing maybe set an example for this year cut it off do away with Team Knight see how it goes I mean yeah you can get more security maybe it'll work maybe it won't but it's just too many maybe um this has been going on for years or decades and uh I think it's time to clean up Beach Haven and make it a safer place if I think of anything else I'll come back thanks thank you thanks Lord anybody on Zoom want to speak no anybody else audience yes Sue shark1 North Delaware um Avenue um I have two observations or comments and one is a lot of tonight's discussion has been um a lot of time has been spent on teen night and the curfew and Beach Haven is tackling um basically society's problem of misdirected or or poor parenting because and and that it just falls on us that's the way of the world the backpacks are a problem because every teenager carries them either to look like they're cool because they could have a stash in there or because they do have a stash in there that's just part of what the problem is um so I don't envy you in your decision and in your guidance that you'll give our our businesses but I certainly thank you for your efforts to to come to a mediation or some kind of agreement um nobody wants a business to fail we want businesses to prosper we want businesses to um prosper and and do well uh my second observation is I think you just posted a recreation director type thing am I correct and I'm like so happy about that that's something that transpired from I think a committee that you kind of said just almost at a meeting and it it happened and a lot of good came out of that and I just just wonder if you know I live in a fantasy world sometimes and I wonder I want I want teens to have something to do too if if businesses would consider a teen morning and if that took off I thought that would be a really good thing but obviously that's not what they're going for um I think an open air I've said this a lot about a lot of different PL things at Taylor Avenue open air if people could see what was going on maybe it would be a little bit different um and you talk about security for teen night I think about shaoning chaperoning high school um MH pits I mean dances and unless you're in it like nobody wants to be in that I promise you no no adult wants to be in that we don't want to see things that we can't unsee and things like that unless you're in the in the in it you can't it the videos are going to happen of the things that shouldn't be happening so I just I have this vision of this Recreation person could create a really cool thing happening open air you know so we do give something to our teens as a nice balance because we don't want to be the no fun town and and many teens are wholesome unfortunately it's kind of run a muck it sounds like from the problems that are evident that's great thank you thanks okay anybody else uh in the I guess we have nobody on Zoom one now okay so go ahead M hello Jason Murray back again um 408 Coral Street Beach Haven um just want to follow up the last um comment that was just made um agreeing and supporting that if if kids are going to have a curfew of 900 p.m or 10 p.m. or whatever that ends up being and you're taking away teen KN which is something or considering doing so something that a lot of kids do value um maybe it's time to revisit the skate park um and bring that back and on the table because that is a wholesome activity that kids can do it does keep kids off the street it gives them an opportunity to recreate to play to congregate in an area that is controllable and observable and you know it could help out so um that's that's the one comment on that and then the other question um I have is uh regarding the the boat ordinance that will take effect May 15 15 um where can we learn about the procedure or steps to apply for permit um timing all of that you can call the clerk's office okay thank you okay uh anybody in the audience want to get up and speak yes de whitcraft 52 doc road so no permits will be issued before 9:00 a.m. May 15 is that correct correct you can't fill it any out before 9:00 am May 15 correct perfect um what I got up to to ask about I I got an email from a local businessman and I don't know whether or not this is true which is why I'm reading his email to me for your benefit he says um with regard to Beach replenishment it's going out for bid and he's talking about Beach Haven Beach replenishment it's going out for bid May 1st awarded May 15 um notice to proceed May 30th through June 15 and the schedule of work must be within 15 days of the notice to proceed most businesses in town have no idea who the hell is going to rent a house or hotel room for top dollar for a Beach Haven vacation with the risk of the beach on their street being closed or to sit on the beach staring at heavy equipment working people with rental homes or businesses should be up in arms and I don't know if any of this is true whether you're and he goes on in his email to say whether you're for or against beach replenishment in general is irrelevant the timing is the issue so my question to you is this true yes it is true they uh they are bidding the project May 1 expecting to issue the notice to proed June 15th and having the contractor is the one that gets to set the construction schedule and the date as long as it's completed by March 10th 2025 but the borrow area now is not the inlet which would have been nice because then the project would have been for into the off seon the borrow area is off of Harvey Cedars and the Harvey Cedars and love ladies project is the larger of the two replenishment projects it's one um a little over a million cubic yards so we can assume that they will start there because that is the borrow area that they will borrow and deposit in Harvey seeders and love ladies first and not make their way down to our end of the island our North Beach Haven Beach Haven and Holgate are 650,000 cubic yards until after the summer but we cannot but you don't have any authority to regulate when that work is done I just want to be able to answer this guy because he's in business and I'm gonna call him tomorrow too that um we were told that they were going the plan is that they're going to close a thousand feet of beach at a time which is one block and that and that will move one block per day yeah it will move quickly and it's a 247 operation overnight sure good thank you very much if I give you I'll call you and give you his and have you speak to him yeah thank you anybody else like to come forward and talk all right so I am you want to come back okay you may yes Lori Anderson 1 1 West Avenue um Sue reminded me of something I forgot to say and that was yeah we do have the field down there at Taylor Avenue so maybe there could be a little music something down there for teens to listen to keep them Outdoors but not drinking kids don't belong in bars and then we have that beautiful ball field that maybe you could advertise you know pickup games we used to have pickup games in B and it was a wonderful thing and uh maybe they could wear Marlin t-shirts or something and maybe advertise it for a certain time of the day it's still te to do it's great idea so keep the bum teens that are just coming to drink maybe away but in Li of teen night we're trying to come up with some other activities and you know do ball games three days a week four days a week five days a week they're free great again anybody else before we move on we still have a lot of business to do here um all right so that I am closing the floor to public comment and now we'll move on to the um budget okay the budget this year 2024 has a total appropriations of 15, 435,000 $ 61.78 this is a decrease a 1.03% decrease overall from last year's Appropriations um some significant changes in this budget the salary and wage increased uh 1.69% while our operating expenses decreased 2.71% leaving the amount to be raised by taxation at 9, 37,800 um the CFO with the remarks from council's recommending a 2cent increase over our prior year setting the tax rate at 0413 our net valuation is 2.18 billion and we saw a 1.1 1427 per increase over last year we're also seeing an increase in the library tax levy and our minimum appropriation that's required is increased 21.16% over last year we have uh some significant increases in our liability insurance workers comp and other insurances that are beyond our control our liability insurance is increasing 15.38% workers comp 23.875-in um to balance our budget every year we utilize um Surplus this year we're we're going to be us utilizing 70,000 in additional in uh Surplus to balance the budget in addition to the 2 increase those two things will balance the budget for this the Surplus amount um is that we're using to to fund the budget is approximately 25% of the budget um because of that this year when we were planning the budget we did do some significant budget cuts um we discussed those with Council those dis those cuts that we made I know there was a request to discuss one of those issues and that was the Drone expense that we were considering it was a $25,000 expense that is not included in this budget um so I just wanted some quick feedback from Council or your feelings on that was not included in this budget um was this something that you still wanted to pursue if we if you did then we would be looking at doing a self-funded capital ordinance Colleen did you want to discuss that yeah I mean that's it it came up from the parks and rec committee and I know everybody I think you know universally agrees that drone would be an awesome thing to have and it would be very handy um couple of towns of the island do have them um I know we just went to the mat with the budget I mean the two the two cent increase we never knew first time we're hearing about we all had to put in what we thought so um that's a lot and I know the parks and recck was really hoping to get the Drone and you know primarily for the lifeguards but then of course the Police Department fire department everybody else if we bought it municipally um there was talk about trying to get private people to kick in and buy the drone at this this point in time 25k I know the chief said you know with his research and the fact that we can no longer buy the more coste efficient drones because they're made in China we're not allowed to have them anymore um it's a big hit I I I don't know what to say I mean I there are so many things that this town needs and as nice as a drone would be I'm not sure at this point in time Kitty I know you sat in on all these meetings what are you thinking I know I well when when the first came up you know the the idea of a drone on the park committee we all said that we would you know especially Don who really you know this was sort of his baby um would raise the money for it and have a fundraiser for it and then the the burrow said well you know what we'll pay for it so I still think that there's a possibility to raise the money for it so um at this point you know this year and I know we've gone back and forth and public doesn't know this just like conversations with the chief and some members of the park Committee in regards to just like the Chinese uh situation and being able to order the ones that you now can order are much more expensive than what we anticipated when we talked about it at our original Park meetings so based upon that I think you're right Colleen I I think it's tough for this year to ask for the money for that um you know but I do I do support having a fundraiser trying to get some public a you know get some funds from the public which is a shame I think it would be really great for the for um police force for our the department and for um certainly their Beach Patrol so I'm I'm sad about it but I don't know until 25 did that include the training it didn't did it I don't it did no and that's you know that's doesn't you have to another three to four thousand yeah yeah well there is the possibility of fundraising and maybe some grant money uh okay I I would think you know we can investigate that route and relook at it again next year absolutely keep it keep it on the on our plates yeah um as far as the water utility budget goes we did see an increase um of 95,000 on interest on our notes and uh we funded it with additional 95,000 in Surplus their total Appropriations for the water utilities is 1, 9525 and the total Appropriations for the sewer utility budget is 1,65 th000 any questions on the budget before I read the resolution okay the municipal budget of the burough Beach Haven county of ocean for the fiscal year 2024 be it resolved that the following statements of revenues and Appropriations shall constitute the mun ipal budget for the year of 2024 be it further resolved that the budget be published in the Beach Haven times issue of May 2nd 2024 and the governing body of the burough Beach Haven does hereby approve the following as the budget for the year 2024 I'll roll call Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes notice is hereby given that the budget and tax resolution was approved by the council members of the burough Beach Haven county of ocean on April 25th 2024 a hearing on the budget and tax resolution will be held on May 30th 2024 at 4 o'clock at which time in place objections to said budget and tax resolution for the year 2024 may be presented by taxpayers and other interested persons thank you public comment uh do we have any P public comment on the budget anybody un Zoom well you can open for full public comment at this point yeah well you don't budg yeah I mean well we did already open it for full public we just got through that you can do whatever you like we didn't open it for the budget but if anybody wants to speak now this would be the appropriate time no okay so um so we're basically um uh back to final remarks by Council we're almost done so would you like to start Coen sure um Jamie I hope I'm not stealing your thunder here but the PTA fundraiser were you g to cover that no it's sold out it is sold out um but sold out well I I actually went down today and made a donation because I went online to get a ticket and apparently they sold out several days ago so you still have that option if you'd like to support the Beach Haven PTA um the fire department right Chief block party Saturday Saturday Okay block party at by U veterans Bicentennial Park whatever we call it these days from 1 to six correct okay so please come out and support the um fire department real quick I know this meeting's running long uh we had a meeting about the turbines a couple weeks ago and unfortunately um we've lost at the state level which we kind of knew we were going to do because the people we were appealing to were appointed by Governor Murphy who's full steam ahead with the so now our next move is to go to the appellant court and we feel we'll have a much better chance there and barring that the Superior Court which they really feel will have a very good shot at unfortunately um as far as the historic district went our appeal from that basis was shot down um our our preliminary was and then our appeal was shot down so we're not having a lot of luck right now but we're cautiously optimistic that things will improve in the future thank you kitty how about you um thank you uh I wanted first I wanted to thank um chief marowski for coming tonight I know it's a l he really but had a lot had to have a lot to say tonight and I really appreciate him coming out thank you very much um you always really put shed so much light on everything for us it's really appreciated the other thing is and I forgot to mention this at the last meeting and Sue Sharky just texted me to remind me thank you Sue that um May 18th is going to be our host hopefully our first annual uh Heritage day in Beach Haven it's a celebration of our Rich history going back to the late 1800s um and the 100th birthday of the town in its first two homes we're having an openhouse tour of house homes you can get your tickets online um we uh we have we're having six of the oldest houses two of which are as I said the two oldest homes that were built in Beach Haven on Second Street um the OWN own have graciously um all are allowing us to open their homes to the public tickets are available through the um LBI Museum um they've been so great so great running through helping us with everything and um also um Deb and The Maritime Museum have been great we're all at this on this that day as well as a house tour there will be um open houses in the library and the the museums um we're going to have presentations at the couple of the museums you can find all of that out within the museums um we're going to have at the end of the day a birthday party in the park and it WEA permitting and if not in the museum or a combination of both the LBI Museum rather because it's a we have the park one of two big cakes just to celebrate the birthday of these two beautiful homes and we have a lot of involvement from businesses and we're hoping that everyone will embrace the theme with old photos of the way it lo used to look and and I hope everyone will buy some tickets and come join us you could be a sponsor you can donate all of the money for this event will go directly to um beautification of Veterans Park since it is in the center of the historic district and this year the house tour focuses on the historic district so come one come all thank you very much thank you Jamie U Kitty thank you for working on the The Heritage day I know you put a lot of work in it if anyone on Council was involved in that as well but I know that kitty and a lot of volunteers put in a lot of time for that so thank you for that yeah and the Beach Haven chamber is is helping us as well Lindsey Ryan started it so and Sally pety who's yeah it's been a joint effort a bunch of people have helped out thank you thanks right and um yeah the fundraiser for the school and then there's another The Maritime Museum also is having their fundraiser Saturday Saturday May 4th as well at 4 to 9 at B is it I think it's at B and Betty's yeah b b and betties so there's a lot of fundraisers there's a lot of events happening in May so please come out and support your local schools businesses museums and I'm sure we'll see everyone there yeah thank I forgot about Deb's fundraiser that'll be a good one thanks Jamie yeah I'd just like to thank everybody on Council for this uh Pearl Street um ordinance uh there was a lot of input and I think it's a good compromise thank you and uh I hope hopefully everybody will support the fundraisers and um thank you for coming and with that do I have a motion to adjourn so thank you second all right meeting adjourned thank you thank you everybody bye