bars that the guy that owns that um place in barnegate recycling the path we ever been in there on route nine you go in he's got all the crazy started oh yeah it is 5:45 and we're going to call the Community Development block grant meeting to order um Nancy can you do the flag salute yes all right I pledge allegiance to the of the United States of America to the rep for it stands one na indivisible liberty and justice persono to the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building and on the burrow website mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press and the Press of Atlantic City Mrs bman Miller here miss Lambert here Mr mcaffrey here miss Snider here mayor Davis here at the last Community Development block grant meeting we discussed multiple options for the uh 2024 funding cycle um based on the conversations with the council and the uh burough engineer we have decided that we're going to make application for an additional cabota UTV for uh transporting um patrons to the beach and we're going to use the remaining amount to continue with the Ada curb Cuts throughout town let me just look at the amounts we are requesting 40,000 from the Community Development block grant sure so what do we need to do 3 um I just wanted to hear from everyone that uh you support that decision that that that is what we're going to apply for and uh we would just solicit some comments from the public about that decision and then that's it do we ever find out how many curb Cuts we would have over above Beyond excuse me purchasing the cabota how many we could get done yeah it really depends on the area that we're going to be working in I think we we need to know how many we actually have to we're talking about Bay Avenue or the whole town no we're talking along Bay Avenue that's what I thought so how many aren't done along Bay Avenue I don't have that number but I think a lot of what we don't get done will be accomplished with the county project coming up next year um I don't think that should with that should hold us back from approving this application and saying that we're going to chip away at it do you support that $40,000 for the purchase of a cabota ATV to provide handicap accessibility to the beachfront as well as installation of ada8 curb cuts at various locations I support it I do for it what's a cabota it's like a gator but it's a different brand John Deere makes a gator are they smaller in width so they can fit up more each entrances they're the same but we're going to work with Chris to slightly modify some of the beach entrances that some of them are low hanging fruit with uh some simple Shrubbery trimming or um moving of the posts the fence posts that can um free up some space that might be just enough to allow us to open up at least a couple more options right was um the one that we have now what kind is that called that's a Kabota that's a cabota also it's orange right yeah I remember saying it um is there a did we have a full schedule last summer is that why the need for the second one is a good idea can you speak to uh the schedule the schedule last year was not full um we had consistent you know consistent use by about five or six people throughout the summer and then sprinkled throughout there were other people I think one of the major issues was the the beach entrances um there were only four locations that we could bring people to two of which were very populated Center Street and Taylor so it made it very difficult for most people ended up opting for the two southernmost entrances of Nelson and Holio because those were the only two that they could really drop people off and pick them up in the afternoon without you know too much TR Beach traffic so there wasn't a full schedule last summer um but we're working with Chris so we have more than four locations and they can go up yes to give more Choice um because what ends up happening is when you bring someone to the beach the rest of their family is going to have to go all the way down there and so if we can find entrances that are more spread out it will make it easier for you know family members and people to opt to use it think it might increase the use can I touch on that for a minute absolutely I went I went to we went to all the beach entrances I went with the chief and uh we went down and we made a list of all the entrances and it was there was only a few that we couldn't widen enough to actually get people down there and the thing that we talked about was just dropping right off at the end so we didn't have to worry about the crowds during the day so they could come straight up to the same ramp and the people will be right there and you get them back off because one of the biggest problems was once they dropped them off when they went to get back down there the crowds were too too big to get to get through there so when we were looking at it it there was only a couple streets that we couldn't widen to get that Gator up and down and I think with this and once people find out about it and or if we even advertise it we'll probably be using both of them and if not we could always use the other one in case that one breaks down right and they don't have a very long LIF span so we the one we have now I think it's a from what I was told of the township they have about a fiveyear lifespan so um anyway so I think it's great that we could have an additional one hopefully because they're going to have a very busy season and people will learn more about it and take more advantage of it and if not then it will be you know a rainy day Gater and and I want the park survey study showed that that's one thing we really need to be more conscious of is getting handicapped people on and off the beach so well and the townships had a lot of success with they said it's really busy and they they really do so I don't know I don't know why we haven't been more bu replenishment we opted for smaller entrances no I know that entrances and they can like and their beaches and Township are so much larger they can probably get them down they I know those big giant no but I'm saying that that's where so it's also because like Jamie was just mentioning that the the depth of the beach in a lot of in throughout Beach Haven vacillates and a lot of it is very narrow so it makes it impossible and and per our you know the requirement of our beach Patrol Captain she did not want the cabota driving up and down the the beach north to south so we were very limited in where we could deposit too many people on the you know users so hopefully with the combination of widening some entrances and with the beach replenishment increasing the depth there will be you know more capacity this summer there was twofold to this widening the the entrances one was for handicap access and the other one was for getting injured people off the beach yeah good point so they don't have to go so very far to get them yeah you open this discussion to the public yes so we will open the for those of you that just came in we talking about our block grant and spending $40,000 to purchase another uh what's called a pagota it's like a gator to get people on and off the beach that are handicapped and um also to use some of the money to uh improve our curb cuts on Bay Avenue so wheelchairs can get um up in down the curb so uh I I so I think we on the council are all in favor of doing this this is money we get from the county um is if there's any public anybody in the audience that would like to talk to this specific item please come forward and state your name and address and is there anybody on Zoom by the way yes yes yes come to the microphone and say your name and address and then you can talk hi I'm 125 Center Street I just wanted to reiterate support for this uh proposal the uh Parks and Recreation survey the number one most requested item from that survey of one 1,942 people was improved access to the beach especially handicapped access um and and therefore this investment will uh serve the purpose not only for the beach but if we're also able to do more curb cuts that will also help the people who are in wheelchairs or other assistive devices to be able to get it in around our town uh much much easier thank you thank you very much would anybody else like to come forward and speak or is there anybody on Zoom no anybody else okay so I'm closing the the uh floor to public comment thank you okay then um we can take a f minute recess now until our six o' we've already done um our roll call and all those things so when we Rec we can dive right into our parks and presentation great so' already done the flag salute we don't have to do it again hit the gav a couple times there and then we'll have colen introduce this survey yeah okay oh wait a second yeah wherever you want to be sh I have to go pull up my thing other the agenda I had it up thanks great okay uh thank you okay so um basically right now we're starting with the pre presentation for the park yes and colen's going to introduce our speaker okay great uh it's with great pleasure I introduce our speaker tonight Sally Pete if you were here earlier you heard her speak about the um handicapped access and the importance that Sally is probably one of the most amazing people I've ever been on a committee with honestly her technical skills her organizational skills her ability to see the whole picture and put it all together are amazing and we are Beyond lucky fortunate however you want to say it to have her as our leader so Sally I know we could never pay you what you were worth so thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all that you have volunteered and at this point since you are by far and way the most capable we will turn it over to you thank you so much um Colleen [Music] [Music] is this am I okay all right all right good evening everyone can you hear me folks on Zoom I hope you can hear me uh all right I'm going to go ahead and get started um my name as Colleen said is Sally poete and my family um has been in Beach Haven for about 15 years that includes two daughters who believe that Beach Haven is the greatest place on Earth um and I agree with them um so I am here as a I guess a spokesperson but really um in be in behalf of the hold on technical oh there we go uh in behalf of a group of 14 volunteers uh diverse committee members um of different life stages some have kids some have grandkids um and we all play different sports some are Avid tennis players some are Avid Surfers and I am an avid playground goer um uh and I think that we all share a love of our town and a love of our ability to stay active and well and really enjoy everything that Beach Haven uh has to offer um just as a reminder our mission statement um in uh being formed in June of this of last year uh is to preserve Beach Haven parks recreation settings making them safe attractive and active uh places for all ages um emphasis on most benefit the Beach Haven community Community um and I want to emphasize most benefit because in the way and the manner in which we've uh done our work we have tried to figure out what initiatives would uh best serve the broadest amount of people uh in Beach Haven uh and that was also reflective in the survey that we conducted and just trying to reach the broadest audience and get everyone's input put um before making uh these recommendations so essentially um what things could we improve with our Parks and Recreation that would provide the most bang for the public Buck because of course we know we don't have we have very limited resources um in general um so what I'm uh going to review tonight is um again the the work of the committee for the last eight months we're going to go through how we got here what our process was specifically what our recommendations are most importantly how we pay for it um which we have given a lot of thought to and then answer any questions from the council or um uh any anyone else on the audience uh any in the audience this evening so um this is our committee's process and timeline and I realize um it might be hard to read um everything in the slide but we have been working tirelessly for eight months and that includes going to um as Council McCaffrey said visiting the beaches and actually walking every Beach entrance um actually U measuring the slope of the beach entrances going to our parks and talking up with talking with the parents who are in the playground going to um various uh counting uh actually some members counted the number of people playing PE ball or tennis um we went as far us really to observe and talk to people out and about to get a feel for what's happening um as you know uh we also performed a community survey um and what I'm told um is that it is one of the broadest um surveys that's ever been done in Beach Haven we reached nine 00 people 1900 1,942 respondents from paper online posters mailed in surveys I mean everyone who wanted to express their opinion could express their opinion um and that was um then combined with other analysis We performed such as the strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats of our Parks SWAT analysis um and as well as speaking with our borrow leadership so everyone Chris Carson Sherry Mary CLA um Megan everyone to really get input from them so all in all I think that uh sorry and one more thing um we did also benchmarking um meetings with other people sorry other towns So Long Beach Township barnaget light even Margate and I think there was one more town that we reached out to really to understand uh best practices in the other towns what's working what's not working for them and learn from their experiences so um all in all um we have created a 62-page report uh which we have I believe sent to council um and what I'm presenting now is a summary of that 62-page report though we very much hope that you will um read read the report as well okay so here goes um our Parks committee uh is making multi-year recommendations starting in 2024 but really going you know through the next four years uh they are in seven categories the first one being beach access next being trees and shade number three being Parks improvements four um opportunities of improvement for tennis and pickle ball Bay improvements bicycle safety and events and marketing um the order or the the order of these recommendations again is based on what did the people in the survey ask for the most that's how we have ranked ordered these and that's how we've attacked um these different topics and I'll say again these are multi-year recommendations so while it might feel like to you when I'm sharing some of these ideas that it's a lot um I'll just say not everything needs to be done or we do we want done in 2024 um in fact we want to start as soon as possible but we would expect to work throughout the next four years and Beyond you know with your bless with the council's approval and blessing uh to continue to um Implement these ideas all right so I'm delighted that we started the meeting tonight regarding the gator because the very first item that we want to share we want to talk about is beach access um and these are 2024 recommendations so what we intend for beach access or what's been asked for in the survey is how can we access the beach more easily um not just those people with handicap or disabilities but but seniors who seniors and anyone else I mean it could be a child with you know a heart condition and they can't really climb those those Dunes um as easily as as as somebody else so it is for everyone but also want to emphasize that we do have a significant population of seniors and people with disabilities in our town and they need to get access uh to the beach so 80% of our survey respondents that's everyone who responded to the survey wanted an easier time accessing our beach um also because 90% of everyone who responded said they enjoy the beach so of course we all want to get to the beach as easily as possible um one of our committee members Don has researched that there is also a proposed legislation indicating uh proposed legislation in New Jersey that will require Beach municipalities to offer handicap accessibility in the beaches and so I think that this is really putting Beach Haven ahead of the curve because we're already we've already implemented many programs We are continuing to expand um our investment here so we will be ahead of the curve um in this regard when this legislation is passed um and of course time is ideal because of the timing of the beach replenishment so we would suggest everything that is related to the improvements happen along with that so some of the ideas are to um add new handrails on the west side of the Dune entrances to of course allow for people to have something to hold on to the next is to Pilot MIM mats on steep paths um the picture on the top right is an example of a MIM mat you might have seen that in some entrances such as the one by um oh it you know some of the the restaurants already have this uh the seashell has this um already um the so I'll just uh stick with the MIM mats we would propose was piloting five Mobi mats in five be Beach entrances and these mats provide a harder surface uh to step in uh the burrow already owns Moby mats so in speaking with Chris Carson we would use what we already have um but then as we might decide or in and again working with Chris that we need more so we're allocating a small budget to increase any additional expenses for Mobi mats above and beyond the usage of what the town already owns and that would be in five Beach entrances on 8th Street Coral Street Chatsworth Essex and Fifth Street can you repeat them one more time um eth Coral Chatsworth Essex and the east of the Dune on Fifth um okay and then the next one is the expansion of the Gator program in 2025 um I'll just say I mean 10 minutes was already allocated to discuss the gator um PR previous to this uh presentation uh but in researching Long Beach Township actually we found out that they have nine Gators uh now you uh councilman councilwoman biller said well it wasn't full and we totally agree it wasn't full so we don't recommend that we would buy nine Gator Gators but instead um as already mentioned increase the uh pickup points the number of pickup points beyond the four also mentioned uh increase the uh the width of the beach entrances to be able to get the gator and pedestrians in and out and then um as I'll discuss later increasing the number the marketing and promotion of the Gator program so that more people know that they this is available to them so we are are very much in support of expanding um the gator program okay uh along with the beach access is um the idea of uh offering or having a drone to give our herob lifeguards the latest tools to um keep an eye on people in need these drones can see people in need they can also observe rip currents sharks and any other hazards in the water and can drop um life preservers from the sky um right directly to the person in need which I was just like Blown Away by that capability so um we know that this is already being deployed in Atlantic City and I understand that um Forward Thinking people in our burrow already have been thinking about it so I'll I'll just pause here and and let councilwoman Lambert say thank you Sally had asked me ahead of time just to bring everybody up to speed because when this did come up in our Parks and Rec committee I then went to Sher our burrow manager and this had been kicked around as a burrow topic as a burrow need for a couple years so they were already ahead of the curve and uh Chief marosi was already well versed and uh I don't know about you I was always pretty naive when it came to drones I thought you went over to Walmart you bought one you sent it up and you're good to go absolutely not the case there is so much involved when you use a drone from a municipality and that includes getting uh certified literally Pilots you have to get like almost a pilot license um Chief marosi has um talked to members of the police department uh Chief Skelly from our beach Patrol I know she's interested there may be somebody else so what we thought we would probably do is take this kind of out of parks and wreck and make it a municipal part of our burrow budget and something because you know obviously the beach Patrol would have a wonderful use and a tremendous use for it but that would only be for three to four months and there are many many other ways we could use it and that's why we felt let's make it a burrow wide thing with at least five Pilots I think we're hoping to get at this point well I think we already have volunteered and you know the more the merrier because some people aren't here all year and it's important we always have a certified pilot on hand so the parks committee did come up with this and then as I found out and I shared later this has been already a topic of discussion and Sherry I hope we think possibly we can have it up and running by this summer if all goes well thank you all right uh so the next topic is trees and shade um so this was the next most supported initiative in the survey with 74% of all respondents of the survey in favor of adding shade especially in the form of trees to our town and I don't know about you but I you know sun does impact everyone's skin it is you know uh the world temperatures are are skyrocketing and it would be so much nicer if we could rest under the shade of a tree after walking our dog or after a run Andor picnic uh more often in our Parks or have a chat with a friend at a park bench um so these are all activities that we sometimes can do on a limited basis now but we can do um more uh a lot more if we were to have a lot more trees and shade all over our Parks um for the playground goers um I will say the playground equipment does get very very hot um it's made of metal so those young children uh touching that metal is it it's you know we kind of have to to be careful when using our playground equip equipment so we also are suggesting um more shade over those um that equipment in order to um protect our kids but also add shade where the parents or grandparents are sitting and watching uh watching the the children um so a big part of this Tre shade initiative is to um start with a new tree and landscape design for Veterans Park um now why Veterans Park because of course it is the centerpiece of our town uh the survey respondent said six 62% of them enjoy this park the most um after really you know Beach and Bay um and in later years we would also propose doing similar improvements and tree plantings in the other Parks but where would we start we would start in Veterans Park um now right here um and in I'm going to uh we did ask Reynolds um to provide um a a draft design um of what a re-imagined um Veterans Park might look like with more trees um so for the most part part we are going to keep the open area where the grass is and where the crafts craft markets and the events are held that's on the right side of Veterans Park but on the left side you'll see on the perimeter on Engleside on Amber and on beach as well as on Atlantic there are little dots and those little dots represent trees so it would be replanting several spe uh kinds of trees all over Veterans Park and then additional Shrubbery flowers and other vegetation in and around around the park as well um augmenting this would be additional picnic tables and benches so that again we can relax enjoy have picnics play chess or Checkers um and really make it continue to enhance it for the full enjoyment of this beautiful centerpiece um of our town um I'll mention that this draft was actually just finished on Friday so it is a prelimin Ary design it is not the final design it is a starting point design and as I'm sure the committee and councilwoman Snyder can share more details about um what specific trees what specific flowers and so forth um we can elaborate on that at a at a future point but we wanted to share with with everybody that um uh we'd like to start with veterans uh Park as a a kind of the starting point to uh see the Improvement in tre trees and shade um in Beach Haven I'm I'm going to pause uh Council woman Snider did you want to add anything else um well also uh Denise Hodes is here we've worked together so um on this um along with you Sally and you know as we all know this a Veterans Park is a a harsh climate so you can't just turn this into a you know downtown Philadelphia Park but I was very encouraged um in speak speaking with a landscape architect at Reynolds and with um a couple of experts on grass and sod that are local they know the climate they know the area they know what happens in this park and based upon that as you can see we we would suggest keeping it sort of the way it is now just adding some trees on the perimeter and in the area um where there is some grass now on the West Side uh so that between the benches there would be a tree so you could sit on the bench get some shade driving by the corners will be beautiful and um extending May putting in a um some picnic tables but under the picnic tables certainly putting them on grass wouldn't be fair to the public works department and because of the mowing situation and also underneath a picnic table the grass would die so you we would put um some kind of a surface below them with the benches keeping them in one area probably and then certainly either planting trees for shade around them or potentially some sort of a shade structure um around the flag pole which is very lonely we would beautify that below with some Stone and some plantings around it um giving the flag the respect it deserves um you know there are all kinds of we were the trees would be more of a London plain tree a juniper tree magnolia works well I mean I am not a dendrologist so I can't really you know you never know you know I mean everybody wants a Christmas tree a bigger tree down there for the tree lighting and you know as much as we'd all like a a blue spruce it just it might not work now we can try it and then we can see if it works but you know to spend it would be you know to spend a lot of money on a mature tree and then have it die in two years would be a shame right so you know possibly what some of the old um indigen indigenous cedar trees that we have here would be a beautiful um alternative and there is a type of Holly that does not shed very much that would also work well although I worry about the holly leaves on little kids bare feet um there are all kinds of um options we would probably take out those two rounded beds that you you see on the um Beach Avenue side and repurpose everything in those beds elsewhere um and plant some beautiful plantings around the gazebo so that it would um it just you know it looks it's sort of anyway it's it's on as slant as it is so it's it's hard to mow and it would it would actually work out well I think I think Chris would be happy with that um driving in on the Amber Street side it's proposed that we possibly extend the driveway there just to meet up with the walkway that comes in front of the bathrooms because now that that walkway is sort of to nowhere it's just floating so that that would be there and then just in um improving those beds the existing beds with improving the soil and planting a few trees along the back of the bathrooms and then just Inc you know beautifying those beds um there and planting possibly a couple trees to its right Mark Reynolds suggested trying a couple trees on the far East Side on the Atlantic side just to see if they grow certainly you wouldn't want to invest in a full row of trees until you find out you know you make make sure that um it's cost effective and that we can actually support you know the climate doesn't kill them so you know there are and again it's a draft proposal I know probably a lot of people are going to say like how can we have grass if you're going to have that Park you know first of all right now it's we can all agree I think it looks like a wasteland so I was encouraged as I said I spoke to um I don't know if you anyone's familiar with Nathan foot he owns Greenwood tree service and Homestead fence he's a local kid he knows the area he's unbelievably smart when it comes to grass and trees and right away he was like oh yeah you can definitely do it you know you need to have this grass all mixed together and and um you know you basically treat it as sort of much like the grass that is grown on a Turf Farm which he had a lot of great ideas so I was encouraged about that certainly we understand that this park in a storm we're parking there and all our emergency vehicles and that's understood um on the as you come in the W the drive-thru on Amber Street I would um put this the grass to the east would potentially be different than the grass to the west side because we know that cap needs to park there they they use that for parking on um Wednesday Concert Series in the summer so that's 12 nights a year and that's important to them and we wouldn't want to take that away we definitely want to keep our far our flea market and our craft show I spoke to the woman in charge of that and felt her out as to how she would feel about um the vendors not necessarily driving in but coming in and putting their tents up and utilizing that space certainly we could allow them to probably continue using that far east side with a vehicle and then the rest would just have to be vendors with tents that they have instead of bringing their car car in there they'd have to park you know on the street or we could have parking elsewhere and have them you know well that's something that we can figure out I don't think it's um a dealbreaker so um with that in mind I don't know Denise do you have anything else you'd like to add okay all right thank you um so the big question here is wait wait this is going to be expensive how are we going to pay for it um so we are looking into three different grants to apply for that are specifically for creating Community gathering places uh one of them is called New Jersey Green Acres uh there is another uh grant that um uh our grant writer is looking into and another one um called the small town Grant so we are researching grants we fully expect to apply for money uh from these grants um uh and then as well as and and also equally important raise money from the to from our our community uh through fundraising and donations we think that um folks will get excited about having a nicer Park and will want to contribute their their own dollars to to making that happen um with regards to timing this is not going to all happen in 2024 though of course with you know your approval we'd like to get started in 2024 and then that'll probably continue into 2025 if not even until later because of the schedule of when best to plant trees and the preparation of the the the land that is there now create you know fixing the irrigation and all of those things so we are going to rely on Experts to advise us on how best to do that but this will take um a multi-year process Sally should I speak to um the 501c3 now or okay maybe in a second yes thank you sorry all right great so uh the next category of improvements is related to The Parks themselves uh one thought or one existing ongoing initiative is to renovate the basketball courts on Nelson and Walsh um and I think that that is going to be fully funded by uh grant funding that has already been awarded we're super excited about that and the new basketball courts will look like the picture below that is not Beach Haven that is currently in mgate but we are trying to make the Beach Haven once look just as good if not better than that um additional shade at the playgrounds like already mentioned more bicycle racks at all the parks additional watering stations we all need to stay hydrated and a new um exciting idea about a new portable volleyball system which will not cost a lot of money but will allow some volleyball um at on the ground at Walsh which would increase the usage of that Park um uh as as one of the uh ideas brainstormed by the committee um then I'm gonna also say that in meeting with Chris Carson he did and say that the playground equipment that we have is nearing its end of its life so soon we will have to invest in paying for more playground equipment so the next idea is an allinclusive playground um that looks like this and it is well first of all what is an inclusive playground an inclusive playground is a playground where all children all people of all abilities can play together so people children with any disabilities children without any disabilities every child can play in this playground and that is what is the term inclusive um the state of New Jersey has an existing grant called Jake law and they are begging I mean encouraging nearly begging every municipality to ask apply for this grant to put in more inclusive playgrounds all over the state so we have asked um a rendering this is a rendering uh from one of the state approved vendors and they rendered uh Nelson uh Nelson playground um this is a sample of what it could look like again this is not final this is just to give us all a flavor for what this could be it would be all new playground equipment it would have new shade for these lovely playground equipment as well as new um the the turf or the the the ground cover so that if the kids fall they don't get hurt so um the grant we would apply for in February 2025 and we hope that the grant will still cover uh the same as 2024 which is 75% of the cost of the park with the 25% being needed to be covered by either the town or fundraising so any other means um but the cool thing about this is since we have to replace our playground equipment anyway at some point this kind of kills multiple I don't want to say killing birds with one stone but you get the idea of um applying for the grant and having Jake's law actually pay for the new playground equipment which we need to have done anyway um okay I think that is it for uh Jake law so we'll have more discussion about this throughout the year because we do need in order to apply for the grant need to have significant Community input so we'll likely gather up again either at Nelson or at Taylor more input from the community um about these kinds of playgrounds okay next up is pickle ball and Tennis um very popular sports um suggestions here include watering stations at the tennis courts new signage at tennis at the both courts uh Court barriers at uh the pickle ball courts more benches and an additional attendant at the pickle ball courts to manage better manage the flow um of of the folks and my understanding is that the cost of the additional attended um will will actually not increase the cost I should say of the total staff um that were spending on uh now okay uh next comes Bay improvements um second only to the beach the bay is the next most enjoyed feature of our town with 75% % of people indicating that they enjoy the bay um and 34% or 653 people say they really enjoy the dog beach um so our suggestions include fencing and a host station at the dog beach adding steps at the Pearl Street floating dock in order for easier access of those who use the kayak or the paddle board uh new kayak storage racks uh at Pearl Street um so that the kayakers can actually leave their kayak there and kayak again the next day um changing the slope of the boat ramp for better utilization adding transient boat slips at nin Street and um other uh Bay Beach improvements um at Fifth Street okay next up is bicycle safety um shout out that's my daughter on the bottom picture just wanted to show that she's wearing a helmet and she's driving on the right side of the bicycle lane so anyway we do need more Signs regarding the one way only um more education especially for visitors um in mailings websites social media um given to the bike rental companies um and more enforcement for speeding cars and cyclists um not following the rules so enlisting ideas about more education um from the kids in in our street I think we're going to try to make some Tik Tock videos about how to you know drive safely on the Beach Haven bicycle lanes and other things that young people watch and pay attention to uh not boring Flyers that that I might read um but we're gonna try to come up with some new uh engagement through social media to to just try to promote the rules of drive one way block your bikes etc etc um to prevent these accidents from happening um okay um are almost done uh events and marketing so um you might have seen a brand new uh Parks and Recreation map and guide that our committee worked on this is still in draft mode we are still seeking input um but the idea here is that we would have a flyer to show um where everything is um and while we here in the room know where everything is a lot of our renters or visitors do not know where everything is um and then also we want to um reemphasize the rules of the beach where to get the beach badges um you know the curfew and the quiet hours and the bicycling again and the gator program so all of this is in this flyer um and there also is a QR code because we have such great um events and concerts going on uh so this QR code would go back to the borough's website um the recreation page where they can read all about the details of the pickle ball fees or the tennis fees and then they could also see the calendar of events um so that's why there's this so that we don't have to reprint the U map time and time again um I'll also just admit to my very competitive nature we saw Long Beach townships like 10 page booklet and I you know was like okay each Haven got to have a nicer one than that so sorry um okay so that's the parks and Recreation mapping guide if the council has any feedback for us we would be happy to take it and incorporate that before the uh map is uh printed yes oh yes yes the distribution of this would be uh the real estate agents our um different businesses would have it as the bike rental companies kayak rental uh we would have it at all of the pickle ball tennis courts really um give it broadly to everyone but also make it available definitely on the web social media right letter to rers next year to renters yeah next next January yeah all right well then it's Avail well whatever whatever they get they will know that they will be made aware of this the quotes that we've received so far to print this is around 9 00 is this something that um Kitty and Colleen that you're proposing to be paid out of the Council budget well let Sally answer that yeah so we have um this design includes um some sponsors these are not real sponsors we just mocked up like how the logos would show up so we were um planning to seek uh sponsors to pay for the printing um I am so pleasantly surprised that that cost is at at that level under a thousand so I think we can discuss if there's more efficient ways to pay for it than than that but I mean we we can certainly seek sponsors to to get up to the Thousand for for this year we suggest printing 10,000 for summer 2024 um okay um we also have a potential new camp uh Camp organizer called Next Level ninja that we who might um apply to be in Beach Haven and that's the picture below that's having like the American Ninja Warriors camp uh in Beach Haven they would operate the whole Camp it would be zero cost to the burrow and only Revenue coming in um they would operate the whole the whole equipment um and it would be it would it's proposed to be at panzone Park only piloting it for summer 2024 if we like it great if you know we approve them for next year if it doesn't work out you know it only would be for the for the one year so um we hope that they'll uh push through with their application uh to to be located in Beach Haven as they were previously located uh successfully in Long Beach Township and the Long Beach Township folks recommended them to us okay third um idea here is that um we are proposing to hire a recreation and events coordinator that would be part of the borough staff uh to manage this overall Parks and Recreation program recruit um camp programs um recruit event organizers uh develop and manage other Recreation programs um and and I will say that I think Mary CLA is doing a phenomenal job doing a whole lot lot of things to respond to all of these Camp camps and event event people and so forth um so we certainly want to increase the capacity to do more um bring in more activities to the town but also bringing more Revenue to the town because these Camp organizers would pay to use our Parks so the that would be the the the goal of this person working primarily full-time in the summer sum and then part-time in the shoulder season to get ready for the upcoming summer um but certainly also to organize events for the shoulder season so that we can bring in more visitors um in that in that time period all right we're getting ready to talk about the most important thing how would we pay for all of these improvements um we certainly our goal is not to increase taxes um our goal is to provide the most um amount of new things make the best bang for our public bucks um so with that um our committee is committed to continue fundra to continue working and to continue fundraising to help pay for these types of programs and events such as you know our new Veterans Park design um and and other other things um and then I'm going to turn it over to councilwoman Snyder about uh the friends of B and the 501c3 and I know that mar mar to chime in anytime she'd like to help me out with this because I'm really proud of the fact that um we are now um able to say that we're in the process of setting up a 501c3 use your mic pull it a little closer we're in the process I'm very proud to say that we're in the process of setting up um I think I just can you hear me yeah uh a 501c3 status uh named the friends of Beach Haven and Beach Haven um thank you to Sher Sher and sa for working on this with me um one of it's one of the main reasons I ran for office to tell you the truth we've um establishing this 501c3 nonprofit status for Beach Haven will provide tax exemptions for donors uh which we have not been able to do before additionally uh this could affect our eligibility for Grants and hopefully increase our credibility when seeking donations we can actually ask for donations we can actually go out for our donations burrow can't do that um so it would um I I'm really excited about it I think that um and Margie can speak to it better than I can because she was very helpful helping us and helping our attorney be able to craft the bylaws so that they're fairly simple and um this way we could have a tree trust in within this 501c3 so that hopefully I think people will want to donate a tree and that way um it's just a much easier process than well anyway I'm very excited about it and Margie I'd like you to have anything you'd like to add to that yeah so what I'd like to add is I think it will have a big impact on our ability to get donations especially from you know some of the wealthy homeowners of you know if people are looking to donate $50 $100 maybe even 200 might be a what we had for benches you know it's nice to get the tax donation but it's not absolutely critical but we have a fair number as we've noticed some of the mega homes going up in Beach Haven the last five to 10 years of some you know people with a fair amount of wealth and many of those people have donor Direct Ed trusts and they can only contribute to 501c3 organization so this gives us a very useful tool to be able to say well gee you care about trees or you care about playground or whatever the specific interest of the individual may be here's a way for you to make that donation and and get the the tax break so I think it's uh worth setting up and it will be a vehicle that I think will get increasingly used over time you know we'll still need to kind of promote as as a committee and as constituents um who care about these things uh to get people to do it I I know there's tree trusts up near where my primary home is in Montgomery County and they've had a lot of donations coming in you know with the tax deductible contributions and they've been able to plant a lot of trees so even Beyond trees I I think it will be a a useful vehicle uh for us to be able to to achieve some of the fundraising we need to achieve thank you Margie additionally I spoke to um Sherry Mason last week um and she was uh I was very happy to hear that she had spoken to uh the woman that does our grant writing for us and she's believes that um a grant for a Rec Parks and Recreation Grant would be that we would might might be eligible for it because it could cover uh um Landscaping trees shade and irrigation so I'm really excited about that I think we're going to give it a whirl and see what happens right so that's it thank you um all right so next um this shows um our financial strategy for 2024 and want to just acknowledge uh don ctis in our committee who is uh uh our financial strategy wizard um who really you know got got all of us in in uh in the same page on this and uh so the bottom line is um that we could do all of the things that we just uh reviewed for um a small sum of money um and today um we are at requesting um additional budget allocation of $199,000 um uh I start with the with the uh with the conclusion so how did we get there um so first we want to um say we're grateful for the current budget allocation for parks of $150,000 in the 2024 budget uh revenue from the parks uh the current Revenue plus proposed increase in revenue from the different activities um and and fees would be $52,000 uh the sum total of the cost of the initiatives for 2024 totals up to 221,000 so subtracting that um has leaves us with um $19,000 still to fund um and that is what we are uh seeking the council's um approval on um the next level of detail is just to give you a sample of the research we've done on on how much things might cost these are just estimated numbers not of course final numbers but Mobi mats um up to 10,000 for the supplemental um mats Beach railings maybe 60,000 um the Veterans Park irrigation and preparation would be 60,000 uh improvements to add shade and tables and so forth to the playgrounds would be 50 um the B ball courts would be covered by the grant um additional bike racks we hope um Chris Carson and and his team could build uh the bay improvements would be 7,800 tennis and pickle ball improvements 3,200 hiring a recreation and events coordinator 30,000 um and the printing of the maps that um we would fundraise for or again it's $900 um so I'll I'll get to the next page and then I'll certainly be able to um a answer questions about this slide as well um another idea for 2025 um is uh so in doing an Margie and and the subcommittee did research on beach badge fees all over LBI and we found that Beach Haven has the lowest Beach badge fee that is the um item that is highlighted or with Red Red Square so um Beach Haven uh inseason fee is 40 whereas Long Beach Township and surf cities uh in season fees are $50 so for 2025 we would propose making Beach Havens seasonal Beach badge fees to be on par with the other towns on LBI to be at $50 um per season and this will bring an additional $100,000 per year to fund the Park and Recreation improvements uh to come and let me just say that I know that probably what council members are thinking that we can't that money isn't going to be directly given to Parks and Recreation but it's just to offset the costs throughout the town it's just a proposal yeah okay uh moving on um so one of the other things that came out from the survey is that the residents wanted more of a differentiation between how much the residents paid for fees versus how much visitors uh paid for fees so in considering that sentiment but also just doing some more fine-tuning of the math um the subcommittee focused on this Margie and others um then calculated and would and we are proposing an increase in the tennis and pickle ball fees for uh daily passes and nonresident passes that would bring us an additional $9 to 122,000 in Revenue so the resident season pass would actually go down to $80 uh this is with verification that they are indeed residents but the nonresident would go up to $120 and the daily fee would be1 um additionally uh policy changes include daily passes for pickle ball uh to be given only after 10: a.m. tennis clinics and lessons to be uh done only after 12: noon and um as previously mentioned an additional pickle ball staff member Sally if I could just add in it's Marie yes so it's also important to understand that the context of the daily passes not being sold until 10 a.m I know the council has heard pleas about the crowding at the pickleball court so we understand we have to find a different way to solve that than to uh come back and and uh talk about more courts and so we looked at many different options uh to do that to and what we're doing here is spreading out the play more uh what happens right now is the Courts open at 8:00 a.m. and most of the season pass holders who want to play that day show up right before 8:00 a.m. to get started early and then daily people who purchase daily passes many of them are coming from up the island or maybe they're just visiting a friend for the day we have weekly passes that a lot of the renters will get and we're not proposing making any changes with that and so the the daily residents show up and add on to the 30 or 35 um season passholders who are already there very early and on certain days we have sold as many as 50 daily passes so you take the you know 30 people that show up early and you add 50 and you know not all 80 are there at the exact same time some will come and go and but you know there there are times when the total number of people waiting to play can be as high as 25 to 30 so it really creates it's an experience that that our residents um in Beach Haven don't like and especially knowing that a lot of the players are non-residents so increase the fee for the non-residents to give you know some preferential treatment to our residents and then space out those that are coming for just daily play if they show up at 10 that's when a lot of the weekly pass or the season passes are starting to leave around then you're spacing them out and and this is done at other places uh and it work pretty well and then you'll have the daily pass players who may be staying till noon or 1 whereas right now by the time you get to noon the place is almost empty and um so that's the rationale for that and um you know the tennis and Clinics and lessons because the tennis courts are extensively utilized in the morning so holding off on those until afternoon really gives the um preference to uh those who are you know looking to reserve courts so I'll stop at that thanks Margie okay so um basically to just summarize the uh request that we have for Council it is to uh first again allow us to continue our Parks and Recreation committee um to um and allow us to just continue doing the work that we have started doing um formalizing um the recommendations of beach access and improvements Park improvements the bay um and then the events um approving the new role of a recreation and events coordinator uh supporting uh the ongoing implementation uh of the friends of Beach Haven 501c3 to receive donations adjusting uh the seasonal B considering the adjustment of the seasonal badge fees um uh so that would bring about $100,000 in additional Revenue to the town and also evaluating the open space tax referendum um that has successfully been uh utilized uh by other towns um so I mean that's a lot and and I think you know there's a lot of priorities that the council has and so you know why Parks why why this um and and I think it's uh really that Beach Haven Beach and Bay and Parks brings families and our whole Community together it attracts visitors um to our town that then boosts our economy it promotes health and wellness and a really you know active lifestyle uh planting trees supports climate resiliency and it makes the lasting memories that we all are are here for so with that um thank you very much for your attention and I would like to invite the rest of the committee who's on zoom in here to help answer the questions that may now come up from from the council and the public thank you thank you thank you [Applause] Sally I would like to mention I mean Sally an outstanding presentation as always we also have Denise hodus Jack Garland Jen thinon in the room and I know obviously Margie mcclin and Don cxus online and I'm sure there are other I just can't see them so um tremendous amount of work went into this thank you all very very much yeah I can't see anybody who's online so I don't mean to slight anybody but thank you all so much thank you thank you does anybody have any questions yeah I mean why don't we I open the floor to questions right now before we continue oh I'm sorry I I talk so loudly so I well open the floor to questions for people that are on Zoom or in the audience if they want to we have so many people from the park committee here that could answer the questions um so is there anybody that would like to ask a question U you need to come for for and say your name and address thank and speak into the microphone perfect uh Kathy Riley 200 Berkeley Avenue I do not have any questions I just want to say thank you I mean speak microphone uh the survey I can only imagine the amount of volunteer hours everybody did I can only imagine um the cost it would be if we had to hire somebody of your expertise so as somebody who has lived here for over 35 years I presently have 12 grandchild that are utilizing the playgrounds here and the parks um and the beaches um thank you very much thank you K thank you anybody on Zoom like to speak no anybody else in the audience here would like to ask a question or make a comment I I I want to make a comment um when this initially got started we had looked into hiring Consultants to help us with this and so Sally has done so much and all of you that were on the committee it was a amazing committee I was you know trying to follow it and everybody that worked hard on the committee really contributed a lot and and so you can Pat yourselves in the back because you saved the burough quite a bit money by not having to hire a consultant and I want to thank um Colleen and kitty for um uh being the council Representatives on the committee and they did a great job thank you very much well thank you for approving the committee I forgot to say that oh John would you like to speak come forward John Halper 319 Fairview Avenue Beach Haven again I would like like to thank the committee for all their hard work uh it was it had to be an amazing undertaking uh when I when I reviewed the slides something struck me and and maybe this is something the committee could look at in fut deliberations uh regarding the the money first of all as mayor Davis knows we've tried unsuccessfully in Beach Haven for the Green Acres open space tax uh and we know it's a 50% match from from state government maybe when we evaluate what other towns are doing maybe we could see how they put that referendum together and make it more so it's more earmarked for specific purpose you know whether it's planting trees at Veterans Park or or or whatever but just make sure it's so narrowly focused that maybe it be more an enticement for the voters to to recognize something the of of value um my other comment as opposed to uh fees uh as you know uh in 2023 we did increase the tennis and pickle ball fees and I I remember some of the conversation was let's do it and see what the impact is so maybe we should measure that impact in terms of additional Revenue coming in before we increase it a second time that that's that's only thought I had and with the with the beach badge fees um I think the committee was absolutely correct we are we we charge the lowest of any other town but I also think in Beach Haven we have an Enforcement issue that that has to go hand in hand with the beach badge fees uh for example Surf City which has a lot less beachgoers than Beach Haven took it when I read in the paper took in over $800,000 in collecting Beach batch fees and I believe we're at the 500,000 range so that that impact which is very conservative by the committee of $100,000 I believe with greater enforcement could be even even greater thanks John some good comments but you have to remember that a lot of people from being a hawen don't want to drive all the way to Beach Haven they just want to go over the bridge and get on the beach so that's one of the reasons you see Surf City and Ship Bottom with higher revenues okay thank you thank you but Nancy I would just reinforce his point because we had discussion in our committee that we all know people who don't buy Beach badges because they said they never get checked and I might be married to one of them um I I buy them though so he's trouble yes I am but anyway I I do think that you know if I think of all the times I sat on the beach this summer I I think maybe once I saw a beach badge Checker at Fairview come close to me now I don't sit there all day long but still and so I do think especially as we raise the fees it's important to make sure that we're hitting all of the beaches periodically I don't expect every day there's a beach bad checker on every Beach because otherwise people are just going to say I'm not going to bother if they come and harass me that I'll go by I totally agree I've been harping about this for years but uh yeah so we can look at that again anybody else if nobody else I'm going to close the floor and we'll get on to the regular business of our meeting thank you thank you all right before I jump into the burrow manager's report I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate Mary Clair bunts for successfully passing the registered Municipal Clerk's exam this is no easy feat Mary CLA began this journey nearly five years ago culminating in a comprehensive and exhausting 300 point State administered exam in Trenton in the months leading up to this exam me cry she dedicated countless hours day and night to mastering the 375 page Clerk's law book covering topics such as local government structure the office of the municipal clerk secretary to the governing body records Management Open public records act elections licenses and permits Municipal land use law local public contracts law Bond ordinances local budget and fiscal Affairs and miscellaneous which covers an additional 20 duties of thep the municipal clerk in attending conferences with clerks from Delaware DC Maryland Pennsylvania Virginia and West Virginia I was shocked to discover that New Jersey is the only state from amongst them that trains and certifies their Municipal clerks to uniformly apply the law at the local level lucky you lucky us to have Mary CLA in the clerk's office she's a dedicated thorough and compassionate teammate please take a moment to congratulate her when you see her job Mary Claire that's wonderful all right cash receipts in the current fund account for the period of January 1st through January 31st 2024 were 2, 563,000 64 cash dispersements in the current fund account for the month of January totaled 3, 63983 2.78 cash receipts in the water utility account for the period of January 1st to January 31st 2024 were 42442 187 Cash dispersements In The Water Utility account for the month of January totaled $175,300 cash receipts in the sewer utility account for the period of January 1st to January 31st were $ 31,34 180 and cash dispersements in the sewer utility account for the month of January total $ 20, 8948 submitted by our Treasurer Sherie bowler this evening we have ordinance 2024 2C an ordinance amending chapter 212 zoning section 21 permitted modifications and exceptions in the buau code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to remove exceptions to yard width within the Burrow Beach Haven in all zones except the historic district first reading and this is first reading so there's no public comment uh do I have a motion to approve uh this particular ordinance I'll make the motion I will second it Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snyder yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2020 43c an ordinance amending chapter 134 noise Section 3 noise prohibitions enumerated exceptions in the burrow code of the burough Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to prohibit construction and Landscaping on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day first reading again the same thing but maybe we should have included Easter day as well well I just um I did send the council the Township's list of dates and it was new Year's Day Labor Day Memorial Day and July 4th in addition to Thanksgiving and Christmas Day okay and Easter's on a Sunday so it doesn't matter yeah it is on a Sunday that's correct okay well I I guess we'll just leave it as it is and move forward um we can amend it again if it gets bad is there a motion to approve motion to approve second thank you Mrs Paul Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider no mayor Davis yes ordinance 20244 C an ordinance amending chapter 167 site plan review of the burrow code of the burough Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to require applicants to apply for architectural advisory committee review prior to site plan review in some instances first reading again is our motion to approve this I'll make a motion your a second second it Mrs F Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes all matters list listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditure are supported by a certification of availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and disc discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes resolution 33 is approving the certified list of eligibles for the 2023 loap the Beach Haven first aid Squad 38 returning piling bonds 43 is authorizing an increase to the annual loap contributions if you remember last year we adopted an ordinance that allowed us to increase by uh the cost of living increase um automatically annually this is the resolution that will do that it put it in effect resolution 45 amending our shared service agreement for construction code enforcement Services schedule a b and c we have come to an agreement we are committing to a 2% increase um over the next three years to 2026 for our services to the towns within the inter local 46 amending an employment agreement between the burough Beach Haven and sha mcot the construction official 47 reappointing Robert Chambers as assistant Deputy Emergency Management coordinator 49 is acknowledging the hiring of a mechanics helper for the Department of Public Works 50 is awarding a contract to Barlo Buick GMC and approving an the expenditure in the amount not to exceed 66,000 for the purchase of a 2024 GMC Sierra for the water utility 51 is clarifying the 2024 Professional Services appointments for prosecutor 52 is authorizing the execution of an agreement by and between the burough Beach Haven and Stockton University's Coastal Research Center to conduct a follow-up nuisance flood study they did the um nuisance flood study prior to us implementing the uh pump stations we're going to go back and and do a follow-up nuisance flood study and actually evaluate the data to the pre Pump Station data and see how we're doing 53 authorizing an executive session to discuss onlo ongoing litigation beaven Automotive Inc versus burough beachaven 54 authorizing the execution of a right of entry for temporary work area by in between the burough Beach Haven and the stat state of New Jersey this is an agreement between us and the state de to allow them to have some staging areas at Nelson and Taylor at venue for equipment when the beach uh renourishment project begins 55s approving change order number two dated January 25th 2024 for the 2020 stormwater Pump Station project this is actually a deduction in cost in about for about $80,000 56 is authorizing to advertise for bids for the 2024 storm waterer drainage project angleside and West Avenues 57 authorizing to advertise for bids for the 2023 DOT road reconstruction project Fifth Street from Bay Avenue to the ocean front 58 authorizing to advertise for bids for the 2024 Delaware Avenue curban sidewalk project we're looking to install curban sidewalk along um very heavily traveled area of Delaware Avenue all the residents know that that's a hot spot uh we want to get the pedestrians off the street 59 permitting sidewalk sales 60 opposing A4 s50 overhauling the Fair Housing Act 61 authorizing to advertise for bids for the 2024 basketball Improvement project Nelson Avenue Park and Walsh field 62 authorizing police participation in the 2024 National priority safety program which is copson shops 63 authorizing application for the 2024 Community Development block grant this is what we discussed earlier the um grant for the additional Kabota and Ada curb Cuts 64 is cancelling Water and Sewer charges 65 is cancelling additional sewer charges 66 is adopting long awaited well done Jamie advisory um business district design standards 67 is budget transfers 68 awarding a contract to Corin Maine for the Water and Sewer Department bids uh Parts I'm sorry 69 authorizing to advertise for bids for the 2024 handrail Parts Beach entrances and finally number 70 approving membership to the beach Haven volunteer car fire company for the first Junior member Colin marosi congratulations um does anybody want to take any of these um resolutions off for further discussion um I need to take off 52 um okay to vote separately on that yes okay so is there a motion to approve the resolutions with the exception of 52 I'll make a motion I especially like to say thank you to Jamie for working so hard on those uh the business district design guidelines or standards great job is there a second to the motion I'll second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes resolution 52 2024 authorizing the execution of an agreement by and between the burough Beach Haven and stocked University's Coastal Research Center to conduct a nuisance flood study I have to recuse myself from this uh vote so there's no discussion just I can't vote do I have a motion I'll make a motion I'll second Mrs PA Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes and Nancy you're abstaining yes thank you okay I have a bill list this evening in the amount of 1,267 n354 is there a motion to approve the bills so moved is there a second second Mrs biller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes that's all I have mayor so we have no General discussion items listed is there anybody on Council that would like to bring anything up in the special discussion otherwise we'll just move to public comments nothing okay so I'm opening the floor to public comments that includes anybody on Zoom uh if you want to speak to anything uh you just need to walk up here state your name and address and um we'll listen folks on Zoom if you'd like to be heard you can raise an electronic hand and we'll call on you is there anybody in the audience that would like to speak uh is there anybody on Oh Come forward Adam Elder far chief j h South bayad uh first thing is I just really wanted to thank you guys um having our first Junior join it's fantastic and I think that we're gonna have a lot more joining after this uh he seems very excited um and I'm looking forward to working with him and any other young people that want to join the Fire Company but I really appreciate you guys working with the fire company and helping us with our Recruitment and Retention um the second thing is uh something that came up last year um right about this time last year the mayor and Council you guys helped us with our Sirens with pagers we were having them installed last February I know there's always been push back from the community about having the sirens in place but um as most of you guys know about a couple weeks ago we had a Verizon outage for about two and a half days and people that were relying on the cell phone apps as I've said before weren't able to use that for notification purposes what we did have in place was the pagers and the sirens if we needed them um the agreement that we had through the last year with the Sirens being off at night unless it's been a structur fire I think is definitely quieted down the town I think a lot of people appreciate it and I appreciate you guys for working with myself and the fire company on these things so thank you very much thank you Chief before you leave because I was going to bring it up but we have a big event next Saturday right we do we have turkey dinner coming up on Saturday so hopefully we'll see all of you guys and everyone from the town there um probably one of our biggest fundraisers so looking forward to it I'll be cooking turkey so probably won't see many people well it's gonna be a long day for me but hopefully everyone comes out thank you there anybody else uh anybody on Zoom nobody on Zoom is there anybody else in the audience here that would like to speak all right so um oh okay John got to put your hand up faster before I start closing the floor I just had a second thoughts John H 319 fairw Avenue regarding the uh the noise ordinance that that was introduced uh I think I overheard it being considered that maybe we should add more holidays to what's included uh similar to what Long Beach Township is doing if that's the case will this ordinance be reintroduced if we did it would have to be we'd have to add those holidays so we we can do that very easily if that if everybody wants to do that all right thank you all right thank you uh so any again one two three four I'm closing the floor to public comments and uh that bring us brings us to uh the final remarks by Council uh and then we will go into executive session after that and of course we will reconvene to adjourn so um I don't know who wants to start today Colleen um I just want to thank the parks and Rex special shout out Sally and everybody who's here and online thank you so much ton of work went into it and did an excellent job um I also want to congratulate the uh Beach Haven Library staff and the Board of Trustees they had their first um centennial celebration the other day very very well attended and it happened to um piggyback on a 40th anniversary celebration for one of our employees and I asked Sherry we're not sure how many other 40y year employees the has but it really was something and I know she was grateful and if you haven't gotten over to the library yet please get there and other than that U as I you know the chief the the fireman stand are always very very popular this is like how many years yeah amazing and last of all happy Valentine's Day thank you thank you kitty um again sorry to be redundant but just thank you to everyone on the parks and rec Comm committee thank you to mayor uh Davis for um allowing us to form a committee I think that it's been you know when it first started with so many people and we had a lot of uh naysayers but I think we've proven that we've been an effective and um well run diverse group that we've done a lot of good work and hopefully uh Council will support our efforts in the near future and down the road especially for to Sally for her not only her generosity about her time and her family letting her do it really appreciate it thank you so so much uh turkey dinner everybody get out there bring your pocketbooks and uh and donate um Holy Innocence is having their fundraiser um tomorrow night their F Tuesday fundraiser pancake dinner to especially to raise money for their park uh their playground so if you have nothing else to do and you want to bring the family it's from 5: to 8 and um it's at Holy Innocence thank you very much uh By I guess I'll keep it short everybody covered just about everything else uh Happy Valentine's Day and see you at the turkey dinner Jamie um just wanted to say thank you to the parks and rec committee I know it's a it's a very time consuming agenda that you took upon yourself so I I appreciate your all of your volunteer work and also congratulations to Mary Claire yes on your H big accomplishment and that's it I like going last as youve said everything so I'll see everybody on Saturday at the turkey dinner I like m we'll keep it short because everybody said any everything I wanted to say uh but again I want to thank the parks committee for putting so much energy in this and we we had a very diverse group and um I I feel so positive about it I think our Parks do Define Beach Haven they're they're special I mean we've got a beautiful beaches and Bays but we have more Parks than any other municipality on the island we we really do and uh and we want to keep them beautiful and and we want to see them well utilized so thank you very much and with that um I guess we'll all go into correct we're g to go into executive session I anticipate being in the exe executive session about 45 minutes um no formal action will be taken in the executive session and no formal action will be taken after the executive session we will be back to adjourn thank you like ation to motion to adjourn second speak