she is she's um a meeting with the fire department right now okay well then I won't go out ask something anything Up Is Down e e e Cherry has yeah [Music] yepy okay pull your microphone closer hello everyone thank you for coming uh it is four o'clock and uh today uh is May 30th 4M and um Miss Lambert is going to lead our flag salute he's rise FL flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible person to the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burough website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press in the Press of Atlantic City Mrs Paul Miller here miss Lambert here Mr mcaffrey here miss Snider here mayor Davis here on the agenda for this evening we are required to hold a public hearing on uh a proposal that we've received oh she available just to let the public know by Statute we have to have a transcript of this section of the meeting so there was a court reporter who is online virtually so we just want to ensure that the court reporter um knows that this is the portion of the meeting to be transcribed thank you so in accordance with the New Jersey Supply public private Contracting act the buau solicited um request for proposals for long-term Perpetual full service maintenance and asset management um from a firm that have has integrated maintenance and Professional Services for water storage vessels for which the burrow has two so we have a concrete Reservoir and we have an elevated steel tank so both of those assets would be under this contract so in The Proposal um the executive summary for the proposal that we're looking to award to was by utility Service Group Water Solutions LLC it's a company called USG water solutions they are they manage critical assets and have been doing so for over 50 years they have 11 11 service centers 120 active Crews 470 employees and they protect and serve 8,000 assets like this nationally under the company profile they have a Georgia headquarters um they are financially stable and they offer a work guarantee and they have certified field Personnel under Key Personnel um service capabilities and techn technological resources they offer Engineering Services for the work that we will need certified inspectors wash out Crews painting Crews repair and service equipment and we do have a local um water system consultant in New Jersey um and they have considerable Insurance resources to protect their work under safety health and quality assurance they have a Rob robust health and safety training program for their employees and contractors safe work planning and PPE use environmental health training quality assurance for their work under asset and risk management they offer uh they analyze aging infrastructure and offer proactive maintenance life cycle of an asset can be indefinite if maintained properly it increases the sustainability of our water system so under the maintenance program Beach Haven would retain ownership of these assets but it would streamline our business model as they offer Engineering Services legal compliance um condition assessment preventative maintenance painting they would also provide Emergency Services security Waste Management active mixing systems and site management including the cell carriers and the the antennas that are on the tower they would also manage the removal or upgrade or replacement of those um under scope of work and pricing they are spreading the costs over a period of time um they have uh the initial first five years of a 20year contract includes um some initial renovation costs so year one through four for the reservoir tank uh would cost the burrow about 343,000 per year for the first four years for that initial renovation of the reservoir tank after that our maintenance costs would would dip to 36,900 in year five and then they're limited to an escalation of 5% per year in year 20 the maintenance cost per year for the burrow would be $2,188 so that's a significant cost savings for us over the years as maintenance and repair and emergency response engineering is on the contractor the elevated red tank the initial renovation would cover years two through five of the contract for 413,000 per year years two through five and then year six would be at 56,3 4 through year 20 at the same 5% escalation 991,00 634 th000 for year 20 so we did look at their client references long Beach Township has five um water service assets through this company Hamilton Township has three and barn also has two um the burrow expects this firm to continue providing Services Beyond year 20 as well um with exterior Coatings overcoats Renovations inspections um this uh contract also when we have to be clear for the public hearing that there is no concession fee that the contractor is offering the burough Beach Haven there's no monetary benefit that is being paid to the public entity from this contractor so the next step after this public hearing about this proposed long-term Asset Management contract is that we will apply to the local Finance board we will apply to uh the Board of Public Utilities and also the D Bureau of Safe Drinking Water for final approval before can enter into a contract of this size so at this time I'll answer any questions from Council on the proposed um agreement and I do have a draft contract that we have drafted with our attorney and then we'll open it up to the public with any questions in addition the public will have seven days from the close of the hearing today to submit any written statements you'd like us to include in the record which will then be sent to the local Finance board as part of this application no I've sat in on a meeting before and it so involved our water system far more than I ever realized and I think this is probably the way to go important um I listen Nancy um I think um it'll say we can hear you you can't hear me hold on I'm not muted go ahead try now can you hear me yeah that's better okay okay I I just want to say that I have talked to Sher about this and looked at it and it appears it's going to save if you compare that what we've spent on this system over the years and and the constant maintenance it it it certainly appears that will save the burrow money that's all I have to say so I think it's a good thing thank you thank you Nancy thank you you're welcome any member of the public wish to be heard on this during this public hearing for this agreement come on up come to the there's one in the back and then you can come on up state your name and address for the record good afternoon Bob mohall 121 7th Street Beach Haven can you spell your last name for the court reporter m u l h a l sorry my GL I LIF my prescriptions at home that's okay uh I want to thank you all for what you guys do for this great town my question is and it just wasn't covered but I'm sure thought about is there a performance bond attached to this supplier that in the event failure of any sort due to him We're covered absolutely okay that was it thank you thank you good question sir you state your name and address yes hi Joel score one Center Street unit number 17 you could spell your last name for the SK L A R thank you and hopefully a simple question I was just curious um does this type of thing typically get paid out of the general tax revenues or I know we get a separate like water bill and sewer bill is it uh is it paid for out of the uh that's the separate allocation for water and sewer I believe that the initial repairs uh the substantial amounts to 300 400,000 in the first one through five years will be um paid through long-term financing and then the maintenance amounts annually would be covered under our operating budget and I don't think we are anticipating any rate increase okay right but how is it funded how is your operating budget funded is it through the separate assessments for it's through our normal water rents that you're existing that you're already paying okay thank you you're welcome thank you very much would anyone else anyone on Zoom yes Amanda Burton hi um I agree with what's been said thank you for looking into this and for all that you st your name and address for the sorry Amanda Burton 218 Amber Street Beach Haven um so I I agree with what's been said um thank you for all you do and not just on this but um for all the work you do for Council I just had a question um it seems Beach Haven's water is pretty hard I don't know if it's possible or if that's part of what's going into this or if you've already covered my question but is it possible for them to make the water less hard take into account any of the um additional chemicals that are in the water is there anything like that that they would do whoever's going to maintain the water I'm not familiar with that but I can uh talk to our licensed operator Amanda and I can send you an email let you know what I found out oh thanks so much thank you anyone else on Zoom no no okay that's it okay at this time we will close the floor for the public hearing and move on to the next item of the agenda right and the court reporter can be excuse now thank you thank you I have minutes for approval without formal reading of April 25th 20124 agenda meeting so moved motion to approve the minutes a second thank you all in favor I hi motion approved ordinance 2024 13c an ordinance amending the code of the burough of Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to create to amend chapter 45 I'm sorry um an ordinance amending the code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 45 alcoholic beverages section 10 prohibiting teen nights within the buau final reading since this is a final reading um we will open the floor to public comment at this time so please if you come if you're in the room please come up to the microphone one at a time state your name an address and raise an electronic hand if you'd like to speak thank you please limit your comments to three minutes yeah anyone in person okay come on up good good evening good afternoon uh my name is Frank belli you want my resident address or matter okay 12 East Calvary Drive New City New York and I have two homes here in Beach Haven okay um I'm here tonight to talk about this resolution uh I I really give you guys a lot of credit I appreciate all your work I served 16 years at on my town board in New York I just retired the end of last year and I know all the work you go into what you do and I know it's a thankless job so thank you I'm not here to attack you or just just to say what I'm I'm thinking about this resolution so as I understand the teen night uh resolution that you have before you you it's to take effect this year and I know when we at least my experience whenever we had any kind of resolution that was going to negatively affect the business we try to give them an opportunity to kind of phase it in if you will and again I actually introduced a resolution in New York based on what you did here in Beach Haven we did the outdoor seating so I thought that was such a great idea and we did it and it helped our businesses again your businesses here in town whether it be the bars the restaurants the shops they're your Lifeline right the taxes that come in is what really offset all the Resident taxes so I I I look at this again I don't think it's a great idea I understand the concerns I have three daughters they all went to the teen nights I didn't like when they went I know some of the stuff that goes on is you know less than perfect but I also was a teenager myself down here and we did what we did on the beach because we didn't go to the te night so we all know that happens the things that we don't want to have happen but I think sometimes it's better in a controlled environment like in a in a restaurant where there's somebody watching over and you and again the police know about it they're outside we kind of keep an eye on it but my point to you tonight is if you're going to adopt this which I again would probably speak against I understand you have your reasons and whatever they may be but if you are going to do it try to be kind at least reasonable about it in terms of how you implement it maybe maybe amendment to reflect the date you have for June 19th of this year to give this particular facility restaurant uh bar an opportunity to have other entertainment do other things there there that they wouldn't otherwise have at this late date so that that's really what I want to ask you guys if you could consider tonight thank you for your time thank you very much anyone on Zoom no anyone else Mr Cunningham there's someone behind Scott Cunningham 6 Street uh teen night teite had his place 30 years ago this one children could ride their bicycles or walk there that was a beautiful thing they're busting them in now from out of County out of state um we're bringing in children without their parents I mean you get gangs of kids on the street what's going to happen remember 7-Eleven last year year and the year before you get that many children on the street we have problems um on te night I have to defend my property a sad day to say that in Beach Haven I'm right in the middle between thir n9th Street and Center Street um the bar teen night whatever only holds so many children U what's really killing the whole thing is the internet social media you get a couple thousand kids on social media and dingo they're all in Beach Haven and the facility can only handle so many children I mean um it's not like it was 30 years ago where they rode their bicycles from Beach Haven Terrace or Holgate we all walk there this is um a different animal their parents drop them off we have a bus system that takes them right into town they're running buses out of town out of County and out of state to come here it's not just teen night we have to stop the influx of teenagers got to remember our our great wonderful Governor there's nothing you can do to them they taunt our police officers when I was a kid you did that you got a good beating went home and got a second beating um Chief marowski he's our number one safety officer he and I don't always see eye to eye on a lot of subjects um he says no they'll overrun the town there's not enough police officers to defend our town uh finally I pay the same tax rate as people that live south of Pearl Street I deserve the same respect quiet and quality of life everyone in Beach Haven does I mean just because I live up in the center of the business district doesn't mean I don't deserve this um I'm friends with everybody that's involved on both sides of the fence here um I don't want to make any but we have a problem with teenagers there's nothing we can do to them our governor has says so and there's a brain dead human being I mean they should be taken out and tried and their parents should be thrown in jail but we can't do that thank you very much thank you very much time's up thank you Scott anyone else in the audience no one on Zoom yeah we have one more on Zoom okay you want to go for Paul Paul Sullivan uh yes uh my name is Paul Sullivan uh I live at 126 glendola um so uh I'm not in favor of teen Knight um I'm a lifelong resident of Long Beach Island I was raised on 83rd Street um I moved to 9th Street um as an adult and I now live on glendola Avenue um I think the prior gentleman said it best uh Beach Haven has been overrun at times by uh teenagers um frankly probably not by Beach Haven teenagers but by many of the teenagers who travel from other parts of Long Beach Island or the mainland um I uh I mov from Ninth Street to glendola Avenue primarily because 9th Street was overrun um it was tragic uh I moved from Ninth Street from Neighbors uh that my wife and I and our children very much enjoyed uh but acts of kids night after night uh would travel up and down the street loud uh leaving trash uh um and things that I wouldn't mention publicly uh or over a zoom in our trash cans uh motoring through neighbors yards when we would politely ask them to lower their voices or not loer the things that they would say back to us uh when the police on their bicycles would stop them uh the abuse that they would endure was second to none and because I have three minutes I'll finish by uh sharing with uh the audience what happened just in Wildwood this past weekend the New Jersey Shore Community of Wildwood closed its popular Boardwalk for a few hours early Sunday after hordes of unruly undisciplined teens descended on the walkway local officials said police shut down the boardwalk to the public just after midnight because of receiving a number of complaints about extremely large number of of young adults and juveniles visiting the boardwalk for Memorial Day weekend the summer hasn't even begun folks a statement from authorities said City officials did not site specific incident so there wasn't even an incident that led them to shut down the boardwalk but claimed that cops were addressing civil unrest conditions began to deteriorate despite the presence of efforts by local police officers and multiple Mutual Aid law enforcement agencies the state the statement adds Wildwood mayor Ernie can't pronounce his last name said the city had declared a state of emergency which allows it to send abnormally large presence to the area I arrest my case thank you very much good evening my name is William bar and I live at 100 Northwest Avenue Beach Haven um if you're going to limit me to 3 minutes uh that's not possible this is something that directly impacts my business and another business that's here so if you're going to wave the three minute rule then I'm happy to speak to you tonight but if you're not going to wave it then we're going to have to take a different route that again so I need I need more than three minutes well um I guess everyone else speaks you could speak again then I'll come back okay okay anyone else in in the room I Jacob 315 iroy I think it's time for us to support our chief of police um we can't keep the kids under control last summer when I was driving through town and I I didn't realize it was teen night I was like who are these thousands of children lined up on the on the sidewalk how can have somebody pulled out a weapon I mean we're so lucky that nothing like that has happened but it's it's possible a 16-year-old girl or boy does not belong in a bar because it's just um they drink before they go so why do we want these children in our town sure some of the kids that live here go but most of the kids are Out of Towners at least from what people have said I can't vouch for that but I think it's time to get over the te night there used to be so much trouble when it was at the catch and it never ended it didn't end until burden betties came you know the the cops coming and all that so I think it's just time just to get rid of teen night so our town can be normal again because it's busy enough as it is like Scotty Bob said town he has to protect his property and he's not the only business owner in Beach Haven that has to that has to protect their property at night and it's not just te night it's every night and like this past weekend you know a local business person I know said you know the people are just sitting at their property and there's no need for them to be there kids hanging out so I just think it's time to get rid of teite and I don't think you know why do we why should we postpone it for another year I think now is the time thank you thank you very much we have someone on Zoom have to Lisa [Music] hi uh thank you for allowing me to speak and thank you all for your for your time I uh am not state your name and address for the record please yes my name is Lisa Lane and I'm at 900 North Delaware Avenue I live basically in the parking lot of Bay Village the beauty of a of a teen KN to me is that the mob from Bay Village is at least separated when there's no teen night there are mobs of kids by the hundreds it is frightening to live here at least 25 kids a night urinate on my fence there are fireworks blowing up the police have no control at least if they're they're going to other locations our mob is smaller here and if they're at the catch isn't the catch responsible for what's going on on inside of that facility and is there a way for them to maintain control of the kids at that juncture because here the the police are unable to do anything because of Murphy and I will say it is absolutely frightening to live here and to watch what goes on so I I don't think teite is a great thing but at least it separates the mob something has to be done maybe there's another way to entertain these kids but the one day there's going to be a shooting or something awful here it's just a matter of time in my opinion and thanks for listening thank you very much hi my name's Melissa burelli 12 East Cavalry Drive Frank my husband just spoke I wasn't going to speak until I heard that everything was blamed on te night I want to reiterate last conversation it's not all it's not about team night last year every single night Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday at least 50 kids on the end of my block playing music till 1:30 in the morning the police came I know that their hands are tied so I know they can't control this many people I even had spoke to some of the kids and said you know you better leave you're going to get in trouble the police are here and they're like no no no we get away with it all the time I know they can't help it but I'm gonna tell you right now it has nothing to do with te night yes maybe a little but not they're here every night every night I had to call the police three times I've never called the police on anybody I have three daughters we've all had have had parties had people over I know what it's like to have teenagers and honestly they're not all busted in because my cousin has a house down here and their kids who are teens told me all the kids that text each other live down here they know them all they work down here they live down here so getting rid of tinut I agree is wrong because they need a place for all those people to go it's not it's every night every night this happens so we need a place for the kids to go and have a good time because otherwise there's nowhere for that age group to go I remember when my kids were little we went to fannyy Island now they're over 21 so they go to the bars but that age they have nothing to do so I don't know why in the past couple of years it's been a big problem at congregate because teen night's been around for as long as I remember my kids were 14 and they're 29 26 and 24 so there's a bigger problem and to hurt businesses just because you're blaming you're blaming everything on teen night is really wrong people are trying to make a business down here this is what we thrive on down here is all the business being open and if they have a place to go then at least they're congregated there's police outside hopefully they'll they can get more security and things like that I wish they were all away from my buck but they're there every night every night last year we we we every neighbor on my block had a call like at least one night it didn't make a difference they came back they came back the next night because they didn't get in trouble and I don't know you I know they can't give 500 kids but I was there I got abused from some of these kids I was like you guys better get away you're going to get in trouble and they were being treated as if they were laughing with I just want to say that you cannot blame this whole thing on te night it's been around forever and this just started happening thank you thank you very much thanks Lisa no not Lisa sorry Melissa Melissa thank you uh someone on Zoom BC come on up cookie and you can wait s go ahead state your name and address for the record it's Barb Kona 100 Northwest Avenue hi everybody um I just have some comments about teen night I live in a location where I have watched kids pregame in their cars uh drinking hard alcohol vomiting in the street and then by the way come back and get back in those cars and drive home afterwards um I'd like to ask what good comes from night I I'm just wondering I understand it's a positive thing for the business owner as a parent I never allowed my kids to go to teen night 25 years ago didn't allow it because I felt that it was not a proper environment at that time it has gotten much worse I've seen a photo that has been circulated in town um honestly it looked like a strip club rather than a uh a fun environment for teenagers and I would imagine that if most people saw one of those photos they would probably never want their child to attend teen night and um I'm also asking if the people who support this think the teen KN is so positive why aren't they lobbying to have it five six seven days a week um yes need something to do but I don't think it's teen night uh they really need to be watched by their families and um it's just not a good thing for Beach Haven I mean this past weekend the scene was really crazy in town and I feared for people's safety crossing the street riding bikes and so forth I just don't think it's a good idea to continue with this and I'd also like to ask how many summer cops have been hired and are we short any summer police officers and if we are we have no business bringing more people into town when this crowd this age group cannot be dealt with due to the laws as they stand that's it thanks guys thank you Barb cookie hi cookie messic 196 Street um I just heard people say like let's divide the problem let's make two locations where everyone will be oh good and I am in favor the business and the people in the business involved are people I've known for years people my kids work for you know it's I'm very sorry about that but even Jamie you might not have noticed it on our street this weekend and every weekend because I'm Ocean Block I have two houses second and third from the beach um on Sunday night we broke up a fight in my driveway and the same kids that I heard I'm in the yard all the time and they can't see me because it's like kind of covered with trees and the I hear excuse me the stuff I hear is unbelievable now I have on a in the past I've called I have grabbed a girl who I know was assaulted and held her there I've done other things like that and this we these kids and they know each other they're rolling around in my driveway the one kid is plummeting the other my um my daughter's we pulled them off of them and I hat say I think poured his beer on his head but other that which they he probably get arrested for but the thing is I don't see I don't see a solute that it's a solution to the rest of the problem and the same thing is if you live south like the gentleman who moved from Ninth Street you have no idea I'm almost the end the baries live on Fifth you know we're almost the end of where they attack because when they're done a team night they come back our way um the beach curfew is not something that can ever work to imagine you have a beach curfew is crazy I live at the beach kids a billion kids go past me every night up to the beach close enough to be coming from Center because now they don't go as much on Taylor and that because they know the cops will be there so there's a lot of I've seen awful things on my street and my kids were no Angels they people know them here but at the same time there weren't so many it's not a problem is the kids are worse it's that the group mentality is functioning here and I hate to say it it we it'll be hard to beat even without teen KN it's still GNA happen and I'm very sorry because when I was a kid we went to lifeguard dances we went to dances at the Surf City Firehouse this is the 60s and um we went to the roller rink you know we went we had things truthfully Beach Haven didn't have anything but we had the movie theater so we went so if anybody congregated it was at the movie theater so that's it thanks anyone else Bill hi I'm Bill Hudson 23 West Washington Avenue Beach Haven Inlet um you know we have to find public safety and the businesses in town I'm sure we're all aware of that but you know there's just not that much to do for kids we have no basketball league we have no three onree basketball we have no volleyball league we have no soccer league we have no kickball league We have basically nothing and to take away team night uh yes Mike said he's going to get some security which I understand he was already hired he said he would hire some off duty police officers which I would agree with if he's going to do that but the solution is not get rid of teen Knight because we're already Beyond Memorial Day the season has started and for him to try to switch from te night to regular night and get bans you can't get them now it's too late Bans are gotten six months ago so we're going to have a big Financial issue what I think is the compromise the compromise is let's let him have his security have his uh off-duty police officers give him the the summer to see how that works because that's new there's no security bin like he's hired and no off-duty police officers so we have new things on the table you may also want some new things on the table but there's got to be a compromise somewhere because he can't go from you know nothing and The Season's already started it's going to cost some money okay and I don't think that's the right decision anyway I think we just have to do better uh with the teenss you know with the security with the police officers off duty and I think that's the right way to go thank you very much thank you very much John Walker hi am I working now you hear me okay great John walkter 219 Second Street um just wanted to just chime in be you know 30 years I raised my kids here and times have really changed and things need to change because in you know going back to my sons who are now 40 my daughter's over 30 they uh you know they they were around town but they came home they played whiffle ball and frisbee They even played uh hockey with all the police officers I mean they had things that they did and they went to barries for ice cream and they went to the CH and you know all these different places but now these they knew most of the people that were around town these are uh an awful lot of kids that are coming from out of town and it was like that before and worse yet I mean they were responsible and they knew the people around town were going to keep an eye on them well those days are gone the police have lost their power there's really not any consequences for the kids and and I feel for the police officers there's no fear there's no consequences they make fun of them it's it's ridiculous so I really don't know the answer um but I know it's deeper than just teen KN when you see what the kids that are on the street and the numbers of kids and with the other towns reacting so severely Seaside Ocean City and wildwood if they start being uncomfortable there they're going to look for another place to come so by whatever means give the police more power give have you know and I hate to be a police state I I hate to say we're going to walk around Beach Haven there's going to be a police office officer on every corner so it's a really complicated issue but it is one that I'm glad I'm not sitting in your seats having to deal with because it's it's difficult and it's across the board in the shore communities so uh ideally people should bring their kids home let them party in the yard and hang out on the porch and so forth but uh that's not going to happen it becomes the council's job to a babysit these children uh thank you and keep up the good work we appreciate all you're doing thank you John anyone else in the room Lori Anderson 1001 West Avenue first for you on Zoom the the people sitting in the seats cannot hear you I don't even know if the council can hear you but we're missing a lot of your comments but thank you for speaking up um next I'm going to ask the council to con seriously consider doing away with teite this has been kicked down the road for decades now it is a public safety concern and um you know the troubles it's costly the volume of kids are dangerous I think parents and the kids themselves we do have basketball courts we do have a ball field we do have areas for outside play and Recreation uh it's it's concerning that it's a safety concern so that alone in I would think tells you that you know what we got to not have teen night your police chief said so and um I think there's enough people in the room here that would agree that it's it's time to call it a day with teen night and um you know what the problems are you're the voters you make the decisions so I hope you will make the right one this time around it's important thank youor thank Suzanne Fairley might you can go to someone else we'll come back uh gentlemen I forgot his sunglasses I mean reading glasses come on prescrip prescription [Music] oh I'm sorry take your time Welcome to My Life um respect name and address again I'm sorry pardon me name and address again oh I'm sorry Bob mohal 7th Street the old Rea Franklin song Respect my wife and I are each one of seven siblings we've grown up with kids all our lives kids diff are different today not they're not bad they're not good they're different I just question whether respect that I had my wife had that you folks had is of the same level that it is today with them last summer I was uh I saw a police officer's car driving down the street that's in what's B the Ocean Ocean [Music] Avenue okay whichever one it is I will been you're 33 years he had his lights on crowd of kids walking in front of him flipping them the bird and it was you know Murphy I one said you can't touch me you can't do anything to me those officers I take my hat off to because they have as tough a job as you guys do trying to control something that maybe can't be controlled but I think respect has to come back and we're somehow the parents have to be involved there's no young parents in this room here if there is again my poor eyesight there's got to be a transfer of responsibility to the parents minding mindful of the kids how do you do that I don't know I got lucky our kids really well one got arrested once but that's a story for a different day but it it's I don't know how you fix it my house I've had bicycles stolen I remember walking out out of my front door as band of kids were going through that street that I can't name and and they threw beer bottles up in the air and busted and I could tell it was Miller because it was clear glass and it was not that late at night but someone other gentleman said it's the mob mentality I was told my kids if you had an i my son's you have an IQ of 100 if you're with three of your friends you automatically have an IQ of 25 the mob mentality especially teenagers so kids got to have fun they got to get controlled I don't know how we do it but um I know just last week I think there was a or last night maybe a stabbing in Ocean City of a 15-y old boy what are we waiting for really what are we waiting for thank you thank you very much try this again Suzanne Fairley hi Suzanne Fairley and thank you for your patience I finally learned how to unmute uh 24 years at 29 Jeff I have four Teenage grandchildren who don't want to go to teen Knight because they've told me how bad it is my one question is has anybody considered contacting Governor Murphy and getting the other townships to contact Governor Murphy to tell them how horrible this decision that he made a few years back has really impacted everybody in the Shore Community communities um that's all thank you again for all that you do thank you very much anyone else in the room anyone else in the room Mr Batista good afternoon so what I've heard today is uh Michael Batista West Avenue a lot of talk about the teenage problem in town and we've heard this for some time uh I heard a lot about what was going on this weekend the Marlin did not have a teen night this weekend I don't think you can blame the problems that this town is having with teenagers on teen night we're never all going to agree on teen night but certainly teen night does provide a supervised environment for kids to get together together socialize meet new friends dance and have a good time and that's what team Knight's all about I don't want to be fighting with this town over teen night this whole issue came to me about a month ago plus or minus and I listened to what you told me about the problems with teen KN and I offered you a lot of suggestions for Solutions hiring more security working on bathroom issues policing the inside of the place and so forth and so on to ask us now right at the beginning of this season to abandon something that we've planned for advertised for hired entertainment for and most importantly have no alternative we went out in anticipation of dis ordinance passing looking for something that we could fill these vacancies with and there's nothing out there the people laughed at us we were book solid 6 months ago so basically you're cutting two three nights a week out of our Revenue which when I hear that it only benefits me that's not and that really offends me right we're trying to keep the Marlin open year round teen night and the revenue from teen night is supporting that year round business we made a generous donation to the ocean count or to the Southern Regional High School got a wonderful thank you note from the soccer team we've donated to to Surf light Debb's Museum so it benefits our town There's adverse effects to it and we want to hear what they are and we want the chance to mitigate that we're I am entitled the Marlin is entitled to a chance to fix these issues and we're entitled to that based on a settlement that took place in this same Forum 15 20 years ago and I can't sit still and ignore that and you're pushing me into a confrontational situation certainly going to be litigation when I'm here to say what do you want us to do and give us a chance to do it and that's it if it doesn't work I'm not crazy Mike if at the end of this season these problems haven't been resolved I'm not going to sit up here and say we'll try again so I urge you to work together with us your businesses are most important I realize my neighbor across the street is complaining that people use their bathroom well people eat ice cream at my store drop it on the floor and I've got to clean it up I don't go over there and say come over and clean your ice cream up we want to work with the town I obviously have a big interest in this town you have to give it a chance and if you don't you leave us no choice but to battle you and we may lose we may win but it's going to be ugly for everybody thank you thank you there were a few um questions that were posed by the public that I think that Chief marosi could answer so if I if you don't mind can we well I'd like to have Mr burs be able to have his time and and then Li five minutes is thank you there's a history here obviously um sometimes we do teen nights and sometimes we don't um we we are a split house we have three Partners um I'd prefer not to do the teen nights I think if I left my restaurant open longer for the night I'd do better but my partner Jenna thinks that this is something that we should do because she feels an obligation to the community to do that um it was great to hear about all the crowds we had this weekend and yet no we had no teen nights this weekend we had the largest crowds that I have ever seen in Beach Haven ever in all three of my restaurants it was never like this so people are coming to this town just because they like it um I want to just talk about the neighborhood watch meetings that we've had now for three years Kitty last year you were involved I'm at every meeting and the year before Jamie I think you were at every meeting Christina and we talked with the Chief and we talked to the officers and I think the one thing that came out of it was I have a security force of 28 people probably as much as maybe they have police officers I don't know but we we made sure that the one thing we did address was everybody in line not carrying on doing what they're supposed to do and I think we run a pretty clean house when we do a te night I don't know much about the Marlin and what does I really don't know anything about that um but I can tell you that we think it gives teens an opportunity to get together and do exactly what Mike said Dance Play Music and have a good time with with uh you know in a nice environment um if you if you decide that you want to separate that we just want to go back and look at the fact that we have I've been in a street because I said I would on I'm on Doc roadside and on the other side and we're watching we're keeping people out of the street like we were told to do we've done everything that the police officers have told us to do I know that at least with respect to bird and Betty the last two years of teammates we haven't really had any issues um the issues are people who come in who have been drinking all night or whatever and you know you get to deal with kids like that but that's going to happen I think no matter what um but just unilaterally saying you can't do teen nights anymore um we're going to have a problem with that and it is going to be a legal issue I'm telling you it's just something we're not going to accept and roll over but I I don't I want to add and mik you weren't you weren't here at the time when we were doing these discussions Chief was here and chief wasn't here but the best part about the neighborhood watch stuff was the officers were very forthright in talking to us it was it was real conversation and you know you've got some officers that think when those kids are in teen night with us that gives them a little bit of a break that's that's that's what they said Chief doesn't agree he and I've had this conversation we're never going to agree on everything but you know I I think that we have to look at this in a big picture plate and see what's going on I'm willing to do whatever we were asked to do and I think we've complied with that we've kept it clean there have been no incidences at Burt and Betty's teen nights the last two years that I'm aware of and I'm there believe me I'm in the street like I said um I think you should reconsider this and put a trial in place like Mike has suggested some things he's going to do some things that he thinks are going to make make up for some differences that could be out there but if we think that the kids aren't here already that they're being busted in I don't see that we don't I remember a time when buses were pulling that's not what I see I see mothers dropping their kids off and stuff I don't see buses I don't see people being busted in and the people we had this weekend weren't busted in they were here on vacation this is this is a great we we have a great town people love Beach Haven and I boy I really push it wherever I go so um a little surprised about this weekend though I never saw anything like it this weekend thank you thank you very much we got do something with this governor and I think did he Ral this did he Ral something this week no I was told yester hello all right so just uh just wanted to give some information uh some questions that were asked the biggest one is Manpower uh Manpower we were over the past few years we anticipated 34 officers we had um a few years back we had that many uh over the past few years it's dwindled down last year we were at 24 this year we're at 20 to and we already have two or three of them that are going to be gone before July 4th um getting full-time jobs in other towns um during the weekend this weekend we had 11 SOS so we're waiting for the other 11 to get out of the class one Academy explain what that is SOS are the summer officers that which we used to have 34 of so um 11 of them 10 of them are in the academy when the academy is done and we'll have 22 um but like I said we're going to lose three of them before July 4th so that that kind of leaves us in the problem where we were this weekend and when we have teen nights um when we have a teen KN night when you know if we had one teen KN it wouldn't be that big of a deal we could you know guys can come in and we can stretch it out and then um split up the Manpower but when if trying to split up our Manpower the the crowds at 7-Eleven at Bay Village at the parks on the beaches is getting worse so the 11 officers you have hopefully coming up to 22 um you're splitting them so now you're going to have you know 11 of them up there 11 of them down here because the crowd that comes from teen night starts at Center Street and works its way all the way around the corner and down to the first aid Squad um so we're splitting up the problem is causing is causing the biggest inconvenience for everybody we don't have enough officers to go to other calls other Street ends and I know somebody in here said uh it's moving further south down to like 6th Street we're still up on 12th Street 11th Street 10th Street 9th Street because that's where they're all coming from the parks but now we don't have enough officers to cover all those streets and they go up it's dark up on the beach they go up there and hide they go up there and fight they go up there and break things uh Public Works has to go up and replace Dune fencing um so in the past I do agree on teen nights the crowd from Taylor Avenue would lessen it would never go away it wouldn't even cut in half but it would lessen so maybe a third of those kids would leave the park go to teen night have te night and then start making their way home but we were split all over town um so dealing with this we've been trying to get over the years trying to get some of the problems fixed with te Knight the biggest problem is the line going around the corner the line going around the corner is out of control the kids are urinating in line they're fighting in line they're in line um you know they think the jokes are they think it's a joke when they get the warnings and the curbside warnings and the Station House adjustments um I know we tried to address some of these problems when we first started talking about this with Mr Batista about um doing online ticketing and that was just completely ignored we wanted to do online ticketing so we don't have a line outside for two hours um there's been no no plan to address the uh you know bathrooms the lack of bathrooms outside the kids try to use the one bathroom that he has in the parking lot on the west side of the building uh it's just not enough and then a lot of times you know they'll be 12 kids in there in there and uh nobody else can use it so then they end up going into the parking lots and doing that stuff I'm not against teen Knight I you know it had its place it's just right now it's out of control we don't have a way to to control both situations both places at once um it's a public safety issue and I know a lot of people have seen some of the things that have happened in there um you know that hopefully if if teen night does continue that's something I think that could be addressed hopefully um but you know in the uh in the past teen nights teen night happens they draw the shades and uh you know that's for a reason you know on a regular adult night you can look in the windows and see what's going on in there but on teen night it's not and the comment that was made about contacting the governor and requesting some assistance can you talk to that the only thing I can answer to that is that uh the council in the past has tried to reach out um I believe it was mayor Davis uh had reached out in the past and I know other municipalities on the the island have reached out and they get no response the uh the state legislature does not want to address this it was uh it was up to be changed prior to going out on their summer leave and uh I was told that it's going to be it's going to wait till after the summer for them to address any issues with teams you guys have any questions for that yeah Chief I have a question if a if the club hired off-duty policemen as security do they have any Authority once the uh would be out on the sidewalk or in the street uh as a police officer we have the same Authority if we're working off duty or or not I mean it's pretty much we can give warnings um there's not much you're going to be able to do when you have these kids blocking sidewalks and uh you know other people can't walk past they have to walk out in the street they have to Ross the street just to get pasted um they can't be issued tickets for uh local ordinances other than Cur few violations some title 39 stuff um and I mean I can tell you right now Beach Haven doesn't have the officers during the summer to do that you we're we're we have so many other things going on uh by usually by August guys are guys are pretty much spent with uh chasing kids around now you could ask other police departments in the area but we've talked about it a lot up here about the liability dealing with these kids um I I don't know of too many departments that are going to want to have their police officers working off duty dealing with teenss they don't want to you know we really don't like getting involved in some of that stuff in our own town just let alone going into a different town um and then let's say an off Dy officer from another town gets involved with something with teens out on the sidewalk we still have to go it's not like they can go back to our station and do a station ass adjustment we're we're still going to be responsible for taking those teens and and um with you know less officers and I will say that the council and and the town has been great with um giving us the opportunity to hire officers we hired every officer we hired everybody that applied that was able to be hired um but we we hired everybody that applied they're just they're not applicants anymore that's our biggest problem thank you so when you hire if they hire off-duty officers they can't do anything more than what our officers are doing is that I mean they they can do what our officers are doing with the exception of bringing them back to the station they can't they can't come back into our police station without us so they would be doing it but we they would also need us to go back with them so so in essence you can't do anything to these kids unless they're committing a crime yes so it's Petty disorderly and disorderly persons they could do whatever they want and you can't do anything to them well say can't do anything to them you can give them warnings and Station House adjustments which they laugh at and they think it's you know almost you know a title when you get you know look I got a I got a warning big deal so that's our biggest problem it's not I it's not that I want to get rid of teen Knight it's that with the Manpower we have we can't control both places it's it's too much the kids are too out of control it's not you know it's just the way it is right now any other questions Nancy anything for the chief no no no I think we can all try to keep uh uh uh basically lobbying the governor's office and I think um maybe the Mayors along the coastal areas could get together to Lobby the governor to uh change some of his um regulations regarding uh teenagers um this this is a a problem that uh we we've all seen and and we're not the only ones as we're reading these articles so that that might be something that we need to really try to work on as a group just as a point of Interest I don't know if anybody else saw it but there was a an article that the governor did a recap of the weekend like a State of the State and he said everything went very very well and he was very pleased and when the issue of all the insanity in the shore communities came up he said that's getting overblown that's really not as bad as they're making it sound and I believe the PBA U has some a response to that and I know um the chief and Mike and I are meeting with um Steve Steiner's the head of Ocean County tourism and we're going to hopefully get other Shore communities tourism boards to again put pressure on who knows I can say that we had a lot of kids here this weekend um they were everywhere but we had a lot of cars here we had a lot of I I've never seen so many cars coming down this island I don't know where they all went but um they they were here uh we did have a busy weekend we didn't have any really bad in we had some fights um you know we had some shoplifting small stuff but we were able to keep it under control but we were also again which we didn't really want to do um we didn't want to keep the kids in the park but when we try to keep them out of the park the problem starts spreading around town and we're outnumbered so we moved it back down to the park till 10:00 then started enforcing the curfew and we were not able to get kids out out of town until after midnight and we did Issue curfew tickets we issued on I think on your the thing I wrote you was like 2700 curbside warnings it's um like I said it's not taken seriously a curbside warning is a joke to them um but you we were busy but it was you know within reason thank you very much I think at this time um we will close the floor to public comment are you already I think you already spoke we've had a lot of no he didn't he came up and came back he spoke and he spoke in excess of the a lot of time frame so I recommend letting anyone speak for an additional two minutes it's not that I don't want to hear you I just don't know though Lori Anderson 101 West Avenue um we open the meeting with the water tank management assessment at Great expense to our town hundreds of thousands of dollars I really hope that maybe we have to put that on hold because maybe we're going to get sued by Mr Batista or Mr bur I don't know but um I would hold off on voting on that water management thing unless you we have lots of money if we are SU and I hope you are not intimidated by his words because I'm sorry Mike you know te night has been a problem for years it comes up year after year I don't know why it's such a surprise um that's all don't spend the water on the Water Management we're going to get sued thanks Lori okay all right so I think at this time we will okay going on that come on John come on down I'll be very quick okay three minutes name and address John hbr 319 Fairview Avenue Beach Haven um as as was stated this is an extremely difficult issue because we have to balance Public Safety with what's good for the business community and and that's the decision you have to make uh but I am concerned if because of this action that the future uh viability of the moral in could be in Jeopardy and and that concerns me because we should do everything we can to protect our businesses in in what and it doesn't have to be teen life but in in other ways that we can protect our businesses but at the same time I'm very sensitive to what the chief is saying and we have to Public Safety has to be Paramount whether for it's police fire first aid other issues that came when I was president of taxpayers Association that came before us we were trying to make that balance work um but the last thing as a taxpayer I would want to see would be litigation because that does not benefit anyone and it just serves to increases our taxes which is not a good thing so I hope we make the wise right decision and maybe we need a trial I don't know but that's all I have to say thanks thank you very much okay Bill one more time second shot he's not a resident but he does live in Beach Haven but real 23 West Washington Avenue Beach Haven as you heard many people say there was no teen night this weekend this is not a teen night problem there was no teen night and to shut teen night down is just going to make everything worse then you got the kids more matter they have no teen nights I think Mike needs and and Mr burus they need you know whatever security they need Mike has said he has hired security he said he will hire off duty police officers he will do a number of things that you guys suggest I'm looking for a compromise and so are a lot of people just to let it happen this summer let's see what it is like Mike said if it doesn't work he's not going to do it anymore thank you thank you very much thank you very much okay all right so at this time I think we will close the floor to public comment um does anyone on Council wish to speak to this is that or do you want to just go into the vote not do you want to go I I'll go um okay I have actually a bit to say I wrote it down because I wanted to make sure I got it uh first of all the misconception about this being sprung for the record uh we reached out on March 15th to have the um bar owners who participated in Te night come in and I know Mr Batista you told us you couldn't make it for another month so that's why we had our meeting in mid April but the burrow did make an attempt and at that time you did say you had your DJs all hired So when you say you can't get entertainment I'm kind of not sure because you do have people there that night but I'm not going to get into that too far but I just want you know March 15th was the first time ideally it should have been sooner but March 15th I think was a reasonable amount of time also um our chief of police whose number one priority is to protect the community has said it's too much for our town and there's a variety of reasons but the drawing of kids into our town is the number one and granted what happened this weekend no had nothing to do with teen KN anywhere up and down on the coast you know and for the record Ocean City had the 15-year-old uh boy get stabbed Wildwood had an a state of emergency that they had to close their Boardwalk Seaside had multiple shots reported as being fired turns out they weren't but the police were running all over the boardwalk and people were panicking um I think our Taylor Avenue bathroom saw a lot of damage again uh this is the kind of thing that happens and Beach Haven is now kind of Ground Zero for a lot of activity we do have a lot of kids coming here but teen night does bring in a lot more and that is a huge concern um I had to laugh one member of the police department said that he sat he was over in the Taylor Avenue earlier and he saw a mother come in and drop off her 15-year-old daughter who's very nicely dressed as you would expect mother drives away daughter goes into the bathroom comes out 5 minutes later dressed like nothing her parents would ever allow her to do this is the mindset today you know I mean kids are kids but it is as the one gentleman pointed out it's a whole different breed and of course they're going to try to get away with stuff and unfortunately this behavior is spilling into town on teen nights it is especially worse as the chief told you we don't have the Manpower and the towns we're one of Two Towns so when these kids want to laugh and dance and have fun they're coming here make no mistake about it now some of the other towns that have stopped them in recent years Seaside Heights Bo Pleasant Beach they uh police departments and administrators have said it is the best thing they ever did so why is Beach Haven still encouraging this we've got our problems as it is we are adding on in my opinion by making these nights you know something that is going to attract more and more and more and make no mistake they're coming from all over our police department has picked up chatter about hey you know come on down to Long Beach Island you know we're going to go to teen Knight and then there'll be a fight afterwards I mean this is the kind of thing people don't see and I guess I wouldn't either except that I'm kind of you know part of the buau and I get to talk to the Chief and find out these little things um we're underst staffed we know that and Mr Batista mentioned beefing up security and I think that's admirable but at the end of the day that security stops on his property and all these problems that happen around town fall on our police department and we already know the story there underman and hands are literally tied so this is a hardship we've heard business owners and I don't know about the rest of you but some have spoken to me privately the businesses never like to speak out against another business I get it but how it affects them how they have to close early how they can't operate on those nights because the teens coming out of teen night and when they come out there are no shuttles or anything anymore so guess where they're going well they're at the beach they're all over town and now we've got an even bigger problem um as I said you know the security is only good on the premises the problems are out in the town the littering the theft the public urination we don't have an answer for that and I still haven't heard one either um the U I went last time I've been taking notes I always do at the meetings and it was interesting because outside of tonight I didn't add it all up tonight but in the previous week since this discussion has started we've had 33 people either via email in-person contact letters to the editor say please don't and we had four that said please do tonight you know it's a little more balanced but I think the people in this town are telling us they've had enough and this isn't something that came up yesterday this has been going on for years um we've had members of the first aid Squad stand here and tell us about Teen kns showing pictures of drunken kids that they're called out and while they're babysitting them somebody's having a heart attack or something somewhere else and they can't get to them because they're tied up um I don't know what else to tell you I mean and again the increased supervision would be a big help but what is going on in there that we have seen the videos of really scares me because if that that's going on who was supervising in the first place I mean was it a free-for-all I mean the chief mentioned the curtains are pulled down it's like a little inside club and kind of anything goes and I that doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling either um I honestly don't feel this is in the town's best interest to continue with these um I don't want to influence anybody's business I understand that and that is a Hu a big huge thing but Mr batist has been in business for almost 40 years in this town he is a successful business and I have every confidence that he can continue to operate and find ways to make up that income um if you look around buckaloos Tucker black whale they all operate under a similar pattern and they seem to be doing pretty well so I think it can be done Mr Mack I don't know very well I've heard very good things about him a young entrepreneurial spirit and I think he can make more out of this club than what we're currently using it for so like I said I don't want to impede anybody's business but when that business is putting uh constraints on the town and costing the taxpayers money I think the time has come um I wish everybody well in this endeavor I know that if T night goes away it will be a bit of a hardship for the owners but I honestly feel that the town would benefit thank you okay um one of the things that I see that has happened because I I work I worked the roads and I I worked down there um when they were having teen nights and it's nothing like it was it is today they have the shuttle buses which all I have to do is get I don't know if they even come from the mainland but I'm sure the people come in they're coming from all the way down the island there's buses coming from out of state there's people coming from all parts of the state because we are about the only one that has P te night okay Mr Batista got up here and sat there and said something about giving them a supervised place to be at and I asked him at the last meeting or maybe it was the one before that who was supervising when this video was going on and he said he wasn't there and I asked him if his manager was there no he wasn't there either and I said well then who was it was one of his supervisors I never did get a name on it but it it just doesn't seem like this is really being supervised this what it looked like in that video was a free-for-all that they could do whatever they wanted to do in this place so you know what I think it has run its course I mean this has been 30 years and it's been getting worse and worse and worse every year it's becoming a burden to this town I've gotten numerous emails and I would say better than 90% of them were to get rid of T9 because it's nothing but a problem for the town it's a problem for the police department it's a problem for other businesses some of the other businesses are shutting down early just so they don't have to deal with these kids so my person pain it's time thank you um well I think we can all agree that Governor Murphy's got to go and uh anything we can do to get rid of him uh really help everybody involved um I I struggle I'm really struggling with this I've struggled you know EV we know everyone in town we know all the business owners everyone um is your friend or a colleague or a friend of a friend or a client or a you know this the thing that that we I I know we all agree on is that we support our chief and all of our officers I it's every year I know it's a struggle for him to have enough police officers um we have raised the hourly pay I think that we should raise it more so that we can regardless of teen night or not the teens are a problem in town um and I do think that we should really anti up and and and if we pay more money then possibly we'll get more officers um I think anyone that open 24 hours should be required to have security um such as 7-Eleven and I know the C has security 7-Eleven has refused it a problem every single night um there are other issues teen night has been going a very long time and I know that it can be problematic through the years I think it's actually gotten better than it used to be because it used to be very wild back in the day um I think that I know that Colleen says you you know reached out in March um but I think there was even talk about going to an ordinance even before a meeting and we did have a meeting Mr Batista was away you know I'm not defending him it's just that I think this has been rather quick since it didn't come to us until May 13th and I just you know and we're so Pro business and support our businesses we have 10 weeks here to make money and I am just really having a hard time penalizing a business that will stand to lose a lot of money in this summer because of the timing and I I know that they do have DJs lined up but that's not what late night is that wouldn't work they would no one would come they would lose money they would not have to shut down um I think that um it just doesn't seem fair to me and I think that Mr Batista and CJ Mack have have promised that they will have they've answered all of the issues that we have that have Arisen and that we've asked them about and I I have to have a little faith in them maybe a lot of faith in them maybe too much faith in them but I think that we should give them a chance to get it right and I don't care if teen knight ever comes back again after this summer but I think under the circumstances um we should give this business a chance so that um they can make their 10 weeks I think that they will do everything they can believe me they're going to be under a microscope I think that the teen problem is horrible I think this last weekend was terrible up up and down the Jersey Shore I don't think it's fair to blame it all on teen night and I do understand what the chief is saying and he shouldn't have to show up let Mr Batista let the burden be on him um I think the main problem in this state and this generation is that that our children are uh choosing vulgarity over values and I think that is the problem it begins at home all of our homes and I I it's heartbreaking I have five kids of my own and it's it's just it's heartbreaking so anyway that's all I can say I Jamie sorry mumbling um I'll speak so this uh this teen night has been coming up every year since I've been on Council and I have been committed to exploring various Avenues to maintain teen nights while prioritizing safety every year um every year there's new issues we come with uh concessions with the business is and they have done whatever they can we hope that the concessions that are always put in place will allow the teens to continue to provide them with an opportunity to socialize with their peers however it's important to recognize now when the risks outweigh the benefits um unfortunately we must acknowledge that hosting teen nights is no longer safe in this community teenagers and large crowds possess safety concerns related to potential accidents and difficult Y in managing emergencies it's crucial to prioritize the well-being and security of both the teenagers and the broader Community while discontinuing te nights may be disappointing for some an ordinance that prohibits teen night is aimed at ensuring safety which is vital for fostering a healthy Community while business Innovation is crucial for growth and progress it should never come at the expense of safety Innovation should always be pursued within the boundaries of safety regulations and ethical considerations while economic development of an individual business is important for Prosperity it should not come at the expense of Public Safety or Community Integrity I wrote this down because I've been thinking about this all day and all week and all month um it's not fair to say that this is the first time that we have brought this up with uh the Marlin or Mr Batista I personally spoke to him in August and September when pictures started to uh arrive to the council about what was happening inside team nights um so this is this was been fully aware to that business and there was no plan or kind of anything put into place till again the burrow decided to take it to a different level in in March when we tried to uh arrange meetings and whatnot so this is not a new new thing this has been not only brought up every year but it was also brought up in in August September but really just wasn't taken seriously and my biggest concern and my biggest fear is that when are we going to take this seriously when something happens here in Beach Haven and that is that when we're going to take it seriously is teen KN going to solve the teen problem no it's not going to solve the teen problem but it's going to give us a tool that we need to assist our police force into hopefully having a safe summer and to hopefully go forward with the atmosphere that we want to try to maintain here in Beach Haven as a family community so this decision has been weighing on me like I said very very heavily um I've known the owner uh Mr Batista for over 25 years I think so this is you know personally very very difficult for me however I have a job to ensure the safety of this Community First no matter of my personal relationships with anyone in this town and I have to go with that thank you Nancy yeah can you hear me yes can you hear me yes yes okay I I'll make this short um I I I'm not a big fan of teen nights by any stretch of the imagination and I I am close friends with people that uh feel on are on opposite size of the fence on this and uh but I I'm going to have to vote no to this ordinance because uh I really feel that we need to give uh Mr Batista a chance to mitigate uh these problems and he's he's agreed to go to online booking he's agreed to let parents come in and see what's going on at T night uh he's he's agreed to decrease the number of teen nights and so on I I I agree that you know there's been and talk about this for a number of years and uh it's been a problem in town but the huge number of teenagers in town that are causing the problem I I do not believe are due to teen Knight specifically and and this has all been said and I don't need to harp on it but I I do feel that uh I as a councilwoman have a duty to try to try to uh protect the town and financially and and uh I think these Duties are strong I do not want to lawsuit uh which will and and just the hassle and the money related to a lawsuit I I I think we can make it very clear that um if Mr Batista can't clean up clean night te night that the teite will end and that's the end of it forever and if there were ever another uh ordinance to um uh to not allow any teen I and beaven I would vote yes to that ordinance but at this point in time I really feel it is only fair to support business and any business in town that would like to do this properly and so therefore I will vote no to the ordinance all I have to reate yes is is a a yes to stop G okay just to be clear on your vote I'm having really a hard time hearing speaking the microphone I could hear great up till now to appr 20243 C motion to approve 2024 13 C I'll second Mrs yes M Lambert yes Mr yes no mayor Davis no motion approved all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routin by the mpal council will be enacted by one motion listed any items requiring expenditure supported by a certification of availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in minutes resolution 120 authorizing a refund of tax overpayment resolution 121 authorizing the execution of a no cost agreement with surf line to host surf camera at Center Street F Street and Carl Street beaches resolution 123 authorizing a shared service agreement between the B of be Haven and the township of Long Beach in accordance with njsa 4A col 8 A-1 for phase three of legal services for the winter resolution 126 consenting to the issuance of amusement license licenses for way right amusements LLC for 2024 resolution 127 awarding a contract math is construction for the 2024 drainage project angleside Avenue Third Street and Fifth Street 128 acknowledging the hiring of a part-time tax clerk 129 authorizing to advertise for bids for the 2024 hbac repairs various locations and finally resolution 132 authorizing reimbursement to Southern Ocean County Chamber of Commerce for electrical services in the area of Taylor Avenue thank you is there anyone on Council would like to remove any of these um for further discussion no no can I have a motion to I make a motion I'll second iter yes Lambert yes Mr mcaffry yes SN yes mayor Davis yes I have a bill evening in am 3,947 42 sure everyone's had a chance to review the bills can I make a motion to um approve the bills can I have a motion to approve bills so move thank you second second second M biller yes l yes Mr maaf yes SN yes mayor Davis yes okay we'll move on to General discussion um before I go to General discussion I just wanted to make one quick announcement I just wanted to make an announcement that early voting is available um if anyone is interested in U not doing a vote by mail but actually going to the polls early at the Ocean County the Southern Ocean County uh Resource Center in manah hawen um you can do that it started yesterday it goes until Sunday I believe of this week so you can head over there um the schedule for that is on the Ocean County CPS website um again you can go there from any town and vote early if you're going to be away on Tuesday for elction day thank you um we have some proposed ordinances one of those is an ordinance that would establish a 3% transient occupancy tax I know like many of the businesses on the island the burrow is also looking for creative ways to increase Revenue our expenses continue to rise but yet we still are under many um caps and uh exclusions and and laws that we have to to fit um it's making it harder and harder we don't want to continue to raise taxes we did propose some paid parking I don't think that went over real great um so this is another one of the options that we've buil into this is a 3% occupancy tax hotels and motels already pay this occupancy tax this tax would then broaden that to include um rentals that are rented through an online Marketplace the rbo Airbnb or a u a travel agency so these the 3% would be collected by the treasury Department and then to municipality comments I think it's a great idea I had no idea that we didn't do this and the fact that we're charging our hotels and our you know um Regular People are paying taxes and following the rules and they're paying this occupancy tax to have you know these online entities not I think it's a shame and I'm very happy to approve this I agree I also agree I agree I have no problem with it thank you so we'll prepare that for the next meeting production the next one is a proposed ordinance it's a zoning Amendment uh that pertains slightly amends that we put into effect not long ago um originally the language said that any wag uh would be mounted on a building at a certain height to allow The Pedestrian clearance um we did allow an exemption for the number of American flags but the ordinance did still require that it be mounted in that fashion um so we know that that some of the businesses have had challenges in complying with this requirement so this is a proposed amendment that would allow American fles to be installed in any manner as long as The Pedestrian clearance is is maintained it's fine with me I good with me yeah it's it's better this way the next one is zon another zoning ordinance that it would prohibit some uses in business district um this topic has come up before where we were looking to um alleviate single family stand alone residences in the business district and require that there be a commercial component single family multi family and hotels and motels Beed use in bus District comments I don't know Jamie did you want to run with this one or I'm not champing okay well just you know when Sher when I saw this on the agenda I started laughing I'm like again because we went threw this very very heavily a couple years ago had special meetings and it was kind of a very mixed bag I think 10 years ago this would have been a no-brainer it should have been done probably 20 some years ago since then we've seen a decline in our businesses and to me it's a very tough issue as if a business you know I mean you're selling ice cream or t-shirts and you're paying you know $30,000 in rent you got to sell a lot of merchandise so it is a concern and the business owners came out and um they were pretty vocal about it I understand and they were saying that how can you do this to us we always bought this property with the understanding we could sell and it could be whatever and then others are saying you've got to protect the business district at all cost and I got to tell you I I do see both sides of this because once upon a time it would have been nothing but protect the business district now with all the stores we see closing around town you know on the island up the island I don't know I said I I had mentioned a long time ago I would love to see this on a referendum however I think now with Schooner's war on the you know for sale that gives it more a sense of urgency so I would really like to I hate to be a fence sitter that's like the worst thing and everybody's like yeah right but honestly this is a tough one so I would like to hear from the public yeah again I could see both sides and it is it's hard I I know I've talked to people that have bought and their plan on retirement is to selling that property and they'll sell it I guess they'll probably get more for it as a a single family or something like that other than the business but it's it's definitely a tough one yeah it's you know resid the value of residential is so much um so much higher than straight commercial that it's it's tempting that's for sure I think maybe I wonder if we could I know we have a business district but would it be possible to shorten that business district so that it wouldn't for example go all the way to is it Pearl is that the end of the business district yeah Pearl to 12 it makes more sense if it's we brought that up before and yeah yeah and that I don't know how did that go I don't know or to consider that it be uh for properties that are that you know have a that yeah I mean it doesn't make sense to me that if ajs wants to sell their property it becomes a home not it that doesn't bother me because it's pretty far down but in the center of town where to me is like the true resident uh business district from I don't know Sur Plage to robbles you know or not even maybe to I don't know to Mr te's and that makes more sense to me I don't know but it's something to look at I don't want to I think I with all due respect to Mayor um the mayor of ser City I think C city is a shame what's happening in Ser City it's become just residential pretty much and it doesn't seem to care about businesses in the town I don't want that to happen here and um it's something that I think we should look at and for certainly worth looking at to I I agree I I think we need to look at ways to uh to help businesses be successful in beaven um so that um and I I think we need to think about this more uh for example instead of penalizing people try to give them incentives to keep a business such as perhaps lower tax rates Etc um that uh would make it easier for them to maintain and run business I I mean times change and right now yes a lot of people buy online but we do have a lot of new businesses in Beach Haven coming this Summer that we haven't had in the past and and so it I mean Beach Haven does draw people because of the businesses and um I'd hate to see us uh lose that and see what's happening uh in beaven as you know what's happening in SF city um I but I do think we need to look at this more care carefully and uh and I I do want to hear from the public as well but I I I think we need to look at this and try to come up with Positive Solutions not just negative solutions to this problem it is a problem and it's happening everywhere in the country not just on the shore areas haddenfield is a very interesting town because it has a very vibrant business community and they have worked very very hard to maintain that and um and bring businesses into that town we might want to talk to Mayors and Council people in some of these towns that have had uh been able to maintain successful businesses before we make a decision on this I do have to say that we I do think the business district is looking great I mean better than it's looking looked in years it looks the businesses look great we have some brand new businesses that I think um are really awesome and I'm I'm I think we're all really proud of that so yeah I I agree I think the we looked at this ordinance two two years ago three years ago and um ever since then I think that the business district there's a lot of new businesses we have the business district guidelines um I I think that they have been very successful but just let the public be aware that currently now in the business Zone any you can build anything there are no prohibited uses as far as you can do single family homes duplexes multifamilies with or without with or without a business which is when I first came on Council I always thought that's a business district businesses they will always be businesses there but the way that our zoning is written that's not the case now Long Beach Township passed in ordin two years ago that um prohibited single family homes and duplexes and multif family in their business district business district but it was already pretty fragmented at that time but they did um pass an ordinance in their little business districts that has to be businesses or a multi-use building that means a business component however just be aware that in Beach Haven it could be lost at any any time a developer can come in and put a whole condo complex it's that's that's a that's a use that is allowed in the business district so just just be aware that at any time we always want to support the businesses but again developers come in they're you know they're not sometimes looking at the best interest they just looking at the most money so we just have to be be aware that that is out there and that's always been a red flag for me I support the businesses I worked on the business district guidelines you know I want the businesses to not be fragmented to have a walking District but be aware that that's always a possibility that that you know and people don't like to be told what to do with their property I I understand that however we have another obligation to kind of protect the Integrity of the town if we want a business district to continue in the future and there is no such thing as giving businesses tax breaks we've gone through that multiple times everyone according to New Jersey state constitution has to be held at the same tax taxes you don't get a special discount because you're a business now there's Redevelopment plans and projects different than just giving a tax break so that's not possible possible we can incentivize businesses we can get we can pick up garbage like we've done but just be aware I would like the public I'd like to see it on the referendum if that's what the if you want the business district to stay the business district or would you like continue allow to have every single use because right now that's it every everything you can you can build whatever you want there so just be aware that that that's there just that's a good clarification consider the referendum question KN I don't think that council is is going to be comfortable with making a decision to prohibit any use in the business district that's I don't think that I don't think that say that again I don't I'm not confident that that Council will change I don't think that we will change the zoning I think that we are so committed to the business district as is and that's happened two years ago that we we don't want to because lot of the business owners they don't want that they want to be able to sell to whatever they to the highest whatever they're going to get for their property and I don't blame them I would of course want that as well but then again we have to think of the Integrity of the business district and do we always want to have that we and I think that's our duty part of our duty as a council member for sure I agree with you so agree it's it's a it's a really tough decision it is well you know if you're considering a referendum question now really good time to discuss it as a matter of fact that's the next topic on the general discussion um I know we've tried three times prior to this with the Parks and Recreation committee also recommended that we try once more we try to implement the open space Green Acres tax it's a 1% tax that would be put into a trust fund to obtain acquire open space or to maintain our existing open space so we just wanted to hear council's opinions if you'd like this resolution to be placed on the next agenda question Sher when what is the uh last possible time that we have to place something on a referendum is it August check the statute it usually works back like so many days maybe like 74 days is in my head but there's a couple different statutes so it's 74 or some number of days before the election we roughly like August I I don't know why I remember he in that I think I think it is around August because I mean if push comes to shove we could do something earlier but um I I really would like to hear from the public on this one it's a it's a biggie it's going to change the future of our town one way or another well this has to be a referendum colen you can't do it without a referendum so it has to be a referendum well we actually could I think I think Colleen is now referencing back to the other I don't think so I think n no I'm sorry no I'm talking about the U be the zoning you're talking about the zoning the open space now we're back to open space the open space has to be a referendum uh and because you're raising taxes and uh and believe me I am totally in favor for of it but I tried so hard to have this passed three different times I wrote articles every bloody week for the Sandpaper about the positive aspects of this uh Barney at light was smart enough to do it a number of years ago and they were able to buy that whole big track of land from the coast guards only because they had open space because not only do you get that you have a money in a bank to buy it but the state pays for a much higher percentage of the property for open space than if you do not have this if you haven't pass this referendum within the period of time I was trying to get it passed in B chaven it got passed in Long Beach Township but I have to say I worked like a dog to get it ped and it it didn't it failed by a huge number of votes it wasn't even close so I I mean if you I I would 100% support it but I I just it would it just got it was very depressing and unless there's some way we can convince our voters that this is for their best benefit uh it probably will go the way it did the last three times maybe not it's worth a try I think it would be great I you know we look and we see how we struggle to raise funds to maintain the parks that we have and the open space that we already have and um it's expensive so I think that it be and the the idea possibly buying um creating open space to me is very attractive I I can't imagine voting against it and I will be voting for it and I hope that that everyone else will too you know question you're you're putting 1% one penny you know 100 I guess in in your um uh in your taxes to to support this and it goes into a fund just for improving parks and and and increasing your amount of open space in a way it's a donation can people tax rate off this all that might be a way you know that might be a way that you can convince people to vote for it if they could take a right off on it well Sher our CFO is shaking your head no so that's my that's my first I'm gonna doubt it Wishful Wishful thing all right okay you ready to move on oh yeah I'm sorry okay um we did uh director of the division of local government services that our budget document looks pretty good um they did make some recommendations for some changes to our budget document uh so Sharie did provide me with a budget amendment uh that unfortunately by law have to read in full so I'm probably gonna put you all to sleep but um we have to go ahead and do the budget amendment adopt that and then okay then we can uh move to uh consideration public hearing on the on the budget and and then we'll consider adoption so resolution 134 2024 is the budget amendment whereas the local Municipal budget for the year 2024 was approved on April 25th 2024 and whereas it is desired to amend said approved budget now therefore be it resolved by the Council of the burough Beach Haven in the county of ocean state of New Jersey that the following amendments to the approved budget of 2024 be made under anticipated revenues the Surplus anticipated will go from SE 3,778 42454 to 3,754 56788 miscellaneous revenues section B New Jersey municipal Relief Fund will go from $0 to $ 23,4 762 miscellaneous Revenue section D code enforcement and construction fees will go from 96,5 36 to 96,5 40 total miscellaneous revenues will change from 1,189 4949 to 1,229 61155 receipts from delinquent taxes 2023 realized in cash will change from $ 250,00 32519 to 248,000 $41.70 the subtotal of General revenues will um remain static at 5,167 4743 total amount to be raised in support of the budget to 2023 realized in cash we Chang from 10, 96,9 4730 to 10,1 122122 76 um total General Revenue 2023 realized in cash uh will change from 16, 6692412767 92 497 um start again 16, 692 $497 And1 under General Appropriations operations within caps Workers Compensation Insurance from $29,990 to $225,600 under total General Appropriations operations within caps will go from 11,841 190 to 11, 99,8 60 General Appropriations operations excluded from caps Workers Compensation Insurance from 0,40 to $443 70 total General Appropriations operations excluded from caps 3,676 574 78 to 3,669 4.78 Total General Appropriations remain the same at remain the same at 15,43 35,8 6178 do I have a motion to approve so moved second thank you uh yes yes yes mayor Davis yes okay okay thank you all right um at this time we're going to open the floor to public comment um you have anything to say please step up you know the drill state your name and address by% while operating increases in liability insurance 15.3% inre 23.5% 2 apologize but I guess I do want to say thank you very much Sherry for taking care of that and Sher thank you always so much for all your hard work I know it's not an easy job and we're we're in good hands with the two of you thank you so now at this time did you have now at this time open to public comment Lor did you want I just want some clarification please1 West Avenue Beach Haven this agenda flyer says on T9 thing the introduction was May 13th first publication May 23rd adoption May 30th that's today so we adopted an ordinance that we're not having team night right then this piece of paper says further public notice is hereby given that said ordinance shall be considered for final passage does this even apply anymore I'm just wondering is this yes vote going to hold before it's actually put in okay it just let me to believe there might be some like okay all right good job thanks thank youone on Zoom let me gentlemen then then you're next ladies first come on up you no [Music] ma'am yeah this time we're only taking budget oh you're only Tak on the budget oh oh John I did sorry I'm not usually running the meeting and I did not know that I apologize to everyone sorry John hbr 319 Fairview Avenue uh Sher I want to thank you for responding I I do review this budget line by line and have my questions which I always have um was that me a couple comments um it appears the Surplus that was used is a little over 3,778 th000 uh the taxes raise from General taxes went up 6.2% and generally when I see that what I try to do is what was the CPI increase because that's that's the rate of inflation I I notice that the CPI increase from 2023 to 2024 was 3.2% % so then you ask yourself why is the budget over the rate of inflation and looking further there were a few things I noticed that were really out outside the Burrow's control uh one was the police and fire retirement fund which is the statutory fund that increased 24% or by $100,000 and the employee Group Health went up 255,000 uh dollars so if you take that away from that 6 point some per you're under the inflation rate you're at 2.2% so uh the other comment I had I noticed in the budget there was a there's 15,000 allocated for the the Park and Recreation coordinator to come up with some programming ideas which is very important now now that we have teen night uh so I'm wondering why if the committee recommended 30,000 why only 15 was in the budget and personally I think 30 is like I mean in terms of the type of programming that that we need especially in terms of getting teenagers now engaged more and with adult adult accountability I I think we really have to look at maybe not for this year but for next year look at that budget line item more carefully and and fund our Parker Recreation programs and I I wrote A A Commentary in the paper a couple weeks ago about some ideas of what those programs would look like so that being said um my only comment is since some of these expenses are beyond the Burrow's control I would like that I would like to use our surpluses more for those type of expenses as opposed to to increasing our taxes uh we mentioned a 2cent increase in taxes maybe uh balance that tax rate with the Surplus in terms of the increase a little bit better so the taxpayers only will have to pay for uh basically increases that deal with infrastructure issues it is my only comment and my only my last comment I looked at the water and utility budget and unless my memor fading when we merg Water and Sewer this past year the representation was there's going to be some savings and I I don't see any savings from the water utility budget in in this budget so I don't know if that's going to happen in the future but I think that's something we we should look at very closely okay thank you good question thank you anyone else with a budget related question okay okay time it resolved by the council members of the B Be Haven county of O that the budget here before set forth is hereby adopted and shall constitute appropriation for the purposes stated in the sums therein set forth as Appropriations an authorization in the amount of the amount of 9, 37,8 6939 for municipal purposes and 1, 23,5 1836 for minimum Library tax I'll take a roll call yes yes yes may Davis she said yes you read her lips yes I I don't know I'm you can't hear me I don't know why now we can we're good okay all right General revenues Surplus anticipated 3,754 56788 miscellaneous revenues anticipated 1,212 15 cents receipts from delinquent taxes 200,000 amount to be raised by taxation for municipal purposes 9, 37,8 16939 amount to be raised by taxation minimum Library tax 1,230 51836 total revenue 15, 435,000 78 General Appropriations within taxs operations including contingent 9 million 79765 deferred charges with statutory expenditures 1 million 32,2 155 excluded from caps operations 1, 765,7 5349 capital improvements $2,151 129 Municipal debt service1 mil 695,000 reserve for uncollected taxes $675,000 total Appropriations 15 m435 1861 78 cents thank you for a balanced budget Sherry it is hereby certified that Within the budget is a true copy of the budget finally adopted by resolution of the governing body on May 30th 20124 it is certified that each item of Revenue and appropriation is set forth in the same amount and by the same title as appeared in the 2024 approved budget and all amendments theto if any which have been previously approved by the director of local government services okay thank you thanks sh thank you very much thanks Sher that was a mouthful all right at this time we're going to open the floor to public comment first of all I'd like to say sorry name and address please yes Diane Zer Unit 16 Renaissance Condominiums I spoke to you at the last meeting and uh having sat through this meeting I saw the anguish on your faces as you Tred to make uh a decision balancing public need and business need and I I have felt that anguish throughout the last summer as we tried to live with the changes that the shell had made uh and the noise was unbelievable uh I'm here to ask ask a specific question I did everything I was told go to the neighborhood watches uh you know call the police uh call the police multiple times uh have the police in our our house I did everything that we could possibly do we were constantly told that changes were going to be made can any of you speak to the fact have any changes been made because having gone through Memorial Day weekend we had the same problems that we had all last summer okay and I believe part of it is just you can't control that wind and I don't know can you speak has there been any change in where that um the stage is positioned or any change can you speak to any changes could I make a comment um uh basically I I I I you know we don't we don't use this as a you know back and forth thing but I I I was I'm in Florida now but I was there on Friday and Saturday night and I I mean I live a little farther than you and there was a lot of win and I am somewhat deaf but I I could I think this shell turn their music off at 11: but I could hear a lot of talking and noise coming in my window from there but I can't really uh I'm not sure uh about you know the noise I I I'm curious to know it was it that bad on the weekend I uh was it at night I could I know why the music was turned off but that is a personal matter that something that occurred and I I was not part of it but I do know why that music got turned off and I don't think I should speak in a public setting to something that was a personal matter between another person and the shell okay so I there they definitely turned it off and oh God that was so nice because usually the only thing we have to pray for is rain and bad weather who prays for rain at the beach okay you know we need so does any is anybody aware of anything Miss Mason is gonna tell you what so Monday night June 10th at six o'clock we will be holding a public hearing on each license individually individually I anticipate that we will have much public comment on the seashell renewal um Tom Hugh is aware that we have gotten quite a few complaints and I requested that he attend that public hearing to hear the public and answer to the public and answer to the council and if they are not satisfied the council can propose additional special conditions be added to the license at that time okay well I have a question just when that happens is there is is Mr Hughes or miss you know tit who are the the bar owners able to have a back and forth with individuals or is it just comment no just comments just comments okay that I just thought that that maybe that's listen until the end I just want to clarify address and address you correct okay well I don't know that any of you can imagine how difficult it is for some like us who've owned our property at Renaissance for 29 years and never complained okay uh it is so hard it is so hard to make that call to the police to have them come in the house when we know that they're dealing with teens and and and emergencies and thank you sorry for your sorry thank you very much sir hi good evening uh George du um president of the breakers Condo Association 101 Engleside and to follow up with this lady's complaint I live directly across street fromell and I all sent you an email recently about about the upcoming um Lial license my question for you is if you were to add an amendment to this lior license as a condition does that become immediate or does that something has to be you know once again announcement then it's first meeting second meeting like some of these other ones no the renewal is one one reading it's a resolution not an ordinance um but then we do have to submit it to the director of the division um and they do have to confirm that the special conditions are all appropriate but I don't think I've ever had a case where they did not a support a special condition that we've added okay as long as it's applicable to consuming alcoholic beverages okay great thank you thank you hi uh hi Joel scaran Renaissance condos one Center Street Unit 17 neighbors of some of these people and first off uh sitting through today's council meeting I have a real appreciation for all you do and a lot of tough decisions to make and a lot of balancing a different interests so thank you um in terms of the noise I I guess and the the issue with the the liquor license um I'm just very curious as to if there conditions made on the liquor license what type of monitoring is done for compliance and people can say a lot of things when they want to get something like a a business getting a liquor license um but then who holds them accountable for uh uh you know uh you know forcing them through the enforcement agency for special conditions on a liquor license is the police department okay so it would be the local police then who uh okay would they have uh any protocol set up with regular monitoring or um is a result and I I yeah they do spot checks and if it's an if it's a special condition that pertains to noise they're going to know that they're in violation it's going to be pretty obvious okay yeah it's a this is a beautiful place to live a great Community one of the frustrations So lately is knowing the know the noise issue that we're having is when I drive around town and see all the signs that we have up about the noise ordinance and after 10 p.m and Etc and then knowing that it's uh you know one uh in a flagrant way that it's not adhere to it's just very unsettling but any thank you for listening to me thank you John I promise my last comment oh that's okay uh just say a thought on the open space referendum we all were talking about earlier today and I mentioned this when the Parks and Recreation committee was making their recommendations uh maybe when we draft this referendum we earmark it and be very specific on what the funds are going to be used for in Beach Haven if it means beautification of Veterans Park as an example if if if people could relate to exactly what those monies are going towards it may have a better chance of passing the ref it must be placed in a trust for open space preservation for acquisition or maintenance of open space would that be applied to playgrounds just yeah so those are the types of things we need to do uh we need to uh so you can't indicate a location if it's placed in the trust I guess you could but I mean can't be used for anything but that yes I know that but you want to be a little more specific yeah so the so the you know what you're getting you bang for your buck correct exactly what the V voters are voting on I think we can do that but we still like for instance when um the property came up in the Boulevard and somebody notified us and we didn't have the money we could have obtain that with this open but we don't have that so if we say it's for the parks then we're really handcuffing ourselves actually we want to be able to have the uh latitude to go after different things yes more than that yeah good point anyone else oh all right um um then at this time we will close the meeting to public comment and we will move on to final REM remarks by Council we start with Nancy tonight since she's on Zoom well I don't have many remarks but um I I appreciate everybody's uh concern and care for the community and that's what really counts we might have different opinions and we vote differently but I think we all feel strongly about be Haven and we want it to be as great a place as we know it is and it is uh so anyway uh with that I will say nothing more and um have a great uh rest of the week and weekend coming up I'll be home soon all right thank you Nancy Colleen welcome um I want to express our condolences on behalf of the burrow to the Mitchell Family on the loss of our beloved employee Eileen Mitchell eileene retired on May first after working in the Beach Haven Library for 40 years she will be greatly missed I also want to thank the members of The Beach Haven Community Arts program the entire crew the VFW and everybody who participated in our annual Memorial Day parade and service um a special thank you to all the groups that marched our Police Department fire first aid water safety councilwoman Kitty Snyder gave a very nice speech and a special shout out to all of the brave people who stayed out in the lousy conditions and stood in the rain to show their support thank you Mr mcaffrey yes I'd like to thank everybody for their emails especially on this um teen night issue um uh most of the most of the emails I I'd say probably about 90 something percent of them were all for getting rid of teen night and a lot of points were brought up to us and everything else and I'm I read through all of them and that's one of the reasons one of the one of the reasons why I I voted the way I did and the other is just basically Public Safety um again my sympathies go out to the Mitchell family and that's that's all I have okay thank you um I also would like to extend my sympathies to the Mitchell Family they're uh Beach Haven epic Beach Haven um wonderful family and eileene will be sorely missed to even behind the mask you knew she was smiling you know she had a lovely smile she was a lovely person I don't think you could say one bad thing about her in fact her granddaughter um or her daughter rather the other day was saying that she she really never said anything bad about anyone she said well except two people I'm really dying to know who those two people are because they must be awful it was me yeah um anyway uh yeah I know they will miss her terribly and anyway that's it and um yeah we had a nice very miserable rainy um Memorial Day celebration but cap did a really good job and um thank everyone for for that and that's it thanks for all for coming and for sitting through um even the budget talk apprciate that thank you so much have a great day and a nice week oh yeah in motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second thank you so much meeting adjourned and obviously not good at running a meeting