not in that cabinet open the door more chairs I don't know I'm just gonna stay out of the way I'm figure it out hello happy New Year the door she got she's like she's call me she like are you going back to I'm like she front door go okay I'll I'll be there in a minute no somebody's coming I on the phone welcome to the land use board meeting the first one of this year uh January the 2nd 20 24 we will start by saluting our flag congratulations to the flag United States of Amica of America and to the Republic which stands one nation under God indivis jce for all this is a regularly scheduled meeting of the burough Beach Haven joint land use board this meeting is being conducted in accordance with the new Jersey open public meetings act and all other applicable laws of the state of New Jersey notice of the meeting has been posted in the burough of beach Haven's municipal building and published in a newspaper of General circulation within the time required by law all proceedings this evening will be in accordance with the open public meetings act the municipal land use law the board's adopted rules and regulations and any other applicable laws of the state of New Jersey this board is a quasi judicial board therefore this meeting shall be conducted in a similar manner to judicial proceeding any questions or comments must be limited to issues that are relevant to what the board May legally consider in reaching a decision no new applications will be heard after 10:30 p.m. this meeting will end no later than 11:00 p.m. no testimony or proofs will be taken after that time unless determined otherwise by a majority of the board members public comment will be limited to 5 minutes each the land use board reserves the right to change the order of the published agenda all changes to the agenda will be announced at the beginning of each meeting okay reorganization we have the administration of O Tom Bonnie Jamie and Jamie four of us have to be swor in and the others have to be sworn in online stand please raise your right hand please rep repeat after me I state your name I to solemnly swear or affirm to swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States I support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the that I will bear true faith I Willi and aliance to the same an aliance to the same to the governments established in the United States to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully I will faith impartially impartially and justly perform justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of of the office member of The Joint land use Board of the Barrow Beach Haven member of the joint congratulations thank yes ready if they did do it and like me to do it I can we should do it fonnie this Jim stens Bonnie yes go ahead uh we're not getting video what video we're not getting any video the screen okay it's the camera is not aligned properly we're getting video but it's just not aligned properly you're not seeing the board you're saying I'm seeing I'm seeing a screen I'm see screen and not the board this is to the chairman and vice chairman [Music] hope don't for for for for you that you have this guy come I can't start the video able to access camera allow Zoom to access your camera from device menu so I don't really get it was somewhere can you see us and hear us oh gosh yes now we can yes said yes Jim can you see us and hear us unmute unmute you're onute m is mut Now put on there is everybody can you three hear us yep we can hear you loud and clear here we go okay good so you need to swear them in right so stand up and raise your right hand what try we got it this far Jerry stand up and raise your right Jerry are we good we're good repeat after me please I state your name IO do L swear or affirm you solemly swear swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the con and the constitution of the State of the State of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true Faith sorry I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same to the governments established to the governments established in the united states in the United States this state and in this state under the authority of The People Under The Authority Under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform formform I don't know I pressed this button that was the wrong button to press all the duties all the duties all the duties of the office of X Out the office of the office of I Know M member of The Joint land use board member of The Joint land use Board of the burrow of Beach Haven of the burrow of Beach Haven congratulations all right next thing is have to do a selection and election of offers for 2024 the first is Chairman of the land use board do I have any nominations I nomin so now I guess if there's no further we can close the nominations motion to close nominations second Gina you want to do a roll call vote please for chair sure does Mrs Leonard vote she can vote for herself Mrs lard yes um Mr tinquist yes Mr Stevens yes Mr Jenna yes Mr meal yes Mrs Bal Miller yes Mr lafredo yes Mr Wanger yes Miss King yes Mr Halperin yes okay congratulations thank you congratulations thank you congratulations uh now we have nominations for vice chair I have anybody n for vice chair I nominate Jim Stevens second that second any other any more nominations any more nominations I SP close nominations for vice chair nominations for vice chair Mrs Leonard yes Mr tinquist yes Mr Stevens yes Mr Jenna yes Mr medal yes Mrs biller yes Mr lafredo yes Mr Wanger yes Miss King yes and miss Mr Halper yes congratulations Jim Stevens thank you J thank you all right so um Miss Leonard if I may why don't we do a roll call now that everybody's been sworn kind of took them out of water okay um Mrs Davis is not here Mr medal yes Mrs ball Miller here Mrs edles is not here Mrs Leonard here Mr Stevens yes here Mr Jenna here Mr tinquist here Mr Balo is not here Mr I'm sorry sorry Mr lafredo here Mr w ER here miss King here Mr hapr here all right next thing it says CL session necessary I think we CL session we don't you can read it by title only oh um does anyone have any discrepancies with any of the dates thees of the meetings I switched that to the second week of November second week of November instead of the first week of every it's the November school break everybody realized that in November there's a school break so we're not going to come first I mean we can if you guys want to just the teachers and people with little kids right I don't have a problem you don't have a problem no my no my school never has that week off anyway change schools no just zo got some other did you guys read these online the meeting dates no no no not the meeting dates what oh yeah okay uh I have a motion to approve resolution 20241 so moved second time Mrs Mr medal yes Mrs ball Miller yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Stevens yes Mr Jenna yes Mr tinquist yes Mr Balo yes Mr lafredo yes Mr Wanger yes Miss King yes and Mr haper yes resolution approved okay next one is resolution 20242 appointing genius selli as the joint Bo secretary anding secretary motion to approve motion to approv second second Mr medal yes Mrs ball Miller yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Stevens yes Mr Jenna yes Mr tinquist yes Mr Balo yes Mr lafredo yes Mr Wanger yes Miss King yes Mr hail yes resolution approved and partners as our lawyers um a motion to approve motion to approve second second Mr medle yes Mrs Paul Miller yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Stevens yes Mr Jenna yes Mr tinquist yes Mr Balo yes Mr lafredo yes Mr Wanger yes Miss King yes Mr hailin yes resolution approved um Gina and the board I just realized because we had our reor meeting at 4 today that the Burrows closed Monday November 11th I don't know if that makes a difference they'll have a meeting on November 11th when the next year it's Clos yes Veterans Day oh we just got the list of and that just that date kind of okay because I knew our meeting is on the 12th and that's a Tuesday so I just kind of backtracked and so I don't know how should we do the first Monday of November okay do that tired TI who me he's got another meeting I had another meeting after this so before we move on then in light of that development we should somebody should put a motion on the table to amend resolution 2024 rl1 to change the November 11 date to I see take it to be November four the week before is that right four so somebody wants to make that motion did we just do that so it' be I can't make the motion but somebody can make the motion as as as stated by the solicitor motion to change Mo change you you can do all in favor you don't have to do all in favor thank you [Music] res4 Eng approve so moved second Mr medal yes Mrs B Miller yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Stevens yes Mr Jenna yes Mr tinquist yes Mr Balo yes Mr lafredo yes Mr Wanger yes Miss King yes Mr Halprin yes resolution approved thank you not until after S6 guelin to elect comp chance to read this motion Tom second Jamie Mr medal yes Mrs B Miller yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Stevens yes Mr Jenna yes Mr tinquist yes Mr Balo yes Mr lafredo yes Mr Wanger yes Miss King yes Mr Halperin yes resolution approved if I might and since Mr Little's still here with us there was another resolution since he has two professional positions one's engineer one's planner believe we skipped over planner how about engineer because I think we only did one I did the first engineer the second is pointing him his plan yes I'll make a motion second his energy level up a little they'll take it personal all in favor we can do that for the rest of the resolution still yes next one is resolution 202 407 adoption of rules and regulations a motion to approve motion I'll second all in favor I I uh resolution 20 2408 adoption of Roberts rules aboard never had this we had our own package rules no longer it's no the rules those rules apply they're attached to your rules and it's it's spell s suspenders in case there's some type of issue of what they call parliamentary procedure when it comes to a motion for the tabling of a motion that way everybody knows Matt and I have both been through it before where Robert rules were not elected and somebody took aboard the task because we were following and Madam chair the the resolution does State it's a supplement to the board's own rules procedures so to the extent that your rules procedures don't speak to that issue you have the ability to go it's AAP correct and I have a motion to approve 20248 make a motion to approve second thought all in favor and we don't don't we don't need a Clos session Madam chair that so what else is that's it done supposed to be approval of minutes okay fin the other thing I wanted to mention is that at the at the last meeting uh you asked the board to review the visits District development guidelin and you said it was quite lengthy and after that rev youw you thought maybe there' be discussion either at this meeting or another meeting well this going to be sent out to everybody did that happen I I read it before the meeting but didn't Jamie say you Jamie say email to members or something yeah it's right on the front page of the it is yes I didn't but I can if if anyone has problems finding it we we mentioned that it was under announcements the World website so so you wanted that what that in the meeting in the minutes in the minutes and also uh in in in a future agenda that should be a discussion item I would think I I don't understand why we need a discussion I mean it is a you know it is a committee that has can't really tell anybody what to do uh just suggest to keep the town looking like it is I don't know why we I don't think the board knows enough about architecture really to discuss yeah I I only mention it because on the announcement Jamie did ask for comments it involes the L use board and at the last meeting I think you indicated R it and if there's any well I just saying review it for your own self- knowledge I don't I don't feel the board I mean I guess if you read it and you felt strongly against something but I I thought it was a great report and very well done I couldn't find anything the only thing I could find is saying using certain materials can be costly for people but you know if you're going to spend that kind of money and beaden I guess you had money I don't know but but I thought it was a great report did anybody else has anybody else looked at it or you have I think they did a wonderful job putting that together yeah but I do think it probably merits some discussion okay but is that our job I don't know I that's a question yeah that's whether it is or not I only thought it merited some discussion just so Jamie and committee knows if there's any feedback from the L use board on the I'm the document that's all well how many of you have actually looked at it Alan you have I have you have J not Tom not is anybody online Jim Stevens or Gary or Jerry no no I have uh Rick you have yes yeah the read through it as far as the the link right online there for the um the I want to make sure I have the right document what's the name of it the um it's the architectural guidelines for the town for re redoing the town Haven on the link Beach Haven business district design guidelines yes I've looked through all that where it talks about like the this was just yep just to give you you know a little background this was something that you know we hired and Architectural and planning Consultants to design this and the committee was responsible for editing adding um pictures from the town and giving examples but this was drafted by an architectural consultant that the burrow hired so if you have any comments or suggestions you can uh email me and I could put that in the final draft of the suggestions that I did receive was to um just to put some to put addresses underneath the pictures which I'm going to do in the final draft to give anybody that's going through this an idea of where exactly these properties are located and there are a few grammatical errors that I can have to fix as well Jamie I had a question because I wasn't I couldn't remember if it was in the uh master plan or the or the architectural guidelines was the streetscapes well the streetcape is in the master plan and the streetcape is also adopted by ordinance so that's you know that's a that's a law that Frank takes in consideration that's that stands alone from this okay so to clarify on my end I reviewed the master plan N1 but not the other document okay well the the reason behind the district the business district guidelines with real which applies to businesses anywhere not just in the commercial District because we do have some businesses in the Marine commercial and also throughout residential that the architectural advisory committee really needed guidelines to use that represents the direction that we would like to see our businesses move forward with so the guidelines are used by the AAC to help them lead people in the direction that we want our business district to look like so they they are guidelines they're not hard fast rules and applications are met case to case with the AAC suggestions are given back and forth and then a final plan is either submitted to the town or or to the land use board but it's a way to keep you know the lines of communication open and really direct the way that we want our town to look like and Jamie it was my understanding that one of the reasons these guidelines was developed so the land use board has some guidelines when they have site plans before them well the land use board doesn't have hard fast rules on the architecture of an applicant it's up to the luse board to decide between variances it's not up to them to design the architectural of an application it would be a good idea in my own opinion that an applicant would take a look at these guidelines and see where the town is moving towards to help their application but an application is based off of variances not based the land use boort is not responsible for designing a building but in general to kind of overlooking it making sure it meets the intent of the master plan of the of the town now part of it part of so yeah the M the master plan suggest the master plan suggests an AAC which we did and the AAC asked for guidelines and that's what we gave them also the link is also right on the main website yes I went under government Jamie when I went on count it I am I am copying them to Gina right now and she's gonna send it out to everybody tomorrow okay more comments okay moving right along that was I guess that was old business that that was old business okay there no escro returns I thought there was originally but no uh the next is approval of minutes of November 23 and December 23 any comments other than well I sent everyone and Gina sent the my comments on the December minutes but the November minutes which I made comments to were not sent out for this meeting I don't believe so I don't know what you want to do I did make comments on the November me minutes you made it on the November and December meetings yes what were the November ones besides some edits for clarification some of the public names that that were commented were were misspell and cl just clar right and and there were some other edits I I don't want to go into all the detail but there was other edits for further clarification she can do that now uh can I have an approval of the minutes are November and December 2023 everybody in favor I good thank you then we have approval of the bills pay everybody way too much uh can I have a motion to approve the bills motion to approve the bills time second Jamie second Jamie all in favor motion toour Boys Still moves tired [Music] here so the one thing here I'm really disturbed about is this meeting lasting till 10:30 if necessary you started everybody's brain dead by then pared from I know but that's because we just and that was the start one in that resolution we also detailed that one of the Amendments is that your meetings now start at all those times be Chang your reorganization you tell us what you want and we just put it in there you amend your rules and regulations put a new cover sheet2