Frank got two minutes two minutes to spare good two minutes you're Luen where's your cat Frank I should have brought a heaven is what that makes I turn right right it's this room it's this room okayy we have still two a minute a minute and a two [Music] seconds York I I've done that before I get from a restaurant to the Theater District oh yeah it was like well just get out PL on 57 yeah M watch Jo says 559 but I can start okay uh I'm calling the meeting to order it's a land use board meeting it's December 6 and it is 6 o'clock and um we now have the C salute so everybody will stand I pledge allegiance to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under godis with liberty and justice pursuant to the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the entrance hall of the Beach Haven municipal building and mailing the same to the beach Haven times and the Asbury Park Press this meeting is a Judicial proceeding and questions or comments must be limited to issues that are relevant to what the board May legally consider in reaching a decision for each individual application deorum appropriate to a Judicial hearing must be maintained at all times a roll call Mrs edles here Mrs Leonard yes Mr Belo here Mr tinquist here Mr Stevens here Mr Jenna mayor Davis here Mr metal Mrs ball Miller here Mr lafredo Mr Wanger here miss King Mr hailin here okay everybody's here um basically um ncy Dan Nancy yes I I saw your text yeah but I just I just want to say one other thing that I wanted to announce to the board okay I wanted to talk about the architectural committee's draft that's on our website and I'd like all the members to go go through and read it um I think Jamie and her group have done an outstanding job uh but it's good knowledge to know for the the type of look we're going for in town so I just think everybody should be aware of it and take the time to read it it's not the easiest place to find it I had to scroll around a while to find it but I did find it and it's about 40 pages long but it's very good thank you bon Architectural Review business district guidelines business district guidelines I told you to email it out to everybody okay that would be wonderful if you could do that it's also on the announcement section in the website if you go right to the Bur website I went to government and went to something else and I finally found it yeah and Jamie Jamie was sing comments to the to the um do we have any more old business um before before we get started nope I no yes Bonnie do you have anything no I don't have any all right i' I'd like to get started uh with um the um Redevelopment uh because Emily gibbin is here that way she can there's an echo on here that way Emily can get finished and leave so she doesn't have to drive home to late at night so do you want to go forward with that sure so we're here this evening um before master plan consistency review with the proposed Redevelopment plan for um it is block 205 Lots one and two and that is also known as I'm going to get you the street address so everybody has an orientation um 1200 North Bay and 305 12th Street it's also the former Beach Haven auto site um this Redevelopment plan merely adopts the underlying zoning um it does supersede the underlying zoning so that no use variances can be granted to any applicant um but it does not change the zoning uh and the reason for that is that um because of the environmental condition of the site um the burrow wants to ensure that any uses that are that may come forward um are consistent with what the burrow Council as Redevelopment entity would like to see there that are consist consistent with the commercial District so um use variances by this board would not be able to be granted under this plan unless a Redevelopment agreement has been entered and Council decides that they're going to amend the plan to accommodate that request from any potential redeveloper or the property the current property owner that's named redeveloper so this plan itself merely adopts the underlying zoning so it's not changing anything um and then we'll have Frank sworn in um so that he can give his professional planning opinion with regard to consistency with your burrow master plan thank you so FR do you want to I'm she's gonna swear metim to get truth truth I do I Frank little board engineer and planner I I'm gonna make it short and sweet as Emily said we're adopting this with the underlying zoning So currently we're in a business district we have zoning a zon schedule setbacks would you speak in the microphone Frank I'm having trouble hearing you this on yeah that's on anyway um we're we're adopting this with the underlying zoning so it's going to meet the setbacks the coverage everything that we currently have for any other development in town other than the fact that we won't have to worry about the use variant situation if they want to come in with something that's not in our ordinance that would have to go before Council for a Redevelopment agreement so it's certainly consistent with our master plan goals and with the Burrows ordinances does anybody have any questions for Frank or Emily I have one question for Emily the um the ordinance went be before Council which was 20 23-38 was uh was an introductory reading this there's going to be a second reading where the public will be able to comment yes that's correct what will be the impact act based on those comments if there's any changes to this ordinance so um if there were a public comment that would require changes to the draft plan then that were substantive say they were going to change what the zoning might be incorporate other uses or something like that um then it would get reintroduced in January and it will come back to this board because you wouldn't have reviewed those things for master plan consistency so um as long as there are no substantive changes to the plan uh which is highly unlikely because really we're sticking with the underlying zoning ensuring that that property remains a commercial viable property in the business district um at this time we don't see any other potential uses for it um and this gives adoption of the plan gives the burough Council the ability then to enter into agreements even with the current property owner to ensure that um their rights are protected and that they're doing things that they are um supposed to be doing with regard to the remediation so um it's just another you may have heard the term tool in the toolbox but without having this Redevelopment plan in place uh the burrow Council uh really can't act as Redevelopment entity so the the plan is a statutory requirement before you can enter into any agreements um so but again to answer your question again if there is any substantive change based on public comment then uh it would have to get reintroduced and it would come back to the board for a full review of those changes and I guess my my second question uh my understanding is a committee or the owners are working uh to clean up the site from from the contamination does that have any if if the site does get cleaned up does that have any impact on what we're doing tonight it it does not well we're doing tonight is um adopting the underlying zoning to ensure that the the burrow is able in a position to act as Redevelopment entity um and again that is so that they can enter into an agreement if that find that necessary um with a current property owner any other potential redeveloper um the the first and foremost the site has to get cleaned up and um the owners have provided information to us through their lsrp um that shows that they are wrapping up some additional testing that has been done they're going to provide an analysis and a report of that um and they're taking steps to move towards remediation of the property they are working on that okay thank you does anybody else have any questions anybody on Zoom anybody else in the audience have any questions or thoughts comments in that case um do we have a motion um to approve resolution 227 2023 I saw move that we approve it a second [Music] welcome Mrs Davis yes Mr medal oh sorry he's not here um Mrs B Miller yes Mrs edles yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Stevens yes sorry okay um Mr tinis yes Mr bbo yes Mr Winger yes and Mr halin yes resolution approved thank you uh so um if we go to the top of the list um Emily thank you very much uh if we go to the top of the list we're on to uh the resolution for the um Doc and Claw which is um 20234 and um did everybody have time to read that resolution does anybody have any comments or anything they want to add or change in the resolution I have a comment I have I have a comment um previously when they came to us they went to the town for the permit I think everybody needs to realize they asked for four picnic tables they only ever put out three and I just think people should understand that that even though they were approved for four they only put out three so uh and there was a lot of information incorrectly put out on the internet that they were coming and asking for increased seating and they were not so I need everybody in town to be aware the fact that everything you read and most of what you read on Facebook or on Gage Beach Haven is not true so that's my comment thank you anybody else in that case is there a motion to approve this particular resolution I make a motion to approve appr I second [Music] JY have enough Mrs Davis yes Mrs Bal Miller yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Stevens yes Mr tlas yes Mr Balo yes resolution [Music] approved okay so resolution done uh so now we're moving uh to the um uh escro returns um there's another resolution yeah I see that I'm sorry oh yeah oh I'm sorry I my eyes aren't so good yeah so we have a resolution 202312 gaml Le Ley um basically uh has everybody read that are there any comments or thoughts on that particular wasn't some changes that you published just recently there were there were some changes that I got last week and then I had set the resolution to the applicant attorney and just made a couple changes to the lot numbers that was it okay that was a change today okay okay uh is there any comments or anybody want to comment on this resolution and on the board the uh Nancy the only comment I have and I don't even know if it requires a change on page two it talks about um impervious coverage of 88.5% the the testimony we heard which I thought was a good selling point for adopting this this subdivision was if you consider all properties including the residential and the commercial the impervious coverage is goes to 66% which is very close to you know what are ordinance so I don't know if we want to put that number in the resolution the only issue that I had originally they were seeking a variance for the impervious coverage on the commercial lot they withdrew that request and and the testimony about the potential lot coverage on the entire the entire parcel that's really that's not before the board right now they were saying if it were built as they had originally proposed it would be around 66% but we're not going to know exactly what that number is until they come back with plans so that's why we just I just referenced the 8825 that was on their plans but then stated that they withdrew that request okay so that makes sense yes uh any other comments anybody on Zoom no all right no comments so is Penny yeah you said there were a couple changes to couple of the last are they of any consequence for us do no it was just a correction that he had any other comments is there a motion to approve uh resolution um 202312 have a motion approve is there a second second [Music] okay nobody's raing this is Davis yes Mrs B Miller yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Stevens yes Mr Jenna he's not here he's not there Mr tinquist Mr tinest yes Mr Belo yes Mr H yes resolution approved thank you okay so now we're now we're on to Escrow returns um uh basically um this is just an approval to return $ 23970 to Mercer management uh and Chris [Music] Vernon I guess this is just a a vote basically okay Mrs edles yes I approve Mrs Leonard yes Mr tinest yes Mr Stevens yes mayor Davis yes Mrs B Miller yes Mr Wanger yes and Mr Halper yes es approved okay uh so now we just have approval of the minutes um has everybody had a chance to look at the minutes we don't have we don't have any minutes I'll have next get those done I I I did I you know now that you say it I don't remember reading seeing them myself okay uh so we skip over that I did see the bills though um is there a is everybody okay with the bills is there a motion to approve the bills so moves so second second Mrs edles yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr tinquist yes Mr Stevens yes mayor Davis yes Mrs B Miller Mr Wanger yes and Mr hail yes I'm sorry I ski Mr Balo I'm sorry Mr B Mr B says yes okay Bill list approved so that basically is all the business business we have on our agenda for today is there any new business or anything anybody would like to bring up Bonnie brought up the architectural the uh material for the main street of the business district anybody else have any comments or questions that case is there a motion to adjourn no move any second no second second all right forget the Christmas dinner oh when is it going to be it's uh Sunday night the 10th the 10th okay time 6 what was the time 6 p.m yes okay that's this week I'll s reminder okay the side correct what time six okay all right cool all right so so everybody can leave now everybody out in the audience dinner happy holidays everybody