go okay mayor Jacobs I am here commit you're only on the second name Janine you're start all over May Jacobs still herei here M Orana here Mr Leonard here Mr vilus pres Mr Walter here Mr first here chair will that sh I'm here adequate notice of this meeting of the Bedminster Township Lish board was filed with the Township Clerk sent to the Bernardsville news and The Courier News and to all subscribers and posted at the Township Municipal Building one Miller Lane Bedminster New Jersey on January 12th 20124 stand States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under indivisible withy and jusice for all I will open it up to the public uh if there's anything they would like to discuss that's not on the agenda Now's the Time anybody online Jan no just our Frank on the agenda okay seeing nothing we'll close the public and we have some minutes that need to be approved we have feary first I make a motion to approve the February 1 meeting second all in favor I anyone need to recuse themselves J I'm abstaining yes y thank you minutes are approved for February 1st February 8th a mo I'll make a motion to approve the February minute me all favor anyone need to refuse the boys the [Laughter] so okay minutes from February 8th there also uh there's some correspondents um I think you all know that there's a landice law torium on Saturday if anybody's interested if you find that now time right now I have Colin Tim and myself but let me know because I'm going to s in tomorrow to make sure we get okay um there's some other correspondent for the tier 4 each read uh we have a resolution for mise uh that needs to be approved a motion so you want to go back to the correspondence no how about somebody second has to be who who Moved oh okay moved and the second second roll call name uh M Orana hi Mr Leonard hi mrus uh the people that voted no don't vote on the resolution so that was George and Tim correct George and Tim I think voted now okay Mr first I and chair I resolution carries okay we have a new hearing for the center of Contemporary Art um you're ready come up have microphone thank you floor is all yours we we'll say just SAR you in but this is an informal hearing I believe or formal meeting but I'll I'll just make sure about that so please raise your right hand do you swear for him to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the choose to help you God you and please state your name and address and spell your last name an office address is sufficient um Cindy wish wi 2020 burnt Mills Road Ben and Cindy you're presenting this for the center for contemporary art but you're doing it it on Township property and you're doing it with the Township's authorization is that correct correct okay so because it's a modest change to a Township structure it's basically just what's called a capital Improvement plan review that means it's advisory only you're reviewing it under the municipal land law for Capital Improvement plan review which provides for that she's basically acting as an agent for the T of Bedminster um so it's internal to the township uh the the review is one of customary and advisory review basically any advice you would give to the uh party seeking the capital Improvement plan review this one's pretty straightforward so I don't think you need much more information than that but if you have any questions I'd be glad to answer them and all she has to do is explain to you what you would like to do and you do a motion and a resolution that confirms that this Capital Improvement plan is reviewed and these are your comments okay thank you okay all right thank you very much um as mentioned I'm with the center for contemporary art uh we are a nonprofit organization we went classes um workshops we have a rotating exhibition schedule of international artists and we also do Community Partnership programs working with places like Crossroads for Hope Mount eel village community crisis to support you know General Community well-being um as mentioned we operate out of the plaman schoolhouse a historic building that is owned by the township we have a multi-year lease with the township on that building um in 2022 we applied for historic preservation Grant through Somerset County to redo our short handicap ramp and handicap walkway that leads up to the building at this point there are significant gaps in it um it is still technically compliant but it's not easy to navigate with a wheelchair or even with like sort of a rolly cart um so we apply for that Grant with the town's permission and blessing as our as our landlords um we received the grant um we sent the application to the state to for approval as well um the drawings for the new ramp were done by Paul Fox the engineer uh they were submitted to you as well um it received approval from the historic uh commission at the state level and so now we're here to hopefully move forward with the project with you with historic commission here and then get started on it it involves essentially just redoing the ramp exactly as it is same footprint same basic material same visual aesthetic it will just be more functional project yeah anybody have any question on the board me yeah pretty like for like y making a good thing even better y it up to the public anybody on still Frank just online and anyone here no I don't see anybody I don't see anybody online you see anybody Frank Frank must be on his pain fill because he's muted oh man that was really cold that was we used to be friends you know I just I don't know what to say um no I think everybody I would agree with everybody's assessment and certainly the state historic preservation office also does what I wanted to mention was that in our Quest like many small towns to build a thriving walkable downtown kind of place that uses the arts and culture as drivers the luckiest town you can be is a town that's got something like this that's already happening being driven by the community and just thought you know I've always been very impressed with the fact that I walked into town and found you blessed to have used your old school this way and I to everybody that's involved I think you deserve an awful lot of credit because it's been a Guiding Light for the town for a long time well thank you Frank oh truth not a problem happy to say it yeah thanks Frank for that you're welcome uh anyone else no one we can go forward joh so if the board entertain it's a simple motion and there will be a simple written resolution to confirm it that basically says that the board hereby confirms that it reviewed the capital Improvement PL uh of the center for U contemporary art at the township uh building and the proposed replacement of the uh ramp in an ADA Compliant way way and that that the board has no board finds it consistent with the master plan and does not have any additional recommendations is there such a motion so so move second and a roll call please um mayor Jacobs hi committee man hickey hi M orbana hi Mr Leonard hi Mr odelius hi Mr Walter hi Mr first I chair got I motions approved good luck thank you so much thank you can I ask one question since the state historic already approved them do they still need to go to rhbc I had told Cindy that they did but if under our ordinance they do sorry I think I think shipo I think the HBC will probably say yeah shipo no okay trying to get you out of an exterior new ramp are they in a district yeah they are were they already there yeah no but I'm saying no I so I ask PA because of the scenario we said we would put them on here and then go there because it's kind of a new around so I hold them up and wait for HP makes sense get out while you can Janine I think if you when you send it over to the HBC if you just send the letter from the shipo uh you know confirming that and acknowledge that we already have that and if they don't feel a need to do anything we don't need them to do anything it might help them okay I I will definitely thank you okay um we have this application for R6 um is now schedule for me I keep our fingers okay um continue the U 2475 lamington Road that's continued that April 4th right now we have SI I just have one other question on that Tom when did you want to make sure they had all that INB because they said April 4th you want everybody to review plans I already told them they also have to go back to HPC on the 21st and now I need the plans by next week that's good enough for you guys yeah yeah I defer to pull and prank okay I like yeah that's that's that's two weeks we can make it work okay okay and it has to be a minimum of 10 days before the April 4th hearing okay okay butor Paul and Frank control on this yeah are the the boys are they into this they yes they're everybody's eligible for T of sick for C variant and I'm sorry C variance okay we're ready to hear p am I say that right yeah that right okay hi everyone my name is Sana Pik I live at 15 56 tole Avenue I own the property and there is a slot that goes down from I'm sorry Lana and Merrick uh if you're both going to speak and testify please raise your right hands will you be testifying sir okay Mar I I'm I'm Mark the architect okay so anybody who would be testifying please raise your right hand do you swear firm to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you God yes and starting at the table with v Lana please State your names spell your last name and give us your address and the AR architect can give us a business address so please go ahead the l p p n a SI I K 56 SLE Avenue B New Jersey 7 Mark Maran m r IO n uh 11:30 route 202 uh Building B site five in riton and Mark what what is is do you have an expertise or profession yes I'm an architect okay and could you just describe the I don't believe the board is recognized and accepted your qualifications in the past so if you could give a quick summary of them that'd be good uh have my uh degree in 1982 from PR Institute I've been a registered architect since 1989 been self-employed with architecture plus since 91 uh my license is in good standing and I've given expert testimony at probably two dozen boards mostly in Somerset County but I believe this is the first time here thank you and the board will accept your qualifications as a registered architect and we'll go to the next gentleman to get his name spelling and address and so you have to come up to the mic I think if you're gonna you can stand behind your wife perhaps and speak into that mic or if there's a temporary mik portable mic Mar panasik m k p a n a s i k 56 do Avenue thank you Mr panis and please go ahead everybody um I think I can take it from here um yes the the panex would like to build a 16x 20 deck on the back of their Ranch residence it's on a a conforming lot um although the way the setbacks are the current it's a ranch residence and it's setback about 41 40 excuse 47 feet off the front yard and it pushes it quite far back so there really is U no other way to put this deck on this the rear of this home without going for Rance uh the rear of the house is pretty much a foot or two off the rear yard setback uh the back of the property slopes down a couple feet off the uh house the deck would be about four four and a half fet uh off the ground that's how elevated their property is or their houses in the rear and um we see the lot to the rear is a pretty large car sold about 13 over 13 acres and uh I believe it's address is 475 Main Street I think I believe it's a funeral home and it's just a wooded lot uh to their rear and um this deck will help them enjoy their backyard not have to go down there's a lot of steps down to to the ground out the back existing backsliding door we're placing the deck right where there is an existing slideing door that's adjacent to their kitchen and it's it's it's a modest deck and I think it's appropriate sized I don't think it would be very helpful for them and and since there's no one to their rear I don't think causes any harm to any adjacent problems what will the final setback be final setb will be U 149 149 pleas yeah step back is 31 feet and 30 is required anyone to have any questions for so I just a quick question I assume the deck's going to have railings because it looks like it's gonna oh yeah four feet off the ground probably five feet at the at the back and so the only way onor off the deck is to the uh right when you're looking out correct back it's like South toward the existing towards Main Street Main Street M Street anyone else from the board you have any questions looks good Madam chair if I would just make one comment um if the board were also to approve this application I would suggest that the variant be granted to 14.5 feet however the dimensions as shown on the architectural plan should be held this is not to allow a larger deck but just sometimes there's inches that get missed and I don't want to as Bill ser ready to come in where it says 14 feet 8 in and we have a problem and they have to come back here so I think the the plan should follow the dimensions shown on this plan but they could be up to 14 feet six inches some wiggle room appreciate it's and we've done that frequently in the past okay I'll open it up to the public yes sir please yes please come forward sir and if there's is there a microphone here at all we don't have just move it sorry sorry please raise your right hand do you swear or firm to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth to help you God yes and now please state your name and address and spell your last name William Ray Ry 120 Riverwood at bedm New Jersey I just have a few questions and some observations okay so when I'm looking at this existing deck that you guys built that was built on the back it looked like it needed a variance why wasn't a variance sought to put that existing deck that's there I guess the applicant why wouldn't you try to get a didn't you get a variance for that de that you did put up it looks like the is actually within the set stairs [Music] that but isn't stairs still a structure where you would need a set Paul would the stair if it's if it's connected to the existing structure is considered part of the existing structure so then a variance would have been required then for that I don't know because I I don't know when those ended up there and I don't know if the rear yard setback change in the zone and when it to change so my observation was that the uh the deck was put up uh relatively recently so I think it would have needed but you can do all your research on that I think it would have needed a variance and it didn't and they didn't get a variance for that I if you're asking me I I'm not aware that they got a variance okay move into the house have to have the stairs from the back the stairs are required there a door there a landing [Music] stair couldn't have you couldn't you have done it and stayed within the setback and had that back deck and shoot and shoot the steps off to the side and then be within the no no I'm talking about there's an existing deck that's there and it it's it's it's looks like it needed a variance and they didn't get it is what I'm I'm seeing on this plan so as the professional when you saw this existing deck there's a note on the plan that says existing stairs to be removed you didn't you when you did and who would instruct ask okay okay so let me ask you a question did you did the applicant look into other ways if the a goal is to have outdoor seating did the applicant look into other ways for outdoor patio or anything like that to achieve the outdoor seating require they're looking for pao thees you don't have stairs and y quite slow flat surface have you walked the property yes and you think it's quite slow okay all right so uh I'm looking at the lot coverage alloud as 30 and propose and they have existing of 20 24 is that correct yes could they have fit a patio with with that's probably about a 500 foot patio my math is Right could they fit a patio of 500 square feet on there and and and not be in a variant situation no but I'm just answer that that could without and you would need a variance and you get the outdoor seating not no but you could still have a patio and have seating correct okay all right so if they're running a business out of their home can I ask a question uh what do you plan do you plan on storing anything underneath the deck okay all right that's it thank you for your time I I would object to the uh to the application and I think they can solve the problem by putting in um a patio of even twice the size of the deck that they're putting in it wouldn't and it wouldn't require a variance coverage okay anyone else is this wait was this deck already built I don't get understand what's going on there's an existing there's a existing slider up here and there's a small Landing okay that's there um and steps leing down to the ground oh okay oh okay but that was built relatively recently so that would have needed a variance they didn't get a VAR the way I seeo com that as I said I don't know when it was built and I know that um I I remember when the home was built I don't remember the exact specifics of uh what was done on this side and I know that the setbacks in this Zone have changed and I don't know what they were just simp absolutely anyone else next door so I'm looking I'm looking at that that from my backyard you have a pool yeah want does anybody else on the board have a question for the um I didn't think I got you got an answer to a question Mr Ray and I never like that so the question I think s Ed it with a statement and I think it's best for sitlana to answer that question was are you operating a business out of the house no will there be no there be no operations of a business or of storage of materials for a business at this property is that correct my husband owns the construction company but everything what he does he installs the tiles and his machine Ms them his truck on his we there's nothing else in my house we also have a showroom that stores extra material that we need sometimes where is the showroom where I'm sorry where shorts Jersey oh design 59 519 Milburn Avenue Short Hill so you understand that there will be no operation of that business out of this home right yes that's why we have a showroom right clients are coming there and all all materials will be stored at the showroom and not at the house right the house because there's no need to my house is not that Lar to do the business I have a showroom and we have the tools that are on the TRU or not do ask question up for the chairperson yeah please come um are there any materials that all stored in the garage because I've seen delivery trucks coming and bringing grout and other things that and the pallets of things are stored outside spare pallets are are there is there anything stored in the garage related to the business no still finishing up we just finished our basement we just received the construction for um I think I'm allowed to have a rout my garage like everybody else just St the thing and I put it in my car and sometimes I take it show not has nothing to do with affecting my neighbors the safety of my neighbors or anything to do with what I'm asking I just want to enjoy my day well it it may not have anything to do with the deck variants that you're asking for but the operation of business and the storage of business materials on the site is not permitted it's just not permitted in the residential Zone and if you have materials that need to be delivered they need to be delivered to the showroom and not to your home thank you thank you anything else no okay did we open to the public let's let's make open again to the public including the internet okay we'll open it again see if anybody has anything more to online we still just have Frank okay okay so we're closing it public okay so if the board would entertain it's a motion to approve the C variant uh uh of the applicant U requested t uh and discussed this evening subject to the standard conditions also subject to the conditions we discussed this evening Paul and Frank's reports uh condition that there'll be no operation of a business uh and no storage of business materials at the property or in the garage um the applicant operates a business and will continue to do so out of the showroom at 5119 Melbourne Avenue in Melbourne not at this property and uh the construction of the deck shall be consistent with the approved plans but the variance to allow the deck to be located uh up to 14.5 ft or 14et 6 in from the property line but the deck shall be built in accordance with the architect's uh dimensions and design uh is there's a motion to approve that I'll make the motion second mayor Jacobs hi maniki hiana hi Mr Leonard I Mr OAS I Mr Walter hi Mr first hi chair got I good luck Lu okay we'll open up board members have anything to say so Carol like to read into the record Rich trini's letter of March 6 few mon so it's a letter that rich addressed to both Carol and me as mayor and as chair of L's board dear Larry and Carol it is with sadness that I tendered my resignation from the township Lanes board effective Thursday March 7 2024 I've thoroughly enjoyed my tenure on the board and has been my honor to be a service to the community Through The Years I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to serve with a dedicated group of people to try and do what is best for the community while respecting the rights of property owners B has been a wonderful place to live and raise our family I wish everyone the best while Joanne and I move on from what has been her home for for 30 years sincerely Rich Richard keini W so rich has been with us um before my time on the lanes board he served on the on the board of adjustment I zoning board years ago oh wow and um it was at my request that he uh rejoined the board and as someone who is uh experienced in the real estate Community as both uh Architect by training and by a property owner representative in his in his current position um it was great fit and certainly respectful of the Bedminster Community our master plan as well as what Rich um reiterated in his letter the rights of property owners which I believe this board has always been resp respectful of um and just aside from Rich's letter Rich has been a coach a volunteer and not only has he coached his own kids but he also coached uh Sports uh when his kids were not in those uh Sports any longer and that's a true indication of someone who's really dedicated uh to volunteers so we thank you Rich for his years of service and we wish him and Joan the best of Lu as uh they move on where where are they moving to psylvia Pennsylvania yeah I believe uh out by Easton and then eventually Clemson I think that's I think that's that only make sense yeah a walk on a walk- on um quarterback at uh at Clemson when he was there ever played do Bill do you know if he ever played yeah I think but uh been a lot of time down there and I I I believe that I believe that's where he's going yeah and house is on for was on for sale they had the open house last week bunch of cars come by I not sure if there's any takers but he thought this was a good time to uh make us move out has been a good board member he's been dedicated to it and uh we'll certainly miss him yeah and um pretty strident in um his opinions when he had them are we gonna revisit drive-throughs you know what we do that one last just since he's no longer on the board let's put a couple in just just for Rich uh that's all I have okay very good anybody else okay well we need a motion to adjourn so moved second is there a meeting uh just I'm sorry next week yeah is there a meeting next week there is not there is not not Oh I thought we did have one we do not have anyone on the agenda so the next one that we have officially is the April 4th okay um there are two applications that we have that have not been deemed complete or incomplete yet um I will keep is that um rman and um can't back up how about the corner of yeah how about 2475 were deemed 202 yeah 202 206 they were incomplete and they have not resubmitted have they no they have not resubmitted anything and they literally just reached out to me the other day to ask what was the result and I you were told you were complete that's um we sent it to them what's that yeah who still incomplete so we do have one who's the attorney on that one uh melan oh yeah okay um they're still what what are they uh were they defici I think it was a they they haven't resubmitted anything oh they hav't resubmitted yeah so they went through HBC yeah they went through HBC yeah okay so so we do have the one that's incomplete two that need to be reviewed and just came in today for an interpretation so interpretation by way than we did all last year I quickly look I quickly looked at the interpretation one and I'm confused why is it even needed what what in my opinion I I think they want the interpretation to be able to have the the cooking classes the B is that sort of the workshop part of the thing okay who's the who's the it's out in Potterville in the vn3 zone Bakery with uh the ability with an apartment on the second floor and the ability to they want the ability they want to confirm is that the bank building the pack gladson bank I don't I don't know okay um but they have a bakery are permitted use right but the question is would the ability to teach cooking classes be permitted in a workshop section Workshop section which they want to call out and ask you to confirm so it's actually a very smart question to ask before you buy a piece yeah it's the only I mean we don't actually have to have a big hearing about something like that I no it's just it'll probably be like the art center hopefully we can fit it on with something El you it's basically Complete because they asked the question you guys can answer it if are we still in an open meeting yes yes okay um I thought there was a motion to adjourn there was I interrup I thought there was too but when I see but that was me that was my Interruption so if you want to put that in the record Janine just to be clear Larry that was there was a motion toour and then Larry asked a question said I just have a fness for Bak good so I think you're not alone and cooking classes I I don't know okay yeah okay so no meeting next week and keep youil okay April 4th the gang fall back except for us except for you guys yeah boys are not allow yeah you guys not part of that time if we are they would they sit on an interpretation yes it's interesting the only thing that they're not eligible for is a d variance and I and I asked that because if we tried to put that interpretation on April 4th i' be oh they might not be here because of the other case yeah yeah we wouldn't want to make you waste your time you know I'm really not having trouble with that as being permitted use but I but I defer to you Paul and I mean they they they've asked the question I know they have but I'm trying to say that I I don't disagree with you four out of four out of seven people voting yes tonight that is to me totally loud whether you even want to venture into that without hearing from them that's your call um to me if you show somebody how you bake Goods in a place where you're baking Goods it's part of baking so but that's your call not my call because it didn't it didn't quite reach the ability of the zoning officer to just conclude that they didn't ask the zoning officer they skipped this they're trying to could they just yeah couldn't they just do a zoning Pro okay they supposed to ask for zoning officer I don't it's not mandatory you know like you take chances in life I mean people no I mean they do right I mean and I will tell you it's all good and easy and fun from the zoning perspective but they're probably going to have a septic issue that's what that that did that did come to my mind but that's a board of health issue right there sewer there Potterville yeah right across yeah in tubry it's not available to can't you God it would be nice if the mayor would talk to the other mayor it's not that simple I will tell you it's also in the highlands preservation zero chance get S run the PIP well maybe just okay so we'll just schedule it for then uh April whatever 11th April 4th oh still do it but lar Colin probably wouldn't come that night no they wouldn't be here as long as we're heing the other application they wouldn't be here we could hear them rather quickly on your interpretation and then maybe I'll um not accept Rich's resignation for at least uh what was that April 4 couple more weeks yeah push it off going to ask for a drivethru on the bakery that's you already you know you already have the drive-thru almost there why there's a bank yeah I mean I'm assuming it's the PG I think nothing else there's nothing else yeah unless they're doing it in pingry or the uh building next to the fire company oh yeah wow okay thank them for for the you know for asking the question I thought so um I'll second the motion I motion second and third the third he gets the third right yeah so Larry will be the third yeah yeah third AG good job that check appointment list on I can tell you're trying to talk to us I said who knew who knew municipal government was so much fun how's your knee Frank are you did you do your knee um I'll tell you what there's a guy at the physical therapy place who I want to punch in the face every three you know three times a week but yeah it's coming along pretty good actually thanks for welcome looks pretty weird on an X-ray though I gotta tell you yeah really that's great but I'll race you next time we get together to all right all right I'm not running too much anymore I'm not even walking any all right good night okay take care everybody thanks for letting me call keep done