that Mr first here Mr Leonard here Mr vus presid Mr djini here Mr Walter here chairman M I'm here adequate notice of this meeting of the Bedminster Township Lage board was filed with the Township Clerk sent to the Bernardsville news and the CER news and to all subscribers and posted at the Township Municipal Building one Miller Lane Minster New Jersey on January 12 2024 i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for stands indivisible andice for all okay I'll open it up to the public if there's anyone that would like to speak about something that's not on the agenda no one online and okay close it to the public uh we have our minutes that we need to approve on April 11th make a motion to accept the minutes second all in favor I I anyone oppose standing thank you madam chairman we could go out of order a little bit and carry a case that's not going to be heard tonight okay that might make sense so um this is referring now to the U public hearing 2475 lamington Road LLC Board of adjustment matter that will be carried without additional notices to the date certain of uh next um Thursday June I'm sorry May 9th at 7M there'll be no further notices okay we don't I just want to report that in the minutes and in the record yeah okay that is that is carried without additional notices to um May 9th at 7 pm then make could go back to the order of business okay uh we have correspondence here we have a letter from the township administrator Robin Ray dated April 16th it's an ordinance Amendment uh to the Z management or storm water management so Madam chairman this is just a uh determination of whether the proposed ordinance is consistent with the master plan or at least not inconsistent with the master plan I'm going to defer to Paul to just describe what it is for you I'm sure it's something that b makes us do but we we'll hear what Paul says yeah the the DP adopted new storm water standards last July gave the municipal a year to adopt the ordinance to be consistent our ordinance actually has been consistent because it referenced the state standards uh by reference by talking about their rules this is the short form that the DP put out and it has additional information on it specific specifically uh related to maintenance and variances that they wanted to have in there so really doesn't change anything for us uh it just gets it more consistent with what the DP is looking for okay so we could open to the public but basically what you'd be doing is reviewing it and uh at the request of T committee hopefully I would say recommend it as consistent with the master plan because your master plan is very forward thinking about protection of storm water and waterways Etc okay so maybe we open to the public I don't really think there's any commentary tonight but like that okay we'll open it up to the public if anyone has anyone no one online no one online and no one no one in the public so we can close it to the public so that would a motion a motion to find it consistent with the master plan okay and to authorize you to and J need to send a letter to the or memo to the committee so confirming there such a motion yeah I'll make the motion need a second second second okay Mr first I Mr Leonard I Mr Rus I Mr gini I Mr Walter Hi H ter hi okay then you I have a oh I'm sorry Mr Pino requesting a postponement we don't need to do anything on that I don't think and Somerset Hill Center that's just a resolution that confirms the extension that you moved last meeting so we need a motion a second to thought that resolution for Somerset hill I'll make a motion to accept second Mr bur hi Mr Leonard hi mrus hi Mr gini abstain I wasn't there thank you Mr Walter hi chair got all Emily Judy krillan is a variance resolution that you moved to approve the application last meeting or whenever it was and here this is the resolution memorializing it is there a motion to adopt the krelman resolution so move second wel Mr first hi Mr Leonard hi Mr vilus I I'm assuming you're abstaining again Mr G well you maybe I'm mistaken I think I was there for this is it the de which one is this this is the fair viiew AV Fair viw AV garage Drive uh Mr Walter hi and chair all right and this next one Lisa Dolan is the interpretation about the bakery in poterville and it's a resolution to give a positive determination with some conditions um is there a motion to adopt the Lisa Dolan resolution so moved second Mr first hi Mr Leonard hi mrus hi and say you're ex standing since it was the same Mee I apologize but I was here for this meeting okay so okay so so let's go back it might be two it might be two different meetings they might be same April 11th I was there okay so do you have I on the okay thank you the okay all right Mr Welter hi CH get hi all right so we're uh postponing um 206 LLC uh till August 8 how long are we going to continue to just postpone it I mean well it is unusual but it is a situation where it borders on Bridgewater and the access is through Bridgewater and I think they have to go deal with that first if it's actually in our in our interest that that be addressed oh yeah rather than us spending our time on something that has such an issue okay keep going and then we have 202 206 I to be different from 206 these names um okay and um that one is now scheduled for June 6 correct yes and they do think that they um will probably be more than one meeting uh asked for the next June meeting but okay both meetings the both meeting yeah first things first okay can can somebody tell me what hearing that is what property wer property one on the corner okay site of the former bank and application Bank approval there this is a new appr approval um and now we have 2475 which we have already addressed we that one and um that's all we have butless anybody has anything from the board I now good should we should we text Lance boxer what should we text Lance boxer sure you beat his fastest time yeah I last seven minutes I think is the shortest I remember Florida somewhere in Florida somewhere in Florida okay 11 minutes all way for that's it motion to adjourn motion to adjourn wow second second faor that's it that's great because I got something to do good I'm to do thank you great weekend everybody I'm gonna go get my bagel