I just got the message recording in progress sound video oh really the pictures were terrible I did need well Frank was there with the camera at the re you already called order call the order but you have to State the open public meetings act State yeah so this this is an open public meeting of the Bedminster Township land use forward notice of this meeting was as given as a special meeting in accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings act and now call we we'll have the roll call good I don't want to be on screen mayor Jes yes she Comm McKey here um let's see Mr Leonard here Mr Rus here Mr gini present Mr Walter here Mr Orana here chair got here you can't call it Kathy and you got Kathy soath Chris here and Carol got here okay and black salute United States God indivisible with liy and justice for all switch the flag yeah that's wrong that is supposed to be the other way exactly would youing lady the sergeant of arms will please take care of [Laughter] that you made Captain I did Captain Captain oh Wonder we're in trouble you keep keep keep on with the bu so we have to salute or anything or keep talking fast the first the first order of business is to solicit nominations for the position of chairperson of the board for 2024 are there any nominations for the position of chair I'll nominate Carol cutall second and are there any other nominations there being none we will treat this as a motion to both nominate and appoint Carol gutell as the chairperson for 2024 and a roll call please mayor Jacobs hi committee man hi Mr Leonard hi Mr adelus hi Mr G jini hi Mr hi Mr Orana Miss Christie hi chair uh Miss G you have to vote for yourself yes or no or you can say no you can say yes or you can you can say yes or you can say but you don't have to yes you're stuck with the jobob and it's back to you go ahead Carol I think so regardless my yes or no everybody else congratulations Carol and you now are have the chair okay uh we need a motion to open for nominations for the vice chair I hear any nominations I nominate Jeff Leonard second sorry see everybody wants to nominated thank are there any other nominations hearing none we will close mayor Jacobs have a r hi hickey hi Mr Leonard hi Mr gini hi Mr wal Mr hi M Christie hiom got CH hi congratulations than congratulations to you too I don't know what I could say here this is a wonderful board I say it every year but it's the truth we've stayed stady and everybody comes prepared and um I think we're doing a wonderful job I just I can't ask for anything more award awardwinning job award winning that's true that is so um thank you for your service and um we look forward to a good year so happy New Year to everybody and yeah I guess we we go on with the agenda whatever um we this confirm for the record that all the board members who are newly appointed have signed their written Oaths of office and uh we any outstanding documents we will get from board members who aren't here I guess I need to open it up to the public I don't see anybody is there anybody Janine just just miss Christie online and okay and us and and Tom does uh do Carol and Jeff have to take oath as chair and vice chair no not a separate oath but they are they they're still sworn to as by members and I don't remember doing it any other unless they changed it okay so we have uh I'll close it to the public and um we have some minutes that we need to approve we have December 7th make a motion to approve the minutes of December 7th I'll second all in favor anyone opposed uh Kathy asked to abstain she was not here okay Kathy wants to abstain and we are so our minutes are approved you want to do the close separately or do you want to do the need to do the close minutes as well so I need to hear a motion for that a motion to approve second all in favor all anyone opposed Cathy I guess you need to I'm abstaining abstaining okay so minutes are approved now we need to uh do some resolutions these are our beginning of the Year resolutions you have can we do these all at once Tom or uh you should do them separately okay and it should be a roll call okay yeah there are four I'll make a motion to approve the Professional Services resolution second roll call jine May Jacobs hi hiy hi Mr Leonard Mr Rodz hi Mr gini hi Mr Walter hi Mr Orana hi M Christie hi chair get hi thank you very much okay um second resolution um or our meeting dates that we need to a motion to approve our meeting I'll make motion to approve second roll call Comm mayor Jacobs iy I Mr Leonard I mril I Mr diini I Mr Walter I Mr Arana I Mr spy I chair one got you all right we need to approve um our third resolution for board secretary I'll make the motion second roll call Janine go ahead mayor Jacobs hi hi Mr Leonard hi Mr Rus hi hi Mr Walter hi missana hi Mrs Christie hi hi congratulations congratulations go get another jacket got put in the 20 you know don't let her leave okay and then um we have the annual report on variances site plan and subdivision applications do I hear emotions so moved second well mayor Jacobs hi n hi Mr Leonard hi mrus hi Mr G hi Mr Walter hi Miss Orana hi M chrisy hi will that hi okay uh we have an application Paul M this is the completeness determination for the um property up on lington road with the Shing or the shutters falling off of it to convert to a multi-use property um there's a number of waivers requested that I've identified in the report I have no problems with granting the waivers for completeness however there will be some technical comments when that comes around so you can deem a complete subject to those waivers or by granting those waivers and then schedule for okay so the board entertain a motion to wave the remaining items for completeness and to deem the application complete is there such a motion I'll make a motion second mayor Jacobs it's a it's boa so uh Mr Leonard hi Mr Odus hi Mr gjini hi Mr Walter hi Mr arbana hi Miss Christie I chairwoman GHA hi Paul and Janine when would you recommend trying to do this uh they've already asked for the February first meeting and I believe they've started their notice process I gave them the zoom link etc etc okay Paul you'll have your comments up in then oh yes okay okay might might be able to give Larry and Colin a break if it's the only case at night I don't know if that's true uh that is the only one the only the next one that we do have that's scheduled which will probably be canceled is aleri it's scheduled for February 8th there's another one that probably will be able to be deemed complete um and and that's also a board of adjustment application I think they're all Board of adjustments that we have right now which one yeah that's um the one across on Summerville Road Again multif family that M and then we has not submitted not submitted yet but they've come into the HPC okay well next week Yep they're scheduled for the HPC okay so what do just projecting where where do you think they are and submitting to the uh and qu it's a weird question because are they they PB or they boa they're probably planning board okay you got a split Zone there right what are they going to do I can't remember some sometimes there's a little trigger I think it was the drive-thru no no it's um it's well if they stay consistent with uh prior discussions it would be um retail and office and the Zone split between uh Village and the O Village neighborhood and O allows offices and now and now it allows right so maybe it is planning board after after once it comes in yeah yeah you gota look at let's hope it's good and that's it right there's anything else nothing else out there I don't think we have I think that you may see an application from um the dunin donut station in the some near future I don't know when but pretty soon and yeah we have two other um ones that are board of adjustment one literally came in yesterday and the other one was deemed in complete in October and we really haven't gotten anything from them since this not okay I'm going to open it up to the board anybody has any comments welcome back everyone thank you good job at the reorg meeting oh I'm going at a turn I'm F I take it back I take it back turn too late it's too there's no backis you have to move your seat oh you have to go in order you can sit next to Rich why do I happen to Rich he'll be here later than later he'll be here don't worry you may be gone by well you he's always here before prank something here New Year's resolution no no anybody no no I just wish everybody a Happy New Year yeah and the reorder was very good it was very nice and the food was fabulous if you did a great job missed kry would have been happy would have been there versus where I probably did they provide the food from the school itself or yeah yeah that was that's their in-house catering and um all the food including the desserts the cookies the pastries the breads everything was cooked on site wow and it was it was AB was excellent now did they say that's what the kids get so we did we did ask remember I I did ask at the end of the night and they said no that's their catering in-house catering so when they do events they do alumni events parent events but that is the same crew that also the school launches former mayor Parker had noted that that's why his TSH was so expensive to send his kids thing I can imagine it was very good everybody universally has come up to us saying it's great let's do that again so yeah no it was very good excellent so you didn't yeah and and and the Pingu team they were just really they were great hosts they really were they um yeah cheed Robin also yeah the I know she did all the preps work to do ity engy yeah and it was good format yeah the format was that slide shows awesome away from the minute could have been a little better we'll work on that I couldn't see it anyway I I saw the colors is motion to adjourn I think we're there have a motion so moved I can't my own yeah I moved aned it was aned that was a second all right we got wants do it that was fast can you say I we good night fun down there Kathy thanks for Ling in Kath hi everybody good night Kathy enjoy how' you do with the uh rain FL