multiple microphones here good evening and welcome to the Bedminster Township committee this is the Bedminster Township committee meeting that is regularly scheduled is our June 3rd 2024 Let's see we have a full complement of beder Township committee here in person with commit Stevenson commit hickey committee woman Mor committee woman Fernandez M Ray may please have the open public meetings act statement yes may adequate notice of this meeting of the township committee was sent to The Courier News Somerville Bernville news whiy and to all subscribers and post of Township Municipal Building on January 5th 2024 great thank you please join me standing for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance to and we have a terrific event coming up but before we get there we do oh actually right we have um we'll do public comments second okay great thank you so tonight we have the opportunity to swear in a new police officer and just have some notes on our new police officer and I see his family is in attendance so tonight we are swearing in Liam McAn as a Bedminster police department patrol officer Liam resides in Somerset County very close by with his wife Tori Liam is a US Navy veteran believe four years of service in uh in the Navy someone can nod their head yes and as a graduate of the Essex County Police Academy Liam has previous law enforcement experience as a dispatcher in Clifton and as a sheriff's officer in Essex County is a third generation police officer his father Glenn was an officer in Glenn Ridge and also uh I believe a close by resident in Somerset County and uh his grandfather John was a sheriff's officer in Essex County um so this is once again this we you know we do a lot of things up here we pass the ordinances we pass resolutions uh but this is truly one of of the great experiences that we get as a Township committee is especially when a young officer comes on board Bedminster police has a terrific uh and well-deserved history for being a great place uh to work uh got Chief Bernardo tenant PLO um and our sergeants um have been with us for years and what we like to see and and we are very lucky in this is is that officers who start off in Bedminster or come to us and um as relatively new officers they stay here they stay here because they like the department they like the town they love the department they love the town and you know we just think this is um it's always great to see and we welcome Liam we welcome you and your family to Bedminster so thank you so much for choosing Bedminster for your uh your employment and your career so what we have to do is we get to swear officer McAn in and so what we're going to do is we're going to just I'm going to transition to the front of the deas and also if you can come on up and if there's anyone that you would like to hold uh the Bible for you as we swear you in and this is T so nice to meet you okay Robin um how do you want us situated where you are is perfect okay so so this is the oath of office so I I we and Francis M do solemnly swear do swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same to the governments established in the United States to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully imp partially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of bedminister police patrol the office of police patrol according to the best of my according to the best of my ability and that I will not use my office and that I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment to Grant preferential treatment nor to seek personal gain nor to seek personal gain favor favor or advantage for Advantage not available to the general public not available to the general public so help so help me go congratulations thank you so pictures pictures why don't you all get in there and I'll take a picture and send it to you I'll send it to to Liam thank you okay we may see that a little bit there we go that's very perfect thank you congratulations so now you two oh I got to take more that's right steady well smile you got stop moving excellent thank you that's smile that's great perfect thank you thank you [Music] they don't have to stay you don't have to stay dinner that's right thank you congratulations congratulations officer M MC oh you see it the bottom so this is the time of the meeting that we reserve for public comments any member the public who wishes to make a statement can come on up to the microphone up here if you are participating remotely take your cursor scroll down at the bottom click on participants click on raise hand and you'll be admitted into Q for public comment seeing none we will move on with the meeting and Robin I assume that there's no uh that's correct no participants from here for a permit later on the meeting we have one set of meeting minutes to approve tonight that's the May 20 2024 Township committee meeting any comments or questions regarding those minutes see none take motion to approve so moved second all in favor I I thank you I wasn't here so I've Sten we have three permits to consider tonight first is a social Fair permit to benefit the senate for Great Expectations on July 16 from 12:30 to 5:30 at fidler's elbow and a social therap permit to benefit Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation Inc on July 22 from 11:00 a.m. to 4m at Hamilton Farm Golf Club I we'll take those two social care permits any questions or comments so none take motion to approve so moved second all in favor I thank you we do have a fireworks permit for a fireworks displays that's scheduled for July 2nd with rain date of July 6 at approximately 900 p.m at pamilton Farm golf club and we have with us tonight Renee Millo from Hamilton Farm Golf Club um if to answer any questions or comments regarding the fireworks permit uh Chief I take it that um both your office and well actually the fire department has gone through they the root you okay with everything I'm okay with it yes okay uh any comment or questions from Township committee any questions for either Robin or the fire department's report or for Renee himself just a quick question in terms of how long will they last and have the neighbors been notified so the CH uh last about 17 minutes I'm sorry good evening everyone first um the show last at 17 minutes and as soon I received the approval from the township uh we send letter with the two weeks notifying all the neighborhoods great thank you thank you any other questions okay take a motion to approve the fireworks permit for July 2nd at Hamilton Farm golf so move second all in favor thank you thank you let's go monthly report discussion by subcommittee chair committee man Stevenson thank you mayor good evening everybody um just real quick on DPW we continue to mow the fields both uh you know the ball mow the grass on the fields and um on the streets um doing some Road patch work as well we have mulch um we still are at high level of mulch yeah we uh we've probably gotten 20 inquiries in regards to mulch so so that's what we're looking for that right yeah okay we're actively looking to get rid of our mulch I know folks you need to get rid of it we got too much some there I have plenty you have plenty plenty so if you know folks that are interested in getting some mulch um black we do we do provide it we deliver it we we're delivered right we deliver it so you want mulch delivered by Bedminster Township give Kevin a call and set up your delivery um it's not like triple screened and all that but it is if you want to describe what you have it's double ground it's all natural it's not done there you go undyed mulch natural mulch um so I encourage folks to do that that would help us out quite a bit too so it's a win-win for everybody and then just finally on the generator install down there our pads board we're just waiting for the gas work to come in so we're moving along on that I'll have more updates on the other committees later on thank you man thank you mayor good evening everybody uh I have had no committee meeting since our last meeting so I'll yield my time back to the floor but I do have a really long utilities report so I might take some of the time back then just warning you rivey committee woman moresi good evening everyone I have had no meeting since our last uh Township meeting but mayor you attended the uh field of Honor ceremony on Saturday and I was not able to go but if you would be able to tell everybody how wonderful it was with the uh flags and the trees it was wonderful event um once again jbh does a terrific job with field of honor the flag's been up there for what about week and a half now couple weeks um so it was a great opportunity once again to see everyone out there uh you had Central Jersey saxophone quet pet it's quartet right seemed like there were more than yeah seemed like there were yeah want I almost wanted to say quintet yeah uh they were performing both at the farmers market and then they transitioned over to the in front of the jvh house so there was a great showing for them great showing for the field of Honor um and Renee we did the salm oak uh planning so once again I want to thank Whit Parker and everyone from the environments commission president or chair uh on March uh for coordinating the planting of the soke once again the Salem o was a 600y old oak tree that was living in Salem Township um it crashed died whatever trees happens to trees um back in 2019 in the previous year uh Department of environments protection had collected a lot of acorns from this tree I guess they had some idea that something was happening um with the tree and from the a horns they got seedlings and they offer the seedlings to towns across New Jersey to plant um that all got suspended they wanted to do it on Earth day but that got deferred with covid however um we did collect the seedling from the Oak and Whit Parker who bmin resident environmental commission member and a Forester uh nurtured that seedling to Pro 3 and A2 ft and so call a sapling at this point and um wh handled the installation of the oak tree right off to the side of jacobas Vander beer house did a little presentation Burnsville news was there thank you Pat Robinson for taking pictures and um it was it was a nice tying with the efforts of the the historic uh nature of the historic I'm sorry of the Jacob Vander house and coordinated with um field of Honor display so it was a very nice event and Well Done by jbh and once again congratulations to the environmental commission I pass that along okay thank you so much for going and that's all I have thank you committing woman Fernandez thank you Mary um you know Camp is just gearing up um we starting you know the end of this month and um programs are winding down so there's not really a rck update and Robin has some information about our Recreation grant that she'll share with us later okay so I did get a chance to talk to Neil M buano at the uh on over the weekend and he said that camp is booked up that the trips and all the other programs are booked up he Neil fully expects to get the calls from the uh latecomers going I didn't know that it was done but so Neil will have to deal with that um and then from also from R Neil um and Robin have some very interest in well interesting news uh that they'll report that Robin will report on during ad ministry's report farmers market so we've had two farmers markets uh since we last met Memorial Day Saturday um we had, 1435 not vendors not counting our volunteers 1435 patrons come through the farmers market um and last week we had 1,60 so not much of a drop off um want to give a great uh thank you to all the members of the farmers market advisory committee and also a shout out to Kevin Murray from DPW Kevin uh what you you performed at River Road was noticed by everyone The Pavilion great hit um the bathrooms everybody loves him it was it was crazy and and at the last Saturday commit man hickey and I like okay it's the end of the day had 1200 people come through okay let's go let's go see what it looks like this pristine it's great there was no odors the fan was going um so whatever you guys contracted for installed topnotch great job and um so once again well done and thank you for all the effort that you guys put into it so it looks great uh landuse board uh Colin and I have a land use board meeting coming up this week um so nothing we presentent other than what we discussed um at our last meeting and um this is just going a little field of a subcommittee but I did have a meeting with uh state senator Doug steinhardt um with Robin last week we discussed a number of issues uh the Oprah reforms uh discussed um some of the issues that are TR remain here uh with policing community policing um the radios the um Aspire legislation Financial incentives to help the former AT&T site get redeveloped Senator steinhardt was aware of those efforts and um is going to track down the legislation and um certainly it'll pass through his desk on the Senate budget committee so he'll have to take a look at that and he certainly knows our position in support of getting that property developed um and we are waiting on some other feedback from Senator steinhardt it's going to check in on a couple things for us and report back so both Robin and I will U report back at our next meeting to the extent we've heard from Senator St those issues and that's really all I have I'll be talking about the summer City Hills Public Safety Committee under old business and turn to Robin for the administrator report sure um mayor unfortunately um we did not get the um our project was not selected for Congressman kean's Community funding project Grant however we have a meeting later on this week to discuss um alternative options for us um the Somerset County Film commission I reported at the last meeting that we were having a photographer come that had to be postponed he's actually coming tomorrow from the New Jersey state film commission to photograph about 20 plus sites submitted um just in Bedminster Township and so we'll be um hopefully introducing on June 17th an ordinance uh regarding the Somerset County uh film ready initiative that's out um and then um good news really good news actually we heard on Friday close the business that the New Jersey partner of Community Affairs uh has awarded bmst Township $72,000 for the 2024 Recreation Improvement Grant and uh so back in February uh Recreation director Neil mastero um with assistance from myself and director Kevin Murray submitted the recreation Improvement Grant we requested a maximum amount of $100,000 which has been asked you can um actually request and we were very happy to receive 72,000 the plans for the grant funds um which is required a cash match from the municipality and then a little bit more um is to relocate and enlarge the Burts dog park so that was terrific news that we received uh reminder that tomorrow is election day polls are open from 6:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. and um the voting will take place here in bcer town hall for districts 1 145 and six up in the hills at artillery Park District 789 and then lington church districts 2 and three and then on Friday mayor remember we have our second annual Civics day with the Bedminster Township School 8th grade that's um brought To Us by social studies Professor Ryan McCoy and students the e8th grade students will be learning all about what it takes to run a municipal government don't forget and that concludes my report so taking them through uh you know as I did last year a little bit of stall tactics so we reduce the opportunity to uh be sorry be barged by the uh eth grade um take them through Kevin will do a nice flour DPW they'll get to see a fleece vehicle the Robin and Janine will take them through town hall and then they'll let loose doubt but no this is great it's a great opportunity and the civics lesson it's just been great and it's also really great for them to see the building the other buildings and see how everything works it's um I think a great opportunity thank you to um the teachers who put that together Q&A is the best yeah the mayor Q&A the best the uh next is community policing report Chief Bernardo yeah just a reminder August 6th from 5:00 pm to 8 PM is National net out we're hosting it with Far Hills and Pac police departments this year um there'll be food trucks and dunk tank and games and Lia ball Home Run Derby and another uh fun events and I hope we get a good turnout so chief who's going in the D dun it's for the Mayors it's been decided nobody wants to see me in a bailing suit August 5th the six six okay thank you once again um B Mr please continues this do a terrific job with community policing and it's um yeah it's noticed had um residents actually come up to me at the farmers market and and talk about uh seeing Poli out there and seeing if they're going so once again just introduction of ordinances we have one [Music] two four five six 7 ordinances so Rob Rob real wait actually no I'm sorry more than that my page was upside down one two three four five six seven eight um I am going to pull ordinance number 202 24013 off uh this is the ordinance that um would amend uh our property maintenance ordinance to include the R1 I'm just going to pull that off I think just we need a little more uh discussion about that ordinance before we uh proceed with an introduction so I'm going to pull ordinance 202 24013 off and Robin is it fair to say that all all the other ordinances are all tied into the adoption of the budget um all but one um which is the 04 authorizes Capital funds for engineering withon improvements to um all right so John Bardo we've got one two three four five six budget related ordinances I know you told us last time that we can do can we do this on Al together the introduction or do we have to still do them separately no they have to be done separately mayor okay so ordinance number 20247 this authorizes appropriations of 25492 4.72 for Capital facility improvements in bedm Township if this ordinance is introduced the public hearing will be scheduled for June 17th mayor quick question I think the agenda is wrong it should be 350 yeah 354 right it's correct on the in the uh correct in the ordinance in the ordinance okay so with that adjustment we have a motion to introduce ordinance number 2024 007 so moved second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson I Mr hickey I m moresi I miss Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi thank you next ordinance for introduction is 20 24008 authorizes appropriations of $5,000 for building Access Control upgrades introduce the public hearing be scheduled for June 177 the motion to introduce ordinance number 24008 so second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hicky hi M morass hi Fernandez hi and may Jacobs hi thank you next is the introduction of ordinance number 20249 this authorizes the funding for the 2024 pavement management plan for B Township Department of Public Works if introduced public hearing will be scheduled for June 17 2024 motion to introduce ordinance number 2024 009 so moved second roll call vote again please Mr Stevenson I Mr hi hi M moresi hi Fernandez hi and may Jacobs hi thank next is Introduction of ordinance number 2024 010 this authorizes the funding for various equipment from the Far Hills edminster fire department if introduced the public hearing will be scheduled for June 177 2024 a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 010 so moved second roll call V Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi M moresi hi M Fernandez hi and mayor J hi next is the introduction of ordinance number 2024 011 authorizes the funding for various equipment for the bid or Township Police Department if introduce the public hearing will be scheduled for June 17 have a motion to introduce or number 202 24011 so move second Mr hi Mr hicky hi Miss moresi hi Miss Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi and the last budget related ordinance is ordinance number 20 24012 this ordinance authorizes funding for various equipment from the Bor Township Department of Public Works if introduce the public hearing will be scheduled for June 177 20124 motion to introduce ordinance number 2024 012 so moved second loll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hippy hi M moresi hi Miss Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi thank you as I mentioned I'm going to table ordinance number 20243 so we're going to go to ordinance 202 24014 this ordinance authorizes 2023 Capital funds for engineering design Improvement to Union Grove Lisk Hill Del and Long View roads for which the department has received a do fiscal year 2023 local aid grant for $286,500 introduced public hearing will be scheduled for June 17 2024 we have a motion to introduce ordinance number 202 24014 so moved second call please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi Miss moresi hi Miss Fernandez hi and mayor Jacob hi thank thank you public hearing of ordinances we have none but we will have more than enough next um we've got one two three four five six items on our consent agenda these are items of a routine nature any member of the township committee may ask to pull one off for individual consideration seeing none take a motion to approve the resolutions on the consent agenda second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi Miss moresi hi M Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi thank you and just a real quick note of resolution 202 24077 points Vinnie Vincent D Martino um to uh L board to build the uned ter of Happ chrisy um one of the things that we've been doing with the Len board is getting some um overlap with some of the other boards so uh Vincent is a member of the Board of Health um and where he's been tremendous asset I think you you've attested to that yep and so we want to have someone from the Board of Health um sit on the Lan's board so that we've got once again overlap and some of the same issues that are discussed um at the Board of Health are come back at the uh landy's board so it's good to have that Lia on so C just as Kathy Christie was a liaison from HPC she filled dual roles um and could talk about what the HPC how they were looking at issues at the lanus board level then he can do the same with respect to board of health issues we have one item one resolution that is not a not on the consent agenda and that's resolution 202478 and this resolution authorizes the insertion of a special item of Revenue an insertion of an item of appropriation in an equal amount the 20124 budget to include funding for the 2024 clean community right MRE sure I'm just going to actually defer to our Public Works managing who's also our clean Community coordinator because this is his his efforts that has yes so Okay Kevin what do we got like we typically do we receive a grant after we we adopt our budget chapter 159 we do this every year Robin said last we it's 30,000 think we're going to get this year of which 25% particularly use towards purchase equipment for public to be maximum allowable TRS so that'll allow the funds to be available to shoot across great great and the awards 2500 more than last year ni job good job have motion to approve the bill list pending the r of individual invoices still moov oh I'm sorry go back we didn't vote on it correct we just talked about it yes I'm sorry may be a motion to approve resolution number 2024 078 so moved second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi Miss moresi hi Miss Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi thank you once again thank you Kevin yay Kevin and now I'll take a motion to approve the bill list pending thew of individual invoices so move second I call again who Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi M moresi hi Miss Fernandez hi and mayor Jacob hi any member of the township committee have any items to put on for new business not right now no see none we'll go to the old business list uh dot improvements uh the crosswalks I believe it was it um at the last meeting we also talked about um crosswalk at the washingon Valley Road Mills 202 206 Y and chief you looked into it [Music] and yeah uh Lieutenant CER and I walked the the four lengths of the crosswalks we had no issues getting across I don't recommend any changes okay and then with respect to lamington Road we're still waiting on uh dot to get back to us so we'll just keep that up there how much time do you need for utilities how much time you gonna give me you ask let's see we'll start with jcpnl so it uh it seems like every time we do do a utility update lately we are discussing the departure or retirement of one of our Municipal Liaisons this time is no different yars who has been our jcpnl rep over the last several years has left the firm yanta had some big shoes to fill when Carol biani vacated that same position and now JC pnl has some big shoes to fill to find yol's replacement just as side I know everybody yells and screams and posts to Facebook when the power goes out and obviously we share that frustration up here because we are impacted as well but at the end of the day talk is cheap what matters most is getting resources allocated to fund local infrastructure improvements that's how you affect change a good Advocate like yolanta is our voice within the hallways and the executive suites at jcpnl where they're making those investment decisions so may for example we had an outage on Memorial Day was caused first by a down Poole and then by a down tree on the pack circuit yes there were two separate incidents yes the mayor and I were working the phones and Facebook that day one thing that folks may not realize is that the lines were still down when the power was restored that's because of a recent infrastructure Improvement where new switches in the hills were installed which allowed power to be rerouted around the fall without that Improvement the outage would have been much much longer that being said there's clearly much more work to be done the pack circuit which feeds much of the lower Hills is our Canary and a coal mine that circuit runs from the hills up to a six North to the pek substation and Pac Gladstone it is an above ground line subject to motor vehicle accidents tree limbs and animal contact among other reasons for recurring allergist behind the scenes we've been working with the at to make sure jcpnl allocates significant Monies to harden that circuit and modernize that substation without that investment we just be fighting fires instead of preventing them so that's just one example of the type of work that the municipality is pursuing and can pursue when we have a good internal Ally like yant she will be Sly missed like I said jcpnl has some awfully big shoes to fill and we will hold them to that mayor I don't know if you have any additional comments but just want to bring that up so um with yol's departure our um temporary liaison is uh Bob Flynn uh Bob we've dealt with Bob in the past certainly know col has um however his main region is is up in um uh up further to the north of us and I think that he's done some work in Summit but really Bergen County is where well actually not Bergen um parts of Essex that JCP still provides uh service up there um so he's got 30 towns up there he said he's with us temporarily um we hope he's just not inheriting or having Jas P know whack up the towns that y has because that frankly may just be too many towns for these guys to deal with and certainly decreases the opportunity for us to have a direct voice um as Colin mentioned we were on the phone with Bob all day during that um that outage and it is interesting because at one point Bob and said look now the first issue was a uh impacted a guywire holding up one of the poles the pole was going like that um and then as they were fixing restabilizing that utility pole a tree went down and took out the wires on that same line oh my gosh so at one point I was told not to expect power until 11: but really it might be midnight it might be 2: in the morning um they had cruise on board but they needed to um essentially replace the pole because when the wire went down it also damaged a pole however just as he I was getting that news how that power was back on and so we went back to uh to Bob and said yeah they were able to [Music] um you're with the re they route around where the fault exists basically yeah they routed around it and were able to get power installed at the same time they were still fixing the wire and the utility P yep so once again having an hardened infrastructure gets gives us the redundancy that we've been asking for from the utilities for um all these years so we're seeing the fruits of that still manifested in in and outage but you know it could have been certainly much worse right so we will continue to fight with Bob Flynn temporarily until a coming in sign to but you may have more there is more you have more let's talk about Alti as I mentioned previously we have four neighborhoods namely courland Winwood wooduck Pond and Four Oaks now fully fibered with n Crest soon to be the fifth as construction wraps up one of the issues we identified was the need to help those residents interested in the new Fiber service to get on board as you can imagine people have questions about the packages about the discounts about installations name just a few using the alt generic website or a call center staff with people are not familiar with the Bedminster build would not be sufficient so we worked with Altis to secure a dedicated resource that they will staff with agents who are trained on our specific build effective today June 3rd residents can email customer engagement services with an S at Altis this mailbox will be monitored Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and the emails will be responded to within 24 hours so residents interested in the new fiber servers can reach out get their questions answered and order the Fiber service if they so desire I notified the HOA presidents and the Hills Village North Master on Friday and they are getting word out to the residents as we speak as a matter of fact Altis told me that Friday afternoon they were already getting emails into that mailbox and it wasn't even live yet so people are interested um we are also still pursuing a customer engagement day where Alti reps will be on site most likely at the artillery Park Clubhouse so more more to follow next time on that one and there's more Verizon the FiOS installation in Pine Bale is wrapping up and Verizon is now accepting orders for new service installations this is one of two Hills neighborhoods where Verizon has recently extended FiOS service the other being Portland so there are now five FiOS enabled neighborhoods in the Hills um at the end of the day I would like to see every resident the hills have at least one Fiber service option ideally too as I've said previously nothing like a little competition to get better pricing and better services that being said in speaking with the Verizon Engineers there are no other fos installations planned for 2024 as I suspect their game plan right now is the deploy 5G fixed Wireless Broadband in our area so that's what we have for Horizon and one last one one last there's more there's more New Jersey American water Miss Ray director Murray Rodney McCarron and I will be meeting with New Jersey American Water tomorrow to meet with their government Affairs Personnel we'll be discussing several issues impacting our Hills residents including a problem where customers contact the new the New Jersey American Water call center and are told to call Bedminster water or the township which obviously we don't provide water service we also be discussing coordination around future construction projects in light of 10 in light of Ken Taylor's pending retirement Ken is I've been our go-to guy for years and years and years so more to follow on those discussions next time okay thank you thank you and um that was only that was under five minutes that was that was that was a lot in under five minutes good for 20 Pages um Kevin any uh further updates on PSG and the installation along Old Stone House I received updated markout requests for each resident residential structure um for the month of July so okay I'm assuming that once again I reached out to my contact and he we don't have construction data is what they're telling me um but I have the mark out Quest so it looks like they're going to run the meeting down this month and another July bees so June they'll run the main down old Stonehouse yes then they'll do the connections to both sides of the road correct and so then when would you expect to pave in the fall um I this one i' probably push back5 really okay this way any trenching across the roadway settles out I don't want to pay too soon and we have D so I the opportunity to sett okay okay thank you Buckman Park Housing um been Stevenson John Bardo anything you can discuss or a letter went out to the resident uh excuse me to the owner about some of the conditions okay so we'll be working with the okay all right we'll just leave it at that uh Su said Hills Public Safety Committee so we did have a uh meeting last week with um the mayor involved in the sers of Hill Public Safety Committee uh what I do find interesting is that we've been talking about the uh traffic intersection cameras and license plate readers um there was an incident in Bernards where actually the License Plate Reader sent out an um alert and there was um CH post it four members of a South American uh gang that were apprehended um I think this was in the news so it's not necessarily know there's no secrets out there um and they were apprehended I believe because of the efficacy of the license P um Chief I'm not sure if there's any more public details you can provide on that in I'd rather not okay there you go perfectly good answer but I think what this highlights is the fact that this equipment works and um as Robin said we had applied in the Congress Main's office to see if we couldn't get a grant for both not just both but Bedminster Bridgewater bals and P GL Stone to install these um uh to purchase and install and operate these license plate readers at specifically located areas we did not get that Grant or certainly weren't recommended for the grant um however we will be having further discussions with Congressman kan's office about other possible funding opportunities through the federal government uh the other issue discussed with the suers CIT Hill Public Safety Committee um is the adoption of the municipal ordinance um that we adopted Burnsville adopted CL Hills adopted pack and Gladstone adopted and Bridgewater um is introducing and we'll introducing I believe on June 6th and um if introduced then they'll public hearing and possible adoption of the same ordinance later in the month once again this ordinance um would give municipalities the ability to uh charge violators for attempting to steal Vehicles steal stuff from vehicles or to um steal stuff from residents so we're hoping that all the towns work together to get that done uh we also talked once again further coordination and cooperation between our police departments which we still have that commitment from in towns and uh once again we'll continue to update you as those discussions proceed and as new information and new um opportunities for enhancing Public Safety through we do not have an executive session so we'll go through Township committee comments and we will adjourn for the evening committee Stevenson thank you mayor my only comment is just to wish those who are running tomorrow good luck and to encourage everybody to get out there and vote um so we get out there and vote okay thank you commit man hecky just to Echo that comment exercise your civic duty and go vote thank you mayor committee woman moresi thank you mayor I may have Mard um but the it was the White House wind Symphony that played at jbh I don't know if you said the right name but they've been super um supporters of jbh and we have them play at least once a year and they bring their um their own crew they bring a lot of U people so I just want to make sure that that I heard you say that right I did not say anything even close to no I said the Central Jersey saxophone P yes which they were playing at the farmers market okay then they all got in their cars they drove across our fields and they became they almost they almost ran over Colin yeah and they almost took me out yes some of them um and I guess once they cross that line they become SYM okay but just to make sure because they they've done a great job with uh more than a quartet yeah that there you go it's a symphony got it Symphony it's a symphony that sounds way bigger than Cort but to Echo these guys just get up do your civic duty and vote hey committee woman Fernandez thank you mayor I just want to congratulate officer mccan welcome to Bedminster we're very excited to have you and also remind everybody to get out and vote tomorrow thank you okay I have nothing further to add and at 7:53 I'll take motion to adjourn so second all in favor thank you and good night good night there we go night