good evening it is 7:05 on June 17th this is the regularly scheduled Township committee meeting that we have the Forum of Township committee here in person committee man Stevenson committee man picki committee woman moresi and myself committee woman Fernandez has an excuse absence she's getting ready for her youngest High School graduation from burner's high and Gina is preparing the um what it's called last night last last something like that something like that last night so uh she's got very busy we senior cut day this is not senior cut no no otherwise Gina would not have to do anything uh M Ray will we please have an open public meetings act statement yes mayor adequate notice of this meeting the township committee was sent to The Courier News Somerville Bernville news whiy and to all subscribers and posts at the Township Municipal Building on January 5th 2024 great thank you please join me standing for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of aliance to the clag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible andice for this is the time of the meeting we open up the microphone for public comment if you got a comment or question you want throughout here now's your opportunity so remember state your name and your street I'm David Rogers this is my mother Patricia Rogers we live on Union Grove Road and we got a notice in the mail that we were going to discuss the drainage on Union Grove and Long View Road tonight so we're here to hear about that okay all right thank you any other questions or comments seeing none let's move on we have one said meeting minutes to approve that's the June 3rd 2024 T committee meeting any com comments regarding those minutes have not otherwise been provided to m r seeing none take a motion to so moved second all in favor I thank you two Raffles an on premise merchandise Raffles to benefit the Timothy J Piaza Memorial Foundation Inc on August 12 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at fidler's elbow and an on 5050 raffle depend Timothy J Patza Memorial foundation on August 12th 2024 9:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m. at F any questions or comments regarding those two RS see none take a motion to approve so moved second all in favor I monthly report discussion by subcommittee shair Doug Stevenson you start okay thank you mayor good evening everybody um on our DPW um Kevin and his team continue to mow mow the roads we've uh done the hike and bike path we've got comments from the folks coming to the farmers market that passed that along so hopefully they'll see the Improvement there down there so we always appreciate that and the residents let us know about things patching holes and potholes out on the streets continue to work on the street lights um that's that continues to be an issue uh and the report from Kevin is that uh the union grow Paving project anticipated to go out to bid later in the summer with an award for early fall uh on store preservation we've got thought we were going to have a month off but it looks like we've got something on the agenda for this week so we'll meet it's a sign application so I'll report back to that next time uh and I believe that's all we got thanks mayor thank you commit man hick thank you mayor good evening all Board of Health we don't meet until this this Thursday and we have a packed agenda so I'll definitely have a report for our next meeting and Library mayor I think we have the month off since it's Jun that's all I have okay thank you resc thank you mayor good evening everybody um we had a quick meeting with uh the environmental commission they're working on the plaque that's going to go with the Salem Oak they're trying to get some good prices so that they can get something really nice and something that will last as long as that tree does um and then they spent a lot of time trying to decide on a new logo for the environmental commission um they are so proud to be working with each other and working with Bedminster that they're going to buy their own shirts to let everybody know that they are the EC of Bedminster so when they go to events like the farmers market we will know who they are and that's all I have they're gonna buy their own shirts they are going to buy their own shirts Rob they have a lot of team spirit they are an awesome group they have a budget but they do have a budget but they would prefer to use that budget on bat night bird night any of the programs that are coming up and they will take it out of their own Pockets I commend them hly for that okay absolutely all right and I jbh meeting on Wednesday okay and is there an update uh from RE any um is no Gina no no G no okay well I can tell you oh he's just been jamming Camp starts next week so it's got orientation uh this coming week with all the campers um supplies are rolling in and getting ready to make that big move up there with Chuck loads of of uh information fully staffed fully staffed and ready to roll very busy great is it sold out uh no Camp admos is not sold out the afteron camps are however yeah just say I mean having had children go through that over the years that it's a fantastic fantastic uh experience you know I encourage the folks to take advantage of it and Neil Neil Neil is prepared for the last minute um hey can I do it I forgot to sign up Doug your microphone is um is not coming through I apologize can you hear me now yes I apologize I was just saying that that the um that the event um was definitely worth uh is a great event a great cause so uh for my subcommittee reports uh Farmers start Farmers Market uh we had second week in a row we hit the same number of attendees coming through 1,70 um and in the first hour in the first hour from our 10 o'clock count 471 correct geez a number we usually think about November day that's the total number it was it was crazy parking parking cars that morning that first hour was well you're offering valet now pretty much pretty much little stressful yeah it was a little stressful out there but um we got a time um so it was just a just weather was perfect um vendors folks coming up and just saying uh we're really pleased at the way the operation we heard tremendous compliments about uh the parking getting people in getting out fully understanding that we're trying to um avoid the backup onto Road and Colin will send us on radio um back UPS to the jug hand so mov on get them in get them out off the road get them into the fields onto the gravel Park them get them in get them back out um but certainly one of the things that we're noticing is that we ordered additional picnic tables this year constant use yeah yeah constant use um so it's not just that we're getting more people we're getting more people and they're also staying which is just one of the tremendous things about seeing the park put into productive use once again uh folks that might not otherwise use River Road and its Recreation facilities they're coming out and they're seeing you know all the assets that bed has in Recreation um and open space so it's just a you know once again terrific uh terrific day well done to uh Neil and to all the volunteers who are supporting land use board so catch up on two meetings from the land use board uh one meeting that um commit committee hickey and I attended and the other that we were uh not eligible to attend so uh first one the wer property on the corner of lamington and 206 uh that's property where the tree with the hea tree or whatever however you want to call it uh that was approved way back when as a bank as a bank with a drive-thru uh wer had made that application I'm going to say 13 14 years ago maybe um I was on Landy board I was on in TC at the time um they came in with an application uh that property is actually in two two zones it's split zone between the office um facing 206 and then the village neighborhood facing lamington um and they came in with an application for um a building that is going to be first floor retail second floor commercial office um it was unanimously approved and be you know I think there was tremendous uh support for the architecture yeah um brick the little bit of federal style finishes um I know it did go through HPC so I know that there was support there um and I think one of the things that we had heard from the luse board was looking at the property looking at that corner and seeing it really as a Gateway uh into the village neighborhood um so there was uh very good support for that property um also one of the elements of that uh project that uh the board had asked to be considered was um a sidewalk coming down from 206 so right now you can cross 206 that's the crosswalk that we've been asking dot to extend the uh pedestrian signal um but there was no sidewalk going further south so we asked that um they put a sidewalk in to allow for connection to uh the Advanced Property where there had been an approval for uh the fresh pet uh headquarter space and perhaps down the road um some retail so this way we get a connection between uh that commercial property and the village neighborhood on lington so uh the applicant uh agreed to do that and Implement that and so there was once again support from the land use board for that the next application that was the following week and this was last week last week two weeks ago last week last week yeah that was a zoning board application for the Reconstruction of Bedminster Florest so we all remember Bedminster Florest um and the fire that April year and three months ago at this point was Spring Fling I was Spring Fling you're right so so that would been April right um so it's been demoed pretty much uh but they came in with an application to rebuild um I did not see the plans and Colin neither did didn't you uh but my understanding was approved unanimously to rebuilt bed s florist and um you know we wish them great success in uh their return so that's what we have from the luse board I'll be talking later on we did have another uh get together with the other Mayors on the Somerset Hills Public Safety Committee talk about that um in a bit and Robin anything else I'm missing on Civics day what's that h b School Civics day oh we yes um we hosted the Bedminster 8th grade that was um week and a half ago uh we had I don't know 60 70 kids and um between Miss Ray and I and Kevin and some folks in the police department actually no the police were busy that afternoon uh they were supposed to uh be there but they were off on calls Fire Department so we took the eighth grade through Public Works we took them through um the fire complex they got to see they brought actually brought out some of the the ladder truck got to see how that operates um what also was interesting is that three of the firefighters that were hosting the eighth grade were graduated so the beder Township school so that was a nice little connection there and then after after we finished at uh Far Hills Bedminster fire department uh we brought them in here gave a couple little uh questions about Bedminster history Bedminster government the type of government we are and then uh James trero did I say that right yes trero um along with Robin did a little PowerPoint presentation on how the township operates how we put together a budget how the municipal budget compares to the school budget which was numbers that I didn't realize so what was it 40 million was close was it was it 28 was a number that was higher than I remember six million yeah the whole to yeah the difference between running the entire town and running the school and how big the school budget is versus the municipal budget um so uh now can't tell you that the eighth graders were particularly in thred by but then after James they got access to the mayor and so they had their questions ready um asking us about the operation of the Town how Township committee works and um you know so kudos to the Ryan MCO Ryan M McCoy M McCoy yeah he's the eighth grade um social studies teacher so Ryan McCoy um so he's been with the school for what two three years now he implemented this program to bring the eighth graders in um it's been you know very successful and um and also to the principal of the Middle School the sixth seventh eighth graders she was also in attendance and uh you know once again Cuda San kept the kids here uh Robin did a great job she had goodie bags ready for them with all sorts of Bedminster parap pelia and um it was a nice afternoon the weather than for police for contributing they always contribute their goodies too so soakes there should been cupcakes can we do cupcakes can't to go toen free and allergies um and Robin did we talk about the meeting with Senator steinhardt yes at our last meeting we talked about that that's right and that's what I have um Robin you want to do the administrator's report sure um just to followup uh clerk administrator today we received the final Municipal and County committee results um including the wrin we've been getting upd dates all along um today we prepared the notifications of the duly elected County committee which we send out here at the township um and then the county uh clerk's office will send out any writings um from U Township committee level and hire um as far as another project that we work we're working on is document management the clerk's office oversees the annual destruction of our Municipal records they're all prescribed um a you know uh deadlines and retention periods that we need to follow um this is done through the state treasury division of Revenue and Enterprise Services it's a lot PR to the Departments we all have to get permission to destroy records we're doing that in preparation for our um Municipal shred which is coming up in July where Public Work takes boxes and boxes down to the municipal shred so it's a big project all Hands-On debt for it right down to Ed kwin with all his boxes been a very busy couple months just getting that together um Somerset County has uh relaunched their um curb hunger program um County residents continue to experience food insecurities that are and our local food banks are at an all-time low and especially with school ending um really there's huge concern with children in the summertime and making sure that they get food so instead of doing the curbside pickup because now they have the new garbage trucks um they've asked different municipalities to cont to participate in Ved and participating drop off location for non- perishable food and um personal hygiene item so we have a new receptacle that's in our uh main lobby we've sent out a rave message and um we have information on our website so we just hope that everybody will um pitch in and and get our food banks back up um we are preparing for the heat wave for this week uh County OEM has been in touch with Chris Crow I've been in touch with the library which is our pooling Center and should we need to um cross that bridge we will go ahead and make notices available to the public through Rave we'll contact all of the um HOA presidents as well as the property manager so that they all know that our cooling center is bster school library and let's see Clarence Dyan I'm sorry Clarence Dylan Public Library is our cooling center sorry about that um we are going to go ahead and begin the archaeological study at the um site of the proposed community garden at River Road Park I did receive approval from um the state D um State historic preservation office that the proposal was spoton which is exactly what they're looking for just want to make sure we have our ducks in a row um so you'll see the field will be mode and um in order for the study to be conducted and then um just road paving project we have the Union Grove list Hill daily and Long View bid documents that are in their draft format right now um we hope to advertise uh in July and as um committee Stevenson have reported go to bid in inall and um as far as Riverwood and Tuttle that requires additional engineering studies due to some drainage issues so we probably will not go out until um to bid for that until late fall possibly winter with this anticipation start in Spring been delet okay thank you that concludes my report do we have Chief Bernard on for you do we do Jake bernardo's here hey good evening oh there you are right we hear you we don't see you um yeah I don't have any new information for um the community policing update mayor okay well thank you I know um we do have a meeting up in uh Signal Point so and uh officer Rivera yes officer Rivera will be there okay so we'll bring officer Rivera um who also showed up at the farmers market we have hand prepared for that meeting ready for you as well great okay all right well thank you Chief introduction of ordinances we have two ordinances to introduce tonight so the first is film ready so what um we may introduce tonight s we'll consider is ordinance number 2024 006 and ordinance amending revising and supplementing the revised General ordinances the township Bedminster by establishing regulations and permit requirements for filming throughout Bedminster Township so this is and Robin you can correct me from where I go straight here um New Jersey film commission and sersa County are uh trying to promote film ready municipalities so these are municipalities that uh when a production crew identifies uh location for television movie be set location it's a film on site that there's a town that's ready for them that there's um the infrastructure in place to support the building and production elements uh that we have an inventory or that we've worked with the county or no public comment yet can you you can still hear us question well let let's just we have to go through the introduction um that we can support a camera crew coming in and all the production similar to what uh we've done sort of on an ad hoc basis and this was done with uh the filming of good night Mommy and that was off of Cedar Ridge Road we've had some other Film Production teams come through um Robin has been in touch with Ben from Somers County and I've been in touch with um uh Benjamin Somerset County as well and we've uh also worked with um County Commissioner executive director not executive director um commission director Chanel Robinson um on promoting Somerset County for film Readiness Bernard's Township adopted a I want to say a it's not the exact we made some adjustments but similar to what Bernard's Township has done and I can know that mayor AC is very excited uh to work with uh film and production and and working with Min uh working with the residents uh to accommodate filming um Robin anything further about sort of the leadup and what the ordinance means sure so um this is generally a a based on a template that comes from the state State Motion Picture commission um most of the municipalities have adopted this some of them have tweaked it for their own insurance requirements or um various different rules or depending upon the type of neighborhood they have we don't have a downtown or a city where others do they have parking and other things to take into consideration we're much more rural um so we kind of used the template tweaked a little bit the way we wanted it and our fee structure is um very similar to all the other municipalities as far as price and also so what the state recommends so so if if we introduce uh the public hearing for this will be July 1st 7 PM so that will be the opportunity to for the public to ask questions and comments about this ordinance so have you question about the ordinance allowing uh it's not even allowing it's really setting up a permit structure for filming in Bedminster the public hearing will be July 1st so we're not taking questions we're going to um deliberation of the ordinance tonight we're just making a decision whether to introduce it once again if we do introduce it the public hearing will be July 1 to have a motion to introduce we're not Mr Rogers we're not taking public comment on the ordinance on introducing ordinance number 2024 006 so moved second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson I Mr hickey i m moresi i and mayor Jacob hi thank you the next ordinance is ordinance number 202 24015 this ordinance amends chapter 13 intitled Land Management section 13- 400 entitled District regulations and ads New section 13-4 1.3 entitled lot coverage standards for all single family residential uses in Bedminster Township if introduced or approve for introduction um the public hearing for this ordinance is scheduled for July 15th the reason it's July 15th rather than July 1st as an ordinance affecting um planning it goes back for a consistency review to the planning board for the planning board to uh opine on whether the ordinance is consistent or not inconsistent or is inconsistent with Bedminster Master plans uh the lanes board is not meeting on July 4th so their next meeting will be July 11th which means we can only only hear this after we get um referral back from the planning board which means after July 11th public hearing would be scheduled for July 15 so I will talk about this ordinance um why we why it's here uh so as the planning board and the land use board goes through consideration and evaluation of all the variances that comes before it those variances that get approved and Varian if that get Deni and we look at those um you know every so often and say okay is there something wrong is there something off with our standards that we are routinely granting certain variances with an indication that perhaps something's a miss right um and so one of the variances that have been routinely granted that applicants have been coming forth is with um lot coverage and one of the issues of why uh planning board is considering this is that we had a lot of applicants coming in with um requests to exceed the current lot coverage lot coverage in Bedminster can include things that you might not think of as coverage a wood chip walkway or a wood ship uh path to for someone to leave their horses uh to pasture is considered coverage so when you're getting into situations with larger properties whether it's horse properties or larger properties in the R3 and r10 where you've got longer setbacks we were seeing that the driveways to honor the front yard and rear yard setbacks were requiring longer and longer driveways whether the gravel or pavement that gravel or pavement was eating up lot coverage so you're essentially left with less lot coverage around the house and the accessory structures so the planning board went through a I would say months months months months long process of trying to come up with a uh some sort of consistent application um for lot coverage we're also finding that there was some um variations in the application that you might end up with sort of staggered lot coverage as you jumped up in um in the percentage allowed so it was sort of a weird situation so one of the tasks was to come up with something that was more consistent and could be evenly applied through all the single family residential zones so uh what we've worked up with is something that is rather than looking at one chart for each zone so this ordinance would establish one chart one table that would apply to all single family residential Parcels regardless of Zone but rather based upon the part parcel size so if you have a 5 acre parcel in the R3 or an undersized 5 acre parcel in the r10 you'd still be looking at the same lot coverage allowance all the other elements of um setbacks for the r10 versus the R3 would still apply but you would get the same amount of lot coverage so it took a long time for the board working with uh Paul Ferrero to come up with this chart after uh Paul prepared the chart Colin and I both put some uh you know played around with some of the words uh to make it plain and clear to anyone who might be looking at it as to what their lot coverage would be and Paul is actually uh prepared and on online tool that you could plug your property into this calculator and it would spit out your permitted lot coverage under this ordinance Colin anything further to add well I mean certainly may none of us have interest in Paving paradise and putting up a parking lot but you were saying time and again and this is true even back when there was modification in the single family cluster home neighborhood where I lived years ago before I was even involved was that our curent lot coverage ordinance was preventing any type of investment in these properties so when somebody came to us for a pool or a patio as the mayor mentioned you have a long driveway because you have significant setbacks in the r10 zone suddenly they were requiring a variance just to put in a simple addition to their home make an investment in their property which were appropriate Investments for the sides of those lots so this as the mayor said prevents them from having to get a variance and can go it's it's it's wise planning to enable us to enable those folks to make the investments in their properties that are called for decks patios pools those are some of the easy right right easy ones and once again uh they by not having them as permitted you're now forcing homeowners to hire um attorneys make applications to the board uh come before the board seeking relief um it's adding expense and uncertainty to that process by building it in um it really should allow homeowners they'll know right away uh whether or not they've got the opportunity to just pull a building permit rather than having to come in request variance from the planning board so you're absolutely right and and we were finding that um folks were saying look you know a home of 3,000 ft 3500 Square ft in Bernardsville they can put in a deck and a pool M but in beder they couldn't do so without pulling variant so we were seeing a certain loss of investment and and to some extent um folks who said well if I can't do it I'm not GNA buy here or I'm G to sell my house and move out right so we hope that this uh gives the opportunity to retain those folks who might otherwise feel concerned by the existing law C so with that the chart is in the ordinance and this chart once again would apply across all the residential districts for single family homes mayor is now an appropriate time to make a comment or are we just introducing I we're just introducing so we not getting into the the merits okay with that take a motion to introduce ordinance 202 24015 no mo second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey i m moresi i and mayor Jacobs I thank you and once again the public hearing for this ordinance will be sched for July 15 okay John we've got one 2 three think off a couple Pages oh there it is seven ordinances most of which are associated with uh the adoption of the budget so we now got money to spend in Prior years you told us there's an expedited way of introducing no I I I said there was an expedited way of conducting the public hearing but not not um doing them in bulk so how do we do we uh you have to you have to have a public hearing on all those you just you just go through a two-step process when you do your your your public hearing like I think you you make a motion to open then close and and at some point with a public hearing you could just simply say I open the public hearing does anyone have any comments okay and if there's no comments and someone makes a motion to adopt the ordinance you Robin how do you do it give me the script on how you twostep process we open and then um the public hearing mayor ask for any comments and if there are no comments and we close a motion to close and then we um call for a motion to adopt so it's three steps open close and adopt motion to adopt yeah you don't have to do an open and close you could just say clue ad you you could just say I'm opening up the public hearing are there any comments and if there's no comments then you just call for a vote all right I sent you this I sent you the script in burnard's I just don't have memor yeah yeah you you did I I did but I don't have I don't have the scrip if I told you I really looked at it I'd probably beong teach old don't do tricks all right so let's let's try it all right yeah and John John feel free to correct me when I know I go off okay so the first ordinance we have for public hearing is ordinance number 2024 007 this ordinance authorizes appropriating $354,990 72 for Capital facility improvements in Bedminster Township may have a motion to open the public hearing so moved second no John doesn't like it he's already shaking his just you don't need a motion open the public hearing just ask the public if they have any comments on the ordinance does public we haven't even talked about the or yet Robin what are we doing with $354,990 72 and then you talk about it because you're waiting for the public to give you comments on it yes presumably they've read it you've published it so now you're waiting to have comments from the public and then after have you read the or have you read the ordinance no they no they haven't read the ordinance well do it your old way we be much better off we're used to that way safer it is it's but do it you're way I about 54,000 is um is for the roof project here that is certif which is a lot cheaper than the original 800,000 to a million dollars that Kevin had originally quoted us that's correct and I should also tell you yes that's correct so we did discuss this at length during um during our budget meetings 350 354,000 is much lower than um the original quotes that we had from other contractors Kevin is ready to go with it now that we've adopted the budget did we we never really okay motion to open the public hearing so moved second all in favor does the public have any questions regarding ordinance number 202 24007 okay motion to CL close yes Sean doesn't like that but we're so used to it just do it the way you want I'm looking at the script in burners now motion to close public hearing on ordinance 2024 007 so moved second take a motion to I I I take motion to approve ordinance 20247 so move second okay roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi m moresi j got that's one out of seven okay here here's the actual script see I pull the actual script up Bo okay so again if you want to do it this wa the mayor says clerk please read the ordinance by title then the mayor says I open the public hearing and welcome comments then the mayor says I close the public hearing may I have a motion and then a committee person saysi move ordinance such and such be adopted and is required by law and then somebody seconds and then the mayor says clerk roll call please there's no motion involved perance is a much more sophisticated mity than Bedminster and that's six steps actually so U you know while I the greatest respect for the burns Township committee know what you're familiar with that's my yes that's my direction if it ain't broke don't fix it there you go well done we could have been done by now sorry we had an interesting debate over parliamentary try John take a motion to open the public hearing for ordinance number 2024 008 so move second all in favor thank you so this ordinance authorizes appropriation of $5,000 for building Access Control upgrades Robin that's for our swipy cards to get in and get out lock the door once again something that we discussed during a budget session um open the public hearing for public comment any members of the public no no um take a motion to close the public hearing for ordinance 2024 008 so move second all in favor take a motion to approve ordinance number 20248 so moved second roll call vote Please Mr Steven hi Mr hicky hi Miss moresi hi and mayor Jacobs hi next is ordinance number 20249 authorizes the funding for the 2024 pavement management plan for the bed for Township Department of Public Works May a motion to open the public hearing so move second all in favor thank you so once again this is something that um we discussed at length during uh budget session uh this would appropriate $ 155,00 $184 and 10 cents uh to the pavement management plan so the 155 that's being would be appropriated under this ordinance does not count the funds that were appropriated in Prior years where the paving was not yet performed and earlier Robin talked about some of the uh pavment projects that have been deferred just because of timing and some of the uh PG New Jersey American Water Utility activities so some of the paving projects were deferred so while we're putting 155,000 into the 2024 pavement management plan we are certainly spending a lot more than that in the 2024 calendar year does the public have any comments or questions regarding ordinance number 2024 Z Z seeing none take a motion to close the public hearing for unless any comments yeah I just wanted to say something okay why not right um third rail of budgeting right is Paving it's just it's this single most expensive thing we have to worry about so we always say how to eat an elephant one bite at a time we have to put money away from time to time when we can for the fund because it's so expensive and you know dpws how we the roads are maintained it's sort of the the gatekeeper between you know municipal government and the public and it's important that you know we always talk about getting the streets pav so quickly well I'm I'm ploud so quickly in the snow well same thing with Paving people don't like to to dodge potholes to get home from work every day but it's really really expensive so part of the DPW Aon stuff that I do see looking at that it's just Paving is just so heavy on the budget you know decide to do a road and you know you're affecting the budget for the year so just want folks to understand that wherever we can we need to put the money away and every year it doesn't get cheaper correct and this last year pavement uh Paving certainly took a very steep increase on cost of um Aggregate and the petroleum products that feed into Pap but not to forget that we do aggressively apply for Grants so we do get do grants to offset different neighborhood projects and this money supplements the grants so we're very fortunate that we are getting those absolutely yeah and that's also where Robin coordinates with Kevin and Paul Ferrero uh because we know there are certain Frameworks where uh state Aid is more likely to be applied to Paving projects um connectivity uh roads that uh connect municipalities more likely to get that Paving um other connectivity bikeways as opposed to other neighborhoods um cxs less less much less likely to get uh that type of uh grants and and to bring It full circle right that's why we say when we have our sort of estimate what our expectations in a perfect world but we're going to move that plan around if we get money to do something we want to use the money as best we can so so if you go if you go online and you see the pavement management plan it's not set in stone it's always subject to uh where we can get money and if we can get grants we'll certainly prioritize those Paving projects even if we've already indicated that they might get preference over something else you get free money you're gonna put that to the top of the list that's it with those comments take a motion to close the public hearing so move second all in favor take motion to approve ordinance number 20249 so move second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson I Mr hi M morki hi and may Jacobs hi thank you next is ordinance number 2024 010 authoriz funding for various equipment for the Bedminster town for sorry the fire Hills Bedminster fire department take motion to open the public hearing so moved second all in favor I so this ordinance once again under um a lot of discussion during budget session this would ordinance appropriates $27,000 2000 for equipment to support fire Hills bed that's your fire department any uh questions comments from the public seeing none any comments questions from Township committee s n take a motion to approve ordinance 2024 close oh you're right thank you thank you for that St you're right moving too fast motion public hearing for ordinance 202 24010 second someone okay now we'll take a motion to approve ordinance 2024 010 so moved second sorry roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson next one hi Mr hickey hi M moresi hi and mayor Jacobs hi next is ordinance 202 24011 this ordinance authorizes funding for VAR women for the dep or Township Police dep pluged and the this ordinance would appropriate $ 45,2 36 once again for various police equipment once again um discuss at length during the budget session uh we take we already we move no we didn't didn't move we have to open we have to open I have a motion to open the public hearing for ordinance 20241 so moved second all in favor I now we T does the public have any questions or comments regarding this ordinance nope Township committee NOP take a motion to close public hearing for ordinance 202 24011 so moved second all in favor I and we'll take a motion to approve wait what wasn't that roll call um no you all conf the only one who has you need the script in front of we're game our second basement is missing you need a script in front of you we're almost there we're almost there take a motion to close the public hearing for ordinance 2024 011 so move no did we already do that no second I interrupted okay second PA second Rene's motion okay thank you this would be a roll call vote please um Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi M moresi and mayor Jacobs I next is ordinance 2024 012 authorize the funding for a equipment for the beder township Department of Public Works take a motion till the public hearing for ordinance number 202 24012 so moved second all in favor I this ordinance would appropriate $58,500 for various equipment for DPW once again discuss that length during budget session uh totally consistent with our budget public any questions or comments seeing none take a motion to close the public hearing for ordinance number 2024 012 so moved second all in favor I I I motion to approve take a motion to approve ordinance number 22412 moved second this be a roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hicky hi M Mery hi and mayor Jacobs hi so does this may have been what the Rogers were here for though there's really not much uh discussion this is um ordinance number 202 24014 authorizes 77,000 915 for engineering design improve for engineering for design improvements to Union Grove Lisk Hill daily and longy Roads much yeah I was gonna say just it should be 771 195 77 195 okay that we received we've got 77915 in the title yeah I see that it should be 1 19595 say 800 bucks that's excuse me so I'll take a motion to open the public hearing for ordinance 2024 014 this the ordinance is funny yeah it should be so we received a local aid grant for 286 530 and I think the way this is written is confusing the way the title is written in the agenda agenda yeah so the the ordinance appropriate 771 195 from the 2023 Capital approvement fund for the engineering and design it's money that we had already set aside now we're just appropriating that money for the engineering for which we received a local Grant aid grant for 286 530 it should have been written the other way so the 77 is coming out of the 287 coming from us3 Capital we've already received already set aside we've already received a grant for 286,000 so 77 is Bedminster contribution to the well to the project we set aside the money in 2023 in our capital in our capital budget we just never used it now we're using it we're appropriating that that funding now from our 2023 Capital fund of the 70 so this isn't so once again this isn't coming from 2024 correct budget funds say this is coming from money that was allocated and appropriated in 2020 in the 2023 budget not written clear we're just you you we're just using it now correct so this is no impact on the 2024 budget thank you for the EXP yeah was it written and it is the 195 not the 915 it's seven it's 771 95 yes so the title is wrong I have the backup for it all here actually and this is so although the Rogers aren't here this is for Engineering in support of that project that's going to look at uh drainage flooding concerns that would then be implemented into the ultimate Paving project itself correct questions comments from the public I question name and street address Julia O'Brien Stevens court so um this is for the design not for the improvements Robin that's correct so usually what we do is we separate um the engineering and design from the actual Improvement themselves because the improvements um we actually get grants for we hope to get grants for and we did receive a grant in this case so we received a grant for the construction but the engineering's on us the grant does not cover engineering fees so the township has to pay so the engineering would be from our Municipal engineer Paul Ferrero and um engineering on these projects doesn't get you know we talked about the uh the projects themselves don't get cheaper but also the engineering gets much more difficult especially in light of some of the um drainage and storm water management elements that uh Bedminster and every municipality now has to deal with so we have to deal with the storm watered management and when you're out in that area um where you don't have curbs um and you have to manage and control the storm water from that project um and also have um it's not just the storm water volume but also you have to have Inc Patrol plans in place so that's where a lot of the engineering uh comes in on that design so it's not just it's not just designing the roadway but it's designing the um storm water management around the road and it's we ask this question every year and that's it is just expensive and when you're doing a lot of the projects with state aid there's additional engineering requirements and additional submittal that go back to the state for review and approve of the engineerings so you're not just getting $286,000 to spend you're getting 286,000 plus you have to go through the Engineering Process going back to Trenton um for them to approve the well to prove the expenditures questions from the township committee nope second motion to close the public hearing for ordinance number 20 24014 so moved second all in favor I I take a motion to approve ordinance number 202 4014 so moved second be a roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson Mr hicky I Mr morki hi and may Jacobs hi thank you that's it for our ordinances deep breath yeah faster than I was driving on Route 27 uh we have one two three four five six seven eight items on the consent agenda these are items of a routine nature any Township Committee Member may pull one for any of them off for individual consideration seeing none I'll take a motion to approve the items on the content agenda so move second V call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hi hi Mr moraski hi and mayor Jacob I thank you we have one two three four five six seven have six items uh four individual consideration the first is resolution 202 24069 authorizes Inc amended shared services agreen with bra of Far Hills for tax Ser utility collector office services m um yes mayor I can explain um back in 2014 uh the township felt it was in the best interest of both the burough and the township to enter into a shared tax collector seral utility collector Arrangement um then we had some changes in Personnel we had some retirements uh we revised that um original agreement back in 2019 and um now it needs to be revised again uh based on some budget suggestions this year year the number of line items in um Far Hills have gone up for sewer and also for tax collector so we thought this was a good opportunity to make some changes to the arrangement um that were ined St favor and um in addition to the additional lines in um Far Hills uh Edmonds we moved to the Edmond tax platform earlier in the year we were forced to our cont the company we've been working with one out of business across the State um so they forced us each to get our own license where before we shared one license so now um we took that equation as well this also another change to this uh agreement was um the removal of the Deputy tax collector you do not have a deputy tax collector available it also does change um Adriana's hours currently Adriana is working um uh the tax collector is working uh four hours on on burrow business where we felt that six hours was more appropriate so Hills be paying their proportionate share with the increas in hours so for um the tax and S utility collector office um or's residents can come here right they have a wonderful situation they have they pay for a part-time tax collector through a utility collector but they get full-time Advantage so they can come here five days a week so they don't have to schedule for four hours or two hours a week here they can always come okay and I see that our Hills has already signed off on this agreement so we are the only ones um holding this up on complete execution any further questions from Township committee seeing none take motion to approve resolution 202 24069 so moved second we call vote please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi M Mery I and mayor Jacob hi thank you next is resolution 2024 083 this resolution of points sorry I'm moving as fast as I no you're doing a good job it's not you this resolution appoints police officer Jeffrey vry to the position of Sergeant in the township of Bedminster Police Department so so this um this appointment follows a what 20 interviews five five candid five so we had five candidates multiple days uh multiple days of interviews commitment Stevenson and I Chief Bernardo Lieutenant PLO um administrator Robin Ray uh conducted a series of um interviews with all the eligible candidates um they were all fantastic and as as Doug and I have said in the past um going through this um interview process is a reminder of really how great our staffing is right now in the police department and um you know we had many just excellent candidates and we could only choose one there's only one opening and um without hesitation uh Jeff elry is the right candidate for this position I want to give full credit to uh Chief Bernardo and Lieutenant PLO uh for the way they handled and administered the interview process um and chief I think we're all very proud of Officer velry um soon to be Sergeant vry as soon as we uh sign off on this resolution uh Doug any uh further comments question questions yeah mayor I think you you sort of nailed it right on the head um I Echo what you said um particularly about um officer Bel Tre soon to be Sergeant Bel Tre um but also the the pool of candidates it it's over the what eight years or so it's it's sort of done a 180 where you sort of have some concerns and now the the concerns that you have are totally different and it's you know how do I keep every happy because I got so many good candidates so you got overachieving hungry Heroes that want to go out and better themselves and better the municipality and um I can imagine we're Prime for the plucking but you know we'll take what we have we have a great group here a huge fan of our uh police force and chief what you're doing and the community policing it it is your stamp on that has uh it came through Through Time and Again speaking with the folks that are the Future Leaders and they are all aware of you know that aspect of what you want and what you ask what you expect quite frankly um and you know the department in in in general I think just answers the bell all the time um but the ability to fill in spots with folks you know are just going to be superstars it's just it's great and when you have someone in a leadership ability like a sergeant and you're running a team and you lead by example you know that is the best kind of leader you can have and that is what Jeff felt is he's going to lead by example and get with the plan because the plan's coming to you and and I think he's got a very very nice way of having that Law and Order mentality yet communitybased policing and and he just has an ability to to uh to ride that very well so in full supp we we'll talk about Jeff uh what he to his swearing in but um Doug I think you you nailed it with uh with Jeff elry he's um he's equally at home driving by pulling off to the side to shoot coups with some kids at the same time I would not want to be a bad guy on the other end of Jeff Bel that's right and also uh you know leadership skills just come shining through and um this is not his first time being a sergeant been a sergeant in Marines as well so um in his four years with Marines he made Sergeant pretty quickly so I think that's a great indication of um of his personality his his attitude and just a great selection take a motion to approve resolution 2024 08 three so second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi Mori hi I'm M Jacobs hi thank you and chief uh what are we doing at swearing in next meeting uh yes shall I first great okay thank you next resolution 2024 089 this resolution authorizes the consent to the proposed Northeast upper Aron and lower Ren milx County water quality management plan Amendment M okay so this um this resolution comes to us from sumerset County from Walter Lane's office of planning policy and economic development and um the county actually puts together a um the Somerset County Septic management plan and that's what this is about cust people with the somerson county waste spitter management plan and um since we are part of the county we need to adopt this resolution as well so the county is already um moving ahead with this um with these revisions that's correct so essentially we don't choice we don't have a choice don't have a choice this is a directive from the state that all of your municipalities within somerson County that are part of this plan have to submit a resolution they support like the choice is go find a different someone to get rid of your waste well this this seems to uh year years years ago um municipalities would would formulate their own Wastewater management plans and and then send them up to the county and state and that was just too cumbersome and disjointed so now it's it's the county the county does it me plan Amendment public not County this is just on your septic yeah well States Count's already there we're not getting into any other um water quality management plan it's and the way I read it it's a consent to what's already been done to the service we need I mean routine yeah I do it for the seage authority and in burnard so I'm familiar with the process okay and DP requires the municipality to sign off on it and that's what the resolution does so further questions for comments take a motion to approve resolution 2024 right so moved second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickley hi M moraski hi and may Jacobs hi thank you next is resolution 202 24092 this resolution authorizes consent to the proposed I'm sorry submission of the Grant application and execution of a grant contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the gate house Autumn Ridge cestal and drummers Log Road Improvement project this Ray sure Mar so this is one of those do local a grants we talked about for L kill and Union Gro and then for the Riverwood and tutle so this year we're applying for Gate House alen bridge castal and drumers log up in the hills um I will tell you the last time that these roads were paved was in 2009 so um they are in some rough shape so we're really hoping that this um and just authorizes the township engineer to submit through that PM pmrs system um the Grant application to the state so similarly if this grant were to be approved I'm not sure where these roads currently sit on the payment management plan but they would if the grant was approved they'd be expedited for independent they're actually scheduled for 2025 on pay okay so really works out well first time in a long time uh there's no further questions or comments take a motion to approve resolution 2024 092 so second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson Mr hickey i m moraski i and mayor Jacob thank you next is resolution 202 24094 resolution states that the governing body of the township of Bedminster has reviewed at a minimum the general comments and recommendations of registered Municipal accountant on the ual audit for 2023 this is a resolution we consider every year and is an indication that we have reviewed the audit we've seen the um comments and recommendations which are the same that we've seen every year um recommending that we uh act as a larger municipality would and and divide up some of the financial offices uh which is impossible for a town of our size um any further questions or comments Robin any further no there's actually two two resolutions the first one is just that you've reviewed the audit and the second one is the next one 095 which is the act corrective Action Plan and there's one additional comment so this is just strictly your review of the audit which you all received about a month ago no further questions or comments take a motion to approve resolution 2 24094 so second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey i m moresi i and mayor Jacob I and then the final resolution 202495 this authorizes the approval of the corrective action plan submitted by the Chief Financial Officer for 20203 Robin any further um comments the one comment which we always get as you had mentioned mayor was the segregation of uh treasury functions we're just such a small municipality before our time that it's impossible um the other one which is new this year is about the animal control fund appropriation reserves we had an overe expenditure of about $571 this year um and the recommendation is that um The Reserve be monitored uh more fervently to you know reduce prevent that overe expenditure um but we are actually betting other contractors for animal control because the expenses are just off the charts so essentially locally there's basically a monopoly on anal and it's awful and it's we're looking at other ways to we're pursuing other options actively pursuing other options now Now's the Time to do it so we've been working on it for about two three months now I was going to make a geese reference but I'm not going to no this is just regular cats and dogs I mean this is really nothing out of the ordinaries just leave it at that I'll leave it at that no further questions or comments take a motion to approve resolution 202495 so moved second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson Mr hickey i m moresi and mayor Jacobs I we'll take a motion to approve the bill list pending review of individual invoic second ston Mr hi Miss Mor and may Jacob I'm sorry A lot of these had to be put on the non-consent agenda because they had to be reviewed in public so I apologize for the long no worries good length of these well that's it for ordinances resolutions and we we made it through um any matters for new business consideration see none old business dot improvements there have been no updates there's been no further communication from do on the 206 crosswalk both the chief Robin and I will continue uh with Meredith down at dot to see what we can uh get some action there um utilities hi thank you mayor just a couple updates first off Alti uh n Crest is expected to be ready for fiber migration beginning next Monday June 24th so this will be the fifth neighborhood that Altis will have fibered so now we have five Altis fiber neighborhoods and five Verizon FiOS fiber neighborhoods overlap there is some overlap uh in uh Courtland and there's one other sorry for the pop quits no no no that's sorry because I'm trying to think this no I'm just I'm trying to there was I thought there one cman is gonna be signing in crespon has not signed yet okay uh you've got Pine Veil being built right now it should be completed by the end of the month uh but people can sign up now and pine Bale uh you've got long Metals already fibered by uh by f which one am I missing cresmont is don't run no no no no no Tim Brooks outside the hills yeah no but they were talking about no they already have it so they're not interested no nope and I asked and they said nope so so we got we got five and five wooduck no wooduck just got Alti oh okay so Altis is wooduck four Oak Portland uh n crest and Windwood I get all five sure yes I did I did sorry um I'm waiting on confirmation for the next four neighborhoods that Alti is expected to build those are Mayfield Fieldstone Village Green and Long Meadow so they're doing their internal approvals Capital requests so we should hear shortly on that that's well that's a big build that's that's a that's a big build big build yes yes that's why they've got to get all the internal approvals lined up um New Jersey American water do we know anything about the um about the registration are you getting anything back from um oh yeah people have been signing up people getting it it installed yes yeah so no no direct feedback yet but installs are out there right now in areas like wood duck for Oaks and uh and courland for my part yeah be curious to get just to see what the uh sign up rate is and funny thing is also want to get some direct feedback from you know the rich costes of the world the Jeff Leonards of the world because they're doing it I want to hear how the process is going if there are any issues we can take those right back to Alti and get them in front of them the Landscaping the interference also like to hear um anecdotally you know certainly um Improvement in Quality quality you should see a significant Improvement in quality it's a night and day difference between coaxial cable that's been in the ground for 35 years and fiber it may be by the Simons right right right yes that's right uh quick update New Jersey American Water uh Robin Kevin Rodney and myself recently met with New Jersey American Water field operations Personnel I think Rob and you say we had a very productive meeting we covered a lot of ground uh we talked about the call center issues again to refresh people's memories New Jersey American was redirecting people to Bedminster water or to miss Ray's office particularly when they were building metered as opposed to individually metered so we're trying to rectify that situation they understand the issue now so they are working actively to resolve that we discuss upcoming construction projects the sewer plant reconstruction and improving ways of communicating and coordinating between ourselves anything else miss Robin I talked about the treatment trailer briefly yes we just have a letter on that just got a letter follow up on that but everything we asked about they were very responsive yeah yeah no good team and uh it's fortunate because we've had a good team in place but because of the retirement and Ken Taylor we want to make sure that that work continues oh the repeater shed that was the other oh yes thank you appreciate that um and psng I know Kevin has been in contact regarding uh old Stonehouse Road um but we should probably wait to get the update from him L dog you have anything on that I heard through Little Birdies that it's going in like in real time like today yesterday and people are now converting over and that was another Paving project that essentially between um so with PNG bringing the line down on the west side of Old Stone housee with the laterals crossing across the street to those on the other side who are connecting to PNG and sure going up um we'll see psng will be responsible for a good amount of the repaving of old Stonehouse so um getting we thought it might be deferred for another year uh but looks like it's all happening like as you say in um real time so that's a it's a great so also it's another indication of working with the communities um about improving their utility service so you know just as a reminder um we had gone out um my myself um Renee Doug and Gina talking to the folks on Stonehouse Deer Haven Old Dutch Berkshire and ski hill and where we get PSG to extend um natural gas service to and old ston house was really the only neighborhood that um could get a um commitment from nearly all its residents to commit to um that project so um not sure if in the end it actually cost them much at all that was the key yeah you know what's the phrase when you have when you're bulk you know they had the power if you're just a oneoff yeah we'll run the line to you you got to pay for it yeah by getting every by getting everyone and not a big street right right I'm not sure how many houses are there but they got a they got enough residents to support it with enough utility service right so it's not just I'm gonna connect my stove right was credit I'm to connect my stove my water heater my furnace um give up the oil ttin give up everything else and um you know well you know what but this maybe if it's successful and those folks are happy with the upgrades and it increases home values it maybe you know you revisit the issue on ski hill you revisit the issue on Old Dutch and deer here and the way it was supposed to work mayor was that anyone on Old Stonehouse that took a pass that now wants to tap in now that it's there the residents that pay for the existing line to the extent they paid for it will actually refund on that when other folks tap in so it's not like one of those things where people can take a wait approach the money should even out after I think it's 20 years on that 20 years and it's very it's worth right so that's that's great to see that move forward huckman Park John and Doug I imagine F updates communication to the owner went out uh know we spoke about that last uh meeting nothing in response yet so we've got to the new zoning uh Property Maintenance ordinance is my understanding correct Robin yes that's correct yeah in regarding uh Property Maintenance violations so Z officer sent the uh owner of the notice okay asking for Corrections all right good so we wait for those to be conduct okay um I'll talk about Somerset Hills Public Safety Committee we had a uh virtual meeting that was last week uh Chief Bernardo uh and Robin joined me along with um May AC um Bernards Chief um de carolus from Far Hills um mayor ciano from pack and Gladstone uh Matt mench from Bridgewater was away could not uh make it Kevin Welsh mayor Welsh was also busy couldn't make it um but we do have some updates Bridgewater did introduce um the similar ordinance that the other five towns have already introduced and approved and uh Bridgewater is scheduled to have their public hearing and second read of the ordinance Robin was that the June June 28th June 28th so June 28th um it's anticipated 27th I'm so sorry 27th is anticipated that Bridgewater will also adopt uh that Public Safety ordinance um then we did talk a little bit further about um some of the policing issues that we're seeing in the other towns um particularly in Bernard's Township uh John you're probably well aware situations they've been dealing with there and um you know lessons learned that are applicable to all the other municipalities and to the policing there so once again uh bringing these the Mayors and the Chiefs together and just opportunity to talk um about the um implementation and once again we did not um we applied for the Federal grant uh what used to be called an earmark um for the traffic uh cameras um license plate readers uh we didn't get it but we will uh we are pursuing other grants opportunities for the purchase operation and installation of those um we had a robin and I had a uh conversation with Congressman Kane's office about those other grant opportunities um so we will be purs uing those as well um and certainly the takeaway from having the discussion at the Public Safety Committee is that um those tools work there's you know I was uh was a bit of a skeptic when license plate readers what you know what is that going to do it's going to be too late it's not going to be fast enough but certainly the situation um in some of these municipalities is uh proved positive that they do work and they are um a tool that works for police so we will continue to pursue those grant opportunities for the installation U our next meeting isn't until I think later end of uh July on that we've got some vacations coming up and we'll be uh reporting later on that and also be waiting hear from mayor Munch about their adoption of that ordinance in our neighboring towns of the sou we do not have an executive session tonight so we'll go through Township committee comments and then we will adjourn until July committee men Stevens thank you mayor U my only comment and I want to respect the confidentiality of the process and all all respects is is to the officers who applied for the sergeant position that were not selected uh each of you impressed in your own way I can speak for myself and I don't want to speak for anybody else in the committee but I can just say that each applicant was extraordinarily uh eager uh wanted the role and we understood that it was an extraordinarily hard decision for us to make because mayor said there's only one spot and I felt all the applicants were were each had something to to bring to the position and um my take away from it was just that I I really I'm very positive about where we are with our department um again you talk about Gatekeepers and DPW and I'm always given updates about what we're doing but you know police officers let's face they're the first of the First Responders you know nine times out of 10 so just really really um thankful for the options that we had I think we made a great decision but uh just encourage the folks that interviewed come out interview for the next position you know that opens up hopefully you know we've got you know a revolving door but you want consistency but we've got excellent depth and uh Lieutenant PLO uh Chief Bernardo he did a great job in in preparing the process and having um a good spirited sort of discussion about police Affairs so thank you commitment hickey thank you mayor no comments But to answer your question I just recalled Winwood and courland have so they have so Winwood and courland have both fos Al fiber they are in the CER seat can you go door too and let me know who has which I can certainly do a survey if you like I HIPPA laws or something probably committee woman moresi congratulations officer v um I haven't gotten to meet all the officers but it is is good to hear um all the things that Doug has to say about all our officers that are with us in Bedminster makes you feel really safe and I also want to congratulate all our Bedminster seniors graduating this year um both at Bernardsville and uh at other schools have a great summer kids because after this it gets St um have a good summer everybody and we'll see you next time and special congratulations to Gina Fernandez on the graduation of her youngest her ti so congratulations Gina and once again um to the police department uh we are now at the largest Staffing um certainly since I've been on Township committee uh we are at 18 uh that is with four sergeants Chief and a lieutenant and right now um the camaraderie and the spirit in the police department is at the greatest we've ever seen certainly I've ever seen so once again kudos to Chief Bernardo and Lieutenant PLO for running the police department having an excellent um Doug as you said you know it's not just uh they come here and they work they actually have a great affection for beder Township and resident so is is a parent um during the interview process also parent in just being at the farmers market and just seeing these guys come through and just talk about their experience in town um it's really great to hear so congratulations and thank you uh to everyone who did participate in that and at 8:38 take a motion to adjourn so moved second all in favor hi thank you good night good night I don't wake the dead what's that that awake the Dead