yeah it's fine adequate notice of this meeting of the mayor and Council was sent to the as Park Press and the co-star our official newspapers and notice of this meeting was posted on the bulletin board of the municipal building take call councilwoman Donovan here councilwoman Kenny here mayor fesco here Council Rono here counc Le here please stand for the pledge of aliance pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep stand na indivisible andice all please standing for our troops their families our First Responders and we're going to add our thoughts and prayers go to the family and friends of Tom rosos longtime Belmar resident and longtime FAL engineer he passed last last uh February thank you before we start tonight's meeting we have a little ceremony we want to uh hold in honor of someone who's been with us in the burrow here for a long time I'm going to ask uh April and the council this in recognition of her 20 years of service with the going to read the resolution I I think you can all hear uh whereas April cloro started her career with the burough of Belmore in 2004 and was appointed as acting municipal clerk in 2008 and was sworn in as burrow clerk in 2010 April is also the planning board secretary zoning board secretary technical assistant to the construction official and Municipal registra for the borrow of bmore located at 601 Main Street Belmore New Jersey whereas April claudo was born and raised in Lake Como we won't hold that against sir uh graduated from Belmore Elementary School class of 1996 Manis High School class of 2000 and Stewart School of Business in 2022 with an executive secretarial certification and whereas April clodo has dedicated countless hours to the burrow of Belmar attending weekly meetings as the registered municipal clerk planning board secretary and Zoning Board secretary and also volunteers many hours during Belmar events and whereas all belmare burrow residents and employees congratulate April claudo for an outstanding 20 years of service to our Beloved Community April's dedication and commitment Have Been instrumental in shaping Belmore into the vibrant and welcoming place it is today her tireless efforts uh have touched countless lives and made a significant impact on our community from her warm smile to her un waitering dedication to Excellence April has truly become an integral part of belmore's fabric we are immensely grateful for her hard work passion and unw unwavering commitment to making Belmore a better place for all Belmore simply wouldn't be the same without April caudo and we look forward to many more years of an invaluable contributions and now therefore be it resolved the mayor and counsel and all the res of Belmore honor April claudo and be a further resolve that the mayor and Council of the burough of Belmore thank April Claudio for her 20 years of dedicated service to the residents of Belmar thank you congratulations speech okay Workshop we're going to start with a presentation from the historical society and be presented by our former mayor Brian thank you I saw in the workshop uh agenda that you had a sign ordinance going today yes I'm here to present an idea involving signs so that could be a bad sign pun yes pun intended um the um Belmar hisorical society would like to uh offer a program of placing uh historic signs along the boardwalk for the summer they would be laminated on Free by 3ot by 4T aluminum Suns that would be attached to the railing uh near where you have all the names for the people that help with the boardwalk so I'll need your help there um we uh we would like to select the exits we don't have enough uh to do all the pl uh uh entrances on the beach front but um we have some nice photos tremendous photos that would be of very very interest and you can maybe it around turn that around that's so that would be down around maybe 14th 15th Avenue some of the old hotels on Ocean Avenue uh there's no cars right there it's all H and buggy and so we would place it at let's say 15th Avenue entrance so people could turn around and look down the Avenue and see what Belmar looked years ago we would have another one this is Ocean Avenue first and second Avenue by the fishing club so we would put that at the North vent yeah we have other we have so many interesting historic signs in our Museum uh which I invite you all to come to and look over someday at the Museum the different signs that we had um and when I got this sign right here it answered the question of why I come over the bridge into Belmar from Avon why it's so wide right there there's a string of lights street lights right down the middle that divided the Ocean Avenue and I guess they took the Sun the lights out but you know the sign the street was that wide in this picture right here the old fishing club some people think the fishing club is right there but actually this old fishing club was removed and now it's on 14th or 15th Avenue on the second block set in the back you know so you know it was built uh first like 1909 and then the one that we see there that we all recognize was built later on once this one was taken away yeah you and we have other great photos that we would like to place on the railings I think that with your permission you know we uh we have allocated some money from the Historic Society to do maybe half a dozen maybe more we to same cost we may offer it to someone who lives on Third Avenue to sponsor that particular photo uh for like 3 years five years and then take it away so the they wouldn't have it there in perpetuity you know uh because maybe in three or five years we would like to put maybe a different photo up if you have any questions I'll try and answer uh if I can't he all be black and white right I'm assuming right yeah these historic photos were are black and white some of them would be from original photos these are original photos we do have a large collection of postcards that are really interesting but uh I don't think the postcards would when you blow it up would be as clear as an original photo is when you do it with the U uh camera equipment and you do it and you kind of like superimpose it or put it on the aluminum I've seen that done yeah yeah and so really it's weatherproof uh the gentleman that has a sign company and he's done it for Bradley Beach and he's also done it for Avon um so you know when uh I I saw it last year in Avon I thought W this a great idea to offer to Belmar um especially with all the changes going on I think it's a great idea to do what we can to emphasize the historic nature of Ocean Avenue is this would they be up all year round or you going to take them down in in the winter I think they would last longer if we put them up in the beginning of the season and maybe took them down sometime September uh that would really be uh up to the help of a DPW since I know they their plate is full getting the Beach open and their plate is full getting the beach closed so doing it would be whenever they could fit it in but I don't think it would take that long it's probably uh something they could probably do in a short amount of time did he just bolt to the uh to the railing on there or something I think you have other signs that uh are on that wrap around the rail so you don't actually drill through the rail is that right correct so I would leave it up to DPW I've worked with them for many years they can do every they can do anything you know but they can't do it all at the same time so that's why we would defer to uh those time schedule DPW would you be able to include information about the picture like underneath or something like that probably something basic like Circa 1924 something like that you wouldn't want to go into too much detail um but yeah people would like to see you know like uh turn around and just in their mind imagine what that photograph was you know you know 100 years ago I think this is a wonderful initiative I know you've talked about it before the Belmar Historical Society talked about it during the show Andel event that was really fantastic um so this would be belmer historical society and any sponsors funding this project for yeah private private sponsors that um you know just like on the the benches you have on the boardwalk you see have the benches was bought by a particular family so somebody in a family that uh grew up on Fifth Avenue might want to sponsor The Fifth Avenue photograph that makes sense I think this will be wonderful for visitors for us B Martians when we're walking down our our Boardwalk to see you know where where we've come from you know how far we've gotten as well as the rich history that's in belmare so I appreciate uh all your initiatives and especially this one I hope this happens well this we're going to start small do it well do the best we can what I can see in the next couple of years because they seeing some of these historic signs up on Main Street what Main Street looked like 100 years ago or what the river the marina looked like 100 years ago uh the bridge here that's stuck open you years um so really uh imagine there's so much history that we would be able to Encompass other areas of of town if it goes over well which I'm I think think it will I know today we're talking about sign ordinances and our current ordinance um in 201602 says we uh have an objective to encourage signs which Aid orientation identify activities and describe local history and character or serve educational purposes and this certainly does serve local history and educational purposes so was a good sign good word good timing yes I I agree I think it's a great idea yeah uh I do recommend as you said if you get sponsors it probably is a good idea to limit the time span so that people forever the names on the signs down there we we never put an end time right so those people probably feel as if their their names belong in that sign you just you just want to avoid confusion going forward right right you know so I mean I think it's smart to to limit it to a certain time period and the the the Historical Society will select the photographs so that they're generic to dmar not necessarily of a family reunion of a 100 years ago you know we don't want anything like that we just want to keep it simple yeah I don't think any does anyone any Downs sign to that a good got your orders oh we like that we like that good job thank you thank you the public have any comment on that even though it's a work session we can uh yes on up this is only a one minute session thank you very much um Sharone here Main Street um great idea and I just have a couple suggestions one I was going to bring up the description of what you know the sign would be and then also put information on on there that says where they can find more information like you know please visit the B Historical Society more information about this structure I mean this photo and other photos throughout and then have on the website you know those photos you know where they're located because if somebody then looks at the website first and they want to find where the photo is then they know where to exp about you know I mean two-way thing where you can find information about so that's pretty much okay you know that's a great idea thank you okay now we move on to the less interesting s subject of Science in general um I had asked and for everyone to take a look at this because the the um sign Committee of the planning board is been uh active in trying to uh not control but modify you know what we're doing in terms of our ordinance and what's out there uh on Main Street and other places and one of the first two things that that came up as I mentioned at the last meeting were you know two enforcement issues because we do have um we do have in our ordinance a Prohibition for flutter Flags along with other things like banners and portable signs and then we also have another section uh which has uh refers to Painted signs on walls and fences and Etc and as we know if you drive down Main Street you see flutter fls and there are some walls that have painted on um I drove around the other day I counted about five flutter flags and you know most of them were in front of stores you know and uh few by St Rose so you know it's it's not a big issue at this point but the ordinance does say that it's not permitted um and the same thing with the with the uh painting of the walls where there are a few uh walls that have been painted so I think as a as a group we should try to give some direction to to the sign committee as to you know are we are we thinking about you know just keeping it that way and we don't necessarily have to decide tonight but I mean the the whole idea is other towns have some other things included uh in their ordinances for example with the flood signs some of the other Burrows have instances where there are exceptions for example a grand opening you know they may permit a certain period of time uh that you can put a flutter flag or a banner or something like that um I think it was um I think it was manisan they had one where you could um you can do it four times a year year for for approximately 14 days so I'm thinking that they thinking of like the seasons like you know if you're going to have like a spring spring sale or something so I I I imagine that's where they got the four times a year so we should think about you know if we're number one if we just want to ban it completely number two do we want to just say no but there are instances where we could have exceptions to the rule or we could just say you know there okay and you know just put them out so again I wanted to give the sign committee some guidance so you know I'm curious to see what what you guys think about that I guess I'll start H um when it comes to things like the flutter Flags I mean things are good within a certain amount of uh a certain volume of right so if every business in town were to start putting a flutter flag out then we would have a problem I don't really see a problem with it right now um and I want to make sure that we're supportive of our businesses so that they can they can operate especially you know we are relatively seasonal Town some of these businesses have a hard time making ends meet in the winter time we want to be able to give them every advantage that they can have um but really what we should do is at least level the playing field so that we have businesses who are following the rules and ones who will follow the rules right so that we're not uh it's not this you know put something out and then ask for permission later um so I do think that it does need to be Revisited to make sure it's clear I don't want to say right now that we should or shouldn't have flutter flag signs I think there's probably an advantage to some businesses for it but again if everybody in town starts doing it then we have a problem on our hands so we need to I I kind of agree with what you were talking about in terms of dictating the days that they could be out you know maybe it's just something that happens on weekends maybe it's just you know there's a certain wind velocity they have to take them in um or certain or even dictating whether there's certain streets or certain areas limiting maybe just Main Street businesses or something like that um those are all good things to think about I don't have the answer for that right now but I think it's good that we're discussing it yeah well I think it's really just to give direction now to the sign committee yeah you know we could go back at some point and say well this is what the consensus is so you know if anyone else any I I tried to get around and talk to a few business owners in town to see what they thought and they didn't seem to have strong opinions about the flutter flags and things like that but I wanted to flag something you voted for me this is your fault um uh which is someone was talking about and this is something we have to think more about and obviously grandfather in the existing businesses but thinking about trying to match new business signs with say um The Avenue signs down on the beach so that they all have this like uniform and more branded as Belmar look to them which I thought was interesting and I wanted to bring up publicly to let people ruminate on that and the other thing is that I think uh I like the paintings and the murals on some of these places okay good um I mean there might be room there to make sure people have approval for General design but I you know I think they're nice I agree with that the murals for sure I think that as long as we have input into them that they should be allowed I think some beautiful murals ones that had Hinson even um are you know have been around town and and mean a lot to me as I'm uh driving or walking around town seeing that knowing a Belmar resident painted it um is especially meaningful uh as far as the the flutter Flags personally I think that they can be distracting um and and I do think that they should be allowed for a grand opening I'd be very open to the ideas of a certain amount of days um to to the year um I love you know the use of Sandwich Board signs um as in the walk as long as they don't impede I know that that's allowed um I think that tools like banners and additional signage are useful to our business Community like um what councilman Levis was saying I think it should be considered Case by case um when it's something that's beyond our ordinance uh for sales promotion events um I understand that that can make compliance trickier uh but I do believe there times on our Main Street can lack some curve appeal and business owners worry about walkability and that means visibility becomes more important so if rules remain the same or if they're enforced to the ordinance I'd like to offer the businesses days or weekends where they're able to have sidewalk sales or have those flags have those banners um to use I know manisan does as well um and it encourages the foot traffic so I'd like us to to take our Que from there yeah I agree I I think that the murals are great but I do also think that they should be on a caseby Case basis we should see what's coming into town and have say like what's actually there but I love the murals around town I think they're great um with regards to the flutter Flags if there's only five in town right now I mean I don't know I don't really think it's that that big of a deal but I can see if it gets too many I also think the condition of what they look like is important if they start to look tattered and torn and there should be some specifics about that shouldn't be allowed right we don't want that look on Main Street either um but other than that I think sometimes people do put like plastic banners and moo of a sign to which I believe should be a temporary thing also and think that that should be forever the signage for the business you understand what I'm saying about that and I also think too that if it's a grand opening type thing it should be a time there should be a time constraint like a Time on on the amount of time you put a flut flag or a grand opening sign but otherwise I like the sandwich board ideas I think that attracts businesses tells what's going on the public and as long as it doesn't impede traffic and all that but those are my thoughts about about all right I mean what I'm hearing is I don't think there's anyone who just wants to outright ban them completely that with with appropriate either times during the year or perhaps you know filing for a permit or something like that we could start a process for we're using the the flutter Flags you know for special events um and I'll bring we'll bring that back to the U to the planning board the same thing with the uh painting of the the the walls or fences or whatever I mean those are things which I agree we should we should um you know take a look at before before they're they're put up so they should get ask for approval before we uh have those things done cuz it is nicer than just SLE so all right so we I think we we can give them some direction in in that area as as I got through the um the some of the other ordinances though I noticed you know our our ordinance after that it goes into science standards and it really as I was taking a look at it there really a lot of uh sections that do with have to do with projecting signs you know and it talks about you know projecting sign includes the frame it has to be designed by an engineer and uh if illuminated you know it needs certain reflectors and any movable part of a projecting sign so I mean there are there are paragraphs after paragraphs here talking about projecting signs and I think uh from my view and looking at the other ordinances we we've we've missed some big areas in in the ordinance in terms of signage and again this is something we could punt back to the sign committee to also take a look at I me as I looked at it like number one one of the things we did discuss at the planning board were you know what kinds of signs should be permitted in residential areas now our ordinance does talk about temporary signs like political signs real estate signs um Sandwich Board which would be commercial area but you know some of the questions are what do you do for uh uh people who have uh or Professionals for example you know doctors lawyers accountants Engineers so on or people who have small might have a home business you know should they be permitted to put a sign you know and if so you know what size and and all the other details so I mean that would be something that I think we should encourage the committee to look at um related to that is also um you know we have other signs some of them which are temporary for example you know a contractor is building a home and they put their sign out in front while the home's being built saying you know ABC Contractors whatever or you know the landscaper just did a a total revamp of the of the front yard of someone you know redesigned it whatever and they have a a sign that says that so I mean those things are not covered in our ordinance currently so question is should we should we have the committee take a look at that uh I don't know that there have been any complaints from from people uh I guess April would know maybe more than anyone if if we've gotten complaints about signage in residential areas no um old sign ordinance used to have Provisions for contractor signs the landscaper signs have never really been an issue the only complaints that have been made about those is when they're in the right away or not on someone's property um and then the code enforcement was suggesting that maybe for the landscaper signs that it's or the contractor signs it be limited to like one per property sometimes there's multiple and then the flutter Flags there's only really been a complaint on one and it was because the flag was was torn and they you know business was no and they they took it down and replaced it with a new one I mean I think the sense I got from the the committee was that there were there was a um they wanted to address some of the issues in the residential areas just to be sure that we can outline you know what's permitted and what's not permitted so if we're talking about like a professional office at doctor or something I those are going to be Zone commercial anyway those aren't going to be residential buildings uh I don't know I mean we don't have doctors that have home offices anymore no no not really I mean we we have we used have an attorney that had an office in his home and he had a sign but there hasn't nothing any I know of okay I mean that that again that's something we could we can let the uh the committee take a look at um you know you also have churches Civic organizations you know things like that does that any of that need to be addressed I mean I think it's hard for us because I don't think we've had any problems in that area so that's why it also hasn't really been forced right so if we're not well we look at like the political signs and things like that and the square footage of the signs no one's really going out and measuring these right these things and really should we should we have a rule like this on the books if we're not going to that's the question we is it is it really a problem that is uh is existing I don't I don't want to be the only thing that I that I think about is uh again if you if you don't have a guidelines then it becomes someone's discretion and that discretion can change from year to year or month to month and you know how do we justify that you know when after you know six months later somebody puts a sign up and somebody complains about it and then the next thing is well you didn't say anything to so and so down the block who put up a sign like that you know and then so you know I think sometimes it's nice to have General guidelines as to what's permitted and what's not permitted and then obviously you need to have some kind of a a process where you can look at it on an individual basis say well no this is not really you know what we have to do um again residential it seems to me it's mostly temporary sence that we're that we're looking at but um one of the other complaints that we've had is the Sandwich Board signs that they're permitted but they're not supposed to be they're supposed to be in front of the business and a lot of the bus are putting them in the middle of the sidewalk or um by the curve and they're supposed to be up against the business so that's another thing that do we want to enforcement yeah that's an enforement issue and there's something things and I'll say with with that some drafting problems that I see in our ordinance for example you know like Sandwich Board you know it just says display on site Works directly in front of the business but it doesn't say it has to be within a foot of the business you know it could be it could be six feet out you know on the Cur so I mean if we if that's a problem then you know then the ordinance should say you know within three feet of the of the front door building or something like that if we want to get that specific about the business's property at least at least on the business's property right well that's that's another hard that's another hard one because you don't know how far out it might go um so you know you could allow signs on on public property but I'd have to defer to a council on on on that if if that were something that was proposed a swich sign in front of a store that's on the public right away for example sure it happens all the time you can do it the question always is is there enough room right it's it's a safety it's really a safety issue in terms of you know there has to be enough uh of an area for people to pass but you have the right to to regulate size and location things like that April do we still have a schedule any no see when I think about signs I wrote down here size number location style and to a lesser degree materials some sometimes they have to be wood like Point pleas just wood so I mean they're that specific conversely we number size location you know that kind of thing so yeah and I think that's the the kind of suggestions I would want to give to the to the uh sign committee if we want to for example you know we have we have no uh standards for putting signs on buildings in general you know size really simple one sign per business per side at a certain amount of square footage we have no you have no no no you know how that's the window issue you know how much of a sign can go in a window and you know some towns have something to do with lettering you know oh you can only use certain type lettering it only covers you know certain percentage of the window I mean is that something that we really need to do or um or not another thing that the ordinance doesn't address the businesses that don't have property because they're you know their store funs right up to the sidewalk they don't have anywhere to put the temporary signs or the flutter flag so they go in the strip between the sidewalk and the curve with so is that okay or not well again you say if it's okay or not and for how long I know for instance Asbury has 14 days you can put a banners flutter Flags whatever I suppose that guy that you know goes back and forth 14 you know Dan there you might want out all that if want that us really quick that the that the one thing I want to flag as far as the sandwich board so that there should be room for someone who needs a wheelchair or any other type of um assistance for Mobility to get around it so I think that's important well I mean our ordinance does say you know does not impede the passage of pedestrians will create a traffic safety hazard so it's common sense but again you come down to standards that aren't in the ordinance and you can just say you have to have 5T of clearance and then you go out there well the question is do we want to get that specific that's that's what I think I think we need I think we need to now I mean just based on the way our is written based on the way some of these other towns we do need to Define some rules most basic ones that we're seeing let's let's at least draft something that we can review and and see if this makes sense that's something I think we detail I wanted to tell the committee you know the council would like a little more specificity with regard to some of these things like the sandwich signs or the placement of signs on the public RightWay or signs on buildings or you know not that we have problems with them but you know window signs um because I yeah to be honest with I read through these ordinances and I read through a few others from other towns that I just Pi that random it is mindboggling when you read the you know the detail that some towns have gone to to uh you know to control the signage so I mean you could spend a lifetime trying to draft Something cover every situation and it's just it's so difficult to do but I mean I think if we can just ask to give us some specificity you know and then we can take a take a look at it and the other thing that came up that I need think of like signs on vehicles like you know we don't have an issue with that but you know you could get somebody who has a sign on the top of the car you know and they want to park it in front of their their business and leave it there all day you know is that something we want to be you know on Main Street or do we want to have an ordinance that says no you can't you can't you know have a sign you know advertising your business you know would that even be our jurisdiction though would that come out to the MBC if it's on a vehicle could be regular well talk about the sign ordinance well you'd have to work it in parking because there are advertising trucks that go by and that's all they do billboard so no this is more for parking you know you can't park and and you know have a billboard in front of your store that's on it you it's just that was just another thing that one of the other burs uh talk about and then they were they also made uh some BS Made issues about interior signs you know like sign in a window uh again you know you could go you know to all LS to try to control the signage but you know I think it's mostly you know the exterior signs um projecting signs for example one of the issues I had was we talk about projecting signs but in my mind that doesn't cover the little projecting sign that comes out you know like over a over a doorway on a store that says you know Joe's Bakery you know that might be a little uh par you know rectangle I think when our ordinance was looking at a projecting sign we're looking like a big sign you know like projecting out like uh you know from the building but what about those little signs that project out you know that might be one foot square and it just has you know Jo's dentist here or whatever it's on a it's just on a little frame the ones that are perpendicular yeah perpendicular to the they're blade signs blade signs yeah so you would have to have I mean I think that would be appropriate to have you know but we don't say anything about you know because we don't Define what a projecting sign is in our ordinance so is that a projecting sign it's projecting so you know what I mean standards is important my my concern is the enforcement once we make them you know and how reasonable um is it to enforce you know the every little sign and you know right now I feel like if we stick with some main ones we can always come back and and look and revise um but it should be up to you know us in Code Enforcement to make sure that what we put in here as ordinances that the residents can expect us and the businesses can expect us to enforce what we have written yeah one the other thing but a lot of towns have the signs that are or not approved I think it would be helpful if the committee could come up with just a general signs that are approved you know so that a business owner doesn't have to think like oh my god do I have to go and file a permit to find out if I can put this sign you know if we can if we can somehow tease out what what certain signs are permitted like oh yes you're permitted to put a sign on the on the building you know which is 2T by 3 ft as long as it's attached to the building you know you don't need to get a permit or anything anything like that so there's so many different variations that that uh could happen I think um you know I think the sign committee needs to just as we all said I think we want a little more in the ordinance but not necessarily you know to go crazy and try to over regulate is's going on is there an approval process now I know I know we do at like planning board sole businesses coming and they're doing a change of use or something like that they have to get their sign yeah I don't know other than that if there is we have a we have a permit um they fill it out they submit a sketch of the sign the three members of the sign committee review it first and then it goes to the zoning officer for final approval is that only for things that are going before the planning board or is that for anyone putting a sign it's any sign okay so there's a process the issue we run into is the amount of people that don't file permits and just put up signs and you know catch them if we can but there's also a lot that are never got approval that have been there for years but is the issue not getting the approval or that the sign is not meet our you know is that's why I think the approval if we if we made a list of signs that are approved then you wouldn't have to have people coming in that's a concern of the sign committee because when we first started this um the sign committee would always ask me well what do the ordinance say they can do and then the ordinance doesn't say anything it says what you can't do and more up to your opinion if you feel the sign is appropriate for the site and the town and they don't really like having that much say in it and they go look to the zoning officer for help too and you there's nothing that really says like you know there used to be regulations that said the sign could only be you know so many square feet or one per property or um you know it could be back liid or not back liid and things like that I think I think that's the point honestly that we have the signed committee they should draft up some specifics for us maybe it'll be several drafts until we come to a conclusion but we should really just have stuff that we can look at and and say yes we like this no we don't like that this is too specific this is not specific enough right that's and that's what I that's really the goal of our discussion just to try to give them some direction because I didn't want them to start doing a lot of work only to have then come to us and say you know and us and we say oh no you know we don't really you know we can care about that or you miss this whole thing so just kind of try to make their work a little more productive I think we have a good idea of what what we can tell them so um I'll let them know that Mark we'll both put our heads together at the next meeting and we'll we'll let them know what what we think they should work on on signs signs signing off on signs okay uh before I forget I I you know it was St Patrick's Day Parade was it two Sundays ago I'd like to thank obviously our you know esteemed Chief and director of DPW for their hard work and their efforts I mean it was great great effort so nice to hear people say after the parade like I didn't even know you guys had a parade yesterday today you know like they they wake up and it's like the town is just back to normal which is is really a compliment I think to both of you in terms of of you know getting things first of all in preparation for the parade and then you know breaking it all down and getting things back to normal so thank you very much for that okay um the next thing I just wanted to let the council know that we have a bid uh I think it's on tonight's meeting um yes we're going to issue a contract for our tailor Pavilion uh restrooms and door and should be window replacement all right window endure replacement uh that bid came in was it last uh Friday Friday and uh engineering firm took a look at it and we approved the bid and that's the resolution that's on for tonight uh the next question obviously is when is the next bit going to go out for the concession area and that will be uh proceeding very quickly I don't think we have a date yet correct April and when we can we're going to work that out for the next meeting yeah but as soon as we can get all the uh the the uh materials together then you know then we'll put that out put it in the newspaper paper uh put a sign on the building and uh then we'll hopefully by the end of April we should start receiving bids for for the concession area speaking of bids um Lake KO pass bid uh has finally uh is going to take place finally on March 19th at 10:30 a.m. in the courtroom here if anybody would like to come in and witness it it's open to the public okay and that's the path that is going to finish up the uh the path around Lake comoo where Spring Lake did theirs and Lake comoo did theirs and we're just going to finish off the bmore portion okay so hopefully we'll we'll get a a bunch of uh bids in on the 19th and then we'll shortly uh award that contract uh from what I was told if you know if everything goes well it's possible that uh work could start in the late spring on that okay um a couple of questions I had received too one about the more in the traffic area the um as some of you may know we have two digital speed signs that have been put up one on Fifth Avenue and one on 8th Avenue there's a third sign and if I'm not mistaken Chief we're waiting for the the county to give us approval to put that on 16th Avenue uh so we have any idea when they're going to no but I will follow okay yeah we need to kind of stir the pot a little bit on that to get them to do that um we will be purchasing three more of those signs in 2024 as part of the 2024 budget but at the present time we also have five portable uh signs that have that are like rechargeable signs which are much smaller than the than the uh the three large ones that we uh have out or two that we have out one that we're waiting for uh and they will be uh located also in the in the south end of town and they typically would move right they're not necessarily permanent on one one street but from week to week uh they move some of them have to be brought in to get charged and so it's kind of like a a rotational thing um the the other issue with traffic too we we all realize that there are more crossw crosswalks that need to be painted especially uh on 15th and 16th Avenues and I I think we obviously we can't do that now in the winter but when the spring starts I think I'm correct saying we'll be starting that up again for uh for those areas so um again if you have anything specific any youone that you know wants to let me know just Emil email me and uh you know I'll pass it on to the Chief and uh and Billy is the Cal mayor is it possible for there to be um or what what is the process for getting stop signs like on 16th um to slow down um traffic coming you know zooming down to beach 16th I can tell you this when we did the ordinance that put the stop signs on B Street and D Street uh they were put up on 16th Avenue and we um contacted by the county uh immediately to take them down it is it's their Road um and they they're not going to approve the the stop signs on 16th a wow that's awful okay thank you on on on our local roads um you know basically the process is is fairly straightforward I mean you can let me know you let the chief know go out and take a look at it see if it makes sense um and uh we proceed from there if if it does then you know we have to obviously pass an ordinance to uh to approve that but um you know there are various factors that need to be taken into account but I think you know if you have a question about that just again just email me and uh we'll take a look at it we did a lot last year with uh with signage and and up on I think it was 18th and 19th with oneway signs and putting extra you know no left turn signs no right turn signs because people were making turns down oneway streets and we were able to put up some additional signage to uh to try to control that so uh you know again if you if you have any uh issues like that uh just let me know and we'll we'll work on that I have a quick question just back to the tele Pavilion restrooms we put the bid out for we them the contract when do they plan on starting the work uh I guess immediately immediately yes they have fixed dates that they you know Milestones that they have to reach so that's right right into the specifications yeah so they need to uh they need to follow the contract and meet those uh specifications um okay I also want to just give you an update on the 1200 Main we gave the uh go-ahead to our engineering firm uh Remington and Vernick Engineers they are going to be doing a uh two things actually they're going to be doing a hazardous material survey basically they're going to go into the building and they're going to look for um hazardous materials they will be taking samples of hazardous materials if they see any uh basically you know we're looking at aestus uh uh containing materials or um or lead based paint materials those are the two things that could be collected or would be collected and they'll be sent to labs to be analyzed um other things that they will be looking for too are um pcbs polychlorinated biphenol chemicals that are that can be found in electrical equipment uh Mercury thermostats and switches mercur is is highly poisonous fluorescent light tubes and any kind of stored chemicals that might be on on the property so they're going to do this survey and then uh as a result they will be giving us a hazardous material report which will detail all of their findings what they found where they found it what the analysis is of anything that they did find so that you know we can make an educated decision as to what the next step is with that property okay so um that's where we're at with them I don't know if uh I'm going to ask uh Mr Kane did we did Jim say when he might start I know we did the proposal and we approved it assume he's going to start fairly soon and he doesn't want to correct we gave we gave the go ahead to you know he a proposal we gave the the authority to to proceed so uh it's in process as we speak all right um okay and then the final thing we had a question on on on grants and I I know the last meeting we we uh was the meeting before we talked about the grant that we just got from the uh the Department of Community Affairs so the boardwalk preservation fund grants that was the 1.5 million um and I think it was at the beginning of the year or maybe the end of last year we talked about the the um the transit the safety the station pedestrian safety Improvement that we got for 484000 uh some of the other things that are that are in the pipeline just so you know are um the we have a FEMA Grant assistance to Firefighters Grant uh for um for various things I don't know that there's a particular amount I assume it's something that we put in for um certain kinds of equipment and whatever and uh you know they will make a decision I know I just saw chip last week and he he he got that Grant in just last week and that's for a washer and dryer for the turnout gear um because because it has those materials required to clean turnout gear after every uh incident so I thought that was the other one there a department of American Rescue plan fire okay all these branchs have certain names to them that are yeah I I don't know what this one is for the the L the firefighters Grant but I know um we put in for that U another one we put in was the uh Department of Community Affairs local Recreation Improvement Grant um this again the amount that's available varies and that is what we call a reimbursement Grant other words that's something that we we put out the money first and then after it's done we send them the bills and they will reimburse us for it uh we've had a few grants coming out of the environmental commission too sustainable Jersey they're they're trying to get um the town designated as a sustainable Community I guess it's called I'm not sure if that's so they put in a they and this is through psng they put in a grant uh for electrical landscaping equipment meaning that you know to try to get DPW to use electric equipment battery based equipment rather than uh gas powered equipment uh so they requested $10,000 for that these are all requests we're not sure that we're going to get them but their requests uh they also put in a grant sustainable Jersey to um just say Foundation sustain oh Green Team support that's 2000 assistance program that's an assistance program right then they also put in a technical assistance complete Street plan that's another technical assistance Grant uh then we have two grants that we put in for the uh New Jersey de one of them as we had the public hearing for was the The Green Acres Jake laaw playground funding uh that is you know in the works um we also have a d Green Acres Port development Grant that's for the um the McClary Park uh pickle courts and the boardwalk Trail Improvement and after that we also have a put into grant for the American Rescue plan firefighter grants and that's specifically for um turnout gear washing and machine and dryer after the if the fighting fires and what have you the equipment the clothes have to be cleaned and up to this point we Almar did not have a facility to do that they had to go to other towns to to clean the year so hopefully we'll get that Grant so that they can uh do that here um and we also have in the works the mammoth County Municipal open space Grant that's for the pickall and basketball courts at Dempsey Park and I believe they that was awarded I I saw something online it was like $198,000 for that so and then finally oh and that that's that's basically get right now so those grants are in the pipeline some of them are not necessarily um we have to get approved for them they're limited to certain municipalities so we'll have to let you know when that when all that happens as we get approved for Grants we'll certainly make it available and known to the public any questions any other Workshop I think I've uh done more than I needed to do um if there's nothing else then we should go on to petitions I have not received any petitions okay um approval of minutes I have a motion to approve the minutes of the February 27th meeting motion second Donovan yes councilman Kenny yes may pusco yes councilman Rondo yes Council l okay reports of councel councilwoman Don we had the din in dash which was very successful there were a lot of people here in belmare on Sunday including us um I was walking around with my son at one point he was holding a small ice cream cone a mini donut mini cookie and a mini cupcake so he was thrilled we were all thrilled um and I hope everyone got to enjoy some of the 60 restaurants and eateries that Belmar has to offer as a dining destination on the shore okay um uh the Silver Lake sub committee has been very busy finding various funding sources for our plans to beautify Silver Lake um we've been reaching out to various government and public entities regarding funding and soliciting support for eventual grants we're going to put in um I'll tell you one of the best things about that process has been meeting some of these official who actually live in or grew up in belmart I'm not going to out them here who love silver weight Lake and really want to help make it um beautiful and sustainable so that's been a really great process people are really enthusiastic about that up and down the public officials to Federal to local um we've been working on sustainable Jersey uh on the environmental commission side we're trying to attain like a higher more prestigious certification level so that we are eligible for more grants which the mayor went over uh so we have been very very busy and there are now more volunteers who are now trained with the lasers uh the Amber lights are effective um I did get a complaint from another town that they're seeing more of geese on their Lake and I say good um all the better um I have a Verizon update for you which is that this past week our residents who the motion to intervene were accepted uh their motion to intervene was accepted uh the I want to get this right read this um the judge found that so they had filed and they had claimed that the board that the proposal would harm the aesthetic quality of the neighborhood the local environment and potentially their property values and the judge found that they would contribute to a robust disposition of the case so we're excited about that um and great oh um and the other thing is that um silver L one of the other good things that we're finding some of these entities that will come in and provide free services that we can take advantage of as we go along the cility process so get that okay thank you thank you mayor uh I want a second about the uh parade it was a great day lot of turnout was wonderful weather we were blessed with a great amount of people that came to our town great um participants and thank you also to DPW and the police department at one point we were marching and I pointed up and there were like snipers on the roof which is really encour like made me feel good you know that I should have told people that right Tina but anyway and also we were at dond discover great turnout for that there were a lot of um really good uh businesses that got involved lot of good samples that were out there so it was really good to explore that um couple things for Mayan the shade tree commission meeting is actually this Thursday 6:30 um Recreation summer camp registration begins this Thursday so this is for March 13 14th is for the belmare residents only uh and I think Le comoo too right Belmar and Le comoo residents even if you've been a summer camper before and you're returning you and if you don't live in town or St Rose um school kids you have to wait until 15th there's a lot more information about that so please look check that out on the recreation website um and how to register because it is also online only the registration for summer camp this year so you need an account if you don't have one you have to create one it's only online um this Sunday sorry 16th Saturday is the Easter egg hunt 11:00 a.m. between 4th and fth Avenue beaches hopefully we have really good weather for that too so come out for the Easter egg hunt um this past Friday around the school's Belmar Elementary drama club performed the wizard of oddz which I unfortunately did not get to go to but I heard was a wonderful success so congratulations to the drama club I know um Council Madonna done and wants to make up I just wanted to say that uh so you gota let me say this um I want to say congratulations first to uh Mrs Carrie White because she did a wonderful job with those kids but also she said something that I wanted to repeat which is that we are so lucky to live in a town that values the Arts as much as we we do and you see it all the time outside inside thank you all for coming to that and we have so much more in the Arts going on between the piano project and all the summer concerts on the beach so was great um back to Belmore Elementary they are having their Scholastic Book Fair next week and their spring break starts um March 29th through April 7th uh St Rose High School uh and St grammar school also have spring break on Wednesday the 27th through April 7th and just a couple big things that happened at St Rose High School St Rose senior Josh Heisman his father was Drew Heisman he used to be a the he was the the police chief part parttime or temporarily and now he's the supervisor of DPW Lake homeo his son Josh Heisman broke the indoor track shot foot record his winning toss went 67 feet and 7 Ines third in the nation so we are going to honor him that was second best national record so wonderful and then if you haven't heard St Roy St Rose boys basketball after winning the shore conference went on to win the State title non-public B division they played up at ruter this past Friday night and the team the fan BS all the Resident uh people were welcomed home escorted into town by our wonderful Police Department led by Sergeant ye and the um we had Hook and Ladder and Goodwill not one fire Chuck not two but four fire Chucks welcome them down Main Street it was a hero's welcome and it was just wonderful so congratulations to St boy basketball we're going to honor them at the next meeting also and lastly skate park fundraiser not this Saturday but next 12: to 6 at salties March 23rd please come out bands prizes it's gonna be a good time first fundraiser so come help support okay that's it thank you thank you Council Ronda AR thank you mayor uh the bmore Housing Authority I attended the BHA meeting on the 4th I'm happy to report that the first and second floor hallways were painted um next will be the fourth and the 3D the main elevator is still awaiting town and state inspections um as they need to do the wiring for the smoke alarm detectors until probably the process is another 3 weeks um this Friday 9 A.M is the belmare housing authorities fiveyear um plan uh meeting which is an open public meeting um also Friday after that meeting the BHA will be opening the SE sealed bids that went out for the facade work so that will provide some helpful information and how soon and how much can be done at this point uh I remain hopeful and dedicated to seeing this project through and look forward to having more details for you all soon uh Belmar Public Library um let's say you know the the mayor has an update on the library I just have one announcement about our Irish Celebration and soda bread contest uh the event will be held Thursday this Thursday March 14th at 5:00 p.m. at the Taylor Pavilion um if you want to go you can still register so please go online to register uh musical entertainment will be the round the house Irish band with dance performance by dance students at the Darcy School of Irish Dance uh there will be 20 white soda bread entries and 14 brown bread entries and you'll have an opportunity to sample them all um after the judging and prize award ceremony uh when you arrive please check in at the registration desk and we look forward to seeing you there um and I just wanted to add that I am in complete awe of our buau April Claudia um all that she's able to juggle her vast knowledge of all things Belmar how much she truly cares about our burrow its employees its volunteers its residents so congratulations April on 20 years council president Lis thank you I'll I'll Echo Council one Rondo's uh sentiments towards April April is the glue that holds this brow together through every Administration that comes through April is the one Conant that really makes sure everything thing runs around this place um I'd also like to congratulate our DPW and our police for the excellent work at the parade Chief Scott I know the parade is your favorite day of the year you did fantastic we had wonderful weather lots of people you guys really Managed IT professionally and people had a good time too so it's really the best of both worlds for all of us um you also just recently hosted the Police Unity Tour fundraiser last Saturday so kudos to you for that I that was an immense turnout and that seems to be getting bigger and bigger every year so when is when is the date of the ride we leave leaving from merer County this year uh May 9th a arrive in DC on the 12th that's great another great fundraiser uh and thanks to you again for everybody that came out the residents um Town Council and everyone that came out to support usely um and then last week was the uh wreck basketball star game some pretty exciting games going on there if you haven't seen our wck basketball teams they're a lot of fun to watch it's so more exciting than college basketball I'll put it that way I mean it I'm saying that is that guy that's um tomorrow will be the basketball awards for uh all the kids who participated in wck basketball and that's a that's a fun thing too that'll be in the gym uh tomorrow evening I think around six o'clock um and that's all I have thank you thank you um one thing that council president Lis forgot we both attended the re Across America at the uh at the Belmore Elementary School I forget the exact day it was last week wasn't it and that's always a lot of fun we um we do what prek and I did fourth and third and fourth so uh it's a great it's a great experience uh to to read to the to the really little kids and and uh and the uh ones that are a little older and I think they had a good time uh I have a report on the on the library we had our meeting last night uh just to update you uh if you know or you may not know the library has been working on getting new windows uh this has been a long project and I think from what um director hman said we're hoping that they will be in uh by the 1 of April being in meaning just being delivered and and then hopefully after a month they will start the installation so that's a positive a positive thing uh for the library uh the other thing that that um I really want to share with you is the the the library is also working on a strategic plan and they're looking to get as much input from the residents as as they can and as I'm going to ask uh John Walsh to just hand these out uh these brochures I'm give one to each council member thank you the brochures describe what what the Strategic plan is about and it's it's really the survey is really just like few short questions you know check boxes and things like that but it's your opportunity to really uh tell the library what kinds of things you want to see in the future um if you if you have a uh smart phone obviously you can hit the QR code and it brings you right up to the um to the survey or if you go online you can get it through their through their website I also or did I not do it I also had a few paper copies no I didn't I didn't print them but uh if for anyone who doesn't uh have a computer or is not comfortable working on the computer if you uh if you either uh email me or or Lewis at the library uh we can send you a copy of that that can be filled out so uh it's important trying to get as as many as much input as we can on this and um it's uh it's really something worth while uh the other thing I I wanted to bring up I'm going to pass these out too is the they went over some statistics that I just thought were really say unbelievable really to my in my view because um and we're comparing here we're looking at our program statistics and what the library does and for example in in 2022 the library ran a total of 337 programs in 2023 they increased that by 139 to 476 programs attendance at these programs in 2022 3,312 people participated in those programs in 2023 10,801 people participated in those programs that's an increase of 7,489 people that's a that's a tremendous increase and I think it just goes to show you know the efforts that are being made to run programs that people want to attend uh in terms of the actual sessions that they ran and where the sessions took place uh in 2022 318 of the sessions took place actually in the library in 2023 365 sessions 47 more took place in the library in 2022 four sessions took place in the Tay of Pavilion 2023 that's up to 96 sessions taking place in the Tay of Pavilion an increase of 92 so it it's it's really at least for me it's it's just a how can I say it's really nice that the residents are able to use the tail of Pavilion for activities that that benefit us um and they also have some virtual online videos uh they had 15 uh sessions online was the same as the year before now in terms of that those 10,000 uh people that that attended the sessions um for 2023 uh 3,85 were in the library that was 1,030 more than the year before in the Taylor Pavilion 2782 people attended sessions there as opposed to 418 the year before and the virtual on online videos uh was really a big bump up 4,214 individuals uh attended the online videos as opposed to 119 so that was an increase of over 4,95 so I mean there there's a tremendous amount of uh work being done there and opportunity for for residents and members of of the library residents of Lake coma also and Belmore Library uh holders and I think it's a you know it's a real Testament to how important the library is in our community so um and I'll just end with a rusta this year they have going say 56 total major events planned for the year and that means by major events they're not including um the weekly scheduled programs like Story Time Health and Fitness classes sewing and book club meetings so uh you know I mean they're talking about things like um the soda bread contest that's going to be on Thursday um they're having a March author time well they're having two authors come in on two different dates uh they're doing the read Across America they're doing another orth of time in April uh and I'm just going through this National Library week um hat Rody kickoff concert is happening in June uh another two author times get caught reading is a library event summer reading program uh you know it just Tommy be in deep blue sea in June another summer concert um Danny White Band uh July orth ofon Ebor Bandits um you know it just goes on and on and on and I think this is um it's really something that that we should be proud of and and support Library as much as you can so if you can if you want some input as to what they should be doing in the future please try to get the survery this is your opportunity to just you know have your voice heard and uh like I said it's it's a tremendous uh it's really tremendous for the burrow to have this type of uh work being done by our library I don't have anything else to say and I think we're going to move on to public session on the consent agenda if anyone would like to make a comment about any of the resolutions listed on the consent agenda please step forward state your name and address I know how much you guys need um CH Mahone our main street so I just want to make sure that um this correction is made I work in this industry so when it's number 202 2471 you're not authorizing the receipt of requests for proposals you're issuing a request for proposal so can you can me confirm that the wording of this the title of it is you're not authorizing the receipt you don't receive RPS you issue an RP you're receiving proposals so the if I'm correct the the what you're doing is you're issuing RPS can somebody confirm that yeah so that boarding needs to be changed on that it's really more important as to what it says in the resolution I don't have that in front of me but no the title should be correct for what's in so the wording inside of what's in the fold out there is correct but the title is not okay so you're issuing rfps you receive proposals so I make sure that's filed correctly and that word is changed who you're looking at him who's in charge with that it's the agenda we change the agenda right so that CU cuz it gets filed and gets put on record right so that wording should be what does this say on the actual resolution is the title correct the top say the same thing on here which is incorrect okay that'll be fixed it's a it's not a it's a minor legal def but that'll be fixed still incorrect yes okay so it's just issuance instead of receipt that's no difference okay thank you next anyone else okay uh we need a motion to close the public session yes motion close motion all in favor I can I have a motion to approve the resolutions as listed on the consent agenda motion second councilman Donovan yes councilwoman Kenny yes may mesco yes Council R Aro yes Council 11 yes um there are no ordinances so now we go to public SE question anyone would like to speak please remember to state your name and address first Jim diorio 217 8th Avenue um with all the construction and renovation in this town our ratables are going up which is a good thing my question is when do we actually get the tax increases because was looking at the tax portal a number of properties are not showing taxes for the land or Improvement for example all the first eight uh homes um they have a land assessment and the tax cards that went out at the end of the year showed zero taxes due even though there was an assessed land value um some of the church properties on 7th Avenue are only showing land assessment uh and not Improvement assessment so my question is is there a cut off during the year that taxes go retroactive back to co or something April I don't know April has the answer I don't know the exact cut off but there is um typically it's in the fall is when the tax assessor will send out the um added omitted bills and they're backdated to the co there's like I think there's twice a year that he can makees so some of the new construction they may have missed the cut off but it'll be retroactive to their Co right so the co date is really the tax date right right okay thank you very much once again April comes through with it with an answer evening sure say your name and addressin I'm not resident anymore but I'm the person who initiated the uh piano and the the plaza project and I just you know what the status is for the dedication have you made any plans the piano is will be in the United States as of Thursday I'm going to have to defer to Mr Kane on that because he's handling that with the Belmore Arts Council also yeah we um this has been a very challenging process um your communication with the salesman is a lot and a lot more than he's communicated with us three weeks ago we were told we were going to get all the details on specs of the piano we've had a site meeting with everyone involved engineering DPW we needed the these specs on where the conduit supposed to go for the piano and everything uh we were told we were going to have that along with all the shipping and details we got an email today that said it's sitting in a building in Tel Aviv somewhere near the airport ready for shipping and we'd have details we have not seen those details so so you may know more than we know but until we receive exact information on the process of this piano this piano is coming from Israel there's uh customs involved with this it goes to a warehouse supposedly and then from there it's determined when that can be shipped we don't know any of that so as far as the dedication goes at this point until we know when it physically is going to arrive with details on how it's coming in there really can't be any dedication I know we talked about sometime early April right until we know when it's coming we can't docu you know we can't detail any of that um as far as I know because I've been in that I've received the same Communications that you have early on um we were sent by the company a complete set of the details on the specs and where things needed to be set up um I talked to Antonius today and he said you will get another set of them tomorrow um I know that again I spoke with him earlier because I before I came here I wanted to get as as much of an update from him as I could um I also spoke with David and he also he's at a loss he doesn't know what the plans are whether there's going to be a program um so if the piano arrives tomorrow we still need to have a plan in place as to how the ceremony is going to occur um we could start developing programs to sell sponsorships um there's costs that are still involved I mean David still still needs to be flown here I would hope that the town would be generous enough to fly his wife in as well so that he could show her the place that he grew up proudly um there's you know we need to contact speakers who's going to speak here do you want to try to reach out to Bruce and see if he wants to come in and talk about Mrs Sanchez um we can't do this without planning and and once the piano is here a lot of this stuff should be in place in my eyes um I've been reaching out to you since January to try to find out if you want to start developing a plan I haven't heard anything from you I've stopped by your office I've asked for appointments I've left you voicemails um and Jerry I wrote you last week to say the same thing it's like this process should get started um David it's a two-way street elmar is honoring David but David doesn't put his name on anything he's being gracious enough to really declare Belmore his hometown the home of the East Street Band and you need to to to just show him a little respect and consideration he's he's got a life in Hawaii he can't just drop everything and come because next week we're going to have a dedication um he as far as as far as the dedication goes the dedication can occur anytime so there's there's no right it has to be around when when he is available so so we are not going to plan a dedication number one if we don't have the instrument here number two there's no there's nothing that says it has to be done next week next month or the month after so there's a lot of flexibility in terms of dedicating the piano so I think it's just a matter of we need to we haven't been getting the communication that according to Mr Kane that we wanted from the salesperson here and we're not going to do anything until we know we have it you know so I mean that's really where we're at we we we have a lot of flexibility and there's no there's no disrespect involved it's just a matter of planning we can plan and we have plenty of time to plan you so again mayor and I respect what you're saying but when we had this meeting five months ago there was a tenative date set as April 5th and and so that was David was anticipating the fact that he was going to you know that there was going to be a dedication ceremony on April 5th so well I'm sorry if that was if that was you know that's not written in stone unfortunately we don't even have the piano yet so you know I mean tomorrow we could find out that it's going to be delayed for a month you know you you got to be flexible with with dates especially when it's coming from overseas especially from a country that's in war right now that's why it's being in you know so you know we and we have that flexibility okay which is I think great that we can we can do that we're not you know we will definitely have a a ceremony honoring David and his mother uh as appropriate and you know it'll it'll I think it'll be fine once once we get everything communication is essential that's all what's that I say communication is essential Kevin thank you so much for for heading this up and and starting this I I hope I speak for the mayor and Council I know I do that we're all still really excited about this you know we're we're anticipating this piano coming through and once that's in hand I know that uh our business administrator has been working very hard on this as well um so you know we hope to make you proud as well all right well was like I said just communication is really essential okay thank you thank you thank you we have any other comments okay have a motion to close the public session and adour the meeting motion second all in favor thank you