adequate notice of this meeting has been provided to the co-star and the asur Park Press our official newspapers and notice of this meeting was posted on the bulletin board municial building roll call councilwoman Donovan here councilwoman Kenny here mayor mesco here councilwoman Rondo here Council L here okay please stand for the FL of Allegiance FL the United States of America stands one nation God indivisible andice please remain standing for a moment of silence for our troops and first responds okay thank you Workshop discussion before I forget let me wish everyone a Happy Hanukkah and a merry Christmas and happy holidays um since we're not having another meeting until December 29th I believe so then we'll wish everyone happy New Year um two things that I have on for discussion tonight one was the um cat licensing we had briefly mentioned that uh in connection with the uh TNR program and I believe April said we had had that at one point uh with very few participants so I just wanted to discuss with the council is it is it worth even uh thinking about that or should we just leave things as they are now and just license dogs is anyone think about that my opinion is we should leave it to the dog leave it to the dog okay me too I'm I'm going to tell you I I have a cat and and she does go in and out but I don't put a collar on her because it's dangerous if they get caught up on something that it could potentially harm them so that's part of the reason why I've never done that I mean I could still license her but she wouldn't wear it right you know so that's the that's the danger with the outdoor C anyone else probably cost us more money to initiate an ordinance to do it than we would actually get in revenue from cap licensing probably I did pull some of the other towns to find out what they charge and uh Lake Como did mention that they are going to Stop Licensing cats okay so I think what I'm hearing is we're not going to do that and it's only each Town only charges a few dollars we like5 seven a cat so but I will uh remind people to license their dogs the new year is coming up so please uh make sure you come in and and get a license okay the second thing which is just the last minute and I just we weren't going to mention it but I I am going to mention it we um we just were AED a grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation a Transit Village grant program for bore station pedestrian safety and Improvement product and the amount of the board is $484,000 so um we'll be working with uh obviously Mr Kaine and the engineers uh to uh you know uh do what we need to do as far as that Grant goes and hopefully you know at Future meetings will be more specific as to what what the actual things um that will be done uh you know how they how they're going to play out but um it was uh you know this was a resolution we had passed uh I don't know if it was the last meeting or two meetings ago and um you know I think it's something we were surprised that we were going to get approved you want to add to that yeah it's going to tie in also it's pedestrian safety around the whole the whole train station and TI into the Dot's uh plans for that mid block crosswalk uh by the senior building and just you know basically go from 8th to 10th that whole Belmore Plaza area and just uh improve pedestrian safety so it's uh we uh put in a couple different ways and we're able to get the transit portion of it right so that was a nice surprise actually for us uh anyone else have a item for the workshop I have one thing mayor uh regarding uh uh ordinance 2023 21 uh this is a bond ordinance where we appropriating some money um Kevin just so I'm clear this is this is for the marina is this going to allow us to do some bids potentially for for filing work correct okay there's some some work down there that's been long overdue um if we can get the pilings done uh that allows us actually to open up some more slips for rental so we can get some more revenue from those slips so happy to see that on the on the agenda tonight uh anything else if not we'll just move on to petitions are there any petitions for the council I did not receive any approval of minutes we have a motion to approve the November 28th minute motion second all in paper anyone reports of council hi everyone um I have a couple things first I want to say thank you for the great candy cane hunt that was the inaugural event um despite the fact that it was porn pouring rain and there was some confusion from some participants over whether or not it was actually still on it was still great and the best thing for me um as someone with three kids uh and and on too many mom threads to count uh whereas how many people were not only excited about the candy can hunt itself but we're excited to go into all our different burough businesses and I know people have already been trying out new restaurants that they haven't been into before which is really like between the kids being thrilled and our businesses finding new customers is the best possible outcome thank you to all burough staff who participated in that um I know some of our staff went over to manisan last week to check out their event and we're hoping for an even bigger and better one next year so thank you um what else um the we had theal lighting last night with Kor Gabrielle from the new Mammoth reform Temple it was a beautiful beautiful event thank you again for everyone who showed up to that and for Chris Brandel for hosting afterwards it was beautiful the food was delicious can personally testify to that so thank you um small Verizon update which was that the um in there was a hearing on remember was it Wednesday Monday it was on Monday and that was to see whether or not our residents who are filing the motion to intervene will be able to be accepted as interveners uh we haven't found out yet that that should happen at some point couple weeks in a couple weeks so slow and steady um uh as part of the Belmar environmental commission I actually went over there was a meeting uh for clonet which is part of the urban Coast Institute um and those are our citizen scientists um here in town who take regular samples Silver Lake Lake Como and throughout the surrounding towns um and I was asked to do a presentation of what we've learned about Silver Lake here um um so I did that today there was a brief history what we know what we want to accomplish and all of our hurdles but um I'm hoping to present more on that in an upcoming meeting um and we're really excited about what we're doing there I know we're going to discuss that further in the environmental commission meeting coming up along with recommendations about what we'd like to accomplish and do there in the immediate um another thing coming up for the new year uh for all you nerds out there we've got a uh we're going to start the website audit I know uh Sharon honey is here uh she volunteered she's our first volunteer uh to help me go through if anyone else would like to volunteer I promise you it is a thankless task uh very tedious but uh if you'd like to volunteer your time to help us out please contact me um and finally our newsletter um we have I think four or five additions down um if anyone would ever like to submit anything whether it's a shout out to somebody in town has accomplished something an event you'd like to highlight that's upcoming or that the past whatever it is you can email newsletter um to send it and we'll make sure and highlight that for you okay great thank you okay councilwoman Kenny thank you so much mayor uh I was also at the candy cane hunt and the very next day was the Christmas tree lighting and it was awesome really really great turnout um there was a great uh Santa was awesome DPW you thank you so much for the police department everybody that participated in the tree lighting it was so great uh this past weekend was the uh first laser light show of the two that we're going to have in town it was hosted by raising four it was a great event and they are raising money for rally cap Sports which is going to help kids with special needs participate in sporting events sporting activities so really good cause the next one is this Sunday at 6 p.m. so come out it's a good event uh okay so the Ada is having their meeting next month we have not determined a date yet but that will be sometime in January we'll let you know the shade the shade Treet commission their next meeting is actually this Thursday at 6:30 uh recreation no major updates just that Rec basketball starts the week of January 8th and signups are closed for that they're getting ready with tryouts and team picking teams and practice and all that um Belmar school um so first first off I want to just say that beach the the beach music Danny White Beach Music Studios had their Rock Band Christmas show it was so great some of the council members the mayor was there it was a really great I'm partial to my son who plays who was amazing um but they get better and better every year it was a really good show and they um donate awarded a scholarship to a belmare Elementary student voice lessons for one year to Belmar student Jesus Lorenzo Perez so that was great so we're excited for him for his scholarship and um Belmont Elementary's Winter concert is this Thursday at 6:30 and the last day for winter break half day on Friday the 22nd they come back on January 2nd and St Rose High School around the schools opening their opening um season opener for boys basketball is this Thursday at 6:30 it's going to be I think it's already sold out it's a it's going to be a really great game um so look out for more games for the boys basketball team and the last day for both St Rose grammar school and the high school at a half day Thursday the 21st and they also go back to January January 2nd for Christmas break and that's all I have thank you Council mayor uh the belmer Housing Authority met last Monday I did request more information uh for those who were concerned about the safety of the freight elevator um and during their meeting we actually learned that it's not a freight elevator it is a passenger elevator it's just more of the back of the house elevator um like they have in hospital so it does open from the sides it has the control panel inside the the elevator um so it is accessible uh they needed a u oh what was it um a new balance valve for that elevator and now they have it and it's past inspection um so now they are starting work on the main elevator it will take 7 weeks um but when it's done it will be modernized and up to code so we're excited to hear about that I did reach out to Congressman Smith's office the Congressional directed spending that would include the $676,000 we asked for for repairs for the building is still subject to the passage of the funding bill which was extended at the end till the end of January so until it's passed we won't know if this was included um but I'll let you know as as I know the burough overse from Mammoth County Health Department some covid tests so I was able to deliver some of those tests to the BHA uh to be given out to the residents and I wanted to thank the Belmar Lake comoo kids club for coming to the BHA building and caroling with our seniors uh the residents loved having the kids come in and we enjoy cookies and hot chocolate and a visit from Santa and we St carols it was wonderful uh Belmore Public Library will have their next board meeting Tuesday December 19th at 600 p.m. at the library's complete weekly roster of health and fitness classes will continue into the new year the library in partnership with Belmar W offers one to two Health Fitness classes every week um toddler Story Time knitting sewing and Bridge will also continue into the new year as scheduled the library wishes to thank everyone for coming to the Christmas concert feat featuring dopal float uh on Wednesday December 6 the performance was excellent and everyone had a great time a reminder that the library is now open Sundays from from 10: to 2: uh the library will be closed Saturday Sunday and Monday December 23rd 4th and 25th for the Christmas holiday and the library wishes everyone a happy and safe holiday season hope to see you in the new year uh as we all were talking about the burrow has been hopping with events uh the Candy Hunt was great thank you John uh Walsh councilwoman Donovan the Belmar tourism commission and the businesses who participated it really was incredible the businesses were so generous and families were so grateful uh the tree lighting was wonderful with fmar Elementary School chorus and our manora lighting service yesterday was beautiful and and thank you again to brandle for hosting um such a wonderful event afterwards uh they have a friendship bracelet fundraiser uh for individuals and families affected by the ongoing conflict in Israel so I have mine here and it's beautiful and I'm sure you can contact them if you're interested um I was also able to attend the popup sale at the belmare Historical Society on Saturday if you missed it there's another one it's this Saturday um and they'll have it from 1: to 3: at the BHS Museum come and find the perfect gift for anyone who loves belmare I know I found some Treasures uh Youth Government day this was the first time I was able to participate in it and it was a blast seeing the belmer elementary school youth learn about all the moving parts of the burrow from mayor and councel um administrative Police Department Fire Department EMS Municipal Court and water safety it just gave me an even greater appreciation for how fine a dance uh this burough Works um we loved meeting councilman uh council president Levis and councilwoman Donovan and I loved meeting in Talking Shop with our youth mayor and Council and watching the students recreate a mock murder trial in the courtroom lastly if you haven't applied for the anchor program yet for 2023 please look into it the deadline is to file is December 29th renters can be eligible for a $450 rebate and home homeowners up to 1,000 to 1750 depending upon your age and income we had some questions very early in the year regarding our senior building residents and we encourage people to apply see if they you know qualify go ahead and apply and we did hear that some have already received their anchor checks um so the um website is Anor or you can call 877 65829 72 thank you thank you uh council president leis thank you mayor I'll add to councilwoman R denaro's message on Youth Government day watch out those kids want to put in a water park I think we'll hold off on that one um uh just an advisory Santa is VIs in gmar tomorrow so if you hear a lot of sirens and trucks um just understand it's just Santa making his making his early round so just be aware of that um one event coming up too on Saturday December 16th between 7 and 8 the Beast Street carols car carolers and the Walsh family are hosting their uh their annual uh was I think it's the 11th annual um caroling in their in their driveway that's at uh uh one ,11 East Street so Saturday December 16 7 to 8 you don't want to miss it it's a good time that's all I have okay it was one thing I I failed to mention during the work session which we we've uh thrown around a bit and that was uh the five minute rule in the uh in our current ordinances there is an ordinance that says basically uh persons addressing the council shall be limited to to five minutes uh and uh I think uh we're we're ready to do that uh and we're going to probably start that at the beginning of the year unless somebody has a an objection to it but it's my it's my uh observation that I think 99% of the people are speaking less than five minutes anyway but it's important because I've had complaints from members of the public who've you know who've been sitting and waiting to come up and you know and it just kind of drags on and on and on so um we're going to start that at the first meeting and um we'll see how it goes and by the way the first meeting is also going to be our um reorganization meeting uh the resolution is on the agenda tonight but it's going to be our um our reor meeting plus a regular meeting at that point so it's going to be in the in the evening I believe also so a little different from from years pass but just uh take note of the of the schedule that we have on the in the resolution uh that's all I have so next we have a public session if anyone would like to comment or ask question about a resolution that's listed on the agenda please step forward state your name and address this is just on uh resolutions oh we'll have another public comment at the end can I have a motion to close the public session all in favor um so we are going to amend the consent agenda to remove resolution 2023 248 resolution permitting special events um can I have a motion to to amend the agenda consent agenda to remove that resolution motion are doing I have to refuse myself from that resolution so I would like to pull it off of the consent agenda okay are we all in favor of that remove it yes okay so now can I have a motion to approve the consent agenda as amended motion second councilwoman Donovan yes councilwoman Kenny yes Mayco yes councilman Rano yes councilman L yes next can I have a motion to approve resolution 2023 248 I'll make I'll make the motion second question is the public now of being asked to whether they have comments on uh or questions on resolution 248 no that was included in the public comment before that public comment session this was pulled from the consent agenda it was on all resolutions I don't know if any members have any objection Mr Creer asking a question okay yeah okay yeah for I just have a question on this Eugene ker 4th Avenue um I have a question about one of these special events uh this uh Cupid's Chase scheduled for February February 10th uh can can somebody just elaborate on what what this event actually is is this a fundraiser for a charity all I read about here is that it's a uh begins and ends at Bar Anticipation um is this a Valentine's Day event or is it for a 501c3 or is it just a party that a bar that wants to use uh the streets of Bel I don't know what they want to do uh but is it just a bar that a private bar that once used in town for event I don't have any information on it I don't know the 5K yeah I understand 5K but uh Community Options Enterprises yeah to help H to raise awareness for people with disabilities their or their organization works with um people with disabilities sorry it's just that the the description here uh on the actual resolution itself but just you know who are these people the only name I get out of this is Bar Anticipation which is not in Belmore so it's aing event sounds like 5K event the race begins and ends outside of far so I don't think this is the first time that it's is anybody know where where the the route is I mean on you know is my street going to be shut down or border W going to be uh dedicated uh it looks like it starts at it circles Lake comoo go it hits ocean but only briefly and then travels back up uh and over it looks like to no 16 yeah it's almost entirely and then goes back down Main Street so that's you can picture the I it bigger so only only slightly in does it go beyond does it go beyond 16th no it stays stays south of 16th or less at the Eastern end of L open the corner in other words when they they go around the lake EV because it like a lakeo raceing at the map has it been approved by Lake comoo or I would guess it has been yeah and I think the only reason why we're we in we've had discussions about this is just that little corner uh going around the lake that's in Belmore near the Lake Drive 90% of 99% of it is in Lake and is is it because of Valentine's Day or something is that but it's raising money for people with disabilities that's what April just said it's raising money for people with disabilities that's what April just brought up yeah it's mostly she gave the count name of it I know when you leave bar it's a nonprofit okay okay so can I have a motion to approve resol oh wait I have a motion in a second so on that resolution um so just do roll call councilman Donan yes councilman Kenny yes may bco yes councilman Rondo yes yes next we have um second reading and public hearing on ordinance 20232 this is an ordinance amending uh chapter 18 section 2.5 which is Beach badge Beach Locker fees this is open for public hearing if anyone would like to comment on the ordinance please step forward state your name and address see none can I have a motion to close the public hearing second all in favor I and a motion to adopt ordinance 2020 320 motion second Council M Donovan yes councilman Kenny yes Mayco yes councilman Rondo yes councilman L yes and last item is um first reading and introduction of bond ordinance 2023 21 this is uh Bond ordinance reappropriate 400,000 in excess Bond proceeds not needed for the original purposes in order to finance the cost of various Marina improvements I'll make a motion you councilman Donan yes councilman Kenny yes mayor MCO Council R narrow coun Lis yes all right next so now we're at public session if anyone would like to comment ask a question just remember to state your name and address First Matthew T 15th Avenue um 17th Avenue I lived I went to Belmar Elementary School and I am the music director at Belmar Arts Center it's good to uh it's good to see you you're going to be seeing a lot more of me but I'm here today um because of a structure near the Belmont Art Center I'm here because of uh because I was watching the news the last few days and I was and I know you're talking about this building the Bronx that just collapsed all of a sudden and um I guess uh I guess they didn't meet any uh I guess they they probably did meet some regulations but they were getting a lot of uh a lot of ghosted calls if you will um over course of many years now there's a building in this town that has a very similar story to it um do you might you might know what that building is where the address is 7108 Avenue um there had been scap like a like scaffolds like put around the building um I'm sure you could see it every time you drive by it's been there since August and every time I go to the uh to the landlord and I'm like what you going to what we going to do about it he's like I don't know what we're going to do about it man so I'm here because I want to go to him and give him some feedback about how that building is going to be fited Matthew thank you so much I'm sorry my microphone's not working too well uh thank you so much for bringing this you know to our attention it's not something that is new as liais on to that um building that you're speaking of I know that they have been working very hard it's been more Housing Authority right yes um they've been working very hard to actually get um the scaffolding was the first part of it um but also getting the funding so that they can redo the brick facade completely that facade is is deteriorated um we've gone to as far as uh Congressional asks for it um but there is good news about it um we are out now for bids for um actually getting the metal structures that will hold that building in place to prevent exactly what you're talking about sorry what do what do you mean by bids bids from other construction companies so that they can actually put uh metal rods to secure the building um so that we wouldn't have a collapse like you're talking about um and that has been in the works and we in a month we should have those bids back I was going to say is there like a timeline to like like you know usually like in in an auction you know there's there's somebody with a real high pitched voice going you know making it so that people can put in their bids quick how like this this has been going on since August it's a federal building um so unfortunately that is the way that that it's ferally owned it's a Hut building um so things do move a little bit slower um however the belmare Housing Authority has put in all that they have in their Capital towards this repair this year or this coming year so that is they're putting everything up front that they have to fix what what is broken um but I understand your frustration I understand your stress about it um I know the residents in the the building feel similarly uh and and we'll continue to work to advocate so that it's done and it's done properly and as fast as possible okay so thank you thank you see you next month good evening Linda shus 4th Avenue and this the last meeting so I have a few questions um we'd like an update on on 12th in main have we started utilizing the 300,000 in esro for the remediation of that site yes okay what have we done since I laugh to ask that question uh that's that's an engineering question um I I can I can't answer it technically but I know that there have been monitoring Wells put in they're constantly being monitored I've heard that uh one or two of the wells had to be uh new wells had to be put in because of certain well collapsed or something so it's in the monitoring stage and and some of that money has been used to pay the ongoing um organization the company that's that's doing that um other than that I can't give you any more specifics okay so next meeting could we have the specifics we have $300,000 how much have we use well we don't have it we don't have it the account right so I can find out exactly how much has been charged to that es like to think that we would have a plan in place so we could remediate the property because you talked that there were three options at one one meeting have you decided what option you'd like to exercise no all okay when might you reach that what what is this decision hinging on I it's just a matter of us looking at uh some of the other things that are going on in the burrow and uh I think shortly in in the beginning of the new year I think we'll have some kind of a a definite answer on that okay thank you um I was impressed last time I was here and you talked about taking Taylor Pavilion and adding bathrooms in Le of having um trailers on the beach since we're I think down to um have you started um engineering plans for that renovation yes okay have we submitted a CA permit I don't know that I know our Engineers on top of it we've have architect do architectural drawings um I don't know I don't know if the caer permit is even required for that at this point you know I don't believe so may because it's an existing uh structure and it sits within the footprint that's already defined in the cafer permit so uh even though you'd have to increase the number of uh waste pipe or the volume of waste go run through that property utilities are already there all right and then um when do you expect to go out for bids for this this project The Architects architect drawings are in place now uh they're they're going through that and then once that is done it'll go out to bid how long do you expect that process to take uh very soon all right so if we're not starting by the beginning of the year and even then I wouldn't expect us to have bathrooms that the public could use on Memorial Day weekend what are your options for putting in toilets on the beach for the people that are paying 8 for the seasonal badge well first I wouldn't I wouldn't answer that question on that presumption that we're not going to have that um I the presumption in my mind is we will have bathrooms in the tailor Pavilion okay now to your question is basically what will we do if we don't for some reason something happens um we have we have a few options we can put the bathrooms back like we had them last year or we can uh if it's a temporary a very very short temporary uh thing like oh they're going to need two or three weeks to to finish up we could use um quarter potties uh so there are a number of different things that that could be done but the goal is to have the bathrooms done by Memorial Day so since we don't have anybody who come in on a bid what are your what's your engineering team saying about the expected time it would take to put in the required toilets at that site we haven't we've haven't had that discussion yet that's the expected time the only discussion we've had is they know the end goal they know we want them in by a certain time and we have not been told anything uh that would prevent me or mran from thinking that's not going to happen well having done a bathroom myself it took more than three months and since the process isn't started I wish your luck okay and I hope he gets done um my next question is um what streets are we looking to have paved in the next six months I can't I can't answer that question because we we in fact we just met today we had a very extended meeting on the entire plan that needs to be put together for um water sewer uh lead pipes um it's it's more of an issue of what we need to do Under the paving than the actual Paving itself so um you know we're we're working on that it's it's going to be a multi-year project it's going to be prioritized based on uh need based on uh you know things that must be done I don't think we have any um I don't know that we have any plans in the next six months I know there are one or two things that have already been funded that need to be done by a certain date but um I don't know we we met with the engineer today and I don't think there was anything on that short order you be Mr Kane do you have any uh thoughts on that uh it it's all based around the replacement of lead service lines you know that's that's the top priority and uh we talked about 14th uh there's been Grant awarded for fifth they needs utility work also that was exactly what the meeting was for today is to put a capital plan in place so we prioritize our needs and then based on those needs that's how the plan is going to be so was my understanding that the previous administration had a plan have we updated what they were looking at instead of Reinventing the wheel like utilize some of the information you know this we're all members of this community and would be nice instead of Reinventing everything every time there's an Administration change that we as a group could work together to utilize things that we already put in place well we haven't reinvented anything we're very fortunate that we have uh workers utility workers that know the system you know inside out so we we haven't had to reinvent anything they they brought their knowledge to the table we had Maps we know where uh certain lines are or all the lines are and what we're doing through the Engineering Process is we're trying to get them uh out of paper into like a uh I fig what they like a g g GIS type thing where we can we can actually you know have them in a database someplace so we can actually do what you're saying we should do in other words it'll be there for other administrations and other people to see right now we're still working off paper and people's memories and uh but I think you know all of the information that that was around for the last four or eight years we have and so we haven't had to reinvent anything it's it's really now a matter of just seeing what has happened from when you know let's say 2019 to now you know certain things have occurred in terms of you know that the sewage system you know we're aware of a lot of infiltration uh down 8th Avenue so we've been prioritizing you know like Mr Kan said you know we'd like to do the the lead line uh replacement first because we had a time span on that D want done in8 years we have another eight years to do that the next thing is to to deal with the infiltration problem because every time water infiltrates into our sewage system it costs us more money so that's the first thing we want to do is we want to stop the bleeding in terms of how much we're paying our local sewage Authority uh you know when we fix those lines then we won't have to worry about storm water being treated at the at the the SE plant and at the same time we trying to maximize you know when we open Street make sure that we do everything that needs to be done because we don't want to go back you know any year or two or three and have to reopen that street to to replace something or fix something so you know it's a it's a it's kind of a big project but it's very doable it's just a matter of prioritizing and and again the priorities you know could shift you know from one year to the next depending upon what happens but the overall plan is you know we know which pipes are good and we're talking about water pipes sewer pipes and storm drain pipes so we have a good idea of you know the conditions of all those pipes on all the various streets so now it's just a matter of coming up with a plan to say okay you know which ones are we going to do first which ones must we do uh which ones you know we're going to stop the infiltration because that's going to lower our bill for the for the sewage Authority uh we have a deadline with the lead pipe one so we want to do that so I mean it's it's a little complicated but it's very doable you know once we sit down and then on you know and then the bottom line is you know how much we're going to do each year because there's a there's a cost to all this so it's going to have to be laid out over over a number of years to to do this and once we do it everyone will know this is what the plan is these are this the pipes you know that have to be fixed and the order in which we hope that we're going to do it so uh you had mentioned that there are professional professionals who know all about this layup are they employees of the bill are employees they are yes okay border Department employees all right um and ijust when you get to do that when they did Third Avenue they left two houses without any water because there wasn't a process in place to check that everybody was reconnected if somebody was on V somebody came back from vacation to find out they had no water in their house so it would be nice to have some notice so somebody could check on the places that might be vacant but this is down the line when you get to the next phase come on hello everyone Sharon Mahone 800 Main Street I have a couple of questions um one is uh what is the us of finishing the path around Lake KO on the Balmar side I think Mr Kane had an answer for that today uh Billy mus and I met with Jerry Freeda from iachan on Friday Monday Friday Friday uh and and they're they're starting they're laying it out and uh the grand money has been received from the county all the engineering work has done and we met to to uh did a site visit on Friday to L it out what they're going to do do we know what the time frame is when it's going to be done it's still design yeah I me there's there's there's a there's a utility pole there there's some there's some uh some lights and things like that so uh that was purpose of a site visit to figure out how the path was going to go and then what had to be done so uh he's designing it right now but I think they anticipate doing the work in early spring to have it done for uh next summer okay great um another question um first of all thank you for um getting all the handicap spots updated painted and the right way I do have a question about one spot that was painted on eth Avenue I'm home dressing my comment too um on the south side of the street heading east in front of a house what is the reason and I have a reason I have an ultimate reason for my question what is the reason for that that spot being painted handicapped I I don't I think I know the specific spot and I think it usually there there is a provision for individuals to get a uh to get a permit a licensed permit in front of their their house I think and I I don't know if that's one of them but it's been there for for a really long time so I don't know if it's something I I know it's not new really do you know how long that sp's been there no I I don't I I know it has been there a while and it was quite faded um but res reest I'm not mistaken though if you look in the and I haven't done this but if you look in the ordinance book it should be listed as a spot okay the person no longer lives there so there's no longer a handicapped person in that house that's the reason I'm asking as to what process you go through to verify that that spot is even necessary I think we wait for someone like you to come up and tell us that it's not it's not being utilized anyway so we at the ordinance because it would have to be done by ordinance so we away a spot a parking spot you know granted it was handc where we took away a real parking spot going in there that's not necessary so and I only know that because a neighbor mentioned it to me and said that person has absolutely so that should and I think that should be done for anywhere you're going to put one it's great that you put one in front of the um the convent with that you know because I know that they you know need that um but I think verifying you that spot wherever your Paints in front of some house person is still there would be part of your process um along with that if you're putting the real spot back there I'd like to have a spot blocked out and I welcome anybody to drive through this parking lot parking lot behind 800 Main Street if you're coming out to 8th Avenue iters murder to go right or left there's somebody that's been parking there from and I know he works at stold um from like 6:00 in the morning or before 6:00 in the morning till whatever and he's got a white Jeep and it's really H and it's well not high but High to me CU you're pulling out you're going like this and I have gotten hit almost a couple times trying to inch out inch if a motorcycle parks there no problem because you can see over them right so it's really hard to see traffic coming West until you're in the lane of traffic going east so if there's any way to block that there there's two spots there so if you block off one of them just no parking or motorcycle parking only I said you can save our motorcycles that that's a safety issue you know in in my mind um there are a lot there's a lot of traffic the comes out that driveway from people who live there people who drive through there delivery trucks you know so it's a really sketchy spot to get out anyway even if you're going right you have to like okay because cars flying through that light um and they're you know parking angly if you're angly you can barely see around to see the cars coming through the light so it's you know and you're like well don't to go 9th Avenue well if I'm going right on eth like why don't you go that way and that way you know I mean it is an exit spot for that lot so um I I don't know who I can talk to about getting that in consideration or something process should be we should mention it to the chief we'll take a look at it and then if necessary we might have to if it it's a no parking situation I don't know we might have to modify the ordinance I don't know if we have no parking zones we we'll talk about that but depending upon what the chief says uh we'll do whatever it needs to be done to make that a legal you know space an empty space not for apartment yeah um I'm sorry there's three handicap parking spaces in the ordinance on 8th Avenue what was the location of the one it's on the south side of the street between D I'm sorry between e and the back of 800 street so probably like the second or third house up yeah 610 E Avenue probably that's the one we have in the right yeah yeah so somebody can double check that because I don't from what I understand that person who requested it years ago doesn't live there anymore Church yeah right and the other thing this is just to mention one of the last meetings you were talking about um the Main Street Bridge construction and I'm just going to throw this out there but and I mentioned the back and a little fairy seriously I'm not joking like little chap atic right little fairy that could go back and forth pedestrians and bikes because if that bridge is going to be out for like years people who consistently walk over that bridge from either side you know if there's any way we could have a little fairy that goes back and forth by whatever and I don't know as far as cost like even if you pay a dollar I mean I don't know if that's because you're doing the construction taking away that access from the pedestrians and bicycles cars could drive around not a problem it's the people who were on foot or on bike or motorized you know wheel TRS whatever that you know they can't over to 35 or you know down to Ocean Avenue so just something to think about um as far as an option um you know little little fairy actually the the host of individuals that came to meet with us about that one of them did mention that the um the state was uh seriously thinking about doing a ferry from from Avon over to like into the marina over by like the 9th Avenue um so they're thinking of stop on the other side of the bridge I don't know I mean that's going to be all their that's their you know show at this point when when the time comes you know will they still have a public session the the state or like for this bridge because I know I've been contacted by um you know some of our local businesses very concerned about how they're going to survive during um this reconstruction of the bridge and initially had been proposed of this p parallel bridge that seemed much friendlier to our businesses and residents and um and just altogether traffic uh is there any way that we can do we know when that is or when we can attend that or make you know I I should we contact State I don't know because as you know they they said oh it's not going to start until 20128 so um you know what they're doing between now and then I mean I I know they sent the notice out to the the businesses so I assume they will be in touch with the town so that we we'll be made aware of the detours and and things like that as it comes closer what their time line is I have no idea but all right one final thing Mar okay um Jody keeps going in and out um a couple times we've talked about these bicycle Fixit stations any pro on those I have bounced that over to Mr Kane and to see how we can make that work but so you can direct your questions to him he might have more information for you not at this point but I'll get it for you okay so basically um mean in order to um take care of the cost sponsors you know I mean that's a perfect answer if you're looking for hey we're looking to put these in who wants to sponsor here the figure out which ones you want to put in what they cost and sponsors I think would be happy to you know and some of them you can have little plaques put on them you know to say sponsored by I mean that's one way to take care of the cost right there if that's what the you know concern is but I think if we get them up there some put somewhere you know around town before summer that's why I'm asking now because it's December I mean that would be the ideal time to get them done you know in the the spring you know yeah okay and if you have any questions I'm happy to answer I've done the research IED it all yeah okay all right got it all okay all right all right thank you very much okay wue p b Street uh where are we going to put these bicycle fixing stations well I would assume that would be like like for example if we're doing the transit uh Improvement by the by the um by the you know the trans St okay I would assume they would be you know you'd have something there I mean it'd be have random places where where people would the request was up on the boardwalk perhaps there's basically no bike riding on the so I think that J to the boardwalk yeah but the other part of that is permission for that I'm a I'm an avid cyclist and I have a great solution there's a bag you put on your front of your bike and you put a little wrench a little screwdriver and a tube and you could do a lot with that and you don't have to worry about anybody else to do it because when you get those things too half the people don't even know how to use them so and then the thing about the faeries this is no offense to anybody but anytime you deal with the waterways it's not just the burrow it's the state and not going to go oh yeah just put a fair in there you guys can run a boat back and forth from there don't happen like that well major the other major issue is we have traffic going the other way on the on the Waterway so I mean I'm sure the coast guard has going to have a major say in What flows on the river so and do me a favor the guy you have doing your plumbing your thing don't hire the one Linda hired for 3 years all right thank you thank you for your comments anyone else I think that's it a motion to close the public session and adour the meeting all in favor