by the Belmar Board of Education on Thursday March 14th 2024 at 7 p.m. has been provided in accordance with the requirements of chapter 231 public Clos 1975 notice the meeting was posted on the p in the principal's office of Belmar Elementary School 1101 Main Street Belmar New Jersey on January 5th 2024 notice of the meeting was transmitted to the Asbury Park Press the co-star municipal clerk my God I can't speak of the burough of Belmar and Lake com School District on January 5th 2024 um we're going to St in for the flag salop but before we do I just wanted to let you know that uh we wanted to take a moment after the flag L For a Moment of Silence because we uh lost a the sudden loss of Matt Sharon who was a previous board member for a long time and a champion for uh bees students and he passed away suddenly yesterday so we just would like to offer a moment of silence after the flag salute in his memory and in support of his Al to the flag United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all thank you Sheran here Herbert here here je n Paul here M Carta here U do we have any comments from the public on any agenda items at this point in time see none we'll move on to the superintendent's report okay great so we had a lot of positive events and programs since our last meeting we obviously had the same Patty Day Parade here in Belmar Mrs L was Grant Marshall also one of our teachers we had last last month we had our cheer team out there um and we also had our band represented our school really well playing U every time we had a stop so it was really great couple stops um so just thank you to them congrats to our spelling be champ U Max Wartman and R Rafael cesari they D did an excellent job the two of them got some words that I definitely would not gotten right um so our School Musical the RAS was absolutely excellent anybody who came out you saw how great the show was we had a packed house here on Friday Friday uh the kids did an excellent job just like every any show it's always a little crazy right before it goes and and once the the lights come on and the show starts it really goes well so I was just really proud of our teachers the students the community for coming out to support um really outstanding um we have a new sensory hallway downstairs and our sensory room has been getting a lot of attention in our sending districts we've had some of the special ed administrators from our sending districts come by to take a look and see we've done um as as a model for something locally in one of our schools that we're working on so that's really been a feather in our cap stem day um with ascending districts g&t students from all our ascending districts came by they had a stem day in this room uh it was really excellent uh really well run and um all the kids seemed very happy to come and get out of their school and come to ours for for a day um let's see professional development on February 12th was incredibly rewarding great feedback from our staff uh and from a few other staff from a few other schools that came by to soak up uh what we were being able to offer and we want to continue to be a leader in this area when it comes to professional development and best practices for teachers so we're trying to coordinate more work between our specialist teachers in our sending district and other local school districts to make this a beacon of of professional development and what's right for kids and making that happen not only here but in other you schools um the guardian's getting readed for the spring and new soil just arrived they're going to be putting more in there so we'll have more our garden is going to be more robust this year than it was last year so we're looking forward to that uh we're looking forward to our spring sports teams which are getting ready and we do have a joint effort with the Belmar burrow um and us to refurbish our baseball field a little bit and make it the best one in the league we're going to be doing some Mound work we're going to be doing some clay work in the on the field itself and we're really looking forward to that work happening soon so that we're uh so that our our baseball field although I think it already is one of the best in the league will be by far the best head and shoulders above uh the rests not that I'm bragging about wait until it happens I guess maybe keep quiet and we'll make sure that the girl softball field gets a little bit of attention because sometimes it stays a little too wet there and uh facilities update last but not least the if anybody saw it on the way in it really looks great it looks like it it was always there I think the font is right the size is right and it feels really natural um so uh a lot of um recognition to Mr barsley to Mr lasy um we stayed on top of it and you know it worked out he's happier than he's appearing right now theow to replace the picture one more time okay and that's it for the superintendent can I have a motion to approve the regular and executive session minutes for February 20124 Herbert any questions Corrections you know I wanted to just say what um Tuesday what was that about um that Mary Stole was um invited to talk at I don't know what oh it's it's a it's a it's a county um it's a county event that every year a student gets selected by the staff to go and represent the bees and so Mary was one of the students that was that's very good you mentioned that yeah I I just CU I remember getting the email yeah so she's she's going to be representing our school uh along with other students at that grade level to to meet with the county and to oh it didn't happen already I thought no it's so she served on a panel of other students so they get to go into the county with other students and and serve as a pan for a representation of bore Elementary School roll call please minutes Mr yes Mr CH yes Mr Conor yes M Herbert yes M lus yes Mr yes m c yes M the Personnel items Personnel there's not very much this time we have visard uh par professional position uh that we'd like to start the superintendent has authorized to hire staff members fulfill unfill positions prior the next board meeting uh the permission to assign willing current staff members to um Grant funded tutoring positions for ARP and after the school day uh and high impact tutoring those would be staff members that are already working with us and they just be deciding to stay to help out some kids um so that's pretty simple uh substitute and that's it for the personel items person um any questions comments on the personals roll call please m al yes M Check Yes Mr comp yes M Herbert yes M lus yes Mr yes M cart yes Miss yes education items education operations a short again our 2425 High School assignment placements according to policy 51 20 are approved um that's where we assign the students to the high school uh and then we have eighth grade Beach day which probably could have gone under um field trips so we decided it's a sign of good things to come it's a sign that summer's coming that we're approving the beach Day on June on Friday June 7th um so that does give us a little bit of time on that Monday Tuesday if there's an issue for a rinding um but that's very exciting and then travel professional development board travel schedule that's really oh the high imp two you do one yes so to yeah so the number four is just accepting the funds that we already received we approved it back in October to Smith somebody move the education operations any questions or comments um for the high school assignments are they just pick randomly every year so it has to do with your enrollment date so if you the students who have been enrolled the longest in bees are are picked first and if there's a tie let's say there's four students that are tied for the last two spots those kids go into a lottery with each other because they had the same registration date which would be like September 1st of whatever year they may have registered so the longer you're here the more uh likely that you're going to be in but if you're on the cusp we have a lottery for the students on that c and it has nothing to do CI any other questions please M yes Mr Che yes Mr con yes Mr Herbert yes Mr lus yes M yes m c yes m f oh M Adam yes and now we have the finance items to the budget yeah so underneath the finance items first thing is just the monthly uh certification that as of February 29th no budgetary line items was over spent then for the 1 through S resolutions so number one is the bills list for February 2024 and 1.5 million number two is allowing me the authorization allowing me to pay any March bills and make any transfers and Reporting at the April board meeting number three is our board secretary and treasures report for January 2024 number four is our budget transfer report as of January 24 number five is the monthly transfer report for as of January 2024 number six is the preschool education uh District budget planning workbook that actually gets submitted with the budget as well and then number seven is our monthly certification of the board of the board secretaries and treasury report and that's it we need to go into all right um Can someone move the finance item second any comments or questions so far M yes M Check Yes Mr cin yes Mrs Herbert yes Mrs lus yes Mr yes M cellia yes M yes all right so the next resolution is for the adoption of the tentative budget which allows me to send uh the 2425 budget to the county office for them to approve it and then they send it back us for the final adoption at our next meeting in April um so you see here the 20242 budget the total expenditures of 16, 23758 L anticipated revenues of 5,918 877 leaves taxes to be raised for 10,2 28488 um the next part of the resolution is just saying that our public hearing going to be April 25th at 7 pm the next part is setting the tuition reach which is actually based off the budget software that is on the state's website um the next one is allowing us to use the adjustment enrollment so we're seeing a an increase in enrollment so allows us to adjust the tax Lev for that um same thing with adjustment for healthcare cost based off the budget software we're able to increase the tax ly to help us for the increased in tax uh the healthcare cost number the next one is capital reserve withdrawal which is what we talked about in our Tuesday meeting um with the financing facility um about withdrawing 190,000 to renovate our gym so we're looking at wall padding flooring um new Hoops things like that to get that going wrestling light um to uh get that going so this way we can r and you know refresh it and then the next part is just our annual it's a travel related expenditure reimbursement where we always have about 25,000 set in the budget um about so far as of today he spent 7,104 that's it someone move this resolution any questions coms M yes Mr she yes Mr conin yes Mr Herbert yes Mr Lis yes Mr yes Mr Cel yes yes do we have a m report I mean I could talk about the basketball girls state championship exciting I thought you were going to talk about the other well that was all over the T was all over but no the girls W so that was really exciting and they're doing their play this weekend last night it was last night tonight tomorrow Saturday want any Communications any old business any new business so I just wanted to bring up that the uh Belmore Elementary School website it still reflects the previous board of education for both Le and I don't know that anything come change but for okay our appointment change tomor and I do have something as well sure um for our kids with the surf sesh that are more advanced and they have we thought of maybe adding geometry to the mix for them I got a little feedback that some of the tests they were taking at these other schools was Heavy in geometry and they seem to struggle you know that's a that's a um it's not a bad idea the thing about surf sash is that it is fluid so kids can go in and out of it depending on whether they're there or not but I could talk to the eighth grade teachers and Mrs Murphy who's you know does a lot of the object works it just sounds like a lot of the tests have a lot of geometry on you know I think for extension for the kids who could use some extension I think it's a great suggestion I'll bring it some yeah I mean especially if it's early exposure to Concepts that maybe they haven't seen and they can work through these are typically kids who are pretty good at math in general and might be able to problem solve with the assistance of the teacher on the side I like it especially when I'm hearing they they're not being challenge sure so so surf sesh is basically uh a way that we've branded intervention here at school um because saying intervention period doesn't sound like a lot of fun KS we decided okay what's our theme here like what's important with beach is here suring fund we're going to call them surf sesh and so what we do is assess students on their skills and ability uh and then after you know let's say a week okay we've got all these quizzes how did everybody do who needs a lot of support who needs a little bit of support who's almost there and who's got it and the kids who got it don't have to be in a small group that goes over that same topic we're going to push them to something else we're going to give them something else it could be extension in art music or something else or it could be in mathematics um and so what we'd like to do is attack students where their needs are and for some kids they need extensions they need something different and for some kids they need uh more small group time on a concept that's really important so we only do surf such on things that are really important because there's too much in the school day in general and when we decide what's really important and we attack those things because we know the kids are going to need those things to be successful long term they're they're going to find success and growth um but that um that surf session will also group students who have it and so we try and get get them something different that something different could be pushing them in a little bit of a little bit of geometry something that wouldn't be greated didn't go on the report card but could be really helpful to them moving forward knowing they're going to high school and they might need it at least a leg up you know and what is that first unit of geometry in the high school you know what does that look like how do we get kids uh used to that vocabulary and a few of those things are going to need when it comes to I'm I'm yeah I like it that's great good idea thank you and I'm sorry just one last thing I just want to go back to what Sher said about Mr Sharon it's a big LW to our community he really gave back and and cared about Belmore for any of the people that have been involved in the wrestling Mr Sharon's been here 25 30 years I know my son's wrestled for him I know my brother-in-law went back 25 years with him so it's a it's a big loss it was a guy that really gave back so it's going to be missed in this now yeah he was on he was the President right before me when he left he was at the last there yeah and he's uh been involed with the school the discussing how to honor him here at the school it's a little soon for that sure but I think that there in in time we we'll have an opportunity to honor him in a way that he deserves I do understand they just posted the services for Monday and Tuesday Brian's in wall I really don't yeah I just if we so yeah go ahead so um since I've been here the calendar comes up a lot you know comes up couple years it comes up every year um and you know I think maybe you know it comes up often here at the meetings and in general and I think um I wanted to see how everybody felt about like a review process for it um you know I kind of with a lot of things I like to create some structures to to make good decisions kind of like we would for a strategic plan this is kind of a big deal a calendar is you know one of these big things that has a lot of impact on how we operate and the community in general um so I wanted to you know talk to the board if you wanted to consider a process for reviewing it and specifically is referring to the February the February yeah because that's the thing that usually is the the point so so like do a survey to send to parents yeah so I've got a a multifaceted kind of thing I'll walk through really quick I know I'm sorry um so well just because you know I don't know this is how I operate so I I want to organiz so following uh you know there's a few things that that come into consideration here right obviously following the contract and the law um and that doesn't require much except for meeting the days that we have to be here and meeting the teachers contract to make sure that there there's alignment there um Gathering input from the community and their priorities you know I'd want community community members all community members to have a voice um the impact they would have on their families um and you know the few people that have brought it up don't represent the entire Community but I want that representation to be there um I think that's always in the best interest of making good decisions is getting data um and you know I'd create this in English and Spanish I'd want people's preferences um I'd also want some input on people's enrollment in both bees and madis high school because that's our sending District some families have more insight on what that Dynamic feels like um when you have one kid in one school and one in another with that calendar so I think that would be a factor in survey that I sent out um and um I'd be willing to create a video that kind of explains it kind of like the Strategic plan saying Hey listen we've got this decision to make we more people's input on what they believe or what they think about about what makes sense um obviously instructional and District logistic priorities regarding attendance during that week what does that look like that's always uh something that matters to me making sure that there's balance the calendar to meet the needs of the community uh time before testing is always important to me but that's not the only fact right um facilities and maintenance that's another thing that could that could be a thing where if we need to change out our filters on hbac units that's something that could happen during a break but again I'm losing some test some pre- testing instruction time and now we do have AC that's available in June there's a lot of factors under that category alone and then alignment to the sending districts whether it's professional days which I'd like to align more that are separate from this uh or whether it's alignment during those breaks um and holiday and Staffing for both districts and then Staffing considerations I want the input from our staff um and morale in One Direction or the other although um it's just one of the facets the more information we have I think the better decision we can make um but you know I think it comes down to what is the data telling us right because I although with any decision there's always going to people people on one side or the other of it and I think this is one of those things that can upset people in One Direction or another so I'm that's why I'm kind of reluctant to put my hands on it because it looks like it's going to be hot I just don't know how hot and um and so it's kind of one of these things that I'm reluctant to approach it because I know that it could be um polarizing but at the same time it's come up enough that I feel like maybe we have to address it um I don't know how everybody feels is the survey going to be like um would you favor a full week off or would you favor Monday Friday or would you favor no days no I mean I think that you know I I've drafted one um so he can tell you exactly would Friday was nice this year I will tell you that the Monday Friday was nice that's been a while yeah and so that that is nice so either that or the full week not with Friday right yeah it so what what they do is they take that whole week but then they don't have Monday off yeah they well you know cuz your kids what they go on President's Day they return on President's Day they have the week leading up to they go to scho it's very interesting so you know this question would be would be would you be in this in favor of the same winter break as MP high school and the other sing districts projected dates would be February 10th to 14th are we the only doesn't matter no are you sure and no consideration fored well that's the other concern right but you know and that's the that's the tricky part and I could take a look at our alignment to Red Bank is a different it's a different yeah and in some cases you know the hard part for us is that our sending district is Manis Squan so that might carry them more weight because last year we only got a couple kids in the Red Bank this year we're getting more but I don't but again that's another facet to this decision that SC huh right everybody's different I don't think that all the Sunday districts have come back on that Monday do they no who who does the Fe February break uh Spring Lake Heights does as well come back I don't know they all come back on the holiday so the only other op I mean the only I mean again now we're we we'll get into the we for a minute but that could be a professional development day to come on the holiday is it possible is it not a state holiday also because you can't force people to work right so and so that's where the other consideration for I don't know my but well I have concerns all about it Al together but I also think that as I said to Jimmy already I think when you have a survey and you're sending survey you better be prepared to act on those results in some way or else what's the purpose and then you get a lot of FL for not doing why did you bother I remember we went through that with the whole uniform thing and so this is why I feel like this is like a hot St being cautious around because this is not my decision right you know I'm here as a facilitator for what people want what I I'm going to put my foot down for how many people talk to you about this is this really a big issue well it is a big issue when you have multiple children who go to Manasquan and go and then you keep them out if you go somewhere yes so your kids miss school yes they do how much of the attendance record is that's I was going to say the same thing there's a difference yeah there's I I I took a look at the the previous week this year and the that week I don't think I have the data with me but there's there's a there's a difference in attendance that was probably 20 kids a day and I think the teachers really plann for it too I just know like my personal experience of taking my daughter out that week she didn't miss much because there wasn't much plan because expect a lot of people out but like on the flip side I feel like I would I also would love to BR the issue of like we accept so many days of absences like I don't know if there's a reason why we have that number but I would kind of be nervous about bringing that topic up now if we start what do you mean by that I think we get 22 days for a student to be absent no which seems very high no no I don't want that's way too high no so chronic aism is 18 yeah so once you get to 18 now now you're on the now you're on um on the stat something I don't know I just received a letter that said you know the of policies I thought it was so I'll take a look at that attendance letter but 18 is considered chronic because now your 10 days out and so that chronic absentee then gets reported to the state and if we're out of compliance with that and our numbers rise we have to get put on a plan for uh a tech for chonic absenteeism and that is a guided plan I have to report to you hey we're not meeting the state standard for attendance which we traditionally have in belmore's attendance has been excellent over the years um um but yeah that would be problematic I don't want anybody feeling like days of school are important uh because they're important to me so here's one of those things where I'm like this is important to me as superintendent I care about this um you know it's tough and this is why it's such a tricky situation and I'm trying to look at it from all angles but in the end I'm the facilitator of this not the owner of because I'm not I don't live in town you know and this isn't affect me very much but well I think I think part of the concern doing previously were about it gets crazier around here the further into June you get the crazier it gets and don't necessarily want kids walking back and forth to school when all that's going on but also staff issues so I do think it's important to have an idea what because a lot of them have summer jobs that they start right after they next year Christmas Falls kind of weird right it's a big break and so and so another consideration there like if you're going to if you might end up going into the following week and not ending on like the Friday you know because at this point you probably end on the 20th if you did something like that if you didn't you'd end a few days earlier and you wouldn't have a problem with running into the next week and if you wanted to avoid that you'd have to talk to the union about coming in before Labor Day like we did this year but they did that because of the roof project and they're getting out on June 18 on 14th but that's a that's a something to have to navigate like I said this is a really complex issue and so it's really there no easy three days because you're already taking the Friday and the Monday so you moveed that Friday well no been talking about the week before and again we're the only school around that has this like everybody else be totally yeah I think all of a sudden I would be totally opposed to them I'm just telling you from a lot of uh you know look at it everybody else has navigated it yeah and and that's that's part of it like this is going to be a rich discussion but I don't want to move forward without and and send out a survey without you've already created I well I created it because I think you do I would be in favor of the survey this year I would not be in favor of it okay I think you did a really great job with the calendar I thought it was a happy medum the kids get out of a nice time I think a lot of based on what Sher said sure the other towns get out a little later butore is definitely more heavy with the summer traffic and yeah and especially that the bridge well but that's going to be for four years I years no yeah that's fine I mean I'm we always table for next next year I it's a good discussion next year I mean you're talking about Christmas thing February's already gone but also as Brian out this is a big it's a big it's if you did the survey would you say the majority rules like whatever the majority chooses is what we do so I don't know that's that's not so that that's the tricky part here because it will be very hard not to do that yeah be very I just thinking think about all the people like so for all of us it's not it doesn't make a maybe I don't know for you and years to come but for all of us it doesn't make a difference right yes makes to me well it's not ask for ref I didn't mean I but but I'm said that's not why I said that I'm saying like if you think about everybody in like who it's not affecting that many people like if you take the survey for everybody who goes to the school now right it would just chances are the survey is going to come back that they don't want February break that's what I that's what that's exactly what I'm trying to you think so I I I know that historically there have been much more sentiment against it at least from the board when with people who had kids in the school at the time they were not have you had much success of receiving surveys back if you only one well you're going to get one who has a motivation I think that it's going to be more in favor of of not wanting that's what I think if you're letting them know that those days are going to be on the end of the year so well yeah there's no else we don't say that they may not think that no agree have to this is don't know how many days in surveys you've sent out in the past what has been the rate there it's not excellent the best one we had was the Strategic plan but I pushed it I ran a video I you know we sent it to people's phones but still even then it was limited you know like it wasn't a ton of people responding so that's the tricky part because if i s a survey I need to know that it's connected to a student that whoever wrote this is connected to you know Billy a mandatory form inis that's true you get million notices until you do thata because there is I mean you could even say it doesn't matter to me like it one of the options could be it doesn't make a difference to me either way yeah I feel I'm really regretting we brought this up I don't think it's a big deal I feel like if you did the survey and you just went with whatever and suppose the people who want to change are the ones who responded and that really maybe that was a tiny bit of the whole school they don't get to see their how could you make this mandatory because there's the portal that I know like as in a program you can make it mandatory but how can you make it mandatory what's the enforcement mechanism they can't see the unless they do all the documents I suspect that's not legal yeah you Lally do what for things they have to complete for things they have to complete that are required by the state to but I think if they get the thing from the school that's official that says you don't think that they I think I think there would have to be a campaign to people to because if you got the majority but then you only got a 20% completion you really don't have enough data I mean if the people concerned about they're talking to you because they're not coming to representative of thebody no some of them I mean they come to the mean they're not saying that okay well all right it was brought up but people aren't here every month or saying this is a problem I think you should put it it was a really good form but you know you could if you want to you could do a middle ground and get through the other things you're going to do check you talk to the staff before we decide on a survey you could put it out and say it's not going to affect the 24 25 calendar what are your thoughts for the future yeah even if you went one way you could always eliminate it in the future you could if you because other schools have done I think wall did that you if you if you got enough people that said they wanted to do it and you tried it for one year it doesn't mean it has to be every year forever every other year we do the kids yeah I bet the kids would I bet the kids would say no depends when you ask them January yes feary may no I'll summerly say no they don't want to get out of school you said talking days okay so where are we head I like sher's idea pulling together statistic information that are doing it are we the only one that's not what's the attendance been like maybe we should start with and maybe also what the staff's view is yeah you don't have to serve it yeah I can ask um we can I can that I could dig a Little Deeper see what other what how how much information I can compile and then um let you know and then get a first draft of what the calendar would even look like I could run a couple of them yeah you know of what would what what could it look like if we did it what could it look like if we didn't you know a couple variations of both probably two of each U because outside of the February break there's still going to be some variations of of things I would consider for a calendar that would be like a line a professional development day with the other cing districts outside of this why don't they have the February break on same week as the holiday I don't understand that's interesting I mean why would I would never support that with the next year coming back cheap that's what I heard possible okay I'll do that I'll I'll put together more data I'll try and put together a file that has a few uh different pieces and different categories that helps you know give us a picture of what that looks like I mean we don't have to have this calendar we have a calendar we have a calendar right right they changar I'm sorry for bringing that up I'm glad you brought it up um and then uh so were you suggesting yeah I will look that up 18 is really the number that that is the the big state number that but even even after 10 you have to do things we're sending yeah you get letters at different times you know you get calls and letters throughout the different times we do a periodical check on attendance and then see who cross the threshold we create a letter for them uh Sarah will actually write in hand on people's letters to let them know that somebody actually looked at this um and that it matters you know so yeah it matters and then when they move on to the next school matters for them getting credit even more so okay okay um any other new business I ask for comments from the public on any item first sure I'm Britney I Britney Dano I have a fourth grader second grader and preschooler here for school um I wanted to thank you for honoring that Sharon he was also my Dad's friend did a lot for the community so thanks for bringing that up and I'm sorry for everyone who knew him friends with him um so yeah I'm here because of the calendar that was just brought up and particularly February um I think I think we need it off I I can gather 255 people right now from second third and fourth grade who would stand behind me on that and they'll all answer the survey right yes um not only does manisan high school do it Briel Spring Lake Spring Lake Heights and seur all the same week um with the Monday coming back I'm not sure if everyone's with Monday I I don't know that part I'll get to the but I think there's just a lot of people in favor um I know it is a much cheaper time to travel for the people who can't go away on Christmas break because that's when everything's really really high um and there was a lot of at least our friends a lot of kids out that whole week um I know it was only three days like cuz I think it was like Monday Friday Monday um so my kids like weren't really impacted because the teachers kind of planned ahead like there's a lot of absentees anyway and to go and later in the summer you're not you're not bothered by that I three days no we have air conditioning yeah what yeah I'm used to like getting at like June 27th in Brick so like I don't think like June 18 17 would make much of a difference most camps don't start till June 24th that's a good point because there's that window of time with school small existence you're like what do you do with them for that period of time the Belmore Camp do they start at that time June 24th yeah so there's still that window so sometimes it's a full two week window of not finding any camps or child care good point interesting I wonder if the younger the people with younger kids want it but the people with older kids don't want I have younger kids than I do want yeah that's what I mean I wonder if that's and then also it would be tough like my oldest to youngest there's like a sixe gap so when my oldest goes to manisan it's going to be different if we still follow this schedule that's what we have yeah multiple kids some in high school some in elementary it's nice when the Cal match thank you you good yeah thank you uh Mark lves 9904 13th I have a uh preschooler a second grader and a fourth grader you're at Belmar and uh I'm in favor of Britney's proposal as well Jimmy I'm really glad you brought it up did you did you know we were coming here tonight no because I think it does make sense to try to align with Mana Squan I mean we're I'd really like to see it done this year versus waiting till the following year because I know the how these things go they get dragged out and it takes a while and that's why we're kind of pushing it now cuz in four years I am going to have a kid in in Manis Squad and high school and I want to make sure that we do sort of have that alignment on the schedule so it is easier to manage you know all right which kids are going to be home which ones are going to school from a work standpoint I don't even have off on uh President's Day so really makes no difference to me what what we're getting and I appreciate the fact that you guys want to reach out to the rest of the people in the school to try to get their opinion because you know I I I sit in that that boat too sometimes and you don't want to make a decision just based on one person's opinion so I do encourage you to go out and talk to your constituents talk to the people who elected you and and get their opinions on where they feel about this because it it is an important issue and like Britney said there are we've been talking to a lot of parents too and there are a lot of people who are really interested in this issue and that's why we're here tonight sort of representing their voice but you know if we have to we can bring them in to sort of speak to you but you know in your positions I would encourage you all to speak speak to them speak to the parents speak to the students speak to the teachers to see what they really look for and you know really all we're looking for is just some alignment with with Mana Swan and not trying to be the outlier outlier here so I do I applaud you guys for your efforts and I applaud you guys for you know wanting to make an educated decision and not sort of like thinking with your gut on this so I really do appreciate that thank you and we'll take your word for the rest of the people don't me to mark what do you think is the best way to reach everyone because it seems like when we do the surveys we don't really get a great response I think uh you know you got a reporter from the co-star here got two get two good you know I mean if you guys mention hey this is this is something we're looking for feedback on you're going to get feedback from people who are for it and people who are against it and that's the challenge you kind of have to weigh the good and the bad right is who's this going to benefit more who's it going to be impacting the most what are the what the pros what are the cons and that's really how you have to look at it um but do you think when we email the surveys out do you think that's really getting any I think you'll get you'll get the people who are interested in it but you'll get a lot of the dads who just uh delete it I think if you send it via text people would like May sometimes I don't always check the email but a text people would look at it and might even do it right then and there I think the text is much you're right I always do text but email I it is tricky I mean like in my position I can't send out surveys to people every time we make a decision right we have to sort of try to talk to people and try to talk to people who know people and people who know even more people and try to sort of get a feel for what the community wants to do based on that and that's really where your job comes in is talking to those people and you know doing a doing a survey of your own and and trying to talk to people that you know and see how they feel about this so you can inform your position because I mean you'll have certain people that you represent from different age groups from different different you know there there's different types of parents in the school right there's parents who have kids who are getting ready to leave and go somewhere else there's parents who are just getting started maybe they have their first child here so it is a different Dynamic you know and I only represent a small group of those parents who have you know multiple children at different age groups but it's important to get you know the voice of everyone I think involved and and see how they feel about it and maybe to some people they really don't care right but some people do will feel strongly about it one way or another I don't think it'll be as contentious as uh as you think it will be jimy I think it's okay I don't I don't think you have to worry too much okay all right any other comments see none uh just to note on the agenda the dates to remember the second trimester marking period ends on March 14th repeat today today yes today it ended today PTA book prir March 18th through March 22nd the honor rooll assembly is March 26th spring break is March 29th and April 7th will not be changed right now this year U bring your child to workday April 25th and the next board meeting is April 25th as well uh we do have to go into executive session um to discuss matters of personnel um we will not be taking any action after that as far as I know so um this will be the end of the meeting but I have to read the resolution so whereas Section 8 of the open public meetings act njsa 10412 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist now therefore be resolved by the bore Board of Education the county of mammoth state of New Jersey that the public shall be excluded from discussion of and actions upon the here and after speci subject matter personnel and its anticipated the matter discussed will be made public if the need for confidentiality uh no longer exists can I have a motion to go into close session second Mr all in favor