##VIDEO ID:NSeFKynWbQM## [Music] [Music] adequate notice of this meeting of the May and Council was sent to the co-star in the as Park Press are official newspapers and posted on the bulton board of the municipal building take roll call councilwoman Donovan here councilwoman Kenny here marusco here councilman Rondo here Council L [Music] here please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance uned States [Music] God indivisible andice please remain standing for a moment of silence for our troops their families and our First Responders thank you before we start the workshop uh I'd like to read a statement that pertains to the um incident that occurred on August 20th 2024 and let the audience know that um I will not be commenting or answering any questions on this incident during the public session okay under the New Jersey state statutes the bur was granted control of the beach and bathing areas the state supreme court has required that under the public trust Doctrine the borrow must Grant access to all on equal terms and without preference the statute prohibits charging People Under 12 years of age and provides for certain exceptions for specific groups such as seniors the Burrow's fee schedule meets these requirements the statute was amended in 2019 at which time changes to the listed exceptions could have been made to allow additional classes of people free or reduced fee access during operational hours the legislature did not do so I am advised that there is no case law that allows a municipality to deviate from providing access to allil on equal terms during operational hours I understand that there are varying interpretations of the law in this matter how however I am advised that the burrow of Belmore is operating in compliance with both the state statute and the Court's Direction our system of government provides for differing opinions these differences should be worked out in the appropriate forums I confident that the burrow will comply with any future changes in the law if and when that occurs all right let's move on to Workshop I have uh one matter on long-term street parking want to I had requested that we talk about long stream term street parking because I know a lot of residents have coming to all of us they've been coming to the meetings um specifically in this instance to complain about um really non-functioning Vehicles being left on the street for way too long in front of our houses there's already low levels of parking available and obviously that will continue as more buildings are built um and I I think one resident emailed in and and I had a really tidy proposal which was let's do a 30day cut off and I don't know how you guys feel about it we've not had a chance to talk about it but I think that makes sense I'd be in favor of that we have a lot of residents who are you know very frustrated because they never get a chance to have that parking spot um that's blocked for sometimes months sometimes years I would also be in favor of that because it happens all over town a lot and sometimes they you know commerciall looking Vehicles aren't actually you know commercial vehicles so definitely I think there should be a cut off yeah so our our current ordinance restricts commercial vehicle overnight parking on the street correct Chief yes okay so I I agree I've seen some weird situations you know I had a neighbor who parked like a hearse on the street and just left it there I've seen vehicles for sale listed as non not an engine but I see it parked on the street and that's a big problem we really need to avoid that this 30 days enough time to give you know a reasonable I how do we really enforce that that's that's the biggest question and I'd like to ask the chief is are we going to have to put truck or we going to have to let residents s call First and to understand it so the the way that the state ordinance now it's um you know a vehicle can only be pared for 48 hours um if it's registered and it's supposed it's supposed to 48 Hours um we do it's kind of a case by case um you know we'll get a complaint that a car's been parked there for two weeks 3 weeks um the officer will go down there they'll run the plate they find out who the owner is if it's registered if it's legally parked um if there's any signs of an abandonment of the vehicle um most of the times seven out of 10 times it's a neighbor or somebody on another block that parked their car there because that's where they found the parking spot um and the car is legally parked and and the registration is valid um we'll put a warning on it because we got the complaint and then usually the if we can't make contact with the owner of the vehicle say it's you know the car comes back to um Hoboken you know we'll call Hoboken to try to make contact with the owner you know your car's been recorded as been parked here for several weeks you know what's the deal with it sometimes it ends up being that the person's on vacation they have a a rental house here so it doesn't obviously their address is not the same as their license and you know we're not going to tow the vehicle especially if they're on vacation for two weeks you know and you know in some cases people don't have driveways so it's really a case by case um but if there is signs of abandoned a flat tire Broken Window um no plates or something like that we'll put a warning on it and then within 48 hours if it's still there we'll take it and tow it at that point if we can't make contact with the owners so you're Shing the state law right now is it Camp be parked there for more than 40 hours state law that's yeah but it's I mean really comes down to just common sense um and you know trying to figure out which part you say 48 hours is that any car does it have to be if it's fully registered and lethal does that just says well registered or and or if it doesn't have a registration so any car any vehicle I'm just looking for what the disconnect is in between what residents are reporting and we were talking about 30 days here but apparently there's a 40 8 Hour thing is it is have you been getting similar complaints or is this kind of an anomaly all the time okay we get them all the time and like I said if the if it's a valid registration and the car is legally parked and it does not show any signs of Abandonment it we we usually you know we'll put a warning on it let the let the owner know that we got this complaint um you know ask them and think you know their far every 48 Hours um sometimes they do get some of this um really discretion of the officer how they how they hand so what we're talking about here would be imposing a sort of a hard stock 30-day limit where we're looking that the police are going to actually tow the vehicle is that what we're thinking Council I propose this as a discussion I didn't I'm not I'm not trying to put words in your mouth I'm just trying to think you know what's the solution if a vehicle has been there longer than 30 days and you know like Chief Scott said if it's registered if it's technically it's legally parked there what's what's the next step I mean we do have we do have residents that are here during the summer and gone for the winter that don't have driveways and you know what's to say that they Park their vehicle on the street while they're in Florida for a month so I mean you got to look at it that way as well I have a question for our Council counselor if uh the state statute says uh 48 hours is a municipality able to extend that to 30 days you Ser you you wouldn't be extending it it would be in addition to and if they're substantially similar the U the ticket should be written under the state statute not the burrow we can't we can't we can't extend the time um we can't eliminate or change what statute says I would hope at 30 days we could tow it if it's if it's left abandoned I really think that that's the frustration that we're hearing from the residents is not that not about the residents who live there and who just need to find parking in the evening it's the residents who live there can't find parking after their work hours because that same vehicle has been there for 2 months in front of their home I I tend to agree I think 30 days they should be towed and if you know there are residents that leave for the winter it should be made noted noted to them somehow that this is the new rule and that they can't leave their cars abandonedly parked for 6 months or four months or however long they go away that's not fair to the residents that live here while you yeah and in the winter time too they they're required to move their car from the street if there's a snowstorm right so that that's that's a point too what I don't want to do is be Towing your ticketing you know actual residents who maybe are on a business trip for a month or something like that cuz I know situations will arise about some type of registration or call in program call program one of the other things we need to look at is um whether or not we have a definition of an abandoned vehicle in in our code I don't know that we do um and that would be really the first step as to determine what's abandoned and then we come up with an Enforcement issue as to how do we know you know when something's abandoned do we have to give notice ahead of time um so I mean it's I think it's it's good to say we're going to do a 30-day you know thing but we need to then have a practical way of of enforcing it so that it's clear that you know this vehicle has been there for for 30 days in conjunction with that I thought a lot of the questions also have to do with commercial vehicles and I'm not you said that we do have an ordinance that prohibits commercial vehicles from overnight parking okay I I didn't find that but we can I cuz I see many commercial vehicles parked in residential areas overnight I mean and I think that was one of the complaints you know like people are building homes and you know and the contractor comes with you know three vans and they leave two Vans there and everybody goes you know the next day they so it's constant you know commercial vehicles being parked overnight in some instances and I think that would be another uh thing to uh to look at enforcing the uh we can't just use the term commercial vehicles because there are a lot of commercial vehicles you mentioned Vans there's also pickup trucks our ordinance actually describes types of vehicles um vehicles with six or more tires um also describes it describes the vehicles by tonnage um and and use as well but U the there's a lot of commercial Vans uh pickup trucks vans cars even or commercial vehicles they're they're not bar okay but what about the ones that have like uh commercial registrations usually the plates begin with X right no they're they're they're okay under our present ordinance as long as they're a pickup truck or B um once they start um meeting the description of the vehicles that are banned by by either weight or type and and we talk about tires so it seems to me if you have a commercial vehicle and you have four tires you're good you don't have to worry about it you can all right I mean that might be something we we would want to look at though I don't know I think that's okay I mean if you have a person who works you know for a living maybe they have a commercial truck that they you know need to get back and forth for work I mean they're not what if they park in front of your house that's fine I have but I mean that that would be that person's car right it's not necessarily their just their work C that might be their only Vehicles well now you're going into intent of the use I mean you you have to be able to determine whether it's commercial or Not by just looking at it you know if it has an X it has a commercial registration is that enough to say it's a commercial vehicle if it has a a sign on the side of it that says you know Joe's painting you know is that a commercial vehicle or is that a is that a personal vehicle you know I mean those are things I think we need to just Define clearly sure the answer to that is it's a commercial vehicle and one that's not prohibited from paring but we could change that if we wanted to do anything you want I just throw that out to the council if that's something you feel that you want to address while we addressing um I just think some commercial vehicles like you mentioned are also used for personal use like my husband is a painter and he uses it for personal use so you know like that's I kind of like the size and the number of tires as you know you can't have a tractor trailer parked in front of your house you know or plow right because the issue is less about the vehicle but the issue is less about the vehicle itself and more about the space that's taking up if we're talking about a vehicle that's taking up one individual spot it matters little to make but if we're talking about the house across the street that's been in construction for 3 years and they keep parking their enormous trucks and taking up two spots at a time for two weeks then it's a different issue right like it's addressing the problem not the actual truck I think any enormous truck would be prevented or prohibited under coordinat from parking I just wanted to bring it and again I think it comes back to the time like really by 30 days like we need to make a move on this especially if people are complaining about it and asking the police to check it out and asking for registration and what's going on by 30 days they should have been notified and or we should just ch I um I'll take a look at it but I think that statute we can tell them now I think the issue is the police do it on a a case by case basis so it's not to you know tell a resident's car um and we talk about abandon it's a good idea to put a definition of abandon if we're to do a 30-day type thing the 30day ordinance the goal of that ordinance is to um you know which is an option I believe already but um put that definition in so marks it part stop if that's what we're looking at I could I could do something like that but again you're going to deal with it on a Case by case basis because you know a resent in Florida home maybe maybe maybe we do but these are the decisions excuse me the the ordinance is 19-16 it's parking of certain trucks vehicles and prohibited so it doesn't actually seem commercial um but it talks about um six or more Wheels dump trucks box trucks SE cab and box type structures if you want that yeah I kind of I kind of remember not seeing anything that said commercial but um you know I I'd be curious to see what the public thinks I would I would I would go for the commercial being broader in terms of you know the uh the if you're registered as a commercial or if you have any kind of commercial advertising um I wouldn't object to saying that those vehicles cannot park on the street overnight but that's my opinion I think the bigger issue we want the biggest issue we want to tackle is the abandoned vehicles right and and that's something that really Warren's further definition right is it if it's got flat tires if the inspection's been expired for over a year are we then going to consider a bend and I think it's it's important that we sort of Define those standards and criteria are for understanding whether the vehicle's abandoned or not because to the chief's point we don't want to be Towing just regular residents right but if it's really a nuisance vehicle an abandoned vehicle that's just sort of sitting there rotting away that's what we're getting notified those are the ones I think that you know these people are writing letters about it's really those cases yeah but if you have a rule and you say 30 days it has to be 30 days for everyone you can't you can't have a rule that says well then be 30 days for Resident not for residents but 30 days for talking strictly M about abandoned vehicles right so even if you're a resident you're sitting there and your car is sitting there with flat tires and inspection that expired two years ago to me I agree with on that yeah that's really the problem we're trying to solve here you want to you want to make it clear so that when the law is being enforced there's no there's no ambiguity as to whether or not this this vehicle has been abandoned or not abandoned that's all I'm saying is it needs to be defined in such a way ambiguous we're agreement on that well the thing is the abandoned vehicle that you're talking about that that the definition of that vehicle actually fit the the situation that actually spurred generated this discussion the vehicle um that generated this discussion is commercial type vehicle registered owned um so it it's in no way would be like the flat tire Broken Window kind of sitting there kind of vehicle you know so that's what we'll have to look at too figure it out that way for having a further discussion on this at some point which is good I'm still down to the time like I feel like it should be doesn't matter I feel like if 30 days if the resident complaints and we you know ticket it nobody comes you know there's still just it should be at some point it should just be removed I guess how do we enforce this that though Chief I mean if when does the clock start like if somebody's there for 29 days they move it for a day and then they come back I mean would have to be based on a complaint that we receive you know so I mean we can you know we drive around all day but you know you may think it's a Bandon and we don't so it would have to it would have to be based off a complain made to the police department and then we could go from that 30 days or whenever you decide from you also have kids that go to the car I had that situ that the other thing I thought we should address there was that letter in the co-star that was addressed to us so moved us to reply which was the suggestion that we change the parking the P Parking down on Ocean Avenue which I thought was intriguing until we had that conversation about how much money the pro takes in you know and as we know we have a lot of streets that need repaving all that work going how much did you say it was roughly in the offseason thought it was between1 and $200,000 a lot of Mone last time I looked at it when we have these projects this was referencing the timing of the parking yeah so it was just Memorial to Labor Day I believe I believe a lot of that was done correctly if I'm not wrong to toer some of the car rallies yeah I I think it's it's a good idea in the wanted to reply to the person who wrote the letter that it was a good idea in theory but the reality is that there are several factors that I think would be a make otherwise personally I don't know uh to change that particular role right now for further discussion any uh anything else for the workshop I think we also I drafted um a letter as I want to thank the mayor and counsel um I draft a letter on behalf of us uh to NJ do to request moving up the estimated construction time date for the crosswalk um uh by 8th near Maine so that we have a safe place for our fmer Housing Authority residents to cross um currently the construction estimate date is 2027 um and so we are requesting that that be moved up as soon as possible as we believe it's an urgent safety issue and we don't want to see any other serious pedestrian accidents in this busy Corridor um so we've all signed the letter it will be sent out and we've also copied it to our district Representatives the only thing I will add to that in conjunction with that is I believe we will also be asking for them to fix the intersection at aan Maine so that people know when they're appro approaching it whether they stay to the left to make a left or go straight or stay to the right to make a right uh it's there is no signage there's no Direction everybody goes whichever way they think they're going to go and I mean that's one of the issues that will definitely bring up should we get a response from them because that needs to be done in conjunction with what they're doing just want that is my opinion very strong opinion that it should be left to go left right to go right or straight because otherwise it takes way too long with all the people turning not to go straight I'm sure they have some like traffic engineer with a PhD who'll figure out what the what the what way to do it is but that makes sense to me anything else okay let's move on to petitions April don't have a chance to talk about further discussion no questions at this point no no questions or comments about the workshop Workshop is really our meeting to discuss what um you know what things we want to discuss and obviously according to the um you know doing things out in the public that's why we don't have private meetings this is why we have this you know open public meetings act so it's just a it's just a a part of the agenda that we discuss things that need to be discussed you can certainly make comments at the uh in the public session at the end petitions I did not receive any petitions um approval of minutes can I have a motion to approve the August 13th minutes second counc hovan yes councilman Kenny yes may fesco yes councilman Rono yes councilman Lem obain next is reports of council we had an incredible San jera Festival I hope you all went this past weekend I'd like to congratulate our honores Rob Pono from Robin's Nest em spolo from poos uh David Ki and our dear friend Council Maria Rondo um and also congratulations to John Walsh who did a great job with all of the logistics people are coming to me raving the entire time I have to say one of the things I love the most was seeing all the people who were not only going to all the booths but going to all of our Main Street and Plaza businesses my mom was there she has a million business cards she's very happy um and I hope you all enjoyed it as well there is no environmental commission meeting this September but we're great getting great feedback about how the lake looks thank you to everyone who has written in I'm very thrilled no longer to be getting pictures of goose poop um I want to say congratulations to Taylor Hardware on celebrating 130 years they are a fixture for belmare on Main Street and um I was in there today that staff is incredible and knowledgeable and helpful and congratulations I hope they're here for another 130 years uh the Belmar Women's Club and the PTO are selling mums for the fall deadline to order is this Friday you can go to bitly sloms order form uh the belmer Women's Club has also added a monthly evening meeting for members current or new who cannot make the afternoon meetings these are both the first Wednesday of the month I encourage you to come by the Women's Club is rapidly expanding and they do incredible work within the community and Beyond um we have the Town garage sale coming up on September 28th so don't forget to sign up for that and remember to clear out your Beach lockers by September 15th and finally I want to congratulate our beach staff our lifeguards our our safety team our gate attendants our office staff n DPW on a wonderful Beach season um councilman Lis and I had the honor of walking and speaking to so many of you um Labor Day weekend and there are a lot of new staff and they were just going on on how great of the summer they had had how lovely the people of Belmar were and they are credit to us you are credit to us thank you all I hope you all had a wonderful Summer Okay um I also wanted to say thank you so much for everybody for to who made this summer so awesome um we had from the lifeguards to water rescue our police Police Department the DPW kept our beaches clean and Beach staff um everyone who made the summer such a great success so thank you so much um San Jano was amazing I want to thank everyone who helped with that also DPW the police department uh John msh did a great job from everybody who set up to broke down I think everybody just was a great event very well attended I was kind of questionable about the weather moving it to Sunday but I think it was a good decision because in the end it was like a stellar day so we really made a a really good event for us um I was up at the Belmar Pro almost the whole weekend amazing Surf Contest the waves were amazing I think uh everybody did a really really good job setting up and breaking that down our skate park committee was out there also at the San Jano Festival the skate park committee this weekend took in almost $5,000 in donations which was awesome so a lot of support coming out for the skate park Saturday morning was also meters for Mike which is an event that the they um that the um it's a group that raises money and awareness for traumatic brain injuries uh the lifeguards help set that up it's a mile swim there was that was also very well attended it was a chilly morning but it was very well attended also so thanks to the lifeguards for helping out with that and I was also up at the autism beach bash which was also very well attended a great Sunday afternoon lots of people up there lots of services lots of individuals surf first healing we're up helping the kids serve it was just that was a really amazing Awesome event also uh so thank you to everybody who made all these great things happen over the course of one weekend um okay so on to my my report uh Recreation Rec registration for winter basketball grades 2nd through 8th is happening now registration K through first basketball clinics are happening now Belmar Youth Club registration is open youth club starts November 16th um that's from grades I think 3 to eth uh all exercise programs now are going to be moved back to tellor Pavilion just in case you were doing anything um back in the gym so all move back to Tel Pavilion now shade Tre commission the next meeting is this Thursday 6:30 Ada next meeting is October 3rd Thursday October 3rd and then a couple things around the schools everybody's back to school right so Belmore Elementary their roof is finished and looking great um school started September 9th there is a new cell phone policy for parents so make sure your kids know the cell phone policy at Belmore Elementary uh they also have a new awesome um initiative happening in bore Elementary School called converation which overall kind of helps with kids scrolling less spending more time interacting with people and overall helping kids make better choices so I think that's a great initiative that's happening at Almar Elementary too St Rose grammar school and the high school both started back September 5th St Rose Grammar School back to school night is September 12th 11th and 12th tomorrow and Thursday um back to school night for the high school September 19th there's a fall open house for the high school if anybody's interested in checking out St Rose High School Wednesday October 2nd and the annual wathon for St R High School is October 4th at 9:00 in the morning you can find more information out and how to donate to that on their website and that is all I have oh thank you councilwoman Rob Arrow thank you mayor I Echo all the sentiments and congratulations and thank yous to everyone who's made this summer successful and everyone who's made so many of these events that we've had so meaningful and special uh the belmare Housing Authority uh last met last Tuesday since Monday was a holiday uh we will have a 911 memorial ceremony tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. in front of the bmer Housing Authority that's at 710 e St um all are welcome to attend our special speaker will be chip kavanov of uh our fire administer and Belmar uh Goodwill and fire um house uh and we'll also have a releasing of the doves the mayor will speak um this Memorial event was originally organized by the late Jean Murray he was a resident of the bmer housing authority and someone who was really active in the Belmar Community um and um since he's passed we've wanted to continue his tradition and making sure uh the mayor and the buau are happy to continue supporting the ceremony uh also the Jersey Shore running club uh tomorrow will have its annual 911 Memorial Run starting at 600 p.m starting at 16th Avenue Boardwalk they also have a ceremony afterwards if you don't run I don't run you can walk it that's nice too um at 8:30 there's also um raising for tribute in light um which is at the Howland uh Rand Howard Roland Public Safety Pavilion featuring The symbolic beams of light in honor of the lives lost on 911 yesterday um we had the library board meeting um and the U strategic plan committee which I'm a part of um discussed their plan um which H includes Capital Improvements Improvement in technology increased Outreach and expanding our library collection um so the Strategic plan will be further discussed at next month's meeting and voted on in November for their meeting so all are welcome to join these meetings are public uh next one is October 21st and then November 11th at 6 p.m. in the downstairs Library area uh the library is also celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with three major events in the library the first one is uh the Hispanic Latin American dance party um the this is a a new thing for the library which features the Rafa boys for music um and uh it will be wonderful time for dancing um our Cuisine will be from uh Santo ciche in belmare if you haven't gone there is so good um so please come early and um get ready to party uh we also have a Hispanic heritage field day at the library and that will be October 5th um and then we have a Belmar born Off Broadway musical about an immigrants journey to America written and composed by Belmar native Tim mccor um so that is coming up towards the end of I think October 17th is when that's happening um and then the end of Summer concert featuring The Pat R band will be Thursday September 19th at 5:00 p.m. uh live on the library lawn I heard there's free pizza and water while supplies last um so join us as we close out the summer at the library uh lastly I had a good amount of people um ask me and it's continued interest in our veteran Banner program um to celebrate and honor our Hometown Heroes with banners lining Main Street again uh this is one of my favorite initiatives uh we'll have our link live for ordering a banner on the burrow website this Friday and we'll also blast it out to social media hopefully Giana can include it in the co-star um and we we can physically post some flyers around town um the library VA AJ the bur Hall um on Friday if you prefer to come into the burrow instead of dealing with the computer feel free to come in and fill out a form to um order to purchase a banner we are still looking for um anyone who would like to sponsor a banner it was a really wonderful experience um I think we all sponsored banners last year um so please don't allow the inability to purchase a banner stop you from requesting one um CU we have a lot of people who would like to help with that um and I think that that's it um some people have asked what happens when we have so many banners and um so what other towns do is that they cycle it so that the you know the New Year you'll have the um you know the new the new banners that come in and then we'll figure out and making sure that everyone gets equal time um for for their banners that's how it'll take a little organization but that's how that worked and then Council woman are they automatically the ones that were up last year come up this year great question yes they automatically come up unless you've said yourself you know what I really don't want it or there have been a few people who said you know what I would really like to keep this myself you know and and if it is right now none of them are weather damag they all look beautiful it's a really thick vinyl um Banner but if for whatever reason you would prefer to keep that for for yourself um you can't you would just have to order another one if you want one put back up thank you council president lce thank you mayor uh last Saturday I had the pleasure of attending uh bmer hook and lighter fire company's uh fundraiser at ten burrito was really well attended it's a lot of fun great food good Margaritas they had good Raffles going off I haven't won any baskets but I'm sure a lot of other people got some good prizes that was a great event um um and coming up friendly sons of the shalele are hosting on Saturday October 5th their 10th Annual Pat McGovern 5K and one mile walk that's going to be at bar a at 9:00 a.m. donations from the Run are going to support local food pantries as well as the Belmar Junior Lifeguards so if you can make that you can't run 5k do the mile walk through really fun event that's all I have man okay uh and last but not least uh again I Echo all the comments from the my fellow council members here about the exceptional job that the beach staff did police uh EMTs lifeguards Etc this summer I just wanted to point out to to Residents that you know when you look at the statistics for the summer it's uh you know we have here in delmare of course the 10 weeks or more uh we've had probably about over 300,000 visitors to the town so when when you look at that and look at you know all people coming into town and things running smoothly again I think everyone did a great job okay so uh thanks to them all and uh one other thing that I have that no one picked up on I finally have something I can say the um the Motor Vehicle Commission is coming to belmare not for the abandoned cars but for for other things it's going to be here on uh October 4th between 9 and 2 at 601 Main Street 6th Avenue um it says here you can sign up for real ID which I did a couple of weeks ago uh registration renewals uh initial permit tests are not given at the mobile unit a non-driver ID and duplicate or replacement title or registration so if you have a need to go visit the the motor vehicle Mission you can just come here uh on October 4th and perhaps get some of your uh your things that you need to get done done and that's all I have next item we have is public session on the resolutions if anyone has a comment or question about a resolution listed on the agenda please step forward state your name and address can I have a motion to close the public session a motion second all in favor I I I have a motion to approve the resolutions as listed on the consent agenda I'll make a motion second John yes councilwoman Kenny yes mayor bco yes Council rero yes councilman L yes uh next we have second reading in public hearing on ordinance 20241 17 this is a bond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements and authorizing the issuance of bonds and notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof this is open for public comment if anyone would like to speak on this ordinance please step forward state your name and address I have a motion to en close the public hearing motion second all favor and can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 20247 I'll make motion second councilman Kenny or sorry coun Council yes Council yes Mayco yes Council R yes Council Lis yes uh next is second reading and public hearing ordinance 20248 this is an ordinance amending chapter 43 small Wireless facilities in the RightWay this is open for a public comment if anyone would like to speak on the ordinance please step forward uh Eugene creamer 4th Avenue um this uh supplemental uh supplement to the chapter 43 small Wireless facilities in the right of way it says to further regulate small cell Wireless facilities within the burrow right away um unfortunately uh and this pertains particularly to Ocean Avenue uh the burough doesn't have jurisdiction uh M County uh the I guess it was commissioner rown when he when he showed up here at the tayor perion uh he asserted and brought lawyers along with him uh he asserted jurisdiction over Ocean Avenue uh I think going forward we we could pretty much assume that uh the regulation or I should say activities within the right away not just Ocean Avenue but also 16th Avenue and Main Street U any of these you know cell phone companies or something are going to have to go to the county uh this this is not covered if you look at the definition at 43 uh two for uh rways and public rways it specifically excludes County rways so this is what's proposed here is not consistent with the existing code I I believe and I could be wrong I [Music] think the ordinance is really meant to just cover L ways that the that the we only we only can control what we can control so Mr prer is correting in that regard and that's what this is designed to do whatever we can control we will control and we'll deal with all the issues U that arise as they arise we're not we're not expecting this ordinance to control any of the rways that the county owns I think that's basically what we're saying it's only the ones that Belmore owns right but this is specifically for Ocean Avenue what the supplement is is uh not withstanding uh the above and anything contained in any prior ordinance law regulation to the contrary small Wireless facilities are prohibited along Ocean Avenue that's uh that's like I said that's inconsistent uh because the burrow does not have o 18 they're the ones that ier jurisdiction and they're the ones that guess are paying for uh the legal battle that's going on with Verizon Wireless uh to the best of my knowledge uh the burrow nobody else has uh you know inerted jurisdiction except perhaps for verise of Wireless but uh the town did not and U actually I guess we invited the county uh to uh to take to take the regulation of Wireless facilities in the right away um actually I think that might be action be a good move uh because U if you think about it in a way uh our elected officials don't want to make that decision in in other words anybody that can put a wireless facility out in the front of their house you've made an enemy why not let the county likewise when it comes to the state highway but the state highway people uh likewise when it comes to the railroad it's up to the railroad it's not the jurisdiction of the buau and I can say this much i' I've requested this so-call exhibit B that's referenced u in in the code there uh I Oprah Tred to get a copy of that and I was informed that there's no there's no exhibit being that's respons resp my request U so to the best of my knowledge this exhibit B is supposed to be an exhibit of where uh Wireless facilities would be permitted um right now apparently we don't have any place where they would be permitted within a right away I'm going to defer to our bar attorney on this as to I'm going to have to look into the exhibit dat i not that it wasn't there when iwed it should we Ted this okay why don't we just table this right I spoke to Peter L exib to be was a placeholder for a future exhibit that will be added if necessary think also the issue to table it April do you have a paper copy of thaty it's not in the I think the other issue the other issue is where in paragraph two where it says that we're um the ordinance is saying we're prohibiting small Wireless uh facilities along Ocean Avenue including the boardwalk and beachfront but to Mr K's point we don't that is not our right away that's the County's right of way so I don't know that that's uh something that should be in ocean it just says along Ocean Avenue I'm sure there's some areas there that are our right away but it says including on the boardwalk and beachfront I think we have Juris over so I mean to the extent that we have jurisdiction over any property along Ocean Avenue this will apply if we if we don't have jurisdiction and of course any of our ordinances won't apply to that property but to the extent that it does we have this we're only trying to do what we can do um through this ordinance this was brought out by Peter Leo after the recent decision by the Supreme Court chevron case he thought there was an opportunity for us to tighten things up um and that's what we did so um to the extent that it does and it does in certain circumstances because it does push it off um a distance down the the roads um you know that's what we can do and if we have jurisdiction over the boardwalk which I believe that we do or any any other land along Ocean Avenue again we're applying this to that so they're currently an ordinance uh outlawing utility poles or util any type of thing on Ocean Avenue in general there's no like electrical poles on Ocean Avenue well you know that that's all subject to to easement rights with the uh electric company and the utilities so I don't know if they have any and I don't know why um you know those polls aren't there I would assume that the actual poles I believe the poles run behind um the the structures of thinking clearly um to provide electricity I can look into that but I think that there are no there and that was something that was very important when the ements were created and that was a long time ago I I'm always speaking from recollection of you know conversations that you know have taken place I can't I don't have any Authority for so does it make sense to vote on this tonight and and make any uh amendments to it let's let's vote on it and adopt it if it's acceptable we'll look at the the schedule b as brought up if we need to change it we can change it if it's harmless um then you know we we'll let it stay um I'll talk to Peter about that I won't make further comment on until I for the for the public uh Peter L is our uh attorney who specializes in um in all kinds of Wireless uh utilities and laws and whatnot so that's Mr Peter Lupo mayor um perhaps Mr Lupo is unaware of that Ocean Avenue uh is counting Route 18 but I think he's I think he has been involved in our discussions uh on the Verizon issue from the start so again I think it's an intent to to the extent that jurisdiction we're going to apply this um so we have something in place so we're just going to leave the ordinance as it is um if we do have a situation where we have jurisdiction we don't want to be without the wording I got you okay yeah I I tell you what I kind of objected this just uh just because it seems to be preferential treatment of um property owners that have Frontage on Ocean Avenue uh I live on 4th Avenue um none of us are going to be happy if a wireless facility is put in front of our house nobody's going to be happy with that it damages your property uh why should what are the of people okay Ocean Avenue you preserve that what are the rest of us chop me is that is that the way to treat people fairly I thought part of the I don't have the rest of the um ordinance in front of but I thought the whole gist of this was to be able to designate where poles are are um being put throughout the municipality and we have that option I believe under the ordin to do that so in other words before and again this is just my opinion could be wrong but I think before a a uh a Verizon for example if some other carrier wants to put a pole in front of someone's house I think they would have to come before the burrow to get permission to do that yeah am I am I it's a tightening up it's not a loosening of the ordinance it's a tightening up of the ordance it does have a specific effect on Ocean Avenue which of course was everybody's concern because that's where Verizon wants to put the poles and not only Verizon but anybody um who wants to U have technology in Belmar will be along the ocean because that's what they want to do they want to provide the technology to the beach so you know that is a priority so to differentiate between Ocean Avenue and other properties makes sense yes but the the entire ordinance that we put into effect earlier does require arising to come to us now they can argue that they don't have to but when we don't have the ordinance in place in the first instance they don't have to argue so we did put a very uh strong ordinance in place to begin with and so that applies and then we just tightened it up for the extra Ocean Avenue um requirements um we'll have to see how it plays out that matter is still U and U we're not part of it but we're not going to discuss it but because it may affect us but we do have an agreement um with um Verizon and U we'll have to see how the litigation pans out to see where where everything where we are and where everybody else is at the end of that litigation so um yeah it's just trying to make it to address um more control Mr um issue is we could reach out to Mr Lupo and have him give us uh some more Direction on what would happen in other areas of the Town should a you know a Verizon or other carrier wish to put up the polls and we can get the pro the process from him as to what what would have to happen before that could happen and we can bring it back at the next meeting and and describe that we'll have him do it I believe we already amended the already be happening excuse it may already be happening there's another method of installing this 5G stuff called Stranded mounting where they just maybe a foot away from the pole put a plastic box and run strand of fiber to it okay um without putting up new poles uh in fact I to my understanding that's really what optim is looking at but uh as far as you know attaching to poles and so on there's a multitude of methods that that can be done to install Wireless facilities uh I just thought here is that in as much as as M county has taken up the battle uh with Ocean Avenue that we not challenge uh nobody wanted nobody you I think your first response to this mayor was we can't afford to fight okay they are fighting and uh I just see this as circum circumventing them or trying to uh uh you know search some jurisdiction where apparently uh we never established any jurisdiction uh you we should if we didn't want M County to handle this perhaps we should have spoken at that time but that didn't happen and uh now they're making the investment and actually I think what may make better better for all of us is if Long County comes up with a standard plan for how they would handle this sort of thing on County Roads we may all benefit from it uh like I said you put you you put a uh a poll in front of somebody's house and you're a local elect official you made an enemy don't count on getting that person's vote in fact I think that you would realize that when it comes to County um we have not just Ocean Avenue we have 16th Avenue All County Road all the way up uh the road Island point Main Street you got from 88th Avenue all the way down to Lake comoo that's County Route 30 stain Highway Department we got Route 71 uh goes past the senior building and we have Route 35 um but those people be the ones that catch the flag okay I don't I don't really want to cut you short but we can TR to limit comments to to five minutes uh as I said we'll talk to uh Mr Lup uh hopefully he'll be able to give us you know more Direction on this uh and he's the expert and he we'll get him to address many of the issues that you just just brought up yeah one uh the railroad R away has no jurisdiction there you know railroads they hire good lawyers we we'll talk to him about the various rights of way that exists during in the town and hopefully he'll uh be able to give us some clarity on that mayor I just say one thing about what was just said actually did have it fight with Verizon it resulted in a consent signed by the judge signed by the town signed by the Riz not signed by the county which then created the next litigation that we couldn't be in because we were already in the first one so whatever the expense was going to be um it would have been waste money because my Council then my Council now because we had already litigated and settled and we really had no option okay to Mr creamer's uh point in your paragraph two here it says also including the side streets of buing Ocean Avenue to a distance of 50 ft so let's just look at I'm not at 50 ft it doesn't necessarily affect me except I have to look at it all those houses that are 50 ft from the intersection are going to if if if you're giving you're kind of saying that's where you'd want the pool to be or is that not what saying because that's just a little odd I think I read it as it says the first 50 ft that's where they're prohibited correct and there are houses at 50 ft so you don't want it along Ocean Avenue but you want it in front of people's houses that are 50 ft away from Ocean it doesn't mean we want it there Verizon is not looking to put poles there Verizon is looking to put poles on Ocean app because that's where the people are they're not trying to put PS further back so it's not it's not an issue yet that's why it's not why are we calling out 50 why are we calling out anything that's where that's where the existing polls are like the electric poles and like 50 ft from Ocean Avenue so that's where that 5050 reference comes from right that's where the existing poles are now I say nothing new from where the existing right so if you want to put if if let's say Verizon so that's a great location and they want to put another pole next to the ugly pole that's there in the first place or put it on top of the ugly pole that's there in the first place where so many people are burying their wires now where we can probably get rid of a lot of those poles if people will I I know me and a few neighbors were willing to do that we found that the cost was crazy prohibitive but um you're going to put another big thing on top of it weirdly I just had Verizon at my house a few a few weeks ago I think I had um written it to you Miss not about that the guy says I'm telling you these polls are going to be ABS obsolete in a year or two they're just going to be obsolete they're going to go up and they're going to there's there's and then they're going to be stuck there and they're going to be obsolete because there's far more better technology just like you were saying coming up so if we can just kick this can down the road a little bit we might not have to worry about this much longer but I I was just confused as to why we were calling out the 50 fet because those people who are 50 feet away are going to you know I don't think we're saying that the poles will begin at 50 ft I'm just we're saying that it's not going to be within from Ocean a 50 ft and I think we had we had to write a somewhat reasonable ordinance I'm sorry I said we had to write a somewhat reasonable ordinance well but there but I and I I understand your objections and there's the ideal version of what happens and there's everything in between and we are trying and we're fighting as hard as we can I know you I know that you are so there are there are municipal buildings on Ocean Avenue put the towers on top of the municipal buildings was that suggested we've had so many discussions with uh with the rizon uh and they just shut us down they did not want to speak their position is very clear as um Mr McGill said they came to an agreement uh a consent agreement in court with the Bor of Delmore and as far as they know in their minds that agreement is valid and they don't want to talk to us again that's it I you have have bathrooms every three you can't put them on top of those they they had an agreement consent order to put 20 poles on Ocean Avenue at the at the intersection of every street and the burrow consented to that and as far as they even auth to consent to it the B consented to well that's what they're fighting in court now but from Verizon's perspective with us is that we don't have any bargaining they they're done with bmar they they got their agreement from us that's it now they have another fight with the county they're not going to come back to us and say why don't we put him on polls why don't we put him on top of the tail Pavilion why don't we put it someplace else they don't want to hear any of that they went to court the burrow had an opportunity to respond the burrow didn't respond uh they got a default judgment and the B entered into a consent order that said yes you can put 20 polls along Ocean Avenue and uh that's it and I think there's no more discussion about with Verizon yeah our agreement with Verizon is our agreement with Verizon it's a binding agreement and um but it but it does reference the the county road so if the county does whatever it's going to do and is successful and there's going to be no polls in the road then they're going to have to do something else I would think and if they have to do something else then we have the ordinance in place that gives us more control um except for the people that are within 50 ft of Ocean Avenue yeah but the the is they're going to want to get it as close to as they can they have have an ordinance prior to that you know I'm sorry I I thought we had an ordinance prior to that when Mr Lupo came into um into helping us that um that changed it to protect uh the burrow to be able to have our first say that they can't they can't put it up there right that's not what this is no this one's separate this is on top of that in addition to the Ron has never indicated that they want to put poles anywhere but Ocean Avenue they don't want to put poles down 50 fet down each street they're not saying they want to do that they're not saying they would agree to that it's just that we're doing an ordinance that just in case some Verizon or some other uh Communications vendor wants to do that that we have some Authority as to where these poles go that's really the Crux of the whole ordinance I understand and the authority is saying however within no no closer to Ocean avue than 50 ft so if they want to get it close to Ocean Avenue that's where it's going if if they can make that work for that's what they're going to request anyway I shouldn't say that that's what they're going to request they can request anything but we don't have to agree to it that's what the whole ofic ordinances and when you don't agree to it and they sue you and you lose we're back to now having 19 poles in front of houses but that doesn't make sense for Verizon because that's not giving the coverage that they need well we don't know what their technology is going to going to allow for we don't know I know but we can't can't says it has to be within well again I don't know why I was hoping to see what exibit B was to see where you wanted your PO to be because that's what the reasonable thing should be you know I think I think it starts there um you can't have them on on Ocean Avenue if they make a proposal and we're only talking hypothetically here because the that litigation is still ongoing but let's just say courts throw everything out we have an ordinance that says we don't have we're not going they can't put them on Ocean Avenue if they make a proposal to us that makes sense then we certainly can do that we can permit that because we control what we allow so right now we're saying no and that's by ordinance but if they come in and and everybody in the town wants them on Ocean Avenue which it seemed like nobody wanted them on Ocean Avenue um then that's what we can do but it's a it's a it's an issue of control so we put words in in the ordinances to to have control and you know yes to Mr Ker's point it protects the people on Ocean it protects the beach and it protects the homeowners on Ocean Avenue but if it if it's going back 50 ft it could be it won't be in front of my house but I'll see it it maybe in front of his house it maybe in front of her house maybe in front of his house I understand your point okay that the the the issue that we were grappling with the whole time dealt with Poes on Ocean Avenue and I understand nobody wants it in front of their house right I live on night Avenue and BC I don't want to pull either right so but it's it's not saying that it's going to absolutely be there they have to come in with a plan it says they can't be on ocean right I'm not sure why you you limited it to why you why you have a sentence in here about distance of 50 ft from an inter because I I think to miss Donovan's point we we can't we we have to limit it and and also be able to make the argument that were reasonable so they have to be somewhere okay but this we're trying to you know well ask have as much control as we can ask the people on the on a street whether they think this is reasonable and they'll all say no oh I I know the answer you can ask me if you going to put it on between B and C and and I I know the answer but we we have to we we have to write something and then to in the best way that we can deal with whatever proposal comes up so all the other words in the ordinance requires our approval of in front of your house or in front of my house or in front of anybody's house um what this says is just it can't be on Ocean Avenue and that's not inconsistent with what I just said if they make the greatest plan in the world with little teeny boxes that are invisible um on Ocean Avenue then maybe we would go for that but you know we have to deal with we're trying to put an ordinance in place to deal with something we don't know what it's going to be and we wanted to make it strong as possible and we wanted it off Ocean Avenue so it's all off o Ocean Avenue we can't say it's not going to be on any street because the Court's not going to hold that up um so so this is the grapple so in other municipalities because I've read a few of these things where they actually designate locations where they can be on top of the school on top of the municipal building on top of the uh behind the baseball field something like that we don't have that the the the issue I think is to you know we have you know you have 4G and 5G and I'm no expert on this stuff right but I know the 5G stuff has to be much closer to um to to each other the poles have to be closer than the 4G and the 4G can be on water water tank and cover everything um or great areas but the 5gs have to be closer so you know you say there's other towns that have ordinances that say you can be here or there I'm sure there are not sure if it's 5G and and if it is 5G and it's not going to work then you can have all the ordinances in the world that don't work and you're not going to be able you're not going to be be able to argue that in court because you you're not allowed to put a plan in that like doesn't work so of course there's going to be 6G and there's going to be 7g and there's going to be 8G and 5G is not going to matter anymore but we're going to be stuck with poles so but you know even in the agre though that we have that says once the technolog is no longer used the pulse come down and I don't know if they just use Antiquated stuff and like you know Bel Marty gave us such a hard time you're only getting 5G although everybody else in the world's getting 7g I don't know that but you know if if they're no if they're no longer using the technology those polls will come down and like was mentioned here if the technology changes while this is still going on and there's no polls going up then we're going to have to deal with another issue and we'll have to amend this again so we're going going to have to be vigilant I was just just for just for reference understand the PRI ordinance that we we um got rid of had a had an exhibit to it and it had polls on every corner in belmare 17 for the entire for the entire town 10 how many polls 171 171 polls so basically it was agreed that take could put a pole On Any Corner that they wanted to all right we haven't done that all right so that's that's where we're at we want to control it and this is the best way I think we can control it um if we didn't have the beach if we didn't have the beach Verizon could put the polls wherever they want okay I mean that's basically you know if they said they want to put po down Fifth Avenue they can put P down Fifth Avenue that's that's just the way it's going to work if we didn't have Beach we wouldn't have the influx of people 300,000 would here and we would be a completely different town let's not pretend like the beach like the life and soul of know why somebody to watch a movie on the be they should enjoy some of this new legislation is also due to the Chevron decision that recently came down I have no idea I'm not an expert on it but all I know is it kind of loosened up things for municipalities and cities and whatnot and uh I think some of these new ordinances are in reaction to that that because it actually gives municipalities a little bit more say and what's going on so that's why you know we wanted to jump on that to to take advantage of whatever the ramifications of that decision is going to be okay I appreciate your really thanks any other comments snue I just would like to picky back on the 50 fet I think you know that's like one lot size in if we don't want them on the ocean for all those health reasons and things that we've heard over the past year then I think a better deterrent would make it like a whole block in nobody wants them but I think if it's 50 feet they're going to like be more apt to do it than not do it and I think the ordinance definitely needs to have we would allow them in an industrial zone or something I think it's a very weak ordinance if you don't say where you are going to allow them to do otherwise going back to being able to substantiate like you can't have them here right but we have to allow them someplace I wouldn't want them near a school or where children are where I live honestly but you know in industrial zone or someplace I think we have to find a place for them but 50 ft that's one lot in like they might as well be on oan Avenue then I don't know how the 50c came up I think the whole issue if you remember way back when the whole issue of the poles on Ocean Avenue was an aesthetic problem I didn't want to see but we've heard since all the medical the the attorney from Texas it's frightening what what you know the reports have shown I don't want them at all well yeah but that goes to not good anywhere they might as well be on 50 is not far enough to I think deter prizes from putting them they don't belong on the beach like you know I just think if you want them off the beach then push them further away from the beach any other comments I have a motion to close the public hearing motion second all in favor can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 20248 I'll make a motion second councilman Donovan yes councilman Kenny yes may fesco yes councilman rero yes councilman L yes uh next is ordinance 20249 this is an ordinance amending chapter 19 traffic to amend section 12 uh parking time limited on certain streets do we have a motion to offer this ordinance for first reading and introduction I'll make a motion second counc M Donovan yes councilman Kenny yes Mayco yes councilman Rano yes Council Lis yes and last one is ordinance 20420 this is an ordinance amending the uniform Construction code fees section 25- 1.4 do we have a motion to offer for first reading and introduction I'll make the motion second Council Donovan yes councilman Kenny yes may MCO yes Council rrow yes Council L yes okay now we're on to public session anyone that's going to come up to the microphone to speak please remember to state your name and address first Linda shus Fourth Avenue I have a couple questions talked about the volume of people on the beach what are our gross badge revenues for dailies and summer and how do those compare with last year I haven't heard there's a chart there's a chart on the on the website I have that information right in front of me I actually printed this out so in 2020 which was pretty much our banner year because of covid in terms of badge sales we sold 5, 62,000 approximately dollars in Badges and then over the course of 21 22 23 24 it hovered in the 3.8 and 4.2 4.3 million this year 2024 we sold 5 million so last year we sold 4.2 million this year we sold over $5 million in badges what what was it in terms of daily season season badges season Badges and then there's also disability Badges and Senior badges in there but senior badges uh season badges were 1.2 65 daily badges were 3.4 and change thank you my next question or next comment uh getting back to um what's going on with vehicles parking on the streets one of the things that wasn't mentioned with fleets of vehicles there is nothing worse I'm seeing a contractor have their vehicles lining the street because they're not paying for a place for their their business talk about obstructing parking for the Neighbors I think that needs to be considered as one of the things that you get one vehicle outside your house and find a place for the rest of your V vehicles that have your name even if they're just a van it's ban with advertising on it one should be the limit and not more because they really could take up you know good parking on weekends and in the prime time in the community so I'd appreciate it if you could make that a consideration in the ordinance thank you thank you anyone else hello Sarah tantillo 50513 um I was here in about the middle of July talking about the uh Animal House the toothless Animal House policy and I think this is a policy issue not not completely a policing issue um but when I spoke the last time I found out after the meeting that I had called six times and the people had only gotten one ticket this is a designated the Animal House I subsequently called two more times because they're coming home at 2:30 in the morning screaming their lungs out you know they're it's just very very bad called two more times they got one ticket so I feel as though one thing about our Animal House policy that needs to change is that if a if a house is designated Animal House then the police should automatically ticket if they go and they hear noise not give them like well we'll give you one more chance because all through July into August they were getting one more chance one more chance and I had to keep getting awakened in the middle of the night to call the police to get them to stop and yes the police came and stopped them but there was no there was no real accountability and you know and at this point you know they're going to maybe they went to court maybe they didn't maybe they didn't pay their ticket maybe they're going to you know this guy he just continues to rent to people who don't care about the community and I'm speaking for for a serious handful of neighbors I'm the one who is willing to R Rave about them but I'm sure other people have a similar problem there are 92 houses listed as designated as animal houses in this community 92 I have the list printed out for anybody who's interested it's on it's on the website so you know the policy says that you know we're going to hire Mammoth County Sheriff's people for $60 an hour to stay outside the houses and enforce that that's not realistic the police don't have enough numbers it's not feasible right but we should have something that says like if you are design an AM house and we hear you know there's a call to that house that should be an automatic ticket like when they get there it should just be boom ticket you know so the so that the you know the younger cops who might feel some kind of way about giving a ticket to a large group of people who are older than them who are drinking and being obnoxious they should feel comfortable like it's the rule I got to give you a ticket I'm not going to negotiate with you make it easier for them to do their jobs so Mr can we look into that Mr is do we have a flexibility to change the Animal House procedures and all that yeah to to the extent that we can um I'll report back okay take a look at it Neil sha 4104 uh I appreciate that your all in a very difficult position all of a sudden and I understand that you cannot perhaps discuss the matter tonight but if you allow me to read my letter uh we can make our beaches free and be done with the aggravation of beach Badges and wristbands once and for all the Belmar Surfer arrest has shown a spotlight on New Jersey beach bees my town and our state are being mocked by startled observers around the nation and the world who cannot believe that we tolerate living under such a repressive system that dos out be access one purchase risk band at a time the co-star reports that the bmar mayor and Council are Consulting additional State resources to provide further Clarity regarding the law on beach access that's the right move let's hope that this will resolve conflict two state laws one guarantees us the right to freely cross the beach to enjoy the ocean and another seems to say towns may stop us from doing so if we do not Fork over some cash reportedly there was a range of policies in place in various beach towns some requiring each and every Beach goer pay While others allow Surfers and fishermen and even swimmers to access the ocean without pay no wonder the arrested Surfer was taken AB by the sudden and highly unusual demand to see his badge the moany Ste from the water the solution is legislation to use a tiny sliver of the state budget yearly to provide each town with a documented amount of money needed to maintain its speech the accompanying boost tourism and the overall State economy May generate Revenue to offset is relatively small expense please see make NJ beaches free.org or. and consider the petition now my suggestion to the mayor and Council would you please consider submitting a grant proposal to the state covering all the beach expenses which would relieve the burrow of the burden of raising the money and you can take a leadership position and you can make history here uh may I submit this to April please sure thank you thank you anyone else I have a motion to close the public session and adj the meeting motion second all in favor