adequate notice of this meeting of the mayor and Council was sent to the ASB Park Press and the co-star our official newspapers and posted on the bulletin board of the municipal building roll call councilwoman Donovan here councilwoman Kenny here mayor bco here Council rrow here c l here you stand for the Pledge of Allegiance [Music] United States of America [Music] stand for those in our Arm Forces and our First Responders and their families and a moment of silence for Belmar business owner Eric Hench who passed away this week Eric was the owner of atomic vintage on Main Street he had to close his store this year due to his health as he was battling cancer our thoughts are with his family friends and business the Belmar business Community who have lost another member of their family first item is resolution uh 2024 151 resolution of the Council of adjourning into executive section where is has been determined by the burough Council of the burough of balar that is necessary to discuss the following specific matter at its regular meeting in the absence of the public pending or anticipated medication regarding affordable housing and attorney client privileged Communications related there too whereas the open public meetings act permits the B Council to exclude the public from that portion of a public meeting during which such matters are discussed now therefore be it resolved by the burough Council as follows the bough Council shall forth with recess into a private executive session from which the public shall be excluded to discuss the above reference matters that the scope of the aesa executive session shall be limited to the above matters as stated that those matters discussed in executive session shall remain confidential until such time as the need for confidentiality no longer exists as determined by the burrow attorney that minutes of the Clos session shall be taken and kept free from public view until such time that the need for confidentiality no longer exists and that the regular meeting of the burrow Council shall resume after the private executive session at which time the burrow Council may take action in reference to the topics discussed can I have a motion to authorize the resolution the motion second councilwoman Donovan yes councilwoman Kenny yes Mayco yes councilman Rondo yes councilman L yes so we're going to leave the room to go into executive session and then we'll be back out in a little bit I don't live [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] s ch than yeah think so e she was start with our Workshop discussion the first item being a silver L update by councilwoman Don hi everyone thank you for waiting I'm going to here to tell you about our very ambitious plan to restore and Revitalize Silver Lake I'm going to walk you through a lot of slides not too many you'll see some history some data and a lot of plans but here's what I want you to remember if nothing else Silver Lake has terrible water quality and is in crisis our plan is to make it a beautiful useful lake with a balanced ecosystem that everyone in belmare can enjoy this will not only make it a recreation spot but will also increase property value values and help with storm management and flood abatement let me tell you about it all of our Coastal lakes are in crisis this includes ra Pond silver Sven Lake Fletcher Lake um deal Lake and in fact according to clonet which is run out of Mammoth University the majority of the coastal Lakes are now neglected and valued less for the natural resources they support and the recreational opportunities they offer instead they're used as terminal receivers of Road and Overland runup from storm sewers algae covered mud holes and Havens for Canada geese sound familiar it's a typical story um but let me take you a little back Silver Lake was traditionally a brackish Lake which means it had both it had salt because it was connected to the ocean people could swim row or fish in it it was also home to a lot of species that are not there anymore like blue Claws and other words I cannot pronounce even though I check with Google ahead of time um but then something happened and then Sandy happened and what happened with Sandy is that the ocean pipe that connected Silver Lake to the ocean was closed off or destroyed and when that happened we never restored that pipe and because of that two things happened we lost a source of movement in the water which means it became more stagnant and it became completely cut off from any other water source which makes Silver Lake actually unique amongst Coastal Lakes if you look at the other lakes around us whether it's Lake KO um silven Lake they all have tributaries that go into it even if you can't see them rightly they're there Silver Lake is different because the only source of water it has besides rain are eight 18 outfall pipes and those bring storm water runoff into the lake along with anything else along the way so those that D water dumps directly into the lake which is one of many reasons we have the numbers we do and I'm going to tell you about those numbers I mentioned before uh MTH University clonet is a group that we work with and we have residents who have been collecting data on the North and South Lake South of the lake throughout the year four years and here's what we found now these are actually last year's numbers but we're about the same levels right now this is our dissolved oxygen as you can imagine in a lake low oxygen is bad for life where we want it to be is where I highlighted in yellow where we are is trending lower that's sey dep that's that means how far into the lake can you see when you look straight down that red line it's a little ambiguous about where we want that number to be for a lake but regardless we're lower and these are our algae numbers again this is from last year but we're about the same now that red line that red line is indicative of an algae bloom we live above the red line there are other there are other indicators that we can see every day of signs that we don't have a beautiful Lake I mentioned the algae blooms we have a lot of geese we have fragm mites which are you see the picture up there they're an invasive species as they die they fall into the lake they create more sediment and we also have that infrastructure problem where we have all of that water going straight into the lake with no type of filter so even before we started to formalize our group we knew any plan would need a living Shoreline which I'll tell you about we knew we need to treat that storm water and we needed a Giza batement plan and incidentally almost every other town has this in place and has had it in place belmare was an outlier here so we formulated our steps forward we decided we would consult experts we would create a Silver Lake committee members of which are here and we would work to secure funding and I should stop right here and tell you that our plan is to hopefully with fund as much as possible without taxpayer money here's the Silver Lake team's mission statement the belmare environmental commission has established the Silver Lake subcommittee to provide a forum for focused Community collaboration to protect and develop belmar's natural resources at Silver Lake as an extension of the BC the subcommittee's mission is to recommend policies and initiatives to managed Silver Lakes water quality health and environmental appearance and to restore protect and preserve the flora fauna and marine life in Silver Lake the goals are to research and describe the lakes's health issues and E ecological imbalances seek evidence-based recommendations from Coastal Lake experts to guide their actions secure funding and resources for long-term solutions that address the root causes of the lak's health issues and create a sustainable environment where aquatic plants Shoreline veget meditation fish and wildlife can Thrive for years to come and here's some of our experts I couldn't even fit them all on the slide but we have the USDA njp Congress fish and wildlife Urban Coast Institute Ruckers the Army Corps of Engineers we've also talked to the American loral society we' talked to private sector Engineers uh our neighboring Town Spring Lake Avan and of course filar residents who I would like to encourage time and time again to be involved in this process we are seeking funding we've already applied to over 3 million in Grants from public and private sources and the good news there is though is that we have already made it through the first stage in all of those grants in those grants we have asked for a camera study to restore the ocean pipe is coming from we have asked for funding for bios swells which I hope I'm pronouncing correctly which are features designed to naturally filter storm water runup before it gets to the lake this is actually a picture of them putting in um this type of infrastructure in Avon if you go down to Avon uh you can take a look it looks beautiful over there and what this does is it filters that water before it gets to the lake so it's cleaner and you get less of that sediment and other debris going straight in a living Shoreline this is them putting that same living Shoreline in over on the Bradley side of uh silin lake so what that does is it stabilizes your Shoreline it discourages geese it improves the water quality it encourages pollinator song Burns of marine life and it is so beautiful like go down to Avon it looks great there's also money in those requests for dredging and stocking of the lake um which would be done to rid the lake of nutrient L sentiments and improve oops uh water retention again that's uh storm water uh planning and then stocking for recreation and overall ecosystem Improvement ecosystem in the immediate we were also working on events and other projects this is a picture from our Silver Lake cleanup where we picked up what was it 150 pounds of garbage around Silver Lake we are planning for other ones we are also looking into things like we have the burough itself has applied for a running trail to replace the current one that would mimic the one that's over in Lake KO this type of terrain that we would use is more porous so it would allow for um be easier to clean up the goose poop guys [Music] um let's talk about the geys uh the environmental commission put together a plan which has not been fully implemented that plan included a living shoreline what that does besides look pretty is it creates paths for people to get to the lake that geese don't want to navigate um those lights and lasers that you see which I know some of you have told me don't work they have to work in conjunction with the whole plan the idea with those is with a properly maintained Shoreline and um those lights bug the geese and they don't want to live here but it has to be in conjunction with the whole plan egg addling I actually went out to an addled eggs I don't know four times uh this spring we stopped about 50 eggs from hatching we had an additional 50 um that is a multi-step process it has to be done every single year and harassment um right now it's been recommended that we start up harassment of the geese again now that molting season is over on August 1st it is our recommendation that along with the lasers we are planning UD dog or drone to harrass them several times a day and that is a critical component of any planning I know there's been questions about the Gazebo restoration I will let our administrator take questions on that but that is supposed to be wrapping up very very soon and we will have a beautiful gazebo again so again your takeaways why are we doing this we want to protect the environment and create a better one we want a recreational spot where you can actually maybe one day eat the fish that you get out of the lake no we will increase property values and we will help the flood ab and and uh lower the FL the threat and severity of flooding thank [Applause] [Applause] you thank you councilman very enlightening and instructive and educative thank you going to move on to our uh Redevelopment review uh we have our Redevelopment attorneys here and our financial person from NW Financial if you guys just want to introduce yourself uh maybe and everyone will know who you are and then you can proceed we will have um a question and answer period after the presentation and just like all the other uh comment uh sessions we ask you to come up to the microphone you know identify yourself name and address and and then you can ask your questions or make your comments okay thank you uh my name is Joe Balman you've seen me here before I think it's the third or fourth time um I'm with McManaman scolin and Balman and we are you are Redevelopment and uh land use and real estate and affordable housing lawyers to my left is my partner Francy McManaman and across the way is my partner Leslie London um we're are joined by Dan uh Banker who is with NW Financial Dan has been providing us with the financial advice we need as we worked our way through the negotiations with the four uh developers the four interveners in connection with uh satisfying the Burrows of portable housing obligations so I think um we're going to start by reminding everybody you know why how we got here and why we're here today with this next step in the process we've done some of this in the past but it's helpful to continue to reorientate ourselves to why we're making these decisions now in December of 2022 uh as of that day that the burrow was not compliant and its affordable housing obligation meaning it had not taken the steps necessary that have been undertaken by many many hundreds of municipalities throughout New Jersey to begin to meet its constitutional state constitutional o ation to provide its fair share of affordable housing uh at that time U we had an obligation of 204 new construction units based upon the Jacobson decision that decision allocated uh a obligation to each Miss Belmar was 204 by that point there have been six projects with a total of about 170 units that were built um During the period of 211 to 2223 there were 12 affordable housing units uh that coming out of those 170 units not the 15% or so we' have hoped for if there had been uh we would have picked up uh there should been like another 14 26 units the 12 I think is as we've reported to you in the past um that when we went to try and count those with the affordable with the fair share housing in the court uh we determined that they were not entirely compliant with their current rules I will will tell you that we've been engaged with that property and their lawyer for about two weeks and they're working very closely with us to rectify that situation so I feel really positive about uh that property owner and those 12 units as a result of that fair share has allowed us to count those 12 units we have some work to do with them but again that process which has only been undertaken for about two or three weeks we put them in default and then they immediately responded and again they've been really good partners about trying to figure this out so I'm positive that that's going to be um a good result when we're all said and done I have a meeting with them again tomorrow so uh the property own their attorney has has been really Cooperative to resolve this fair share has told us we can count those 12 units so it's a problem that's being resolved um the uh so then again we we missed an opportunity at least to create another 14 overs that period of time um and as a result we found ourselves exposed to two possible lawsuits one is a builder's remedy lawsuit um you hear about that them all the time they're sort of picking up steam as we get to the end of this round uh my partner Leslie Lyon was just describing to me we just got hired in Palisades Park they've experienced five or six uh Builders of Remedy since January of this year so the Builders of Remedy lawsuits were coming uh to the to Belmore that was without a doubt um and then if they weren't the fair share housing you know we were now on their radar and they would have been filing lawsuits as well so recognizing that the uh Choice was to put ourselves in a situation where we have a buil a Germany lawsuit and up here we sort of list for you all the bad things that happen in a builder JY lawsuit but by and large you lose all control over your zoning so the municipality if you're out of compliance and there's a builder rning lawsuit the build the municipality the planning and the zoning boards lose control over the zoning that gets decided by a court at that point uh the developer um in those cases would have to commit to 20% of housing units which mean their projects have to be bigger you'll see as we go through it that we have projects that are going to be less than 20% Which have been approved by fair share um but in that case you'd have to hit the 20% Which again means more market rate units because as we discussed the market rate units offset the cost of the affordable housing units generally affordable um and then um the other thing turn to the next line that I think is important to um you know if you don't believe us believe what was being told to the ipity in 2019 uh when the attorney warned them that the burrow is willfully deficient in its affordable housing obligation I am disturbed that the burough is lacking in this regard and I'm worried about possible litigation in the future and to build a journey lawsuit which would leave the burrow in great Jeopardy so there was no doubt at least in the 2019 that the burrow was exposed uh when we began and there's there been a lot of we try to pay attention to the the Facebook and the chatter that's going on and there there is no doubt that we would have been facing Builder lawsuit fair share housing lawsuit and that would have been there's no doubt that would have been a worse situation than we're about to describe to you here today um go next one oh okay so just you know for way of context you know other municipalities that are doing with this so even Belle just in June of 24 is now facing a build tring lawsuit um all those other TOs and you see that those are samples that faced build fromy lawsuits um there's also uh again fair share housing fin lawsuits to impose and make sure every municipality meets its fortable housing constitutional obligation so what what do we find ourselves in 20 uh 22 when we got started well at that time there were four Redevelopment projects in discussion uh there was one with Mark bill that's in the uh northern part of town right next to the bridge we'll show you later SackMan right on Main Street repetti over by the highway and 613 10th Avenue those were four projects that were in discussion in uh active discussion with the uh prior professionals uh as in terms of building projects in dmar um if and all in in at least a couple of those cases when we explained to them that we were not prepared to allow those size and scope of those projects they reminded us that they had build this remedy Alternatives so we it was a bit of a race to the courthouse frankly to put ourselves into an offensive position as opposed to a defensive position um so we pursue the declar to a judgment action so what we knew when we did that was we were going to get interveners so we file our declaratory judgment action now we're on the offense and then now it's up to those uh possible interveners to decide to intervene they all did we expected it no surprise um the uh through that process we also began a discussion with the fair share housing on what should be our what how many units it was a 204 number we don't think we have enough space in Delmar to build that we undertake what's called a vacant land adjustment you don't have enough vacant land your numbers should go down and that began a negoti ation which has resulted in 96 as our realistic development potential so fair share in negotiations with us has concluded that of our 204 we could realistically develop 96 so even that at that level we felt we made some significant process we we cut it that number in half um so now we're at this 96 number um we also um got a temporary immunity from the build Germany lawsuits that we feared or coming we knew we're coming um we set this 96 number bar uh that we had to meet um and then we cons determined for reasons that I think will become apparent through this conversation that we should negotiate with everybody all at once we didn't want to U negotiate with one individual developer and have that become the floor upon which that every next developer thought they could build it so you'll see through this process that uh every transaction is a little bit different and they're a little bit different for different reasons again there's proly 350 municipalities in New Jersey that have uh settled fair share housing so we are not in the minority um at this point we're now in the majority neighboring Town Spring Lake file the DJ action enter into a settlement seagar file the DJ action enter into a settlement Bradley Beach I'm told F the DJ action is now were unable to come to an agreement and then they've pulled out of the DJ action I don't know that for a fact I've told that anecdotally so they're putting themselves back into the Jeopardy apparently um I I gather it's because the governing body and the administration couldn't come to an come to a consensus which uh working closely with this uh group of uh public servant we've been able to come to a consensus so how is belmer going to meet its obligation this is where the rubber meets the road um how are we going to meet the uh 96 uh credit we actually achieved 99 um so we're going to come out of this right three ahead of the game um and we did it by negotiating with Mark Bill Saxman retti and six t you the four interveners during the process fifth intervenor attempted to intervene um and we we did a motion to the court and we successfully repelled them um so we did not have to deal with the seven the 7th Avenue Associates in an intervention so we did manage to prevent a a fifth inter VOR we will likely have to deal with them someday somehow but for the moment they're not part of the settlement that was a big victory by the way the judges generally don't like to they generally like to have everybody at the LA so we were very pleased to be able to limit it to the four initial interveners Mark built so the mark built project um in 2021 as they were proposing when we first arrived was 131 units zero affordable hous housing the building was going to be six stories roughly 70 ft with a connecting walkway over River Road it had a 50 ft height cap within 30 ft of Main Street so it was steered back so it was 50 then to 70 and then it was um and then it was a second building with a walkway over a River Road the final project that we're proposing to settle on with them is 139 units it does have more units but it now has uh 24 AFF hous units so 177% of the affable not the 20% that would happen if we were in a if we ended up with a build ay lawsuit so less units therefore less uh uh stories importantly Mark build is a condo project the affordable housing unit is going to be rental it's a it's a combination of Condominiums and affordable housing and as we walk through the fiscal impact you're going to see how that's pretty meaningful so this is going to be market rate Condominiums and then affordable apartments all in this all in the existing building but again what we managed to achieve here was a substantial decrease in height and 8 unit increase in exchange for 24 affordable units this is a rendering of what it would be look like now the question is often ask what's going to be the role of the planning board when we get through this process the planning board is going to be this have to play the same role as it does if anyone of you were to make an addition on your house or otherwise go before them for something that you have a right to do they'll be able to do to review the application in the same manner we expect all these projects will go through a certain amount of design with the design committee um and all the effort to make the facade as attractive as we can U for Belmar so this is you can as you can see it's from the uh Bridge looking uh South and then we have another ending from the bridge looking north parking underneath residential above some retail on Main Street fiscal impact what does this mean to the do to the pocketbooks of the people in this room the current annual tax revenue from this piece of property is $40,000 $ 4,752 to the board of ed in the school district we're not counting the county we don't really care about that for the moment so we currently generate about $40,000 in ratables when this is done the annual tax survey to the B and the school district will be $89,000 so it'll be go from $40,000 rateable to an $800,000 rateable as a part of our analysis as I think I mentioned in Prior meetings we we we attempt to figure out what will be the fiscal impact so we know we're getting more rades what's it going to cost the cost is primarily school children and then the cost might for services NW Financial has a u decade long or more expertise in this area they rely on a number of published reports from Ruckers uh and other places and they also rely on their own Data Bank of information to determine how many school dist uh school children will be project will come out of the building um and what will be the impact on the municipal services using that analysis and and by the way all of these uh for PowerPoint presentation we've summarized it but there will be online tomorrow morning three reports one for each of the projects that you can look into the details of how these numbers are arrived so the estimated net benefit so we get revenues of 89,000 we have a cost of $391 $419,000 of ratables that will go to uh to the benefit of the budget which in for the benefit of everybody living in town that's $419,000 that we don't otherwise have to raise from The taxpayers Who live here today the projects benefit then Redevelopment vacant and underutilized property support for local businesses there is no doubt that U more people living in the downtown walking in the downtown was Absol absolutely Plus for the business the retail the restaurants in downtown we get 24 units towards our 96 affordable housing obligation so we make a big dent in that number the repetti Russo development this one uh went through a number of iterations that I'm going to walk you through uh by the way this is also going to be online I see people trying to take pictures but um the unit count when we arrived was 250 units there were again no affordable housing units in that project it was five stories uh four stories on 10th and eth and it had about 5,400 of retail when they intervened they took the position that they would have taken if it was a builder's remedy but it came in with the biggest project they could think of they proposed 444 units that was their first proposal back to us 15% of which were affordable housing to 67 units so fair share as you might have guessed like this lot of affordable housing unit 67 very attractive to the fair share not attractive to Belmar it was 21 stories in two buildings it was sort of absurd um right never going to happen but that that's that's where they set the bar for our negotiations um as of October of 23 they were back to 234 units with um uh five stories same height and less retail um we told them that was not acceptable we we were holding a line at a lower building what we're proposing in the settlement agreement today everybody is 190 in unit so we took a substantial cut in the number of units um with a 10% affordable housing unit so we only get the 20 but in this case we're getting a $2 million contribution to our affordable housing trust fund that's important uh because it allow us to do much smaller projects in order to renovate property or you know in the future maybe there have an opportunity to help with the Housing Authority so that $2 million is going to begin to really put us in a position where we have real money in our affordable dressed on that we can use on other um opportunities throughout Belmar importantly we dropped it down to four stories we thought that was a huge win so we reduced it by 52 units one story added 20 affordable units and a $2 million payment into the affordable housing trust fund again their what would have been their Builder remue stands would have been 4401 units which again fair share housing really like that opportunity because they're just about how many affordable housing units that was 67 we ended up at 20 so you can so these negotiations are multi to your there's a special Master there's a judge and there's the uh the intervenor and then there's us and our job is to and in many ways the the fair share and the developer are aligned in having a bigger project to get more affordable housing so it's at some level us against both entities the judge in this case was very agreeable um and worked with this with the caveat that the reason we're having this conversation tonight is she was she only had a certain amount of patience with us to get to this result um today which is why we're presenting it today here's the building from uh the highway again there's going to be a lot of opportunity to work on the facades and otherwise it it the parking is under the pool and under the first level all right so what are we summarizing the financial terms $2 million contribution to the affordable a trust fund um and uh 20 affordable units in this case we uh had to negotiate for a payment and low taxes we've spoken about those before this is where the uh The Entity will make a payment uh 95% of get up which will be go to the burrow only 5% will go to the county the county I think gets about 20% normally so uh we get a substantial amount of the money that would otherwise go to the county um and we've had an ongoing dialogue with the Board of Ed I got to tell you the superintendent and business misser we've been phenomenal Partners in our conversations about what would be the number of school children how can we make sure that the board of education is going to be uh taken care through this process and we've been able to demonstrate to them that between the their share of the condominium rable and 30% of the pilot they should be made whole in terms of supporting any new school trip in their coming to that um coming to the school so again uh we anticipate at our next meeting uh we will have on the on agenda resolution approving an agreement with the Board of Education to share the rate 30% of the annual service charge from the two projects that have it with the board of edge in order to make sure that any new school children uh that come out of these projects um and I understand we do need school children in the Board of Ed uh that the Board of Ed will be made whole in terms of the expenses and I I'll say one more time because I can't estimate it uh underscore it enough the superintendent and the business administrator were really phenomenal Partners in this process um here's the uh fiscal impact then on this project so the current annual tax revenues to the board of ed school district about 92,000 bucks um the estimated pilot Revenue to the burrow and school district will be 480,000 the estimated cost about $379,000 so this is about $109,000 net positive number uh to the municipality it's um again we get 20 units $2 million uh 20 going towards our 96 unit count this assumes that 30% of the pilot will be shared with the board of with the Board of Education which we intend to do it our next meeting the last project SackMan this one caused us a lot of angst as well because of this location right it's on the it's on the Eastern side of pain street so it is closest to the residences um so we had out this might was one of the last ones to sort of we were able to bring into the uh into the Finish Line they originally proposed 45 units we have more units now entirely related to the need to put affordable housing units in it they had none before now we have 10 um their original building was slightly smaller at 512 feet roughly uh we're now in 54 so we're slightly higher than the original one uh and there's a four story instead of a half a story so in this case we increased it by 11 units we got a 10 affordable housing and we had to give up 3 feet this is what this one current looks like here and I described to you before how each project was different in this case they're paying at 10% uh pilot as opposed to the 6.7% so the other the uh repetti is getting about 67% compared to their 100% right so they're paying a much higher percentage of their revenues as a pilot um again which we intend to share with Board of Education at 30% the current taxes on that project is $1 14,326 to the board of ed in the school district the new pilot will be about $190,000 net annual cost about $159,000 for a $30,000 net fiscal positive on the project it gets us 10 more units to 96 if you add up all those three numbers you're not going to get the 96 you're not going to get the 9 and the 12 because there are other units throughout the town that we were able to get credit for so in the end of the day we get to 99 we're 300 we have three units in the bank for next for the next round um the smallest project uh this didn't change significantly except for the fact that of the 12 units two of them are now affordable it had none before and because their actual 20% is 2.4 they're going to pay $60,000 into an affordable housing trust fund with the $2 million size is basically the same the dreaded the ATM is gone this is what this one looks like so with the Govern body is asked being asked to do tonight is to consider four resolutions one settlement for each of the uh agreements uh as we've explained to them in the in our meeting this is just the beginning of many many votes both at the at the at the level of the municipality and and at the planning board because we're going to have a lot of things to do we're going have to have a housing element and fair share plan which was almost completed at the next meeting because we need these agreements first we're going to uh approve our settlement agreement with would fair share housing uh there are some amendments to our Redevelopment plans um we have to approve the financial agreements and then ultimately all these will have to go to the site plan approval and they'll go through the normal process for any other project going through a site plan approval when we're all set and done uh we will have met our RDP number and exceeded it as you see there we will have more ratables then we have expenses so there will be a net positive fiscal impact to the municipality of school district um and uh we will be immune from Builder remedies as we enter into the uh the future importantly too um there is no doubt that compliant misure thought of differently than non-compliant this judge um we we showed up um we were not we didn't have the white hat um when we began this process uh now we will and so whatever we have to deal with going the future we will demonstrated that Belmar is prepared to step up to the plate to meet its state constitutional obligation to provide affordable housing um as we you know prepare for what may come in the future there uh this group of individuals and this governing body could have what I describe as taken the easy Road the easy road is uh let the builda reties come and blame it on the court right that's the easy vote because it's not me I didn't vote for it I didn't have it the judge did it to me but you would have you would have end up with a substantially you would have ended up with bigger projects uh a much more significant fiscal impact many more affordable housing units because they would they be at 20% so this is a difficult decision that this group of people been made because these are also I know cuz I follow they didn't necessarily run on development all right this group of individuals ran on trying to get her handle and and they discovered they had this challenge in this issue um so it's it's easy to punt it to the courts and let a judge tell you and just have someone to BL for the worst result the hard part is to take this take the votes that were going to be considering tonight know in your heart that you're you're creating a much better situation than Belmar would otherwise have but then have to um defend it which they will have to do over multiple votes over the next three four on cuz we we voting on all these things U along the way um so with that um Leslie's here she's more of our expert in in the affable housing Francy my partner does a lot of the development and uh Dan is also available to if you want to delve into the numbers but again there will be reports we're going to get them on uh tomorrow and um so you'll be able to really de de into how how do you calculate the student how many students do you figure it out uh what's the per student cost your assuming how many how many uh what's the per resident number you can assume for the fiscal impact what are the what are the profits what are the rate of Returns on the need developers are they what is their debt uh debt coverage ratios are they medium how do they compare to the to the market in their projects because all of these numbers were they were both a math exercise and a planning exercise the the goal to um the developers and the court wanted to make sure the projects happen so we fought about what we thought was going to be a fair rate of return for example we fought about do we think that they're overestimating their construction costs or their operating expenses do we think that they're looking for more profit than they're entitled to um and then we thought about height units number of affordable housing units and came up with this again Global solution which if done individually through Builders remedies would have been 20% of everything that they built and much build buildings with is add it down okay thank you very much um we're going to open it up uh for public comment and questions just like we do at the end of the meeting so if anyone would like to make a comment or question just please come up to the microphone state your name and your address and um we'll try to respond to any questions Barry Luben 15th ad I want to thank you and you everyone for going for going forward with this um I have been reading immensely and I want to say to Milbourne that their Council had a plan reneged on the plan and now they're getting shoved down their throat a huge several buildings right on their down town so I know there's a lot of naysayers in this room but from what I've read my whole life since I've lived in New Jersey about Mount Laurel this is the right thing to do this is limiting this is keeping us not having another 10 story building um this is keeping us uh well the the revenues it's keeping us in the Plus uh I think you said somewhere in there that uh our elementary school is underutilized as everybody up and down the coast is the uh baby boom baby bum is over and now the schools are going down so now we'll have a few more kids but they'll be paid for by the ratables of those buildings so I just want to thank everyone for all the hard work they've been doing because even even though I don't want that much it's called moderation it's keeping it moderate and that's it thank you anyone else hi I'm Bobby hanar 512 9th Avenue I would like to know how many of the 400 plus units that we're talking about have breakdowns of one bedroom two bedroom or possibly three bedroom have that information so I can tell you that the I don't you can hear me these things um the market rates are Perman one and two and the three bedrooms are required by the affordable housing so what the way the affordable housing uck row were called u a um they dictate both the income uh um and their unit count and bedroom count so you're required to have one two and three bedrooms those are going to come out of the affordable units um and those are going to um also going to have us be low and moderate income units so it's going to be three different categories of affordability those are also the units as you'll see from the numbers that produce most of the school children as you would imagine the three three uh units so most of the school children that were uh coming out of those units are going to be from um the affordable housing but we can give you uh get you all the breakdown yeah so when we we're going to publish DW they have break the uh unit counts for both the affordable and the market rate for all the projects okay and are you saying though that the affordable housing units all are three bedroom units no one two and three okay but there's a breakdown unless is at 50% go right by by Statute um it's very specific how many have to be um three bedroom two bedroom and one bedroom usually none of one bedroom but um there is a minimum number that each developer has to meet and that's per regulation and fair share that's one of the first things they look for in any settlement to see bedroom distribution okay my last point is that the goal is to have affordable housing for families too that's a very that's a big priority for not just for single people okay my next question is do all these projects comply with belmar's parking ordinances which are based on bedroom uh like the number of uh bedrooms in a unit yeah these are all below the rsis number but above the uh Ruckers white paper so that what that means is 1.98 is the rsis average I think oh and and and the records is like 1.4 I think so so it complies with the white paper but it does not does not comply with rsis but does comply with the white paper okay have there been any parking studies done to see how this would impact Delmar the only parking studies has been the participation of our planner um who has expertise in this area and unfortunately couldn't be here with with us today so we did we did get advice from a planner so will will that be released as well on the website tomorrow uh there's no actual report but we relied on our expertise but those those are the numbers should there be a report so the challenge is to get this I believe there should be something that we can see to see what you know how this is going we'll definitely publish the rupor white paper which will show you the numbers okay and also during negotiations with fair share and the court adjudicator formerly Court Master those are the things that they look for and they will um allow a lesser number because it's affordable uh inclusionary developments so um we we have to abide by what fair share agrees to and they have a planner we have our planner and those numbers wind up being negotiated and these are exceptions keep in mind these projects that are being approved as part of the settlement are exceptions any other development that comes afterward would abide by the ordinance okay here's my next question I keep hearing about in in the report um that it is a net positive for the school what about infrastructure I am not hearing that there's been anything that the developers have contributed to infrastructure in fact I'm wondering if there have been any infrastructure studies we're all going to be dealing with this after the fact so I don't know that I feel satisfied that there's been any any uh report that I've heard of that will tell us what the impact will be on our small town yeah so one of the things that's uh never comfortable for a municipality is fair share and the courts have concluded that the impact on your infrastructure is not a factor in meeting your obligation their view is um because many Ms have tried that right we can't fit them in our schools we don't have enough score and so the courts have concluded that that those are not factors to be considered the meeting your obligation now having said that we did vet the water whether or not we have sufficient capacity water and sore uh because they or fair share cared about that because they want to make sure it gets built um so we believe we do have sufficient capacity for waterers were have there been negotiations with developers to have them contribute something to that's that's my point you're not that's not part of the permitted negotiations we can't tell we can't tell them we got a deal except you got to give us $2 million to upgrade the reses that's a shame that's really forunate yeah but again the fair the view of the cours and the fair share is that infrastructure is a municipal wide obligation and it can't be used as a way to prevent you from building for a while I understand that it just keepes us with our hands tied so it's you know and without studies I think that you know we deserve to you know see some type of studies that tell us how we're going to be living with this I mean we we know that there's enough water and sorcer as to service these units all right hi Peter ban 703 North Lake Drive um first of all I I think he did a great job and and I think planning is the right solution but I do have a question I don't fully understand and uh the payment in Li uh decisions one was 10% one was 6 plus per. if you would go into that a little bit more sure given the fact that there 30 years I I believe and just explain that to us how we can be assured that we're getting the proper payment from these developers yes I'm going to give you a high level summary of um of the NW and then Dan will you know give some more color um so what Dan does is she Begins by uh figuring out as we NE as we negotiate it's a constantly moving Target how many units are going to be in the project and what the rents are going to be he does it by affordable non affordable bedroom count square footage and he comes up with a a rent a revenue number um he also then vets the sources and uses for the construction of the projects makes certain assumptions about dead in equity or makes certain assumptions about construction costs uh that gives him their proor so he builds their proor and through the way by the way they provide us for performance too which we which we debate about and debates about um so that gives us so we begin to build rebuild their financial model again with some inform from us and then using our own numbers and we use those sources and uses in their debt and Equity to figure out what their internal rate of return is their year onine Capital what their debt service coverage ratios will be to figure out whether they'll get financing or not that's sort of the goal here to figure out whether whether they're going to return will be market and whether someone will undertake this transaction ction or not lenders and Equity um we put all that into the mix and we come up with number and we fight about the in these two cases we concluded that uh they would need to have some relief on taxes now Belmar has extraordinarily low taxes I don't know if everyone knows that but in a typical town when you do 10% of manual gr revenues then that would be about 60% of your taxes or less uh even less than that yeah so in a typical town where they're paying 10% of annual gross revenues like here that would be comparative to full tax it to to about 60% or less of your full taxes in belmare it's like 90% so when they get a 10% annual gross revenues they're actually pain like 90% of what they would otherwise pay for his full taxes we do all our math and and so the 10% means that for every dollar they receive every dollar they rent down a parking spot they get a pet all those dollars get added up and then we get 10% we share 5 5% of our number we share with the county 95% we keep so in this case um in the 10% number we're I think we're actually getting more municipality and the school district in the annual service charge than we would get if we were just doing full taxes I think that's how it approved that right that's correct so imagine that because if we done full taxes and the county gets a much bigger chunk in this case tr get 5% so 90% of our 100% taxes getting 90 I'm confusing my percentage but we're going to get more than we've got for the full taxes for the 10 perent 6.7 it's going to be less than we what otherwise get so you so every year they got it they have of all the revenues and they write us a check for 10% of that and they give us an audit of those numbers and we look at the audit um and you may have seen like in the there's a couple Financial agreements now that they have they've been lacking the audits we chasing those down the audit the purpose of the audit is to make sure that they were're getting 10% of every dollar the beauty of the annual gross revenues there's no games to be played you can't artificially create expenses right you can't come up with other ways it's every dollar in 10% comes to us um and so that number that discount is is also plugged into the financial model to figure out whether or not they're going to they're getting the fair uh rate of return so by way of example in the um which one is this okay so in the repetti model uh Dan's estimate their IR is about 13.8% they yield on cost in year that's a 10e 10 year uh sale uh year two uh yield on cost is about 6.8% they have Deb service ceration about 1.26 um Banks generally require 1.2 or it's higher but so that's the that's the math that goes into the analysis and as you could imagine if you if you change the unit count Orly knock off a floor and they lose 50 units the has to get redone so there was an interative process again getting the benefit of their numbers and then uh NW putting their expertise and knowledge on top of it that's how the negotiation in the 6.7% uh the numbers Just DE demonstrated to us that they um they would need a Deeper Discount on the taxes to make the numbers work other questions comments Rano 204 13th Avenue um regarding having an escro account are these developers going to be responsible for opening an escro account with burrow to cover the costs for um the engineers looking over all of their documents and everything the way a regular person building in this town does yeah they so for the the normal escrow for the planning board that one they have the post they have the post in the Redevelopment uh that's right R the post I think they do I have to double check I'm 90% sure but in the Redevelopment context sometimes you also uh have them posted an escrow for the negotiation of these agreements that we're not allowed to require them to so who's paying for that the Buras same way you would have paid for those that defend those Builders ear lawsuits or that you're paying for our time now that's a burrow expense okay and then also the trust fund I see that one of the builders is going to be putting $2 million into the trust fund I'm hearing that people in town who are renovating their homes knocking homes down are getting bills to put money towards that trust fund as well when did that start is that going to continue once these yeah that it is it it it's that ordinance is in place and it's going to continue and it's designed to continue to have money going into the for all trust ring I don't do people know this before they do build their like rebuild their or they just well depends I know what like if you not found your house and build a new one yeah you got to pay and I you know shame on but that never was before so what I'm asking is when did this start and do people know that this yeah there's a a development fee ordinance that was that's required by Statute when you do certain building you're required to post a certain amount it's usually when you knocking down house and but I've knocked down houses in town and that's never been the case so I'm just asking when did that start August last year yeah the the the statute has been around for a while and I believe the burrow I don't Rec when the burrow actually adopted its ordinance it was August of 2023 okay now the the the the use of those funds however that go into the trust fund those can't be used until you have a spending plan part and the spending plan has to be approved by the court so part of this whole process that we're working on includes the development of a spending plan and the burrow controls the spending plan by Statute there's various things that you can use for it you can offset some administrative cost to cover the attorneys or planners things of that sort and that's at a limit it can also be used for rehabilitation programs for you know if certain people who qualify you can provide a program if they qualifi to give them money to rehab their homes and there's another laundry list of things that can be done with that money it has to be approved by the court but do does someone who's going to redevelop their house do they know that because I have a friend right now who's knocked her house down she knows nothing about this so is she going to be getting a bill in the mail from the town to put money into this trust fund that she knows nothing about right now I mean that would so when you submit your construction permit to build your new house there's a separate form that you have to fill out um it's an a development application and then that gets reviewed by the tax assessor at the same time as your permits are being reviewed and you get notified once the reviews are done what your affordable housing fee is and then what your permit fees are so they get the form when they fill out the [Music] paperwork I ask a question was that not for this ordinance but for the ordinance didn't that start several years ago and it just wasn't implemented Council woman there was a prior development fee ordinance that's what the ordinance is called a development fee ordinance and there was a prior development fee ordinance that was on the books but it was not effective until it was properly filed and approved and it was not never approved by the court so that's why uh the fees weren't collected under it anyone else yes hi Katrina clapsis uh B Street I have a couple questions um when all of this is said and done the costs to the burrow are going to be increased immensely I would imagine infrastructure is going to cost us a ton a ton of money because I remember when the retes were looking to build this building last time one of the main complaints about everybody in town when they complained about the size in of this building was um a where is everybody going to park B where is all this infrastructure who who's going to pay for this in infrastructure and so now we're learning that we are the taxpayers are going to pay for this infrastructure I'm not really sure what infrastructure you're talking about well water sewer all these we already know that the water and sour system are sufficient to service them we do have quite a lot of problems correct me from wrong Mark's one of the people that would would attest this we have a tremendous problem in the town of belmire with our water and SE infrastructure so independent of these projects you do independent of these project which is now going to increase the magnitude of our problem I think the problems exist today and the ratables that will come off these project which I think we demonstrated would be more than the costs will help offset those things the same way has there been any study I mean you're saying that you're what you're saying is these units won't if we have enough infrastructure that's what am I understanding you we confirm that the water and Source system is sufficient to to combinate these projects and other than that I'm not sure what the infrastructure is you're referring to well we know that the eth Avenue line going up to the P station with too my mic is okay no it's accurate that there are existing infrastructure needs throughout the town and but those exist regardless of these projects correct and they would have to be dealt with regardless of these projects correct but it will won't this in reality increase the situation that we have and by by this situation with this um the courts we could have negotiated with the developers to pay into some infrastructure improvements we know we have lost the ability to do that we didn't have that choice we we lost that ability we never had it what do you mean we never had it I don't understand the court wasn't going to allow us to that's what I'm saying once this once this went into our um law all right you're suggesting if we allowed the much bigger project sure if we allowed the 250 before all of this before this when when they were being when they were being negotiated prior to all of this the non affordable housing projects with no affordable housing correct yes you could get construction money instead of affordable housing but that was not a reality that was never happening well okay and then what about what's going to happen with our police quests so that's part of the analysis where we we do a fiscal impact analysis and we conclude that um in these studies you'll see that um when we figure out the cost fiscal impact it's it's anything that may go to the operating budget municipality okay so when is that report it's it's done yeah it be on wednsday tomorrow okay so it's going to be online tomorrow yeah okay uh all right that's interesting okay now my other thing is about um you guys came on last year right and so how much money have we the burrow the taxpayers paid so your company as of now for just where we're at right now I don't know we have to we have to compute that number and get back to you on that according to um up to March some there was some open requests and everything up until March um what I understand and maybe you guys can correct me if I'm wrong and I'm open to that being being corrected um we spent $600,000 with so far from March Mar up to March of this past year $600,000 so far that we the taxpayers have been paying into this situation so now we if we want to add on to that from March and how much longer how how what is our foreseeable future in needing your company and and all of all of you professional people and none of the this is all going to be paid for by the taxpayer let me answer that we will have development attorneys on board every year okay they don't go away okay because there's constantly uh Redevelopment work affordable housing issues so that is a cost that municipality must bear and has born for the last 20 or 30 years okay so um it's money well spent we have one of the finest firms in New Jersey representing us and when it comes to Legal Services you don't want to be Pennywise and pound foolish right so I can attest that the residents are giving get getting every dollars worth of the money that we're paying for these attorneys okay and there is no alternative so so in other words we don't know what it's costing us I didn't say that we know exactly what it's costing us how much is it costing us well you just said it was 600,000 I just said I need time to go back we can figure it out to the penny but I can't do that right now okay well that would be wonderful then could do that and put that online so that we we definitely will it's all online now if you look at the bills so every bill that's paid by the borrow is online so yes but as our mayor and as people coming from this information it would be wonderful if this information was told to us so that yeah we will we will we just don't have the ability to run a spreadsheet while I'm sitting here to tell you the totals but mayor you could have thought about this before you present oh I could have thought of a lot of things before and I didn't hi I'm Ann Noble 219 South Lake Drive Goose territory can I switch topics I'm sure you're glad um just a quick question um to the extent that you're able um could you give us a sense of timing on some of the things that you discussed up here and can you tell us uh whether or not all of them are entirely dependent on that grant money or can some some be done without it yeah s that yeah why don't we hold off on the Civil a questions until until the open commment period at the end this is just for um Redevelopment issues just a couple of things i' like to compliment you your expertise and Gathering up all the data I'd like to compliment everybody here for being polite and listening to this uh about the school what about the idea now when these people come in especially people that that can't afford to live here and they they'll be sending their children to the school uh what about the idea of shutting the school down and sending them to Asbury Park the school is failing now so what the hell it's more more children in there will make it fail worse they lie to us with the statistics so or they try to trick us maybe lie is a a tough word but uh thank you for that GI how long did you speak excuse me can we do you have a question we're not going to we're not going to make a decision on the schools because it's not our decision you'd have to approach the Board of Education and propose that they they close down that's a good joke they have a comedy club it's got your a name on it I'm going to ask you to sit please any other comments Angel fight for Fifth Avenue um Ru count we're looking had about 400 or some odd more units uh was that I was trying to do the math while you had 405 405 and we we don't know the breakdown between one bedroom two bedroom no we do we're going to we we do so for example [Music] um in the retti project they have 88 one-bedrooms uh 22 one-bedrooms with a den 45 two bedrooms nine two bedrooms with a den and 14 three bedrooms was just the affable and then for the affordable then Mark bill but these are all online these so so what I'm trying to figure out is in terms of the increase in population to the town right if we've got 400 units okay we've got at least 4 400 bedrooms to per people to bed that's 800 okay and then there's a two bedroom we're going to add another 200 people so our population could be increasing by about a thousand more no more no Franc is doing the math for right now there's awesome studies about that and so I can speak toight thanks so between the three projects uh Mark bill is estimated to generate 322 new residents uh the repetti project is estimated to produce 393 new residents and uh the SackMan project is estimated to produce 123 so the total is 838 I was cl yes you were okay population of Belmore right now is about 5,000 correct so we're increasing our population by 20% close yeah 15ish and for this we're getting 90 7 affordable housing units yeah 99 okay well we're counting some that we already have so and it's costing us in addition to the legal fees the additional infrastructure did anybody think about a more economical way to create 97 units and not increase our population by 20% there there's nowhere to put 97 affordable housing units by themselves why not there's no land well we're building 400 new units there's land somewhere well we don't own it do we no you could buy it for what so I I can assure you that if we did a standalone affordable housing we'd be having a conversation now about a big bond issue to pay for it and we'd be giving the landine away for free and I don't think that would go over and we wouldn't have significant rals right now the math is these projects will produce more aables and they provided Services there'll be a net economic benefit in the in the math you're describing to me now 100% affordable housing project couple things happen one we give them the land for free which we don't have so we could buy land from somebody and then give it to them for free and we have to bond for that and then there won't be enough money to build the project so I have to write them another check which we'll bond for so in Verona I think you borrowed $15 million or something to do a stand loone affordable and gave them free land so the Standalone projects are extraordinarily expensive because they can't pay for themselves without huge subsidies in the form of free land so since we don't have the land we got buy the land so we might have to pay for petti I don't know call it 10 million bucks to buy his land probably more and then we have to give them another check to build everything and all that money is going to come out of your taxes going forward and the rate will be tiny right because they're affordable and they don't pay very the pilot will be lower than the one up there and they already don't have many good Revenue so that will be a huge financial drag on Belmore whereas these projects will be a huge financial benefit I would that's the math I assure you okay we can agree to disagree on that gu okay so my next question will all of these units be condos or will some of them be rentals Mark Bel is condos and rentals and the other two are rentals three most rent of the 400 and some odd units how many of them are condos uh so there are 115 for sale condo units so most of them are rentals right do we have any input in getting more condos versus rentals no um and they're they're just harder for to for affordable families okay they just are but but there's some benefit to having a full if purchases we were thrilled with the mark bu project because it have so many condos okay there's only so much we can do in terms of requiring the property owner to build comp but there's benefits there's benefits for the people that that are eligible because now they can build equity as opposed to just paying rent and throwing their money away every month so I don't know a lot about the math but I think there's limits on how much you can resell your project for right but still but they're still building Equity yeah so that's you need to deposit it's it usually has a condo fee it's complicated so if anyway we didn't have a choice but we don't have any input we don't have no we did not is what is is what you're saying yeah we don't okay so we can't so we can't do anything about that we could do anything about that either no correct yeah there's only so many things we could control we controlled what we could I get it it it just seems increasing on population by a thousand people and I know you're saying that we can't use our need for infrastructure but our infr structure is going to suffer I mean we we're having issues we're having issues with it now this is a big inflow I guess the point I'm probably not making is well enough is the additional so we we showed you that there'll be more ratables than there are expenses for your so that chunk of money arguably could be used to fund Capital right the additional money hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for years could support a bond issue to fund Capital so there is a way to use the excess radials coming off to this project that are not needed to fund the school or municipality to do the infrastructure parking these projects will produce more money to the town than they require in services that more money can be used for Capital it could be used to offset tax increases that otherwise have to be played so because they're a net positive meaning off those projects more money comes and demanding services that money can be used for Capital Bond or to make the capital improvment you're talking about and we could show you how that works so assuming assuming the the additional expenses come in where we're projecting and we don't necessarily know if assuming the rues come in where we all those things yes corre I mean the addition the additional Road and the we traffic and the wear and tear on the roads and I mean our ptle situation now is is not great um but there is again there's the benefits to the store the the retail stores the restaurants the the main right there's it's not all bad right it's I'm trying to say there's plenty having those additional people int one last question do we know if any of these units will be allowed to be rented out seasonally I mean I don't know why they would do that the whole year we' we've I've had discussions with I've had I'm sorry I've had discussions with uh our borrow counsel about about uh rles and looking at that uh moving forward I mean I think the thing to the question and the opinion that I want to get from Mr bman is just to get everybody an idea like when do you think the first shovel will be in the ground for these for these projects so the board of asked me the same question I told them you should assume that it's a year to get to finance in two years to build it we call three years before the first resident walks in they're all not going to happen at the same time so iate for him was 5 to 10 years had it all maybe maybe four eight 5 to 10 years it's going to take a long time first you can't score all those right it takes a there's not to your point there's not a thousand people I move if so all these developers got to deal with getting through the Perman still have to raise the money yeah so I'm starting to say so um the board of that ask us the same question and so you should assume that it's going to take them six months to a year to get they all through the approvals get their financing in place and close on the financing and then it's going to take 24 months to to build or more right so you're 3 years out for that and then they're all not going to happen at the same time then once they're build you don't absorb it takes you a long time to absorb it takes you a couple years to sell out the condos so I I was given them an estimate of anywhere between you know all done eight years it's going to be a long time that's a long time was there for any of these units was there any thought to having a section that was age restricted which would pretty much guarantee that the the school population wouldn't increase yeah we talked about that um it got no traction from the Builder yeah yeah okay um but Mr Mayor you said we can have some input as to whether or not they can rent these things season no I didn't say that I said I said I talking to uh our bur counsel to start to anticipate the possibility that you know seasonal rentals might occur because we don't want to recreate a problem that we had with single family homes in in uh in residential and there you know we need to do some research on the limits of of what the B can do in a in a you know in a multif family dwelling and we're just at the start of that and that's why I bring up the the amount of time that's going to take to for these things to move forward I mean we have time to do that and it's the same thing that I would say about the infrastructure I mean we are we already have plans to improve you know Water and Sewer uh in certain areas but it's not something that's going to be done in one year you know uh or two years so you know we have the plan I think by the time we see a building actually being constructed I'm hopeful that you know the infrastructure will be improved quite a bit up up to that point so you know if it was going to happen tomorrow I would agree you know like oh we're we're we're not you know we have to do something but we have plenty of time and you know all the infrastructure projects cost so much money and we need to you know spread that out over years because we don't want to do a massive borrowing all at once you know you kind of want to just you know do it as as you can and legally we can only borrow so much money at a time so we do have plans for improving the infrastructure but it's a it's a step-by-step approach and I think it'll work out hopefully well with the construction of these these new developments because they're going to take take at least I'll say 5 years before you see anybody really building anything at this we have some history so we have 170 mul down already we could probably find out how many of those are being seasonal what was pretty revealing to us for example is of those 170 multif family units there's one child all 170 one child coming out of that K to8 so if you just were to extrapolate that to this project we're expecting like 45 or something but it wouldn't even be Clos to that if we if we relied on belmare history with existing multif family projects again one out of 17 units we could probably find out easy enough how many of those are doing seasonal rentals I suspect not a lot um but we could but we have already real life existing projects that would did tell us what the likelihood of seasonal rentals because it's clearly not likely that there'll be school children okay okay thank you much Andel I just want to add one point to that too I know you mentioned like like traffic is going to be bad with these things right infrastructure is already suffering the reason we're doing this you know I don't want another four-story building there but what I really don't want is another 21 story building right that's the whole purpose of this is try to make sure that we have control over what's going to be put in if we do nothing then we have no control I get that and I understand Our obligation I really do which which is why I said you know is there a I get that we need to do the 9 microphone's not on I don't know why I'm [Music] trying I feel your pain I'm 100% in agreement that we need the 99 units it's not about that I guess I was saying if we thought outside the box somehow okay instead of 400 units is there a way to build 99 units I I don't know I don't know but if there's a way to get that property somehow I mean there does seem to be some property that you know towns do buy properties you know Beach bought the church and I guess I guess the question there is was there ever a way with developers owning these properties for no building to go up on any of themer they would charge us the price of a market rate like the full and then we could build our own project which we'd have to fund so but they weren't even offering that but I get you know not really we did an inventory of Miss own brought land to see what we could fit we property back here it's very small didn't fit any units um most of the T tax incentives to do 100% affordable which we've done plenty of really require you to a bigger project like the 99 menu but there's no way you could fit 99 units on that parcel property back there without going into steel construction and it didn't make any economic sense someone told me that there was a plan once to knock this building down and do the whole thing that would be enormously expensive because you have to replace this too but um so we did explore other properties as possible solutions um we just couldn't identify one that was make any economic sense one last question I promise you can't always believe what you read I don't know why my mine's the same way um I did read that some of the projects that have already been completed were supposed to have affordable housing in them and they did not so there there's is that true yeah there's three projects have are supposed to have 12 and we we couldn't find any evidence of that so we sent them a letter saying you're supposed to have 12 you don't have 12 fair share was part of the reason we disc discovered it said to us you can't count those 12 because they're they haven't complied with the law since that time we've engaged with the property owners's lawyer um and he's been very helpful in trying to he's well first place he said that they are affordable but their only medium income so they don't have low income so they don't necessarily apply and then they haven't really done the paperwork but theyve expressed a willingness to work with us to fix it so it's not entirely true that they have no affordable they have it they aren't just compliant with the regulations and they're working you know with us I'm meeting with them again tomorrow to fix that and in the meantime fair share has said we can count those 12 so okay so those were the 12 that you were reing yeah so that 12 is there's a solution to solving that problem and I I again the property owner and the Lo are working with us to fix that than you very much I think councilwoman Donovan made an excellent point though if we did not have affordable housing issues if we did not have affordable housing at all these four developments would still be built okay and you would still have somewhere in the order of 3 or 400 you know new units I mean there's no way that the burrow could purchase these properties to prohibit uh any further development these were all things that are in the works and it is very likely that the um they would have been built anyway and may have had more units than than we have now so please keep that in mind it's not it's not something that um you know affordable housing is driving it's just it would have been there anyway yeah and if I could just add to that I mean if that's okay like these developers had these properties for years talking about this for years so we knew things were coming a long time a long long time ago before any of us were up here so it's been it's been a long a long road with it quick question okay hello uh Jim diorio 8th Avenue uh on the affordable housing units the 90 or so I would assume legally those people couldn't sublet those units correct they will be deed restricted and the individuals who go into those units have to be qualified and you will have an administrative agent that will oversee and do um annual um interviews make sure that the people are still there so so that's good about 20% would would not be able to be red correct okay thank you hi anarie Janovich 11th Avenue uh okay so there are no restrictions on the market rate rentals right such as subletting those rental units will be able to be sublet well um I'm sure that the landlord will have restrictions there's no Municipal restrictions but the landlord nothing that was negotiated as part of this no they're going to have their own they're not going to let them subet basically have you ever seen aart a luxury apartment building that lets you subet it doesn't they don't Airbnb yes there's just go on Airbnb and look for bmar you'll see a lot these are I'm sorry I don't I don't want to like keep it's late I know everyone's tired I'm tired I want to go home too um parking I know there's a New Jersey St State Statute about EV charging stations and that Builders can get parking credits I saw that written into one of these resolutions for one of these properties right so they're not meeting they're parking obligation and then if they install charging stations they can get credits EV charging stations they can get some kind of a parking credit so that additionally they they're found like not in violation say of a burrow ordinance even if they do something right so and I think our ordinance also didn't require parking for affordable housing units at all which we didn't think was right is that yeah F Shar um said you have to change that yeah so we are C says you don't have parking for affordable housing H I don't know we didn't think that was a good idea no that doesn't seem like a good idea um I wanted to ask briefly or just raise the issue about retail it sounds like there's a lot of retail space that's coming with all this construction as well like square footage it sounds like a lot I mean retail in town now seems to be doing very well but I mean is has there been a study about how this retail can actually you know will it actually flourish um because to me some of that space that first floor space that could have been parking space um you know rather than retail if we're kind of overloaded with retail so I just wanted to say that um if you if any of your studies looked at any of the retail that we currently have and to see that you know the community could actually support all this new retail space i' just be interested to hear that yeah the one I've actually been doing some time trying to recruit business that wouldn't be competing with existing businesses and entice them into coming into bmar so that's an ongoing conversation we've been having as a governing body well we'll have to do a lot more of it you'll have to do a lot more of that if we get all this additional retail space if you see to we push to have less retail so if you if you see the before and afters your the final version is less retail in every Pro I just to me that's something that we should look at with the planning ordinances um or the master plan you know if we're kind of tapped out with retail space and maybe that needs to really be examined as part of the master plan you forget though that we're going to have approximately 800 more residents who are going to be living along Main Street so hopefully that will boost all the retail in the area because they need some places to go and eat and have you so so uh I think you mentioned the next round of affordable housing that that's going to be coming up apparently so and that these the 99 right you said we have 96 units that were required right now now we're going to have 99 that will go towards this next round so this is you're saying an ongoing project I'll say right that we will always we will always be forced to figure out where we're going to insert additional affordable housing units into every Construction New Jersey yeah right and each round covers generally 10 years we are doing uh the third round right now which ends July 1st 2025 right the fourth round begins right after that um the DCA is calculating numbers now and they are due out in nove excuse me October of this year of what the proposed obligation is for each municipality in the fourth round but the fourth round will cover I'm sure I'm sure it is and you know again I don't want to I just want to kind of get to what I wanted to say you know there's it it feels like you know there's we still have the the corner of 12th in Maine that is an isore um we don't know if we're going to now pursue it as a public safety building or if you're going to try to sell it um I could imagine a highrise or a four story or whatever going there for the next round you know the uh radio station building down uh going toward the Avon Bridge right that's for sale you know there's Pockets everything everything becomes a Target um with this next round coming up so you know I think again um this opens up a lot of unexpected I think and as as much as all the benefits are sir that you've talked about and you've tried to present here you know the Mount Laural decision talk about sound planning and this you know what has evolved is in my opinion not that and you know I'm not like I said I don't want to argue I just wanted to you know put that out there you know this it's become like a racket for the taxpayers in the towns to have to you know constantly support all of this and just keep funling all this money here so then I guess the last question I have and I'll leave it if how much you want to address it is just there's a project right that was not per was not permitted to intervene and uh you know it seems like well if if this was such a great deal why wouldn't we have taken the advantage of getting that project in there so maybe you could address that briefly briefly thank you well we we did not address it help so you're not going to did that in four words it is an explanation yeah yeah u i mean is it waiting for the next round or first they asked for something it was EX short early large uh one two we didn't have time honestly to try and deal with them and still get this done in a time we manner so um we were even today you know we're racing literally negotiating it before we arrived so it was a matter of time and the size was just way out of proportion and you know we'll have to deal with them eventually I guess yeah they are recognized in the vacant land adjustment yeah uh for the fourth round and the judge recognized that she just didn't want to deal with another entity at this late time where did they want to put that it's uh what's the address it was uh it's a basically across from the u a lot that's next to the uh the Belmore Arts Council I think it's is it one or two lots down from the Housing Authority I can't recall yeah it would be on 7th Avenue on that side uh any other questions comments good evening J mcder 5156 uh quick question from a zoning perspective will there be any zoning changes yeah we're going to have to amend the Redevelopment plan for these particular properties yeah so are they all part of the seaport Redevelopment District or they're outside U all but 613 is not but I think our intention is to repeal the Southport Redevelopment plan entirely and just have individual plans for these three projects then that'll be the end of our Redevelopment plan experience so how will that not be considered spots zoning uh well it's a part of the settlement and these are already in Redevelopment areas except for everybody right now 6 for 613 so we just got to be careful that it's not considered it's not it's it's settlement of a lawsuit okay yeah all right thank you exception yeah else I would actually just like to if you don't mind I would like to ask a question um so when we talked about uh subletting in the calculation of how many residents would be coming in are we assuming that everyone who rents a unit will be a full-time resident in that calculation correct yes Hope um andless I want to ask this I want to be very very explicit about this um because I came into this late but what happens if we vote no thank you if we vote if we vote no here we go um then the there'll be a trial um and the core will ultimately decide what it permits or not per on the site so all bets will be off they'll you know they'll submit a case in their rep pety case for 444 units we'll have to defend it and the judge will decide and then when the judge decides that we no other input so How likely would it be if the judge was deciding that we would wind up with larger or less advantageous units than the ones we're looking at we conf our situation will be substantially worse can you say that again I get this damn thing there we go um sorry we're confident that if we don't settle the resulting projects will be substantially larger and more delerious on the municipality they will it'll be substantially worse and I can tell you as a fact that Council who represents the other developers have made that abundantly clear during the proceedings that if we don't move forward everything's on the table they start larger and fair share we want 20% on each project correct and there will all be no contribution to the affordable housing trust fund so in other words if we vote no the chances are high that we would be looking at larger units with more affordable units in each building not including the substantial you talk about expenses the legal and planning and other expenses associated special you know uh witnesses will be substantially higher than what you've already spent so it would also be a huge eon of cost going forward to defend all those lawsuits so our votes tonight are essentially between these projects or Worse projects correct thank you anyone else okay thank you very much uh I think we'll just take a second to to regroup and get our people back to the table and then we'll proceed with uh the agenda [Music] stay young [Music] ready uh the next item are or is uh petitions you have any petitions yes I received the petition uh presented by Johanna Rober Robinson it was a petition of 32 signatures urging the mayor and Council to work with d to bring back the Third Avenue bathroom uh next is approval of minutes can I have a motion to approve the July 9th meeting minutes I'll make that motion second Council M Donovan yes Council McKinny yes mayor fesco yes councilman Rondo yes Council L yes the reports of council counc believe it or not there's more environmental commission stuff um I just want to report that we discussed at the last meeting uh the creation continuing creation of our environmental resource inventory and the thing I want to know to you guys is that now we have an agreement with the planning board that they will include the inventory within their master plan so that's really great news and great work by the BBC um and we are working with a landscaper for a date to in the fall for a sustainable gardening practices seminar so be look for that um oyster catcher have hatched on the beach on 6th Avenue they're adorable you can go see them and I want to underscore that they are a protected species and so it would be a shame if anything was built around there [Music] um uh the last tourism commission meeting we uh formally voted to promote the idea here that we shouldn't be doing to BU two two sets of projects one is to include in the piano Plaza project um sha sun shades so like beautiful white sales that would provide shade and make piano Plaza much more beautiful and a better place to hang out without just standing in the middle of a sunny Brick Desert um so we are going to be working forward with the ba on that we also voted to to recommend that we buy kiosks uh this would hopefully come out of the tourism fund um and they would we recommended would be one in piano Plaza one over at the marina that would include a constant updated inventory of all of our restaurants and stores along with maps and contact information if the owner so chose to participate um so uh yeah I'm look out for updates on that thank you oh and of course if anyone is uh uh interested we have the full uh movies on the beach and the concerts at piano Plaza still happening and you can find more information on that online on our social media or on our website thank you okay thank you Council M Kenny thank you mayor um Recreation update the summer camp we the Ada committee worked with the summer campers a couple of Fridays ago and we did a workshop on presenting kids with uh disabilities and how to you know um be sensitive to kids with disabilities and there was multiple stations set up for summer camp where they had a blast so it was a really good time all the kids loved it um summer camp had their uh sailing camp this week and the kids were able to do sailing got to sit on the kayaks stand up paddle boards and go crabing off the dock so that was fun the Belmar junor lifeguard tournament was held last Thursday we had over we had almost 500 kids registered for the Belmar Junior guard tournament which which was awesome distance runs swimming paddle Rel Beach Flags teams from Avon manisan Spring Lake long brge Surf City and deal all participated Nicollet did a wonderful job soccer signups are still happening season's going to starts September first game is vers Manis Squan W and then fall tennis signups are starting now also um another thing on behalf of the Ada committee we were able to accept a another Beach wheelchair up on the beach this was donated to us by the daik foundation who raises money for people with spinal cord injuries and this was a very generous donation they gave a be a beach wheelchair to Seager Spring Lake and we were looky to receive one too so this makes uh 11 Beach wheelchairs that we now have up on our beaches pretty much every other Beach we have one uh sheet tree committee there were several Main Street trees that are need to be replaced because they're not making it also the one there was a be a tree donated by the Women's Club to the library that's dying so we have to replace that one too with the with the permission of the uh the women's up so we will be working on that only one thing around the school St Rose grammar schools got a brand new um principal and they signed a new contract with a brand new security system at the grammar school so that's going to allow for new visitor management that provides heightened security for Teacher students and in emergency situations so that's always good skate park update we are able to register as a 501c3 so we are per like officially a 501c3 to take donations and they will be selling snacks of movies on the Beach tomorrow provided it doesn't rain and then lastly Danny White and the beach music rock band kids my son will be playing in piano Plaza this Friday night that's all I have thank you Council ran Harrow thank you sorry thank you mayor um and thank you councilwoman uh Donovan and the belmare environmental commission and the Silver Lake subcommittee for all of your hard work um you are a very hardworking committee and we appreciate it and uh I hope we can and implement the full plan that's recommended um by you all um I just wanted to provide an update from our motion last week to look into options for the Third Avenue um Boardwalk bathroom our buau engineer Jim orus has written and spoken to uh de to update them on the progress Belmar is making um by completing the permanent bathroom in the tailor Pavilion our Boardwalk preservation grant that will be used to build new permanent bathroom and comfort station 16th um and our request for a trailer on Third Avenue um as the lack of the bathroom is overwhelming and has become a public health issue I was told that we should hear something back next week so fingers crossed uh Belmar Public Library please note that all Fitness classes will be cancelled next week July 29th through August 2nd due to the gym being used for basketball camp um also this Friday's Tai Chi class will be held at the Taylor Pavilion instead of the gym uh if you're a super fan of Journey uh the 1980s group there's going to be an author time event for you um August 10th at 11:00 a.m. at the library um author David Hamilton goand um will be um presenting his new book living just to find emotion journey and the story of American Rock The Inside Story rise and fall of Journey so register to attend online um the next belmer Housing Authority meeting is August 5th at 5:15 I don't have any further updates on that as I'm awaiting call back Backs from um executive director Paul De santz thank you thank you council president Le I'll be very brief I just want to thank Council MC Donovan for that presentation I know it looks like it was an afterthought after everything that was going on but I thought that was really important and that's more than we've seen in a long time for for any restoration of the Le for of the lake and that's dly needed and I'm really thankful for the environment Health commission for the efforts that you guys have put in to give us a real solution that is long-term and sustainable not just sort of uh you know putting out fires I think that's really impressive and I'm thankful for you doing that uh I would also like to thank the environmental commission for their their their uh efforts I mean it's been phenomenal if you look back in terms of what the burough has done uh past 5 10 15 years with regard to the lake um this is really Way Beyond I think what anyone could have ever anticipated and uh the lake needs it so thank you again uh saying that I have no other things to talk about but we'll going to go into the public session for the uh resolutions and this will be the public session for all the resolutions all right the consent resolutions and they could be at the at the end of the meeting we could just do uh one action before we go into public session on the resolutions all right I'll let you do that we have one resolution to add to the agenda it would be resolution 2024 159 this is the last resolution for the settlement agreements that we spoke about earlier it would be resolution authorizing the approval execution and submission to the court of the proposed settlement agreement with Russo development and furtherance of compliance with the brar's affordable housing obligations and the burough is pending declaratory judgment action so if I could have a motion just to add that resolution to the agenda I'll make a motion second all in favor anyone opposed okay now we can go to public session on just the resolutions uh please remember to state your name and address first good evening Johanna roer Robinson 406 9th Avenue um I just wanted to thank you for we moving forward with the requesting the D pission to um look into the Third Avenue bath rooms um I did create and forwarded you a survey and petition with regards to it uh and there was feedback from uh the residents um in favor and they gave comments in regards to that in favor and if there were any suggestions that um they wanted to make uh if this isn't possible um they would be interested if there was another option in regards to the Third Avenue bth so uh with that if anybody had any questions or wanted to get contact with me feel free to do that thank you thank you can I have a motion to close the public session motion all in favor [Music] about I have a motion to approve the resolutions as listed on the cons agenda motion second Council mckenny sorry Council MC Donovan EXC yes Council M Kenny yes mayor Pesco yes Council rero yes Council Le yes okay next we're going to do the uh four settlement resolutions individually so resolution 2024 156 um Council mckenny you're going to recuse yourself okay uh this is a resolution authorizing the approval execution and submission to the court of the proposed sement agreement with Mark built Properties LLC can I have a motion to approve this resolution motion second councilman Donovan yes mayor bco yes Council Rondo yes councilman Lis yes next is resolution 20124 157 resolution authorizing the approval execution and submission to the court of the proposed settlement agreement with 613 10th Avenue LLC do we have a motion to approve the resolution motion second councilwoman Donovan yes councilwoman Kenny yes mayor Becca FCO yes councilman rero yes Council L yes uh next is resolution 2024 158 resolution authorizing the approval execution and submission to the court of the proposed Salman agreement with 75 rainy LLC do I have a motion to approve this resolution motion second councilwoman Donovan yes councilwoman Kenny no May bua Fusco yes councilman Rondo yes councilman L yes and last one is resolution 20241 159 resolution authorizing the approval execution and submission to the court of the proposed agreement with Russo development do we have a motion to adopt motion second councilwoman Donovan yes councilwoman Kenny yes mayor M Fusco yes councilman Rondo yes councilman Lem yes that's it for Resolutions next we have ordinances the first one is second reading and public hearing on ordinance 20245 ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 23 garbage and waste uh this is just amending the ordinance um regarding bul pickup I did review the ordinance after speaking with councilwoman Kenny and Mr Mcgill and there are two parts to the ordinance the first part is just CL uh deleting language that was incorrect with current burough policies as far as pickup for both items and then the second section was deleting a paragraph in um section I think was 23-2 point2 we're going to undelete that paragraph we're going to keep it in the ordinance so the only change would be to section 23- 9.9 which is uh clarifying that pickup for bulk items is set by the schedule that is uh prepared by the public works and not as it was listed in the ordinance so this is open for public hearing if anyone would like to comment on this ordinance please step forward state your name and address wait I'm sorry April just to clarify you're like they struck through red is you're not doing that yes so 23- 2.2a that paragraph we're going to leave in the ordinance uh seeing no comments can I have a motion to close the public hearing motion second all in favor I I and can I have a motion to adopt the ordinance second councilman Kenny or sorry again councilman yes councilman Kenny yes mayor Pesco yes Council Ronda yes councilman lus yes um the next ordinance is second reading in public hearing on ordinance 20246 this is ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 16-3 regulation of noise providing for certain exceptions this is open for public comment if anyone would like to speak please step forward state your name and address none can I have a motion to close the public hearing motion second all in favor I and a motion to adopt ordinance 20246 motion second councilman Donovan yes councilman Kenny yes mayor B Fusco yes councilman rero yes councilman l no and now we're on to the regular public session and again just remember to state your name and address before you speak try to start I apologized for earlier I thought we were in the public comment section uh so an Noble 219 South Lake Drive um I was just asking uh to the extent that you can um can you give us some sort of sense of timing on some of the uh work on the lake and I wanted to know if it's entirely dependent on that $3 million Grant or will some you know be able to be done without that grant money and uh also just the timing of the grant process itself when will we find out so if you could touch on those thank you um I don't think Gary henar is here anymore is he um but I want to quote him and he said nothing is real you have the money um bank right um as far as the most of the GRS I believe we won't know until the fall correct I'm looking behind you because we have members of the team there um so for some of the major projects like looking over at the pipe um starting some of the uh Landscaping those type of things uh Not only would that be in some cases multiple year projects but we certainly wouldn't be starting it probably this year um the things we can start immediately are things that we've recommended to the buau before like yeast mitigation um and other like shortterm Landscaping items um which I'm happy to answer more questions about so the geese medication would be sooner rather than later I would hope and that that decision doesn't start with doesn't it's not mine to make unfortunately um um excuse me okay oh um we have some of those things in place but obviously it's not enough I know our plan was to start again with our volunteer system uh we August one uh because that Ming season is is over and they can fly away again so we would like them to fly away but we would need the B to commit uh as far as doing anything with a dog or drum during the day what was the estimated cost for the whole project do you have a it it depends there's multiple parts to it I know when we we submitted a estimate to a congressman of Chris Smith's office for about 3 million total cost of the full project um the likelihood that we get that full amount and can start right away uh is you know we would be very lucky and very blessed to do so gerio 606 North Lake Drive in geese country um so I thought that was a good question about the timing but is there any other way we could find to fund this I we seem to be able to fund so much in this town that I can't understand why for even the simple things like the dog or more lasers or I understand and I thought the plan was great it's a very thoughtful detailed plan and I appreciate it what I'd like to see is cost in time like a real project plan that shows well we could do these three things and they fit into the category of you know cleaning the lake mitigating the geese and so that we have some sort of like fiscal plan that actually can go against what you have here because I don't think we're going to get any traction I know I've been asking this question for two plus years now and I feel like I'm in exactly the same place and it looks beautiful to plan at least we have one now but unless you put t you know and time and cost against that I feel it very difficult to feel real and for us to monitor it as people who live here to say oh yeah I see some progress you know in six months we did X and in you know eight months this will happen and so I I really appreciate when we can see something like that that's my question partially it will be on funding as far as what those phases will be we have a rough idea I didn't get that detailed in the presentation only because I was aware of the time constraints in this particular meeting that being said privacy contents have been updated oh uh I am happy to say hold the town hall we can go into further detail about this and get residents like input into this Pro uh process um and in the short term even though we have to wait for some of these other things we figure out how to get some tax pay dollars I mean we all do pay taxes and so this is something that we'd like to see some against and some sort of money to go towards it as small as it is something would be helpful I agree I appreciate that in the next uh update today absolutely my second uh question is um and I I sent an email uh to I believe the township committee with regards to the bathroom on Fifth um I don't know if anybody has been in there but the doors it's a brand new bathroom and the bathroom looks like it's 100 years old it's apping to me that we paid any contractor to put in these types of bathroom stalls that look like the the thing that was there on six before was nicer looking than the bathroom yeah I got that email and I'm sorry I did forget to respond to you because I wanted to talk to business administrator K about that we discussed it and I think it's just the stainless steel cleaner right didn't we talk about that me is can you hear me okay there we go yeah it expect out like that and stainless steel was the best material to go with in that kind of situation and uh we we discussed this multiple times uh Billy and I and it's just a matter of using stainless steel cleaner and getting fingerprints off if if you would the Plastics and the stainless steel just last much longer than than Plastics um we just have to just clean it more regularly I've talked to the cleaning people on the boardwalk multiple times they do not have the cleaning solution that cleans them and I have stainless steel all over my house I've had dirty greasy fingerprints and I can clean them very easily there's something wrong with that stainless steel that product is definitely flawed in some way I don't think we have the cleaner down there yet right is that the problem I yes we do do uh we purchase cases of um stainless wipes and uh stainless Ste cleaner so they definitely have the material I was there the other day it didn't look any better just not quite I it just you know we we do pay the taxes and when I see something like that happen where we put all this money into something and it looks so hideous it's just it's mindboggling that we ended up here in this place hope if you build something on third it doesn't have the same ridiculous I I I think stainless steel is a great product but there's something wrong with that stainless steel I don't care what anybody says there's definitely something wrong all right I'll stop on that issue I have one more issue and that is the roads and now I hear about the thousand more people moving in or close to thousand over some period of time and I have brought this up also many a time over the course of time I've heard that there's a some sort of plan to fix the roads I got to tell you something you drive up e oh you drive up seven I mean it's like being shaken to it's ridiculous and I don't understand how and I understand it's tied to replacing water mains or sewers or whatever and that's fine but again a plan a thoughtful plan that says okay here it's going to take 5 years seven years whatever I don't I I understand things take time I understand we don't want to increase the taxes to ridiculous amount but again progress is there a plan and then on the same note and again brought this up some time ago is the Eighth Avenue intersection and I understand apparently you're waiting for somebody in the state of New Jersey to make some decision but that intersection you're waiting a thousand more people to have that Eighth Avenue where you don't have first of all why there's parking in front of the beach house is somebody should just remove those parking spots tomorrow they are a danger and an obstruction that is beyond belief you drive up that road on any given day it's an accident waiting to happen nobody who comes to town knows if they're going right left straight and then they're all in the middle like it's a night those spots should be removed I don't know if you need like some State person to remove three parking spots but if nothing else though should be remed and that should be three lanes a left lane for the left turn a middle Lane to go straight and a right lane to make a right this is not rocket science this is just simple facts and that's how people try to line up but unfortunately most of the people in the summertime don't really know where they're going and so they're in the left lane and then a second later they're cutting across to go in the right lane and so on and so forth at least if there was a clear sign somebody has to make a decision you know 500 ft before they get to the traffic plane we'd have a better chance of success but this this has been again and I've been told in the past we're waiting for New Jersey I don't know whatever it is Department of Transportation I guess one of these great departments but really can we do something to fix that it's it's it's a it's another appalling situation so I would appreciate an answer to that as well an update of something Sor and as far as the the I'm going to say can we put out some of that material that we have on the streets and which which ones are going to be done and we do have a plan um 8th Avenue is is the next is the number one street that's going to be fixed uh not the whole thing it's going to go from with from Ocean to I forget where we said yeah that is the worst 8 avue from Ocean to front of your house which is not related we do have a plan at first I thought you said ocean to first and I was like time no no no no no no no but from Main Street to I live on Main Street to the circle is you know ridiculous and seven is by the way not any better so other we'll talk I'll talk to Mr Kane we'll see what we can put on the website so people know what they uh we have streets prioritized uh we know which ones need you know water lines sewer lines storm drains I mean that's all been done and it's just it's just a matter now of planning out you know how we're going to go forward with that mayor maybe we could make that a presentation eth Avenue one I wish I go through that at least four or five times it's you know I'm ready to just tell them to put up a sign and let let the state tell us to take it down you know I mean that's up to the point I'll be right behind you I would do it with you because let's do it and it's a problem because if you stay in the left lane and you're making a turn now you have to wait for everybody who's coming straight up 8th Avenue and what happens is you wind up getting two lights three lights and then the natural tendency is to go around you it's it's a it's a mess priority from traffic perspec know some of resolution and again we least eliminate those two parking spots because those are just like I don't understand why anybody Park was allowed to park there it just causes more M have to look into yeah Christopher pone 2221 17th Avenue um just wanted to get an update on the uh the piano and piano Plaza um that uh Riser was developed was built in cooperation with the Belmar Arts Council um but without any consideration for ADA compliance and in violation of uh I believe part two of ADA the Ada ramp will be built to it's already designed and they're making room for it and it will be constructed and coming out of the Arts council's budget it'll be coming out of phase two of the piano Plaza project which will be a b brick engrave brick paper program it's going to pay for all the site work and everything what H what happened is we had to redo some of the electric in there because the light pole uh in order to put the ramp in the back and then and then angle it around to the one side you know for Access yeah the light pole was there so the light pole had to be moved the the the wires had to be moved we had to have Jersey Central come in cut the power did the did the infrastru move move the the pole and and all the wires and then the contractor is going to come in uh and build the ramp and then at the same time uh there'll be a new piano delivered because the piano was that was delivered um was um I'm trying to be politically correct yeah it was Dam they delivered a damaged product so there's being a new piano shipped from Israel oh my God and true story true story my other real question is how did it get to the point where it went through tons of professionals review and then it came out during a planning board courtesy review that it wasn't complying with ad I don't know if that's really you know I think the important thing is it came out and it was with immediately that's really the issue important issue thank you uh Kevin 619 11th Avenue um also the fire captain and president of Belmar volunteer Hook and Ladder um anything I say today is strictly the opinion of either myself or the members under my command at volunteer Hook and Ladder we recently had a Board of fire officers meeting where we were told that we were getting less money as a fire department than we got last year nobody quite understands how that happened uh simply inflation should have gotten a some type of an increase we tend to run out of money every year we've already exhausted our maintenance budget according to the fire administrator is what he reported to us um for the Fire Equipment which means that all the mandated testing and everything else will be coming out of our operating budget we've done no Department training this year because the budget was not ready for us the council can't keep asking us or the town can't keep asking us to do more with less it comes down to again what everybody was saying about we're going to put a th000 more people in here fire is mandated fire service is mandated and and we don't have any confidence that we're going to have what we need to do it we have equipment that has that goes out of service every year because it ages out it's almost never replaced our ladder truck is supposed to have 1,000 ft of 5in supply hose we lost 300 ft over 5 years ago it's never been replaced and we've asked for it every year this just can't continue again this is the these are the opinions of the men under my command a volunteer hooking ladder not the fire department as a whole we hope you guys will do something about it I want the public to realize that the entire fire department 50 plus people six pieces of apparatus some of the most complicated pieces of equipment in the entire town are funded every year for less than some single salaries of employees in this pwn we get less than $95,000 for the entire year for everything that's it Mary Lan 1096 daav again thank you uh Council woman Donan for your presentation and and and just happy to hear it but the one thing I will say on behalf of uh I think a lot of people here may have left by now the the whole geese feces thing has to be addressed now I appreciate in the plan I appreciate we have to vote on a dog in the short run if we can get DPW to come rap the paths it is completely and we've been living here 24 years on Silver link it has never been this disgusting ever and I know you all know that and I'm so thankful we have a plan it was a terrific plan but I think similar to what someone else said if we can put a flag in the ground and say we will have that dog we will put the batteries back in the little Amber lights you know the not M blonde whatever we can talk about it another time but whatever you said the four things have to be done put a steak in the ground if we have to go another month of voting this this can't be healthy anymore it is beyond that now so at minimum if the council would consider I did see a DPW guy one morning come and rake I did I don't know why he came but it was just one and and not again I think it would do a service to the entire town and the the guests that come this is not just Belmont residents these are guests from the surrounding towns coming to walk around our lake so again thank you if you could put a date get that dog in whatever it takes now um and not delay thanks what what's stopping us from getting a dog right now yeah nothing I had asked for prices and I'm waiting so we are so we are looking into it I wanted that to the environmental commission if they if they provide me with information with regard to dogs and other things we'll then see how much it's going to cost could could our head of DPW just put this out for a bid or we put for bid we did that already I have something so excuse me no he's up next I next to 116 it's unbelievable what's happened is the other towns have eradicated the problem and the problem is now at Silver Lake there's not 30 or 40 there's a 100 today I'm eating lunch on my porch and I chased the matter of her yard and it's unbelievable this has been known this problem has been known for a couple of years and nothing's been done would I can I have can I just recommend a really short term it doesn't cost anything problem while I was sitting there eating lunch I noticed and I'm not indicating that he should do this job but the DPW guy who collects you know the thing he went zooming down the pathway they all took off so my my question is not them I don't want anybody get mad at me but the parking attendant he's got one of those little scooters he comes by the lake every day to check on the thing let him go on the path around every hour once out maybe it'll discourage it doesn't cost any money to do that that's one idea next thing is I go to the beach a lot I have I got melanoma so I had a tent it's not a tent I'm sorry it's a shelter you can see through on all sides and they've let me use it the last couple years all of a sudden I can't use it they said it's a quality of life issue quality of life issue there's a bird there that they're protecting I they got little houses for the bird and everything it's very nice I think it's very nice but I don't think it's fair I don't understand it whatever's legl you can I can I comment on that I we I'm in the process of having a meeting with Harry harson and I believe Chief Scott and we're going to try to figure out what is going to be legal and what is not on the beach because there has been a lot of discrepancy about what's allowable we had a small little conversation about I kind of took it on my own to talk to you know Harry hon up there and he's like yeah there's Ely a lot of sometimes cost give tickets that or or make you know recommendations sometimes they don't it's inconsistent so we're working I as one officer they're all very nice see I talk to one and said it's fine I asked another one no you got to take it down so it's very inconsistent can I recommend one more thing just from a quality the big thing that the police officer was talking about quality of life issue the lifeguards get them real it's from the 1920s The Lifeguard stands from the 1920s I go to Florida in the winter they have beautiful lifeguard stand what happens is the guards when it's really windy and it's been a it's been a really windy winter I mean summer they they block one side so now they can't see that side I'm not blaming them but they can't see that side and now they're only seeing one side and also it's very difficult to difficult to get lifeguards but if you had really nice lifeguards in I'm sure we'd encourage them to come to our town thank you for and also thank you very much for the whole Silver Lake thing I think it's a great idea hopefully it'll get implemented sooner [Applause] than hi I'm Colleen I'm speaking on behalf of the environmental commission do I have to give my address yeah 56 inl tce um so one of the companies that submitted a proposal back whenever that was um was the geese police and they serve um the entire state of New Jersey he has uh seven teams out on the road um one of the very important things was that um all the experts have told us that it's not good enough to just get the geese off the land you must also get them um out of the water this company utilizes kayaks um they would come 7 days a week two to three times a day we can um mandate kind of when they come so we I told them that it was very important that they come at dawn and Dusk and they said they would do that and also come during the day as well um the um the owner of the company's name is Joe he did several site visits when um before he submitted the proposal he said the the lake is huge it's a very big project and being one of the volunteers that has been out there myself with the laser I agree um he um can come in the dark and with the he will use lasers as well um he'll come in the dark he has a spotlight that he would shot on the lake so he's sure not to disturb other water foul he'll be very careful that he doesn't disturb residents cuz we of course don't want the lake uh a light shining in anybody's houses um this company um used to Serv as Pac Gladstone who if anybody's following this story they've been in the news quite a bit um pek Gladstone ran out of money after Hurricane Sandy and they cut their budget for goose control and they they stopped doing everything they weren't addling eggs etc etc and their population you know their Goose population um increased and now they're well actually now somebody kidnapped the geese I I get Google alerts on these things so they the USDA was the USDA was supposed to come anyway they can't find the geese the USDA is trying to euthanize the geese but they can't find them because um um this this company they're endorsed by paa which I think is good as a tourist Community we don't want the bad publicity euthanizing the geese that's my opinion that's not necessarily the opinion of the environmental commission as and I understand some of the residents don't share that opinion which is fine but we can I think one of the important things about a company like this he he's um you know very confident in the work that he does and the the product that that he'll provide and they're not working with um towns that are also euthanizing so you know how how can we um say a company is doing a an effective job if they're Al also euthanizing it just seems like a I don't know not money well spent um so to get the the price down um because his initial proposal was I want to say in the neighborhood of $30,000 um but since we how long for the year for the year is it on yes so um being out there um so I talked to Ed liott who's one of the um volunteers who was out there quite a bit um quite a bit I want the community to know that we have spent I mean we're I mean hundreds and hundreds of hours into this like studying these Gees like it's been insane um so we could get this this cost down by eliminating a few of these months like June and July the geese are molting we don't we can't be chasing them they can't fly away it's a waste of money to do with them um November December January if we're we're doing a good job in all is September and October perhaps we can take those months off November December and January the important months are February March April May August September and October um so um this company does the wall school systems he does romson Shrewsberry Redbank Fairway news um he would check out the inlet teris and uh First Avenue areas because we know and Main Street bridge too we know geese we're trying to in these locations too so we could get the cost down to about 20 grand um he'll use he has dogs just ask you did he give you a proposal no if you get a proposal just send it over to Mr Kane and we'll look at it and we'll see what and uh obviously our purchasing person make sure that you know we comply with the the state contracts law and whatever but I would say that would be the first step we figure out what you're want figure out what you want get him to give you a price and we'll and we'll see if and how it can be done we do have a proposal from him um I just negotiated with him and cut it down so do you want to do R okay we need to make a motion to we need an RFP we can't just hire this one company we need to have an RFP so I I would propose an RFP I would I would suggest we direct um I don't know George if you would be writing that but I would make a motion that we direct George or Kevin to write an RFP for East removal services I think we have renew it review sure great so do we have to renew does it expire after a certain time or do we just the RFP is the best way to go it's not necessarily the only to go okay depending on the price that comes in so why don't we just get the to us we can take a look at it and see what we want to do I'm happy to help in any way so just let me know you the thing is to send the proposal over okay okay I didn't get anything in I just had the old proposal that he set so well he wants to do the job right so just have him redo it to just send it over thank for an annual every we have to make a motion on like then have his edits where if he could you know shave money off and like get it all thank you have comments con T 14th Avenue bmore um just a thought that I have my husband and I are volunteers in the spring L Heights Fire Company and we go past the spring L Heights Elementary School constantly for calls and so forth events they have dogs on the land of the spring Lites Elementary School they move them around constantly they don't have any problems with ducks geese Birds nothing they're wooden dogs with have fuzzy tails on them and they're moved all around that property constantly because every time we riding we're riding by you could see the same dog in a different position so all the dogs are moved around that's just something if you want to look at look into that something for temporary before you you know I mean a young lady's got a great idea um that was the first thing the other is I'd like to uh say a thank you to April I contacted April last week I came into the bur Hall uh last week my husband and I were in my vehicle I was driving I came down from 13th Avenue to K Street got to K Street and 14th I stopped there's a stop sign people don't know it's there but it's there I stopped I turned right put my blinker on so cuz I was pulling up to back in my driveway I pulled up across the road started to back in this guy came flying down K Street around 14th he was so close to the passenger side my husband and I both looked at each other and said that this guy's going to hit us and I finally said to the guy said you know like put my hand out like stop well he proceeded to you know give me the Jersey salute I'm like okay fine the next day I went in I spoke to April I said to her I said you know thank you you've got that tree issue taken care of on 16th in El Street um I mentioned to her about the trees that are along the fence line that are near my house around the tow houses and now that the wind wind is blowing the tops of those trees are going to get close on the wires on my house again I don't want to fire and Jersey Central said it's not my wires it's the trees also I mentioned April the situation with this guy flying around the corner and it's been over a year that we've been saying can you put another stop sign there nobody sees the stop sign on the right nobody does I can't tell you how many people have come to my house and they said you know you just ran a stop sign they're like where is it say it's on the right oh we saw the arrow in front of us it said turn so I I said well we should we should put a stop sign on the left maybe they'll see that and I asked April can something be done can you put something up there children at play at whatever well there is a sign when you go down K Street on the left of the two bright arrows telling you to turn and there's a one-way sign and on the other Pole thank you April there's a sign that says slow children at play people aren't stopping but they're slowing down now so I just wanted to let you know thank you for doing that and I knew if I spoke to April I was going to get some kind of results um so that is that was a very good thing to did thank you again when it comes to the trash pickup in our on our neighborhood we have we have Wednesday and Saturday pickups trash men are great take the garbage out they put the cans back by the curb sometimes on the curb it depends upon where vehicles are parked then you've got Thursday recycling it's the same company the guys take the recycling cans they dump them into the garbage truck they drop stuff on the ground they leave it there they take the garbage can they take the recycling cans which my husband and I stood at the window last week and watched them threw them like they were throwing a frisbee well one of them you know hit the side of my husband's car and then it rolled up against the curb I'm like they have the guys the trash guys need to teach the recycling gu some matters so this is what we're paying for for the recycling people that come out just to throw everything all over the place and half the time you've got to move the recycling bins that they have now left in the middle of the street you have to move them so you can get down the street so if you can look into that I would deeply appreciate it the building on 12th in Maine can we make that into a parking garage that would be a paid parking garage that would be excellent is there any progress with that for anything we just talking about that the next the next step is really for it to be uh raised and and um and clean fill put in cleaned out and and put clean fill in that's really the next step especially since mic um especially with all the buildings that are going to be coming in I parking right now parking is an issue you know belmare is a resort town it's I've been in this town for over 68 years and it's always been a resort town and now you're getting more younger youth driving and so forth and more Vehicles so when you put all these buildings up you're going to have more people coming in and then more Vehicles so that's why I was thinking it would be great if some place in Belmore we had a paid parking garage we'd make money and we'd get less Vehicles all over the place thank you Tom 1000 River Road um this lady just spoke about driving and everything let me bring something up there's a new issue and that's the electric bikes this thing is getting a little hairy what is do we have any any ordinances are they are they vehicles or are they bikes are should they be in the street or should be on the sidewalk someday somebody's going to walk out of the store and get nailed guaranteed everybody will be all upset and everything but that person might be dead or whatever doesn't matter it will happen so and and it's not good in the traffic with with the vehicles either it's far from good okay I said that uh councilman Darin about the about the geese you go through we go through this all the time and and you come out with we're g to spend money for a dog and this and that the other thing what we're going to do is but we're not going to do what works and it was done in Spring Lake it was done in that town in Edgewater up there in the Hudson and it was another town just recent Rec out west a bit up up north that's going to do it and it's all for nothing it's for well for nothing it's the Department of Agriculture they come and they euthanize them in the in the back with a box truck and everything that's it and also I never knew this the meat is used somewhere out in Pennsylvania it is used so you can kick this thing around all all you want about getting dogs and maybe talking to them you go somewhere else please and whatever you want to do but that's not going to help three four years well I probably won't be around but 3 or four years from now you'll be talking about another dog maybe the other dog got old or hurt itself and we got sued and and everything all right one one more thing about this affordable housing now this is New Jersey we all understand guess we all understand it's New Jersey I consider I would say 2/3 maybe three4 of the judges in the state are corrupt every so often you get one that's on a level but most of them are corrupt our judicial system is rotten from the top to the bottom and everything so for us to run to court and everything and seek this you know allance or whatever you want to call it of of our our you know how many perable housing units we have is ridiculous because they're always going to say no you're going to have this many the whole concept of affordable housing is unamerican it's anti-American there is a 10th Amendment that says if it's not mentioned in the Constitution it's the state's right and everything and of course they didn't mention the affordable housing in the Constitution when they put it together but that is a as a anti-American as it it gets that's communism coming in and telling a town or municipality or company or anybody they have to do this you have to take these people that not cannot fulfill the obligation their personal obligation of paying the market rate that's total maluke and to look it was mentioned here think out of the box there's things you can do one thing I would suggest is that Beach is an Alit to us around our neck is an Alit us they keep they keep changing the rules about the bathroom we have to say oh we have to comply just throw it back in their feet and say we don't have anything to do we won't have hire lifeguards we won't hire cleanup Crews we won't hire the policeman for for the tickets we won't have anything to do with it we won't we won't uh you know level out the beach each day and all that just walk away from it walk away from it and it'll hurt us it'll hurt the people that have all the summer jobs sure but in the long run it will help us because we can turn into the state they will not want to fight that fight and we could should say well let's talk about it as opposed to the affordable housing and we can knock it down even more plus we can string it out and everything you'll be help to people think out of the box also another Alat around our neck is that dumb school they do badly each year and then they fudge the figures and tell you everything's honky Dory it's not the children are not doing well we could send them to uh to Asbury Park and these are just some thoughts think out of the box you're not experiencing people that's that's your trouble thank you anyone else I as for this last year while you doing Road stuff like on 8th AV I brought that up last year I was here I live on 6 a it's the only street that does not have a crosswalk on the residential side it's the only one it was there before Sandy it's not we addressed that once before there's no entrance on the boardwalk on the other side of 6th Avenue yes there was but there's reason why they removed it is because the bathroom is there the bathroom is now gone you can put the stair we want a resident I still don't mind walking straight up my and going across to I'll go over to the to the thing so on the other side of six but put a residential crosswalk there's no reason why it's not there there's none it's a county road I don't know who decides when the did a great job the course goes into a parking spot when that parking they weren't there they were not there during s you want a picture I can say there's there was no there was a crosswalk there and there were stairs there there was crosswalk and there was a stairs there we'll look into it I like to get it I can't you i' like to get it done thank you nice see anyone else okay I have a motion to close the public session and adjourn the meeting Mo all favor