quit notice of this meeting of the mayor and Council was provided to the co-star the official newspaper of the burough of Balmar and the Asbury Park Press on December 13 2023 and notice of this meeting was posted on the bulletin board of the municipal building take call councilwoman Donovan here mayor fesco here councilman ranero here councilman Lis here and councilwoman Kenny is abson please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance to the of the United States of America stands indivisible please remain standing for a moment of silence for our troops their families and our first resp thank you okay Workshop Workshop discussion we're going to start off with the uh Belmont Historical Society presentation on the board work signs Brian McGovern is going to I think read that president of the Historical Society Spencer ulet and secretary his wife Karen ulet um we approached you maybe a little over a month ago and said we were interested in putting up historical signs along the boardwalk uh the signs are done we want you to be the first ones to see what signs are going to be we brought down five we still have more back at the Museum uh when uh the DPW bill is probably overwhelmed today when it came into work and does not need extra B uh work right now so I will wait about two weeks before I approach it and come with an idea how to put these up on the on the beach front so they they are great photographs you'll love them um and I hope that it it's a big success so that next year we could add a couple more to some of the uh different uh Gates uh that don't have uh a photograph but what I'm going to do is I'm going to show them to you with help Karen's help Spencer's help and a little information on them and uh ask away uh hopefully by putting these signs up there will be people that walk by and say oh my grandmother used to live in bmar and up in the attics there are pictures photos which we would love to have and so that's there is a a real there's another reason for these photographs to encourage people to make donations of uh historical photos family pictures on your front porch uh picnics whatever all right are you ready we'll come down so we can see you can come down we'll turn them around pictures on the back the now the pictures on the the ones on the front are pictures of of a huge snowstorm that we have like that thinking about oh it doesn't take this is a photograph of the original delar fishing club and what we would like to do is put this down near the fishing club so when people are walking the boardwalk they can look and see what it used to be in fact this building uh was pulled down Ocean Avenue um by a horse and carage where I know and it's now actually located on the back property of a house on 15th Avenue still there doesn't look exactly the same it's been remodeled a little bit so this will go down near the fishing P which one is okay these are two similar photographs this is a photograph of Gordon's Pavilion you know it as Taylor Pavilion at Fifth Avenue if you look at it you used to be a pool and you see a person just about to jump off of a diving board and in the background there's Silver Lake and 6th Avenue to give the people walking on the boardwalk a little reference so this was Gordon's Cil this is the Pavilion that most of you remembered before 1979 when an arsonist burnt it down and uh now you know since then it's been remodeled it's gotten bigger but this is the Fifth Avenue Pavilion people walking North and the circuit what do we oh around 1920 so and these signs are aluminum signs that uh will hold up all season long and should look as fresh next year and the year after as they do this year this was before there was an Ocean Avenue with mam okay this horse and buggy and this is Circa 1880 3 okay I love this picture I don't if you when you get up to close to it you can you start to see little things the kids playing by The Carriage the horses but there was a parking meter no no parking there in 1883 well you also see here uh this is around 14 15th Avenue this is the hotel Colorado this came with this is one of the uh hotels that was brought in from the uh Philadelphia World's Fair and I I don't know how they got in here I don't know they shipped it and they brought it ashore but the Colorado Hotel 1883 and this one again it's around 14th 15th Avenue in the back again you can see the Colorado Hotel this is right around 1900 and they used to fish off the shore and they would bring their boats up the beach and the horses used to pull the boats out of the water up the sand and when you get close to this you can see they had a good days catch CU they got fish tails in the uh the stern in the boat so these are just five of the signs the other ones are just as good that uh the Belmar Historical Society uh wants to put along the boardwalk my idea is maybe uh in a couple years get more photographs of Main Street in the same Circa of 1900 we have one of the bridge that was you know as it was being built were the first one of the first trains coming across really we have so many interesting photographs you can get lost looking at our different uh books with the photographs anybody have any questions R the the QR codes I love that you have that does that go to the website or does that have a description of the picture what does the QR code do goes to the Belmar historical website right we we wanted the photograph itself to be the star or the sign and we didn't want to put anything else I think it's you know we cut the simple bu more Historical Society kind of when the picture was taken and for those people that have an iPhone and you know how to use it and you take a picture of the QR code it will get us in you it'll get you into the bmar historical society's website so are those pictures on the website I think some of them are yeah so now how do you envision these being displayed on the boardwalk what's your well as you're walking on the boardwalk uh facing you not facing the water and at the different Gates you got aluminum railings and that's why I'm going to meet with a build uh to kind of figure out a way to display them probably going to have to drill through the corners up here the top and the bottom and connect it that way almost like a zip tie but a metal zip thing that would go around the around the railing without having to drill into the railing you looking at this you would know what to do and then probably come uh October sometime we'll take them down and uh put him up again next year uh with maybe a another photograph or two I I will let you get back to your meeting if you don't mind us scooting out of here I was going to I the Council approves I was going to offer to the public to take five minutes oh sure yeah yeah take five minutes and you want to take a look while we get back up on yeah then there your photographs you looked at inged probably it was not torn down it was probably back you know and that's usually what happens was okay this is Avenue this is Silver Lake the pool was over here on on the west side of Ocean Avenue is that where the are yeah actually theart yes matter of fact the entrance to the pool was when you entered the doce VA yeah there you went in there and in the back there were the bath houses andely that he learned to swim there and my wife said no [Music] didn't when the water was when the was rough my parents would that's a great question and I've heard it a couple times don't remember wasn't priv and usually you went up to the lady my mother wants my sister home okay go and none of my NE one of them and that's well exactly there's some pictures of hot and sandies uh River Road was Highway 35 there are some old photographs of that area you put them up around town I 1800 and then you could do like a walking tour Jerry Lynch Jerry Lynch those Suns you want forget about my 21st birthday all [Music] right thank you guys for GS for doing this um our pleasure we enjoy to this I don't think we have anything else for Workshop want okay I have two quick questions one is about ordinance withar or thank you um and the other question uh I had a few people reach out to me because there was some concern from our beach staff that they were confused about changes made and were asking if they were no longer being paid for their lunch break can you clarify what's going on there yeah what we it's all a matter of consistency making sure it's consistent for the entire beach front on the seasonal hirings so uh between the lifeguards the uh bathroom attendant and and the gate Checkers everybody's paid the same way so they are not being paid for lunches some were some weren't but we increased the the hourly amount to be above the seasonal uh minimum so it it was compensated but it's all a matter of consistency to make sure everybody's being paid the same exact way so should everyone should anyone see a decrease in their total no their hour hourly rate was increased so which will more than compensate for for taking that half hour um off and if anyone has any questions where should they go about their paychecks in general yeah to myself or to Margaret Hansen HR Director either one of thank you okay anything else the workshop I just wanted to say um I know we're not we don't have another Proclamation um but I'm happy to announce that uh June 3rd at 4 pm we have our second Annual Pride flag raising ceremony and that'll be right outside of bur Hall uh we have a local guest speakers and Danny White singing it should be another beautiful event so please come on now okay let's uh move on to petitions I did not receive any petitions but I have a motion to approve the minutes of the April 30th meeting motion second Donovan yes may bcal yes councilman Rondo yes councilman Lis yes and can I have a motion to approve the minutes of the May 7th meeting motion second Council Donovan yes may fesco yes councilman rero yes councilman leis yes thank you okay reports of council Council woman mman the Belmar environmental commission has been very busy as always um a few things that the public should know we've been working with DPW to ensure that there is what they call a no mo line going around the perimeter of Silver Lake um this is part of the suggestion of every expert we've talked to from the Army Corps of engineer Ruckers University um and private contractors and the reason we do this is both to encourage natural growth and filtration and also to discourage geese from staying there um we will be putting up if they're not already there are they already there signage uh we we put the posts in today and signs of all tomorrow great um letting people know the public know what's going on and there will be a very um definitive line where there will still be mowing going on so it will look neat and tidy it will not look like a mess um we are also in the process um of working with the Army Corps of engineer to test the water in Silver Lake um it's because because there's been some high algae levels um and so what we're doing Silver Lake actually has 18 different alcohol pipes going around it and bringing water and other things into the lake we're trying to narrow down where any sources of contamination might be coming in um and then we can move forward with the best solution um so that's going on right now we're also pursuing different types of Grants and funding um I spoke in the last meeting about our work um getting in a proposal to Congressman Chris Smith's office that has been done um and we are right now pleased to announc that so far no NES have been born in Belmar um that is because we've been working every every other week going and boiling the eggs which is a completely Humane Peta approved method of making sure there not a new virgin inkies population and that right now is up to I think 42 eggs that we have oiled on um the island in the middle of Silver Lake we haven't found any in any other place nor have we touched any other nests um we don't touch the nests in fact um so that's that um I'm actually going tomorrow to beautiful you in New Jersey to receive a grant on behalf of the BC and the burrow um from Sustainable New Jersey that we've won already so that was really great um moving on Harbor commission the next Harbor Commission meeting we will be voting on whether or not to recommend we have uh benches down at the marina it's a vote to recommend that would come to council um to go forward and that's what I have for now thank you councilwoman Ronda thank you Mr Mayor I feel like it's been a while since we've had a meeting um we were honored to unveil the ramy's heart Co Memorial tribute plaque on Third Avenue beach so please take a look at that uh when you get a chance uh we are grateful for Rema and Travis Whitaker for creating the original Memorial on Balmar Beach um and allowing the community to continue grieving and healing at their permanent location at air Farm in wall uh the seafood festival was an absolute success uh thank you to the Belmar tourism commission and councilwoman Katie Donovan um their tourism commission's council rep uh all the local restaurants musicians vendors organizations our gpw our police EMS fire companies and all the volunteers and buau staff especially John Walsh who knocked this one out of the park uh the mayor and I uh the mayor and I were honored to be a part of the ribbon cutting for a new organization Blue Dot a social and Community wellness program providing day support and additional opportunities and activities for adults with disabilities um please check out their storefront which is right across the street on Main uh to learn more or check out their merch uh some made by their own members please go uh across the street and check out Blue Dot uh we had a moving Memorial Day ceremony yesterday uh thank you to the Belmar Fire Department for their ceremony on honoring those members lost this year and to Colonel Bagley who led the Memorial Day service for those soldiers killed while serving our country uh Emily schlack the U bees Coral teacher led the Belmar Elementary School a select choir and a patriotic tribute uh thank thank you to all who came to the ceremony and all who have served and continued to serve in our country's military I had some great exchanges with Belmar families about their graduating high school seniors um and we're excited to Showcase those who signed up for banners along Main Street we should soon soon SE them up in the beginning of June um and then the belmer Housing Authority uh the next belmer Housing Authority meeting is this coming Monday June 3rd at 5:15 uh I know they've reworked this specs for the facade work so that will go back out to Bid And when I know more I'll let you know um I was overjoyed we had a uh clean up on the property last Friday despite the rain uh we had volunteers and staff help weed power wash um and get some needed attention to the grounds of the property it already looks so much better and there's still more to do uh we're hoping to paint the retaining wall but the weather had other plans um feel free to reach out to me if you are interested in helping out um as we're working and making strides on the outside I don't want to be polanish and dismiss the larger issues inside and and structurally of the building uh the mayor the business administrator and I have met with Paul De santis to discuss ways the buroughs may be able to work with BHA to address those larger concerns um and I hope we can continue to make Headway the bmar library um window replacements has become has begun at the library um it's expected to continue in the next few weeks and will result in some disruption of normal Library operations uh depending on which window the workers are replacing access to that section of the library may be limited uh or closed off entirely if a patron needs something from a closed off section please ask the staff member on duty for assistance the rear door access is now restored as are all windows on the rear of the building uh the summer kickoff and end of summer concerts featuring Pat R are scheduled for June 6th and September 19th respectively concerts begin at 600 so bring your lawn chairs uh and then the 2024 summer Beach Blanket Bingo reading program kicks off June 12th at 1:00 p.m. um or June 15th at 11:00 p.m. at the library front lawn where participants will get their bingo kits read a book to start and enjoy fun bingo games um as well as start the reading journey and there's prices so you can register the kids online and lastly uh join us uh June 18th at 7:00 p.m. at Taylor Pavilion for the annual juneth celebration with the John lucken Bill Orchestra and guest speaker Ronald Tyson uh chair of the English Department of raron Valley Community College uh enjoy great music composed by African-American composers throughout the 20th century and learn more about our nation's newest federal holiday this concert is free and open to the public thank you thank you uh council president leis thank you mayor uh last Wednesday May 22nd uh there was a good kind of car rally in town um handsome devil barber shop and Senior one cigars hosted um what is hopefully the return of a Belmar car show uh it was a really great night my kids loved it they asked why I didn't have a car like that not getting one anytime soon but I want to thank Nick Foster from senior Juan cigars and Daniel kimone from handsome devil barber shop for taking the initiative and putting it on hope we get some more like that that's all I have man thank you two things um I'd like to personally thank John Walsh for all the work he does for the seafood festival um he makes it look very easy but a lot of time and effort is put into making that go smoothly and uh you know the I think the setup this year was was much better than it was last year and walking around at the end of the Sunday evening you know un elicited uh comments from vendors saying what a great experience they had and looking forward to come next year so my personal thanks to John keep up the good work uh now we're up at the beach uh I want to just bring you up to date on the um the situation with the bathrooms and the windows I know Mr Kane was up there after we met this afternoon I know the plan is to have it open sometime this week are we still on on that trajectory yeah guess the contractor is is hanging tight to that uh be open by the end of the week so all the uh toilets and urinals are all hung on the the floor is done everything's in in place they worked all weekend long uh painting and and hanging the you know toilets and everything and uh he's confident he can do it but hopefully we'll we'll see them open the bathrooms and the and the bridge will be open at the same time maybe maybe has it also when we were up there Thursday night for the the meeting of the lifeguards I noticed the I think two windows were were up three three are up and so they're starting to do that in phases also so hopefully you know in short order we'll have all those uh doors replaced with fixed windows so something to look forward to and I think that's all I have oh and let's not forget the if you've been around the piano Plaza you'll see there's now something on a little stage that was built the uh the piano has arrived um it arrived last Tuesday I think or Wednesday um it was a major undertaking to get it up onto that that platform but it was done through uh the hard work of Public Works and about 15 guys that that were needed to lift it but uh it was up and it's um you know it's covered and it's being inspected and you know we're in touch with the company in Israel to check out a few things that have to be uh to be worked on before it can be uh plugged in and started so it's there it's it is a piano and does have keys that work we think but hopefully we'll be seeing it in operation sometime in the future um since councilwoman Kenny's not here I also want to say thank you to the PTO and for Belmore Elementary School a wonderful field day they really did an excellent job and um tonight is actually the boys motherson baseball game um which I am already late for so after votes I will be leaving hastily to make my way over there so forgive me if I miss your public comment but you can always reach out to me at C Donovan atm.com which also reminds me that the day that the piano was installed the trees were installed new trees were put in piano Plaza um there were two extra trees which I kind of commandeered and had them placed along Main Street one is in front of this building and one is across the street in front of the sweet teas uh because there were places where there were just empty blocks of soil where trees had been so uh that's part of the effort moving forward to try to you know get Main Street a little more treelined so um if you'll notice them but the piano Plaza looks great if you haven't been there you should go around take a look okay um to the public session for the uh consent agenda yes if anyone from the public has a comment or question about a resolution on the consent agenda please step forward state your name and address can I have a motion to close the public session motion second all in favor can I have a motion to approve the resolutions listed on the consent agenda motion second Council M Donovan yes mayor bco yes councilman rero yes councilman yes our first ordinance is ordinance 20246 this is an ordinance amending chapter 19 creating a handicap parking space it's open for public comment if anyone would like to speak on this ordinance please step forward hi Eugene creamer forth Avenue um this is very similar to one I guess we had about a month or two ago um this there's actually a hardship here um doesn't appear that uh I did a a quick driveby and uh it appears that the property doesn't have any l through parking at all and I don't know whether the handicapp person is a renter or owns the property but it really doesn't make any difference uh the term of this uh I think should be uh as we discussed last time it's actually dictated by the uh New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission um other comments about it it's uh the passenger side U would be against C that's not the real preferred arrangement for caregivers but uh in any case we don't know what the handicap is for the individual that U I didn't measure the RightWay width or pavement width or or any of that I meant to look that up but I didn't have a chance uh of course when you when you do stuff like this uh our public r there's competing interest uh not just perhaps for certainly for parking belar is a town that essentially you can unless there's a sign or a yellow curve you can park there for as long as you want U this put this handicap would only available to people that actually have a pler that they can put on on their car as far as competing inter um I guess we have coming down the pipe uh electric charging stations and perhaps even 5 G Towers whe whe the handicap paring would have an influence on that I don't know yet but uh I guess like I said U this is this is one that the town just like the other one just has to trace the motoric commission thank you any other comments I have a motion to close the public hearing second all in favor I can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 20246 motion second councilman Donovan yes mayor buckus yes councilman Rondo yes councilman Lis yes next is second reading and public hearing on ordinance 20247 is a bond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements and Acquisitions appropriating 1, 354,000 and authorizing the issuance of 1, 286,00 in bonds and notes this is open for public comment if you you want to speak please remember to state your name and address na First Avenue can I ask what are the [Music] improvements uh yes in the uh section three of the uh ordinance uh it reads the improvements here by o price to be undertaken consist of The Rehabilitation and ancillary work at the borrow fuel dock okay so that's one the acquisition of two SUV Dodge Durangos together with anciliary equipment for the borrow Police Department a vehicle together with anciliary equipment and artificial Christmas tree for the borrow of Department of Public Works various equipment including but not limited to cameras routers and internet access points for the burrow it and stdl program and software for the burrow Administration uh department so that's what the uh money is being used for thank you any comments okay can I have a motion to close the public hearing motion second all in favor hi hi and can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 20247 motion second councilman Donovan yes mayor bcco yes councilman rero yes councilman Lis yes next is second reading in public public hearing on ordinance 20248 this is a bond ordinance providing for various water sewer utility improvements appro appropriating 1,600,000 and authorizing the issuance of $1,520 th000 in bonds and notes it's open for public hearing if anyone would like to comment on this ordinance please step forward and I have a motion to close the public hearing motion second all in favor I and can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 20248 motion second councilman Donovan yes may bco yes councilman rero yes councilman L yes next is second reading and public hearing on ordinance 20249 this is an ordinance amending and and supplementing the garbage and waste ordinance regarding bulk items this is open for public comment if anyone has a question please step forward can I have a motion to close the public he motion second all in favor I I and can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 20249 motion second councilwoman Donovan yes mayor bco yes councilman rero yes and Council M Lis yes next is ordinance 20241 this is an ordinance amending and supplementing uh chapter that 40 devel regulations and revised General ordinances applicable to outdoor dining and outdoor eating um would someone like to make a motion to approve this ordinance for first reading and introduction motion second councilman Donovan yes mayor B yes councilman rero yes councilman L yes next is ordinance 20241 this is the ordinance amending chapter 26 housing and Property Maintenance establishing the lead pain inspection program would someone like to make a motion to offer for first reading and introduction make the motion second councilman Donovan yes mayor Basco yes councilman rero yes councilman L yes next is ordinance 20242 an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 27 Street exclamations sidewalks and curbs would someone like to make a motion to offer for first reading and introduction I'll second councilman Donovan yes mayor bco yes councilman rero yes councilman Le yes and last one is ordinance 20243 and ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 26 housing and Property Maintenance uh amending section 2- 9.8 we have a motion to offer for first reading and introduction I'll make motion Council Donan yes mayor mesco yes councilman rero yes councilman Lis yes okay and now we're on to public session if anyone would like to speak please remember to state your name and address first Linda shus 4th Avenue um was just wanted to ask for an update on when the mermaid Fountain is going in on 10th Avenue you haven't heard anything about that in a while I don't still wait still waiting on Jersey Central to to give us the uh tell us when they're going to run the power to that Island we uh we actually met with JC pnl again on Thursday and uh they're engineering it right now and they said we should have the plans within two weeks that's great really appreciate and my second um question is now that the piano's here could we work on creating a celebration for the um for David sanus and and the piano in honor of his mother stma I mean it's a I would think a very big event for the members of our community who knew them and grew up with them and um their contribution to music on a local level with stma and then with David being part of the uh origin East Street Band so is there anything in the works to well the plan has always been that once the once the piano was operational and ready to go uh we would have a um uh like a dedication and hopefully we time it at a point where he would be here for for that reason and Kevin know some more about that you we we've been in discussion with the mar Council and since this idea started with them the the idea was for it to end with them so they're going to be working directly with David and planning the entire dedication ceremony uh we facilitated getting the piano here the Arts Council is going to work with David on a celebration for in light of the fact that it is supposed to be a celebration but he decides to come in the first week of September you find out two weeks before I don't think it's sufficient time to plan an event right John Walsh I mean I think more they're a direct they're yeah they're in direct contact with David they're going to coordinate the whole thing based on his schedule and uh their schedule so it it'll be well coordinated well publicized and the Arts Council is going to take care of that entire process okay so who do we donate money to to facilitate David and his family coming to New Jersey is that I know you everything is going to be through the Belmore Arts Council so why was money turned back um the money the money that was being raised was to purchase the piano which which it was and once we hit that there was no need to have any more money raised for the purchase of the piano that's where it stopped now the Arts Council is going to they're they're taking over this dedication so they'll be handling the entire process but the cost of the piano is not the only cost that goes along with it we need to be concerned about the maintenance security and uh having it serviced as part of the money and I you know I think we should set up a fund to make sure we have funds that go along with the in the invest well now you're talking about two different things you previously you were talking about a fund to donate money for a celebration that's being done through the Arts Council um as far as the maintenance and and that kind of stuff we haven't really um really thought about that I mean it's going to be our responsibility I believe and plus there's a warranty on it for like a year so [Music] um I don't know if you want to add anything to that Mr K we're once once the piano finalized and and uh electrics is powered up and everything there's going to be a phase two of the site work to to build a platform to do the pavers we're going to be selling engraved pavers similar to the clock on 10 and Main so that once we get the official word from cenza that the piano is operational uh we're going to launch into a phase two paper project to take care of the site work and any future maintenance as far as the dedication goes that's going to be handled entirely by the Belmar Arts Council with with David coordinated with David Sanchez who is the person at the Belmar Arts Council who's heading up this either Diane or Wendy okay all right thank you any other comments Tom Walker 527 8th Avenue don't I uh was seeing a lot of U text going back and forth about the U uh this you know not paid for lunch we're not going to be paid for lunch anymore stuff like that there was like indecision uh query and stuff like that and I appreciate Caitlyn was able to uh reveal through her research um I'm just I mean it seems to me we should keep it simple and I should be able to stay for myself take whatever my hourly rate is and um I just lost my Chain of Thought but compared what I the way I would see if I got my right hours before I should be able to do the same thing now and come up okay you know in other words whatever you call it I'm still getting the same amount for working eight hours or nine hours um and you know some some kind of a thing like uh here's U um here's what here's an individual here's what it would come to under the old system this is what it is for the new system system so they can see that it's no change really um and U so I'm just I'm suggesting that there a lot of lot of talk going around and it's not healthy so appreciate that just so you understand I I don't think any of us have been part of that conversation here so um you know I know Mr Kane and our human resources manager Margaret Hansen have been Ling that and uh we can um you we'll we'll speak to her maybe we can get a clarification for the next meeting you know there what 100 people people that are wondering you know and you know just because it hasn't been uh advertised correctly or maybe not but but I'll definitely give Kevin of cool and see if I can understand that's a better way to to handle it put we'll make sure everybody we'll talk and I'll put that same thing in writing all Eugene prer for um I'm sorry I wasn't here for the last couple of meetings um has the mayor and Council approved a specially event on June 1st at5 in teris Jun 1st 15 I don't believe so I'm getting the our Advance coordinator is saying no yeah well I want to this was apparently was an article in the coastar on April 25th uh it was advertised at uh June 1st F fundraiser uh from 6: to 900 p.m. and uh they charged an admission of $115 per person um you know for admission and uh it includes alcoholic uh cocktails a horse divorce I guess a light entry and and DJ music um this is a residential Zone uh you know I'm kind of I've been through something like this in the past before uh you know this this is kind of I I kind of like see it as one of these popup car meets where all of a sudden a whole bunch of people show up in this case in a residential neighborhood U especially alcoholic beverages cocktail um what was that address again 115 inland terorist we uh ask our our attorney is that um I'm not that familiar with the uh requirements for a permit for a uh we would have take a look at it and see what the event is all about and see if it fits into our requirements for a permit but I mean it sounds more than just a house party it does you know so we'll have to look into that and see that's for June 1st actually uh I have to take the newspaper here in my hand the attorney like to look at it perhaps sure I guess the police department has held has pursued these popup car meets this this appears to be the the same sort of thing uh the only reference in there's nobody there's some organization in in Point Pleasant Beach and there's a gentleman's name there but uh I caught the address and geus is right the scen from me I have the SC from you so you don't mind if I take this take a look at it and give it back to you you can have that evidence sir huh okay we we'll look into it sure which story is this which arle one right at the top gotcha thank you any other comments public comments be it's summertime there's parking there's a lot of people we have our 20 in marked off right from the driveway to the line I thought it was 18 but we were confirmed it was 20 but the bumpers or the tires hit that line and the bumpers are 20 in long which put you right onto the driveway my neighbor couldn't even get into the driveway the other day and this is a common thing you know he tell you the tires have to be in doesn't matter how big the bumper is so it's a question that comes up every year can that be changed that it has to be the full car possibly in there I mean like I have new construction next to me they still have a white line and which that has to just get blocked out I don't know when that it will there a white line in the middle of their driveway and then there's just enough parking space for a car to fit but not a legal parking space so that's got to get yellow curved out so that no one but the owner of the house can actually park there and block their own driveway but it's you know the usual the big bumpers that are the problem you have the tires tires fit but then the rest of the car doesn't fit so it's just super thought I know we're not going to get a solution right now but can that be looked at I don't know what drives the tires versus the whole car what process sounds like a sounds like another legal um look at uh I don't know if it's a state it's a State title 39 statute that talks about driveways or is it just our ordinance or is it both awfully tough it's my understanding that the lines the lines themselves do not create any violation it's if you are blocking the driveway which is the actual violation so I think the lines are there to caral the cars but being over the line or whether Tire or bumper isn't in itself a violation I I don't know Chief is that your they're just there it's a courtesy line to keep the car from blocking the driveway there's no I I think the question is so can kind of car can bumper let's say go right up to the to the end of the the driveway or is there some rule of Regulation that says it has to be so so many inches from the the driveway to the end of the car yeah I can take a look that I off the cup I wouldn't take a guess at that one where we'll look into that the the like the the 20 the 20in number is just the number we use when we when we paint the parking bracket but as long as the vehicle doesn't intersect what the state calls intersects the entrance of the driveway then they par so we could easily change it from 20 to 26 to 28 and make as the zoning board had said at one point in time in the meeting let's think about the residents versus all the other people coming in the Park food for thought thanks okay uh Jim diorio to 178 uh to take that Claire's point a little further are we as residents allowed to block our own driveway without getting a ticket because based on the way this is being forced I could just park in my driveway as long as my wheels don't go over the white line and have my front end take up the space so no one can park there because as Claire said the the the back ends of cars some big SUVs are more than 18 20 in and somebody blocked my driveway again today so can I block my own driveway legally and put a sign on and say this is my driveway and go over the white line no I'm is that can you I'm not I'm not laughing at that just on the record I'm supposed to tell you that it's illegal to block a driveway well but wait how how am I blocking my own driveway hold on first of all first of all protocol says you're supposed to be talking to me directly okay so the question is can a person Hawk their vehicle in their own driveway block their own driveway and I think what I'm hearing is the technical answer is no one can park in the in the driveway but is there an exception where if you I don't know call the police or give some kind of notice to someone and and you know who's an enforcement can I block my own driveway now I don't know I I I'm assuming enforce residents from blocking your over you do not for you not enforce do not enforce how would you know like if you because they're not going to call on themselves if someone blocks your driver you're going to call us to come over you're not going to call us if you par well you never know somebody might call and see my car and say you know there's a car park in the driver I mean I'm sure you check the plate before you okay so it's it's not in right I don't know what the our Legal C sounds good to me so but I think the I think the point from the prior discussion is a line is irrelevant I think that the the the thing is is a car blocking the driveway it doesn't you know whether it's the the fender or the tie I think that white line has got people confused but you know I think as long as the vehicle is not blocking the driveway it really doesn't matter what the line is like I said that's just a way of kind of giving people the idea of this is where you're supposed to be parking comes in judgment if you don't go by the white line well you just look it's a but if you're inside the white line there's no discretion right well if you're inside the white line you're already 20 in away from the driveway right but your bumper has to be inside the white line but you have no angle the the 18 or 20 in gives you the angle to pull in your own driveway if you don't have an angle you can't pull in you can't do a a parallel park the oneway streets are narrow Jim I see what you're saying I don't think we're going to resolve this tonight but it is something that maybe we could take a look at and see if there during the summer we have to have a member of our family stand in the middle of the street yeah I mean right right now the solution is if someone's BL blocking your driveway call the police and they'll come and verify that someone's blocking a driveway and issue a ticket right or get that person towed i' I've had to do it a couple times too even on my street all the way up by 13 but I think we could take a look at the white lines maybe and see if there's something that we could do I mean DBW is trying to pack in as much parking for everyone as possible on the streets understand so but I I see your point because it is very difficult to turn into your driveway if the car is with in the white lines but the still their buper sticking out very close so maybe there something you have it on both sides possible whether it's you know instructing the officers to use discretion where they need to and enforcement where they need to or whether it's some change that we have to do it's something that we'll take a look at well and and the the issue is if the if the officer says oh they're blocking your driveway well is you still can't get out unless they tow it and that's another you know issue uh so just giving the ticket sometimes isn't enough you still can't get out of your driveway all right thank you anyone else I have a motion to close the public session and adjer the meeting motion second all in favor see you next