um it's always a fluid process exactly it's a it's a guideline a general guideline and then you sort of change it as as a situation you know arises yeah so again if you guys just want to review um I think Paul you had a couple Missy couldn't make it but I believe she had a couple suggestions if you just want to go over yeah Miss Missy has uh four suggestions U one was to redo the kitchen when we redo the community room which would include Carpeting and Furniture which we had planned to do uh the other on were one was to get some comfortable outdoor seating which we can certainly do I I would to those concrete things to uh one which I don't feel is that is realistic is she suggested to painting all the units every 3 years on a rotated basis that's a lot of Manpower and uh we don't have enough time mten wise to be able to do that plus I don't think you know I don't know about you guys but I don't paint my rooms in my house every 3 years I get more time than that out of it and then changing the carpet well changing the carpets we do regularly when a unit becomes empty mainly because all the furniture and stuff is out of there and it's easy for the guy to Comm in when you have a tenant living there and then you have to change that carpet well then you know it gets more complicated moving stuff out securing it in the hallway but they were the suggestions they were very good yeah are are we if the carpet is in like rough condition well what we do our procedure is if somebody says their carpet's old or starting to get a seam come up Mike goes up and inspects it and uh if it needs it then we call the corporate company they can in and replace the car in between uh tenants we always uh uh steam wash have a company committed and clean all the carpets so they're clean when it how frequent you do that cleaning uh the carpets when the unit turns over oh is there maybe a way cuz that would be a cheaper thing to to do than replacement is it possible that it could be budgeted in like a steam carpet cleaning even every two years or something something like that is that for every unit yeah that would be a lot see the problem really isn't carpet itself it's all the stuff in the unit you go into some of these units you got to it's like a rat maze you got to walk away they got stuff stored on each side we have some people that are baby ers uh and it becomes difficult because the guys coming in the clan they only be able to do this tiny little little spot but you know we can look at that down the line we we encourage you know if somebody has an issue they write in work order and then we follow up with it yeah are there I'm sorry this is is this is this okay just to speak okay is is there anyone who can come in like help like kind of like a non professional social service serves um you know or or social services to help those people who are having a hard time I mean I know it's a small apartment you know when you move from a house or you move from a lot and then you're stuck to one bedroom and that's a lot that's hard um but do we have services or people who can reach out and help some of the people who might be having a hard time we have't in the past Mike has done it himself often times right or if they have family involved the family members over okay something maybe we' be open to I mean I can see what's around but it's hard to find somebody like we tried to find somebody part-time just to help with the painting is always yeah nobody can can't get anybody or they want to be paid cash which we can't do right of course what about doing the carpet exle and even the painting on like a a rotational basis like you know you have you have 50 Apartments you know if you did even five Apartments a year you know we know every 10 years or 10 Apartments a year you know you know every 5 years you know things are being painted things are being so you know it's it's not it's not such an honorous task to do them all in one year know that's that's very hard to do but if we had some kind of a plan to say well you know everybody's carpet's going to be cleaned every 5 years you know apartments are going to be cleaned I mean painted you know every 5 years unless we have an opportunity when somebody moves out right you know then you can do a really good job because there's nothing in the apartment um that might something to look into you know to get you could possibly do it by floor you could do it by floor too just you know hire hire a contractor you know like you'll give a fiveyear contract or something I don't even know if that's possible five year but even if it was just a a two year one year with an option to renew right you know it might be something that that would be more cost effective and I was thinking about your thing with the the storage too maybe we could get someone to on like a like a little class or something like a seminar you know and and come come and say you know these are the things that you know will enhance your quality of life you know for those people who have a lot of storage you know kind of like put it out there that we can like a coach almost yeah like like somebody who's just you know on you know you have a lot of stuff you know and then maybe have some options as to what they can do to you know like if you have stuff you want to get rid of you know they can be given to Goodwill it can be given to the Salvation Army and then we can always you know figure out how to do that you know somebody said I know I got boxes from you know Christmas decorations that I don't need anymore you know but I don't want to throw them away you know so give them the options like these are the people who could really use this you know and some places have sales like I know the VNA has has a big sale up in the Far Hills and we have store right on Main Street that takes clothes right you and resells them so you know I mean just to well Furniture would use Vincent yeah yeah they come they pick up yeah if they're they're a little bit selective about what they pick up yeah I know they don't want furniture with cushions on them you know they don't like because of uh you know possible yeah they can't clean it or whatever but um they've done that and they also the other way supplied the new tenant moving in they them which so they actually go to the apartment and and would get the furniture because I know in three house cleanings that I've done some of them are get very particular you know you got to have it on the first floor they won't well generally we will get it on the first floor if it's not overwhelmingly heavy yeah but I mean that would be like a no cost thing I'm sure you can get volunteer to come in and say you know it's spring cleanup right you know thing and let's you know go through your stuff let's see what you have other people can use it you know it's just might might be something that might urge even two or three people who want to do it like I know every town usually has like a mass shredding day M but maybe if the town worked with the county or something to get them to actually come here with that truck instead of the shredding Shing truck that's a great idea you can come to my house too you know I'm sure for them to bring the stuff over to the Recycling yard the truck here it could help them clean out their paperwork and stuff the other Burrows still get they used to have it once a year at the recycling center right no I we just had a brief conversation about that the county picks out towns you know every year and it's been a while since we've uh we've done that but we we've been talking about um getting shredding maybe even hiring a shredding company to come or looking I think the county does it but I'm not sure if there's a cost or if it's for free so we'll definitely look into that because we have we have tons of documents that have to be shredded every year that we're on a schedule schedule yeah just like I am not so um you know it would be would be nothing if we have to if we have the shredder here you know to just get the boxes over even if you had it there I'd find a way to get them over there no we we can get that wouldn't be an issue I'm sure that wouldn't be an issue I know I talked to um Paul about this and and I was speaking to some people in the environmental commission who are interested in doing a spring cleanup outside um um and uh maybe getting some I don't know whether we'd be open to having some like native plants um you know be put in I know it has to make sure they can be you know maintained it has to be in an area that works and know we're going to have construction all over the next few years um but is that still okay to look into yeah because we we've actually paid for last year a spring cleanup we had a landscaping company commit okay okay so that's something that you know we we but if we could if we had volunteers we'd certainly welcome that rather than did um DPW ever clean clean up for you here what they do they're very good at with the snow snow removal they're they're very very good about getting over here and clearing I see make a note we can contact DPW to you have sprinklers here no no cuz they don't really have a lot of land here just we have a guy that cuts the grass and he's I think he's $25 a cut or $35 a cut that's wonderful and he he's you know sometimes he waits a little too long but he comes over we have our own machine so he doesn't even need his our machine okay well if we can save you a few books yeah why not right that's way I look at it very cool all right sorry I know what that Ellen did you get any any feedback from any suggestions or come on alen you're thees you on show I mean and as you can see basically all we're budgeting for right now in this Capital plan is the exterior of the building we roughly only get about $999,000 a year I think these panels alone hurt how much well we had one quote a while ago which was way too high to do the whole project was like work 4 million $4.2 million we are going to have to bank so many years to probably even just do one side of the building unless we get more funding along the way or we make get more realistic cost of these bu yeah of what it would cost us I know in my head what I want to do I want to do uh which sides of the building first you know uh the east side is the worst in terms of deterioration takes away yeah and then going and then we work our way around but it would be the east side and that side first the the main thing everybody is the vents the vents in our apartment so Vent cleaning the Vent cleaning and we have you know the peeling of the walls which is because of the dampness the outside yeah yeah so that hopefully that should be corrected once we right and and like even with the drilling what they're doing now it's like sord dust it breath it not in and a lot of people's complaining because they can't breathe and they have any rates don't know where it's coming from and all that drillings from the the exterior stuff that they oh no the wire inside and then a couple years ago we had Verizon come in and do the fiber optic through the building and that was a mess that was a mess it was never you know really clean they said they cleaned each each time they drilled but but they didn't you know it was it was a mess subject they put fiber optic in the building is that for the FiOS so everyone can get FiOS if they want to pay for it basically they went into every apartment they offered it they offered it to us for free and said you know few years when they change over you're going to have to pay for it so that's a great free is a great word oh absolutely come in and do it well and now there's programs where if you qualify which I would think most of our residents do um you can get that for free so it when they follow up about that let us you know let us know so that we can make sure that the right programs are helping out yeah we put out the information the flyers I don't know anybody took advantage of it right but we do have the intern we have the Wi-Fi on the first floor which has been helpful okay uh they used to go over to burrito and steal their signal but uh now now they don't have to do that I'm sorry what did I miss Vent cleaning cleaning that was and the dust and the dust from the drilling for the for the um fixing of the elevator oh okay so just like a good interior cleaning I know they do the main shaft I have to we have to see if they can run the other shs you know like the ones R through the kitchen what is there any possibility that we can while it say the electrician is doing all this work in here cuz I still have the thermostat in my apartment where you can control the heat is there any way we can do that with this funding Put The Regulators back in yes hook them back up or whatever because they're there I don't think so cuz the reason why and that happened before you even came that's how long I've been here right I know we had 24 years year W that's awesome umat the reason why those were taken out is a little history for you guys the lines that led to those Regulators would as Paul cly used to always say Gunk up he actually bought a piece of it I'll never forget in here one time to a meeting and the gunk that gets in those lines from not being clean yeah well I don't know it's not being I don't know what it's from um it's like a grain pipe when you take it was a constant maintenance issue then it would affect the boilers and so that's why they wound up I guess they got an engineer in here or whatever and they took all those out and that's when we replaced all those boilers that's actually the debt that's on these Capital plans you'll see it for the next year or two um that was a 20-year loan I think it was so that happened when I first started here so that's why those regulator departments don't work no no they were all disconnected so you can't reg you can't regulate like your temperature and well when it's hot they can open a window when it's just open the window and when it's cold if if they if they write a work order what Mike does he goes up and CLS around the windows for any uh drafts so he'll CL that where is the main thermostat and who controls oh it's all based on outside yeah um and then the the thing when you push the button to come in that's another one you can't see who's there ringing your brother and it just slip slip slaps up down you just push the button you know if you don't know their voice of who it is but that hasn't worked in years that hasn't worked since no hasn't worked in years wow okay wait so when so when I push the button you don't see I don't see I didn't know that okay when you in when you came in the door because we have a camera right there but you don't we can't see you because it's up and down up and down your TV when it goes crazy well you bring up a good point too security video there yeah you're supposed to see the but we don't Branch just security I can check and and that's something I think fairly specific residents had had mentioned to me too especially since we have the scaffolding there's going to be new people on the property for construction you know during the summer you know we're right near the train tracks during the summer people are walking around um you know having more cameras I mean now every single house I mean the police are telling us make sure you have rings make sure you have lights make sure you you know have all of this stuff because there's been so many you know car break-ins and just you know in general um that's happening can we get more cameras and security and where does that live like who watches that how does that we the uh the B cameras are in my are in our office okay we have screens we have I think 12 screens okay one for each Zone and it records and at times the police have came in and looked at our video okay and where are those cameras uh there's one on every Flo one on every floor outside the elevator and then one by each outdoor entance except in this room this is a blind spot and we were actually talking this morning about bringing them back in to get another camera in here that would be great and then the um east side of the building that seems to be another area um that might be a blind spot too is there a possibility to get cameras on the outside if we had the light I'd have to see we'd have to see the light I mean we we invested quite a bit in the LED lighting around the outside okay so it's much brighter than it used to be that it's much more secure but I don't look around that corner so I'd have to do it at night to see how much light we get on that side yeah where the dumpsters are where the dumpsters yeah I heard some residents are feel a little bit concerned about that area in particular and then the back hall like during the stairwell is there's another somewhat of a blind spot in the in the stairwell um is what I was told well you if you Comm in one of the door like this door outside and make the turn in there that's all we see okay we only have the hallways okay you know we don't have the stairwells I I don't you know we could ask when they were here if they put another cabern I don't know how many uh more empty spots we have one I have to find that out too I think we have nine or 10 yeah zones now I mean no one likes to feel like they're you know like oh we're on camera but especially the entryways and the you know the places where um people may not feel as safe um with the summer crowd and with you know so much going on now in this building this building is going to be a hubbb for a long time which is great um but I think more important to amp up the security is that a service and we can ask I'm sorry is that a service the cameras or is it just they installed them and you're not paying like a monthly fee and they're wired I presume and maybe we can have the um RPD come a little bit more frequently it's interesting I said that Paul this morning I said remember back in the day like when my father was a cop in town here the midnight shift used to walk Main Street I don't even think they do that anymore check in every door like maybe they could do that at night around this building just take a walk around the outside of the building peek in the community room make sure everything looks well the exterior lighting places to that too you know so that they can see who's who's going around but I was going to say you know now it might be possible I don't know what V you use for your cameras but you can also do um wireless cameras you know with rechargeable batteries um I just did a whole thing your m in L house you know thisan be Simply Safe you know and was was easy I mean and you know it's not as comprehensive as the one you probably have but you know it's still you can go on it you know and and see what you know a quick story I got a I woke up two mornings ago and I looked at the thing and I had a message from the company because it's looked up to the police not here but and they it said oh you know your your sensor went off in the house the house is empty CU your your movement sensor went off in the hallway right so I said how could it be there's nobody in the house or whatever you know so I I went on the camera for the the outside of the house and I didn't see anybody and all of a sudden I see somebody walking with a flashlight I'm like who the hell is that it's a cop because they must have called the they called the police station so they came right away and they they and they checked it out now obviously you couldn't do that here because there's always people moving around but um the cameras work fine you know that's another option if uh you know you call someone you could do you know you could do wireless and so took him like 10 minutes yeah to put it in so just to cover dead areas you know where you you don't have to run electricity and stuff yeah but are there companies and I know this that this would be an expense are there companies that do monitor um the cameras ADB and all the there several ad yeah because I know the office isn't always in you know in use right not everyone's always in the office right um usually companies are looking at like they're monitoring like movement they're not going to sit there yeah they're not going to look at your your camera all the time and say oh I see you know it would be like if that door's locked and somebody breaks in well then the arm's going to go off you know that somebody broke in got it but if somebody's in the building you know and they're going down the hallway they're not going to you know they're not going to look at that it's usually and I think even with the new camera systems that are out nowadays with like the new AI stuff like the town that I'm work for you know we were talking about putting them in the Parks and those cameras like learn what goes on so that it knows when to alert and when not to alert but the problem is here there's so much movement constantly that you probably would never alert going you know I mean the best thing is is really prevention you people who have that you know who might think about coming in when they see the cameras they're going to turn around and leave you know if they know the outside is monit the cameras the lights and inside too if some somebody gets in they're going to see the cam yeah we have we have signed up for security on camera outside yeah just as a warning you know let people know maybe some fresh new ones would be good too once we get them once we get them in yeah um but been here over n years and I can I can remember two EP two incidents we've had over the N years one was a former Paramore of one of the tenants that climbed up in the Staffing got in through a window uh and we had Pro the problem there that's where the blind SP spot on that side of the building was because the camera didn't pick them up yeah and they couldn't press charges because they didn't have any visual this is what the patrolman told me and there was one other instance uh where uh trying to remember what it was in other words there was another entrance where somebody was in here and shouldn't have been in here I think it was somebody in here we found no it was FR door was it in the laundry room it was a front door when they broke the glass the guy was intoxicated went into excuse me into the vestibule and broke the glass he got caught he got found guilty and he had to pay hey for the restitution on excuse but then we got to work on our attendant too cuz if they want people to be sneaking in and out they leave papers and yeah they leave the door open so they can get in I mean I know even myself I've come here like I forget when it was it must have been on the weekend or something and you know this door was y I'm like close it that's just so you don't know like people not out of purposeful but if they go out this door like and as a senior you have to push it hard we ever had the someone from the police department come and conduct a little like safety uh seminar I mean it would might not be a bad idea to have them come once a year and a great idea you know hey guys you know this is your home make sure you take the doors are locked you know don't do this don't do that see I mean we're always tell that we have tremendous crime in Delmore you know it's we're always telling them don't let people in the building that you don't know what to do if you see someone that's that you don't recognize or you think is to no good but in the same way that we're getting messages of you know make sure your doors are locked make sure you know we're getting those now um I think that it's important I think that the police presence would actually be a little bit helpful and not scaring people but just letting them know that actually this is serious and we you know this is the message we're giving to all the residents here in bmore right now now we have do we still have a community officer we did it one no we we moved away from Community the community community police but I think it's a good idea just in general I we could even run something like that for the entire town yeah you know up at the tailor Pavilion have just a a session on you know how to secure your home what to do when you go on vacation don't post it on Facebook you know oh God Common Sense things that people don't think about right you know don't tell people you're going away for a week yeah you know until you get back right I I know my neighbor post on when they're in Europe or somewhere you know well okay that help crazy so I mean that might not be a great idea at some point to do that yeah a lot of our a lot of our tenants are pretty responsible uh we just had an episode we did an incident like a week ago where uh a gentleman came in uh that door and it was attendant waiting for a pickup for a cab and he did look familiar and so uh she told me and we called the police it turned out it was an aid for one of the one of the tant but nobody had recogniz so she did the right there how do you handle like the deliveries like the Amazon deliveries and all that do they just leave them outside or that little a foyer they enter okay because I imagine that must get yeah know the front of the building has two doors foyer and then two more locked doors so they can put so they leave them in there right well I guess yeah we got got a half hour for the bit I have something is there when I'm at the meetings a lot of things come up and a lot of them seem like good ideas and information comes up but I think communicating with the residents here I'm not sure how well that that happens um I know for the burrow we start slapping things up on Facebook but I don't think that works here so when something comes up maybe we need a more I I don't know grounded approach um maybe like printing Flyers uh putting them in mail mail slots putting them in mailboxes when something comes up so they actually have a piece of paper and the one thing I'm thinking of specifically is this came up I'm sorry I don't have the paper this this program this came up at a meeting brought it in do does do all the residents know about this that generally yeah when we get a f uh we we make copies and might put some under each door oh good good because I know communicating with them because I've asked people and it yeah the bottom the main problem is we have a tenants Association but they're not active and Ellen can attest to they won't come I'll be down here by myself maybe one or two people and that that's the perfect vehicle for communicating and getting everything up to date and they just don't participate okay I know it's difficult here but I know that these things come up and I don't know if everyone okay thank you yes we have three yeah that's a good thing I'm very excited better than not right they'll be glad to use that scaffolding more than just DEC around the building they can actually use it as far as getting people to come to the meetings I you see nobody down here now right we've experienced with the librar I always joke if you if you offer food they will come basically that's Mar was food they need to know ahead of time I think though that's the that's part of it is that you know like uh little flyer you know don't forget the meeting tonight we've got we've got you know food or we've got bagels or come down work with some of the local it's not a big you know like that's true you know get even if you get Jersey m is always helpful something like that we got this from I guarantee if you're offering you know thank you it's an idea I guess but be curious to experiment see if they that would bring more people to the least get 20 anyhow with right yeah exactly that's 20 is good is will we better than love with food like for St Patrick's Day you don't have a meeting every month you could have a quarterly meeting if you you know if you want to start you know say you know quarterly meeting we can try to get somebody to donate some food and see if they come right as an example no problem you know let work on that maybe we'll advertise a it'll be a free TV giving away or something down here spring you know you could do it every season you know spring spring meeting we even have the free Bingo where they get theard gift card to shop right and they come five 10 $15 they $ we only get about four or five people coming oh my goodness and my daughter and her daughter my daugh and she wins we make sure she wins look at this gentleman taking a picture taking ourn great we doing twice you know the second Wednesday and every month and uh they know about it and I say forget it you know it's a waste of time really to me it's a waste of time you know what I think part of it too and and I mean this with no disrespect and again it's because I've been here for so long a lot of the residents have been here as long as I've been here they're getting older yeah you know when I first started here yes they were younger more involved they're getting how many's been here now it's only about a lot no it's not a lot well Miss's here well she never comes to anything anyhow when we first when I first came she would come in forhe and that and if she want something she'll take it up to her room but she never participated never M okay it's just the Russians and myself m we're the oldest yeah the rest are all people that's come in after us after the others are all gone you have an idea just like how many new residents of them like the last five years oh okay the third floor I'm the old the only only one there the original so what is it like second floor it's all new people since I've been here all new people good um what's his name mother um Co lilan and all them are all gone yeah the cories and them they're all gone everybody's all gone every floor except for now the six floor you got the two up there and myself and then miss comes next the rest are all new residents they just don't care they want they come they think they they uh I get the attitude that we're supposed to hand feed them no if you want to come down and enjoy the meal we cook you come down if not I'm not going to be bother I'm not running to fla for teach no more no I'm not doing that well and that's what they want well that's what we got to do during the pandemic that's the attitude they have now that we're supposed to deliver their food to the door not me I'm not doing it C okay even when you cook outside it's the same thing notless they walking by they Grand a plate what they do go upstairs you ever have any useful guests huh any ever ever have we had the the singers we had the kids and we had so many people for that we had a lot of seniors for that that was great come and that was the first time we had a big turnout like that in a long time okay you know maybe so we can we had music here we have the bar outside you know not that supposed to but we always set it up you know about you didn't know nothing about that but when we had the big you used to have big picnics outs outside and everybody would come down we us to rent the grill grill and everything I had everything here for them and but now we can't do it because they don't they don't show up it's just a handful everybody wants their I don't know what it is we try every year so let's see what happens for her like Fourth of July and I'll be know you're always working you need to stop working enjoy your summer that's part of it I enjoy it down there talk to everybody and everybody enjoys you down there too but whatever's best for you is what is what everyone wants that's all you know and just like my kids already say are you where you going to have your cookout this year I said what cookout you know I don't want all them to come and and the people down here don't come only just to pick up the food and go upstairs and not participate do you have like a I call it family and friends day we um I don't think I had it last year no I didn't have it last your family and friends day and the whole town is invited can you do like a like a coffee talk you know like a little like even even if it's like a women's Gathering or like you know and you know like okay we're having coffee and you know and bagels on this day just to talk you know and you could literally call it coffee talk you know or whatever we make fun coffee talk you know coffee Coffee Talk coffee Cofe um you know or something where and I can help you if you want if I if I mean that's something that and we'll see that's why got the bingo game and there's no money out of their pocket anything we're helping them with their groceries yeah yeah the Women's Club used to run Bingo that that didn't go over when the Women's Club was coming in here they came for B but I I'll never forget they wanted to bring bottles of wine I said no no no no they cannot be the gifts they don't need to work you know we we could have sessions here like uh if I wanted to do a um like I meet the mayor you know once a month or I'll be mayor that would be a great idea I've been thinking of doing it in general you know in in uh in a couple of weeks I'm going to have a lot more time and I'll be around more but I I always looked at that as a positive too you know just to have like you know breakfast you know ABS with the mayor you know I could have one here absolutely you know it would be like this yeah you have coffee weay for it and then anybody wants to come down come down if they don't we'll just sit here and talk right I mean that's an opportunity yes and I'm sure we hear you know a lot of gripes and probably some good suggest right well that's I'll tell you all the every grape that I've ever gotten has turned somehow positive in some way like cuz then you whether it's just understanding where someone's at you know or saying okay well what can I do about this issue one of the things that um this I just want to thank I really thank Giana and really thank Sandy too for putting out all of like you know continuing to talk about the B building because I feel like you know I'm so glad that chrismith um pushed this forward I'm so glad that you know you Paul and Amy and you know Ellen you guys have been so dedicated to like no we're not giving up on this and a lot of people when I was like oh we're going for this grant were like Good Luck Good Luck oh you're going doing something with Congress good luck you know and like staying in in the game and fighting for it and just like having like okay you know what we may lose some but you know keep this optimism that we can do it and it really does help it helps when it's in the Press you know it helps when it's you know online and believe me I know how um also sticky those those things can be um but I just wanted to read since you guys are here can I how long did it take from the time you guys started this process I start I talked to his office in 22 20122 but it became evident that we were we had done a Band-Aid uh approach about 5 years ago 7 years ago baby where our super had worked on the cement concrete right right so we rent it one of those 6ot scissor lifts mhm and he went around and patched all the holes Cracks around the building and that bought us a few years but it still didn't deal with the water getting behind it you know it's still at the top manag to get in there the grant when did you actually file the the Grant application was it we filed it um in March it was March of of 2020 or February of 2023 um so it's yeah it's been a year it wasn't it was supposed to be coming much sooner but it we we uh dealing with Federal budgets well Hud's Hud's really the emergency funding we got from HUD I thought we were waiting to hear waiting to hear and then suddenly and can you disclose that now are you able to now we can 365,000 that's wonderful wow that's wonderful recently came that's beautiful prior to that you also had a like a 99 99 and that helped with the scaffolding which was I'll be honest right I mean that was so extremely that's normal Capital fund we get every year which is what this is we get a lotted so much every year and that's what we use to do important because you have very limited income and we are not allowed here's the other interesting thing not sure if you're aware of as uh HUD has a deep restriction on our building so we are not able to go out and take debt so how was how do you have the you have a loan here that you're paying off that was a pulled loan for uh a lot of the housing authorities in the state of New Jersey and you got a piece of it yes yes so how do they expect you to do things debt they go you can't borrow exactly I mean your income is limited you know what it is basically every year it's the rents yes right you don't have any other source of income operating subsidy we get from HUD and we get the capital F money yeah so it's it's tough yeah so you have have to be aggressive with the the grants and stuff yeah but on the other hand you don't want to use grants to fund your operating expenses because when the grant ends exact exactly but I'm sure there's enough Capital things that can be done to to use up Capital Money yeah well we we all all these are uh heat heat uh double paint heat yeah glass glass around because this room was cold including the doorway you could feel the breeze coming through it we replaced the roof because it they had patched it several times and it was beyond patching they had to put in a whole roof we did the parking lot because we developed some potholes and with the elderly we can't have any obstacles trip trip hazards out there so we had do you have a list of like your priorities like you know like a wish list like these are the things that we want to do like in uh like in in some order like these I wish we get ahead of it Jerry yeah no but I mean just to put it down like to say oh you know the next thing we would like to do is this you know and after that this we like to do this I think the next biggest thing to do is this room no after we get the outside of the building what would you do to this room well like you said it clean it up the other thing I think that would be good you just listed the things do you ever list the things that you done like you know put it like in a little newsletter or something you know in The Last 5 Years cuz I think some people may have the sense that nothing's being done done nothing's being done it's just a building but I think it's important to to advertise and let people know well there are things being done like you said we repaved the lot in such and such a year we have elevator the elev what whatever it is I think it's for your benefit to to let we had we install Wi-Fi yeah I mean even if even before that like under the Paul cavarly days uh we went through and it took a long time where we re rehabed every single apartment in this building that's wonderful every single apartment got done one except two except maybe it's one one is there one or two left the Russians cuz they don't want to they don't want to move they don't want to disrupt it right so whenever that becomes available do that I think there was one more one more what apartment yeah I think we were down to two Okay we used to budget like 10,000 a year for to the kitchen all new cabinets you basically the whole thing fresh that's what I was saying that BR wall we put in out there in area they can sit in that would be nice wouldn't it we did well we did that what I'm talking about that glass partition that's up out there that used to be all open so you could sit out there cuz all the wind coming with that brake wall up okay Co so that you can actually sit out there and not feel all the and if we can find some furniture like for the spring cleanup if we could find some outdoor furniture that's not like blowing away furniture or whatever is that okay to I'm going to just excuse myself because I want to see if these bits are here I to start bringing them in so they can sign in I'm sorry I interrupted you about reading you were going to read no I was I'll wait you know I was really hoping that um we'd have more residents um here because um you know there were so many groups that wrote in these letters of support you know and one of them Janice Blackburn um you know Not only was she a council woman but she was on the BHA Commissioners right she was a a commissioner at some point um and she was in the the president of the Women's Club and she just I wanted to just read this the one quote and maybe I'll read it again at the meeting but it says the residents are so dear to us this is what she sent to Congressman Smith and the issues of deterioration of the building have been heartbreaking to see um she stated in the letter for support many of the residents of this building have been born and raised in belmare in nearby areas and have contributed to many of the successes and Legacies of this incredible burrow keeping this building intact for them in the hundreds before and after them will be a source of of Pride for our entire district and state and I just can't say how how true that is and I hope that you know people know the residents know that the other Belmar residents see them in this way you know that these the contribution um and the successes and the legacies you know like a lot of people built this burrow you know and we need to make sure that they're being respected and care for and you know they deserve they deserve the best and that doesn't mean you know the it means that they should be treated very very in a very special way see that's what hurts when you can't have we used to have every month we had a big everybody would come down like a family a de we would do that I mean we Amy could tell you what you have yep especially when Ry was living right yes he he didn't care as long everybody in the building was happy he said we going to do this we did it we did it yeah and we had the fun now we can't I can't we can't do it because nobody comes down it's a waste of money it's no joke you know so I mean you have a waiting list right for people to we're getting to a point uh I can see per open it up go we have an opening coming up next month oh you know the lady that owns the WAFF she yeah applic we priori yeah we're you know this is another thing we're going to be dealing with uh some of the other new housing offes they're offering uh exercise room and all these other wall what wall she's moving there now this is obviously much more if you oh I'll take that morning did you ever consider opening it up to non-residents you may be able to get more funding for Rehab rehabbing the building in in the future if that were the case because I believe there are some uh you know senior housing that are open to I don't know if you're limited to I don't know how we take we can accept any Statewide yeah right now we're we're just residents of Belmore no but it's prioritized prioritized we need to know well this is what I I've been talking about because we've been dealing with affordable housing issues and one of the things that uh is critical in terms of whether or not we can use this building as affordable housing is whether or not it's restricted to Belmar if it's restricted to Belmore then it's not something that we can use but if it's open to all residents it's open to all restaurant but the the question is preference so we'd have to take that that is the caveat is that the preference of Belmar residents would have to be you know would have to be open to just Jersey first however I do think that that the affordable housing fund so you know when there's a development they have to they pay a certain amount into the fund I believe that that fund can be used to rehab buildings and use projects for these buildings and that's why is wor the conversation wor the conversation um I I I personally understand why we would want to keep it as Belmar preference um but it is worth a conversation for upkeep and and is that in is that in like Charter or where where is it uh written that you know it's preference to Belmore is there a there Charter or a um there's organizing documents that honestly I I don't even know it's the other ones are dictated by Hud for example we give preference to Veterans okay obviously yeah and we also give preference to people that are paying more than half their income cost and that would be before the bmar resident no generally we devel our residents first and the other two factor in my phone I'm now to close receipt of bids we're here today March 15th 10: a.m. for receipt of bids for facade repair for the bmer Housing Authority uh I'm going to go through the bids at this time first one is from GM Builder group this is always the fun part finding the bit sheet last page I think is it oh there we go okay GM Builders Group $986,000 [Music] the channels next bid is from Eco Construction [Music] you're here all right you SED to Mee so around to the back and I'll let you yeah yes Eco right Eco construction 890,000 next one is atg restoration specialists $1,600,000 next one is Blackstone Group for going be the first page because I went from the back it is course Blackstone Group [Music] $1,500,000 and last one is Ares Ares am I pronouncing that right construction arrest 467,000 all right so that's all the bids that we received today apparent Lo bid AR Rush uh then Eco then GM we will have the engineers and attorneys review all the bids did anybody want to see anything before they leave no they good thank you gentlemen have a good day I'm sorry sure spe you have somebody keeps no yeah yeah no no it's not thank you can I have the next one please sure next two who are the next two it's GM Builders and G him