of this meeting of the library Board of Trustees was sent by email to our official newspapers the iceberry park press and the coar please stand for flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay would you do roll call please here here haven't heard from her I response oh she she will not be here okay here pres but I'm in a no voting role today vote Johan Mike Danielle Danielle is going to be here but late she mentioned coming tonight I have an approval of the main meeting meeting Bruce any second okay all in favor appr all right Library update okay so obviously we have good and bad news with the windows um back I think I jinxed this when the back windows were going in great said everybody this is going so smoothly but um everything was done with the back windows they fit uh and then when we started with the large uh windows we had a problem with the measurement the corners as you've seen where the wood is there we didn't have a problem they had a problem yeah okay thank you they they had a problem and Mike was was here to support me so Mike thank you very much his knowledge um and uh you know there a little bit of an argument between the construction company and the window company that put it lately um and but we worked it out that the windows are are being U remade we have eight so we have four right Windows times two you have eight we have eight Corner windows so we we have about you know more than 50% of Windows complete um we had some number of times that I had to call our engineer with questions based on what Mike was concerned about with with the window those check on things you also um you could see space in where the wood was there was a couple times we called them to make sure they came and made sure it was sealed so we would have any order damage um but I I'm guessing based on my conversation with all three parties that it will be at least two months till those uh windows are so that's that's the situation with the windows m is there anything you you'd like to add no okay and um second was um if you remember we we had a gentleman here last time about the concerts so um and talking with you and um I thought the best thing was to kind of go to him during the concert I went to his home during the concert with a decel reader on my app I tested it out you know throughout a week like when I'm talking what does it sound like is it accurate when a car goes by I research it on Google you know and it seemed to be pretty pretty accurate I went into his home and to be quite honest with you I thought it was going to be worse because it's an older home the windows were new I didn't think it was that bad when I was in there was anywhere from 50 to 70 was the decimal read reading in house however he still feels that it is against the ordinance and the state law um I had spoken to Jerry i' had spoken to the to the town attorney i' had spoken to Tina so just to give you an idea of the conversations I've had and then Jered if you help me out um first of all our our attorney felt as though there's no exception for government uh supported events in our ordinance but there is in the state law and he had felt that we that we use that if uh we wanted to have more concerts because it's government approved we'd have to talk about with with Jerry in terms of whether it would be approved by the roal council or if it's just automatically approved because of our board um the the attorney also said that there could be a change to the ordinance if everyone agreed that it's in the best interest uh of the town there could also be just a resolution by our board and by the town board that it is it is support supported by both boards and then the the the exception to the in the law could could be used and talking to Tina Tina felt as though she undersood why you know she didn't know we had seven concerts plan for this summer uh we have G up in terms of our our number um she felt that maybe in a residential area that that was a little much maybe we should have a compromise so that's something that I spoke to the gentleman about for this summer but my concern is it was my impression that that it would be something that we could do each summer with a smaller number of concerts and his impression of my conversation with him is that not just this summer so is there anything any questions based on what I just said based on my conversations with four different people that I can explain to you before maybe Jerry talks about our conversation is there anything who's Tina Tina is the is our uh chief of police chief Scott oh okay so Dave the there are exceptions recognized under state law the B ordinance does not speak to that exception nor does it preclude the use of that exception is that the the general conversation you have so we don't say you can or you can't therefore it's silent and our position would be we're just reverting to the explicit nature of the state yeah when I I spoke with George M and I think we're I think we're going to move towards amending ordance and putting the exceptions that are in the stable in the ordinance you're always going to have that uh interpretation issue whereas some people interpret does app others yeah so I think to clear it up I think we will be shortly discussing at the council amending the the ordinance to just put in the exceptions that are in the in the state statute and then and that'll take care of cuz it's for not just this it's other celebrations too we have a seafood festival you know we have uh other festivals and things so you know we need to have that clear that there exception for public celebrations yeah I was wondering if was what the exception actually said because we had embarking dog problems around our areas there there's about I don't remember the number there are multiple exceptions in the stat statute but the one that pertains to us is the one for celebration and events so and I don't know when George is going to have that ready I don't think he'll have it tomorrow night but I'm anticipating this going be sooner just maybe the 2 meeting two two readings though right yeah change so so my thought on that would be um we we already had two we had Pat Ry we had the kids on Saturday uh the beach music studio um I was not there sat Saturday Louis was it went well went very well yeah and and the um we have Pat row at the end of the summer we have the contract with I spoke to the gentleman about that he was reasonable about not calling the police based you know at that at that time and so really it comes down to what does the board want to do with the the four other bands that we had scheduled and I called them and said heads up okay we're not going to do a a purchase order until I get uh directive from the board and speak to the mayor and speak to the attorney to the ch police so um Terry what's your my my uh thought is the interpretation of of our attorney and myself is that the state exception applies so we should just move forward as scheduled and you know that would be the you know the answer that we would have you we feel the state exception applies course the apparently when the town ordinance was written as you said it wasn't it wasn't addressed so we don't know the intent of the of the council back then was it to to not have the exceptions or was it just an oversight was it need to put that in because the state stute applies so you know I think based on our interpretation we should just move forward with and by the time you the summer is over you probably hav't uh to you know make it absolutely clear that's what intent so do we want some type of um compromise on the number or we just going to you want I I don't want I don't want any input other than our legal council's input and the people at this statement so you want me to call those bands back and say we want to have those and if it has it might have to be a different date because it you know I told them hold up you know right now we can't but we have four but we have four more okay and it's usually on a Thursday night and um I'll just try to I'll try to book them what was the next schedule dat I believe it was it was going to be July the black TI yeah and it's like beginning of July so middle is it like the 11th or something I mean we could we could possibly at that point be in the middle of I don't remember when exact council meeting is so um you know it might be a move point so resched all B resed all bands absolutely great great um you know what why don't we do a uh a resolution after public comment so we since we don't have it on the agenda I think our best bet is we after we do discussion and what not have a public comment and then do a resolution so then we can hear from the you know is that is everyone okay with that okay okay all right um ready de I know you got a lot to do today I just want to update everyone I'll just on a couple of things last time we met we hadn't had our strategic plan meeting yet we met last Thursday and I think we're able to test it was a very productive meeting we did a lot um we've gotten through sort of prioritizing what we want to see happen and now we're just going to get into the m what goes where we're meeting again next Thursday and I think we're going to stick to that maybe every other week till we get this done but it was a great meeting we divided up future which is a lot of fun and uh what was good about it was a lot of because that's it's new to me so I'm learning as I go through so what I learned last week is that a lot of the things that we were planning on implementing and I didn't know do they go in strategic plan or do they not because we're doing and clearly they do so we've already made progress on the things that we can do immediately and as I said at our meeting that really revolves around the um reaching out to the Hispanic community and we've done a lot in terms of increasing the collection uh creating the bilingual story time which is going to be at 10: in the morning starting on the 21st um we have also I just took a picture of this just to show if anybody wants to get it we started a a little library in the laundry B which was uh one of our community members ideas and so we got that done already the busy yes that's busy so we've got that there and we've got you know that it's from the library and it's I go in and I take a look every now and then drop all more books so that's good so we've increased the collection we have the story time we're getting the books out to the community and that's really the gist of what we're doing on that level the rest of it is all you know um brought up something that we wanted to address as well when we talked about the uh mental health facilities and getting some kind of assistance from outside and um you going to send us for the next meeting a list of resources that we can use so we're we're slowly ply but we're getting there so and I think it's it's going well and I'll have more I think to report next time because in our next meeting we will have everything prioritized into five areas that we want to talk about in terms of the future of the library so that I think that's it for me I just wanted to throw that out to you so you know I know you have any question just real quick just so you know anything that is new will not be put into the Strategic plan that that we haven't discussed to the board so the Strategic plan needs to be presented to you you will Pro it but the things we've already started and we've talked about she said we're putting it in just so you know and that was the recommendation last thing so great um those programs okay uh um since our last meeting uh we had several programs that uh came up pretty well uh we have an off time scheduled with and Gregory Andress unfortunately uh he hurt his back prior to the event he just he had to cancel out so once he's back uh back in the game we rescheduled I have him back um I'm hoping to have him back for July or August that the sunflowers one no no no no he was the the portrait of the Jersey Shore okay uh one right there uh we had him once before a couple years when we did a book launch event for his uh uh sansy short lifeu in the jersey store which was a huge success um so as mentioned before the summer kickoff concert with the pat R band went off very well the weather cooperated with us and we a lot a lot of great performance uh attend is estimated to be as high as 350 okay that includes all the porches across the street right there as well all Pizza except for two slices were consumed so 42 42 pies wow that's great nice that's sweet spot right there so um right after that the beach music studios kids rock band concert on June 8th went well the weather was also gorgeous in there 10 this was approximately 50 mostly pounds but hey what that you know uh some people were there and the kids did another great job you know uh quite honestly they did you know they performed Great American rock Music performed by Great American kids at Belmar and I they did a fantastic job um so we as you remember we held a watch drive for the homeless uh last month um the it that ended on U May 26th I believe it was um as Sharon and I looked over the stuff um here I have some pictures to share real quick um just three just passing around real quick these are like the the lot of of watches that came that was collected so total of about 180 plus uh plus about another bag full of high-end High name brand watches which Sharon and I recommended to Zach that he disposes of more Prof profitably uh than just merely giving him away say a homeless person walking around with a tag her watch probably would not be a good idea so probably get robbed so uh so uh but the people we found to be very generous even with the brand watch which was really really cool so and so when Zach has his has his Drive where he actually gives these out he's going to call me and have me to go be with him that's I'll be able to photograph and video of that and his brother is going to put the batteries in for yes his brother's a a jeweler or familiar with that so he's going to worry about all the batteries and he's going to help evaluate which ones will get sold which going to be given away so um so upcoming programs we are going to be busy little bees um we for June we have two author times uh the first one uh is Christopher Bogart in a return engagement last year we had him uh for a book called this conversation which was a conversation of race relations this time he's written a book of poetry on the war in Ukraine called sunflowers sunflowers is the national flower of and poetry is about the victims and the uh and the uh and the and the heroes of the war what are they going what what what they go through what their experiences are and it's going to be it's a great book that for us Americans who have no real direct idea of what combat is or conflict in Iran it's it's a great way to get an idea of what these people are going through what they're experiencing and it's beautifully Illustrated so we're looking forward to a great presentation that's going to be on Saturday June 5th uh at 11:00 a.m. here uh later on on the last weekend of the year we have um what start was it Junes June 15 June 15 I apologize no that's right I we have a local Belmar author uh coming on the 29th uh Dr Lucille Melina she's also a member of the historic Society she wrote a book called Moving On by I have a copy on my desk over there um but anyway uh it's a book uh she's an executive coach and this is a book that she wrote on training these Executives and how to develop the team underneath them to make them more successful to make them more productive so that they themselves can raise up to the next level as well and part of the lessons that she's going to be talking about is derived from her experience uh running dog sleds uh she had a dogs Leed team that she would go up up north and uh the lessons that she learned and what the and how the teamwork and the leadership with even with running dogs and stuff um uh can can help people read the book on how to improve your team and move on by and achieve your goals of success she's going to be on June 29th uh here at 11:00 a.m. as well um both of those have been uh promoted online uh we've had uh uh trory videos for other been launched uh there was an article and tap into uh that came out I believe earlier today that um describ all the events and I believe the co-star will have an article on that uh this Thursday as well um and of course some on our website and Facebook pages the next big event is juneth Tuesday June 18th 700 p.m. at Taylor Pavilion all are welcome or uh please comment ATT the end uh we're going to have we have the John Lille Orchestra uh performing that night uh we have a guest speaker Professor Ronald a tyon he's a chair of the English Department at Ron Valley Community College uh he'll be speaking about uh dispelling some of the myths around that are that are around the story of jun the theme of the event is the story of jun so that'll be part of my opening monologue explaining this where I tell the story of jun and he'll talk about the m and he'll also talk about how uh the notion that African-American history is is not a discreet separate part of American History it's interwoven in the fabric of American history and how that uh is a New Concept that people are are coming into society with um and we have 100 mini red velvet cupcakes on order from sh so these are the mini ones so now we don't have to hustle trying to sort of uh P off um uh cupcakes the mini ones will go much easier um and finally if all of you will turn into this little this drawing over here this here you go this is a drawing made by our very own Bruce Fe and this is a one allinone image of the story of J starting with Abraham Lincoln on the left uh uh announcing the Emancipation Proclamation and on the right you see um the silhouette of General bordon Granger of the US Army in Texas arriving to deliver to the to the last slaves um uh that were uh uh formally announced to be free two years later two years later yeah so the story is an interesting uh thing and um anyway uh and you can see the the the re the uh the Emancipation Proclamation held by hands in front of there and so it's a it's a great story it's a great event uh we're looking forward to have um a memorable event at that time and so where is this I'm sorry displayed is it going to be shown how yes this this we're having this blown up a her printing is making a a 6ot by 3T vinyl banner and we will have mounted on the wall uh or or on tail The Pavilion somehow so people will be able to uh uh view it and enjoy it right there um the Historical Society will be there to have a table with some stuff about Belmar history as well uh which is pretty cool uh she just uh emailed me today with confirmation um so they'll be there as well um and uh uh yeah so we're looking forward to a really cool event of course the Press is invited they'll be there covering as well so uh do we have enough chairs I uh yes we'll have enough chairs we currently have 100 chairs at Taylor Pavilion 25 of which will be used for the orchestra leaving 75 for the public I uh requested DBW to have George deliver an additional 50 chairs so we shall have those chairs there as well okay so uh if anyone wants to help the serve cupcakes please do please and help uh that's always welcome so as Debbie mentioned earlier um bilingual story time is starting back up on Fridays at 10 a.m. uh beginning June 21st um we've seen good uh turnout for those uh for those sessions generally so we're hoping to keep that going um the and I'll also defer to Debbie to tell more about this but the Beach Blanket Bingo summer reading program kickoff events are Wednesday June 12th and Saturday June 15th so uh I I've um I know there's a couple of parents who can't make it but they've come and signed up it defectively I think the last meeting you talked about yeah just I gave an overview of it we recruited some of the kids from Elementary to come and help out that day so that'll be nice as a matter of fact I plan on just s and kids do everything met you met with them Friday yes I went to the school and I met with them Friday and then they all were very excited about it and we split them up into two groups some will help Wednesday some will help Saturday so that would be great so the last event I want to mention is uh one that kind of crept up on us which is pretty cool uh Billy Terell is a local author he he we did Au time him some years ago he did a book on rock and War uh and so he is organizing a there's a 65th anniversary celebration of the class of 1959 of Belmar Elementary School and they're doing uh they're doing all these kind of video interviews and things like that going a big program one of the programs part of the program is they're having a roundt discussion here of on um June 19th here uh six uh graduates of the uh Belmont Elementary School from the 1959 class will be here to talk about their experiences in the school and how things have changed since then and all that stuff up there it's going to be videotaped and it's going to be put together in one nice program that we'll have access do you know if they are all still local or they I believe most of them are local some there's there's a few that are coming in I think Bill's in wall H I think Bill Terell is in wall yeah Bill ter and wall so he's not far so uh so he'll be he's actually coming to on Wednesday to touch P be in the technology side to S make sure everything works with that there so that we're looking forward to that one that'll be June 19th at 4M here at the live um for future down the line events just so you know this is a big big picture thing uh Latin American month coming in September um we currently have three events in development now uh one in cooperation with the school and Dave will speak more to that in a moment uh but the the first one is going to be are uh like a standard concert uh uh event like we do in other cultural events I'm looking to have one there's a one band that I find is be is a very engaging almost like a party Band type of thing so I'm looking to have a musical entertainment which is not not something where people just sitting listening it's going to be something that everyone's going to be able to come up and dance and have a good time it'll be like a party event right there and yes we'll have some uh I'm looking to see if our local restaurant like Santa C over here will be able to cater something like that that will be a um a Latin American uh appetizers or something like that so everyone has a little pie there lots of restaurants in yes yes well we already have um uh sindo as a as a vendor uh so they can be part of that as well U but I'd like to get sentus of because they have offerings from other parts of Latin America they have Columbian perubian specially so and just real quick I spoke to Jimmy today he's going to set us up to have some of the parents help us make these decisions even though it's a little bit crazy at the end of the year but like the band and some of the things um we want to make sure we involve Hispanic parents in terms of organizing this so we're going we're going to we're not going to make the decision until we kind of get together going be Taylor correct yes yeah uh right now uh I haven't set a date for that yet it depends on when the band's fail so the other big the other big part is uh turning the library similar to what we did a few years ago we turned the library into Hogwarts want to turn the library into Central South America and the libr would be populated with all these little stations about the different countries from that and this is where partnering with the school is going to be uh key to make this a a really cool event um da could you like speak yeah so I spoke to Mr Alvarez today and one of the concerns is a lot of our teachers and parents you know the beginning of the year is a little little crazy so um and it's going to be special Area Teachers that are going to be working with the students so one of the things I'm going to ask of the board is if the board would be willing to pay a teacher um after school hours to to organize this maybe you know we pay a person $50 an hour maybe 8 hours he said um because it's going to be difficult because it's middle of October to really get this you know uh for the teachers to be able to do it especially because the teachers only meet with them once every six days yeah and some of them meet a third of the the grade level um so a third of the school so um I'm going to get to that but um that's uh and he had a meeting today with the of the Spanish um teacher uh music did he be with you as well okay art yeah art and music yeah so that's our plan do we have any sort of shared services agreement with the school whereby we could so reimburse yeah so that's that's what I'm going to bring up to you also in terms of an idea uh in new business in terms of a fishing club and a Esports Club remember you were asking you wanted to see more participation here uh those are two activities that that are very popular at the school but are being cut because of the co money that was on so um and that would be a shared service agreement that would be in my opinion our in our best interest to um pay the the school and they would invoice us and it would be a shared service um so then we don't have all the vendor packets that we we have to fill out first of all it would be 45 they they can only pay $45 an hour by contract instead of 50 that's really not the problem but we can get a few more extra hours um and um it's just easier for us to do it that way um so I will bring that up in new business but uh so the uh the the the third component the third event before La mon would be uh a uh bring in Off Broadway musical which I believe I mentioned the last time uh uh by a former belar native resident uh Tim Mori who wrote a musical called coyote and it's a story of uh a young Guatemala man in his journey across Mexico to Across the US border to reunite with his LED one here in the States and it's a harrowing story but it has all this it's it's a really uplifting one as well and the music I've I've uh I've even this has been in the works for about over 10 years and I've been there since the beginning and I've heard the music and it's wonderful it's been performed it's currently being performed in full by the Community Players Theater over in Freehold um in uh in July and uh the coyote event will be bringing some of the singers here to Taylor pavilia and they will do a presentation of it and they will play some of the songs that will will have like a partial performance of it here as well and because it's part of the Latin American experience that uh that that will that will be a part of the uh Latin American month that we celebrate there so those are the three main components that we're developing for that right now um in addition in October uh we have two Book Fairs The Adult and Children's Book Fairs uh the adult ones going to be honored by October 12th and the children's is honor about October 26th um in P Halloween um and so uh we're looking forward to have I already have a number of authors already lined up I'll be talking to local authors as well the C their spots and the last thing I want to mention really is uh we still have our lineup of holiday events we have Diwali in early November uh Halloween we got the Trump Retreat we have a kids movie night for Halloween as well um and then in the Christmas time we're looking for for um we have the kids movie night a possible uh there's going to be a Christmas concert that we're going to work on getting together and there's a possible third event to be developed we'll see uh what comes about there but those are the overall plans of the remaining programs uh major events uh coming in uh of course other opportunities for smaller events and there'll be more auor times uh coming down the pike on average two a month as well talking this all right and uh yeah that's it for me okay Treasures report so our budget amount is $684,000 we spent a date 97,7 19 waiting to pay the vendor is $1,573 32 to date and waiting to pay the vendor is$ 22,28 which leaves us a balance of have one account and in that is $261,600 you you're welcome um darling if you get a chance next time you talk to line I know at one point we had a little bit of money I think left over from Sharon day's donations we never really found exactly what that amount was so maybe if we could find out what that is because I know we needed to replace the benches I think we have the benches yeah we just have to and then um just so we just so we know CU I know they have a special number for that line for that uh my report is very short this year but at we you'll be very happy um the the memorial Bush that we were doing for um Mrs Gallagher is on hold for right now until the windows are completed because it's going to be right at the beginning of the driveway here so opposite where the the light is it'll be right on the other side instead of putting it at the end which we thought was going to be run over by everyone going in and out of the driveway so we thought that that would be a better spot um we're having I call it the Pringle tree the uh cherry tree unfortunately seems to have seen better days um there was a memorial tree that was given by the Belmore Women's Club and so we're trying to contact them to see if they want to purchase another tree take that one down see whatever has to be done but it it's it's dead it's it's the only one out there without any trees leaves you'll see it it looks beautiful but there's no leaves on it at all so um that's it for me I think everything else was covered I do want to uh say a special thanks to Dave and Mike because the window situation was really testy at the very beginning and I just came along and was like the happy happy person they were all laughing at me cuz I was speaking in Greek and so on trying to keep everyone happy but they were the real Souls that kept everything going so Mike and Dave thank you very much for that okay all business business want we go to new business okay and name comments okay all right new business so I'd like to bring up um hours for possible change of hours for the library um basically for to extend hours on Friday from 9 to maybe 5 on Friday afternoon as opposed to closing at 2 and then the hours um Saturday and Sunday was still say stay the same and then the possibility of um Monday Tuesday Monday through Thursday Thursday that we change the hours that we open at 9:00 so if you mind if I okay great so if you remember um we wanted to keep to 50 comparing it to to Bradley Beach um that's probably most comparable Library when you look at some of the other libraries some of them are not totally funded um through tax it's a 501c3 and they receive money some of them are a lot smaller and their hours are less so Bradley Beach is is definitely very comparable uh to us and so um if you remember one of the things I I proposed that we would be open on Sundays and that's we we were able to do that by by moving to 10:00 start instead of uh 9:00 and had those four hours um Johanna came to me and and it is as we've talked about before there's a concern on Fridays that's our biggest weakness in the schedule is our Friday afternoon um most actually every Library uh other than again the small libraries are open until uh till 5:00 uh some of the other and most of the libraries have a consistent schedule like he's opening time like you see with Bradley you see that with even the little larger libraries that um are not funded um totally through taxes and Neptune is the same way the only difference with Neptune and again it's a lot larger uh Township and they receive more money as is Saturdays during the year they're 9 to5 and during the summer they're 9 to1 so they're very similar to to Bradley one of the things that I proposed if you remember was instead of doing the 5:00 and then 8:00 every other was to go to the seven um to give more opportunity for people that work on a consistent basis that they can get to the library so I agree with Johanna that's our biggest weakness ever I was just trying to keep it to 50 hours to keep it the same as Bradley in terms of our our sub account or our line item for payroll we are in in good shape in terms of being able to to afford those extra hours if we wanted to um or if youd want to start in September um but um or maybe wait until we hear from the Strategic plan I spoke to Leslie there was only one person that was asking for extended hour on Sunday but it was just one um which is a good thing too hopefully that means that people are feel happy that we're you know that we're trying to be open as much as we can for them um but that is our biggest weakness Friday afternoons and then would you want to increase quite you know the other days as well i' I've seen these hours now for for a while and it's never occurred I never actually saw on Friday is do I that's just as I a lot of oh I went there that's that's just anal and I would think especially in the summer with people because a lot of offices Clos it too absolutely and stuff so they would want to come so I would think I would definitely to yeah the other thing I wanted to ask Deb was um since a lot of the summer programs are going to be starting would it be advantageous to have the longer hours well yes yes I know I see it both ways because a lot of our afternoon crowd or the students that come straight from school and having the library open later on Friday would would be good that uh as far as the summer goes that's a whole different uh school ends in another week or so we have't the only program that we know we want to continue through right now that from my end is the story time and that's in the morning anyway as far as other programs we've been talking about having something on the weekend for the kids and so that would be great if we had more flexibility in the time that we can do that so whatever time we have that's what we'll work on you know we'll fit in whatever programs we want to have into what's available to us but I think having uh more options to be able to bring your kids in is is the bottom line to me so we want to keep the library um hours what is it just all the weekends the same you're saying is that is that the way they are now is fine yeah that that's that's fine we would do morning activities anyway but the afternoon I think we'll be have a lot more things in the afternoon with the kids so the question I have for the board then is on that Friday we we opened at 9: because we were closed at two would you want to keep it 9 to 5 10 to 5 what would you what would you want on that I'm not in favor of being closed any hours that we are currently open okay so so 9 to five is your yeah I have I have no issue with adding hours yeah I'm not in favor of being closed any hours that we currently have on the schedule we have been changing a lot in the past couple years and just like just like George taught me when I work at the restaurant I want to keep our hours yeah so people think we're going to be there at a time want to be there in time where there more than that I personally am fine with that I forgot my daughter's already eyeball on the library somewhere to cool off cuz do have air conditioning but there's really a a viable consideration regarding cooling stations is time to yeah do you think it's an advantage to keep it consistent for all of the days like right now we're looking at five of the seven days as all opening at 10 and two days is as opening at 9 I honestly think we should open it now as opposed to 10 all the time every day honestly that include Sunday or no I just the five just the so just Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday would be affected right and so it would only be four hours because because the fact that we're in we're in good shape right now with um Deb has been covering when people are out she has been doing a double job in terms of librarian and covering people so financially we're we're in good shape next year I don't think we're going to be spending the amount of money that we're spending on the Windows this year so we we can afford to do that but I just wanted to make sure you know I was just trying to keep it at 50 because that's what Brad has you know but um so what I would like what I'm hearing is you is 9 to 7 Monday through Thursday 9 5 on Friday and keep the keep the weekend um the same is that what I'm hearing do you want do you want a 9-2 on Saturday and a 10 to2 on Sunday we want to make them both the same yeah I I just think when I look at it it's just easy to know if it's the same for five days the same for two days yeah the opening ter the same every day or whatever I before we do a resolution with that I know that Patty wanted to to talk so um about that so maybe what we'll do is if you don't mind um we can um so what I'm hearing is 9 to 5 9-2 9 to2 on Sunday 9 to2 or 10 to2 9 9 be 9:00 every morning every morning okay so what you don't so just just what's that eight hours a week add on one two three 4 five six 78 addition so what um if you don't mind if we could do this we'll go into the fishing Esports and whatnot okay and then we'll go into public comment and then go to resolutions is that okay y everybody okay with that okay so in terms of Bruce we're just going to hold that for just a moment yeah in terms of v um so um uh in terms of new business um and talking to Mr Alvarez um I have three proposals two that definitely have to be a resolution because it would be over $2,000 for each um for a year the other as long as I get a ver you know verbal from everyone that's fine uh as we talked about with the Hispanic U Heritage Month um Mr Alvarez was asking um if if possible if it could be U because it's so difficult to to get things ready by the middle of October based on everything that happened at the school in the beginning of the year if we could pay teachers through a shared service for about 8 hours um at $45 an hour we would pay the school the school would pay would pay them in a shared um service so that's one uh proposal that I'm and again so you're you know 45 yeah okay um and then the the fishing club in the Esports um so maybe Danielle if I could just talk real quick that would be 2500 for each club and right now when we have a club it's it's 50 weeks $50 an hour it's about 2500 so it would be a club and the the thing that works out well is was something that that the board has asked me to do to try to start some clubs after after school for the for the kids and it's something that the school is is thinking they might need to cut or they will be uh cutting and um so it kind of works out for both of us and it's a comparable price of what we have for you know sewing or or knitting or the fitness uh classes and whatnot so but maybe Danielle if you could talk CU Danielle is actually one of the um and she could actually be paid because we paid the school the school pays her uh and still be a representative through a shared service I'll double check on that but I'm pretty sure so could you talk about the fishing club and the orts so um I'll start with orts because that's when I uh just starting this year I was the advisor for and actually Gloria was one of our team members but um so Esports I honestly wouldn't not know much about it um but we did join the garden Sports organization which um they are going to be charging a $500 registration fee this year but quote don't quote me exactly it's either I think it's 400 schools in New Jersey are part of this organization it's either two or four but four um middle school and high schools and we competed virtually against these other schools in different um electronic gaming um like I mean one we did do Mario Kart which was fun for me brought back some memories um but they you know some of these newer games that I was actually unaware of but um it was really cool because like we it was all done virtually so like I would as the adviser like I would communicate with the other team coach like through um this beaning platform called Discord and we some weeks were set up to compete against high school teams which was intimidating but then the high school team found out that we were like fifth graders and they were cheering us on and like it was just like really nice camaraderie of like I don't know like virtual friendships like it was really it was a cool experience and I saw it for you know I like I said went totally blind um and I did do my due diligence and tried to research going into it but it still was different than what I was expecting um with that said the students that I had in it um were not your not all of your typical students that you would imagine you know being on the baseball team or cheerleading or uh the play like things like that it was some of our students um actually over 50% of them had um an IEP a special education um you know it was some of the kids that sit by themselves at lunch and it was neat because these kids were walking to my little office and they were like high-fiving you know the baseball player or um Gloria who came in like not never having gaming experience in her life she ended up getting a gaming device for her birthday or Christmas um like she came and she's just so bubbly so it was easy but like she came in not knowing a single thing and she ends up like pairing up with one of our like really good e uh Gamers who doesn't have a ton of friends but like then he found a friend in her and he found a friend in another pit and it was just like it was really cool and um I was like kind of a little bit hurt that I obviously I didn't go into it that it was going to get cut because of the budget um and the grant running out so like to save it I think would be really good I know one child in particular if he heard that like they don't know that we're not doing it next year them but um his mom emailed me like literally weekly was like what school are we playing um you know so and so he he wants to prepare are we still playing this G like and she asked like can I come watch and he's like if your child was on the basketball team what do you go watch your child play basketball and I like I was like let me figure this out before I invite like commentators to our our Esports and unfortunately we never had her come but like I was thinking about it like we should invite it like it should be a viewing like I would be proud of my kid if they around the team and then with that said um Madison High School is like they're seat Champions and they just won this amazing grant for I don't even know how much but they renovated they had like an Esports arena with stadium seating sh sound big screen TVs and um I was in like I reached out to their coach I reached out to their coach and um I was like Hey like I'm from bore and we just started this and she was like stoked because she was like oh my goodness you're the first team in the sending District to have a team in the elementary level you we can start like getting them prepared for the high school and then when I told some of our kids that we like that they could do this in high school their minds were like blown like what and those kids they go in on their lunch breaks they go in during like they have like it's open so like they can go during you know if they have like a study hall period or I don't know exactly High School SCH runs but um and then they have a team I I believe like just for their special Edge students to like build a there and it's like a whole new it's I don't know how to describe it it's like just a new like interest that's like growing and I you know we have posters hanging up at school like theer I can't wait to be on the East and so like there is definitely interest I'm not going to say I had 30 kids in my team because I didn't I had maybe 10 that came weekly um and we did we met 7:30 in the morning to 8:00 a.m. and then we um also met after school the competitions are at 3:30 so no I'm sorry 4:00 so we would practice from 3 to 4 and then like 3:30 4:30 something like that but um they stayed for like at least an hour and half two hours a week doing this and and just to give you an idea that these games are not violent any way okay that's number one and that was one of the things and I even like you can choose what games you participate in by the needs so like obviously I chose the yeah the E the E for everyone gam versions in in terms of the research on how this affects uh children in terms of academically there's a lot of research and benefits because of the way they feel about themselves um in terms of building relationships with students that they normally don't build relationships with um there's obviously always ways that you can bring a l literacy into it it reminds me of I was involved in athletics and my mom would get me to read by reading about Athletics it's the similar thing with Esports you know there's you were involved in a coding club for girls in New York City a few years ago right we could we could do something like that um there's actually curriculum so G orts organization develops with you know research backing it a whole curriculum that if I had more time in um that I could use in collaboration with the gaming so like that's pretty cool which and a lot of it the the social emotional learning aspect um they you can like hire guest speakers and they'll about like what you know somebody who has interest in electronics or gaming careers you know in the future then like it's not just like sit down and play game for 30 minutes it's and so and the idea is for us to use the equipment that they have here um and then we would use the TV possibly the TVs we have upstairs would we put them on on the wall we would just put them maybe we just put them on the on the tables here um so we could start start small with the idea that we're paying for the St 2500 is the idea that you'd be moving the orts program building and would it be open to all all the children of the same age so St Rose any of the other or is it just would it just be bmer Elementary um that's a good question um assum I think if we're moving it here assump yeah it would be here and then because we're doing a shared um service I just have to yeah yeah we could do that they Prov they just provid they just providing Serv yeah so it's coming here right yeah so um you know it's something we have been talking about with these Sports here but it's it's it's less money than we were talking about in terms of the equipment um um and then the other club is the is the fishing club which would be easy to bring science club is it's insane um what this teacher has done with fishing and getting this interest built is wild so he just has a passion for fishing his name is Le he's incredible um special education teacher and he took his passion and now has this fishing club that has at least 30 members I would say if not more um and it's children who have like never fished a day in their life and they're coming back talking about Dr Bass and in the library itself like I can't keep fishing books on the shelves long enough because everybody wants a fishing book because they want to learn more about [Music] fishing dead fishing books dead fishing books um they so he runs it all year in the off seon it's more talks about the he teach about like water safety and um fishing etiquette and all the and stuff about fishing I can't touch on that CU I know nothing um so the kids go in like knowing about the the sport and the different types of fishes locally and um and then in the spring when the weather starts to he actually like he takes he walks them down to like Silver Lake he gets some chaperons with them they all go fishing and catch their fish they throw them back um and in the end of the year takes them like a charter um and they do a big fishing and he like he teaches them about weighing the fish and they have like their own you know competition um so the charter and the extra the idea is that I said to Mr Alvarez is 2500 is you know what unless you know you feel differently but um that that and then they will voice us to keep track of how they're they're paying for it whether it's through the hourly rate of for Le um or or 45 I'm sorry and or would it be you know the cost of for the trip and Jimmy was pretty much saying it probably be better for them to they could fund raise for for the trip um so uh usually the fishing club has about four field trips a year between the Lake Marina Sur fishing and from my experience with Florida it is astonishly effecting effective for an education yeah the content that she brings home because I don't fish and my wife hasn't fish since she was young yeah the content and knowledge and understanding she brings home is really quite impressive he teach them all about eem enironment it's it is like I said I can't keep the books and St and it's not just it's not just go hang out and throw a line in the water that's a very minimal aspect of it it really is an educational he done amazing and like females males Hispanics Eng like the whole school is involved and they all so how would that look like here classroom would be the classroom class um CU most of his meetings are in his classroom um and then when they go on their field trips they just meet outside they walk down to whatever we're just supporting them financially with a shared service providing a space to bring them here I think they're supporting us with the resource that we don't tab um but same thing it's going to go back to the same question is it a then you're opening up public again public libr well we would go to we would go to St Ro R and and speak to the principal there and we'd have to figure out a way to uh to fit you know everybody here in an organized way and we want it to be not just St Rose at one time we want it to be a mixture of St Rose which we've done we did a while do you envision that could maybe a beginner and a more advanced yes and she would probably love that um but honestly most of the kids that have joined were first time Fisher like but I'm just thinking for the next grw that would come in they would done this now this was his second year doing it and um so I don't know like how well I shouldn't say that like um we a teacher's son Mor and he dishes like in you know defin but I don't know how many would F an advance and a beginner but I think if that could like grow yeah open to two sessions yeah so if you're open up to Lake St Rose I guess it we also open to anyone who would be like homeschoolers we open up to the children in the community yeah the children in you know in that age he do what fth to um I was when I I felt so bad like I said my new orts was being cut Miss I was like that can't be right can't just so you know the kids are going to find out about it because it's being videotaped right now sh that greatest secet you might want to give them the heads up so they don't get upset if we did um we would be doing uh bmer and Lake Pomo priority then if we were to open it up um community and then and then if there's space I'm just saying you know we have had 100 you know people at events that we thought be small events I think we get that much participation that much interest we have discussion whether not we're getting if we're getting those kind of numbers engag where it preds the classroom that it seems to me that for our investment at which point I would propose that we revisit the top and also just a side note so he also has assistance to sh the church because obviously he can't take care that we I Mr Al Alvarez about the what I would propose to the board is that to start with is the 2500 you know is the is the flat is the flat that's everything included and then then it could be fundraising or he could put in his budget some $45 an hour by contract to pay people 2500 and then yeah it's yeah that's up to that's my proposal anyway is the 20 25 because it's very similar to our club and then it would be up to Mr Alvarez to figure out the other and I spoke to question I have logistically children outside of the elementary school how second work he's he's meeting with students in his classroom and during the day I presume so that just like continue no so work so we could do two two things we could do it like exactly like we have the art class and it's their respons possibility that they get here or we could have that he meets them there walks them you know walks them walks over here those will be the two options have it as a 4 4 3:30 start but um you know and if it's really bad weather they might have to stay at the school for that you know yeah both of them are always after hours so or be forceable so if you when you um advise a club you have the opp after that would be part of the permission school's approach is to look at prechool hours as well to afford the opportunity for all students there's not competition amongst the clubs like my 730 start a bigger than after school start because mil different activities going on so that's how I my kid it's also it's also quite advantageous to get rid of a kid at 7:30 Pik every day first get to work early those days oh trust me there's definely a few kids that their parents are like yep we'll take it so so why if you don't mind we go to public comment and if I could just tell Patty you weren't here during the um when they were discussing the concerts sure and so the mayor is uh they're in the process of um working on changing the perect so um you're concern of bringing up you don't have to worry about that but in terms of of the hour that the hours The Proposal was a n nine straight down the board so yeah I I think staff would like to see some data that would warrant staying open on Friday because based on experience we don't have a lot of foot traffic open on Friday especially in the summer what we're going to see is people getting off the train and stopping here to go to the bathroom because that's pretty much that's pretty much what happens so if this does come about I would recommend putting it off until after the summer most libraries shorten their hours in the summertime we're keeping our hours at same if we wanted to lengthen them maybe do it after the summer then immediately as far as the weekend is concerned I mean I work Saturdays I work Sundays I see who comes in here I see who stays uh we have a fair amount of traffic that that comes in however the people that are here from opening till closing are not our most desirable patrons they're usually patrons with issues and sometimes those issues overflow from what they're doing personally on the computer to how they're dealing with us we've we've seen that over the past month or so with two patrons in particular when mental health issues and they're the people that are here all day so they're not leaving until we close if we're open later that gives them another 3 hours to be here it also gives other people the opportunity to come in and and use the library but what I've seen recently is a lot more people are using our digital platforms and physically coming in you know so let's weigh it let's talk to staff and let them kind of keep track of who's coming in when and then adjust our hours according to the demographic that we have as opposed to just saying well let's just open at nine well maybe more people come in if we're open from 10 I don't know how many people are going to come in for nine but we we should really keep track maybe use the summer to keep track of the data and then adjust our hours according to that as a as opposed to just throwing numbers out there my two cents also I I mean I don't mind working on on weekends but I'm the only one who doesn't mind working on weekends I I me Jo Joyce has been do Joyce has been very good but Joyce works Fridays and she loves Fridays getting at a two she does and she works she works Sundays you know and she's got family so that that could be an issue so we we we just don't we just don't know but I I get it that you want us to be open and you want to give everybody the advantage of of coming in I I understand that but let's adjust our schedule to accommodate the best thing for the patron do we have do we have information on on Friday afternoon I mean that well I know historically the library was always open at yes yes yes they were okay and they also were open on Fridays later yes you know so to me what when I thought about Friday that's short a I mean there are people I know personally there's have been times that I if I was working and I got off at to I couldn't come to the library because it was closed and there was things that I needed to do you know so I'm sure I'm not the only one right as far as that so I think as far as a Friday yes we should be open later and I also believe that we should be open at 9:00 at 9:00 in in the morning because 9:00 people are moving around at that time so took once again to me 10 o'clock is an odd time to have to wait to to come to the library we always get you know there there's never a day where somebody isn't waiting outside for us though right right I mean regardless of what time we open they they're waiting to they're waiting to get in that that is true and the 9:00 issue I I don't think I don't think that that's really a big issue but we added Sunday we cut Friday but we added added Sunday what what I found there's people who come in on Sunday open the door and say wow I didn't know you were open on Sunday so you know if we throw that out there maybe we'll get more people coming in on if they can't get there on a Friday they may come in on a Sunday but I I get your point too I I I just I I don't know what everybody else is going to think about it that's that's all well everybody else are you saying staff-wise because bottom line is a staff can't PR predict well not predict no but they can't dictate exctly I think there's a very valid point that we don't have any information on what kind of patronage we get when we're not open right I would say we move to the expanded hours and keep notes on whether people are coming in so we can develop the data right to substantiate that decision so if we expand the hours that you suggested earlier we should simply take notes on it and see whether it's effective and then going into next year I think we could plan better sure that make sense yeah we would have a dat based approach to our decision making in the future and we'll be collecting that data just just just as suggested so like we can we can expand the hours just as was suggested fair enough this was a topic I think we brought up several times that we wanted to get a counter you know I mean looked into that's going to be part of the Strategic plan spoke to Leslie and that's one of the things that will be in the plan to to recommend that we purchase that counter for when people automatically come in the door yeah yeah well that's a good idea most of the most of the uh R has it Neptune has it um and there's two other libraries that have and it just gives you an idea of when when people come and it'll tell not exact but it gives you a good ide it'll tell you what time they the door open number just the number or or the time of day it it depends on what you're paying for of course a question uh concerning this how many total employees do we have within the library we have four 14 um almost everyone is part-time except do and I so we have and we have some people that work 3 hours week D yeah yes David we have Dawn that comes and cleans in the evening I'm talking working well I'm giving you just total number yeah yeah so it's a lot we have a lot of uh so for example sometimes it's a challenge right when someone takes off because you know most well everybody pretty much they're it's a retirement part-time position they like their hours and sometimes it's not real important that you know they make more money you know what I mean they just like working here um and so that's why we have more part-time employees so when someone missing we're filling in you know what I mean but it's it's so total including me is is 15 but it is very uh you know part-time that you know we have a lot of movie yeah lot of parts yeah and um as you said gentlemen you know and then Dawn at night um no so do we want to do a resolution on changing hours why don't we have Anita probably wants to to talk window um with the fly the 2x4 is in between the sections is that was that intentional in the design or is that because the bottom windows were not measured correctly too so Mike you you had brought that to my attention and I there's always an exposure that that frame would need to be repl reped yeah so the contractor eled to I'm sorry I can't hear you there was always exposure that that framing was going to need to be replaced the existing condition wasn't actually framing to begin with so the contractor elected to change the way it was um framed the better accommodate the style of window we had quite specifically those gaps in the previous installation were associated with the sash weights for the old double logs oh okay so that wasn't framing oh okay so he came back with framing to give a better substrate for the windows to provide moreal longevity for the installation and it looks like there are sealing it up on all sides so there's no rain Pro possibilities temporarily yes in final condition it will all be sealed and weather tight all right thanks um FYI Brookdale has a esport open to the public Arena area or something whatever um can you use the school classroom for the fishing club because the numbers seem wide since we're paying them you know I mean it doesn't seem like you're going to get 30 kids here can't you just give them the money and let them have it in the school just an idea that's all thank you okay um so I guess now we need a couple resolutions um if we could do a resol I mean we don't have to do a resolution actually about the the concerts right right no because it's not you know we don't need a resolution so what basically she came in she missed that there was uh some neighbors that were complaining about the noise ordinance and um the town uh Jerry had spoken about the town actually U taking a state state exception wouldn't end into the OR and the few neighbors that are that are not comfortable with the concerts um we can have an exception to them um so I don't think we need a we don't need a resolution for that however we do and we don't need it as long as everyone is okay it's below the $2,000 for the Hispanic uh culture a month um for additional with the shared service unless anyone has any disagreement with that but the two other fishing club and the Esports is over 2,000 for the year so I would need you know a resolution um and and a vote on those to those particularly time sensitive um so my concern was yes be because of the fact that we do not meet in July and August and I would like to share with the the start yeah all right so we need to make a resolution you would like to make I guess I can start it uh make a resolution that we have a shared service with belmer Elementary for the I guess it's 2500 for each club that be 5,000 5,000 Al together um and then second have to V do we have to do it individual probably should you do that you mind rad the resolution does everybody know what for 2500 for each of the two clubs the Esports as well as the fishing club to have a shared service with so clarify that's funding for them for their uh their service to continue right we're allocating up to $2,500 to a vendor yes to implement the program in 25 each 5,000 12 yes okay Jimmy's not here Jerry yes yes Bruce yes yes I'm not a voter yes okay Mike yes yes Danielle wouldn't vote conflict of interest conflict she would but [Music] because we're just going to go into okay so we are going to to Executive session right now so we do have that to thank you